
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 40: Building The New Sanctuary/Ghost Dwarf

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In the little part of the Everfree Forest next to Ponyville, The old castle that princess Celestia and Luna once lived in, was being renovated for construction as to be the new Sanctuary for the Riders, and their dragons. Not only that, but they will be adding a new type of building, or castle, just as big as the original, maybe even bigger since they will all never know when the biggest dragon will come.

"A little more to the left!" Rainbow Dash said to one of the construction workers. "Little more! Perfect! Right there."

Eragon, Saphira, and their friends were watching on as the construction kept going on and on. It was never easy, for it was a big castle, even in ruins. It was hard to say when the new sanctuary will be finished, it could be in weeks, months, or even one whole year from now.

Despite it, they all know that the new safe-haven will be ready someday, at least one of these days. for now, they didn't really have anything to worry about yet. Maybe.... except for Vermund and his followers, but now, they will be more than prepared after their first encounter with him.

For now, everyone can at least stay at peace. "So Murtagh," Spike addressed the son of Morzan.

"hmm?" he immediately looked at the baby dragon afterwards.

"Do you and Thorn still plan to stay in Equestria?"

He was rather silent for a moment, and did' say anything for a long ten seconds. Thorn was also silent for a minute, but the red dragon was the first to answer by saying. "Of course. Everyone in Equestria treats us more greatly than in Alagaesia. We felt welcome by open arms when we first arrived here."

"Except for one, of course." Murtagh added. Both he and Thorn looked at Skalmo, who still had a small hatred, and a grudge against both of them. They could tell by the look in his eyes when he turned his head to them. "But despite this, Thorn speaks true. We feel more welcomed in Equestria more than in Alagaesia, such as the Varden when they locked me away.

"Except for Nasuada, even thought you might never see her again." Pinkie blurted

"Pinkie!!" the other five berated her.

"That is not helping!" said Fluttershy

"No, it's alright." Murtagh sighed. "It's probably the way it has to be. I can't even bother to show myself in front of Nasuada, not after being forced to take her hostage to Galbatorix."

Twilight put a comforting hoof on his arm. Fluttershy hovered and gently rubbed her hoof against Thorn's scales. "Don't self-hate yourself for it." Said the purple allicorn. "You said you have no choice."

"Aye. I did." Murtagh admitted.

"We forgive you both for what happened. And I am pretty sure that Nasuada misses you right now." Fluttershy added. "I imagine that she is thinking of you, and Thorn. What matters is that, you're free from that evil king."

The red dragon made a smile, and gently nuzzled his large head against Fluttershy while she herself was hugging his head in return. "Thank you, Fluttershy." Said Thorn. "At least we still have Eragon and Saphira with us, as long as they are by our side in the wind."

"You are quite welcome, Thorn."

"So, how many more riders do you think will come here, Eragon?" Asked Lyra.

"And how big do yoy think they will get?" Bon Bon added.

"That, I know not. It's quite uncertain of the exact number of dragons or riders we will have. It could be as close to hundreds, or maybe even thousands. We might even have dragons even bigger than the biggest one before the fall, Belgabad."

"I wonder how you will manage that " said Applejack

"It's hard to say, Applejack. It would be quite miraculous if that actually did happen."

"It might happen." Calraeli noted. "We probably just never know when."

"Exactly. But we will make it as big as we can for all dragons in all sizes." Vaodidr remarked.

"When do you think the new riders will come?" Asked Twilight

"That I am also uncertain of. Hopefully, pretty soon now."

"Well, I might as well get to polishing my sword." Said Dervoc. He pulled out Ramr, and banged it with his fist, causing a mighty "clang" sound. The other's agreed and all went back to Ponyville to relax and enjoy themselves. Of course, Eragon and Saphira, along with Murtagh and Thorn, would take the other riders and dragons for more training.

Eragon and Saphira were doing a little excavation around an area of rocky hills and knolls. The reason why they were doing that was because they both wanted to find good training grounds for the others to try out, away from setter areas so they wouldn't destroy buildings or houses.

The last thing they would want is to destroy a village or a city in training processes, and have a bunch of complaints from anypony living in towns and cities, and filling lawsuits against them and the other dragons and riders .

Meantime, Both Eragon and Saphira looked at the place well enough to see that this place looked alright as one of the training grounds. The large rocks looked perfect for takeoff when practicing flight. The young elf-human rider heard a growling noise. At first, he thought it was a bear, or one of those minotaurs or diamond dogs, but then he noticed the direction was coming from Saphira.

"Sorry, little one." said the blue dragon. "My stomach feels like there is a monster hatching from an egg inside of it." then she used her paws to gently press her tummy back. "I need some food to eat from. Will you be alright if I go out hunting once more?"

Eragon smiled and replied "That's perfectly alright. Go on ahead and hunt for whatever you can find. Oh!, as long as it is not a pony, and doesn't talk of course."

"Yes, yes, I know. I know exactly who and what to hunt or not." Saphira remarked. Then she flew off, and soared into the skies to look for a decent lunch, leaving Eragon alone to wander in the plains for a little while to go for a little walk. He himself looked for anything to hunt for, like a stag, or a ram of some kind.

"You seem a little troubles, Eragon." Glaedr said to him from his eldunari.

"Troubled? Nonsense."

"I can see that your thoughts dwell on Ekre'al."

Sighing in defeat, knowing he can't lie to his deceased master. "Alright. Yes. I worry that he is is still doing his old habit of stealing." then he spotted a bull moose and quietly shot i with his bow and arrow, causing the gigantic beast to bugle and fall to the ground with a loud thud. "Anyway, he needs to realize that he is in a civilize society, not a survivalist living in a wild environment where it is survival of the fittest."

"Indeed, but he is trying so hard to fight off his urges. All Ekre'al needs to do is adapt to this new lifestyle. Styx will also help show him the way of village life.

"Perhaps, but I wonder why he would steal like that in the first place. Did he grow up poor? or was it because of his parents? Or what?"

"Excellent questions. Perhaps after Ekre'al and Styx settle in their new home in Equestria, perhaps time together will treat you good." Glaedr remarked.

"Yeah. Let us hope so."

"He is good, Eragon. He has good in his heart, unlike Galbatorix and Shruikan, and of course, Morzan and his dragon"

Then Eragon made a small fire near a small forest by using a bunch of branches and stones, and whispering "Brisingr" then a blue flame erupted from the pile. He promptly cooked meat from the moose above the fire, on a stove. When the meat was cooked just the right time, he began eating.

"Shadeslayer!" cried a voice. It was Skalmo and Gridgorn. The yellow-golden dragon swooped down in an open area in the small forest, and rested on the grass. "I thought I would track you here."

"Hello Skalmo, Gridgorn."

The dwarf looked around and noticed something missing "where is Saphira?"

"She went out hunting for food."

The yellow-golden dragon noticed some raw meat from the moose carcass, and sniffed it. "That bull moose meat smells quite delicious." he said.

Eragon began thinking about what Gridgorn just asked, and replied. "I suppose you can have some. And What about you, Skalmo?"

"That is a kind offer, but I already filled mine stomach with a fine looking ram that I just killed."

"Very well."

Eragon and Skalmo just there in an awkward silence while hearing Gridgorn eating some of the moose meat. Finally, the dwarf said "The sanctuary is working out quite nicely, and of course it looks a little complex to try and build into reality."

"Indeed. Time will tell when it will finally be done." Then he took another bite of cooked meat. "So, Skalmo, so you still have a grudge against my half brother?"

As Eragon pulled out one of his knives, and began cleaning them, Skalmo answered "aye. How can I not hate Murtagh for killing Hrothgar. I might have said this before, but he was like mine father."

"I know you still hate him, but please, you must try and let go of the past."

The dwarf made a small huff, causing his beard to fly. "Look, I am trying mine best to try and cooperate with him and Thorn, but like I have said the first time, Hrothgar was like mine father. I do my very best to be considerate with the son of Morzan."

"He did not chose to be so." Gridgorn reminded after one big chunk of meat. "Thorn told me about the scar on his torso from his own father."

"He speaks the truth, Skalmo." Said Eragon "and besides, now we can focus on what is most important, and that is rebuilding the dragon rider order."

Skalmo thought about it, and crossed his small arms together. "I know. Of course I am happy to have Gridgorn as my companion. He is like the brother I never had in my life."

"And he is like a sibling I never had, either." Said the dragon. Then he got back on all fours, and made a loud, and long burp that sounded like a small earthquake rumbling. As a matter of fact, the earth kind of Rumble's from it.

"Very nice. Well done, brother!" Skalmo congratulated him.

"Thank you."

The dwarf waddled back on Gridgorn, and prepared for takeoff. "I will see you back in Ponyville, Eragon. Thank you for the company."

"And for sharing the meat." Gridgorn added happily with a small grunt to show gratitude. "I really needed the meat to fill my stomach." then he patted his scaly belly.

"Of course. I was starting to become stuffed from all of that moose meat, especially the burnt skin."

Both the dwarven rider and his dragon smiled, and flew off. Eragon was alone again, except for Glaedr. After a little while has passed, the blue fire slowly dimmed and burnt out. He didn't say a word and listened to the sounds of mother nature around him, the birds chirping in the trees, and the sound of hooves pounding the soil from many types of deer prancing by. Just then, a small pack of wolves came by, and were attracted to the smell of the carcass Eragon cooked

At first, Eragon drew Brisingr from his scabbard, and pointed it at the beasts. But, seeing how these wolves are only hungry, he put his sword away, and used magic to talk to the wolves. After a little short negotiation between man and beast, the wolves were grateful, and more than happy to have some of the leftover meat, and a couple of wolf pups appeared from the bushes.

He was feeling his heart melting at the sight of helping this wolf family get something to eat so they wouldn't have to go out and do it the hard way by hunting.

Then he calmly passed through the small forest, and walked along a field with some rocks scattered across the area, almost looking like badlands. Somehow, it was reminding Eragon of the Beor Mountains back home.

As Eragon looked at the landscape, something startled him. "Eragon." Said a man's voice that sounded like a wise, yet tough old man.

He turned around, then saw a noble looking dwarf in a regal type of robe. Eragon recognized who this dwarf was.

"Hello, mine son." The dwarf added. "I see you have accomplished a magnificent feet by finally putting an end to Galbatorix and the war."

"Hrothgar." He muttered. "How- how did you-?"

"I am here because you are here."

"Good." Then Eragon's face turned from a smile to a frown.

"What is it?"

"Your majesty, I mean, Hrothgar. I am so sorry that I could not protect you from your death in the battle of the burning plains. And of course, do not hate Murtagh and Thorn for delivering the mortal blow."

"Eragon," the former king of the dwarves put his meaty hand on Eragon's shoulder. Even thought he was a ghost, he could still feel his touch. "I understand that Murtagh and Thorn were bound to do the foul king's bidding, and I saw try look on their faces right before they killed me."

"How did they feel?"

"Resentful and regretful. And it was not your doing that I was killed. Those Twins and Galbatorix manipulated all of us, first Ajihad, and me."

"That is true. Galbatorix was the one behind the chaos, and Durza was only a puppet. Not only that, but there was a little setback between me, Saphira, our friends, and the clan called Az Sweldn rak Anhûin."

Hrothgar immediately frowned and made a small sigh. "Ah, I know very well of that clan."

"You know Vermund?"

"Aye, unfortunately. A real nasty piece of work that Vermund. He would always heckle and shame me, along with mine clan."

Eragon grew appalled "why would he do that?"

"He thought that I was pathetic and weak as a king of all dwarves just because we have aided the Varden in the rebellion. Vermund wanted to rule all of us with an iron fist and keep dwarves away from the other races across Alagaesia."

"Well, I would not really hate all of those dwarves within that clan."

"Indeed, it would be a little to quick to judge them all completely. As Sweldn rak Anhûin was one the richest, and the oldest of the old dwarves clans. Vermund respected Anhûin so much, that when she died, he swore vengeance on all dragon riders. It saddens me of how corrupt and twisted he and his followers have become."

"Perhaps." Said Eragon. "Even they have wives and children, too. But of course, he followed us here into Equestria, and tried to kill us all."

"I know, I have foreseen it. But I am so proud that you and Saphira fought them all off with the help of the new dragon riders, and your new friends in Equestria?"

"Thank you, Hrothgar. You know, I have inducted Urgals and dwarves into the order now."

"Aye, and I am so happy for that. Perhaps now you and Saphira can help try to restore things the way they were before the riders' fall."

Eragon smiled "I believe that we will."

"It will be all worthy in the archives in dwarven history in the years to come. For Vermund, I know you and a Saphira can fight him, and put an end to his chaos."

"Right. Hopefully, there will be no more casualties."

"And of course, I would assure you to keep an eye on that Craingweast fellar. He might be hiding a really dark secret only the gods know what."

"That's preposterous." Eragon said. "Me and the other dragon riders inspected Tiber's mind in princess Celestia's castle."

"Yes, but you will never know what will happen. It is always best to proceed with caution around him."

He began brainstorming again, and finally replied "very well, Hrothgar. I do believe he is a good man, but I will try and be alert."

"Good. It is always best to be on your guard at all times." Said Hrothgar. "Well, it was wonderful meeting you Eragon. For now, I must go. May the gods watch over your battles, my son."

Eragon turned around for a minute and looked at the dragon rider mark on the palm of his hand. "Thank you, Hrothgar. I promise to make you proud and-". It then the dwarf was gone, as if he was nothing but an illusion or a hallucination.

"I felt his presence, Eragon." Glaedr noted. "He was here."

"Yes, I believe he was." Then Saphira came back, full, and happily took Eragon back home to Ponyville

Next Chapter: Foal-Napped Crusaders (Part 1) Estimated time remaining: 39 Minutes
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