
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 33: Girl Dragon Time

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After Lulluda and Memni settled in their new house, placing their belongings within a bag on the bed upstairs, the female rider had a little walk with Rarity. These two will probably have a lot to talk about since they love fashion and intriguing looking outfits. Memni, the beautiful purple dragon was following behind them as she was coming along

Of course, for good measure, Lulluda carried Arvindr close to her hooked to her waist, just in case something happens like a ra'zac coming to Ponyville so it can go on a rampage.

Rarity looked a little uneasy with her carrying her sword around like that. "Pardon me darling, but is this really necessary for you to keep hold of Arvindr? I can assure you, Pony ills is one the safest places on all of Equestria."

It took a moment, but, Lulluda replied "I know this doesn't look so... civilized, but I am one to take a little more... precautionary measures. Besides, my father once told me that it can be a dangerous world out here. I might encounter a ra'zac, or a werewolf, or a shade."

"Well, if your father says so. I am not saying that you cannot carry your sword like this, I was just curious is all."

"I know."

Memni then explained "Galbatorix still has quite a handful of followers who remain faithful to him, even after his and Shruikan's deaths, they still swear allegiance to him like the forsworn would. And let us not forget the ra'zac eggs hidden across the mysterious parts of Alagaesia."

Rarity thought about how she would hate to encounter a servant to the fallen king, or a monster as disgusting and grotesque as a ra'zac, or as wicked as a shade. Nonetheless, she cleared her throat, and noted "well, even if they would come here, you, Lulluda, and the other dragons and riders would put an end to that problem.

"Indeed. Until then, we will train for as hard as we can to rebuild the dragon rider order." The female human vowed.

Then it was so still that they could hear the sound of galloping from many ponies crossing their paths in town and the small thumping of Memni's feet with a small shake every time a foot would hit the ground.

Finally, the silence broke when Rarity cleared her throat "Do tell me, dear Lulluda." Rarity began the conversation. "What made you fascinated with clothes and such?"

"Well, I learned it all from my mother." She replied "she taught me all about this when I was a little girl, four years old to be eact. Since then, I always design clothes, dresses, and accessories."

The white unicorn was quite fascinated to hear this.

"Sadly I lost my mother to the Empire one day."

Rarity frowned "what happened?"

"It was tax day for Alagaesia, and Galbatorix wanted to make sure that he would take all the money all of the people ever owned. One day when a couple of tax collectors came to our house. My mother could not afford the taxes so they killed her ad a punishment."

The element of generosity gasp "that's horrible. I am very sorry to hear that."

"Thank you. I vowed from then on, I would do anything to go against the wretched dark king and the Empire, and help anyone in need of help."

Rarity smiled "wonderful, and what about your father?"

"Oh, he's a proud soldier of the Varden, he was one of Ajihad's most loyal supporters before died, and the same thing for queen Nasuada now."

"She is turning out to be a brilliant leader, even for her age." Said Memni with a small, happy grunt from her nostril. It sounded a little higher than the male dragons and even Saphira's.

"I can imagine so." Rarity agreed. "Have you ever met her?"

"No, but I have met Ajihad. He was an amazing and inspiring leader for the people who want freedom and their rights."

Memni then went in between the two walking, and she remarked "if he was not killed by those evil twins, he would have been an amazing king of Alagaesia. At least that is what Roran told us."

Rarity's eyes widened to hear that name. "Eragon's cousin? You know him?"

"Hm-mmm, I knew Katrina before Memni came along, and when Eragon became a dragon rider that very day."

The white unicorn was growing more and more fascinated by this information. Now she was wishing that she can meet Eragon's cousin even more. "Ah, here is my humble abode, Carousel Boutique. Oh, of course, you might not be able to fit through the door, Memni, my sincere apologies."

The purple dragon smiled "that is quite alright, Rarity." She replied. "I will be just fine out here in the open air.

As the two went inside the boutique,Rarity began to show Lulluda many dresses and spiffy outfits that ponies would normally wear. The female human rider was rather intrigued by Rarity's sense of style.

Now she understood why she is one of the greatest fashionistas in all of Equestria. She thought that perhaps she could produce her own fashion lineup not just for herself, but for people of all races that want to come live in Equestria

Memni was watching through one of the windows, also thrilled to see these wonderful outfits. Besides that, she thought of Saphiral since she meet her, Memni couldn't even stop thinking about her. She was more than glad to see another female dragon.

At an open field, on an edge of a cliff with a forest behind them, Saphira and Memni were just relaxing under the sun, both sitting together. Both of them were happy to be side by side like this. Dragon and Lulluda weren't with them this time, but they didn't mind.

The reason Eragon and Lulluda weren't there with them was because they both thought they deserve a little alone time together, not in a romance way of course, but like how friends would meet each other for the first time.

"So, are you and Lulluda able to do the pact of the dragon and rider to swear for soon?" Saphira asked her, letting a small amount of smoke out of her nostril

Memni let out a purr-like sound and replied "we will soon. Eragon did say he will bring us the meeting where both me and Lulluda will be attending."

Saphira smiled "good. And let's not forget that we will begin our training tomorrow." She reminded her.

"Of course."

"You will learn so much, youngling." Glaedr read their thoughts on the distance "Eragon, Murtagh, Thorn, and Saphira of course will show you all the way of a rider."

"What about you, Ebrithil?" Me, I asked the golden dragon

"Of course I will teach you what I can, but unfortunately since I am not the living anymore, I cannot teach you all the way of the dragon."

Memni was sad to hear that, and had sympathy for Glaedr. "Me and Lulluda understand." She said.

"Of course, you will have my assistance, as well as the other eldunari." Umaroth said, also in the distance from their minds. "My sincere apologies for my interruption, but I thought that I should notify you about it, Memni."

"That's quite alright." Memni. "We will need all the guidance we can possibly gain if we want to be exactly like ten riders of old."

"Oromis would be proud of that, young one." Glaedr remarked.

Hope was building up within her, and she knew everything will be just fine, even in dire situations or times of severe distress. Then she was thinking about another figure. "Say, Saphira? I always wondered about that little reptile that princess Twilight Sparkle has as an assistant."

"You mean Spike?" The blue dragon corrected in question

"Yes. Is he really a baby dragon?"

"Of course. A rather different dragon than us Alagaesian dragons of course. Why do you ask about him?,

"I think he is really adorable." Memni thought. "I mean, he is a little bundle of joy, and how sweet he was."

Saphira laughed "I agree with you. Spike is really adorable. However, he doesn't know who his parents are, and he is alone."

Memni frowned with sympathy "what? Are dragons extinct in Equestria?"

"No no no, of course not. These dragons that Equestria houses are not real dragons at all. They all care about themselves and have quite an avarice for gold and gems, unlike us true dragons."

"The poor baby." Memni remarked, thinking about how alone Spike was.

"Indeed. But, he does have good friends in Ponyville that care about him like a true friend." Saphira added. And of course, thanks to us, he does not feel so alone anymore.i do all that I can to make him happy and not feel any depression.

"Do you spend time with him?"

"Oh yes of course. Not always, but at times, I do. I am the leader of the dragons in the new order, you must not blame me for it, must you not?"

The purple dragoness laughed "that is true. That would all make sense to myself. You know, perhaps I should spend time with Spike some time. It's the least I can do for a baby dragon with no parents."

"Brilliant idea. Spike would really love that. You will love him, he is one of a kind, and a heart of gold within him."

They both tweet off the cliff and flew together into the skies, both to look for any food they could eat from.

Next Chapter: Tiber Craingweast Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 55 Minutes
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