
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

Chapter 23: Murtagh's Inner Struggle

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In Sweet Apple Acres, Eragon was doing a little farm work for Applejack and her family. Of course he was not alone, for Applejack, Applebloom, and Big Mac were playing their part of what they would always do everyday. Saphira wasn't with him at the moment, she was out hunting for some animals to feed on again, and was far away from Ponyville, but nevertheless. She and Eragon can still contact one another with their minds, no matter how far they are.

Meanwhile, Applejack was bucking some apple trees like she would normally do as her main chore of the day. She also saw Big Mac knocking over another tree not too far from her. "Good thing I have Big Mac helping me." Said Applejack. "What would I do without him?"

Indeed, Big Mac can handle kicking and bucking the trees no problem at all. He hardly broke a sweat with that kick, and he gave it all his best as if he was not even trying, Applejack smiled, feeling really lucky to have a loving big brother like him. Then the large red stallion noticed her looking. "You okay, AJ?" He asked

"Wha? Oh yeah sure. Sorry. I... I was just thinking and I got a little distracted by somethin' but I'm fine. Sorry bout that."

"It's fine. It's fine. I was just curious." Big Mac called back to her. Then she went back to bucking trees, as did he.

"I wonder how Eragon and Applebloom are doin'. Ah, I'm pretty sure they are doing a great job. Yessiree. " applejack thought to herself. "He is really liking his new home in Ponyville. But, I hope he will be alright since he can never go back to his homeland. Oh well, hr does go us after all."

For Applebloom, she was done feeding the pigs their lunch, and they all oinked happily, possibly saying thank you to Applebloom.

"You're welcome, guys."

"Hi Applebloom!" Said two more little girl voices. She looked and it was her best friends "Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"Hi girls." Applebloom replied. "I'm still doing my chores right now."

"That's okay, Applebloom." Said Sweetie Belle. "We can wait."

"Yeah, totally."

"Good. Since you are here, do you think you guys can help me out a little?"

"I thought that was tour job." Said Sweetie Belle.

"Oh i'm pretty sure Applejack wouldn't mind me having some extra help. Besides, it probably wouldn't hurt if I had my best friends helping me out."

"Okay." They both said.

"Normally, I do not like doing work, but if it involves animals, and maybe flying and setting up games, I suppose I can be okay with that." Scootaloo remarked

"Just like your sister." Sweetie joked. They both laughed. "So, how can we help you out?"

"Yeah, how?"

"Hmmmm, well, I think you can help me pick out the eggs from the chickens for now. The baskets are right in the barn."

"Okay." Then the two cheerfully went to get the egg baskets out of the building and they went with Applebloom to their chicken coop.

"So where is Saphira? We saw Eragon picking some corn from the fields and plowing, but me and Scootaloo didn't see the dragon."

"Oh, she's out hunting for food in the wilderness." Applebloom answered

"Aw. That's a shame. I was hoping we would see her here since they are close together." Scootaloo said

"I know. But don't worry, maybe she might show up, or if not, we know where to find her if we want to hang out, right?"

"Right." They both replied.

"So, I think we should get to work now. I wouldn't want Applejack or Big Mac to think I am lolly gagging."

Then they went to work helping the chickens with their eggs. Meanwhile, Eragon was out harvesting corn and carefully plowing the fields with his shirt off to keep him more cool under the sun. It was like back in Garrow's far, when he lived with him, Roran, and Elaine.

He wished that Roran would be here to see this beautiful piece of land, and help him out with the work. Eragon remembered the good times he had with his cousin back in Alagaesia. From the time they both learned how to harvest pumpkins to the time they had to part for the future riders. He stopped as he remembered hearing Roran bellowing a scream of loss after Eragon sailed don the river to Equestria. Then he began to shed a few tears of homesickness. He really missed Roran and his other friends and family well, Murtagh and Thorn have just came to see him and Saphira again, but it wasn't enough to soothe Eragon's pain. He just wish he can at least see them all again.

"Feeling sentimental?" Asked Glaedr, who was in Eragon's pouch resting near the fence not far from him.

"Oh, no master. I was just plowing the fields." He replied. "I... just got a little bit turned around from working."

"Oh youngling, I understand how sad you are. But do not let it get the best of your mind. It will make you a very unhappy rider. "

"I know. I... just wish I can see them all again." He wiped a couple of tears from his eyes while a few others fell and stained on his torso. "But... i don't want to forget all about them entirely where I do not remember names."

"Of course you did not say that." Glaedr replied. "You really should think more about the positive outlooks on your life."

"How? Sure, Murtagh and Thorn came here to be with me and Saphira as friends, and make amend as brothers, but, it is still not enough."

"I do understand, and so would Oromis and Brom. As a matter of fact, I have felt the same feelings you have when he died right in my arms.."

"That was different." Eragon pointed

"No. Not at all. Oromis was like a brother to me, and I felt devastated when he passed to the next world. But, with you, Saphira, Umaroth, and the other eldunari, I do not feel so alone anymore."

"I suppose."

"And take a look at Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Spike, their fronds and the other inhabitants of Equestria."

Eragon smiled faintly. "I know. Twilight, and the others have really helped me, Saphira, my crew, Murtagu, and Thorn be as comfortable as possible. They truly are good friends to us." He sighed, for he was not wrong. "Maybe I should just get back to work with this to keep this talk out of my head."

"Maybe you are right."

"Eragon?" Said a voice. He made a startled yell and turned around to see Applebloom and her friends.

"Please do not sneak up on me like that." Eragon reprimanded.

"Sorry." All three girls said

"Hey, is that a tear stain on your chest?" Asked Applebloom.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh yes yes. I'm fine. Why do you all ask?"

"Well we.... kinda noticed you were standing still like a statue in front of a chapel, and wasn't raking the fields." Sweetie replied

"Oh that. I... just got a little... sidetracked and was staring into space. Nothing is bothering me. I swear. Probably was too deep in my own mind I didn't notice."

"Are you sure you're alright?" Asked Scootaloo

"Of course."

"Youngling, please do not lie to them. You know exaggerating the truth will not help you be better." Glaedr notified.

"You're right." Eragon said in defeat in his mind.

"Eragon?" Said Applebloom

"Alright. I might as well tell you the truth. I was feeling.... sentimental because it reminded me of my cousin, Roran. If your sisters haven't told you this, I lived on a farm in Alagaesia before Saphira came along."

"Oh yeah, they did tell us about that." Scootaloo remembered.

"Right. I might never see him again because I can never go back to Alagaesia. It just hurts so much. But... i will pull myself together. I promise."

"Oh, Eragon. We're sorry." Said Sweetie Belle sympathetically.

"We know how you feel, but you got Saphira, and that cool guy with a red dragon, uhhhh... what are they called again? I know he is your brother, that's what I keep hearing."

"Murtagh. And... he is my half brother actually."

"Half brother?" Asked Applebloom

"Aye. You know, same mother but different fathers?"

"Oh." The three said

"Right. And his dragon is named Thorn."

"Yeah, that's the name." Scootaloo pointed.

"Well, i might want to get back with the work. I shouldn't keep Applejack, Granny Smith, or Big Mac waiting. Besides, I probably killed enough time with this already."

"Okay, you do that." Said Applebloom.

"So, what about you, Applebloom, did you do your part?"

"Yep, fed the animals, and collected all the eggs from the chickens."

"We helped." Sweetie said

"Very well." Then Eragon resumed his work in the field. After a little while, he was already sweating mildly under the sun. He put those sad, sentimental memories aside to carry on.

The girls however, didn't take their eyes of him as he worked. They were still concerned for him since they saw his brief weeping. However, they went to the house to tell Granny Smith that Applebloom had completed her chores, and glanced their eyes back at him. They even bumped into a wrong part of the house because of that, then got their pupils forward again.

"Is something troubling you, little one?" said Saphira in his mind from a far distance.

"Oh. I... I was just feeling sentimental again." he replied to her modestly through his head. "I will be fine. I just need to get to work to help me not be so homesick."

"I was only checking on you, Eragon." Saphira remarked

"I know. I know. So, did you find anything to eat?"

"Oh yes. I found a large moose bull. Possibly the largest one I have ever seen. And I also found a mule deer as a second course."

"Good. Are you full now?"

"Well, I suppose I might as well find one more thing to eat."

"Very well. Just please make sure it does not talk like the ponies, cows, buffalo, or any other creature that can possibly talk."

"What if it wants to kill me? I might as well use self defense."

"Well.... alright. But if only it really wants to kill you, and seems really dangerous, you can kill it then."

"Perfect. And I will try not to be thoughtless with my kill. I promise."

"Good. And I promise you that I will be fine, so you do not have to worry about me. Well.... So much I mean."

"No promises."

Eragon smirked. "I know." Then as soon as he was finished talking with the blue dragon, he was already done with the plowing. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead, and proudly put the rake back in the tool shed.

"Eragon." Called a voice. It was Applejack, with Big Mac beside her. They were carrying buckets of apples on their backs.

"Are you alright carrying all that to the barn? Especially with all of those apples?"

"Don't worry, Eragon." Said Applejack. "Me and Big Mac can haul all these apples no sweat."

"Well, I wish I can say the same for you." Big Mac joked, referring to Eragon's sweat. "So how did the fields go?"

"Rather well. It was quite some work to do, but I wouldn't call it difficult. I lived on my uncle's farm with my cousin Roran, remember?"

"Right. We remember." Said Applejack. "So, can you please help us with the other apples? There are more buckets over near the entry to the orchard."

"Of course. I would be glad to help. Oh, and I should tell you that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are here, and they helped her with the chickens if that is alright with you."

"That's perfectly fine with me. I appreciate the help the girls can do with our sister."

Eragon promptly went over to the other bucket of ripe and delicious apples and carried the, to the barn. If was heavier than to would look like, but he can still lift them with one hand on the handles. It was like Garrow's farm all over again, but he pro used himself he would not get to sentimental about, and knows that he would only hurt himself.

"Thank you so much, Eragon."

"It's the least I can do." Eragon smiled. "Is there anything else I can assist you or Big Macintosh with, Applejack?"

"Nope, just the barrels and I think we are done for the day." Applejack replied

"Hey, where's Applebloom and her frends?"

"Right here!" The three said. They just came out of the house to meet with the other two who were working."

"Ah, there you are. Have you fed the animals?"


"And collected the chicken eggs?"

"Yep yep."

Applejack chuckled. "Alright alright. I guess you three can earn a nice day of play as a reward."

"Thanks, sis."

"Sure, Applebloom. Just he careful now."

"Of course."

Then the three went to the clubhouse one five hundred feet from the farm, and laughed as they went inside the little treehouse.

"So, I think by the looks of ya, Eragon, I think you need some apple juice, or cider, or just water would be fine if you want." Big Mac said

"Oh I agree. I do need some refreshing drink to help relief me of my sweating. It is starting o become a little unbearable. It's like I just came here from the Hadarac desert."

The two laughed. "I don't know about that." Said Applejack. "Well, come on, I think we all deserve a nice drink." The three went in the farmhouse for juice, cider, or water, whichever one they would want.

Meanwhile, Murtagh was having a little walk around the town. Many of the inhabitants greeted him warmly and waved hello to him. Murtagh waved back to them in response, and felt really flattered by their kindness. Thorn was also hunting for food out of town.

"Hey, Murtagh!" Called a voice. He stopped and saw Rainbow Dash flying to him then landed on the grass.

"Oh, Rainbow. I didn't expect you to follow me." Murtagh remarked flatly. "What can I do you for, Rainbow Dash? What do you want?"

"Ah, I just wanted to say hello and I was wondering if I can join you on your stroll through town, no biggie. Sooo, can I please walk with you?"

"Sure. I do not mind a little extra company with me."

"Yay!" Then the cyan pegasus walked with the rogue rider." So where's Thorn at?"

"Out for a little hunting. He said he was feeling more hungrier than a were cat with extreme dehydration. But, he will be back in a little while."

"Oh. You know, Murtagh? You are really cool. One of the coolest guys I have ever met."

"Well, i don't feel so warm, or so cold either." Murtagh remarked. Of course he wouldn't really know what the new sense of the word "cool" would mean

"No no. I mean you are amazing, and so is Thorn. You guys are really awesome. Very interesting and intriguing. You get what i'm saying now?"

"Oh. I see your point. Well, thank yo for the compliment, Rainbow Dash."

"Ah, no problem." Rainbow shrugged. "So how does it feel to be with your brother again? Wait, have I asked you that before? I can't remember."

"You didn't. Anywho, I am rather happy to be with Eragon,and Thorn the same for Saphira. He said that Saphira gives a dragon like him hope."

"Good. good for him."

"Aye, and Thorn is also really liking Spike a large deal. He would think about the youngling nonstop at times."

"That's kind of like what Spike does." Rainbow pointed. "There are days he would talk about Saphira without ending and then Thorn on other days. And, Spike and Saphira are growing more.... close to eachother. Not in a romantic way, but in a rather family type."

"That's adorable." Murtagh said. "So, what would expect of these new riders when they are around me?"

"Well, I don't know for sure, but I promise you, me and my best friends will help you guys get along. We know you are nothing like your dad. You are good and strong-willed, and let's not forget: awesome."

"Thank you Rainbow. At least you all understand what I am." he growled softly. "I just wish that the animal man and his spellcasters would understand the same thing as you and everyone else does in this place."

"Blodhgarm? he just needs to warm up to you, that's all."

"I don't know. It really looked like he really wanted to kill me when we first met. And i can say the same for the other crew belonging to Eragon through his voyage here. Not many of those elves looked very happy to see me either."

"Don't worry. Everything will be just fine. I know it will." she wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "Just trust us."

"Well.... I have learned that in life, I cannot trust anyone, but, I suppose i can try and trust you. and the others. besides, I can see it in your eyes that you are not lying. The same is said about your friends' eyes."

"Good. So, do you and Thorn really plan on staying in Equestria. I know I asked that dumb question many times, but i'm curious."

"I told you. I am not sure. Yet again, I have no where else to go. So we will see what happens. Alright?"

"okay, just asking."

"I know."

"Murtagh, I am coming back. I just ate my lunch." Thorn called in a distance

"good." Murtagh muttered."


"Oh, nothing Rainbow. Thorn said he is coming back to Ponyville, and he just had lunch."

"Oh good."

"So, i heard about you wanting to join this league called the 'Wonderbolts', correct?" Murtagh asked curiously

"Yep! they are the best flyers in all of Equestria. It is my lifelong dream of joining the wonderbolts ever since I was a filly. And, if my dream doesn't really come true, or maybe it will. Ah, who am I kidding. I'm happy as long as I have my friends with me."

"That's good." Murtagh remarked. He gave a lonely sigh "I just wish I have friends like you, and Twilight, and Fluttershy."

"You got Thorn, remember?"

"Oh right. of course. I could never forget about my friend. And the same for Tornac, my mentor, and Eragon and Saphira."

"there you go."

"So, do you think there is a marketplace somewhere in this town." he felt his stomach growl.

"Sure, just go down the street, and you'll find it."

"Thank you."

"Of course. Well, i'm off to go practice my flying. Catch you on the rebounds, slick." then she flew away in the speed of light.

Murtagh, didn't really know what that saying meant either, but he called out to her "See you soon, Rainbow Dash." then went to the farmer's market to get something to eat.

In the night, the air and temperature was getting colder as the sun was going down. Murtagh stared into his fireplace as he was adapting to his new house. It wasn't like Morzan's castle, but he liked it anyway. It was the least Twilight, and Ponyville can do for he and Thorn from their hospitality.

"You seem tired." Thorn said from outside. He was really liking his new shed to sleep in as well.

"Aye. It has been a rather long day for me." Murtagh replied in agreement. He yawned and drowsily went upstairs. he took off his clothes, minus his undergarments, and put Za'roc near his bed. "Well, goodnight, Thorn."

"Goodnight, Murtagh." the red dragon replied in return as he fell asleep. Then Murtagh fell asleep thereafter. His new bed was rather soft and confortable. He wished that the bed Morzan made him would be as soft and cozy as this one.

In his dream. Murtagh was in a eerie, foggy void. "Hello?" he called. He walked and wondered if anything was even moving at all. He kept on wondering the unknown, realizing there was no end to this oblivion

"Hello, Murtagh." said a voice that sent a shiver down his spine. "It is good to see you again.... my son." he turned around and saw a man cloaked in black armor, black hair the same color as Murtagh's but longer, a red cape, and Za'roc, or what looks like Za'roc. He had a small beard, and looked almost exactly like Murtagh.

"F- father?" Murtagh said, frozen where he is. The mysterious looking man did look like Morzan. But it couldn't be Morzan. Or could it?

"Yes, Murtagh. Look at how much you have grown up into a handsome young man." he said flatly and in a gregarious voice.

"And you look even uglier than the last time I me you, you bastard." Murtagh spited at him.

Morzan gave a rather cruel chuckle. "Is that any way to talk to your father?" he said.

"Shut up!" Murtagh's voice began to sound a little louder. "I am nothing like you, Morzan. You are not my father!"

"That is just like you, Murtagh. Such a petulant child." Morzan said. "What would your mother have to say about this?"

Murtagh roared in rage and unsheathed Za'roc out of his scabbard and charged at him with full vengeance. When he sliced through him, he was perfectly unscathed, as if the sword didn't touch him at all. he looked in disbelief and Murtagh. "Never speak of my mother like that! you son of a bitch!"

"Oh come now Murtagh." he said, with his back still facing Murtagh.

Murtagh then sliced a few more times at Morzan, but to no avail. "Why won't you die already?" he exclaimed

"Because I am already dead. Brom killed me, remember?"

"That's- that's right. He did." Murtagh remembered. "Look, what do you want from me?"

"I have been watching you for quite a while, my son." he turned around so he can face him again. "You have this little.... skirmish within yourself, saying you are nothing like me."

"Of course I am not a monster like you." Murtagh exclaimed

Morzan laughed wickedly. "That is where you are wrong, Murtagh. I am your father, and I might as well tell you that my skin is your skin. Now listen closely. Your brother, Eragon, and his dragon Saphira killed the mighty king Galbaborix, and you have had a hand in it. I must say I am quite dissappointed in you."

"He was a monster as well. The both of you are nothing but thieves, liars, and creatures that are the most closely related to Ra'zac! I am happy that you and the king are dead. I never even wanted you as a father anyway!"

"Tut tut, son. I can tell you that I have changed, and want to face myself on judgement day for my sins in the past."

"That is a very good story to tell." Murtagh said sarcastically. "Should I remind you that you did this to my back?!" he turned around and showed the apparition his back where his scar was. "You never cared about me, and you always discarded my like I was nothing but a maggot! I hope that you will live an afterlife as a pathetic and sad demon you really are with that devil of a king Galbatorix! Why would my mother even love you anyway?"

"What?" then Morzan began to feel more angry.

"It is a shame that mother is not with me. Not only do I miss her, but I would also like her to see what a monster you have become! and see what a miserable failure you really are as my father."

"Bah! you damn brat! I will tolerate your insubordination no longer!" then he took out Za'roc and Murtagh realized that his sword was gone. He panicked and it was as if the sword was taken by the former king's right hand like magic. "Prepare to die!" Morzan exclaimed. He charge at Murtagh with full force and yelled in anger.

Murtagh didn't know what to do, then he had a flashback of when he was a boy and when Morzan threw his sword on his back, nearly killing him. He screamed in terror, and then woke up with a fright. "Wha- what- what happened?" he panted heavily.

"Murtagh, what is it?" Thorn asked. He must have noticed Murtagh was having trouble thoughts in his sleep and must have woken up from Murtagh's little outburst. "Are you alright?"

"I.... I am fine." Murtagh replied. "I... I just had a little nightmare. That's all."

"Is there anything you would like to talk about?"

"no. I just need some sleep."

"Very well. I am just worried about you."

"I know, thank you. Goodnight." The Murtagh went to sleep again, as did Thorn.

The Next Morning

Murtagh was sitting on his couch and was feeling stressed out of his head. "I am nothing like Morzan." He said out loud. Then he heard a knock at the door.

He opened it, and it was Twilight and her friends with her. "Hi Murtagh." They all said

"Oh. Hello, Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, and Spike." He replied in a not-so-happy voice in return. "What do you all want."

"Is everything alright, darling." Asked Rarity

"Aye. Why do you ask?"

"Well, please don't be mad at us, but- Thorn told us that you had a nightmare last night, and we are a little worried about you." Fluttershy clarified.

"Oh. Well I am not mad at you. I thank you all for caring. I.... i might as well tell you about what happened. Please come inside."

"Don't mind if we do!" Pinkie exclaimed, then she happily went inside the house.

"Pinkie, wait for us!" Twilight reprimanded

"It's alight. Do come inside."

Then they all entered. They made themselves comfortable and Murtagh sat on his chair. "So, what's going on?" Spike asked

"Well... i had a nightmare last night about.... my father." Murtagh explained. He told the about how Morzan was haunting him as a ghost in his dream and he tried to kill him. The others were arrived and surround by this.

"Sounds like yo have a conflict." Said Twilight

"Aye. A rather large conflict. I just hope I never have to face that murderer in any way ever again. What should I do about?" He placed his hand on his forehead in stress.

"Sounds like you should see Celestia and Luna about this if it is really troubling you." Rainbow suggested

"What? No no. I couldn't. What if they do not accept me and Thorn in Equestria?"

"We told you, they will like you. Besides, Eragon can come with us." Pinkie reminded

"I... i suppose."

"Come now, Murtagh, I think you should go and see them. It sounded like you were really troubled with that noghtmare last night." Thorn pleaded.

Murtagh sighed. "Alright. I suppose I can come with you to the princess'." Murtagh reluctantly agreed.

"Good. We promise you will love them." Twilight said

"Oh yes, they will like you, too." Fluttershy added.

"Very well."

"Murtagh?" Said another voice from outside. It was Eragon

"Come on in, brother. The door is open.

"I heard about your little nightmare. Are you feeling alright?"

"No." He said sadly. "And I take it that the others suggested you come with me to see the princess' by any chance?"

"Yep. They did. So, are you coming with me and Saphira?"

"Aye. I will. Let us be on our way."

"Good. We'll meet you guys there." Said Twilight. "Come on, guys." Then they all exited the house and went to the train, leaving the brothers alone.

"So, I guess we should be on our way then?" Eragon smirked

"Indeed, brother. We will follow you and Saphira."

"Good." Then they mounted on their dragons and flew away to Canterlot.

Author's Notes:

What will Celestia and Luna think about Murtagh and Thorn? Find out on the next chapter.

Next Chapter: Reluctant Help Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 16 Minutes
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