
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 25: Dervoc and Artvazh (Edited)

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a little later on during the day, Eragon and Saphira were training well under Glaedr and Umaroth, and would sometimes have Murtagh and Thorn join them in flying and using magic. Murtagh was feeling more happier than before. He had no nightmares of his father in any way, and felt more welcomed in Equestria. However, that did not stop him from being nervous for being welcomed in the new Dragon rider order. If they will not accept him and Thorn, even with the ponies' help, then he and Thorn might just go back to living in the wilderness of Alagaesia.

Right now, Eragon was having himself some herbal tea from Ellesmera that a few elves taught him. Them he felt some presence that was... Peculiar.

"What.... Is that? I can recognize it, but. Do not know for sure." What he sensed in him was a large Urgal with large ram-like horns. Running towards him without stopping for anything. It could only mean one thing.

"Eragon, I believe the one called Dervoc from Nasuada's scrolls is heading this way." Saphira noted.

"I know, I can sense him already." Then he put his tea down and went outside. He ran to the outskirts of Ponyville and saw a figure that was getting bigger and closer. Noticing Eragon, the urgal stopped fifteen feet in front of him. The ram looked like any other urgal, except his really long black hair. His horns looked the same as any other normal urgal or kull, except it looked more deadly and a little bigger than most rams would have, except for Garzhvog of course. He wore nothing but a wide loin cloth like many male urgals would wear when they are not in battle. Dervoc looked almost as tall as a Kull would be. His sword looked very broad and large, like any Urgal blade would be. It was bigger than Tarmelein and the edges of it was downward instead of upward or neutral shaped

"Ah, you must be the almighty Eragon Shadeslayer." Said the urgal in a noble voice. "Oh how I have long for this moment to come."

"Hello, and welcome to Equestria. " Eragon addressed. "This will be your new home in this world so you will become a true dragon rider."

the urgal didn't really show any facial gestures. "I know. I do not think I will be treated warmly in this land with milk and honey."

"Nonsense, All the inhabitants will warm up to you for sure."

"I suppose that is true." Dervoc said. "You are the leader of the new order yet to come. Svarvok will have good faith in you, our tribe, and the proud Urgal race."

Eragon smiled. "Good. Now, where is your dragon?"

"He is out in this land looking for something big to eat from. Artvazh loves to eat urzhad and nagran."

"Artvazh? What an intriguing name."

"Aye. He is the one of the greatest happens in my life since the Empire fell, and when Nar Garzhvog made me bloodkin in the Bolvek Tribe."

"He will not eat the ponies here, will he?"

"Of course not. He promised he would only eat dumb animals, Shadeslayer. Now, do show me around and where I will stay. Garzhvog said you would show me this mysterious land."

"Yes, of course. Now, I should tell you that some of Ponyville's inhabitants might be a little afraid with you, so... please try not to surprise them."

"I would have known that they have never seen an urgralgra or Kull like me."

"Indeed, they have not. In the flesh, I mean. Well, come along, Dervoc." The urgal followed Eragon and every step him made, gave a brief thump on the ground. Of course, Eragon was used to that since he has had experiences with urgals thanks to Nar Garzhvog.

When the arrived at the town, many ponies stared at the urgal with both amazement and fright. They all realized that this creature is what Eragon described as an urgal.

"Wow, look at him." Said Applebloom, who was standing next to her two best cohorts.

"I know. He's so big." Sweetie Belle said.

"Gosh, so that is an urgal, huh?" Scootaloo added. "He looks really cool. He almost looks like a minotaur."

Dervoc continued following the young rider to town. He saw Saphira looking around her perimeter, and then she noticed him. "Ah, are you the Urgal rider Nasuada told us of?" She asked him through her mind.

"Yes. I have come to be a proud dragon rider of urgals and Kull in all of Alagaesia to make my tribe and Svarvok proud. You must be Saphira Brightscales, correct?"

"Aye. That you are. I must day I am glad that they are now urgal and Dwarven riders now. It sparks a greater Era of us riders."

The urgal smiled. "I may not see eye to eye with any of those puny vermin we call dwarves, but I suppose an agreement woukd be made. For all our sakes."

"Come along, then. There is still so much to see."

The urgal nodded and made a grunt that sounded like a rhino or a hippo. Many ponies in town were quite amazed how Dervoc can make the whole ground shake like that, and stumbled to the ground whenever the urgal was close to them while walking.

"So, did you run all the way here to meet me by any chance?" Eragon asked curiously.

"I did. I haven't ran so far like that in ages in my tribe. Of course Artvazh carried me and came to Equestria together."

"Brilliant. Now listen, we are already building new sets of houses for all of you riders toblive in while you are all training with me and Saphira. We promise we will give you a warm welcome."

"Eragon!" A voice called. They both stopped and saw Twilight and her friends running with her, possibly to meet Dervoc himself.

"Ah, speaking of warm welcome."

"Ooh, who is this big guy?" Pinkie asked with curiosity and excitement."

"Greetings. I am Dervoc of the Bolvek Tribe. Shadeslayer here says this will be the place for training new riders and dragons together."

Fluttershy was a little frightened by the large urgal, and hid herself a little.

"Dervoc, huh?" Rainbow asked. "Are you an.... urgal?"

"I am. A very proud Urgal for Svarvok, Nar Garzhvog, and my tribe. Do not be alarmed though, I will not hurt any of you."

Fluttershy wasn't really convinced by this and made a small squeak that sounded like a kitten. Dervoc looked down upon her, possibly hearing the sound.

"Oh, hello." The urgal said in the softest voice as he can do for Fluttershy. "Is she alright, Shadeslayer?"

"Of course. Of course. She.... is a little shy and may need to.... warm up to you." Eragon looked at her. "Fluttershy, it's alright. Dervoc is a really nice urgal. He will not hurt you."

The yellow pegasus slowly made eye contact with Dervoc again. "Do not worry. I will not frighten you." The urgal said. "Please. Heed my words."

Then she felt him gently striking her mane and started to feel more calm to him and realize that he was a gentle giant after all. "Well ot is nice to meet you, Dervoc, i'm Fluttershy."

"Name's Applejack."

"Twilight Sparkle."


"Rainbow Dash!"

"And i'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie then jumped with joy and shot out confetti from her party canon.

"We welcome you to Ponyville." Fluttershy stated kindly.

"Thank you." The urgal never felt so flattered Like this before and was really grateful for their kindness. "So where should me and my dragon live together as blood kin?"

"Well... We are still building more houses for all of you, but if you would like to lick one of these houses then go ahead."

"Yep, we will have no problem with it." Rainbow shrugged

"That is very kind of you, but I think myself and Artvazh might live out in the fresh air."

"You mean live outside?" Applejack asked in a confused voice

"Of course. We urgals are known to live in the outdoors of Alagaesia, living in caves, and huts"

"Oh. That sounds interesting." Fluttershy stated quietly. "You will.... be okay living outside?"

"Yes. I will be just fine, and so will Artvazh."

Spike complimented by saying "Yeah, I mean, no one would ever try to mess with you. You are really strong and big to take on many monsters at once."

"Thank you. Urgal rams like me take really great pride in our strength. As a matter of fact, I took down a pack of shrrg by myself with my bare hands."

They all looked at him in amazement. "That's cool." Rainbow remarked

"So- um- where is your dragon?" Fluttershy murmured nervously

"Hmm? What was that?"

"I said, where is your dragon?"

"Ah. He should be here any moment now. I am sure he is done hunting for large game to feed from." Then they heard a faint guttural roar from the sky and saw a really large dragon above them. He landed on the ground with a loud and powerful shake.

Eragon was stunned when he looked at the dragon. It was unlike any other he has seen before in his life. It has brownish-greenish scales, and it was larger than Saphira, even slightly bigger than Glaedr. Unlike them, his body looked more broader and not so slender. He had two horns on his head and tendrils going up his face from his nose. His horns were shaped like an Urgal ram's horns except they were a little slender and sharper. It had green eyes and a horn on his nose as well that looked smaller than the pair on on his head.

Fluttershy squeaked and crept away behind Dervoc.

They were all amazed by this new peculiar dragon. "Oh my god." Eragon muttered. "I have never seen a magnificent dragon like him before."

"Greetings." The dragon said with a deep voice through their minds. It almost was as deep as Firnen's when he first heard it. "I am Artvazh, a dragon to the first urgal rider." He gave a little grunt and a growling that kind of shook the place like a small aftershock. The dragon looked at Eragon and recognized him just looking at Brisingr. "You must be the one they call Eragon Shadeslayer."

"Yes. I am."

The blue dragon came out from her shelter that she sleeps in and observed him. "I am Saphira Brightscales." She introduced.

"Yes, we have heard many true tales about you." Artvazh complimented.

"It was rather impressive that you helped Arya deal away with the powerful and almighty Shruikan when you Eragon, killed the king." Dervoc added

The young rider felt a little uncomfortable. "I.... did not really kill him. He committed suicide." He corrected

"Oh, but still, you put a mighty end to his terror all these years, and we thank you for that." Then the urgal made a small snort like a bull would make.

"Now, I believe it is your turn to introduce yourselves to me." Artvazh remarked to Twilight and the others.

"Oh of course. I am Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship."

"I am Rarity."


"I'm Pinkie Pie!" the pink mare bounced with joy

"And i'm Rainbow Dash, greatest flyer in all of Equestria."

Spike then looked at Fluttershy, still cowering in fear from his appearance and size. "It's okay, Fluttershy, just say hello to him."" he gently said to her.

"Yes, Fluttershy. Do not be afraid." Eragon added.

She decided to be brave and slowly realized that if she met Saphira and Thorn without being eaten alive down their stomachs, maybe Artvazh will be the same thing. She took a breath and slowly went in front of the colossal dragon and said "my name is... Fluttershy." She said really quietly

"I am sorry, what did you say, little pony?" Artvazh asked her through her mind.

"My name is Fluttershy." She said a little more loudly. Then she tried talking to him through his mind. "Um, can you.... Hear me Artvazh?"

"Yes. It is quite a pleasure meeting you, Fluttershy." The colossal dragon finally answered to her. "Do not be afraid of me. For I come in peace."

Now the yellow pegasus was starting to warm up to Artvazh already. "Good." She said more calmly

"I would not blame you for being afraid of me because of my own appearance, for many humans, elves, and even dwarves in Alagaesia thought just the same as you have."

"Oh. Really?"

"Aye." Then he reached his claw out to her. Fluttershy squeaked and covered her eyes. Then she felt the claw gently touching under her chin. He gently lifted her head so he can look at her eye to eye. "You have such kindness with a golden heart inside of you, youngling."

Fluttershy was rather touched and replied "oh. Thank you."

"Well, that is very touching, Artvazh." Dervoc said through his mind.

"What do you think he said? Or what they're talking about?" Rainbow asked Twilight in a whisper

"I don't know, but it does sound interesting." The purple Alicorn agreed.

"Well, we welcome you to Ponyville." Fluttershy said happily.

Artvazh smiled. "Thank you, Fluttershy."

"See? You can per toy trust my new closest friend." Dervoc said.

"I know."

"Eragon" said a voice. They all looked and saw Murtagh and Thorn. "I didn't realize you had the first rider coming here."

"Aye, me neither." Thorn added.

"You." Said the urgal, pointing a finger at the son of Morzan. "I recognize you." Fear instantly went through Murtagh. He knew something like this would happen

"You- you do?" Murtagh asked curiously

"Aye. You are the one they called Murtagh, and his dragon, Thorn. Me and Artvazh here have heard much about you. Like the fact that you betrayed Alagaesia then killed Hrothgar, and the crippled one himself, Oromis."

"Dervoc, Murtagh is nothing like Morzan. And Thorn is nothing like Shruikan." Eragon explained. "He is my half brother after all."

Then surprise went through Dervoc and his dragon companion, and they looked at the young rider.

"It is true." Said Thorn. "We never wanted to serve the king, but we had no choice, he knew our true names. Please forgive us for everything we have committed."

"Yes, please forgive us." Murtagh begged. "We want to truly redeem ourselves for everything we have done. Galbatorix was the one that killed Oromis, and Shruikan was the one who killed Glaedr, not me and Thorn."

Dervoc and Artvazh didn't really know what to think of this. They looked at Eragon and Saphira and both nodded a yes. Finally, the urgal said "we are very conflicted by this, Morzannson and Thorn. If Eragon and Saphira can trust you, then I suppose we can. However if you make one mistake of betraying us once again, me and Artvazh will leave nothing of you in our wake." He sounded a little more threatening than before.

"And I promise you, I will eat you for dinner." The large dragon added

"We understand." Murtagh said.

"We promise we will not try anything like that." Thorn added.

"Well, I suppose that's over." Spike said.

"Don't worry, Dervoc. You and Artvazh can trust them." Twilight said

"Very well, princess."

"You can just call me Twilight if you don't mind."

"As you wish. I suppose we can both live outside or in a cave. We certainly don't want Artvazh to make a mess of certain things, wouldn't we?"

The dragon made a soft growl unamused.

"I suppose that's true.' Said Rarity.

"Wait, what about this youngling here?" Artvazh asked. "You forgot to introduce yourself." Of course he was referring to Spike.

"Me?" The baby dragon said, realizing Dervoc and his dragon were looking at him.

"Yes, you." Dervoc asked

"Oh. I'm Spike, and I am a baby dragon, and Twilight's number one assistant."

"A dragon using his mouth to talk? Rather intriguing." Dervoc bent down and observed him

"Tell me, are they dragons on Equestria too?" Artvazh asked curiously.

"Yeah, but they are nothing like you. They are more like... greedy monsters that only horde gold and gems and have no friends."

"What? Well, I can assure you that I am both like those so-called creatures they call themselves dragons."

"Oh I knows. I have been told that many times already."


"Hey, can I look at your sword perhaps?" Rainbow asked the urgal

"Rainbow. That's rude." Twilight scolded.

"Ha ha. No that is quite alright. I would be more than happy to show you my new weapon." Then he took out his large rider's sword and they were all quite amazed with the stature. The blade matched the color of Artvazh's scales. "I call this sword Ramr."

"Wow, that's awesome." Rainbow said

"Did you have that elf blacksmith forge it for you?"

"Rhunon did help me, but I mostly did the work myself."

"That's amazing!" Said Pinkie

"We urgals are masters in the arts of blacksmithing after all. "then he sheathed Ramr back in it's scabbard. "Well, we might as well be off to find a house now, and I really need to hunt for food out in the wilderness. An urgralgra like me cannot settle in Equestria on an empty stomach, can he?" He made a hearty laugh.

"Tell me about it." Said Applejack.

"Remember your personal be,on goings you brought here." Artvazh reminded

"Of course." Then the urgal ran, leaving small shakes on the ground with every step as he was going out into the wilderness for some food he can find.

Artvazh then went over to a small field not to far and rested on the grass. Just like that, everyone disbanded and carried on with their lives. Thus forth, the new dragon rider era has begun in Equestria.

Next Chapter: Skalmo and Gridgorn Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 52 Minutes
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