
Eragon's New Home: Equestria

by MetalBrony823

First published

Eragon Shadeslayer can't go back to Alagaesia because of the prophecy, so he lives in Equestria. To make new friends with adorable, and colorful ponies

The young Human/Elf hybrid Dragon Rider named Eragon, with his dragon, Saphira travel on the Talia ship that goes West of Alagaesia, to a new place called "Equestria." It had been one month since Eragon killed the evil king of Alagaesia: Galbatorix, and his humongous black dragon, Shruikan. Eragon however feels saddened, because he had to leave everyone he loved behind. His cousin: Roran, Arya with her new green dragon named Firnen, Horst and the people of Carvahall(even though it has been destroyed by the Empire) Nar Garzhvog(The Kull chieftain that Eragon made friends with) Murtagh: his half brother with his red dragon: Thorn, Nasuada, Orik, Katrina, and others. He discovers that there can be friends from any part of the world. Of course, He has Saphira, Blodhgarm and his twelve elves, many eldunaris from many dragons, Including Glaedr, Oromis's dragon, and a teacher to Eragon and his dragon. Umaroth, and many other eldunaris. WARNING: If you had not read Inheritance, it will contain spoilers. Rights for the characters from the Inheritance cycle, goes to Christopher Paolini.

Rights for the cover go to Ticcy on Deviantart.com

Land Ho!

Eragon Shadeslayer was sailing east of Alagaesia on the Talia in the midday. He was just sitting in the front of the boat on a bench. His appearance did not change, except that his hair has become a little longer. Saphira hardly changed as well. He gave out a depressed sigh and said out loud to himself. "Oh, Arya. I wish I can come back to Alagaesia, but I can't. At least we had a good time seeing eachother one last time". He thought about his older cousin, Roran. Eragon remembered the bellowing cry that Roran shouted when Eragon departed from Alagaesia for eternity, making Eragon quietly sob about his cousin's depression. Next, he thought about Murtagh, his half brother who went into self exile into Du Weldenvarden, the home of the elves with his dragon, Thorn. He thought about everyone he loved, Orik, Nar Garzhvog, Katrina, Nasuada , and others. It was very clear that Eragon will never see any of them again. However, He remembered what he said to Murtagh, and what Murtagh said to him.

Flashback: One Month Earlier

When you no Longer wish to be alone, come find us. You''ll always be welcome at our hearth, wherever that may be." Eragon said to his half brother

"We will. I promise." Murtagh replied to Eragon

Present time
Eragon thought to himself "I really hope I do see him again. We are brothers after all." He also remembered what Thorn told him before they left to the Wilderness. "May the wind and sun always be at you're back". that sentence from what Thorn just said, was stuck in Eragon's mind. For the first time, he had heard Thorn's voice when he saw Murtagh for the last time. What he didn't realize was that Saphira, his blue dragon, and Blodhgarm, one of the many elves that accompanied Eragon on his journey were right behind him, with Blodhgarm holding Glaedr's eldunari

"Eragon, what's the matter?" asked Saphira in a caring voice, telepathically.

"N...nothing, Saphira." Eragon lied. "I...I'm fine."

Blodhgarm then walked up, sat next to him, and put an hand on his shoulder. "You miss all of the ones you love, don't you, Shadeslayer?" He said

Eragon couldn't lie anymore. He looked at the blue-furred, musk smelling elf and said "I admit it. Yes, I miss them all." He began to sob a little louder now.

"No need to shed any tears, youngling." said Glaedr from his eldunari. "You have me, Saphira, the eldunaris, and the elves on board."

"Including me and my eleven helpers." Blodhgarm added.

"They are right, young one." said Saphira. "I will admit it, I miss everyone too. You would not believe how much I miss Firnen."

Eragon then got up with a huff, took Blodhgarm's hand off of his shoulder, and said "Look, I thank you for trying to cheer me up, but I just need some time alone."

"Come now, Eragon." said Saphira. "We just want to help you."

"I know, but...please just...leave me alone." Eragon then walked away from the two, and into the boat, angrily walking to his room. He began to sob and keen very loudly into a pillow. His tears were already making it wet. "I feel so alone." He wept. "Why did I have to leave now?" He continued weeping into the pillow until he heard a voice.

"You are never alone, Eragon." said the voice. To his surprise, Eragon looked up and stopped his weeping. He saw where the voice came from and his mouth went agape to see, his father: Brom. Right next to him was Oromis, his teacher. Hrothgar, the king of the Dwarves before Orik. Lastly there was Ajihad, Nasuada's father and the past leader of the Varden. They were all glowing a blue, ghostly color.

"Father?" said Eragon in surprise. "Is that you?"

"Yes, Eragon. I am here." Brom replied.

"How..how did you all..."

But before Eragon could even finish his sentence, Oromis answered "We may be dead, my pupil, but we live on inside of you."

"We all know how you you feel, Argetlam." Said Hrothgar "We understand that leaving all of your kin, and your loved ones is an unbearable sight."

"But try to understand: it might be a path that you would have to follow, dragon rider." said Ajihad.

Eragon then looked away from the four, and covered his head with his arms and legs, both in sadness, and in anger. "It isn't fair." he said. "Why did the prophecy say that I had to leave my own home?" He then felt a chill down his spine to feel Brom's ghostly hand on his shoulder.

"I understand, Eragon. Life isn't fair, I concur, but you must always remember that you are not alone."

The young rider however, wasn't very convinced, and gave out another depressed son.

Oromis joined in and said "Your father speaks wisely. I am sure that wherever you settle, there maybe a warm welcome for you, a warm kvetha from the inhabitants. You should also never forget that Saphira, Glaedr, the elves on this vessel, and the dragons from the past will be with you as well, as well as some of the future riders the baby dragons want to to hatch for."

"Listen Eragon. If you ever need any guidance, or any help if you are ever lost in your own paths, We will always be there to guide you." Brom said in his fatherly voice.

"Look...I thank you for your concern, but...I just don't know if i'm ready for this journey just yet." said Eragon

"I know you are, my son." said Brom. "You just need understand what I just said."

"We are very certain that all of your friends and your family back home miss you as well, and they will always remember you." said Ajihad

"Indeed. You will always be a family member to mine clan, Shadeslayer. I sense that Orik is very proud of you right now. You will never be forgotten from mine, and the other clans of the Dwarven family." Hrothgar added

"You must also understand that I love you, Eragon, and so did your mother. Atra esterni ono thelduin." At this, Brom and the other three began to vanish into thin air

"No, no, father. Wait! Don't leave me!" Pleaded Eragon

"We will meet again, my apprentice. I promise." said Oromis. The ghosts vanished completely, leaving Eragon alone again

"Father? Oromis? Anyone?" he called, but no answer came back to him. He gave out a frustrated shout and punched the wall of his bedroom. He began to knelt down, covered his face, and sobbed.

After one hour, he calmed himself, and eased his weeping. He wiped the last of his tears, and walked out of his room. When he got back on the deck, he saw Saphira sitting and waiting for her rider to come out.

"Saphira?" said Eragon

The blue dragon lifted her head after hearing Eragon's voice

"Young one! Are you feeling better?" asked Saphira

"For now, Saphira. Yes." Eragon replied.

"I am glad to hear that." the blue dragon said. "What were you doing down there?" she asked him with concern

Eragon thought of the the ghost of Brom, Oromis, Ajihad, and Hrothgar. He decided not to talk about it, so he lie to Saphira by saying "I was just trying to think things through."

"I understand." Said Saphira

"Land Ho!" said the elf steering the ship.

Eragon and Saphira rushed to the very front of the ship, and saw that there was a big beach, with a big delta. It could possibly mean a new home for the dragon rider and his dragon, along with the future riders. The elf controlling the steering wheel looked for any part of the delta that would fit the Talia, and saw one at the perfect size for the ship. As they went further into the delta, they saw that the ground was turning into beautiful green grass, and lots of trees.

"This looks so beautiful." said Eragon in awe

"I do say." said Blodhgarm also in amazement.

However, they didn't see any intelligent lifeforms yet, so they kept on going down the river. Eragon was just looking around the place with beauty. Ice capped mountains, many bushes, flowers were blooming in the grass. They saw rabbits, deer, bears, many species of birds, including sparrows and finches. However, the bears were not like the Urzhad that Eragon saw fighting Nagra in the Beor mountains with Nar Garzhvog, the Kull Chieftain that ran with him To Farthen Dur. The bears were alot smaller than urzhadn, and just the size of any other bear found outside of the Beor Mountains in Alagaesia.

After thirty minutes long have passed, away from the shorelines, the elf navigating the vessel shouted to the three "Here's a nice spot".

"Very good, blaethr." called Eragon.

The ship stopped at the destination, Eragon grabbed Glaedr's eldunari, and his sword Brisingr tied to his waist, into it's sheath, and Saphira got off board with Eragon on her back. It felt very good for the two to enjoy walking on land again, the enjoyable feeling on grass.

"It feels so good walking on grass, doesn't it Saphira?"

"Aye, that it does." replied the blue dragon. "Don't you agree that the landscape around here looks so beautiful?"

"Aye, I haven't seen anything like this in a long time." said Eragon. "Sure, Alagaesia can be beautiful, but not like this."

"Eragon." said Glaedr

"Yes, Ebrithil?"

"I would hate to forget about the scenery, but you should probably look for any civilization this moment."

"You're right. We should probably look." Eragon replied. He put Glaedr's eldunari in his bag. He went back to the ship, raised his head and called "Blodhgarm?"

The cat pelted elf showed himself to see Eragon. "Yes, Shadeslayer?" the wolf-fanged elf called back

"Please keep an eye on the other eldunari and eggs until I return, understand?"

"Understood." shouted blodhgarm to Eragon, and then he went out of sight from Eragon again, on the ship

"Shall we, Saphira?" said Eragon to her in his mind

"Yes." the blue dragon replied. "Let us be on our way."

"Good, but don't fly just yet, It might scare anyone that we will eventually come across with."

Saphire let out a reluctant groan, but she said "Fine, but if we don't fine anything soon, I am going to hunt."

"Very well." said Eragon

The rider and his dragon walked onward to the mysterious land, to look for any traces of any civilization. for a while, they looked from side to side, but, no luck. They saw many types of the animals they saw, but they kept their distance, because of Saphira. They just stared at Eragon along with Saphira. Obviously, they have never seen anyone like the young rider before.

"I wonder why they keep staring at me?" he said in his mind. "Sure they stare at Saphira, but they pay more attention to me."

"I am pretty sure that there is any civilizations in this land." said Saphira telepathically. "We just need to go further."

One Hour Later

Eragon and Saphira still didn't find anyone, and they stopped for a little rest. The rider gave out a sigh and said "Alright, Saphira...you can go hunt now."

"Finally!" said Saphira in excitement. "You remember how to find me, right?"

"Always." said Eragon.

"Good." Saphira flew away, into the sky to look for food. Eragon watched his dragon flying away from his sight, and when he couldn't see Saphira, he continued onward. "Well Ebrithil, looks like it's just you and me." said Eragon

"Indeed." replied Glaedr telepathically.

Fifteen Minutes Later

Eragon was already tired, so He decided to stop for a rest. He sat on the tall grass, and said cynically "It's no use. It's probably just an uninhabited continent that no one has ever discovered yet."

"Don't give up hope, youngling." said Glaedr. "Youngling?"

"Yes, Glaedr?" said Eragon.

"Do you still feel depressed over leaving your loved ones?" asked Glaedr

Eragon gave out a sigh and said "Yes. But, I am sure that I will get over that."

"I noticed." said Glaedr

"Wait!" said Eragon. "I...I detect life." said Eragon

"How could you be so sure, Eragon?" the golden dragon's spirit asked

"I don't know, Glaedr. I...I just feel like-"

"Feel like what?" said a high pitched girly voice.

Eragon gave out a startle yelped, along with seven voices. He unsheathed Brisingr with a tight grip on Glaedr's eldunari on his other hand. He turned back to see six small colorful horses. Two had wings, one was a unicorn, one had both wings and a horn, and two had neither. "Like I am being stalked." he said

The horse with a straight purple mane, with light purple fur walked up and said " We are so sorry to scare you. Please, put your sword away. We mean you now harm." It was a beautiful, feminine voice. Eragon still had Brisingr in his hand, and he got a good long look at the horses. Besides the purple Allicorn, there was a blue furred pegasus with a rainbow colored mane with a rainbow colored lightning bolt on her flank. Next to her was another Pegasus, but her fur was light yellow, and her mane was long and pink with butterflies on her flank.

The yellow pegasus walked up with a smile and went to observe Eragon. "It's okay. We are nice ponies." She said in a voice that sounded calm and soft.

"Ponies? That's what they are? And they can talk? Astounding!" said Eragon in his mind. "They look nothing like the ponies back in Alagaesia." After hearing the soft voice, The elf/human rider lowered Brisingr very slowly. Finally, he slowly unsheathed it.

"Sorry." said Eragon. "It's just that I am not from this land, and I have never seen anyone like you before."

"That's okay." said the yellow pegasus.

"Well, now that you realize we are not enemies. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Twilight Sparkle.' said the purple Alicorn.

The blue furred pegasus stood next to the two ponies. "I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest Flyer in all of Equestria." she said in am arrogant voice

"That's what this land is called 'Equestria'?" asked Eragon

"Yep." said the six Ponies and repltillian creature in unison

The white unicorn with a dark purple mane walked up and said in an elegant voice "My name is Rarity."

"I'm Fluttershy." said the yellow pegasus

"I'm Applejack." said the earth pony with a cowboy hat.

"And I am Pinkie Pie!" said the excited pink earth pony while shaking Eragon's hand

"I am Spike." said the reptillian creature. "I am Twilight's number one assisstant, and a baby dragon

Eragon looked at Spike with surprise, and walked up to observe the baby dragon. "Wait. Something is missing about you." he said

"What's that?" asked Spike. However he said in his head "I bet he's going to ask,'where are your wings?' I just know it"

"Where are your wings?" asked Eragon

"Aha! I knew it!" exclaimed Spike.

"What? I don't mean that in an offensive way." said Eragon.

"Don't worry about him." said Twilight. "I know you didn't mean that in an offending way. So, what's your name?"

"My name is...Eragon, Eragon Shadeslayer." said he. "What do you all want from me?"

Twilight was a little offended of what he asked, but she answered by saying "Well...Eragon, We were all wondering. "What are you exactly, where are you from and...

"Why are you here in Equestria?" Fluttershy added

Eragon had a look on his face. He didn't want to tell them that he was starting a new life with new dragon riders, otherwise they would have kicked him out of Equestria.

"Glaedr." he said telepathically to the eldunari. "What should I tell them?" He was kind of panicking at the moment

"Do not worry, youngling. I am pretty sure they will understand." said Glaedr

"Eragon?" said Twilight who interrupted his mind speaking with the golden dragon

He gave out a small sigh and said "Well...I...I..I was sent by a king. Yes, a king. he wanted me to send me some alchemy ingredients to this distant land. Now, if you excuse me. I need to continue my delivery. hehehe." he chuckled nervously, and then he paced walked the other way, but Applejack stopped him by standing right in front of them.

"Not so fast, partner." said Applejack. Eragon could easily tell that she was not fooled. He looked at the other ponies and Spike who looked the same way as Applejack.

"I'm telling you all the truth." Eragon lied

"Look, Eragon, is it? I recognize lying when I see em." Applejack said In a suspicious voice

Rainbow Dash then flew over his face and said "Look. Just tell us why you're here, alright?"

Eragon couldn't hide it any longer he said "Alright. I'll tell you all the truth. I just went into self exile from my own home, Alagaesia."

"Alagaesia?" Asked Fluttershy

"Never heard of it." Said Rarity

"We'll I'll tell you all about it later, the point is. I am a hybrid, half human, half elf, and I'm a..." He gulped and finally blurted. "Dragon Rider." The ponies and spike couldn't help but look surprised by hearing the word "Dragon Rider"

"A dragon rider?" said the ponies and Spike in amazement.

"You ride dragons?" asked Twilight in awe

"Well...no, I just have one blue female dragon named...'Saphira'. But I can assure you all that she is a very gentle dragon." Eragon answered

"That's so...so...Awesome!" Said Rainbow Dash from a tone of shock to amazement.

Spike stepped up and said "Yeah, I always wanted to meet another dragon."

Eragon smiled slightly and said . "I'm glad you all understand." he crouched down to make eye contact with the baby dragon. "Spike...can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. What?"

Eragon gave out a sigh and asked "Where are your parents?"

Spike's smile then turned into a frown as soon as Eragon asked him the question. The other ponies looked at the baby dragon with concern. "Well....I...I...I don't know. I've just been found as an egg, but Twilight is like a mother to me."

"Oh. Well...I also sorry if I hurt you." Said Eragon

"No, it's okay. The ponies are my family." Said Spike. The six ponies were touched by that comment and hugged Spike. Eragon was touched to see that, but she saw a sad look on Fluttershy's face.

"Fluttershy?" What's the matter?" Asked Eragon

The ponies and Spike stopped their hugging and looked at Fluttershy with concern.

"Well...I...I'm scared of dragons, okay?" She replied

"What?" Said Eragon in surprise. "But...what about Spike? You're not afraid of him."

"That's because he's a baby dragon, not a full grown one." Said Fluttershy

Eragon had a thought and said to her "how would you like to meet Saphira?"

A look of horror came upon Fluttershy's face and squeaked "I'd rather not."

"It's alright, Fluttershy." Said Eragon softly. "Saphira is the kindest dragon that you will ever meet. I promise that she will never eat you."

"Don't mind Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash rudely. "She's just scaredy cat" all of a sudden, Twilight smacked her at the back of the head. "Ow!"

"Rainbow! Be nice!" Said Twilight sternly

"Sorry. Sorry." Said Rainbow Dash

Eragon then had an idea. "I'll get her."

"Saphira must be far away right now. There's no way for you to call her."

"Actually Rarity. The dragons back home are able to hear your thoughts, even when they are far away. You can communicate with these dragons with your mind.

"Wow." Said Spike and the ponies in unison

"I'll call her." He looked the other way and thought "Saphira? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, little one, I am here." Answered Saphira

"I want to tell you that I have found a civilization." Said Eragon

"That's good, Eragon. I'll be right down there." Said Saphira

"I should probably remind you that they are not what you think they are. They are colorful ponies that look adorable, so please don't eat them up." Said the rider a little worried. "Also there is a baby dragon with them, and it talks with it's mouth."

"Talking Ponies?" Saphira said in disbelief. "And a baby dragon that can talk like a human can? Do not worry, Eragon. I will not eat them."

"Thank you." Said Eragon with relief. He turned back to the group and said "she'll be here."

Spike and the pines smiled, except Fluttershy who squeaked with fear.

Eragon put a comforting hand on Fluttershy and said very softly "It will be alright. Saphira will not hurt you."

"Well. While we wait, could you tell us about Alagaesia?" said Twilight. The other ponies and Spike made comments agreeing with Twilight. There were many "please?" and they were all begging.

Eragon chuckled and said "Alright, alright. I guess I can you about the four main races first. There are the humans, Elves, Dwarves, and finally, the Urgals."

Spike and the ponies gave out an "Ooh". However, Eragon's explanation of his home was cut short, due to a roar from Saphira. She caught the attention of the ponies and Spike all at once. She landed on the ground next to the group. Fluttershy then made a small scream and hid behind Eragon. The group was truly amazed by Saphira's appearance.

"Girls, Spike, Meet Saphira." said Eragon showing his arms to his dragon to the group.

"She's beautiful." said Twilight

"Did you see the way she flew?" Added Rainbow in awe.

"And look at those shining blue scales." Rarity added.

"I have never seen any dragon like her before." said Pinkie

"Neither have I. She looks very majestic lookin, doesn't she?" said Applejack

"Yep." said the other ponies.

All of these compliments made Saphira blush, and she began to paw at the dirt with her mighty claws.

Eragon looked at Fluttershy, smiled at her and turned his attention back to his blue dragon. "Saphira? Can you please talk to this one?" said Eragon telepathically. "She's deeply afraid of dragons, and I want you to show her that you are not what she thinks you are."

"Of course I will, young one. I wouldn't dare eat someone like here. She looks to adorable to be eaten." said Saphira

"Good." Eragon replied. He turned his head back to Fluttershy and said "Go on. Go to her. Also I should tell you that if you want to talk to her, talk to her with your mind, but you got to really focus on it.."

Fluttershy gave out a quiet squeak and said very quietly "Okay." She slowly motioned towards Saphira, who crouched down on all four limbs to make eye contact with the yellow pegasus. She looked back at Eragon with a look of fear on her face.

"It's alright." said Eragon softly. "She's not going to hurt you."

Fluttershy gave out a deep breath to relieve her stress, and slowly continued towards Saphira. Finally, she was close to her now. She tried to use her mind to communicate with the blue dragon. "Saphira?" said Fluttershy with a little fear. "Can..can you hear me?"

"Yes, little one. I can hear you" said Saphira.

Fluttershy widened her eyes to hear her voice. It was a very motherly tone to her, almost like Princess Celestia. "Good." she said.

"Do not be afraid of me. I will not harm you. I wouldn't even dream of hurting a softhearted pony like you." said Saphira warmly. She then lowered her head, and sniffed her a few times. "I sense a very good heart inside of you. A very kind one."

Fluttershy blushed and said "T..thank you. I...I'm sorry if I'm afraid of you."

"Do now be sorry, Fluttershy. Some people are afraid of dragons back home as well." Saphira said. "could you tell me about yourself?"

"Well...I love to take care of animals, and I care deeply about them." Said Fluttershy telepathically.

"That is good. Like I said You have a very kind heart, youngling."

"So...what are dragons like in Alagaesia?" asked Flutterhsy with curiosity

Saphira felt a little unconfortable, but she said "Dragons from my home don't talk like Spike does, but we use our thoughts to communicate with other lifeforms. Sadly, There aren't many dragons in my home as there used to be." She bowed her head in sadness.

"What happened to the other dragons?" asked Fluttershy, concerned.

Saphira gave out a sad growl and said "I would rather prefer if I didn't talk about it. If you want to ask a question such as that, then you should ask Eragon."

"Oh. I see." Said Fluttershy. She walked up to Saphira and gave her a hug. "I am so sorry if you feel this way." she said kindly.

Saphira gently hugged her back with her arm, Squeezing her very gently. "No need to be sorry, little one." she said

The sight made Eragon, the other ponies, and Spike to say "Aww.."

Fluttershy stopped her hugging, as did Saphra, and askedWell, Saphira, is there a reason how a dragon and and the riders communicate?"

"Yes. There is a special gem called, an Eldunari, where the dragon's conciseness goes when they die." said Saphira.


"Yes, Fluttershy. That's what it is called in the ancient language."

"Ancient Language?" asked a very curious Fluttershy.

"Indeed." Saphira replied.

Meanwhile, back to the group, Rainbow Dash hovered close to Eragon's ear and whispered. "What do you think's going on right now?"

"Saphira and Fluttershy are just having a very good conversation, I believe." answered Eragon.

"Looks like it. I have never seen Fluttershy hug an adult dragon before." said Rarity.

"I know. They're getting along just fine." added Spike.

"So Eragon, why don't come over to-" Before Applejack could say anything, she was interrupted by Fluttershy

"Eragon?" said Fluttershy. "Can you tell me what happened to the dragons in Alagesia?"

Eragon looked uncomfortable, but he was about to say "Well..I-" but he was cut off from Applejack speaking.

"The dragons on your home were extinct?" asked Applejack

"Well...not entirely, but...look. I want to settle down in some kind of house before I can tell you anything." Eragon replied

"Oh, you're in luck, we were going to ask you if you would like to stay in Ponyville with us." said Rarity

"That sounds perfect." said Eragon. "Let's go." Saphira, Spike, the ponies, and himself went to Ponyville. When they arrived, it wasn't anything like Eragon had seen back in Alagaesia. "Very nice architecture." he said.

"Thanks." Said the ponies and Spike

When the three walked to Ponyville, there were many screams from every-pony because of Saphira. "DRAGON!!" exclaimed a mare, sh went into her house locking the door. Panic overtook every resident around Ponyville. However, Twilight came to the rescue with a very loud Air horn being lifted by her magic.

"QUIEETTT!!!!" she screamed. Just like that, Everypony stopped right where they were. "Now, This dragon is very friendly and not scary, and if you are all wondering who he is." she pointed to Eragon. "He is from a different land, and not Equestria so don't be mean to him."

"Well, you're the princess, your majesty, so we believe you." said a stallion. Every-pony then made comments in agreement, and went back to their normal tasks.

"Thank you." Twilight announced

"You're a princess?" asked Saphira telepathically to Twilight

"Yes." The purple allicorn replied

Eragon then bowed down to Twilight and said "Please forgive me for being so formal."

"Oh, Eragon, you don't have to be so formal. You can just call me Twilight." she replied softly

"Oh, good. Where should we talk?" asked Eragon

"At my castle would be nice." said Twilight

When they arrived at the castle, It was a beautiful sight to Eragon and Saphira.

"What an amazing Castle." said Eragon in amazement.

"Thanks." said Twilight.

"Saphira? can you please stay on the balcony, We will talk on there?" said Eragon

"Of course, I will meet you there." Saphira replied. She then flew on the big balcony and rested herself on it, and waited for the group to come

They entered, down the hall and into the throne room. It contained six thrones, and one had a smaller throne right next to it. They all had different symbols, the same ones that were on the ponies flanks, except for the smaller throne, which had to be Spike's.

"Girls, Spike, can we talk on the balcony?" asked Eragon

"Sure." Twilight replied. Eragon founded the group to the upstairs balcony, where Saphira was waiting for them. They closed the door, but all of a sudden, it reopened in a very fast way. There was a large red stallion with a big green apple on his flank.

"Applejack!" said the stallion trying to catch his breath. "Dragon."

"It's alright, Big Mac. She's a friendly dragon." said Applejack.

"Are...are you sure?' asked the stallion.

"Yes." Applejack replied

"Oh" said the stallion. He looked at Eragon and walked up to him to see what kind of creature he was. "Who is this?" he asked while smelling him

"My name is Eragon. Eragon Shadeslayer at your service.

"And I am Saphira?" said the blue dragon, which made the red stallion yelp in surprise. "You can read My thoughts." he said with astonishment.

"Yes, and I am a very friendly dragon." Saphira replied.

"Eragon." Big Mac said to him "What are you exactly.

"I was about to ask you the same thing, mister..."

"Big Macintosh, Applejack's older brother, but you can call me Big Mac." he said to the young rider.

"Well, nice to meet you, Big Mac." said Eragon. "I was just about to tell the ponies about where I came from, and what I am like."

"Can I hear you out?" asked Big Mac.

"Of course, just find a place to sit down." said Eragon

Every-pony huddled to eachother, and then sat down on the floor To here Eragon's past.

Author's Notes:

In case I get in trouble, these sentences from the past go to Christopher Paolini.

Eragon's Explanation and Narration

Eragon was about to tell the ponies about his home, and pulled out the map of Alagaesia. "Before I tell you about my home, let me show you what alagaesia looks like. He unfolded the map so that every-pony and Spike could see it.

Rights for this song go to Bethasda gaming Company


the ponies and Spike gave out sounds of astonishment, and fascination.

"That looks very cool." said Rainbow Dash.

"Very beautiful." Added Rarity.

"Now let me tell about myself. I lived in a small village called Carvahall. He pointed the small village on the map. "Before I became a dragon rider, I was just a mere farm boy, living with my uncle Garrow, and my cousin, Roran." he said

"Did you have any parents?" asked Spike

"I did. But..Garrow told me that my mother had to leave in a great hurry. I never even knew who my father was."

"Why did she leave you?" asked Applejack.

"Well, I will get to that later. For now I will tell you about the four main races: The Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and the Urgals." He told them that humans were regular, ordinary people in Alagaesia with no powers. He conjured a fairth that shows the four main races of Alagaesia.

"Hahahahaha! Look at this little dude." said Rainbow Dash, pointing to the dwarf.

Rarity looked at the urgal with disgust and said "What a repulsive creature that is."

"But he looks mighty strong." added Big Mac

"look at those horns." said Applejack.

"Quiet, please." said Eragon. "Quiet." He pointed to the elf, right next to the urgal, towering the dwarf. "The elves were an intelligent race, and known to posses magic. One of them, was a wise old elf rider named Oromis, my teacher. He too had a dragon, named Glaedr.

"That sounds like a very nice name." said Fluttershy

"Indeed, but we will get into Oromis later. Elves were also experts of poems, archery, swordsmanship, and song-writing. Their ruler was Queen Izlanzadi, and is now ruled upon by a very good friend of mine, Arya, her daughter. Other abilities that humans did not have, masters of the arcane arts. They can sometimes talk to animals with magic. They also love decorating. They never eat meat, and are all vegetarians, because they believe that all lifeforms should be treated with respect, and not killed or eaten. Elves were recognized as the fairest people of Alagaesia. They are immortal, but can be killed by any weapon. They all live in Du weldenvarden, the northern forest area in Alagaesia with it's capital Ellesmera." Eragon conjured a fairth showing them what Ellesmera looked like.

Spike and the ponies gave out a lot of "Ooohs" and "Aaahhhs" admiring the land of Du weldenvarden.

"That looks beautiful." said Fluttershy

"I knew you would love it, Fluttershy." said Eragon.

"Oh I simply love the architecture of the houses." said Rarity. "These elves definitely have a good eye for decorations."

"I definitely wished I'd live in a house like that." said Fluttershy

"Yeah, and we could look down on the view from the tree top." said Pinkie Pie.

"I agree, the houses look so beautiful. But next, are the dwarves." said Eragon. He turned his head towards Rainbow Dash and said "Don't let their size fool you, they are actually very strong and are very good with a warhammer. Unlike the elves, they do eat meat. They all live in southern Beor mountains, with their capital, Tronjeim." He conjured another fairth that shows the dwarves hunting a feldunost goat, and eating it's meat. They believed in many gods and goddesses, and weren't atheists like the elves were.

"Wow. You were right, Eragon. they do know how to fight." said Rainbow Dash.

"I told you." Eragon replied. "Oh! I forgot to mention you that Every race has their own language, the elves, the dwarves, and the urgals. So there are five amazing animals that I encountered at the mountains. Unlike the bears you all have here in Equestria, there are bears the size of houses called Urzhad."

The ponies looked very surprised by this, and filled with awe.

"Bears the size of a house?" said Rainbow Dash in disbelief

"That's almost a s big as Saphira, or maybe bigger." said Twilight in amazement.

"That's insane." said Pinkie Pie.

"That sounds wonderful." said Fluttershy. "I definitely wish that I can saw a bear like that. Wait a minute! What about the Ursa Minor that rampaged Ponyville when Trixie arrived?"

The ponies, and Spike gave out a loud "Oh. Right."

"What other creatures?" asked Big Mac.

"There is the Nagra, a humongous wild boar, not as big as the urzhad, but almost as big."

"Wild pigs the size of a house too?" asked Pinkie in disbelief.

"Boars." Eragon corrected.

"I really wish that we would have those." said Fluttershy.

"Definitely." said Applejack

"Another creature of the Beor mountains is the Fanghur, or the winged serpent. They look like dragons, but they are a little smaller, could not breathe fire, and were less intelligent."

"Are they closely related to Dragons?" asked Spike

"Not really, but they look like them" Eragon answered. "The goat that I pictured was called the Feldunost, or Frostbeard. They are larger than regular goats with larger horns. Dwarves would sometimes ride them to get to places that they could not get to, and used their milk, their wool, and meat."

"Sounds handy." said Rainbow Dash. "Well, except for the meat part."

"Agreed." Eragon replied. "Finally, the shrrg, or giant wolf. They were about the size of horses."

"The Beor Mountains sounds like a crazy place." said Spike.

"Not really, Spike. You just haven't seen wildlife like that before." said Eragon

"Oh. Good point." said Spike.

"Finally, the urgals. They were the most hated race in all of Alagaesia because of their appearance. However, that all changed because of me. I settled the disputes between the urgals and the other races. There is also an urgal I know called Nar Garzhvog, who was a kull, which is a big kind of urgal."

"What were they really like?" asked Fluttershy.

"They loved to hunt, and have special type of rituals. Urgal children don't have their horns yet, but they grow when they get older. Kull can stand up to eight feet tall. Urgals and kull can run faster than than a human being and a dwarf. An urgal can run for days without stopping, or resting, only elves are faster."

"Wow." said Rainbow Dash. "I would definitely love to race with an urgal, he would be no match for me, because I am the fastest flyer in all of Equestria."

"It wouldn't be a fair advantage, Rainbow Dash." said Eragon.

"What do you mean?" asked Rainbow.

"Pegasus ponies have wings, Urgals do not." Eragon said.

"Well I still think I would beat that monster while on the ground." said Rainbow Dash a little cocky.

"But, Urgals are not what you think they are, monsters. They are like any other race in Alagaesia, Except for the Ra'zac."

"Ra'zac?" said Rarity dumbfounded, trying to pronounce the word of the monstrous race

"Yes, they are a monstrous race, but I will tell you off them to all of you later. For now I will tell you about how I became a dragon rider, and the brief history of Alagaesia." He told the ponies how Alagaesia was ruled under an evil king named "Galbatorix." who also had a dragon named Shruikan. "He was enormous." said Eragon. "He was as big as his throne room." He continued on and told the ponies and Spike how there used to be an old order of Dragon riders, and Galbatorix was in it, but betrayed it.

"Why did he betray the riders?" asked Twilight Sparkle

"It all started like this, Princess. Shruikan, was just... stolen. His original dragon was a female named 'Jarnunvosk' she was his original dragon. He, Jarnunvosk, and a couple of other riders, traveled into the Spine. As you can see, Galbatorix was arrogant, and did not realize that they were in Urgal territory. While they were asleep, urgals ambushed them in the dead of night. All of the riders and dragons were killed, except for Galbatorix. What he did not realize was that his dragon took an arrow to her heart. After that, Galbatorix was driven into insanity, and killed any creature that he came across with. He collapsed on the beach and was found by a farmer, that took him back to the city were the dragon riders lived, Doru Araeba, on the northern island." He pointed the location in the map "Vroengard."

Eragon told the group in front of him that once he got back, he demanded a new dragon, "However," he said "Oromis saw the hatred insanity, and anger inside of him. Oromis, and the elders declined. Furious, Galbatorix blamed the riders for the loss of his own dragon. He went to another rider named Morzan. He was strong in body, but weak in mind. Galbatorix, and Morzan tried to get another egg, and found Shruikan. He and Morzan killed his original rider, and too, the egg for Galbatorix to keep. He gathered twelve corrupt riders to join his cause. These riders, along with Morzan, became the thirteen forsworn. They were almost all elves, except for Galbatorix, and Morzan. They rebeled against the riders, and killed almost all of them in a single battle, except for Oromis, and Vrael the leader of the riders, and their dragons.

The ponies and Spike had different feelings. They felt sorry for shruikan, and Galbatorix as well, and yet terrified to hear of the purge of the dragon riders caused by Galbatorix and his followers.

"That must have been awful." said Fluttershy

"Tragic, too." Twilight added

"did any of them survive?" asked Spike

Eragon gave out a sad sigh and said "Only a few, Oromis with his Dragon, Glaedr, and Vrael with his white dragon Umaroth. It wasn't a total loss on the other hand-" Hovever she was interrupted by Fluttershy

"Excuse me, um...I don't mean to interrupt Eragon, but...Saphira told me of this thing called... an Eldunari. Could yo explain it to me?" she asked in a shy voice

"Ah yes I most certainly can." said Eragon. "An Eldunari is where the dragon's consciousness will go when they die, I mean if they die. You see dragons and their riders, like elves, are immortal. It also is a great power source for when a rider needs it. It is how Galbatorix and the forsworn were able to defeat all of the riders, by taking the eldunari from the dragons they have killed. 'Eldunari' means heart of hearts in the Ancient language, but I will tell you about the language later. I Now as I was saying, one hundred and thirty six eldunari, and 243 dragon eggs were hidden in a place called..." He hesitated to reveal the location. "I can't tell you."

"Out with it!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow! Don't be rude!" said Twilight, smacking the back of Rainbow's head.

He turned his head back to Saphira and asked "I don't think I should tell them. What should I do?"

"Don't worry, little one." said Saphira. "You can tell them how many eggs and eldunari you helped, but not the location."

"I thought so." said Eragon telepathically.So he said to the group in front of him "I will not say where, but hundreds of eggs were kept safe by the forsworn and Galbatorix himself."

A sigh of relief came from the group

"oh that's good." said Spike

"Yeah, I thought they would be gone forever." said Pinkie Pie

"However, Vrael was the only rider that can stand up to Galbatorix in a fight. He won in the first fight, but hesitated and flew away on Umaroth. They fought the second time when Galbatorix kicked him in the groin and decapitated the leader of the riders." Eragon narrated. "Oromis was captured by the forsworn, and they had him maimed the old elven rider. It also prevented him from using any types of great spells, and sometimes had seizures. Glaedr did not go unscathed either. He lost his front leg."

"Oh poor Glaedr." said Fluttershy with great sympathy. "That must have been awful for him."

"I agree Fluttershy, it was very tragic for him. However, These two escaped from the clutches of the Forsworn and survived." And so Eragon told the ponies and Spike that Galbatorix and the Forsworn took over the capital city of Alagaesia, Ilirea, and told how they killed the king and that Galbatorix took the throne. "The elves and the dwarves helped the riders against Galbatorix and the forsworn, but they were too powerful

"That's when he took over?" asked Applejack.

"Yes." said Eragon. "And many changes were put out under his rule. for instance, the dragon riders are keepers of the peace and not soldiers, and we abolished slavery. When Galbatorix took over, he decided to let slavery be held in Alagaesia."

The group was appalled. if there was one thing that they hated, it was slavery.

"Outrageous." said Rarity a little angry

"Indeed." replied Eragon. "But there came the freedom fighters. The resistance was known, as the Varden. They killed a few of the forsworn. Finally, Morzan was the last of the forsworn to die.

"The Varden, huh?" Asked Rainbow Dash."

"They sound like they are mighty proud to resist the king." Added Applejack.

"Eeyup." Said Big Mac

"indeed, they would do anything to free Alagaesia, even if they all died trying." Eragon told them about the small country of Surda, that declared Independance from the empire, with their own ruler, king Orrin. "However, Galbatorix was a very powerful wizard, and very crafty. he decided to rebuild his own order of rider's after the death of the forsworn. He had three dragon eggs in his possession, a blue female, which was Saphira, that hatched for me. A red male, and a green male.

"Who were their riders?" Asked Fluttershy.

"I will tell you later. Anyway, Galbatorix had a teacher which was a shade. Now, a shade is a wizard or a sorcerer possessed by an evil, demonic spirit, with blood red hair, bone white skin, and razor sharp teeth."

A chill crept through Spike and the Ponies spines.

"Th-th-that sound terrifying." said Fluttershy

"What's even more terrifying is that you can only kill a shade if you stab him through his heart." Eragon said

"I would really hate to come across them kind of varmint." said Applejack

"Trust me, Applejack." said Eragon. "You would never want to come across a shade. They are more powerful then humans, and just as powerful as the elves. The shades name was Durza." Eragon next told them about the Ra'zac, the long-beaked, beetle-like monsters that killed Garrow and Brom. "They were a really monstrous race. They had beaks for mouths, and ate humans. They are more of pupae to their own race. They had winged beasts which were their parents, called Leathrblaka or 'leather flapper' in the Ancient Language. These monsters had lidless eyes, and were like insects. They lived in the tall mountain south of Dras Leona, and east of Leona lake, called Helgrind, or in the ancient language, the gates of death." Eragon brought out an artist's drawing of the Ra'zac from his sack to show it to the group

The ponies and Spike gave out another look of horror along with exclamations of disgust, just by looking at the monsters who murdered Garrow and Brom.

"They're uglier than Changelings." said Rainbow Dash

"There weren't a lot of them, were they?" asked Twilight

"No, there were only four. Two Ra'zac, and two Leathrblaka. They were all wiped out during the Ra'zac wars, the time when the dragon riders eradicated almost all of those evil monsters. That period was called, the Ra'zac wars. They had thought they had wiped them out entirely, but they were wrong. Two leathrblaka survived and gave birth to the two Ra'zac that I recently came across with. Finally, Me, Saphira, and my cousin Roran killed them all in Helgrind.

"Oh that's good." said Rarity in relief.

"Yeah, I would definitely hate to have those kind of ugly monsters around here, eating ponies." added Rainbow Dash

"Anyone would hate to have a race that eats other races besides themselves." said Eragon

"So, what about you? We are all still wondering, why are you here?" asked Spike a little impatient

Eragon chuckled and said "Hold on, Spike. Hold on. I was just trying to be clear on what was going on in Alagaesia and why I am here. I am here because I can never go back to Alagaesia." His tone had changed from amused to saddened.

"Why can't you ever go back?" asked Fluttershy. The group looked at him with concern

"Its...it's complicated." said Eragon with a sigh

"What do you mean?" asked Big Macintosh

"It is because of the prophecy." said Glaedr. His voice made every-pony jump.

"Who said that? who said that?" said Rainbow Dash in alarm while rapidly moving her head sideways.

"I did." Glaedr answered.

Eragon pulled out his eldunari so that every-pony and Spike could see it. "Friends." he said "This is an Eldunari."

Rarity got an excited and rushed up to look at the gem. "It looks beautiful." she said.

"I know what you are thinking." barked Glaedr. It made Rarity yelp in surprise. "There is no possible way to keep me as a trophy." He sounded a little stern, and firm

"S-sorry." said Rarity a little frightened.

"Did he just speak to you in your mind, Rarity?" asked Fluttershy

"Y-yes." Rarity answered.

"Eragon, can I talk to him?" asked the timid pegasus

"Of course." said Eragon. "But don't be alarmed by his voice."

"I'll try. I'll try." Fluttershy went up to the eldunari and looked at it. Her mouth was open a little. "Excuse me?" she began. "Are-- are you...Glaedr?" She asked the golden gem with a little gulp coming out of her

"Yes, youngling." Said Glaedr. "That is my name in your tongue." His voice made Fluttershy's head rumble

"Oh..well- it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Fluttershy" Said she in a timid voice

"You and I are well met, Fluttershy." Glaedr replied.

Fluttershy gave a smile on her face, and said out loud "I am so sorry about Rarity, she-she-"

"She can be annoying sometimes." Said Applejack

Rarity gave out an offended gasp and said "Hey!" This made the ponies chuckle, and Spike chuckle.

"I understand, little one." said Glaedr softly.

"So what do you mean by the prophecy?" asked Fluttershy with curiosity.

"He met with a fortune teller named Angela. She told him of his future, and one of them, said that he has to leave Alagaesia forever, and to never return."

However, Glaedr was interrupted when Rainbow Dash asked "So what did he say, Shy?"

"Rainbow!" said Twilight. "Don't interrupt." she bonked Rainbow Dash on the head with her hoof, hard

"No, it's alright, Twilight. He said that he met with a fortune teller named 'Angela' andhe said something about...a prophecy of Eragon saying that he has to leave Alagaesia forever, and it came true." Fluttershy explained.

"Yes. Also, I decided to leave Alagaesia for the good of the..." He gulped and said "future riders."

"Future riders?" exclaimed the group in unison.

"You mean, you want to restore the riders?" exclaimed Rarity,

"That's crazy." said Pinkie.

"I hate to break it to you, Eragon, but I'm pretty sure that Dragons and Ponies would not work well together." said Twilight. Spike gave her an offended look.

"What?" he said with shock.

"Oh no, no, no. Spike, don't take it that way." said Twilight in a comforting voice.

"Yes, Spike. You are a great baby dragon." said Fluttershy, who gave him a loving hug.

"Oh. I see. I knew you wouldn't welcome to me to Equestria, because of the eggs. I've just been through many great losses since Galbatorix's rule over Alagaesia. So If you all want me to leave Equestria, I understand." Eragon put Glaedr's eldunari in his bag, and hopped on to Saphira. "Let's go Saphira." he said

But, before Saphira took off, Twilight said "Wait! Don't go." Eragon looked back to Twilight. "Of course you are welcome here, you seem like a nice...I can't remember what you are, but you are a very nice guy. Right, girls? Spike? Big Macintosh?"

The group besides Twilight gave out words of Agreement towards Eragon and Saphira.

"Oh. Well...thank you." said Eragon, touched by the compliments. "But If Dragons and Ponies, with the exception of Spike cannot be together as riders, then I don't think I should even be here."

"Oh, pleaaaassse!" begged Pinkie Pie.

"We would like it if you stayed with us." said Rainbow Dash

"Yes, darling." added Rarity. "You fascinate us.

"Not to mention that you are were a farm boy. You should help me and Big Macintosh if you feel like it, isn't that right, Big brother?"

"Eeyup." said Big Mac.

"Well, can I stay here?" asked Eragon

"Well, it's not really up to me. I'm still trying to learn how to be a princess, and The main princess' are Celestia and Luna." said Twilght

"Oh. There's more?" asked Eragon fascinated.

"Yep, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence in the Crystal Empire, which is far north from here. Mostly Celestia rules all of Equestria" Twilight answered

"Well I'm certain that Celestia would not welcome me, or Saphira. Well it's-it's not really Saphira that I'm worried about." Saphira gave a little growl at him. "Oh no, I didn't mean it like that." He faced back to the group and said "Since there are dragons in Equestria Celestia would not worry about Saphira. It's me she would worry about. Now let me ask you all something, are there any humans, elves, dwarves, or urgals in Equestria

The ponies were dumbfounded and they all gave out some "umms..." and "Well here's the thing"

"Exactly." said Eragon. "She would have me buried at sea, or she would skin me alive, or rip my organs out for experimentation because I am not a pony."

The ponies and Spike gasped at what Eragon just said

"Why in the wide world of Equestria would you think that?" asked Twilight a little shocked

"Yes, Celestia would never do that to any-pony, and or a human/elf mix." said Rarity. "Besides that would be to barbaric for Celestia to do."

"Not to mention gross and disgusting." said Rainbow Dash.

"Or cruel and inhumane." added Fluttershy.

"They're right, Eragon." said Twilight. "She would never do that to you, even if you weren't a pony, she would still welcome you."

"I don't know about this." said Eragon, unconvinced

"Spike, take a letter." said Twilight

"You got it, Twi." said the baby dragon. He broke out a quill pen, and a sheet of paper, and began to hear what Twilight has to say on the note.

Dear Princess Celestia

A new visitor has come to Equestria. He says he comes from a land called Alagaesia. Now, please don't be scared. but He is a dragon rider, so yes, it means he has a dragon with him, but she is a very kind dragon. We were wondering if you can let him stay here. He's worried that you won't let him stay here, and he says he has been through many great losses. Please write back.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

Spike blew into the letter, and it magically dissapeared out of thin air.

Eragon was quite amazed by the trick, he walked up to the baby dragon and asked "How-how did you do that?"

Spike said "Ah, just a thing I was born with."

"Oh! I forgot to ask you something." said Pinkie with a jump "Were there any Dwarf or Urgal riders?"

"Not during the creation of the riders, or the fall, no. However, I expanded the bonding that allowed Dwarves and Urgals to become riders. Hopefully, there will be some dwarf and urgal riders in the future.

"So what do you mean by....great losses?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Well, it started like this. I was just hunting for food in the spine, and that's when Saphira's egg appeared out of nowhere. Arya, the elf princess I told you took it from the king, and tried to get away from Durza. She teleported the egg, and that's where I found it. I decided to take it in, and decided to take a look at it. But, before I did that, I asked Sloan, the town butcher if he would like to have it, but he refused, saying that he wants nothing to do with the spine. You see, Sloan is very hard to make friends with, and he hates everyone, except for his daughter, Katrina. So I wanted to take it in of he didn't want it." Eragon explained that his Cousin, Roran, moved in with Horst, the butcher of Carvahall. "He wanted to stay with Horst so he could impress Kateina, because he's in love with her. Horst, unlike Sloan, was a very good man, and a good friend to me, Roran, and my uncle Garrow." Eragon explained how he was happy, and raised Saphira, and tried to think of a good name for the blur dragon. "So, I went to Brom, the storyteller of Carvahall. I asked him what good names there are for a dragon, however, I decided to keep her secret from him, as I did from everyone in Carvahall, because I've read that any remnants of the fall of the riders were strictly outlawed. He told me a couple of good names, until finally, I named my dragon Saphira." Eragon told the ponies and Spike about how Brom narrated to Eragon about the fall of the riders, and how fascinated he was to hear them.

"What other names did you give Saphira?" asked Fluttershy

Eragon shrugged and said "It's...silly. I thought Saphira was a male dragon, so I gave her a few masculine names, but she didn't like them." Rainbow Dash chuckled a little.

"Oh that's hilarious!" said Rainbow Dash.

Eragon looked at her with annoyance. "So, Brom knew very well of the dragon riders, and knew how they lived. Also, he knows of their weaknesses. He said that if the rider dies, so does the dragon."

The ponies gave out a surprise look.

"Why would they die with the rider?" asked Spike

"Well, because they are so close and connected to each-other." Eragon answered. "I named her Saphira and she liked it. And so on and so forth, I continued to raise her, however, I learned that she was growing, and I knew that her secret wouldn't be kept forever."

"How big can dragons get in Alagaesia?" asked Twilight

"Well, dragons in Alagaesia, never stop growing, not to mention that they are immortal. sometimes people would confuse very large dragons with hills or knolls. They come in many colors, and their eyes matched the color of their scales, except for Shruikan. The largest dragon before and during the fall was a big black male dragon named Belgabad. His skull was bigger than Saphira's body, in face, he was bigger than Shruikan. However, he did not have a rider"

The ponies and Spike gave out exclamations of awe and amazement.

"That is so cool!" said Rainbow Dash.

"That is one big dragon alright." said Big Macintosh

"How long or wide was this big dragon?" asked Fluttersy in both amazement, and fright all at once

"I don't really know how to describe it. Although I could be wrong, Maybe Shruikan may be just as big as Belgabad," said Eragon. "Sadly, he was also a victim of the fall of the riders, in fact, Galbatorix cut off a black mantle, some of his scales, and even his wings, and used it to make the gloves he wears, along with the cape.

"Poor thing." said Fluttershy.

"I know, that's despicable and very low down." said Applejack, a little angry.

"Indeed." said Eragon. "However, back to my side of the story. My happiness was to end. The two Ra'zac came in andwent looking for the egg. Brom saved me from them, and said that he knows I'm a dragon rider. Much to my surprise, he pulled my sleeve to see, the symbol of the rider: the Gedwey Ignasia." Eragon showed the mark of the rider on his hand

"Ooh, very beautiful." said Rarity.

"This is a sign of a dragon rider?" asked Pinkie Pie

"Yes. I managed to escape from them with Saphira, despite the wounds from her scales, only because I just rode on her for the first time."

"I said that I was sorry." said Saphira.

"I know, I understand." said Eragon telepathically. "Now as I was saying. Me and Saphira managed to escape. However, the butcher, Sloan told them where it was, and burned my farm, including, injuring my uncle with a liquid called 'Seithr oil'. We tried to nurse him back to health, but he died shortly. I was about to loose my sanity, until Saphira convinced me to find the murderers and make them pay."

"Oh Eragon." said Rarity, who walked up to him and put a hoof on his shoulder. "We are so sorry to hear that."

"That must have been terrible." said Twilight sympathetically.

"It was." said Eragon. "He was like a father to me. Well...at least Roran survived."

"Well that's good." said Fluttershy

Eragon told them how he went with Brom, along with Saphira to hunt for the Ra'zac. He told them how he was attacked by the urgals in Yazuac, and how he learned to use magic for the first time, by using the word Brisingr or Fire in the Ancient Language. "I managed to kill the urgals. However." he said "the spell almost killed me. I woke, and Brom yelled at me for being so stupid to use the spell that I wasn't ready for." Next, he told them that he couldn't read or write very well, and Brom taught him all about that in the city of Teirm. "Teirm was a beautiful place, and so were the waters of the coastal areas." Eragon said while marking Teirm on the map. He told them about Jeod, Brom's friend and a scholar. "That's when I met a werecat named Solembum, who was a loyal friend to Angela, the fortune teller."

"A werecat?" said Spike and the Ponies in surprise.

"Yes. And it talks. A werecat is another type of race in Alagaesia. They can transform into humans as well. When Solembum transformed, he had the appearance of a boy with shaggy hair.

"Oh, how wonderful." said Fluttershy in a very cheerful voice. "I really wish I could have met him." She asked Eragon, does he really talk?"

"Solembum talks yes, but not many people can speak with him. He only talked to three people. A blind beggar, my mother, and myself." Eragon told them about Angela, the fortune teller, and the future that Eragon told him. "She said There would be a betrayal from a family member, the death of a loved one, epic romance, I would have a long life, and that I would have to leave Alagaesia forever."

"Did any of them come true, besides leaving Alagaesia?" asked Pinkie Pie

"I'll tell you about the death of a loved one, but I would rather not talk about the betrayal from the member of my family." said Eragon sadly. "We went into Dras Leona. Now, unlike Teirm which looked very clean and very organized, Dras Leona was a mess. The houses were in a disgraceful condition, and there was some trails of yellow mud in many areas. Brom said that Dras Leona can be a very dangerous place, even to the most cautious."

"Who would want to live in a rat hole such as that?" said Rarity

"Good point." said Saphira

Eragon continued on by telling them how the Ra'zac surprised him by entering and sightseeing the cathedral in the city. he said that they escaped Dras Leona, but they were ambushed while he, Brom, and Saphira were asleep. "They said that they want us alive, for the king so that they can make me swore loyalty to him. However, Someone saved us. Angry, the Ra'zac threw a lethal dagger at me, but Brom blocked it, and was about to die. Before I talked to him , I asked who the stranger who saved us' name. He said his name is Murtagh. After that, I went to comfort Brom Before he died, he told me that he was a rider as well."

The Ponies and Spike gave a loud "What?!"

"He was a rider?" asked Applejack

"That is... awesome!" said Rainbow Dash with amazement

"But where was his dragon?" asked Twilight.

"I was getting to that, thank you. His dragon was killed during the fall, by his former apprentice: Morzan."

The ponies and Spike gasped at what they just heard.

"Oh the Irony!" said Pinkie Pie

"What was his dragon's name?" asked Spike

"Her name was Saphira." said Eragon

"Saphira?!" exclaimed the Ponies and Spike again.

"Yes. She died while trying to defend Brom against Morzan. After the death of his own dragon, I learned that Brom was the one who created the varden."

"He did?" asked a surprised Twilight.

"Yes. That's not all. With him and the Varden, they killed at least seven of the thirteen forsworn, including Morzan himself. Brom and Morzan dueled many years later, and Brom won, by stabbing him with the forsworn's own red sword, called Za'roc." said Eragon

"Seven?!" said Rainbow Dash in surprise.

"What happened to the other forsworn?" asked Twilight

"Ah now there is something interesting. The dragons who were not part of the Forsworn learned that their kin had betrayed them. They used Du Namar Aurboda, or the 'Banishing of names'. It would work like this, if someone remembered the names of a forsworn dragon, then it is instantly forgotten. The Forsworn dragons had forgotten everything that made them dragons, and slowly fell into bestiality. This made five of the Forsworn driven into insanity because of that. But, I really don't know what happened to the other Forsworn. I never got the chance to ask Brom, or Oromis before they died. My theory, is that they might have unintentionally commited suicide performing necromancy, or they became so depressed after going insane, that they intended to kill themselves."

"Whoa. Drama bomb." said Pinkie Pie

"That sounds depressing." said Fluttershy.

"So thereafter, Brom already died. but before that, he gave me a blessing, like he was my father."

The ponies and Spike gave a loud "Awww."

"So that was one of the futures Angela warned me about. We all buried him, in sandstone, and Saphira turned the sandstone into a diamond like structure to keep the grave marauders away from him."

"Oh. Well I am so sorry that has happened to you." said Fluttershy sympathetically. "We might not have met him, but I'm pretty sure that his death was not your fault."

"Yes, I'm pretty sure he would be very proud of you, darling." said Rarity

"I think he is." said Eragon

All of a sudden, Spike felt something ready to come out of his mouth, when a scroll came out of nowhere. "Hey, Twi. It's the princess."

Twilight read it out loud and it said

Dear Twilight

I would be honored if this- visitor from Alagaesia would come to see me. I might not have heard of such of a place such as Alagaesia, but I am pretty sure that we can work something out. Also I am very sorry to here about the loses he has been through that you have told me about. I will not mind if he really is a dragon rider. I am sure that Luna would be please to have him here as well.

Princess Celestia

"Oh. She would like to see me?" asked Eragon a little nervous

"Yep. But don't worry, she'll like you." said Applejack

"She likes every-pony." added Rainbow Dash

Eragon gave a reluctant sigh and said "Alright. I will come with you. We'll continued my explanation some other time."

"Great!" said Twilight.

"I'll stay here, and carry on with the chores at Sweet Apple Acres." said Big Macintosh.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with us, big brother?" asked Applejack

"Yes, I have duties to fulfill like harvesting apples for every-pony in Ponyville." said Big Macintosh . He turned his head to the rider and his dragon "It's been a mighty pleasure to meet you, Eragon, Saphira. When you feel like it, you should visit Sweet Apple Acres sometime.

"I will." said Eragon. "I promise"

Big Mac smiled at him and went out of the castle back to sweet Apple Acres.


"Yes, Eragon?"

"Could you maybe go to Blodhgarm and the other elves and tell them that I have found a good place to settle in?" asked Eragon

"It will be done, little one." said Saphira. She lept off of the castle balcony, and went back to the Talia.

"What did you say to her?" asked Fluttershy

"I forgot to tell you all that There are others who traveled with me, so I asked Saphira to tell them that I have found a new place to settle."

"Oh. gotcha." said Rainbow Dash

They group headed to Canterlot.


Eragon was well amazed to see Canterlot, he was so amazed that he didn't care about the ponies who were all staring at him, because he was not a pony. "It's so beautiful" He said

"Agreed." said Rarity.

"So this is the capital of Equestria?" asked the young rider

"Yep. This is where Celestia lives" said Rainbow Dash

"Along with her sister, Princess Luna." added Twilight

"They saw the guards in front of the castle doors, and bowed to Twilight as soon as they saw her. "Welcome back, Princess Twilight." said one of the guards. "What is your business here?" asked the other

"He is looking for a new place to settle in." said Twilight, pointing to Eragon, who began to look nervous and placed his hand on the handle of Brisingr, ready to unsheath it.

"Very well, princess." said one guard.

"Go on in." said the other. The group and Eragon walked inside the castle.

"Amazing." said Eragon in awe. "This castle is nothing like the one that Galbatorix lived in, inside Uru'baen."

"What was the castle in Uru'baen like?" asked Applejack

Eragon shook his head in frustration, trying to remember the time he, Arya, Elva, and Saphira tried to stop Galbatorix. "I don't remember." he said admittedly. "I should tell you that when I defeated him, the city was changed back to Ilirea."

"That's quite alright, darling." said Rarity.

As they went upstairs and into the hallways, the guards bowed their heads as soon as they saw Twilight, who was ahead of the group. However, they did stare at Eragon, making him more nervous as more and more guards starred at him. Eragon still clung to Brisingr in case the guards try to... kill him, however, he felt Twilight touching his skin

"Don't worry, Eragon." she said to him. "They won't hurt you."

They group just continued walking until finally, they stopped in front of two large golden doors. They entered and walked on a long carpet that led to two large thrones. Eragon saw a large white pony

"Ah, hello Twilight, every-pony." said a very beautiful and feminine voice. The other ponies and Spike bent down to the large pony. Eragon looked at them, and decided to play along by bowing down to her. Eragon looked up and saw the large white pony walk down from her thrown and his mouth went agape.

Rights for this song go to Nintendo


"She's beautiful." Eragon thought to himself. He had never seen any being as beautiful as Arya, or Queen Islanzadi. She had a flowing long mane with four colors of very light green, blue, pruple and pink, and the same thing for her long flowing tail. She was wearing a large necklace on her neck, and a crown on her head. She looked at Eragon, making him bow his head.

The Allicorn smiled at Eragon, and looked back at Twilight, then asked very softly "Is he the one? The visitor?"

"Yes, Princess Celestia." said Twilight

"So that's Princess Celestia?" said Eragon in his head.

The allicorn walked up to Eragon, and said to him "Rise, young visitor." she said in a motherly yet firm tone. Eragon did what she told her, and slowly stood up. "What's your name?" asked Celetia

"My name... is Eragon, your majesty. Eragon Shadeslayer."

Celestia gave him a warm smile and said "That sounds like a very nice name."

Eragon blushed and said "Th-thank you."

"My name is princess Celestia, the princess of the day and guardian of the sun." she said

"I've noticed." said Eragon admittedly.

"What are you exactly?" she asked

Eragon cleared his throat and said "I am a hybrid. Half human, half elf."

"Now let me ask you, why are you here, Eragon?" asked Celestia

the rider gave out a sad sigh and said "I'm afraid that it wouldn't go over to well."

Celestia's smile turned into a frown and asked "What do you mean, dragon rider?"

"I...I can't tell you. If i do tell you, then you would exile me from Equestria, or bury me at sea, skin me alive" he looked away from Celestia, however he felt his chin being lifted from Celestia's hoof.

"Why would you think I would ever do that?" said Celestia a little shocked.

"Because... I am trying to rebuild the dragon riders." admitted Eragon. What he said made Celestia look surprised. "So if you want to banish me from Equestria or skin me alive, than I understand."

Celestia could not believe what she is hearing. "Look, Eragon is it?" she asked him

"Yes, that is my name." he answered.

"Well, Eragon, I would never let you do that to you, even if you are not a pony." said Celestia reassuringly. "If you want to settle in Equestria than that is alright with me." Her comforting and motherly smile turned into a sad frown. "Although, I do not think that dragons and ponies would not work well together."

"I understand." said Eragon.

"But it does not mean that you are not welcome here." Said Celestia.

"Sister? Is he the visitor from Alagaesia? The dragon rider" said a voice from behind the group. Eragon looked back in surprise and saw an allicorn that was almost all blue, except with the black markings on her. She was almost like Celestia, except for the colors, and that she was a little smaller than her as well. Her mane and tail were also flowing, but it was all dark blue, and it was sparkling, like the stars in the sky. She also had a necklace and a crown like Celestia, but they were black, and her flanks had a crescent moon on them.

"Yes, Luna. He is." said Celestia

The blue Allicorn walked up to Eragon she looked at him very curiously. A smile grew on her face and said "Greetings, mysterious traveler. I am Luna, Celestia's sister, princess of the night, and guardian of the moon."

"Well...it's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Luna. My name is Eragon Shadeslayer." he said with respect.

"Eragon. I would like to say, Welcome to Equestria." said Luna kindly.

Eragon blushed and said "Well. Thank you, but, how much did you hear from the conversation between me and your sister.

"I already heard enough." Luna answered. "I understand that you are looking for a new place to settle in, correct?"

"Yes." Eragon replied.

"Tell me, Eragon. Why can't you ever go back to Alagaesia?" asked Celestia.

Eragon gave a little sigh and said "The prophecy. Also I just want a good future for the riders that come one day."

"I understand." said Celestia. "I'll figure something out for you and the future dragon riders."

"You will?" asked Eragon in surprise.

"Of course. I will try to help you rebuild the dragon riders. Twilight told me that almost all of them have been wiped out, except by your dragon, and two others."

"Yes. I just want to rebuild the order of Dragons riders. We have only one occupation and duty, to keep the peace of the land that they are in." said Eragon

Celestia and Luna smiled.

"Good." said Celestia.

"So where is your dragon?" asked Luna.

"And what is it's name

"Her name is Saphira, and she is a blue dragon. She is telling my crew that I have found a new place to settle for the future riders to come." Eragon answered.

"There are others?" asked Celestia.

"Yes. dozens of elves, and dragon eggs as well." said the rider.

"Can we meet her?" asked Luna.

"Of course. However, she is not like the dragons here in Equestria. You have to talk to her by thinking, like reading her thoughts, and she will talk to you telepatically. Do you understand what I mean, your majesties?"

"Of course." said Celestia. "We are definitely looking forward to meet her, isn't that right, sister?"

"Yes, Tia." said Luna.

Eragon turned the other way and said to the two princess' "I'm going to call her." he focused his mind and said "Saphira? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, little one. I am here. What is it?"

"I have met the rulers of Equestria, and they would like to meet you. Could you meet us outside of the castle and into the Canterlot gardens?" asked Eragon

"Of course." said Saphira. Tell them that I will be on my way."

Eragon turned back and said to the princess' "We'll meet her at the Canterlot gardens. She says she is already on her way. Oh and... please don't let the guards attack her."

"Don't worry. They won't." said Celestia reassuringly. The group followed Celestia and Luna, with Eragon right in between them to Canterlot gardens.

Author's Notes:

Sorry that it tooks so long, and please don't insult me or hurt my feelings if many characters are OOT. I worked really hard on this chapter, so please be nice to me, and don't hate me if I put Zelda's lullaby on this chapter.

Timberwolf Attack!

Eragon was waiting for Saphira to meet princess Celestia, and Luna, the rulers of Equestria. Next to the princesses were Twilight, her assistant, Spike, and their friends. All of a sudden, the group heard a faint roar, and saw a flying figure, coming towards them in the sky. "There she is!" exclaimed Eragon. Saphira landed on the ground, and had a majestic looking appearance.

"So, these are the rulers that you told of?" said Saphira

"Yes." Eragon replied. "They are. They are very gentle, and the are the exact opposite of Galbatorix was when he was the ruler of Alagaesia."

"I can see that." Saphira said. The blue dragon turned her head to Celestia and Luna. The two alicorns walked up to Saphira.

"Now remember, you have to talk to Saphira with your thoughts, your majesties." said Eragon

"We'll remember that." said Celestia softly. She focused her thoughts to Saphira and telepathically, she said "Saphira? are you there?"

"Yes, your majesty." Saphira replied. "And you must be princess Celestia, correct?"

"Yes. I am the princess of the day, and the guardian of the sun." Celestia replied.

"I am Saphira. Saphira Brightscales." said she

Then Luna stepped up to replied. "Greetings, Saphira. I am princess Luna, the princess of the night, and the guardian of the moon." she said

"It is an honor to meet both of you." Saphira complimented, while bowing her head to show respect.

Celestia and Luna gave her a warm smile.

"Saphira, I don't mind to be interloping, but what are the other two dragons in Alagaesia?" asked Celestia with concern

"Yes, and what were they like?" Luna added.

Saphira gave out a sad growl, but she said "The two other dragons are a red male dragon named Thorn, and a green male that just hatched more than a month ago, named Firnen, who was my own mate."

"Did they have riders too?" asked Luna

"Yes, they did, but I'd rather prefer not to talk about it. It is rather too painful to talk about, since me and Eragon can never return home." said Saphira sadly.

"I understand." Said Celstia in remorse. "But if you would like to talk to me about anything, or if there is anything wrong, please... Come talk to me, or my sister."

Saphira however, did not reply to Celestia or Luna. She just gave a little soft growl of sadness. "I will." Said Saphira at last. Celestia, and Luna smiled warmly at her response.

Eragon walked up to her and asked her "So what did the others say?"

Saphira turned her head back to Eragon and said "they have said that they are quite happy to finally settle in land besides Alagasia. However, they also said that they were worried about his the Ponies in this land would reject the dragons, because of how they would look, if they ever hatch to see any that is."

"Well, I'm pretty sure that they also get a warm welcome." said Celestia.

"Where are they?" asked Twilight.

"They are at a river a little far from here." Eragon answered.

"How far?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"It's.... a little far from Canterlot, but a little closer to Ponyville." said Eragon.

"We can help them if you like." said Fluttershy.

"No, that's quite alright. They can lift everything themselves." Eragon rejected.

"Are you sure?" asked Applejack.

"Yes. Besides, Saphira might have already helped them, and they might use their magic to help. But, they might use my help for finding new homes around here."

"Oh, if you say so." said Rarity.

Eragon turned his head to Saphira so he capsule talk to her. "Did they pull through?" He asked her

"Yes." Saphira replied. "And it went faster, thanks to myself."

Eragon smiled and said "perfect."

"Eragon." Said Glaedr. "I wish to speak to the ones you call Celestia and Luna."

"About what, Ebrithl?" Asked Eragon with curiosity.

There was a slight pause and finally, Glaedr said "I would rather prefer if I discuss it with you later, young shurt'ugal."

"You're keeping it a secret?" Asked Eragon a little offended.

"No." Said Glaedr. "Please, control you're anger, young one."

Eragon gave a little huff and said "Very well." He walked up to Celestia and Luna and held out Glaedr's eldunari. He said "You're majesties, what is in this eldunari, is the soul of a desseaced dragon. You can speak with him using your minds. I am telling you this, because he wishes to speak to you."

Celestia smiled and said "Very well" picked up Glaedr's eldunari using her magic from her horn, which made Erago pn a little worried.

"Be careful not to drop him." He said with concern. "If you drop him and if the eldunari breaks, he will die."

"Do not worry, Eragon." Said Luna

"I know what I am doing." Added Celestia. She gently placed the eldunari on the ground and spoke with her mind into it. "Hello?" She called

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna it is a pleasure to meet both of you. I am Glaedr." Said he. "I must tell you and your sister that Eragon is in terrible pain if you had not noticed."

"I know. He told us already." Said Luna. "What about it?"

"I want you to make sure he lives a good life In Equestria, and not let his sentimentality overtake him. Of course he does have Saphira, but he had to leave his home, and the lifeforms that he deeply loved. I am deeply worried he will lead astray and he might be killed someday. i do not want to lose him as i lost my rider; Oromis" said the golden dragon.

"I understand." Said Celestia. "Me and Luna will do the best we can to keep him off of the ground. Right sister?"

"Yes." Said Luna. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Glaedr."

"Indeed, and it was a pleasure for myself to meet you, as well." Glaedr replied. Celestia picked the eldunari up again. And gave it to Eragon.

"Thank you, your majesties." Said Eragon.

"You are quite welcome, Eragon." Said Celestia.

"So, Eragon..." said Rainbow Dash a little nervous she walked toEragon as he was puttingGlaedr's eldunari in his pouch. "Would you... like to stay in Ponyville?"

The farm boy was thinking for a moment. Finally, he said to the clue pegasus. "Well.... I don't know for sure if I will stay here as my new home. I must think about it, but I think I would not mind staying here for a while."

"Well, you should really stay, Eragon." said Spike. "You seem like a very cool guy."

"Yeah, and We all want to know the rest of your adventures!" said Pinkie Pie

"Pinkie makes a good point." added Applejack. "Not to mention that we wouldn't mind the extra help on my farm like Big Mac said."

"Once again," said Eragon. "I need some time to think."

"I understand." said Fluttershy

"Meantime, would you like me to finish my adventures to you?" asked Eragon

The Ponies, and Spike (Excluding Celestia and Luna) gave smiles of excitement. The group must really want to know more about Eragon's past, all of Alagaesia itself, and how Galbatorix was dethroned.

"Yes, please." said Rarity

"Oh yes, It sounds very incredible." added Fluttershy.

"Alagaesia sounds very interesting." Twilight commented.

Eragon blushed at the responses, and he replied to them by saying "I'm afraid I'll have to tell you all about later. I want my crew and my protectors to settle in Equestria."

"We can help you with that, if you like." said Applejack. "Well, not with the luggage, but help them settle in Equestria."

"And give them a warm welcome." Fluttershy added

"And give them a 'Welcome to Equestria from Alagaesia' party!" said Pinkie Pie

"Well.... I suppose you could help out. Besides, I would want them to meet you anyway." said Eragon. "But I must warn you; they have never seen creatures like you all before, so they might all be cautious to you, but I'll talk to them, and show them how friendly you are."

The ponies and Spike gave exclamations of excitement.

"So, let's help my crew." said Eragon. The Ponies and Spike followed the farm boy, and left Celestia and Luna alone.

"Can we trust him, Tia?" asked Luna

"Of course we can, sister." said Celestia. "I sense a very good heart inside of him, and in Saphira too."

"Perhaps, but he is still in pain, because he had to leave his home." said Luna.

"I know, Luna." said Celestia sympathetically. "He will get better, I know it."

"Let's hope your right." said Luna. She and Celestia continued to watch Eragon, the girls, and Spike walk to the Talita to give Blodhgarm and the other elves a helping hand. Then, they watched Saphira Fly away to where Eragon was heading.


Eragon could now see the Talita in his sights as he was getting closer and closer as he saw the wide and everlasting river. The girls and Spike behind him looked at the vessel in awe.

"That's your ship?" asked Twilight in amazement.

"Yes, It is called the Talita" said Eragon.

"Ooh, love the architecture." said Rarity.

"So, there are dragon eggs in that thing?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Yes." Said Eragon. "Not just eggs, but eldunari, and rider's swords for the future riders."

When they reached the ship, the elves gave surprised looks on their faces. Of course, they were suspicious.

"Don't worry, about them." said Eragon. "Elves are beings of nature."

The ponies smelled some odd odor, like some kind of perfume. They have never smelled anything like it before, and they gave little looks of disgust, but they realize that the smell isn't that bad

"What is that stench?" asked Rarity.

"Whatever it is it smells.... nice." said Fluttershy

"I don't smell anything." said Spike.

"You don't?" asked Pinkie.

"Nope." the baby dragon replied.

All of a sudden, Blodhgarm went off of the ship with his eight spellcasters behind him, he saw Eragon, and walked towards him. When he saw the ponies, and Spike, he didn't know what to say. He thought that these creatures were adorable. Nevertheless, he was cautious.

The ponies and Spike too were quite surprised by Blodhgarms appearance. He looked like a wild animal with the blue fur covering his whole body.

"Shadeslayer." he said finally in his usual calm voice. "You have returned, but where is Saphira?"

All of a sudden, Saphira landed right next to the ponies and Spike.

"Ah, there you are." said Blodhgarm in relief. He looked at the ponies and Spike behind Eragon.

"It's alright, Blodhgarm. They are friends, and not enemies." said Eragon.

Blodhgarm walked to the ponies and Spike, and he asked in amazement "What are you?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing." said Rarity

"Yeah, what are you? You're like a- a- a wolf, or a mutt." said Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow!" said Twilight, who bonked Rainbow on the back of her head. "Be polite!"

"They can talk?" asked Blodhgarm.

"That's right." said Applejack.

"But... if you like, you can leave Equestria." said Fluttershy a little nervous, who was kind of frightened by Blodhgarms appearance.

"No, no." said Blodhgarm. "I actually think it's rather... fascinating."

"Oh, I see." said the yellow pegasus timidly. However, she saw his two sharp teeth showing. She recognized them and went up to Blodhgarm to see of she thought right.

"Is there... anything I can help you with?" asked Blodhgarm uncomfortably.

"You have wolf fangs?" asked Fluttershy in astonishment.

Blodhgarm looked surprised by how Fluttershy figured out one of his appearances. "Yes but- how did you know?" he asked

"Oh, well- I- i love animals, and I take care of them if needed." said Fluttershy.

"Really?" said Blodgharm.

"Fluttershy, i thought you know all about personal space." said Rarity, a little worried that the blue elf would claw Fluttershy

"Oh no, no, It's quite alright. I actually think that she's... adorable." said Blodhgarm

Fluttershy couldn't help but blush at the comment. "You... you think I'm... cute?"

"Well of course I do." said Blodhgarm in honesty. "I have never seen creatures like you before, and I am actually... happy that you recognized what I had. Not a lot of people in Alagaesia could recognize my appearance.

"So you really do have wolf fangs?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Not just fangs." said Blodhgarm calmy. "I have the pelt of a forest cat, and the eyes of an eagle, and Blue fur covering myself."

"Wow." said the ponies and Spike in amazement.

"But what are you excatly?" asked Twilight

"I am an elf, I just look this way because I have the ability to alter my appearance. Many female elves are attracted to me because of it, and my musk scent." said Blodhgarm

"That's what that smell was?" asked Rarity. "It came from you?"

"Yes." said the blue elf.

"Wait, I didn't smell anything but the waters from the, and the grass. Why couldn't i smell it?" asked Spike

"Well, you see, My scent only attracts females. Males cannot smell any trace of it from myself." said Blodhgarm

"It is true, Spike." said Saphira in the baby dragon's mind. "I could smell it, and I had to help Eragon experience by making it visible to his nose, so that he could smell it as well."

"Well. I'm afraid we haven't introduced ourselves yet." said Twilight. She told Blodhgarm her name and all of her friends names, and then Spike.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you all." said Blodhgarm, bowing in gratitude. "My name is Blodhgarm. What kind of race are you."

"We are ponies." said Twilight

"Ponies?" said Blodhgarm. "We do have ponies in Alagaesia, but not like this before." He looked at Spike and walked up to him, and knelt down to make eye contact with him. "And what might you be, little one?" he asked

"My name is Spike and I'm... I'm... you would laugh at me." said Spike moving his head in shame

"No, go one." said Blodhgarm

"I'm... a baby dragon." Spike said.

He waited for a reaction, and what he heard from the blue elf was. "A baby dragon?"

"Yes." Spike replied.

"An you can talk... with your mouth?"

"I can."

"So... what do you do?" asked Rainbow Dash in curiosity

"Me and my eight spellcasters behind me, are protectors of Eragon and Saphira themselves. We would prevent evil minds from invading theirs, and we would give them strength if needed." said Blodhgarm proudly. "We went along with him to help with the eggs, and heal the eldunari that were forced to serve Galbatorix."

"How wonderful." said Fluttershy.

Blodhgarm looked back at Eragon and said "So have you found a place to settle?"

"Yes. It is a very beautiful town called Ponyville." Eragon answered.

"Ponyville, hmm?"

"We could build houses for all of you if you want." said Applejack.

"Wonderful idea, Applejack." said Eragon. "However, do they take a long time to do?"

"They do, but you and your spell casters could stay with one of us for a while." said Rainbow Dash

"That's very thoughtful." said Eragon. "He had a thought and said to Applejack. "I want to stay with you for a while. After all, I was once a farm boy."

"Well good for you. We could always use some help with Sweet Apple Acres." said Applejack

"However," said Eragon, who was not finished. "I was thinking about staying with each one of you for... a day or two, one at a time."

"Great! said Pinkie Pie.

"What about you're ship?" asked Rarity.

"Don't worry about it." said Blodhgarm. "It is a pretty strong ship, made by our own race."

"He's right, my friends. It will be fine. We will move it closer to Ponyville when we settle in. A new home is our top priority." said Eragon. "Come, let me show you Ponyville." He said to Blodhgarm, his spellcasters and his crew.

All of the elves, Eragon, along with Spike, the girls, and Saphira, walked to Ponyville.


Everyone can see Ponyville at a long distance.

"Here it is, men." said Eragon

"It looks beautiful." said one of Blodhgarm spellcasters.

"Indeed." said another. the group continued walking to their destination when all of a sudden, they smelled very bad odor.

"What is that horrible stench?" said Eragon, covering his mouth from the smell.

"Wait a minute." said Applejack "I recognize that smell anywhere." All of a sudden a large, fierce looking wooden dog appeared out of nowhere, and roared at them

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" screamed Twilight

"Timeberwolves!" shouted Rainbow Dash

"Timberwolves?" said Eragon to himself. Many more wolves came from behind the lead one. Eragon drew Brisingr from it's scabbard, and positioned himself at his battle pose. The ponies and Spike stood back to get away from them, and watched as Eragon slashed through one of them, shattering it like a rusty old marionette.

Eragon saw another one coming, and dodge-rolled to the left to escape it's attack. Blodhgarm and the other spellcasters went to his aid and one by one, many of the wolves were slashed by Eragon's sword, burnt or shattered by Blodhgarm and his cronies spells, and some of them were slashed, kicked, and clawed by the blue elf himself. All of a sudden, the large alpha male tackled Eragon, making him fly Brisingr right out of his hand. The Ponies and Spike gave out gasps of shock and fright. Eragon was trying so hard to get the large wooden wolf off of him. All of a sudden, with all of his might he shoved it's face away from his, and kicked the wolf with both of his legs to the monsters chin, sending him flying to the air and into the ground, however, it was still far from over, the beast got up and shook his head to keep himself from getting dizzy.

"He doesn't know when to quit!" Said Eragon to himself. The beast chareged at him again.

"Shadeslayer, your sword!" shouted Blodhgarm as he fetched Brisingr back to Eragon.

Eragon summer-salted out of the way to avoid the charging monster, and and it stopped as soon as it had missed him. He lunged his teeth at him, and Eragon did the finishing blow. Eragon slashed at the timberwolf by slashing it to the right, and the the left, and did an athletic final blow by doing a single spin attack vertically, causing the wolf to split in half. It was over, the alpha male had been defeated.

"Eragon!" called Twilight "Are you alright?"

"Yes. I'm fine." said Eragon, trying to catch his breath. All of a sudden, the remaining of the wolves were now magically floating, and forming together. It looked like it was forming into an even more bigger timberwolf, almost as big as Saphira.

"I'm coming, Eragon!" Said Saphira. She charges at the beast and clawed at it many times, but alas, the beast would not go down. All of a sudden, Eragon could take it no longer, he jumped and shouted "Brisingr!" The sword lit up a bright blue fire around the blade, and he trusted the sword right in the monsters forehead. Eragon jumped back off on the ground and saw the timberwolf caught on blue fire, and burned into piles of ashes, until nothing remained.

"Are you alright Eragon?" Asked Saphira

"Yes, I... I'm alright." Said Eragon

The ponies and Spike came up to him and gave out many comments of awe and amazement

"That... Was... Awesome!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash

"You saved us!" Said Fluttershy

"Did you see the way he fought the timberwolves?" Spike said. "He was kicking timberwolf butt!"

All of a sudden, Eragon fainted and fell to the ground covers In grass.

"Eragon!" Exclaimed Saphira, the ponies, and Spike. The spellcasters, and the rest of Eragon's crew rushed to his aid and checked him to see if he was injured.

"Don't worry." Said Blodhgarm. "He just used so much energy with that final attack, it left him weak to even stand."

"Will he be alright?" Asked Fluttershy very worried and concerned

"He will be fine, Fluttershy." Said Blodhgarm. "He just needs rest."

"We'll just put him on something soft so he can rest on." Said Rarity.

"Don't worry, said Saphira, I will care for him." said Saphira. She gently picked him up with her hand and placed him on her back. "Let's continue on to Ponyville, shall we."

The ponies, and Spike nodded In agreement, and continued onto Ponyville, with the spellcasters and the crew behind them. The timberwolfs burning body had already went out, and the fire extinguished itself, like a camp fire.

Settling In/Continuing the Narration

Eragon was lying on a very soft, warm bed. He was naked except for his undergarments. He had a small clothe soaked with hot water on his forehead. Blodhgarm and his spellcasters were watching over him with concern. Fluttershy, Twilight, Spike, and the pony gang were also watching over him, from behind the elves. He wasn't entirely hurt, but he was unconscious, and he felt really weak after inflicting that last attack on the giant timberwolf that he and his friends encountered while returning to Ponyville so that he and his spellcasters could settle. Eragon began to stir, took the small towel off his forehead, and he slowly sit up from the bed.

"Ow!" he exclaimed. He felt himself being halted by Blodhgarm

"Easy Shadeslayer." said the blue elf. "That last attack you inflicted on the timberwolf drained most of of your energy."

"Are you feeling alright, Eragon?" asked Fluttershy, who flew up next to Blodhgarm.

"Ow, I'm fine." was all Eragon could reply. "My head. It's killing me. Where am I exactly?"

"You're in Fluttershy's cottage." said Rarity.

"And what of Saphira?"

"She's fine. She's just outside." said Twilight

Eragon gave a little sigh of relief. "Saphira?" he said to her in his thoughts. "Are you there?

"Eragon!" exclaimed Saphira in relief. "I was so worried about you. I was worried that the last attack you inflicted on that wooden wolf might have killed you. Are you alright?"

"Don't worry, Saphira. I'm fine." said Eragon.

"Can you get up?" asked Spike

"I don't I can right now, Spike. I just need to rest for a little while." Eragon replied. "Thanks for helping me, Fluttershy."

"You're welcome, Eragon. I'm happy that I am able to help." said Fluttershy. "My animal friends helped too."

"You have animals?" asked Eragon

"Oh yes, rabbits, squirrels, many kinds of them." said Fluttershy. "Surprisingly, they have been getting along with Saphira. Although they do look a little intimidated."

"I can't imagine." said Eragon under his breath

"I heard that!" said Saphira through her mind to Eragons.

Eragon jumped back in surprised and said "Sorry."

He, Spike, the ponies, and the spellcasters heard footsteps coming from the stairs. It was Big Macintosh with a worried expression on his face. He gave a small exclamation of surpsise when he saw Blodhgarm "Whoa!" he exclaimed

"Relax, big brother." said Applejack. "He's not a monster."

"What is he then?" asked Big Macintosh with surprise

"Relax, pony." said Blodhgarm in a calm voice. "Looks can be deceitful you know." He walked up to Big Macintosh and said to him. "My name is Blodhgarm and I am an elf."

"The Name's Big Macintosh, but mah friends just call me Big Mac." said He. He stretched his arm like he wanted to shake hands with the blue elf.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." said Blodhgarm.

"Very nice to meet you too, Blodhgarm." said Big Macintosh after he and the blue elf stopped shooking hoof and hand. "But I have a question; How did you alter your... appearance?"

"Big Macintosh! Don't be rude!" said Rarity.

"It's alright, Rarity." said Blodhgarm. He turned his head back to Big Macintosh. "I just altered myself using a little 'magic'. however, I was thinking about becoming a creature of the sea one day."

"A creature of the sea?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I think we are getting off topic here." said Twilight. "So, what are you doing here, Big Mac?"

"Saphira told me that You guys got attacked by a timberwolf pack, and Eragon almost killed himself with a spell he casted to kill it." Big Mac answered.

"Don't worry about me, Big Mac." Said Eragon "I'll live."

Big Macintosh chuckled at his response and replied "good."

"Have you at least for some place to settle In?" Eragon asked Blodhgarm

"Oh yes. Fluttershy here, was just offering you and Saphira to stay with her in her cottage for a while." Said the blue elf.

"You don't have to stay with me...if you don't want to." Said Fluttershy in her timid voice, and them she took a step back from the group.

Eragon smiled at her and said "I wouldn't mind staying with you for a while, Fluttershy."

"Neither would I, little one." Said Saphira telepathically. "Your animal friends seem to like me."

"Wait! What the rest of my crew?" asked the rider.

"Celestia was more than happy to offer them a few houses in Ponyville." said Twilight happily.

"Will they get along with the inhabitants?" asked Eragon a little worried

"Of course they will." said Twilight.

"Very well." said Eragon.

Rainbow Dash flew up to Eragon's face, with hers showing a big grin showing her teeth. "Soooooo...... can you please continue on telling us about your adventures?" she said in an overeager voice.

"Well, i suppose I could continue on my adventures." said Eragon.

The Ponies, and Spike gave out words of excitement. They really wanted to hear more of Alagaesia, and the riders adventures. Not to mention that they wanted to see how Galbatorix was defeated and dethroned. They also wanted to know more about Murtagh.

"We will be back, Shadeslayer." said Blodhgarm

"Where are you going?" asked Eragon

"We are just going to help our crew settle in their new houses in Ponyville." the blue elf answered.

"Oh. Very well Blodhgarm, I would assume they would like some help. What of the eggs and the eldunari?" asked Eragon with concern

"They will be taken care of shortly." said Blodhgarm. We will protect them and so will my spellcasters." He and the rest of his spellcasters went downstairs, and they heard Fluttershy's front door closed.

"So where was I?" said Eragon. He thought of it for a moment about when he left off. "Aha!" he exclaimed. "Murtagh."

"So what was he like?" asked Rainbow Dash

"I might have told you that he rescued me from the Ra'zac." said Eragon

"You did!" said Pinkie Pie

"Murtagh was a mysterious person. He was a three years older than me, and his hair was a little more dark brown and a little longer than my own hair. Murtagh was.... how should I explain this without being so complicated." Eragon was trying to find an explanation on what Murtagh was like to the Ponies and Spike. Finally he said "He was very calm, and his voice was low and controlled, but it was curiously emotional. He is very good with archery and swordplay." A little embarrassed, Eragon pointed out "Not to mention that he was better than me in all of that. He was very strong-willed and very intelligent. He was one of the greatest people I have known.

"I bet." said Big Macintosh

"Have you ever fought him before?" asked Twilight a little curious.

"Oh yes." said Eragon with a chuckle. "But He always won."

"Did he help you get to the Varden?" asked Rarity

"Well, first I wanted to see if he was really a friend, and not a secret ally of the empire." said Eragon. "Murtagh said he would help me get to the Varden, but he said he doesn't want to help them.

"Why not?" asked Fluttershy

"He said does not belong to either the Varden or the Empire, and he has no allegiance to any man except himself."

The ponies and Spike didn't know what to think of Murtagh, they were thinking; should they hate him? Or should they think badly of him?

"There was a problem however. We did not know where the Varden was hiding. Luckilly, I kept having these visions of this elf woman in my dreams, and I learned that she was held prisoner in the city of Gil'ead. Gil'ead was a city that had some of Galbatorix's best prisons, and many barracks for his guards, and it had one fort." Eragon narrated. "So me, Murtagh, and Saphira traveled to Gil'ead to see if the elf woman was there, and if she did know where the Varden was. However, we got ambushed by Urgals, and I've been taken prisoner. Luckily, Murtagh and Saphira escaped from the ambush. The elf was Arya, the elven princess. I was kept in the same prison she was in. I woke up in a cell in Gil'ead, and I saw Arya being carried away by a couple of Guards, unconscious.

"That must have been awful." said Spike

"It was. All of a suden, Durza came into my cell."

The ponies and Spike gasped with shock

"The shade you mentioned?" asked Fluttershy

"That's right. Durza wanted to know my name, but not my name, he said something called a true name. I did not know what he meant and he decided to give me some food, with some drugs inside them." said Eragon

"True name?" asked Twilight

"It's complicated, Twilight." said Eragon. "He wanted to know my true name to have complete control over me, like a live puppet. He decided to feed me the drugged food to get me to talk."

"And he didn't figure it out, didn't he?" asked Applejack

"Of course not. Luckilly, I got out of my cell with magic. Murtagh and Saphira came to my aid. We managed to get Arya out, but we confronted Durza and he almost killed us, but Murtagh shot him with two arrows, one on his shoulder and one in between the shade's eyes, and he vanished like a small cloud of mist.

"But that didn't kill him, didn't it?" said Spike

"Of course it didn't. It would just case a shade to regenerate like that." said Eragon a little sadly

"Figures." said Rainbow Dash.

"When we escaped, I learned that Arya has been poisoned, and if we do not get her to the Varden, she will die. I went into Arya's mind, and she shown me the location. They were hiding in the Beor Mountains. Me, Murtagh, and Saphira were traveling all the way down to the Hadarac Desert, where the heat was unbearable for me and Murtagh, but not Saphira.

"It was the perfect weather for me." said Saphira in every-ponies heads.

"Anyway, We reached the Beor Mountains, and suddenly came across a couple of slave traders, and were about to capture me and Murtagh for slavery, but Murtagh decapitated the leader. I was quite furious with Murtagh for doing that, but he said that if we would have let him live, he would have told someone about, and the king would find out about it."

"Well, he does have a point, Eragon." said Twilight. "I think it was rather best for Murtagh to do that.

"You are in hiding from the Empire after all." Fluttershy added.

"I know. I wasn't mad at Murtagh anymore, but he still didn't want to come with me to the Varden. All of a sudden, Durza's army of Urgals came in, all after us. We lost them, and finally, we lost them. I told Murtagh to make up his mind, and he said that the Varden wouldn't even welcome him with open arms anyway." said Eragon.

"Why was that?" asked Pinkie Pie
"I'm getting to that." said Eragon. "I was growing a little impatient with his surly attitude and he said finally revealed the reason for not wanting to come to the Varden. This might shock you, but.... he said that his father was...." Eragon was a little hesitant

"Who?" asked Fluttershy.

Eragon gulped but he finally said "Morzan"

The Ponies and Spike made a gasp of shock and surprise and they all exclaimed exclaimed "Morzan?!?"

"Galbatorix's second-in-command?!" exclaimed Applejack

"He was Murtagh's father?" Fluttershy added

"Yes. But murtagh didn't even want any part of Morzan." said Eragon, trying to calm every-pony down. "Morzan cared little about Murtagh. When Murtagh was three, Morzan had one of his 'drunken rages' and he threw Za'roc, his sword right into Murtagh, leaving his back laid open from shoulder to hip, and Morzan didn't even care about that. The wound almost killed Murtgah."

The ponies and Spike gave out a gasp of Horror, and were deeply appaled to hear that

"How dare he!" exclaimed Fluttershy in anger

"I know, that low down varmint!" said Applejack

"I can't believe that a father like him would do that to his own child!" Rarity added.

The rest of the group gave out some exclamations of agreement, angry at Morzan for what he did to his own son.

"Don't worry, Murtagh lives." said Eragon trying to calm everypony down. "Don't let it get to all of you. Murtagh showed me his scar, and I didn't know if I could trust him anymore since he was the son of the first and last of the Forsworn. However, He hated that Empire as much as I do, or maybe more than I do. Finally, he was very reluctant, but he decided to join me to find the Varden. They rescued us from the Urgals, and nurse Arya back to health.

"Did they not trust you?" asked Applejack

"Well, they wanted to inspect us to see if we were not spies from the Empire. We met Ajihad, the leader of the Varden in Tronjeim, the capital of the dwarves, and his daughter, Nasuada. He sent out the Twins to inspect us in me and Murtaghs minds. Murtagh wouldn't let himself be inspected because.... well.... you know. Finally, Ajihad took his shirt off, and figured out who Murtagh was. He didn't want to, but He kept Murtagh as a prisoner, but they gave him a 'special treatment' by giving him reading materials, and Nasuada had some... conversations with him."

"Well... that was.... very kind of them to do." said Spike

"agreed." said Eragon. "Arya made a full recovery and was cured from the poison. In Tronjeim, I met the Dwarven king, Hrothgar. After that, I met a woman with her sick baby named Elva, and she asked me to cure her with a blessing, and it cured her."

"Aww, that's nice." said Pinkie Pie

"However.... I accidentally cursed her." said Eragon sadly and with extreme guilt

"What?" the group exclaimed

"I'll explain later." said Eragon. "We learned that the urgals were closing in on Tronjeim, and we prepared ourselves for battle. Ajihad decided to give Murtagh a chance, and to prov to himself trustworthy to the Varden. Later on, Durza and his army of Urgals and soldiers of the Empire, came and we fought them. I confronted Durza, and I was loosing, but, Arya destroyed the star sapphire on top of Farthen Dur, while riding on Saphira. It gave enough time to distract Durza and I thrusted Za'roc right through the shade's heart, killing him. After that, it was over, we won the battle."

the ponies and Spike cheered for him

"Way to go, Eragon." said Rainbow Dash, giving him a gentle punch on the arm

"Thanks. After the battle, we cleaned up the mess, and I realized with Brom gone, I realized that there was no one to teach me about magic, or more about the dragon riders, but in my dream, the Morning Sage appeared. Which was Oromis." said Eragon. All of a sudden, he felt that the strength has came back to him.

"Oromis? What did he say?" asked a very intrigued Fluttershy

"He said 'come to me, Eragon. I will show you the way of the riders. Come to Du weldenvardn. For now just rest' that's what he said."

"Wow." said the ponies and Spike in amazement.

Eragon sat himself up, and said "Don't worry, my strength has come back to me, so I can walk again."

"I'm glad." said Fluttershy, in her usual, kindly voice.

"Can you please continue?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Yeah! This is getting really good." added Pinkie Pie

"Maybe in a little while." said Eragon. "I need some food. I am very hungry. I am just going out to look for some food for a little while. I'll be back soon. Oh, and if Blodhgarm and the spellcasters ask, tell them I am out looking for food in case if I'm not back then."

"That's fine, Eragon." said Fluttershy.

"Yeah you go and eat up." said Rainbow Dash.

"We wouldn't want you starving yourself, darling." added Rarity.

Eragon smiled, put on his clothes, equipped Brisingr on his waist, and went downstairs and went out the door. "I'll be back Saphira, I'm just going to look for some food." He said to his dragon

"Be sure to eat as plenty to not get hungry, little one." said Saphira "And try not to get yourself a stomach ache."

"I will. And don't worry, I won't hurt my stomach." said Eragon with a chuckl, and he went into Ponyville

The ponies and Spike looked at Eragon through the window and Fluttershy said "He's a very interesting guy."

"I concur, Fluttershy." said Rarity.

"I really hope he does stay here in Equestria." said Rainbow Dash. "He sounds really awesome."

"I hope so too." said Twilight.

While Eragon was walking to Ponyville, he was surprised by a familiar creature

"Surprise!" Exclaimed Discord

"Hello again, Discord." Said Eragon.

"I just came to say that I am truly amazed by your adventures that involved your final battle with Durza." Said the Drancequus.

"You heard about my adventures?" Asked Eragon

"That I did." Discord replied. "They sounded like a very interesting and intriguing read if you could ever put that in an autobiographic novel."

"Oh, thank you." Said Eragon' blushing a little

"So where are you heading now?" Asked Discord.

"Just going to get some food, I haven't eat anything since the Timberwolf attack on me and my friends.Eragon answered. "When I get back I will resume telling my new friends my adventures."

"I'll be there." Said Discord

Eragon made a soft smile and replied "good." And he continued to Ponyville to find a decent meal for his stomach.

One Hour Later

Eragon came Back, and he saw Fluttershy, Spike, and the ponies faces with excitement on them, waiting to hear Eragon's story. "Alright, Alright, i'll tell you the rest of my adventures." he said with a chuckle. He sat on the couch, and the ponies and Spike gathered around him so that he can finish his story.

Author's Notes:

I hope you weren't all too disappointed in this chapter. I wanted Spike, and the ponies to understand more of how Eragon got here to Equestria. Part 2 will be up soon. I promise.

Continuing the Narration part 2

Eragon clasped his hands, ready to finish off the Narration. "After the battle of Farthen Dur, me, Ajihad, Saphira, and Murtagh decided to look for any hiding urgals and soldiers, and so far, we haven't found any. However, we've been suddenly ambushed by a couple of urgals. I managed to survive and kill them, but Murtagh went missing, and.... and..." Eragon paused

"What happened?" asked Rarity

"Ajihad wasn't so lucky. He fought very bravely and nobel, but he was mortally wounded " Eragon finished in a tone of sadness.

The Ponies and Spike gave Eragon a look of sympathy.

"Oh no." said Twilight

"Oh, buddy, we're sorry." said Rainbow Dash with sympathy.

"Where was Murtagh?" asked Spike

"At first I thought he was dead too, but he's still alive, but I will get to that later." said Eragon. "For the matter at hand. Before Ajihad died, he said that he wanted me to make sure that the Varden wouldn't fall into disarray. His last words were....'Peace be with you, Eragon Shadeslayer.' and then he just... passed."

Rights for this song go to Bethesda gaming Studios


"Aww." said Spike and the group of ponies with sympathy.

"So... what happened after Ajihad died?" asked Rarity.

"Well, I was called by the Council of Elders, the governing council for the Varden. One of them was Jormunder, Ajihad's right man. However, most of them were.... mostly corrupt and very greedy. They were more worried about just keeping the power for themselves instead of the Varden.

"Pfft, politics, am I right?" said Spike.

"I know. That is exactly why i hate politicians." said Applejack

"Except for most leaders here in Equestria of course." Added Rarity

"I concure." said Eragon "Back to my past. They chose Nasuada, Ajihad's daughter to take the position as leader, because they thought they she would be easy to manipulate and control. They also wanted me to be under their control by asking me to give them their fealty. However, me and Nasuada were very clever. I only gave my fealty to Nasuada, not the Varden. The council was deeply angered by this motive, but Nasuada was strong-willed and not easy to persuade. Nasuada then overruled the council, threatening to dissolve it if they use this kind of method again."

"Smart." said Twilight

"Agreed. Eragon replied. You want to know what happened to my cousin, Roran?" asked Eragon.

"Oh yes, please." said Fluttershy, very eager to hear about Eragon's cousin

The other ponies and Spike gave out words of agreement with Fluttershy. They really wanted to hear about what happened to Roran as well.

Eragon chuckled and said "Very well, very well. However, I do not know all of his adventures, so I will tell all of you some of his adventures. He only told my some details."

"That's fine." said Twilight.

"So Roran came back to Carvahall from his job about helping Katrina, because he heard the news about what happened to my uncle, Garrow. He blamed me, because of Saphira's egg, and began to say very spiteful words about me, and I kind of deserved that a little"

"What? you don't deserve that." said Pinkie Pie in protestant. "It was not your fault that Garrow died."

"Yes, darling." Rarity added. "There was nothing you could have done."

"Thanks, Rarity." said Eragon. "Now Roran decided to temporarily stay at Horst's house, Carvahall's blacksmith. however, The Ra'zac came back to Carvahall, along with the two leathrblaka to look for him. They were not alone, thirty soldiers accompanied the monsters. It turns out that Roran was wanted by the Empire because he is my cousin. He fled into the Spine to hide from them. Luckily, the villagers were loyal to him, and they told the Ra'zac that he was away on a hunting."

"Why was he wanted?" asked Applejack

"They wanted to question him about me and Saphira's whereabouts, and interrogate him." Eragon answered.

"Oh." said Spike and the ponies in unison.

"So he stayed in the Spine for a few days." Eragon continued. "At that, the Ra'zac and their men were growing extremely impatient. Roran told me that they starting hurting the people and their property. One of which was a farmer named Quimby. He got killed by a soldier that threw a pitcher of him while trying to intervene a fight. They took his body, and the Ra'zac ate it and drank the marrow."

The group was horrified to hear that.

"Goodness. That must have been awful." said Fluttershy with sympathy.

"What else did they do to Carvahall?" asked Rarity.

"Well, one soldier got drunk and set a hay barn on fire." Eragon answered. "At last, the villagers could stand it no longer. Horst rallied Roran, and a couple of other villagers to fight the Ra'zac and the soldiers. They fought them, and eventually catched the sentinels off guard. However, the Ra'zac retaliated and killed Parr. Another villager that helped Roran with the ambush, along with eight others. We did drive them off, and they went into full retreat. Roran killed at least two soldiers with his new weapon of choice; which was his hammer."

Spike and the ponies were amazed to hear that.

"That must of been a heavy loss on the villagers." said Big Macintosh. "Poor guys."

"Aye. That it was, Big Macintosh." said Eragon. "Roran told Katrina to go to the Spine, along with many of the villages children and women. However, her father, Sloan the butcher, finds her and angrilly questions why she is going there, and then she started to drag her back to his house by pulling her hair."

The ponies, and Spike looked appalled by this type of behavior.

"That's terrible." said Pinkie Pie.

"Yeah, what kind of a father would do that to their own daughter?" said Rainbow Dash. She clashed her hooves together, and said "I wish i can find that guy and beat him down."

"Easy, rainbow." said Eragon. "That was when Roran came along and punched Sloan. The butcher tried to retaliate by grabbing Katrina again, but she dodged. After that, he angrilly asked why Roran was involed, and He said that he and Katrina were engaged. This really angered Sloan. therefore, he disowned his daughter, and denied her mother's fortune. He then stormed off in tears and heartbroken."

"Well serves him right." said Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah, that mean meanie-pants got his just desserts. Hmm... like a chocolate ice cream cake with sprinkles on top." said Pinkie Pie, licking her tongue all over her face just thinking about dessert.

"Pinkie Pie." said Rainbow Dash

"Oh, sorry." said the pink pony, seeing that Eragon and her friends were looking at her, like she is weird

"She's just being Pinkie Pie, Eragon." said Twilight with a chuckle.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by that?" said Eragon a little confused.

"Nevermind, that." said Rarity

"So, what happened after Sloan disowned Katrina?" asked Fluttershy a little eager

"Right. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie were right about what they said. Sloan got excatly what he deserved, so Katrina moved in with Horst, so that she can sleep with Roran, and feel better about Sloan dissowning her. You see, she was pretty heartbroken because she loved her father really much."

"So did he try and make her feel better after that family issue?" asked Spike

"Well, Elain, Horst's wife tried to comfort her, but it had little affect on her. So yes, Roran made her feel better. However, that night, the Ra'zac came in with some soldiers. They obviously wanted Roran, but he fought back, and they took Katrina instead. enraged, Roran killed all of the soldiers, but the Ra'zac ran off with Katrina. Roram also told me that he was about to beg Sloan's forgiveness for his bad blood, but he also discovered something very treacherous."

"What's that?" asked the ponies and Spike

Eragon conti used on by saying "Sloan betrayed Roran and the villagers to the Ra'zac. He killed Byrd, the watchman of the town so that the Ra'zac can kill Roran, however, they doublecrosed the traitor and took both him and Katrina with them. Roram fought the Ra'zac, but was wounded By one of the Ra'zac by biting his shoulder with it's beak.Roran didn't have the strength to chase after the monsters, but to watch Katrina fade from his vision, as she was taken away to Helgrind with her father. Leaving all of Carvahall In ruins

"That's just awful." Said Rarity

"That sounded like a new low for that little varmint." Said Applejack with anger and inferring to Sloan.

"Aye, that it was, Applejack." Said Eragon. "Roran and the villagers now had a new problem to deal with: they realized that killing many of the empire's soldiers, they might be enslaved or executed. Roram then gave an inspiring and charismatic speech to rise up against the empire, and that they have been terrorizing Alagaesia far too long. He said that et will go to the Varden, but of course, they needed the location. Roram decided that they would need a huge passenger ship for their travel, because he believed that they ere in Surda, the independent country south of the empire."

The ponies and Spike made impressed looks on their faces, hearing a lot of interesting facts about Roran. They were proud of him, a d impressed with him both at the same time. They wished they can meet him.

"Now, back to my story. After Nasuada was elected the leader of the Varden, she decided to move back to Surda to devise another strike on the king. Before they left, Hrothgar, the king of the dwarves, offered to... to..." Eragon thought of how he should tell his new friends about how Hrothgar offered to adopt Eragon, without the group of ponies and a baby dragon laughing at him.

"Yes???" asked the ponies and Spike with curiosity

"Hrothgar... offered to adopt me into his clan: Durgrimist Igneitum, of 'Fire Smiths' in the Dwarven language. So i became a member of his family. It is also the family that Orik, my closest dwarf friend lived." Eragon said.

"Wow." said Rainbow Dash. "That's awesome."

Eragon was relieved to hear that. He was expecting creatures that were not from Alagaesia to laugh at him, because the Dwarves were only as high as the human's elbows were.

"Well that was mighty nice of him of you to join his family." said Rarity

"Yeah, mighty kind." Applejack added

"I know." Said Eragon. "After that, Me, Saphira, and Arya decided to go to Ellesmera to complete my training as a dragon rider. Hrothgar also tasked Orik to come with me on our trip. I however, found it irritating, because it would mostly be on foot, because There could be some of Galbatorix's men looking for me and Saphira at the moment. So if Saphira was flying, a spy from the Empire might have followed her, so that's why I agreed to travel by foot."

"That's probably a good Idea." said Spike. "If soldiers don't see her, they won't know where you are."

"Exactly." Eragon pointed out in agreement. "on our way, we encountered three fanghurs. We thought that they were dragons, but sadly they were not, just the distant cousins that I told you about. They attacked us, but Saphira scared them away with her strength and firebreathing."

"cool." said Rainbow Dash.

"After that, we finally reached Ellesmera. We met Queen Islanzadi, another werecat named 'Maud' and her white raven named Blagden. Blagden was a talking white raven, that would say many types of riddles, and surprisingly, concerning my past."

"A talking raven?" asked Fluttershy with astonishment. "And another werecat?"

"Yes." the rider answered.

"What was this... Queen Islanzadi like?" asked Rarity

"She was most beautiful woman I have ever seen." Eragon said. "She looked very much like her daughter, except she wears a red tunic, and a mantle made out of swan feathers. She welcomed me, Arya, and Saphira warmly, particullarly, me and Saphira. She asked Arya for forgiveness when she banished her from her presence to help the Varden, and Arya accepted her forgiveness."

"What do you mean by that?" asked Applejack

"Islanzadi withdrew from the Varden when she thought that she was dead from the poison that Durza bestowed in her." said Eragon. "Islanzadi then decided to remain in contact with the Varden. When she saw Orik, she said that it was a long time since there have been a dwarf to set foot in Du Weldenvarden. Orik told her that he gives her Hrothgar's greetings."

"How does she rule in her kingdom?" asked Fluttershy

"She cares deeply for her people, however, despite her stunning beauty, she was erratic, and very judgemental. If i was to choose a leader, I would definetely not choose her as a first choice."

"wow." said Big Macintosh

"After that, Islanzadi considered me an 'Elf friend' so that the elves would never get me any trouble, and that I could enter all the cities in Du Weldenvarden as I please."

"Wow." said the ponies and Spike.

"After that, she guided me and Orik to the Crags of Tel'naeir. Oromis and Glaedr's home. They were rocky bluffs just above Ellesmera." Eragon continued. He revealed to the ponies and the baby dragon what Oromis was like. "He was a very wise, yet strict teacher." Eragon revealed. During my training, he taught me how to use magic spells better, and Glaedr taught Saphira how to control her fire-breathing. Glaedr also taught me how to ride a dragon more properly. I might have told you all this, but Glaedr's size was three times compared to Saphira."

"Awesome." Said Rainbow Dash.

Spike and the other ponies made remarks of agreement, wishing that they could have meet Glaedr in his physical form, Spike essentially.

"Oromis also taught me about some f the elves history, and lifestyle." Eragon continued. Later on, he told them from the times from realizing that he cursed Elva instead of curing her' to the times of the blood-oath celebration, transforming him into a human/elf hybrid. However, he decided to not tell his new friends about his feelings for Arya because he really hated to talk about it, mostly because he might burst into tears on the spot just thinking of her like that already.

"So that's how you became a human to an elf hybrid?" Asked Pinkie Pie with astonishment, and excitement.


"And you got all of those abilities from the elves?" Asked Fluttershy


"How very quaint, darling." Said Rarity.

"That must have been so cool." Spike added in amazement.

Eragon smiled to them and said "look, I might as tell you some other things. I am so glad you are enjoying just hearing about my adventures, and my past, but I would rather prefer not to talk about some things, because they are too.... Sentimental for me." He bowed his head in sadness

Applejack then put a hoof on his shoulder, very gently. "I understand, Sugarcube." She said to him in sympathy.

"Thank you, Applejack." Said Eragon. "Look, I will tell you other things about Alagaesia, and my life some other time, for now, I just need to settle in more, I mean... Me Saphira and my crew just got here."

"Can you at least tell us what happened to Murtagh, and some other cool friends of yours pleeeeeeaaase?????" Said Pinkie Pie with a puppy dog face.

"Pinkie." Said Twilight. "I think we should list-"

"No no, Twilight." Said Eragon. "It's alright. I might as well tell you. However... You will hate him, so please don't because he was forced to against his will."

"What do you mean?" Asked Rarity.

"Murtagh became a new dragon rider with his new red male dragon named Thorn." Eragon answered.

The girls and Spike's jaws dropped to the floor hearing that.

"That... Is... Awesome!" Said Rainbow Dash

"Why would we even be mad at that?" Asked Fluttershy with curiosity

"Well... The Twins that I told you about we're spies for the Empire. They kidnapped Murtagh and he had to swear loyalty to Galbatorix by force, because he knows his true name. That's how the king would control you, by saying your true name."

"So he's a traitor?" Asked Twilight with a little shock

"Not really." Eragon said, trying to make it more understandable. "He hated to do it, but he and Thorn had no choice.

"Is he still evil?" Asked Spike

"No no no, he was never evil." Said Eragon. "He only did these things against his will."

"Oh." Said the ponies and Spike in unison, better understanding what Eragon was saying.

"My half brother and I dueled in the Battle of the burning plains."

"Brother?!?!" Exclaimed the ponies and Spike in unison and disbelief.

"Half brother." Eragon corrected. "We both had the same mother, but different fathers."

"Wait wait wait!" said Rainbow Dash. "Didn't that fortune teller say that there would be a betrayal from a family member?"

"Yes. Indeed, that's what she predicted about my future."

"Who was your father?" Asked Fluttershy

Eragon gave out a little sigh and said "Brom. He was my father."

"Really?" Asked Twilight Sparkle

"Yes." Eragon said "I just wished he could have told me before he died." He bowed his head in sadness.

"Aww, don't be like that." Said Fluttershy sympathetically. "I'm pretty sure he loved you. He was just probably keeping it a secret for his own protection."

"And your protection." Applejack added

"I know. I know." The rider replied. "How about this; I'll tell at least a little more of my past, but after that, I want to take a break from my narration. Besides, I am not that good of a storyteller like my father was."

"That's fine with us." said Fluttershy

"and me." Spike added

"Of course, darling." said Rarity

"Yeah, I understand. You just take a lil break from all of this." Applejack added.

"Well... During the training..." Eragon was a little speechless at the moment. Eragon looked outside to Saphira. He looked back at his little audience, and said "Hang on a second, I must ask Saphira something."

"Yes?" said his audience of ponies and a baby dragon in front of him

"That's fine." said Rainbow Dash

"We'll wait." said Twilight.

He looked at Saphira, and thought of the little... incident between her and Glaedr. It was a very painful and shameful memory for her to remember and talk about. He realized that if Saphira told the group about her... mistake, she would go carnivore on him, the ponies and Spike. He turned to his small , eager audience again, and said with a sigh "Look. I probably shouldn't tell you all this, but... but..."

"Yes??" said the ponies and Spike

"I don't want to tell you. It's just too painful for both Saphira and Glaedr to talk about." Eragon asnwered. "Let me ask Glaedr about this." He turned his direction to the Golden dragon's eldunari, and he said to him "Ebrithil, please. What should I tell the girls and Spike? I noticed that what happened during Our first time training... It sounds like a painful memory for you. What should I do? I don't want Saphira to know that I told my new friends about what Saphira was trying to do. If I did that, she would probably eat me."

"Saphira would never do that to you, youngling." said Glaedr in his deep voice. "She cares about you with all her heart, and you know that."

"I do." said Eragon. "To be honest. It's more about the safety for these creatures that I am worried about."

"Saphira is an intelligent dragon." said Glaedr. "She would never do that to any friends or family of yours. As much as I hate to talk about it, or hearing about it, what is in the past cannot be done."

"You're right. So... can i... tell them?" asked Eragon a little nervous

"If you want to, then I will have no problem at all." Glaedr answered.

"Alright, Glaedr." said Eragon out loud. He turned back to the group, cleared his throat, and said "Saphira wanted to be... attached to Glaedr, but he rejected her affections."

The ponies and Spike now understand what Eragon was saying.

"Oh. I see what you are saying." Said Rarity. "Saphira was in 'major like' with Glaedr wasn't she?"

"That would put it lightly." Said Eragon in a tone of mild sarcasm. "But, yes. She was. She was really hurt that Glaedr rejected her, and I reassured her by telling her that it wouldn't be proper. I told her that she will find someone, and the green male was her match."

"That definitely reminds me of Somepony I know that I have a crush on but doesn't accept me." Said Spike in his head sarcastically.

"After that, Saphira reconciled with Glaedr and apologized to him for her behavior. Glaedr accepted it and just told her to not do it again.

"Did he really forgive her?" Asked Fluttershy

"Of course he did, Fluttershy." The rider answered. "He wouldn't hate Saphira for that, he knows how alone she was, and was just as happy to see a dragon that was not bonded by Galbatorix, and free roaming as much as Saphira was."

"So... What happened after that?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Now comes the Blood Oath celebration." Eragon answered.

"Blood Oath Celebration?" Said the girls and Spike in unison.

"Yes, it was a very exciting event by the elves performing poems, songs, and crafts. They would chant magic spells, and... It was like... Like the almost lost their sanity because of the excitement. Me, and my friends and mentors presented crafted gifts to the celebration."

"Ooooohhhh. That sounds so much fun!" Said Pinkie Pie. "I would definitely like to be in that kind of party!"

"Oh it was an interesting experience." Said Eragon. "You all would love it. During the celebration, two caretakers showed me their tattoo of a dragon, which was actually a spectral dragon. He touched his snout on my gedwhey ignasia, and I s,only transform into the creature that I am now. All of my blemishes and my scars were now healed from the process."

"Wow!" Said the ponies and Spike in amazement.

"It enhanced my power, my hearing, and I became stronger and faster. Also became better at handling magic spells for practicing. I began to use magic more better than I ever did. Sadly... After that, my training was cut short because I have heard that the empire havelanned an attack on Surda. This might shock you, but many of the Urgals came to Nasuada and asked for her alliance."

Spike and the Ponies looked quite surprised by what he just said. They were wondering if they were the same urgals that attacked at Farthen Dur

"Their leader was a kull named Nar Garzhvog. He said that he and his people wanted revenge on Galbatorix for controlling them for doing his dirty work. Me and Orik didn't know if we could trust them, but we had no choice. Nar Garzhvog was actually a very good urgal. He was almost as wise as Oromis was, but in a different way."

The ponies and Spike sounded very interested in Nar Garzhvog as well.

"Really?" Said Big Macintosh

"Aye. Nar Garzhvog had a few other Kull to protect me and Saphira, and they fought very boldly. Thus, the battle of the Burning Plains commenced."

"Did you win?" asked Rainbow Dash a little eager. She really liked battles sometimes, because she loves to fight/

"Aye." said Eragon a little sadly. "But, not without Hrothgar being killed by Murtagh and Thorn when the dwarves came to our aid."

"I am so sorry to hear that, sugarcube." said Applejack with sympathy.

"I know, he just took you in his family and then he dies? That's just not right." said Spike.

"I concure." said Eragon. "However, I was happy to see that Roran and the villagers of Carvahall came to our aid."

"They did?" said Spike and the ponies

"Aye. They went to Teirm, and met Jeod, Brom's old friend." Eragon answered. "Jeod stole a large ship called 'the Dragon Wing' from the Empire, and gave it to Roran and the villagers. They got a little sidetracked sometimes, but they came to Surda, seeing the battle that me and the Varden were fighting. I fought Murtagh and Thorn, with Murtagh claded in armor and a helmet. I didn't recognize him, but when his helmet was off, I could hardly believe it was him. He pinned me down with a spell consisting vines to the ground. I was so glad that he was still alive, but shocked to see that he was fighting for the Empire. I convinced him to come back to my side, but he said that I cannot help him, because Galbatorix knows their true names, which I said controls a very person if you say it. He said that they were his slaves forever."

"So he really hated to do this?" asked Fluttershy with sympathy

"Of course he did." said Eragon. "I told all of you before that he and Thorn had no choice. I saw Roran planning a sneak attack on the Twins, that lead the Empire's soldiers. I warned him not to, but Murtagh convinced me otherwise. He said he wanted to see what Roran would do, because the Twins enjoyed torturing Murtagh so he wanted to see his vengeance. Roran used his hammer to bash both the Twins with it on ther heads, killing them instantly. Thus, it was a turning point in the battle, and we won."

"Wow." said the ponies and Spike

"So did Murtagh want to kill you?" asked Twilight

"Of course not." said Eragon. "He said that Galbatorix wanted me alive. Not really because of me, but beacause of Saphira."

"That makes sense." said Big Macintosh.

"Yeah, obviously he wanted Saphira to mate with either Thorn or the green dragon." said Rainbow Dash

"Precisely. He did want Saphira to mate with the green dragon when it hatches to restore his own group of riders like the Forsworn." said Eragon. "Murtagh later revealed that Morzan was my father, although it is a filthy lie. Murtagh however, decided to let me go, because of our friendship. However, he took Za'roc, the sword that I was wielding with him, claiming that it rightfully belongs to him."

"Because Morzan carried that sword?" asked Big Macintosh

"Yes. However, after the battle, Orik gave me a falchion as a temporary weapon, well, at least untill i have new rider's sword."

"Well that was kind of him." said Rarity.

"When Murtagh and Thorn left, the battle was over, and we won. I reunited with Roran, and the villagers pf Carvahall. Although he punched my face to let his anger out. Do not be alarmed by that. I deserved it. Roran and Saphira met, and then he desperately asked for my help to rescue Katrina from Helgrind, the Ra'zac's home." Eragon gave a sigh and said "I'm afraid that is all I can tell you for today." and then he stood up from Fluttershy's couch.

"Very fascinating!" said a familiar male voice. out of nowhere, Discord poofed out of nowehere, like he was invisible. His little stunt startled everypony, but they chuckled at the Drancequus trickster.

"Oh Discord." said Fluttershy teasingly. "Must you do that."

"Oh my dear, Fluttershy. What can I say, i can be quite a joker after all."

Spike chuckled and said "Ain't that the truth."

"Discord." said Eragon with surprise. "How much did you hear?" he asked

"Oh from the part when the leader of the Varden died, from the moment you reunited with your cousin and your old friends from Carvahall." Discord answered. "And I might have told you, but I must say to you, Eragon that they would definetely be an interesting read in an autibiographical novel that you would write someday."

Eragon smiled and asked him "Why were you invisible?"

"I wanted to surprise all of you by arriving here with a little joke." Discord answered. Everypony and Eragon laughed at his remarked.

"I might as well go check on Blodhgarm and the other elves if they need any help with unloding any luggage." said Eragon

"You do that." said Fluttershy

"Oh, and Eragon?" said Applejack


"Would you and Saphira like to come to our farm after your finished?" asked Applejack

"You would love it." said Big Mac

Eraogn Smiled and said "Of course. I'll be there."

"Good." said both Applejack and Big Macintosh.

Eragon then went out the door, back into Ponyville to check on his personal spellcasters.

"We'll see you at the farm." Applejack called.

Author's Notes:

I am so sorry if this chapter took so long, I was focusing on my final semester exams for school, because Christmas break is here. I am also sorry if this writing is not perfect, I look for any experts on my grammar, unless any of you readers and fans would like to help me.:raritywink:

Whole New Type of Farm

Ponyville is just as beautiful as ever. The town was rather peaceful, and no crimes were heard whatsoever, not even where Eragon was walking, with Saphira walking right next to him. While a few ponies looked at him like they have never seen him before. Eragon was a little nervous, but he waved at them timidly, and many citizens that walked right past him, waved at him back with smiles on their faces, making Eragon a little bit more comfortable. Of course it wasn't really him they were scared of, it was Saphira. He told some of the walking ponies that Saphira means them no harm at all, and were a little more calmer, seeing that Saphira wasn't attacking them at all, and that she was a gentle giant. While he was walking, he saw Bloodhgarm, and his spellcasters trying to build houses for themselves, and their crew. "Blodhgarm!" he called out.

"Ah, Shadeslayer. Hello again." said Blodhgarm, noticing Eragon with his spellcasters. "And Hello to you too, Brightscales." he said to Saphira.

"Greetings, Blodhgarm." said Saphira.

"Would you like any help with that?" Eragon asked

"Oh no, Shadeslayer." said Blodhgarm. "That is very generous of you, but we have everything under control."

"How are the houses coming?" asked Saphira telepathically.

"It is doing tremendous. A few ponies in the town wanted to help us. I feared that they might have been afraid of us, but it turns out they are more than happy to help."

"Hey, Blodhgarm!" said a tough voice from a buff carpenter earth stallion. He was wearing a hard hat, and had a five o' clock shadow around his face. "How does it look so far?"

The blue elf inspected the architecture, and said "Beautiful." under his breath he said "Although it doesn't look quite as nice as the houses in Ellesmera."

"Good." said the carpenter stallion before getting back to building the house.

"Where are you off to now?" Blodhgarm said to Eragon and Saphira.

"Applejack's farm. She offered me and Saphira a visit." Eragon answered.

"Won't the rest of her family be afraid of Saphira?" asked Blodhgarm. "She does look... intimidating to certain creatures after all."

"Don't worry, she'll be fine with them. Isn't that right, Saphira?" said Eragon, now reffering to his dragon telepathically.

"Of course." said Saphira. "I would never eat intelligent animals."

"We must be off now." said Eragon. "Are you sure you don't want any help?"

"We have all the help that we need, Shadeslayer, but thank you for the kind offer once again." said Blodhgarm kindly

"Very well, my friend. I will see you soon" said Eragon. Blodhgarm gave him a small smirk in return. Eragon looked at Saphira, and said to her telepathically "Come along, Saphira." Then they both walked down to Sweet Apple Acres.

Sweet Apple Acres

Eragon and Saphira looked at Applejack's farm in awe. It was unlike any other farm they have seen back in Alagaesia. It was a beautiful sight.

"I wish uncle Garrow's farm looked like this." said Eragon.

"The architecture of the barn is unlike any of have seen before." Said Saphira.

Eragon stepped through the arch which borders the farm as the main entrance. Saphira just stepped over the fence, obviously, she can easily go over a fence like that.

"Ah, Eragon, Saphira." Said Applejack. Eragon and Saphira saw her and Big macintosh right next to her, with smiles. "So glad you're here." Said Applejack

"Hello, Applejack." Said Eragon. "Hello, Big Macintosh."

"Call me Big Mac." Said he in a polite voice.

"You're farm looks so beautiful." Complimented. "We never had farms like this one before in Alagaesia."

"Aw shucks." Said Applejack flushing. "You're too kind."

"Eragon, Saphira, Me and Applejack want to you two to meet a few more ponies." Said Big Macintosh.

"Where are they?" Asked Eragon. "Who are they?"

"You'll see." Said Big Mac.

"Follow us." Said Applejack. Eragon and Saphira followed the two country ponies to their house. All of a sudden, they heard a barking sound. It was Winona, the family dog on the farm. Noticing Saphira, she barked at her like she was a guard dog.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Said Applejack, calming Winona down. "Easy girl. Stop it! Stop it!"

Eragon then used his mind to communicate with her through her mind, as did Sapbira. Winona ceased her barking, and was now calm.

"Wha- what just happened?" Said Applejack, confused and while saying some stuff in gibberish.

"We calmed her down by speaking to her through her mind." Saphira answered calmly.

"Was that another type of spell?" Said Big Macintosh.

"Aye." Said Eragon.

"So sorry about her, Sugarcube." Said Applejack. "This is Winona, our dog." She gave Winona a gentle pat on her head, making her wag her tail in happiness.

Eragon walked up to Winona, and pet her a couple of times. Winona was now starting to cozy up to Eragon and Saphira.

"Aww, she like's you already." Said Applejack.

"Hey Applejack." Said. Filly's voice. "Is everything alr--- Aaaaahhhhh!" She screamed. Two other fillies were with her, also terrified.

"Draaaaaaaaagggggooooooooonn!!!!" The three fillies exclaimed. They ran around in circles, panicking.

"It's alright! It's alright." Said Applejack, calming the girls down. "She's a friendly dragon."

"Yeah, she won't hurt a fly." Said Big Mac.

The three fillies stopped their running and screaming, and looked at Saphira again, and this time, calmly.

"Hello." Said Saphira.

"Who said that?" Said the orange pegasus filly.

"I did." Saphira replied in Scootaloo's head,

"It's alright." Said Eragon with a chuckle. "She's a different kind of dragon that's not like Equestrian dragons."

"Who... Who are you?" Said the yellow earth filly with the Bowtie on her mane.

"My name is Eragon. I mean you no harm. Neither does Saphira."

"that's a weird name." Said Sweetie Belle. "But I like it."

"Nice to meet you Eragon." Said the yellow earth filly,

"Yeah. What are you. We... We have never seen a creature like you before." Said the orange pegasus filly, inspecting Eragon

Eragon chuckled and said "it is a long explanation, but what I will say is; I am not from here."

"No kidding." Said the white unicorn filly. "Well, now we know your name, let me tell you ours. I'm Sweetie Belle."

"I'm Scootaloo." Said the orange filly,

"And I'm Applebloom." Said the yellow earth filly. "And we are....."

In unison, they all exclaimed "The Cutie Mark Crusaders!!! YAY!" The sound of there exclamations kind of disturbed the group, minus the girls. Saphira nodded her head to get her head straight.

"Applebloom is me and Big Mac's little sister." Said Applejack, hugging Applebloom. "Sweetie Belle is Rarity's little sister."

Eragon was surprised to hear that. he did saw a resemblance in Sweetie Belle, for she did look like Rarity. He smiled at them, and said politely "nice to meet you all."

"So.... What do you mean that this.... Dragon is not like the dragons in Equestria?" Asked Applebloom.

"I mean that you can talk to dragon's with your mind." Eragon answered. "And I promise you all that Saphira means you all no harm."

"Saphira?" Said Sweetie Belle. "Nice name."

"Yeah, it sounds awesome." Scootaloo said

"So what are you doing here?" Asked Applebloom."

"Your brother and sister offered my to visit here." Said Eragon.

"What's all them racket?" Called a voice that sounded like an old woman's. an elderly, green-furred mare stepped out of the house, trying to see what the commotion was about, when she saw, Saphira, she also screamed, but Applejack and Big Mac calmed her down as well.

"It's alright, Granny." Said Applejack. "This dragon will not hurt you. She is very friendly." Granny Smith calmed down, and looked at her again, and realized at Applejack's words are true. Granny Smith looked at Eragon, and inspected him to see what creature he was, sniffing him.

Eragon felt a little uncomfortable, but he decided to go through with this type of... Body inspection, therefore he did not want to make a scene.

"What is your name, youngin'?" Asked Granny Smith with curiosity after she stopped inspecting him.

"Eragon. Eragon shadeslayer." He answered awkwardly. In a more comfortable voice he said "and I am a dragon rider."

The fillies and Granny Smith were surprised and amazed to hear that.

"A dragon rider?" Said the crusaders in unison

"Well that's a fine name for a fine young.... Whatever you are." Said Granny Smith. She looked at Saphira again, and looked a little nervous again.

"I promise, she won't eat you." Said Eragon

"We'll, Eragon, now that you're hear, would you like to help us with the apples?" Said Applejack.

"Of course. Where do I start?" Asked Eragon

"I'll show you." Said Big Mac. Eragon followed the two while Saphira stayed behind with the crusaders, and Granny Smith as her company.

"So, your name's Applebloom, right?" Said Saphira talking to Applebloom with her mind

"Y- yeah, that's me." The filly replied.

"I know how you all feel." Said Saphira. "It is not a rare thing for someone to fear a dragon because of the way he or she looks, but looks can be deceiving."

"Yeah. I heard that." Said Sweetie Belle.

"So.... It's.... Awesome to meet you." Said Scooaloo.

Saphira smiled at her and replied with her mind "it is a nice pleasure to meet you too." She turned to Granny Smith, and said to her. "It is nice to meet you too, elderly one."

"Who are you calling elderly? Ahh! Charlie horse! Charlie horse." Said Granny Smith feeling a cramp. Applebloom fixed her leg by stretching it. "Ahh, thanks, Applebloom." She said. She looked back at Saphira, and said "well.... I'm young at heart at least."

"Oh I can see that." Said Saphira teasingly.

Sweenie Belle then asked. "So... Saphira, what are dragons like in your land?"

"We are definitely not like the dragons that inhabit your home. We are very different from your definition of dragons." Said Saphira.

The Crusaders were impressed by what she has said

"Like what?" asked Scootaloo

"It's rather a long story, youngling." Saphira replied. "What I will say for now is that we are not greedy."

"That's good to hear." said Granny Smith.

"We're back." said Eragon with Applejack and Big Mac walking right next to him on opposite sides. "The apples look delicious." He looked around his surroundings again, and the apples looked ripe and beautiful, ready to be harvested. "So you sell them in the Ponyville marketplace?" he asked cuirously

"Yep." said Applejack.

"Fascinating." with his mind, Eragon told Saphira "Are you going to be okay here while I harvest some apples?"

"Of course." said Saphira.

"Oh, and... try not to eat any of the livestock." Eragon added.

Saphira had an annoyed look on her face, and growled a little, making Granny Smith and the Crusaders cower backwards a little. "I promise." said Saphira. She stopped her growling after that.

Eragon smiled at her. "Good." he said

"Shall we be off?" said Applejack. Then she, Big Mac, and Eragon went to the orchard of the farm, leaving Saphira alone with the girls and Granny Smith.

The Orchard

Eragon was mildly sweating from harvesting the apples. Because He wan't a pony he couldn't buck the trees, so he got thm down the old fashion way by climbing on the trees to get, or he would sometimes use his magic to take the apples down. He tasted a big apple with one bite and said "Delicious."

Applejack and Big Macintosh were in another part of the orchard doing the job.

"Oh, Roran would have love this." said Eragon, while continuing to eat the apple. After he was finished, he continued with the harvesting.

"Eragon." said a very familiar voice out of nowhere.

Eragon looked around, and finally, he saw Garrow, his own uncle behind him. He looked surprised to see that it was actually him. "Uncle?" he said.

"Yes, nephew." said Garrow. "It is me."

"Wha... wait." said Eragon, quickly drawing Brisingr out of his sheath. "How can you be here, you're.... gone."

"No need to be alarmed, Eragon." said Garrow calmly. "I am here because i want to tell you how I am proud of you." He walked closer to Eragon, and said "I have been watching from when you escaped from the bastardly Ra'zac, to the day you freed Alagaesia."

"You've been, watching me?" said Eragon

"Of course, I have." said Garrow. He chuckled.

"What is so funny?" said Eragon. "Why are you laughing

"I'm just so proud that my own nephew has become a dragon rider himself." Garrow answered.

"It... is is you." said Eragon. He sheathed Brisingr. "Listen, uncle. I... I am so sorry I caused your death." he said with extreme guilt.

"It was not your fault, Eragon." said Garrow in a fatherly voice. "There was nothing you could have done when that happened."

"I know." said Eragon with a sigh. "Oh! I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Yes, Eragon?"

"Why didn't you tell me that Brom was my father?" asked Eragon.

Garrow looked down, and gave a little sigh. "Oh, Eragon." he said "I didn't want to hurt you, and I promise I didn't want to lie to you, but it was for Brom's safety, and your own as well."

"I understand." said Eragon. "It was probably for the best."


Eragon smiled at his uncle, as did Garrow smiled back to him. Eragon looked the other way, looking at the landscape around the orchard. "Listen, Uncle." he said. "I really need to get back to harvesting the apples for Applejack, and Big...." Before he can finish his sentence, Garrow was nowhere in sight. "Uncle?" he said, looking around in alarm for Garrow. "Uncle Garrow?" he said a little louder. It was no use, Garrow was gone, Again

"Eragon?" said a femal voice from behind him. Eragon looked back in alarm, and saw Applejack, adn Big Macintosh with concern. "Is everythin' alright?" she asked

"I... I'm fine, Applejack, I... I just got a little..... distracted." Eragon replied, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"Are you sure?" said Big Mac

"Of course. I am sorry if i am not harvesting apples right now."

"That's alright, Eragon." said Applejack. "We'll help you.

Eragon smiled at her comment. "Thank you, Applejack." he said.

"You're welcome, Sugarcube." said Applejack with a smile. She, Big Mac, and Eragon continued with the harvesting, and after almost thirty minutes, they were all done.

"Thanks for helping us, partner." said Big Mac

"You are very welcome." Eragon replied politely.

They went back down to the farm, and saw Granny Smith sleeping on a rocking chair on the porch, and the crusaders playing with Saphira.

"Saphira?" said Eragon, laughing a little. "How did it go?"

"These fillies are adorable." said Saphira.

"I agree." said Eragon. "What should we do with the apples?" he asked Applejack and Big Mac. "

"We take them into the apple cellar." Applejack answered. "Follow us." Eragon did what Applejack told him to do, and he followed her and Big Mac to the apple cellar.

While they were walking, Eragon said "If Roran was here, he would have love this."

"Anypony would love the sight of our farm." said Applejack.

"Guilty as charged." Eragon agreed. He piled the apples into teh cellar with the two ponies, and said "Well, I might as well be going."

"Already?" said Applejack.

"I'm afraid so." said Eragon. "I want to look around the rest of Ponyville. I want to get to know the inhabitants better."

"We understand." said Big Macintosh.

"Yeah. And... you're still going to tell me and my friends what else happened in your adventures, right?" asked Applejack

"Of course." Eragon went to Saphira, and said "I'm ready to leave Saphira."

"Must we leave now?" said Saphira. "I'm having fun with the girls."

Eragon chuckled and said "Alright."

"What did Saphira say?" asked Big Mac

"She wants to stay a little longer." Eragon answered. "She is having too much fun with Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle."

Applejack chuckled "Yeah, I see that."

"Well, since you are going to stay here a little longer, why don't we show you the rest of the farm." suggested Big Mac

"Oh how delightful." said Eragon. The three, with Eragon behind the two ponies went around the farm to look around.

A Race: Rainbow Dash vs. Saphira

"And here is lil Pigginton, one of our most prized boars." said Applejack, showing Eragon a really large pink boar. His eyes were hardly visible, but still a majestic looking pig with a blue bow-tie on his head.

"Looks like it eats too much." said Eragon, a little concerned about the gigantic pig's weight.

"Don't worry, we are putting him on a diet." said Big Mac.

"Oh." Eragon looked at the pig very closely, admiring his humongous size. "It certainly is a beauty, I will give THAT compliment." he said. "How old is he?"

"Twelve years old." Applejack replied.

"That old?" said Eragon.

"Yep!" Applejack replied proudly.

"Fascinating. Well, thank you so much for showing me your farm, Applejack." Said Eragon gratefully, while bowing his head to her.

"Glad you enjoyed it." said Big Mac with a wink. "Hope to see you here again soon, Eragon."

Eragon smiled. "I will. I promise, when I feel like it." he replied. "We'll, me and Saphira must be on our way. We must see how our now houses look."

"Alright, well we'll see you soon." Said Applejack. "Bye."

The dragon rider left the two to carry on with any remaining chores. He saw Saphira playing with the crusaders again, having fun. "Saphira." Said Eragon. "We're leaving."

"Aww..." Said the really disappointed crusaders.

"I am sorry, little ones." Saphira said. "I have to go."

"Okay." Said the crusaders less disappointed as they once were.

"It was great to meet you, Eragon." Said Sweetie. She turned her head to the blue dragon. "You too, Saphira."

"And it was great to meet all of you too." Eragon replied kindly. "Come along, Saphira." He went out through the entrance gate.

The crusaders were exclaiming "bye" to them as they were walking down the long dirt road that lead to Ponyville.

"Those fillies were very amusing." Said Saphira while walking.

"I know, they kind of reminded me and Roran when we were children" said Eragon. He chuckled t his comment, and then thought of what he believed when he saw Garrow. Was that really his ghost?Or an illusion, as a sign that Eragon will eventually go insane?

"You seemed to be troubled, little one." Said Saphira. "Are you alright?"

"Hm? Oh yes, yes, Saphira." Eragon replied, breaking out of his thoughts. "It's nothing."

"Are you sure?" Asked Saphira, not really believing his words.

"Yes." Was all Eragon replied. He and Saphira conti Jed walking to Pomyville, and saw the new houses complete. "Those houses look beautiful. Wait! What about you, Saphira?" Eragon asked. "What about someone to protect you from the snow? Or the rain as cover?"

"Don't worry." Said Saphira. "I will be fine. Yes, i really don't like snow as much as the deset, but I tolerate it, and if we need one, we can always ask the ponies around here if they can build one for us."

"I suppose you're right." Said Eragon. He went inside his new house, a d it was beautiful, the floor had a really colorful rug with a table on top of it. It was unlike any other house he would see in Alagaesia. The furniture looked really comfortable. He sat on the couch, and enjoyed the softness of the cushion. "I could... Get used to this." Eragon thought. He went upstairs, and saw his bed, which also looked really comfortable.

"How does it look in there?" Asked Saphira in Eragon's head,

"It looks... Fantastic. I really wished that there would be any houses as colorful, and beautiful in all of Alagaesia." Said Eragon. He laid in the bed, and he was right, it is really comfortable indeed. He heard the sound of footsteps coming up on the stairs.

"Shadeslayer? It was Blodhgarm. "How do you like it?" He asked as he was at the right floor Eragon was at.

"It's marvelous. What is it like in your houses?"

"Dazzling, a d divine." The blue elf answered with bliss. "What about Saphira? Shouldn't she have a barrier as well?"

"I already talked to her about it, and she says she'll be fine. She also said that we can always ask the ponies here to fix one if she changes her mind."

"If she says so." Said Blodhgarm. "And how was the farm you just went too?"

"It was unlike any other farm in Alagaesia." Eragon answered. "You should definitely visit there sometime."

"I will." Said Blodhgarm.

"What of the eggs and the eldunari?" Eragon remembered.

"Do not worry, Shadeslayer. Me and my men have all of them in good hands. Some if the crew members have them too, because we decided to equally separate them."

Eragon was relieved to hear that. He did trust Blodhgarm and his crew without any question since elves and dragons have good relations with eachother. "Good." He looked at Blodhgarm and sighed. "Blodhgarm." He said. "Do you really think we will have a happy home here?"

Blodhgarm had a blank look on his face. "Well, what matters to us are the eggs, and their future riders." He answered. "I am also uncertain if their will be any dragon riders that are ponies around here."

"Maybe it could work." Eragon suggested.

"Perhaps. We'll just have to wait and see what will happen. Maybe their will be some humans, elves, dwarves, or even urgal riders that might come here from Alagaesia in the future."

Eragon had a look of an idea. "That's it." He said. "If anyone back home wants to be a dragon rider, but don't have a dragon, I could send a message to Nasuada, or Arya, or Orik. They could bring some people here for the eggs to hatch for."

"That... Could work." Said Blodhgarm. "Well, in time, who will know what will happen in the future?"

"Touché." Said Eragon in agreement.

"Well, I need to help my fellow spellcasters calming the eldunari." Said Blodhgarm. "If you need anything, give us a shout,"

"Very well." Said Eragon.

The blue elf went back downstairs, then out of the new house, leaving Eragon alone, with Saphira right outside of it.

"Are you sure nothing is troubling you?" said Saphira.

"I promise, Saphira. I am fine. I just need... to get used to this place." said Eragon a little sadly.

"Oh, little one." said Saphira. "I understand."

Later that night, Eragon was watching the dragon eggs and eldunari that were in his possession. He was a little concerned about the eggs' future, and if the Eldunaris' will make a full recovery from what Galbatorix did to them or not. Saphira was resting near the house, and Eragon could hear her snoring from inside. It was getting late, and he decided to hit the sack. He went upstairs, and undid his clothes, and kept Brisingr close to him on the bed in case any burglars tried to break into his new house and steal the eggs and or the eldunari. Luckily, Saphira would know if it is being stolen, because of her instincts.

As he tucked himself in his new bed, Eragon, fifteen minutes later, was fast asleep.

Eragon's Dream

Eragon was walking in the woods of Ellesmera. He was home? It looked like it to him. "I... I shouldn't be here." he thought out loud. "How am I back home?" He wondered if Saphira was there. "Saphira?" he called to her from his mind. No answer. "Saphira?" he exclaimed a little louder, but, still no answer. "Where could she be?" he thought.

"Eragon." called a voice.

He looked at the direction at where the voice came from. He couldn't believe his very eyes. "Arya?" he said in disbelief. "What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you, Eragon." Arya replied. "What do you think I am here for?"

"Oh. Well... What am I doing here?" Eragon asked. "I thought I was to never return?"

"I thought so, too. I was about to ask you the same question, myself." said Arya.

"I don't even know how I got here." Eragon said frankly. "I was in my new bed in my new home, and then, here I am, back in Alagaesia out of thin air." said Eragon. "Have you seen Saphira around here? I tried calling her, but no response came to me."

"I... do not know, Eragon." said Arya. "I thought she would always be with you."

"I thought so too." Eragon agreed.

"Well, now that we are... alone." Arya gently grabbed his arm, then she whispered. "How about we... spend some alone time together?" Eragon's cheeks blushed red.

"Oh, I... I..." Eragon didn't know what to even say, but before he can ACTUALLY say anything, Arya pulled Eragon on a rocky ledge in the the forest of Du Weldnvarden. The view looked very beautiful, and many birds passed by. It was silent for a moment, except for the sounds of nature and the animal sounds.

"Kiss me, Eragon." Arya whispered.

Eragon was a little unsure, but he slowly moved his face close to hers as she did the same thing to him. Their lips locked on to eachothers' and kissed for a few long minutes.

After they stopped, Arya said "Let's forget about your prophecy, Eragon. Come with me, and we will be so happy together as we get married."

"I... I can't." Eragon replied, a little unsure. "The prophecy said that..." but he was stopped by a finger to his mouth from the new elf queen.

"Shh.. it's alright, Eragon." said Arya. "Forget about the prophecy." She hugged him, tightly. "Now all you need to do is wake up."

Wake up she said? That would be a little odd, unless...

End of Eragon's Dream

"Eragon, wake up!" said a high pitched voice. It sounded like Pinkie Pie. Eragon bolted up as he was feeling something shake his body.

"What? What?" Eragon saw that it WAS Pinkie Pie, along with Fluttershy, Twilight, and the rest of their friends. "What are you all doing here? Doing anyone ever teach you to knock?"

"Sorry, Eragon." said Twilight.

"We just wanted to ask you something!" said Pinkie Pie bouncing with joy on Eragon.

"Correction: She wanted to ask you something, WE just came to make sure she didn't wake you up." said Rarity.

"We tried to stop her, and so did Saphira." said Rainbow Dash. the other ponies gave Pinkie an unamused glare while Pinkie herself gave a nervous smile.

"Sorry." Pinkie said to Eragon.

"It's alright." said Eragon. "I needed to wake up anyway. What time is it exactly?"

"It's ten minutes to seven o'clock." Fluttershy answered.

"Oh. That's good to hear." Eragon slowly got out of bed, and yawned. "So... what did you want to ask me?" he asked the others curiously.

"Well, Rainbow Dash was wondering if..." Pinkie couldn't remember. "What did you want to ask him, Rainbow Dash?"

"Well, I was wondering if me and Saphira would have a race together." said Rainbow Dash. "I want to see which of us is faster, me or her in ghastly gorge."

"Ghastly gorge?!" Everypony and Spike, minus Eragon exclaimed.

"Remember what happened last time?' said Applejack, trying to stop Rainbow from doing something so stupid and dangerous such as that.

"Pfft. Don't worry, I'll be much more careful this time." said Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know, Rainbow." said Fluttershy, very uncertain about this as well. "We... just don't want you to experience that again. I thought that we would loose you."

The other ponies and Spike made words of agreement about what Fluttershy was saying. They were indeed good friends to Rainbow Dash.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy." said Rainbow Dash. "I'll be fine. Besides, it's not that dangerous to me."

"Of course YOU would say that." said Rarity sarcastically.

"Ghastly... gorge?" said Eragon, uncertain about a place such as that.

"It's a very dangerous part of Equestria that has many perils lying inside it. It has a windy cave, a cactus field, and holes filled with giant quarry eels inhabiting them." said Spike

"And we nearly lost Rainbow down there." Twilight added.

Rainbow Dash gave a little groan, and said "Alright, alright. I won't race in ghastly gorge."

The rest were relieved to hear that, and happy of her decision even if she didn't like it.

"Where would we even race?" said Eragon

Rainbow thought about it for a moment, and said "How about in the rocky ledges with the waterfalls not far from Ponyville?"

"Well... it wouldn't really be up to me Rainbow." said Eragon. "Saphira should decide, because she is the one that has wings, not me."

"True." said Rainbow. "But, you don't have to race with me if you don't want to. whichever one you choose is okay with me."

"Thank you." said Eragon. He went downstairs, and the rest followed him.

"Wait!" said Saphira to Eragon. "I want to race with her."

Eragon stopped right where he was. "You... you do, Saphira?" he asked telepathically.

"Of course. I would love a good race." Saphira replied.

"Oh, well... if you say so." said Eragon. He turned his back to the group and said to Rainbow Dash. "Saphira said that she would love to race with you."

The cyan pegasus' eyes went wide along with excitement, and her mouth smiling widely, showing her teeth. "Awesome!" she exclaimed with joy.

"So... Where are these falls?" said Eragon.

"We'll Show you." said Twilight. "Just follow us." Eragon did what Twilight said, then he and Saphira followed them.

There were the falls, and the gorge with the large river where the water was falling on. Not Ghastly Gorge, but as deep. The waters were very beautiful, and sparkly. It looked like the perfect water for drinking any.

"So, we race around this area?" asked Eragon, riding Saphira. "He got a good long look at the falls. "Ah, it's not so bad up here." he remarked in overconfidence.

"Not so at all." Saphira added.

"Alright, on your marks." Spike said, ready to begin the race. Saphira and Rainbow Dash readied themselves. "Get set," The two waited for a few seconds until finally "GO!" Spike shouted. At the speed of sound, and light, Rainbow and Saphira flew down the gorge, flying really fast. The others, and Spike watched in awe.

The two racing had an equal amount of Speed, although it would be a fifty-fifty, because on the first time, Rainbow would be in the lead, while Saphira would catch up to her and then she would be in the lead ahead of Rainbow Dash.

"You are Fast." said Saphira to Rainbow Dash telepathically.

"Yeah, you are fast too." Rainbow Replied to her telepathically.

They avoided many obstacles, including the falling waterfalls, the rock pillars, the trees and any other obstacles that can slow them down in any way. It was hard to decide which was faster, because they were indeed, equally fast.

"She is fast." Eragon thought, trying to keep his face from being pushed by the force of the flying.

After avoiding many more obstacles, Saphira turned her body sideways and back in her normal posture, like a seal performing stunts in an underwater circus.

"Awesome." said Rainbow Dash, admiring her spin. "But watch this!" she did a backflip while flying, and continued onward with the race.

"Impressive." said Eragon. "Why didn't we ever tried this with thorn or Firnen before?" he said to Saphira.

"I agree." Saphira replied.

the two saw the finish line, and the two were flying faster than ever. At the very last minute, they crossed the finish line. The rest cheered on for them.

"Who won?" said Applejack

"I don't know, it's so hard to tell." said Fluttershy.

"Don't worry, let me put up a camera to see who won." said Twilight. She used her horn to poof up a camera out of nowhere, and everyone looked into the camera's eye. While looking into it, in slow motion, it showed that Saphira and Rainbow Dash crossed the invisible finish line.

"Wow. We both won." said Rainbow Dash in disbelief.

"It's a tie." said Rarity in disbelief.

"That would be the first time I ever see any flier as equal speed as Rainbow Dash has." said Twilight

"What about Lightning Dust?" said Pinkie Pie.

"Well, that's different." said Rainbow Dash. "She means by different creature, and not a pony."

"Ohhh. Okay." said Pinkie Pie understanding what Twilight meant.

Eragon dismounted Saphira, and went up to Rainbow Dash. He lifted his hand, ready for a handshake, or a hoof shake from Rainbow Dash. "You flew well." He complimented.

"You too." said Rainbow. She turned to Saphira and said to her. "You are an awesome flyer."

"I am honored to have raced with you, Rainbow Dash." said Saphira.

The cyan pegasus smiled at her in response.

"Sorry you didn't win, Rainbow Dash. I know how much you love winning." said Fluttershy sympathetically.

"Ah, it's alright. I was just in it for fun. Although I do like to win, it was still a good race." Rainbow Dash responded cheerfully, and pumped while stretching her wings.

"So, what should we do next, Eragon?" said Twilight

"We can go to Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie Suggested.

"I can show you my house." Rarity added. "You would love the Carousel Boutique!" She gasped with an idea, maybe you can give me any new ideas for a new fashion craze that everypony has never seen Before from Ala...." Before she could finish, Eragon interrupted

"That's very kind of you." said Eragon. "But, I must continue my own training as a dragon rider, in case you all haven't noticed. Maybe some other time though, if that's alright with you."

"That's fine." said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, do what you need to do, dragon rider." Rainbow added.

"Thank you all." said Eragon. He turned to his blue dragon companion and said to her "Let's go Saphira." Saphira did what he told him and went back to Ponyville, leaving the mane six and Spike alone outside of Ponyville.

Blodhgarm Spends some Time with Fluttershy

Three days have passed since that epic race between Rainbow Dash, and Saphira. Rainbow's friends were all unite surprised to see a creature besides a falcon or a swift would be as equally fast as her. Rainbow was always one to win, and really loved winning more than anything (Besides her friends of course), but she took the tie rather well.

Meanwhile, Eragon was helping the eldunari that Galbatorix enslaved, ease their pain and anguish. Blodhgarm and his personal spellcasters would help him with the works. Of course, Eragon would stop because he would be careful to not let drain too much life from his magic, because that would kill him like Brom and Oromis taught him. So far, the progress was going slowly successful, but of course, it will take a long time for all the eldunari to fully recover, for when, Eragon, and his crew did not know, but what they did know was that someday, in the future, The eldunari will be back to normal.

After he was finished, he mounted on Saphira, and told Blodhgarm that he will see him later. Eragon, before, he and his personal spellcasters were helping, He told them that he would go out and do some training with Saphira outside of Ponyville so that no one will get hurt as he performs one of his magical abilities. Saphira departed far out into the outskirts, leaving Blodhgarm and his personal spellcasters along in Ponyville, well except for the rest of Eragon's crew from the Talia ship, who were trying to live out their lives in Ponyville as their new home. The blue elf looked around, trying to see what he can do, for he waisted a lot of his magic from aiding the Eldunari with Eragon.

"Perhaps, I can take a break from using my magical abilities." The blue elf said out loud to himself.

"Should we come with you, master Blodhgarm?" asked one of his spellcasters.

"No." the blue elf replied in a mellow voice. "I will be fine. This little town looks very peaceful that has no danger in sight neither in your mind, or physically. And besides, These ponies here do not possess any powers that involve mind tricks or spells, remember?"

The other spellcasters made remarks saying that they agree with their leader, for he wasn't lying.

"Why don't you all make some new friends for a little while. For Eragon, and Saphira might not return for a few long hours." The blue elf smiled at his remark.

"We understand." said another one of his spellcasters. "But I feel like that someone should at least guard the eggs or the eldunari if we, Eragon, Saphira, or you are not their to do so."

"No need to worry, I already a number of the crew to watch and guard the eggs and the eldunari alike." Blodhgarm reassured.

"Very well." said the spellcaster. They all disbanded, leaving Blodhgarm alone while the crew member guarded Eragon's house from any possible attackers or hostile intruders for good measure. Meanwhile, the wolf-elf himself was thinking of what he should do to pass the time until his magic fully recovers. He stopped at hearing a familiar voice. It sounded like... singing

It was Fluttershy walking down the path with a basket of flowers on her back sing "La la la la la" over and over happily. Blodhgarm smiled seeing the most adorable creature he has ever seen in his life. The adorableness was too much for even Blodharm to contain. "I suppose I can spend a little time with someone as adorable as Fluttershy." he thought out loud.

The blue elf walked over to Fluttershy, and the yellow pegasus stopped as she smelt his musky odor. she looked around seeing where it was coming from.

"Hello, Fluttershy." Blodhgarm said politely.

the yellow pegasus turned around with a small cute yelp, but was calm to see it was just him. "Oh, hello Blodhgarm." she said back to him kindly.

"My sincere apologies for startling you, I did not mean to do so."

"That's okay, Blodhgarm." said Fluttershy. "So, what can I help you with?" she asked

"Well, I was wondering if I could... spend a little time with you. You see, if you didn't noticed, Eragon and Saphira are on the outskirts of Ponyville practicing their duties and abilities as dragon and rider. Me and the rest of my personal spellcasters have just finished on trying to ease the pain of the Eldunari, and until Eragon's return, a number of crew members will guard the eggs and Eldunari."

Fluttershy's face grew to a smile, and said "Oh, of course you can spend time with me. I could always use some extra help with my animal friends in my cottage."

"I would be delighted to help you." said Blodhgarm. "Elves are one with nature after all."

Fluttershy's smile grew a little wider, showing her teeth with delight.

"The blue elf smiled and he saw the flowers in her basket. "We're you picking flowers? Because they look really beautiful." He admired

"Oh yes, Fluttershy replied. "All the flowers around Ponyville smell really lovely, you should try it sometime, if- if that's okay with you. " She said a little sheepishly.

"Why of course." Blodhgarm said.

The two were silent for a moment, then Fluttershy said "We should probably go to my cottage now."

"Agreed." The blue elf said. He followed Fluttershy to her cottage not far from the town. A few ponies were staring at Blodhgarm and his mutant appearance, but they realized it wasn't really polite to stare at some creatures like that, then they continued to their lives.

The cottage was as peaceful as it can be, many animals around it were looking at Fluttershy, and Blodhgarm. Many of them remembered the blue elf, while some of them were a little concerned, for that they didn't completely remember him the last time he came to this place.

Blodhgarm communicated with the creatures in their minds, saying to them that he means them no harm. Many of them came to Blodhgarm to greet him while a few were still a little too nervous. As Fluttershy opened the door, many of the animals ran up to her, showing how happy they were to see her. The blue elf smiled warmly as he was watching Fluttershy playing with her animal friends. She was... Reay adorable.

Blodhgarm knelt down and slowly reached out his hand so that the smaller critters can touch it with affection. "Do not worry, I won't hurt you." He softly said to a couple of rabbits, mice and rats. It took a little while, but Fluttershy and the other critters watched as the smaller critters slowly came up to Blodhgarm, and allowed him to pet them one at a time. He gently stroked their heads, and their backs, and they all loved it.

"Aww look." Fluttershy said as she was watching the animals warming up to the blue elf. "they like you already."

Blodhgarm stopped petting the smaller animals and turned his attention to the larger ones. Harry the bear looked into his eyes, and slowly walked around d him like a cat touching someone's leg with their body for affection. Blodhgarm gently hugged Harry, and stroked his brown, soft fur. It felt like a blanket for a bed.

Harry gave a small roar of affection, and he licked Blodhgarm's face like a golden retriever making him laugh a little. After Harry was done showing affection, the other large animals came up to him, and the small birds flew on his shoulders. Blodhgarm was really enjoying this, both in Alagaesia and Equestria.

"So, why don't we start with the animals inside and then outside." Fluttershy suggested

"An excellent idea." Blodhgarm replied. All the birds flew off of the blue elf, and the animals kept their distance to give him some personal space. Fluttershy pulled out the feed, with Blodhgarm helping her, used it to feed the animals inside the cottage, and all of them received a petting for being patient.


When Fluttershy opened the door to her backyard, She showed Blodhgarm her outside animal friends. The blue wolfish elf was quite impressed with the view. Many animals of different species were hanging around, behaving like any other animal. "What do you think?" said Fluttershy

"It's beautiful." Blodhgarm said. "Where do we start?"

"We'll start with the chicken coop." Fluttershy answered. She showed the blue elf the feed, and they both happily fed the chickens in their little boxes. After they were finished, they moved on to the rest of the other animals outside.


After they were all doing the chores, Blodhgarm and Fluttershy went back in the cottage. They all worked pretty hard trying to take care of the animals, and deserved a well deserved rest. All of a sudden, while the two rested on the couch, an owl flew to them. He hooted at Fluttershy to say what he wanted from her.

The yellow pegasus gasped, and said "Oh poor baby! Where is he?"

the owl pointed the direction to where he flew from, and it was outside.

"What is it?" Blodhgarm asked a little concerned.

"A baby owl has clipped his wing." Fluttershy answered. This kind of shocked Blodhgarm. The two went outside as it followed the owl. The bird landed on a tree, and they heard a small chirping. Fluttershy flew to the branch, and Blodhgarm lept up a few branches to catch up with her, like a leopard climbing a tree. they saw a small owl nest with three fluffly baby owls. One of them had a bad wing, which was the one whose wing was clipped.

"Oh you poor baby." said Fluttershy. She picked up the baby and it chirped with pain. "Shh, it's okay, little one." she said reassuringly. "I know it hurts, but everything will be okay. Ummmm.... Blodhgarm, hold him for me please? I'm going to get my first aid kit."

"Of course." Said Blodhgarm with a nod.

Fluttershy gently gave the blue elf the injured owl chicken and rushed to get her first-aid kit. The blue werewolf looked at the chick with a tear streaming down his eye.

"It's alright, little one." Blodhgarm said softly to it. he lept back to the ground without harming the poor creature like a wolf would do. "Fluttershy will be right back." He spoke of the devil when the yellow pegasus arrived right on cue. She opened her medical box as Blodhgarm continued to hold the chick.

"This will only hurt for juuuusssst a second." Fluttershy said, preparing to wrap a cast around the broken wing. The baby owl gave a chirp of pain, but felt a little more calm as he felt the cast gently going around his wing. "Here you go little baby." she said. "Good as new."

The baby hardly felt any pain, and chirped happily.

"Now just try not to fly for a few days and it will be all better in no time."

The baby owl cheeped a "Thank you" to Fluttershy.

"You're welcome." Fluttershy replied.

The baby then turned to the werewolf, and chirped a "thank you" to him as well. The blue elf smiled warmly at it. "No need to thank me." he said to the chick. "Back to the nest you go." He gave Fluttershy the chick, and she flew back to the nest and then gently laid the chick back in it with his brother and sister.

"Thank yo for helping me, Blodhgarm. I appreciate it." Fluttershy kindly said to him.

Blodhgarm blushed at her comment. "Oh, I only wish that I can do more." he said. The two went back into the cottage, and NOW they can relax.

The two were silent for a little moment, untill Fluttershy asked "Would you like anything?"

The blue elf thought of it for a moment, and asked "Do you have any tea that I can drink?"

"Of course, I'll be right back." Fluttershy said. She got her favorite tea, poured it into two cups and got back to her couch and sat the tea on the table.

The blue elf slowly picked up the cup, and slowly drank the herbal tea. He smacked his lips at the taste and his eagle eyes were wide.

"How does it taste?" Fluttershy asked eagerly.

"It's... it's actually delicious. However, it's not as good as Tea back in Ellesmera if you do not mind my saying."

"No problem at all." said Fluttershy. "So, I've been meaning to ask you, what made you want to become like this? Well- not that I don't like it, I really love it- but I'm just curious."

"No need to worry." said Blodhgarm. "You have not offended me. I was a little curious about my appearance, and I was the first elf to use this new appearance. You see, it comes from my mother Ildrid the Beautiful. She was the one that started it all."

"That is really fascinating." said Fluttershy.

"That it is, and it is not just me that is like this. My cousin Liotha also has the same appearance as i do."

"Really." Fluttershy's smiled showed her teeth now, becoming even more fascinated with Blodhgarm. "Have you been like this for a long time?"

"Oh yes, ever since I was a child, but I think it is a perception in beauty. Like I have said before, I might become a creature of the sea one day, OR maybe I will not. Are there any other questions you would like to ask me?"

"Hmmmm... Actually yes. I wonder, what was Arya like?" Fluttershy asked

Blodhgarm's face turned into a frown after hearing that name. "Well, she was a great warrior, and very intelligent two. She really looked like her mother, Queen Islanzadi. Not really the exact same personality, but looked very similar. Islanzadi assigned us to not just keep Eragon safe, but also Arya as well. I am both proud to protect Arya, Eragon, and Saphira all at once. Arya would do anything for us elves and keep the peace of Du Weldnvarden."

"Wonderful. I wish I could meet her." said Fluttershy. "And... when Eragon said there was a green egg, well... what happened to it? Did it make it out okay?"

"Oh of course. Arya took the egg right after she, Eragon, Elva, and Saphira defeated Galbatorix and Shruikan. Arya became his rider." Blodhgarm said proudly.

Fluttershy happily gasped after hearing the green dragon was alright, and not a slave to the fallen evil king.

"But, If you want to know more about it, Eragon will continue his narration about his adventures." Blodhgarm stated with his first finger up.

"I understand." said Fluttershy. It was silent for a moment again, until Fluttershy said "Well... what should we do now?"

"I could show you a few magical spells if you like, for I feel many of my magic being restored inside me." Blodhgarm suggested.

"Wonderful." said Fluttershy. The two then went outside, many yards away from the cottage. and Blodhgarm began to show Fluttershy some of his tricks, but not the really powerful ones for it might make him unconscious.

Author's Notes:

I hope you all didn't mind a chapter. This just came to my head, and I thought that Blodhgarm would have a much larger role than in the books, because I think he's awesome.

Continuing the Narration Part 3

Two hours have passed since Eragon left the town to continue his training. On the outskirts of Ponyvlle, Eragon was just finished performing a trick that involves lifting objects with using magic, and not just hands. He let it go quickly so that it wouldn't drain any energy out of it. He then took out Brisingr and he said the blade's name, flashing blue fire on it. He looked at a large rock on a tree stump, and he readied his magic on it. The rock was being used as a practice dummy in combat, and would be a good substitute for anything if there wash't any wood to make the dummy out of. He concentrated and readied his sword and lifted it in the air. And then he exclaimed "Jierda!"

The stone broke into a half, like a person cutting a lemon with just a butcher's knife with just one slice. Not even a rock can stand a chance against this type of magic

"Careful Eragon. I don't want you to kill yourself." Saphira warned him in her head

"Don't worry." Said Eragon. "I will just fine. Besides, I am really starting to progress on using these type of spells, thanks to Oromis and Glaedr of course."

"Words never true than what you have just said" Saphira agreed with a small chuckle, and then gave a small smile, believing Eragon's words

After that. Eragon swung a few slashes at one of the wooden dummies that looked like soldiers of the Empire. He sliced through them, with each giving a loud "SHING!" Every time he sliced through a piece of wood.

Eragon panted and panted, becoming a little out of breath, and he is shirt soaked with sweat from training so much. He sheathed Brisingr in It's scabbard and decided to take a little break. He sat on t the nice, soft grass. That felt really comfortable

"That was an impressive display." Said Glaedr from his eldunari. His eldunari was sitting on a pillow to keep it from getting broken, as well as Umaroths'.

"Thank you, Glaedr." Eragon replied telepathically.

"I definitely sense that you would make a fine leader to all the hatchlings and the future riders someday when the time is right." Umaroth added.

"Well, I wouldn't know about that." Eragon admitted. "What if I faulted in becoming the leader, what would happen if I end up like Galbatorix?" He was a little worried about that future.

"Don't think such mendacity." Glaedr said. "We all make mistakes, but we all learn from them someday."

"Yes. I can promise you that you are absolutely nothing like the fallen evil king in any sort of manner." Umaroth added.

"He's right, little one." said Saphira. "We have been together for a long time, for I have seen what kind of heart you have, and it is nothing like the dark king in any way. Besides, that is the reason why i picked you to be my rider, remember?"

"Guilty as charged." Eragon said as he blushed. He then readied his sword, and took a breath. He sliced through one of the dummy's bodies from shoulder to hip. The wooden body fell to the ground after being brutally sliced after three seconds. he panted to catch his breath after that vehement slice.

He continued with more tricks with the other dummies. He did stabbing, thrusting, slashing, and with a little magic to spice things up a bit. It was starting to become a little dull however, and he thought of any spells that can bring an inanimate object to life without killing himself.

"Master?" He said to Glaedr through his thoughts "are there any spells that can bring an inanimate object to life without killing yourself?"

"No." Glaedr replied calmly. "It is almost as dangerous as bring the dead back to life from their graves which they would eternally sleep on. Eragon was disappointed to hear that, for he wanted to see if his sparring skills were still within him, like the practicing he would do with Brom, Murtagh, Thorn, Arya, and Vanir when he was in Alagaesia.

"I need someone to spar with." Said Eragon.

"Blodhgarm and the other spellcasters are in Ponyville remember?" Saphira reminded

"Yes, I know." Eragon replied. "It has been a long while since I have actually spared with someone. I really wish that Murtagh was here, he was an excellent sparing partner, and as the same for Vanir as well."

"You could always spar with Blodhgarm and his spellcasters some other time." Said Saphira. "Besides, this land is very peaceful, and definitely not ruled by an evil ruler such as the fallen king." The blue dragon was not wrong. "You also remember those wooden wolves from yesterday when they attacked us?"

"You're right." Said Eragon. "Perhaps I won't need to fight unless those types of wolves or any other type of hostile animals or creatures come to attack me and my friends."

Saphira smiled at his choice. Eragon sheathed Brisingr in it's scabbard, and looked around to enjoy the wonderful view of the plains in Equestria around him and Saphira's surroundings. Indeed, the plains such as this one in all of Equestria were really beautiful, and maybe even more beautiful than the plains in his homeland.

"I think I have had enough training for today." Eragon said at last. He mounted on his companion, and he said to her "Let's go, Saphira."

the blue dragon nodded and she flew all the way back to Ponyville in a high altitude.

Eragon saw Ponyville just right below him and Saphira, and he felt her coming in for a landing to the ground. When the ponies saw this, they became frightened at first, but realized that it was the nice blue dragon that he have seen and or met before. The next thing, the became calm and went back to their normal, everyday lives. Saphira softly landed on the ground near Eragon's new house, and he dismounted her.

Everypony around him greeted them with a smile, and many said hello to both of them. Eragon smiled at them back. "If only everyone in Alagaesia was as friendly as these magnificent creatures." Eragon thought

"So do I." Saphira said. Obviously, she heard what he was thinking.

Eragon looked around the are, and he said to himself "I wonder where Blodhgarm and the other spellcasters are." He went inside his house, and checked on the eggs and eldunari. He was happy to see them not stolen or damaged in any way, and stayed where they were before he left. He placed Brisingr, still inside it's scabbard, on it's resting place, and put his pouch in his supply wardrobe. "Blodhgarm." he called with his mind. "Can you hear me?"

It was silent for a few minutes. Finally, after a full two minutes, there came a reply. "Yes, Shadeslayer?" the blue elf called back to him. "What is it?"

"I was just wondering where you and the other spellcasters were." the rider said in his mind.

"The others are just mingling with the inhabitants around town. I am having a little quality time with Fluttershy here." Blodhgarm answered.

"What have you been doing with her exactly, and... did you heal the eldunari with the others?" Eragon asked

"Oh I was rather... helping her with the animals and get to know her a little more." the elf replied calmly. "You are not angry at me, are you?"

"No no no. Of course not." Eragon replied. "I... I was just curious, and I wanted to make sure you played your part in the healing process."

"me and my fellow magicians always do."

Eragon smiled, and he looked around the small community. "I am just going for a little stroll, Saphira." he said to his dragon companion. "I will be back in a little while."

"Very well, little one." Saphira replied. She then went into her little shelter next to Eragon's house, and decided to take a nap inside. Eragon and other ponies walking by heard her deep snoring like it was a small earthquake. It was rather intimidating, but inot as much as Shruikan making those kind of noises of course.

Eragon walked around the nice, friendly streets of Ponyville as Saphira drifted in her little nap. He really wished that Dras-Leona would look as clean as this, but since Galbatorix is dead, all of his allies might work to make it a much better place now. While he was walking, he saw one of the magicians: Greenclaw walking into Sugarcube Corner. Curious, he followed the magician and saw him showing the Cakes a piece of paper.

He walked in, and the blue unicorn mare noticed him. "Oh, hello there. Come on in." She said in a cheerful voice. Then, her husband noticed Eragon too, as did the magician that gave him the piece of paper.

"Oh, shadeslayer." Said the elf, noticing Eragon. "What brings you in Sugarcube Corner?"

"Oh, I was just curious, Greenclaw." Eragon answered. "I didn't mean to spy on you." The rider walked up to the counter, and greeted the married couple. "I am so sorry, but I am afraid we haven't met you two. What might your names be?"

"I am Mr. Cake." Said the husband

"And I am Mrs. Cake." The wife added

"Eragon Bromson" he said with a smile.

"Well, nice to meet you Eragon." Said Mr. Cake.

"Pinkie Pie told us all about you, and she wouldn't stop going on about your adventures, and being a dragon tamer." Mrs Cake said in amazement

"Actually, it's dragon rider, Mrs. Cake." Eragon corrected. "So, what was Greenclaw doing?"

"He was showing us a recipe that we could bake, that could be new to Equestria, and he says it's fro. Alagaesia." Mr. Cake answered. He looked at the paper, and he read it. "It's called the.... Uh... Ellesmera chrysanthemum cake."

Eragon looked kind of surprised and he intriguingly asked him "how did you get hold of those flowers?"

"I decided to take a collection of them with me, my mother created this recipe long ago." The magician answered. He gave a sad remark by saying "My mate really loves these flowers."

"I see." Said Eragon. "Do you really think that everyone will like these?"

"It looks pretty delicious." Mrs. Cake predicted. "Everypony here loves our food, and Pinkie Pie is a great help to all of us." She wasn't wrong, for they do get a lot of costumers everyday. "So, since you are here, would you like anything? Like a cupcake, or ice cream?"

"Ice cream?" Said Eragon, very unfamiliar with that the of dessert.

"You don't have it in your homeland?" Said Mr. Cake.

"Well, no." Eragon answered "does this ice cream taste delicious?"

"Oh it does." Said Mrs. Cake. "Here, let me give you a bowl and tell me how you like it." She went into her freezer, and scooped three scoops of vanilla ice cream. Eragon thought it looked like some type of milk that was frozen in an iceberg, or in a frozen lake. "There you go." She said

Eragon grabbed the spoon, and slowly lifted a small scoop, and he tasted the pastry for the first time. His eyes went wide, realizing how delicious it was. Then, he decided to eat a little more faster, enjoying the taste. He stopped for a moment and said "it's so cold. Yet delicious."

"That's why it's called ice cream." Mr. Cake remarked. "But don't eat too fast, it will give you brainfreeze."

Eragon looked horrified "brainfreeze?!" He exclaimed

"Don't worry, deary. It's just an old saying when you have a temporary headache when you eat ice cream to fast."

Eragon sighed in relief to hear that, so happy to hear that he will be just fine. He continued to eat the dessert, and he felt his head hurting a little, and it must have been the so-called 'brainfreeze" that Mrs. Cake warned him about. He gave a small cry of mild agony, and he grasped his head to ease the aching inside. Luckily, it went away in a moment.

"Tried to warn you." said Mr. Cake in a sing-song tone. Eragon smirked at his remark.

"Well, I might as well be off." Eragon said, after he finished the whole ice cream.

"It was nice to meet you Eragon." said Mr. Cake

"Do stop by when you get the chance." Mrs. Cake added.

"I will." Eragon called. Before he left, he said to the magician. "I will... see you in a little while, Greenclaw."

The elven magician smiled at him, and replied "And the same thing to you, Shadeslayer." Then Eragon walked out of Sugarcube Corner, and looked around Ponyville again. He didn't really see something interesting, but he saw a few more magicians having good laughs and conversations with the inhabitants in Ponyville. It turns out they were all getting along so well with the elves. He decided to heat back home for the rest of the day.

Later that night, Eragon was just meditating with inner peace, going deep within his trance. He was cut short when he heard a knock on the door. He was a little irritated, but nevertheless, he went downstairs and answered the door. It was Twilight, Spike, their friends, and Big Macintosh. "Oh, hello everyone." he greeted politely

"Hi, Eragon." they all said back to him

"What are you doing here?" he asked curiously. "And, how was Fluttershy's cottage, Blodhgarm?"

"It was a rather intriguing experience." the blue elf replied calmly. "which reminds me." he bent down to the yellow pegasus' level, and he said to her "I really thank you for letting me in to your abode, Fluttershy. I should mingle with you more often.

Fluttershy blushed and she replied "Oh, you're welcome. I agree that we should hang out again some time."

Blodhgarm smiled and said "Well, it is best that I return to my new house."

"Wait, don't you want to stay with us for a little longer?" Fluttershy offered

"That's very kind, but I desperately need some rest." Blodhgarm replied politely. Then he left, and bid Fluttershy a goodnight before entering his new house.

Then Eragon turned his attention back to his new comrades. "So, I ask again: What are you all doing here?" he asked softly.

"Well, we want to know what happens after you fight in that battle in the... fire fields, or whatever you called it." Applejack answered. Obviously, they all wanted to hear more about Eragon's adventures and how he came to Equestria.

Eragon smiled and he said "I suppose I can tell you more of my true tales."

The ponies, and Spike cheered on for that, and they all went inside the house. When they all settled in front of the couch, Eragon lit a candle for his narration.

"Is everyone settled?" Eragon asked

Everypony and Spike said yes and yep, and so, now they can hear the rest of Eragon's narration. However, in a sudden flash, Discord appeared out of nowhere, like an avid trickster he is.

"Oh please, don't start without me." said the Drancequus. Everypony smiled at him and NOW they can all settle hear Eragon continuing narrating about his experiences.

The rider cleared his throat and began. "Now, after the battle of the Burning Plains, me, Roran, and Saphira flew to Helgrind to rescue Katrina. I might have told you this, but did I tell you that Helgrind was the home of the Ra'zac and Lethrblaka?"

"Yes." everypony replied.

Eragon smiled to hear that they all remembered. "Good, now we were waiting right on the outskirts while hiding from those monsters and the priests of Helgrind so they wouldn't see us trying to infiltrate the mountain. The priests were.... rather a cruel type. They would perform gory rituals like when their arms or legs would be cut off, or be sacrificed for the Ra'zac to eat, and there were also slaves that suffered the same fate as well, body parts being cut off one by one from each one of them."

The Ponies and Spike did not know what to think about that, they wondered what kind of sick and twisted creatures would do such a horrendous and cruel thing.

"Who did they worship?" asked Spike

"The Ra'zac and Lethrblaka of course." Eragon answered. "The high priest of Helgrind was a rather... horrifying and unusual appearance. The high priest wasn't a he or a she, but rather an it, because he looked really and completely deformed."

"Define deformed." said Rainbow Dash

"Well, it had no arms, no legs, and had a crest on top of it's head. Despite that, he was very skilled in mental combat. In other words, fighting other people's minds, in fact, he fought the minds of my own, Arya's, Angela's, and Solembum's minds all at once when we fought it."

The group of listeners gave looks of disgust, and felt a little squeamish about his appearance, but impressed that he was good in mental combat as well.

"What were these priests doing exactly?" Twilight asked both curious and a little scared.

"They were performing a ceremony that involved a youth willingly cutting his own arm." Eragon answered.

The group was horrified to hear that.

"I know." said Eragon. "It was highly revolting, and me and Roran hoped to never come across those demons ever again."

"Yay barely." Pinkie said in agreement.

"Now, while we were waiting for the perfect moment to make our attack, Roran asked me if I could teach him a few things about magic. I gave him a pebble, and taught him to say the saying 'Stenr Risa' or 'stone, rise' in the human language. it took a little while, but we finally went into Helgrind when the time to strike came to us at last. We went into the tower, and we all quietly looked for Katrina, Sloan, and the Ra'zac. It was so dark in the cave, that there was barely enough light when we got inside, with only a few torches to light the way. As we went deeper and deeper into the depths, The two Lethrblaka found us, and we all fought them off. Saphira killed one in the cave, and then the other tried to escape into Leona lake, but ultimately, Saphira killed it too."

His small audience was quite amazed to hear that, and also relieved that those two demons were slain from the face of the earth.

"Did Roran learn any magic at all?" Rarity asked curiously

Eragon bowed his head and nodded. "No." he said a little sadly. "All attempts to teach him magic were rather... fruitless."

"Oh." Twilight said sadly.

"However, I managed to teach him how to shield his mind from enemy attackers from using telepathy, or telekinesis against him. It turns out that his strong love for Katrina would protect his mind from any harm to come to him." Eragon continued onward.

"That's mighty great for him." said Big Mac, proud of that statement.

"What about those... icky Ra'zac?" ugh." said Rarity with a shiver of disgust.

"Oh yes. We encountered the Ra'zac two, and we managed to get the best of them this time. However, those cowards decided to hide deeper into the depths of the accursed mountain. It was unbearably hard to see in the darkness, but when we went deeper, we found the Ra'zac again, and Roran killed the female, but the male was not heard or seen from. We pressed forward to look for Katrina, and we split up. Finally, I found Sloan, and this might shock you a little but... I found him chained, and... The Ra'zac pecked his eyes rights out of his sockets."

The ponies, Spike, and Discord gave a mild look of horror and disgust, really calling themselves lucky that they aren't this evil man right now.

"Did you punish him?" Twilight asked

"I did, but I decided to speak with him later, for the Ra'zac was my top priority. Roran then found Katrina, but when she got out, she couldn't bear the light at first because she has been locked in Helgrind for quite a while. so I had to rip off a piece of my shirt and give it to her as a blindfold, at least until, she can bear the sunlight again.

"What did you tell him about her mean meanie pants of a dad?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"well, I didn't want to lie, but I did it for Katrina and Roran's sale. Roran and Katrina that he died in the chamber while being tortured. after that, I told Saphira to fly em both to the Varden, and leave me to deal with the Last Ra'zac and Sloan. I finally found the last evil monster and he warned me by saying that Galbatorix was really close to learning my true name, and he said at the dark king had more hearts than I do, but I didn't know about that until I returned to Ellesmera."

"Why would he warn you?" Spike asked

"He was trying to make a deal with me, saying that before I would kill him, I would have his race be remembered for all those horrible and evil things they commit for a secret that can kill the king. The monster refused to reveal more secrets, an he cursed at me by hissing that I leave Alagaesia forever."

"Did you fight him?" Asked Big Mac.

"Oh we fought, alright." Eragon replied. "I got the best of him and I killed him, avenging all the friends and family they have killed."

The audience was quite amazed and happy to hear that those evil creatures were gone. "What about Sloan?" Asked Twilight

"Oh yes. I found Sloan, and took him out of the hellish tower. We fond thisnplace called the gray heath to rest on for a little while from all the fighting i have experienced. and the same for all the torturing that Sloan had to face. Next i contacted Queen Islanzadi, who was leading many battles with her elven warriors against the Empire. I asked her to see what a proper punishment would be, then I discovered Sloan's true name. For that, I decided to put a few spells on him, and I punished him by saying that he will never see Katrina again for his treasonous actions. And I kept that oath. I also told him that he will wander into Du Weldenvardn with a walking can in his hand."

"Don't you think that's a little harsh?" Rarity said

Eragon sighed and answered to her by saying "I didn't want to, but I wants to make sure at Sloan gets a retribution for his treachery. And no need to worry, I put a few protective spells over him to keep him safe from harm."

"So, that was it from that mission?" Rainbow said. "To be honest, I am kind of glad that the mean butcher got his just desserts."

"We all are." Said Fluttershy. "Even though i think it was kind of a harsh punishment that he had to walk all the way to Ellesmera, blind."

"I know." Said Eragon. "Justice can be harsh, but it was a rightful punishment."

"I know." The yellow pegasus said.

"So, what did you do after you did that rescue mission?" Asked Rarity

"While I was heading backs o Surda to rejoin the Arden, I came across a man named Tenga, an old hermit that resided in an old elven outpost called Edur Ithindra. He was a very capable magician that had good practicing of using magic. However, what kind of startled me was that he would use magic silently."

"Did he sound dangerous?" asked Twilight

"Oh no no, of course not. It did concern me, but I just decided to see what he was and what he was doing in that old abandoned outpost. He said he was searching for... the question."

The ponies, Discord, and Spike were a little dumbfounded and confused.

"What did he mean by... the question?" Rainbow asked.

"I wish I knew, Rainbow Dash." said Eragon. "But he failed to say any specific details about it. I thought that maybe it had something to do with Galbatorix being dethroned at last, and maybe he would find it eventually after the war was over. He continued ranting and ranting on and on, and finally, i became a little frightened by it. I decided to quietly slip away from the old man, and did he even noticed?" Eragon made a "Pfft" sound. "No." he finished while nodding his head.

Rainbow and Pinkie snickered at his remark.

"After that, I made it back to Surda and met with the Varden, and the country's ruler, King Orrin, once again. When I got back, it was discovered that Katrina was pregnant."

The group gasped with happiness to hear that. For they felt really happy for Roran and Katrina to have a baby. "What was the gender?" asked Twilight

"It was a girl" Eragon answered. The smiles on everyone's faces grew bigger with excitement. "Roran requested that he and Katrina would get married immediately, and Nasuada was more than happy to help. When we were making plans, that was when Blodhgarm and the other spellcasters came to protect me from Islanzadi herself. However, before we could do anything...." Eragon paused for a moment

"Yes???" the audience said

"Murtagh and Thorn came back and brought an army of painless soldiers." Eragon said at last.

"Painless soldiers?" said Fluttershy

"Yes. They were soldiers who were enchanted by magicians of the Empire so they have felt no pain when struck at all, and are invincible, for they are sometimes called the laughing dead, for they laugh when they feel something strike them. You can only kill those soldiers if you decapitate them."

"That's messed up." said Spike.

"I know, right?" said Rainbow Dash in agreement.

"Did you and Murtagh fight again?" asked Fluttershy.

"Oh yes, but before we fought he said that Galbatorix was furious at them for letting me and Saphira go in the battle of the burning plains, and even more angry to hear that we killed the Ra'zac and Lethrblaka. He was so angry that he slew five of his own servants out of rage."

The audiences' eyes went wide with a little shock, and could not believe that just happened.

"Next, the king took it upon Murtagh and Thorn, and he placed more spells on them, and made them swore more oaths to make them more... obedient to him."

"That must have been terrible." Rarity commented.

"I imagine." said Eragon. "Before we fought, i pleaded to Murtagh that he and Thorn can be free from Galbatorix's bond if they changed their true names, and Murtagh thought it was a pretty good idea, but he realized that it wouldn't change him and Thorn in an instant, and he offered us to come with him to the king. I finally fought him again, saying that I would rather tear my own heart out."

"Good answer." said Applejack.

"Did you win this fight?" Twilight asked

"Oh yes, thanks the the combined strength of the Belt of Beloth the Wise, Aren: the ring Brom inherited to me before he died, Arya, Blodhgarm and my own personal spellcasters. With that, Murtagh was forced to flee, and he swore that he will beat us again someday, more powerful than ever. Although it did help me, many of the elven spellcasters fainted in battle because it used so much of their energy, but they were alright."

Intrigued once again, the ponies, Discord and Spike applaud for his mighty skills and that he beat his half brother and dragon this time. Eragon blushed at their kindness.

"Oh, it is so important as that." Eragon said, rubbing his arm for he was touched. "After our enemies were gone, we continued the wedding, and Roran was happily married to Katrina at last. The only problem was that Katrina did not have her mother's blessing, thanks to Sloan of course, Nasuada decided to make the dress, and Arya told two doves to place the wedding crown on Katrina's head. When they received the wedding gifts, I gave Roran the last give, which was Snowfire, the horse that belonged to Brom and then me for them to travel.

"That's sweet of you." said Rarity.

"Yeah, that was a very nice thing to do Eragon." said Applejack, gently patting his shoulder. Eragon smiled at her.

"After the wedding, Roran and Katrina decided to move on out of the Varden and live a happy life together when this war was over, and raise their new child." he continued onward. "After that, I finally lifted the curse that Elva had with a counter-spell, and she could ignore pain whenever she pleases. Although she can still feel them."

The ponies, Discord, and Spike were glad to hear that.

"However, she dismissed me from using anymore spells on her, for she worried that I might hurt her again, then she left the pavilion. It was rather shocking and disappointing for me, but her adoptive mother took it the worse."

Then the spirits of the others were a little low, feeling sorry for the girl.

"Sorry that happened to you, Eragon." said Rainbow Dash with sympathy.

"So, what happened next?" said Pinkie Pie, eager to know what happens after that.

"Well, Roran was placed on a mission to raid a supply convoy from the Empire that we can give to the Varden. Roran was placed under the command of Commander Martland Redbeard. Meanwhile, Roran met and made good friends with Carn, one of the magicians for the Varden, for he was with him during the raid. While the mission was successful, and after he thought he killed a painless soldier, he retaliated and cut off Redbeard's hand off. Carn offered to help, but Readbeard was stubborn and wouldn't allow it for he called it not a wound at all. Nevertheless, they won the battle against the fight. Martland then congratulated Roran for his courage and Bravery against the soldiers."

Surprise and amazement struck the ponies, Spike, and Discord once again. Of course, it never ceases to amaze them. Now they really wish that they can all meet Roran, for he sounded like a very interesting man that they would all like to meet.

"Meanwhile, Nasuada ordered my to go to Tronjeim to help elect Orik to become the new king of the dwarves since Hrothgar is gone." Eragon said moving back to his adventure now. "She said that Nar Garzhvog, the urgal chieftain would accompany me, but I protested, because Dwarves and Urgals hated eachother with a strong passion, but Nasuada was adamant. I told Saphira to meet me in Tronjeim, and she flew all the waybover to the dwarven capital. So we both went to outskirts of the Beor Mountains. While we were running their, Garzhvog realized how important that the alliance between his people and the Varden was. He realized that it that they didn't, their race would have been doomed, even if Galbatorix was defeated. We have had intriguing conversations with eachother."

"When did you part ways?" Asked Twilight

"Well, when woke up the next day, we both saw a shrrg, the horse-sized wolf, trying to eat some our meat. I noticed that he was just hungry, so I communicated with it with my mind, so we allowed him to take a large piece of meat to satisfy his stomach, then he went out after thanking us for it."

"Aww, that's sweet." Said Fluttershy.

"When we were as far as we go, me and Garzhvog reached his stopping point, and then he ran all the way back to the Varden. I came back to Tronjeim, meeting Orik, my close dwarf ally and my foster brother. His wife, Hvreda also greeted me too. While I was staying in Tarnag, before one of his annual clanmeets, Orik made a promisenthatbif he could not have the crown of the dwarves, he would always back another dwarf who was an ally of the Varden."

"Here here." Said Rarity.

"What happened during the meeting?" Asked Twilight.

"Well. I should have told you this yesterday, but not all dwarves were very friendly to me. Their was a clan called Durgrimst Az Sweldn tak Anhuin, or in human tongue, 'the Tears of Anhuin'. This clan hated all dragon riders with a passion whether they are with the Varden or the empire or on neither side."

"Why did they hate dragon riders?" Spike asked curiously

"It all started during the fall of the dragon riders, and their leader, a female dwarf named Anhuin was one of the richest dwarves in all of the kingdom. She sent many of her soldiers to Vrael's aid, but they were all slaughtered by the Forsworn and Galbatorix. The surviving members blamed all dragon riders of their ruler, and they vowed in revenge. What I didn't tell you yesterday was that I had an encounter with them before, when I was going to Ellesmera for the first time."

"Wow I... Kind of feel bad for them." Said Ranbow a little sympathetic.

"So do I. Well, I just had another encounter with those assassin't and they all tried to assassinate me, b I fought back and killed them all with minor injuries."

"They tried to assassinate you?" Asked Rarity

"Yes, it happened to me the second time on that very day." Eragon answered.

"Who was their leader during the second attempt?" Asked Applejack.

"His name was Vermund, who also wanted to run for a new king of the dwarves. He was the mastermind behind it all. However, I wasn't alone, I had four dwarf guards to protect me. We might behave been outnumbered but we have fought them all off." Eragon bowed his head in sadness and said "Kvistor, one of the guards, wasn't so lucky."

"Oh, I... I am sorry to hear that." Said Fluttershy.

"So are we." Said Spike.

"I thank you all." Said Eragon, touched by their care and concern. "When the Election Day had came, it was a rather good thing too, for the assassination attempt on me brought more votes for Orik. Orik then told everyone that Vermund and his clan was the one responsible, and they put him on trial. When he was guilty, Vermund warned that any attempt to harm him or his clan would mean war. His punishment was that he was banished from every dwarven kingdom. However, the other clan members would come back if they forget all about Vermund, but he himself would remain banished until he died."

"Did they try to kill you again after that?" Asked Spike a little scared about them.

"No, and I am glad for that. For sure, he would just forget about me and the others and move on with his life n exile. During the election, Orik won the vote and became the new king of all the dwarves. For that, Orik trained as many troop to fight against the Empire, and it would gain us more support. I was happy for him and I flew back to the Varden with Saphira this time instead of running all the way back to Surda. When I returned to Nasuada, I wanted to resume my training with Oromis and Glaedr. I asked Nasuada permission to continue my training, and she granted me my request, even though she was a little reluctant about it."

"What kind of training did you do?" asked Fluttershy curiously.

"He taught me how to move objects from one place to another, instantaneously. I also asked him some questions about where the source of all Galbatorix's power comes from. He said that it came from the eldunari that he had taken from riders he has killed. He said he extracted the power from them, and makes him stronger. I... also told him about what I thought Morzan was my father, but he said that it wasn't so. He also revealed that Murtagh was my half-brother, and Brom was my real father. I was furious at everyone for a while for not telling me that, especially Saphira since she was already told by Brom before. I let go of all my anger, and then we continued our training."

"Did you hate Oromis and Glaedr for that?" asked Fluttershy

"No, no, of course not." Eragon replied. "I was just a little angry at them at first, but then I realzed it was for my own safety. Oromis also revealed what my mother was like, and showed me a fairth of her beautiful face. He explained he she and Brom were together, and then leaving me with my Uncle Garrow and aunt Elain."

"That must have been wonderful to see what your mother was like at last." Rarity commented.

Eragon smiled. "It was. Now, apart from that, I... It seems a little embarrassing for me to admit, but I desperately needed a new sword. Of course I was grateful with the falchion that Orik gave me, but it wasn't enough for me." Before he could finish, Pinkie interrupting and made a happy gasp.

"Is that where Brisingr comes in?" she asked with a wide smile on her face.

"Pinkie." Twilight scolded.

"It's alright, Twilight." said Eragon with a chuckle. "Yes, Pinkie." he said to her. "This is indeed where Brinsingr comes along as my new weapon."

"Yay!" Pinkie exclaimed

Eragon chuckled again "Well, when I was looking for a sword, I heard about a recovered sword that Oromis told me about. It was in the House of Valtharos."

"What kind of a sword was it?" asked Fluttershy

"It was called Tamerlein." Eragon answered. "It was a sword recovered from the Fall of the Riders when Ilira was turned into Uru'baen. The owner of the house where the sword was in was named Lord Fiolr. The swords was the weapon of the fallen rider named Arva. He was an elven rider, who fought bravely and gallantly trying to defend it from Galbatorix, but sadly, Kialandi of the Forsworn killed him in the process."

There were a few "Oh nos" or "Wows" from the audience, both surprised and shocked.

"So, how did that sword get to that house?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"He gave the weapon to his sister: Naudra before he died, and she fled with it to Ellesmera with another dragon and rider, both whom just died in the process, but it was given to Fiolr, who was her mate, and kept it safe with him since. When I asked permission to use it, he told me all about the history, and he even said that it treasured him more than his very soul. He did allow me to use it on the conditions that it would remain the property for the house of Valtharos, and unless he and his heirs have asked for it. In other words, he wouldn't allow me to keep it indefinitely."

"What did it looked like?" asked Discord.

Eragon unsheathed Brisingr with a loud "Shing!" to show his friends what it was, compared to his sword. "It was the color of emerald green." he showed his friends the glyphs of Brisingr. "The glyphs of Tamerlein were wrote 'I am Tamerlein, Bringer of the final sleep'

The ponies gave out more words of amazement.

"That's awesome." said Rainbow.

"What else was it like?" asked Discord

"The blade was wider than both Za'roc and Brisingr, and the end of the blade was a little more blunt-shaped and more rounded than them two. The handle was wide that it would be more like a two-handed sword."

"And... it didn't work out for you?" asked Fluttershy

"No." Eragon said with a nod When I held it, it didn't really fit my hand, and Tamerlien was meant for someone with a more... how should I say this?.... a 'Hacking and Slashing' type of style in combat. So no, I realized that Tamerlein wouldn't work, so I went to Rhunon, the Elven blacksmith for all the dragon rider swords to help me. When Galbatorix took over Alagaesia, she made a vow to never forge a rider sword again, and she kept that vow. When Brom asked her to replace his sword: Undbitr, she refused. Undbitr was, the color of Saphira the first's scales, which was aquamarine. I asked her where it was, but the sword has long been lost since the fall of the riders. She was however intrigued that she would create a weapon that would end Galbatorixs' lfe, but sadly, she had no brightsteel: the main resource to create the rider sword. So, me and Saphira went to the Menoa tree, the largest in all of Du Weldenvarden, and where the Blood-Oath celebration takes place. I asked the tree for the weapon but it ignored me. Saphira, decided to... take matters into her own claws and violently shook it. The angry tree tangled us with it's vines and demanded to know why we came to it. We told her that we were looking for the materials to make my sword, and I offered that we would bring something to it in return. The tree however, just told us to leave and wanted nothing in return. Therefore, we crafted the sword, and I had a hand in some of the blacksmithing. Thanks to my magical abilities, Brisingr was born, and Rhunon even called it the finest weapon she has ever created." then, Eragon gave a yawn, and stretched his hands. He looked a little sleepy.

"Are you alright, Eragon?" asked Rainbow

"You look a little tired." said Twilight.

"No no no." Eragon protested. "I'm fine." then, he gave out another yawn, and he admitted "Okay, perhaps I am." then he and his friends laughed with him. "If you don't mind, I would like to continue this tomorrow if you all don't mind that."

'That's fine, Eragon." said Twilight.

"Yeah, you get some sleep." said Rainbow Dash. Then she gave out a yawn, and added "We could all hit the hay too."

"Goodnight, Eragon." said Fluttershy, then everyone said the same she said to him.

Eragon smiled "Goodnight everyone. Me and Saphira will see you all in the morning, and I promise to continue with the narration." he said to them.

Everypony and Spike left the house, minus Discord, who stayed to say to Eragon "I cannot wait to here more about what happens next, especially how you killed that evil king. See you tomorrow, Eragon."

"Goodnight, Discord." Eragon politely replied to him. Then, the creature snapped his finger and poofed out of the house, leaving Eragon alone with some of the eggs and eldunari.

"You are definitely like your father." Glaedr said to him. "An excellent storyteller like him."

"Thank you, master." Eragon said to the yellow gem. Then a frown came to him.

"Is there trouble, youngling?" Glaedr asked with concern.

"Well, I was thinking of I should tell you all how you and Oromis.... well.... I don't know if I should talk about it, for I think it would be too painful for me and you to talk about." Eragon answered.

Glaedr gave a sad sigh and he said "It was a really tragic loss for me, but I will be alright, for Oromis will always be with us and to guide us."

Eragon smiled and said "You're right master. But... are you sure you wouldn't mind?"

"Of course I am sure." the gold dragon replied.

Eragon smiled again. "Goodnight, Glaedr." then he went upstairs and made his way up to bed.

Author's Notes:

I am sorry if you think I haven't gotten enough details, or if I made some mistakes, but Brisingr is a pretty long book if you don't mind my saying.

Continuing the Narration Part 4

Eragon awoke the next morning. He looked at the beautiful view of outside from his window, and the sky was beautiful as ever. He smiled and got out of bed to put on a new set of clothes for him to wear today. His stomach growled, knowing why it was doing that, like everyone else in the world. "I need meat." he thought. He grabbed his bow, and quiver, and decided to go out and find something to hunt, and declared himself that he didn't need Brisingr, because he had magic and his bow with him. He noticed that ponies are herbivores, and don't associate with me. He went downstairs, and went outside.

"Ah, good morning, little one." said Saphira in his head. "How did you sleep last night?"

Eragon looked at her, laying in her little shed, her sleeping spot. He smiled at her, and replied "Like a wolf pup. And what about you, how did you sleep?"

"Like a baby dragon.' Saphira replied to him. "Where might you be off to?"

"I need some meat, so I am going to hunt outside of Ponyville." Eragon answered. "Maybe i will bring just a deer or two. I'll be back in a little while."

"Very well. Wait! the ponies might think you are a murderer of you bring a doe and or buck back from the wilderness. Ponies, and horses are herbivores after all."

"Ah, you're right." Eragon remembered, beating himself. "Perhaps I should just bring small pieces in my sack so no one will notice." He went back inside and brought his sack to carry the meat in.

"Be careful out there, little one." Saphira called to him as he was walking into the plains out of Ponyville. "You'll never know what you will find."

"Don't worry, Saphira. I will." Eragon called back to her with his mind. While he was walking through the streets, many ponies waved at him, being very friendly to him as ever.

Meanwhile, with Saphira, she just sat in her little shed, and looked around the town, and smiled at how it thralled. Maybe she and Eragon found a perfect place after all. The only question she thought of it was: what will become of the eggs that will hatch. If they had ponies for riders, then it would be complete and utter nonsense. She worried greatly about them, but decided to put that aside for a little while. After all, she, Eragon, and the elves just arrived in Equestria and just began settling in Ponyville. When the time comes, maybe Eragon might think of a solution for the eggs.

She rested her head on her arms as she laid on her belly to relax. She thought of what she would do today, either with Eragon, by herself, or with her new friends that are called ponies, and that baby dragon named Spike of course.

"Hey, Saphira!" A voice called out. The voice sounded like a little girl, and it squeaked, like she was going through puberty. It was Sweetie Belle's voice. Next to her were Applebloom, and Scootaloo. They all ran up to Saphira, looking like they want to spend a little quality time with her.

"Hello, girls." Saphira said, touching all three of their minds. "What brings you here on this beautiful morning?"

"We just wanted to say hello." Applebloom answered for her.

"And we were wondering if you would like to play with us." Scootaloo added

Saphira didn't say anything to reply for a minute, for she was thinking of whether she should play just a short game with the girls or not. She really like them a great deal after all, and found them to be rather... Amusing, like little adorable baby dragons, even though they are not dragons at all. "Well, normally i usually don't lay silly games, but i suppose that i could." She replied.

The girls smiled and jumped with joy. They all decided to play Simon says with her and the three sat with her under the shed as they were playing

Eragon looked around the horizon and his surroundings to see if there was any animal he can take down for it's meat. Finally, there was a wild boar with long, brown shaggy fur and long razors sticking out of his mouth. It was a perfect animal for Eragon to eat from.

He felt remorse, and didn't want kill to kill it, but he really did need meat. He is only half elf now after all, and not completely one. He steadied his bow and quietly his behind a bush to get a good angle at the creature so that he can shoot it down. He quietly got closer and closer by crouching in the bushes and didn't make a single sound to alert it as he did with every moved he took. He aimed at the beast and licked his arrow for good measure. His heart pounded like a drum, and then, he released his arrow.

He closed his eyes and heard a small squeal, and the boar fell to the ground. The arrow hit directly on his side. Eragon came out of the bush and then looked at the boar closer than the last time he just saw him before he hid in the brush. It turns out that he was right. This boar was gigantic after all, and was enough meet to conserve him for a few days if he wanted to eat any if them. He pulled out his pouch, and then sliced the boar with Brisingr, skinning it, and taking a few large chunks of meat out. The smell was a little revolting, and the air around it smelled of blood, but it will clear out once he cooks the pieces of meat he decides to take with him. For the rest of the meat, he decided to leave it for vultures, ravens, crows, or many other carrion animals that see it and want to eat it.

"My dearest apologies, creature." Eragon said to it, showing some regret for killing him. He put the meat on his pouch, and decided to go back to Ponyville to cook it at his new house.

When he walked for almost a mile, he already saw three vultures circling around and squawking with happiness to see a dead animal made just for them, from Eragon. However, he did not get the feeling that he was not alone. He was being watched by a silhouetted man and a shorter one next to him.

"Shall proceed to kill him, sir?" Said the shorter one.

"No." The larger one addressed. His voice sounded exactly like a nobleman, or a human in royalty with a legal deep voice. "Let the boy have his fun for now. When the time comes, we will strike at him. I do not know when, for it could be a week, or a month, or a year, but we will strike when the time comes."

"Very well. Sir." The shorter soldier said in obedience, bowing his head in respect.

The hooded silhouetted man smiled evilly at the boy "oh you will be definitely in for a big surprise in time, Eragon Shadeslayer. Soon, I will avenge our fallen king that you just killed, and the Empire will rise once again." He chuckled evilly and eerily stepped back into the forest, like a ghost.

Poor Eragon didn't notice a slighted clue about this, but it wouldn't be something for him to worry about just yet. He happily carried his sack filled with meat, and went back to town. As he was back in the town, he saw the girls playing with Saphira, laying in front of her to relax. He smiled at it, seeing how Saphira is getting along well with the inhabitants. He went in the house and put his breakfast of choice on top of the stove so that it will be cooked.

Meanwhile, he pulled out out a buttered biscuit for him to eat on the side. While he was waiting, he looked at his half of the dragon eggs, and then at Umaroth's eldunari, and asked him "master, what will become of these eggs? What if they never hatch?"

It was silent for a few seconds, except for the fire crackling in the stove. Finally, U ardth answered him in a calm voice. "That I am uncertain youngling. I cannot tell when they will hatch, and who they will hatch for exactly. Ponies as riders is probably not a good combination, and their are no humans, dwarves, elves, or urgals in this land that they all call, Equestria. You only got a small half of the, after all, while the others are in the care of Arya back in our homeland."

"I suppose, but we still have quite a lot of eggs with us. I fear for their future." Eragon stated.

"So do I and Glaedr." Umaroth replied. "We have just began to settle in Equestria after all."

"And we only stayed here for only three days." Glaedr added

"Perhaps. But, will they ever hatch?" Eragon asked both of them

"Like Umaroth just stated, we do not know when exactly they will hatch. Remember what Brom said, an egg will wait forever until he or she will find their rider of choice."

"I know that. I just wish that... That some dwarves, elves, and even urgals can come to Equestria and the eggs will see if the eggs see them as their riders." Said Eragon, trying to think

"THAT could be arranged." Said Glaedr. "That sounds like a likely idea."

"It does, but I can never go back, remember? And neither can Saphira."

"Perhaps, but you can use a messenger bird." Glaedr suggested. "You could ask Arya, Nasuada, Orik, or Garzhvog with a messenger bird, and ask them if there are willing people that would like to be a dragon rider. They can use ships to sail to Equestria, or we can get Celestia and or Luna to get them here rather swiftly instead of just waiting for a month or a number of long weeks for them to reach here."

"I.... I suppose I can." Eragon tried to protest at first, but it did sound like a brilliant idea, and he could not argue with the fact that it was really thought out and planned. "You're right. And, if any of them would like to stay here in Equestria or go back to Alagaesia. The choice would be theirs."

"Precisely!" said Umaroth.

Eragon smiled. "Very well. Perhaps I will do that soon. However, we did just settle her, like you and Umaroth just said."

"Very well, youngling." Glaedr remarked

All of a sudden, their conversation was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. He was a little irritated, but decided to answer the door anyway. Before he did, however, he looked at his meat and shouted to whoever it was "I'll be right there." then he went to fetch his meat on a plate along with his cinnamon bun.

When he answered it, there was Rarity, the white unicorn fashionista. "Hello, Rarity." He said to her on a smile.

"Good morning, Eragon." Rarity said politely to him. "And good morning to you too, Saphira." The blue dragon made a happy grunt to her in response.

"What brings you here this morning?"

"Well, Darling. I just thought of an idea. You see, when I looked at your drawings with the elves that you shown to us since your first day here, and from your crew members too. Oh! And I also designed some new clothes for you."

"Really? Well, that is very kind of you, but I already have more than enough clothes already." Eragon said, politely.

"Ah, but I made these just on case you ran out or for your own satisfaction." Rarity replied. "Come, I want to show you, and tell me what you think."

Eragn chuckled. "Alright, alright. I suppose I can come along."

Rarity's smile grew bigger. "Brilliant! Come along then." She pulled on Eragon's sleeve with her magic, like she was gently dragging him with her to her boutique. When they arrived, Rarity showed Eragon the clothes she made for him. Like she was talking about. Eragon was truly amazed. They were all really colorful, and looked very dazzling. "It wasn't easy for me, but I made the, suitable for bipedal creatures like you."

"Rarity." He said. "This is beautiful. I wish that many clothes would be this colorful in Alagaesia."

"Why thank you, Eragon." Rarity flustered. "Oh and I would like to show you my inspiration from the elves. Eragon followed her to another room, and her manikins had clothes that were I spired by the elves of Alagaesia. There were robes, jackets, and dresses for everypony in town to wear."

"That's fascinating." Said Eragon in astonishment.

"Indeed. Everypony is going to love it." Said Rarity in a sing-song town.

"I can see that." He looked around the middle of her boutique, and Eragon asked her "so, is this why you brought me here?"

"Oh well, I was also wondering if you can stay for tea with me." Rarity replied

Eragon thought of it, and he said "I suppose I can have a cup of tea with you for a number of minutes before I head back."

Rarity's smile grew even more wider. "Marvelous." She said with joy. She went into the kitchen and pulled out her tea kettle and two cups, and poured the tea in. She brought the tray over with magic, and suggested "let's have a seat, shall we?"

Eragon sat on the table and Rarity sat on the other side. Eragon took a small sip of his tea while Rarity sipped right after he did.

"So, darling, will we hear more of your adventures back in Alagaesia?" Rarity asked

"Of course." Eragon replied. "But, me and Saphira have training to do, so if you do not mind my saying, but can you wait when it is nightfall?"

"Of course. We all love to hear them again some time." Rarity replied

"Good." He took another sip "you know, you should try elven tea from Du Weldenvardn. They taste just good as this."

"Do they now?" Rarity asked with a little disbelief. "Do you think you can show me the recipe someday?"

Eragon smirked "maybe someday, but not today." He answered.

"Oh very well, darling." Rarity sighed with mock sadness. She and Eragon continued to drink their little tea, and she they were finished, Eragon out the cup in the sink, and was about to walk out when Rarity said "wait!" You're leaving right now?"

"Well, yes. I told you I was only going to be here for a few minutes. I already have breakfast ready, so I might as well be heading back to eat before it gets too cold for me."

Rarity was a little bummed, but she understood, and she replied "very well. I will see you later." Eragon smiled at her remark. "Oh and don't forget your new clothes.

"Very well." Eragon chuckled. He went to the table where his new set of clothes were, and he picked them up in a pile, like a laundry bundle. "Au revoir" Eragon called to her, and then he left the house with his clothes. While he was heading back, he hoped that Saphira hasn't got hold of his meat, and that no one in town saw it. Not to mention that his breakfast wasn't getting cold, minus the cinnamon bun of course. Not only that, but he also thought of what Glaedr and Umaroth suggested to him about bringing any race from Alagaesia that want to become a dragon rider to come to Equestria, and see if any of the eggs hatch for any of them. He would think about it nonstop, and could not argue how much of a good and very likely idea it was.

He arrived back at his new house, and went inside so that he can eat his breakfast and put an end to the endless growling in his stomach. The meat wasn't touched, and sat there the way it was before he went with Rarity. Before he did, he put his clothes on his bed upstairs, and then he went to eat his breakfast. The boar meat was really delicious, and more delicious than the meat cut from the bastard known as Sloan. Of course he did have sympathy for killing it, but he did need meat for himself.

"So, How was it with Rarity?" Asked Saphira in his mind.

Eragon put the last piece of his meat on the plate, and answered "It was rather... delightful. We had some tea together, and she made me some dazzling new clothes just in case."

"That sounds very kind of her." said Saphira. It was silent for a moment before she asked "Do you think you will try what Glaedr and Umaroth suggested?"

"How did you know about that?"

"I can hear your thoughts if I wanted too remember." Saphira replied teasingly

"Maybe I will. But we just settled in Equestria, in case you didn't hear that."

"I know. I know."

Eragon continued to eat his breakfast by eating his bun after eating the last piece of boar meat. When he finished, he put his plate in the sink, washed it, and went outside again. "Hello girls." he addressed to the three fillies playing with Saphira

"Hi, Eragon." they all replied to him in unison in a friendly tone.

"How are you?" asked Scootaloo.

"Just had some breakfast."

"Nice. We were just playing with Saphira." Applebloom said.

"And I hope you didn't mind." Sweetie said

"no no no. Of course not." Eragon chuckled. "Well, I'm afraid you'll have to play with her later. We are just about to practice our usual training as dragon and dragon rider.

"Aww." said the three in disappointment.

"Don't worry. We'll be back later. We are just going to be taught by Glaedr from his experiences from when he was alive.

"Who's Glaedr?" asked Applebloom.

"Oh yes. I forgot to mention you, didn't I." Eragon pulled out his small sack that contained the eldunari. "Glaedr, you don't mind if I told them about you, do you?"

"Of course not. I do not mind at all. These ponies are very friendly, and can be trusted." Glaedr replied to him through his mind.

"Good." Eragon showed the three the eldunari, and they all looked astonished by it's color, shininess, and beauty.

"It's beautiful." said Scootaloo.

"Very shiny." Applebloom added

"What is it?" said Sweetie Belle.

"This.... normally I wouldn't tell many people about this, but for your cases since you ponies are very friendly to me, I suppose I can make an exception for you. Now, you know that the type of dragon Saphira is talks with you through your mind, right?"

"Right." all three replied.

"This gem is the source of that. This is called an eldunari, or in the Ancient language, 'The heart of hearts'. You see, Glaedr was a large golden dragon, even bigger than Saphira. He was Saphira's mentor and teacher for the ways of the dragon rider as well as my mentor. His rider was named, Oromis. Sadly, Glaedr and Oromis are dead."

The girls looked at him with remorse.

"We're sorry to hear that." said Sweetie in a sympathetic voice

"yeah, sorry Eragon." Scootaloo added

"So what does this got to do with this gem?" said Applebloom

"Ah, now when a dragon dies they go to this little gemstone, the eldunari. He can still teach me, so hope is not lost." Eragon replied

The girls all went "wow" and were truly more amazed.

"Can we talk to him?" asked Scootaloo.

"Of course." Eragon held out his hands so that the girls can talk to the golden dragon's spirit. "Now remember, try to use your mind." he reminded

"Ummmm, hello?" Applebloom said, trying to get a hold of Glaedr.

"Hello, little one." Glaedr replied to her in a deep voice

Applebloom was taken aback with amazement, but of course was a little startled.

"Sorry, I did not mean to frighten you."

"It's alright." Applebloom replied.

"So you were Eragon and Saphira's teacher?" asked Scootaloo.

"That I was, and so was my rider, Oromis, just as he mentioned to all of you." Glaedr replied

"Well, we might as well introduce ourselves." said Sweetie Belle. "My name is Sweetie Belle, and-"

"I know. Eragon told me about you, and your two friends here."

"He did?" asked Applebloom.

"Indeed, he did." the gold dragon replied.

"Wow, well, this is awesome, talking to a ghostly dragon." said Scootaloo in astonishment.

"Well, I am not a ghost, but... I no longer live in the flesh."

"Oh, well what was it like teaching Saphira and Eragon?" asked Scootaloo.

"I would rather prefer that I would keep that information to myself, Saphira, and Eragon only. Some things as a dragon and rider are usually meant to keep to themselvesm if you do not mind my saying."

"Oh, sorry." said Applebloom

"Don't be sorry." said Glaedr in a soft voice. "Maybe I will tell you someday, but I do not know when that time will come."

"Okay. We understand, Glaedr." said Sweetie Belle

"Yeah, Glaedr, that's fine."Scootaloo added

"It is really nice to meet you, Glaedr." Applebloom added after Scootaloo.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you too. I bid you a temporary farewell." the golden dragon replied.

"Are you all done talking to him?" Eragon asked

"Uh-huh." the three replied to him in unison. Eragon put the eldunari away, and asked the girls "So, what did you think? Was it an extraordinary experience"

"Yeah, Glaedr is awesome!" Scootaloo replied.

"Yeah, It was fascinating." Sweetie added.

"Will we talk to him again?" asked Applebloom

"Of course. Just come to me when you feel like talking to him again, and I'll see if he will be available to talk to." Eragon replied. Then he went to Saphira and she went outside her shed. After that she mounted on her. "Well, we might as well be off to train now. See you all later." then he flew off in the distance.

The girls waved by at him before he vanished from their eyesight.

Later that night, Saphira was out on a hunt for dinner. Meanwhile, Eragon was having his own dinner in his house from another hunt he just endured. This time, it was a large doe he was just eating instead of a boar. Of course when he took it down, he butchered it with Brisingr and put the meat piles in his meat bag like the way he did with the boar earlier. After he ate, he belched really loudly, and wiped his face with a napkin.

Then, he heard another knock on the door. He went out to open it, opened it. It was Twilight, Fluttershy, Big Mac, and the others. "Oh, hello, everyone. What are all of you doing here?" He asked

"Don't you remember?" said Pinkie. "You promised that you would continue telling us your awesome adventures and why you came to Equestria int eh first place!" her voice sounded really excited as usual, and the others were just as excited as she was, however, not as hyper like she is.

"Oh. I have forgotten." Eragon replied in remembrance. "Right then. Come on in." He stepped aside so that his new friends can come in and hear more about his past experiences. They all made themselves comfortable and sat near the fire place where Eragon will resume in front of them. "Now that you all feel comfortable. Where was it when I left off yesterday? Oh yes, where my new sword was created. Right after I created Brisingr, Rhunon, the elven blacksmith I told you about said that it was her best creation yet. When I returned with Oromis, we decided to join the Varden in finally freeing Alagaesia from the evil clutches of the Empire. Not only that, but the elves were also about to lead an assault on Gil'ead, the prison city that Durza held me in. Before we left. Oromis and Glaedr told me and Saphira about the eldunari, and how they give a rider power. That was the reason why Galbatorix and the Forsworn were able to kill the dragon riders in the first place. Oromis and Goaedr would also aid Islanzadi and her army in the siege of Gil'ead."

"What city were you going to take first?" Asked Spike

"Feinster." Eragon answered. "That was where we would strike first. When we left for the second time, we bid our mentors farewell, and we headed to Feinster. When we got there we encountered three wizards. What was horrifying was that they were trying to create a shade."

His audience gasped with surprise.

"Another shade?" Rarity said

"Yes, possible as a replacement for Durza." All of a sudden. They all heard a small thump of the ground, like a small earthquake just erupted.

"What was that?" Asked Twilight

"No need to worry, everyone." Eragon said to them. "Saphira just came back from looking for food, that's all. Now, back to my story. Now, they were creating a shade, but I felt more confident mp because of my new elf abilities, and Arya by my side."

"Did you fight them?" Asked Applejack.

"Well, not yet. You see, I looked through a vision of what was going on at Gul'ead at the moment. Oromis and Glaedr were fighting Murtagh and North right above the city."

"They were fighting? That's awesome!" Said Ranbow with excitement.

"Who won?" Asked Fluttershy, curious to hear about the battle

Eragon's face turned into a frown, and he gave a sigh of melancholy. Everyone noticed this and became a little concerned.

"What's wrong, Eragon?" Fluttershy asked with concern

"Nothing." Eragon replied swaying his hand at them like it didn't even really even matter. "Anyway, Oro is and Glaedr were about to gain the upper hand when Murtagh and Thorn were possessed by Galbatorix and Shruikan themselves.

His new friends gasped on shock.

"Why were they possessed?" Asked Big Mac

"Galbatorix was trying to convince Oromis and Glaedr to join his army and said that the Varden were the ones interfering with peace, but they were all just words of honey. Oromis, of course, didn't believe him, and Glaedr was not convinced either, and then he called him a coward and a traitor. Just like that, Glbatorix turned from calm to furious and hateful. Then, they fought again. However....." Now he got to the part of his teacher's demise.

"Yes?" Everyone said, eagerly.

"Oromis he.... He had one of his seizure, and Naegling, his sword, fell to the ground. With that, Galbatorix on Murtaghs's body, he... Slashed him from shoulder to hip, and the worst part was that Glaedr felt it too."

Everyone was stunned and they all gasped with horror

"That's horrible!" Said Fluttershy

"What happened next? What happened next?!" Pinkie exclaimed

Glaedr kicked Thorn away with powerful force away from Gil'ead, for he was trying to save him by trying to bring him to Islanzadi and her spellcasters to heal him, but it was too late..." He bowed his head on sadness. "Oromis told Glaedr not to mourn him and.... He was dead." He turned his head away so that no one would see his face.

Everypony was stunned, and could not believe what they just heard. They all had the feeling of wanting to cry now, even Rainbow Dash. They all had feelings of both remorse for what happened to Oromis.

Despite that, Eragon continued by saying. "Glaedr was truly heartbroken by the loss of his fallen life-long comrade. Then, he turned from sadness to rage, and went back to find Thorn and Murtagh. H wanted to do many horrible things to them, he wanted to burn them, cherish them, make them bleed and other horrible things that he could possibly do to them. Glaedr found Thorn and he bit Thorn's tail. He held on tight to it, and then, snap, he bit ree feet of Thorn's tail fright off of him with a waterfall of blood pouring down. However. Thorn was too fast for Glaedr to make a second strike at him, and then.... He bit the base of Glaedr's skull, and.... And.... He was..." Ten. Felt like the stream was about to come down from his eyes. "No more." He then Turned away and couldn't hold it any longer. He finally let a few tears escape from his corneas.

Everyone on front of him felt the same way too.

"Oh, you poor poor thing." Said Fluttershy with a few tears streaming down her face. She looked at Glaedr's eldunari and hugged it, really tightly, showing him some love and sympathy for his lost.

"That's the saddest thing ever." Pinkie exclaimed, also feeling the stream

"Poor Oromis." Said Twilight

"Poor Glaedr." Spike added.

Everyone then began to cry loudly, and then they would hug eachother for comfort. Spike and Twilight were hugging, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were hugging, and everyone was hugging eachother randomly for a few seconds for comfort. They were weeping for a full ten minutes, but finally they recovered.

"We are so sorry that happen to you, Eragon." Said Rainbow, wiping a tear from her eye.

"Thank you, Rainbow. And thank you all for caring about me and Saphira. B, let's not let that hold on to our heads." Said a eragon trying to forget about the deaths for a little while

Everyone nodded sir head on Agreement, then Eragon continued.

"Now, the shade was comlete, for there were three of them, all of them named Varaug." Now they were all surprised to hear that there was more than shade. One shade would be horrible enough, but three is far worse than one. "We managed to defeat all three. And Arya was now l own as Shadeslayer too. However, I told her the terrible news that just terrible. We co forged eachother, but we decided that their are worse things that will happen if we all don't act now." He looked at the clock and then he decided to have enough. "I'm sorry, but, I want to continue the narration some other time. I am... I'm...."

"We understand, Sugarcube." Said Applejack, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "And... We're so sorry that happen to you, Eragon."

"Thank you." Eragon replied with a smile.

"So sorry." Fluttershy added.

"Come on guys, we might as well be heading home too." Said Twilight. They all agreed, and then they all went home, leaving Eragon alone.

"I am sorry..... Master." Was all that Eragon had to say before he went to hit the sack upstairs.

Author's Notes:

So sorry if this one took a while. I hope you all enjoy it.

Informing the Idea to the Princess'

Eragon woke up the next morning and felt a lot more happy after telling his new friends about what happened to Oromis and Glaedr. Hopefully, he wondered if everyone was better too, and hoped that they didn't have nightmares from his true tales. He woke up with a yawn, and got himself out of bed on this yet another beautiful morning. He made himself breakfast (Just some of the boar meat he just killed one day ago) and cooked it over his little fireplace. He waited a little overtime for the meat to look edible and crispy, and another knock was heard at his door.

When he opened it, he looked down and saw Spike, the baby dragon assistant for Twilight. "Oh, good morning Spike. What brings you here?" said Eragon

"Hello, Eragon." Spike replied to him. He had a scroll in his hand then gave it to Eragon, like it was a message for him, but who sent it to him? "It's from Princess Celestia." Spike answered. "She says she wants to know more about you."

Eragon's eyes were a little wide at the moment. "A letter? from the princess?" he said a little amazed. He looked at the letter and read all the way through it and a smile grew on his face, very slowly. "Well, thank you so much Spike." he said to the baby dragon as he gently patted his head like a dog.

"Ah, no problem." Spike replied. "That's what friends are for."

"Well, I might as well tell Saphira about this." he said, and then he walked up to his closest companion. Normally, dragons don't like to be disturbed during their naps, unless it's their riders that are waking them up. The least Saphira would do was gobble up any one in this town, especially a baby dragon named Spike. Eragon gently touched Saphira and her large, gigantic blue cat-like eyes were slowly being revealed from her lids.

"Oh, good morning little one." Said Saphira. "Do you feel much better from last night?"

"Yes. I did. Listen, Saphira, Spike over there just gave me a little that requested both of us to go to Canterlot."

"For what purpose?" Asked Saphira

"They want to.... Get to know us a little more." Was all Eragon explained to her so that she will understand.

"I see." The blue dragon got out of her shed and said to Spike telepathically "hello, youngling. How might you be feeling on this beautiful morning?"

"Doing alright." Spike replied to her in his mind. "Well, I might as well go and play with the crusaders. See you later, Eragon and Saphira."

"See you soon, Spike." Eragon called to him

"Stay safe while you play, Spike." Saphira added. "Now, about going to Canterlot again, what if everyone thinks I am a very hostile and mindless dragon?"

"Not to worry, Celestia said that she will tell her guards abo Saphira and to tell her subjects not to panic or start an uproar about you."

"I see. Well, climb on my back, little one." The blue dragon bent down so that Eragon can climb on her, and that she can ride off with him.

"Oh, but first i might as well place a note on my door so that either blodhgarm, his spellcasters Twilight, her friends, or the other inhabitants of Ponyville will know that I am not here at the moment." Eragon suggested.

"That is a good idea." Saphira remarked. "I will wait for when you are done, and do not worry, I would never leave without you."

Eragon smiled and written a small note to notify any visitor of any would want to have conversations with him, or spend time together with him for so sing amusing in the hours to come. He jumped on Saphira and was ready. "Alright, let's go."

With a spurt, Saphira bolted through the sky as she was flying to the mountainous, Equestrian capital of Canterlot.

Eragon was looking for a good spot to land, and saw the Canterlot castle garden that looked like a perfect landing spot for Saphira. She gently landed herself on the soft grass of the garden without trying to shake the whole castle off of the cliff. He dismounted her and saw the almighty Celestia and Luna walking to him and his dragon. They both look really happy and welcoming.

"Ah, hello Eragon." Said Celestia. Eragon bowed to both of them in respect out of royalty. "Your majesties. " he said

"We have been expecting you here, boy." Said Luna. "My sister would not stop discussing about yoy and Saphira here."

"Right, so what can I do you both for?"

"Well, I could not help that you were going through a difficult time right now." Celestia answered

"What do you mean by that?" Eragon asked as he raised his head to make better eye contact with the sisters.

"Well, we sense a great sentimentality inside you, Eragon." Said Luna. "Is everything alright?" Eragon's face slowly turned into a sad frown. "I am fine." Was all he replied. He stood up once again. "I am just.... trying to get use to living here, since I can never return home." He looked away from the allicorns in shame and sadness.

"Oh, you did mention that when we first met, haven't we?" Said Celestia in remembrance.

Eragon gave out a sigh of melancholy. "Yes. Thanks to this prophecy I can never go back to Alagaesia. I might never see my friends or family again. I know I have Saphira and the eldunari to keep me company, but the internal pain still stings my heart."

The sisters were really concerned about the rider's well being, and both wondered if they can try to cheer him up. Saphira also thought the same way as they did, but they might have different ideas on doing it so.

"Look, I just need to accept the fact that life isn't fair in the most of times. I just.... need to make the best of things in my life."

"That is good to hear, Eragon." Said Luna warmly.

"Indeed. We just want you to know that you and Saphira are always more than welcome to stay in Equestria for as long as you will both like to be." Celestia added

"I know." Said Eragon. "Oh! And speaking of which, I want to talk to you about the future dragon riders as my pupils someday."

"Sure, let's come inside and we will talk." Celestia suggested. Eragon followed the sisters into the castle while Saphira stayed and rested on the soft spot she landed on in the garden, about to take a little nap. "So what is it that you want to talk about, child?" Celestia asked

"Well, i have been thinking and remember when I told you about having future dragons and riders someday in the new rider order?"

"Yes." They both said in unison.

"Well, i might have told you that ponies and dragons might not have worked out, and I thought if me and Saphira can never go back, I might as well send letters to the leaders in the provinces of Alagaesia so that their can be anyone that is or already wants to become a dragon rider and then the dragons in the eggs will hatch for them, because those eggs will wait forever to hatch for their rider of choice if they have to. I was wondering if it would bother you or not."

The princess' didn't really say anything at first, for they were thinking how the rider's will be in Equestria. They wondered if having many dragons around Ponyville, Canterlot, or other big cities in the world of Equestria would be a good idea, or a terrible one.

"You're majesties?" Said Eragon, waiting for an answer. "Is everything alright?" Then he thought to himself "God dammit! What the hell was I thinking? Of course they both wouldn't like the idea."

"Well, Eragon." Celestia said at last. "I see what kind of Dragon Saphira is, and she is not like the greedy dragons we have hear. The kind of dragons that Saphira is seem more smarter, and friendlier to many creatures. So, I decide that you can do that whenever you feel like it."

Eragon smiled, but Luna however, felt a little uneasy. "Sister.... are you sure?" She said with uncertainty

'Of course, sister." Celestia replied to her younger sibling. "Saphira would never kill anypony or eat them. Besides, do you see her on a pile of gold like a pirate captain?"

"Touche." Luna said reluctantly. "I suppose I can go through with this too, but, I just want to keep our subjects safe from any danger."

"I understand, princess Luna." Eragon said. "It is not a rare thing for many people or creatures in my home for being afraid of dragons. Alagaesia's definition of dragons are far more different than your definition."


It was silent for a moment as they continued walking through the hall upstairs. "You know, you two are nothing like the evil fallen king of my home. You seem like one of the greatest rulers i have ever met." Eragon complimented.

The two princess' blushed. "Oh why thank you Eragon." said Celestia.

"Yes. That means so much." Luna added.

"Nothing means more to me than the well being of all our subjects. We would all do anything to keep our citizens safe from any danger."

"I can see that." said Eragon. "The former king of alagaesia was nothing like you at all. He was tyrannical and evil, consumed with revenge, anger, and hate."

"Who was this king?" asked Luna.

"Galbatorix. He was a man driven by hatred, and rage like i had just said, but me and Saphira killed him and restored freedom and peace to our home. He was also a dragon rider, but annihilated almost all of them, except his followers called the Thirteen Forsworn. His dragon was named Shruikan, who was even bigger than Saphira, and had spikes the size of tree trunks.

Both the sisters looked really impressed and mildly shocked to hear that. "That is gigantic." said Luna.

"How did you manage to take them both down?" asked Celestia in amusement.

"It is a rather long tale. I would love to tell you about my tales but I don't want to keep you two away from your royal duties as co-rulers of all Equestria." Eragon answered.

"True." said the two sisters in unison.

"Come, let me show you something." said Celestia. Eragon followed her to a large balcony that shows the city of Canterlot below it. Eragon was quite impressed with the view from up on the balcony. "It is a beautiful view from up here, isn't it?" said Celestia.

"Very amazing." Eragon replied in agreement.

"Everypony relies on us to keep them happy calm, and at peace. Of course, Twilight, and her friends are quite the helpers with that too, for they saved Equestria from certain doom on many occasions." Celestia narrated. "We might as well tell you that of course it is never easy being the rulers in all of Equestria."

"Even if we do get royal treatments like free food, or free massages, it is not so easy." Luna added

"I notice that." said Eragon. "Don't you ever get any free time in your lives?"

"We do." Celestia answered. "But it is more like a rare thing for us to have. I have to raise the morning sun."

"I have to check on everypony's dreams and keep them good since I am the princess of the night, and the fact that I have to raise the moon when the night falls."

"You know, a good friend of mine, and the new queen Nasuada is trying to restore most of Alagaesia to it's former glory and turn it back to the way it was before Galbatorix took over."

"That is good to hear, child." Celestia looked down at the city again, and everypony down there were like small moving ants to her and the other two on the balcony. "You know, Eragon. you , Saphira and the other future riders for those eggs might be a great help to us in our time of need."

Eragon smiled. "possibly, but I might as well tell you. We dragon riders are keepers of the peace, not soldiers. I hope you understand, do you?"

"Of course we do." said Luna. "We are not asking you to be our bodyguards or servants."

"I know I know. When the riders are reborn, I will make sure that Equestria is safe from evil if need be. We dragon riders are sworn to protect the innocent at all cost. Of course, we would be happy to help you."

"Wonderful." said Celestia. "Well, how about I give you a short tour of the city of Canterlot?"

"Of course." Eragon said. He followed Celestia and Luna downstairs so that they can both give him the tour of the national capital of Equestria.

Spike's Sentimentality

Eragon and Saphira were back in Ponyville and trying to unwind in his new life in Equestria. He decided that he should take time off from his training at the moment. He was eating at a small cafe in a part of town. The waiter went to his table and asked Eragon of what he would like to eat for lunch today. He did eat some meat, but now he felt like he needed some vegetation since Elves in Alagaesia are herbivores. "Yes, may I have a daffodil and grass sandwich ease?" He said to the waiter.

"Of course, my good sir." It will be ready in a flash."

When the waiter went to fetch Eragon his choice of what he wanted to eat, he thought of Saphira, who was back in her large den, relaxing like a lion resting by daylight in her long nap. Saphira would be alright, for she just needs some rest through the day and taking the time off from her traini b with Eragon.

"Here you go, sir." Said the waiter, returning with the plate being lifted by the magic of his horn. He gently placed the plate on the table and said "Bon appetite."

"Thank you." Eragon replied to him with kindness. He slowly chewed on his sandwich and savored it. He remembered that Elves eating flowers, was also a common sight in their home or anywhere else in Alagaesia. The time with the elves while training with Oromis and Glaedr, and the elves with their habits inspired Eragon a great deal since he is half elf now.

On and on, he thought about how grateful he was on Celestia and Luna letting other riders to come to Equestria to train under his teachings. He was also grateful that the two allicorns let him try the backup plan for when someday comes in the future.

"What did you think of Canterlot, Saphira?" He asked her in her mind. "Did the inhabitants give you trouble in any way?"

"Oh no." Saphira replied. "They were all quite fund of me. However, they were a little.... Shy around m me, but i assured to them all I was not one of those greedy abominations that call themselves dragons, and that were smarter than that"

"That is good to hear. Celestia and Luna are nothing like Galbatorix or his followers at all. They are truly great rulers of their kind.

"Indeed..you know, remember when Murtagh said that Galbatorix had more followers than we have imagined?"

"I do. Indeed the fallen king still has quite a number of survivors that serve him, even in death. And the ra'zac eggs scattered all across the underground of Alagaesia too. What will we do if they hatched and followed us here, then putting everyone in danger, and our new friends lives on the line."

"I would not be too concerned about that." Said Saphira. "Ra'zac eggs take a really long time to hatch. I am pretty sure that our old comrades will do something about that. What really concerns me is the remnants of Galbatorix's guards and followers. What will we do about them if they followed us here?"

Eragon was silent for a minute and finally replied to her calmly. "We will just gain some assistance from our new friends and allies. I wouldn't worry about that either however, after all, we just arrived here. We will just have to wait and see what happens in the future to come."


Eragon placed the money for the food on the counter to pay for it, and then left the cafe back fo his house. Meanwhile, Saphira was getting out of her shed to warm her body in the sunlight since she is cold looked like all reptiles are.

While she looked around the town, many ponies passing by would say hello to her while she would say hello to them back in a friendly tone with a smile on her face. Then, she saw her most loyal companion return from the cafe, making her even more glad. "So, what will you do now, young one?" She asked him through her mind.

"I don't know." Was all Eragon replied. "I might as well use that dummy I built to practice my swordplay in the basement."

"That sound like a useful idea."

Eragon smiled on agreement and went back into his new house to practice his swordplay with an inanimate fighter. Saphira was... Alone again, but not that alone, because she can always contact Eragon if she wanted to. Then, something caught her attention: it was Spike, the baby dragon that was good friends with Twilight and her friends. It was good to see an infant dragon in the flesh, even though it was not exactly like a dragon from Alagaesia.

Saphira noticed something... Not write with the baby dragon. She noticed that Spike was thinking of sad thoughts about himself. It really concerned her, and decided to know why he got up on the wrong side of his little bed.

"Spike." Saphira said to him telepathically. It made Spike jump, and looked around to see who just said that. He realized it was Saphira, and looked at her. He definitely remembered that Saphira can communicate through people's thoughts in their heads.

"Oh. Hello, Saphira." Spike said. "You really shouldn't scare me like that. I can get a little.... Jumpy."

"My apologies, little one." Said Saphira. "Forgive me for intruding in your thoughts, but I could not notice that something might be troubling you. What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. Nothing's wrong." Spike replied. Saphira, was quite suspicious about that. Spike sounded like he was lying. Saphira could tell by the tone of his voice to say that it is so.

"Are you sure?"

"Oh yeah. I'm just fine." Spike replied. "I.... I just need to be alone." This time, his voice sounded a little more melancholy than the first phrase he said to her. Then he continued walking along the streets in the town, looking like he was heading for the outskirts or the wilderness.

Saphira, never took her eyes off of him, and still wondered what was troubling him. "Eragon?"


"I have just had a little conversation with Spike, and.... And I think something might be troubling him." Said Saphira

"Really? What made you sure of that?"

"Well, I slightly noticed that in his thoughts. I asked him if he was alright, and he said in a sad voice that he needed to be alone at the moment."

"Well, why don't you just heed those words and leave him alone?" Eragon suggested.

"Because, young one." Said Saphira calmly. "He is a dragon too, and.... I just want to help him. I haven't seem a real dragon besides me, Firnen, or Thorn for a month since we set sail to Equestria."

"I understand. Why don't you just leave him be for a moment and then check on him then to see if he is any better?"

"Very well."

Spike was sitting sadly on a hill, getting a good view of the lake right outside of town. He had his hands under his chin, and sighed in a sad tone. "Who were my parents?" Spike said to himself. "Where did I come from?"

The trouble was that ever since Saphira arrived here from Alagaesia, Spike was extremely happy to see another dragon besides himself, and not a greedy, rude, drake eating dragon. However, last night, he had a nightmare about his parents and what they were, living in paradise. Sadly, it ended. All too soon because it was only a dream, and not reality.

He bent his head down, and looked at the grass and then looked at the lake with the sun gleaming over the waters. He knows he has Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends with him to support him and give him the love he needs, but still. It wasn't enough to completely ease his pain. Then, he suddenly jumped when he heard the voice yet again. "Spike." It said. Indeed, it was Saphira once again. He felt the ground rumble when she landed on it, and looked back to see her behind him.

"Saphira? What are you doing here?" Spike said.

The large blue dragon walked up besides him and sat down right next to him. "Spike, please what is troubling you. I really want to help you. I don't mean to barge into your personal life, but you are a dragon, and.... And..."

"I u deist and." Spike said in a sad tone. "I don't mind extra company."

"Good. So what is wrong, youngling?"

Spike sighed and finally answered. "Alright, you are too smart for me...... Last nog, I had a dream about my parents and them giving me so much love and care like parents would do."

"Why would that trouble you?"

"Well, it was only a dream. Nopony knows where I came from, or who my parents are. Sometimes...." He began to tear up a little just thinking about it. "Sometimes.... I feel like an outsider." Then he couldn't hold it anymore. He dug his face inbetween his legs and sobbed.

Saphira could barely stand the sight of thought and took great pity on the poor thing. She gently placed her wing over him for comfort and said "oh Spike. I am sorry if you feel like this." She said to him. "Let me tell you: I never met my parents in person, but for a dragon's parents where I lived, we dragons would call our fathers 'Sire' and 'Dam' for our mother."

"Do you know who they are?" Spike asked, wiping away a tear.

"Oh yes. My father was named Iormungr. He was one of the greatest dragons I have ever met. I was lucky to have him as what you would call a 'father.' My mother was Vervada, and she was a crimson red dragon, a wild one as well."

"Really?" Spike said in amazement.


"What color was iormungr like?"

"He was blue like myself, but a very dark blue. Apart from that, I never got to see them before I hatched."

"I'm- i'm sorry to hear that." Spike said with sympathy.

"It's alright, young one." Saphira replied. "I thank you for your concern. You might have noticed, but before Thorn, and Firnen, me and Glaedr were the last of the dragons in Alagaesia apart from the fallen king's that is."

"I know." Spike said. "Who's Firnen?"

"He is the green dragon that hatched later on before we arrived here." Saphira answered.

"Oh okay. But that's different. I... I am not you, and.... I hope I didn't offend you, but I am a different dragon." Spike said

Saphira was silent for a moment before she said "that maybe so, but to me, we are not so different. Dragons are dragons, no matter what they are. Eldunari or no eldunari, we are all family."

Spike looked up and stopped his weeping when she said that. Never before did he hear such kind words like that. Sure, Twilight and her friends say really nice compliments about him from time to time, but never felt so touched to hear that. "You.... you really mean that?" Spike said, looking back at Saphira.

"Of course I do." She replied softly in her mind. She gently touches his back with her nose, as if she was trying to coax with her own offspring. "You are a sweet little youngling. You are the exact opposite of Shruikan when he was still alive, or Morzan's dragon."

Spike blushed from the compliment. "Ah well. I never create havoc or destruction like both of them did." He said.

"I know. You are so young and so filled with life ahead of yourself. You have a great heart Spike, and you are very kind too." Saphira noticed that Spike wasn't completely better, and thought of how to cheer him up.

"Saphira." Said a voice out of nowhere.

Saphira made a small startled growl.

"Saphira, what's wrong?" Spike said, noticing her scared outburst.

"Nothing." She replied to him. "Eragon just caught me by surprise. I must talk to him if or a moment if you do not mind that."

"No, go ahead."

"That you." Saphira sounded a little irritated when she said to Eragon "don't startle me like that. I was about to start a fire in the area"

"Sorry, Saphira." Said Eragon. "But I just wanted to know if you have talked to Spike yet."

"I have. He says he never knew his parents and feels like an outcast in Ponyville and around his friends. Now I am trying to comfort him."

"Oh. Sorry to hear that." Said Eragon with sympathy. "I suppose I'll let you talk to him some more."

"Thank you." Saphira turned her attention to back to Spike and said to him "my sincere apologies. Now, what was I just talking with you....... Oh yes, you just need some time with a another dragon besides yourself."

"Do you think so?" Spike asked.

"I know so." She opened her arms and awaited for him to hug her. Normally she wouldn't do that, unless if it was Eragon about to hug her, but it was a more occasion. "Come here, youngling."

Spike was a little nervous. Ease of her immense size, but slowly walked up to her, wiping a tear from his face. When he was close enough, he felt Saphira gently pull him in with her immense paw, and gently closed him into her, like a mother would do to her son.

It took a little while, But Spike began to warm up to the feeling and began to softly sob into her neck. He never felt so happy to have a other dragon do that for him, even though she wasn't his mother. Nevertheless, he was becoming happier. "Thank you, Saphira." He said

"you are welcome, Spike." Said Saphira. It was silent before she added "I love you."

"I... love you too...... Saphira." Spike replied.

"So, would you like me to fly you back to Ponyville?" Saphira offered. Then she and the baby dragon slowly broke away from eachother

"Hmmmm. No thanks." Spike answered. "I would rather prefer if I walked back."

"That is perfectly alright with me." Saphira and Spike walked side by side, looking at eachother as they both walked back to Town

Mugging Minotaur

Saphira was walking back to Ponyville with Spike on her back for a piggy-back ride. Now that these two have a mother to son relationship, things could really work out for her and Eragon during their settlement in Equestria for many generations to come. "So, Saphira,"

"Yes youngling?"

Spike froze for a second, thinking about what he should say. "I hope this isn't a stupid question, but do you think you will like living in Equestria? Do you and Eragon have to leave someday?" He sounded like he was worried about something bad about to happen in the future.

Saphira was silent for a second too before she replied to him "Oh youngling, that was not a foolish question. I have seen some of Equestria myself, and how peaceful it can be. Of course, it would be something f I would have to discuss Eragon about. But I promise, we will stay here as our new home, as long as princess Celestia and Luna let the dragon riders to come live here to train."

"She did say she was alright with it." Spike pointed.


They both laughed about the conversation. "You know this is amazing, knowing another dragon that is not mean or greedy."

"Are all dragons in Equestria like this?"

"Well, i wouldn't say all of them, but that is what they are known for."

"Really? Well you are definitely it like those brutes that ca themselves dragons."

"I know. I know. I just hope that the dragons and their riders from Alagaesia will like it here in Equestria." Spike said

"I am sure they will, Spike." Saphira replied.

Even though Ponyville wasn't far from them, it still felt like a long walk like coming back home from a hike on a snowy mountain.

"So, about you helping Twilight with the work in her castle, can it be laborious to you?" Saphira asked

"Well some days, it can be hard work, bug most of the time, it's pretty easy for me to do." Spike said. "Besides, Twilight would never let me work till my bones crack on my back."

"I know." Saphira remarked. "I did not say that she does. I was just curious."

"Oh i know. You're fine."

They reached the town and Saphira stopped in front of Eragon's new house so Spike can climb off of her. "Would you like a ride home, little one?" Saphira offered.

"Ah, no thanks. It's only a short walk for me, anyway." Spike replied modestly.

"Very well."

"Ah, there you are, Saphira." Said Eragon, coming outside the front door. He looked at Spike and asked him "are you feeling alright, Spike?"

"Yep. Thanks to her." Spike replied, looking at Saphira and her vice versa. Eragon liked the sight of how Spike and Saphira formed a close friendship with eachother. Definitely looked like a mother and son relationship.

"So, does that mean that you and Saphira are mother and son?" Asked Eragon

Spike and Saphira looked a little awkward. "What no no no." Spike said "we're just good friends, that's all."

"and- and-" Saphira used her large paw to gently touch Spike like a scaly blanket. "He needs me" she said. "He feels alone. Surely you can understand."

"Of course I understand." Said Eragon. "I think it's rather... heart warming."

Saphira flushed a blood red on her cheeks that they turned into a purple color. "You're one to talk." she said.

"Well, I might as well be going back to Twilight's then. See you all later."

"See you soon, Spike." Eragon called

"Oh and one more thing." Saphira said.

Spike stopped so he can hear what he has to say. "Yeah?"

"If you have any problems, please. Come to me, Spike." Saphira offered

"Okay. I will." then Spike continued to walk back home. Saphira didn't keep her eyes off of him, and just continued watching him back walking back to the castle.

"Well, should we continue our training with Glaedr and Umaroth?" Eragon suggested. "We could really use it."

"Of course. I would not want to forget how to defend ourselves in case some of Galbatorix' remnants try to plan an attack on us as revenge for killing their king, or the baby Ra'zac hatching from the ground eating everyone here."

Eragon chuckled at her statement. "I couldn't agree more. But I really do not think that some of his remnants that Murtagh mentioned cannot be such a problem. And the baby Ra'zac infants? Arya, Garzhvog, Orik, Roran, and more of my closest friends and followers are already taking care of that. Even Murtagh will stop them somehow."

"I know." Saphira stated. "I just hope that the eggs that will hatch for any riders will hatch before any possible disaster such as that could possibly happen."

"I already thought of how we can get riders to us. I will just send a number of messages to Nasuada, and then she can give them all to Orik, Garzhvog, Arya, or king Orrin for any people of Surda that would love to become a dragon rider as well so there can be a large amount of elves, dwarves, urgals, or humans so they can bring em here if they all want to be dragon riders, or if any of those eggs back home have already hatched and then start to move here for training."

"The trip we had was a long trip, Eragon. We were sailing on that infernal ship for thirty days."

"Perhaps, but I would also say that the dragon riders of Alagaesia can help transport them to a Equestria."

"Sounds fair enough." Said Saphira. "But since we cannot go back, you mig as well find a bird to deliver the scroll to Nasuada."

"Of course." Eragon climbed on Saphira's back and said "well, let's get going." Then Saphira flew With the sound of heavy wings flapping.

Saphira was practicing her flying skills with Eragon still on her back. She did a series of amazing tricks and evaded many obstacles as she flew: large knolls, trees, boulders, and other objects.

"I knew you still got it, Saphira." Eragon. Said to her.

"I always do." Said Saphira with great pride. "Flying is one of the greatest gifts for a dragon after all, along with breathing fire and communicate with creatures telepathically"

"Here here."

After thirty long minutes of flying, Saphira hovered herself above the ground as her wings were blowing away some flowers, then she landed with a loud quaking "thump"

Eragon dismounted and pulled out Brisingr from his scabbard. Saphira backed away as he was walking to the practice dummies he made out of wood.

"Concentrate, Eragon." Said Glaedr. "Attack wisely and knkw how your enemy will inflict their mortal blow on yourself."

"Yes, Ebrithil." Eragon took a breath, and made a move with a parry, amd struck at one wooden dummy in it's arm. Next he did a mid-air jump, did a somersault, and hit two more dummies on the head then landed on his feat.

"Impressive." Said Glaedr. "Most impressive"

"Thank you. I really wish that there would be an actual opponent that I could foght, or spar with. I may have had a dangerous encounter with a werewolf, but I need more training to keep me a better swordsman." He put Brisingr back in it's scabbard then looked around his surroundings.

He noticed that Saphira was a little dazed about something.

"You're thoughts dwell on Spike." Said Umaroth.

"My apologies, mentor." Said Saphira. "The little one seems special to me."

"Are you alright, Saphira?" Asked Eragon

"I am well."

"Hey you!" Said a really tough voice. Eragon Turned Around And Saw what it appears be a minotaur with a large sword, and a coat of brown with long horns. "I do not recognize your kind, freak, but regardless. Give me all your money and valuables! if not, then I'll kill you right here." He threatened

Saphira made a threatening growl.

"Easy, Saphira. I'll handle this." He unsheathed Brisingr, and said "I am not your efforts, beast. Now walk away while you stille have a chance."

"Ha. You're threats won't work on me. Just give me your money, and I will let you and your monster go." Said the minotaur.

"Then you leave me no choice. If you want to take anything from me, y oh will have to take it from my dead body."

"Oh, playing it tough, huh? Fine. Consider it your last request." Then the minotaur made a bellowing cry and charged at Eragon with his blade. Eragon and the monster clashed blades one another, and dodged one another from many strikes they can swing. The monster was a formidable opponent that Eragon had faced in a long while, sure he had fought a pack of timberwolves that formed into a large one after they had all fallen, but they were nowhere near as deadly as this minotaur. He was almost as big as a bull kull back home.

Eragon lept and sliced the minotaurs back, making him bleed out slowly. He grunted in pain, and was even more mad then he was before. Then he slowly stood up, panting.

The minotaur retaliated and recovered from his injury, and swung has sword against Eragon's, and they continued fighting on. Saphira was just about ready to step into the fight and maul the minotaur until nothing remained of him.

At last, Eragon stabbed the minotaur right in his chest, making the beast gasping for air, holding the wound.

"Not bad, weakling." said the minotaur. "Not bad."

Eragon took Brisingr out of the monsters chest. "See what happens when you cross me?" he said to him.

"Just a minor scratch." said the beast in a cocky tone. "I'll show you what a real wound is!" he readied his sword, and was about tow swing at Eragon.

"Adurna!" Eragon said in a commanding voice. The water from the lake began to move and become alive, like a blob was rising. the minotaur could hardly believe what he is seeing.

"What the hell is this?" he exclaimed. Without warning, the blob of water rushed into the minotaur and pushed him straight to Eragon, giving him just the right chance to stab him once more.

This time, the beast was dead, and he dropped to the ground with his last dying breath. Eragon panted with exhaustion. He didn't fight like that in a month since he defeated Galbatorix. "Are you hurt?" asked Saphira.

"No. I'm alright. It was quite a match." Eragon replied

"You saved me the trouble of looking for any lunch."

Eragon chuckled. "I did, didn't i? That was quite a little training that I needed."

"I agree, even though he was trying to kill you, and loot your body."

"You fought well, youngling." said Glaedr.

"Thank you, mentor. Well, I might as well get back to training." So he continued training with the practice dummies and the magical training from Glaedr and Umaroth.

When Eragon and Saphira returned from training, life was as normal as it should be. He went back to his new house, and heard the door fry open as soon as he just got home. He turned around and it was Blodhgarm.

"Blodhgarm, what is it?" he asked

"Me and my other fellow spellcasters heard you fighting that minotaur. Are you alright, Shasdeslayer?"

"I'm alright. That monster didn't put up a challenge."

"Very well." said Blodhgarm. "I just thought I should make sure. I'll tell the others that you're alright."

"Thank you for checking." said Eragon with a small smile.

"Always at your service, Shadeslayer." Blodhgarm replied with a bow before he left. Eragon placed Brisingr and all of his other objects he took with him back upstairs. For Glaedr and Umaroth, they were placed back on the pillow that Eragon made for them, then sat on his own bed.

"You have trained well, young one." said Glaedr. "You are becoming even stronger than you ever were before. Oromis would be really porud of you."

Eragon smiled. "I think he is." he said.

After thirty long minutes of healing the eldunari with his masters, he heard a knock on the door.

"Are they alright?" Eragon asked.

"They are healed for now." said Umaroth. then Eragon went to get the door. He opened it, and there was Spike, Twilight, her friends, Discord, and Big Macintosh.

"Oh, hello, everyone. What are you doing here?"

"isn't it obvious? I'm pretty sure you know why we are here." said Rainbow giving him a gentle elbow bump on the arm.

"What. Oh, you want to hear more of my experiences, don't you all?"

"Of course." said Fluttershy. "We really want to know how you and your old friends freed Alagaesia from Galbatorix."

"yeah, please?" said Spike.

"I really want to know what happened to that evil king and how you freed Alagaesia. I must know my dear boy." Said Discord.

Eragon chuckled. "Alright, alright. Come on in." Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and the others stepped inside the house, just anxious to hear how the Empire was about to fall.

Author's Notes:

The Narration will continue in the next chapter to come. I hope you all enjoy it.

Continuing the Narration Part 5

Eragon sat on the couch and everyone including Fluttershy, Twilight, their best friends, Discord, and Big Mac sat in front of the fireplace, ready to hear how Alagaesia became free once again. "Is everyone, comfortable?" Eragon ask all of them

They all replied a yes in return

"Good. Now let's see..... oh yes, after Oromis and Glaedr were well.... you know." He sounded a little sad at forst, but then became more happy and proud when he resumed "me, Saphira, my friends, along with the Varden and our allies, went on to turn Uru'baen free from imperial control. But first, we went into the closest city of Surda: Belatona. We fought gallantly and won. during the battle, Saphira was almost killed by a Dauthdaert."

"What's that?" asked Rainbow

"It is called, a death spear in the ancient language. Either that, or a lance could also be called. This weapon was a dragon killer and was created by the elves during the rider war. it was part of the twelve weapons called the Dauthdaertya. What happen to the rest of them.... I do not know. I think that this one was the last one in existance. This 'spear' was called Niernen or 'Orchid' in the Ancient Language. After the battle, we made an alliance with the werecats. You know, Solembum?"

"Oh yes, we remember." said Rarity.

"Well, they were all led by king Grimrr Halfpaw, and his mate Shadowhunter."

"What were they like?" asked Fluttershy. "I hope I am not interrupting."

"Oh no you're not. Grimrr was.... Solembum's father."

"Father?" they all exclaimed in surprise

"Well, that's awesome." said Rainbow.

"I guess that is how Solembum would know someone like you in the first place." Discord predicted.

"It wasn't easy, but there was quite some negotiating between Grimrr and Nasuada. Finally, they both came to an agreement when Nasuada offered him a pillow as a throne for him to sit on."

"Well that sure is cute." Said Applejack.

After Belatona, we went to Dras Leona, the major city that I mentioned after Teirm where I first encountered the Ra'zac. However, when we made a campsite, not far from the city, we learned that the city was heavily guarded, with Murtagh And Thorn in charge of the patrol. How we were going to get inside, Jeod, one of Brom's closest friends I told you all about, found an underground tunnel to the city so that we can create the element of surprise for the imperials. Meanwhile, Roran was leading an attack on the city of Auroughs." Eragon's voice became a little sad when he finished. "His friend Carn was killed in the process."

"We're sorry to hear that." Said Pinkie Pie

"Thank you. However, Auroughs was all ours, and that was when we came to Dras Leona. So, when me and our soldiers went through the sewers, we made it inside the city, then opened the gates for the Varden to charge in full of Zeal, but not without getting compromised in the process. Wyrden, one of Blodhgarm's spellcasters was killed in a trap, then me and Arya were kidnapped by the priests of Helgrind, along with their monstrosity of a leader."

"What were they going to do to you?" asked Pinkie Pie

"As punishment for killing the Ra'zac and their parents, they were going to feed us to newborn Ra'zac from two eggs they had recovered

"Whoa whoa whoa, what?" Rainbow interrupted. "You said that there were only four of those creeps."

"Well, i'm sorry if I didn't tell you all, but We learned that there are some hidden Ra'zac eggs scatteed across the underground of Alagaesia. I just didn't want to worry you all. Are you all angry with me?" Now Eragon was worried that he might lose their friendships from his new friends.

Everyone thought about it and Twilight said "No. We're not. As long as they are not coming to Equestria, and that they are being taken care of, that's what counts."

"Yeah, all of your friends and allies back home are taking care of the problem, are they?" asked Applejack

"Of course they are. Queen Nasuada, Garzhvog, Arya, King Orrin, and Orik are all taking care of them, along with the Werecats." Eragon replied. "Sadly I cannot say if they have all found any of them, or made any progress on eradicating them. Are you sure you are not angry with me?"

"No. We're not." said Fluttershy calmly. We shouldn't really worry about them."

"Yeah, Fluttershy's right." said Spike.

"Right, now, we were about to be fed, but then Angela and Solembum saved us, then we killed the monsters that were trying to eat us. We killed most of the priests, including the high priest himself. The others that escapes, I am uncertain about what happened to all of them. What matters is that, we managed to drive Murtagh, Thorn and the imperial soldiers out of Dras leona and we won the battle."

"that must have been a fight." said Rarity. "Also sounded like it wasn't easy taking over Dras leona."

"It wasn't easy, Rarity. Dras Leona is a big city after all." Eragon replied. "Back in our camp that night, Murtagh and Thirn came back with a surprise attack. We driven some of the imperials out, but then we learned at Murtagh kidnapped Nasuada to Uru'baen."

There were a few "oh no"s or some other remarks of surprise.

"Why did they capture her?" Asked Big Mac

"Galbatorix was planning to torture her and bend her to his will." Eragon replied

"And did she crack?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Of course not. Nasuada was strong-willed, even though she is young. It was not a total loss, when everything looked bleak for the bright future of dethroning the dark king. Before Nasuada's abduction, she asked me that if she was dead or temporarily unavailable to lead on, I would take her place. So, I was placed leader of the Varden." Of course Eragon was not very happy about it."

"And you weren't happy about it?" Asked Twilight with concern

"Oh no, I was ever so touched that Nasuada would give me that title, but it was a little too much responsibility."

"We understand darling. Being a leader of many things are never easy, or definitely a small stroll in a garden" said Rarity

"We do know how stressful it can to be leader, Rarity is right." Fluttershy stated.

"Exactly right. Regardless, I had a feeling that we were not ready to face the king or Lord Barst or their forces.

"Lord who?" Asked Pinkie Pie with her head tilted sideways and her eyes rolling around like mad.

"Oh yes, I forgot about some information, didn't I?" Said Eragon. He cleared his throat. "Roran, before we went to Uru'baen, told me of an Imperial lord, named Barst. He was one of Galbatorix' greatest champions and was a very cunning and ruthless general. One time, he went into a village to conquer, and when the leader resisted, Barst overpowered him and ripped him in half, and burned the other village people after that."

Barst sounded a little scary to the group that Eragon was narrating to, b probably not as afraid as Galbatorix, Shruikan, or shades of course.

"That's awful." Said Fluttershy

"It was. He was very extreme, that's why Galbatorix loved him and assign him to be his most trusted and finest general for Uru'baen. Apart from that, I remembered the Vault of Souls from when Solembum was revealing my fortune. I went to him, but then he said he couldn't help me because he could not remember where it was. That was when I realize that something was very amidst. Later, I learned that there was a spell that when everyone remembered the vault of souls location, they would forget about it in an instant. I talked to Glaedr about it, and was not familiar with it either. However, he realized that- that..... The vault was-"

"Yes?" Said the others

Eragon became conflicted again about telling the vault of souls location in the Rock of Kuthian in Vroengard.

"You alright, Eragon?" Asked Applejack

"It's.... I don't know if I should tell you it." Said Eragon. "I will need to speak to Glaedr about this." He looked at Glaedr's eldunari on it's pillow and communicated with him "mentor, should I tell them?"

It was a little silent before Glaedr replied "they all seem like a race full of trust. They are filled with good inside of them. If you want to tell them, go ahead and do what pleases you."

"Very well, Glaedr." Eragon turned back to the group and sighed. "It was at the rock of Kutian, on the island of Vroengard." He took out his map of Alagaesia again, and then showed the island to his friends

"Oh, yeah. I remember now." Said Spike, seeing things more clearly.

"So it was on that island?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Yes. It was the same island where the dragons and their riders lived before the eradication. I didn't want to leave them, but I had no other choice. With the eldunari and the eggs helping me, Galbatorix might fall, and he had to be stopped."

"We can appreciate that." Said Big Mac. "Loyalty can be important. To me it would be my family and friends. Besides. I would only be a short while before you would rejoin them."

"Yeah, we can understand what you needed to do. A stallion's gotta do what a stallion's gotta do." Applejack added

"Well I might not be a stallion." Eragon chuckled. "But that is true. Now before we left, I would promise all of my friends and allies that I will fight by their side, and participate in the battle of Uru'baen with them all. Now on our way to Vroengard, we had an encounter with a Nidhwal, who was trying to eat Saphira."

"A what?" Asked Fluttershy

"A Nidhwal. They are sea creatures that, like the Fanghur, are close relatives to the dragons. However, Nidhwals were closely related to dragons more than Fanghur were. Like them, the would use their minds to incapacitate their prey."

"What did they look like? And how big were they?" Spike asked curiously.

"Their heads were long and angular, and their heads had long tendrils up to six feet long. They had hundreds of teeth in their large mouths. In fact, their teeth were so large, that a horse and his rider could pass through them without a single scratch. They also had two large oar-shaped Finns on their chests."

"Wow." They all said in amazement.

"That sounds awesome." Said Rainbow Dash.

"Alagaesia has lots of awesome creatures said Spike.

Fluttershy quivered a little, and said "well, I don't know if I would encounter a monster like that." She gulped. "They sound like they would eat anything for dinner."

"Don't worry, darling. They only live in Alagaesia. They shouldn't bother you." Rarity wrapped her arm around Fluttershy for comfort.

"Rarity's right, Fluttershy." Said Twilight in a comforting voice. "It's alright."

"Yes Fluttershy. There is nothing to be afraid of." Eragon added. "Back to my tale. Glaedr told me that Nidhwalan were one of the few creatures capable of killing dragons. He said that the original dragon riders would always try to negotiate with them, but they always failed in the process."

"Sounded like they weren't as smart as dragons." Said Applejack

"They were intelligent, yes, but yes, not as intelligent as dragons I'm afraid." Eragon agreed. "After that encounter, we finally reached Vroengard. While there, we saw the ruins of the ancient dragon rider stronghold. We even visited the fallen city of Doru Araeba, the home of the dragon riders before the fall. the island was just beautiful, and had many peculiar wildlife."

"What kind of Wildlife?" asked Fluttershy curiously.

"One of them was a giant snail called snalgli. Dragons enjoy eating them for food. Another animal was called Sundavrblaka, or 'shadow flapper' in the Ancient language. They were also large, and looked like owls, but chattered like a squirrel. Finally, the barrow grubs. these creatures were ivory-colored, caterpillar-like creatures."

"Ew!" Rarity exclaimed with disgust.

"What is it?" asked Eragon

"Giant Snails? that is simply disgusting." Rarity replied

"Rarity!" said Twilight. "That's not very nice. Where are you manners?"

"Oh, my sincere apologies, Eragon. Continue." Rarity said.

"It's alright. I might as well tell you all that the second and third animal I have mentioned was not always like that. You see, during the battle of Doru Araeba, an elven rider named Thuviel lost his dragon during the battle and was driven to madness. He decided to commit suicide and sacrifice himself to save the other riders from the Forsworn by splitting his atoms with a spell and causing a huge explosion on the island. Almost all of the Forsworn however, shielded themselves from the blast just in time, and then a 'poison' spread across the island, mutating some of it's fauna

"Oh poor things." said Fluttershy with great sympathy

"Not only that, it destroyed the buildings in the cities, including the dragon incubation tower."

"that's worse." said Pinkie.

"Indeed. Apart from that, we found the Rock of Kuthian, which was a magical door to help guard and protect the Vault of Souls. We tried opening it for a few days, but then Glaedr remembered that we must say our true names to open it."

"And did it work?" asked Applejack

"That it did. We were truly amazed by the sight, and happy that there is still hope for dragons repopulating. that was where we met Umaroth and the other Eldunari. One of them was a Dragon named Cuaroc. He was an eldunari as well, but was in a guardian statue to protect all the eggs and eldunari, with a sword and shield in it's hands. he was also called the hunter of the Nidhwal and the bane of the urgals."

The others were really amazed to hear a 'stone' dragon, and were also happy that it was not a total loss during the fall. They all greatly amdired the riders and their dragons planning this.

"Those are really smart dragon." said Fluttershy

"We are." said Saphira

"So we asked for the help of the combined power of the Eldunari, and they gladly helped me. We took all of the Eldunari to help us, except for five eldunari so that they can guard the eggs. We left for Uru'baen, then we suddenly forgot the location of the vault of souls once more.

"Why?" asked Spike

"I made a pact with me and Saphira that until Galbatorix has fallen, we should forget about the Rock of Kuthian again for the sake of the eggs."

"Oh, we see your point." said Twilight.

"We finally made it to Uru'baen, and it was time to end the tyranny of Galbatorix. Me, Elva, Arya, and my elven bodyguards, went inside the castle to look for the king. Roran, Islanzadi, Grimrr Halfpaw, Garzhvog, orik, and King Orrin remained with their army fighting in the city. While in the castle, we did run into a series of traps. Blodhgarm, and his other casters were captured, but were alright. Finally, we found the king."

"What was it like?" asked Twilight

"It was like.... it was like something I never would have experienced in my life. At first I was very scared, but then I realized that the Eldunari that was with me could help me defeat him once and for all. Now back in the city, Lord Barst, the general I told you about, was in charge of the defensive operations for the empire. Roran discovered that Barst had an eldunari with him to make him more stronger."

"Wow, so Galbatorix gave him an eldunari so that he can be stronger?" Said Rainbow in amusement.

"Aye. For that, Roran told his troops not to attack him indirectly, for he knew that it would be suicide. Queen Islanzadi fought gallantly, and so did her elven forces, but Islanzadi.... Was not very lucky." He bowed his head on sadness

"She died?" Asked Big Mac

"We're sorry to hear that." Said Fluttershy with sympathy

"Thank you. However, Roran combined all of his strength from the Varden, Elves, Dwarves, Werecats, and Urgals alike. It was not easy, but they all ended Barst's life in the process. Now, back to me, when we finally confronted the king, we all just wanted to end is, but then we could not."

"Why not?" Asked Applejack

"He took a little boy and a girl as hostages, and shields as a warning that if we made any sudden moves against him, he would kill the both, or if we displeased him, He would just kill them on the spot anyway."

Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends gasped with horror, and just added another reason to hate Galbatorix.

"That is so evil!" Fluttershy said in anger

"How could he do that to innocent children?" Rarity exclaimed

"Yeah, if anypony ever did that, they really are a really mean meanie pants!" Pinkie added.

"Hopefully that varmint got what he deserves."

"If anypony would do that. That would be the lowest, lowdown thing they can do." Rainbow added, then pounded her hoofs against one another really hard."

"Now now, please." Said Eragon. "I did give him what he deserved. "Just let me continue then you will know what happens. Now we finally met Shruikan, and it turns out he already didn't like us when he looked down on us. Now Murtagh and Thorn came in, and I demanded that me and the king dueled in honest fights. Galbatorix however, didn't care for any honest fights, and decided to place me against Murtagh in a duel instead."

"Did you win?" Asked Rainbow

"I did. Then, Murtagh turned against Galbatorix broke free from most of his wards. He attacked the king so I can lay the finishing blow of him. However, the king was fast, then retalliated by battling me in my mind. He was trying to force me to surrender to his will, and I thought it was all over for me. However, a is to the eldunari with me, I created an Empathy spell on him to show him his crimes against Alagaesia?"

"Empathy spell. Dd it work?" Asked Twilight

"Not entirely, no. Most of the memories he had were very painful, like one thousand migraines were inside his brain. We fought one another in sword play, and had the opportunity to strike me down, but was in too much pain. Finally, he begged me to stop the spell. I refused then he created a spell called 'Be not!' In the Ancient language. He committed suicide by this spell and attempted to kill us all by him exploding into a large blast. We found Nasuada and the spellcasters who were captured, and I managed to shield all of us, along with the eldunari and my allies. We all survived the explosion."

The others were even more surprised by this. Their mouths were slightly agape that the king did that. They thought it was completely powerful to stop it, but were really happy to hear that the king was dead.

"So, what happened after you killed Galbatorix?" Asked Rainbow Dash

"Well, we found Murtagh and Thorn, who of course survived the explosion. We were both ever so glad that he was free from the king forever, but then he said he needed to let his rage and Anger die down. He and Thorn also asked forgiveness from Glaedr for killing Oromis. Glaedr said he could never forgive him for what he did, but he understood that it was Galbatorix that killed him, and at they would make a true dragon and rider in blood. Before we left, I told him that if he was calm again, I told him to come find us and that we would have a home for him to stay in for the future riders to come."

"That's very sweet of you." Said Fluttershy proudly. "What did he say?"

"He said that he will as a promise."

Do you ever think he will come here someday?" Asked Twilight

"To be honest." Eragon said with a sigh. "I don't know. So before he and Thorn departed. We acknowledged ourselves as brothers."

"Aww." They all said.

"Oh yes, the green egg. Arya took it and it hatched for her."

"I knew it!" Said Rainbow!"

"Rainbow." Twilight scolded

"So Arya is the new dragon rider?" Asked Big Mac

"Yes. The Eragon's name was-"

"Firnen!" Spike blurted

"How did you know I was going to say that?" Asked Eragon

"Well, please don't be mad at Saphira, but she told me the Eragon's name." Spike replied, worried that he might get Saphira in trouble

Spike gave him a smile. "Oh don't worry. I am not mad at Saphira. Now after the battle, I decided to stay in Alagaesia for six months before me and Saphira departed. Roran became an Earl and lived happily with Katrina and their baby girl. Grimrr Halfpaw got that special throne as he requested that Nasuada promised him. Arya became the new queen of the elves, and the sword Tamerlein, the one that I first tried before Brisingr, was given to her and reformed to better fit her by Rhunom. Nar Garzhvog and the urgals in his tribe were in now better relations with the rest of Alagaesia now. I got to even be apart of a ritual in the tribe. Firnen and Saphira met eachother, and the. Grew to really like eachother. Firnen became Saphira's mate, and then...... How should I say this?..... Interacted and produced a number of eggs."

"Wow. How big was he?" Asked Fluttershy

"He was still a hatchling, but was a little smaller than Saphira of course, like many months after she was born. I also created a new bond of riders where Dwarves and a urgals can be included in the pact so they can have dragon eggs, one for the dwarves and the other one for the urgals."

"How wonderful, now there can be two more races of dragon rider as well." Said Discord.

"Indeed. Firnen was an amazing dragon who had a really happy mind and had a deeper voice than Thorn, Glaedr, or even Shruikan."

"Wow." His friends all said.

"Wait, did Arya have a rider sword too?" Asked Twilight with a thought.

"Oh yes. Rhunon, the blacksmith elf reformed Tamerlein, the green sword that I tried before Brisingr, and mad it to a better fit for Arya."

"Oh, that's cool." Said Rainbow Dash.

Then his face was saddened all of a sudden. "However. I had to....." He looked away. "Leave Alagaesia forever and started a new life. Me and Arya were becoming closer than ever and..... I had to leave all that behind me." Now his throat became a little broken. "I could hear Roran's below in agony the last time we saw eachother."

"Oh Eragon." Said Twilight with great sympathy. We're so sorry."

"Yes darling. Don't be sad. We don't like to see you like this."

Now even Rainbow Dash was shedding a tear, but hid it to prove she was so-called manly. "It's all good." She said to herself.

Then Eragon quietly broke down into tears. "I just need to be alone." Then he headed upstairs

Twilight and her friends looked at eachother with concern and sadness. "Poor Eragon." Said Fluttershy. "Having to leave all of that behind."

"I know." Said Applejack. "I remembered when I went away from my family, except I never had to.... Stay away from them." Big Mac gave her a hug for comfort

"Thank you all for your kindness." Said Saphira. "But I think you should leave just for Eragon's sake."

"You're right." Said Spike. "Come on, let's go." Then they all sadly left the house and let Eragon be in his misery.

Discord looked upstairs and also had a look of sympathy for Eragon. He was the last one who went out, and then closed the door gently then walked with Fluttershy for a cup of tea

Ghost of Ajihad

Eragon was still a little depressed about leaving Alagaesia for eternity when he told his new friends what happened during that, and how he "unintentionally" killed the fallen king. Oh how he wished he can just go back and see everyone again, all his friends and family. Sadly, he knew he could not. He gave a little sigh of sadness.

"How are you pulling through, Eragon?" Asked Saphira.

"Feeling a little better." Eragon replied. "Saphira, I know I just need to except this fate, but I still miss all of Alagaesia, as much as you do."

"I know, Eragon. I know." Saphira replied. "I just want you to realize that we are never alone."

"Yes. I know." Eragon sighed. "I just need to accept this. I am sure that it will be a bright future and we could be the grand protectors of all of Equestria, but I just wish that there would be some way that I can just see all of my loved ones, one last time."

"No need to be said, little one. Everything will be alright. you remember the idea of sending a message to Nasuada about bringing any younglings, or any races with any age of Alagaesia to Equestria to see if they have th destiny to become a rider?"

"Of course I do. I just do not want to bring any of them for to have their dreams crushed, or wasted their times."

"Nonsense. They will understand, Eragon. Besides, if there are any dragons that hatched in Alagaesia already, maybe they could give a few of those people of any race a lending paw to arrive faster than arriving on a slow invention of a ship."

Eragon was silent, but then after a minute, he said. "You're right. I am sorry."

"No need to apologize." Said Saphira. "When you feel like the time is right, create the letter and use any fast bird to use for home to Nasuada, or the leaders of the other races."

"Right." Said Eragon with a nod. He got up and went back outside, seeing th e townsfolk being happy as they can be, as usual. He gave a little sigh, and walked through the pathway, many buildings coming and going as he passed. While strolling through the town, he was thinking many things over in his head, and how he came all this way, thinking that time went by fast during his times of freeing Alagaesia from Galbatorix.

He sat on a bench to take a small rest from his strolling. "I wonder if Princess Celestia and Luna would not mind if there would any dragon riders here on their kingdom." He thought. "They did say they would be alright with the idea, but I don't want them to be very afraid of it."

"They might be afraid, but they did not say they won't stop you from rebuilding the order here, didn't they?" Saphira said in a distance

"Of course." Eragon got up from his bench, and looked at his surroundings. He decided to go to another part of town where it would be quiet so that he can think about the letter. He finally found a place really quiet with rarely a pony in sight in his eyes. "I could build a temple, or cathedral for riders to train in, like in Doru Araeba." He thought. "Bah, it would be hard work to build, maybe years to complete, longer than the Star Sapphire even." Eragon wouldn't have to worry about that now, because he hasn't really started rebuilding the riders just yet. Then he thought of trying to find a more calm place to think things over, and feel more free. "Saphira, I'm am just heading to the outskirts for a little while, alright?"

"Very well, Eragon." Saphira replied after a brief pause. "If there is Ny trouble, you know how to summon me."

"Right." Then Eragon went out of town and looked around the fields to meditate in, or soothe his mind. Of course,must as he suspected, he was still in a little bit of a conflict within him. "I do not know about this." He thought

"Hello, Eragon." Said a voice that sounded familiar. Eragon jumped, and turned around with Brisngr in his hand. He was stunned to see a black-skinned man with a pure bald head and small robes around him, with a sword in a scabbard on his waste. "It is so good to see you again, Shadeslayer." He said

"A-Ajihad?" Said Eragon in disbelief.

"Yes, boy. It is me. Surprised?

"Well- yes, actually." Eragon said in an awkward position. "It... It is you."

"Please stay your blade." Ajihad said calmly.

Eragon slowly put Brisingr away and then realized it is him. "It is you, Ajihad. Oh his happy i a, to see you, but.... Why are you here?"

"I'm here because you are here, Eragon. I have been watching your great accomplishments, and how you freed Alagaesia at last. You did it, Eragon. You did what I could not."

"Thank you, sir." Eragon replied. "Nasuada is doing an excellent job leading the Varden for you, and now she is high queen of Alagaesia."

"Oh yes. I have been watching her all this time. No matter what she does, she will always make me proud, like how I am proud of you." Ajihad said, very proudly. There was a little bit of a brief pause again until Ajihad said "you look more elven than the last time I saw you. Hahahahaha." He laughed

Eragon chuckled. "Half elf. I still have human blood within my veins. I feel like what au was meant to become. I have the Blood Elf Celebration to thank for giving me this gift."

"Aye. So do I, boy." Then he noticed a frown of Eragon's face. Then his face turned into a frown too. "Something is troubling you, Shadeslayer." He said "what is the matter?"

Eragon sighed. "Ajihad, I am sure you might be familiar with Equestria, and I think that ponies might not be dragon riders. I was thinking about sending a letter to your daughter and asking her, and the leaders of the other races if they could bring anyone that wants to become a dragon rider here to Equestria. The problem is, will it work out alright? Or will it end in fiasco? I do not have any training ground for the riders yet."

"Let's not give up hope, Eragon." Said Ajihad. "You and your followers that traveled with you have still just began to settle in Equestria. Just plan on how you will send the letter to my child or the other rulers to lend you a hand in rebuilding the riders. I have seen princess Celestia and Luna in my afterlife, and they seem like a very trustworthy pair of rulers, nothing like e fallen king."

Eragon slightly smiled. "I know."

"Come with me." Eragon followed Ajihad to a knoll where they both saw Ponyville below them. "These creatures would give the riders a great welcome. This world would be a perfect place without any conflicts at all."

"What... Are you trying to say?" Eragon asked, not really understanding this.

"This will be a good home for you Eragon. This will be a good place for you and the future riders to live. What I am also trying to tell you is that these events would take some time."

"I know. You're right. I should probably think about where this sanctuary will be at, and how I will write the letter."

"There you have it." Said Ajihad proudly.

"You're right." Eragon said becoming more confident. "I promise I will not fail you."

Ajihad's smile grew wider, proud of him. "That is the kind of attitude I want to hear, Eragon." He said. "You will make a perfect leader of the future riders. Your father woukd be proud of you, like i am."

Eragon felt really touched by the fallen leader's noble words. "Thank you, Ajihad. " he said.

"Remember, I will always guide you. Always." Then he started to fade. This time, Eragon wasn't really scared and didn't panic like when he saw Garrow at Applejack's farm.

"Goodbye, Ajihad." He said when Ajihad faded into nothingness like a ghost. Now he was physically alone again, and looked on over at Ponyville again.

"Eragon?" Said another voice from behind him. He turned around with a startle and saw Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends with them

"Ugh, please don't sneak up on me like that." He said with little annoyance in his voice.

"Sorry. Our sincere apologies, darling." Said Rarity. "But we just wanted to see if you were feeling better."

"Yeah, we were Sooooo worried about you" Pinkie added.

"Oh yes. We were. I just hope we are not bothering you at least." Said Fluttershy. "So, are you okay?"

There was a brief pause but Eragon finally said. "Yes. I'm just fine. I just.... needed to think some things over. That's all." he looked over at Ponyville again

"Are you sure?" Spike asked

"Of course I am." He looked back at his friends once more. "You know, Twilight, I think I should write that letter to Nasuada in request to bring any human, elf, dwarf, or Urgal here to Equestria to become a dragon rider if then really dream of it. However.... Would any of the residents of Canterlot, Ponyville, or all of Equestria be deathly afraid of us?"

Twilight, Rainbow, and their friends looked at eachother, thinking that his question was a really good one

Finally, twilight replied "well, of course they would all be scared at first, but they will all like you sometime once they all get to know you all."

"Yeah, Alagaesia's cool dragons are nothing like those greedy monsters called dragons." Said Rainbow

"Hey!" Spike said

"Oh no offense, Spike." Said Rainbow with an awkward smile.

"Very well. Perhaps I could write the letter. Will you just promise me that you can all build friendly relations between the riders and ponies alike?"

"Of course," said Fluttershy. "We will do what we can to help you with that."

"Darn right." Said Applejack. "We'll try to makes both sides feel very comfy with eachother as possible."

"We'll do everything we can to help you, Eragon." Said Big Mac nobly.

"Thank you all." Said Eragon. "Well, I might as well get the letter started to Nasuada. Now, do you promise that you will be perfectly alright with any dragons riders of all races in Equestria?"

"We promise." They all replied to him back.

"Good." Then Eragon went back home to create his letter.

Eragon wasn't his study table, trying to think about what to say to Nasuada respectfully now that she is Alagaesia's new queen. It took quite a while because he was very nervous and a little stuck. Finally, he finally realizes what he should say. He placed his own over his scroll of paper and written:

Dear Queen Nasuada

I am so glad that we have spoken to eachother again in a month, starting with this letter to you. Why am I sending this to you you ask? Well, I would like to say after one full thirty days of sailing to the unknown, I think we have finally found a perfect home for we dragon riders of the future generations to thrive n to continue the dragon rider legacy. The problem is that it only has a race of colorful ponies as the dominant species, and I have a feeling that these unusual yer beautiful creatures will not be dragon riders. So call me certifiable for this if you must, but I would like go request if you can send a letter to Garzhvog, Arya, Orik, and King Orrin to bring anyone from any race that would want to become a shurt'ugal here to the land of Equestria so that we can see if they can become what they want to be. I would also like to request that If placing them all on boats would be a labor, do you think that if any dragon eggs back home have already hatched and big enough, would bring them here more fast-like. I just really hope that this isn't too much to ask of me.

Eragon Shadeslayer

He folded the scroll and went outside his house, seeing Fluttershy with a peregrine falcon on her back.

"Alright, Fluttershy. Is Perry ready?"

"Oh yes. He is." Fluttershy replied. "She looked at the falcon on her. "Are you ready Perry." The falcon chirped a yes in response. "Wonderful."

Eragon gave his scroll to Perry and the bird began to flutter while carrying the scroll with his talons, then flew off in the speed of light to Alagaesia, hopefully to give Nasuada Eragon's scroll.

Plans for the Future Riders

The next day in Ponyville, Eragon was walking through town looking for anything to pass the time while waiting for his letter from Nasuada, or maybe even the leaders of the other races from Alagaesia to respond to him. He looked at his surroundings, seeing many of the citizens being happy in their lives. First he saw Rosemary and her friends tending to her garden of flowers, next, he saw Snips and Snails arguing to see which flavor of ice cream was better: vanilla for Snips and Chocolate for Snails. Eragon smirked and just continued walking through the path. He was a little distracted to even notice Derpy flying around and doing her mail jobs. She, was not looking forward either, and she accidentally bumped to Eragon, both of them falling to the ground

"Ow. My head." Said Eragon recovering

"Eragon! Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I didn't see yoy there." Said Derpy. "I was just busy passing letters and doing my duties as a mail pony."

"It's alright, Derpy." Said Eragon quietly. "It was an accident. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, never better." Derpy replied while her lazy eyes were moving to and fro. "Where are you going too?" She asked curiously in a cute dimwitted voice.

"Oh i am just taking a little stroll through this town. That is pretty much all. What about you, Derpy? How are your deliveries coming for your job, Derpy?"

"Uhhhhh doing pretty good. Just need to fill out a couple more today. Speaking of which, I need to place them in some mail boxes." She hovered off the ground. "See you around, Eragon."

"See you later, Derpy." Eragon politely replied to her. Then she flew off through the sky to resume her mail duties. "Oh damn! I forgot to ask her about dragon riders moving to Equestria." He cursed to himself. "Oh well. It was probably for the best." He began to feel more calm and continued walking through town.

He remembered himself saying to Nasuada in the letter he sent to her, saying for the riders back home to not go around and eat any ponies or the other talking inhabitants as their food. He felt a little more comfortable saying it to Nasuada, but he still worried that since the hatched dragons are still young, they might have their instincts get the best of them and go on a rampage, or of playing a game, they might lose their control over their strength.

His thoughts were once again halted when he heard another female voice. "Hey, Eragon." The voice said. Trying to be nice to him. It was Lyra and her best friend Bon Bon.

"Oh, hello Lyra. Hello Bon Bon." Eragon replied as soon as he stopped to talk to them. "What can I do you both for?"

"We hope we are not bothering you, are we?" Asked Bon

"Oh no no, of course not. You both saved me the trouble of being a little bored walking through the town." He nixed.

"Good." Said Lyra.

"Actually, now that you are both here, I want to ask you both a question."

"What is it?" Asked Lyra

"Yeah what?" Bon Bon added.

Eragon sighed and calmly said "I written and sent a message to high queen Nasuada back home in Alagaesia. It was about rebuilding the dragon riders here in Equestria. To bring a number of any race from there to here. By boat or by dragon, they would come here and behold the eggs and see of they are dragon riders that they would dreamed of."

"Oh yeah. Twilight, Rainbow, and the others told us about that." Said Lyra. "What about it?"

"Well..... How would you feel if there would be new dragons living here? What would you think if there would be a new temple for the riders to train and rebuild before Galbatorix and the Forsworn wiped the, all out?"

The two best friends were silent and looked at eachother. Finally Bon Bon answered "well, they also told us that dragons from Alagaesia are like dragons here. Oh, minus Spike, of course."


"Yeah, Spike is a really good dragon with a really soft heart." Lyra added. "The poin is that, if these dragons are like Saphira, and not eat us for dinner of course, then that's fine with us. Right Bon Bon?"

"Right. So we will be alright with it and we won't have a problem."

"Right. Exactly what she said." Said Lyra

Eragon smiled "that's wonderful."

"Yes. Indeed." Said Glaedr through the mares minds.

The two gave a little jump of surprise.

"Who said that?" Said Bon Bon in Lyra's arms

"Oh, did the others tell you about Glaedr?" Asked Eragon. He pulled out the eldunari to show the best friends in their eyes.

"Oh, is that the gem where ummm dragons sleep in?" Asked Lyra

"That's where they go when they die." Eragon corrected. "Come, let's have a seat and we'll talk about it."

"Okay." Said the two in unison. They both followed Eragon to a bench for a place to sit in a comfortable spot.

"When they sat, Eragon said "now, you can talk to Glaedr in this gem with your mind. Go on, try it."

The two tried to focus their thoughts on the gem "hello?" Said Lyra. "Ummm, anypony there?" She waited for an answer for a few long seconds as did her best friend

"Glaedr?" Said Bon Bon

"Hello there." Said Glaedr. "Do not be afraid. I am Glaedr."

"Oh, well nice to meet you, Glaedr." Said Lyra in a more happy voice. "So, were you a yellow dragon when you were alive? Or were you a golden dragon?"

"You could say that I was yellow, or say that I was gold, they both have the same color idea. All dragons come in different colors you know."

"Yeah, we know." Said Bon Bon. "How did you, Eragon, and Saphira meet?"

"It is a fascinating and yet very long tale. Not to mention tragic." Glaedr replied

"Oh. I see." Said Lyra. "Well, it was nice talking to you, then."


"It was a pleasure talking to you mares too." Glaedr replied.

"Okay. We're done." Lyra said to Eragon. The rider gently out the eldunari away, back in his sack on his back.

"So, are you sure you would be alright with dragon riders in Equestria?"

"Yeah. I would be alright with it." Lyra answered

"Totally." Bon Bon added

"Good. Well, see you both soon." Eragon got off the bench and waved at the best friends while he was walking through the town again

"Bye." Said the two in unison, then they both walked through Ponyville in a different direction.

Eragon decoded that be was done with his little stroll and decided to go back home. While there, with Saphira napping, he saw Blodhgarm and a few of his other spellcasting bodyguards walking with him. "Blodhgarm." He called to him

"Yes, Shadeslayer, what is it?" Said Blodhgarm in his smooth voice.

"May I speak with you?" Asked Eragon

"About what exaxtly?"

"You remembered that letter I sent to Alagaesia to Nasuada?

"Yes? What about it?"

"Do you think that this place would be a good home for the future riders?"

Blodhgarm, like Lyra and Bon Bon, was also silent in a brief pause. "Well Eragon. I do not know what to think about this little scheme of yours. It could work, or maybe not. We will do what we can to help these eggs hatch for their riders of choice."

"I know."

"Personally, I do not think it would be a terrible idea. But still, not all people or creatures like dragons." Blodhgarm added.

"I hear that." Eragon thought of Vermund amd his little dwarven clan of cultists against dragon riders that almost killed him when Orik was there. "I Know How that feels."

"It is rather a good thing for princess Celestia and princess Luna to grant us a home when we need one"

"Agreed." Said a spellcaster named Iloza.

"I couldn't agree more." Said another one named Arcana.

"We promise if these ponies, and the riders cannot get along with one another, we will do what we can to help you with any conflicts." Blodhgarm stated.

"Thank you all."

Blodhgarm and the other elves smiled at his kindness. "Of course. We are always at your service, Shadeslayer."

"Where are the others at?" Eragon asked curiously.

"Oh my other companions are out mingling with the inhabitants of the town. Speaking of which, we might as well do the same thing as they are and be friendly to these ponies." Blodhgarm answered

"Oh. I see. Well, good luck with that, Blodhgarm."

"Thank you." The beastly elf then went through the town with the remaining spellcasters following. Eragon went back inside his house and looked at the eggs and eldunari. He worried about them. The question he had is "what would happen to them? Will the eggs hatch? Will the newborn dragons love living in Equestria? What will become of the baby dragons that will hatch in the future?" He also looked at the eldunari and hoped that they will recover from the bonding and forced servitude to Galbatorix when he was still alive.

Umaroth and Glaedr were doing all they can to heal their very souls and recover.

"They will be just fine, Eragon." Said Glaedr. "They are all doing so much better than before know."

"What? Oh, you were reading my thoughts. I forgot about that."


"What about the eggs? What will become of them? Do you think they will hatch for anyone brought to Equestria?"

Glaedr was silent on that question. Finally he answered "well, you remember what Brom and Oromis taught you about the eggs."

"I know. They will wait forever to hatch for their rider of choice if they all have too." Eragon said, knowing the answer from his dragon master. "You're right, mentor, I shouldn't worry too much. I'll just have to wait and see what happens when Nasuada finally replies to my message in a day or two."

"Right you are, youngling." Said Glaedr proudly. "It all just takes a number of time."

"Right." Eragon looked at the eggs and eldunari again, still a little worried about all of them. "Glaedr speaks right, young one." Umaroth added. "They will be alright."

"Very well, Ebrithil." He went back outside and decided to spend a little more time outside of town. While outside, he was looking around the surroundings, and looked for anything in particular that he might want to participate in to ease his over worrying.

He felt a soft touch on his leg, and looked down. "Excuse me, sir." Said a voice that sounded like a little boy's. In face, it was a colt, except a little smaller than many foals in this town, and had a brown and white coat pattern with a brown mane and tail. "Are you.... Eragon?" He asked

"He is so adorable." Eragon thought. "Yes. That is me." Was all he replied to him. "What's your name, little one?"

"The name's Pipsqueak. But you can just call me Pip." The colt replied

"Oh well nice to meet you Pip." Eragon said politely. "What can I do you for?" He gently shook the boy's arm gently, and it felt so small compared to his arm.

"Well, Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle told me about you, and your dragon, Uhhhhh what's her name uh Sapphire?"

"Saphira." Eragon corrected.


"Eragon!" Called another voice. And speaking of the devil, the three girls Pip just mentioned came running up to Eragon and Pip.

They all stopped dead in front of Eragon with cute smiles on their faces. "Hi Eragon!" They all said in unison a little loudly.

"Hello, girls." Eragon replied. :what are you doing here?"

"We haven't talked to you in a while, and just wanted to say hello." Sweetie Belle replied.

"We were also playing with Pup when he suggested that he wanted to meet you." Said Scootaloo.

"And also, we were wondering if you and Saphira would like to come to our school some other time. We would like to see more about your home and maybe play with Saphira while on recess." Said Applebloom

"Hmmmm, what do you say, Saphira?"

"Sure. I guess I can come with you to play with the children." Saphira replied with a chuckle in her mind

Eragon turned back to the four kids and answered "sure. We would love to go."

"Yay!" The kids shouted with glee.

"Well, Pip. Would you like to meet Saphira?" Asked Eragon

Pip looked a little scared at the blue dragon, but no one could blame him. Saphira was large after all. "I don't know." He replied nervously.

"It's okay, Pip." Said Sweetie Belle. "Saphira is Really nice."

"Yeah. She won't eat you." Said Applebloom.

"And totally won't gut you and eat you." Scootaloo added

"Scootaloo, that's not helping." Sweetie scolded.

"Oh sorry."

"Don't worry. You'll be fine." Said Eragon.

Pip gulped and slowly walked towards Saphira, with Eragon behind him to keep him more relaxed and calm. Pip's heart beat a little faster when he got closer to her.

"Hello, little one." Saphira said to him.

"What who said that?" Pip said

"Don't worry. I can speak, just with my thoughts. Try and speak to me with yours, youngling."

Pip concentrated and said telepathically "can you hear me?"

"Yes. Come to me."

Pip slowly walked right up to Saphira and he felt her humongous paw gently pulling him go her for comfort. "There. See? You have nothing to fear."

Pip began to feel a little more comfortable around Saphira now, and began to smile. "Thank you for not eating me. I guess."

Saphira chuckled in her mind and replied "of course. You seem like a sweet young boy"

"Oh, I flush." Pip said with his cheeks glowing crimson red.

"Tell me. Are you ticklish?" Asked Saphira

Pip gave. Look of horror, and felt himself being assaulted by Saphira's massive muzzle tickling his belly, making him laugh. The three girls then laughed and join in on the fun. Eragon watched and smiled. He realized he shouldn't have anything to fear for the future riders.

First Quest in Equestria

Eragon was out in the open just outside of town again, practicing his spells, and Saphira with her flying and fire breathing practices. He wondered what Nasuada would reply to him by letter when he finally gets it from her. He didn't worry about it too much, and decided to just carry on with his life in Equestria.

"Saphira, do you really think this will work for the future riders?" Eragon asked while he was taking a break.

"You worry so much" Saphira replied. "It will work. We have known Nasuada for a long time for as long as we can remember. She will understand why you sent her the letter.

"Aye. Guilty as charged. We'll just need to wait and see in the future when she replies." Eragon said in agreement.

"Exactly. Why don't we take a look around this part of Equestria? Being in a peaceful place for a temporary time is sometimes the best solution for reliving or worries." Saphira suggested.

"I know, I heard."

"Meditation also works. Remember when Oromis and I taught you how calm and peaceful a rider can be in meditation?" Glaedr suggested.

"That would also work." Eragon said. "Why am I so worried about this?" He sat on a rock to think. "Twilight, Rainbow, and our new friends would be more than welcome to build a new sanctuary for us dragon riders. Even Princess Celestia and Luna said it would be alright."

"They did."

"Perhaps I should see more wondrous areas of Equestria and see what there is on this beautiful piece of land."

"Climb on my back and we will be off, youngling." Said Saphira, bending herself down for Eragon to get on her saddle more easier. Then they went off into the beautiful blue Equestria sky. There was so many fascinating landmarks and sites as the eyes of Eragon and Saphira can both see.

"Skublakas ven." Eragon murmured. His vision became like a Eragon's eyes and he zoomed in on the view on the ground. So many peaceful and happy activities from below like a group of deer running on the fields, prancing with glee. Despite many different animals being a little afraid because of Saphira, they were all happy, and did many things that animals would do.

They both saw Danger Pig where Saphira and a rainbow had a friendly race together, despite a few setbacks like the giant eels popping out of their holes so they can eat them for lunch, but still.

When hey went a little farther away from Ponyville, they spotted some areas that looked a little rocky like they were badlands of some kind. "Saphira, should we land here?" Eragon asked her.

"Yes." Saphira gently swooped down flew slower when she fluttered her massive wings and softly landed on the soil.

Eragon mounted off of her fellow comrade and looked around his horizons. "This is a little... Peculiar to me." He thought

"It reminds of of the outskirts of the Hadarac desert."

"My thoughts exactly, Saphira." He looked around for a temporary resting place to sit on to pass the time while he is sightseeing. He finally found a flat rock perfectly fit for his hindquarters to sit on. Saphira then followed him with small thumping on the ground from the footsteps she made, leaving footprints on the soil.

He looked at Saphira with a small smile. Saphira looked at it, and asked him "is something wrong, Eragon?"

Eragon looked away, realizing that he was making her feel a little uncomfortable. "Nothing. Nothing at all."he replied. He slowly looked at her again. "I was just thinking about the really good memories we had together from the first day we met when you hatched from your egg."

Saphira smiled. "Oh. I see."

"Don't you just wish we can go back and recount those memories when you first hatched for me? Or when I defeated Durza?"

"Aye. But not even Dragon Riders can change the past, Eragon."

"Of course. I didn't say change the past." Eragon remarked with a chuckle. "I just thought it would be nice if we can actually go back in time."

"I concur." Said Saphira. "But we had our own bad and wrote days too."

Eragon sighed. "Yes. I know." He thought of the times when Garrow, Brom, Oromis, and Glaedr dying and Murtagh being forced to turn against his own half brother because of the fallen king. But he knew what's done is done. "But we should never let them get the best of ourselves."

"Of course we shouldn't." Said Glaedr.

"It can be a great distraction to all of us if we filter those negative thoughts inside our minds." Umaroth added.

"Indeed, Ebrithil." Said Eragon. He looked at his closest friend again. "Saphira, do yoy think Roran And Katrina are really happy in Alagaesia as Earls?"

"Of course they are." Said Saphira.

"Even though..... even though I can never go back home?"

"Oh, Eragon. I miss all of our loved ones too." Said Saphira. "I still gravely miss Firnen and Nasuada and all of our close friends and allies."

"I know I just need to face that life is not fair most of times, it is still difficult for me to accept." Eragon stated.

"I can relate." Said Saphira.

"Remember young one, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and the others from Ponyville will be there for you." Glaedr added

Eragon smiled. "I know. I just need to look at the beautiful pieces of Equestria to hopefully calm myself."

"Me too." Said Saphira

Eragon continued sitting and Saphira decided to lay down on the soil as her own personal resting place. He looked at the sky and saw many clouds. He pictured what they reminded him of, and finally, one really caught his attention. His eyes were wide with amazement when he saw a cloud that had Arya's face on it, and then it slowly separated to smaller clouds. "Arya." He thought in his mind. He really missed her most of all out of his friends and family. He wished that their relationship would last longer.

"Hey you!" Said a voice that sounded like a gruff voice mixed with a rather funny type of voice of an alien, except no monotone.

Eragon turned around when he sat up amd saw three unusual wolf or dog-like creatures. "What the hell are they?" He thought. By the looks of how they were looking at him and greeting him, they were the opposite of friendly. "What the hell are you?" He said to them

"We are diamond dogs." The medium-sized leader said. "Now may I ask you the same thing?"

"I am a dragon rider." He replied. He then unsheathed Brisingr from it's scabbard and pointed I at the three creatures. "What do you want from me?" He questioned all three of them

"You are trespassing on our territory, so leave before we have trouble, monkey." The leader replied in a threatening voice.

"We mean you no trouble." Eragon said to them. "We were just looking around and sightseeing."

"Well go sightsee somewhere else!" The larger one said impatiently.

"Unless you want to be our personal slave finding unlimited amounts of gems for us." The leader added.

"Don't you bastards try anything." Eragon threatened. "She won't let you."

Saphira got up and looked at the three dogs with a menacing look to frighten them and it worked. Then, she blew a cloud of fire in the sky, and the three monsters were shaking. "Alright fine, just get out of here!" The leader said "just don't make her eat us."

Eragon made a sly smile. "Good." He said. Saphira smiled at seeing their priceless puppy dog faces, wanting to scare them again. "Come along, Saphira, let's look someplace else."

"And don't come back!" The smallest of the three Diamond Dogs called to them in a distance as soon as thy were both fading from their visions.

"Those so-called dogs are such cowards, aren't they?" Saphira said

Eragon chuckled "aye. When they got a good look at your breath, they were cowering in an instant." He looked back at the vanishing badlands. "You don't think they will be a problem to us, will they?"

"Of course not, youngling. They are too deathly afraid of me."

"Aye, I suppose. Anywho, see anywhere very interesting?" Eragon asked

It was a little silent before Saphira answered "Nothing in peculiar in my visions. How about you?"

"Hmmmm, Skublakas Ven." Eragon's vision became enhanced by the spell again and was zooming in on the ground below him and Saphira for anything very amazing ot interesting to look at. Finally, he saw something very unusual that he wouldn't think would actually exist: a cliffside with streams and waterfalls that have..... rainbows? "Oh my god. Look at this, Saphira." He pointed to her

"Rainbow waterfalls?" Said Saphira. "That is most unusual."

"I know, I have seen rainbows before but never like this." Saphira landed on the large floating pieces of earth. They both looked at the colorful flowing waters in the small rivers and streams. at first, Eragon thought that it was just euphoria rushing through his brain for o reason, but when he grabbed a scoop of water, he knew that it was all too real. The water was cold and felt really icy.

Eragon's curiosity got the best of him when he dipped a small portion of his tongue in the colorful water in the palms of his hands. "No!" Saphira exclaimed in his head. "That could be poisonous or toxic."

"Oh come now, Saphira. I'll be fine. Besides, you know I can cure myself with magic if I was poisoned, remember."

"I suppose." Said Saphira reluctant about this idea still.

Eragon then dipped more of his tongue in the rainbow water and waited for the taste. He felt something tingling inside his mouth and felt like something a little spicy, but the flavors were indescribable to him. It was like a candy with more than one flavor in them. "This has so much spice." He said

"Are you alright, Eragon?" Saphira asked him

"Of course. I don't feel poisoned. I feel...... alright." Then he put the remaining rainbow water back on the stream splashing small puddles from the impact. "I wonder what this landmark is called."

"Perhaps we should ask the others back in Ponyville when we get the chance."

"Of course. Perhaps we should just head back to Ponyville and settle for a while." Eragon remarked. "Come on, let's go." He mounted on Saphira again and then she flew off back to town.


In town, Saphira landed near Eragon's new house as usual, and Eragon himself was about to set foot in his house when he heard someone call his name. "Eragon, wait up!" It yelled

He looked back and saw Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends with them.

"Eragon, there you are, we were looking for you." Spike said. He pulled out a scroll from behind his back with a red ribbon in the center. "Celestia sent you a letter."

"A letter?" Eragon said in question. "Am I in any trouble?"

"Oh no, no. Of course not." Twilight replied to him. "She wants to talk to you."

"Oh. Very well then. May i see that note?"

"Here you go." Spike gave him the letter and Eragon unrolled the tied red ribbon on top of it. It was not a long scroll but it was semi-long to say the least

Dear Eragon

I am in need of your presence immediately. I have a little... problem with a hydra that might threaten Ponyville and is already a problem in Appleloosa. And yes, I am in need of Saphira's help as well. Please come to my castle in Canterlot and meet with me and my sister.

Princess Celestia

"Hydra?" Eragon said.

"It's a long explanation. It's.... it's like a dragon with no wings and has many heads." Twilight said in answer.

"Well, if it is from Celestia then it must be serious." Eragon informed

"Oh it is if it is that serious and drastic." said Fluttershy

"Anything is important from Celestia and Luna!" Pinkie blurted with a small prance.

"Well, why don't you come along with me so that we can do this together?" Eragon asked

"We would like too, but Celestia didn't call for us." Applejack said. "She just mentioned you and Saphira only."

"Right, I understand. Well, me and Saphira will do all we can to help you in this little problem." Eragon said. "I promise for all of Equestria I will smite this beast."

"Wonderful. It is so good to have you and Saphira in Equestria, Eragon." said Fluttershy.

Eragon smiled. "Thank you all." he said to all of them. They all smiled at him in return. "Well, you heard the princess. Let's go, Saphira." Once again she bent down so that Eragon can climb on her saddle. Before he went, he said to all of them "I will be back in a little while."

"Okay, Eragon. Go take care of that ruffian Hydra." said Rarity.

"I will." then off they went to Canterlot Castle in the capital.

"You know, Twilight, maybe having dragon riders in Equestria isn't such a bad thing after all." said Applejack

"Yeah, they defeated an evil king, shades, and other monsters. It would be so awesome." Rainbow suggested

"Alagaesia's dragons are more intelligent and not greedy than our dragons. Oh! except you Spike, you're a sweet little angel." Fluttershy said.

"Oh don't worry. It's cool." Spike said to her in return with no offense taken. they all watched as Eragon and Saphira were fading away from their visions as they flew to the capital once again.

Saphira hovered over the castle garden where she previously landed before and Eragon dismounted her. The guards noticed Eragon and recognized who he was in an instant. "Ah, Eragon. The princess' were expecting your arrival." one of them said

"Good." Eragon said.

the guards stepped aside and Eragon set foot back in the castle. It has been a little while since he entered the majestic palace that belonged to the co-rulers of all of Equestria. The interior never ceased to amaze him, and wished that Nasuada's new castle in Ilirea would be as beautiful as this.

While walking, he would look at the stain glass mosaic windows that were shining from the sun's reflection from outside.

It was a Long way up, but a eragon finally made it to the throne room. His legs were tired and a little sore from all the climbing on the stairs, but he just ignored it because he knew it was an extremely important emergency. He didn't know what a Hydra was exactly, and never seen one, but thought that it should not be a problem for him with Saphira thanks to the magic and strength and knowledge on their sides.

The doors slowly opened and creaked as it revealed the throne room with Celestia snd Luna side by side on the opposite end of the red carpet. Eragon walked all the way to the end and stopped, then bowed to the glorious leaders.

"Ah, Eragon. So glad you are here." Said Celestia

"Yes. We really need your help." Luna added

"Hello, your majesties. It is marvelous to see you again." Eragon addressed to them, still bowing. "You requested my presence because of this..... 'Hydra' beast?"

"Yes. We did." Celestia answered. "It is threatening the town of Appleloosa and we need your help to take him down."

"The sheriff and the inhabitants are trying their best to fend it off, but alas, they are not strong enough, even with their combined strangths."

"I see. What should I know about the hydra? How do I kill it?"

"Well, the most important rule is to never decaoitate it." Luna replied. "Because if you cut off one hydra head, then two more grow back out of neck."

"I see that now. So what is the most simple way to stop it?"

"You need to aim at it's chest deep enough to penetrate the heart." Celestia instructed.

"Perfect. Do not worry, your majesties, I will take care of the monster for you. Although I am a little concerned: why don't Twilight, and the others come with me to defeat it?"

"I am afraid with even their combined power without the rainbow power to take it down, it is not enough. Besides, you have a magical sword with a great talent to cleanse any bad obstacles." Celestia noted

"Guilty as charged." Eragon grasped the hilt of Brisngr. "Very well, your majesties. Me and Sahira will take care of him for you."

"Careful, Eragon." Said Luna. "This foul monstrosity is larger than Saphira is."

"Nt to worry." Eragon stated. "Hydras do not posses magic."

"Right. Be careful Eragon, and report back to us when you took care of it." Said Celestia.

"Very well, your majesties. I will be cautious about this." Then he went out the door with the two allicorns watching him proudly. He went back outside and flew with Saphira to Appleloosa.

In the desert lands of Equestria, there were many plants and cactuses. Many rocky mountains were spread across the landscape in the background. It reminded Eragon and Saphira if the badlands outside of Helgrind when they rescued Katrina and Sloan from the Ra'zac, or the Hadarac desert that didn't have as much life or plants compared to this desert.

"Please be on your best Saphira. We must not frighten the inhabitants of Appleloosa." Eragon instructed Saphira.

"I know. I would never dream of such a thing." Said Saphira. "I know better not to go carnivore on all of the ponies. Besides, what I am worries about is them being afraid of us as soon as they get a good look."

"I suppose that is true." said Eragon. "But of we save them from the Hydra and their town, they might not think of us as threats after all."

"Perhaps you are right."

In a diatance, they saw a large yellow reptilian monster that was terrorizing a large town that looked like and old wild west type. It had many snake-like heads, and sharp teeth meant for crushing.

"There it is!" Eragon exclaimed. "Full speed, Saphira." Like he told her, she gave a spurt of extra speed like a falcon. "Remember what princess Luna said." He thought in his mind to himself. "No decapitation, only the chest."

Saphira rushed through a few large necks and the monster locked it's attention on all of it's heads to her. Many other them roared one at a time, and wanted to eat Saphira for dinner. It wasn't exactly colossal size, bit is larger than Saphira. One of the heads charged at Eragon, but he missed as Saphira dodged out of the way just in time. Another head did the same but Eragon impaled it's upper jaw with Brisingr, making it shriek with pain and a small waterfall of blood dripping from it's nose. Now it was even more mad than ever.

Without warning, another head actually hit Saphira this time, and Eragon fell out of the saddle, screaming as he was falling. "Saphira!" He exclaimed in his mind.

Out of desperation, she dove in the speed of light to save his life, but then she realized that Eragon already recovered by piercing the monster with Brisingr, and left a large bloody cut on its chest.

All of the heads howled a deafening tone if pain. They growled as they gritted their teeth with complete rage, and was just about ready to kill Eragon with no hesitation, he stabbed the monster right into its chest. The creature slowly fell dead to the ground that caused a small quake and a loud thud. Saphira grabbed Eragon And She flew on the ground and landed with the townsfolk of Appleloosa looking at what just happened in awe.

Many of them gathered around Eragon and Saphira out of curiosity, and wondered if they were good guys for saving them all from the Hydra.

"Hello, my name is Eragon Shadeslayer." He said to all of them. "You do not need to be afraid of me, OR My dragon, Saphira. Princess Celestia and Luna sent us to take care of it." Then he felt something grab his hand and shook it rapidly.

"Well we can't thank y oh enough for yer brave and courageous thing you did for all of Appleloosa." It was a stallion with a mustache and a badge with red and blue clothes and a cowboy hat. "Pardon me, I am the sheriff of Appleloosa."

"Sherrif?" Eragon asked. He was not really familiar with the word sheriff before in his life.

"Yeah, I am the one who keeps everything mighty around here, and bring bad guys behind bars." He answered

"Oh. I understand."

Some of the other townsfolk walked up to them and were interested in Eragon now. "So tell us." Said a mare. "Where did you come from?"

"Alagaesia." Eragon replied

"Ooooh. Alagaesia." They all said in union.

"Right. Well, i might as well be going back to Ponyville now, and tell the princess' that I took care of that monster."

"Wait wait. You're from Ponyville?" Asked a yellow stallion with a brown vest and brown hat.

"Yes. Why?" Asked Eragon

"Can you please stay here a little longer, stranger, we like you already." The yellow stallion said

They all begged him to stay and talk with some of them and get to know them better. "What do you think, Saphira?"

"Well, I guess we could meet new faces again." Saphira finally replied with a small smile

"Very well. I might as well stay a little longer if that is what you all want." Eragon announced

They all cheered and the ponies gave out a yee-haw While The Bison were just cheering like any other human or animal can cheer like. Then the chief bison walked up and said in a humble voice "NY name is chief Thunderhooves, and I give you welcome to Appleloosa."

"Thank you." Eragon said with a small bow.

"Come with us, boy. Their is so much to talk about." Thunderhooves said

Yeah, boy howdy. We are so lucky to have yoy around these parts." The Sherrif added.

The townsfolk blurted words of agreement and walked with Eragon to town to see if they can meet him better.

Nasuada's Letter has Arrived

Eragon and Saphira were enjoying a rather warm welcome by Braeburn, the sheriff, and all the inhabitants of the Equestrian town of Appleloosa. He was inside the saloon while Saphira was just resting outside being greeted by many ponies, especially children.

"Would you like to see another trick, children?" Saphira asked.

"Yeah." They all exclaimed. The blue dragon smiled at their adorableness and eagerness, and blew another smoke of fire in the sky in the style of a small mushroom cloud.

He had a good treatment in the city, as did Saphira even though she is a dragon. Braeburn, Sheriff Silverstar, and some of the other inhabitants are really liking them both a great deal, even though mostly it was because they both saved the town from that monster.

"Would you care for some more cherries, Eragon?" said a mare named Cherry Jubilee. She brought him a small bowl of cherries for him to snack on just in case he felt like eating some.

"Oh, well, I guess I can have a little more. Thank you so much, ms. Jubilee." Eragon said, grabbing a few more cherries

"Oh you're quite welcome, sweetie." she replied with a smile. "Anytime."

"So, you are a dragon rider where you come from?" asked Braeburn curiously.

"Yes. I am. Don't worry, these dragons are nothing like the ones here, except for Spike in Ponyville."

"I know, ain't he a doll?" asked Cherry.

"Oh yes. Spike is a brilliant young boy." Said chief Thunderhooves in a mighty, wise voice.

Everypony made words of agreement about what she said about Spike.

"Right, well thank you all for your hospitality, but me and Saphira really need to go back to Ponyville. My new friends might be worried about us."

"Aww." They all exclaimed, feeling really bummed about their heroes are leaving. "Oh it's like in the books." Silverstar griped. "Heroes come to save our hides, and then they have to leave."

"Do not worry." Said Eragon. "I will see you all again." He gave them a smile. "I promise."

Then some of the ponies began to smile back at him. By the looks of his face, he wasn't lying and was telling the truth about returning to Appleloosa someday.

"Well, we understand." Said Braeburn. "Oh and Eragon?"


"Can you please tell my cousin Applejack that I said hello when you see her?'

"Of course. I'll tell her the next time I meet her."

"Thank you so much, partner." Said Braeburn with a larger smile. He and the inhabitants seem to be in Eragon's favor as the same thing for Saphira.

"It was wonderful to meet you, Eragon and Saphira." Thunderhooves regarded. "The next time you visit here, you are always more than welcome to visit me and our tribe." The Bison and his friends bowed to him in great respect like a hero.

"Thank you, chief Thunderhooves" said Eragon with a smile.

"Anytime, brother." the bison replied nobly

"Well, I will see you all soon." then Eragon went out the small double sided doors. Many of the townsfolk said "bye" and "so long, partner" to him as he was leaving. "Come on, Saphira. Let's head back to Canterlot and then home."

"Aww." all the children complained. "Must you leave mister Eragon?" said one of them

"Yes. But don't be sad, little ones." he replied to them. "Me and Saphira will return sometime."

"And I will play with you some more. I promise." Saphira added in their minds.

"Okay. Do come back soon, Eragon." said a child.

Eragon smiled at him. "Don't worry. We will." he mounted on his closest companion and said to her in her mind "Okay, let's go." and then they were both off. Turns out that saving Appleoosa was better than they both expected to turn out.

Saphira hovered above Canterlot and landed on the garden once again. Eragon dismounted her and went inside the castle to inform Celestia that the Hydra problem was taken care of.

This time the guards let him in without any questions or hesitation, for they star to recognize him more now.

Eragon then entered the throne room once again, and he bowed to the two princess' as he stopped at the end of the long red carpet. The princess' smiled at him as usual, very happy to see him again. "Your majesties." he said "The Hydra is dead. Me and Saphira have taken care of it, and Appleoosa is safe."

"That's wonderful." said Celestia. "Well done, Eragon." And then she contacted Saphira in her mind. "You did a wonderful job saving Appleoosa, Saphira."

"Thank you, your majesty. I am grateful." said Saphira.

Eragon then stood up again. "You really are a great help to Equestria." said Luna. "We are in your gratitude."

Eragon smiled. "Thank you, princess." he said. "Is there anything else I can be of assistance to you before we head back to Ponyville?"

"No, but thank you for that." Saphira replied motherly. "You can leave now."

"Thank you. See you soon, your majesties."

"Take care, Eragon." Celestia called to him. Then he left the room back to Saphira where she flew off of the garden and she headed back to Ponyville.


Eragon dismounted Saphira and looked around town for anything he might want to do. Then he heard a girl's voice. "Eragon, Saphira!" It called it was Twilight and the others, happy to see him and Saphira and in one piece. They didn't think that he or Saphira could take on a Hydra.

"Eragon, are you alright?" Said Fluttershy. "We were so worried about you."

"Of course I am. The Hydra was..... rather easy for me and Saphira." Eragon replied. "The ponies living in Appleloosa really appreciated me and Saphira's help, and gave us great hospitality, especially from the bison that lived there."

"Really? That's amazing." Said Twilight

"Oh, and Applejack, Braeburn wanted me to tell you hello and his regards to you."

"Oh. Thanks, Eragon. If you see him again, do you think you can do the same thing for me?" Applejack asked. "We are cousins after all."

"Of course, Applejack." Eragon smiled at her.

"Say, we were about to ask you if you wanted to come have lunch with us. So.... would you like to?" Twilight offered.

Eragon thought about the offer and he replied "I suppose i could. That fight with the monster made me starving a little."

They all smiled. "Great! We'll eat at the cafe."

"Pardon me, Shadeslayer." Said a more masculine voice. It was Blodhgarm. "I hopened I am not intruding, but may I ask you to invite me over to lunch?"

"Of course, Blodhgarm. What do you all think?"

"Sure, you can come." Said Rainbow Dash. "We don't mind at all."

"Fine by me." Pinkie said happily with a small jump.

The mutant elf smiled. "Thank you all for your kindness." He said to them.

"Hm-mmm. No problem, dude" said Rainbow with a smirk. Then they all walked to the cafe together. When they arrived, two tables were filled instead of one measly table since nine friends eating together was a crowd. Fluttershy sat with Eragon, Blodhgarm, Spike, Twilight and Rainbow while Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity sat on one table right next to them.

"So did the Hydra give you any drastic wounds, Shadeslayer?" Blodhgarm asked

"No, of course not." He replied. "The monster was nothing compared to the Nidhwal me and Saphira encountered to Vroengard, remember?"

"Oh yes. I remember you telling me that tale."

"Well it sounds like you were strong compared to other warriors that tried to slay it." Spike noted.

"What do you mean?"

"Not alot of warriors could take on a Hydra and lived to tell the tale about it." Said Twilight

"Really? Well that is rather fascinating." Said Eragon. "Me and Saphira encountered many foes and monsters other than that beast near Appleloosa."

"Like the Nidhwal?" Fluttershy asked

"Or Galbatorix?" Pinkie added

"Yes." Eragon chuckled. "Evading the Nidhwal was not easy for me and Saphira, as I said before, they were one of the few creatures capable of killing dragons. As for the king, he was my greatest challenge since he was one of the last riders that survived the fall that he caused."

"If only me and my fellow casters could be there to help you, Shadeslayer." Said Blodhgarm. "Yoy would probably defeated him and Shruikan more quickly and go a little more unscathed during that event." He sounded atitle guilty.

"Do not worry Blodhgarm. What's in the past is done."

"I know. You're right."

"And before the battle with the dark king and his dragon, I was b it a student and a learner, but now I am more knowledgeable when it comes to Dragon riders."

"Yeah, you came such a long way, darling." Said Rarity.

"Despite.... losing some friends, you still pulled through." Rainbow added.

"Exactly. I just need to keep on pushing forward and not let those kind of events bring me down."

"Have you made your decision, master Eragon?" said the butler.

"Yes. I will just have a salad." he replied

"I will have a zesty cucumber sandwich." said Blodhgarm.

"We'll just take dandelion sandwiches." said Twilight.

"yeah, and can I have a side of fries with that?" Spike added

"Of course. On the house." the butler replied then he went to fetch them all their lunch of choice.

"So when do you think Nasuada will give you her letter, Eragon?" asked Rainbow Dash curiously

"I honestly do not know when it will come. It took me and all of my crew a month to reach Equestria, so it might be in a month. Or yet again, it could happen in a week or less. I'll just have to wait and see."

"Well, I hope it would be soon." said Applejack.

"I just hope that everypony would be OK with dragon riders living in Equestria, and so will i." Fluttershy said

"Don't worry, Fluttershy." said Eragon. "The dragons will not eat you or anypony else. I promise." he placed his hand over her hoof. "And if a dragon try and eat you, me and Saphira will put a stop to it."

"Thank you, Eragon."

"You're welcome."

"Well, i am worried that not everypony will like the idea of dragon riders coming to Equestria." Rarity pointed

"You are not wrong, Rarity. There will always be someone that will not like or even hate the idea. Perhaps they just need some time to get used to it."

"I suppose that's true." said Twilight

"I am pretty sure that almost everyone in Equestria would like the idea of dragons from Alagaesia living here." said Blodhgarm. "Twilight, you are still going to try and build a temple or a sanctuary or at least a training ground for the riders, right?"

"Of course. We'll do what we can to help you with that."

"And so will Princess Celestia and Luna." said Pinkie.

"Alright, bon appetite, my friends." said the butler, placing the food on the two tables. Almost all of them ate nonchalantly, except for Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash, who just horked their meals down. Turns out they really must have been hungry, either that, or that is just how Rainbow and Pinkie eat many times, and Spike was the one that was really hungry.

"Did you eat well, Spike?" Twilight asked him

"Yep, why do you ask?"

"Just checking on you." said Twilight with a smile.

"I know. i know."

"I'll pay for it all." said Rarity. She put a small amount of bits on both tables to pay for the food they ate. Then, out of nowhere, the same falcon that Eragon used as a messenger bird to Nasuada finally returned and perched on the table. Perry, had another note on his foot, it had to be from Nasuada.

"Perry, you're back!" Fluttershy exclaimed with glee.

"Guess it took earlier than we expected" Twilight noted,

"Aye" Eragon gently took out the note out of Perry's feet and unscrolled it.

"What does it say?" Asked Rarity

"Let's go into my house and then I will read it out loud to you." Just like that, they all followed him back to his new house. They all sat and Eragon cleared his throat, ready to read what Nasuada wrote him on reply.

Dear Eragon Shadeslayer

It is so wonderful to communicate like this to you in a month since we last saw eachother. I already sent word to Arya, Orik, Garzhvog, and Orrin about what you requested of me. You have not asked me too much of anything, for I would be pleased to help the riders grow. Arya really misses you so much and said that she loved you.

"Awww.." Everypony and Spike said

Eragon felt like shedding a tear about his love, and felt a little so sing in his throat, but ignored it and continued reading.

There are only a number of eggs that hatched for new riders, and only a few are big enough to carry at least one or two people. the egg that was with the urgals has hatched and heard that it is quite a large majestic creature bigger than a normal dragon infant would be. The Urgal rider is named Dervoc and should be arriving in Equestria tomorrow. He just needs to say goodbye to his friends and family before he can come, and maylook for anyone from any race that wants to become a dragon rider, as for the dwarf that became a rider. A few other riders up to ten of them might appear to moron as well for you might want to warn your new equine friends about this. What I have heard, they said they would be more than pleased to go to Alagaesia for you to train. However, the problem is that they feel saddened that they would leave their previous lives behind, not all of them of course, but a large number of them. They might need a little time to say goodbye to their families and friends, and need to think. I hope that you understand why this might take a while. As for the boats with the people who do not have riders, but want to become one, they will trynall they can to get to Equestria as fast as they can. there are already lots of sturdy boats for them to aboard on, but sadly i do not know when they might come to Equestria in particular. i am very sorry. Farewell. May the original riders watch over you and pray for my father.

High Queen and old friend, Nasuada

Then Eragon promptly scrolled the letter back. "Well, this is great." Said Twilight with excitement. "Sounds like new riders might come to Equestria soon."

"We might as well build a sanctuary." Said Applejack. "Or at least new houses for them and their dragons."

"Not so fast." Eragon chuckled. "You heard Nasuada, we need to tell everyone in town and Celestia and Luna about their arrival, remember." Then he was thinking of an idea. "Call a town meeting with the mayor and we will announce it."

"Right!" They all said in unison. They all headed out and spread the word of the future arrival of new a dragon riders coming to their home. Hopefully, they would all be alright with the idea.

I Promise

In the center if Ponyville, everypony has gathered around for a town meeting. The Mane 6, along with Spike and Big Macintosh were helping with the little announcement that Eragon will speak. They all stood on the spots they chose to stand on so they can listen and made themselves comfortable. Inside the convention center, Saphira was watching from outside since she obviously wouldn't fit through the doors. Eragon was pacing to and fro thinking of how to approach this calmly and not make them all panic in an uproar that it could destroy the building.

"Is Everything alright, Eragon?" asked Rarity

He looked, snapping out of his thinking and stopping his pacing. "Of course." he said. "Everything is fine." he looked away, and started thinking deeply again. "I am just a little worried about how everyone in here would react to this."

"Don't worry, Eragon." said Fluttershy. "They might not like it at first, but they will understand. They have seen Saphira before, and they don't think of her as a monster."

"That's true."

"Don't worry, you have nothing to worry about." said Spike

"Everything will be fine, Eragon." said Twilight. "We'll support you all the way."

Eragon smiled. "Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it."

"What are friends for?" said Rainbow.

"Well you better get on out there." said Big mac. "Wouldn't want to keep everypony here for nothing."

"Right." Eragon slowly walked to the pedestal and tapped the microphone. Everypony in the audience. "Excuse me. Is this.... contraption on?" he announced. "Ah, it is." he cleared his throat. "Everyone. I have an announcement to make." he had small butterflies in his stomach but decided to pull through and get it over with. "I sent a leader to the queen of my Home Alagaesia, Nasuada, and.... and..... a number of people from my home are coming here to see if they are dragon riders and if the eggs will hatch for them. Now, do not be alarmed. One race called the urgals might look a little bit... frightening if Twilight and the others have already told you about them, but do not be fooled. They can be gentle giants. And, I am soon going to build a sanctuary with me and the future riders for us to train in."

Some of the ponies murmured to one another. Many others seem to be.... infatuated on the other hoof.

"Now, I just would like to tell you not to be scared or alarmed about the dragon riders coming here to Equestria. You all might have seen Saphira, and she is not a monster."

Many of the audience commented words of agreement to themselves. Yes, they all like Saphira alright.

"So, these dragons that will come here are nothing like the greedy mindless dragons. Oh! except Spike of course. He is nothing like those dragons. they can be very friendly once you get to know them. And they will not eat you, so do not worry. We will be there to make sure these dragons will not go berserk. i already asked the mayor if she could lend us a hand or hoof to build another number of houses for the future riders to live in." the mayor nodded a yes to everypony. "I am asking for all of you to trust in me, just like Twilight, Fluttershy, and these other ponies here do, along with Princess Celestia and Luna. So I thought you would know. Please do not be very bothered by this. Everything will be fine when the dragon riders arrive here. I promise you. Thank you."

then everypony.... applauded for him. Eragon wasn't really expecting that from the audience and maybe expected a panic to arise. However, turns out everything went better than he expected it to be.

"Thank you for helping me my friends, and thank you for letting me arrange the meeting, ms. Mayor."

"Your welcome." they all said

"Of course Eragon." said Mayor Mare.

"We told you there would be nothing to worry about." Said Spike, jabbing his arm gently and playfully.

"Of course."

"Shadeslayer, I must say, I was quite impressed." Said Blodhgarm, with his spellcasters following him on the stage. "We promise you we will try our best to help you."

"Thank you." Eragon said to him. "I just hope that this plan will work out as I think it will be."

"I'm pretty sure it will." Said Twilight. "Don't worry."

"Perhaps. Perhaps I have nothing to worry about it after all."

"Oh! Oh! We should throw all these people a party and welcome them all to Equestria and congratulate them for becoming dragon riders!" Pinkie suggested excitingly.

"Easy there, Pinkie Pie. First thing is first, we have to see if these dragon eggs will hatch for these who might be riders when they first arrive here."

"Rarity's right." Said Applejack. "We just need to give it a little more time, Pinkie."

"You're right." Said Pinkie being more calm, but still having that large smile on his face.

"So, would you like to come get some ice cream with us?" Rainbow asked.

Eragon thought of the first time he had ice cream and the first time he caught brain freeze. Then he remembered what the cakes told him not to eat it too fast, which is the reason why he caught the brain freeze. He smiled and replied "of course."

"Yay!" Pinkie exclaimed they all went to Sugarcube Corner for a treat and celebrate the success of this little announcement.

"So, what do you think the new riders will be like?" Asked Twilight

"To be honest, I really do not know what to think. Of course there is only one way to find out for sure. And for our sake, I hope that they will all like it here in Equestria."

"Oh i'm pretty sure they will, Eragon." Said Applejack. "We promise that we will be the friendliest type of folk to them."

"Damn right." Rainbow agreed. "I bet it would be cool to live near dragons like Saphira."

"Good." Eragon smiled. Then he thought of someone close to him, Murtagh. He remembered the time when before Murtagh and Thorn departed to Ellesmera to calm down from the final battle, Eragon asked them to come find him and Saphira and will have a nice place for them to live in. Murtagh did promise that he will, amd what would he think of Equestria?

"You okay, Eragon?" Asked Fluttershy

"Oh of course. Why?"

"Well you looked a little.... zoned out." Spike explained.

"Well, I was thinking about what Murtagh and Thorn would think of Equestria. I have known Murtagh fo quite a time now, and I have seen what he is like. Maybe Thorn would be more open to all of you, but him....he rather prefers to go his own way."

"Oh that's right. You said that he promised that he would come be with you when he calms down." Said Fluttershy.

"Aye. I did."

"Well, we have not met them, but I am sure they will like us at least." Said Twilight

"Maybe you are right, Twilight. I just need to eat some ice cream to help me not become obsessed over it."

"I suppose you're right."

"Hey, Eragon?" Spike stepped in

"Yes, Spike?"

"I was wondering if.... If i can come with me and Saphira the next time you fly? If that's alright with you?"

"Of course, what for?"

"Well.... I.,.. I want to spend time with Saphira that's all." he said nervously

"Oh. I understand. of course."

"Ooh. I sense a romance coming on with Spikey here." Rainbow teased

Spike's eyes went wide and his cheeks blushed red. "Shut up." he said. "It's not like that. I... It's just that I want to spend time with a dragon other than me, and those bad teenage dragons I stayed with some time ago."

"Come on, Spike. I'm just kidding." said Rainbow, jabbing his arm with her elbow.

"Okay Okay. It's just that.... I feel not alone anymore with Saphira around."

"That's perfectly fine with us, Spike." Rarity said. "As long as it's okay with Saphira."

"Of course I am fine with it, Rarity." She said. "I would be more than happy to be with Spike with us."

Spike smiled at her thought. "Great. Thank you, Saphira."

"Although I do have a question for you Spike." Twilight pointed out


"You know that we are your family and we will always be there for you, right?"

"Oh of course I do, Twilight. I hope you weren't offended about what I said about being alone sometimes."

"Oh no, it's okay, Spike. I understand."

Thank you for caring."

"You're welcome, Spike."

In the distance of town, Eragon and Saphira were continuing their training with Glaedr and Umaroth. This time, Spike was with them just as he asked them both.

"Woohoo! Nice job, Eragon!" Spike applauded after he sliced through one of his dummies with Brisingr.

"Thank you, Spike." Eragon said. Nonchalantly, he sliced as much practice dummies as much as he can strike at. Brom would be really proud of him if he was still alive with him.

"Eragon is such a natural with that sword." Saphira said to the baby dragon

"He is. So... Are you sure you do not mind my being here with you guys?"

"Of course I do not mind. I really like you, Spike. Eragon does too, and we do not mind a little extra company."


It was a little silent for a moment and got to a point where it was a little awkward between the two. "I wanted to thank you for helping out Eragon with that meeting he just had with everyone."

"Oh of course. Anything for a friend."

"Right. Friendship seems to be more stronger in Equestria than it is in Alagaesia. Sure there are bonds similar to the ones we have experienced here, but not as strong."

"Friendship is the key to a lot of things." Spike pointed

"Right." It was a little silent again before Saphira finally said "would you like to me to take you for a little flying soon?"

"Sure. I would love too. I'll be careful that I do not fall."

"Do not worry, I will make sure of that, and I will make sure I don't soar so high that you wouldn't be able to breathe."

"Okay, good." He felt a little nervous but he trusted Saphira on a high level, and decided that everything will be fine when he is on her while she is flying.

Eragon then stopped his training when he felt a presence. He couldn't really figure out the mind of who it was coming from, but he thought it smelled like trouble.

"What's wrong, Eragon?" Asked Spike

"I feel..... A presence nearby." Eragon answered. "I'm trying to concentrate on who it is." He tried so hard to know who or what was coming to him and Saphira. She herself stayed alert of what might happen. Then, from a distance, their was a dragon roar that sounded a little like Saphira's, but a little deeper than hers.

Eragon took out Brisingr and prepared for any fight that might cross at him or Saphira. Was it another Hydra? Then a red dragon that was a little bigger than Saphira flew over them in a long distance I'm ten sky above the ground.

"Eragon!" A voice called out. "Hello, Eragon." It was a voice that Eragon knew too well. Then the large red dragon landed on the ground with a thud. There was a rider on it and just dismounted his dragon steed.

"Murtagh?" Eragon thought. He, Saphira, and Spike walked over to the red dragon to see who it was.

"Thorn!" Saphira shouted in her mind.




Yes, it was indeed Murtagh and Thorn. Eragin never felt this happy since the king was killed in Ilirea. Murtagh was slightly different now. His hair was a little longer than the last time Eragon met him one month ago. Instead of wearing the armor he was wearing while serving Galbatorix, he was wearing more of an adventurers outfit like Eragon is wearing, however, it was more of a brownish and red color than the brownish green.

On his waist was Za'roc, gleaming a ruby blood red in the sunlight. Thorn has not changed one little bit however, and looked just the same as before.

Eragon and Murtagh smiled and then walked to eachother in a fast pace and then hugged eachother, very happy to meet eachother again.

"It is so good to see you again, Murtagh." Eragon said with joy. "I knew your anger would calm down sooner. I just knew you would come find us."

"Of course. Brother." Murtagh chuckled. "I always keep my promises. So does Thorn."

"Hello, Eragon. It is wonderful to see you once again. By the wind, you have changed a little since the last time we met, and you look a little.... smaller, too." Thorn said

"Wonderful to see you again, Thorn."

Saphira and Thorn walked out to eachother and sniffed one another like two wolf hound puppies getting to know one another.

Spike was amazed by this, and he smiled. Although he still felt a little nervous, because he remembered Eragon saying that he can be a little.... difficult to be with.

After they stopped hugging for the final time, Murtagh noticed Spike in a short distance. He became quite curious about him. Thorn also was thinking the same thing. Murtagh and Thorn then found him rather..... adorable. "And who might this be Eragon?"

Then Eragon looked at the baby dragon. "Oh come on, Spike. He won't hurt you." He said to him. Spike the. Walked up to the two and looked a little nervous but stood tall and was being brave about it.

"Care to introduce yourself young one?" Said Saphira.

"My name..... is Spike." He said flatly

Murtagh's eyes went wide. "He speaks? Very fascinating." He bent down to his knees. "Well, Spike. What exactly are you?"

"Well.... i am a baby dragon."

"You, a dragon?" Murtagh said. He began to chuckle a little, and wasn't really believing that Spike was actually a dragon.

"Murtagh." Eragon spoken. "Do not be rude. He is a dragon."

"Yes, my friend, he is just a hatchling and you might hurt his feelings." Thorn added

Murtagh then looked at the baby dragon and saw that he was actually hurting his feelings and had tears forming in his eyes. "Oh. I am so sorry." He said to him. "It is just that..... i probably have never seen a dragon like you before. And you talking with your mouth is rather..... fascinating."

"Oh. It's okay." Spike said. "Thank you for apologizing." He cleared his throat.

"Well, my name is Murtagh, Eragon's half brother."

"And I am Thorn, and I must say it is a pleasure to meet you Spike." The red dragon then walked over to him and gently sniffed Spike and nuzzled him, making him laugh a little.

"Oh look, he likes you already." Said Saphira

"So, Murtagh, how did you find us?"

"It..... was not really easy. What is important is that we are reunited as brothers."

"Right. I see."

"So, what is this place anyway? It looks rather..... beautiful."

"You are in Equestria." Eragon answered. "It is..... not really what you would expect it to be. The dominant species here are called ponies. An yes, it means they can speak. These ponies are more colorful than the ones in Alagaesia and look more adorable."

"Really? Ponies eh? I wouldn't have thought it would be like that." Murtagh said

"Neither did we. But, it is a rather beautiful and wondrous place."

"So Thorn, can you please not try to eat these ponies, because they are helping us live here and giving us their greatest hospitality." Saphira said

"Oh. Of course. I will not eat any ponies. I promise."

"Because if you do try to eat one, then I will have no choice but to try and attack you."

"I promise you I will not. As a true dragon I sweat not to do such an act."


"So. Why don't you come to where we ate living?" Eragon suggested. "I promise you that you will enjoy their company as they will enjoy yours."

Eragon was thinking about what he should do whether to go with Eragon or not. "What if they think of Thorn as a monster? I do not want these..... ponies running around in a panic"

"Oh don't worry, they won't. Eragon told me about you guys and they would all like to meet you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

Murtagh was thinking again. If they want to meet him then Eragon must have said positive things about him and Thorn. "Very well." He said. "We will come with you."

"Thank you, Murtagh. I promise you that you will not be disappointed."

"Right. But... maybe I should ride with you on Saphira. Thorn's a little hungry from the distance we came from."

"Very well. Thorn probably shouldn't come to Ponyville on am empty stomach." Then he and his brother laughed.

"Right. We might as well be going then."

"I'll be back, Murtagh. I promise you I will meet you in this little town after I eat."

The three went on Saphira with Eragon in the front, Spike in the middle, and Murtagh as the last one on her saddle. Then, she flew back to Ponyville while Thorn flew another way to find some food. Murtagh and Eragon reunited as brothers after a long month of separation. It will be just like good times again.

Knowing the Son of Morzan

Back in town, Everypony saw Saphira's silhouette in a distance, and they all knew what was going to happen at the moment. They all stood away from Eragon's house and kept their distance for Saphira was about to land near it as usual. Just as they all predicted. Just as they all predicted, Saphira landed right next to Eragon's new humble abode.

Murtagh, studied the surroundings around him and dismounted Saphira. Like the ponies he just met moments ago, they all looked adorable. Many types of colors and three different breeds of ponies.

"Hmm, so this is Ponyville eh? I must admit, it is rather..... adorable. A little more colorful than the cities in Alagaesia I will give you all credit for that." Murtagh acknowledged. "Do you think I might fit in well in this little town? They are staring at me a little. And what will they all think of Thorn?"

"Don't worry, Murtagh." said Fluttershy. "Everything will be just fine. They all like Eragon and Saphira, and they will all like you and Thorn."

"Well, I suppose you are right, Fluttershy. Perhaps I shouldn't worry so much. So, where will me and Thorn stay in town?"

"Some workers in Ponyville are already making you a new house, and Thorn a place for him to stay in if you would like." Twilight noted. "And.... it looks like they are halfway done." she studied the building from the distance.

"Really? that is good. Really good. I suppose I shouldn't be living in a hut in the wilderness anymore."

"Ah Shadeslayer, welcome ba- You?!" Blodhgarm came to welcome back Eragon and Saphira, but then he and his remaining spellcasters saw Murtagh and got ready to fight him, still believing that he is still Galbatorix's bread and butter. Murtagh got out Za'roc and was ready to fight back

"No no no." Eragon intervened between the two sides. "Blodhgarm, Murtagh is an ally now, and so is Thorn. They were forced to serve Galbatorix without any choice, remember?"

the animal-like elf wasn't really convinced, but he and his cohorts slowly put their weapons down, and so did Murtagh. "Very well, but we still do not really trust him."

"Really, it's alright, y'all." said Applejack. "He is a friend to us."

"Thank you Applejack." Murtagh said

"That's what friends are for."

The son of Morzan smiled

"Yeah, Anyone who is a friend of Eragon is a friend of mine." Rainbow said, touching his shoulder with her elbow.

"Do you know where I can have some food around here?"

"Oh! I have some...." Eragon looked sideways too and fro, and quietly said to him "Meat that you could probably eat in my new house. It is a little leftover, but still fresh to say the least."

"Wonderful. May I step in?"

"Of course. Go right in."

Saphira then went into her little shelter for a little nap from all that training and flying. Meanwhile Twilight, Spike, their Friends, looked at eachother

"So, what do you all think of Murtagh?" Eragon asked curiously

"Well he seems like a really nice human." said Fluttershy

"Yeah, I like him already." said Spike. "Same thing with Thorn. Speaking of which, when do you think he might come here, anyway?"

"that, I know not, but momentarily at least. That is what I predict."

"Aright. Do you... really think he might like it here, and stay here in Ponyville?" Rarity asked curiously. "He seems like a very intriguing young man."

"I do not know, Rarity." Eragon relied flatly with a sigh. "We will just have to wait and see. Murtagh is.... a type of man that likes to go his own way."

"I see."

"Oh! what do you think we should do with him? show him around town? throw him a little party? or make him a cake? Or get him some new clothes? or-"

"Alright Pinkie. that's enough." Eragon chuckled.

"Yeah, Murtagh just got here." Applejack added.

"Aye." Then Eragon sensed Thorn's presence with his mind, and saw that he was coming. Then, they all saw the big red dragon in the distance in the sky. Many ponies were a little scared, but mostly because he is new to Equestria and he is slightly bigger than Saphira.

"I'm here." Thorn said to Eragon with his mind. "Where is Murtagh?"

"Right here." Murtagh came out from the house, already full from the meat he supposedly ate.

"Well, this is a rather peaceful little city." The red dragon acknowledged. "Quite a little more peaceful than Teirm maybe."

"Aye, and Thorn, please do it try to eat these good people."

"Don't worry, I will never eat them. I promise."

"So, did you find any good meat to hunt?" Eragon asked him curiously

"Yes, a large elk bull to be exact. You should have seen the size of the buck, quite large like an ox."

"That's...... rather fascinating." Said Twilight, feeling a little squeamish and uncomfortable hearing Thorn eating a live animal.

After Murtagh ate, he noticed the remaining eggs and eldunari in a pile inside the house in a pile. He made a brief smile, knowing that the eggs were doing just fine then he went back out. "So, have you start building a sanctuary for any future riders by any chance?"

"Well, not exactly. We are about to sooner or later." Eragon replied. "We already sailed such a long way from here."

"How long?"

"One month."

"Really? Than this place is a completely different world then. So, you and Saphira might never come back home eh?"

Eragon sighed sadly. "As much as I would like to, and Saphira too, we cannot."

"I see. So, now that me and Thorn are here, what happens now?"

"Now, we get to know you." said Twilight.

"You all go ahead, i am going to help out with the construction for the new house." Eragon said.

"Okay, you do that." said Rarity.

"So, how does it feel to be in Equestria?" asked Pinkie

"I can assure you that I feel like a complete stranger here, and Thorn thinks the same way." he replied. "How long has Eragon and Saphira been here?"

"A number of weeks." Fluttershy replied.

"He really likes it here, and could be a perfect place to raise new dragon riders." Twilight added

"I really hope that they will except me." said the elder brother. "Me and Thorn have done things we are not proud of at all."

"We know, Eragon told us about you." said Rarity

"Oh. Did he tell you about where I came from?"

"Yes. He told us you were the son of Morzan." said Twilight

"Aye." Murtagh sighed sadly. "But I promise you, I am nothing like that hellish man. A son never chooses his father."

"We understand." said Fluttershy. "We know you are nothing like him at all."

"At least he is dead, right?" said Rainbow

"Aye. I never felt more happier when he died by Brom's hands. And Of course I was happy when the king died, and the same for Shruikan."

"Well, I don't know about Shruikan." said Spike. "You might have noticed, but Shruikan was a forced servant to Galbatorix and he stole Shruikan, so I kinda feel sorry for him."

"Perhaps, but Shruikan was too driven to hatred and insanity."

"Yeah, it sounded like he was pretty angry with everypony." Rainbow shrugged."

"Oh yes, he was. He was full of hate, and anger within his heart."

"I have been around Shruikan more than any other dragon when Galbatorix was king, and I must tell you all, he was a nasty piece of work, and was very strict in teaching me the way of the riders. The dark type that is." said Thorn. He remembered the time how horrible Shruikan treated him when he was his apprentice, and how blunt he was, but he was glad Shruikan died, and besides, he was getting a little off topic.

What I am trying to say is that, I hope I will get accepted by the new riders, and if not, what will i do now? Where will me and Thorn go if they will not welcome us?"

"Don't worry, Murtagh. We will help you and Thorn be as comfortable as possible, and we will be there for you if any of the new riders do not accept you." said Twilight

"Here here." Applejack added.

"Promise?" said Thorn.

"We promise." they all said.

The two rogues were touched by their kindness and both smiled. "Thank you. Thank you all. You do not know how much your kindness means to us." The red dragon complimented.

"You're welcome." Said Applejack.

It was just then Eragon came back from looking at the almost finished house. "So, how are we all getting along?" He asked them all.

"Just fine." Said Rainbow.

"Say, Eragon, I was thinking if my sword skills were still useful, and I was wondering if you would be my sparring partner." he wanted to spar with him for old time sake and see if he is as good as he was with Za'roc in his possession


"Ooh! A duel. I love it!" Pinkie said with excitement.

"That sounds interesting." The baby dragon added, knowing what the idea was.

Eragon laughed. "I suppose I could use an actual sparring partner instead of practice dummies. So, yes."

"Perfect. It will just be like old times, eh, brother?"

"Aye, definitely. But no magic helping us, hm?"

"Of course"

"Goodness, I really hope you don't injure yourselves." Said Fluttershy in worry.

"Oh nonsense. We dueled a number of times before and haven't got injured in any way."

"Aye, so do not worry, Fluttershy." Murtagh said to her, then turned his attention back to his younger sibling. "So, where should we duel?"

"Well, there is a good spot in the park that we could duel at, it is a very nice spot from what I have experienced." Said Eragon.

"Well, that sounds a little..... Not my style, but very well. We'll follow you," then they all went to the peculiar spot in the park to see the sparring

"Hey, Murtagh, do you think we can take a look at your sword for a moment?" Twilight asked

"Sure." Then he pulled out Za'roc and it gleamed a blood red in the sun. Twilight and her friends were really intrigued by the blade and looked exactly like Brisingr, except it was red, and not blue, and the black cross symbol on it looked rather menacing to their eyes and gave them all chills down their spines.

"Very divine, absolutely stunning." Said Rarity

"Very beautiful." Said Fluttershy.

"Totally awesome." Rainbow added.

then Murtagh and Eragon went in the little spot together and was a little pause. "You ready?"

"Ready when you are, Eragon." Then after a little pause, there was a clash of swords striking against again and again. Eragon parried a strike from Murtagh and was about to retaliate, but Murtagh swirled around in a little spin and spun behind Eragon.

"Not bad, but I think you can do better." Murtagh flatly teased

"Don't worry, I still remember some techniques." Then they clashed again. Eragon jumped in midair and went behind Murtagh. Before he could strike, Murtagh retaliated and clashed Za'roc with Brisingr from behind as a rear guard.

The others were getting really impressed by how it was turning out to be and how interesting it was getting. The brothers were dueling in a rate that was rather equal, and what they did varied. One moment Eragon would get the upper hand, and then after another, Murtagh vice versa.

It was almost like a grudge match, even if they are just sparring to improve their skills. Both fighters dodged time to time again, as well as blocking theit opponent's attacks with great ease.

Finally, after a long half an hour, Eragon felt Brisingr falling out of his hand and Murtagh pointed Za'roc at his face, but not lethally. He smirked

"Looks like I have won again, brother." Murtagh chuckled. "You still have much to learn."

"I know." Then Eragon picked Brisingr up and placed it back in his scabbard. Murtagh did the same with Za'roc. "I guess you do win again, brother. You know more about sparring more than me since I am younger than you."


"Well. That was amazing." Said Rarity. "Quite am impressive display."

"Very beyond awesome." Pinkie added

"Sorry you lost Eragon." Said Rainbow Dash, sympathizing for him.

"I'm alright Rainbow, don't worry."

"That was wonderful, a really wonderful display." Fluttershy congratulated.

"Thank you" said Murtagh. "Well, that was a rather good workout, I suppose I should probably take a break."

"And I should too." They all went back the new houses and Saphira was awake again.

"Ah, there you are." Said Saphira. "I was sensing your fight with Murtagh." Then she made a yawn that made the ground shake a little, like a little aftershock. "I thought you were strong enough to beat him."

"Well last time was different, i had Glaedr, Umaroth and the other eldunari helping me against him, and it was not a sparring match." he pointed out

"I see."

"Oh! I see your house is built now." said Rarity. It was rather fast to build, and Murtagh gave a brief smile, knowing that he and Thorn have a new place to live, because they had nowhere else to go in Alagaesia.

"Perfect." he said.

"And the shade for me looks rather promising. I like it." Thorn admired.

"Is there anything you would like for your house?" asked Twilight

"Well, I do not know if I would want anything fancy for the decor. I really do not care how it looks, as long as it's clean and rather suitable. Well, maybe if i would like to add something, i might let you know."

"Oh! it would be my honor." said Rarity in an excited voice.

"So, can you tell us more about yourself?" asked Rainbow

Murtagh had a blank look on his face. "Well..... normally, I do not like to reveal myself. Normally, I am not a person who likes the company of strangers, but I guess.... you can be an exception."

the others said words of joy, and were happy to hear him be considerate to them.

"However, I do not want to reveal some things that I don't want to talk about, alright?"

"Well, i think we'l be fine with that." Said Applejack.

"Why don't we show you around town for a little while yo do that?" Spike suggested.

"Very well."

"You all go on ahead, I need to calm all th eldunari again." Said Eragon.

"Okay, you do that." Pinkie bounced

"And I think I want to take a rest in my new shelter, all that flying from Alagaesia to here made me a little tired."

The rider nodded at his red dragon companion and he went to the new house

Then Murtagh followed the others down a road through town "so, you must be lucky to have Eragon as your half brother." Said Rarity

"Oh yes. And Thorn is really lucky to see another dragon besides hinself, and Shruikan of course. So, what do you want to know?"

"Well, what was it like traveling with Eragon and Saphira?" Twilight started off with her question

"It made me feel really special, although we did get a little sidetracked at some times. I really did. Not want to come to the Varden however, because of my father. However, Ajihad and Nasuada did welcome me in, even though I didn't want those demonic twins to penetrate my mind, so they locked me up for a period of time."

"What was it like living in Ellesmera in the wilderness?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Rather peaceful actually." He replied. It was calm, quiet, and serene for me and Thorn. I learned how to talk to animals in the Ancient Language like the elves would do. Even when I was at my angriest, it was rather calming for me and Thorn."

"Wonderful, well, I live in a cottage full of animals and you can try and communicate with them if you would like to."

"Really? You love animals?"

"Oh yes. I love to take care of them."

"Fascinating. Anything else?"

"Well, Eragon told us about your, Tornac. We would like to say, we're sorry about you losing him." Twilight said sympathetically.

"Thank you. That means a lot for you honoring him like that. Tornac was a really great man, and unlike Morzan, he was more like a father to me."

"Even though he was a servant to the king? " asked Rainbow

"Yes, but nonetheless, he hated the king with a burning passion, like being thrown in a lit of Hellfire." He sighed. "Sometimes I wish he was still alive with me. He could make the best out of any situation with me, and maybe Thorn too."

"It sounded like he was a good man." Said Applejack

"Oh he was. He was one of the greatest men I have ever met."

"So, speaking of Morzan, can you show us your scar?"

"Rainbow!" they all scolded.

"It's not nice to ask somepony if you want to see their scars." Twilight scolded.

"No no no. It's alright." Murtagh said calmly. He looked around. "Let's do it in an ally. I don't want to disgust all these ponies."

"Fair enough." said Rarity. They all went into an ally and fortunately, there was nopony else to see this. Murtagh gave a little sigh, and then took off his shirt to the group and showed him his back. They all gasped, minus Rainbow who was rather intrigued.

"Oh you poor thing." said Fluttershy, gently touching his back where the scar was tracing

"Cool." said Rainbow.

"We are so sorry that you have that." said Twilight

"It's alright. I'm used to it now." said Murtagh. "But, enough of that. I don't want to disgust you to the point where you will all vomit by getting to squeamish."

"Good idea." Spike said.

"Aww, I thought it was cool looking. It makes you look tough." Rainbow complimented

"Rainbow." Fluttershy gently scolded her.

"That's kind of you, but i rather prefer to keep it to myself. Besides, I did it for your amusement, Rainbow Dash. Now, Shall we continue with the tour?"

"Of course. We'll lead the way for you." said Twilight. Then they all continued down the street and looked for anything to show Murtagh next.

Brotherly Bonding

Murtagh and Thorn were at their last part of the tour given by Twilight and her best friends, and had a blank look on his face. Murtagh didn't really know what to think. He was a little cautious and weary around everypony else. He didn't hate them of course, but he just wants to know if everyone here will really be his friends and not trick him and Thorn for any reason. Of course this was all thanks to his evil father obviously, but he probably needs to probably get used to this cute town since he just got to Equestria today. "And here is the last place for us to show you." said Twilight. "my castle."

Murtagh and Thorn were quite impressed with the structure just as Eragon and Saphira were when they first arrived.

"It looks impressive alright." he said. "This looks more peaceful and more happy than Galbatorix's castle in Uru'baen or Marcus Tabor's mansion in Dras Leona. "How did you all build this magnificent castle with such beautiful, crystalline structures?"

"Well, we didn't actually build it." Rarity stated. "It was created from a magical box after we all defeated a monster named Tirek."

"Tirek? who might that be?" asked Thorn

"That's.... not important. What's important was that it magically appeared from the box." Spike said.

"Incredible. I imagine how jealous the dark kind would be if he was still alive and he saw this." he chuckled. "i would love to see the sad look on his devil face."

They all laughed with him. "Yeah, he would be jealous, wouldn't he?" Rainbow said in a raucous laughter.

"Of course it's a relief that he is finally dead." Spike remarked. "Nasuada is probably doing a great job running Alagaesia now."

Murtagh had a less happy smile when he heard that name. He remembered one of the things that he would never forgive himself for: kidnapping her and letting the king torture her into obeying his every will. "I agree."

"Are you okay?" asked Fluttershy

"Oh aye, aye. It's just that.... I just wish I can find Nasuada, and tell her that I am so sorry for everything i have to to her and the Varden."

"Oh Murtagh. I'm sure she forgives you." said Applejack

"You don't know that." Murtagh said flatly. "We committed horrible sins. we killed king Hrothgar, and killed Oromis and Glaedr, and other atrocities."

"Don't be so hard on yourselves." said Twilight. "It wasn't your fault. You had no choice. Of anypony is to blame, it would be the king and all his followers."

"And the twins." Pinkie pointed

"Aye. I hope I never have to see any remnants of those heathens again. Roran gave them exactly what they deserved for betraying the Varden and killing Ajihad."

"Let it go, Murtagh." said Fluttershy softly. "All of that is over now."

"We know." said Thorn. "You're right. We should just let go of the past."

"That's the spirit!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"I might not fully forgive myself, and neither will Thorn, but I suppose I should stop being cynical."

"We promise you that everything will be alright." Said Fluttershy.

The son of Morzan smiled and was really flattered by their understanding to him. Murtagh didn't really trust then completely of course and was still a little cautious. Thorn was feeling the same way his companion way, but not as cautious of course. "Thank you all." He said to all of them.

"Of course." Said Twilight

"So about this castle?"

"Oh right. This is where we wold hold meetings of finding any friendship problems all across Equestria and it's borders "

"Fascinating. Do you come to that congregation a lot?"

"Not really a lot, but if our cutie marks are shining and calling us, we will be prepared for everything." Fluttershy said proudly.

"Incredible." Said Thorn. "Are there any other princess here in this strange land?"

"Of course. The main rulers are princess Celestia and Luna, they both rule over Equestria. Another one is princess Cadence, but Celestia and Luna are in a higher position." Rarity remarked.

"You see that castle over there on Canterlot? That's where they live." Applejack pointed. Murtagh and Thorn looked at the silhouetted castle on the side of that large mountain from a distance. Like this castle, it looked like the opposite of evil.

"That is also impressive." Said Thorn.

"So, Murtagh, Thorn, what do you think of Ponyville?" The baby dragon asked curiously.

The two were impressed by this place alright, but not fully. "It does seem a little nicer than few villages at Alagaesia would look like. Perhaps me and Thorn will love it here."

"That's great!" Pinkie bounced.

"Well, me and Thorn want to look at some pieces of land outside of town of you all do not mind."

"Oh of course not. Feel free to explore as many parts of Equestria as you want, partner." Said Applejack with a wink.


,"oh! Wait!" Spike exclaimed. "Can.... i come with you guys?"

"What for, lad?"

"I want to know Thorn better. I want to get to know him more." He remarked. "I know it sounds a little unusual, but I kind of feel lonely here since I am the only baby dragon here, until Saphira came along. But still, I always want to meet another friendly dragon if there are any, that way I won't feel... alone sometimes."

"Hmm, what do you think, Thorn?" He asked his dragon companion.

"I suppose he can come with us. Besides, I want to know more about dragons in this place, and he seems like an intriguing young boy."

"True." Murtagh turned his attention back to the baby dragon and replied "very well, you can come with us if you would like. But please stay with us and please do not try anything suspicious."

"Why would I do anything like that?"

"Well.... I am not one to take any chances whatsoever. I don't know if I can trust any of you completely. No life is worth more than Thorn's or my own. Not saying I don't care about any of you, but it's true."

"We understand, darling." said Rarity.

"Yeah, we know you don't really trust us completely, but just try." Applejack remarked

"I understand too. Twilight? Can I go with them?"

"Ummmmm I don't know. He just arrived here."

"Don't worry, Twilight, we will take good care of him and keep an eye on him, We promise."

"Well, aright. Just be careful, Spike."

"Right!" Then the baby dragon went on Thorn's back. To him, it was a little different than riding Saphira, probably because he has a different saddle than her

"You alright up there?"

"Yeah, i'm fine."

"Good." then Murtagh climbed up behind him, and they were off.

"You okay, Twilight?" Rainbow asked, noticing a worried look on her face

"I'm a little worried. Eragon did say that Murtagh and Thorn can be a surly pair." she replied. "I just hope that they will be gentle with Spike."

"Don't worry, i'm pretty sure he'll be just fine. Murtagh and Thorn seem like very nice visitors." Fluttershy reassured.

"I suppose. They were forced to serve an evil king after all, and they were in the wilderness to cool off from their anger. Perhaps I can trust them, and we got Eragon and Saphira."

"They have known him longer than we have." Applejack pointed.

"True. I'm pretty sure he'll be just fine."

In a field, Murtagh and Thorn were sitting with Spike on a nice bed of green grass. They were rather quiet and haven't spoken to eachother for a little while.

They just sat under the sun, gazing through the far horizons of this peculiar land.

"So, Thorn." Spike began while starting a conversation.


"How long have you been Murtagh's dragon friend?"

"It is a little hard to say. For as long as I can remember since I hatched for him." the red dragon replied. "Murtagh is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I had that feeling in me when I was an egg that he would be a perfect rider for me."

"That's good. So... what do you think of Equestria?"

"It is a rather unusual place to be honest, but it is rather peaceful. Even more peaceful than our homeland perhaps. The wind in this land is more relaxing too."

"Spike?" Murtagh said.


"I wanted to say, i'm sorry for mocking you about being a dragon." he sighed "You just look a little different than dragons back where we come from."

"It's okay. I forgive you." Spike replied

"Good." Murtagh smiled.

"So what are dragons like in your world, young one?" Thorn asked him.

Spike slowly formed a frown. "They are.... nothing like the ones back home. Except for me of course, dragons here a really greedy and love collecting gold. And they don't really talk telepathically like Saphira does."

"Oh. I see. I don't even know if I would even call them dragons if that is what they really are."

"Thorn." Murtagh scolded

"No no. It's fine, it's fine. I'm actually glad i am not like those other dragons." then the baby dragon gave a sad sigh. "I really wish i can see my parents again, whoever they might be, and where they are."

"You don't know about your parents?" Murtagh asked.

"No." Spike replied sadly

He and Thorn were beginning to feel sympathy for him. What good is it for a hatchling to live without his parents, or even knowing who they are?

"I'm- i am sorry to hear that." was all Murtagh had to say

"So am I."

"It's okay. Besides, i got the family i need in Ponyville: Twilight and the pony gang as my friends." he replied, in a more happy tone.

"How were you founded?" Murtagh asked curiously

"It's a rather long story. Seriously, it would take all day."

"I understand." Thorn stated. "So is having Saphira made you more comfortable?"

"Oh yeah. It has. It made me not really feeling alone anymore, and the same thing since you are here now. We promise you that we will help you with the new riders."

"We know, and we thank you for that. But, i do not know if they will accept us at all because of what we did in the past, and my heritage of course."

"Leave that to us." Spike said proudly.

"Murtagh?" said a voice. Murtagh got up and took out Za'roc, and turned around while the sword was pointed at who said his name. Thorn looked back with his massive head and growled to see who it was. It was Eragon, and he lowered it a little after recognizing him. Saphira was next to him of course

"Oh, Eragon, Saphira. I did not see you there."

"Neither did I."

"Sorry. I was just looking for you." the younger brother said.


"Mind if we join you?" Saphira asked

"Of course." Thorn replied.

"Spike." Eragon noticed. "I didn't know you would be here."

"Ah, I wanted to know Thorn more. That's why i came with them." the baby dragon dragon replied.

"Spike seems like a nice young drake." Thorn said.

"Oh yes. He is a gentleman." Murtagh added

Then Eragon and Saphira sat next to their companions. "So Murtagh, did the tour turn out alright for you and Thorn?"

"Oh yes. This seems like a nice little town that I might want to settle in. No worries about anything happening, the peace, and serene tranquility of this place. I hope that animal pretty boy elf accepts me along with the others that traveled with you."

"I am pretty sure they will. They just need to warm up to you."

"Perhaps. Tell me brother, what was it like on your voyage here?"

"It was a little depressing." Eragon replied sadly. "I had to face the fact I can never see Arya, Roran, Nasuada, Jeod, Horst, or anyone else consisting of my friends or family again. But besides that, we had to face a stormy weather and it was quite a ride on those large hungry waves. It was like a Nidhwal was trying to eat us all alive."

"That doesn't sound so bad."

"Of course you would say that." Eragon said

Murtagh chuckled. "I know."

"So, Murtagh, how would you like to see Princess Celestia and Luna sometime. I am very sure that they would be delighted to meet you and Thorn." Spike said

Murtagh's eyes went wide as he was stunned. "What?" he said, getting back up. "Oh no no no. I could never do that. I couldn't possibly introduce myself to them."

The four others looked at eachother with confusion. "Why not?" asked Spike

"They might think badly of me, or exile me if they know about my past and my heritage."

"They are very kind, gentle, and understanding alicorns. I am pretty sure they will understand what you are." Eragon reassured.

"You don't know that. They might exile me and Thorn for our sins against Alagaesia."

"No they won't." Said Spike

"Yes, you do not have to tell them of your heritage or anything, but if you do, they will understand why you committed sins like that." Saphira added

"Well.... I don't know. Please, I do not want to see them. They will hate me just as soon as they get a good look at me. Remember the Varden with Ajihad?"

"That was different, and another time." Eragon said. "And Thorn wasn't born yet. Ajihad was trying to take precautions for the Varden's own sake. They did let you out and let you fight in the battle against Durza and his Urgal minions together, didn't he."

Murtagh growled silently. "That is true. Listen, we should be heading back to town now. Isn't that right, Thorn?"


"What? oh come on, Murtagh." Spike begged. "You can't leave now, me and Thorn have so much to talk about."

"Don't worry, you can bond again when you get back to town." Murtagh reassured.


"Let them go Spike." said Eragon, showing the palm of his hand in front of the boy.

"See you back at the town." Murtagh said. "Let's go, Thorn."

Then the red dragon went off. Spike was confused. "What was that about? did I do something?"

"No no no. Of course not, Spike." Eragon sighed. "Murtagh just needs to think. Besides, i already told you and your friends that he can be stubborn, and is one of the most stubborn people i have ever met did i?"

"Oh yeah. You did say that."

"Okay. But, he and Thorn are still good, aren't they?"

"Of course they are." said Saphira. "Like Eragon said, he is nothing like Morzan."

"True that."

"Would you like me to give you a ride home?" she offered

"Nah, I think i want to relax a little more."

"Very well."

They both sat in the grass together and basked under the sky on the knoll. Spike was feeling concerned for Murtagh and Thorn though, and worried that they might not stay here. But he decided to just let Murtagh and Thorn do their own way for a while.

Discussion About Trust

Twilight was on her coach reading one of her books from her library while Spike was reading one of his Power Ponies comic book on his smaller couch. The baby dragon was a little worried about Murtagh and Thorn before they just went off from him not too long ago.

"So, how did it go with Murtagh and Thorn, Spike?" Twilight asked curiously

"It went... Alright." He replied. "Well, Eragon and Sapnira were offering them to come visit Princess Celestia and Luna sometime, but Murtagh said he doesn't want to."

"Why not?"

"He said that they would never accept him or Thorn here in Equestria. Then they just stormed off back here."

"They didn't give you a hard time, did they?" She looked over him as she stopped her reading.

"Oh no. They really thought I was cool and intriguing, in fact, Murtagh apologized to me for making fun of me before. Thorn was really nice to me and we kind of chatted one another."

"Good. That is wonderful to hear." Twilight remarked. "Although I'm a little confused that Murtagh just stormed off with Thorn like that."

"Yeah, I know. Oh well, I'm pretty sure that they just need some time to themselves for a while to think."

"That's a good theory. I guess Eragon was right, he is kind of surly and stubborn. Oh, don't tell him I said that, though."

The baby dragon chuckled. "Don't worry, Twi. I won't." Then he went back to reading his comic to the climax while Twilight was reading the same thing in her chapter book."

Then, the door flew open, startling both the pony and dragon. "Hey, Twilight, Spike" A voice called out. It revealed to be Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, hello Rainbow Dash, can't you see we are reading sintered ting books here?" Said Twilight a little annoyed

Rainbow made a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that. I was just wondering if you guys would like to come to Sugarcube Corner later."

"Sure. I don't mind." Spike said

"I suppose I can take a break from my reading." Twilight added.

"And i'm almost done with the new Power Ponies comic "attack of the pony snatchers, but i'll finish it later."


The two then put aside their books and went to Sugarcube Corner with Rainbow. "So Spike, how was it with Murtagh and Thorn?"

"It was actually good. I thought that they were a little surly and maybe they wouldn't like me so much, but they did. Thorn is a really cool dragon like Saphira is. Although, i'm a little scared about being around him."

"Why would you be afraid of him? He doesn't serve the Empire anymore."

"Oh i know, but they are a little blunt like Eragon said. Also, he and Saphira offered him and Murtagh to visit the princess but he turned him down because of his dad and they went off."

"Really? That's a little weird." Said Rainbow.

"I know, right?"

Then the three arrived at the sweet shop. They looked around and saw a waving Pinkie with the others. "Twilight! Spike! Rainbow! Over hear!" She shouted in an excited voice.

"Coming, Pinkie!" Rainbow called.

They noticed a few people from Eragon's crew and one spellcasters sitting as well, Nazir to be exact. He saw the mane six and Spike and waved a hello to them and they did the same thing to Nazir in return, then the trio sat down with the rest of their best friends. "So, how did it go with Murtagh and Thorn, Spike?" asked Fluttershy

Spike was a little annoyed that he was asked that more than once, but he just said in return "It was good. Except.... They kind of flew off. And if you ask why, Eragon and Saphira came and offered them to visit Celestia and Luna when they get the chance, and they didn't want to because of what they did in Alagaesia."

"Well, he's not in Alagaesia anymore, isn't he?" said Applejack

"Good point, but still. Thorn just flew off with him in the distance. Right now, he's in his new house, trying to get used to it."

"How did you know that?" asked Rarity

"I saw Thorn in his new shed, Ain't hard to miss."


"I just hope Murtagh is okay. He's been in his new house hardly coming back outside."

"Don't worry, Spike." Said Twilight. "I'm pretty sure he just needs to be alone for a while."

"Yeah, I guess."

"It is probably best if he would stay away from everyone here." Said a masculine voice. It was Blodhgarm, and Nazir, the spellcaster that was sitting on the far table.

"Oh, Blodhgarm, hello." Said Fluttershy. "Um... How much did you hear?"

"We have heard quite a lot about Murtagh and Thorn." Nazir replied. "I hope we are not eavesdropping, but we were just curious."

"No it's cool." Said Rainbow.

"Where's Eragon?" Rarity asked.

"He and Saphira are out for a little training with Glaedr and Umaroth." The wolf-elf hybrid replied. "But I am sure that is not really important. Mind if we sit with you?"

"No, go ahead." Said Applejack

As the two elves sat, Twilight said "listen, Blodhgarm, I know you hate Murtagh and Thorn for serving Galbatorix but they had no choice."

"Perhaps." The furry elf rolled his eyes. "Sure, Oromis and Glaedr's blood stained on Galbatorix's hands, but he committed other atrocities."

"He's our friend." Said Rainbow. "So is Thorn."

"And you can be friends with him if you all want to." Nazir said flatly

"What I am trying to say is beware of them, Fluttershy and friends." Blodhgarm added. "The son of Morzan or his dragon are not to be trusted."

"The son of Morzan, Blodhgarm, is Eragon's half brother." Said Applejack

"We know. We know. But still, just be careful around him just in case."

"Of course." said Rarity.

"also, we wouldn't call Murtagh evil. He didn't chose to be born as the son of one of the most loyal servants to the dark king." said Twilight. "Besides, he's more like a.... more like... ah, what's the word for it?"

"A brooding loner?" Fluttershy suggested

"A bad boy?" Rainbow added.

"Yeah, that's it. They both describe him."

"Well, me and Nazi better go look for food in the farmer's market." said Blodhgarm. Before he went out, he gave one last warning. "As we said before, please beware the son of Morzan." and he went out the door.

The friends sitting together were a little confused, but they know that Murtagh was nothing like his demon of a father after all, or Thorn with Morzan's dragon.

"We can trust them, can we?" Asked Fluttershy

"Heck yeah!" Rainbow said. "I trust them completely. Besides, they're cool."

"So do I. They just need a little reassurance on their outlook." Rarity added

"Agreed. Perhaps a little more time in Equestria should help them be more comfortable, and Blodhgarm, his spellcasters, and Eragon's crew that went with him will like him eventually too."

"You guys are all right about what you predict. I think they just need to warm up to us more." said Twilight. "Maybe we do something really nice for them."

Pinkie gasped. "You mean like a party just for them?" she said with a big grin on her face.

"Well no, I don't think they would be ready for that yet." said Rarity. "Besides, i am beginning to wonder if that is your answer for every problem?"

"Yep!" she said proudly. Rarity rolled her eyes in slight annoyance. "Of course."

"I was thinking maybe more like a present for both of them." Fluttershy suggested. "Well, if that's okay with all of you."

"You know what, Fluttershy? I think that's a good idea." Spike said. "And maybe they can spend some quality time with all of us in Ponyville. Maybe not Blodhgarm and his assistants of course since, you know, they don't trust him."

"Good. That is a wonderful idea." said Applejack. "But what type of present would they both want?"

"Hmmm" they all said in a thinking pose. They didn't really quite know what they would might want as a gift. They want to make sure that it would be something that Murtagh and Thorn will love. It was rather quite difficult, possibly because the idea just came to all of them at this very moment.

"Well, I don't think we might as well give something to them yet, because I can't think of anything." said Pinkie

"Me neither." said Rainbow. "Well, why don't we spend more time with them first. Besides, that might help be more comfortable in Ponyville too."

Her friends said many words in agreement.

"Hello?" said a voice. They all looked and it was Murtagh himself.

"Oh, Murtagh!" said Spike. "We didn't hear you come in."

"Ah, there you all are." he said, walking to all of them. "Listen Spike, Me and Thorn would love to say we are sorry if you were in between that argument with me and Eragon. I just needed to think things over, so did Thorn."

"It's okay." Spike replied. "I've been in arguments way worse than that before. Ah, it was more like a discussion."

Murtagh chuckled. "True. If it was an argument, I am sure me and Eragon would cross blades with one another. "

They all laughed. "True that." Said Applejack.

"So, Murtagh?" Fluttershy started off.


"We were wondering if... maybe when you and Thorn feel like it, would you like to..."

Rainbow was a little impatient so she stepped in by adding "hang out with us sometime?"

"Well, I suppose me and Thorn could use a little more... social interaction. So, very well. Besides, me and Thorn are starting to like this place already."

"Perfect!" Said Twilight.

"So, I better get back to Thorn now, he probably wants to go out and hunt again. And Eragon might use another sparring partner with swordplay."

"See ya, Murtagh." Spike called.

Then the son of Morzan walked out of Sugarcube Corner.

"So, wanna have some ice cream?" Pinkie said.

"Sure." Said Applejack

"Make mine with chocolate, please." Said Rainbow

"Okie dokie lokie. " then Pinkie went to Mr and Mrs Cake for the treats of her friends choice, as well as her cjoice.

Murtagh's Inner Struggle

In Sweet Apple Acres, Eragon was doing a little farm work for Applejack and her family. Of course he was not alone, for Applejack, Applebloom, and Big Mac were playing their part of what they would always do everyday. Saphira wasn't with him at the moment, she was out hunting for some animals to feed on again, and was far away from Ponyville, but nevertheless. She and Eragon can still contact one another with their minds, no matter how far they are.

Meanwhile, Applejack was bucking some apple trees like she would normally do as her main chore of the day. She also saw Big Mac knocking over another tree not too far from her. "Good thing I have Big Mac helping me." Said Applejack. "What would I do without him?"

Indeed, Big Mac can handle kicking and bucking the trees no problem at all. He hardly broke a sweat with that kick, and he gave it all his best as if he was not even trying, Applejack smiled, feeling really lucky to have a loving big brother like him. Then the large red stallion noticed her looking. "You okay, AJ?" He asked

"Wha? Oh yeah sure. Sorry. I... I was just thinking and I got a little distracted by somethin' but I'm fine. Sorry bout that."

"It's fine. It's fine. I was just curious." Big Mac called back to her. Then she went back to bucking trees, as did he.

"I wonder how Eragon and Applebloom are doin'. Ah, I'm pretty sure they are doing a great job. Yessiree. " applejack thought to herself. "He is really liking his new home in Ponyville. But, I hope he will be alright since he can never go back to his homeland. Oh well, hr does go us after all."

For Applebloom, she was done feeding the pigs their lunch, and they all oinked happily, possibly saying thank you to Applebloom.

"You're welcome, guys."

"Hi Applebloom!" Said two more little girl voices. She looked and it was her best friends "Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

"Hi girls." Applebloom replied. "I'm still doing my chores right now."

"That's okay, Applebloom." Said Sweetie Belle. "We can wait."

"Yeah, totally."

"Good. Since you are here, do you think you guys can help me out a little?"

"I thought that was tour job." Said Sweetie Belle.

"Oh i'm pretty sure Applejack wouldn't mind me having some extra help. Besides, it probably wouldn't hurt if I had my best friends helping me out."

"Okay." They both said.

"Normally, I do not like doing work, but if it involves animals, and maybe flying and setting up games, I suppose I can be okay with that." Scootaloo remarked

"Just like your sister." Sweetie joked. They both laughed. "So, how can we help you out?"

"Yeah, how?"

"Hmmmm, well, I think you can help me pick out the eggs from the chickens for now. The baskets are right in the barn."

"Okay." Then the two cheerfully went to get the egg baskets out of the building and they went with Applebloom to their chicken coop.

"So where is Saphira? We saw Eragon picking some corn from the fields and plowing, but me and Scootaloo didn't see the dragon."

"Oh, she's out hunting for food in the wilderness." Applebloom answered

"Aw. That's a shame. I was hoping we would see her here since they are close together." Scootaloo said

"I know. But don't worry, maybe she might show up, or if not, we know where to find her if we want to hang out, right?"

"Right." They both replied.

"So, I think we should get to work now. I wouldn't want Applejack or Big Mac to think I am lolly gagging."

Then they went to work helping the chickens with their eggs. Meanwhile, Eragon was out harvesting corn and carefully plowing the fields with his shirt off to keep him more cool under the sun. It was like back in Garrow's far, when he lived with him, Roran, and Elaine.

He wished that Roran would be here to see this beautiful piece of land, and help him out with the work. Eragon remembered the good times he had with his cousin back in Alagaesia. From the time they both learned how to harvest pumpkins to the time they had to part for the future riders. He stopped as he remembered hearing Roran bellowing a scream of loss after Eragon sailed don the river to Equestria. Then he began to shed a few tears of homesickness. He really missed Roran and his other friends and family well, Murtagh and Thorn have just came to see him and Saphira again, but it wasn't enough to soothe Eragon's pain. He just wish he can at least see them all again.

"Feeling sentimental?" Asked Glaedr, who was in Eragon's pouch resting near the fence not far from him.

"Oh, no master. I was just plowing the fields." He replied. "I... just got a little bit turned around from working."

"Oh youngling, I understand how sad you are. But do not let it get the best of your mind. It will make you a very unhappy rider. "

"I know. I... just wish I can see them all again." He wiped a couple of tears from his eyes while a few others fell and stained on his torso. "But... i don't want to forget all about them entirely where I do not remember names."

"Of course you did not say that." Glaedr replied. "You really should think more about the positive outlooks on your life."

"How? Sure, Murtagh and Thorn came here to be with me and Saphira as friends, and make amend as brothers, but, it is still not enough."

"I do understand, and so would Oromis and Brom. As a matter of fact, I have felt the same feelings you have when he died right in my arms.."

"That was different." Eragon pointed

"No. Not at all. Oromis was like a brother to me, and I felt devastated when he passed to the next world. But, with you, Saphira, Umaroth, and the other eldunari, I do not feel so alone anymore."

"I suppose."

"And take a look at Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Spike, their fronds and the other inhabitants of Equestria."

Eragon smiled faintly. "I know. Twilight, and the others have really helped me, Saphira, my crew, Murtagu, and Thorn be as comfortable as possible. They truly are good friends to us." He sighed, for he was not wrong. "Maybe I should just get back to work with this to keep this talk out of my head."

"Maybe you are right."

"Eragon?" Said a voice. He made a startled yell and turned around to see Applebloom and her friends.

"Please do not sneak up on me like that." Eragon reprimanded.

"Sorry." All three girls said

"Hey, is that a tear stain on your chest?" Asked Applebloom.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh yes yes. I'm fine. Why do you all ask?"

"Well we.... kinda noticed you were standing still like a statue in front of a chapel, and wasn't raking the fields." Sweetie replied

"Oh that. I... just got a little... sidetracked and was staring into space. Nothing is bothering me. I swear. Probably was too deep in my own mind I didn't notice."

"Are you sure you're alright?" Asked Scootaloo

"Of course."

"Youngling, please do not lie to them. You know exaggerating the truth will not help you be better." Glaedr notified.

"You're right." Eragon said in defeat in his mind.

"Eragon?" Said Applebloom

"Alright. I might as well tell you the truth. I was feeling.... sentimental because it reminded me of my cousin, Roran. If your sisters haven't told you this, I lived on a farm in Alagaesia before Saphira came along."

"Oh yeah, they did tell us about that." Scootaloo remembered.

"Right. I might never see him again because I can never go back to Alagaesia. It just hurts so much. But... i will pull myself together. I promise."

"Oh, Eragon. We're sorry." Said Sweetie Belle sympathetically.

"We know how you feel, but you got Saphira, and that cool guy with a red dragon, uhhhh... what are they called again? I know he is your brother, that's what I keep hearing."

"Murtagh. And... he is my half brother actually."

"Half brother?" Asked Applebloom

"Aye. You know, same mother but different fathers?"

"Oh." The three said

"Right. And his dragon is named Thorn."

"Yeah, that's the name." Scootaloo pointed.

"Well, i might want to get back with the work. I shouldn't keep Applejack, Granny Smith, or Big Mac waiting. Besides, I probably killed enough time with this already."

"Okay, you do that." Said Applebloom.

"So, what about you, Applebloom, did you do your part?"

"Yep, fed the animals, and collected all the eggs from the chickens."

"We helped." Sweetie said

"Very well." Then Eragon resumed his work in the field. After a little while, he was already sweating mildly under the sun. He put those sad, sentimental memories aside to carry on.

The girls however, didn't take their eyes of him as he worked. They were still concerned for him since they saw his brief weeping. However, they went to the house to tell Granny Smith that Applebloom had completed her chores, and glanced their eyes back at him. They even bumped into a wrong part of the house because of that, then got their pupils forward again.

"Is something troubling you, little one?" said Saphira in his mind from a far distance.

"Oh. I... I was just feeling sentimental again." he replied to her modestly through his head. "I will be fine. I just need to get to work to help me not be so homesick."

"I was only checking on you, Eragon." Saphira remarked

"I know. I know. So, did you find anything to eat?"

"Oh yes. I found a large moose bull. Possibly the largest one I have ever seen. And I also found a mule deer as a second course."

"Good. Are you full now?"

"Well, I suppose I might as well find one more thing to eat."

"Very well. Just please make sure it does not talk like the ponies, cows, buffalo, or any other creature that can possibly talk."

"What if it wants to kill me? I might as well use self defense."

"Well.... alright. But if only it really wants to kill you, and seems really dangerous, you can kill it then."

"Perfect. And I will try not to be thoughtless with my kill. I promise."

"Good. And I promise you that I will be fine, so you do not have to worry about me. Well.... So much I mean."

"No promises."

Eragon smirked. "I know." Then as soon as he was finished talking with the blue dragon, he was already done with the plowing. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead, and proudly put the rake back in the tool shed.

"Eragon." Called a voice. It was Applejack, with Big Mac beside her. They were carrying buckets of apples on their backs.

"Are you alright carrying all that to the barn? Especially with all of those apples?"

"Don't worry, Eragon." Said Applejack. "Me and Big Mac can haul all these apples no sweat."

"Well, I wish I can say the same for you." Big Mac joked, referring to Eragon's sweat. "So how did the fields go?"

"Rather well. It was quite some work to do, but I wouldn't call it difficult. I lived on my uncle's farm with my cousin Roran, remember?"

"Right. We remember." Said Applejack. "So, can you please help us with the other apples? There are more buckets over near the entry to the orchard."

"Of course. I would be glad to help. Oh, and I should tell you that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are here, and they helped her with the chickens if that is alright with you."

"That's perfectly fine with me. I appreciate the help the girls can do with our sister."

Eragon promptly went over to the other bucket of ripe and delicious apples and carried the, to the barn. If was heavier than to would look like, but he can still lift them with one hand on the handles. It was like Garrow's farm all over again, but he pro used himself he would not get to sentimental about, and knows that he would only hurt himself.

"Thank you so much, Eragon."

"It's the least I can do." Eragon smiled. "Is there anything else I can assist you or Big Macintosh with, Applejack?"

"Nope, just the barrels and I think we are done for the day." Applejack replied

"Hey, where's Applebloom and her frends?"

"Right here!" The three said. They just came out of the house to meet with the other two who were working."

"Ah, there you are. Have you fed the animals?"


"And collected the chicken eggs?"

"Yep yep."

Applejack chuckled. "Alright alright. I guess you three can earn a nice day of play as a reward."

"Thanks, sis."

"Sure, Applebloom. Just he careful now."

"Of course."

Then the three went to the clubhouse one five hundred feet from the farm, and laughed as they went inside the little treehouse.

"So, I think by the looks of ya, Eragon, I think you need some apple juice, or cider, or just water would be fine if you want." Big Mac said

"Oh I agree. I do need some refreshing drink to help relief me of my sweating. It is starting o become a little unbearable. It's like I just came here from the Hadarac desert."

The two laughed. "I don't know about that." Said Applejack. "Well, come on, I think we all deserve a nice drink." The three went in the farmhouse for juice, cider, or water, whichever one they would want.

Meanwhile, Murtagh was having a little walk around the town. Many of the inhabitants greeted him warmly and waved hello to him. Murtagh waved back to them in response, and felt really flattered by their kindness. Thorn was also hunting for food out of town.

"Hey, Murtagh!" Called a voice. He stopped and saw Rainbow Dash flying to him then landed on the grass.

"Oh, Rainbow. I didn't expect you to follow me." Murtagh remarked flatly. "What can I do you for, Rainbow Dash? What do you want?"

"Ah, I just wanted to say hello and I was wondering if I can join you on your stroll through town, no biggie. Sooo, can I please walk with you?"

"Sure. I do not mind a little extra company with me."

"Yay!" Then the cyan pegasus walked with the rogue rider." So where's Thorn at?"

"Out for a little hunting. He said he was feeling more hungrier than a were cat with extreme dehydration. But, he will be back in a little while."

"Oh. You know, Murtagh? You are really cool. One of the coolest guys I have ever met."

"Well, i don't feel so warm, or so cold either." Murtagh remarked. Of course he wouldn't really know what the new sense of the word "cool" would mean

"No no. I mean you are amazing, and so is Thorn. You guys are really awesome. Very interesting and intriguing. You get what i'm saying now?"

"Oh. I see your point. Well, thank yo for the compliment, Rainbow Dash."

"Ah, no problem." Rainbow shrugged. "So how does it feel to be with your brother again? Wait, have I asked you that before? I can't remember."

"You didn't. Anywho, I am rather happy to be with Eragon,and Thorn the same for Saphira. He said that Saphira gives a dragon like him hope."

"Good. good for him."

"Aye, and Thorn is also really liking Spike a large deal. He would think about the youngling nonstop at times."

"That's kind of like what Spike does." Rainbow pointed. "There are days he would talk about Saphira without ending and then Thorn on other days. And, Spike and Saphira are growing more.... close to eachother. Not in a romantic way, but in a rather family type."

"That's adorable." Murtagh said. "So, what would expect of these new riders when they are around me?"

"Well, I don't know for sure, but I promise you, me and my best friends will help you guys get along. We know you are nothing like your dad. You are good and strong-willed, and let's not forget: awesome."

"Thank you Rainbow. At least you all understand what I am." he growled softly. "I just wish that the animal man and his spellcasters would understand the same thing as you and everyone else does in this place."

"Blodhgarm? he just needs to warm up to you, that's all."

"I don't know. It really looked like he really wanted to kill me when we first met. And i can say the same for the other crew belonging to Eragon through his voyage here. Not many of those elves looked very happy to see me either."

"Don't worry. Everything will be just fine. I know it will." she wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "Just trust us."

"Well.... I have learned that in life, I cannot trust anyone, but, I suppose i can try and trust you. and the others. besides, I can see it in your eyes that you are not lying. The same is said about your friends' eyes."

"Good. So, do you and Thorn really plan on staying in Equestria. I know I asked that dumb question many times, but i'm curious."

"I told you. I am not sure. Yet again, I have no where else to go. So we will see what happens. Alright?"

"okay, just asking."

"I know."

"Murtagh, I am coming back. I just ate my lunch." Thorn called in a distance

"good." Murtagh muttered."


"Oh, nothing Rainbow. Thorn said he is coming back to Ponyville, and he just had lunch."

"Oh good."

"So, i heard about you wanting to join this league called the 'Wonderbolts', correct?" Murtagh asked curiously

"Yep! they are the best flyers in all of Equestria. It is my lifelong dream of joining the wonderbolts ever since I was a filly. And, if my dream doesn't really come true, or maybe it will. Ah, who am I kidding. I'm happy as long as I have my friends with me."

"That's good." Murtagh remarked. He gave a lonely sigh "I just wish I have friends like you, and Twilight, and Fluttershy."

"You got Thorn, remember?"

"Oh right. of course. I could never forget about my friend. And the same for Tornac, my mentor, and Eragon and Saphira."

"there you go."

"So, do you think there is a marketplace somewhere in this town." he felt his stomach growl.

"Sure, just go down the street, and you'll find it."

"Thank you."

"Of course. Well, i'm off to go practice my flying. Catch you on the rebounds, slick." then she flew away in the speed of light.

Murtagh, didn't really know what that saying meant either, but he called out to her "See you soon, Rainbow Dash." then went to the farmer's market to get something to eat.

In the night, the air and temperature was getting colder as the sun was going down. Murtagh stared into his fireplace as he was adapting to his new house. It wasn't like Morzan's castle, but he liked it anyway. It was the least Twilight, and Ponyville can do for he and Thorn from their hospitality.

"You seem tired." Thorn said from outside. He was really liking his new shed to sleep in as well.

"Aye. It has been a rather long day for me." Murtagh replied in agreement. He yawned and drowsily went upstairs. he took off his clothes, minus his undergarments, and put Za'roc near his bed. "Well, goodnight, Thorn."

"Goodnight, Murtagh." the red dragon replied in return as he fell asleep. Then Murtagh fell asleep thereafter. His new bed was rather soft and confortable. He wished that the bed Morzan made him would be as soft and cozy as this one.

In his dream. Murtagh was in a eerie, foggy void. "Hello?" he called. He walked and wondered if anything was even moving at all. He kept on wondering the unknown, realizing there was no end to this oblivion

"Hello, Murtagh." said a voice that sent a shiver down his spine. "It is good to see you again.... my son." he turned around and saw a man cloaked in black armor, black hair the same color as Murtagh's but longer, a red cape, and Za'roc, or what looks like Za'roc. He had a small beard, and looked almost exactly like Murtagh.

"F- father?" Murtagh said, frozen where he is. The mysterious looking man did look like Morzan. But it couldn't be Morzan. Or could it?

"Yes, Murtagh. Look at how much you have grown up into a handsome young man." he said flatly and in a gregarious voice.

"And you look even uglier than the last time I me you, you bastard." Murtagh spited at him.

Morzan gave a rather cruel chuckle. "Is that any way to talk to your father?" he said.

"Shut up!" Murtagh's voice began to sound a little louder. "I am nothing like you, Morzan. You are not my father!"

"That is just like you, Murtagh. Such a petulant child." Morzan said. "What would your mother have to say about this?"

Murtagh roared in rage and unsheathed Za'roc out of his scabbard and charged at him with full vengeance. When he sliced through him, he was perfectly unscathed, as if the sword didn't touch him at all. he looked in disbelief and Murtagh. "Never speak of my mother like that! you son of a bitch!"

"Oh come now Murtagh." he said, with his back still facing Murtagh.

Murtagh then sliced a few more times at Morzan, but to no avail. "Why won't you die already?" he exclaimed

"Because I am already dead. Brom killed me, remember?"

"That's- that's right. He did." Murtagh remembered. "Look, what do you want from me?"

"I have been watching you for quite a while, my son." he turned around so he can face him again. "You have this little.... skirmish within yourself, saying you are nothing like me."

"Of course I am not a monster like you." Murtagh exclaimed

Morzan laughed wickedly. "That is where you are wrong, Murtagh. I am your father, and I might as well tell you that my skin is your skin. Now listen closely. Your brother, Eragon, and his dragon Saphira killed the mighty king Galbaborix, and you have had a hand in it. I must say I am quite dissappointed in you."

"He was a monster as well. The both of you are nothing but thieves, liars, and creatures that are the most closely related to Ra'zac! I am happy that you and the king are dead. I never even wanted you as a father anyway!"

"Tut tut, son. I can tell you that I have changed, and want to face myself on judgement day for my sins in the past."

"That is a very good story to tell." Murtagh said sarcastically. "Should I remind you that you did this to my back?!" he turned around and showed the apparition his back where his scar was. "You never cared about me, and you always discarded my like I was nothing but a maggot! I hope that you will live an afterlife as a pathetic and sad demon you really are with that devil of a king Galbatorix! Why would my mother even love you anyway?"

"What?" then Morzan began to feel more angry.

"It is a shame that mother is not with me. Not only do I miss her, but I would also like her to see what a monster you have become! and see what a miserable failure you really are as my father."

"Bah! you damn brat! I will tolerate your insubordination no longer!" then he took out Za'roc and Murtagh realized that his sword was gone. He panicked and it was as if the sword was taken by the former king's right hand like magic. "Prepare to die!" Morzan exclaimed. He charge at Murtagh with full force and yelled in anger.

Murtagh didn't know what to do, then he had a flashback of when he was a boy and when Morzan threw his sword on his back, nearly killing him. He screamed in terror, and then woke up with a fright. "Wha- what- what happened?" he panted heavily.

"Murtagh, what is it?" Thorn asked. He must have noticed Murtagh was having trouble thoughts in his sleep and must have woken up from Murtagh's little outburst. "Are you alright?"

"I.... I am fine." Murtagh replied. "I... I just had a little nightmare. That's all."

"Is there anything you would like to talk about?"

"no. I just need some sleep."

"Very well. I am just worried about you."

"I know, thank you. Goodnight." The Murtagh went to sleep again, as did Thorn.

The Next Morning

Murtagh was sitting on his couch and was feeling stressed out of his head. "I am nothing like Morzan." He said out loud. Then he heard a knock at the door.

He opened it, and it was Twilight and her friends with her. "Hi Murtagh." They all said

"Oh. Hello, Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow, Pinkie, Rarity, and Spike." He replied in a not-so-happy voice in return. "What do you all want."

"Is everything alright, darling." Asked Rarity

"Aye. Why do you ask?"

"Well, please don't be mad at us, but- Thorn told us that you had a nightmare last night, and we are a little worried about you." Fluttershy clarified.

"Oh. Well I am not mad at you. I thank you all for caring. I.... i might as well tell you about what happened. Please come inside."

"Don't mind if we do!" Pinkie exclaimed, then she happily went inside the house.

"Pinkie, wait for us!" Twilight reprimanded

"It's alight. Do come inside."

Then they all entered. They made themselves comfortable and Murtagh sat on his chair. "So, what's going on?" Spike asked

"Well... i had a nightmare last night about.... my father." Murtagh explained. He told the about how Morzan was haunting him as a ghost in his dream and he tried to kill him. The others were arrived and surround by this.

"Sounds like yo have a conflict." Said Twilight

"Aye. A rather large conflict. I just hope I never have to face that murderer in any way ever again. What should I do about?" He placed his hand on his forehead in stress.

"Sounds like you should see Celestia and Luna about this if it is really troubling you." Rainbow suggested

"What? No no. I couldn't. What if they do not accept me and Thorn in Equestria?"

"We told you, they will like you. Besides, Eragon can come with us." Pinkie reminded

"I... i suppose."

"Come now, Murtagh, I think you should go and see them. It sounded like you were really troubled with that noghtmare last night." Thorn pleaded.

Murtagh sighed. "Alright. I suppose I can come with you to the princess'." Murtagh reluctantly agreed.

"Good. We promise you will love them." Twilight said

"Oh yes, they will like you, too." Fluttershy added.

"Very well."

"Murtagh?" Said another voice from outside. It was Eragon

"Come on in, brother. The door is open.

"I heard about your little nightmare. Are you feeling alright?"

"No." He said sadly. "And I take it that the others suggested you come with me to see the princess' by any chance?"

"Yep. They did. So, are you coming with me and Saphira?"

"Aye. I will. Let us be on our way."

"Good. We'll meet you guys there." Said Twilight. "Come on, guys." Then they all exited the house and went to the train, leaving the brothers alone.

"So, I guess we should be on our way then?" Eragon smirked

"Indeed, brother. We will follow you and Saphira."

"Good." Then they mounted on their dragons and flew away to Canterlot.

Author's Notes:

What will Celestia and Luna think about Murtagh and Thorn? Find out on the next chapter.

Reluctant Help

The castle was normal, and Twilight, and her friends were always happy to visit it. Murtagh and Thorn were waiting for them with Eragon in Saphira. He was utterly amazed with the design like Eragon was

"It looks like an opposite of what Galbatorix's castle would be like." Thorn said

"Aye, I know. It is absolutely beautiful. It looks like a castle for only the most heroic kings or queens would live in." Eragon replied

Murtagh asked his younger brother "so this is really the place where Princess Celestia and princess Luna live in this land?"

"Of course." Saphira answered. "Don't you think it looks very miraculous and enchanting?"

"Aye. Just as magnificent as Ilirea's castle before Galbatorix and Shruikan turned it evil, and after we all ended his reign once and for all."

Eragon smiled. "I agree." Then he thought of Arya again.

"Something wrong, brother?" Murtagh asked, noticing his little frown

"What?" He said, snapping himself out of his mind. "Oh yes, of course." Then he realized he shouldn't really lie to a family member like Murtagh. "I... still miss Arya." He confessed flatly

"Ah, brother. Don't let that get you down."

"Yes." Thorn added. "It was the hardest decision you had t make, but it was the way. We will be there for you and Saphira."

"Remember that you got Saphira, Me, and Thorn." Then he playfully patted his younger sibling on the back to make him smile or at least give him a smirk, and it worked

"Yes. I know. I am happy we get to live in Equestria like brothers."

"It's not easy for me to say but, I feel the same way as you do."

"You mean that?"

"Yes." He confessed begrudgingly. "So about the matter at hand, do yoy really think that the princesses can help me with my problem?"

"Of course, you just need to compromise and maybe look into your mind."

Murtagh was afraid Eragon would say that. "Brother, you know I would never allow anyone to invade my thoughts."

"Don't worry." Saphira said. "This will not be like the Twins when we first joined the Varden. I am sure that Princess Celestia and princess Luna will make it as gentle and painless for you as possible."

Murtagh didn't know what he should do: allow the co-rulers of Equestria to enter his mind to fix his conflict, or just fight against it mentally and not help anything at all. He would normally let no one into his own thoughts and always keeps them out to not know of his heritage. "Well, another subject I should worry is that what if they hate me just as soon as they get a good look at me and Thorn when they see him?"

"We told you, Murtagh, they will like you. Besides, they will know you are nothing like your father."

"I suppose. But, I will be the judge to say whether to know what you say is true."

Thorn said to him through his thoughts "You should really listen to Eragon's words, Murtagh. He and Saphira met them before, so we can trust them."

"That is true."

"Guys! You made it!" Said Twilight. The four all saw her and all of her friends with her, walking down the garden to meet with them.

"Ah, there you are, friends." Eragon said

"So, are you ready to see the princesses?"

"Aye." Murtagh replied. "But I do not know if I will like it."

"And yoy want me to stay here, correct?" Thorn added

"Yep, you probably wouldn't really fit through the doors anyway." Rainbow joked with him. "But don't worry, it shouldn't take lon, and besides, yoy got Saphira to hang out with."

"I know." Then the red dragon stared at the blue dragon.

"Let us be on our way." Eragon said.

"Right!" Fluttershy, Twilight, and the other friends said. The moody son of Morzan was still a tad bit uncertain about this.

Twilight got their clearance to get inside and they all went with her within the castle interior whie Saphira and Thorn waited outsided till they return. The son of Morzan was even more surprised with the decor. "This looks even more beautiful than I thought it would be." He thought.

"So what do you think, Murtagh?" Applejack asked him.

"What i'm sorry. What did you say, Applejack?"

"I said, what do you think of the castle here?"

"Oh. Rather marvelous actually. Might not be as big as the castle in Ilirea before Galbatorix can along, but still."

"It is marvelous." Rarity added. Then she noticed Murtagh's hand shaking a little. "You seem tense, Murtagh. Everything alright, darling?" Then everyone looked at him, growing concerned

"Of course, i.... I am just a little worried that they would not accept me here. That's all."

"Oh come on, Murtagh." Said Fluttershy. "We told you they will like you."

"I know I know. You all will support me, right?"

"Of course we will." Said Twilight. "We're your friends."

The two guards in front of the throne room, Murtagh's nervousness had grown within himself. Nevertheless, he went along with this, and hoped these monarchs would help him out like Eragon said they would. He followed them as he traveled the red carpet down the royal hall.

Murtagh looked in awe as he saw the princess' for the first time. It was just like when Eragon first met them. He thought they look like the exact opposite of what Galbatorix and Morzan would be like.

"Ah, Twilight and Friends. Welcome back." Said Celestia. "And you too, Eragon." Then she and her sister noticed the son of Morzan, who was the only one who wasn't bowing to her and Luna

"And who might this be?" Luna asked.

"Um, Murtagh, I am pretty sure you are disrespecting them by not bowing." The baby dragon reminded

Celestia chuckled. "That's quite alright, Spike." She said to him. Then she walked up to him and Luna ollowed behind "what is your name, child?"

He gulped "Murtagh. My name is Murtagh. I too am also a dragon rider."

"Pleasure. I am princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and guardian of the sun."

"And i'm Luna, co-ruler and guardian of the moon. Tell us, how do you know Eragon?"

"He's my half brother."

The two sisters gave a look of surprise at him "well, that's rather intriguing." Celestia remarked

Murtagh gave a brief smile. It was turning out rather well for him. He said to them "I have come to ask for your help."

"And what might you need help with, young Murtagh?" Luna asked.

And here it comes. Telling them of his problem, the first question was will everything go well for him. "I have this... conflict within myself. It involves me and my father"

"What is the little conflict of yours, Murtagh?" Celestia asked

"I don't know of I should tell you, you could exile me and my dragon put of Equestria if I did."

"Nonsense. You can tell us." Luna remarked

Murtagh sighed "alright, my father was.... Morzan, a traitorous dragon rider who helped Galbatorix, the fallen evil king of Alagaesia to power and oppress the land. I... became an unwilling servant to him becausehe knew my true name, and the same thing for Thorn, my dragon's name when he hatched for me." He turned away "I am nothing like my father, I had no choice when I was serving that demon king. A few spies from the empire tricked old friends of mine and Eragon's. And... my father was a very evil man, and didn't even care about me.

Then Murtagh turned around and showed them the scar on his back. Celestia and Luna were shocked that a father would do that to his own son. "Oh my goodness." Said Luna

"You poor dear. Morzan did this to you?" Celestia asked with great sympathy

Murtagh began to tear up "yes. When I was a boy, he got in one of his drunken rages and he threw this sword right at me while my back was turned

"That is obscene." Celestia said

"Aye. I know. Last night I had a dream haunting me, and all the things I did while serving Galbatorix. I just want this to end. I just need to... cleanse that little parasite from within me. Morzan was already dead, for he was killed by Eragon's father, Brom."

The princess' looked at him.

"So he said I could use your help."

"Well, we most certainly can help you." Luna stated. "We understand how you feel."

"And we promise we will make it as painless and not hurt you."

Murtagh was relieved to hear that they already like him. "Thank you so much. If it means entering my mind, so be it. Normally, I wouldn't really allow magic users to enter my mind, but.... you seem like glorious leaders I can trust. And, only for Eragon, Saphira, and Thorn's sake."

"Wonderful. Come with us, and we might help you out." said Celestia. He looked at the others and Eragon nodded to him that he should trust them.

"Very well. Why don't you all go on ahead without me." then he followed the two sisters to a room at one of the tall towers. Eragon and his friends went out of the throne room in the meantime.

Meanwhile with the son of Morzan, he was sitting in a room with the princess. It was like.... a bed that would be in a shrink's office. "Now, can you please describe us your nightmare?" Luna asked him

Then he explained what happened last night, how he saw his evil father and how he was mentally torturing him. "And I thought he would have killed me, but then I realize it was all just a terrible dream. I really hate myself for having a bastard like him as a father." he grown a little more angry. "I just wish I would have killed him instead of Brom, that way I would have gotten back at him for what he did to me."

"It's alright, murtagh. We know how you feel." said Celestia. "That's why we are here to help you."


"Now, we know exactly how to help you with this conflict of yours." Luna pointed. "And... yes, we might have to go into your mind." Murtagh was expecting that to be said, but Eragon did say that they will not harm him during this little session.

"Very well. But it will be painless, will it?"

"of course."

"alright. Go ahead." then he stood back, and waited for something to happen.

"Now just hold still now. Ready, sister?" Celestia said

"ready." then they used the power from their horns to transport both them and Murtagh in his head. It was like in Murtagh's nightmare where Morzan, or a spirit of Morzan tried to convince his son to join him.

"This is just like last night. Now what happens?"

"So, you decided to come back, did you?" said a voice. Then, in a ghostly entrance, there was Morzan once again, right in front of the three. "I figured you would show your pathetic face sooner or later."

"You! This time you will not be so lucky, father!"

Celestia stopped him. "Peace, Murtagh." she said. "we can take him on. Remember, this is not real."

"You're... you're right."

"Murtagh is not like you, Morzan." Luna said. "Now begone!"

"Indeed, you have haunted him long enough. What you did to him was unforgivable. I am even surprised you would be called a father after what you did." Celestia added

"Shut up!" the dead forsworn leader said. "This has nothing to do with you."

Celestia then stated firmly "We are here to tell you to leave."

"Murtagh is nothing like you, an evil, cruel, and selfish. Not to mention he is far more strong-willed than you are." Luna said

A great rage filled up inside of him, getting bigger and bigger from all these insults. "How dare you insult the second greatest dragon rider of all time! I am a servant of the great king, Galbatorix!"

"He is only a great king of evil!" Celestia stated to the figment of Murtagh's imagination. "Allowing slavery to be legal, creating a genocide for all dragon riders that do not serve you, and causing chaos across Alagaesia."

"The dragon riders were weak." Morzan replied.

"No! you are weak, Morzan!" Murtagh stepped up. He rushed towards him angrily, and right in "I am nothing like you! I just want you to go away and stay away from me forever!"

Morzan was not scared, and didn't even flinch. "Very well. I hope you will come across your mother in the afterlife. Goodbye, son." then he just disappeared into thin air. At last, it was gone.

"You did it, Murtgah!" Luna cheered.

"You conquered your inner conflict." Celesstia added

"I did?" then he realized they were right. "I.... I did." he haven't felt this happy since Thorn hatched for him and when he realized that Eragon was apart of his family. "I... I cannot thank you well enough, your majesties."

"Don't thank us." Celestia noted. "It was you that conquered it."

"Aye, but still. I suppose we should go back to the real world, now."

"Good idea." then the sisters used their horns again and they were back in Equestria. "Well, it's over."

"Aye. I guess there is nothing left to do, but tell the others that I'm alright now. Thank you so much, Princess Celestia. You too, Luna." but before he left the room, he had a thought. "Say, would you like to meet Thorn? he's right outside in the garden with Saphira.

"Of course. Take us to him." Celestia replied with a smile. The princess' went with him out of the throne room, being more happy than he would usually be with his life.

Dervoc and Artvazh (Edited)

a little later on during the day, Eragon and Saphira were training well under Glaedr and Umaroth, and would sometimes have Murtagh and Thorn join them in flying and using magic. Murtagh was feeling more happier than before. He had no nightmares of his father in any way, and felt more welcomed in Equestria. However, that did not stop him from being nervous for being welcomed in the new Dragon rider order. If they will not accept him and Thorn, even with the ponies' help, then he and Thorn might just go back to living in the wilderness of Alagaesia.

Right now, Eragon was having himself some herbal tea from Ellesmera that a few elves taught him. Them he felt some presence that was... Peculiar.

"What.... Is that? I can recognize it, but. Do not know for sure." What he sensed in him was a large Urgal with large ram-like horns. Running towards him without stopping for anything. It could only mean one thing.

"Eragon, I believe the one called Dervoc from Nasuada's scrolls is heading this way." Saphira noted.

"I know, I can sense him already." Then he put his tea down and went outside. He ran to the outskirts of Ponyville and saw a figure that was getting bigger and closer. Noticing Eragon, the urgal stopped fifteen feet in front of him. The ram looked like any other urgal, except his really long black hair. His horns looked the same as any other normal urgal or kull, except it looked more deadly and a little bigger than most rams would have, except for Garzhvog of course. He wore nothing but a wide loin cloth like many male urgals would wear when they are not in battle. Dervoc looked almost as tall as a Kull would be. His sword looked very broad and large, like any Urgal blade would be. It was bigger than Tarmelein and the edges of it was downward instead of upward or neutral shaped

"Ah, you must be the almighty Eragon Shadeslayer." Said the urgal in a noble voice. "Oh how I have long for this moment to come."

"Hello, and welcome to Equestria. " Eragon addressed. "This will be your new home in this world so you will become a true dragon rider."

the urgal didn't really show any facial gestures. "I know. I do not think I will be treated warmly in this land with milk and honey."

"Nonsense, All the inhabitants will warm up to you for sure."

"I suppose that is true." Dervoc said. "You are the leader of the new order yet to come. Svarvok will have good faith in you, our tribe, and the proud Urgal race."

Eragon smiled. "Good. Now, where is your dragon?"

"He is out in this land looking for something big to eat from. Artvazh loves to eat urzhad and nagran."

"Artvazh? What an intriguing name."

"Aye. He is the one of the greatest happens in my life since the Empire fell, and when Nar Garzhvog made me bloodkin in the Bolvek Tribe."

"He will not eat the ponies here, will he?"

"Of course not. He promised he would only eat dumb animals, Shadeslayer. Now, do show me around and where I will stay. Garzhvog said you would show me this mysterious land."

"Yes, of course. Now, I should tell you that some of Ponyville's inhabitants might be a little afraid with you, so... please try not to surprise them."

"I would have known that they have never seen an urgralgra or Kull like me."

"Indeed, they have not. In the flesh, I mean. Well, come along, Dervoc." The urgal followed Eragon and every step him made, gave a brief thump on the ground. Of course, Eragon was used to that since he has had experiences with urgals thanks to Nar Garzhvog.

When the arrived at the town, many ponies stared at the urgal with both amazement and fright. They all realized that this creature is what Eragon described as an urgal.

"Wow, look at him." Said Applebloom, who was standing next to her two best cohorts.

"I know. He's so big." Sweetie Belle said.

"Gosh, so that is an urgal, huh?" Scootaloo added. "He looks really cool. He almost looks like a minotaur."

Dervoc continued following the young rider to town. He saw Saphira looking around her perimeter, and then she noticed him. "Ah, are you the Urgal rider Nasuada told us of?" She asked him through her mind.

"Yes. I have come to be a proud dragon rider of urgals and Kull in all of Alagaesia to make my tribe and Svarvok proud. You must be Saphira Brightscales, correct?"

"Aye. That you are. I must day I am glad that they are now urgal and Dwarven riders now. It sparks a greater Era of us riders."

The urgal smiled. "I may not see eye to eye with any of those puny vermin we call dwarves, but I suppose an agreement woukd be made. For all our sakes."

"Come along, then. There is still so much to see."

The urgal nodded and made a grunt that sounded like a rhino or a hippo. Many ponies in town were quite amazed how Dervoc can make the whole ground shake like that, and stumbled to the ground whenever the urgal was close to them while walking.

"So, did you run all the way here to meet me by any chance?" Eragon asked curiously.

"I did. I haven't ran so far like that in ages in my tribe. Of course Artvazh carried me and came to Equestria together."

"Brilliant. Now listen, we are already building new sets of houses for all of you riders toblive in while you are all training with me and Saphira. We promise we will give you a warm welcome."

"Eragon!" A voice called. They both stopped and saw Twilight and her friends running with her, possibly to meet Dervoc himself.

"Ah, speaking of warm welcome."

"Ooh, who is this big guy?" Pinkie asked with curiosity and excitement."

"Greetings. I am Dervoc of the Bolvek Tribe. Shadeslayer here says this will be the place for training new riders and dragons together."

Fluttershy was a little frightened by the large urgal, and hid herself a little.

"Dervoc, huh?" Rainbow asked. "Are you an.... urgal?"

"I am. A very proud Urgal for Svarvok, Nar Garzhvog, and my tribe. Do not be alarmed though, I will not hurt any of you."

Fluttershy wasn't really convinced by this and made a small squeak that sounded like a kitten. Dervoc looked down upon her, possibly hearing the sound.

"Oh, hello." The urgal said in the softest voice as he can do for Fluttershy. "Is she alright, Shadeslayer?"

"Of course. Of course. She.... is a little shy and may need to.... warm up to you." Eragon looked at her. "Fluttershy, it's alright. Dervoc is a really nice urgal. He will not hurt you."

The yellow pegasus slowly made eye contact with Dervoc again. "Do not worry. I will not frighten you." The urgal said. "Please. Heed my words."

Then she felt him gently striking her mane and started to feel more calm to him and realize that he was a gentle giant after all. "Well ot is nice to meet you, Dervoc, i'm Fluttershy."

"Name's Applejack."

"Twilight Sparkle."


"Rainbow Dash!"

"And i'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie then jumped with joy and shot out confetti from her party canon.

"We welcome you to Ponyville." Fluttershy stated kindly.

"Thank you." The urgal never felt so flattered Like this before and was really grateful for their kindness. "So where should me and my dragon live together as blood kin?"

"Well... We are still building more houses for all of you, but if you would like to lick one of these houses then go ahead."

"Yep, we will have no problem with it." Rainbow shrugged

"That is very kind of you, but I think myself and Artvazh might live out in the fresh air."

"You mean live outside?" Applejack asked in a confused voice

"Of course. We urgals are known to live in the outdoors of Alagaesia, living in caves, and huts"

"Oh. That sounds interesting." Fluttershy stated quietly. "You will.... be okay living outside?"

"Yes. I will be just fine, and so will Artvazh."

Spike complimented by saying "Yeah, I mean, no one would ever try to mess with you. You are really strong and big to take on many monsters at once."

"Thank you. Urgal rams like me take really great pride in our strength. As a matter of fact, I took down a pack of shrrg by myself with my bare hands."

They all looked at him in amazement. "That's cool." Rainbow remarked

"So- um- where is your dragon?" Fluttershy murmured nervously

"Hmm? What was that?"

"I said, where is your dragon?"

"Ah. He should be here any moment now. I am sure he is done hunting for large game to feed from." Then they heard a faint guttural roar from the sky and saw a really large dragon above them. He landed on the ground with a loud and powerful shake.

Eragon was stunned when he looked at the dragon. It was unlike any other he has seen before in his life. It has brownish-greenish scales, and it was larger than Saphira, even slightly bigger than Glaedr. Unlike them, his body looked more broader and not so slender. He had two horns on his head and tendrils going up his face from his nose. His horns were shaped like an Urgal ram's horns except they were a little slender and sharper. It had green eyes and a horn on his nose as well that looked smaller than the pair on on his head.

Fluttershy squeaked and crept away behind Dervoc.

They were all amazed by this new peculiar dragon. "Oh my god." Eragon muttered. "I have never seen a magnificent dragon like him before."

"Greetings." The dragon said with a deep voice through their minds. It almost was as deep as Firnen's when he first heard it. "I am Artvazh, a dragon to the first urgal rider." He gave a little grunt and a growling that kind of shook the place like a small aftershock. The dragon looked at Eragon and recognized him just looking at Brisingr. "You must be the one they call Eragon Shadeslayer."

"Yes. I am."

The blue dragon came out from her shelter that she sleeps in and observed him. "I am Saphira Brightscales." She introduced.

"Yes, we have heard many true tales about you." Artvazh complimented.

"It was rather impressive that you helped Arya deal away with the powerful and almighty Shruikan when you Eragon, killed the king." Dervoc added

The young rider felt a little uncomfortable. "I.... did not really kill him. He committed suicide." He corrected

"Oh, but still, you put a mighty end to his terror all these years, and we thank you for that." Then the urgal made a small snort like a bull would make.

"Now, I believe it is your turn to introduce yourselves to me." Artvazh remarked to Twilight and the others.

"Oh of course. I am Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship."

"I am Rarity."


"I'm Pinkie Pie!" the pink mare bounced with joy

"And i'm Rainbow Dash, greatest flyer in all of Equestria."

Spike then looked at Fluttershy, still cowering in fear from his appearance and size. "It's okay, Fluttershy, just say hello to him."" he gently said to her.

"Yes, Fluttershy. Do not be afraid." Eragon added.

She decided to be brave and slowly realized that if she met Saphira and Thorn without being eaten alive down their stomachs, maybe Artvazh will be the same thing. She took a breath and slowly went in front of the colossal dragon and said "my name is... Fluttershy." She said really quietly

"I am sorry, what did you say, little pony?" Artvazh asked her through her mind.

"My name is Fluttershy." She said a little more loudly. Then she tried talking to him through his mind. "Um, can you.... Hear me Artvazh?"

"Yes. It is quite a pleasure meeting you, Fluttershy." The colossal dragon finally answered to her. "Do not be afraid of me. For I come in peace."

Now the yellow pegasus was starting to warm up to Artvazh already. "Good." She said more calmly

"I would not blame you for being afraid of me because of my own appearance, for many humans, elves, and even dwarves in Alagaesia thought just the same as you have."

"Oh. Really?"

"Aye." Then he reached his claw out to her. Fluttershy squeaked and covered her eyes. Then she felt the claw gently touching under her chin. He gently lifted her head so he can look at her eye to eye. "You have such kindness with a golden heart inside of you, youngling."

Fluttershy was rather touched and replied "oh. Thank you."

"Well, that is very touching, Artvazh." Dervoc said through his mind.

"What do you think he said? Or what they're talking about?" Rainbow asked Twilight in a whisper

"I don't know, but it does sound interesting." The purple Alicorn agreed.

"Well, we welcome you to Ponyville." Fluttershy said happily.

Artvazh smiled. "Thank you, Fluttershy."

"See? You can per toy trust my new closest friend." Dervoc said.

"I know."

"Eragon" said a voice. They all looked and saw Murtagh and Thorn. "I didn't realize you had the first rider coming here."

"Aye, me neither." Thorn added.

"You." Said the urgal, pointing a finger at the son of Morzan. "I recognize you." Fear instantly went through Murtagh. He knew something like this would happen

"You- you do?" Murtagh asked curiously

"Aye. You are the one they called Murtagh, and his dragon, Thorn. Me and Artvazh here have heard much about you. Like the fact that you betrayed Alagaesia then killed Hrothgar, and the crippled one himself, Oromis."

"Dervoc, Murtagh is nothing like Morzan. And Thorn is nothing like Shruikan." Eragon explained. "He is my half brother after all."

Then surprise went through Dervoc and his dragon companion, and they looked at the young rider.

"It is true." Said Thorn. "We never wanted to serve the king, but we had no choice, he knew our true names. Please forgive us for everything we have committed."

"Yes, please forgive us." Murtagh begged. "We want to truly redeem ourselves for everything we have done. Galbatorix was the one that killed Oromis, and Shruikan was the one who killed Glaedr, not me and Thorn."

Dervoc and Artvazh didn't really know what to think of this. They looked at Eragon and Saphira and both nodded a yes. Finally, the urgal said "we are very conflicted by this, Morzannson and Thorn. If Eragon and Saphira can trust you, then I suppose we can. However if you make one mistake of betraying us once again, me and Artvazh will leave nothing of you in our wake." He sounded a little more threatening than before.

"And I promise you, I will eat you for dinner." The large dragon added

"We understand." Murtagh said.

"We promise we will not try anything like that." Thorn added.

"Well, I suppose that's over." Spike said.

"Don't worry, Dervoc. You and Artvazh can trust them." Twilight said

"Very well, princess."

"You can just call me Twilight if you don't mind."

"As you wish. I suppose we can both live outside or in a cave. We certainly don't want Artvazh to make a mess of certain things, wouldn't we?"

The dragon made a soft growl unamused.

"I suppose that's true.' Said Rarity.

"Wait, what about this youngling here?" Artvazh asked. "You forgot to introduce yourself." Of course he was referring to Spike.

"Me?" The baby dragon said, realizing Dervoc and his dragon were looking at him.

"Yes, you." Dervoc asked

"Oh. I'm Spike, and I am a baby dragon, and Twilight's number one assistant."

"A dragon using his mouth to talk? Rather intriguing." Dervoc bent down and observed him

"Tell me, are they dragons on Equestria too?" Artvazh asked curiously.

"Yeah, but they are nothing like you. They are more like... greedy monsters that only horde gold and gems and have no friends."

"What? Well, I can assure you that I am both like those so-called creatures they call themselves dragons."

"Oh I knows. I have been told that many times already."


"Hey, can I look at your sword perhaps?" Rainbow asked the urgal

"Rainbow. That's rude." Twilight scolded.

"Ha ha. No that is quite alright. I would be more than happy to show you my new weapon." Then he took out his large rider's sword and they were all quite amazed with the stature. The blade matched the color of Artvazh's scales. "I call this sword Ramr."

"Wow, that's awesome." Rainbow said

"Did you have that elf blacksmith forge it for you?"

"Rhunon did help me, but I mostly did the work myself."

"That's amazing!" Said Pinkie

"We urgals are masters in the arts of blacksmithing after all. "then he sheathed Ramr back in it's scabbard. "Well, we might as well be off to find a house now, and I really need to hunt for food out in the wilderness. An urgralgra like me cannot settle in Equestria on an empty stomach, can he?" He made a hearty laugh.

"Tell me about it." Said Applejack.

"Remember your personal be,on goings you brought here." Artvazh reminded

"Of course." Then the urgal ran, leaving small shakes on the ground with every step as he was going out into the wilderness for some food he can find.

Artvazh then went over to a small field not to far and rested on the grass. Just like that, everyone disbanded and carried on with their lives. Thus forth, the new dragon rider era has begun in Equestria.

Skalmo and Gridgorn

After Dervoc, the first ever Urgal rider came to Equestria with his dragon and new best friend Artvazh, they both began to live rather well on their first day in Equestria. Many of Ponyville's residents were very curious about Artvazh and went up to greet him. Of course, thanks is to his humongous size and menacing appearance, some of them fear that he will probably scoop them up with his mouth, swallowing them whole in a single bite. For Dervoc, he was already finished creating his own new house that consisted of an impressive looking architecture that looked like a primitive urgal or kull would live in.

"There." He thought. "Good as new. Oh, how our Svarvok would be very proud of me for being the first urgal dragon rider."

Besides all of this, he was eager to learn from Eragon and Saphira to learn a few spells, as did Artvash with any tricks from Saphira as well. Right now, he was cooking his own kill he found while he was out hunting for his first time in Equestria over the fireplace he made by scratch. Before he went hunting, Eragon warned him to be careful not to show any kill he would bring back to Ponyville, for it might startle everypony greatly, and had to be an animal that couldn't talk or non-hostile if need be.

While he was sharpening his knife, he heard a voice say "hello." He stopped his sharpening and turned around, and saw that it was Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy together."

"I hope We are not interrupting anything, are we?" The yellow pegasus asked timidly.

"Oh no. Not at all." Then Dervoc put his knife back on the table after he was finished strengthening it. "I would not mind a little.... Company."

They both smiled "good. We just wanted to see if you and Artvazh were feeling alright living here from Alagaesia. Twilight sent us here to check on you guys." Rainbow clarified

"Of course. I am starting to like this peaceful area across from my homeland." He snorted heavily before he said "I was expecting for everyone around here to bad mouth me, just like a lot of those humans, and elves would do. Not to mention those goddamn dwarves." He took out a honeydew melon and took a large bite from it."

"Right." Said Rainbow. "So you know how everypony is taking a large liking n Artvazh right now?"

"Aye." Dervoc said after he swallowed his bite. "He is quite a gentle giant, isn't he? Hahahahaha."

"Oh yes. Very gentle." Fluttershy agreed. She looked back at the colossal dragon from a short distance, playing with a few foals that wanted to play with him, and smiled. She felt idiotic and foolish for being scared of him in the first place.

Rainbow and Fluttershy both looked at the impressive building that he made. "Wow, this is really neat." Said the cyan pegasus. "I had no idea that urgals were goat home builders."

"Ah well, crafting runs in our blood. Blacksmithing, forging, and crafting many creative objects like houses are in every urgal and kull's blood."

"I can tell." Rainbow remarked.

"You did a really good job." Fluttershy complimented

"Thank you, Fluttershy." Dervoc proudly said. "That means alot that you are all appreciate us a great deal."

"You're welcome." Then they heard thumping stomping on the ground. Artvazh was returning back to the resting site with his closest cohort.

"Ah, hello Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Nice of you to visit me and Dervoc." The dragon remarked humbly

"Hello... Artvazh." Fluttershy said quietly. His voice still kind of scares her, but she definitely tolerates him more now, thanks to his gentle giant type of nature.

"Hey." Rainbow greeted. "What did everypony think of you?"

"It went marvelous." Artvazh replied. "The children were rather adorable and playful. They reminded me of myself when I was a youngling."

"Good. Artvazh, can I say something?"

"Of course, Fluttershy. What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, I don't have a problem at all. I just wanted to say that again, I am sorry if I was such a crybaby while meeting you."

"It's quite alright, little one." He humbly remarked. "It is not uncommon for many creatures to be afraid of a large dragon like myself." Then he lowered his head and gently nuzzled hers.

The yellow pegasus hugged his nose with affection in return. After that was done, Artvazh laid on the ground in a position that a cat would do, and rested.

Rainbow Dash smelt something peculiar. "Hey, do you smell something cooking, Fluttershy?" She said.

"I do." Then she remembered that it is heard that urgals eat meat as one of their main courses. "Oh no. Is it a woodland creature?" She asked sadly

"Oh, Fluttershy. I know it sounds cruel, but I only do this to survive and sustain the breath in my body, as do any other urgal." He sighed, noticing that Fluttershy's demeanor has not changed even the slightest bit. "Look, I can assure you that the bear did not suffer. Besides, he was attacking me first, so I retaliated."

"I know. I just love all animals so much, I just don't know if I would be able to handle these kind of things." She admitted

"I can understand that. I love animals too, and have been connected with mother nature and her children many times before. As a matter of fact, there is an urgal code that we only kill those who attack us first."


"Aye. all us urgals are just created this way to live our lives." He looked over at the bear meat and it looked like it was ready. He took out a large machete and pierced the meat off of the fire. Dervoc placed it on a rather large silver plate for it to cool off. Fluttershy and Rainbow were feeling very squeamish just looking at it. Nonetheless, Dervoc clearly said to them that the beast did not suffer, and they believe him.

Fluttershy really hated to see an animal get eaten like that, but she knew that it was a custom for urgals to eat like this. They were like humans, except, more.... primal looking, and center around combat and warfare to their tradition. "you okay, Shy?" Rainbow asked her

"Yes." she replied quietly. "I just need to get used to this kind of behavior."

"Yeah. Me too."

"Well, thank you for coming to visit my new humble abode." Dervoc kindly remarked. "You two and the others are more than welcome to visit me and Artvazh here anytime. Whether you want to spend time with us when we are not training with Eragon and Saphira, or if you need anything from my new forge, do visit."

"No problem. And thanks." Rainbow said. "So, what will you do now?"

"Well, Eragon and Saphira will be teaching me and my new member of my family the ways of magic and being a rider soon."

"I can hardly contain my excitement for this." Artvazh said with a loud snort before scratching one of his horns.

"Yes. Well, we might as well be going now. See you both soon." Fluttershy bid her farewell quietly.

"May your eyes and ears stay sharp like a falcon's talons, my friends." The urgal said

Rainbow chuckled. "Don't worry, Dervoc. We'll keep that in mind."

"Do come and visit us at any time." Artvazh added kindly.

"We will." Fluttershy said. Then she and Rainbow went back to the main part of town while Dervoc began eating his bear meat while Artvazh was relaxing on the green grass.

A little later on during the day, Eragon was teaching Dervoc some basic magic spells that he can use without hurting him, or maybe even killing him.

"Damn!" The urgal cursed. He was n the middle of using The Brisingr spell on some objects that would come at him.

"It's alright, Dervoc." Eragon said. "I had the same problem as you do. Just keep trying and you will be a wonderful magic user. Now, here we go again. Concentrate." He let out a few more flying pieces of metal coming at him.

Dervoc concentrated and with some of his power, he said "Brisingr!" And all of the objects burned to the ground on impact. His head wasn't hurting as before, but still felt a mild headache from all of this. Nonetheless, he felt a little better about himself.

"See? That wasn't do hard."

"No. Not really. Ah! But my head still feels like it was being pecked by an osprey a little."

"Don't worry, it will pass."

"Yes, Shadeslayer. I know."

"Now, we should show you how to fly better, Artvazh."

"Yes, we should, Eragon." The large dragon replied to him. "Dervoc, climb on me so we can get started with our first flying lesson."

The ram chuckled in a hearty laugh. "Alright, alright." As soon as Dervoc climbed on Artvazh, Eragon did the same thing with Saphira.

"Now, let us get to the basics first." He intructed. "Alright, Saphira. Let's give them a proper teaching."

"Of course."

"Now watch us and stay right on our tail."

Then the larger dragon followed the even smaller one through the sky. Eragon instructed him how a dragon would accelerate and how they would turn in direction.

"Feel how Artvazh moves, Dervoc. Have a good tight grip on his saddle, and feel the flow through you."

"I know that I am feeling it." Artvazh remarked. "It is amazing to be this high above the ground."

"Be careful not to get too high up." Eragon said "riders need the oxygen to breathe."

"Oh yes. Of course. I would never even dream of doing that to my new friend." Artvazh said. Then the training of flying carried on for almost one hour, and Dervoc was getting white the hang of it. He was feeling more proud of himself for being the first urgal and kull dragon rider.

Eragon then felt something in his mind again, and was lost in his thoughts like a standstill Saphira stopped and landed back on the ground with a loud thump.

Dervoc and his dragon followed after, except when Artvazh landed, the thump was even louder than Saphira made thanks to his much larger and broader size and appearance. "What is it, blood brothers." The urgal asked him.

"I sense.... Another rider coming here." Then he began thinking deeper and deeper. "Skulblakas ven." He whispered. Eragon used his dragon vision and saw for a. Distance was a dragon with a dwarf on it. "I'm sorry, my friends, but we must make a halt in our practicing and teachings."

"Who is this new rider?" Artvazh asked him

"I am uncertain, but it looked like a dwarf."

Dervoc's demeanor changed after hearing that. If it was a dwarf, then it would mean old grudges between them and urgals back in Alagaesia. "Just perfect." He muttered sarcastically.

"Now, please. When he comes, please do not engage in your feud." Eragon begged. "We are all brothers and sisters in the dragon order."

The urgal was a little uncertain and huffed loudly like a rhino of a bull would do. "Very well, but I can assure you that there might not be a full cooperation between me and a dwarf.

"Just try." Then they all went back to Ponyville.

"I would rather prefer if I did not come with you to meet him. I'd rather if I stayed back in town." Dervoc said.

"That is fine, but please try and think of a compromise."

"Yes. Let's not have a lifelong strife of urgals and dwarves separate two dragons. For us, we dragons are all family."

"Very well." He said reluctantly. "But only for you, Artvazh." Then he patted him on his head.

"Perfect. Now I will meet you back in town."

"Yes, Shadeslayer. We will see you there. In the mean time, Artvazh should use the rest. He is a little exhausted from those tricks in the flying. I for one am a little weary from the magic I was practicing on myself."

"Of course." Then Eragon and Saphira went to the direction of where the dwarf was. He found a nice little spot on the outskirts of Ponyville in the north for him to watch from. At last, he saw a flying figure in the sky, and it had to be the dwarf. When this dragon landed on the ground, it looked smaller than Saphira, Thorn, and Artvazh. Somewhere around the size of Firnen. His scales were a yellow-orange type of color and looked a little more like what a dragon would normally look in Alagaesia, except his face was a little more broader than Glaedr's when he was still alive, and had a few holes in his wings

The dwarf himself was rather short, like every one of his own kind of course, and had yellow hair with a long beard that went to his belt. "Ah, Shadeslayer." He said in a very humble with a dash of hoarse voice. "Mine clan, and my great king Orik said I would find you here. And Saphira Brightscales. It is quite an honor to meet you as well." He bowed himself to them in respect.

"Good. I hope you didn't get so much trouble coming here. You know who we are of course, but now I think it is your turn for the introduction."

The dwarf chuckled humbly. "Aye. My name is Skalmo."

"And I am Gridgorn." The dragon said. "It is quite an honor to be a dragon to the first dwarven rider."

"And I am flattered to be the first dwarven rider myself."


"Now where will we both stay, hmm?"

"Come with me. We will show you both the peaceful city of Ponyville."

"Perfect. Perfect." Said Gridgorn. They both walked with Eragon and Saphira through Ponyville, and some of the other residents were getting curious like when Dervoc and Artvazh came here.

While Twilight and her friends were eating some tea and biscuits at th restaurant, they all started to take notice with the first being a rainbow Dash. "Wow. Look at this guy." Spike whispered to Twilight. "Is that a..... Dwarf that Eragon told us about?"

"I think it is." Twilight replied. "Well, I suppose we should go and meet him and his dragon then."

"Right behind you." Said Pinkie.

"Now here is where the new houses are. And do not worry, there is already a good little spots for you, Gridgorn."

The yellow dragon smiled

"Excuse me?" Said Rarity from behind them. Eragon expected this to happen and knew that their curiosity would get the best of the, like this

"Ooh, you are a dwarf." Said Pinkie."

"Hahahahaha!" Rainbow laughed. "You're so tiny!"

Her friends glared at her. "Rainbow!" Applejack scolded.

"Please don't say that. It's very rude!" Twilight added.

"No no no. It is white alright. We dwarves are used to being called those kind of names, shorty, tiny, and others." Skalmo noted.


"Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Skalmo from the Beor Mountains."

"And I am Gridgorn."

"Nice to meet y'all." Said Applejack in a hearty voice. "Welcome to Equestria."

"Thank you all."

then they all introduced themselves to the dwarven rider and dragon. "And I am Twilight Sparkle." She said lastly. "I am the princess of friendship."

"A princess?" The. The dwarf bowed to her in respect.

Twilight giggled. "It's okay. You don't have to be so formal. You can just call me Twilight if you don't mind."

Then Skalmo got back up again. "Oh. I see. My sincere apologies."

"Eragon, I was hoping if we should spar together, and-" it was a Murtagh, who froze when he saw a dwarf here in Equestria

"You!" Skalmo said. "It is you!" Then he pulled out his sword that looked like a falchion or a slightly curvy scimitar that was a little smaller than Brisingr or Za'roc. Somewhere around the same size of the sword that Orik gave him when Murtagh claimed his first sword for himself.

Murtagh took out Za'roc and was ready for anything that Skalmo would throw at him.

"How dare you show your face around here, king killer!" Said the dwarf.

Twilight, and the others were holding him down to prevent him fro. Doing anything rash full of zeal.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Rainbow said "easy now."

"Skalmo, stop!" Eragon ordered. "He is an ally."

"You dare to insult us by bringing this traitor to the order? The one who killed our beloved king Hrothgar?"

Murtagh sighed. "Please. I am sorry. I had no choice, I had to kill him."

"I was right to never trust you, son of Morzan!"

"Just put the sword away!" Twilight ordered.

Out of the sky, Thorn came to Murtagh's aid and roared at Skalmo as a threat like if he would lay one blow then he would but the dwarf like a tilapia.

It was a little while, but the dwarf calmed down a little and put his sword back in it's scabbard. "Very well." He said reluctantly. He mostly did it because of Thorn, and knew that the red dragon would mean business

"Please. I had no choice. Galbatorix knew me and Thorn's true names.." Murtagh clarified "I k ow I did a horrible thing to you. But I just want to tell you that we are very sorry for what we did."

"Yes. We hated to serve Galbatorix, but we had little choice like Murtagh has said." Thorn added. "We ask you for forgiveness."

The dwarf looked away from the two and was thinking over what just happened. "Skalmo, please. He is my half brother."

Skalmo was shocked to hear that this king killer was a member of Eragon's family. Like Dervoc and Artvazh, maybe he can trust them if Eragon and Saphira can.

"Well.... I suppose I will go with this." He replied. "But, know this, Morzanson. I will never forgive you for what you did to our king. So do not think to cross paths with me, or I will avenge Hrothgar's death.... By killing you."

"Hey hey hey. Let's not try and be so grudge full." Spike intervened. "Think about your dragons if they want to be friends with eachother."

"Spike is right." Said Gridgorn. "We are dragon riders after all."

"Well, I suppose you are right, but I still don't like him very much."

"Fine, but please don't try and kill eachother alright? We don't want to see anything bloody around here." Rainbow said

"We will bear that in mind, Rainbow." The dwarf replied.

"Oh, and we should probably tell you that the first urgal rider came here before you.... If you don't mind." Said Fluttershy timidly with a nervous smile on her face.

"Oh joy." He muttered sarcastically.

"Now, please, try and put old grudges aside, for the sake of the future dragon riders together." Eragon begged him.

"Yes. And besides, you two have quite a few things in common." Rarity added

"Like what?" He scoffed mildly

"You both have seven toes." Twilight listed


"And you worship the same gods and goddesses." Said Spike.

"You're right. But I do not know if we can make any promises. So where do we begin as dragon riders, Shadeslayer?"

"Why don't you settle in your new house first, then we will talk."

"Good idea." Than Skalmo and Gridgorn found their new house of choice and got themselves comfortable in it. Thus, the first dwarven dragon rider has begun living in Equestria.

Calraeli and Vaodidr

Skalmo was just about finished settling in his new house. It as not really what it would expect, but he supposed it will have to do.

"I love this little shelter." Said Gridgorn. "Rather cozy inside."

"Good to 'ear," the dwarf replied to his dragon companion. H decided to head on out in the fresh air, and took his falchion rider sword just in case. He saw Murtagh and looked at him with contempt and hatred. Nevertheless, he ignored him for Eragon's same.

"Let it go, Skalmo." Said Gridgorn. "Give Murtagh and Thorn a chance. He is Eragon's older sibling after all."

"Did he give Hrothgar a chance?" The dwarf argued.

"Please. Just please go enjoy some fresh air and ignore their every move."

The dwarf gave a huff "very well.." Then he walked away. Then he noticed the group of ponies, the same ones who were with Eragon earlier. Having a conversation with Thorn. He did scare them a little with his revenge on Murtagh. He decided to go over there and apologize for almost losing control over himself.

The dwarf rider waddled to them, and the other ponies and Saphira noticed him "Pardon me." he said in a low, semi-gruff voice

"Oh, hello, Skalmo." Said Applejack. "How do you like your new house?"

"Hmm, it is alright, but I wish that it would have a little more..... Dwarven decor to say the least. Besides that, it is enough for me to call it my new home in Equestria"

"Good. So, what can we do you for?" Asked Twilight

"Listen, I wanted to apologize for almost losing my anger not too long ago." The dwarf replied "I just cannot stand to even look at him." He head has blood boiling mildly within him again just thinking about Murtagh.

"It's alright." Said Spike. "Just please try and give him a chance. Murtagh as changed"

"Look, youngin', I might not make any promises. Hrothgar meant everything to me, and all of mine clan back home. A brave and honorable dwarven king he was."

"We understand." Said Fluttershy. "Just try and let it go, okay?"

"Ah, very well."

"Besides, you know that Orik, Eragon's closest dwarf cohort is the new king, right?" Twilight asked

"Aye of course. Indeed, Orik would make a fine king for all of mine clan, and Dwarves across Alagaesia. Of course, I am very well aware that he is Eragon's cohort, i have not forgotten the day Hrothgar made Eragon and Saphira apart of the family."

"There you go." said Applejack. "So we think you should redo the favor to Eragon by putting your trust in Murtagh and Thorn."

The yellow haired dwarf looked over at the red dragon interacting with Twist, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and a bunch of other children that wanted to meet him. he thought about what he was trying to do earlier, and realize that it was the rider that was to blame, not the dragon himself. It wasn't really the dragon that he had so much animosity towards. Sure, he was the one that burnt Hrothgar in the first place, but most of his animosity was at Murtagh. "Very well. I will try

"Good." Spike said.

"I would like to say that your sword looked a little intriguing." Said Rainbow.

"Oh yes. My new sword." Then he pulled out the falchion. "Behold, the weapon that will be my life along with Gridgorn: Knurl."

"Knurl?" Said Pinkie

"Aye. It means rock or stone in mine and dwarven tongue. I think it suits me perfectly." Then he put his falchion away in it's scabbard.

"Did you meet Artvazh yet?" Asked Twilight curiously. "Eragon said he would take you there."

"No. As a matter of fact, I am waiting for Shadeslayer to come out here right now." The dwarf replied. "And.... I promise. I.... Will put my difference aside with the urgal."

They all smiled "good. Maybe knowing him will do you good."

"I would hardly think that, Applejack. The relationship can be mutual, but not TOO mutual for me, that would it for sure." he took a loud breath out. "I suppose that it will pass soon. Perhaps you might all be right, maybe these pointless disputes might die completely overtime. Helzvog be with me."

"Helzvog?" Asked Spike, trying to pronounce it correctly.

"Aye. He is the god of stone. every dwarf's most respected god of all time. He created the dwarven people to live upon Alagesia. He is always with us to guide every last one of us, along with other gods and goddesses."

"What other gods?" Asked Twilight curiously

"Well, there is also-"

"Skalmo." Said Eragon, walking up to him. The dwarf looked at him with surprise. "Oh, was I interrupting something?"

"No no. It s quite alright, Shadeslayer. Just startled me for a moment."

"Oh. My apologies. I was coming to see If you were ready to meet Artvazh." He clarified.

"Yes. Of course." The dwarf flatly said.

"Perfect." Skalmo wasn't very happy about this, but he decided to do it for Eragon's sake, along with Gridgorn.

"I guess I might as well tell you all about the dwarven culture another time, if you would like that, perhaps." Skalmo a dresses to them. "I can tell you, I am a pretty good narrator for stories."

"Darn tootin' we would like to hear it, right girls?' Said Applejack

They all agreed with her. So the dwarf followed Eragon to the field not far from town. "These ponies sound really nice and welcoming. Hell, this was more of a warm welcome than the day o first came to this earth."

"Indeed, yes." Eragon agreed. Then he saw Artvazh sitting on bench outside of his hut that he made, cleaning his war axe with a cloth. Artvazh was eating a large moose he found while hunting, taking a little rest on the grass

"And now, we enter the lair of the beast." The dwarf mumbled to himself. He followed Eragon to the urgal, who noticed them both, prompting him to place his axe back where he found it, and walked up to him to greet him. A few small quakes were heard every footstep.

"Ah, hello Shadeslayer" the urgal humbly said. When he saw Skalmo, he wasn't all that happy to see him of course. "I believe an introduction is in order?" He said with a slight change of demeanor. He and the dwarf midly glared at eachother.

"Yes. Artvazh, this is Skalmo, the very first dwarven rider in existence. Skalmo, this is Artvazh, the very first urgal rider I told you about."

"Hmph. Charmed." Was all the dwarf replied.

"Indeed, a dwarven runt being chosen as a dragon rider." Artvazh added. "Normally, I do not like dwarves one bit of it, but I suppose I should do this for Dervoc's case."

"And I for Gridgorn, too. But, I do not think you would make a great rider anyway, that is certain."

The urgal wasn't affected by his scorn, and replied "at least I can wield a sword."

"Hey, you watch it." Skalmo said in a more threatening voice, ready to draw his sword out. "Or I will cut your throat out."

"Yoy just try it. If you can reach me up here that is. Believe me, we will both know who will win, weakling."

"Enough!" Eragon demanded. "I will not have that in my new order of dragon riders. We are all brother's and sisters as dragon riders. Remember that."

"He is right." Dervoc said. "At least have good faith for peace and prosperity."

"And think about our sakes, for we would hate to be torn apart as kin because of your little feud." Gridgorn added.

Meanwhile, Twilight, Fluttershy, and their friends were watching on them. "Things aren't turning out so well for them, aren't they?" Applejack murmured to Rarity

"Not really." she replied. "This is what I would expect since Eragon told us that urgals and dwarves do not see eye to eye."

"Oh, i don't know. Maybe if they would spend a little time together, then maybe they realize that urgals and dwarves are not so different after all." Fluttershy suggested.

"I think that's a great idea, Fluttershy." Twilight agreed. "They just need to warm up to eachother a little."

"Yeah, they think about their dragons as well, so maybe that would help them get along." Spike added

Back to the three, Artvazh made a reluctant breath out of himself. "Very well. I suppose we can make this work between us."

"Aye, me as well." the dwarf added. He scratched his long, scraggly, yellow beard. "So when do we begin with any one of 'em magic lessons that Riders learn about?"

"Aye, I myself am very eager to learn any tricks for a rider and dragon." Gridgorn added.

"Not to worry, we will be doing that soon enough." Eragon said. "For now, I think you should get to know Ponyville first."

"Well, I suppose I could." said Skalmo. "And I believe since no one around 'ere is afraid of me friend Gridgorn here, I suppose they would want to meet him."

The dwarf's dragon smiled and nodded a yes with a small grunt. "I would agree." said Eragon. "It's like that old saying: curiosity killed the cat."

The dwarf chuckled. "Aye."

Back to Twilight and the other ponies, they saw that the quarreling has died down. "Oh, good, looks like that Dervoc and Skalmo aren't fighting anymore." Fluttershy noted

"I know. Hopefully, it will stay that way." Applejack agreed with her.

Then Shadeslayer left the dwarf and Urgal be.

Back over to the two riders, Dervoc said, "well, I might as well get back to my target practice with my beautiful blade before me and Artvazh go with Shadeslayer and Brightscales for magic training."

"Yeah, me also. Just please don't try anything funny" the dwarf flatly warned Dervoc

"I promise, I will not try anything. If you leave me alone, then I will leave you alone."

"Aye, here here." Then the dwarf waddled back to his new house. Then, Gridgorn was given a large piece of moose meat by Artvazh as a gift by slowly pushing it to him.

"Here, brother, I want you to have this. I know you are probably hungry right now." Artvazh offered

"Thank you, Artvazh." Gridgorn replied to him. "Very kind offer from you."

"Of course, we are all brothers."

"Indeed." Then the smaller orange dragon began to gnaw at the corpse and chewing it, with the sound of bones cracking, and organs being squished.

"Eww, remind me not to see something like that ever again." Spike said with slight disgust.

"I know. I mean sure if that is a way a dragon would eat, I understand, but still, it is so grotesque just by watching,"

"Then don't watch it anymore." Applejack said with slight annoyance

"Oh, right, of course." Then Rarity turned her head away from watching Gridgorn eat his snack.

"Ooh, look at all the intestines coming out." Pinkie said with unusual fascination. "Still, I feel bad for the moose, though."

The others have a shiver down their spine "please don't talk about any gore, Pinkie." Fluttershy begged. "It might make me sick."

"Oh, sorry."

"Hello, my friends." Said Blodhgarm, noticing this little gathering "may I ask what adorable ponies and a baby dragon like you are out here?"

"Oh, you know, Blodhgarm, we wanted to know if Skalmo and Dervoc were getting along yet. That's all."

The wolf elf and the two other spellcasters beside him looked on, watching Gridgorn ripping a large chunk of flesh from the moose corpse. "I see. How exactly did that turn out?"

"Well, we thought they would fit, it turned out..... Alright." Twilight said modestly.

"Eragon and Saphira are going to tech them about magic and how to use it soon." Spike pointed

"Really? That's perfect. Hopefully, they will not try and kill eachother."

"Heh, neither do us." Rainbow agreed. "And Blodhgarm, listen, We know that you and your guys are not very fond of Murtagh and Thorn, but please try and do it for Eragon's sake."

The blue elf sighed "I know. Perhaps the son of Morzan has changed since the last time me and my fellow spellcasters have aided Eragon in battle against him.

"He has. In fact, Celestia and Luna helped him cleanse the evil within him. You see, he was having nightmares about Morzan, but with their help, he got rid of it, for good." Twilight noted.

For the first time ever in a while, Blodhgarm was surprised to hear this, and the same for his spellcasters. "I suppose if you put it that way, maybe we can put a little more trust on him. Very well, me and my spellcasters will make sure that Murtagh will not be harmed by that dwarf for Eragon am Saphira's sake. We might not trust them completely, but I will only do it for Shadeslayer."

"Thank you so much, Blodhgarm." Rarity said. "We really appreciate this service.

Blodhgarm chuckled. "So, my dear Fluttershy, I was wondering if I would come over to your cottage for some herbal tea."

"Oh, of course. I would love you to visit me, Blodhgarm." The yellow pegasus replied. The blue, hybrid elf smiled with gratitude.

"Perfect. You will absolutely adore this type of herb that will blend with the liquid. I learned it from Oromis and Queen Izlanzadi."

"Wonderful. I'll see you later, friends,"

"Bye Fluttershy." They all said to her as as she and the three elves went back to the cottage. Then the others scattered to do their own things they like to do.

"Cakes and cupcakes don't bake themselves, you know?" Pinkie sang before she pranced back to Sugarcube Corner going "la la la la la"

Meanwhile, for Twilight and Spike, they were curious about how it went with the first urgal and dwarven dragon riders. She walked up to Eragon and asked him "hello, Eragon. Was everything alright with Dervoc and Skalmo?'

"Of course, Twilight."

"It was a little rocky at the beginning, b they turned out rather nicely," Saphira added

Spike then asked both of them "Do you think it will stay that way?"

Eragon breathed out "hopefully, it will. It has to be that way if we want the new rider order to work. We certainly cannot have it working with those two feuding with one another,"

"I should say so." Twilight agreed. "But, I'm pretty sure they will work something out."

"And us hope that as well." Saphira said.

"So, when do you think more riders will come here?" The baby dragon asked curiously

"That, we are uncertain of, Spike." Eragon replied. "I will know if I would detect them with my mind, and feel their presence."

"Oh, alright."

"For our sake, it won't be long until yet another rider and his or her dragon will arrive here in Equestria."

"Hopefully, you're right."


Murtagh and Thorn were having a little walk around the town, looking for anything peculiar.

"Hello, Murtagh." Said a voice.

"Oh, Lyra, Bon Bon" the rider said politely

"Hi, Thorn." The best friends said to the red dragon in unison.

Thorn smiled at them warmly "hello."

"What can we do for both of you?"

"Well, we wanted to see if we can spend a little time with you, if you do not mind."

"No of course. Feel free to talk with me and my closest friend." Murtagh said

"Aye, indeed." Thorn added

"Good. So, how did it go with the other riders?" Asked Lyra

"Not so good, Lyra. Well. The urgal tolerated me because I was Eragon's half brother, and Eragon and Saphira themselves are good friends with the urgals now, now that he included them and the dwarves as part of the circle of riders. Artvazh was also tolerant of me and Thorn also. All dragons are a family.

"Ah. That's a good point." Bon Bon said "so, what about Skalmo and Gridgorn? How did they go?"

Murtagh was feeling uncomfortable just thinking about the first time he met a dwarf in a long time. "He really hates me, I can tell you both that, especially since I killed their king, Hrothgar." He sighed "me and Thorn do not really want to talk about it, okay? It's too painful."

"Alright. We understand if those twins were the ones that turned you into Galbatorix' slave."

"That's none of your goddamn business!' Murtagh hissed. Both the mares went back with a fright. Murtagh felt regretful and he sighed "I'm sorry," he said flatly.

"No, we're sorry." Lyra stated "we were the ones that brought that out."

"Yeah, we didn't mean to make you mad."

"No, no. It's white alright. I understand you both wouldn't want to make us angry like this." Murtagh explained "We just really do not like to talk about it,"

"Aye. Our sincere apologies up young Lyra and Bon Bon."

"That's okay" the yellow earth pony stated.

"So, what about his dragon at least?"

"He was much more tolerable to me and Murtagh of course." Thorn clarified. "Hopefully, the dwarf will put his grudge aside, and see that we can learn to forgive and forget."

"Us too." Said Bon Bon.

"Skalmo will not mind Thorn around Gridgorn, but it does not mean he doesn't have a grudge against me. After all, it's me that he hates, not Thorn."

"That's good. Wouldn't be fair for him to blame you and Thorn."


"We will be there to help you for support if needed." Lyra said "we promise."

Both Murtagh and Thorn smiled "thank you, Lyra, Bon Bon."

"You're welcome." They both said in unison. Bon Bon then said "so, it must be nice for you and Eragon to be back as brothers, right?"

"Of course. Along with Thorn, and my mother, and of course the dark king being killed, Eragon was one of the greatest things to ever happen to me in my life. Having a family member that was nothing like the Empire. Honestly, without him, I wouldn't even know what I would be be doing."

"We owe Eragon, and Saphira a great debt for setting us free from Galbatorix' control. Unfortunately, I do not think I can come up with any good ideas for that."

"Ah, Don't worry, Thorn." Lyra said "I'm sure you and Murtagh will think of something good for both of them."

"Oh, or maybe you guys coming to be with them was it." Bon Bon suggested.

Both the rider and dragon thought of what she said and she might be on to something with that phrase. "I think that you might be right, Bon Bon, Eragon and Saphira looked more than happy to see us when we first set foot in Equestria, but still, I feel like we should do more."

"That's fine."

"Aye, where a heart leads, a man must follow. That's what Cadoc, my old teacher taught me."

"Sounds fair enough." He took out Za'roc, and polished it with a white cloth. "So, we know these sound like stupid questions, but, has Spike been a good friend to you?"

Murtagh chuckled "that's quite alright. The questions you ask me are not stupid in any way, so, Spike is a really nice lad. He really knows how to bring light to both me and Thorn."

"You both might have noticed this, but Spike and myself seemed to have a special connection with one another, as the same for Saphira." Thorn added.

"Ooh, like you're a family, Thorn?" Bon Bon asked the red dragon curiously.

"I..... Do not know honestly. This is rather uncertain." He made a small grunt with smoke coming out his nostrils. "But I do have this strong feeling of a special connection."

"Well, you're both dragons, after all. Maybe you guys are related in a way." Lyra speculated

"Aye, that may be the truth."

"So, we were wondering if you would like to come to the spa with us."

"What is this.... Spa you speak of?" Murtagh asked

"Oh yeah, I forgot you don't have those kind of things in Alagaesia." Lyra remembered. "Well, in the spa, it's a place for you to relax and enjoy yourself, like in a steam room, or having your feet of back massaged, or in a jacuzzi, or a hot tub."

"Hmm, the hot tub part reminds me if relaxing in a hot spring."

"Exactly! Except you are in a pool."

"Ah, I see. If you put it at way, then I guess me and Thorn can accompany y to this..... Spa."

"Yay!" Both friends said

"Hey Thorn, would you mind waiting outside?" Bon Bon asked him

"Yeah, I mean, it's a small building."

"Ah. I understand. Of course I will be alright waiting outside. Perhaps I can look for a couple of rabbits to snack on." He smacked his lips.

The mares looked mildly horrified by what he said "but, you won't eat other ponies, will you?" Lyra asked

"Of course. My sincere apologies if I have frightened you."

"Of course Thorn will be on his best behavior, be is my closest friend after all." Murtagh remarked.

The mares' demeanor changed as they sighed on relief.

"Or..... Maybe he won't." Murtagh said, making the mares gasp again. He chuckled "oh I was just joking with you, ha ha ha."

Lyra and and Bon Bon both chuckled nervously.


Back with Eragon, it was a little later on, like two hours later when he was polishing Brisingr to make it shine bright as it can be under the sunlight. He did it by stabbing it into the grassy ground and then letting it soak in a nearby river not far from town. Saphira wasn't with him this time, and neither was Glaedr in his eldunari.

"You clean a blade rather nicely, Eragon." Said a man's voice from nowhere.

Startled, Eragon lifted his blade to be on his guard in case if it was one of Galbatorix's secret followers Murtagh told him about. He looked around him, until finally, he was frozen when he saw an old friend, old master was more like it. It was an elf Eragon knew back in Alagaesia. He was wearing an elegant elven tunic with a cape, and in his waist was..... Naegling. "Oromis?" Eragon said, about to have a tear fo down his eye.

"Hello, Eragon." The wise old elf said with a smile. "You look a little bigger since the last time we have met in the flesh."

"But... how?" He said in awe

"No need to be alarmed, my boy. It is really me.... in spirit."


Eragon felt the time when he saw Ajihad and Garrow as ghosts before, and this is possibly the same for his old, fallen master. He put Brisingr back in the scabbard and said "forgive me, master."

"Oh, there will be no more formalities for me anymore. I am already dead, now. Come, why don't we have a little walk on this fine day in Equestria"

"Yes. Of course, Oromis." Then as they started walking together, it was just like old times when Oromis would show Eragon and Saphira the wonders of Du Weldenvardn with Glaedr when they were still alive. "Oromis, tell me, when Murtagh- no no, Galbatorix stabbed you, how did it feel?"

"It was not as painful as you would think it would be. I have suffered far worse pain then that. Remember the time I have told you where me and Glaedr were captured by Kianandil and Formora to be tortured?"

A shiver went down Eragon's spine "how could I not. It was unbearable for you."

"Indeed, yes. But death itself was not painful at all. It was a relief from the wound Galbatorix inflicted on my chest.

Then Eragon made an angry growl "if only you didn't have the seizure, then Galbatorix woukd meet his end a little sooner!"

"Come now, Eragon. Even if I would recovered, I would not have stood a chance against the oath breaker, nor Glaedr."

"My apologies. I really hated Galbatorix for what he did to you. I just wanted to walk up to him and just stab his eyes and cut his ears open."

Oromis shush ed him gently. "I know you mean well, and I thank you for that, but please, remember what I also told you about what happens when you hold on to your grudges and want revenge for a long period of time."

"I know. Revenge is like a parasite."

"Exactly. Besides, I am perfectly fine now."

The human-elf hybrid knew he was right, and besides, he did avenge his death when he put the empathy spell on the fallen dark king, like when he killed the Ra'zac, the deaths of Brom, and Garrow were avenged and not in vain.

"So, do you still plan to rebuild the riders?"

"Oh yes, of course. For you, Oromis, and Glaedr."

"And remember that you will do it for the good of the future riders as well."

"Of course. Of course." Then Eragon had a frown on his face.

"You seem troubled, young one." His former teacher noticed.

Eragon gave out a sad sigh. "I am still trying to live my new life in Equestria. I miss my old friends, especially Arya."

"Oh Eragon, I understand. It is never easy doing the ultimate choice, but it is the way it has to be. Do not forget you have new friends all around you."

The young rider thought of Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity. Also Spike, Lyra, Bon Bon, princess Celestia and Luna. Every one of those friendly new faces. All the good friends, and the good friends he has lost along his way.

"Do not worry, princess Celestia and Luna will do everything they can to adapt your new life on this land."

"You know about them?"

"Of course. I know all about your new friends, Eragon. I watch you from the heavens that look down upon you. Your mother, uncle, Hrothgar, Ajihad, and your father all do the same, even Izlanzadi herself watches you. She is very proud of you for killing the king as I am. She could not be any proud of her daughter for dealing away with Shruikan and taking her rightful place as the new queen of the elves."

"Thank you, Oromis." Then he decided to sit near a river, and the ghost of Oromis followed after.

"You are welcome Eragon."

"Although, I wonder if Galbatorix deserved it. I performed the empathy spell to make him see what he has become, I thought I could change him, but he only killed himself in return."

"That was a very clever and noble move for you to make, especially on the dark king himself."

"Yes, but, did he deserve it?"

"Of course he did, Eragon." Oromis answered. "Do not forget that he has performed unforgivable acts and misdeeds. From the genocide of the dragon riders, to the murder and enslavement of countless, innocent lives."

Eragon agreed with him "of course. But, he was only turned into that because he lost original dragon before Shruikan."

"Oh, Eragon, I did have sympathy for him on the day it happened, but you know very well that we only refused to bring him a new egg because he became corrupt, and consumed in anger. It was one of the hardest decision we made, but it was for his own sake that he needed to bet go of his anger. Sadly, it was all because of us that Vrael, and almost the riders of old are gone." Oromis bowed his head in guilt.

"Don't worry, master. I promise you. You, my father, Ajihad, Izlanzadi, Hrothgar, and my other deceased friends and family that I will do all that I can to restore the riders to bring peace whenever possible."

The wise old elf smiled warmly at him "I know you will. You will make a fine leader for the new generation of riders. I have faith in you."

Eragon felt like tearing up again. "Thank you. Oh! And Murtagh and Thorn are here now, too."

"Ah. I see you two are no longer enemies."

"Aye. Listen, Oromis. I beg you not to be quick to judgement on them. I know Murtagh and Thorn served Galbatorix when you faced them, but it was the last thing they would want to do. They had no choice. I only ask for you to accept their forgiveness."

"I know. I could see it in their eyes when me and Glaedr fought with them. Not to mention that Galbatorix and Shruikan possessed them both. I may not like his heritage from Morzan, but I do forgive him and Thorn for what they have done. Besides, it is not their fault they were forced to join the dark king, those blasphemous twins were to blame."

Eragon then had the thought of those treacherous little weasels, just thinking of those doublecrossers just made him wish that he could have been the one that killed them instead of Roran. "That is true. Nevertheless, what is in the past is done."

"Exactly. That is exactly what I needed to hear." Oromis said proudly "Remember, I will always be there for you when you need my old teachings once more. Remember that your parents love you. So do I, and Glaedr. And Do not forget Murtagh is the same, he is just too stubborn to admit it most of times.

This made Eragon more touched. He looked at the shining waters of the river. "Thank you, master Oromis. I promise I will make you proud, and bring a new order of peace."

"Good. May the stars watch over you, and Brom's ring be of assistance to you."

Eragon looked at the sparkling waters in the river and the small fish swimming in it. "I will bear that in mind, and-" then he looked back at him, but realized, Oromis was gone, again. It was like Garrow and Ajihad, but he remembered the last words that the Mourning Sage just said. "I will not let you down, master." he said. He got back up from the grassy ground.

He was walking all the way back to town, then he felt another new presence nearby. Something that felt like.... another elf. Then he heard another dragon roar faintly in the sky. "Another rider." Eragon said, in a happy tone.

"Hello down there!" said a voice that sounded a little deeper than Eragon's and even Murtagh's. Then the dragon above hovered to the ground and Eragon was in awe. The dragon's scales were a color of mint green, and he was the same size as Thorn and Saphira, but slightly bigger in size. He had a short line of small frills on both sides of his neck and had a few tendrils dangling from his chin. He had two horns that were smaller and shorter than Artvazh, except his horns were pointing backward, and slightly curved at the end.

The elf was a handsome looking male that was a little older than Eragon, and Murtagh even, like in his early twenties for his age. He had long, flowing black hair that went to his waist and was wearing a robe type of outfit, like many elves would normally wear, except it was a darker green color. On his waist was a peculiar rider sword that was like Brisingr or Za'roc. His face was narrow, that was similar to how Arya's face was shaped, except, it was a male, not a female

"Hello, Eragon Shadeslayer." The elf greeted warmly in a calm and yet somewhat musical voice. I am pleased to finally meet you. My name is Calraeli, at your service."

"And my name is Vaodidr." The mint green dragon introduced after. His voice was deeper than Thorn sounded, but of course, it was not as deep as Firnen's

"It is a delight to meet you."

"You know, Queen Arya told me a really great deal about you."

"She... she did?"

"of course, many elves were speaking highly of you, as a matter of fact. You really did an amazing deed by killing Galbatorix and his dragon. We elves thank you for that."

Eragon felt touched to hear that the elves were talking highly of him "and I would like to thank you for your kind words." He replied.

"My friend Firnen told me that you were Arya's closest friend." Vaodidr noted. "He also told me about Saphira Broghtscales. she really misses him."

Eragon was feeling the sentimentality again. He began to remember the night he and Arya had that romantic time together before the Talita set sailed to Equestria, and when Firnen and Saphra were flying together under the moonlight.

"Arya misses you too." Calraeli added. "She was nearly devastated when you had to leave."

"I- I'm sorry. Trust me, it was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but I had no choice. It- it was the way it had to be."

"We can understand," Vaodidr remarked. "Do cheer up. You will find a good home here in Equestria."

"That's what this pace is called, right?" Calraeli asked. Wanting to make sure he got the location right.

"Yes. Now, I will show you the beautiful town of Ponyville, and show you where you will stay."

"Perfect." The handsome looking elf was gazing upon the town. "Ah, it looks riser adorable."

"What about me? Vaodidr asked "what if they are all afraid of me?"

"Don't worry. Vaodidr." Eragon said "they will all war, up to you, especially my new closest friends that I have made."


"Follow me." Then the elf and mint-green dragon did what he instructed and followed Eragon through the plane and went back in town.

Many ponies were looking at the dragon in awe.

"Well, here we are, a new home for you, and a place for your dragon to stay whenever he will feel like it."

Calraeli and Vaodidr were really impressed by how the town looked and both smiled, being friendly to many ponies that were watching them both. "Well, this is a rather nice place. Rather adorable."

"Eragon!" Called a voice. It was Twilight and her friends, walking up to them. "Oh my, you're a handsome looking elf." She said

"Oh, thank you."

"Go on, introduce yourselves, these are my friends that I told you about."

"Oh. Hello. My name is Calraeli of Du Weldenvardn."

"And I am Vaodidr." The mint-green dragon added. "It is quite an honor to meet you you all."

"Nice to meet you too." Fluttershy said kindly. "Welcome to Equestria."

The elf's smile grew a little bigger. "Thank you."

"My name is Fluttershy,'

"I am Twilight Sparkle."

"Rainbow Dash.'

"Pinkie Pie!"



"And I'm Spike."

"Nice to meet all of you." He greeted them in reply. He shook their hooves one at a time, and Spike's hand for last.

"We are honored to meet new friends of Eragon Shadeslayer." Said the green dragon.

"You look really majestic." Fluttershy said. Normally, she would cower at full grown dragons at first, but she somehow got over it.

"Thank you, Fluttershy." Vaodidr moved his face forward and gently touched Fluttershy's nose, like a kiss to tell her thank you.

"Now, I would like to tell you that there are other dragon riders that already came before you. I am sure they would like to meet you."

"Good. Even and Urgal and a Dwarf?"

"Yes, the first urgal and dwarf rider as a matter of fact."

Calraeli was a little surprised by this "this is rather intriguing. Urgals and dwarves as part of the dragon rider order."

"So uh, can we.... Look at your sword?"

"Rainbow." Applejack said with mild irritatin.

The elf smiled "it's quite alright. I would not mind showing my new blade to anyone, anyway." The. He promptly pulled the sword out. It was mint like Vaodidr's scales, except it was a little more darker in color. The blade was like Za'roc and Brisingr, however it was a little more blunt, and slightly bigger. Not as big as Tamerlein or Dervoc's Ramr, it was smaller as a matter of fact, and the hilt guard was a little more straight.

"Ooh." They all said.

"I call this sword, Welden." He said "it's white beautiful, isn't it?"

"Really besutiful." Fluttershy said. She hovered to take a closer look at it. "And it looks so powerful."

"Aye, it is very powerful enough to break a rock when I use the Jierda spell." Then he put the blade back in it's scabbard."

"Ah, Eragon, there you are." Saphira said. Then she noticed Vaodidr. "Oh, a new dragon and his rider." She said

Vaodidr looked t her in awe. "Hello." He said "you must be Saphira Brightscales."

"Indeed. What is your name?"


"And I am Calraeli. I am really flattered to meet Eragon's closest companion. Oh, and speaking of companions.... Arrow!"

Then out of nowhere, a giant eagle owl flew onto the elf's arm. "Oh my, what a beautiful bird." Rarity acknowledged.

"Thank you. Meet Arrow, who along with Vaodidr, is my closest friend."

The owl then leaped and perched on Zfluttershy's back without hurting her.

"Oh look, he likes you."

"Aww, hello."

"So, should I introduce you to the other riders?"

"Of course. But, let me settle in my new home, then if Vaodidr wants to, we will meet the others."

"Indeed. Me and Saphira have so much more to talk about." The green dragon concurred

"Oh yes." Saphira added

"Very well. Oh, and I should tell you, my half brother, Murtagh is here too."

"Murtagh? Oh yes, we have heard of him."

"Right, b please, do not hate him, he has changed. Trust me"

The elf was skeptical "very well." He finally said "but I will be careful."


Then the elf went inside his new house for a closer look while Vaodidr and Saphira layer next to eachother, having a conversation.

Training (Edited)

Murtagh was having a relaxing time at the spa with the owners, Aloe and Lotus Blossom. Thorn himself was also having the most relaxing time of his life. The red dragon was having a nice bath in a large hot tub as big as a house outside of the luxurious place, purring in relaxation. He would have loved to join Murtagh inside, but the Jacuzzi in it was a little too small for his stature, (probably because of his wings. Lyra and Bon Bon were with him inside, also enjoying massages of their own.

"Well, Murtagh, what do you think?" Said Bon Bon

The son of Morzan never thought he would have said it, but he replied anyway "I am loving this. Very enjoyable, even for me and Thorn."

"See, all you needed was a little relaxation to ease the problems of the past." Lyra noted.

"I can tell it is working,"

"Aye, and me too." Thorn added. "This so-called jacuzzi is definitely like a hot spring in the hidden forests of Du Weldnvarden."

Some of the mares took notice of Murtagh and his handsome muscles, starting to become attracted to the son of Morzan. He never had this kind of treatment before in his life, and he thought it was the most refreshing thing he had ever experienced. It was reminding him of the time Nasuada got him out of jail when he was first introduced to the Varden, and when she showed him library in Tronjeim.

Thorn himself never had this much luxury himself and breathed heavily from the warmness of the waters surrounding him in the jacuzzi. "I can be in this little hot tub for all eternity." The red dragon remarked. "I am starting to wish that Galbatorix and Shruikan would give us this luxurious lifestyle. It would have been heaven"

Murtagh chuckled "I was thinking the same thing, Thorn. But, let's not forget he was pure evil, and Shruikan was too angry with everyone to be helped like Elva had said before." Then he felt the gentle, swift chopping on his back that made him sigh. "Oh yes." He said to Lotus. "A little lower, please."

"Of course."

"Would you like anything else, Murtagh?"

"Well, I suppose a nice cup of iced tea would be nice. As a matter of fact, I think tea is better when it' cols, it makes me feel so refreshed."

"Vonderful." Said Aloe. "One cup of iced tea, coming right up."

Then the other sister went out to see if the red dragon would want any more luxurious things himself. "What about you, Thorn? Would you like anything as well?"

"Well, I would like a giant snail. But I suppose that you would not have any of those."

"No, I am truly sorry."

"I see. Maybe a number of large towels would be a decent thing for myself ."

"Of course." The she went to give Thorn what he wanted.

It was where Murtagh was unwinding in his little dreamland under this nice feeling from the hit towel and the steam floating around him in the steam room."

Ah, that hits the spot." Said Lyra

"So, how's Thorn liking this?"

"He is having quite a time of his life in that overgrown bathtub. Normally, I would not stand humidity, but in this case, I will make an exception."

"No kidding, I can kind of hear Thorn shilling out there."

"Aye, me too."

Murtagh went deepninto his thoughts in a trance under this most in the steam room. His mind was so serene and calm to the point where he could think of nothing terrible that happened to him in his life, not even the scar from Za'roc was brought up.

"Of course, they don't really have stuff like this in Alagaesia, right?" Lyra asked him

"No, nothing of any kind like this machine."

"Sounds like it's your first time in a steam room."

"It is." Murtagh smirked.

It was silent to the point where the only thing heard was the steam quietly hissing as it was working it's way in this chamber.

"Murtagh?" Said a voice.

He looked and it was Eragon, looking a little confused. "Oh, Eragon!" He exclaimed. "I wasn't expecting you to come in here."

"Oh. My sincere apologies, I had no idea this was a terrible time."

"No no no. It's quite alright. You just.... surprised me is all." Murtagh tightened his towel around his waist again. "So, what is it you need, brother?"

"Well, I wanted to come and tell you that we are all heading out for a little training to become a rider with the others. Me and Saphira could use your help, and Thorn's." Eragon replied flatly.

"Oh. Of course." Then he looked at himself and remembered that he was wearing only a towel on himself "but not like this."

Eragon chuckled and smiled slightly. "Of course not, that's ridiculous. Go ahead and change."

"Thanks. I will be seeing you soon, Lyra and Bon Bon. Perhaps I will join you more on this spa another day. For now, I must be off to help my brother."

"That's fine." Said Bon Bon "go on ahead."

"A dragon rider's gotta do what a dragon rider's gotta do."

"Exactly." Eragon agreed.

They both felt Thorn feeling not so happy about this. "Could I come with you another time? This jacuzzi is so soothing, like a long ground of hot desert sand."

"Thorn." Murtagh said "come on, now."

The red dragon growled from outside, even causing the ground to make small quakes. "Very well." Thorn replied begrudgingly.

"Perfect. Let me get changed and we'll be off."

"Of course."

After Murtagh changed back to his original clothes, he and Thorn went with Eragon to assemble the other riders. "So tell me, Eragon, have you ever tried the spa before?"

"No, but Rarity did tell me about it, reminding me how soothing it can be."

"You should definitely try it, you get massages, hot towels, and free iced drinks."

"I think I will. Mean time, where do you think we should all train?"

"Well, as far away from Ponyville as possible. Of course. We wouldn't want to blow up any building and turn into a dozen ash piles on the ground." Thorn reminded

"Yes." Eragon chuckled "but where in particular?"

"Well, perhaps an open field many miles away from Ponyville would be nice." Murtagh suggested "maybe of we were flying, we should do it away from any other cities or towns."

"Good point. Hopefully, Skalmo and Dervoc will do good. Of course Calraeli and Vaodidr will do just fine, and you and Thorn, but how will they both stand out since dwarves and urgals are only recently added to the Riders?"

"Well, that I what I am here for, right? I mean, you are a great teacher, Eragon. Brom Oromis, and Glaedr probably taught about anything that you need to know about being a rider."

His younger half-brother chuckled "true. Perhaps you are right, maybe they will be just fine."

"Well, I am pretty sure Skalmo would not want any of my help. He already hates me with a burning passion in hellfire."

Eragon placed his hand on his left shoulder, and said to him "I will see to that matter. For now, just leave Skalmo to me."

"Alright. What of the wolf elf and his bodyguards?"

"Oh of course they will come with us just in case. If both of us are not available to teach the others, then Blodhgarm and the other magicians will be there to substitute for them."

"Ah. Let's hope that mutt knows how to fly a dragon."

"Oh stop that " Eragon said in slight annoyance. "He just needs to warm up to you, like everyone else does."

"You're right."

Out on a wide open field with almost no life at all, Eragon and Saphira were there along with Murtagu and Thorn, Dervoc and Artvazh, Calraeli and Vaodidr, and Skalmo and Gridgorn, all ready to train. Blodhgarm and his spellcasters were also present to provide aide and assistance.

"Now, before we begin, I would like to say that I will make this training as understandable as possible. Skalmo and Dervoc, since dwarves and urgals were not part of the original order, please do no get frustrated when you are having trouble with magic."

"Understood, brother." Said the urgal. "I promise you I will do my very best to master the arcane arts."

"So will I, bloodkin." Skalmo added.

"Good. Murtagh ad Thorn will help me train both you riders, and your dragons." Eragon continued "and please, do not antagonize them. You all might have notice, but Murtagh is my half brother, after all."

"Let's not forget that they were forced to serve Galbatorix under his wing with little choice." Saphira added. "If either any of you try and hurt them, I will crush you."

"Now now, Saphira. There's no need for that. Thank yo for defending them, but let's not jump irrational conclusions."

"My apologies."

"It's alright. Now you dragons might know how to fly pefecrly, but practice makes perfect."

The other dragons minus Saphira and Thorn agreed with eachother. "That is an excellent point." Said Dervoc. "I for one have never fought another dragon before, and perhaps we could learn how to thwart powerful aerial enemies."

"Yes, and we can always go back to the basics. After all, we are all a little younger than Saphira is." Vaodidr added. "Oh, and I hope I did not offend you by any chance."

"Don't worry. I know you would all never offend me in such a manner."


"I have seen quite a few creatures that we have never seen in Alagaesia before. For instance, me and Saphira had face a monstrous, reptilian creature called the Hydra. It is like a dragon except it had no wings, and do not decapitate it, because if you decapitate one Hydra head, two more grow back from where it was beheaded.

The other new riders murmured to one another. "That would sound like a very formidable enemy." Dervoc replied.

"It is. And, I think therefore you all have the right to know another thing, there are more Ra'zac eggs scattered across Alagaesia."

All of their eyes went wide in mild shock. "That's impossible. You and your cousin, Roran Stronghammer, killed them, and Saphira killed both Lethrblaka." Calraeli said. "Are you absolutely sure that there are more than we can imagine, Eragon?"

"Yes. The dark king himself told me himself that there were more."

"Well, of anymore of those demons come here, I will make sure I will rid the wold of every last one of them." Skalmo said with a vengeance.

"And that's exactly why me and Saphira will teach you and your dragons how to ward them off, and know tree weaknesses. For what we know, there could be one or two Lethrblaka flying here wanting to kill me and Saphira for revenge."

"Aye. I have heard what those foul oathbreakers are capable of. Oh, I have heard what horrible, vile things and methods of torture they were capable of."

"Indeed. Now the point is, we are keepers of the peace, and it is our duty to protect this beautiful land called Equestria from any danger or omen that will come upon it." Murtagh added.

"And our new friends, as well. They have treated us with the utmost kindness, and so have their Princess Celestia and Luna, and now we will return the favor by being Eqeatria's protectors." Said Thorn.

They all perfectly understood what they were saying to them. "Now, will you all accept this duty and responsibility of being a dragon rider, and a keeper of the peace?" Eragon said

It was a little silent for a while, so long of silence that if anyone would even say anything, and the only thing heard at the moment was the sound of birds chirping and the dragons heavy breathing from their nostrils.

"I swear." Said Dervoc. "As a new life for me, I will promise to protect all life on this beautiful peace of land." He then pounded his chest with his mighty hand two times

"So will i. I promise to protect all creatures great and small." Artvazh promised next.

"We will promise to protect all that is good." Said Calraeli. "For queen Izlanzadi, and Queen Arya."

"And for Firnen, and our other fallen dragon comrades." Vaodidr added

"And I for Equeatria, and for king Hrothgar, King Orik, and my clan." Skalmo said

"I promise to protect the balance of this world with my rider." Gridgorn concluded.

This made Eragon and Murtagh smile, feeling rather proud of these newbies for their dedication. "Perfect. Then ket's make a vow." Then they all swore to protect all that is good around him, and thus, they were officially dragon riders of the new order.

"Now that this is done, let's get to training." Said Murtagh.

"Oh, and Calraeli, perhaps you can also be a helper in teaching magic too, since you are an elf, after all."

"Of course. We elves are gifted magic users after all." The elf gloated.

"Perfect. Now, let's begin. Now, the dragons we will ride a little later on, but for now, the riders come with me to the lake."

They all followed him and Murtagh while Blodhgarm and his cohorts stayed with the dragons.

"We will start with a few basic spells. Murtagh and I will show you how to manipulate water. The word for it is Adurna. Go on, and try it. Just try not to hurt yourself while you are doing it. Calraeli, why don't you go first."

"Very well." With a breath and in concentration, he firmly said "Adurna" and then he felt the water moving from the movement of his hand, and made a few tricks with the small waves.

"That'a how it's done."

"Bah, sure, it is easy for them since he is an elf, after all." The dwarf retorted sarcasrically.

"Relax, Skalmo, if you fail the first time do not give up, just keep on practicing and practicing and you will get the hand of this."

"I know. You're right. If Hrothgar and Orik trusted you, then I suppose I will do the same thing."

'So, why don't you give this a try?"

"Right." The dwarf walked up to the shore after Calraeli and concentrated deep in himself. Finally, he shouted "Adurna!" Then he felt the water moving upward like the elf was doing with it. He smiled, feeling proud of himself for creating a spell like this one. "I am doing it!" He said with excitement.

"Good, now do not let go of it or lose concentration, otherwise you will-" then the water went back in the lake after Skalmo was slightly off guard. "-not work." Eragon concluded. "Dervoc, you are up last."

The large urgal walked up to the lake as the last one, and concentrated and also shouted "Adurna!" And there was more water rising up than the last two, possibly because of Dervoc's hulking size. This was definitely the fish time an urgal spellcasters was ever seen from Eragon and Murtagh.

"Perfect! Now, we will keep practicing and you will all have it in the palm of your hands. For now, we should practice our flight."

Then they all went up to their dragons. Wen they were in the air, they encountered so many clouds coming through them.

"Now, we will try something that will give us a dragon's sight. You all have to say Skulblakas ven, and you will receive the sight of the dragon." Said Murtagh.

All together in Concentration, they all shouted "Skulblakas ven!" Then they all received dragon eyesights.

"Oy! I can see long distances!" Said Skalmo in amazement. "I feel like dragon myself!" He laughed in the wildest excitement.

"This is so amazing! My eyesight feels ten times more useful." Dervoc added

"This could be useful when we are looking for someone." Calraeli called

"It is!" Eragon called. "You can all turn back to your Normal eyesights now."

Then they all did what Eragon instructed. "Now, me and Eragon will show you a few tricks of dragon riding." Murtagh said

Then they both spun around in circles and the oher dragons followed after. "They are fast learners." Eragon said in amazement."

"Brom would be proud." Said Saphira

"I think he will "

Revenge of the Minotaurs

The dragons turned in many different directions on and on when they flew into the clouds in be sky. All of them were following Eragon and Saphira, with Murtagh and Thorn flying next to them on the right, just because.

"Wonderful. Just wonderful!" Eragon praised his students.

Saphira looked back at the other dragons and the riders, still soaring. "You all learn fast. I am most proud of you all."

"Yes, you are all doing quite splendid." Murtagh added.

"What fine dragon riders you will all make." Said Thorn, also looming back at the other new riders following from behind.

Glaedr, and Umaroth were watching for themselves, noticing the new riders looked riser promising for the future generations to come ahead of them. If they were dragons again, both would fly with them. Still, they were proud.

"Excellent work, Dragon Riders!" Eragon called out to them. "Let us be back on the ground. Saphira. Please take us in low from here."

The blue dragon nodded her head, and she was swooping down back to the surface of the earth. The other dragons followed thereafter. They all landed one at a time, with Dervoc being the last, a d the loudest thanks to his gigantic size.

Eragon and Murtagh got off their companions and the others did the same after.

"That was rather easy." Skalmo remarked, in surprise. "I did not know that I would have it in me, even if I am a dwarf." He pulled out Knurl and looked at his reflection through it. "I am so glad that you became my dragon, Gridgorn."

His dragon friend smiled "thank you. And I am so glad I am your friend and your protector. I think that the dwarves should have been included to the other a long time ago when they were first established."

"I concur. Dragons and Dwarves do make an excellent team."

"Alright! Now, we will be doing a sparring lesson." Eragon announced. "I know it may sound a little silly because you might have fought with foes before, but practice makes perfect."

They all looked rather eager hearing that.

"Now, I will assign all of you to one sparring partner. The rule is that magic and killing are not allowed. Please do not maim or seriously injure your opponents in any way."

Murtagh than tapped him on the shoulder, and whispered to him "Eragon, could you please not assign me with Skalmo. He will try to kill me without hesitation in a duel."

"Don't worry, Murtagh." Eragon whispered back to him. "I am very well aware that Skalmo has a grudge on you. So I will assign you to spar with Dervoc."

Murtagh looked at the urgal, breathing a low grunt from his nose,, cleaning his sword. He was intimidated by his size and how he fights. Then, he thought of the urgals he had killed with a eragon while they were still under Durza's control. "Perhaps you are right."

"And besides, I will be announcing switches between sparring partners after all. Don't worry, I will not make the dwarf your sparring partner."

The son of Morzan gave a relief sigh. "Good."

"Now, I will assign you to your partners. Calraeli, you will be training with Skalmo. Blodhgarm, you will be with me, and Murtagh will be with Dervoc."

Each of them looked at their partner, and all pulled put their swords. Murtagh and Dervoc looked at each other for a long time, at least the urgal didn't have fire burning in his eyes to him like Skalmo would have, fr the dwarf would try to kill him without hesitation.

"Are you ready, Murtagh?" Dervoc said at last, sounding determined

"Yes. I am ready when you are ready, Dervoc." Murtagh readied himself in a battle pose. "This should be an interesting spar."

"Indeed, this would sound like a really good training idea. But I must warn you, I was named one of the best warriors in mine clan. Prepare yourself." Then he did a battle pose of his own.

It was a little still, until they finally clash. Ramr was so strong when it hit Za'roc. It was almost like a boulder or a Warhammer trying to strike it, but nontheless, Murtagh was strong and held his ground. All rider swords were indestructible.

Dervoc did a sweep through the grass, but Murtagh jumped up to not have his ankles sliced off. The lone rider did a few strikes against the large urgal. He concentrated, and clashed Za'roc with Ramr, two attacks that were vertical and one horizontal.

"You're pretty skilled." Murtagh acknowledged Dervoc.

"I am an urgal after all." He replied proudly. So more more strikes ad clashing continued, making this sparring rather fierce. Dervoc wasn't really as fast as an elf or human would strike a sword, but still, he was rather swift, Ramr made low sounds whenever it struck Murtagh's sword.

Finally, Dervoc knocked Za'roc out of his partner's hand, landing on the grass with a loud "shing". Without warning, he pushed Murtagh right on his back with full force.

Murtagh was rather impressed that an urgal pinned him down like that. It was like he was a twig or a small rock compared to this giant.

Besides that, Dervoc smiled and lifted him back up to his feet. "You fight well, brother." He said proudly.

"Aye. You too." Then Murtagh picked up Za'roc, ready for round two.

"Don"t let your guard down." The urgal warned. Then he discovered a powerful swing at the son of Morzan, but luckily, Murtagh blocked it at the very last second, then round two had begun.

Meanwhile. Calraeli and Skalmo were circling each other, waiting for either side to make a move at them. "Have you ever fought a fellow elf like me before, dwarf?" Calraeli asked

"No, but this should be my first time. This should be rather interesting. Just because we dwarves are not good of magic users like Elves are, does not mean we do not know how to fight with a sword, axe, or mace."

"I know. Let's see what we can do. And I will not use magic like Eragon said. Besides, it wouldn't be a fair advantage to use magic against a first Dwarven dragon riders

Skalmo made a gruff chuckle. "Aye. This should be fun." Then they both charged, mint-green metal versus orange-yellow metal. The dwarf did a mighty spin-swing at the elf, and Calraeli blocked it with a spin-swing of his own.

Next, the elf did a forward somersault jump at him with a mighty vertical swing, but only for Skalmo to knock Welden off the elf's hand. The dwarf made another swing at him, but Calraeli rolled out of the way just in time to get the sword back. He blocked another strike, and pushed the dwarf back, causing him to fall on his ass back to the ground after a mighty strong strike.

The sparring became more faster, many jump strikes, and slashing, some of them with full-style.

Finally, it was decided when Calraeli knocked Knurl off Skalmo's mighty fist, and took it for himself, know having two swords with him.

He shown Skalmo's own sword, close to his neck, but he gave it back to him."

"Ah, just a few simple tricks." Skalmo remarked. "We'll see how it is next."

"I concur, but I must warn you, I am a breed apart from other elves."

Finally, Eragon and Blodhgarm were both eagerly matched. Since he was the leader of the new riders, he was facing the other spellcasters at once. He was able to fend off the other magicians, but of course, Blodhgarm was stronger, and swung his sword against Brisingr, making him an even match against. The only difference was that Blodhagarm, being a pure elf, was faster than Eragon.

And so the training went on and on so forth. For one long hour, everyone switched places with different sparring partners. Turns out this training was proving them good for being dragon riders.

After another long sister minutes, they all took a little break to catch their breath. They fought and trained hard against one another. Eragon went to splash his face with the lake's cold water to cool off, then, even though there was no blood on it, he cleaned his sword in the waters.

"You are turning out rather well being a teacher for the new order." Glaedr said from his eldunari.

"Thank you, master." Eragon replied

"Murtagh himself makes an astounding teacher himself."

Eragon looked at his half brother checking on Thorn, smiling at him.

In town, everyone was happy as ever. Calraeli and Vaodidr were with Fluttershy and Blodhgarm, checking out some of her animal friends.

"Goodness, the bunnies really like you." Fluttershy noted

"Aye. I can tell by that." Calraeli looked at the small rabbits and thought of how adorable they all were, with those big ears, and cute little eyes.

"So, Calraeli, you like talking to animals?"

"Oh of course. I have talking to animals and other creatures ever since I was a young child." He picked up a young little grey rabbit and gently stroke it's head. Blodhgarm then picked up a little grown bunny with floppy ears, then stroked it's head like the other elf did with the grey one he has. "It is one of my greatest strengths that I have."

Fluttershy smiled, grateful to hear that. "Wonderful. So, I am going to tend to all my animal friends later on today. If you would like. You are more than happy to help me."

Calraeli smiled "of course. I would be more than delighted to help you and your fellow animal cronies."

"As will I." Blodhgarm added

"Oh, it will be ever so fun. We can feed them, and teach them a few fun tricks they want to learn."

Calraeli and Blodhgarm were just as excited as Fluttershy was. Both were looking forward to interact with animals and helping them. Elves are indeed, ones with nature.

Meanwhile, Rarity and Applejack were spending a little time with Skalmo and Dervoc. "Tell me, are you two trying to get along a little more?" She asked curiously to both of them.

"Oh yes." Said Dervoc. "Me and the half-pint are doing just fine."

"Who you calling half-pin, you behemoth?" Skalmo retorted

"Alright, alright, let's not come to any blows now, y'all." Applejack intervened. "Pease try and be more close to one other."

Dervoc stepped up by saying "we know. Just because we are both friends now, does not mean that we can agree on everything."

"Here here. We still have a few of our differences." Skalmo added. "Nonetheless, Gridgorn and Artvazh are Doug rather wonderful. Just look at them."

All four looked to where Artvazh and Gridgorn were, probably having a conversation while exchanging minds.

"Yeah, I can tell. Just please try not to strain them from each other." Said Applejack

"We won't. Me and Skalmo will work out our other differences. We promise."

"We know." Rarity said. "So we were rather curious, have you done good. Trying to master the arcane arts?"

"Aye. I know I was doing just fine." Skalmo replied proudly. "For a dwarf like me, I know how to use magic well. Not as good as those narcissistic elves of course, but still. I am a fast learner when it comes to magic."

"Good. And about the elves, they were already included before dwarves and Urgals came along." Applejack teased,

All four laughed with her. "Aye, ain't that the truth." Dervoc agreed. "I myself am doing quite well with my magic. It was.... A little tiring for me however."

"Me too."

"Well, didn't Eragon teach you that some spells can kill you?" Rarity asked them

"He did, especially necromancy."

Rarity made a disgusted groan. "Oh I cannot stand necromancy. What kind of ghoul would even want to raise the dead like that?"

"A Ra'zac perhaps." Dervoc suggested

"That is a really good point." Rarity made another shiver down her spine "I almost do not even want to know what kind of dark sorcery they would try to use."

"Me neither. All Ra'zac are savage, evil monsters that should be eradicated from the face of the earth." Said Skalmo.

"Eragon did say hat there were more eggs out there, hidden. He said so himself, and I have not forgotten that. He has gotten that from Murtagh before he and a thorn went to self exile."

"Bah!" Snarled Skalmo. "The son of zmlrzan was probably lying to him. Probably still under the king's curse, evil on the inside."

"Oh stop it, you." Said applejack. "Murtagh has changed. "You have to try to give him a chance."

The dwarf gave a other gruff breath. "I will never forgive him for what he did to Hrothgar, but only for Eragon's sake, I will not kill him."

"Good. You and Murtagh might have a few details in common." Rarity said

"Hmph, I will accept dwarves and urgals being quite similar, but I will guaranty you, me and the son of Morzan have nothing in common."

"Tut tut, Skalmo." Said Dervoc calmly. "You go on too fast. You are being driven by revenge and anger once again."

"He is right, dwarf." Said Artvazh in a distance. "Let us not jump over to conclusions. Just have faith on the youngling. And think about how Thorn feels."

Skalmo thought about it, but he said "what he did to Hrothgar is beyond my forgiveness. For Thorn, I suppose he was still only a youngling in the battle of the Burning a plains where the king had died." Then he looked at Thorn having a conversation with Twilight and Spike. "Perhaps you are right. I should not jump to conclusions right away..... For Thorn, anyway."

"See, that isn't so hard." Applejack said with mild proudness. "Just wait, and it will get better."

"She speaks correctly." Artvazh agreed. "Let life carry, Skalmo, and everything will be better."

"And think of me and how Thorn will interact. Think about what is also good for me and not only yourself." Gridgorn reassured.

"I know. You're right."

"Ah!" A mare screamed. It was Roseluck, running down the streets. "Minotaurs!" She exclaimed

Many ponies gasped.

"Minotaurs?" Said Dervoc. "Here?"

"I did not believe they would even exist." Skalmo added, also quite surprise of such a creature.

"Where are they?" Asked Applejack.

"On the east side of town!" Then she ran away.

On the other side, three large, hulking Minotaurs were walking through the street. Looking white terrifying and intimidating. One was white and had water buffalo horns, another was blackish brown and had African buffalo horns. And the last one, who was the leader, was black and white with yak horns.

The one with the water buffalo horns was smashing a few food stalls on his way through the road.

The second one, who was the one with the African buffalo horns, was looking around at the other ponies, looking as scary and terrifying as he can be, showing them that he was no pushover.

"Okay, boys, we saw the dragon here." Said the leader in a Brooklyn accent. "Keep an eye out for any one of them."

"Right boss." Said his cronies.

The African buffalo horned minotaur looked angrily at the water buffalo one. "And let's not try to screw anything up, okay Rigby?" He teased him in a tough, low voice.

"Oh shut up you moron!" The other one shouted.

"Don't tell me to shut up you feeble little maggot!"

"So are you calling a maggot, you insufferable brute!"

"Shut up! Both of you!" Said the leader. "Focus. Let's go what we came for, and after that, we'll take what we want from these weaklings for all I care."

The other two Minotaurs both cheered.

"Hey, you!" Said Rainbow dash, who was with her friends, ready to fight these goons. The Minotaurs were not afraid of them since they were so large.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Twilight demanded.

"I am Ardaran Ironskull." The leader introduced

"Name's Grabaran." Said the African Buffalo one

"And I am Turbur." The last concluded

"What do you want?" Applejack said

The Minotaurs looked at one another, and the leader said at last "we were looking for a little creature named Eragon."

"That would be me." Said the rider. He pulled out Brisingr from it's scabbard, and the other riders joined in as well."

Saphira made a growl, ready to eat them all. "I will come at you all at once!

"No!" Said Eragon. "It's alright Saphira. We can hand,e these barbarians." Then he turned back to the brutes.

"What business do you have here?" Calraeli demanded.

"Revenge! Revenge on him for killing our friend, Jarranak." The leader said. Obviously, he was referring to Eragon. They all looked at him.

"You.... You know about that?" Said the rider in surprise.

"How can we not. What you did to our friend was unforgivable."

"He gave me no choice!" Eragon protested. "He brought it upon himself. The Minotaur of yours was mugging me, wanting to empty my pockets for everything that I had."

"What do you expect? We are thieves after all. We take whatever we want, whenever we want." Said Grabaran

"And we want to avenge our friend!" Turbur added in an equal amount of hatred like his friends have,

"Please. I do not want to kill you. Leave now."

The three Minotaurs laughed "but we want to hurt you! Oh how it would make us smile to see your blood falling out." These monsters really want Eragon dead for this so-called crime he committed.

"Please, do not bring all of Ponyville into these. What did they ever do to you?" Dervoc reasoned with them

"What are you talking about?" Ardaran questioned "we kill whatever we want, whenever we want. The weak die and the strong survive! Besides, ponies are weak!'

"How dare you call us weak!" Fluttershy shouted

"We'll show you overgrown pieces of meat who is weak!" Rainbow pounded her hooves together.

The Minotaurs pulled out their khopesh swords out, and those were not the only weapons, they had large swords on their left waists. "We will really enjoy killing you." Said Ardaran cruelly.

"Wait, everyone." Eragon halted the ponies and Spike. "Let us handle this." The other riders stepped up and joined him, more than ready to take care of this rabble.

"Eragon, they are gigantic!" Spike warned. The others agreed with him "they will murder you!"

"No they won't Spike." Said Murtagh. "We can take them easily."

"That kind of arrogance will get you killed" said Grabaran.

"We will see about that." Said Skalmo.

"Just in case. Blodhgarm, can you and the other elves lend us your strength?"

"As you command, Shadeslayer." Blodhgarm replied proudly.

They, they all fought. Eragon was face to face with the leader. The khopesh looked really lethal, but still, they didn't have magic like the riders did.

Dervoc swung mighty blows at Grabaran. Both of the, throwing powerful lunches against one another. Grabaran was also fighting rather well, but he did not have magical abilities. They both clashed their horns like argali rams would do for dominance, and were pushing themselves with their beefy hands, both growling at eachother.

Without warning, the Minotaur punched Dervoc hard in he face to make him land on the ground with a loud thud.

Grabaran was about to kill him with the khopesh, but Dervoc used Ramr to block it just in time, and kick him in the face. Dervoc sliced him three times through his arms, and chest, causing some scratches. "You will pay for that, freak!" Said the Minotaur

"Look who is calling who a freak!" Dervoc replied. Grabaran bellows in rage and began swinging at him again.

Murtagh and Skalmo were face to face with Turbur, also wielding a khopesh. "You think I am afraid of you?" He said

"You should be." Murtagh replied. Turbur sliced his sword, blocked many times from Za'roc. Murtagh lept, and slashed him across his back, causing the Minotaur to bellow in agony. "Now you will die."

It was not easy, for the Minotaur was two times Murtagh's size, and inflicted minor wounds on him, such as a small slice through his ribs.

With Skalmo, he fought gallantly. At the right moment, the dwarf swooped underneath him, and and stabbed his heart from behind his back. Turbur was the first one to be killed, and a loud thump was heard when he fell dead.

"Nice trick." Murtagh acknowledged the dwarf,

"Bah, save the formalities." Skalmo replied, still having a grudge against him,

Many swings and clashing from Grabaran were a little too much for Dervoc, even if be is the same size as the Minotaur. To make things worse, he pulled out his large sword, and was now wielding -dual weapons.

"Jierda!" The urgal shouted. With a mighty swing, he broke khopesh, leaving the Minotaur with only one weapon again.

Grabaran growled "you shouldn't have done that!" They both rammed their horns again. Only this times, Dervoc head-butted thr Minotaur four times, making him dropped his sword. For that, the time was right for him, and he sliced the second Minotaur deep on his chest, causing him to fall dead.

At last, the leader himself was left alive. Turns out he was more than a match for a eragon and Calraeli. Nonetheless, both of them stood their ground.

"Shall we finish him?" Asked Eragon. "He is too dangerous to let him live."

"Quite right. He might kill everyone here." Calraeli agreed. "Ready when you are.

Then at the same time, they both yelled "Brisingr!" Then they they both shot fireballs of both blue and mint-green at the ,elder, causing him to burn, and die.

At last, he battle was over, and the riders have won. All the ponies and Spike went to congratulate them

"That was so awesome!" Said Rainbow Dash. "You were like tough and all!"

"Oh yes, you saved us all." Fluttershy agreed.

"Thank you all." Said Eragon. "We did everything we can to protect this town."

"And we wouldn't be standing without you guys." Said Twilight.

The riders felt really proud and happy that the town was saved. "Let us not forget about my old friend, Blodhgarm. He provided us with some magical help." Dervoc added

"Of course. They will have full credit too." Rarity agreed.

"Is everyone alright?" Asked Skalmo

They all replied a yes to him, making them all relieved to hear nobody got hurt.

"Good. Those beasts were a little tough to fight. Still, we fought gallantly."

"Well, we might as well, get rid of the bodies and discard their weapons." Said Big Mac.

"Good idea," then the spellcasters went to take care of the three dead corpses and throw them into a pit far away from Ponyville where no one will ever have to see it, and maybe be fed to the vultures later on if they see them.

Unusual Events

The next morning, Eragon has woken up from his sleep, and tried to work his vision again. However, he looked down and someone was below him, also waking up from a slumber. He was looking into Murtagh's eyes.

And then, "Ah!!"

They both awoke more with a scream of both fright, and disgust. "What the hell happened?!"

"I don't know!" Murtagh replied. Both of them were really confused of what just happened and why they were sleeping together like that. It was most unusual indeed.

Eragon, uncomfortably said "I just fell asleep last night, that was all."

"Aye, me too."

There was a long, awkward silence with a pause. Both the brothers stammered, feeling with the most discomfort they ever had. I it was a rater good thing that Saphira and Thorn and the pony gang didn't see this. That would have been so bloody embarrassing.

"Well, i.... I should probably go bow." Murtagh said.

"Yes, that would be best. I will talk with you later."

"But never, NEVER about this." His older half-brother stated firmly

"No. Never." Eragon agreed. Then Murtagh went out the front door to check if Thorn was alright. Meanwhile, Eragon was so confused on why this just happened so suddenly.

"You seemed a little troubled, little one." Saphira suddenly said, spooking him with a small jump.

"Please! do not frighten me like that, Saphira! You almost gave me a heart attack." He gruff ed

"I'm sorry. You were a little troubled like I have said before. Now as I will ask once more, are you alright?"

Eragon took a small breath, and replied to his dragon friend "i- i'm fine, Saphira. I am just a little tired, and I have only just woken up from my slumber."

It was silent again, then Saphira said "good. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"I do."

"You should probably eat some breakfast. You might be hungry."

Then Eragon's stomach mare a low rumble like a growling lion would make. "Oh, you are right. I probably might go for a little hunting for non-talking beasts that I can find."

"Perfect. I for one would like a little breakfast myself." Said Saphira.

Then there was a knock on the door, and Eragon answered it, and found it to be Rarity. "Oh, good morning to you, Rarity."

"Hello, darling." The white unicorn replied.

"What would bring you to my new humble abode.

"Well, I heard two screaming voices from your house. Is everything alright, darling? It just startled mr a little."

Eragon absolutely did not want to tell her about the.... recent event that just occurred, so he replied "of course. It was nothing. Just a large vicious rat is all."

Rarity had a look of disgust, and made a disgusted groan. "Eww, such filthy vermin." She complained. "Well, I am sorry to bother you, darling."

"No no, it's alright, Rarity. Like I said, just a little rat problem, nothing more."

"I understand." Rarity said with a smile. "If you want, you can always get Fluttershy to help you get rid of it by convincing it to move somewhere else."

"That's kind of you, Rarity, but I think I can handle the pest." Then Eragon stretched with a yawn. "Meantime, I should probably eat some breakfast." Then he pulled put his bow and arrow set in the holster. "There might be a large ram that I would probably want."

Rarity was a little unnerved by this, but, she had to pull through with it. "Very well." She said in a cheerful tone. "Just, please have remorse for killing an animal, and try not to be so thoughtless."

"Of course. I promise."

"Wonderful. Well, see you soon, darling."

"Bye Rarity. We will speak again soon."

"Absolutely." Then the white unicorn was off through the streets of Ponyville.

"Was there really a vermin rat problem?" Asked Saphira a little skeptical about what was happening in the house,

Eragon lightly brushed off what she said "of course. Why?"

"Only a little girl would be afraid of one mere rat." The large, blue dragon gave a breath out of her nose.

"Well, it caught me by surprise, is all. It ran around my foot a little." He lied again

"You are hiding something, Eragon." Saphira said firmly. "I can tell through the look on your eyes that you are lying to me.

He finally gave in, and said in her mind "very well. Saphira, I accidentally fell asleep with Murtagh last night, and I was right on top of him."

"That was all?" She asked. "Why would you be humiliated by that? Dragons like myself like go sleep close to siblings. As a matter of fact, you saw me and Thorn napping together once in a little while."

"That is different." Eragon countered. "Of course it is alright for you dragons to sleep with your siblings, but me and Murtagh are not dragons, I am a human-elf hybrid while Murtagh is a pure human. Therefore it is unusual in such events. Besides, it was a little uncomfortable"

"Very well."

"And, Saphira, please keep this between the both of us and no one us." Eragon begged. "I do not want anyone to find out about this.

Saphira smiled "do not worry. I promise that I will not say a word to anyone else."

Eragon sighed on relief. "Thank you, Saphira. I know I can always trust you.

"Of course,"

Meanwhile, Thorn noticed the same type of peculiar thoughts Murtagh was having, "is everything alright, Murtagh?" Asked the red dragon curiously

"Aye. I'm fine, Thorn. Really?"

"You do not really look like it. I can sense a little conflict within yourself." Said Thorn. "Would you care to tell me what just happened?"

Murtagh knew that Thorn was too smart for him. He gave a quietly groan of irritation. "Very well." He said. "Me and Eragon accidentally fell asleep together last night while watching the..... Television device."

"Why would that be any problem?"

"It is..... Not normal for a brother to sleep with another like that." Murtagh admitted.

"Come now." Said Thorn. "You should not think of it as nonsensical nonsense. Think of it as a special Brotherly Bond."

The young man was thinking about it for a long while. It was so quiet and still that Murtagh could hear the breathing from Thorn's mouth and nose. "Perhaps, but I would rather prefer if we would never speak of this again."

Thorn nodded his head. "Very well, Murtagh. My lips will be sealed like a lock and key to a sacred door."


Thorn let out a loud yawn so big, all his teeth were visible, the ge closed his mouths and smacked it a couple of times.

A little later on, Twilight and Spike were bounding with Artvazh, and had a little chat with him,

"Do tell me, Twilight." Said Dervoc. "Do you have any records of Alagaesia in your library?"

"No, it i will, when I learn more about it." The purple Alicorn replied. "That way, it will be e first source of information about Alagaesia in Equestria ever"

"I can imagine," said Artvazh. "History of Alagaesia will be a great opportunity for your home to experience the beauty and the history."

"That is not the time under Galbatorix' rule?" Asked Spike

"Aye, of course. And indeed, he was the worst stain in all of the sacred lands with his little army of soldiers. Shades, and Ra'zac vermin."

"I can't imagine why." Said Twilight. "Well, I should probably get back go my studying and writing Alagaesia history down." She sounded more than happy when the announced that.

"Good luck, Twilight. And see you soon, Spike" Artvazh replied kindly.

"See ya." The baby dragon said.

Twilight then noticed Eragon, walking over to Murtagh's house. "Eragon, hello!" She called out."

"Oh. Hello, Twilight." Eragon replied.

"I was just stopping by go see How well you're doing."

Eragon smiled at her. "That is fine."

"So what did you think of the television?"

"It was amazing and intriguing. At first, I thought it was a pony trapped inside a magical box, but it turns out it was not so."

Spike and Twilight giggled.

"Trapped in a magic box, you crack us up." Spike said.

"Well, I am just off to see Murtagh to pay back a depth of fifty bits from the saddle for Thorn."

"Hi Spike, Twilight! Hi Eragon!" Called a happy voice. They all looked and it was Pinkie Pie, giggling and laughing excitedly as she was bouncing down the road like a kangaroo. "What are you all doing?"

"Nothing new, Pinkie." Twilight replied to her with a smirk.

"Oh, that's good. Well, everypony loves the new riders. They love them."

"Wonderful. It would appear that the whole town of Ponyville is warming up to the new dragon riders."

"Uh-huh. Not to mention the spa Murtagh and Thorn. Had with Laura and Bon Bon. I heard it was so relaxing!"

"Oh, um, are we interrupting?" Said a voice. They all looked where it was, and it was Fluttershy with Calraeli and Blodhgarm with her.

"Oh. Hello, Fluttershy." Said Eragon. "It's quite alright, you were not interrupting us at all." The Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie agreed with her.

"And what might you be up to, Blodhgarm and Calraeli?" Asked Twilight

"Oh, I was heading down with Fluttershy to her cottage to spend a little time with her." The elf rider replied. "Vaodidr said he would love to experience it himself."


"And Blodhgarm is with me because he was my childhood friend."

"It's true. I have known him since we were in magic class." Blodhgarm added. "And I am always more then happy to spend time with Fluttershy,"

"Oh yes." Fluttershy agreed. "And Calraeli said he would love to talk to my critter friends."

Eragon smiled. "Wonderful. Well, I have watched this.... Television last night, and it was unlike anything I have ever seen before."

"They do not have them in Alagaesia?" Asked Fluttershy


"Oh. Well, we are going now. See you all later." They all said bye to Fluttershy, Blodhgarm, and Calraeli, then they followed after her.

"I see you were talking with some friends, Eragon." Murtagh noticed.

"Aye." The. He pulled out his pouch and revealed forty bits to lay Murtagh back. "Here you go brother. This should make us even."

"It will." Said !urtabh, taking the money. "Thank you."

"Well, I might as well give you and the others a day off today."

"Good." But before Eragon left, he was stopped by Murtagh. "Oh! Wait! Uh, Eragon, about last night., I think we need to talk about-"

"No!" Eragon protested, "no we do not!"

"Yes we do." Murtagh urged, "now listen.... What happened was...... The best sleep I have ever had in my life."

Eragon was a little nervous. Then he had a thought of the same thing Murtagh was thinking about. "I..... I do not know what you are talking about."

"Murtagh gave him an unamused glare "Eragon, admit it! It was the best sleep you have ever had!"

Eragon was a little to proud of himself to believe this. "I have had better naps before.

"Oh really? When?"

There was a long pause, so silent that the only sound they can hear was the clock ticking, until finally, Eragon admitted with a voice of guilt. "Alright! Alright, it was the best sleep I have ever had."

"There you have it."

"I have said it alright? But it is done, Murtagh." He made a small growl. "Why are you even bringing up this subject anyway,

"Because..... Because..... I want to do it again,"

Eragon had a look on Murtagh like he was talking to a creeper. "We cannot do it again." He protested.

"Why not?!"

"Because it is wrong, and unusual!" Eragon replied. "We are not dragons, we are different creatures. It just doesn't feel right is all."

Murtagh had a look of slight disappointment. "Fine." He said. "Look, I will see you soon, and if you decide we train again, let me and Thorn know."

With a more calm voice, Eragon flatly said "very well." Then he left.

A little later on, they saw eachother again sitting the park, sitting on the bench. "Murtagh. Listen," Eragon began "I am sorry for snapping at you back there."

"It's alright." Said Murtagh. "I am pretty much used to that kind of habit anyway."


"Eragon look, the reason why I was suggesting us doing it again was because..... because I have not felt that type of love for a long time. It was the few times me and out mother spend time together, away from Morzan."

Then Eragon started to feel some guilt. Murtagh has been through some hell in his life, and remembered the scar on his back, which caused a chill to creep down Eragon's spine.

"I understand." He replied. "But, I just cannot see us sleeping together like that again."

"I understand. I was just thinking that we should have done that a long time ago when we were children."

"Me too."

"Well, I am going to the spa to relax again. "I'll see you soon, Eragon." Then he left.

Eragon was still relent on the whole sleeping with Murtagh again, but then with a sudden mindsmap, he suddenly followed Murtagj.

Another morning has arrived Eragon and Murtagh were asleep on the couch together, and this time, they were more than happy to end like this.

"Well, Eragon, what did I tell you? That was a wonderful sleep."

"Yes. You were right. And at least no one was around to see us like this." He made a yawn, ready to get out of bed.

Then they both heard a throat being cleared and their eyes went bloodshot open. They both looked and saw Twilight, her friends, and Big Mac with all amused faces.

Then the brothers looked at eachother. And both said to eachother while getting pit of bed "what the hell is the matter with you?! What, you're the unusual heathen!"

Then Eragon said to the others "excuse me, and went back to his house. While Murtagh was going upstairs to take a shower.

"Sorry you all had to see that." He addressed.

That was possibly the most embarrassing experiences they both had in their lives.

Author's Notes:

I know this is a filler chapter if that's what you're thinking, but I have had this idea for quite some time, and thought I would put it to reality

Tatzlwurm Trouble

The embarrassment of Eragon and Murtagh sleeping together died down, and luckily, they were not really teased about it, except for Rainbow Dash of course, since she can be quite a tease at times. More or less, Eragon would just brush it off and ignore her about it, and the same with Murtagh. Saphira and Thorn decided not to bring it up in front of their comrades for their own sake. Both of the dragons could even imagine how embarrassed Eragon and Murtagh were when they were caught sleeping together the following night.

Blodhgarm and his followers weren't with them this time, for they were told to make sure Ponyville will be safe since the criminal minotaur attack before. It was alright though, because their help wouldn't really be needed where they were going for this training day. Perhaps Blodhgarm was spending more time with Fluttershy and these two were becoming really close with one another. Twilight, Applejack, and the other elements were glad of that, and so was Eragon and his comrades. He saw in his eyes that these two share a few things in common, such as their love for animals.

Besides the day Eragon and Murtagh had the little incident the following night, Saphira and Thorn thought it was rather nice to see and or hear that two brothers were spending time together such as that event. They were siblings after all, even thought they had different fathers. Nonetheless, they decided to keep it to themselves.

As of now, Eragon, Saphira, Murtagh, Thorn, and the other new riders were out training in the fields once more. They all trained hard and were already breaking a swear with the sparring and using their magic. Artvazh, Gridgorn, and Vaodidr also had a good time stretching their wings as they were flying with Saphira and Thorn. "Turn to the right, Vaodidr!" Calraeli instructed his dragon turning in a wide open gorge full of rock spires

"This is all too easy." Said the mint-green dragon with great confidence.

"You are all doing really well, comrades." Said Eragon. "You all learn quite fast!"

"All thanks to you." Dervoc complimented. "And Murtagh, Saphira, and Thorn of course." Artvazh smiled at him as he was avoiding a dozen rock pillars coming his way

The other three the urgal rider mentioned smiled in gratefulness from his kind remark. "Behind you!" Skalmo warned. The urgal rider saw a large quaray eel trying to eat him, but Artvazh clawed it's neck with blood dripping to the ground. It hissed in pain, and it attempted to kill Dervoc again, but Artvazh stopped it with his mighty paw and and dug his teeth within the creature, killing it instantly

"Nice kill." said the dwarf through the Urgal's mind.

"Ooh, you liked that, eh?" he replied back to him. "Might as well look behind you." the dwarf looked behind himself like Dervoc warned, and saw another eel coming out from a different hole in the rock wall. Gridgorn dodge and saw the eels long body passing by him to yet another opening. Skalmo took out Knurl, and was more that prepared for another strike from the almighty beast. Gridgorn bared his sharp teeth and growled at an opening.

They both saw a fish-like or reptilian like face getting bigger every second and lunged at them, but it missed again. This time, Gridgorn breathed fire at it, making it screech and hurling back to the hole it came out from.

"Maybe we should get the hell out of here." Eragon said

"Aye." then they all flew away from this deathtrap gorge and landed on the field above them before more trouble would come to all of them.

Skalmo and Dervoc promptly put their swords back in the scabbards and mounted off their dragon companions.

"Very excellent work." Said Murtagh

"But next time, let us not be near such a treacherous place like Ghastly Gorge, wouldn't you all agree?" Thorn added

"Agreed." They all replied making the vow.

Saphira cleared her throat "You know Eragon, it is all nice that the dragon riders are being reborn, but I always wonder what it would be like to have another female dragon with us."

"Don't worry, Saphira." Said Eragon with a mild sigh. "I know it would be nice of you to bond with another girl dragon, but these things, like everything else, take time."

"I wish it wouldn't."

"What us wrong with us males?" Thorn asked with little offense.

Saphira made a grunt and snorted smoke out of her nose, then replied "oh, I did not mean to offend you all. My sincere apologies." She was trying to find the best possible way to telling the boys that she needs a little girl time to say the least. Before she could say a word however, she was immediately inerrupted

"Oh she is just being a lady. Ladies just need a little time with other females is all. Rather typical for a girl of course."

Saphira made an unamused look on her face and made a low snarl "yes, thank you for making at statement." She said sarcastically

"Now Saphira."

"It is alright." Vaodidr looked at Saphira and walked up to her in a blank expression, and was rig on front of her, towering her a little bit since he was bigger. "do not worry, Saphira." He said "more riders will be of the way, and you know that,"

Saphira smiled, and realized she was being a little self absorbed. "You are right, Vaodidr."

"You should be happy that you have us with you and Eragon. Just imagine how he felt when he.... Came to Equestria from his home."

"Yes Saphira. He is absolutely right." Eragon said.

"I know."

"Well, that is enough training for one day, let us be on our way back home," Murtagh said.

They all agreed with him, and they all flew back to Ponyville to relax and enjoy themselves from the usual hard work in training. Saphira still thought that it would be nice to have another girl dragon by their side. She did clung on to what Vaodidr said to her the minute before.

He was not wrong, Eragon was still a little sadder that he can never see the rest of his family again because of the prophecy. Firnen of course was still in her thoughts, even though she is happy with Eragon living in Equestria, she could never get Firnen out of her memories.

The time she mated with him just a little while before she and Eragon departed here to this mystical land was so sentimental and nostalgic for her. At least her babies are happy to be with their new daddy, and hopefully, Firnen, and her children will come see her and the others so eddy, and maybe Arya will come see Eragon since she is the new elf queen.

"Feeling sentimental, Saphira?" Eragon interrupted

"Yes." She confessed

"Don't worry, everything will be alright." He reassured with a smile. She knew he was not wrong, 'cause she will be with the one thing she cares about just as much as Firnen, Eragon himself. As long as he was with her, she will always be happy.

Across the beautiful skies, they all saw many scattered clouds here and there, some of them forming in to bigger ones, and the Equestrian summer breeze was so refreshing pressing against them. They all looked at some houses down below, some farmlands, and finally, they saw Ponyville just below them.

All dragons made a steady landing, including Artvazh. Thanks to his giant size, he would most likely cause the ground to shake if he landed even if he was at his most gentle it at.

Nonetheless, when they landed, many of the Ponyvilians were more than happy to see them back in town. Twilight and her friends noticed and approached them.

"Hey guys ." Said Rainbow

"Hello again, Rainbow Dash." Said Eragon

"How was training?" Asked Pinkie Pie

"Perfect. We fought a couple of quarray eels, but we're alright. We will probably think before setting foot inside ghastly gorge." Said Calraeli.

"Ooh, did they give you that much trouble?"

"Quite the opposite, Twilight." Thorn replied. "They were like a wild pack of fanghur if you would think about it, but of course, much larger.

"I always wondered what it would be like to see one." Said Fluttershy. Normally she woukd be afraid of dragons, but now that she has met Saphira, Thorn and the others, she has grown very much used to them, the Alagaesian ones at least.

"Probably not a good idea Fluttershy." Said Spike.

"Indeed, you could probably interact with it, but remember what I told you about the attack and Saphira had with Fanghur."

"That's true, but Fluttershy has her stare that she could probably use."

"Perhaps, but not only that, but they are highly endangered"

"Oh right."

"But don't worry, perhaps yoy might interact with one or two someday." Saphira.

She smiled.

"Well I think we should call it a day for all of us." Eragon stretched his muscles while Saphira did the same thing with her wings. "I desperately need the relaxation."

"No need to tell me twice." Skalmo made a hearty chuckle woth a small cough afterwards. "I could really use some ram meat. Because I am hungry."

"Me too." Said Gridgorn.

Then they all separated and continued with their everyday lives. Artvazh, Gridgorn, and Vaodidr went out to look for any food like a large bear or boar or ram or a deer even.

Meanwhile, Dervoc was eating a large piece of mutton on a drumstick while cleaning and polishing Ramr. After he had eating his snack, he made a loud belch so loud that half of the town heard it, making the ponies wondered who even made a belch like that.

The next thing was he saw a small pack of wolves like up to five or nine, trying to eat one of his leftover boar meat from his last hunt. Dervoc however, didn't kill the majestic beasts, so he tried to talk them with their minds, mostly the larger alpha male's mind.

Through their minds, the alpha wolf said that he was looking for food for his pack and family.

Dervoc agreed and said that they can have a quarter of the meats so they can be well fed. Happy, the wolves took the pieces they wanted and one little pup came up to him and licked his leg as a token of their appreciation.

Dervoc smiled and carefully stroke it with his finger. Then the pup's mother came up and did the same thing with his arm, also telling him thanks for sharing the meat with the pack, then they all went back into the wilds from whence they came out from. He wondered of Artvazh would have liked some, but the large dragon preferred his prey when they were alive to make a hunt more interesting for himself.

For Skalmo he was making himself some feldunost soup with a side of carrots and chicken legs. Some of the grease was getting on his beard a lottle, but he didn't care, because he loved the smell of meat. In his thoughts, he wished he could have taken on Murtagh as revenge for killing Hrothgar in the battle of the Burning Plains. Alas, he could not because Eragon would never allow it, for he knew that he would try to maim him and make him suffer in anguish.

Nonetheless. He was a little conflicted whether to trust Murtagh and Thorn or not, even though his hatred was mostly targeted on Murtagh.

He decided to just let it slide, for he was more than happy to be a dragon rider than to be furious at Murtagh and have as much odium as he holds about him. "Bah, I suppose I might as well be more compromising to him." He thought out loud to himself. "Half brother to Shadeslayer or not, I can never forgive him for what he did to mine king."

He made a breath that caused some hairs from his beard to move like the wind was flowing through it.

Then he heard the door knock. Curious, he waddled and answered it, and revealed to be Applejack with a warm expression.

"Howdy, Skalmo." She said

"Oh, hello Applejack. What brings you to mine new house?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something."

"Sure sure, do come in."

Then the cowgirl promptly trotted inside. "I wanted to talk to you about how you and Murtagh are getting along over the days.'

As Skalmo closed the door. He replied while sitting of his chair saying "you and your friends know very well why I can never forgive him for what he did."

"I know you are still angry at him, but keeping it in like that is not really healthy for you. Besides, that was all in the past, and sometimes you just need to let go of it and look at the future ahead of you."

Skalmo huffed and replied "you don't really understand. King Hrothgar was a great dwarf for all, and mine clan that Kong Orik is apart of. It was like we lost a god to a Demonic entity, or a shade. Hrothgar was our pride and source of dignity. Of course Orik restored it to us, but still."

Applejack sighed "I can tell ya that Murtagh is no shade. Besides, he had no choice, 'cause he was bound to Galbatorix, and so was Thorn."

"Perhaps, but did he try to fight back at the oath breaker? No. He didn't, he just decided to serve him until the end of time."

"He didn't know how to get out of it until Eragon told him about the loophole on true names. That way, Murtagh and Thirn used it to their advantage and helped Eragon and Saphira kill him, and Shruikan."

"Aye, perhaps, but we hear precious little about anything they did afterwards after the dark king was finally dethroned."

"Well yeah, because he and Thorn needed to let go of their anger and calm down. Not to mention that the both hated eachother for all the things they did while serving Galbatorix."

"I know. What are you trying to say, Applejack?"

"That you need to give him a chance. You know that Murtagh and Thorn still hate each other a little bit?"

"Hmph. Listen I really need to eat. My stomach is growling louder than an urzhad frost bite."

"Okay, but please be a little more considerate with Murtagh and Thorn." Applejack begged. "And would you like to go get a smoothie later with Applebloom?"

"Smoothie? What the hell is that?"

"Oh right, Alagaesia doesn't have some things that Equestria does."

"Very well, I suppose I can accompany you."

"Perfect, I promise you, you will love a smoothie when you try it. Well see ya around."

"May Hrothgar's wisdom be with you, Applejack." Skalmo bid farewell, then she went out the door so he can enjoy his delicious lunch.

Th Next Day

Blodhgarm and Eragon were practicing some spells together in town while Saphira was still sleeping on this very morning.

"You are doing rather well Shadeslayer." Said the wolf-elf. "Concentrate."

"And do not let your guard down." Glaedr added. "Use your instincts and trust within them. Never let yourself be distracted."

"Got it." Both of the magic users were doing really well casting non-painful and non-lethal spells to and fro like a game of ping long or tennis. Next they decided to use some words on the ancient language to action (that did not try to hurt anyone.) both of them said "Kvistor" or branch and caused a tree's branches to move around slowly like octopus tentacles.

"Very good." Said Umaroth.

As they both kept practicing, and practicing on and on, they were immediately interrupted by a voice. "Eragon, Saphira!" Said Rarity. Her friends were with her and all had serious looks on their faces. "Oh thank goodness we have found you, Celestia sent you a letter saying that tatzlwurms are attacking the town with no name."

"Town of no name? Why has it not been given a name?"

"Good question, but that's not important." Twilight noted. "The village is in trouble."

"Right, I will go the my fellow comrades and warn them of this news. Come on Saphira, we need to get doing."

"Wait! We're coming with you. We can show you that town, and you might need some extra help with those bugs." Said Rainbow Dash. "Believe us."

"Very well, but can you all take riding the dragons?"

"Of course." Said Spike.

"Umm, I don't know, I feel much safer on the ground." Said Fluttershy,

""Don't worry, you'll be fine."

"Maybe you should ride with me, I'll make sure you will not fall." Calraeli offered.

"Aye, and so will I as well." Vaodidr added.

"Oh, okay."

Eragon and Saphira went go tell the others about the news and the all got their weapons and needed items ready. Then, the ponies and Spike got on the dragons. Twilight, Applejack, and Rarity got on Artvazh, Spike got on Gridgorn, Fluttershy did the same on Vaodidr Pinkie Pie and Rainbow got on Thorn then Twilight got on Saphira. Then they all flew to their destination.

Out on the badlands, they arrived at a small town with two rows of houses and shops with one at the center, in front of the rest.

"Here we are." Said Rainbow."

They all saw the chaos happening, many Tarzlwurms were coming out of the ground, trying to eat anypony they can try to catch. They looked really different than common earthworms obviously, with a three part mouth and humongous size, sort of like a graboid.

"This is madness." Said Blodhgarm.

"They will soon meet the end of their vermin lives with Ramr!" Dervoc shouted triumphantly.

"Prepare to meet justice, Tarzlwurms!" Calraeli exclaimed

Vaodidr, Gridgorn, Artvazh, Saphira, and Thorn roared in a battle cry. And bared their teeth at the gigantic vermin. "Prepare to meet the end of my teeth!" Gridgorn added.

The battle commenced. And Artvazh already killed a small number with his humongous paws and claws, and bit on their necks like the way he did with those eels back in a ghastly Gorge. The largest dragon didn't even see them as a threat, and some of the Tatzlewurms went back underground so they wouldn't have to be dragon food.

Vaodidr clawed a Tatzlewurms' chest with his sharp claws, leaving some green blood spilled on the floor. "Brisingr!" Shouted Calreali, then a shot of green fire flew at the monster, burning it severely with a loud screech, falling dead to the ground.

The elf saw another one coming out of the ground, and lept on it as it ascended to the surface, and stabbed one of it's eyeballs.Rainbow then flew up and kicked it's nose, falling to the ground.

When this beast was dead, another was trying to approach the three behind their backs, but then Fluttershy stepped in and gave it the stare, petrifying it instantly like a statue. At this, Gridgorn flew past, and Skalmo decapitated it with Knurl, and it's head, fell on the ground with it's mouth agape.

"Thank you, Fluttershy." Said Skalmo.

"You're welcome." She replied to him.

Meanwhile, Rarity was zapping a beast with her magic and it did little affect, but it was just then Dervoc stabbed it, right through it's body. He gave a loud battle cry while pounding his chest.

"Very well done." Said Rarity,"

"Same with you." The urgal replied,

Applejack kicked a Tatzlewurm in the face, making it more than mad now. She lassoed it with a large rope, and pinned it to the ground, but the beast retaliated and lifted her up in the air. Murtagh then leaped and shouted "Jierda!" Then he thrusted Za'roc with a mortal blow on the large insect-like monster.

He heard a boy screaming and saw a colt being cornered by a smaller warm, and rushed to his side. Murtagh immediately killed the beast and asked him "are you alright, lad?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Come on, we need to get you someplace safe!"

"Okay." Then Murtagh led him and some of the other children to a cellar where the worms will not touch them

"All of you stay here until this is over." Murtagh instructed." The children nodded their heads in agreement, and he closed the cellar door.

Meanwhile, Calraeli swung Welden here and there at any one of those beasts that wanted to eat him and Vaodidr. He fended off so many of the vermin with both Welden, and magic on his side, feeling more than glad to be an elf.

They all fought gallantly against these Tatzlewurms and finally, the last one was slain by Eragon and Twilight together, and it was all over.

The townsfolk came out cautiously and wondered if it was over, and it turns out, it was safe to come back outside now. Four ponies went up to the mane six. "Guys, you saved us!" Said a white Stallion

"Yeah, and the way you whooped their butts!" A dark blue pegasus remarked

"Hello, everypony" pinkie greeted. "Is everypony okay?"

The whole town smiled and said yes to her in reply. Then they looked at the riders and the dragons, "and what might you guys be? And.... Are you all dragons?" Said a blue stallion,

"My name is Eragon, and this is my blue dragon, Saphira."

The other riders and dragons introduced themselves one at a time. They were all amazed to a hear that these dragons can talk with other's minds.

"Name's Double Diamond."

"I'm Night Glider,"

"Party Favor"

"And I am Sugar Belle, one of the best bakers on all of Equestria."

They were all touched,

"Well, I think we have so much to talk about."

"Welcome to our town." Said Double Diamond. "Come on, we'll show you around."

The riders were more than pleased to be offered in such courtesy. This town that wasn't named seemed like a nice little quiet spot to be in. The four then walked around with Twilight, her friends, and the riders while the dragons followed behind them. Indeed, it looked like they have so much more to talk about after they were saved from those worms.

Thus, another mission was complete for the dragon riders in Equestria.

Lulluda and Memni

At Celestia's castle, she gave praise for Eragon, and the other fellow dragon riders who stopped the tatzlwurm menace from destroying the unnamed town they were terrorizing. Of course, the dragons were all waiting at the courtyard while the riders werw the ones inside with the elements of harnony."Eragon, Dervoc, Calraeli, Murtagh, and Skalmo, I thank you all for saving the village." She addressed "and the same for Saphira, Thorn, Artvazh, Vaodidr, and Gridgorn. And the same for Blodhgarm the wolf-elf, and his spellcasting friends to serve Eragon and Saphira."

They all bowed on respect to her. "Thank you, your majesties." Said Calraeli. "Always there to keep peace at bay."

"Never have we not keep in check for Eragon and Saphira's well being and health." Said Blodhgarm woth a wibk.

"And we are grateful of the kindness that the inhabitants had to offer for all of us dragons and riders alike." Artvazh added proudly. "Those insects were rather slippery, but we all dealt away with them as you requested us to."

"Hopefully, it will stay that way, and pray that the damn Tatzlewurm vermin will leave well enough alone. Insects disgust me." Said Gridgorn,

Celestia and Luna chuckled "don't worry." Said the princess of the night. "Everypony will be just fine, now those warms are afraid to even come near you."

Skalmo made a hearty chuckle "that'd be the truth, your majesties."

They all had a good laugh as well.

"Well, we suppose we should all go back on the train to Ponyville and unwind ourselves, don't yoy all agree?" Blodhgarm suggested. "I could really use more of Fluttershy's exquisite herbal tea, just like she is exquisite herself with her kindness."

Fluttershy flushed "oh Blodhgarm, you're so funny." She said

"Ahem." Rainbow cleared her throat. "Aren't you for terrine some certain ponies here, princess?" She gently nudged her elbow on Celestia's side of her body.

The princess of the sun giggled "of course not. And I would love to thank my former student, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie for being a big help to the unnamed village too.

The six Equestrian heroes smiled.

"Not only that, but all the ponies in the village owe a great debt to the dragons, and their riders for saving them."

All the riders and their dragon companions couldn't be more proud to hear that, especially Murtagh and Thorn . Those tatzlwurms gave them all quite a bit of trouble back there, but, still, they won over the battle between the two factions of the event.

"Do tell me, how is the new sanctuary for the dragon riders coming along?" Luna asked curiously.

"We are not doing so well." Murtagh said woth uncertainty. "All of those worker ponies don't really have the right materials to build a temple such as that. They need the right stone to build up into walls, and many bedrooms if need be."

"For we me light know, it could take weeks, or maybe even months to build a whole sanctuary." Said Thorn. "I am worried that Ponyville might not give us a friendly greeting when more and more of my kind and tear riders come to settle in Equestria."

"Oh we don't mind, my dear Thorn." Said Rarity. "Everypony is quite alright with dragons and ponies living together as one."

'And we all like you." Applejack added. "Why worry? You all got us and other friends."

"We know." Said Dervoc. "Perhaps you are right, Applejack.

"Yeah, and they don't mind building new houses for other dragon riders to live in at the time. Our construction workers love doing that kind of work." Said Twilight.

"Excellent point."

"Well, we will be in touch of whether the sanctuary will be built."

It was just then Spike had a rather excellent idea. "I got it!" He shouted out loud. They all looked at him

"What have you got exactly?" Asked Vaodidr.

"There's an old castle that Celestia and Luna used to live in within the Everfree Forest, maybe the construction stallions can give it an upgrade and make it bigger."

They all had surprised looks on their faces. "Really?" Said Eragon "do you really think that could work?"

"Perhaps it is not such a bad idea after all." Saphira added. "Spike, you are quite the little genius." The baby dragon blushed from her compliment.

"I don't know." Said Twilight with uncertainty. "That castle used to belong to Princess Celestia and Luna after all. It was where they lived before they came here to Canterlot."

"She's right, what if it all disrespected them by remodeling it?" Said Rarity."

"I for one, think it is a wonderful idea." Celestia noted. What she said made everyone look at her with jaws dropped to the ground.

"Me too." Said Luna.

"You- you do? But, y'all used to live there, your majesties." Applejack said

Celestia and Luna smiled warmly at all of them. "Yes." Said Celestia. "But the places has bad memories for is, and it is really no use for us now."

"Yes, it was the place where i.... you know" Luna added in shame, bowing her head with extreme guilt. "Committed horrible things." Was all she answered

Her older sister than hugged her with her wing, making the younger one feel much better. It was making her remember Celestia's forgiveness to her for what she did as Nightmare Moon.

"So, I hereby grant you permission to build the sanctuary at our old castle." Celestia proclaimed. The riders and dragons all cheered for that. "Well, I suppose your work here is done, you may all go now."

Then they all left the room, feeling quite proud. Perhaps building the Dragon Rider sanctuary at the princess' old castle was not such a bad idea after all, they both had no use for it anymore, and it was all in ruins. Yes. perhaps it would be a good place to make a new start for both Dragon and rider alike. Besides, it would save them the trouble of building one from scratch and quarrying stone into walls. Of course they might want it a little bigger and will expand the size of it. It might take a little while too, but it will be done.

Back in Ponyville, Skalmo was having an arm wrestle with Big Mac, and surprisingly, the red stallion won by slamming the dwarf's hand onto the table. "Haha! I win again! Go Mac! Go Mac!" he gloated

"Haha. Rather funny." the dwarf said, rubbing his arm. "I am rather impressed you managed to outbest a dwarf in an event such as this, and dwarves are supposed to be stronger than a mere horse, or in your case, a pony."

"That's my big brother." said Applejack proudly. "They don't call him the strongest stallion in Ponyville for nothing." then she gently jabbed Big Mac's elbow proudly.

"Oh, sis, you're embarrassing me." he blushed lightly. "It was a good game, Skalmo, you did your best."

The dwarf rider made a smirk.

"Skalmo!" called Eragon from a distance. "I sense another rider and dragon heading this way."

The dwarf's eyes widen. "Really? that's perfect! Who is this newcomer?"

"We... are not sure, but it seems like it is a female rider and a female dragon. That's all me and Saphira sensed, and let me tell you, Saphira is more than happy to see that it's a female dragon."

"Yeah, I can hardly imagine it." said Applejack

"I will muster Gridgorn and we will join you in the introductions."

"Perfect, don't be long now. Wouldn't want to keep her waiting."

"No lady would want to be kept waiting, that's for sure." said Big Mac.


in the outlands of Ponyville, near the Everfree forest, Eragon and the others were both waiting for the new, mysterious female rider and her dragon companion to show. They were all waiting for approximately ten minutes for them to show up.

Finally, after another five minutes, they all saw a flying figure in the sky, and it was indeed them. The dragon was a light purple color, and was a very slender type of dragon, as if she had her own breasts because her chest looked a little bigger than her stomach. She had two long tendrils that came from her eyelashes, and her eyes had the color black in them. She was the same size as Saphira's but more slender than her of course.

As for the rider herself, she was a human and had long, brunette hair, and she was also very slender and beautiful in appearance. She had a belt with a pouch next to it, and had a sword that was also purple like the dragon's scales. She wore a black, silk dress that went to her ankles, and her hair was in a straight fashion. She reminded Eragon of Arya, except she was human and her hair was a little more lighter in color than her. "Hello." she greeted.

"Greetings, I am Eragon Shadeslayer, and this is my dragon, Saphira Brightscales." the leader gave her a proper greeting.

"Oh yes, We have heard about you." her voice sounded so beautiful and motherly. "We thank you for freeing Alagaesia from the evil Galbatorix and his foul dragon."

"You are quite welcome."

"Everyone in Alagaesia is praising you as their heroes." said the dragon. Her voice sounded more beautiful and softer then Saphira's.

"I am Lulluda." said the rider

"And I am Memni." the dragon added thereafter.

The riders and dragons made a proper introduction to them one at a time. Saphira was the one most happy since Memni was also a female dragon as well. "We are quite honored for you to come to Equestria." she said to both of them

"It's an honor for me to meet you, Saphira." Memni smiled. "I have always wanted to meet another female dragon myself."

This made Saphira even happier just hearing Memni say that. For she felt the same way as she did. "Come, let us show you Ponyville, and where you will be staying." said Eragon.

"Wait." she looked at Murtagh with uncertainty. He himself, was not surprised by this reaction. "Is it necessary for these two to be with us?"

"It's alright, Murtagh is my half brother." Eragon stated "And he hated to work for Galbatorix. He is good on the inside. As for Thorn, he didn't have a choice either.

"He is right." the red dragon remarked "We both hated the dark king more than anything, but he knew our true names."

"Please, forgive us for our actions."

Lulluda and Memni were thinking about it, and saw that they did have guilt written all over their faces. Maybe Eragon was right, maybe they might discover a whole new rider and dragon underneath them. "Very well." said Memni. "We suppose we can give you two a chance."

"But we do not trust you completely. You must earn it from us." Lulluda added

"Of course." said Murtagh.

"We will make sure that our friendship will remain strong." Thorn added.

"Come on, let us be on our way to Ponyville. All the ponies will be more than happy to meet you, and you will both love them."

"Sure. We can hardly wait to see the lovely town on this land of ponies." said Lulluda with a smile. Mimni did the same thing after. they all rode to the skies back to town.

When they arrived, many ponies gathered around Memni to look at her and Lulluda.

"Hello." the rider greeted to all of them.

Twilight and her friends were the first ones to speak to them out of the group. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, the princess of Friendship."

Then her friends introduced themselves to the pair warmly.

"Welcome to Equestria." Twilight concluded

"Hello." said Memni.

Then the others looked at Rainbow Dash with an unamused look. "What?" she said

"Go ahead, ask her about her sword." said Applejack

"Oh yeah, right. What kind of sword is that?"

"Well, I just found this one on the ground near Du Weldnvarden, a little above Gil'ead" then she pulled out the blade. The hilt-guard was a little more curved than Brisingr and Za'roc, and the blade was the same color as Memni's. The blade was thinner than Brisingr and Za'roc at the same time, but the same height as them, just a little shorter than Brisingr. "Arvindr" she said. "That's the name of it.

Eragon's eyes went wide with shock. "Arvindr?" he asked "I have heard about that sword. It was lost in the rider war before the fall. How did you know what it was?"

"I went to a few elves who know of the sword, and I found a man who said it belonged to an elf rider named Thuviel. The rider who commited suicide just to save the other dragon riders against the forsworn. It was recovered by the elf, who appeared to be his descendants, and placed in a display case in their house. They didn't want to hold it anymore because it held too many painful memories about Thuviel, so they gave it to me as a gift."

"Fascinating. I never thought I would be able to see Arvindr in person."

"I always wondered what happened to this ancient blade." Glaedr noted

"It's so beautiful." said Fluttershy. "It must have been an honor to accept this sword."

"It was. I was more than happy to accept it. It was the least I can do for the elf family. I hated to see them suffer just holding the sword in their possession."

"So come along, why don't we show you the new house you and your dragon will be living in." said Rarity.

"In the meantime, Memni, you and Saphira might have so much to talk about. She is dying to be with another female dragon besides herself."

The purple dragon smiled "Perfect. I was thinking the same way as she was." then she and Saphira looked into eachother's eyes.

"So do tell us about yourself, darling." said Rarity.

"Well, I am always fascinated with fashion and making dresses." this made Rarity do an excited gasp and her eyes shining in excitement.

"Wonderful! I for one am a fashionista myself."

Lulluda made a fascinated smile. "Really? would you care if I showed you a few tricks?"

"Oh it would be an honor."

"Looks like Rarity made a new friend." Pinkie whispered in Applejack's ear

"Oh yeah, I can tell." she replied

Girl Dragon Time

After Lulluda and Memni settled in their new house, placing their belongings within a bag on the bed upstairs, the female rider had a little walk with Rarity. These two will probably have a lot to talk about since they love fashion and intriguing looking outfits. Memni, the beautiful purple dragon was following behind them as she was coming along

Of course, for good measure, Lulluda carried Arvindr close to her hooked to her waist, just in case something happens like a ra'zac coming to Ponyville so it can go on a rampage.

Rarity looked a little uneasy with her carrying her sword around like that. "Pardon me darling, but is this really necessary for you to keep hold of Arvindr? I can assure you, Pony ills is one the safest places on all of Equestria."

It took a moment, but, Lulluda replied "I know this doesn't look so... civilized, but I am one to take a little more... precautionary measures. Besides, my father once told me that it can be a dangerous world out here. I might encounter a ra'zac, or a werewolf, or a shade."

"Well, if your father says so. I am not saying that you cannot carry your sword like this, I was just curious is all."

"I know."

Memni then explained "Galbatorix still has quite a handful of followers who remain faithful to him, even after his and Shruikan's deaths, they still swear allegiance to him like the forsworn would. And let us not forget the ra'zac eggs hidden across the mysterious parts of Alagaesia."

Rarity thought about how she would hate to encounter a servant to the fallen king, or a monster as disgusting and grotesque as a ra'zac, or as wicked as a shade. Nonetheless, she cleared her throat, and noted "well, even if they would come here, you, Lulluda, and the other dragons and riders would put an end to that problem.

"Indeed. Until then, we will train for as hard as we can to rebuild the dragon rider order." The female human vowed.

Then it was so still that they could hear the sound of galloping from many ponies crossing their paths in town and the small thumping of Memni's feet with a small shake every time a foot would hit the ground.

Finally, the silence broke when Rarity cleared her throat "Do tell me, dear Lulluda." Rarity began the conversation. "What made you fascinated with clothes and such?"

"Well, I learned it all from my mother." She replied "she taught me all about this when I was a little girl, four years old to be eact. Since then, I always design clothes, dresses, and accessories."

The white unicorn was quite fascinated to hear this.

"Sadly I lost my mother to the Empire one day."

Rarity frowned "what happened?"

"It was tax day for Alagaesia, and Galbatorix wanted to make sure that he would take all the money all of the people ever owned. One day when a couple of tax collectors came to our house. My mother could not afford the taxes so they killed her ad a punishment."

The element of generosity gasp "that's horrible. I am very sorry to hear that."

"Thank you. I vowed from then on, I would do anything to go against the wretched dark king and the Empire, and help anyone in need of help."

Rarity smiled "wonderful, and what about your father?"

"Oh, he's a proud soldier of the Varden, he was one of Ajihad's most loyal supporters before died, and the same thing for queen Nasuada now."

"She is turning out to be a brilliant leader, even for her age." Said Memni with a small, happy grunt from her nostril. It sounded a little higher than the male dragons and even Saphira's.

"I can imagine so." Rarity agreed. "Have you ever met her?"

"No, but I have met Ajihad. He was an amazing and inspiring leader for the people who want freedom and their rights."

Memni then went in between the two walking, and she remarked "if he was not killed by those evil twins, he would have been an amazing king of Alagaesia. At least that is what Roran told us."

Rarity's eyes widened to hear that name. "Eragon's cousin? You know him?"

"Hm-mmm, I knew Katrina before Memni came along, and when Eragon became a dragon rider that very day."

The white unicorn was growing more and more fascinated by this information. Now she was wishing that she can meet Eragon's cousin even more. "Ah, here is my humble abode, Carousel Boutique. Oh, of course, you might not be able to fit through the door, Memni, my sincere apologies."

The purple dragon smiled "that is quite alright, Rarity." She replied. "I will be just fine out here in the open air.

As the two went inside the boutique,Rarity began to show Lulluda many dresses and spiffy outfits that ponies would normally wear. The female human rider was rather intrigued by Rarity's sense of style.

Now she understood why she is one of the greatest fashionistas in all of Equestria. She thought that perhaps she could produce her own fashion lineup not just for herself, but for people of all races that want to come live in Equestria

Memni was watching through one of the windows, also thrilled to see these wonderful outfits. Besides that, she thought of Saphiral since she meet her, Memni couldn't even stop thinking about her. She was more than glad to see another female dragon.

At an open field, on an edge of a cliff with a forest behind them, Saphira and Memni were just relaxing under the sun, both sitting together. Both of them were happy to be side by side like this. Dragon and Lulluda weren't with them this time, but they didn't mind.

The reason Eragon and Lulluda weren't there with them was because they both thought they deserve a little alone time together, not in a romance way of course, but like how friends would meet each other for the first time.

"So, are you and Lulluda able to do the pact of the dragon and rider to swear for soon?" Saphira asked her, letting a small amount of smoke out of her nostril

Memni let out a purr-like sound and replied "we will soon. Eragon did say he will bring us the meeting where both me and Lulluda will be attending."

Saphira smiled "good. And let's not forget that we will begin our training tomorrow." She reminded her.

"Of course."

"You will learn so much, youngling." Glaedr read their thoughts on the distance "Eragon, Murtagh, Thorn, and Saphira of course will show you all the way of a rider."

"What about you, Ebrithil?" Me, I asked the golden dragon

"Of course I will teach you what I can, but unfortunately since I am not the living anymore, I cannot teach you all the way of the dragon."

Memni was sad to hear that, and had sympathy for Glaedr. "Me and Lulluda understand." She said.

"Of course, you will have my assistance, as well as the other eldunari." Umaroth said, also in the distance from their minds. "My sincere apologies for my interruption, but I thought that I should notify you about it, Memni."

"That's quite alright." Memni. "We will need all the guidance we can possibly gain if we want to be exactly like ten riders of old."

"Oromis would be proud of that, young one." Glaedr remarked.

Hope was building up within her, and she knew everything will be just fine, even in dire situations or times of severe distress. Then she was thinking about another figure. "Say, Saphira? I always wondered about that little reptile that princess Twilight Sparkle has as an assistant."

"You mean Spike?" The blue dragon corrected in question

"Yes. Is he really a baby dragon?"

"Of course. A rather different dragon than us Alagaesian dragons of course. Why do you ask about him?,

"I think he is really adorable." Memni thought. "I mean, he is a little bundle of joy, and how sweet he was."

Saphira laughed "I agree with you. Spike is really adorable. However, he doesn't know who his parents are, and he is alone."

Memni frowned with sympathy "what? Are dragons extinct in Equestria?"

"No no no, of course not. These dragons that Equestria houses are not real dragons at all. They all care about themselves and have quite an avarice for gold and gems, unlike us true dragons."

"The poor baby." Memni remarked, thinking about how alone Spike was.

"Indeed. But, he does have good friends in Ponyville that care about him like a true friend." Saphira added. And of course, thanks to us, he does not feel so alone anymore.i do all that I can to make him happy and not feel any depression.

"Do you spend time with him?"

"Oh yes of course. Not always, but at times, I do. I am the leader of the dragons in the new order, you must not blame me for it, must you not?"

The purple dragoness laughed "that is true. That would all make sense to myself. You know, perhaps I should spend time with Spike some time. It's the least I can do for a baby dragon with no parents."

"Brilliant idea. Spike would really love that. You will love him, he is one of a kind, and a heart of gold within him."

They both tweet off the cliff and flew together into the skies, both to look for any food they could eat from.

Tiber Craingweast

Blodhgarm was bathing himself in the small pool just outside of town. His wet fur was floating withing the sparkling waters, and the hairs above or were dripping like a rain shower. Oh the water felt so nice and cool under the sun. It reminded him of a small pond that he would relax in with a couple of female elves who clearly wanted him

It was getting better and better for him watching more riders and their dragons come to Equestria so they can finish what the riders of old started long ago.

Well, almost everything was turning out perfectly. Of course, he still didn't really trust Mutagh and Thorn doe what they did in the past, as if he has a grudge against them both. He reluctantly took a breath as he slowly dove himself underwater. The water flowing through the course of his long, dark blue hair felt so unwinding for him. It was as if he was a merman or a whale swimming majestically within the bottom of the ocean. Blodhgarm did remember that since Murtagh and Eragon are half brothers, he needs to learn how to get along with him somehow.

But how? Was all he kept thinking over repeatedly to himself. "How would I even possibly accept that.... that..... traitor?" Blodhgarm took a breath and waved his dark blue hair, and let it dry off in the sun.

All of that gorgeous, shoulder-length hair made him look like a handsome blue lion, since he looked half cat after all.

Fishes, so many small fishes were swimming past or around him while some, feeling curious, went up to the mutant elf to sew who or what he was. Blodhgarm smiled seeing these creatures within the waters, and even talked to some in the ancient language

Good thing he was an elf, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to try and make peace with these abundant animals, not just fish, but frogs, tadpoles, dragonflies, salamanders, kingfishers, and other types, and elves can easily befriend any one of these critters.

He imagined being courted by many female suitors like back home in Ellesmera. Oh the number of countless female elves who wanted him was a little hard to summarize since more than somewhere around a hundred would definitely make someone lose track of the exact number of how many women would want him, since they are the only ones who can smell the musk surrounding his primal body,

Yes, how he wished that would still happen to him back home in Alagaesia, and perhaps if there are more female riders besides Lulluda, it might happen again, or if any elves heard about Equestria and want to live in it to live a more peaceful life, that would work too.

"Blodhgarm?" A voice called out. The wolf-elf perked his ears up. He looked at where the voice came from, and as he thought, it was Fluttershy. Blodhgarm recognized that soft voice anywhere. "Oh, i'm sorry, I hope i am not bothering you." She said in a sheepish tone of voice.

The blue elf made a small chuckle. "Not at all, Fluttershy. I am always happy to see your angelic face."

Fluttershy lightly blushed and pawed her hoof at the ground adorably. "Oh well, thank you."

Blodhgarm stepped out of the small lake with his wet fur dripping on the shore. He wagged his long hair around like a dog would do after a refreshing swim, and pulled it back when it was in front of his face. "it's not like any elves human-like races were here to see me like this." he blushed himself

"Well, anywho, I just wanted to bring you a towel to dry you off." she reached the fluffy towel to him, and the primal elf was flattered, then he rubbed the towel all over himself to dry off.

"Thank you so much, Fluttershy." Then he put his loincloth back on his waist.

"You're welcome. It's the least I can do." There was a pause so still, that they can hear the birds chirping and the small waves going up and down through the shore. Finally, the yellow pegasus asked him "So.... Do you still distrust Murtagh and Thorn?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Blodhgarm replied reluctantly. "I know you and you of you're friends want me to warm up to them, but I cannot."

"Please, just try." Fluttershy begged with the puppy dog eyes. "He can be a real nice guy once you get to know him more."

Blodhgarm was still reluctant about this, but he said "Very well. Perhaps a little more time together might do us good." What he said made Fluttershy smile with gratefulness. "I do not know when, but one of these days, I might give it a try."

"Thank you." She said

"Do tell me, can you still smell my musk scent?"

"Oh of course. You still smell nice."

Blodhgarm was more than happy to hear that, and of course flattered. "Wonderful. All of the women back in my homeland can never get tired of my musky odor, and not to mention my good looks." He flipped his hair again.

"I can imagine how much you miss that since you left with Eragon and Saphira."

The elf sighed. "Oh yes, you would not believe how much I missed being surrounded by all of those beautiful female elves, just wanting me, touching my fur."

Fluttershy made a look of slight confusion hearing the last part.

"Well, you understand what I am saying,"

"Of course. But I'm sure it will happen again."

"You know what, I suppose you're right. Of course it is good for me and my spell caster cohorts to spend time with Shadeslayer, Saphira, and a new generation of riders. You would not believe how long we have been waiting to be given such an opportunity."

"I agree. It sounds like a great honor. Speaking of which, Calraeli and Vaodidr are really helpful with me and my animal friends too."

"Did you know me and himself were close friends?"


"Oh yes, Calraeli was always one gifted with magic as any other elf would be. We met each other when we were children. We would always run and play in the forest near Ellesmera, and we would get in trouble for causing mischief at times."

Fluttershy giggled. "That must have been fun."

"It was." The elf looked at his long, claw-like fingernails on his hands stretched them out like a dog or a cat would do, then pulled out his knife to rub them against it so his claws would be sharper and more better kept.

Fluttershy got a closer look at his claws, feeling curious. Blodhgarm then looked at her as he stopped sharpening them "oh I'm sorry. I just couldn't help but notice how sharp and lovely your claws look."

"No no, that's quite alright." Then he went to sharpening his other pair on the second hand. "A warrior would say 'if your sword breaks, you draw the dagger' but for myself, I would say differently. If my sword breaks or if I had a dagger that would break too, I use these."

"Ooh, that's.... clever."

"Aye, and effective for keeping Abomination from Alagaesia's Hell, such as the Ra'zac, at bay"

Fluttershy was rather fascinated to hear this. Rather unusual for an elf like him, but it did suit him well considering he has animal-like features. "Well, I was wondering if you like to get some ice cream with me at Sugarcube Corner."

"Oh, that frozen dessert that causes headaches if you eat it too fast?"

The yellow Pegasus giggled. "Yes, but you will be fine. Trust me, you would love it, it comes in many different flavors."

"Hmm, sounds rather intriguing, I suppose I could try." He replied with a smile, showing his two protruding wolf fangs from his upper jaw.


Then the elf, with the towel over his shoulder walked with Fluttershy to the town to have a frozen treat with her.

Eragon was practicing his swordplay with Murtagu once more while Saphira and Thorn watched him. Calraeli and Dervoc were doing the same with each other, and for Lulluda and Skalmo too.

Their dragon companions were watching also. Memni was flirting with Vaodidr by scootching close to him and make a low purr sound.

"Perfect everyone, perfect!" Eragon congratulated to his riders friends. "Especially you, Lulluda, you are truly a demon with a blade."

The female human rider blushed. "Thank you, Shadeslayer." She replied to him.

"And I am a demon with mine sword, too." Skalmo protested.

"Yes yes, of course." Eragon chuckled. "Now, let us move on to the-"

"Eragon Shadeslayer." Said a regal, old man's voice. They all looked and they saw a man clocked in a black robe with a hood over his head, showing only his mouth with a beard on his face.

They all seemed suspicious of this man, and worried that he was a spy for the are,Nantes of the former Empire back home. The dragons made growling noises, and giving the figure dirty looks while doing so.

The riders were more than rider to pull out their swords in case something was about to happen. For all we know, he could be a powerful dark wizard, or even a shade. "Who the hell are you?" Murtagh addressed to the man. "Answer my question!"

"Peace, Morzansson." The man soothed at him. "I mean you all no harm. As a matter of fact, I came here as a request from Queen Nasuada herself."

"Nasuada?" Eragon asked

"Yes. Please. Lower your weapons, and stand down. I promise you, the queen herself sent me here."

Still feeling cautious, they decided to put their swords in their scabbards anyway, and the dragons stopped their growling. Just like that, the earth stopped rumbling because of that.

"Brilliant." Said the man, feeling satisfied. His voice sounded deep, and it was like someone from royalty or a very noble person from a rich and charming family. He walked up to the riders and their dragons and began "my sincere apologies if I have frightened you." Then he lowered his hood. It revealed to be a handsome looking man with a black goatee around his face, and had long black hair that went a little past his shoulders. His face was rather thin and he looked like a middle aged man like somewhere in ages forty or fifty, or maybe even sixty. It almost reminded Eragon of Galbatorix, except he doesn't look really evil like him. His facial appearance made him look like a lion with a black mane with a few silver streaks in it.

"Who are you?" Murtagh? asked again, but in a more calm voice this time.

"I am Tiber Craingweast, a friend to the Varden and all of the good people to all of Alagaesia. And do not worry, I am not a king's man. I have no affiliation with Galbatorix or the Empire whatsoever."

"Well, do you know who we are?"

"Of course, Eragon. Nasuada told me about you, and Saphira Brightscales." The man looked at the dragon. "And of course I am honored to meet you as well, Murtagh and Thorn."

Eragon's half brother was still a little unsure about him. There was just something in him saying not to trust him. "Aye." Was all he replied,

"It is quite an honors that dies. It mean I trust you right away." Thorn remarked.

"Or us." Artvazh added. The other dragons agreed with him, talking in low voices in through their minds.

Tiber chuckled "of course you would not trust me. I would expect you to not do so. Sometimes, you cannot trust anyone,"

"Ain't that the truth." Said Calraeli sarcastically.

The man continued and said "but please, let's not be so rational. I was sent here because I want to help you, Shadeslayer to help rebuild the rider order under your leadership." When he said that it kind of changed Eragon completely.

Despite that, he said "how do I know you are not with agents of the dark fallen king?"

"Look inside my mind and read it,"

"Brilliant idea." Then Eragon focused and tried to reach into his mind and then it showed that there was nothing about being affiliated with the empire, or Galbatorix. Perhaps he was right after all, maybe he does want to be a help to him and the others. "Well, I guess I can trust you, but how will you help us?"

"I can be your adviser. I can help you achieve in many great things that you cannot."

"An adviser? Look, we are keepers of the peace, not a monarch."

"Oh yes of course. But, you are still only a boy, and you probably have so much to learn. I can help heal the eldunari from their anguish being forced to serve the king, and ease their minds. Establishing relationships with all ponies, riders, and the superior races of Alagaesia to a whole greater level."

"Go on." Said Dervoc

"I might not be a rider, but I can be an undoubtly powerful ally. You see, Eragon, I knew your father, Brom."

His eyes went wide "Brom?" He asked.

"Yes. Your father was a good friend of mine before he died at the mits of the Ra'zac. A really great man he was, being a founder of the Varden and trying to achieve a great purpose that you helped him achieve, freeing Alagaesia."

"Well.... we'll see. Perhaps a little extra help would not be so bad."

"And if you are not available, or if Glaedr, Umaroth, or the other eldunari cannot teach you the ways of being a rider, I can also be a service to those as well. You see, I am an incredible magician, and gifted with the way of the sword, too."

The other riders were thinking about this. It took a long time, of course

"Eragon, please, I employ you to see reason. Let me be your assistant, and your guardian. Your father would trust me. What would you do if you were in Brom's shoes?"

He payed for a minute and said "he.... would trust you."

Craingweast smiled. "Excellent. And do introduce me to Ponyville and all of your new friends their. I would be more than honored to meet the princess of Friendship herself."

"You heard of Twilight Sparkle?"

"Of course. I have received word from one of my soldiers about Equestria when I arrived here to find you."

"Hmm. Very well, come with us."

"Are you insane, brother?" Murtagh whispered in his ear. "I don't know if we can trust him. He seems.... shady."

"If he was a good friend to Brom it must be true." Eragon whispered back

"Be weary, youngling." Glaedr warned. "Do not trust him completely just yet. Make him prove your trust to serve you and the future dragons ad riders to come."

"I will, master."

Then they all went Ponyville, with Tiber riding on Saphira, behind Eragon

Author's Notes:

Who is this man? This Tiber Craingweast seems like a peculiar man. Where did he come from? How does he know about the riders? Will he be a good help? Or not? We'll just have to wait and see.

The New Help

This Tiber Craingweast man was a little suspicious indeed. He did look a little like Galbatorix himself, but he wasn't evil, and sounded a little more regal than the evil fallen king did when he was alive. Perhaps if Queen Nasuada sent him herself, then Eragon could at least bring him in as his new adviser for the riders and dragons.

"So, do you know who we are?" Rainbow asked the man

"Oh yes, of course, Rainbow Dash. You, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack have quite the reputation around this marvelous continent."

The ponies smiled at how he knows who they all are and what they did. Of course, they all had a sudden suspicion within them. Was he spying on them? Perhaps they will learn that soon. For now, they had to treat him with the utmost hospitality

"Well you know," Rainbow bragged, looking all cool and such. "We are Equestria's heroes. I always lead me and my team to save the day."

Twilight cleared her throat loudly to get her attention. "And let's not forget I'm the princess of friendship, and the leader, Rainbow Dash." She said in an unamused tone of voice.

Tiber made a hearty laugh and replied "you are certainly quick a pony up to any challenge, aren't you?"

"Oh yeah." Said Apllejack "when it comes to Rainbow Dash, she'll do anything to remain 'awesome' and get in the spotlight."

"Hey, I AM awesome." Rainbow gloated once more. "Equestria needs somepony like me to save the day, and of course with me friends."

Fluttershy rolled her eyes and whispered in Craingweast' ear "she can be really egotistical." Tiber chuckled at the statement.

Finally, as they all arrived in Ponyville, Tiber was rather intrigued by this new environment. Twilight cleared her throat and said "Welcome to Ponyville, Mr. Craingweast. Me and my friend's humble home."

"Hmm." Tiber thought. "This is a really interesting little town. Rather adorable, serene, and peaceful. If only the people if Teirm could see this city." He made a smile, with his hands behind his back. "Forgive me, princess Twilight Sparkle, but where will I be producing my new life in?"

"There are new houses available for when you need one, and much more of them are still being built right now." All of them looked at the construction in another part of town. If this kept on, Ponyville might turn into a much bigger town than before. Not only that, but more and more sheds for the dragons to sleep in are also being built with them. This was absolutely perfect for the new dragon rider order.

Eragon was still worried that it might cause some problems for the town, and the ponies living within it, probably because there might be a rift between dragon and pony. Nonetheless, he decided not to worry about it just yet, for everypony was still friendly and welcoming to rider and dragon together. Eragon turned his attention back to Tiber and all his friends so he can get his mind of these negative feelings.

"Excellent. Thank you so much, you're majesty. How can I ever repay you?" Craingweast bowed to her in respect with gratitude.

"Oh, you don't have to repay me anything. Your thanks is good enough."

"Listen, Mr. Craingweast, do you think you can be of service to help calm the anger, and stress in the eldunari?" Eragon asked him "Blodhgarm and his other spell-casters could always use the extra help doing so."

"All of the eldunari are going through a really difficult time thanks to the dark king himself." Saphira added. "Poor souls." she bowed her head in sympathy.

"Of course. I am a really talented spellcaster after all. All of those souls will be grateful for my help. But for now, I probably need to settle in this humble town first. I need a new place to live in, after all. If anyone will need me, I will be picking out a house for myself."

"That is quite fine, Mr. Craingweast." Rarity said "Do feel free to make yourself at any one of these available houses."

"Oh, and- welcome to Equestria." Fluttershy added

Tiber smiled warmly and gratefully "Thank you so much, my dear Fluttershy. You are certainly a sweet little mare." The yellow pegasus smiled at his flattery. Then he went off to find a new home to settle in, with his long cape flying around due to the wind. "Listen Eragon, I know that the queen herself sent him to us, but I have a sudden distrust over this.... stranger." said Thorn. "Both me, and Murtagh feel it in our guts"

"Aye, I have a very suspicious feeling that this man cannot be trusted."

"Murtagh, Thorn, we have already discussed this matter." Eragon said, placing his hand over his eyes in irritation. "Nasuada sent him to help us. And besides, Tiber seems like a really good man." he looked on at Craingweast looking at which house he should live from a far distance. "If you trust me, you should trust him, and Nasuada, of course."

The rogue rider than sighed and said "Perhaps, but there are times when you cannot trust anyone, brother. Believe me." What he said made Eragon think things over a little. Perhaps his older brother had a point, not everyone is what many people would seem. What if Tiber was hiding something under that wise and grandfather-like personality? "Remember the Twins?"

"Well that was another time." Eragon said in defense. "The Twins were a long time ago. And besides, we all need to let go of past events such as that."

"Eragon's right, Murtagh." said Applejack. "You're startin' to sound just like Blodhgarm and how he feels about you."

"Well this is different." Murtagh said.

"I don't think so." said Pinkie. "It kinda looks the same to me. Yet again, it's like trying to mix a cupcake with a regular cake. Cake! Cupcake! Cake! Cupcake." her eyes were rolling around as she was moving her head to and fro, saying the same thing all over again. Then Twilight stopped her

"We understand you're point." said Calraeli with slight irritation

Murtagh sighed again, and said "Look, perhaps you are all right, this is only the first day we all met him. And perhaps you might introduce him to the princess' soon."

"And perhaps we should get to know him a little more." said Thorn in agreement. Then there was a low rumbling on the earth, like a small earthquake. It was probably from Artvazh since he is the biggest dragon at the moment.

"My apologies." Said Thorn. "I am just more hungry than a starving wolfhound fasting for months."

"I could use a little food myself." Memni added. "A dragoness like me needs to have his food."

"As do I, for I feel like eating a whole bull moose in only one bite, and leave the bones out of it." Vaodidr remarked.

The other dragons agreed, feeling the ravenous hunger within them, and went off in the skies to look for food below them.

"You know, Murtagh is right about one thing, Mister Craingweast should definitely go see Princess Celestia and Luna so he can swear allegiance to them as well."

"Indeed, perhaps a little later on or maybe tomorrow when he is fully settled in."

'And of course, he must earn our trust as well." Dervoc added. "Perhaps entering his mind to test his loyalty should convince us otherwise."

Eragon thought of what the Urgal suggested, and decided "yes, perhaps we should do that just in case. After all, Murtagh and Thorn still do not fully trust him."

"I don't know, Eragon." Said Big Mac. "It's kind of like reading a filly's diary or anything that would invade her privacy. Some thoughts are too personal from anypony else or what not."

"Well, Tiber seems like a very cooperative man." Said Fluttershy in a soft voice. "Maybe he wouldn't mind having going through that. He does seem willing to help the dragon riders rebuild a new order together." All of them looked again, and saw Craingweast having a friendly talk with some foals, and having a few laughs.

"I do not fully doubt you, Fluttershy." Said Eragon.

"And Alagaesia is no longer under the devil king's control." Said Skalmo Queen Nasuada herself had made a vow to hunt down any Ra'zac eggs, and root out any one of Galbatorix' loyal scum and what not. Mine clan and Queen Arya are also doing the same thing."

"There you go." Said Applejack. "Maybe it's not such a bad idea. Better safe than sorry."

"And look at how nice he is to those kiddies." Said Pinkie.

Fluttershy smiled warmly at that sight. "He seems very likable."

"A little too, likable." Murtagh muttered

"What's that, Murtagh?" Asked Spike

"Nothing nothing. Look, I need a little time at the spa again. Those jacuzzis, or whatever those bathtubs are called, are so soothing." Then he went to go and relax himself, keeping Za'roc tied to his belt.

The others looked at one another with concern. Murtagh has changed alot since he broke free of Galbatorixs' oath, but he still has some.... distrust to certain types of people. Murtagh was who he was and Eragon had to accept that. After all, his older half brother's childhood was a living hell.

Skalmo made a small grunt that it made the hairs from his beard, around his mouth move. "What is it with that boy? He asked solemnly with his arms crosed. Then he slowly began stroking his long, yellow beard down. "I still wonder if hr is on our side is a good idea, Shadeslayer."

Eragon looked back at him "of course. Skalmo, are you still trying to be more considerate?"

"Yes, yes, of course." The dwarf replied with a head nod.

"Well I think you should give him more consideration, shorty." Said Dervoc. The name made Skalmo glare mildly at the large urgal

Making another grunt, he said "you watch what you say, Dervoc. I was just about to like you even more."

Calraeli then intervened by saying "please brothers. As dragon riders, we are one within., and if Eragon would trust Murtagh and this Tiber Craingweast, then I suppose I trust them as well."

"So do us." Vaodidr added in the distance from the riders. "We should give Craingweast a chance, just as we have given Morzansson, and Thorn."

"Exactly. They are all right." Eragon pointed. "I will bring him to the princess' later on to see if he is royal to the riders, the Varden, and Nasuada."

"Sounds like a plan." Rainbow remarked

"Perhaps a little training with your mind will help you lessen your worries. It always helps me soothe my soul with Oromis. We would connect our minds in serenity with peaceful thoughts to one another."

Eragon thought about it, and said "well, I suppose. I might as well relax myself

"And I gotta help Skalmo cut some trees to make firewood." Said Rainbow Dash. Then, they all went back to their normal lives in town

Hours passed, and the gang were at Canterlot with Tiber Craingweast so they can introduce him to the co-rulers of Equestria. All the dragons decided not to come, for they didn't want the entire castle to come crumbling down because of their weight because of the newer dragons.

The noble looked around the buildings and the cafes within the capital.

"Marvelous, absolutely marvelous" he said with astonishment. "All of these ponies look so formal and sophisticated. If only Queen Nasuada can see this beautiful landmark."

"It is quite a sight, isn't it?" Rarity noted. "Truly one of the most beautiful cities in all of this land. Beautiful art, fine food and tea, and others."

"This place is indeed, the exact opposite of Dras Leona."

"Oh yes, Canterlot has no slums compared to that scummy city in Alagaesia." She stuck her tongue in disgust, just thinking how horrible life is in Dras Leona, especially rats scurrying around the streets and the slums.

"Aye. For I have been to Dras Leona myself, it is is quite filthy. The queen said she is trying to root out corruption and bring the city in to a brilliant shape that it wasn't on three hundred years."

The purple alicorn made a chuckle. "I hope she succeeds."

"Eeyup, I would really hate to encounter those evil bugs." Big Mac said "that would be the last thing I'd want to see."

"So do I, Twilight. So do I."

"Well, come along then." Said Eragon. "The princess' will be more than delighted to meet you on the flesh."

"I should say so." Then Eragon, Murtagh, and Craingweast followed the six heroes, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Big Mac upstairs. While towering, Tiber was amazed by the mosaic windows. The doors went open, and they all walked on the long red carpet.

They all bowed on respect to the monarchs when they reached the very end. "Hello, Eragon. I suppose you brought news?" Asked Celestia in her motherly voice.

Eragon cleared his threat and said "yes, your highness. You're majesties, I want to introduce you both to this man who has come to help me and Saphira build the riders."

"Hopefully." Murtagh muttered. Spike shushed him for it.

Both the sisters looked at Craingweast with curiosity, and got off of their thrones "what is your name, stranger?" Asked Luna

"Tiber Craingweast at your service." The noble humbly replied. Then she gently held Luna's hoof and kissed it, and the same with Princess Celestia."

"Isn't that kind of disrepectful to do that?" Twilight asked

"I agree, kissing their hooves without their permission like that?" Lyra said "not really acceptable."

"I hope that we don't get in trouble." Bon Bon said to her best friend.

Celestia giggled "no it's quite alright. He seems very polite." She and Luna turned their attention back on him

"So, Tiber Craignweast, what brings you here to Equestria from Alagaesia?"

There was a pause so still that it was becoming a little eerily silent. Finally balky, Tiber remarked "your majesties, I want to offer my services to Eragon, Saphira, and all the other dragon and riders rebuild their order. it was a damn shame that Galbatorix and his followers destroyed them all, and I would be more than honored to help Eragon finish what the original riders started a long time ago. You see, I was a good friend to his father, Brom, before he died at gen hands of the vermin called the Ra'zac."

Celestia and Luna looked at each other and turne back to him "do you swear allegience to Eragon and the dragon riders truly?"

"Yes. It is my dream to rebuilt the Dragon Rider order. I can assure you that I am not a threat to anyone, or in your cases, to anypony."

"We were planning on looking through his mind to see if he was truly loyal to us, and not a spy for the remnants of the empire." Murtagh pointed

"That's right."

"I see." Said Celestia "well, do you also wish to serve your loyalty to us?"

"Oh yes. I do offer my allegiance to Equestria, including yourselves, your majesties." He made a brief bow to them in respect. "I, Tiber Craingweast, heareby swear, loyalty to Eragon, Saphira, Murtagh, Thorn, and all the other good-hearted creatures on this beautiful peace of land. If I still have to have my mind tested again..... so be it."

"Good." Said Luna. "We thank you."

"Yes, and that you swore oath to us." Celestia added with a smile.

"Now, come with us so we can test your mind."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Can we watch?" Said Pinkie

"Pinkie!" Fluttershy scolded. "That's not very polite."

"No no no, that is quite alright. I would not mind a little audience to attend my testing, and after all, I need you all to believe what I am saying to you."

"Does it involve a surgery?" Spike asked. "I don't want to see any brains out of someopony's head or something like that."

All of them laughed. "Do not worry, it will nothing to do with such grotesque activities." Eragon said

"I wish it would." Murtagh muttered again

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." The older brother lied to him, looking away. Then they all went downstairs to a room so the two brothers can look into Tiber's head to test his loyalty.

Author's Notes:

What would you all think of Tiber Craingweast? Is he really a good guy? Or is he hiding something under his long black hair, and his white cape? Find out on the next chapter to see if he can be trusted.

True Royalty

In a special, small room, Tiber Crangweast was confined to an interrogation chair. His wrists were bound on the two stands with a tight band to keep them down. Even though he was going to be tested through his mind to test his loyalty, he was rather calm, with a blank expression on his face.

Eragon was standing tall in front of him. Behind him was the audience of Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and the rest of their friends, including Lyra, Bon Bon, and Big Macintosh.

Princess Celestia and Luna were the ones going to help out with this little interrogation-like test that Craingweast will receive. The reason why Craingweast was bound to the chair was to make sure he doesn't try to struggle and fight back for good measure

Meanwhile, Murtagh was looking on with his arms crossed, possibly wanting a Eragon and the princesses to inflict some pain when they all do their part on him. Of course, Eragon forbade Murtagh himself because of the thought of Murtagh intending to mentally torture him to insanity.

"How do you think this will turn out?" Rarity asked Applejack.

"I don't know." The cowgirl replied modestly. "I'm obviously wondering when something will happen soon."

"Oh, I hope something will." Fluttershy remarked. "And I just hope he is not an enemy to us, otherwise, we would be in some big trouble."

"Here here." Murtagh agreed, "I just hope they give him a painful lecture." He sounded a little sadistic when he said that

The ponies and Spike looked at him, quite unamused. "Murtagh!" Twilight quietly screamed at him "seriously?"

"Sorry, but you all know I still do not trust within this man!"

"Murtagh, please get your head out of your ass." Rainbow Dash begged while whispering. "Do it for Eragon, Saphira, Thorn, and all of us."

"I know. I know. I promise you all, I am trying the absolute best I can to warm up to this person." He made a sigh.

"Oh leave it alone, girls." Skalmo muttered to them. "Denial is a very powerful thing." The dwarf made a huff.

Murtagh made a small scowl at him. "Shut up." He muttered to him

"Friends, please." Service intervened. "Let is not come to blows. What Eragon and Saphira say goes."

"He speaks the truth." Calraeli agreed. "And besides, we are in the quarters of Eauestria's grand rulers, after all."

"Shh, quiet. They're about to begin." Spike pointed out to his friends. They all fell silent so they can look at this test.

Eragon cleared his threat and said "Now Tiber, we are about to prepare to enter your mind. When we do, do not fight it what so ever." Tiber nodded his head in agreement without a single facial expression.

"Of course." He said flatly. "Go on ahead." Then Eragon used his magic, as did the princesses from their horns to him him with it. Within Craingweast' head, there were so many interesting backstories to tell.

In one memory, it showed him living with a family consisting of a wife, and one son, probably around the age of seven, eight, or nine, somewhere around those numbers

In his Memories

Dad, when do you think the dragon riders will come back?" asked his son.

Tiber smiled at him warmly. "Well, Titus, I do not know for sure, only time will tell, and you and I both know that it is impossible to see the future, or it's events.

His son was rather uncertain by his fathers words. Then he saw a small group of Galbatorix' soldiers passing by, taking a woman in ragged clothes as a prisoner. The sight sickened both of them, The son named Titus wished he can go kill those brutes and free that poor woman.

"I can't let this happen!" His son said with determination. He was about to go over there and give those guards a peace of their mind, but he was stopped when Tiber grabbed him by the arm

"No!" said Tiber. "If you go out there, and try to fight those bastards, you will be dead!" he explained.

"But- but- that woman, she-"

"I know how you feel my boy." Tiber interrupted. "But sometimes there are certain things you have to wait for. And besides, it is too late so safe a life sometimes. There is probably nothing we can do about it.

Just then, the woman slapped one of the soldiers extrememely hard in the face, that it knocked it to the ground. Next thing was she made a run for it, and noticed Tiber and Titus both witnessing what just happened.

She was grabbing on to Tiber's shoulders, tears streaming down her face. "Sir, please! You have to help me, I'm about to be sent to the gallows for not being able to afford my taxes to the king!"

"Hey! Stop right there you whore!" Said the captain. He and his lackeys were running after her with swords and spears, more than ready to skin her alive. She hid behind Tiber, shaking with terror. Tiber himself was trying to shield her from harm. The captain glared at Tiber "stand aside citizen, this woman had committed treason again King Galbatorix himself. Stand aside, now!" He ordered sharply.

"Son, stand back." He told Titus. His son did exactly what he said, and went inside the house. "Leave this poor woman alone." He said

"Oh, wanting to be tough, are we not?" Said the captain. "Fine! You have dug your own grave." Just like that, the soldiers charged at Tiber, but he pulled out a sword, and caster a spell at one of the soldiers.

"Brisingr!" He shouted. Just like that, he shot a red fireball at the soldier, burning alive on the spot. Next, he blocked a few attacks from another goon, and sliced him in the liver after he kicked him in the groin.

Tiber was fighting so bravely and gallantly with both swordplay and magic, the commander was starting to become scared, and slowly backed away as he watched his comrades getting slaughtered, one by one,

Finally, Craingweast turned his attention to the leader at last. It was just then his wife, Persephone, came out with Titus, holding his hand. "Tiber!" She said "be careful!"

"Don't worry, my dear wife, just stay back." Then the duel between him and the leader turned into quite a grudge match, so many sounds of steel clashing against one another and the sound of magic being used by Tiber.

He shouted "Kvistr!" And then branch from the tree in the front yard came to life, and swatted the leader of the goons, flat on his back.

"No! Please! Let me go." The commander begged. His face was all gone white.

Tiber looked down upon him, and replied "you are nothing but a heartless monster, and deserve to die like one." Then he decapitated the commander, killing him in a second. He put his sword back in his waist and went up to his family.

"Father! Are you alright?" Titus went up to his dad and hugged him, them Tiber picked him up.

"Yes, I am perfectly fine, my son." He replied. Then Persephone ran up to him, clinging her arm to him. "Persephone, it was not what it looked like."

"I know, Titus told me what happened."

"Indeed." Then they all looked at the woman, looking more than grateful to have her problem taken care of.

"Are you alright, madame?,

"Yes. Thanks to you." She began shedding tears of gratitude. "Thank you! Thank you!"

Tiber smiled at her. "You are quite welcome. Do you have any place of refuge?"

She nodded a yes "my father lives out here, three miles from here."

"Perfect, you will be safer there."

Then the woman ran to her destination. Titus then went back inside his house to put his sword back in the room where he and his wife slept in."

"You were so amazing dad. I want to be like you someday!" Said Titus.

"Perhaps one day I will teach you, but for know, you must wait."

Then they hugged one last time before Eragon exited himself out of Tiber's mind.

End of Tiber's Memory

Eragon staggered, feeling a little light-headed from all of that magic he was using upon himself. "Well?" Asked Twilight Sparkle. "What did you see?"

"It's.... astonishing." Said Eragon. He looked at Craingweast. "I did not know you had a family."

"Family?" The ponies and Spike asked.

"Yes, a son named Titus, and a wife named Persephone." Eragon answered to them. "I promise you all, he does have a family."

"Yes, I do. Unfortunately they could not come with me to live here. It would have been way to dangerous."

Celestia and Luna were both equally surprised by this "well, turns out he really is a friend." Said the princess of the sun. "Everything in his mind is all true."

"Yes, he really is loyal to the dragon riders, and not a spy of the Empire." Luna added. "Well, I officially give you welcome to Equestria, Tiber Craingweast."

Celestia smiled "yes. And we are more than grateful for you to put yourself in a duty that involves protecting Eragon and the Dragon and riders as their advisor."

Tiber gave a warm smile "thank you your majesty."

"Now, before anything else, you must make an oath for both of us." Celestia noted.

"Of course."

"Repeat after us." Said both sisters. "I hereby pledge allegiance to Equestria,"

Tiber repeated what they said.

"And protect every innocent life in need of help."

He repeated the second part of it, with his hand held close to his face.

"I will always protect til the end, and serve Equestria, dragons, and riders before all others."

After he repeated the last line, it was complete. "Perfect."

"You are officially a guardian for a Eragon, Saphira, their friends, and all of a Equestria now." Said Celestia with a smile.

The others, minus Murtagh, cheered on for him. "Absolutely wonderful!" Fluttershy said with joy.

"Well, what do you know?" Said Lyra.

"Congratulations, Mr. Craingweast." Bon Bon said in an upbeat voice.

Craingweast gave a hearty chuckle and replied "thank you all very much for your kindness. I promise you all that I will do everything I can to help you, ponies, dragon, or rider alike, keep the peace on all of Equestria."

"This is great." Said Twilight.

"Although you will have to perform the pact of the dragon riders when we return home, Tiber." Eragon noted

"Even though his is not a rider?"

"This will be a different type of oath than the others did with me and Saphira.

"We heard everything, Eragon." Saphira noted. "This is good news." The other dragons from a distance agreed one at a time.

Meanwhile, Murtagh was starting to not act as suspicious as before, possibly because of hearing the fact Tiber had a family before he came here to Equestria. But of course, he still had some doubt within him. That feeling was still there in his gut

New type of Elf

Back in Ponyville, Everyone was happy as they can be. Eragon and Saphira were just sitting on a knoll near the woods, looking at Ponyville once more. Artvazh wasn't hard to miss their vision, for he was a gigantic dragon, after all. They could see Thorn, Gridgorn, Vaodidr, and Mimni from a distance too, but they were nothing compared to Artvazh's size of course. He was not as big as Shruikan to say the least, but still big. No, Shruikan was far more bigger the last time Eragon and Saphira saw him with their final confrontation at Galbatorix.

"Still a rather inspiring sight." Glaedr said. "All of those innocent lives being happy from up here on this piece of land.

Eragon smiled. "I concur. Just look at all them, Saphira. Always happy without a care in the world." he sighed "If only Alagaesia would be more like Equestria."

"Yes. Always peaceful and serene" said Saphira, resting her head on her arms as she laid with Eragon. She made a snort that made a small amount of smoke come out of her nostrils.

He took out Brisingr and cleaned it by burying the blade into the ground, then wiped the sword off with the wet rag.

The sword began shining under the sunlight once again. "Good as new." he muttered. Then he put Brisingr back in it's scabbard on the grassy ground. Then he began to think about Murtagh and his suspicion about Tiber Craingweast. "Saphira?"

The blue dragon turned her big head at him, her blue eyes sparkling.

"Do you think Murtagh will warm up to Mr. Craingweast?" He looked over at the sky as he laid his back on the ground

Saphira was rather silent for a moment. After one long sixty seconds, she replied at last "I... honestly do not know, Eragon. In all the times we have spent together with Murtagh, he is indeed one of the most stubborn humans I have ever met."

"Well, you are not wrong, I didn't even forget about the time Murtagh refused to come with us to the Varden after saving me and Brom from the Ra'zac that very day." then he began to remember how it all came to it, the day he, Saphira, and Murtagh first me each other.

And of course, there was that moment when Brom died after being stabbed by one of those monstrosities. Oh how he wished that Brom would tell him that he was Eragon's father right before he passed. He felt like shedding tears

"You seem troubled, little one." Saphira said.

"Yes, and rather melancholy. I also sense a thought about you and Brom." Glaedr added.

He sighed "it's nothing. I promise." Eragon replied "I was just thinking about my father again."

"You miss him, don't you?" Said a voice from behind them. Eragon bolted up and was prepared to take Brisingr out of it's sheathe once more. However, he immediately calmed himself when it revealed to be Tiber Craingweast, looking rather sympathetic.

"Oh, mister Craingweast. It's only you."

"I hope I am not interrupting anything, am I son?"

"No. Of course not."

"May I please join you?"

"Sure, feel free." Saphira replied. Tiber smiled and promptly sat next to Eragon on the knoll looking down on the land below him "ah, this is quite an aspiring view."

Eragon looked at him and remarked "I would like to see more beautiful wonders in Equestria. All of these ponies and their agriculture are truly fascinating."

"And all of their wildlife and abundant creatures look really delicious to eat." They all looked st Saphira with their eyes wide with fright. The blue dragon saw what she did and added "not ponies or other creatures like them of course, I mean like wild animals, incapable of speech."

Then they both understood what she meant now, and smiled

"Forgive me for eavesdropping, Eragon, but I heard you were talking about old Brom, were you not?"

He nodded a yes on reply

"Of course. I know how you feel right now. I might have said this before, hit your father was a good man, and a proud supporter of freedom everywhere."

Eragon liked hearing those words from Craingweast. His father being a hero and dragon rider, as well as the founder of the Varden made him feel special that he was the son of a man like that. "I wonder, did- did Brom ever want to tell me that hi was his son?"

Tiber looked on at the plateau again "oh yes. Never in Brom's life did he want to tell you that he was your own father."

"And he would have loved to tell you when you were a child, but he only hid himself for your safety, as well as his." Glaedr added.

"Exactly. He only hid that fact from you just to keep you safe."

"Well, I wish Saphira would have told me then when we were venturing with Brom to the Varden." Eragon noted and looked at Saphira.

"Oh Eragon." Said the blue dragon "please do not be infuriated with me, I would have loved to tell you, but I did make a strict promise to Brom to keep it discrete from you, only to keep you safe from any danger. He was only doing what a good father would try to do."

"I'm not mad, Saphira. I promise. It only caught me by surprise when I found out like and I was a little infuriated at Brom for not telling me sooner before he.... passed."

"I understand. He did love you very much."

"Aye, Brom always spoke of how proud he was to become your father while spending time with Selena." Just saying his mother's name made Eragon sentimental again. She was another person he could have met before she just died shortly after she gave birth to him. He DID technically met her, but he was a baby, and babies didn't really have good memorization thanks to Infantile dementia.

He cleared his throat and asked Tiber "Did you know my mother as well?"

"Oh yes. You're mother was one of a kind. She was one of the most beautiful women i have ever seen in my life. It was a pity that she was married to that murderer, Morzan."

Eragon agreed "I know, at least my father killed him."

"Precisely. I was there to witness the death of the first and last of the Forsworn, and his dragon thereafter. Rumor had it that Galbatorix was at his most furious when he heard of that news. He was so angry that he killed seven of his spell-casters to let his anger go."

Both the rider and dragon were surprised to hear that statement. "Brom never mentioned that to us before." Saphira noted. "That would have been interesting to hear.

"Well, about Selena,"

"Right. She loved both you and Murtagh very much. She only wished she could have married Brom instead of that dullard of a husband."

Eragon chuckled. "a dullard indeed." then he looked on at Ponyville again. Then he sensed another presence coming towards town. "Wait! It's another rider and dragon."

Tiber was more than excited to hear this. "Wonderful! I suppose we will all give them a proper greeting, correct?"

"Aye, indeed."

Eragon was with Saphira and his, and all their friends to greet thsee newcomers. Tiber was stabbing right next to Eragon, looking quite bold with his hair moving from the wind blowing.

"Oh, I can hardly wait to see what these guys are!" Said Pinkie Pie with excitement. "I already made some cupcakes and a 'welcome to Equestria' party."

"I hope this rider and his dragon are nice." Said Fluttershy quietly. Then she gulped before she noted "and hope that the dragon is not aggressive."

"Do not worry, Fluttershy." Calraeli comforted her by resting his hand on her back "I am quite sure this dragon is not aggressive at all."

Vaodidr made a small grunt so he can get her attention. "Yes, and you would probably like them both."

Fluttershy smiled "you're right. I shouldn't worry."

"This is gonna be so awesome to see another friendly dragon!" Rainbow Dash flew in small circles excitedly. 'And the guy's sword, too."

Then they saw a flying figure, that looked black as night. All of them were surprised to see this rider looking so different from the other Alagaesia races. It was a male elf of average size, but had rather unusual pale yet dark skin. He had dark hair that was almost black. Another striking feature was that he was blind on the right side of his face, and had a claw mark across where his right eye was. It was still there, but white, and useless

The elf's clothing was rather simple, a pair of pants with three pouches stitched on each side. He wore a brown shirt on his torso with a molten brown and black cloak upon his back. What really surprised them was he had retractable claws like a cat or a wolf would have on the end of his fingers. His boots were metal and at the end of each toe of his boots were metal-bent like claws so he can climb certain objects or something like that. Finally, his neck had a strip of leather with a large claw at the end of it.

The elf's dragon was an onyx black, dark as night, and a rather slender build in it's body. Her eyes shined like stars, like a bear or lion's night vision. Thorn, Saphira, Gridgorn, and the other dragons sensed it's mind as a happy, go-lucky type of personality. And it was revealed to be another girl dragon.

He looked around at his surroundings, and the others in front of him and his dragon didn't know what to think of this mysterious youth. "Eragon Shadeslayer." He said flatly. "I have long for me and my dragon to meet you, and your beautiful dragon." His mouth had a double row of teeth, all fang-like to make it a little more terrifying about this mysterious man. The thing that really caught everyone's attention was a large, bone-white scythe on his back. The weapon stood from six feet from the top to the handle, which was made out of oak branch align with metal. The blade stood three feet, looking quite deadly.

Both of them looked a little terrifying and shady, but they ate not evil at all since the dragons sensed the black dragon's mind as an innocent and happy creature. "My name is Ekre'al."

"And I am Styx." The dragon added in a very feminine voice. She sounded a little higher than Saphira and Mimni's voices together, but she was the same size as them, but her face was a little more slender than Saphira's, and broader than Mimni's

Saphira herself was more than delighted to meet yet another female dragon in the order. "My name is Saphira Brightscales." she introduced herself to the new pair.

Then the adviser stepped into greet himself to Ekre'al and Styx. "I am Tiber Craingweast, a new adviser and helper for Eragon and Saphira, along with the rest of the riders and their dragons put together." then he and the elf shook hands to one another. Ekre'al kept his blank face on him without a single smile.

"Charmed." said the elf. Then he looked at the ponies and Spike, looking more than eager to meet him "Who and what might you be?" he asked them all.

Twilight was the first one to speak by saying "I'm Twilight Sparkle, princess of Friendship. These are my friends."

"Name's Rainbow Dash."


"I'm Pinkie Pie"

"My name is Rarity."

The yellow pegasus was the last to speak and she said while pawing her hoof at the ground "And my name is Fluttershy. Nice to meet you."

Spike cleared his throat to get the others attention. "aren't you forgetting about someone?" he asked them with slight impatience. Twilight smirked and nodded her head "No Spike, we haven't forgot about you." then she made a cute chuckle.

The baby dragon smiled and said to the elf "My name is Spike."

"Are you a dragon?" he asked

"Yes, yes I am."

"Hmm." Ekre'al bent down to his level. "You look rather different than dragon i would see in my world. Where are you wings?"

"Well.... I'm still just a... baby dragon after all."


Then he stood back up. "Welcome to Equestria." said Lyra and Bon Bon in unison.

"Equestria, hmm? queen Arya told me about this place."

"Yes, and it looks absolutely beautiful." Styx added. "Is there any chance I can find some lunch while we just arrived here?" Styx appeared to be a little absent-minded, but rather strong too.

"Well, there are lots of creatures around here that you can eat around here." Fluttershy pointed "Just please don't eat us, or any other creature that can talk." she made a gulp. "Or in any case, kill them thoughtlessly."

"Fluttershy loves animals so much that she hates to watch them get eaten or hurt." Spike pointed "And yeah, please be mindful of what you eat here."

Styx smiled. "Don't worry, I am always mindful of what i eat, or kill in order to eat."

"Aye, same with me. I only kill to eat and survive." then he pulled out his dragon rider sword. It was a silver-black colored scimitar with a forward rounded guard.

The others looked impressed by this blade. "Wow." said Rainbow Dash, examining the sword. "What is it called?"

"I named my blade Jinsei no Kaze." Ekre'al described "it's name means 'Winds of Life' for anyone who does not know what the name means." then he promptly put the sword back in it's sheath with a loud "shing!" sound.

"What kind of elf are you?" asked Murtagh.

"Don't be rude." Eragon muttered

"No, it's quite alright, Shadeslayer. "I get that a lot of times in my life. And do not be alarmed, I am not a monsters, I'm just... different."

"Our sincere apologies." said Dervoc walking up to Ekre'al, towering him obviously with his hulking size. "My name is Dervoc, the very first Urgal rider in existence."

"And I am Artvazh, dragon companion to Dervoc." said the dragon.

Then the other riders and dragons greeted him and Styx and introduced themselves. "And there is no need for any introductions from you, Murtagh Morzansson. I know exactly what you are all too well, and the same with you, Thorn."

"Look, I am nothing like my father."

"And I like Shruikan." Thorn added. "we never wanted to do the fallen king's bidding, but we had little choice.

"I know, but I really don't care about that. I usually stay out of that war between the Varden and the Empire for if I know what is good for me." "I guess we have a lot to talk about." said Twilight.

"Indeed." then they all walked to Ponyville. "If you must know what I am, i am, or was, a loner when I lived in Alagaesia. Like any other elf, i lived in Du Weldnvarden. I lived alone, within the wilderness."

"And how did you get that scar?" Asked Applejack

"A tiger attacked me, and clawed me right here. Not only that, but after I defeated the savage beast, I used his claw as a reminder of that encounter on my piece of leather around my neck.

"I hope the tiger didn't suffer or anything. I know he was trying to attack you, but-" Fluttershy was immediately interrupted by it.

"No, he didn't suffer. I... ended him cleanly."

"Oh good." Fluttershy sighed in relief to hear that

"So you hunt out there?" asked Spike

"Yes. I hunted to survive in the woods of my home. I did stay in a cabin of course, but away from society. You see, I am gifted with crafting weapons and toxins, for instance i would use the toxins to place on my arrows to help me catch my prey to kill them quicker."

"You make weapons?" asked Eragon intriguingly

"Yes, Queen Izlanzadi herself said so herself when I made her a signature sword before she died when the Empire fallen at last, and I even made swords and bows for elves who wanted one."

The others were quite amazed by this, especially the riders and their dragons. He can be quite useful to them since he is a gifted weapon maker like he said he was. Of course there was Dervoc and Skalmo since they were an urgal and dwarf, but perhaps Ekre'al could be an extra help to them all.

"So why did a tiger try to attack you in the first place?"

"Well, there were these humans who wanted to live a live away from Galbatorix and his reign within Alagaesia. They wanted to seek refuge near my home within Du Weldnvarden. We all encountered the tiger then, who wanted to kill us all, but i slew it, and brought the humans to safety. It was a small family of a married couple, along with two children, one older son, and a younger daughter."

"Do they still live there?" asked Twilight

"Oh yes of course. Thanks to me. I made them special weapons to defend themselves and their home from any more dangerous animals or monsters. Occasionally, they would sometimes go to Ellesmera or the other Elven cities surrounding their house for food and supplies."

"That's wonderful." said Pinkie Pie.

Then they made it to town. "Well, here we are, Ponyville."

"Hmm, this looks like a good place to die."

The others looked at him, confused, except for Murtagh. "Nevermind him." said Styx, he can be rather gloomy at times. He just needs to get used to this beautiful place more."

Ekre'al just made a small "Hmph." in reply, still with a blank expression on his elf face.

"So, we have available houses for you to stay in, and a large shed for your dragon to sleep in." said Rarity

"That's very kind of you, but I would rather prefer to build my own house." Ekre'al noted.

"Oh. You sure?"

He nodded a yes to them. Then he went to start building his new home from scratch while Styx went off to look for food. "What kind of an elf is he?" asked Rainbow Dash

"I honestly do not know, but he is a dragon rider, and we should give him a warm welcome in town." Eragon replied.

Author's Notes:

This Ekre'al and Styx seem like a mysterious pair, but they seem good-hearted. What will happen with these two later on? find out on the next chapter

Old Enemy From the Past

Weeks have passed. Summer was already hitting that time of year again. All the children were out of school for summer vacation until they start a new year in the fall. Eragon and Saphira were doing rather well as always. They, and the new riders were progressing fast in becoming Dragon riders to restore the old traditions before Galbatorix killed almost all the old ones.

Meanwhile, Ekre'al was walking around Ponyville and was rather hungry. His stomach was growling, and decided to look at the market to look for anything good at the stalls. Styx was walking right next to him, being happy and cheerful as ever. "Ah, I desperately need a type of food to sustain the breath in my body."

The dark elf looked in his pockets for any bits that he could use to purchase anything. He saw that he was broke at the moment, as his pockets were empty. Feeling desperately hungry, he looked at the stalls for anything that looked appetizing. As a matter of fact; every type of food in the stall looked really appetizing, apples, carrots, and other fruits and vegetables.

Ekre'al saw Applejack and Big Mac running an apple stall, with lots of red, juicy apples. One of them caught his eye, and saw a large one, bigger than the others, and it looked quite appetizing. This was just what he needed. "Styx, can you wait here for a moment, please?"

"Of course! why?"

the elf had a nervous look on his face and lied to her by saying. "I just need to purchase that apple over there from Applejack and Big Macintosh over there."

"Alright." Then Styx went over near a building and rested herself as she waited. Meanwhile, Ekre'al had an idea, and while the two stall vendors weren't looking, he used his magic to create a low rumble in the distance to his left. The customers, and stall vendors, along with Applejack and Big Mac took noticed and looked over to where the direction of the sound came from.

It gave Ekre'al some time to quietly sneak over to the apple stall, and slowly took the apple he wanted when nopony was looking at him. When he was about to stealthily put the apple in his coat, he was immediately stopped

"Ekre'al!" Eragon shouted his name. The elf bolted up and dropped the apple on the ground. He was feeling afraid to face the wrath of the leader for the new riders. Eragon was walking up to him, not looking happy at all, and then he asked "What do you think you're doing!?"

"Eragon! what a pleasant surprise!" said Ekre'al, chuckling nervously.

"What in tarnation is goin' on?" said Applejack

"He was trying to steal your apple is what is going on." Eragon noted.

"What?!" the two apple ponies exclaimed, and then they glared at Ekre'al.

"It's not what you all think it is. I wasn't stealing, I was just... borrowing."

"Why would you steal one of our apples?" said Applejack in a demanding demeanor

"Well... I was going to pay you, but-"

"But what?" said Big Mac

"Look, I... I didn't know I was all out of coins to pay for this. I was just so hungry, and i wanted to keep myself alive."

Eragon had a disappointed look at him "Ekre'al, a dragon rider never steals. Surely, you must know that." He reprimanded him.

"I didn't want to, Shadeslayer, but I was just so hungry, I... I haven't eaten anything since I have arrived here with Styx." Speaking of her name, Styx noticed the little commotion and walked up to the group.

"What happened?"

"Ekre'al tried to steal from us, that's what happened." Big Mac said.

The black dragon was absolutely shocked and covered her mouth as she gasped "Ekre'al, I cannot believe you would do such a horrible thing!" she said, also in disappointment.

"Please! It's how I had to do something to sustain the breath in my body."

"Well why didn't you ask?" said Applejack

"Well, I thought it would have been foolish of me. Not to mention that I don't always trust everyone all of the times, except for Styx of course."

"You could have just asked us if you can have that apple for free." Big Mac reminded

"Yeah, Ekre'al there's nothing wrong with just asking, if you're really that hungry."

"Yes I know, It was the last thing I wanted to do, but my stomach was growling endlessly."

"Don't you hunt?"

"No. I'm an elf, and elves only eat vegetation."

"Oh yeah, I forgot." said Applejack

Eragon sighed. "Look, Ekre'al, you must understand that stealing is never appropriate in any matter, don't you?"

"Yes. But, I didn't really live in society back home in Alagaesia, I lived in the wilderness, and what I did, I only do to survive out in the untamed wild."

"Well that is different." Eragon countered.

"Yes, this is a civilized village." Saphira added. "It is quite different when you are within a civilized society."

"That is easy for you to say." Said Ekre'al. "You're a dragon, amd dragons go out and hunt for food to survive, and you all breath fire."

"This is different." Eragon explained, "it's in their nature to do so, but we still have to pay respect to creatures who deserve it." He sighed "look, the issue is you must think before doing such an irrational action like this one."

"Yeah. Just try and ask next time." Big Mac noted.

The elf sighed "very well. Forgive me for stealing an apple. I was just not thinking clearly enough." Then he gently put the large apple back where he founded it."

"Nornally, I wouldn't take kindly to thieves, but since you are new here, we can make an exception." Her demeanor swiftly changed from disappointed to her cheerful demeanor. "Right, Big Mac?"

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed, but he wasn't entirely convinced. "Look, you can have the appl, but next time, please ask, or have money on you."

"Right, collect bits for doing good things or somethin' like that." Applejack suggested

"Hmm, very well, if that is what it takes to collect bits, I will see into that." Both Applejack and Big Mac smiled at his choice.

"Of course, we are still going to have a little talk about this later on." Eragon reminded. "You are a dragon rider now, and yoy must always stand by your word. Never go back on it."

"He speaks wisely, Ekre'al." Said Styx. "He is the lease of the new dragon rider order after all." She made a small huff from her nostrils."

"Very well."

Then Eragon felt a rather strange pressence that was rather evil and wicked. "What the hell?" He muttered in confusion.

"What's wrong, Eragon?" Asked Applejack

"I sense.... a distirbance."

"What kind of disturbance?"

"I... I don't know." Was all Eragon replied.

Saphira had a look of caution, in case some one might try and sneak attack on her and her rider. "We should be very careful. Where is it coming from?"

"Somewhere in the... forest. Not far from here." He was trying so hard to remember, but it was a little hard to see it clearly. "I should investigate this."

"We're coming with you." Said Applejack.


Near the Everfree Forest, Eragon was with the other riders, Fluttershy, Twilight and their friends, Spike, Lyra, Bon Bon, Big Mac, Tiber Craingweast, and Blodhgarm with his spellcasters.

The dragons weren't with them, but Eragon will call Saphira, and the riders with their dragons in case it is severe enough.

"Are you sure it was here?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

'I am positive this is the exact spot of the presence. And, Tiber, I really appreciate you looking out for me, but your presence here is not required."

"Oh but it is." Tiber countered. "As an advisor, it is my job that I guard you from harm in any possible way. Queen Nasuada did entrust me to look after you, Saphira, along with the other dragons and riders as well. And besides, you play important part for rebuilding the dragons and riders back to their former glory."

"You are not wrong, Mr. Craingweast." Said Calraeli. "If not for him and Saphira, Galbatorix or Shruikan would have been killed."

"Here here." Said Murtagh. "Me and Thorn did have a hand, and a paw in that as well."

"Oh right, of course." Calraeli remembered.

"Craingweast is right." Said Twilight. "Eragon is Alagaesia's savior, like his father would have done when he founded the Varden."

"Heh, you can say that again, Twilight." Spike agreed. "Eragon is definitely the dragon riders only hope of being restored."

"That's right. As long as we live, the Dragon riders survive as one." Said Eragon

"And live with ponies as one." Fluttershy added "I mean, not a pony dragon rider, but-"

'Oh yes of course." Said Dervoc.

"Glaedr, do yoy sense the unknown presence as well?"

"Aye. Sadly, I cannot perfectly describe such aura and force."

"I'm that case, we should be extra careful." Said Lyra.

"Whatever is out there, we'll be waiting for it." Bon Bon boldly stated, ready for a fight. They all searched high and low for any enemies or evil creatures that were watching then from behind a bush, but they all found nothing.

It was so unusual, a presence just appeared in Eragon's head and now it's gone? It didn't make any sense to him, or the others.

"Anything?" Skalmo asked in a distance.

"Nope! Nothing!" Pinkie said "Ooh, but I did find a colorful looking rock!" She foolishly looked at a shiny rock on the ground like it was something interesting.

"Focus, Pinkie Pie." Rarity reprimanded "This is serious."

"Oops, sorry."

They all formed back, and one at a time, they all said they found no trace of this aura anywhere. Eragon made a small growl, and was sure he felt something.

"Well, it looks like nothing was here. Probably vanished as soon as we were coming." Applejack theorized.

The others were silent for a moment, and Lulluda said "let us hope so."

All of them agreed with her. Then they all went back to town. After getting close, something stopped them from entering Ponyville. Spike was unexpectedly grabbed in a headlock position. "Ah!" He exclaimed.

Twilight turned around and her heart sank seeing Spike being held a hostage by what seems to be a dwarf. "Spike!" She exclaimed

"Get back you puny horse, or i'll kill him!" The dwarf warned her sharply.

"Hello, Shadeslayer." Said a voice. They all looked around to see where it came from, then a dwarf jumped in front of them from a tree branch. It was a dwarf with long, grayish black hair and a beard, and his eyes looked like a dwarf who was always grump and not friendly at all.

The mysterious dwarf looked a little smaller than Skalmo, but just as tough. Eragon's heart sank to his feet, and recognized this man. It was the Leader of the Az Sweldn rak Anhuin clan from when Orik was the new king of all dwarves. It was the dwarf that almost killed him before, Vermund.

Author's Notes:

Vermund is back! And he is out for revenge! How will this end? Will it end in fiasco or happily? Find out on the next chapter

Act of Revenge

Eragon could not believe his eyes at what he was seeing. Vermund returned right before him. Somehow, he and his clan managed to follow Eragon and Saphira on the Talita without the, or the crew knowing. Eragon knew that this was the exact opposite of good.

"Vermund. What the hell are you doing here?" He asked in a demanding tone of voice.

The dwarf sneered at him and said "what I am about to show you is a technique called revenge. Of you all do not do as I say, this little dragon here dies." He looked at Spike, looking quite scared

"Twilight, guys, help me!" Spike exclaimed.

"Relax, child." Said the dwarf. "Behave yourself and no harm will come to you."

"Let him go you scoundrel!" Said Fluttershy.

"All of you just do as I say, and I will let him live." Vermund said flatly. The others were quite unsure of this, and concerned for Spike. Nonetheless, they didn't want him to be killed by the scummy dwarves.

Murtagh then addressed, "what do you want from us, you sons of bitches?"

"Take me and mine clan to your precious Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and demand them to give the throne to me."

The mane six were appalled to hear this. "Who do you think you are, coming over to Equestria and convince us to give you the right to rule Equestria?" Twilight berated Vermund.

"Here is some encouragement to tell you why, lassie." Vermund sneered again, and looked at the henchman that was keeping Spike hostage.

He began holding him tighter on his neck, with the intention of strangling him to death. "Twilight!" Spike gagged.

"No!" Rarity said "you can not kill poor little Spikey-Whikey! He is only a baby dragon, you ruffian!"

"Baby dragon, or full-grown dragon." Vermund stated. "The only good dragon of any kind is a dead one." Twilight, her friends, and the riders had their blood boiling at what Vermund just stated. "Take me to your rulers, Now!!" He demanded in a scream.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and the others didn't really know what to do. They didn't want to let their own close friend Spike be given a horrible gruesome death by this. Eragon and the dragon riders were thinking the same thing as the ponies were.

"Vermund, it does not have to be this way! Let him go!"

"You're the one who made it so, Shadeslayer!" Vermund shouted. "You and that blasted Saphira Brightscales disgraced me in front of the dwarven council! You turned them all against me!"

Eragon held his throat back, and remarked "you have done that yourself."

"You both took away everything from me!"

'Your hatred and your anger have done that as well."


With all of them surrounded by Vermund and his Clan, they all realized they had no choice but to compromise, for Spike to remain. Then Eragon said "very well, Vermund. But if we do his despicable task for you, will you let Spike go free?"

"You have my word as a Dwarven clan leader." Vermund stated. They all didn't know if he really meant it, or the fact that he might betray him in return, if it was all a lie."

"Come on, girls." Said Twilight. "We'll take Vermund to the princess' with Eragon. The rest of the riders stay here."

"What? But Twilight-

"Don't worry. Everything will be okay, Fluttershy. Just trust me on this one." Twilight reassured the yellow Pegasus. She looked back at tech scared Spike "I just want to save my little brother." She muttered.

She, and the other five elements of harmony began leading them to the train station to get on a train to Canterlot. The other dwarves assassins looked back at the riders they were leaving behind and cautiously watch them as they followed their leader so they wouldn't do anything behind their backs.

Just then,something unexpected happened, the dwarf taking Spike hostage suddenly felt a stinging pain in his head, and yelled in. It was like a stinging pain far more worst than a stinging migraine. He fell to his knees, and Spike ran over to Twilight.

"What the hell has gotten into you, Karth?!" Vermund exclaimed

"The pain!" the dwarven assassin said.

Just then, Ekre'al shot an arrow at him, killing him instantly. "Get them!" Said Lyra. Then a massive fight broke out. Lyra and Bon Bon fought side by side together against the Az Sweldn rak Anhûin, and the green unicorn blasted them away with her magic.

Both were kicking at their enemies to and fro like a pack of wolves trying to tackle them one at a time.

At this, they were surrounded by their enemies with knives and swords on their hands, but then both Lyra and Bon Bon had an idea. "Wanna show them the secret weapon?" Bon Bon asked her best friend

Lyra smiled confidentially at her. "Oh yeah. Let us blow their minds with what we got." Then they formed into a wheel, thanks to Lyra's magic, and attached their hooves together, then they rolled at their enemies like a bowling ball, and the dwarves were the pins.

"Strike!" Lyra said. They broke up their form, and gave each other a high-five on their hooves.

The elements of harmony were fighting just as fiercely. Applejack charged at one of the assassins and rammed him to a tree. His sword accidentally cut her mildly, but she ignored it and focused on the fighting. "Yee-haw! Come on, partner! You can do better than that!" She shouted with spirit. She kept on kicking them like a bunch of apple trees ready to be harvested. Applejack wiped off a small drop of sweat from her face in the process.

Rainbow Dash was just punching and kicking any enemy that was coming at her like there was no tomorrow. She grunted when a knife punctured her back, and a few drops of blood were pouring out. She looked at the dwarf who threw the dagger at her, and promptly dive-bombed him like a harbinger, knocking him radically off course.

"Oh goodness!" Fluttershy exclaimed, noticing the knife on Rainbow's back. "Are you okay, Rainbow Dash?"

"Ah! Just a minor scratch." She replied. "Can you help pull it out, Flutters?"

"I hope this doesn't hurt." Then the yellow Pegasus took out the knife as fast as she could to make it as painless as possible for her best friend.

"Ow!" Rainbow exclaimed

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Ha, it's okay. I suffered way worse pain than that." Rainbow grunted with a smile. "Behind you!" She warned

Fluttershy immediately looked back and saw a clan member about to strike her down with his sword, but she dodged by ducking, and then promptly punched him in the face three times, making him lost a few teeth and nose mildly bleeding.

"How dare you try to sneak attack on me!" Fluttershy berated him.

"Wow, you go, girl." Said Rainbow.

Pinkie Pie was just laughing and giggling as she was being like a mole in a whack-a-mole game. Whenever a dwarf tried to slice her, she would swiftly duck and reappear in a different side of him. "I'm over here!" The dwarf missed again. "Nope! I'm over here! Hahaha!"

"Grrr! Stop moving so I can gut you like a salmon!" Said the dwarf in frustration.

"No, I don't think so." Pinkie replied, sounding innocent. "You gotta catch me! Wheeee!"

Then the nonsense continued.

Rarity was having a rather difficult time. She did want to fight, but she worried she was getting a little dirty in the process of doing so. She felt a small drop of blood splashing on her body, makjg her go "oh disgusting! Absolutely repulsive.

Nonetheless, the white unicorn used her magic to fight ehh way through these evil dwarves. Without knowing, a dwarf was just about to kill her from behind, but then he was picked up by Dervoc, and the urgal literally snapped his neck, immediately killing him.

"Oh, thank you, Dervoc."

"Of course, Rarity. But do not let you're guard down."

"Right, of course."

Twilight was also fighting gallantly with her magic and her kicking. She was fighting a little more fierce than her friends because these bad dwarves almost killed Spike, and she is quite pissed off about it. "Take this!" She exclaims as she kicked a dwarf on the face.

Skalmo was grappling with one of the assassins, and head-butted his opponent to lose his concentration, and Skalmo stabbed him through his chest with Knurl. "That is what and
True dwarf is capable of you bastardized!" He shouted at his enemy's corpse. Then he promptly spat on it before taking another dwarf head-on. Skalmo was fighting remarkably as any other dwarves warrior, but of course, he got the best out of his opponents, thanks to possessing magic.

Big Mac was like a living tank. Whenever an dwarf assassin would try to stab him or grab onto him, he would always push them off. Sometimes, a dwarf would leap on his back and try to stab him by riding him. Big Mac however, used his strength to buck off any one of them off, and bucked them so hard in the face that teeth would fall out of their mouths. Just then, Vermund kept on his back too, and said "let's see if you can be tamed!"

"Oh you have no idea what I'm capable of!" Said Big Mac. He bucked over and over again, and Vermund was somehow more formidable than his cronies. Nonetheless, the red stallion bucked him off, causing Vermund to fall on his ass, hard. "Never mess with me, dwarf!" Big Mac said "I am invincible!"

Calraeli blasted some of his enemies with magic and finished them off with a spell combined with his Welden, instantly ending them. "Brisingr!" He shouted. He slashed through his enemy, and it lit him on fire, and the flames were green instead of yellow. The dwarf slowly coiled as the fire slowly finished him. "Never mess with an elf like myself." He gloated. Then another dwarf clashed his sword with Welden. "Ha! You call that a sneak attack? My mother is smarter you." The.n killed him by decapitating him.

Ekre'al was rapidly shooting arrows from his bow, along with his daggers he carried. The dark elf was very swif and very quick when it comes to attack in at the right time. He lept in a backflip in the air. And sliced one of his enemy's backs. "Too slow."

And Lulluda was probably the fastest out of the riders fighting. She would carefully use timing and patience when attacking a dwarf and finished them off without hesitation. Quite athletic, she did a swipe kick at another dwarf, and stabbed him from above.

Finally, Eragon and Murtagh were fighting off their enemies together, side by side like brothers would do fore each other. "You think you can handle it, brother?" Murtagh asekd him with a smirk

"Of course. Nothing I cannot handle." Eragon promptly replied. Both of them used a spin attack where it involved spinning together while swinging their swords to make a purple color from their blades, and killed any one of the assassins that tried to deal away with them.

Tiber Craingweast was a perfectly skilled fighter, and magic user. His skills were really impressive. And Eragon was sometimes distracted by that because of it. "Know your place!" Tiber shouted. "Resistance is futile!"

And Blodhgarm was slicing away with his claws at his foes, and they were staining with blood. He did have a sword of course, and easily got the best out of these accursed dwarves. He made a lion roar and charged at another assassin with full speed on his hind legs. "Wolf-elf got your tongue?" He asked sarcastically, then clawed his face boldly. Finally, Vermund and a large handful of his minions were left alive.

"No! This cannot be the end of it!" Vermund said in disbelief. Eragon, and all his friends readied themselves to strike at him for gold.

"Eragon, I don't think we can take this anymore." Twilight panted "there's too many of them

It was just then the dragons came from above. and landed on the ground all together. Vermund was even more scared, it then he saw his minions running off into the woods with fear.

"Get the hell back here, you bloody cowards!" He shouted. He glared back at the riders, dragons, and ponies.

"It's over, Vermund! Give up now while you still have a chance!" Said Eragon

"Or else!" Rainbow added.

Knowing Fermund could not win, he had to run eluctsntly accept defeat and then pulled out a small round object from his pouch. He threw it on the ground and smoke appeared. After it cleared , he was gone in an instant.

Everyone was really confused by what just happened. "Should we worry about this?" Asked Spike

"No. We all took out most of Vermund's minions. Honestly though, I do not know how much more allies he has, probably more than we can imagine."

"Spike, are you okay?" Asked Twilight.

"I'm fine, Twilight." The baby dragon replied. "But, what was that? That dwarf who was holding me for ransom and the headache?"

"Ah, that was a little trick I have learned." Tiber said. "I have learned that you can used spells without even saying it."

Eragon and Saphira were rather amazed to hear this, and a little confused to go with it.

"But enough of that. I saved all of my new friends."

They all smiled and congratulated him for saving Spike and the others. Murtagu however, still seemed suspicious of him. "Well enough of that. We should do something about the bodies." Said Artvazh.

"Yes, we would not want Ponyville to be in a wide state of panic, wouldn't we?" Asked Vaodidr.

"Aye, it would not be very pleasant." Gridiron concurred. They all agreed and the riders got rid of the bodies by flinging them into a pit nearby. Eragon was still a little worried. Vermund was back and he knows where he and all his friends he cared about lived.

Building The New Sanctuary/Ghost Dwarf

In the little part of the Everfree Forest next to Ponyville, The old castle that princess Celestia and Luna once lived in, was being renovated for construction as to be the new Sanctuary for the Riders, and their dragons. Not only that, but they will be adding a new type of building, or castle, just as big as the original, maybe even bigger since they will all never know when the biggest dragon will come.

"A little more to the left!" Rainbow Dash said to one of the construction workers. "Little more! Perfect! Right there."

Eragon, Saphira, and their friends were watching on as the construction kept going on and on. It was never easy, for it was a big castle, even in ruins. It was hard to say when the new sanctuary will be finished, it could be in weeks, months, or even one whole year from now.

Despite it, they all know that the new safe-haven will be ready someday, at least one of these days. for now, they didn't really have anything to worry about yet. Maybe.... except for Vermund and his followers, but now, they will be more than prepared after their first encounter with him.

For now, everyone can at least stay at peace. "So Murtagh," Spike addressed the son of Morzan.

"hmm?" he immediately looked at the baby dragon afterwards.

"Do you and Thorn still plan to stay in Equestria?"

He was rather silent for a moment, and did' say anything for a long ten seconds. Thorn was also silent for a minute, but the red dragon was the first to answer by saying. "Of course. Everyone in Equestria treats us more greatly than in Alagaesia. We felt welcome by open arms when we first arrived here."

"Except for one, of course." Murtagh added. Both he and Thorn looked at Skalmo, who still had a small hatred, and a grudge against both of them. They could tell by the look in his eyes when he turned his head to them. "But despite this, Thorn speaks true. We feel more welcomed in Equestria more than in Alagaesia, such as the Varden when they locked me away.

"Except for Nasuada, even thought you might never see her again." Pinkie blurted

"Pinkie!!" the other five berated her.

"That is not helping!" said Fluttershy

"No, it's alright." Murtagh sighed. "It's probably the way it has to be. I can't even bother to show myself in front of Nasuada, not after being forced to take her hostage to Galbatorix."

Twilight put a comforting hoof on his arm. Fluttershy hovered and gently rubbed her hoof against Thorn's scales. "Don't self-hate yourself for it." Said the purple allicorn. "You said you have no choice."

"Aye. I did." Murtagh admitted.

"We forgive you both for what happened. And I am pretty sure that Nasuada misses you right now." Fluttershy added. "I imagine that she is thinking of you, and Thorn. What matters is that, you're free from that evil king."

The red dragon made a smile, and gently nuzzled his large head against Fluttershy while she herself was hugging his head in return. "Thank you, Fluttershy." Said Thorn. "At least we still have Eragon and Saphira with us, as long as they are by our side in the wind."

"You are quite welcome, Thorn."

"So, how many more riders do you think will come here, Eragon?" Asked Lyra.

"And how big do yoy think they will get?" Bon Bon added.

"That, I know not. It's quite uncertain of the exact number of dragons or riders we will have. It could be as close to hundreds, or maybe even thousands. We might even have dragons even bigger than the biggest one before the fall, Belgabad."

"I wonder how you will manage that " said Applejack

"It's hard to say, Applejack. It would be quite miraculous if that actually did happen."

"It might happen." Calraeli noted. "We probably just never know when."

"Exactly. But we will make it as big as we can for all dragons in all sizes." Vaodidr remarked.

"When do you think the new riders will come?" Asked Twilight

"That I am also uncertain of. Hopefully, pretty soon now."

"Well, I might as well get to polishing my sword." Said Dervoc. He pulled out Ramr, and banged it with his fist, causing a mighty "clang" sound. The other's agreed and all went back to Ponyville to relax and enjoy themselves. Of course, Eragon and Saphira, along with Murtagh and Thorn, would take the other riders and dragons for more training.

Eragon and Saphira were doing a little excavation around an area of rocky hills and knolls. The reason why they were doing that was because they both wanted to find good training grounds for the others to try out, away from setter areas so they wouldn't destroy buildings or houses.

The last thing they would want is to destroy a village or a city in training processes, and have a bunch of complaints from anypony living in towns and cities, and filling lawsuits against them and the other dragons and riders .

Meantime, Both Eragon and Saphira looked at the place well enough to see that this place looked alright as one of the training grounds. The large rocks looked perfect for takeoff when practicing flight. The young elf-human rider heard a growling noise. At first, he thought it was a bear, or one of those minotaurs or diamond dogs, but then he noticed the direction was coming from Saphira.

"Sorry, little one." said the blue dragon. "My stomach feels like there is a monster hatching from an egg inside of it." then she used her paws to gently press her tummy back. "I need some food to eat from. Will you be alright if I go out hunting once more?"

Eragon smiled and replied "That's perfectly alright. Go on ahead and hunt for whatever you can find. Oh!, as long as it is not a pony, and doesn't talk of course."

"Yes, yes, I know. I know exactly who and what to hunt or not." Saphira remarked. Then she flew off, and soared into the skies to look for a decent lunch, leaving Eragon alone to wander in the plains for a little while to go for a little walk. He himself looked for anything to hunt for, like a stag, or a ram of some kind.

"You seem a little troubles, Eragon." Glaedr said to him from his eldunari.

"Troubled? Nonsense."

"I can see that your thoughts dwell on Ekre'al."

Sighing in defeat, knowing he can't lie to his deceased master. "Alright. Yes. I worry that he is is still doing his old habit of stealing." then he spotted a bull moose and quietly shot i with his bow and arrow, causing the gigantic beast to bugle and fall to the ground with a loud thud. "Anyway, he needs to realize that he is in a civilize society, not a survivalist living in a wild environment where it is survival of the fittest."

"Indeed, but he is trying so hard to fight off his urges. All Ekre'al needs to do is adapt to this new lifestyle. Styx will also help show him the way of village life.

"Perhaps, but I wonder why he would steal like that in the first place. Did he grow up poor? or was it because of his parents? Or what?"

"Excellent questions. Perhaps after Ekre'al and Styx settle in their new home in Equestria, perhaps time together will treat you good." Glaedr remarked.

"Yeah. Let us hope so."

"He is good, Eragon. He has good in his heart, unlike Galbatorix and Shruikan, and of course, Morzan and his dragon"

Then Eragon made a small fire near a small forest by using a bunch of branches and stones, and whispering "Brisingr" then a blue flame erupted from the pile. He promptly cooked meat from the moose above the fire, on a stove. When the meat was cooked just the right time, he began eating.

"Shadeslayer!" cried a voice. It was Skalmo and Gridgorn. The yellow-golden dragon swooped down in an open area in the small forest, and rested on the grass. "I thought I would track you here."

"Hello Skalmo, Gridgorn."

The dwarf looked around and noticed something missing "where is Saphira?"

"She went out hunting for food."

The yellow-golden dragon noticed some raw meat from the moose carcass, and sniffed it. "That bull moose meat smells quite delicious." he said.

Eragon began thinking about what Gridgorn just asked, and replied. "I suppose you can have some. And What about you, Skalmo?"

"That is a kind offer, but I already filled mine stomach with a fine looking ram that I just killed."

"Very well."

Eragon and Skalmo just there in an awkward silence while hearing Gridgorn eating some of the moose meat. Finally, the dwarf said "The sanctuary is working out quite nicely, and of course it looks a little complex to try and build into reality."

"Indeed. Time will tell when it will finally be done." Then he took another bite of cooked meat. "So, Skalmo, so you still have a grudge against my half brother?"

As Eragon pulled out one of his knives, and began cleaning them, Skalmo answered "aye. How can I not hate Murtagh for killing Hrothgar. I might have said this before, but he was like mine father."

"I know you still hate him, but please, you must try and let go of the past."

The dwarf made a small huff, causing his beard to fly. "Look, I am trying mine best to try and cooperate with him and Thorn, but like I have said the first time, Hrothgar was like mine father. I do my very best to be considerate with the son of Morzan."

"He did not chose to be so." Gridgorn reminded after one big chunk of meat. "Thorn told me about the scar on his torso from his own father."

"He speaks the truth, Skalmo." Said Eragon "and besides, now we can focus on what is most important, and that is rebuilding the dragon rider order."

Skalmo thought about it, and crossed his small arms together. "I know. Of course I am happy to have Gridgorn as my companion. He is like the brother I never had in my life."

"And he is like a sibling I never had, either." Said the dragon. Then he got back on all fours, and made a loud, and long burp that sounded like a small earthquake rumbling. As a matter of fact, the earth kind of Rumble's from it.

"Very nice. Well done, brother!" Skalmo congratulated him.

"Thank you."

The dwarf waddled back on Gridgorn, and prepared for takeoff. "I will see you back in Ponyville, Eragon. Thank you for the company."

"And for sharing the meat." Gridgorn added happily with a small grunt to show gratitude. "I really needed the meat to fill my stomach." then he patted his scaly belly.

"Of course. I was starting to become stuffed from all of that moose meat, especially the burnt skin."

Both the dwarven rider and his dragon smiled, and flew off. Eragon was alone again, except for Glaedr. After a little while has passed, the blue fire slowly dimmed and burnt out. He didn't say a word and listened to the sounds of mother nature around him, the birds chirping in the trees, and the sound of hooves pounding the soil from many types of deer prancing by. Just then, a small pack of wolves came by, and were attracted to the smell of the carcass Eragon cooked

At first, Eragon drew Brisingr from his scabbard, and pointed it at the beasts. But, seeing how these wolves are only hungry, he put his sword away, and used magic to talk to the wolves. After a little short negotiation between man and beast, the wolves were grateful, and more than happy to have some of the leftover meat, and a couple of wolf pups appeared from the bushes.

He was feeling his heart melting at the sight of helping this wolf family get something to eat so they wouldn't have to go out and do it the hard way by hunting.

Then he calmly passed through the small forest, and walked along a field with some rocks scattered across the area, almost looking like badlands. Somehow, it was reminding Eragon of the Beor Mountains back home.

As Eragon looked at the landscape, something startled him. "Eragon." Said a man's voice that sounded like a wise, yet tough old man.

He turned around, then saw a noble looking dwarf in a regal type of robe. Eragon recognized who this dwarf was.

"Hello, mine son." The dwarf added. "I see you have accomplished a magnificent feet by finally putting an end to Galbatorix and the war."

"Hrothgar." He muttered. "How- how did you-?"

"I am here because you are here."

"Good." Then Eragon's face turned from a smile to a frown.

"What is it?"

"Your majesty, I mean, Hrothgar. I am so sorry that I could not protect you from your death in the battle of the burning plains. And of course, do not hate Murtagh and Thorn for delivering the mortal blow."

"Eragon," the former king of the dwarves put his meaty hand on Eragon's shoulder. Even thought he was a ghost, he could still feel his touch. "I understand that Murtagh and Thorn were bound to do the foul king's bidding, and I saw try look on their faces right before they killed me."

"How did they feel?"

"Resentful and regretful. And it was not your doing that I was killed. Those Twins and Galbatorix manipulated all of us, first Ajihad, and me."

"That is true. Galbatorix was the one behind the chaos, and Durza was only a puppet. Not only that, but there was a little setback between me, Saphira, our friends, and the clan called Az Sweldn rak Anhûin."

Hrothgar immediately frowned and made a small sigh. "Ah, I know very well of that clan."

"You know Vermund?"

"Aye, unfortunately. A real nasty piece of work that Vermund. He would always heckle and shame me, along with mine clan."

Eragon grew appalled "why would he do that?"

"He thought that I was pathetic and weak as a king of all dwarves just because we have aided the Varden in the rebellion. Vermund wanted to rule all of us with an iron fist and keep dwarves away from the other races across Alagaesia."

"Well, I would not really hate all of those dwarves within that clan."

"Indeed, it would be a little to quick to judge them all completely. As Sweldn rak Anhûin was one the richest, and the oldest of the old dwarves clans. Vermund respected Anhûin so much, that when she died, he swore vengeance on all dragon riders. It saddens me of how corrupt and twisted he and his followers have become."

"Perhaps." Said Eragon. "Even they have wives and children, too. But of course, he followed us here into Equestria, and tried to kill us all."

"I know, I have foreseen it. But I am so proud that you and Saphira fought them all off with the help of the new dragon riders, and your new friends in Equestria?"

"Thank you, Hrothgar. You know, I have inducted Urgals and dwarves into the order now."

"Aye, and I am so happy for that. Perhaps now you and Saphira can help try to restore things the way they were before the riders' fall."

Eragon smiled "I believe that we will."

"It will be all worthy in the archives in dwarven history in the years to come. For Vermund, I know you and a Saphira can fight him, and put an end to his chaos."

"Right. Hopefully, there will be no more casualties."

"And of course, I would assure you to keep an eye on that Craingweast fellar. He might be hiding a really dark secret only the gods know what."

"That's preposterous." Eragon said. "Me and the other dragon riders inspected Tiber's mind in princess Celestia's castle."

"Yes, but you will never know what will happen. It is always best to proceed with caution around him."

He began brainstorming again, and finally replied "very well, Hrothgar. I do believe he is a good man, but I will try and be alert."

"Good. It is always best to be on your guard at all times." Said Hrothgar. "Well, it was wonderful meeting you Eragon. For now, I must go. May the gods watch over your battles, my son."

Eragon turned around for a minute and looked at the dragon rider mark on the palm of his hand. "Thank you, Hrothgar. I promise to make you proud and-". It then the dwarf was gone, as if he was nothing but an illusion or a hallucination.

"I felt his presence, Eragon." Glaedr noted. "He was here."

"Yes, I believe he was." Then Saphira came back, full, and happily took Eragon back home to Ponyville

Foal-Napped Crusaders (Part 1)

The next morning, in Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack was the first to get up, and went to awaken her younger sister Applebloom. When she went to her bedroom, she didn't see her asleep on her bed, or getting g ready herself. "Applebloom?" She called "hello?" She looked far and wide for her in the room, the closet, along with the wardrobe.

Applejack was starting to become worried and concerned about her sister, and looked at the other bedrooms, first Big Mac's and then Granny Smith's.

Feeling more worried, she went downstairs and saw she wasn't in the kitchen. Big Mac came downstairs woth the sound of heavy hooves woth every step. "Applejack, what's the matter?" The red stallion asked his little sister.

"I can't find Applebloom, Big Mac!" She replied, beginning to have a panic attack. "I went to check on her, and she was gone!"

This shocked Big Mac as well, but he wasn't being so dramatic like Applejack was right now. "Okay okay, calm down, sis. We'll find her. Now, try to relax and remember the last time you saw her last night before bed."

She took a few breaths to keep her cool, and was trying to think about what Big Mac suggested to her. "Well, I saw her tucking herself in bed so peaceful-like, and I gave her a kiss good night, and that's it. And, and before she went to bed, she said that she would help with the pigs this morning."

"Hmm, well there ya go, she's probably feeding them piggies some breakfast like she said she would." Big Mac theorized.

"Now, now, what is all the racket here?" Asked Granny Smith coming downstairs as well, in a very slow fashion.

"Applebloom was not in her bed when Applejack found her this morning.

"Have you seen her, Big Mac?" Applejack asked him



"No, I fell asleep to quickly last night to see her."


"Come on, Jack, like I said, she's probably tending to the pigs by now. She is a good kid when it comes to barn chore duty."

She was trying to relax herself some more, and took a few more deep breaths. "Maybe you're right." She said. All three of them went outside and went to the pig pen, but they all saw that she wasn't in there, nor inside the interior shed where they would use as a shade

"That's awfully weird." Said Granny Smith. "Hmm, perhaps she got them early, probably doing the sheep pen now."

All three moved on to look for her in the sheep pen, but unfortunately, she wasn't there either. Next was the chickens, ducks, goats, and the cows, but with no luck.

"Where could she be?" Applejack said. She made a gasp and thought "What if she got eaten by timberwolves? Or a Chimera? Or even got eaten by one of th dragons?!"

"Applejack, pull yourself together!" Big Mac said. "Maybe she was doing something and went with her friends without telling us."

A faint whimpering noise was heard, and all three apples went to see what that noise was. They gasped as they saw Winona, the family dog, bound in all four legs, and her mouth clamped shut by a rope,

"Winona!" They all exclaimed in unison. On her side was some kind of a note. Applejack suspiciously pulled it out, and they all began reading what it was saying. As they progressed more, they never felt so shocked, and horrified in their lives.

"Oh no!" Said Applejack. "Appleblo M's been foal-napped!"

"This is not good, not good at all." Said a Big Mac. "We better tell Eragon and the others about this!"

"Way ahead of ya, big brother." Applejack agreed. "Who knows what that evil dwarf might do to her?" Winona when moered again, and then they all helped her out. When she was free from those ropes, she bowed her head, saying she was sorry.

"It's okay, girl. It wasn't your fault." Granny Smith reassured, gently rubbing the dog's head

"Yeah, there was nothing you could have done to stop them." Applejack noted. "Are you hurt or injured somehow?"

Winona nodded a no, and she was right, she looked completely unharmed.

"Good. Come on y'all, we got to tell Eragon, Saphira, Murtagh, Thorn, and the other dragons and riders about this. We could really use their help. Alone with out friends."

"You don't have to tell us twice." Said Applejack, and they all to town to tell everypony the grave news and that letter someone mysteriously left for them with Winona following behind them with great speed.

In the town, Rarity was waking up, and saw Sweetie Belle was missing too. For her, it wasn't long before she saw a bound and gagged Opalescence in ropes too. She too, had a letter stuck to her

The white unicorn opened the letter and began reading it, and she gasped with horror. "Oh no! Sweetie Belle has been captured by that vile Vermund!" And then she began bawling her eyes out, and pulled out her crying couch to sob on.

Rainbow Dash also came to look for Scootaloo, but saw her scooter with a letter tied to the neck. She read it, and gasped as well, feeling more concerned with her sister's safety and well being. "That half-pint too, her? Well, I'll give him a beat down the next time I see him!" Then she hurriedly went to look for the he dragons and their riders, too

It was just then all three mares, who were coming out of their houses in a frenzy, all bumped into each other while they were too busy worrying about their sisters to look where they were even going. Feeling dizzy, they quickly got up, and then Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Winona followed afterwards.

"What are you guys doing here?" all three mares asked curiously. "My sister has been foal-napped and- wait! you too?!" The realized they were all on the same page here.

"But... why would they kidnap Applebloom?" asked Big Mac.

"That's what I'm wandering with my poor Sweetie Belle." said Rarity

"And Scootaloo!" Rainbow exclaimed at the top of her lungs.

"What is going on here?" asked Eragon, with Murtagh walking besides him. "Why are you three screaming?"

"Eragon, Murtagh, thank Celestia we found you!" said Rarity. "It's horrible. Our sisters have been foal-napped!"

Both the brothers looked surprise and looked at each other, and then back to the group. "What? by who?" Asked Eragon. Then all three of them gave them the letters to see who it was from

Shadeslayer, Apple Family, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash

Me and Mine Clan have the three pony fillies who called themselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders. You will all do exactly as I will instruct, or else. You will meet me and mine clan at the lair of the Diamond Dogs, and surrender yourself to me. If you fail to comply, they will all die a horrible death. Be sure to come alone without your pathetic dragon, if you double-cross us, they die.

Vermund of Az Sweldn rak Anhûin.

It was more jarring than the ponies could handle, and it far more disturbing as well. "I'm going to find that son of a bitch, and break his neck!" Rainbow said with pure anger. She was about to fly over to the Diamond Dog's lair to try and kill Vermund herself, it she was stopped as her tail was yanked and then pulled back

"No!!" Murtagh exclaimed. "It's too dangerous Rainbow. If you try to do this yourself, you will be dead along with Scootaloo!"

"But they-!"

"Don't worry, we will figure out a way to save your sisters." Murtagh reassured. "We just.... need to think of a plan.

"Murtagh's right." Eragon agreed. "They did kidnap the girls, but they want me, and Vermund is using them as bait."

"You think?" Said Rarity

"What was your first clue?" Said Applejack. "How are we gonna get them back?"

Eragon was thinking of some good ideas that could help save the girls without any casualties. If he, and the other riders and dragons dealt with minotaurs before, then Diamond Dogs shouldn't be too much of a problem either.

At last, he said "alright, I have a plan that just might work." The Apple family, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were more than eager to hear it. "And Granny Smith, it's best if we take care of this."

"Eragon' right. You don't look like you can fight anymore. I know it sounds rude, but it's true."

"No, yer right." Said Granny Smith. "Yep, I'll just pray for the girls' safety and well being. Godspeed, Eragon. I hope you know what yer doing."

"I am."

"The other riders and dragons will need to hear about this, too." Thorn remarked

"Right. Thorn, Saphira, gather the others, while you four gather Fluttershy, Twilight, Pinkie, Zecora, Lyra, and Bon Bon. For we could use their help, too."

The mares and Big Mac then hurriedly ran to their friends houses to tell of the horrible news. Hopefully, whatever Eragon is planning, it will work.

Author's Notes:

Oh no! The Cutie Mark Crusaders have been kidnapped! How will the heroes save the, from the evil dwarf Vermund and his clan? Find out on the next chapter, coming soon.

Foal-Napped Crusaders (Part 2)

Everyone was present and accounted for. Ready to hear Eragon's plan. Twilight, Fluttershy, Spike, and Pinkie Pie were just as shocked as the others were, and were all completely worried about the crusaders well being and safety. He and Murtagh were just about ready to give away the plan on how to succeed this rescue mission

"We heard about what happened." Twilight said

"I am so worried for the girls." Fluttershy remarked, feeling like tearing her eyes out.

"What are we going to do!?" Pinkie said, feeling more loud than she would usually be before.

"Guys, please, calm down, let Eragon said how this is going to work. Besides, they will now speak."

"Thank you, Spike." Eragon remarked. "He is correct, this is a rather crisis situation, i notice, but let's not be hysterical about all of this. I will get them back for all of you, I promise."

Saphira and Thorn had a very worried look on their faces as well. "Now, Eragon, should we inform Princess Celestia and Princess Luna about this as well?" teh blue dragon asked him.

"I already got that under control." Spike said. "Twilight had me write a letter about what is going on, and that she has sent a small search party to find Vermund and his gang.

Tiber bold stated "Brilliant. Hopefully, the poor fillies are not far from here. We could always use extra help in the search."

"Well, the Diamond Dog's lair is not far from here. It's only a few miles." said Applejack. "Rarity was once their slave, but she got out of it."

Rarity had a look of agreement on her, and stated "She's right. I had to use whining and crying to get myself out of slavery. And, I have seen what they are capable of. Those stupid mutts are small time, and not really that much of a threat."

"Hmm. Well, with that dwarf and his clan aided their side, those creatures might be a little stronger than before now." Murtagh theorized. "That vermund is a nasty piece of work by what I have witnessed.

"And the rest of his clan, too, all fighting to defend their dead clan chief's honor." Thorn added. "It was not the original riders' fault, it was Galbatorix and the Forsworn that is to blame."

"You're not wrong, Thorn." said Rainbow Dash. "But apparently, you can't convince some ponies that their mane is on fire."

"Denial is a powerful thing." said the purple allicorn

"I don't doubt you, Twilight." Said Eragon. "You are right. Vermund is too deep and consumed by anger, hatred, and revenge against all dragons and riders, original, and forsworn, alike." Then he began deeply into his thoughts for any idea on how to rescue Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom. After a few long minutes, something popped up in his head. "Alright, I think I might have an idea, but you might not all like it very much."

"Please! Anything to help my sweet baby sister!" Applejack begged in desperation.

"Very well. Now, all of you listen well and carefully." Eragon instructed. Then they all huddled into a big group together to hear the plan, ans Thorn and Saphira, who could already hear it rather well.

Eragon was walking along a field, and saw a barren valley below it. There were so many large holes, as if there were gigantic rabbits or prairie dogs living in those fields. There wasn't really any plants, trees, or any other vegetation, but a few small cactus's, and a few tumbleweeds being blown away in different directions that the wind was taking them through.

He carefully hid and lay low, for there might be any guards patrolling these unusual tunnels. "This must be what the others were talking about.

Meanwhile, Saphira was crouching next to him, overseeing the fields with him. "Are you sure you want to go through with this plan of yours, Eragon?" she asked him

"yes Saphira. It's all part of my plan." Eragon confirmed. "My decision is final."

The blue dragon made a small growl, but she said anyway "Very well. You have killed an evil king to save our home, and perhaps you will do just fine confronting that dwarven traitor. Good luck, little one."

"Don't worry. I will. You too."

Then Saphira went back a few feet so the diamond dogs won't be alerted by her presence, and stealthy flew away a great distance from the hideout. Then Eragon decided the time was right, and quietly sneaked down the hill, and looked at his surroundings.

It was clear at the moment, then he heard a few dwarf guards coming and hid behind a large boulder with gems on it. Both the dwarf pair were a long distance away from where they were walking at, but Eragon didn't have any other rational choice, but to wait for them to pass by him.

When the coat was clear, he quietly went away and crouched on the ground. "That was close."

"Do not let overconfidence get the best of yourself, Eragon." Glaedr warned

"Yes, it can be your greatest enemy if not treated properly." Added Umaroth.

"Of course, masters." Eragon said to them through his minds, and tightly gripped the hilt of Brisingr, feeling more than ready to fight any dwarves or those greedy monsters that call themselves dogs.

In front of him was a large passageway, and took a breath before he did a summersault move to another large rock. Peeking his eyes to and fro, he was still undetected by enemy guards. When he sneaked over to another hiding spot in a bush, his heart immediately dropped to,his feet when he noticed a dwarf guarding one of the entrances to the lair.

"Damn!" He muttered. "How am I supposed to deal with this bastard?" And he had a sudden memory "the twelve death words, of course." And when he said the death words, and with a snap of his finger, the dwarf immediately dropped dead on the spot, looking like a broken puppet or marionette.

Eragon hurriedly went up to the corpse and disposed of it by hiding it in the bush he was just hiding in.

"There. One lose end to worry about." He muttered with confidence. Then he saw the two guards from before coming back around, and hid in the bush once more.

When they were close to him, Eragon had the opportunity to sneak behind them, and assassinate them by breaking one's neck, and stabbing the second behind his back with his sword.

At last, Eragon could pass through these holes without any trouble. He carefully stepped on it, and found himself sliding down the dirt path like a rockslide, and tried so hard to keep his balance from failing him.

Finally, he landed in a large corridor with many tunnels and any one of them to could lead them to the missing girls. More than confused, he decided to take on on the bottom left, but when he got to the end, he found a room with so many Diamond dogs playing poker, and cheering.

"Wrong path." He muttered.

As he went back to the hallway he landed in before, he heard faint voices from the top right tunnel, and it had many more gems than the other ones did inside them.

Everything was so sparkly, and so clear.

"Shadeslayer will be here momentarily." Said the faint voice. It was Vermund. Eragon immediately recognized it, thanks to his heightened hearing for being part elf now.

"Aha! There we go." And he proceeded to go through without a fight, just for the safety of the girls. As he continue walking and walking, the voices became more and more louder with every step he took.

"Please! Let us go, you creep!" Applebloom barked.

"Relax,little girl." Said Vermund. Hiding behind a rock, Eragon was eavesdropping on a conversation between them in the main hall. The three girls were tied to chairs, and were looking more than scared. Not only that, but Vermund was accompanied by two other clans members as his bodyguards. Next to him were three Diamond dogs that looked slightly different than the other ones, possibly the leaders of the group.

"Oh, so, when do we get our share?" Asked the smallest leader

"Be patient, Spot, patience, you'll get what's coming to you." Vermund said in slight annoyance. "You Diamond Dogs do not know how to wait, do you?"

"Not when it comes to gems, no." Said the middle leader.

"We're Diamond Dogs, remember? We love gems, it's what we all do best." The biggest one noted.

"Will you all shut up, please?" Vermund interrupted them. "No more talk of shares until Eragon Shadeslayer arrives."

Eragon's blood began to boil a little from seeing this.

And the dwarf turned his attention to the three kidnapped fillies. "Your families must really miss you dearly at the moment." Vermund stated flatly. "I am going to make it real simple for you, if you ever want to see them again, you better behave yourselves.

"Pfft, I only behave for my friends and my parents." Scootaloo rudely remarked. "Why would I even do the same for you?" And she felt herself slapped across the face, by Vermund's hand, and felt her chinbeing gripped by fingers.

"Hey, you can't do that to Scootaloo you meanie!" Said Sweetie Belle. Then she found herself having her mane pulled by Vermund.

"Shut up you worthless excuse for a horse." He said cruelly. "Or your next."

"You better let us out or else!" Apple bloom said. "When my sister and brother find out about this, you will be in big trouble and they will kick your-!"

"Quiet!!" Vermund barked, and he pulled out a dagger, and was trying to pierce her neck with it.

"Now, the reason is because your families wouldn't stab you to death in your sleep." And he got the knife away from Applebloom. "Just wait until Shadeslayer gets here and behave yourselves."

"Are you going to kill us after your done?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Oh no. All I want is the dragon rider to come. As soon as we have our business taken care of, you are all free to go."

"You won't have to wait anymore, Vermund!" Eragon said, coming out from behind the rock. Seeing him come at last. The dwarf smiled wickedly. "Men, leave us!" He sharply ordered his two guards. Just like that, they both did what they told him to do. "Ah, not you three, you can stay." He noted the three leaders

"Alright, Vermund, let Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle go." Eragon ordered. "You can do what you like to me, but let them go."

"Not until we talk about mine needs, dragon rider. Give me your weapon and we will talk."

Feeling reluctant, Eragon gave the dwarf Brisingr so they can negotiate properly. "Here." He said.

"Hmm, a rather impressive looking blade. No matter." Vermund said, grabbing hold of the handle boldly.

"What do you want from me?"

"Your death, along with your dragon's as well." Vermund remarked coldly. "Me and mine clan want you to suffer as we have suffered when Galbatorix became the dark king."

"That was not me! It was the forsworn!" Eragon said. "Morzan and Galbatorix were the reason why your former leader is dead, not me."

"You dragon riders look all alike in mine book." The dwarf spat.

"Just get on with it so we can get the gems!" The middle leader said.

"You cannot rush a negotion, Rover."

"But gems!" The bigger one stated

"Just wait, Fido!"

"Sorry." All three of them said

"Anywho. It would only make me feel so happy to see you and that pathetic dragon Saphira burn in Hell where you belong!"

Those words made Eragon a little infuriated, and walked towards him, wanting to bring a world of hurt for insulting his closest companion like that.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Vermund warned, waving his first finger like metronome. Then he immediately used Eragon's sword on all three filly's necks, feeling more scared than they ever were before. "Not another step closer, or they will all die!"

"Eragon, we're scared." Applebloom said

"Don't worry, girls. I'll set you free." Eragon said. "Please, I will do anything you do Vermund, just please let them go."

"Very well." And Vermund immediately took the sword off of them. "Now, I want you to kill yourself on the spot for me."


"I thought every dragon rider would know that when a rider dies, so does the dragon? That's what it is told, right?"

He clenched his teeth, and was thinking long and hard for anything that could possibly help him get out of this. Finally, he said "very well, you bastard. I'll do it."

"What?!" The three fillies exclaimed in shock

"I have no choice, girls! I have to save you so you can see your families again." Back to Vermund, he said "give me my sword."

"Now, no tricks, either."

"Fine." And it was just like he was about to stab himself with his own sword, but then with a change of demeanor, he said "now my friends!"

All of a sudden, his friends appeared out of nowhere, as if they were invisible, or came in this place like magic.

Vermund was more than surprised to see this. "What?!"

"We knew about your plan, Vermund!" Applejack said "Let my sister go!"

"And Mine!" Rarity said. "Before I go savage on you!"

"I second that!" Rainbow agreed, flopping her fists together.

"Grr, really clever, Shadeslayer.... yet foolish. Kill them!" Then a storm of Diamond dogs and dwarves came from many tunnels, and it turned out to see be an interesting battle.

Despite that they were outnumbered, Eragon, Twilight, Fluttershy, Murtagh, and their allies were fighting gallantly.

"Don't worry. 'Ere, I'll get you three out of those ropes." Skalmo said, setting the fillies free.

"Go somewhere safe, and stay down, no matter what happens." Calraeli said

And just like that, the girls went to a hiding spot so they wouldn't have to get caught in a crossfire between both fighting sides.

Tiber Craingweast was more than happy to assist Eragon, fighting side by side together against these enemies. "I would rather call this aggressive negotiations, don't you think, Eragon?"

He chuckled "Aye, very aggressive."

Dervoc was using his mighty horns to gore Amy enemy that was coming his way. The urgal rider was like a tank, punching, kicking, and ramming his head at his foes, one by one. He felt a pain on his leg, and saw that a dwarven assassin snuck up behind him while he was busy fighting the enemies in his eyesights. And then picked up the dwarf by his throat, and threw him to a pillar of rocks.

Vermund was about to run, but was stopped by Zecora. "Poor shame, a dwarf like you abandoning the people standing by your side. Hmm, perhaps you can feed the dragons with your hide."

"Over my dead body, zebra!" Vermund exclaimed. Then he charged at her, riding on her back. Zecora kept bucking him off of him, and eventually kicked his stocmach to get him off.

"No creature dares to ride me!" She said firmly "The dungeon is definitely where you should be!"

Charging at her again, Vermund threw a few punches at her, but then she retaliated by throwing powerful kicks at his face.

Despite how painful it was, Vermund wasn't going down without a fight. Just then, Ekre'al stopped him, and clashed swords with him, making it an interesting grudge match. The dwarf did a large jump, going above the elf with a powerful swing, but Ekre'al was fast, and blocked it just in time

"You elves are all the same, arrogant, and narcissistic!" He spitted.

"At least I am always there for my friends!" Ekre'al replied. "You are nothing but a mere monster!"

Meanwhile, Applejack was fighting a large group of Diamond dogs charging at her. With her mighty rage, she inflicted mighty kicks, knocking them randomly off course. However, she felt a stinging pain with claws went down her back, blood pouring out of them.

"Applejack!" Big Mac noticed. "Hey! Nopony does that to my sister, you son of a bitch!" And he immediately charged at the dog that clawed her with full zeal, and laid a fury of punches and kicks at him, until he could no longer fight, and was badly beaten. "You okay, AJ?" Big Mac said, coming to his sister's aid.

"Yeah. Ow! I think so. Ah! Just a minor scratch!" She replied

Then Rarity screamed as her chest was clawed by another diamond dog. "Who did that!?" She barked.

And Lulluda sliced at the dog that attacked her and went to her aid. "Don't worry, it's not that bad. We'll see to those wounds later."

"I'm okay, Lulluda, don't you worry." Rarity reassured. "I suffered much worse pain than that, anyway."

As the fighting went on and on, the Diamond Dogs look like they might meet their match, many of their friends were dead, and others badly injured. For Vermund followers. The were becoming more scared and felt outclassed themselves.

"Retreat!" Said a dwarf. And all of them made a break for it.

"Hey, get back here!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Time to teach them all a lesson in how rude foal-napping is."

"Ooh, I love it when you get that mad look on your face." Discord complimented. Indeed, Fluttershy sounded peeves by the tone of her voice.

"Thanks." The yellow Pegasus said with a change of demeanor. "It's a little hobby I do." And they all immediately went after Vermund and his followers, fleeing from combat as cowards.

While chasing them, everyone encountered more small hoards of dwarves and diamond dogs along the way, and were ambushed a few times.

Luckily, they all fought back, and Discord would change himself into a ninja with nunchucks in his hands, making ninja sounds. "Eye of the tiger!" He said triumphantly. "Hiyah!"

And when that little skirmishes as over, they all went to pursue Vermund and his followers, with Eragon running ahead as the leader, having a battle cry being heard as he was running after them all.

Author's Notes:

Eragon is quite the clever human/elf hybrid, isn't he? Yes. Looks like Vermund is about to enter a world of pain. What will happen to him? Will he finally be punished for his crimes? Find out on the next chapter.

Foal-Napped Crusaders (Part 3)

Vermund was running for his dear life as he was still being pursuited by the dragon riders, ponies, baby dragon, and drancequus, who were coming in hot.

"You will not escape me yoy murderer!" Eragon bellowed. "Prepare to meet your demise!"

The dwarf spat at his direction, and he didn't stop running. "As long as Anhuin is on my side, I can never be beaten!" He shouted back to him

"We'll see about that, yoy dwarf scum!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"Nopony foal-naps my sister and gets away with it.!" Said Applejack with our hate abd anger in her eyes.

"I will destroy you!" Rarity bellowed.

"Pfft, good luck with that." Vermund muttered. "As if any one of you freaks can try to stop me."

While running, Vermund noticed a rock and boulder trap above the direction where he was going to, and an evil smile appeared on him.

"Eat this, you filthy creatures! For Anhuin!' Then he used his sword to slash the rope as he ran by, and a crumbling sound was heard from above.

Seeing the danger, Twilight, Rarity, and Lyra used the magic from their horns to atop the rocks from tumbling any farther, and crush them to death.

"Whew. That was way too close!" Lyra said. "Thank Celestia for our magic. Is everypony okay?"

All of them replied a yes to her, and Calraeli said "we cannot let him get away! After him!"

"Right!" The ponies and Spike agreed, and they all continental to follow him in hot pursue.

More and more dwarves and Diamond Dogs appeared from many entrances, and ambushed them like a small flock of Harris hawks.

Despite these little setbacks, they all managed to drive off as many enemies and possible.

"Come back here, you miserable coward!" Murtagh shouted, closing Za'roc to a position where his fists were becoming white from the bones pushing through.

"Remember the plan, everyone!" Skalmo reminded. "Have faith in Shadeslayer." As they kept on running after the evil dwarf, they were becoming a little tired of this chase. Nonetheless, they all have a job to do." Hopefully, these tunnels have to end somewhere. This wasn't a wild goose chase after all.

Many more diamond dogs and dwarves closed in on the heroes, but despite growing a little weary, they still fought them on, and drove them away.

Completely running out of options, Vermund realized that he could not keep them off his back forever. However, he could see a light at the end of a tunnel he was climbing over. When he reached the surface, the three leading Diamond Dogs were there waiting for him as his personal backup.

"Don't worry, sir!" said Rover. "We're here to protect you!"

"Bah, what difference will it make. I'm running out of guards!" Vermund spat. "How could we possibly know how to defeat them four against a small army right behind us?"

"We have more guards than you think, sir." said Fido

"It does not matter how many of us there are, they have magic, while we do not."

"Nonsense!" said Spot. then he blew a whistle. From many holes around them, more and more diamond dogs appeared from below, and they completely outmatch their enemies. All of them were carrying battle axes and thorny scimitars as weapons." Despite the greater number on his side, Vermund was still uncertain about this.

Finally, catching up with him, the heroes emerged from the tunnel that Vermund took, with Eragon, Murtagh, and the elements of Harmony in front of them. "It's over Vermund!" Eragon shouted, pointing Brisingr at him. "You cannot win, we have won!"

"Oh, we wouldn't say that!" said Rover. "Get them, boys!" then the large battalion of Diamond Dogs charged at all of them with full zeal. Nonetheless, Eragon and the others fought back gallantly.

"You think with numbers, you can win you feeble pest?" Murtagh insulted him while the dwarf was keeping his distance like a coward. Murtagh was swinging Za'roc very swiftly, and decapitated a total of five diamond dogs. While the dragon riders, and ponies were distracted, many of Vermund's followers appeared out of nowhere, and ambushed the group.

It was already becoming more difficult for Eragon and his friends to continue fighting on like this, for they were growing more tired from trying to help the crusaders and putting a stop to this evil dwarf. The one that was still really pulling through and crushing his enemies, was Tiber Craingweast, using amazing swordplay and mastery of the arcane arts to blow away as much enemies that were coming at him.

Eragon, and the other riders somehow got a glimpse of how impressive he was doing with that blade. Lyra suddenly saw an Anhuin dwarf sneaking up on him to stab the back of the head, and immediately bucked the assassin with a powerful kick, sending him flying across the plain. Then she picked up a scimitar with her magic.

"Nicely done, Lyra." Craingweast noted. "Very impressive."

"Ah, well, you know." the green unicorn flustered a little. Then her eyes went wide when she saw a large diamond dog charge at her with full zeal. Luckily, Lyra saw him coming, and dodged his mighty battleaxe with a side-roll. She used her magic to swing the sword with her magic, and it was a brief grudge match between them. Finally, Lyra got him off guard by cutting his lower arm off, and stabbing him in the chest, making him fall dead with a loud thud.

Bon Bon was impressed to see her best friend fight so gallantly. Sure, she has seen Lyra use her magic millions of times, but never for combat, no. Just then, she saw a few more dwarves charge at him, and she rammed one to a dead tree, and another one kicked in the groin by her hooves, leaving him on his knees in pain, and the third a kick to the face, knocking a few teeth out, and him unconscious.

As the battle raged on, a certain roaring was heard in the sky. Saphira, Thorn, Vaodidr, Artvazh, Gridgorn, Mimni, and Styx all came down, looking more than ferocious than ever.

After seeing their presence, many diamond dogs fled for their lives, and hid back in the tunnels. Of course some still stayed and fight, because they weren't as big of cowards as the comrades when they saw the dragons.

"Come back here you cowards!" Rover screamed at them. "You idiots are all fired!" and he kicked the dirt. "Grr, well, at least we still have some troops left in our cavalry."

"Right boss." said Fido.

The dragons easily outmatched the Diamond Dogs that were rushing towards them with full zeal, their swords and axes in the air. All of the brutes were clawed, bitten, scorched with their fire breath, and in a few rare cases, they would eat the dwarves as their lunch.

Seeing that Vermund was not going to win for sure, he was about to flee from the battlefied, and live to fight another day. "Damn this!" he curse. "Come on, lads. Let's get the hell out of here." then he and the rest of his clan were about to escape from the battle field, but they were unexpectedly stopped by something. They looked up, and they saw Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor, scowling down on them.

"Not so fast, Vermund of Az Sweldn Rak Anhuin." said Celestia firmly.

"Bah! I ain't afraid of you. Princess' or no Princess' I will have all of yer blood shed on my blade!" Then they were about to charge at all of them, but Shining Armor intervened and fought against them all with his mighty horn and combat skills. Finally, the other dwarves saw that they were completely outmatched, and ran away from them and hid. "You cowards! Don't leave me!" Vermund said. Indeed, he was the last one standing against the four powers of Equestria

"Stay back, your majesties. I'll protect you!" Shining said. Then he was in full combat with the dwarf. Vermund was swinging his mighty sword at the white unicorn stallion, and dodged as many attacks as possible. Then he threw a punch at his face, making Shining stumble a little, but then, he retaliated by throwing three kicks at his face, causing some mild bleeding from his nose and gums.

Vermund felt Celestia take the sword away from his hand with her magic, and he panted. "Vermund of Az Sweldn Rak Anhuin, you are under arrest for the act of murder, and foal-napping." she said. "Back down, now!"

"Or suffer even more grave consequences." Luna added.

"Are you going to do this the easy way?" asked Cadence

"Or the hard way?" Shining added, feeling more than ready for another fight.

Seeing that he could not win for sure, Vermund was running out of options, and looked back, seeing Eragon, Twilight, and their friends standing up against him.

"You three, help me!" Vermund barked at the leaders.

Then the three screamed in terror and hid back in their hovels. Obviously, they were terrified to see the most powerful ponies in all of Equestria coming to arrest them next, and didn't want to end up like their former boss.

Seeing as there were no more options, Vermund slowly got up and tried to take Shining head on, but he was ultimately thrown back to the ground again. Now he couldn't really move anymore, for he was too exhausted to try and escape. It was just then the search party of royal guards came just in the neck of time.

"Seize him." Celestia ordered, then they all gathered around Vermund and cuffed his wrists. Scowling, and panting, he looked at Eragon, and tried in vain to suffocate him, but was immediately punched in the stomach by the captain of the guards. "As punishment for crimes against the ponies in Equestria, you are hereby sentenced to life in the dungeon with no chance of parole, along with the crimes you committed in Alagaesia."

the evil dwarf bowed his head in defeat. "You fools have not seen the last of me. I will be back, and this time, I will kill ya all! I'll get more followers and comrades with me, and you will all regret this!"

"Take him away." Luna ordered, then they all watched as Vermund was being dragged away in ropes. He managed to give one last dirty look at his enemies, and then made an evil grin.

"Have fun locked in the dungeon, you creep!" Rainbow Dash said

"May you receive justice!" Fluttershy added

Then they all looked at the girls.

"Are you all alright?" Dervoc asked the Crusaders.

"Yeah. I think so." said Applebloom. "Thanks for saving us."

And they all smiled at them.

"Come on, let's get y'all home." said Applejack. The three sisters were more than happy to carry their siblings on their back to save them the trouble from walking all the way back on foot. It was a mission accomplished by the riders, dragons, and their friends once again.

"Thank you so much for taking care of this, Eragon." Celestia stated warmly.

"Of course."

"We better get back and see that Vermund never gets out the dungeon." said Cadence.

"And to clean up the dirt off of me." Shining added.

"Farewell." Said Luna. "Until we meet again." then they all vanished into thin air. The heroes were more than happy to return to Ponyville to attend any wounds that Vermund and Az Sweldn Rak Anhuin might have inflicted on all three fillies.

We Built this Castle On a Rock

In Ponyville, there was a big celebration in Twilight's castle about Eragon's victory, along with Saphira, the other riders, and their dragons, too. For Eragon, he was enjoying himself a nice piece of cake that Pinkie made herself, and the same with the other riders. For the dragons, they were all just laying around, mingling with the other ponies around them, and even let the little foals climb on their scales and play with them.

After the cake was done, the others had ice cream as another coarse. The other riders, minus Eragon and Murtagh, were astounished by how delicious and creative this Ice cream was to them.

"Hmm. So cold, and yet so delicious." said Calraeli, really enjoying his mint flavored ice cream. "I really wish that Alagaesia can see this wonderful creation of food."

"Here here." Skalmo agreed. "It is so delicious." and he took a big bite of of his bowl of rocky road.

"How did you ponies create such a delicious food such as this?" asked Dervoc.

"And where can we get a device that creates such masterpieces." Said Lulluda. The other ponies laughed, feeling more than happy to see them happy with their frozen deserts.

"It's a little like snow, except, you can eat it, and with many flavors." Ekre'al noted. then he felt a small pain in his head. "Ah! What is happening to me?" then the other riders got the brainfreeze, too. Eragon and Murtagh smirked at their reactions.

"Don't worry." said Fluttershy. "It's just a little brain freeze. It happens when you eat ice cream too fast. Don't worry, it is perfectly normal to have it."


"Indeed, I was once in all of your shoes." Blodhgarm said with a smirk. "At first, I had no clue of what it was." and then he made a small, hearty chuckle before having a bite of his zesty cucumber sandwich that Rarity made for him and the other elven spellcasters.

Yes, it was quite a party they were all having as one together. It was only a shame that Princess Celestia and Luna, along with Cadence and Shining Armor couldn't be there to celebrate with them, but they are all royals, and duties calls. Nonetheless, Twilight said she would leave them some leftover cake and maybe Ice cream after this was all over

Many ponies were dancing on the dance floor Pinkie Pie put out in the ballroom. Tiber Craingweast was sitting at a table and simply enjoying himself, smiling at how well this party was flowing. Tiber already had himself some cake, and was with Eragon just in case another attack would come to him, or an assassination attempt by any of Vermund's goons.

"Do you really think Vermund might get out of jail?" Eragon asked the mane six

"nah. The dungeons in Celestia and Luna's castle are locked tighter than a thousand bank safes combined into one." Spike said. "There's no way Vermund will ever get out of there, right Twilight?" and he jabbed his elbow lightly at her.

She giggled "Right. Vermund won't be going anywhere for a long time. The princess' said so themselves." and her friends made words of agreement with her.

"Well," said Tiber with a little uncertainty "I have seen what that scoundrel is capable of, and he is a master of stealth." then he had a sip of wine. "As far as I know, the metal bars containing him will not restrain him forever. There could be a very powerful enemy that we might face someday. And of course, the Ra'zac and Lethrblaka that hatch soon."

"You make a good point, Tiber." said Rarity. "But, I am pretty sure that when Vermund does come back, we'll be waiting for him."

"Well, I don't think we have to worry about anything yet, right?" Applejack said. "At least for now, we can be at peace until something really bad happens again, like if you girls get foal-napped again."

"Aw, don't worry about us, Applejack." Applebloom shrugged while slightly rolling her eyes at her big sister. "We will be fine. Right, crusaders?"

"Right!" said Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in unison.

"It won't be a like a damsel in distress like Rarity would do." Sweetie said

"Oh good, that is just-- hey!" Rarity scolded. and everyone, minus Rarity, laughed at her reaction.

"She's just kidding with ya, Rarity." said Scootaloo with a chuckle.

"Well of course we are at peace for now." Tiber stated. "I was only explaining that when the time comes, we have to act."

"I do not doubt you, Mr. Craingweast." Said Twilight. "But yeah, we don't have to worry about anything at the moment. For now, let's have some cake."

"You read my mind, Twilight." Said Lyra

"Race ya to the bakery table." Bon Bon challenged

"Oh ho, it's on." The mint green Pegasus replied to her best friend, and the both playfully ran to the dessert table to have dibs on any cake or any ice cream that they could get their hooves on.

Eragon then heard a voice, and it said his name. It was if he heard Brom's voice inside his own head. "Excuse me, my friends" he said. "I need a little bit of fresh air"

"What's the matter, Eragon?" Asked Rainbow Dash with concern.

"It's nothing. I just need a little bit of fresh air in my system."

"Sure, go on outside. Just don't take too long, we want you to have as much fun." Twilight noted

Eragon made a small chuckle. "Don't worry, it will only be for a minute." And the. He went outside, alone. Softly grasping the hilt of Brisingr, Eragon looked around to see if he can hear his fathers voice again. However, there was no answer.

Taking a breath, he went back inside, and decided to go look on the castle balcony to have a good view of Ponyville again like when he and Saphira first arrived here. Walking back inside, he went all the way upstairs to the tower. Ah, the view of Ponyville from up there was so aspiring. Yes, Eragon could never get tired of this scenic view.

He began thinking about Brom, and if he really did hear the voice, or if he was just hallucinating. "Quite a beautiful little city, isn't it, Eragon?" A voice startled him. To his right was Brom. At first Eragon was startled but he remembered the intent ghostly encounters with his other fallen comrades and family members.

"F-father?" Eragon said. "Is that you?"

The spirit of Brom made a chuckle, ad replied humbly "of course, my son." Then he walked up to Eragon, making better eye contact with him. "Just look at you. You definitely have your mother's looks, and her eyes. Almost the same color as hers."

Feel like tearing with joy to see hm again, Eragon said "have you... been watching me and Saphira this whole time, father?"

"Of course I have. Me and the other fallen people you have talked with before are all watching you."


"Eragon. I would like to say how proud I am of you." And he put a hand on Eragon's shoulder before continuing. "To think that a mere farmboy like you would come all this way as a master Dragon Rider."

He was more than happy to hear this, and Eragon said "Thank you."

"No, really. I am ever so proud of you. And let em tell you, you picked the right place for riders and dragons to begin a new in Equestria."

"It is a very lovely place, isn't it?"

"Oh yes." Then Brom looked at Ponyville below him. "These lands look so rich and so peaceful with beautiful scenery." And Brom made a sigh of bliss. "And I have seen the dual-rulers over Equestria, and I honestly wish that Alagaesia would have leaders like them."

"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are wonderful creatures. They are the type of leaders that would put their subjects before themselves, and are willing to help anyone in need." Then he rested his arms on a handle.

"Yes, I know. Princess Celestia and her sister seem very accepting of you and Saphira." Brom agreed.

Eragon cleared his throat a little before saying "well, we have faced obstacles along the way, father. This place also has it's hazards, tatzlworms, Minotaurs, and they have their own dragons that behave like animals and are excessively greedy."

"You cannot let that stop you, son." Brom said. "Every land has it's hazards, whether it is a bull moose, or a large Minotaur, there will always be some danger to any piece of land on earth. But still." Brom cleared his throat. "This place is quite beautiful and peaceful."

His son made a small smile. "Father?"


"I have a friend of mine named Tiber Craingweast. Did you know him?"

Then Brom's face went wide in surprise. "Indeed, I knew him. He was a brilliant friend of mine. After the rider war of course. Tiber was a good friend, and a brilliant warrior. I have seen what he is capable of, and how much of a master he was in the arcane arts."

"What did he do?"

"He.... really hated to do it, but he was an advisor for Marcus Tabor in Dras Leona."

"Tiber was with the Empire?"

"Yes, it he had little choice. Galbatorix forced him to be an advisor, and if he didn't, The Empire would execute his family like vermin."

Now aeratonnwas a little worried. "Well, can I trust him?"

"Of course. I have known Craingweast for a long time, and he is a good man." Brom noted. "He should make a great advisor for you and the riders. Tiber fights for a great cause, Eragon."

Feeling a little uncertain, he replied "well. I suppose if you have known him longer than I have, I can believe you. He does Seem like such an easygoing man."

"Oh yes."

"By the way father... I am so sorry I couldn't save you from your death at the hands of the Ra'zac. I would have killed them both and Murtagh too if given the chance."

"Shh, there was nothing you could have done to prevent it, Eragon. You were still not exactly a rider yet."

"Fair enough." Eragon agreed. "And, what if I am. It ready to be the new leader of the new riders?"

Brom sensed his moment of self-doubt. "You are a very smart boy, my son. If you defeated Galbatorix and Shruikan, then I am sure that you can rebuild the riders, too. You would make a great leader."

And then, Eragon began tearing up at another thought, and turned his head away from his deceased father.

"I see that your thoughts dwell on your old friends and family in Alagaesia."

Eragon nodded a yes to him, and felt a few tears escaping down his cheeks. "I miss them. My cousin Roran, Nasuada, Nar Garzhvog, Orik, Horst, and even... Arya. I might never see her or any one of them again." And he began sobbing while dangling his head low

Brom reassures him by saying "I understand your pain, young one. Just because you can never go back to Alagaesia, does not mean it will be the last time you will see them again."

"Yes, but, still. All of those memories back home."

"I perfectly understandable, but you need to fade the facts, you live in Equestria now. You will love it here."

"Of course I love it here." And he had a sudden realization "I do have new friends. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Spike." And he was thinking of Big Mac, Lyra, Bon Bon, Pip and many other friendly faces in Ponyville.

"And the new riders will be with you, of course." Brom added. "And you have your half brother, and of course Saphira. You will never be alone Eragon. I will always be there for you when you need me. Always. Oromis, Hrothgar, Ajihad, Garrow, and even your mother will be with you."

"My... mother?" Eragon realized

"Yes. You are her son, and she will always be in your heart." And a Brom made a warm, fatherly smile at him "I love you, Eragon. I love you very much, and along with your mother, and uncle."

"I love you too, father." Eragon replied.

"Now, I have heard you have constructed a new blade."


"May I see it?"

"Sure." Then Eragon pulled out Brisingr from it's sheathe, and showed the blade to Brom. The spirit was rather impressed by how well-Done it looked. Especially the handle and the touch of blue color on the blade.

"My, this sword is unlike any other. This is possibly one of Rhunon's greatest creations ever to exist. Well done, Eragon. You have fine craftsman skills." Then Eragon out the sword back in it's scabbard.

"That means a lot to me from you." Eragon said, feeling white touched with his fsthrr's kind words.

"Aye, I honestly wish Undbitr would be as powerful as yours."

"Where is Unbitr, father? Where did you think you left it?"

"I... do not know." Brom sadly replied. "Either it was recovered by the Empire in the fall, or it is in safe hands from either the Dwarves or the Elves. Hopefully, it is in the care of queen Nasuada right now."

"I hope so too."

"After all, it was all in the past. And I am... not in this world anymore." Brom confessed. "But I am sure that someone will find my old sword. Heh, I remembered how angry I was with Rhunon for refusing to build me a new blade to use." And they both had a good laugh together.

"You're right father. If you believe in me being a good leader for the riders, then I think I can too."

Brom smiled warmly to hear that. "I know you will be, son." he said. "Don't ever doubt yourself. If your mother was here, she would think the same way as I would."

It made Eragon more than happy to hear that. "And father, What about Murtagh and Thorn? What if they cannot fit in after all? I don't want the Empire to separate us again, especially if there are only remnants of Galbatorixs' followers now. They might not fit in well with the other riders, especially with Skalmo, the first dwarf rider ever. I honestly don't know what to do about that."

"Like I have said before, Eragon. Don't give up any hope." Brom noted. "You two are brothers, nothing will ever seperate you now, and the same with Saphira and Thorn. You are never alone."

"I know."

"I love you Eragon, and if you ever need my help or guidance, never be afraid to call me." then he began to fade like a ghost would do."

"No, wait!" Eragon said. But it was too late Brom already vanished. "Father!" grunting in frustration, he said "Don't leave me." then he kicked at the balcony floor.

"Do not worry, I am there for you, my son." Brom echoed, and then Eragon was alone.

"Ah, Eragon." said a motherly voice. It was Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadence all together as a royal triplet. "We were looking for you."

"Is everything okay, dea" Luna asked him curiously

"Oh yes, of course. I was just out here to get some fresh air. And I never get tired o this view from up on this balcony."

"Wouldn't blame you." Cadence remarked.

"Well, we are here to enjoy the party and give you and the others medals of bravery for all your heroic acts today."

"Medals? Oh no, I couldn't possibly accept that, your majesties."

"Don't be so modest, Eragon." Luna said "you, Saphira, along with the other riders and their dragons are heroes."

"Well, alright." He smirked. "But only because you are all too kind."

"Wonderful." Celestia said with joy." Then Eragon followed them downstairs. "By th way, we are terribly sorry we couldn't have been here sooner. You know how busy rulers of Equestria such as us can be."

The rider made a small chuckle. "That is quite alright. That is the reason why I wouldn't want to be king of Alagaesia."

"Wouldn't blame you. Being a ruler is never easy." Cadence said.

Then at the stage area of Twilight's castle, Eragon, Murtagh, the other riders, along with the a elements of harmony, Lyra and Bon Bon, Discord, Tiber Craingweast and Big Mac were all lined up to be given their rewards.

Celestia made her announcement and one by one, they were all given medals of bravery and being heroes of Equestria. And a tremendous sound of applause and cheering were heard across the large room.

All of them who were rewarded were very proud of themselves, Including Murtagh. The dragons were all outside, and kindly rejected medals, because them being honored by name was thanks enough.

In the Everfree Forest, Eragon was looking on at the new rider sanctuary, already finished. There was a large glass dome on the second smaller building next to the castle that looked good as new like it did a thousand years ago

"It looks so beautiful." Said Fluttershy

"I know, it looked like it hasn't changed at all." Twilight agreed in astonishment

"I have a good feeling about this." Said Blodhgarm. The other elven spellcasters agreed with him


"Do you think this will truly work?" Asked Artvazh.

"I would." Said Calraeli. "More and more riders and their dragons will be coming over time."

"With Eragon, anything is possible."

"Oh, thanks, my friends." Eragon said in a flattered voice.

"Of course. We are always there for you, Eragon Shadeslayer."

"Our strength is your strength." Rainbow said we patting Eragon's shoulder.

And the ponies embraced Eragon for a hug, and the same with Saphira and Spike.

Yes, with all of these new and old friends by eragon's side anything was possible. Together, they can acomplish anything. Tiber and the other riders abd dragons looked on proudly, and everyone looked at the new sanctuary that will build a great future for dragons and riders alike.

"Well done, Eragon Shadeslayer " Glaedr warmly remarked.

The End

Author's Notes:

I am very sorry to say that I am concluding this story. But don't worry, if any of you would like a sequel, I will do it someday on the future. Meanrime, I really hope you enjoyed this story. I am so sorry if it wasn't perfect to any of you. Till then, stay tuned!

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