
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 35: The New Help

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This Tiber Craingweast man was a little suspicious indeed. He did look a little like Galbatorix himself, but he wasn't evil, and sounded a little more regal than the evil fallen king did when he was alive. Perhaps if Queen Nasuada sent him herself, then Eragon could at least bring him in as his new adviser for the riders and dragons.

"So, do you know who we are?" Rainbow asked the man

"Oh yes, of course, Rainbow Dash. You, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack have quite the reputation around this marvelous continent."

The ponies smiled at how he knows who they all are and what they did. Of course, they all had a sudden suspicion within them. Was he spying on them? Perhaps they will learn that soon. For now, they had to treat him with the utmost hospitality

"Well you know," Rainbow bragged, looking all cool and such. "We are Equestria's heroes. I always lead me and my team to save the day."

Twilight cleared her throat loudly to get her attention. "And let's not forget I'm the princess of friendship, and the leader, Rainbow Dash." She said in an unamused tone of voice.

Tiber made a hearty laugh and replied "you are certainly quick a pony up to any challenge, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah." Said Apllejack "when it comes to Rainbow Dash, she'll do anything to remain 'awesome' and get in the spotlight."

"Hey, I AM awesome." Rainbow gloated once more. "Equestria needs somepony like me to save the day, and of course with me friends."

Fluttershy rolled her eyes and whispered in Craingweast' ear "she can be really egotistical." Tiber chuckled at the statement.

Finally, as they all arrived in Ponyville, Tiber was rather intrigued by this new environment. Twilight cleared her throat and said "Welcome to Ponyville, Mr. Craingweast. Me and my friend's humble home."

"Hmm." Tiber thought. "This is a really interesting little town. Rather adorable, serene, and peaceful. If only the people if Teirm could see this city." He made a smile, with his hands behind his back. "Forgive me, princess Twilight Sparkle, but where will I be producing my new life in?"

"There are new houses available for when you need one, and much more of them are still being built right now." All of them looked at the construction in another part of town. If this kept on, Ponyville might turn into a much bigger town than before. Not only that, but more and more sheds for the dragons to sleep in are also being built with them. This was absolutely perfect for the new dragon rider order.

Eragon was still worried that it might cause some problems for the town, and the ponies living within it, probably because there might be a rift between dragon and pony. Nonetheless, he decided not to worry about it just yet, for everypony was still friendly and welcoming to rider and dragon together. Eragon turned his attention back to Tiber and all his friends so he can get his mind of these negative feelings.

"Excellent. Thank you so much, you're majesty. How can I ever repay you?" Craingweast bowed to her in respect with gratitude.

"Oh, you don't have to repay me anything. Your thanks is good enough."

"Listen, Mr. Craingweast, do you think you can be of service to help calm the anger, and stress in the eldunari?" Eragon asked him "Blodhgarm and his other spell-casters could always use the extra help doing so."

"All of the eldunari are going through a really difficult time thanks to the dark king himself." Saphira added. "Poor souls." she bowed her head in sympathy.

"Of course. I am a really talented spellcaster after all. All of those souls will be grateful for my help. But for now, I probably need to settle in this humble town first. I need a new place to live in, after all. If anyone will need me, I will be picking out a house for myself."

"That is quite fine, Mr. Craingweast." Rarity said "Do feel free to make yourself at any one of these available houses."

"Oh, and- welcome to Equestria." Fluttershy added

Tiber smiled warmly and gratefully "Thank you so much, my dear Fluttershy. You are certainly a sweet little mare." The yellow pegasus smiled at his flattery. Then he went off to find a new home to settle in, with his long cape flying around due to the wind. "Listen Eragon, I know that the queen herself sent him to us, but I have a sudden distrust over this.... stranger." said Thorn. "Both me, and Murtagh feel it in our guts"

"Aye, I have a very suspicious feeling that this man cannot be trusted."

"Murtagh, Thorn, we have already discussed this matter." Eragon said, placing his hand over his eyes in irritation. "Nasuada sent him to help us. And besides, Tiber seems like a really good man." he looked on at Craingweast looking at which house he should live from a far distance. "If you trust me, you should trust him, and Nasuada, of course."

The rogue rider than sighed and said "Perhaps, but there are times when you cannot trust anyone, brother. Believe me." What he said made Eragon think things over a little. Perhaps his older brother had a point, not everyone is what many people would seem. What if Tiber was hiding something under that wise and grandfather-like personality? "Remember the Twins?"

"Well that was another time." Eragon said in defense. "The Twins were a long time ago. And besides, we all need to let go of past events such as that."

"Eragon's right, Murtagh." said Applejack. "You're startin' to sound just like Blodhgarm and how he feels about you."

"Well this is different." Murtagh said.

"I don't think so." said Pinkie. "It kinda looks the same to me. Yet again, it's like trying to mix a cupcake with a regular cake. Cake! Cupcake! Cake! Cupcake." her eyes were rolling around as she was moving her head to and fro, saying the same thing all over again. Then Twilight stopped her

"We understand you're point." said Calraeli with slight irritation

Murtagh sighed again, and said "Look, perhaps you are all right, this is only the first day we all met him. And perhaps you might introduce him to the princess' soon."

"And perhaps we should get to know him a little more." said Thorn in agreement. Then there was a low rumbling on the earth, like a small earthquake. It was probably from Artvazh since he is the biggest dragon at the moment.

"My apologies." Said Thorn. "I am just more hungry than a starving wolfhound fasting for months."

"I could use a little food myself." Memni added. "A dragoness like me needs to have his food."

"As do I, for I feel like eating a whole bull moose in only one bite, and leave the bones out of it." Vaodidr remarked.

The other dragons agreed, feeling the ravenous hunger within them, and went off in the skies to look for food below them.

"You know, Murtagh is right about one thing, Mister Craingweast should definitely go see Princess Celestia and Luna so he can swear allegiance to them as well."

"Indeed, perhaps a little later on or maybe tomorrow when he is fully settled in."

'And of course, he must earn our trust as well." Dervoc added. "Perhaps entering his mind to test his loyalty should convince us otherwise."

Eragon thought of what the Urgal suggested, and decided "yes, perhaps we should do that just in case. After all, Murtagh and Thorn still do not fully trust him."

"I don't know, Eragon." Said Big Mac. "It's kind of like reading a filly's diary or anything that would invade her privacy. Some thoughts are too personal from anypony else or what not."

"Well, Tiber seems like a very cooperative man." Said Fluttershy in a soft voice. "Maybe he wouldn't mind having going through that. He does seem willing to help the dragon riders rebuild a new order together." All of them looked again, and saw Craingweast having a friendly talk with some foals, and having a few laughs.

"I do not fully doubt you, Fluttershy." Said Eragon.

"And Alagaesia is no longer under the devil king's control." Said Skalmo Queen Nasuada herself had made a vow to hunt down any Ra'zac eggs, and root out any one of Galbatorix' loyal scum and what not. Mine clan and Queen Arya are also doing the same thing."

"There you go." Said Applejack. "Maybe it's not such a bad idea. Better safe than sorry."

"And look at how nice he is to those kiddies." Said Pinkie.

Fluttershy smiled warmly at that sight. "He seems very likable."

"A little too, likable." Murtagh muttered

"What's that, Murtagh?" Asked Spike

"Nothing nothing. Look, I need a little time at the spa again. Those jacuzzis, or whatever those bathtubs are called, are so soothing." Then he went to go and relax himself, keeping Za'roc tied to his belt.

The others looked at one another with concern. Murtagh has changed alot since he broke free of Galbatorixs' oath, but he still has some.... distrust to certain types of people. Murtagh was who he was and Eragon had to accept that. After all, his older half brother's childhood was a living hell.

Skalmo made a small grunt that it made the hairs from his beard, around his mouth move. "What is it with that boy? He asked solemnly with his arms crosed. Then he slowly began stroking his long, yellow beard down. "I still wonder if hr is on our side is a good idea, Shadeslayer."

Eragon looked back at him "of course. Skalmo, are you still trying to be more considerate?"

"Yes, yes, of course." The dwarf replied with a head nod.

"Well I think you should give him more consideration, shorty." Said Dervoc. The name made Skalmo glare mildly at the large urgal

Making another grunt, he said "you watch what you say, Dervoc. I was just about to like you even more."

Calraeli then intervened by saying "please brothers. As dragon riders, we are one within., and if Eragon would trust Murtagh and this Tiber Craingweast, then I suppose I trust them as well."

"So do us." Vaodidr added in the distance from the riders. "We should give Craingweast a chance, just as we have given Morzansson, and Thorn."

"Exactly. They are all right." Eragon pointed. "I will bring him to the princess' later on to see if he is royal to the riders, the Varden, and Nasuada."

"Sounds like a plan." Rainbow remarked

"Perhaps a little training with your mind will help you lessen your worries. It always helps me soothe my soul with Oromis. We would connect our minds in serenity with peaceful thoughts to one another."

Eragon thought about it, and said "well, I suppose. I might as well relax myself

"And I gotta help Skalmo cut some trees to make firewood." Said Rainbow Dash. Then, they all went back to their normal lives in town

Hours passed, and the gang were at Canterlot with Tiber Craingweast so they can introduce him to the co-rulers of Equestria. All the dragons decided not to come, for they didn't want the entire castle to come crumbling down because of their weight because of the newer dragons.

The noble looked around the buildings and the cafes within the capital.

"Marvelous, absolutely marvelous" he said with astonishment. "All of these ponies look so formal and sophisticated. If only Queen Nasuada can see this beautiful landmark."

"It is quite a sight, isn't it?" Rarity noted. "Truly one of the most beautiful cities in all of this land. Beautiful art, fine food and tea, and others."

"This place is indeed, the exact opposite of Dras Leona."

"Oh yes, Canterlot has no slums compared to that scummy city in Alagaesia." She stuck her tongue in disgust, just thinking how horrible life is in Dras Leona, especially rats scurrying around the streets and the slums.

"Aye. For I have been to Dras Leona myself, it is is quite filthy. The queen said she is trying to root out corruption and bring the city in to a brilliant shape that it wasn't on three hundred years."

The purple alicorn made a chuckle. "I hope she succeeds."

"Eeyup, I would really hate to encounter those evil bugs." Big Mac said "that would be the last thing I'd want to see."

"So do I, Twilight. So do I."

"Well, come along then." Said Eragon. "The princess' will be more than delighted to meet you on the flesh."

"I should say so." Then Eragon, Murtagh, and Craingweast followed the six heroes, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Big Mac upstairs. While towering, Tiber was amazed by the mosaic windows. The doors went open, and they all walked on the long red carpet.

They all bowed on respect to the monarchs when they reached the very end. "Hello, Eragon. I suppose you brought news?" Asked Celestia in her motherly voice.

Eragon cleared his threat and said "yes, your highness. You're majesties, I want to introduce you both to this man who has come to help me and Saphira build the riders."

"Hopefully." Murtagh muttered. Spike shushed him for it.

Both the sisters looked at Craingweast with curiosity, and got off of their thrones "what is your name, stranger?" Asked Luna

"Tiber Craingweast at your service." The noble humbly replied. Then she gently held Luna's hoof and kissed it, and the same with Princess Celestia."

"Isn't that kind of disrepectful to do that?" Twilight asked

"I agree, kissing their hooves without their permission like that?" Lyra said "not really acceptable."

"I hope that we don't get in trouble." Bon Bon said to her best friend.

Celestia giggled "no it's quite alright. He seems very polite." She and Luna turned their attention back on him

"So, Tiber Craignweast, what brings you here to Equestria from Alagaesia?"

There was a pause so still that it was becoming a little eerily silent. Finally balky, Tiber remarked "your majesties, I want to offer my services to Eragon, Saphira, and all the other dragon and riders rebuild their order. it was a damn shame that Galbatorix and his followers destroyed them all, and I would be more than honored to help Eragon finish what the original riders started a long time ago. You see, I was a good friend to his father, Brom, before he died at gen hands of the vermin called the Ra'zac."

Celestia and Luna looked at each other and turne back to him "do you swear allegience to Eragon and the dragon riders truly?"

"Yes. It is my dream to rebuilt the Dragon Rider order. I can assure you that I am not a threat to anyone, or in your cases, to anypony."

"We were planning on looking through his mind to see if he was truly loyal to us, and not a spy for the remnants of the empire." Murtagh pointed

"That's right."

"I see." Said Celestia "well, do you also wish to serve your loyalty to us?"

"Oh yes. I do offer my allegiance to Equestria, including yourselves, your majesties." He made a brief bow to them in respect. "I, Tiber Craingweast, heareby swear, loyalty to Eragon, Saphira, Murtagh, Thorn, and all the other good-hearted creatures on this beautiful peace of land. If I still have to have my mind tested again..... so be it."

"Good." Said Luna. "We thank you."

"Yes, and that you swore oath to us." Celestia added with a smile.

"Now, come with us so we can test your mind."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Can we watch?" Said Pinkie

"Pinkie!" Fluttershy scolded. "That's not very polite."

"No no no, that is quite alright. I would not mind a little audience to attend my testing, and after all, I need you all to believe what I am saying to you."

"Does it involve a surgery?" Spike asked. "I don't want to see any brains out of someopony's head or something like that."

All of them laughed. "Do not worry, it will nothing to do with such grotesque activities." Eragon said

"I wish it would." Murtagh muttered again

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." The older brother lied to him, looking away. Then they all went downstairs to a room so the two brothers can look into Tiber's head to test his loyalty.

Author's Notes:

What would you all think of Tiber Craingweast? Is he really a good guy? Or is he hiding something under his long black hair, and his white cape? Find out on the next chapter to see if he can be trusted.

Next Chapter: True Royalty Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 32 Minutes
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