
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 42: Foal-Napped Crusaders (Part 2)

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Everyone was present and accounted for. Ready to hear Eragon's plan. Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike, and Pinkie Pie were just as shocked as the others were, and were all completely worried about the crusaders well being and safety. He and Murtagh were just about ready to give away the plan on how to succeed this rescue mission

"We heard about what happened." Twilight said

"I am so worried for the girls." Fluttershy remarked, feeling like tearing her eyes out.

"What are we going to do!?" Pinkie said, feeling more loud than she would usually be before.

"Guys, please, calm down, let Eragon said how this is going to work. Besides, they will now speak."

"Thank you, Spike." Eragon remarked. "He is correct, this is a rather crisis situation, i notice, but let's not be hysterical about all of this. I will get them back for all of you, I promise."

Saphira and Thorn had a very worried look on their faces as well. "Now, Eragon, should we inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about this as well?" teh blue dragon asked him.

"I already got that under control." Spike said. "Twilight had me write a letter about what is going on, and that she has sent a small search party to find Vermund and his gang.

Tiber bold stated "Brilliant. Hopefully, the poor fillies are not far from here. We could always use extra help in the search."

"Well, the Diamond Dog's lair is not far from here. It's only a few miles." said Applejack. "Rarity was once their slave, but she got out of it."

Rarity had a look of agreement on her, and stated "She's right. I had to use whining and crying to get myself out of slavery. And, I have seen what they are capable of. Those stupid mutts are small time, and not really that much of a threat."

"Hmm. Well, with that dwarf and his clan aided their side, those creatures might be a little stronger than before now." Murtagh theorized. "That vermund is a nasty piece of work by what I have witnessed.

"And the rest of his clan, too, all fighting to defend their dead clan chief's honor." Thorn added. "It was not the original riders' fault, it was Galbatorix and the Forsworn that is to blame."

"You're not wrong, Thorn." said Rainbow Dash. "But apparently, you can't convince some ponies that their mane is on fire."

"Denial is a powerful thing." said the purple allicorn

"I don't doubt you, Twilight." Said Eragon. "You are right. Vermund is too deep and consumed by anger, hatred, and revenge against all dragons and riders, original, and forsworn, alike." Then he began deeply into his thoughts for any idea on how to rescue Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom. After a few long minutes, something popped up in his head. "Alright, I think I might have an idea, but you might not all like it very much."

"Please! Anything to help my sweet baby sister!" Applejack begged in desperation.

"Very well. Now, all of you listen well and carefully." Eragon instructed. Then they all huddled into a big group together to hear the plan, ans Thorn and Saphira, who could already hear it rather well.

Eragon was walking along a field, and saw a barren valley below it. There were so many large holes, as if there were gigantic rabbits or prairie dogs living in those fields. There wasn't really any plants, trees, or any other vegetation, but a few small cactus's, and a few tumbleweeds being blown away in different directions that the wind was taking them through.

He carefully hid and lay low, for there might be any guards patrolling these unusual tunnels. "This must be what the others were talking about.

Meanwhile, Saphira was crouching next to him, overseeing the fields with him. "Are you sure you want to go through with this plan of yours, Eragon?" she asked him

"yes Saphira. It's all part of my plan." Eragon confirmed. "My decision is final."

The blue dragon made a small growl, but she said anyway "Very well. You have killed an evil king to save our home, and perhaps you will do just fine confronting that dwarven traitor. Good luck, little one."

"Don't worry. I will. You too."

Then Saphira went back a few feet so the diamond dogs won't be alerted by her presence, and stealthy flew away a great distance from the hideout. Then Eragon decided the time was right, and quietly sneaked down the hill, and looked at his surroundings.

It was clear at the moment, then he heard a few dwarf guards coming and hid behind a large boulder with gems on it. Both the dwarf pair were a long distance away from where they were walking at, but Eragon didn't have any other rational choice, but to wait for them to pass by him.

When the coat was clear, he quietly went away and crouched on the ground. "That was close."

"Do not let overconfidence get the best of yourself, Eragon." Glaedr warned

"Yes, it can be your greatest enemy if not treated properly." Added Umaroth.

"Of course, masters." Eragon said to them through his minds, and tightly gripped the hilt of Brisingr, feeling more than ready to fight any dwarves or those greedy monsters that call themselves dogs.

In front of him was a large passageway, and took a breath before he did a summersault move to another large rock. Peeking his eyes to and fro, he was still undetected by enemy guards. When he sneaked over to another hiding spot in a bush, his heart immediately dropped to,his feet when he noticed a dwarf guarding one of the entrances to the lair.

"Damn!" He muttered. "How am I supposed to deal with this bastard?" And he had a sudden memory "the twelve death words, of course." And when he said the death words, and with a snap of his finger, the dwarf immediately dropped dead on the spot, looking like a broken puppet or marionette.

Eragon hurriedly went up to the corpse and disposed of it by hiding it in the bush he was just hiding in.

"There. One lose end to worry about." He muttered with confidence. Then he saw the two guards from before coming back around, and hid in the bush once more.

When they were close to him, Eragon had the opportunity to sneak behind them, and assassinate them by breaking one's neck, and stabbing the second behind his back with his sword.

At last, Eragon could pass through these holes without any trouble. He carefully stepped on it, and found himself sliding down the dirt path like a rockslide, and tried so hard to keep his balance from failing him.

Finally, he landed in a large corridor with many tunnels and any one of them to could lead them to the missing girls. More than confused, he decided to take on on the bottom left, but when he got to the end, he found a room with so many Diamond dogs playing poker, and cheering.

"Wrong path." He muttered.

As he went back to the hallway he landed in before, he heard faint voices from the top right tunnel, and it had many more gems than the other ones did inside them.

Everything was so sparkly, and so clear.

"Shadeslayer will be here momentarily." Said the faint voice. It was Vermund. Eragon immediately recognized it, thanks to his heightened hearing for being part elf now.

"Aha! There we go." And he proceeded to go through without a fight, just for the safety of the girls. As he continue walking and walking, the voices became more and more louder with every step he took.

"Please! Let us go, you creep!" Applebloom barked.

"Relax,little girl." Said Vermund. Hiding behind a rock, Eragon was eavesdropping on a conversation between them in the main hall. The three girls were tied to chairs, and were looking more than scared. Not only that, but Vermund was accompanied by two other clans members as his bodyguards. Next to him were three Diamond dogs that looked slightly different than the other ones, possibly the leaders of the group.

"Oh, so, when do we get our share?" Asked the smallest leader

"Be patient, Spot, patience, you'll get what's coming to you." Vermund said in slight annoyance. "You Diamond Dogs do not know how to wait, do you?"

"Not when it comes to gems, no." Said the middle leader.

"We're Diamond Dogs, remember? We love gems, it's what we all do best." The biggest one noted.

"Will you all shut up, please?" Vermund interrupted them. "No more talk of shares until Eragon Shadeslayer arrives."

Eragon's blood began to boil a little from seeing this.

And the dwarf turned his attention to the three kidnapped fillies. "Your families must really miss you dearly at the moment." Vermund stated flatly. "I am going to make it real simple for you, if you ever want to see them again, you better behave yourselves.

"Pfft, I only behave for my friends and my parents." Scootaloo rudely remarked. "Why would I even do the same for you?" And she felt herself slapped across the face, by Vermund's hand, and felt her chinbeing gripped by fingers.

"Hey, you can't do that to Scootaloo you meanie!" Said Sweetie Belle. Then she found herself having her mane pulled by Vermund.

"Shut up you worthless excuse for a horse." He said cruelly. "Or your next."

"You better let us out or else!" Apple bloom said. "When my sister and brother find out about this, you will be in big trouble and they will kick your-!"

"Quiet!!" Vermund barked, and he pulled out a dagger, and was trying to pierce her neck with it.

"Now, the reason is because your families wouldn't stab you to death in your sleep." And he got the knife away from Applebloom. "Just wait until Shadeslayer gets here and behave yourselves."

"Are you going to kill us after your done?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh no. All I want is the dragon rider to come. As soon as we have our business taken care of, you are all free to go."

"You won't have to wait anymore, Vermund!" Eragon said, coming out from behind the rock. Seeing him come at last. The dwarf smiled wickedly. "Men, leave us!" He sharply ordered his two guards. Just like that, they both did what they told him to do. "Ah, not you three, you can stay." He noted the three leaders

"Alright, Vermund, let Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle go." Eragon ordered. "You can do what you like to me, but let them go."

"Not until we talk about mine needs, dragon rider. Give me your weapon and we will talk."

Feeling reluctant, Eragon gave the dwarf Brisingr so they can negotiate properly. "Here." He said.

"Hmm, a rather impressive looking blade. No matter." Vermund said, grabbing hold of the handle boldly.

"What do you want from me?"

"Your death, along with your dragon's as well." Vermund remarked coldly. "Me and mine clan want you to suffer as we have suffered when Galbatorix became the dark king."

"That was not me! It was the forsworn!" Eragon said. "Morzan and Galbatorix were the reason why your former leader is dead, not me."

"You dragon riders look all alike in mine book." The dwarf spat.

"Just get on with it so we can get the gems!" The middle leader said.

"You cannot rush a negotion, Rover."

"But gems!" The bigger one stated

"Just wait, Fido!"

"Sorry." All three of them said

"Anywho. It would only make me feel so happy to see you and that pathetic dragon Saphira burn in Hell where you belong!"

Those words made Eragon a little infuriated, and walked towards him, wanting to bring a world of hurt for insulting his closest companion like that.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Vermund warned, waving his first finger like metronome. Then he immediately used Eragon's sword on all three filly's necks, feeling more scared than they ever were before. "Not another step closer, or they will all die!"

"Eragon, we're scared." Applebloom said

"Don't worry, girls. I'll set you free." Eragon said. "Please, I will do anything you do Vermund, just please let them go."

"Very well." And Vermund immediately took the sword off of them. "Now, I want you to kill yourself on the spot for me."


"I thought every dragon rider would know that when a rider dies, so does the dragon? That's what it is told, right?"

He clenched his teeth, and was thinking long and hard for anything that could possibly help him get out of this. Finally, he said "very well, you bastard. I'll do it."

"What?!" The three fillies exclaimed in shock

"I have no choice, girls! I have to save you so you can see your families again." Back to Vermund, he said "give me my sword."

"Now, no tricks, either."

"Fine." And it was just like he was about to stab himself with his own sword, but then with a change of demeanor, he said "now my friends!"

All of a sudden, his friends appeared out of nowhere, as if they were invisible, or came in this place like magic.

Vermund was more than surprised to see this. "What?!"

"We knew about your plan, Vermund!" Applejack said "Let my sister go!"

"And Mine!" Rarity said. "Before I go savage on you!"

"I second that!" Rainbow agreed, flopping her fists together.

"Grr, really clever, Shadeslayer.... yet foolish. Kill them!" Then a storm of Diamond dogs and dwarves came from many tunnels, and it turned out to see be an interesting battle.

Despite that they were outnumbered, Eragon, Twilight, Fluttershy, Murtagh, and their allies were fighting gallantly.

"Don't worry. 'Ere, I'll get you three out of those ropes." Skalmo said, setting the fillies free.

"Go somewhere safe, and stay down, no matter what happens." Calraeli said

And just like that, the girls went to a hiding spot so they wouldn't have to get caught in a crossfire between both fighting sides.

Tiber Craingweast was more than happy to assist Eragon, fighting side by side together against these enemies. "I would rather call this aggressive negotiations, don't you think, Eragon?"

He chuckled "Aye, very aggressive."

Dervoc was using his mighty horns to gore Amy enemy that was coming his way. The urgal rider was like a tank, punching, kicking, and ramming his head at his foes, one by one. He felt a pain on his leg, and saw that a dwarven assassin snuck up behind him while he was busy fighting the enemies in his eyesights. And then picked up the dwarf by his throat, and threw him to a pillar of rocks.

Vermund was about to run, but was stopped by Zecora. "Poor shame, a dwarf like you abandoning the people standing by your side. Hmm, perhaps you can feed the dragons with your hide."

"Over my dead body, zebra!" Vermund exclaimed. Then he charged at her, riding on her back. Zecora kept bucking him off of him, and eventually kicked his stocmach to get him off.

"No creature dares to ride me!" She said firmly "The dungeon is definitely where you should be!"

Charging at her again, Vermund threw a few punches at her, but then she retaliated by throwing powerful kicks at his face.

Despite how painful it was, Vermund wasn't going down without a fight. Just then, Ekre'al stopped him, and clashed swords with him, making it an interesting grudge match. The dwarf did a large jump, going above the elf with a powerful swing, but Ekre'al was fast, and blocked it just in time

"You elves are all the same, arrogant, and narcissistic!" He spitted.

"At least I am always there for my friends!" Ekre'al replied. "You are nothing but a mere monster!"

Meanwhile, Applejack was fighting a large group of Diamond dogs charging at her. With her mighty rage, she inflicted mighty kicks, knocking them randomly off course. However, she felt a stinging pain with claws went down her back, blood pouring out of them.

"Applejack!" Big Mac noticed. "Hey! Nopony does that to my sister, you son of a bitch!" And he immediately charged at the dog that clawed her with full zeal, and laid a fury of punches and kicks at him, until he could no longer fight, and was badly beaten. "You okay, AJ?" Big Mac said, coming to his sister's aid.

"Yeah. Ow! I think so. Ah! Just a minor scratch!" She replied

Then Rarity screamed as her chest was clawed by another diamond dog. "Who did that!?" She barked.

And Lulluda sliced at the dog that attacked her and went to her aid. "Don't worry, it's not that bad. We'll see to those wounds later."

"I'm okay, Lulluda, don't you worry." Rarity reassured. "I suffered much worse pain than that, anyway."

As the fighting went on and on, the Diamond Dogs look like they might meet their match, many of their friends were dead, and others badly injured. For Vermund followers. The were becoming more scared and felt outclassed themselves.

"Retreat!" Said a dwarf. And all of them made a break for it.

"Hey, get back here!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Time to teach them all a lesson in how rude foal-napping is."

"Ooh, I love it when you get that mad look on your face." Discord complimented. Indeed, Fluttershy sounded peeves by the tone of her voice.

"Thanks." The yellow Pegasus said with a change of demeanor. "It's a little hobby I do." And they all immediately went after Vermund and his followers, fleeing from combat as cowards.

While chasing them, everyone encountered more small hoards of dwarves and diamond dogs along the way, and were ambushed a few times.

Luckily, they all fought back, and Discord would change himself into a ninja with nunchucks in his hands, making ninja sounds. "Eye of the tiger!" He said triumphantly. "Hiyah!"

And when that little skirmishes as over, they all went to pursue Vermund and his followers, with Eragon running ahead as the leader, having a battle cry being heard as he was running after them all.

Author's Notes:

Eragon is quite the clever human/elf hybrid, isn't he? Yes. Looks like Vermund is about to enter a world of pain. What will happen to him? Will he finally be punished for his crimes? Find out on the next chapter.

Next Chapter: Foal-Napped Crusaders (Part 3) Estimated time remaining: 20 Minutes
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