
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 9: Continuing the Narration Part 3

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Two hours have passed since Eragon left the town to continue his training. On the outskirts of Ponyvlle, Eragon was just finished performing a trick that involves lifting objects with using magic, and not just hands. He let it go quickly so that it wouldn't drain any energy out of it. He then took out Brisingr and he said the blade's name, flashing blue fire on it. He looked at a large rock on a tree stump, and he readied his magic on it. The rock was being used as a practice dummy in combat, and would be a good substitute for anything if there wash't any wood to make the dummy out of. He concentrated and readied his sword and lifted it in the air. And then he exclaimed "Jierda!"

The stone broke into a half, like a person cutting a lemon with just a butcher's knife with just one slice. Not even a rock can stand a chance against this type of magic

"Careful Eragon. I don't want you to kill yourself." Saphira warned him in her head

"Don't worry." Said Eragon. "I will just fine. Besides, I am really starting to progress on using these type of spells, thanks to Oromis and Glaedr of course."

"Words never true than what you have just said" Saphira agreed with a small chuckle, and then gave a small smile, believing Eragon's words

After that. Eragon swung a few slashes at one of the wooden dummies that looked like soldiers of the Empire. He sliced through them, with each giving a loud "SHING!" Every time he sliced through a piece of wood.

Eragon panted and panted, becoming a little out of breath, and he is shirt soaked with sweat from training so much. He sheathed Brisingr in It's scabbard and decided to take a little break. He sat on t the nice, soft grass. That felt really comfortable

"That was an impressive display." Said Glaedr from his eldunari. His eldunari was sitting on a pillow to keep it from getting broken, as well as Umaroths'.

"Thank you, Glaedr." Eragon replied telepathically.

"I definitely sense that you would make a fine leader to all the hatchlings and the future riders someday when the time is right." Umaroth added.

"Well, I wouldn't know about that." Eragon admitted. "What if I faulted in becoming the leader, what would happen if I end up like Galbatorix?" He was a little worried about that future.

"Don't think such mendacity." Glaedr said. "We all make mistakes, but we all learn from them someday."

"Yes. I can promise you that you are absolutely nothing like the fallen evil king in any sort of manner." Umaroth added.

"He's right, little one." said Saphira. "We have been together for a long time, for I have seen what kind of heart you have, and it is nothing like the dark king in any way. Besides, that is the reason why i picked you to be my rider, remember?"

"Guilty as charged." Eragon said as he blushed. He then readied his sword, and took a breath. He sliced through one of the dummy's bodies from shoulder to hip. The wooden body fell to the ground after being brutally sliced after three seconds. he panted to catch his breath after that vehement slice.

He continued with more tricks with the other dummies. He did stabbing, thrusting, slashing, and with a little magic to spice things up a bit. It was starting to become a little dull however, and he thought of any spells that can bring an inanimate object to life without killing himself.

"Master?" He said to Glaedr through his thoughts "are there any spells that can bring an inanimate object to life without killing yourself?"

"No." Glaedr replied calmly. "It is almost as dangerous as bring the dead back to life from their graves which they would eternally sleep on. Eragon was disappointed to hear that, for he wanted to see if his sparring skills were still within him, like the practicing he would do with Brom, Murtagh, Thorn, Arya, and Vanir when he was in Alagaesia.

"I need someone to spar with." Said Eragon.

"Blodhgarm and the other spellcasters are in Ponyville remember?" Saphira reminded

"Yes, I know." Eragon replied. "It has been a long while since I have actually spared with someone. I really wish that Murtagh was here, he was an excellent sparing partner, and as the same for Vanir as well."

"You could always spar with Blodhgarm and his spellcasters some other time." Said Saphira. "Besides, this land is very peaceful, and definitely not ruled by an evil ruler such as the fallen king." The blue dragon was not wrong. "You also remember those wooden wolves from yesterday when they attacked us?"

"You're right." Said Eragon. "Perhaps I won't need to fight unless those types of wolves or any other type of hostile animals or creatures come to attack me and my friends."

Saphira smiled at his choice. Eragon sheathed Brisingr in it's scabbard, and looked around to enjoy the wonderful view of the plains in Equestria around him and Saphira's surroundings. Indeed, the plains such as this one in all of Equestria were really beautiful, and maybe even more beautiful than the plains in his homeland.

"I think I have had enough training for today." Eragon said at last. He mounted on his companion, and he said to her "Let's go, Saphira."

the blue dragon nodded and she flew all the way back to Ponyville in a high altitude.

Eragon saw Ponyville just right below him and Saphira, and he felt her coming in for a landing to the ground. When the ponies saw this, they became frightened at first, but realized that it was the nice blue dragon that he have seen and or met before. The next thing, the became calm and went back to their normal, everyday lives. Saphira softly landed on the ground near Eragon's new house, and he dismounted her.

Everypony around him greeted them with a smile, and many said hello to both of them. Eragon smiled at them back. "If only everyone in Alagaesia was as friendly as these magnificent creatures." Eragon thought

"So do I." Saphira said. Obviously, she heard what he was thinking.

Eragon looked around the are, and he said to himself "I wonder where Blodhgarm and the other spellcasters are." He went inside his house, and checked on the eggs and eldunari. He was happy to see them not stolen or damaged in any way, and stayed where they were before he left. He placed Brisingr, still inside it's scabbard, on it's resting place, and put his pouch in his supply wardrobe. "Blodhgarm." he called with his mind. "Can you hear me?"

It was silent for a few minutes. Finally, after a full two minutes, there came a reply. "Yes, Shadeslayer?" the blue elf called back to him. "What is it?"

"I was just wondering where you and the other spellcasters were." the rider said in his mind.

"The others are just mingling with the inhabitants around town. I am having a little quality time with Fluttershy here." Blodhgarm answered.

"What have you been doing with her exactly, and... did you heal the eldunari with the others?" Eragon asked

"Oh I was rather... helping her with the animals and get to know her a little more." the elf replied calmly. "You are not angry at me, are you?"

"No no no. Of course not." Eragon replied. "I... I was just curious, and I wanted to make sure you played your part in the healing process."

"me and my fellow magicians always do."

Eragon smiled, and he looked around the small community. "I am just going for a little stroll, Saphira." he said to his dragon companion. "I will be back in a little while."

"Very well, little one." Saphira replied. She then went into her little shelter next to Eragon's house, and decided to take a nap inside. Eragon and other ponies walking by heard her deep snoring like it was a small earthquake. It was rather intimidating, but inot as much as Shruikan making those kind of noises of course.

Eragon walked around the nice, friendly streets of Ponyville as Saphira drifted in her little nap. He really wished that Dras-Leona would look as clean as this, but since Galbatorix is dead, all of his allies might work to make it a much better place now. While he was walking, he saw one of the magicians: Greenclaw walking into Sugarcube Corner. Curious, he followed the magician and saw him showing the Cakes a piece of paper.

He walked in, and the blue unicorn mare noticed him. "Oh, hello there. Come on in." She said in a cheerful voice. Then, her husband noticed Eragon too, as did the magician that gave him the piece of paper.

"Oh, shadeslayer." Said the elf, noticing Eragon. "What brings you in Sugarcube Corner?"

"Oh, I was just curious, Greenclaw." Eragon answered. "I didn't mean to spy on you." The rider walked up to the counter, and greeted the married couple. "I am so sorry, but I am afraid we haven't met you two. What might your names be?"

"I am Mr. Cake." Said the husband

"And I am Mrs. Cake." The wife added

"Eragon Bromson" he said with a smile.

"Well, nice to meet you Eragon." Said Mr. Cake.

"Pinkie Pie told us all about you, and she wouldn't stop going on about your adventures, and being a dragon tamer." Mrs Cake said in amazement

"Actually, it's dragon rider, Mrs. Cake." Eragon corrected. "So, what was Greenclaw doing?"

"He was showing us a recipe that we could bake, that could be new to Equestria, and he says it's fro. Alagaesia." Mr. Cake answered. He looked at the paper, and he read it. "It's called the.... Uh... Ellesmera chrysanthemum cake."

Eragon looked kind of surprised and he intriguingly asked him "how did you get hold of those flowers?"

"I decided to take a collection of them with me, my mother created this recipe long ago." The magician answered. He gave a sad remark by saying "My mate really loves these flowers."

"I see." Said Eragon. "Do you really think that everyone will like these?"

"It looks pretty delicious." Mrs. Cake predicted. "Everypony here loves our food, and Pinkie Pie is a great help to all of us." She wasn't wrong, for they do get a lot of costumers everyday. "So, since you are here, would you like anything? Like a cupcake, or ice cream?"

"Ice cream?" Said Eragon, very unfamiliar with that the of dessert.

"You don't have it in your homeland?" Said Mr. Cake.

"Well, no." Eragon answered "does this ice cream taste delicious?"

"Oh it does." Said Mrs. Cake. "Here, let me give you a bowl and tell me how you like it." She went into her freezer, and scooped three scoops of vanilla ice cream. Eragon thought it looked like some type of milk that was frozen in an iceberg, or in a frozen lake. "There you go." She said

Eragon grabbed the spoon, and slowly lifted a small scoop, and he tasted the pastry for the first time. His eyes went wide, realizing how delicious it was. Then, he decided to eat a little more faster, enjoying the taste. He stopped for a moment and said "it's so cold. Yet delicious."

"That's why it's called ice cream." Mr. Cake remarked. "But don't eat too fast, it will give you brainfreeze."

Eragon looked horrified "brainfreeze?!" He exclaimed

"Don't worry, deary. It's just an old saying when you have a temporary headache when you eat ice cream to fast."

Eragon sighed in relief to hear that, so happy to hear that he will be just fine. He continued to eat the dessert, and he felt his head hurting a little, and it must have been the so-called 'brainfreeze" that Mrs. Cake warned him about. He gave a small cry of mild agony, and he grasped his head to ease the aching inside. Luckily, it went away in a moment.

"Tried to warn you." said Mr. Cake in a sing-song tone. Eragon smirked at his remark.

"Well, I might as well be off." Eragon said, after he finished the whole ice cream.

"It was nice to meet you Eragon." said Mr. Cake

"Do stop by when you get the chance." Mrs. Cake added.

"I will." Eragon called. Before he left, he said to the magician. "I will... see you in a little while, Greenclaw."

The elven magician smiled at him, and replied "And the same thing to you, Shadeslayer." Then Eragon walked out of Sugarcube Corner, and looked around Ponyville again. He didn't really see something interesting, but he saw a few more magicians having good laughs and conversations with the inhabitants in Ponyville. It turns out they were all getting along so well with the elves. He decided to heat back home for the rest of the day.

Later that night, Eragon was just meditating with inner peace, going deep within his trance. He was cut short when he heard a knock on the door. He was a little irritated, but nevertheless, he went downstairs and answered the door. It was Twilight, Spike, their friends, and Big Macintosh. "Oh, hello everyone." he greeted politely

"Hi, Eragon." they all said back to him

"What are you doing here?" he asked curiously. "And, how was Fluttershy's cottage, Blodhgarm?"

"It was a rather intriguing experience." the blue elf replied calmly. "which reminds me." he bent down to the yellow pegasus' level, and he said to her "I really thank you for letting me in to your abode, Fluttershy. I should mingle with you more often.

Fluttershy blushed and she replied "Oh, you're welcome. I agree that we should hang out again some time."

Blodhgarm smiled and said "Well, it is best that I return to my new house."

"Wait, don't you want to stay with us for a little longer?" Fluttershy offered

"That's very kind, but I desperately need some rest." Blodhgarm replied politely. Then he left, and bid Fluttershy a goodnight before entering his new house.

Then Eragon turned his attention back to his new comrades. "So, I ask again: What are you all doing here?" he asked softly.

"Well, we want to know what happens after you fight in that battle in the... fire fields, or whatever you called it." Applejack answered. Obviously, they all wanted to hear more about Eragon's adventures and how he came to Equestria.

Eragon smiled and he said "I suppose I can tell you more of my true tales."

The ponies, and Spike cheered on for that, and they all went inside the house. When they all settled in front of the couch, Eragon lit a candle for his narration.

"Is everyone settled?" Eragon asked

Everypony and Spike said yes and yep, and so, now they can hear the rest of Eragon's narration. However, in a sudden flash, Discord appeared out of nowhere, like an avid trickster he is.

"Oh please, don't start without me." said the Drancequus. Everypony smiled at him and NOW they can all settle hear Eragon continuing narrating about his experiences.

The rider cleared his throat and began. "Now, after the battle of the Burning Plains, me, Roran, and Saphira flew to Helgrind to rescue Katrina. I might have told you this, but did I tell you that Helgrind was the home of the Ra'zac and Lethrblaka?"

"Yes." everypony replied.

Eragon smiled to hear that they all remembered. "Good, now we were waiting right on the outskirts while hiding from those monsters and the priests of Helgrind so they wouldn't see us trying to infiltrate the mountain. The priests were.... rather a cruel type. They would perform gory rituals like when their arms or legs would be cut off, or be sacrificed for the Ra'zac to eat, and there were also slaves that suffered the same fate as well, body parts being cut off one by one from each one of them."

The Ponies and Spike did not know what to think about that, they wondered what kind of sick and twisted creatures would do such a horrendous and cruel thing.

"Who did they worship?" asked Spike

"The Ra'zac and Lethrblaka of course." Eragon answered. "The high priest of Helgrind was a rather... horrifying and unusual appearance. The high priest wasn't a he or a she, but rather an it, because he looked really and completely deformed."

"Define deformed." said Rainbow Dash

"Well, it had no arms, no legs, and had a crest on top of it's head. Despite that, he was very skilled in mental combat. In other words, fighting other people's minds, in fact, he fought the minds of my own, Arya's, Angela's, and Solembum's minds all at once when we fought it."

The group of listeners gave looks of disgust, and felt a little squeamish about his appearance, but impressed that he was good in mental combat as well.

"What were these priests doing exactly?" Twilight asked both curious and a little scared.

"They were performing a ceremony that involved a youth willingly cutting his own arm." Eragon answered.

The group was horrified to hear that.

"I know." said Eragon. "It was highly revolting, and me and Roran hoped to never come across those demons ever again."

"Yay barely." Pinkie said in agreement.

"Now, while we were waiting for the perfect moment to make our attack, Roran asked me if I could teach him a few things about magic. I gave him a pebble, and taught him to say the saying 'Stenr Risa' or 'stone, rise' in the human language. it took a little while, but we finally went into Helgrind when the time to strike came to us at last. We went into the tower, and we all quietly looked for Katrina, Sloan, and the Ra'zac. It was so dark in the cave, that there was barely enough light when we got inside, with only a few torches to light the way. As we went deeper and deeper into the depths, The two Lethrblaka found us, and we all fought them off. Saphira killed one in the cave, and then the other tried to escape into Leona lake, but ultimately, Saphira killed it too."

His small audience was quite amazed to hear that, and also relieved that those two demons were slain from the face of the earth.

"Did Roran learn any magic at all?" Rarity asked curiously

Eragon bowed his head and nodded. "No." he said a little sadly. "All attempts to teach him magic were rather... fruitless."

"Oh." Twilight said sadly.

"However, I managed to teach him how to shield his mind from enemy attackers from using telepathy, or telekinesis against him. It turns out that his strong love for Katrina would protect his mind from any harm to come to him." Eragon continued onward.

"That's mighty great for him." said Big Mac, proud of that statement.

"What about those... icky Ra'zac?" ugh." said Rarity with a shiver of disgust.

"Oh yes. We encountered the Ra'zac two, and we managed to get the best of them this time. However, those cowards decided to hide deeper into the depths of the accursed mountain. It was unbearably hard to see in the darkness, but when we went deeper, we found the Ra'zac again, and Roran killed the female, but the male was not heard or seen from. We pressed forward to look for Katrina, and we split up. Finally, I found Sloan, and this might shock you a little but... I found him chained, and... The Ra'zac pecked his eyes rights out of his sockets."

The ponies, Spike, and Discord gave a mild look of horror and disgust, really calling themselves lucky that they aren't this evil man right now.

"Did you punish him?" Twilight asked

"I did, but I decided to speak with him later, for the Ra'zac was my top priority. Roran then found Katrina, but when she got out, she couldn't bear the light at first because she has been locked in Helgrind for quite a while. so I had to rip off a piece of my shirt and give it to her as a blindfold, at least until, she can bear the sunlight again.

"What did you tell him about her mean meanie pants of a dad?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"well, I didn't want to lie, but I did it for Katrina and Roran's sale. Roran and Katrina that he died in the chamber while being tortured. after that, I told Saphira to fly em both to the Varden, and leave me to deal with the Last Ra'zac and Sloan. I finally found the last evil monster and he warned me by saying that Galbatorix was really close to learning my true name, and he said at the dark king had more hearts than I do, but I didn't know about that until I returned to Ellesmera."

"Why would he warn you?" Spike asked

"He was trying to make a deal with me, saying that before I would kill him, I would have his race be remembered for all those horrible and evil things they commit for a secret that can kill the king. The monster refused to reveal more secrets, an he cursed at me by hissing that I leave Alagaesia forever."

"Did you fight him?" Asked Big Mac.

"Oh we fought, alright." Eragon replied. "I got the best of him and I killed him, avenging all the friends and family they have killed."

The audience was quite amazed and happy to hear that those evil creatures were gone. "What about Sloan?" Asked Twilight

"Oh yes. I found Sloan, and took him out of the hellish tower. We fond thisnplace called the gray heath to rest on for a little while from all the fighting i have experienced. and the same for all the torturing that Sloan had to face. Next i contacted Queen Islanzadi, who was leading many battles with her elven warriors against the Empire. I asked her to see what a proper punishment would be, then I discovered Sloan's true name. For that, I decided to put a few spells on him, and I punished him by saying that he will never see Katrina again for his treasonous actions. And I kept that oath. I also told him that he will wander into Du Weldenvardn with a walking can in his hand."

"Don't you think that's a little harsh?" Rarity said

Eragon sighed and answered to her by saying "I didn't want to, but I wants to make sure at Sloan gets a retribution for his treachery. And no need to worry, I put a few protective spells over him to keep him safe from harm."

"So, that was it from that mission?" Rainbow said. "To be honest, I am kind of glad that the mean butcher got his just desserts."

"We all are." Said Fluttershy. "Even though i think it was kind of a harsh punishment that he had to walk all the way to Ellesmera, blind."

"I know." Said Eragon. "Justice can be harsh, but it was a rightful punishment."

"I know." The yellow pegasus said.

"So, what did you do after you did that rescue mission?" Asked Rarity

"While I was heading backs o Surda to rejoin the Arden, I came across a man named Tenga, an old hermit that resided in an old elven outpost called Edur Ithindra. He was a very capable magician that had good practicing of using magic. However, what kind of startled me was that he would use magic silently."

"Did he sound dangerous?" asked Twilight

"Oh no no, of course not. It did concern me, but I just decided to see what he was and what he was doing in that old abandoned outpost. He said he was searching for... the question."

The ponies, Discord, and Spike were a little dumbfounded and confused.

"What did he mean by... the question?" Rainbow asked.

"I wish I knew, Rainbow Dash." said Eragon. "But he failed to say any specific details about it. I thought that maybe it had something to do with Galbatorix being dethroned at last, and maybe he would find it eventually after the war was over. He continued ranting and ranting on and on, and finally, i became a little frightened by it. I decided to quietly slip away from the old man, and did he even noticed?" Eragon made a "Pfft" sound. "No." he finished while nodding his head.

Rainbow and Pinkie snickered at his remark.

"After that, I made it back to Surda and met with the Varden, and the country's ruler, King Orrin, once again. When I got back, it was discovered that Katrina was pregnant."

The group gasped with happiness to hear that. For they felt really happy for Roran and Katrina to have a baby. "What was the gender?" asked Twilight

"It was a girl" Eragon answered. The smiles on everyone's faces grew bigger with excitement. "Roran requested that he and Katrina would get married immediately, and Nasuada was more than happy to help. When we were making plans, that was when Blodhgarm and the other spellcasters came to protect me from Islanzadi herself. However, before we could do anything...." Eragon paused for a moment

"Yes???" the audience said

"Murtagh and Thorn came back and brought an army of painless soldiers." Eragon said at last.

"Painless soldiers?" said Fluttershy

"Yes. They were soldiers who were enchanted by magicians of the Empire so they have felt no pain when struck at all, and are invincible, for they are sometimes called the laughing dead, for they laugh when they feel something strike them. You can only kill those soldiers if you decapitate them."

"That's messed up." said Spike.

"I know, right?" said Rainbow Dash in agreement.

"Did you and Murtagh fight again?" asked Fluttershy.

"Oh yes, but before we fought he said that Galbatorix was furious at them for letting me and Saphira go in the battle of the burning plains, and even more angry to hear that we killed the Ra'zac and Lethrblaka. He was so angry that he slew five of his own servants out of rage."

The audiences' eyes went wide with a little shock, and could not believe that just happened.

"Next, the king took it upon Murtagh and Thorn, and he placed more spells on them, and made them swore more oaths to make them more... obedient to him."

"That must have been terrible." Rarity commented.

"I imagine." said Eragon. "Before we fought, i pleaded to Murtagh that he and Thorn can be free from Galbatorix's bond if they changed their true names, and Murtagh thought it was a pretty good idea, but he realized that it wouldn't change him and Thorn in an instant, and he offered us to come with him to the king. I finally fought him again, saying that I would rather tear my own heart out."

"Good answer." said Applejack.

"Did you win this fight?" Twilight asked

"Oh yes, thanks the the combined strength of the Belt of Beloth the Wise, Aren: the ring Brom inherited to me before he died, Arya, Blodhgarm and my own personal spellcasters. With that, Murtagh was forced to flee, and he swore that he will beat us again someday, more powerful than ever. Although it did help me, many of the elven spellcasters fainted in battle because it used so much of their energy, but they were alright."

Intrigued once again, the ponies, Discord and Spike applaud for his mighty skills and that he beat his half brother and dragon this time. Eragon blushed at their kindness.

"Oh, it is so important as that." Eragon said, rubbing his arm for he was touched. "After our enemies were gone, we continued the wedding, and Roran was happily married to Katrina at last. The only problem was that Katrina did not have her mother's blessing, thanks to Sloan of course, Nasuada decided to make the dress, and Arya told two doves to place the wedding crown on Katrina's head. When they received the wedding gifts, I gave Roran the last give, which was Snowfire, the horse that belonged to Brom and then me for them to travel.

"That's sweet of you." said Rarity.

"Yeah, that was a very nice thing to do Eragon." said Applejack, gently patting his shoulder. Eragon smiled at her.

"After the wedding, Roran and Katrina decided to move on out of the Varden and live a happy life together when this war was over, and raise their new child." he continued onward. "After that, I finally lifted the curse that Elva had with a counter-spell, and she could ignore pain whenever she pleases. Although she can still feel them."

The ponies, Discord, and Spike were glad to hear that.

"However, she dismissed me from using anymore spells on her, for she worried that I might hurt her again, then she left the pavilion. It was rather shocking and disappointing for me, but her adoptive mother took it the worse."

Then the spirits of the others were a little low, feeling sorry for the girl.

"Sorry that happened to you, Eragon." said Rainbow Dash with sympathy.

"So, what happened next?" said Pinkie Pie, eager to know what happens after that.

"Well, Roran was placed on a mission to raid a supply convoy from the Empire that we can give to the Varden. Roran was placed under the command of Commander Martland Redbeard. Meanwhile, Roran met and made good friends with Carn, one of the magicians for the Varden, for he was with him during the raid. While the mission was successful, and after he thought he killed a painless soldier, he retaliated and cut off Redbeard's hand off. Carn offered to help, but Readbeard was stubborn and wouldn't allow it for he called it not a wound at all. Nevertheless, they won the battle against the fight. Martland then congratulated Roran for his courage and Bravery against the soldiers."

Surprise and amazement struck the ponies, Spike, and Discord once again. Of course, it never ceases to amaze them. Now they really wish that they can all meet Roran, for he sounded like a very interesting man that they would all like to meet.

"Meanwhile, Nasuada ordered my to go to Tronjeim to help elect Orik to become the new king of the dwarves since Hrothgar is gone." Eragon said moving back to his adventure now. "She said that Nar Garzhvog, the urgal chieftain would accompany me, but I protested, because Dwarves and Urgals hated eachother with a strong passion, but Nasuada was adamant. I told Saphira to meet me in Tronjeim, and she flew all the waybover to the dwarven capital. So we both went to outskirts of the Beor Mountains. While we were running their, Garzhvog realized how important that the alliance between his people and the Varden was. He realized that it that they didn't, their race would have been doomed, even if Galbatorix was defeated. We have had intriguing conversations with eachother."

"When did you part ways?" Asked Twilight

"Well, when woke up the next day, we both saw a shrrg, the horse-sized wolf, trying to eat some our meat. I noticed that he was just hungry, so I communicated with it with my mind, so we allowed him to take a large piece of meat to satisfy his stomach, then he went out after thanking us for it."

"Aww, that's sweet." Said Fluttershy.

"When we were as far as we go, me and Garzhvog reached his stopping point, and then he ran all the way back to the Varden. I came back to Tronjeim, meeting Orik, my close dwarf ally and my foster brother. His wife, Hvreda also greeted me too. While I was staying in Tarnag, before one of his annual clanmeets, Orik made a promisenthatbif he could not have the crown of the dwarves, he would always back another dwarf who was an ally of the Varden."

"Here here." Said Rarity.

"What happened during the meeting?" Asked Twilight.

"Well. I should have told you this yesterday, but not all dwarves were very friendly to me. Their was a clan called Durgrimst Az Sweldn tak Anhuin, or in human tongue, 'the Tears of Anhuin'. This clan hated all dragon riders with a passion whether they are with the Varden or the empire or on neither side."

"Why did they hate dragon riders?" Spike asked curiously

"It all started during the fall of the dragon riders, and their leader, a female dwarf named Anhuin was one of the richest dwarves in all of the kingdom. She sent many of her soldiers to Vrael's aid, but they were all slaughtered by the Forsworn and Galbatorix. The surviving members blamed all dragon riders of their ruler, and they vowed in revenge. What I didn't tell you yesterday was that I had an encounter with them before, when I was going to Ellesmera for the first time."

"Wow I... Kind of feel bad for them." Said Ranbow a little sympathetic.

"So do I. Well, I just had another encounter with those assassin't and they all tried to assassinate me, b I fought back and killed them all with minor injuries."

"They tried to assassinate you?" Asked Rarity

"Yes, it happened to me the second time on that very day." Eragon answered.

"Who was their leader during the second attempt?" Asked Applejack.

"His name was Vermund, who also wanted to run for a new king of the dwarves. He was the mastermind behind it all. However, I wasn't alone, I had four dwarf guards to protect me. We might behave been outnumbered but we have fought them all off." Eragon bowed his head in sadness and said "Kvistor, one of the guards, wasn't so lucky."

"Oh, I... I am sorry to hear that." Said Fluttershy.

"So are we." Said Spike.

"I thank you all." Said Eragon, touched by their care and concern. "When the Election Day had came, it was a rather good thing too, for the assassination attempt on me brought more votes for Orik. Orik then told everyone that Vermund and his clan was the one responsible, and they put him on trial. When he was guilty, Vermund warned that any attempt to harm him or his clan would mean war. His punishment was that he was banished from every dwarven kingdom. However, the other clan members would come back if they forget all about Vermund, but he himself would remain banished until he died."

"Did they try to kill you again after that?" Asked Spike a little scared about them.

"No, and I am glad for that. For sure, he would just forget about me and the others and move on with his life n exile. During the election, Orik won the vote and became the new king of all the dwarves. For that, Orik trained as many troop to fight against the Empire, and it would gain us more support. I was happy for him and I flew back to the Varden with Saphira this time instead of running all the way back to Surda. When I returned to Nasuada, I wanted to resume my training with Oromis and Glaedr. I asked Nasuada permission to continue my training, and she granted me my request, even though she was a little reluctant about it."

"What kind of training did you do?" asked Fluttershy curiously.

"He taught me how to move objects from one place to another, instantaneously. I also asked him some questions about where the source of all Galbatorix's power comes from. He said that it came from the eldunari that he had taken from riders he has killed. He said he extracted the power from them, and makes him stronger. I... also told him about what I thought Morzan was my father, but he said that it wasn't so. He also revealed that Murtagh was my half-brother, and Brom was my real father. I was furious at everyone for a while for not telling me that, especially Saphira since she was already told by Brom before. I let go of all my anger, and then we continued our training."

"Did you hate Oromis and Glaedr for that?" asked Fluttershy

"No, no, of course not." Eragon replied. "I was just a little angry at them at first, but then I realzed it was for my own safety. Oromis also revealed what my mother was like, and showed me a fairth of her beautiful face. He explained he she and Brom were together, and then leaving me with my Uncle Garrow and aunt Elain."

"That must have been wonderful to see what your mother was like at last." Rarity commented.

Eragon smiled. "It was. Now, apart from that, I... It seems a little embarrassing for me to admit, but I desperately needed a new sword. Of course I was grateful with the falchion that Orik gave me, but it wasn't enough for me." Before he could finish, Pinkie interrupting and made a happy gasp.

"Is that where Brisingr comes in?" she asked with a wide smile on her face.

"Pinkie." Twilight scolded.

"It's alright, Twilight." said Eragon with a chuckle. "Yes, Pinkie." he said to her. "This is indeed where Brinsingr comes along as my new weapon."

"Yay!" Pinkie exclaimed

Eragon chuckled again "Well, when I was looking for a sword, I heard about a recovered sword that Oromis told me about. It was in the House of Valtharos."

"What kind of a sword was it?" asked Fluttershy

"It was called Tamerlein." Eragon answered. "It was a sword recovered from the Fall of the Riders when Ilira was turned into Uru'baen. The owner of the house where the sword was in was named Lord Fiolr. The swords was the weapon of the fallen rider named Arva. He was an elven rider, who fought bravely and gallantly trying to defend it from Galbatorix, but sadly, Kialandi of the Forsworn killed him in the process."

There were a few "Oh nos" or "Wows" from the audience, both surprised and shocked.

"So, how did that sword get to that house?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"He gave the weapon to his sister: Naudra before he died, and she fled with it to Ellesmera with another dragon and rider, both whom just died in the process, but it was given to Fiolr, who was her mate, and kept it safe with him since. When I asked permission to use it, he told me all about the history, and he even said that it treasured him more than his very soul. He did allow me to use it on the conditions that it would remain the property for the house of Valtharos, and unless he and his heirs have asked for it. In other words, he wouldn't allow me to keep it indefinitely."

"What did it looked like?" asked Discord.

Eragon unsheathed Brisingr with a loud "Shing!" to show his friends what it was, compared to his sword. "It was the color of emerald green." he showed his friends the glyphs of Brisingr. "The glyphs of Tamerlein were wrote 'I am Tamerlein, Bringer of the final sleep'

The ponies gave out more words of amazement.

"That's awesome." said Rainbow.

"What else was it like?" asked Discord

"The blade was wider than both Za'roc and Brisingr, and the end of the blade was a little more blunt-shaped and more rounded than them two. The handle was wide that it would be more like a two-handed sword."

"And... it didn't work out for you?" asked Fluttershy

"No." Eragon said with a nod When I held it, it didn't really fit my hand, and Tamerlien was meant for someone with a more... how should I say this?.... a 'Hacking and Slashing' type of style in combat. So no, I realized that Tamerlein wouldn't work, so I went to Rhunon, the Elven blacksmith for all the dragon rider swords to help me. When Galbatorix took over Alagaesia, she made a vow to never forge a rider sword again, and she kept that vow. When Brom asked her to replace his sword: Undbitr, she refused. Undbitr was, the color of Saphira the first's scales, which was aquamarine. I asked her where it was, but the sword has long been lost since the fall of the riders. She was however intrigued that she would create a weapon that would end Galbatorixs' lfe, but sadly, she had no brightsteel: the main resource to create the rider sword. So, me and Saphira went to the Menoa tree, the largest in all of Du Weldenvarden, and where the Blood-Oath celebration takes place. I asked the tree for the weapon but it ignored me. Saphira, decided to... take matters into her own claws and violently shook it. The angry tree tangled us with it's vines and demanded to know why we came to it. We told her that we were looking for the materials to make my sword, and I offered that we would bring something to it in return. The tree however, just told us to leave and wanted nothing in return. Therefore, we crafted the sword, and I had a hand in some of the blacksmithing. Thanks to my magical abilities, Brisingr was born, and Rhunon even called it the finest weapon she has ever created." then, Eragon gave a yawn, and stretched his hands. He looked a little sleepy.

"Are you alright, Eragon?" asked Rainbow

"You look a little tired." said Twilight.

"No no no." Eragon protested. "I'm fine." then, he gave out another yawn, and he admitted "Okay, perhaps I am." then he and his friends laughed with him. "If you don't mind, I would like to continue this tomorrow if you all don't mind that."

'That's fine, Eragon." said Twilight.

"Yeah, you get some sleep." said Rainbow Dash. Then she gave out a yawn, and added "We could all hit the hay too."

"Goodnight, Eragon." said Fluttershy, then everyone said the same she said to him.

Eragon smiled "Goodnight everyone. Me and Saphira will see you all in the morning, and I promise to continue with the narration." he said to them.

Everypony and Spike left the house, minus Discord, who stayed to say to Eragon "I cannot wait to here more about what happens next, especially how you killed that evil king. See you tomorrow, Eragon."

"Goodnight, Discord." Eragon politely replied to him. Then, the creature snapped his finger and poofed out of the house, leaving Eragon alone with some of the eggs and eldunari.

"You are definitely like your father." Glaedr said to him. "An excellent storyteller like him."

"Thank you, master." Eragon said to the yellow gem. Then a frown came to him.

"Is there trouble, youngling?" Glaedr asked with concern.

"Well, I was thinking of I should tell you all how you and Oromis.... well.... I don't know if I should talk about it, for I think it would be too painful for me and you to talk about." Eragon answered.

Glaedr gave a sad sigh and he said "It was a really tragic loss for me, but I will be alright, for Oromis will always be with us and to guide us."

Eragon smiled and said "You're right master. But... are you sure you wouldn't mind?"

"Of course I am sure." the gold dragon replied.

Eragon smiled again. "Goodnight, Glaedr." then he went upstairs and made his way up to bed.

Author's Notes:

I am sorry if you think I haven't gotten enough details, or if I made some mistakes, but Brisingr is a pretty long book if you don't mind my saying.

Next Chapter: Continuing the Narration Part 4 Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 20 Minutes
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