
Rondo of Blood

by Lord Sylus of Night

Chapter 2: Chapter I - Upon The Witching Hour

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Twilight had many different ways of seeing things. One of them being her analytical mind, taking in all the details noticing anything that stood out and anything that did not. It was very helpful when reading body language, she was the Princess of Friendship so she needed to know a pony's true intentions just by looking at them. Another way she viewed things was from the eyes of her subjects and not her fellow ponies. She made no laws until she brought it up with the ponies she now ruled over. Twilight was thankful that she was only made Sovereign of Ponyville, she was never really comfortable in thinking that she was now more important than anyother pony. And finally the last way she viewed things was, through the eyes of knowledge. She kept a great mind that was filled with all sorts of knowledge. She knew just about everything. Almost nothing ever slipped from her without reading about it first.

However she did not count on being thrust through a series of visions. It must be a Alicorn thing because she does not remember getting these as a unicorn. Something she'd have to look into. The first vision, she was standing amidst Ponyville but it was a raging inferno. Ponies dying on the streets, being burned to death by the fire. Twilight was filled with horror and despair, she had never seen a sight so horrible. She looked at the flowers of flames that rose in the air, these were not normal fires. Normal fires crackled and sucked the oxygen from the air. Twilight cast a spell and detected the oxygen levels. It was at a normal level. So this was magically cast fire. She studied the flames and came to one conclusion, but she did not like it. Then she heard deep bellowing laughter, she turned and saw Celestia or at least she thought it was Celestia.

It was like looking at Nightmare Moon but bright bleach white instead of dark obsidian. Her eyes were similar to Nightmare's but were a light violet shade. Her armor was sterling gold and was very ornate but looked to protect the pony who wore it, etched in designs and it covered most of her body. The only things that were exposed was her neck, arms, legs, and flank. Her hooves were well protected and even the helmet looked as such. She held a maddening gaze over all of Ponyville, she was the cause from all those fires. Twilight's heart sank, her teacher...why would she do something like this.

Then the scene changed and Twilight quickly found herself in Canterlot Castle. The catacombs at least. The damp wetness was unfriendly to her and made her feel as if she was unwelcome. She then saw the back of a pony. The pony wore a long burlap cloak, the same one she had. The hood was pulled up and the only thing that could be shown was the bright light illuminating the top of the pony's horn. Twilight followed close behind the pony and noticed that they both placed their hooves at the exact same moments. This had to be her, it just had to be.

And her third and final vision came from the darkest recesses of her mind. The edges of her vision was foggy, she saw Dracula taking on an entire horde of dark filled creatures. An ancient power that she had never felt before. His animalistic cries resounded through her mind and his roars of combat echoed across the walls of her subconscious. Their was fury in his eyes, the wild fury of a lone wolf taking down his fellow pack members. She saw a dark version of Dracula, one she never wished to see. She then heard a dark and trembling voice echo as a blow from Dracula's sword connected to another dark figure,
When one pony sifts through the dying ashes, that pony will find and face a whole new inferno.

Twilight shot her head up. Ready and alert for danger, immediately casting a spell to sense any threats near her and make quick work of them. Her breaths were short and uncontrolled as she felt a rising vengeful tide inside of her, the fury she used on Living Shadow. She sensed no dangers. She calmed her breathing and dragged a hoof over her cheek. She was drenched in cold sweat. She slowly gained control of her breathing and beat down the vengeful fire inside of herself.

It was well into the night and many sconces of dying flames filled Twilight's vision. The crystal walls of her new tree home shone in the light of the dying embers. She was sitting in her library with stacks of books just out of reach from her hooves. She carefully thought back on what she had been studying. She was studying a new discovery of magic. Runes. But not normal runes, these runes were drawn on the coat of the pony letting them draw from excess arcanic reserves. Acting as a walking weyline of arcanic energy, letting unicorns and alicorns draw off of them for magic. Known as Shiftwalkers. Twilight had studied all she could on this theory, and in practice it seems as if it would work. But sadly she found no way to solidify this theory into a fact and a way of inscribing it as a new way of invocation. Many unicorns struggled with connecting themselves to weylines, especially in other countries where there were little to no weylines. Twilight looked at the book that was halfway read in front of her. It was 'Moratorium of Arcanic Theories and Beliefs' she must have fallen asleep reading it. It was the first tome she actually found herself dozing off to. The words neatly scrawled on the pages were soft to recite in her mind and caused her to sleep. She read back on the sentence she had fallen asleep to, 'To bear the powerful runes is to sacrafice a great deal of oneself. It is not easy to bear the weight of a weyline. Shiftwalkers because of the power that they have inscribed on their bodies, live short lives. As they feed off of the energies, the runes feed off of the pony.'

These were careful words to consider. Runes hold more power the bigger they are. A half an inch one is less powerful as to one that is an inch thick. Twilight stopped reading and looked up. The library was large and had many bookcases. Twilight lost a considerable amount of books after her tree home was destroyed by Tirek. She recovered what she could, most of her free time was rewriting all the books that were lost. She had memorized every single book in the library, and wrote down every word of every sentence of every book. All she needed was to recall the title and the rest came flooding back to her. She was half way done with the books that were lost, she as well had shipments from the Royal Canterlot Historical Society to allow her to have some of the original copies and as compensation for destroying Tirek. Her other free time was filled with Dracula.

She looked downcast and lifted her hoof to stare at the North Star amulet. She stared long at that necklace. She had never used, she never needed to. She saw Dracula almost all the time. She thought that because they both had new duties that they would see less of each other. Especially since she ascended into an alicorn. Five alicorns of the royal family, even though only two of them weren't related. Twilight looked over at a flower pot on one of the window sills. It had Equestrian Lilacs, a bright purple flower that was believed to be immortal because it lasts through winter and autumn. It was a gift from Dracula, a token of their love. She had been given so much over the course of these three years. Yet she felt as though they had plateued. Things rarely changed from all the encounters they had together. She would have to talk to Dracula about this, if they wanted their love to grow they need to solidify each other.

Twilight jolted back from her thoughts as she felt a gentle hoof on her shoulder. Twilight looked and saw a light grey hoof on her shoulder. A soft feminine voice asked her, "Is everything alright Twilight?"

She knew who owned the hoof, it was the hoof belonging to Ditzy Do. Ditzy decided to join the castle staff because she was being mistreated as a mailmare. Twilight disbanded the mail team and took Ditzy in to protect her from further cruelty from the other ponies. Twilight pressed a hoof to the bridge of her nose and let out a sigh, Twilight mused, "I'm sorry if I awoke you Ditzy, it's just...I had a rather stressful night."

Ditzy asked in a friendly tone, "Would you like some company?"

Twilight smirked and replied, "I appreciate the offer but I think I can handle myself for now."

Ditzy returned with a warm smile and said, "Okay. I'll just head back to bed then. Good night Twilight."

With that Ditzy turned and went to leave when she bumped right into a pony. Ditzy nearly fell off of her hooves but somepony had caught her. Ditzy let the haze of confusion lift from her and she felt soft hooves hold her and a gentle feminine voice that said, "Sorry about that darling, I was not looking where I was going."

Ditzy stared up long into those bright blue eyes. She knew whose face it was and it was the most beautiful mare Ditzy had ever seen. Pristine white coat with dark blue mane. She was absolutely gorgeous, Ditzy felt stunned with nothing to say. Twilight chuckled as she knew exactly what was going on, the same thing had happened to her a few times before she met Dracula. Ditzy said with a blush on her face, "I...I'm the one that should have been looking where I was going...I'm so sorry Lady Rarity."

Rarity brought her back to her standing position and said dusting off of Ditzy's shoulders, "Please darling I was the one who was not paying attention. And please call me Rarity, we are way past formalities Ditzy."

Ditzy twirled her mane and kept a sheepish gaze and said, "Okay...Rarity."

Ditzy then left the room rather quickly. Twilight kept a smile on her face as she saw the entire scene. Rarity saw Twilight's face and asked with a shrug of her shoulders, "What?"

Twilight waved her hoof and replied, "Oh nothing. I was just wondering if you have noticed Ditzy has been acting very strange around you lately."

Rarity responded, "If you are implying what I think you are implying, that is not the case. We are merely friends. Besides, I am getting letters in the mail from somepony."

Twilight bit her tongue as she knew something that Rarity did not. She decided that it was not her purpose to reveal something like that. To just openly betray a friend's trust like that. Twilight heard Rarity mutter to herself, "Although I would like to know the face of my admirer."

"Some things are better left to the imagination Rarity." Twilight looked over and saw Sweetie Belle enter the room and lean up against one of the pillars of crystals with crossed hooves. A slight smile was spread across her face as she looked over at her sister.

Rarity rolled her eyes and said, "Some people have a rather broad imagination Sweetie Belle. At least I am being admired and not ignored such as yourself."

Sweetie Belle kept her sly smile and retorted, "That might actually be a sting if I even cared. Perhaps I could talk to your admirer about it."

Rarity gave an annoyed glare and said, "I am the one to be vexed because I am the one who is barely even trying with my beauty. Truly, you could do a lot more Sweetie Belle. Comb your mane at least once."

Sweetie Belle giggled, "That might work on Applejack but not me. You really need to come up with better comebacks than that. That, and I find it funny that you think I actually care. I am not in need of another's company."

Twilight interjected, "Don't you girls have something better to do than argue in my library? Like royal duties to attend to?"

The two sisters looked at Twilight and shrugged their shoulders. Twilight rolled her eyes in response to the gesture. She dismissed the thought. She knew what Rarity went through recently, it would make sense for her to take some time off from her duties. Then she began to think about this newcomer, Aureate Whitevalor. Aureate was a very hard mare to read and one even harder to ask friendship, Twilight never saw a more stubborn pony. She seemed to remain content with only knowing herself. Aureate lived within the borders of the Everfree Forest. She was such a quiet mare, no doubt still mulling over her past. It is understandable to remain in the Everfree Forest, modern society can be a bit overwhelming and especially when you are Aureate Whitevalor.

Twilight came out of her thoughts when Rarity leaned on Twilight's desk. Twilight looked at her friend and the light hearted mood she was in was devoid in her eyes. She said in a low tone, "That is actually why I am here Twilight...you see darling...Celestia has made another decree involving the Ebonmanes. Where she practically said that she controlled what we say and where we are able to go. Luna and Dracula are going to confront her about this and they hope that things will go well."

Rarity's voice trailed off as she looked past Twilight and Twilight responded, "And if it goes bad?"

The next part struck Twilight hard, like a hammer blow to the face as her friend sullenly answered, "Then we enter another civil war."

Twilight could barely breath. Only recently had she got things under control. Public order was kept and the city guard was established as well as a few local militias to keep out foreign invaders. Local crimes have went down and only recently had she gotten rid of the Stardust. Now she was going to be thrusted into a civil war right smack dab in the middle. Ponyville was half way from Sanguinaria and Canterlot, which meant she would have to pick a side. Her head spun and she rested her hoof on her head and muttered to herself, "Oh Celestia...not now...things have been going so well."

Rarity was about to say something when a pony burst through the door. Twilight looked up and saw who it was. Standing tall and in thick heavy plate armor was Starlight Comet, Captain of the Watch in Ponyville. Sheathed on his back was a shield bearing Ponyville's crest, and resting at his side was his iron longsword. His starry mane rested calmly on the left side of his face and his dark blue coat dull and not eye catching in the light. His dark green eyes pressing an issue, like he had seen the devil himself. He bowed and in a low commanding voice said, "Your majesty. Somepony to see you outside."

Twilight knit an eyebrow and asked, "What did he look like?"

Starlight shuddered as he remembered something menacing, like he was reliving a nightmare. Twilight gave a crooked smile and bookmarked her page in her book. She stood up and as she passed Starlight as she did she said, "That's all I needed Captain Starlight."

Twilight stepped into the cold autumn night air and a gentle breeze danced around her. The calming wind soothing her restless muscles. She loved the weather at night, it made her feel warm and accepted. A luxury she wished she had when she was younger, which seemed like another life time ago. She remembered the countless hours staying up all night and reading the various tomes in Canterlot Library she had checked out when she was about the same age as Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle before her...accident. Then when she was well into her teen years she was well respected and recognized as the Princess' faithful student, reading the secret tomes unbeknownst to the public.

She felt giddy as she remembered reading forbidden spells that other ponies could not know. That happy feeling remained when she saw who it was that wanted to see her. Outside and standing in the pale moonlight was none other than Dracula. He wore his new dark scaled armor but over that he had his long black leather trench coat he adored so much. His bright red eyes focused on her and his hooves in the pockets of his coat. Twilight smiled as she walked down the steps of the outside porch. When she hit the bottom of the steps she glided across the ground and fell into his arms.

She embraced him warmly in the moonlight and felt the heat rise. She loved the pony she held in her hooves. Twilight had a gentle smile on her face as she sunk into Dracula's firm and muscular chest. The warmth reminded her of home and the warm hearth that glowed brightly and heated the house. The air light and her mind even more so, she felt like pudding ready to be poured into a bowl for simple enjoyment. She lifted her head and looked up at Dracula and she kept her inviting smile as she said, "Good evening Silver."

Her voice came out like silk and Dracula replied with a smile of his own, "Good evening my love. I trust that you slept well?"

The smile remained as she added playfully, "Not exactly...you weren't there."

Dracula moved his hoof to her neck and she gasped as it glided from her side to the back of her neck. It rested warmly on the nape of her neck and he finished mere inches away from her, "I am sorry, I had matters I needed to attend to. Allow me to make up for it."

Twilight continued to smile as Dracula pressed his lips against hers. His lips warm and firm against that of her own. Twilight pulled Dracula in closer and held her hooves at his lower back and melted under the passionate kiss. After a few long seconds Twilight pulled away and gave out a breath of freshness. A cooling feeling spreading through out her veins, her nerves from a few minutes ago just melting away. She opened her eyes and saw that of her partner's filled with longing and forlorn. Twilight asked, "What's wrong? Is it your future meeting with Celestia."

Dracula let out a sigh and responded, "I have tried for so long to keep relations between me and her at a stable point. I have no idea why she is unloading all of her anger on me now. I would have preferred to talk out our differences."

Twilight lifted her hoof to his cheek and she said in a confident tone, "I have complete faith you Silver. If there is anyone on Ketos that can prevent an all out civil war it is you."

Dracula smiled under her touch and said, "Thank you Twilight. I only wish that it will go easily-"

"What in the name of Equestria are you doing with my daughter?!"

Twilight jumped as she heard the familiar sharp yell of her father, Night Light. Twilight pulled herself away from Dracula and found her father standing threateningly a few feet away from her and Dracula. Next to Night Light was Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet. Night Light stared daggers at Dracula meanwhile Twilight's mother held a hoof over her mouth in shock. Twilight held a sheepish gaze and felt foolish that she did not tell her parents about Dracula sooner.

Twilight said, "Mom. Dad. What are you doing here?"

Night Light stepped threateningly closer to Dracula and explained in an angered tone, "Me and your mother were going to visit you while our house is being repaired. But a better question is, what did you think you were doing with him?!"

Twilight let the initial fear for herself wash away and a new fear for her parents rise. Dracula stood in a battle stance ready to defend Twilight. Twilight raised her hooves and said, "Dad I can explain..."

"You're damned right you're going to explain?!" Night Light screamed moving his dagger like gaze from Dracula and to Twilight, "I thought me and your mother raised you right! I thought you would find that special somepony!-"

"Dad please just let me-"

"We thought that you would never find some pony special enough! Dear Celestia, it only took Shining Armor so long to find Cadance!-"

"Dad pl-"

"Yet the first time we visit we find you with some low life!"

Twilight cringed and could feel the iron like gaze shift to Night Light. Twilight's eyes grew wider and felt as though the reached maximum opacity. Dracula narrowed his gaze on Night Light and in a dark tone asked, "Excuse me?"

Night Light had no fear to Dracula's gaze, which is what scared Twilight the most. As if they both had the same instinct Twilight and her mother said, "Sweetie please."

"Silver don't."

But they remained dead set on who could be feared the most. Night Light got really close to Dracula, and even though he was a half a head shorter than Dracula he looked to have no fear what so ever. Night Light returned, "You heard me."

Like two rival lions fighting over the pride, they stared at each other seeing who would make the first move. Twilight saw something she never thought she would see. Dracula's eyes were the same dark red color but the rim of his cornea grew bright yellow and his fangs extended out of his mouth. Twilight gasped and stepped in between Night Light and Dracula. Twilight had her back to her dad and she stared at Dracula. He kept a gaze on Night Light, one where it was a predatorial look. Sizing up Night Light. Twilight said looking into those maddening eyes, "Silver...stop."

Dracula looked at Twilight and saw the terrified look on her face. Dracula's breathing returned to normal and his eyes became fully red and his fangs retracting back into his jaw. Twilight let out a sigh of relief and turned to her father and said, "Dad. Please. I was going to say that he is my special somepony. We met three years ago. I had every intention of telling both of you but it slipped my mind, I had a great many things on my mind."

Twilight Velvet intervened as well and said to Night Light, "Enough honey."

Night Light's anger seemed to sub side. He controlled his ragged breathing and focused back, relaxing his muscles. He said, "I'm sorry. I just wish I knew. I thought that you..."

"Sweet Celestia no." Twilight said, "I would never do that to anypony but my special somepony."

Twilight Velvet looked giddy with a large smile, "Well dear aren't you going to introduce us?"

Twilight moved her hoof around Dracula's waist and said looking at Dracula and then to her parents, "Dracula, this is my mom and dad. Mom and dad, this is my special somepony Dracula Belmont."

Dracula extended his hoof to Night Light and Night Light accepted the shake and Dracula said, "It is nice to finally meet you sir. I apologize for scarring you there."

Night Light chuckled and said, "Likewise. And I am the one who should apologize, I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions like that."

Twilight eyed her dad. If there was anypony who would have lost that fight it would have been her dad. Not that she did not have faith in her dad it's just that he was picking a fight with a Vampire Lord. Something that she would have to explain to them later. Dracula took Twilight Velvet's hoof and kissed it. Dracula said, "I can see where Twilight gets her stunning beauty from."

Twilight Velvet blushed and said, "Why thank you...Dracula was it?"

Dracula nodded and wrapped his hoof around Twilight's shoulder. After a few moments of silence Twilight looked over her parent's shoulders and said, "Let me help you bring your things inside."

Dracula stepped first and said, "Please Twilight, allow me."

Dracula stepped past Twilight's parents and began piling the luggage in his hooves. Twilight watched him lift all those bags and walk to the crystal castle. Twilight looked back at her parents and when they were side by side Twilight's mother leaned in and whispered to her daughter, "Charming, chivalrous, AND handsome. He's a keeper."

Twilight rolled her eyes at her mother's comment. She said in her mind, 'This is going to be a long visit.'

Author's Notes:

Yes! Chapter One done! I've never noticed a lot of fics with Twilight's parents, so why not include them. I hope you guys enjoyed that little fight that almost happened between Dracula and Night Light. I thought it went perfectly. I was going to include Twilight's parents in the fic somehow, so...there you go. Expect more updates soon!

See you next chapter:raritywink:!

Next Chapter: Chapter II - The Calm Before the Storm Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 48 Minutes
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