There's no Dovahkin. The people and ponies of Skyrim have the next best thing, Spike, the DovahFriend. In between having shouting matches with dragons, he saves human and ponies alike, spittakes mead & kicks flank.
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Human tag for elves and some Skyrim human. This story's mostly about ponies. Oh, and dragons, of course.

An older but no-less-sarcastic Spike's got a bit of a clawful of problems. A couple of years ago some high elves walked all over his home country of Equestria without even using the hoofmat and sent all his pony friends fleeing into this Celestia-forsaken tundra that hasn't seen a proper Winter Wrap-Up in centuries. His pony friends, now refugees in a foreign land, are stuck between some Empire backed by those elves and these rebels trying to claim this icicle for themselves. His friends were scattered in the exodus and he's worried Twilight might start eating stuff off the ground if he's not watching. And the locals think he's some swamp lizard Argonian thing and won't stop accusing him of being a cannibal who eats dragon souls for breakfast. And that dragon infestation? Just the icing on the cluster-buck.

Well, at least he speaks dragon, when he's not kicking dragon. And when he's not busy practicing dragon diplomacy he's struggling to manage his companions, the bat pony, Serana, the bard college dropout, Lyra Heartstrings, his housecarl, Berry Punch and her daughter, Berry Pinch, the misunderstood changeling assassin, Shadowmere, and the staunch imperialist dragon-hater griffin who worships Spike as the next Tiber Septim (and stubbornly believes he's an Argonian touched in the head), Hale Caesar.

Skyrim My LIttle Pony Crossover. In Dovahspeak that's 'Fus Roh D'aww', with two 'w's.


3,725 words: Estimated 15 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. Pilot Chapter - Dinner by Dawnstar [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jul 23rd, 2014
Published Jul 23rd, 2014


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