
Party Crasher

by starrynights

Chapter 1: An Uninvited Guest

An Uninvited Guest

        "Thanks for the party Pinkie."  Dj-pon3  told Pinkie Pie.

       "Oh, your welcome! Isnt it great? This party makes me want to sing!"

        "Pinkie NO singing for you tonight" Dj yelled to Pinkie.

         ''Aww!" Pinkie sighed, but quickly recovered from the awnser when she saw the delivery pony with cake. She walked over to greet her, but suprisingly hesitated when she saw she was wearing a black hood and cape that covered her mane and tail. "Hi stranger, Thanks for the cake." The pony didn't awnser, but just stood there and nooded. Pinkie turned and yelled to the crowd. "Alright every pony dig in!" every pony looked towards Pinkie Pie and of course followed her instructions all except Twilight.

          Pinkie made her way through the crowd and towards her Friend. "Hey Twi aren't you going to eat some cake?"

         "No, I'm not hungry"

         Pinkie started to shrink before she could respond."Ahhh whats happening to me!" Pinkies voice started to shrink.

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