
Equus is Dying

by Silver Nightshade

Chapter 4

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-----Princess Celestia-----

"Your Highness, Princess Luna and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza have successfully transferred the population of Los Pegasus to the other Dimension and are coming back as we speak. Only a handful of the mages and guards are returning with them though. The rest died," The guard pony told me, his head never leaving the floor as he kneeled.

"Thank you Strong Pike, you may return to your other duties," I said, my face a mask and my tone soft. The pony stood only to bow again before leaving. My sister and niece have been working hard in the mornings to begin the evacuation. The loss of Twilight and her family broke our hearts and I have drawn strength from Cadence's resolve to save our little ponies from this dark threat. If it weren't for my sister, and the strength that Cadence has, I think my mind would have gone, and my Will broken. I will not lose anymore of my precious subjects to this threat!

My resolve has to stand firm.

-----Princess Mi Amore Cadenza-----

"Luna, do you think we'll make it in time?" I asked the Princess of the Night as our sky chariot began it's return to Canterlot. I watched Luna's jaw work as she thought my question over. She began after a few minutes of thought.

"No, We be- I believe we will not manage to get the entirety of Equestria before the mass deaths begin to occur. We just didn't have the spell ready in time and we're losing too many members of the Royal Guard and Military to keep the mages safe."

"I see, that is unfortunate but we should be able to save most of them yes?" I asked hopefully. "I really don't want to see our efforts almost entirely for naught."

"We have already managed to transport about forty percent of the total population and now we can focus on the smaller cities and towns. I believe we can get more than half before we must flee with the last group of ponies," Luna said staring at the great city in the distance, the white towers of the castle glistening in the distance as the sun hits them. Canterlot still hasn't been evacuated since there needs to be some ponies to provide food for those who fled there after the Crystal Empire fell with Twilight's family.

I begin to quietly cry to myself as the memory of waking to Shining Armor next to me in bed. He was dead, his body crushed enough to break his bones but not disfigure him enough to be noticeable unless somepony was as close as I was to him at that moment. My first reaction to seeing him like that was to scream at the top of my lungs and run out of my room, barreling over the two crystal pony guards who were always stationed outside my bedchambers. My screams quickly turned into sobs as I reached the medical wing of the castle and grabbed the closest medical pony in sight, holding her hoof and flying back to my room quickly.

Now I know that he was dead then, but at that moment I was worried about being left alone while ponies were dying all across Equestria. I was heart broken to say the least, my husband, sister-in-law, as well as their parents were all dead as of that morning. I was evacuated from the Empire as all of its inhabitants were killed by seemingly thin air, getting crushed or imploding into chunks of meat and bone. I was never so scared as I was then. That was the day I found two things that I never thought would, or could, happen: I found that I failed to protect my kingdom, and I found out that Alicorns can in fact die like anypony else as long as it isn't age.

-----Pegasus Guard-----

I feel a sorrow for the Princesses that can never be fully explained. They are our protectors just like the Royal Guard is for them. If its an Army of Changlings the Royal Guard and Military take care of it. If its Discord, or something that probably belongs in Tartarus, its up to the Princesses, or Princess Twilight's friends to save us. But over the last week they have barely managed to save fifty thousand ponies while losing another eight thousand to this threat; as well as one Princess. I look to my flight partner and he gives me a look that isn't stoic like it should be when we're out doing work. He's been thinking about this as well probably considering the Princesses recently ended conversation about their work. I deeply commend them for their Will and optimism but I almost feel that Princess Luna is right, we won't be able to save as many as we should. It's already common knowledge along the guard that our lives must be forfeit so that the Mages can send everyone else in Canterlot, including the three Princesses, through the Dimension Jump portal when the land has been emptied everywhere else of pony life. We accept that fate when it comes, and will stay strong until the last one of us dies.

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