
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 44: We Built this Castle On a Rock

Previous Chapter

In Ponyville, there was a big celebration in Twilight's castle about Eragon's victory, along with Saphira, the other riders, and their dragons, too. For Eragon, he was enjoying himself a nice piece of cake that Pinkie made herself, and the same with the other riders. For the dragons, they were all just laying around, mingling with the other ponies around them, and even let the little foals climb on their scales and play with them.

After the cake was done, the others had ice cream as another coarse. The other riders, minus Eragon and Murtagh, were astounished by how delicious and creative this Ice cream was to them.

"Hmm. So cold, and yet so delicious." said Calraeli, really enjoying his mint flavored ice cream. "I really wish that Alagaesia can see this wonderful creation of food."

"Here here." Skalmo agreed. "It is so delicious." and he took a big bite of of his bowl of rocky road.

"How did you ponies create such a delicious food such as this?" asked Dervoc.

"And where can we get a device that creates such masterpieces." Said Lulluda. The other ponies laughed, feeling more than happy to see them happy with their frozen deserts.

"It's a little like snow, except, you can eat it, and with many flavors." Ekre'al noted. then he felt a small pain in his head. "Ah! What is happening to me?" then the other riders got the brainfreeze, too. Eragon and Murtagh smirked at their reactions.

"Don't worry." said Fluttershy. "It's just a little brain freeze. It happens when you eat ice cream too fast. Don't worry, it is perfectly normal to have it."


"Indeed, I was once in all of your shoes." Blodhgarm said with a smirk. "At first, I had no clue of what it was." and then he made a small, hearty chuckle before having a bite of his zesty cucumber sandwich that Rarity made for him and the other elven spellcasters.

Yes, it was quite a party they were all having as one together. It was only a shame that Princess Celestia and Luna, along with Cadence and Shining Armor couldn't be there to celebrate with them, but they are all royals, and duties calls. Nonetheless, Twilight said she would leave them some leftover cake and maybe Ice cream after this was all over

Many ponies were dancing on the dance floor Pinkie Pie put out in the ballroom. Tiber Craingweast was sitting at a table and simply enjoying himself, smiling at how well this party was flowing. Tiber already had himself some cake, and was with Eragon just in case another attack would come to him, or an assassination attempt by any of Vermund's goons.

"Do you really think Vermund might get out of jail?" Eragon asked the mane six

"nah. The dungeons in Celestia and Luna's castle are locked tighter than a thousand bank safes combined into one." Spike said. "There's no way Vermund will ever get out of there, right Twilight?" and he jabbed his elbow lightly at her.

She giggled "Right. Vermund won't be going anywhere for a long time. The princess' said so themselves." and her friends made words of agreement with her.

"Well," said Tiber with a little uncertainty "I have seen what that scoundrel is capable of, and he is a master of stealth." then he had a sip of wine. "As far as I know, the metal bars containing him will not restrain him forever. There could be a very powerful enemy that we might face someday. And of course, the Ra'zac and Lethrblaka that hatch soon."

"You make a good point, Tiber." said Rarity. "But, I am pretty sure that when Vermund does come back, we'll be waiting for him."

"Well, I don't think we have to worry about anything yet, right?" Applejack said. "At least for now, we can be at peace until something really bad happens again, like if you girls get foal-napped again."

"Aw, don't worry about us, Applejack." Applebloom shrugged while slightly rolling her eyes at her big sister. "We will be fine. Right, crusaders?"

"Right!" said Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in unison.

"It won't be a like a damsel in distress like Rarity would do." Sweetie said

"Oh good, that is just-- hey!" Rarity scolded. and everyone, minus Rarity, laughed at her reaction.

"She's just kidding with ya, Rarity." said Scootaloo with a chuckle.

"Well of course we are at peace for now." Tiber stated. "I was only explaining that when the time comes, we have to act."

"I do not doubt you, Mr. Craingweast." Said Twilight. "But yeah, we don't have to worry about anything at the moment. For now, let's have some cake."

"You read my mind, Twilight." Said Lyra

"Race ya to the bakery table." Bon Bon challenged

"Oh ho, it's on." The mint green Pegasus replied to her best friend, and the both playfully ran to the dessert table to have dibs on any cake or any ice cream that they could get their hooves on.

Eragon then heard a voice, and it said his name. It was if he heard Brom's voice inside his own head. "Excuse me, my friends" he said. "I need a little bit of fresh air"

"What's the matter, Eragon?" Asked Rainbow Dash with concern.

"It's nothing. I just need a little bit of fresh air in my system."

"Sure, go on outside. Just don't take too long, we want you to have as much fun." Twilight noted

Eragon made a small chuckle. "Don't worry, it will only be for a minute." And the. He went outside, alone. Softly grasping the hilt of Brisingr, Eragon looked around to see if he can hear his fathers voice again. However, there was no answer.

Taking a breath, he went back inside, and decided to go look on the castle balcony to have a good view of Ponyville again like when he and Saphira first arrived here. Walking back inside, he went all the way upstairs to the tower. Ah, the view of Ponyville from up there was so aspiring. Yes, Eragon could never get tired of this scenic view.

He began thinking about Brom, and if he really did hear the voice, or if he was just hallucinating. "Quite a beautiful little city, isn't it, Eragon?" A voice startled him. To his right was Brom. At first Eragon was startled but he remembered the intent ghostly encounters with his other fallen comrades and family members.

"F-father?" Eragon said. "Is that you?"

The spirit of Brom made a chuckle, ad replied humbly "of course, my son." Then he walked up to Eragon, making better eye contact with him. "Just look at you. You definitely have your mother's looks, and her eyes. Almost the same color as hers."

Feel like tearing with joy to see hm again, Eragon said "have you... been watching me and Saphira this whole time, father?"

"Of course I have. Me and the other fallen people you have talked with before are all watching you."


"Eragon. I would like to say how proud I am of you." And he put a hand on Eragon's shoulder before continuing. "To think that a mere farmboy like you would come all this way as a master Dragon Rider."

He was more than happy to hear this, and Eragon said "Thank you."

"No, really. I am ever so proud of you. And let em tell you, you picked the right place for riders and dragons to begin a new in Equestria."

"It is a very lovely place, isn't it?"

"Oh yes." Then Brom looked at Ponyville below him. "These lands look so rich and so peaceful with beautiful scenery." And Brom made a sigh of bliss. "And I have seen the dual-rulers over Equestria, and I honestly wish that Alagaesia would have leaders like them."

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are wonderful creatures. They are the type of leaders that would put their subjects before themselves, and are willing to help anyone in need." Then he rested his arms on a handle.

"Yes, I know. Princess Celestia and her sister seem very accepting of you and Saphira." Brom agreed.

Eragon cleared his throat a little before saying "well, we have faced obstacles along the way, father. This place also has it's hazards, tatzlworms, Minotaurs, and they have their own dragons that behave like animals and are excessively greedy."

"You cannot let that stop you, son." Brom said. "Every land has it's hazards, whether it is a bull moose, or a large Minotaur, there will always be some danger to any piece of land on earth. But still." Brom cleared his throat. "This place is quite beautiful and peaceful."

His son made a small smile. "Father?"


"I have a friend of mine named Tiber Craingweast. Did you know him?"

Then Brom's face went wide in surprise. "Indeed, I knew him. He was a brilliant friend of mine. After the rider war of course. Tiber was a good friend, and a brilliant warrior. I have seen what he is capable of, and how much of a master he was in the arcane arts."

"What did he do?"

"He.... really hated to do it, but he was an advisor for Marcus Tabor in Dras Leona."

"Tiber was with the Empire?"

"Yes, it he had little choice. Galbatorix forced him to be an advisor, and if he didn't, The Empire would execute his family like vermin."

Now aeratonnwas a little worried. "Well, can I trust him?"

"Of course. I have known Craingweast for a long time, and he is a good man." Brom noted. "He should make a great advisor for you and the riders. Tiber fights for a great cause, Eragon."

Feeling a little uncertain, he replied "well. I suppose if you have known him longer than I have, I can believe you. He does Seem like such an easygoing man."

"Oh yes."

"By the way father... I am so sorry I couldn't save you from your death at the hands of the Ra'zac. I would have killed them both and Murtagh too if given the chance."

"Shh, there was nothing you could have done to prevent it, Eragon. You were still not exactly a rider yet."

"Fair enough." Eragon agreed. "And, what if I am. It ready to be the new leader of the new riders?"

Brom sensed his moment of self-doubt. "You are a very smart boy, my son. If you defeated Galbatorix and Shruikan, then I am sure that you can rebuild the riders, too. You would make a great leader."

And then, Eragon began tearing up at another thought, and turned his head away from his deceased father.

"I see that your thoughts dwell on your old friends and family in Alagaesia."

Eragon nodded a yes to him, and felt a few tears escaping down his cheeks. "I miss them. My cousin Roran, Nasuada, Nar Garzhvog, Orik, Horst, and even... Arya. I might never see her or any one of them again." And he began sobbing while dangling his head low

Brom reassures him by saying "I understand your pain, young one. Just because you can never go back to Alagaesia, does not mean it will be the last time you will see them again."

"Yes, but, still. All of those memories back home."

"I perfectly understandable, but you need to fade the facts, you live in Equestria now. You will love it here."

"Of course I love it here." And he had a sudden realization "I do have new friends. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike." And he was thinking of Big Mac, Lyra, Bon Bon, Pip and many other friendly faces in Ponyville.

"And the new riders will be with you, of course." Brom added. "And you have your half brother, and of course Saphira. You will never be alone Eragon. I will always be there for you when you need me. Always. Oromis, Hrothgar, Ajihad, Garrow, and even your mother will be with you."

"My... mother?" Eragon realized

"Yes. You are her son, and she will always be in your heart." And a Brom made a warm, fatherly smile at him "I love you, Eragon. I love you very much, and along with your mother, and uncle."

"I love you too, father." Eragon replied.

"Now, I have heard you have constructed a new blade."


"May I see it?"

"Sure." Then Eragon pulled out Brisingr from it's sheathe, and showed the blade to Brom. The spirit was rather impressed by how well-Done it looked. Especially the handle and the touch of blue color on the blade.

"My, this sword is unlike any other. This is possibly one of Rhunon's greatest creations ever to exist. Well done, Eragon. You have fine craftsman skills." Then Eragon out the sword back in it's scabbard.

"That means a lot to me from you." Eragon said, feeling white touched with his fsthrr's kind words.

"Aye, I honestly wish Undbitr would be as powerful as yours."

"Where is Unbitr, father? Where did you think you left it?"

"I... do not know." Brom sadly replied. "Either it was recovered by the Empire in the fall, or it is in safe hands from either the Dwarves or the Elves. Hopefully, it is in the care of queen Nasuada right now."

"I hope so too."

"After all, it was all in the past. And I am... not in this world anymore." Brom confessed. "But I am sure that someone will find my old sword. Heh, I remembered how angry I was with Rhunon for refusing to build me a new blade to use." And they both had a good laugh together.

"You're right father. If you believe in me being a good leader for the riders, then I think I can too."

Brom smiled warmly to hear that. "I know you will be, son." he said. "Don't ever doubt yourself. If your mother was here, she would think the same way as I would."

It made Eragon more than happy to hear that. "And father, What about Murtagh and Thorn? What if they cannot fit in after all? I don't want the Empire to separate us again, especially if there are only remnants of Galbatorixs' followers now. They might not fit in well with the other riders, especially with Skalmo, the first dwarf rider ever. I honestly don't know what to do about that."

"Like I have said before, Eragon. Don't give up any hope." Brom noted. "You two are brothers, nothing will ever seperate you now, and the same with Saphira and Thorn. You are never alone."

"I know."

"I love you Eragon, and if you ever need my help or guidance, never be afraid to call me." then he began to fade like a ghost would do."

"No, wait!" Eragon said. But it was too late Brom already vanished. "Father!" grunting in frustration, he said "Don't leave me." then he kicked at the balcony floor.

"Do not worry, I am there for you, my son." Brom echoed, and then Eragon was alone.

"Ah, Eragon." said a motherly voice. It was Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence all together as a royal triplet. "We were looking for you."

"Is everything okay, dea" Luna asked him curiously

"Oh yes, of course. I was just out here to get some fresh air. And I never get tired o this view from up on this balcony."

"Wouldn't blame you." Cadence remarked.

"Well, we are here to enjoy the party and give you and the others medals of bravery for all your heroic acts today."

"Medals? Oh no, I couldn't possibly accept that, your majesties."

"Don't be so modest, Eragon." Luna said "you, Saphira, along with the other riders and their dragons are heroes."

"Well, alright." He smirked. "But only because you are all too kind."

"Wonderful." Celestia said with joy." Then Eragon followed them downstairs. "By th way, we are terribly sorry we couldn't have been here sooner. You know how busy rulers of Equestria such as us can be."

The rider made a small chuckle. "That is quite alright. That is the reason why I wouldn't want to be king of Alagaesia."

"Wouldn't blame you. Being a ruler is never easy." Cadence said.

Then at the stage area of Twilight's castle, Eragon, Murtagh, the other riders, along with the a elements of harmony, Lyra and Bon Bon, Discord, Tiber Craingweast and Big Mac were all lined up to be given their rewards.

Celestia made her announcement and one by one, they were all given medals of bravery and being heroes of Equestria. And a tremendous sound of applause and cheering were heard across the large room.

All of them who were rewarded were very proud of themselves, Including Murtagh. The dragons were all outside, and kindly rejected medals, because them being honored by name was thanks enough.

In the Everfree Forest, Eragon was looking on at the new rider sanctuary, already finished. There was a large glass dome on the second smaller building next to the castle that looked good as new like it did a thousand years ago

"It looks so beautiful." Said Fluttershy

"I know, it looked like it hasn't changed at all." Twilight agreed in astonishment

"I have a good feeling about this." Said Blodhgarm. The other elven spellcasters agreed with him


"Do you think this will truly work?" Asked Artvazh.

"I would." Said Calraeli. "More and more riders and their dragons will be coming over time."

"With Eragon, anything is possible."

"Oh, thanks, my friends." Eragon said in a flattered voice.

"Of course. We are always there for you, Eragon Shadeslayer."

"Our strength is your strength." Rainbow said we patting Eragon's shoulder.

And the ponies embraced Eragon for a hug, and the same with Saphira and Spike.

Yes, with all of these new and old friends by eragon's side anything was possible. Together, they can acomplish anything. Tiber and the other riders abd dragons looked on proudly, and everyone looked at the new sanctuary that will build a great future for dragons and riders alike.

"Well done, Eragon Shadeslayer " Glaedr warmly remarked.

The End

Author's Notes:

I am very sorry to say that I am concluding this story. But don't worry, if any of you would like a sequel, I will do it someday on the future. Meanrime, I really hope you enjoyed this story. I am so sorry if it wasn't perfect to any of you. Till then, stay tuned!

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