
The Chronicles of Rainbow Dash

by InuKaT

Chapter 3: Two: Sating the Lust

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Two: Sating the Lust

   Turns out Light wasn't lying. I noticed many changes in the following weeks. My hooves grew slimmer and I found claws retracting at anytime I am angry. One of them hooked to the ground once and I tripped myself. My fur grew rapidly as well, so fast I had to trim nearly once a week to make sure nopony figures it out. I can see better in the dark, it's a pretty cool ability, so going night flying is much easier now. One thing I must note is that my wings crack while flying, and I find it more tiresome to fly. I should see a doctor about it, but not yet. One thing I wished I did not have was this nose. It hasn't changed into a small little black ball yet, and I wish it never does, but the smells, they're too overwhelming. I can smell my garbage from downstairs while in bed. My hearing also sharpened. It's useful at some points but most of the time it's just a pain in the flank. I'm a wolf now, or I'm turning into one. I won't give him what he wants, Light isn't going to get me. I will continue living this way with it as my secret.

   The sun shined brightly. I wore dark shades to keep myself from being blinded. I sat under a tree, thinking. There wasn't much to do today, and I really didn't feel like flying. The pain my wings felt when I fly is unimaginable. They creak and crack. What good is a pegasus that can't fly? I can't really think straight. I feel the branch with a hoof, feeling it, hoping the touch of something could get me thinking on how I could ever fly again or regain my ponyhood. Light. I need an antidote from him. I don't think he would give it to me after last time I tricked him. The thought angered me. Screeeeeeaacch. I looked down and notice my claws had popped out, scratching a deep gash into the bark of the tree. My stomach growled. Ugh. I'm hungry. Sliding down the tree, I retracted my claws and spread my wings. One beat. Just one awesome beat. I beat my wings. Creak. The agony killed me. It hurt like crazy. I couldn't take it, I landed and decided to walk.

   Pinkie Pie greeted me the minute I walked into Sugarcube Corner.

   "Hi Dashie!" She called me the same name Skybreak tended to call me, you do not know how annoying it gets.

   "Hey Pinkie," I replied.

 . "You here for lunch?" I nodded. "Since you're my friend and all, your food will be free on me." Pinkie giggled. I managed a weak smile. "Sooooo... What would you like? Doughnuts? Cheese cake? Coffee cake? Ooooooh how about a CHIMMY CHUNGA?"

   "How about a slice of cake?" She left to the kitchen and in minutes came back with a slice of dark chocolate cake and wrapped it in silver tinfoil. "Here you go." Pinkie handed me the cake in a small plastic bag, I took it and held it from my teeth.

   "Thenk you," I said through my teeth.

   "No problem! Enjoy!" Pinkie grinned from ear to ear and waved me goodbye. She's really nice, too happy sometimes. I don't know what drove her like this but I find myself being envious at times, I wanted to be able to see the positive side of every situation. It seemed nearly impossible to achieve yet this pink mare has done it. She acts more like a filly than a full grown mare. I'm not one to judge how she acts though.

   I ate my cake on top of a branch, it was delicious. It filled my stomach quickly and left a sweet taste in my mouth. Licking my hooves for any crumbs, I tossed the wrapping aside.

   "Hey!" A familiar voice called out. I looked down from my branch. "You dropped this, it could be precious." Skybreak looked up to me with dreamy eyes, yet, his tone was taunting.

   "Wipe that expression off your face, it's creeping half of Ponyville out," I snorted. Sky laughed. He's been more active than he had in the past weeks after leaving the hospital. I did no know what is up with him. At times, I thought about telling him what I truly am now, but I ignored the voice that gnawed at me to spill the truth. How would everypony react?I clearly did not want to find out the hard way.

   "Hey, come down," He waved a hoof.

   "No thanks, I have no idea what germs you could carry," I said. That only caused him to laugh harder.

   "When was the last time you washed your flank, Dashie?" I narrowed my eyes, and jumped down right onto Skybreak, pinning him to the ground.

    "Celestia, I can smell your fleas from here," I retorted. It was meant as an insult, but my nose could actually smell anypony's unwashed parts. It was revolting. Sky knocked me off him, and now he was on top of me.

   "No? I was lying down there just seconds ago, maybe some of my fleas spread onto you, wait, they can't find a home on you because it's all taken!" He chuckled at his own smart comment. I stuck my tongue out, and rolled him over so I'm on top again.

   "Nah, anypony could get fleas being within ten meters of you," I batted him on the forehead with a hoof. We're obviously both in a playful mood. He batted me back. We laughed. This was a great moment together. Sky started to flail his hooves in my face. I couldn't see well, I aimed for his forehead. Maybe it is because I'm angry, maybe it is because I just wanted some fun. Hoof going down full speed, I scratched Sky in the face. His smile quickly left, and he raised a hoof to his right cheek. Blood dripped from three scratch marks. Shit. I looked down to my own hooves, my claws were out. Double shit. I quickly backed off of Skybreak. He looked down to the blood on his hoof that he had wiped off his face.

   "Dash... What... What are you?" He didn't look away from his hoof. I opened my mouth to deny everything. "I already know." Skybreak looked away, got up from the ground, and left, leaving me alone by the tree.

   I needed help. I knew where to get it. The only pony who has been a sister to me for the years we were fillies. The pony that introduced me to the ground. Fluttershy. I slowly walked to her cottage, not sure what to say once I get there. She'll be in shock. She might not even want to be my friend anymore. I knew she'd be terrified of me. But I needed to tell her. 

   I knocked on her cottage door. A few seconds passed and a white rabbit answered the door, it was Angel Bunny, one of Fluttershy's animals. He looked up to me, and then let me in. Fluttershy was in the kitchen. My entrance caused her to glance at me.

   "Oh, hi Rainbow Dash, I'm just making lunch for my animals, they're starving, do you mind waiting a few minutes?" Fluttershy asked.

   "Uh yeah, I can wait." If only it was easier done than said. The smell of animal food was reaching my nostrils. It was intense and it caused my head to hurt. My stomach grumbled. I just realized that the cake had not filled me up at all and I was famished again. I could ask Fluttershy for some food, but I wasn't in the mood for anything she has. My eyesight dizzied a bit. I looked to Fluttershy, but I didn't see her. In my eyes, I saw food. I could smell her blood. I could see her blood flowing through those blue and red veins. They looked so sweet. Oh that yellow skin, covering juicy, tender meat. I could just rip her up and eat her now. My fangs poked at my tongue, begging me to make my move. Kill her. Kill her now and eat your fill. I took a step closer to her. Yes, another step and you can feed. Nopony will find out. That meat will last you a while, and after you're done with her, you can save her animals for later. Just do it. Every part of me wanted to spring onto Fluttershy, rip her limb from limb, and just gobble her up.. The blood would taste so rich. The meat would be full of nutrients. My stomach growled, begging me to kill her. Yes. Look at that meat. I licked my lips, and took one more step closer to Fluttershy.

   "Rainbow Dash? Are you alright?" Fluttershy's voice brought me back. My vision cleared, and she was close up to my face. I backed away. The smell of her beautiful blood was overwhelming. I was hungry. I shook my head, fighting myself to control the hunger. I noticed my claws have poked themselves out. Fluttershy stared me in the eyes. "Rainbow Dash? What's wrong?" I blinked tears away as I realized what had just ran through my brain. "Why are you crying? Rainbow Dash? Is there something you need to talk about?"

   "It's nothing Fluttershy," I turned around and bolted out of the cottage. I had almost killed her. Almost ripped her to shreds and devoured every part of her. I wanted to taste her meat so badly. She looked so appetizing. What am I saying. This was the pony who took care of me when I was young. I grew up with her, we were both orphans. She was the closest thing I have to a sister. I wanted to eat her. I'm a monster. Tears trickled down my cheeks. I didn't care who saw me, I don't want to hurt anypony around me. I can't live here anymore. I just can't. To the new me, to the wolf side of me, all my friends are just food. I can't stay any longer, the next time I'm around another pony, I might not be able fight back the temptation. I spread my wings and lift off, or at least try to. They make a cracking sound and flutter. I beat harder, and only lift off a bit. I push myself harder. My house was just overhead, I just needed to reach that cloud. I began to sweat a bit, flying was the hardest thing to do for me now. After about twenty minutes of beating my wings, I slowly set my hooves, now almost shaped like paws onto the porch of my cloud house. The paw went through a bit, and the cloud felt less dense, but it still held my weight. I went inside and packed my things. I couldn't help myself but cry. The tears just kept coming. They were impossible to hold back. My journal that I never wrote in, a Wonderbolts t-shirt, some Daring books, some bits and my photo album. The photo album that contained every picture I had taken in Ponyville with my friends. I set all my things into my backpack, my tears have drenched the outer layer of the bag. I take out a piece of paper and scratch down a small note. It said two simple words. I'm sorry. I hoped that somepony would find it after I leave, then I shake my head and realize it was a foolish idea. I toss out the note into a waste basket. Taking one last glance around my house, making sure everything was neat and clean before I left, I sigh and leave. Closing the door and stepping out, I open my wings once again. Gulping, I jump and keep them spread. Slowly but safely, I glide down to ground level. A few times they felt like they were going to give in, but I barked at them to hold. Landing on the ground, I took a look around. Everypony surrounding me stared. People do not just carry backpacks around. I wonder what they're thinking of this.

   I knew where I needed to go. Back to a place I had wished I never need to go to again. I slowly walked to the abandoned theatre. It was the afternoon, and the theatre still looked as creepy as it does during the nights. The lamp still hung outside, it was lit with a dim flame. Sighing, I walk inside.

   "Light? I know you're in here, show yourself," I called out to the darkness. At first, silence, but then a gray wolf appeared from the left hall.

   "My, my. So my beauty has returned?" I wanted to beat the crap out of his ugly muzzle. 

   "You win, I'll come with you," I snarled.

   "Oh? What if I didn't want you? A filly like you coming into an empty theatre is just asking to be eaten... or raped," He smiled through the darkness. I gasped.

   "You wouldn't." My voice shook.

   "I'm joking," He chuckled, but I did not find that one bit funny.

   "Har har har, what are you going to do now? I've come right," Light's left ear flicked.

   "What if I don't want you anymore?What if I say you must be punished for backing out of our deal?"

   "I don't care, my life has already been derailed because of you," I spat.

   "You're a fierce one huh? Can I ask what changed your mind?" I looked away. I didn't want to be reminded that I almost killed one of my best friends for a meal.

   "I can't control myself. I'm hungry for meat." Light laughed at my misery.

   "Oh, this is great. I can set you loose and let you slaughter everypony around you because you can't control your crave for meat. It'd be quite a show, and I'd get front row seats. Will you be willing to influence my decision?" I dropped to my knees and begged. A hot pang of embarrassment burnt my fur.

   "Please I'm so sorry, I don't want to hurt anypony. Just take me in, I'll do anything." Light chuckled.

   "The council will take my head for this. Are you willing to do whatever I say?" I thought for a moment. Slavery was illegal in Equestria, and I couldn't think of this as anything else. My lower lip quivered, and my heart sunk. There was no other choice.

    "Yes." There was a long pause in time. Then Light's laughter filled the hallways.

    "Very well then, I see you have packed your things already. There is one last thing we must do before we leave though." Light pulled out a bottle from his bag.

   "And what is that?" I asked, beginning to shake a bit. Light looked at me for a second, then grinned.

   "We'll have to kill you."


   My initial response was What? Has this wolf finally lost it? I mean, I wasn't afraid of death, but why wait for me to come for weeks just to kill me? I almost high tailed it out of there, I said I'm not scared of dying, but who said I wanted to die? Light had used all his strength to prevent me from running out and saving my hide.

   "This elixir will numb your body and put you in a temporary state of death where you will not feel anything nor have the need to breathe. From studying the Ponyville post news, the ponies are hosting a party in the city hall. Everypony is invited, so this is the time to get yourself known. You must drink this and jump out from the top floor window of the washroom. Once you hit the ground, you will be paralyzed. Do not worry, the effects will wear off within a week. That will be plenty of time for them to organize a funeral," Light had explained.

   "But why? Why do we have to put everypony through this? Shouldn't it be much easier to simply disappear and never come back?"

   "Nobody searches for a dead person." 

   The conversation replayed in my head, over and over, I had remembered everything word for word. The party music deafened my ears. The DJ with white fur and a blue streaked mane looked around the room as she scratched her disks. Might as well as listen to a few songs before I die. I stood there, surrounded by dozens of other ponies. Although I was physically not, I was lonely on the inside. In fact, everything felt so empty now. Tonight was my last night breathing in Ponyville. My home. I sighed and looked down to my hooves.

   "Hey Rainbow!" Twilight pulled herself out from a crowd of ponies. She looked at me from head to hoof. "Why so glum? Shouldn't you be partying? You know Pinkie had to beg the mayor to let her host this party here. Is something wrong? You haven't been yourself since Skybreak made his full recovery."

   "I'm fine Twilight, thanks," I mumbled.

   "If you say so." The purple mare turned and left. In the corner of my eye, I saw Fluttershy in the corner. Two taller mares and a stallion were gathered around her. Turning on my ears, I listened.

   "Ooh if it isn't Fluttershy, the one pegasus that can't fly," taunted the stallion.

   "Yeah, maybe she's better off as an unicorn than a pegasus," added the white mare beside him.

   "I think we should give her a few punches, just for the sake of this party, it's not like she's gonna tell anypony," said the red mare.

   "Oh, please leave me alone, don't hurt me," squeaked Fluttershy. One of the mares raised a hoof, and swung down for a hit. Fluttershy buried her face under her hooves. I ran forward and intercepted the blow with my own hoof.

   "Don't you dare lay a hoof on Fluttershy!" I barked. The group of three looked bewildered. They grinned.

   "Well, well, if it isn't Rainbow Dash," piped the stallion. I narrowed my eyes.

   "Yeah, the one with the creaky wings." I gasped.

   "Thats right, we've heard. Rumours been going around you aren't quite the flyer you once were." said the red mare. 

   "Has your little boyfriend softened your will to compete?" cooed the stallion. I gnawed my teeth, and I felt my claws dig out into the floorboards. Then a dizzying wave hit my head. I just realized how hungry I was. The claws were out now, and they brought the hunger with them. The three that had been mocking Fluttershy and I looked like a perfect meal. I could see their veins in every one of them. Suddenly, the intense aroma of the ponies around me hit my nose. They smelled delicious. My fangs bulged. All that meat. It's all mine to eat. I could do it now. I could kill everypony around me. My body shook, I looked up, and let out a loud howl. The howl sapped my energy quickly. That was the least of my worries though. The room went silent, the music stopped and everypony pointed their attention towards me. I noticed the three ponies have ran away. They all stared at me. I was tempted to flash my fangs, instead, I let out a weak chuckle.

   "Aheh heh, soooo... Who likes my wolf impression?" Everypony looked at each other, back at me, at each other, and began to laugh. Pinkie hopped to the front and slapped me on the back.

   "That was amazing Dashie! You gotta learn to teach me how to howl like that!" She laughed and then ran off to the desserts table. That was it. The room returned to its partying state. That was it. I headed upstairs. The mayor was in her office. I walked into the washroom, and looked into the mirror. There were bags under my eyes, and I think I lost some of my hearing. I sat on the toilet for a second, thinking. It's time. I pulled out the liquid Light had given me from a small pouch I had attached to my waist. I opened the window and a cool night breeze blew in. Today is the day Rainbow Dash will die. I uncorked the bottle, and gulped the contents down. I swayed for a moment, my head felt like it was being crushed. I was afraid I would fall backwards, but luck was on my side and I fell forward out the window. Everything slowed down. The fall felt like an eternity. I'm sorry everypony. My dreams left me. I can never become a Wonderbolt now. I can never become the best flyer in all of Equestria now. I can never live the rest of my life as a pony now. One tear shot out of my eye. Twilight, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy... and Skybreak. I will miss you all. Twilight, I hope you become a great magician or whatever with your magic. Rarity, I wish you the best of luck in designing dresses. Applejack and Pinkie Pie, make your buisinesses boom. And Fluttershy, I will miss you most of all. Take care of Tank for me. I had nothing to say for Skybreak. I haven't seen him since the day I scratched him. I knew my friends couldn't hear me, but I still wanted to say it to myself. I hit the ground, I didn't feel it. It didn't hurt. I heard a few cracks though. My eyes were open. I couldn't move. I could see faintly, and hear perfectly well, but I couldn't feel a nerve. A figure loomed over me. It's a wolf, it's Light. He snickered, took out two claws, and scraped them against my flank. Light, what do you think you're doing? At least that's what I wanted to say. He waved to me, and blew a kiss, mouthing the words "See you in a few days," and then took off. I laid there for hours. The party was still booming. I noticed that I wasn't breathing. This would've been really cool if I wasn't leaving. In fact, this was really relaxing. The party soon quieted down, and tired ponies made their way out of the town hall. They chatted among themselves and laughed. I wished I was one of them, no worries, just going home to rest. Cruel fate had brought me here. I cried on the inside. 

   "Has anypony seen Rainbow Dash?" Twilight's voice called from inside the crowd. From the corner of my eyes, I could see my five friends at the door, searching for me.

   "Ah haven't."

   "Neither have I..." 

   "I hope the darling is alright, she wasn't her usual self."

   "Yeah! I still need her to teach me how to howl like that!" I could hear Pinkie practice her own howls.

   "Wait a second, what's that?" Twilight pointed towards me. "Oh... my... Celestia!" My friends rushed to my side. I stayed limp. AJ set her ear against my chest, Light had told me the elixir would stop my heart from beating, I hoped he was right.

   "Her heart isn't beating," declared AJ.

   "She's not breathing either!" cried Twilight. They mumbled silent words I could not hear.

   "Look at that!" Rarity pointed at the side of my flank. Inside, I grew red hot with embarrassment knowing my friends were staring at my behind.

   "There's blood, and there seems to be two claw marks," said Twilight. Claw marks? What the hell Light? What are you trying to do here? You idiot, you'll start a war between the wolves and the ponies. "Girls, these are wolf marks." Twilight choked on here tears. "I don't want to say this, but Dash is dead. I don't know how, but she's gone." I listened to them cry. I listened to my friends cry. They were my friends. I wanted to just jump up and shout "Boo! Fooled you all!", that ain't happening. Pinkie fell over and hugged my limp body. Her warm body heated my deathly cold one. 

   "Dashie, wake up." I couldn't detect her cheery tone. "Oh Dashie, don't leave us." What she said next only broke my heart more. "We're best friends right? You promised you would teach me how to howl. Don't go yet." I couldn't feel it, but I knew her hot tears were soaking my fur. I wanted to hug her back, to tell her it'll be alright. Instead, I listened to the cries of all my friends. I'm so sorry everypony.

   The following day was only worse. They held a funeral for me. I wish I didn't have to attend, but it was my funeral. They carried me to the front, where a priest spoke a few words. The day brought more tears and sobs. Fluttershy, my big pony sister, my friend, she cried while holding me tight. It took everypony's strength to loosen her grip on me. AJ and Rarity cried while holding each other, and Pinkie moped around. Twilight's mane was a mess when she bent over and kissed me on the forehead. Although I wasn't physically crying, my heart let out a wave of tears. They deserved better than me. They deserved a better friend who would fess up about something instead of running away from their problems. Some strange ponies set me into a coffin and lowered me into a grave they dug. The coffin was stuffy, but not sound proof at all. You know how I felt? Like shit, because all I could do was listen to the ponies I love cry their eyes out for me.

   The coffin was uncomfortable, my legs were cramped. I laid there, unable to move. How many days has it been? I had no idea. I couldn't sleep, so I was forced to stare at the lid of my coffin. It was pitch black, so I was really staring at nothing. Beat. Was that my heart? I took a breath, air filled my lungs again. I wiggled my hooves, they were unresponsive at first, but then they moved. Blood rushed through my body. I wanted to get out of this damn coffin. My whole body began to ache, meaning I could feel again. I suddenly realized that my breath was getting shorter and shorter. I could hear scratching sounds from overhead, but I found it difficult to breath. There wasn't enough oxygen in this coffin. The scratching sounds continued, and esculated to what I believe were digging sounds. Light was coming. Hurry up. Would he be too late and just find me dead? I screamed. No good, if I scream, I only use more air. I relaxed, and slowly breathed. In and out. In... and out. I closed my eyes, and listened to the sounds until I knew Light was just a few inches above me. The coffin lid creaked open and moonlight poured in. I swallowed up gulps of air. Light jumped out of the pit, I crawled out of the coffin. I stared at the wolf.

   "Another few seconds and I would've been dead," I grunted.

   "Oh, sorry about that, I had to make sure there were no ponies around." My bones cracked a bit as I stood. It felt good. "Hey, are you listening?"

   "Yeah, whatever." I looked at the grave. I read the tombstone. R.I.P Rainbow Dash, We Will Remember Her In Our Hearts. I shivered.

   "Go stretch yourself while I fill up this hole again." said Lignt.

   "Wait, where's my bag?" The wolf's eyes widened and realized he had forgotten about the backpack on his back. He took it off and passed it to me.

   "You didn't go through my stuff did you?"

   "As if I would be interested in your unwritten journal and albums with pictures of ponies," he snorted. I cocked a brow.

   "Then how do you know I have a photo album and a journal in here?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

   "Shut up, ok? Curiosity isn't a bad thing." I walked away from Light and went to stretch myself. First my wings, which I don't think can even carry my weight anymore, and then my legs. I noticed my hooves were no longer hooves, they were now paws. I felt my face. I was furrier, and there was a hard lump on my nose. It was my nose. I looked into a puddle. My fur was still cyan, my eyes were still violet, and I noticed larger fangs when I opened my mouth. I looked at my flank. The cloud with rainbow lightning cutie mark I once had is now faint. I whimpered a bit, saddened by the fact I will no longer have what made me special. If I am no longer Rainbow Dash, who am I? I sighed, and looked up to see what I was hoping to see but wanted to see. Skybreak. He flapped his wings above me. His blue eyes burned into me, his white fur glistened in the moonlight, his strong powerful wings beat so heavily I could hear them. He stared at me, I saw a tear run down the side of his cheek, and he mouthed the words,

   "Friendship, over."

   It hurt me, but this was the way it had to be. I looked down to the ground, and shed a few tears. When I returned my gaze to the sky, Skybreak was gone. I wished him a safe flight home, though I don't know why.

   "Hey you ready?" Light called. He trotted up beside me.

   "I was born ready," I responded. Light looked up to the sky, and let out a low howl. I hopped onto a tombstone, and looked around Ponyville. Everypony was asleep, I was wide awake. Turning away from what was once my home, I walked over to Light. "Is it always lonely the first time leaving?"

   "Of course, but the going never gets easy. Us wolves can't stay in pony towns for long periods of time. Sometimes we make friends with some of them, and we miss them." I looked up to the moon, and rubbed my head against Light's side. He will teach me to be a wolf, he will teach me how to live. I didn't like him still, but he was all I had. "Let's go."

   "Mm." I'm still a pony inside. At heart, it's how I was raised. The night filled with my howls of pain. The pain of leaving. Light's howls comforted mine. Side by side, the wolf and the pony walked below the night sky.

Next Chapter: Three: The Pack I Will Never Join Estimated time remaining: 43 Minutes
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