
MLP: Tales of the Kirin Dragon

by JusSonic

Chapter 1: 1. Chapter 1

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Author’s note
Greetings to all. Here's a new story work, it's a 3 chapter story for something of a new character while a background plays out on how it came to be, etc. Kick back & enjoy meeting a tale about one pony with a pet....Dragon.


MLP: Tales Of The Kirin Dragon


Chapter 01: Pinkamena’s Pet….DRAGON?


The scene begins to open up like it was just another day in Ponyville. But there was gonna be something special of what was going on in the nice, sunny day light as we find the Mane Six & the Sparkle Family arriving at a familiar park. And not just them, there were also the pets belonging to many of the owners. From what it can be seen & recall, it looks like today was gonna be a pet playdate with the gang’s pets getting a chance to have fun with other pets & along with their owners.

“Come on Tank! Show them what you’re made of!” Rainbow Dash cheered for her pet turtle to hover on his propeller to show his A-Game.

“Rainbow, he’s got a hard shell.” Applejack pointed out that Rainbow’s pet has a shell, so it’s easy to know that the turtle is made of hard stuff when in its shell.

“I know, that shows he’s made of tough stuff!” Rainbow Dash smiled off to brag off in how awesome her pet was.

“Maybe, but Opalescence is also very graceful.” Rarity smiled forth in stating that her lovely white cat was showing a bit of grace.

“Gummy won’t lose, won’t you boy?” Pinkie Pie perk up to say in showing her pet alligator that had no teeth.

“Alright Owlowiscious, time to fly off.” Twilight smiled at her pet owl in knowing what time it was.

“Hoot.” Owlowiscious responded off its animal calling.

“You.” Twilight repeated off to tell her owl this.

“Hoot.” Owlowiscious responded again in the same animal calling.

“I just said….” Twilight was about to say again, but stop herself short. “Oh, never mind…I see how this is going.” She smiled off in realizing what was going on, she was misunderstanding the ‘hoot’ as ‘who’ responses; happens all the time.

“Come on Koga, time to fetch the stick!” Ben spoke off to say as he showed a stick before throwing it for the wolf cub to go fetch.

“Bark! Bark!” Koga was seen going after to catch the stick, only for Applejack’s dog; Winona to grab it & run.

“Hey Applejack, your dog just swipe my stick!” Ben spoke out to his friend in seeing what the hay even happened.

“Sorry Ben, Winona just likes rushing up anything she sees.” Applejack apologized to Ben for her dog’s little misfit play here.

“Okay Angel, time we start having fun.” Fluttershy smiled off to say in having to speak to her bunny.

Angel Bunny instead was narrowing his eyes to tap his foot.

“Oh my, what’s wrong….are you feeling alright?” Fluttershy asked off in thinking something was up that her pet is standing still.

Angel Bunny instead pointed to his belly to rub, stating this & to his mouth in wanting something.

“Oh, you want a snack treat, well…I guess growing bunnies need their strength to play.” Fluttershy stated to say in understanding what her bunny needs.

Fluttershy soon gives Angel Bunny his little treat, so that he’ll be kept happy. While the kind mare was doing that, everyone else was doing their own things with their pets.

“Ready to play Phobos?” Nyx smiled off in thinking her Moon Dragon pal is gonna have some fun with her.

“I don’t know, I know I’m your pet, but I’m also a Dragon like Spike.” Phobos spoke off to suddenly feel like there was something off about his position.

“And?” Nyx asked off in what could be distracting Phobos.

“So why is it that whenever we went to the Human Realm of Equestria High where we were dogs, Spike’s still not consider a pet?” Phobos asked off a bigger question that involves him & Spike being pets in one world, but here in Equestria, he’s the pet & Spike isn’t; it’s been bothering him non-stop.

“Seriously, I’m Twilight’s Assistant & adoptive brother to the family.” Spike raised an eyebrow in having to hear Phobos say something that sounded silly to think over.

“But you’re a dog which is a pet in the other place.” Phobos pointed out in how Spike appears when they go to Canterlot High in the Human World.

“How should I know, I don’t make the rules in that other world.” Spike shrug off to say in not understanding how transformation appearances work in that other world when it’s set on ponies & Dragons, etc.

“Alright, alright, you two….remember, this is the first peaceful day we can have to have just a simple pet playdate.” Twilight used her magic to separate the two Dragons from having their little argument. “That means no dangers, no enemies to figh, & no ruling a kingdom duties. Just us & our pets, having a good time.” She was stating how now they can actual have a nice quiet time to relax with just the ones they wanna be with.

“Your right darling, we need this & our pets need the exercise.” Rarity smiled off to say this while combing her cat’s fur.

“Hugh.” Then a sound of someone nearby that sounded a little…sad was heard. Everyone found someone by an empty bench, & it was….a familiar red parrot, Iago.

“Oh my, Iago…what are you doing here?” Fluttershy gasp off lightly in seeing who was here that she knew.

“Oh hey Fluttershy, I’m just…well…I was only…passing through, yah! That’s it!” Iago yelps upon seeing the gang saw him, as he was trying to come up with a believable excuse.

“Really, you look like you’re sulking. You even got sulky feathers?” Pinkie Pie asked off to point out in how it really look that the parrot was sulking in some gloomy mood.

“Hey Pinky, do I tell you how to puff that mane of yours?” Iago rolled his eyes to remark this issue off in wanting to not be told about private things in how he handles his feathers.

“No, but I could tell you my secret!” Pinkie Pie smiled off to simply state this off to cheer the parrot up.

“Hugh….the types I handle with.” Iago slapped his forehead in seeing how random the pink pony is.

“Hey, is something wrong or does Polly wanna….?” Rainbow Dash was asking this off slyly in trying to help get Iago’s attention with a sentence…he can’t stand.

“Say cracker….AND I’ll ruffle your feathers!” Iago snapped off to say this in an angry & violet way of what he do if someone was gonna offer him crackers that he hates & can’t stand.

“Now, now Iago, manners please…” Fluttershy kindly, but sternly ask the parrot not try to lose his temper.

“Dat goes fer ye too, Rainbow.” Applejack scolds the dare-devil pony for upsetting the parrot to begin with.

“Everything alright with Iago, Fluttershy?” Twilight asked her animal expert friend about the case.

“Well, I’ve been taking care of him for quite some time…but I haven’t help find him an owner that would be perfect for them both.” Fluttershy spoke off to say, but sadly shook her head in that she hasn’t found anyone to take Iago in.

“Eh, it’s my resume, it’s got stats that make others not want a talking parrot that used to work for EX-villains, etc.” Iago waved off to say this in knowing that for him, he’s had an uneasy going employment of being parrot to ‘different’ folks with different needs.

“Chin up, I’m sure the right owner will come, sometimes it’s the pet that chooses, just like an owner chooses their perfect pet.” Ben smiled off to cheer Iago up that eventually, the guy will find someone that they share a common interest.

“Hey there guys!” At this moment, Pinkamena was seen coming on the picture with Golden Heart, Jack Zen, Sombra, Autumn Gem & Omega following.

“Pinkamena, Golden Heart, Jack Zen, Sombra, Autumn Gem & Omega. What are you guys doing here?” Spike asked off in what these guys are doing around these parts.

“Just out for a pleasant stroll, what’s going on here?” Goldie stated in why they are here, but wonders what was happening here.

“We’re having a pet playdate!” Pinkie Pie smiled off to state of what they are currently up to.

“Oh how lovely to here, maybe Golden Wing & Moon Wing could join.” Autumn Gem smiled off to say in knowing who else could join the pet playdate.

“Sure thing, de more de merrier!” Applejack proudly stated in knowing the more that are involved, the better.

Soon the two phoenixes join with the other pets in soaring around in showing their marvelous flare that wow the crowd. Even as Spike saw this action happening, it kinda reminded him of a baby phoenix he once had as his pet.

“Man, I sure wish Pee Wee was here, he probably have a good time.” Spike stated to say in wishing his old pet was back for another visit.

“Say….I have an idea…..which of you guys wanna adapt a pet parrot?” Rainbow Dash smiled off in coming near Goldie’s group & was offering them to take home a free parrot.

“WHAAAAAH!” Iago yelps off in having heard that he was being auctioned off here. “Are you nuts? What am I, a prize to be earn?” He remotely stated in how he was being treated like.

“Well Iago, maybe they could take you in as you can be their pet.” Rarity suggested that if they get anyone from Golden Heart’s group to take the parrot in, then he’ll have an owner & a home.

“Sorry to say, but I am currently design to be a walking arsenal, therefore taking care of a pet would be dangerous if my systems went off.” Omega spoke off in rejecting the offer of having to take care of a pet, especially when he is loaded with explosive weaponry, etc.

“Okay, so Big RED here is outta the question!” Iago spoke off to state who was not gotta take him. “Thank goodness, roasted feathers do NOT look good for my complication.” He looked away to silently state how being a pet to a walking guy that’s cramp full of explosives was not a way to live.

“Well how about Autumn Gem & Sombra, would either of you two like a parrot?” Nyx kindly asked out if maybe the two ponies here wanted to take in Iago.

“Well there was some animal I use to have….but…I rather not talk about it!” Sombra exclaimed to say in looking away in shame in recalling he had a pet, but it didn’t turn out right.

“I know what you mean understandable, even if you were formerly evil.” Twilight nods off in recalling the time she & her brother Shining Armor found a strange creature that was being punished by the former known as King Sombra; but that was in the past.

“So what about Jack Zen if Golden Wing is Golden Heart’s pet?” Ben asked off if maybe Goldie’s loyal guard would be up for the job.

“Sorry Ben, but with another phoenix to take care of, my hooves are tie in feeding them & giving them plenty of water when they come & go as they please.” Jack Zen shook his head to sadly decline that he’s got his hooves tied up in taking care of two pheonix pets.

“Well that only leaves….Pinkamena.” Fluttershy slowly stated in knowing whose left that they haven’t tried yet.

“Oh great, you wanna stick me with someone that scares my every waking moment in the morning & haunts my nightmares.” Iago rolled his eyes in thinking that if he’s spending time with a pink pony with such a face, it’ll be worse than not having an owner to care for a pet.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” Pinkamena narrow her eyes in having heard what Iago thought about her taking care of him.

“No offensive, you’re a nice pony, but let’s face it….my loud-mouth ways when I hang with you drive everyone else crazy.” Iago held up his feather wings in stating while Pinkamena’s alright, but it’s just the parrot would get on everyone’s nerves whenever he wakes up & first thing he sees scares him to scream.

“Hmmm…guess you have a point there.” Pinkamena thought about this for a few seconds, Iago had a point; that would make everyone she has living with her uncomfortable. “And besides, I already got a pet.” She then spoke off to mention something else about the matter.

“There, see, even if I went with her, she’s already got a….” Iago was about to make another statement that someone’s already got a pet and….

“HUGH!” The other members of the Mane Six party responded off in being very surprise; what did Pinkamena just go & say now.

“You have a pet?” Phobos asked off in being completely surprise that even the pony that lives underneath Sugarcube Corner…has a pet?

“Yep!” Pinkamena nods off to say this with a smile on her face. “Oh, would you all like to meet him? It’ll be the first time he’s seen other faces besides me always visiting to play, chat & feed him.” She was suddenly getting a bit excited that maybe the gang here would like to meet her pet for the first time.

“Well, sure…why not?” Ben shrug off to say in thinking that sounded alright to all of them.

“Be back soon, don’t go anywhere!” Pinkamena spoke off to say this in wanting everyone to not go anywhere as she’s gonna go get her pet right away.

Then in another moment, Pinkamena had dash on outta the area while leaving behind nothing but a cloud of smoke trail. Everyone was pretty surprise in seeing that the pink pony was really excited in what she was gonna do in bringing her pet for their pet playdate today.

“So tell us, what’s Pinkamena’s pet like?” Twilight asked the others about being curious of someone having a pet.

“I don’t know.” Goldie shrug off to say this in not knowing.

“Wha do ye mean, ye don’t know?” Applejack raised an eyebrow in finding that odd.

“Just that, I don’t know about her pet.” Goldie shrug off to state he doesn’t really know.

“But doesn’t her pet live with her?” Rarity question that surely Pinkamena’s pet was living with her.

“You forget, before any of us decided to stay in the Secret Dungeon, she was there by herself.” Goldie pointed out in what the others use to do for Pinkamena in the past from her ‘little’ actions of causing problems.

“Yeah….and looking back, we did make sure she was alone during the….Brrrr threat.” Rainbow Dash rub her back head in recalling those things, not the most pleasant of memories.

“Well do any of you know who her pet is?” Spike asked off in wondering if those here even know what kinda pet Pinkamena owns.

“Negative. I have not lay sights on the mistress’s pet.” Omega shook his head in stating he does not know any pet Pinkamena has.

“Sorry to say, but I have not seen anything that would be like a pet to her.” Autumn Gem shook her head off in also not having any idea about a pet with Pinkamena.

“The only things we got there are just two phoenixes &…well, just stuff.” Sombra was stating, but held back ‘other’ matters that were best kept a secret.

“Then none of you know what kinda pet Pinkamena’s been taking care of this whole time?” Ben asked off in thinking this was strange, why wouldn’t Pinkamena tell anyone about this?

“We didn’t know until just now too, you know. With everything that’s been going on, we never asked?” Jack Zen shrug off to say that from many other actions that distracted them, they never once thought Pinkamena had a pet.

“So where the heck would she keep her pet?” Phobos rub his noggin in not knowing where someone keeps a pet hidden from everyone.

“Well, she may have setup a little place for him to think of as home while she visits. Like if you make a doghouse for a dog. Could that be what she did Golden Heart?” Nyx stated off in thinking how things could work that Pinkamena gave her pet a place to live & to visit perhaps.

“It is possible. Sometimes…I’ve seen my sister go off somewhere & came back almost a few hours later. I always assume it was mostly her scouting the areas.” Goldie spoke out in pondering this very carefully, as if recalling moments his sister did leave & return later; could that be when she went to visit her pet?

“Well there’s only one way we can certainly find out.” Twilight spoke forth in knowing what they’ll just have to do to learn the mystery here.

“Tickle the truth out of her?” Pinkie Pie pops in to suggest this random thing that made everyone look at her funny. “What? Everyone likes a good tickle?” She asked off in stating that there was no harm in a little tickle action?

“I was going along the lines of…asking her.” Twilight slowly was stating that she meant they ask Pinkamena of what kinda pet she owns.

Just then without warning, there was a sudden shaking that made everyone yelp from what was going on. But along with the shaking came a faint roar noise before the shaking return to normal.

“What the hay was that shaking about?” Rainbow Dash asked off in what the heck was that all about now.

“I don’t know, it’s like de ground tremble from something’.” Applejack shook her head off in not knowing what they experienced either.

“Oh dear, could it be that our peaceful day has sadly come to an end!” Rarity gasp off in thinking that they are about to face a problem all of a sudden.

“Oh my & I promised Angel Bunny we have some nice fun with everyone.” Fluttershy yelps in worrying that she won’t be keeping her promise to her cute little bunny.

“Well, maybe it’s nothing real serious, right?” Phobos shrug off to say in thinking that maybe they are overacting to this whole thing.

“Princess!” Then entering the scene was Fred & Barney, the Rainbow Kingdom’s Royal Guards working for the Sparkle Family. They finally caught their breaths in arriving before Twilight & Ben before straightening up.

“Your highnesses…..there’s big trouble with news of something approaching us.” Fred spoke forth first in stating that something was coming their way.

“Ugh, yah….they say it’s some Dragon they never seen before…& it looks scary.” Barney nods off a bit in claiming that it look like a Dragon of unknown origin.

“You were saying?” Spike look to Phobos in stating the Moon Dragon just had to say something.

“Hey, don’t put the blame game on me!” Phobos protest to defend himself in not wanting something to respond.

“Why would an unknown Dragon be coming here?” Nyx asked off in not knowing why a Dragon would be coming here?

“You guys said it’s different, so it’s not the Dragons of Equestria or King Spykoran’s dragons you saw.” Ben stated to say in recalling the good Dragons that are their friends. “Then was it Drago, or his crew, or any other small remains of evil Dragons that serve loyally to Tadaka?” Ben asked off if maybe the Dragon seen was actually with the enemy.

“Just as we said prince, it’s a Dragon nobody’s seen before.” Fred reported off that what they saw was something they have no record of.

“Which means, it’s not been seen on either side of good nor evil.” Barney pointed out that whatever they saw, no side has ever used it.

“Hey guys, I have a question.” Pinkie Pie spoke up in having something to ask during this time.

“Save it, we got a new Dragon-crisis about to happen on our mitts!” Iago cuts the random pink pony off in seeing they are busy with a new alert notice.

“But did the weather say something would cast a large shadow over us?” Pinkie Pie pointed out in having notice what was going on now.

That made everyone stare upwards before something indeed was shrouding over them like a big shadow. Upon closer looks, it was definitely a creature, but it seem more then that once it made a loud stomp sound in landing before the gang. It was like a full grown Dragon that has reach a certain stat between a young adult and adulthood. From its height, it appears massive, much larger than any Dragons one has seen in Equestria, as this one could be up around the very tip of Canterlot or taller than that, just being on all fours since it looks like he can walk on all four legs. From one claw alone could hold many ponies, mostly around 10 or more, give or take. It’s very eyes & growling noises stare down to those before it…& that made many around…panic.

“Waaaaaaaughhh!” Rarity screams out in staring right up at what was overshadowing them.

“Wha in Sam Hill is dat?” Applejack asked off in not knowing what kinda creature this was.

“Dra-dra…DRAGON!?” Fluttershy gasped off in terror in seeing what the creature was from its features.

“You gotta be kidding me, it looks WAY too big for a normal Dragon!” Rainbow Dash protest to say this in seeing what it was that was coming at them.

“Last I check, a Dragon that was larger was Fafnir from the Human World we visited.” Omega pointed out a foe that they fought that had almost look to be of that large size.

“I think at least with him, he only look big….but not big BIG!” Spike stated off to say in seeing that what they are seeing, looks bigger than what any Dragon would be full grown.

“Oh man, there goes our time in taking it easy!” Phobos complained off to say in seeing this is gonna cause delays on what’s holding them up.

“Hello down there!” Then the voice of Pinkamena was heard that suddenly made everyone freeze up in surprise.

“Either I’m hearing things or did that sound like Pinkamena from that Dragon?” Jack Zen spoke off in thinking that they are hearing things if that threatening Dragon sounded like their friend.

“Can’t be, it must be our minds playing tricks on us.” Autumn Gem shook her head in thinking that this must be some sorta mind game.

“Hey you guys!” Then everyone looked up before seeing that Pinkamena’s voice was not the Dragon itself, but rather…a pony riding on its back. “What’s up,” Pinkamena smiled off to say hello to her friends in having arrived in time.

“Pinkamena?” The gang responded off shock in seeing that their pink friend that went off has return…while on the back of a gigantic Dragon.

“What are you doing up there?” Sombra asked off in what Pinkamena was even doing riding such a creature.

“Sis, don’t tell me you had to tangle with this thing when getting your pet?” Goldie asked off in about to feel like things are about to get very hairy here.

“Oh I got my pet alright.” Pinkamena smiled off to simply say this in stating her thought of having done what she needed to.

“Um, question….where is your pet? Cause all I see is….” Ben slowly was asking off in having a weird feeling about what answer he’s about to get.

“Silly, he’s right here. Everyone say hello to my pet!” Pinkamena smiled off to simply say that her pet is the one she’s riding on…the giant size Dragon.

There was a long silent moment before everyone that heard the news was suddenly gaping, eyes bugging out & a whole lot of other things along with some that fainted. Just what is going on here that first an unknown Dragon comes into the picture, then Pinkamena returns & says that this thing is her pet! How can a pony have a pet THIS LARGE without anyone knowing it & how was it even possible? So many puzzling questions are about to be answer off here….later on it seems….


Authoir’s note
There's the first chapter, quite a surprising opening to see. As Twilight & friends are recovering from seeing Pinkamena's more than just an everyday of a 'unique' pet is more like a full-grown Dragon, but unlike anything seen. That's when the pink pony tells the group a tale of where her pet originated from before coming into her life. How will it be told, stay tune to find out...Also, there are two more chapters to complete this, so get ready in what will come next.

Next Chapter: 2. Chapter 02: Tale of A Kirin Dragon Estimated time remaining: 42 Minutes
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