Sir Daniel Fortesque is summoned to Equestria to stop a whole new batch of monsters and undead hooligans, but who sent these beligerant boneheads anyways? And what does the elusive Nightmare Moon have to do with it?
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Sir Daniel Fortesque is renowned for stopping Zarok and the malicious magician's undead hordes; apparently his heroics hold true across dimensions. When waves of zombies, ghouls, and strange creatures begin to plague Equestria, Princess Celestia suspects Nightmare Moon is involved and has Twilight research the lot of these new monsters. She finds a mysterious book: "Dan's Private Journal". Well...it was in the "macabre, undead, and generally annoying" section. Why not give it a whirl?

Medievil-MLP Crossover. Spoilers for those who have not played the games or do not know the story. I've heard talk of others making them, but I can't find any and I personally love Medievil, so I figured why not? Because I really only played (but thoroughly enjoyed!) Medievil Resurrection, the style will match that, and be more comedic and lighthearted(?) than either of the first two games. Also note that Dan will not be ponified in this story...that was just the best picture I could find to tie the two entities together...

Disclaimer: I think of myself as pretty funny, generally good humored, but when it comes to writing, quick wit and satire generally aren't too good of friends with me. I will try my darndest to keep the level of comedic brilliance displayed in both Medievil and MLP up to par, but if I slip up once in a while then I apologize in advance. Please read and enjoy! :D

On Hiatus

28,375 words: Estimated 1 Hour, 54 Minutes to read: [Fimfiction.net] [Cache]

5 Chapters:

  1. Chapter 1: Oh, God...Not Again [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jul 17th, 2014
  2. Chapter 2: Everfree Trek [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jul 18th, 2014
  3. Chapter 3: Enemy Within [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jul 20th, 2014
  4. Chapter 4: Nightmare [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Jul 24th, 2014
  5. Chapter 5: Odyssey [Fimfiction.net] [Cache] Aug 16th, 2014
Published Jul 17th, 2014
Last Update Aug 16th, 2014


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