
Rondo of Blood

by Lord Sylus of Night

Chapter 6: Chapter V - Mobilization of Nations Part I

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Six days. Six days had past since the fated battle at Canterlot. The first battle of the Ninth Equestrian Revolution. The rise of the Solar Empire and the Lunar Republic. The perspective alliances splitting off, east and southern Equestria was now the capital of the Lunar Republic and western and northern Equestria were now the Solar Empire. The die has been cast, swords have been drawn. And now will begin the war to end all wars. The calls have been sent out and conscription for the two nations has begun.

Spectra recalled the night that Luna had seceded from Equestria, forming the Lunar Republic. Luna had been prepared for something like this, she had an army already ready, but to win wars one needed more than just soldiers. Followers to back up her beliefs were needed. The posters and propaganda were set up and conscription began for the two new nations. Families splitting, brothers to face on the field of battle, fathers to bury their sons. A daunting task set upon the shoulders of the leaders of each of the nations. Generals raised to lead armies they knew nothing about.

Spectra looked up at the sky and saw the two celestial bodies sustained in the sky. They both stood and stared at each other ominously, waiting for the other to make a move. The two sisters agreed to keep them both raised. Neither have an upper hoof to the other, for now. Spectra knew that they each had something hidden up their sleeve. Spectra herself had seen to the new recruitment of the Knights of the Moon. Spectra and Rainbow Dash had offered their position to Midnight, but he had refused and allowed them to keep their spots as Knights of the Moon. She could hear the sound of metal clashing and spells being cast, arcane blasts and howls of cold and shards of crystal clashing with metal or with arcanic shields.

Spectra had grown used to the sounds of war, she would need to. She had an army to lead. Dracula had assigned them the role of Secret Operations. They were to be the ones to infiltrate the forts and take advantage of any resources be them mines or lumber camps as well as keep an eye out for any time lost artifacts to use against the Solar Empire. They had gotten some Archaeologists from the Sanguinarian Historical Society, or the SHS for short. They were there to help along with finding any artifacts to use in their favor. Their main mission however was to keep Ponyville neutral in this civil war. Dracula did not want Twilight involved in this, he could not risk his dearly beloved.

Spectra looked below at the training grounds that lied in the center of the well built stone fortress, built in the side of a mountain. The open courtyard spacious and held most of the 1200 strong order of knights. The architecture of the fortress was very Pransylvanian esk, in the fact that the roofing of the buildings were a dark black and the various buildings made from greystone. She stood on the parapet of the keep overlooking the courtyard. Off on either sides would lead to either side of the walls that outlaid the fortress. Fort Blackwatch it was called. Spectra hefted her violet wooden and pink crystalled staff close to her. The crystal humming with power and the other crystals dotting her armor as well glowed and hummed with the same power. She breathed in heavily, her chainmail chest rising and falling with the faint clattering of chains. Spectra adjusted her spaulders slightly with her magic as she looked out at the large gathering of knights in the courtyard. Their practicing could be heard from about a mile out of Blackwatch.

Spectra kept her eye on the new Quartermaster, Mistress Slyph. Spectra had seen her rise up through the ranks since her initial arrival at Blackwatch. Spectra had grown to appreciate the respect she had gotten from the other knights, Spectra even found pride in the young vampire. She was now a Master Vampire. She had a name in Sanguinaria now and stories to back up any claims. Spectra heard the shuffling of armor behind her and saw the well armored form of Rainbow Dash standing on the seal of the Knights of the Moon that lied on the stone floor of the parapet. Rainbow Dash stepped next to Spectra and enounced setting her gaze on the knights below, “So, how does the training go? Are they ready to set out on their first mission?”

The Warlock moved her gaze to her lifelong friend and replied in a soft and noble tone, “Training of the new arrivals have been according to plan. But I fear that they are not ready to mobilize just yet, they still must be separated into divisions. Another day, maybe two.”

“I apologize for my intrusion but you must march out for your first mission soon. We cannot delay this any longer, Dracula has already set up his forces and march for Rainbow Falls in a few hours.” Responded a new voice. One of knowledge and nobility and one that was sore on Spectra’s ears. It was the crippling voice of Lauden Warwick, Head of the Sanguinarian Historical Society. Headmaster of the University of Shadow Garden. And a Sire of the Ebonmanes. He was ranked well and was apart of the First Generation of vampires with Dracula and the Originals. Lauden was a pale grey pony with a hazel colored mane and bleach blue eyes. Lauden as well wore jet black and scarlet robes with various buckles and belts, carrying tomes of various volumes. His features chiseled and with a strong jawline. He looked around the same age as Spectra when she had turned. Lauden had his magic activated with various books and arcane marks floating about him in a large green aura.

His voice held no emotion behind it and he gave no emotions on his determined face. Spectra turned to Lauden and growled, “You will have to tell Lord Dracula that we simply require more time to mobilize. I realize that we are a small order of knights but we are elite beyond comprehension. Tell Dracula we will set out for our mission in a day or two.”

Lauden still did not set his gaze away from his books and scrolls as he responded, “I am sorry, but we simply must set out for this artifact at once. I do not think that you understand the gravitation-”

“I don’t want to hear another goddamn word come out of your mouth, Lauden.” Rainbow Dash barked at Lauden, her animalistic eyes flashing briefly. Lauden actually looked up from his scrolls and tomes and said studying Rainbow Dash, “Your body language suggest that you are threatening a physical engagement of minds and martial skills. I have already calculated seven different ways of countering your opening move.”

Before Rainbow could transform Spectra raised her hoof in front of Rainbow and said, “That is enough, commander. We do not need infighting while we have not even begun the war.”

Rainbow stood back up on her hind legs and spat on the ground. Spectra turned towards Lauden and replied, “If our prince commands us to march then we shall march.”

Lauden cocked his head to the side and responded, “Excellent. I shall inform Lord Dracula immediately.”

Lauden walked back into the keep and Spectra breathed out a heavy sigh and looked over at Rainbow Dash and said, “We will not be prepared for anything if we march now. But we cannot defy our leader.”

Rainbow Dash leaned against the stone railing and said, “I just hope that the old man knows what he’s doing.”

Spectra smiled at the nick name that Rainbow Dash assigned Dracula. Spectra replied looking over the knights once more, “I have faith in Dracula’s leadership. I trust that we will survive this war.”

Rainbow looked over at her friend and said, “I’m going to hold you to that.”

“Are the battle plans in order?” Dracula asked as he walked through the halls of Blacklight Hold, which was bustling with activity. Messengers sending notes to the various leaders, companies of vampires moving to their positions. Dracula saw each and everyone of their faces, many bore no expression. Emotionless statuesque figures moving to their proper locations. That was the upside of having undead soldiers, no fear to strike into their eyes. Dracula took pride in that.

He walked alongside Malik, the newest addition to the Originals. His large frame gave no shove or movement as he replied in a deep voice, “They are ready and awaiting your approval my lord.”

Dracula was wearing his scale mail armor with a long silk black cloak, to his right was Malik. And to his left was his newest apprentice, Scarlet. She donned deep jet black robes, thin but very snug fitting for her. Her gaze was fierce and dead set. She had only been a vampire for six days and had shown little improvement over those six days. He saw power beneath her however. She held a sword sheathed at her side, almost identical to Dracula’s Kal’Drae only thinner and more suited for cavalry. She wielded it excellently however and Dracula made no moves to prevent her from using it. He found it much easier to train her combat skills with it than with Davirus. Of which he would have to introduce his other two apprentices to Scarlet.

Dracula trusted that his apprentices do not hold any jealousy over each other. Apprenticeship is an excellent time for rivalry, but Dracula made sure not to show favoritism. He as well made sure that their fields of study are far beyond one another. They turned and as they rounded the corner Scarlet asked, “When will our first march begin?”

Dracula answered not taking his eyes off of what was in front of him, “Have patience my young apprentice. Your first battle shall come. We must first await the mobilization of Princess Luna’s forces. She sent recruitment orders out yesterday and I have sent word to the Knights of the Moon to march ahead of us. We as well must find spots of weakness and take them or points of strength or needed resources.”

Dracula could sense the eagerness in his apprentice. Scarlet bowed her head and said with a level of seriousness, “I understand my master.”

He had taught her well, for soon he sensed that her loyalty will be challenged.

Dracula opened the doors to a large room and looked over the contents. Banners of a scarlet red hung from the bannisters and rafters of the high ebony stone ceiling. A circular room with a large stone table in the center with many chairs around it, all with the different vampiric leaders. Dracula did not convene with the Phantoms because they only had one and that was Riptide and Dracula already had council with him. Dracula as well told Marrok what he expected from the Werewolves. Alpha and Omega packs would defend Sanguinaria while Dracula was away. Zeta and Beta will go to the Whispering Woods and defend that area, it was new territory that Celestia would no doubt send troops after first.

Dracula felt bad for Celestia he really did. She had to fight a two front war. Luna to the east and south, and Dracula’s own forces to the north. She would have her forces spread thin. The room went silent as Dracula entered. They all stood up and saluted Dracula as he entered and took his seat at the throne in the back. Dracula had always enjoyed the old customs of the Alicorn Empire. Dracula did not rule with an iron hoof but with a benevolent heart. That did not mean that he would not lay the hoof down once in a while. There were several times that Dracula had to stamp out a rebellion or two, to show that the Ebonmanes were not a force to be trifled with.

He sat down in his throne with his apprentice next to him, crossing her hooves over her chest. Malik took his seat and Dracula moved his attention to the speaker who said, “Good tidings Lord Dracula. I see that you have a new pet, glad to know that you have expanded your horizons over stallions.”

The snake that spoke was none other than Lord Davorin, Sire of the Blackmanes. He was a great leader, but he never took Dracula’s leadership very well. Even though he was connected to Dracula he did not have the same devotion as the others. His long grey hair slicked back, revealing a large scar on his forehead. He was a pale white unicorn with a broken horn, but carried a lot of power beneath him. Dracula’s apprentice spoke out against Davorin, “The only pet that I see is you. I thought that our Lord did not allow dogs in Blacklight Hold?”

Dracula chuckled slightly at her comment. Davorin sneered at Scarlet and said, “Keep that apprentice of yours on a short leash my lord.”

“Heel,” Scarlet said with a cruel smile on her lips, “You don’t want me to get the squirt bottle now do you?”

“Why you-” Davorin said but was interrupted by another Sire, Lord Kirnon of the Silvermoons. His name had proceeded him as his coat was a pale silver and his mane and tail a frost white, stark dark blue eyes set back in his head and peach scars over his cheek and eye showing the various victories he had over the many years of battle before he was a Vampire. Kirnon was donned in bright white armor and a sword staff sheathed on his back. Lord Kirnon said, “That is enough Davorin! We are getting nowhere with your incessant bickering! Lord Dracula has every right to train as many apprentices as he wishes, he does not bide by the same tenets as us.”

Davorin slumped back in his chair and crossed his hooves. Kirnon nodded his head, Dracula had always liked the age old wisdom that Kirnon carried in his voice. Dracula had originally offered Kirnon the position as Original but Kirnon had refused him. Told Dracula that his place was on the battlefield with his battalions, not to be looked at as too important. Dracula could respect a stallion who knew his place in the hierarchy. Kirnon’s face aged with great wisdom and his grey goatee covering his chin and outer territory of his mouth. Kirnon looked to Dracula and said, “I apologize for Davorin’s rudeness my lord. It has been too long since Davorin has left our negotiations.”

Dracula held up a hoof and sat up tall, Dracula carrying his voice across the echoing chamber, “Think nothing of it Kirnon. My apprentice needed it, she deserves to have her wits tested. Even without me being involved. I thank Davorin for his silver tongue, for now.”

Dracula stared daggers at Davorin and worked a spell that raised Davorin’s fear as his gaze met his leader’s. Davorin shrunk under Dracula’s harsh and threatening gaze and Dracula growled, “Be sure that it does not happen again or I shall release the beast that you want to keep chained. And I will tell you it will not be pretty. I think I would rather enjoy the fresh blood stains upon the floor. So that others may learn by your example.”

The room fell silent at the cruelty that Dracula had shown. Dracula kept a stone like gaze set on Davorin, Dracula dared not give Davorin an inch. Dracula flashed his bright red eyes allowing the fear to grow within Davorin. Dracula worked a spell that temporarily cut Davorin’s vocal chords making him unable to speak. A slight punishment to an even greater one if he continued his rebellious ways. Davorin was frozen in fear and nopony dared to speak a word out of fear of what Dracula might do for sympathy of Davorin. Not out of fear no, out of respect. Like loyal sons to a father they remained as silent as a church after service.

Dracula looked to the other leaders and said, “Now. To begin our business. Let me first say, welcome to the first Council of Sanguinaria. The council and administration of war for Sanguinaria. Our tactics and invasion plans will be drawn between us and only us. If you decide to change the plans of invasion you will answer to either me, my apprentice Scarlet, Lord Malik of the Originals, or to General Kirnon. If there are no further questions then we shall begin this council.”

Silence encompassed the room and Dracula said, “Excellent. So, what will our first move against the Solar Empire be?”

A new voice answered owning to, Lilah Blackwhisper, “We have a few windows of opportunity my lord. They have two mining depots along the Silvermane Mountains that are ripe for the taking. She as well has a fort by the name of Fort Solis that lies near the mining depots. If we send our forces there we will be able to establish a foothold in the Solar Empire.”

Lilah was a master tactician and an excellent spell caster, she was a tall black mare with soft milky eyes. She was blind but she could sense the energies of those around her. So it was like she could see but only the silhouettes. The only one she could see as clear as day was Dracula himself, with the godlike powers that he radiated. She wore a long mage coat with various paddings for protection.

Dracula saw the plans laid out on the stone table. There were various figurines set up to represent the armies Dracula would be leading and the armies that his mother would be leading. Dracula looked at his apprentice who studied the board with curious eyes and she said, “Yes but that will leave a large gap between us and Sanguinaria. Likely her first target would be the Whispering Woods, keeping the Beta and Zeta packs there might not be enough. We have to keep in mind that she has the Brotherhood on her side, they have weapons that can do more harm than physical wounds.”

Lilah crossed her hooves and said, “Then what would you suggest young one?”

There was no rebellion in her tone just curiosity, which surprised Dracula considering that Lilah’s tactics almost matched that of Dracula’s own. Which was why Dracula had her on the council in the first place. Dracula tapped his chin reassuringly as his apprentice continued leaning her hooves on the table and using her telekinesis to move the figurines to different spots on the map of Equestria, “I suggest that we send a handful of battalions of Vampire Magisters to Whispering Woods as protection, sending the bulk of the army to Fort Solis and the outlying mining sources. As well as sending a few skirmish groups to Celestial Valley, scouting the areas for any more points of interest. Then joining Luna’s forces for Solheim. No doubt Luna’s first city for the taking.”

Dracula thought over that plan, being sure to go over every detail to the letter. Solheim was a recent city set up in the three years of peace. Solheim was a place of mass training and had very thick walls of the strongest stone. Celestia made sure to make the walls thick. If there was a way to take Solheim then Luna would take it. It would cause a huge wound to the Solar Empire as it has a major deposit of Arkonite Crystals. One of the only deposits in Equestria. If Celestia was being cut off from Solheim then weapons being made for her Pegasi and Earth Pony soldiers would be futile. A crippling blow indeed.

Dracula nodded at the battle plan and said, “I agree with my apprentice. Solheim is an area that Celestia cannot afford to lose. Fort Solis and Solheim will offer a large foothold in the Solar Empire and for a crippling blow to Celestia she would not be able to recover from. A city that Celestia could not afford to lose. Well done my apprentice.”

Dracula turned his attention to Scarlet and she bowed her head low and said, “Thank you my master.”

Dracula leaned forward in his throne and said, “Now what shall we do about Wraith and his Death Knights? His numbers continue to surmount with each passing hour.”

Kirnon answered and said, “While our focus is on Fort Solis and Solheim, we will need somepony to keep Celestia’s army on her toes. Wraith and his Death Knights will engage Celestia at almost every turn she has. Though it will not be easy, while Wraith might have superior numbers her soldiers will no doubt be equipped with weapons that will improve damage done to undead. Easily making one of her soldiers worth maybe twenty or thirty hoof soldiers of Wraith’s.”

Dracula rested his elbows on his knees and folded his hooves under his chin as he inspected the map. Finally after a few calculations Dracula said pointing his hoof and as he did so he moved the figurine representing Wraith to Heartmoor, a settlement within the southern border within the territory of the Lunar Republic, “Then when Wraith has little soldiers to spare he will retreat to Heartmoor and await further orders. Under my command and under my command only will he retreat. And Kirnon, I want you and your soldiers to accompany him with this task.”

Kirnon bowed and he said, “It will be done my lord.”

Dracula nodded and looked to the final two members of the Council. One being Malik and the other Lord Kane of the Bloodlords. His eyes as pale as his mane and tail, with his coat the color of blood. It came to Dracula’s understanding that Malik and Kane had a shared lineage. their manes wild and more of a lion’s mane than a pony’s. Kane had a large two hoofed sword sheathed at his side with his hooves crossed over his large chest. He was around the same height as his identical twin Malik. He wore thick layered plate armor made from the bones of a mountain troll, that he killed with his bare hooves. Dracula said to them, “Celestia has become allies with the Silverbloods and will no doubt ask them to join her tyrannical empire. I am trusting you two with the task of invading the Silvermane Highlands and stamping them out. And I am giving you permission to break Sanguine law when facing them. Annihilate them so that they will not rise against us again. Assimilate leadership if you have to. Make an example out of them, showing what happens to those who try to destroy freedom.”

Kane and Malik nodded and Kane answered in a gravelly deep voice, “As you wish my lord.”

Dracula held up his hoof and said looking towards Scarlet, “My apprentice, your mission is to go with Malik and Kane and learn everything you can from them. They are good teachers and excellent leaders, you can learn a lot from them. I do not want you to be by my side in battle out of fear that we both might perish and so to the Onyx bloodline. Stay safe and protected, I will contact you when we have finished our invasion of Solheim. Win or lose.”

Scarlet bowed low and said, “I understand my master.”

Dracula looked to the rest of the council and said, “Prepare your troops to march. For we march to war.”

Dracula stood up and said, “Vita est sanguis.”

The council and his apprentice responded, “Vita est sanguis.”

The leaders went about their way to mobilize their armies and send word to Wraith. The only ones that stayed was Dracula, Scarlet, and Davorin. Dracula thought for moment as he looked at the fearful vampire for a moment and stood up from his throne and walked over to him. With each step his dark presence ushered forth and sent waves of dread and fear up Davorin’s spine. Dracula loomed over Davorin and crossed his hooves behind his back and leaned in close and said to his apprentice that joined his side, “You know what my apprentice. I think I will have Davorin join Malik and Kane’s siege on the Silvermane Highlands.”

Dracula leaned in closer and said with utmost cruelty in his tone, “So he sees what happens to those who raise their voice against the Ebonmanes.”

Dracula stood back up and broke the spell on Davorin and turned to Scarlet with his hooves still behind his back, “You will join me on the field after all. Perhaps you shall meet my other apprentices once they return from their diplomatic mission from the Crystal Empire. Meet me in my chambers in an hour.”

Scarlet bowed low and said, “Yes my master.”

Scarlet ushered herself out of the room and left Dracula alone with Davorin. Dracula stood over Davorin threateningly. Dracula lifted his hoof, with barely even flinching a muscle Davorin was lifted into the air struggling and gasping for air as a tight red magic contstricted itself around his neck. Dracula drew Davorin in closer and his horn lit bright red, and the same colored energy came out of Davorin and was being absorbed into Dracula. Dracula said cruelly, “So that you do not get any ideas of trying to rebel against me Davorin. Consider this an act of mercy, and if I ever catch wind of you trying to raise a banner against me. I will personally rip you apart limb from limb and string your entrails above my chamber doors. Do I make myself abundantly clear?”

The only answer that Dracula could hear was, “My...neck…”

Dracula tightened his magical grip on his throat and said, “I am sorry, do you mean your neck? Do you not enjoy the short leash I have placed upon you? Perhaps you wish for me to tighten it.”

He was mere inches away from his chest and throat from totally collapsing. His face turned a pale white as his life slowly slipped away from him. Inches away from death he breathed out, “Crystal...clear…”

Dracula released his hold on Davorin and said as he fell to the ground coughing violently. Spitting up blood, “Now that is more like it. Remember your place Davorin, you do not have the authority to question my methods of teaching nor how many apprentices I allow myself to have. I expect you to be fit and ready for the Silvermane Highlands in an hour. If you are not prepared by then, then I will strip away even more of your powers. You are not the leader here, I am. And you will remember who is your Lord. You are dismissed.”

Davorin spat up another gout of blood and said as Dracula left the room, “Yes...my...lord.”

Dracula smiled at his handy work. A cruel smile curled on his lips as he thoroughly enjoyed showing his dominance to those that spoke against him. He gave respect and benevolence to those that deserve it, not ponies like Davorin. He kept Davorin in his position because Dracula wanted to keep a closer eye on him. Dracula’s smile deepened as he closed the stone doors behind him and said as he walked off to his chambers, “Your rebellion will come soon enough Davorin. But not today, and I will rejoice when I spill your blood.”

Author's Notes:

Yes I decided to split the chapter into two parts, that way it wasn't too long considering it is only five chapters in. I did not want a 8,000 word chapter this early on in the fic. So part 2 will be out soon. By the way, I do hope that you enjoyed a little bit of Dracula's dark side. I thought it was awesome how he did everything. A little bot of something that he inherited from his father. You will see this side of Dracula very often. As far as that goes I have nothing else to say about the fic thus far.

See you guys next chapter:raritywink:!

Next Chapter: Chapter VI - Mobilization of Nations Part II Estimated time remaining: 49 Minutes
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