
Dashie and Soarin, two wonderbolts in love

by TheSouthernBrony

First published

Rainbow Dash has finally achieved her life long goal to join the wonderbolts and even better: she has found the love of her life.

After of years of patience and work, Rainbow Dash, formerly one of the Elements of Harmony, has joined the ranks of the most prestigious flying team in Equestria: the wonderbolts. Now, after two years of being with them, Dash is now in a relationship with Soarin, and the couple has become one of the most well-known in Equestria.

Chapter 1

In the Wonderbolt locker room, the team was getting ready for one of it's shows.

Rainbow Dash was helping her colt-friend Soarin get into his suit, getting the final touches on it.

" here you go, Soarin. You're ready to wow them", Dash said, smiling.

Soarin looked at her and kissed her.

" the only pony I need to wow is you, Dashie", he said, nuzzling her.

Dash giggled and kissed Soarin's cheek.

" come on, lovebirds, show's about the start", Spitfire, the wonderbolt captain told them.

The two of them headed out to the show arena, where the sun shown brightly in a crowded stadium full of cheering ponies.

" Now, to give us our half time show, say hello to Spitfire and the Wonderbolts," the announcer said, which caused the crowd to cheer even more.

The Wonderbolts had come to perform for the half time show of an Equestrian football game in Manehatten, Dash recalled as she flexed her wings.

" all right, team, ready", Spitfire asked.

The bolts nodded and Soarin whispered to Dash, " here we go, my love."

Like a flash, the bolts shot up into the air, twisting and turning as they did their coregraphed moves.

Finally, it ended with Rainbow performing her famous sonic rainboom with the others following her in it's wake.

The crowd went nuts and the Bolts landed on the ground, taking a bow and the show ended.

" oh my gosh, Soarin, that was so awesome", Dash said as they all prepared to leave.

Soarin chuckled and hugged Rainbow.

" you did good out there", he said, smiling at her.

Dash grined and nuzzled Soarin.

Spitfire approached them and smiled.

" Soarin, Rainbow Dash, nice work as always, you two. You guys got any plans for this evening," Spitfire asked.

Soarin smiled sheepsely and replied, " well, Spitfire, Dashie and I had planned to go to this really nice restaurant we found while walking around town".

Rainbow nodded.

" yeah, it looked really nice, and it been a while since we had a nice dinner together", Dash said, wrapping her hoof around Soarin's leg and leaning on him.

" oh, that sounds nice. Well, the rest of the bolts and I are heading back to the hotel. See you there, lovebirds", Spitfire said, heading back to the rest of the team.

Later that day, Soarin and Dash went to the restaurant they had found together, Soarin wearing a buttoned up shirt and Rainbow wearing a shirt of her own with a skirt attached to the outfit.

Normally, Rainbow didn't like wearing skirts or dresses, as she always had been more of a tomboy and her wings were often cramped because of them, but, she'd do anything for Soarin, and some small discomfort was well worth the nice dinner and time she got to spend with him.

The two walked in the restaurant and was seated at a table in the middle of the restaurant, which was filled with a lot of other couples; some old, some young, it seemed every colt had brought his marefriend or wife with him.

The waiter came and the two ordered their drinks.

Afterwards, Dash and Soarin started talking like usual, discussing how the day was and just small talk in general.

Rainbow's favorite part though was when they swaped funny jokes and stories.

Dashie loved it when she saw Soarin laugh and smile, as his smile was a wonderful one and his laugh was contagious, almost as much as Dash's giggles.

After the dinner ended, they headed back to the hotel, where they spent the rest of the evening just sitting making each other feel loved.

" I love you," Soarin said to Dash.

Rainbow smiled and kissed him, blushing.

" I love you too", she said, wrapping her forelegs around Soarin's neck.

Soarin smiled and kissed Dashie.

"mmmm", she murmered as they kissed.

Around 9:30, the two went to bed, cuddling each other as they did so.

" goodnight, Dash. I love you", Soarin said.

" I love you too, goodnight", Dash said, kissing him and then falling asleep, one hoof resting over Soarin's chest, and her head resting against his neck.

Chapter 2

The next day, Soarin got up before Dash, as he usually did, to make breakfast, but he also had other plans for the day.

Since no show was planned for another month, Soarin had time to get ready his big proposal to Rainbow Dash, but first, he wanted to get her a present, since she had given him one a few days earlier for his birthday: a pie making machine.

After making breakfast, Soarin attached a small letter to the table saying he left to do some errands and that she had the room to herself for a while.

At the mall, Soarin went looking for a few things: number one, to find a ring to give to Dashie for the proposal, number 2, a necklace with a sapphire stone in it, since she liked sapphires, and three, a copy of the new Daring Do movie that had come out on DVD recently, as she was unable to see it when it was released in theaters.

" so, is this the ring you desire, sir", the jeweler at the counter asked.

Soarin nodded.

" yes, and this necklace will do nicely too", Soarin replied, showing the necklace to the jeweler.

The jeweler nodded and said, " that will be 700 bits, sir."

" thank you, my man," Soarin said, paying for the items and walking out the store with both items in a bag.

"hmm, I got 300 bits left, not bad, I guess," Soarin noted to himself as he went into another store to find the movie Dashie wanted.

After finding it and purchasing it, Soarin got the movie and the jewelry gift wrapped and then headed back to the hotel,

By now, Rainbow Dash had gotten up, reading the note Soarin left her and after eating breakfast, she decided it would be best to get some morning exercise.

She was in the hotel gym, doing a work-out along with Spitfire, whom she had grown close to over the past two years and they were friends now.

" So, Rainbow, how's you and Soarin doing," Spitfire asked as she jogged on the treadmill.

" we're doing good, Spitfire. Soarin's such a sweetheart", Rainbow said, blushing a little as she thought about him.

Thing is, Rainbow and Soarin had known each other for a long time before they starting dating a year ago.

When Dash joined the Wonerbolts and was integrated into the team, she and Soarin had grown close to each other, and when Dashie had turned 26 last year, a year behind Soarin, Soarin had confessed his feelings for Rainbow and the two went from being close friends to officially entering the relationship stage.

Dashie smiled as she thought about that day and how much joy and love she felt for the past year now.

Not only was she a Wonderbolt, that alone was the coolest thing she ever experienced, but she had somepony to share it with, and out of all the colts she had ever dated over the years, Soarin was and always will be her one and only.

" I can tell you love him a lot", Spitfire said, smiling.

" Yeah, I do. I love him with all my heart", Dashie replied, lost in thought.

When Soarin walked in his room, he noticed Rainbow Dash wasn't in it.

" she must be doing her daily exercises with Spitfire, just as well, I need to hide the ring till the time comes to give her it", Soarin said out-loud to himself.

After hiding the ring in his suitcase, Soarin put the other presents on the table and waited for Dashie to come back to the room.

A hour later, Rainbow Dash returned to the room and was happily surprised to the see the gifts on the table.

" I wonder what these are", she said, peering at the packages.

" they're for you, sweetie," Soarin said from behind her.

Dashie quickly turned around and in a excited voice, she said, " Soarin!"

Giggling, she hugged him and they held each other in embrace for a few minutes.

" so, what's inside the presents", Dashie asked, opening one of them.

" awww, this is so beautiful", Dashie exclaimed, holding the necklace in her hooves.

Soarin kissed her on the cheek.

" glad you like it, but you're really going to like what I got in the other one," Soarin said, smiling.

Rainbow opened the other package and when she saw what it was, she had a very cute fangirl moment.

" OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! It's the new Daring Do movie", Dashie exclaimed excitedly, squealing like a filly seeing a idol for the first time.

" I love you SO MUCH, Soarin," Dashie said, wrapping her forelegs around Soarin's neck and kissing him.

"so, when do you want to watch it", Soarin asked.

Chapter 3

Soarin and Rainbow Dash lay in their bed, snuggled up to each other, as they watched the new Daring Do movie.

This was apprantly set in the 940's, during the third Equestrian civil war, and Daring Do was fighting Germane soldiers who wanted a powerful artifact that would give them the power to defeat the Loyalists.

To Soarin, it seemed a little weird that Daring could survive all that the bad guys threw at her, but he guessed it didn't really matter, since it was only a movie after all.

"Dashie seems pretty happy at least", Soarin thought to himself.

When the movie ended, Dashie said, " aww, come on, a cliffhanger?! Who knows how long it'd be for the next one come out"?

Dashie blushed when she looked at Soarin and saw the funny look on his face.

" hahah, sorry, I get a little carried away," Dashie said and looked at Soarin apologetically.

Soarin smiled and kissed her.

" it's okay, sweetie. I knew you were a big fan of Daring Do, so I expected it", Soarin said, licking Dashie's face.

Giggling, Dashie snuggles a little closer to Soarin and nuzzles his cheek.

" well, thanks for buying it anyway. It was a wonderful gift", Dash said thankfully.

Smiling, Soarin kissed Dash on the lips and said, " your welcome, beautiful".

" I love it when you call me that", Dashie said, kissing Soarin on the cheek.

Soarin hugs Dashie, puts the movie away, and looks into her eyes, holding her hoof in his own.

" I love you," Soarin said, smiling.

" I love you too," Dashie replied, kissing Soarin softly.

Soarin kissed back and one thing lead to another and they made love to each other.

The next morning, Sorain woke up to find Dash starring at him.

" Good morning, cutie", she said kissing him softly.

Smiling, Soarin kissed softly back and responded, " good morning, miss beautiful".

Dash smiled warmly and got out of bed, stretching her legs.

" ahh, that feels great", she said, sighing happily.

Soarin got up and kissed her cheek from behind.

" I'm going to get us some breakfast and then we'll see what we do today, okay", Soarin asked.

Rainbow nodded and kissed him.

" don't take too long, darling, I'm starving", Dashie said.

About 30 minutes later, after a delicious breakfast of cheese bagels and haybrowns, a heavy rainstorm began to pour outside.

" wow. Guess the weather ponies decided the sunny weather we were getting was getting tiresome, " Rainbow said, styling her mane into a ponytail.

Soarin nodded and said, " yeah, I guess so".

"want to join me in the exercise room", Dash asked.

Soarin shrugged and said, " sure, why not"?

So for the most of the day, Soarin and Rainbow Dash worked out in the hotel gym, stopping only to take short breaks and rested half an hour after eating lunch.

Later, after the rain had stopped, Dash and Soarin went swimming in the outdoor pool and basked in the warm glow of the Spring sun.

By the time evening came around, both of them were very exhausted and after eating some sandwiches, they decided to turn in early.

Chapter 4

A few weeks had past since then, and Soarin was getting ready for his big proposal to Rainbow Dash on May 4th, a week from now,

His plan was for him to take Dash up to the clouds to look at the full moon and then Spitfire and the wonderbolts were going to perform a show in front of them, using fireworks, they would spell out the words, " will you marry me", and Soarin would give her the ring. If Rainbow said yes, then a big party will be thrown in a room they were able to aquire at the Pegasus bar, Rainbow's favorite pub in Manehatten.

While Soarin was helping Spitfire get the supplies and everything, Dashie had been experiencing odd symptoms and she feel as if she'll throw up, which she had did before.

When she visited her doctor, he had told her she might be pregnant, and needs to be checked out for it.

"so, miss Dash, the results of the test are in: you're preganant", her doctor told her.

Dash's heart skipped a beat and the news sank in.

" so, I'm going to have a foal, Soarin's going to be a father", Dashie said.

" actually, two. They're twins, but other than that, we can't say," the doctor corrected,

Dash didn't say anything at first, what could she say?

She was pregnant and going to have two foals, and Soarin is going to be a dad.

"so, what do I do now, doctor", Dash asked.

Her doctor sighed.

" well, Rainbow, you'll have to come back after 5 months to see if they're male or female and to check for any signs that they may have side effects at birth", the doctor explained.

Nodding, Rainbow Dash left the office and headed back to the hotel, stunned by the news.

When Sorain came into the room, she was crying.

" Dashie, what's wrong, " Soaring asked, looking very concerned.

Rainbow looked at him with tears in her eyes.

" Soarin, I'm pregnant, with twins", she said.

Shocked, Soarin became speechless.

He sat on the couch and tried to comfort Dash the best he could.

" it's okay, we're going to be parents now. I know you're scared, but trust me, I'll help you raise the foals and I'll be a good dad, okay", Soarin said in a comforting tone.

Dash nodded, sniffing and wiping her eyes of tears.

" yeah, you're right. I have to stay strong, I know you'll be there for me and our children", Dashie said.

Soarin hugged and kissed her.

Chapter 5

With Rainbow Dash's pregnancy confirmed, Soarin and Spitfire had to modify the plan a little, as they knew it would be bad for the foals' health if Dash drank alchoal while pregnant with them.

They canceled the reservation at the bar and instead opted for the party to happen at the park, where they managed to get a spot reserved for the event and instead of alcoholic beverages, the bolts opted to get things like sweet tea and soft drinks such as coke a cola and Pepsi.

For Rainbow Dash, being pregnant was both an exciting prospect, and a buck load of responsibility. She spent most of her days doing research on the subject, how to cope with pregnancy and how to take care of two young baby ponies.

While not the best at math, Dash did some calculations on how much it would cost to take care of two foals given the lifestyle she and Soarin live.

Fortuantly, being in the Wonderbolts means she and Soarin a buck load of money, and considering how much money they make every time they do a show at an event or a party, add to the fact that Soarin and Dash have their money saved in a bank, and there's lots of it, over 1000 bits, they should be able to afford raising the foals rather easily.

With that settled, Dash put on some TV while she ate peanut butter and crackers, since that's what she constantly has cravings for due to the pregnancy.

" you guys got everything" Soarin asked the other wonderbolt members.

" yes, we do, Spitfire. We'll have this party ready in no time", a male wonderbolt said.

" good," Spitfire said, putting a check mark on her checklist she held in her hooves.

Everything had been acquired, now all they had to do was wait till the evening of the proposal and have the best time ever.

Soarin walked up to Spitfire and said, " thanks for doing this, really, thanks".

'Don't mention it, Soarin, you and Rainbow Dash are really great together so I want to help you two out any way I can", Spitfire said, smiling.

Soarin sighed nervously.

" I hope this works," he said.

" Don't worry, Soarin, it will. Rainbow Dash really loves you, and she's told me before she'd happily marry you and that there's no other stallion in the world who makes her feel the way she does. You make her life happy, really happy. proud of you, Soarin", Spitfire said reassuringly.

Soarin smiled and said, " yeah, I love her a lot too."

Chapter 6

On the night of May 4th, Soarin took Rainbow Dash up to the clouds and when they got there, Rainbow said, her wings spread out, " wow, the moon looks beautiful tonight."

Soarin landed next to her and replied, " yeah it is".

Rainbow looked at him and smiled.

" you know, this really is a wonderful view", she said, nuzzling him.

" yeah, I agree. A perfect place for us to just be together", Soarin said kissing her.

That's when Spitfire and the Wonderbolts shot up into the air and starting to perform their acrobatics and with their small fireworks began making letters appear in the sky.

As more and more of what they were saying appeared, Dash was starting to understand what was happening and when the phrase, " will you marry me appear", she finally got it.

At that point, Soarin presented her with the ring he got the mall so long ago.

" Rainbow Dash, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I'd like for you to be my wife, if you want", Soarin asked.

Blushing, Dash took the ring and said, " yes, I will marry you, Soarin. I can't think of a better colt to spend the rest of my life with", Dash replied.

With tears in their eyes, Soarin and Rainbow hugged each other and kissed, and Soarin slipped the ring onto Dashie's hoof.

That and her sapphire necklace made her look extraordinarily beautiful.

On the ground, Soarin treated Dashie to a surprise by the party Spitfire and the rest of the team had set up that evening. That night was full of fun as Dashie and Soarin celebrated their new status as fiancés how their lives are about to get a lot better, especially with two foals on the way.


4 months had past since the proposal and today, Dashie and Soarin were finally going to get married.

Soarin watched as Rainbow Dash walked down the isle in her wedding dress, her belly getting noticeably bigger with the babies she was pregnant with.

She and Soarin stood in front of each other, as the minister went through the process of their vows of marriage.

' Soarin, do you take Rainbow Dash as your lawfully wedded wife, to care for her and to give her the love and support she needs", the minister asked.

" I do", Soarin said.

The minister turned to Dash.

" Rainbow Dash, do you take Soarin as your lawfully wedded husband, to care for him and to give the love and care he needs", the minister asked.

" I do", Rainbow replied.

" Thus, I present to you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride", the minister said.

Soarin kissed Rainbow Dash and the room erupted into clapping and cheers.

They were now married and it was the happiest day of their lives.

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