
The Redemption

by JusSonic

Chapter 5: 5. Chapter 5: Wrongful Blame

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Chapter 5: Wrongful Blame

Time has passed since Lorcan has come to stay in Ponyville, and things are getting better. Most of the town is now trusting the former villain who has shown indeed that he has changed his ways, even helping out and not wanting to rip a pony's throat out.

Of course, although most of the Mane Six now trust their former enemy, they are concerned about Twilight who had yet to show trust. There has been some bad spots. One time, during the time when the Everfree Forest tried to destroy ponies' home when a nearby construction of a theme park threatened to destroy the home of the deer living in the forest, Lorcan ends up almost ruining things by making smart ass remarks, especially towards the deer and Twilight, who is close to blasting him for each time.

The second time is when Spike suggested that Lorcan shares the last name of the family as an adoption...something that Twilight wasn't keen with at all. But after some convincing (so to speak), the Princess of Friendship agrees to let Lorcan have the last name of Sparkle...for now.

At this moment, the gang are preparing for the Friendship Reunion Holiday, in which the Mane Six would get together and hang out since it has been years since they first got together. As things are getting ready, Ben decided to show something to his pal Lorcan.

"This here's Nightclaw, my brand new Fury Dragon that I received as a gift from Wild Maniac, who taught me the ropes of Wild Winter Wrap-Up and Dragon riding." Ben said motioning to Nightclaw who is rolling around nearby in a field.

Nightclaw roars as he sniffs Lorcan, then licks him a bit.

"Gah! I've been poisoned!" Lorcan jokes a bit, making Ben laughs.

"He likes you! I'm guessing he can sense you had change too, otherwise Nightclaw would've tore you to pieces." Ben remarks to Lorcan with a chuckle.

"Yeah, thanks for the kind words, Benjamin. Okay, big guy, back off."

Nightclaw roars as he heads off to get some food for himself. Lorcan grunts as he got back up, sighing. At least it's good to know that there's one Dragon who wasn't a part of his army who wants nothing to do with him.

Lorcan smiles a bit then spoke up to Ben, "Hmph, I see we have something in common."

"What's that?" Ben ask Lorcan, wondering what he means by that.

"We both have scars." Lorcan explains, nodding to the scar on Ben's chest from his fight with Fafnir, which he looks down at.

There is a flashback to Rainbow Rocks Remake when the gang returns from the human world. The Mane Six notice a bandage on Ben's chest.

"Hey, what happened to your chest, Ben?" Rainbow ask, pondering as to what happened.


We cut back to the present as the flashback was interrupted by Twilight who is giving an annoyed look at Lorcan who groans in irritating. The flashback was getting good too!

"Relax, Twilight. I was showing Nightclaw to Lorcan." Ben assures Twilight with a smile as she came over, glaring at the "enemy". "Also, I was going to tell him about my scar..."

"What? So he can give you another?" Twilight ask Ben dryly.


"And if I were you, I keep Nightclaw away from him! No telling if Lorcan would try to enlist him into something dangerous. That would've been a wrong choice I would rather not go near!"

"Oh really, then if that was the case, then was your choice in helping your daughter change to be good a wrong choice too?" Lorcan asked to rhetorically remind Twilight of how she met with Nightmare Moon's reincarnation that time.

"I don't know! But she was a child, what was I supposed to do?" Twilight snapped off in almost about to lose her patience.

"Sure, that's real useful." Lorcan laughed off remotely in seeing such a weak comeback from his brother's mother/sister/friend.

"You know, this isn't the way for you to be nice to your caretaker, if you can still call me that!"

"I'm sorry, you have given me no reason to even be nice to you! You used me, enslaved me and I have had it! Screw what Celestia says! You are hopeless!"

"Lorcan, Lorcan. Please go inside, okay?" Ben requests to Lorcan. The Dragon should go inside before he ends up making the whole matter worst. The former tyrant grunts as he does so. While he leaves, Ben sighs as he turns to Twilight, "Twilight? I don't understand you. Why are you doing this to Lorcan?"

"You know why! I can't keep my guard down around him." Twilight snaps in frustration to Ben.

"So far, mostly everypony around here believes him to be trustworthy."

"Well, what if I was right, huh? What if all of it was Lorcan's act?"

"Twilight...Detective Dan has proven beyond a doubt that he was controlled by Tadaka years ago...perhaps, just give him another chance." Ben explains to Twilight. The Alicorn shake her head, groaning a bit in sadness. "Is this about Starlight?"

"Oh, never mind. I don't want my friendship reunion with my friends to be ruined because of this!" Twilight growls as she flew back into the castle, not wanting to go into this further.

Ben sighs sadly as he shakes his head. What is it going to take?


Lorcan groans as he throws a ball around the room. Unbelievable! All this time and Twilight still won't give him a chance! What is it going to take? Does some monster has to attack Ponyville for her to get it through her thick skull?! He told Celestia that this was a bad idea!

Lorcan saw Spike and Nyx coming into the room. He roll his eyes while asking Spike sarcastically, "So, Spike... Anything else your 'mother' want to torture me with?"

"Would you relax? Twilight's not up to something again. And trust me. You're not doing anything." Spike assures his brother, insisting that there isn't anything wrong. "You're joining with our Friendship Reunion."

"Yeah." Nyx chirps in agreement. It will be fun!

"In case, if you guys have forgotten... I can't! You both are not allowed to go near me." Lorcan reminds Spike and Nyx with a sigh. After his outbursts that almost got King Aspen to end any chances of fixing the problem with the Everfree Forest as well as the theme park building, Twilight forbids Spike and Nyx from going anywhere near him.

"No worries. Just leave the talking to me and Nyx." Spike said to Lorcan with a smirk.

"Yeah, she would understand." Nyx said to Lorcan in agreement.

"Yeah... Like how you guys tried to kill her when you're both turned into monsters?" Lorcan ask sarcastically. He yelped. That doesn’t sound like a good thing to say! "Er... No Offense."

Spike and Nyx said at once, "None taken..."

Spike sighs as he sat on his lower bunk, "I guess this is how you felt when you being controlled by Grimmore."

"Spike... I was working under the Demon Lords, not the Demon God." Lorcan groans as he put his things away, annoyed that monster that tried to kill him was mentioned in this conversion. "After my dad died, I work under Drago for revenge and war. But I suddenly got controlled by Grimmore to betray the Demon Lords and wage a war against the ponies. He just want to make everyone miserable. And boy, I really hate that god making mess of it."

"In truth, Lorcan... Billy was upset and angry about what VISION-KING did that others liked a lot, but he didn't for his own reasons. It caused too much arguments from the past to now, and how you should do after your war. I honestly feel sorry for you a lot. Not only because of your deeds, but your character had some trouble in where it leads you since Lorcan's Wrath." Nyx said, breaking the fourth wall much to his disbelief.

"Is she always like that?"

"Just ignore her." Spike advises his brother as to not worry about it for now. "Come on. Let's see what the Cutie Mark Crusaders are up to. Hopefully, it's good and safe."

"Spike, just relax. It's not gonna be like the Gabby Gum Problem or Twilight Time." Nyx assures her brother/uncle that her friends won't be up to anything bad like what happened those mentioned two times. After all, they meant no harm, right?

"That's what I'm worried about."

"What I'm worried the most is your spoiled mother." Lorcan said with a groan, concerned as to what Twilight would do to him next time.

Spike whacked Lorcan on the back of the head, scowling, "Watch it, Lorcan! That's my mother you're talking about!"


Twilight sighs as she finished packing things up. She can't believe how things went bad this morning. Half of her wishes to forgive Lorcan...but the rest wants him buried in the dirt for what he did! Why can't Twilight just forgive Lorcan already?

"Good morning, Princess Twilight. I hope you're having a good morning." Virtue said as he came into the room, grinning to the princess.

Twilight sighed, "If you're talking about giving a chance to Lorcan, I'm still doubting. Anyway, I'm going to see my friends. I want to have some discussion." The princess turned and found Lorcan near Spike and Nyx much to her annoyance and disbelief. "What did I told you two not to go close to him?!"

"Come on, Twi. Lorcan saves them. Can't you acknowledge that?" Spike ask, reminding Twilight of how Lorcan had saved the CMC from the Timberwolves.

"Besides, if Silverlay is here, you would have given her a chance." Nyx adds suddenly.

"Who's that?" Lorcan ask puzzled. He has never heard of this "Silverlay" until it was brought up now.

"It's my imaginary 'sister-like friend'. That was before his birth." Twilight explains with a sigh, recalling Silverlay. Boy, what great times she had! "I've always wanted to have a sister. But Starlight and I make an imaginary sister to play with. But you do have a point, Nyx. I'll give him a chance."

"That's good. And by the way, I would like you to meet my other son." Virtue said suddenly.

"Son?" Most of the group ask surprised upon hearing that.

"You got a kid?" Lorcan ask Virtue in amusement.

"This is my youngest son: Kindy Dragon." Virtue said as he motions to a pony who came over, standing near his father.

A young greenish Unicorn Kindy Dragon with a black Mane in a bun and short tail but also without his Cutie Mark bowed as he said, "Greetings. I am honored to meet you."

"Oh wow." Nyx said with a smile. "He looks almost to be around my age...unless he's older than that."

"Tell me about it!" Spike exclaims, whistling in impress.

"I would be honored to join with you. I would keep an eye on you and your progress of forgiving Lorcan." Virtue requests to Twilight. Hopefully by the time it's over, the Princess of Friendship will finally put this grudge fest with Lorcan to rest.

"Trust me, Lord Virtue. I don't think I can forgive him." Twilight groans as she shakes her head in doubt. If the princess hasn't forgave Lorcan before, why would she now?

"You will. Trust me... You will."


The Mane Six, their friends and families decided to have the Friendship Reunion Holiday at the park. Twilight and her friends does this ever since they became friends.

Lorcan groaned as he spotted ponies glaring at him. There were some who were still suspicious of him. After they were gone, Lorcan took his hood off, ignoring the looks when he looked like a teenage Dragon. He groaned, "Thank Celestia! Has Pinkie ever heard of turning the heating off!"

The reason Lorcan said this? Pinkie brought her traveling oven with her and boy, was it hot!

"Doesn't the change bother you every time you take the hood down?" Spike asked Lorcan in concern.

"Got used to it...wish I didn't have to wear this thing." Lorcan sighed, panting a bit.

"Pinkie, turn the oven off." Ben advised to Pinkie. "You're making Lorcan sweat."

"Oh, right, sorry bout that." Pinkie said, apologizing for her oven causing problems as she turned it off.

"All right, thanks." Lorcan sighed a bit.

"So princess, how shall one does this?" Virtue asked Twilight curiously.

"Well, normally my friends and I do an activity while the foals play their own." Twilight explained calmly to Virtue, ignoring Lorcan for a moment.

"Speaking of which, Lorcan, can you foalsit Nyx and Spike for that?" Ben asked Lorcan. He wanted him to keep an eye on Nyx and Spike for their activities with their friends.

"Foalsitting Nyx and Spike? Look, Ben, I never looked after any-" Lorcan began to speak in concern but Ben held up a hoof, interrupting him.

"Please?" Ben asked Lorcan kindly.

Lorcan grunted as he headed off to where the foals were playing.

"Lorcan is doing all so well." Fluttershy said kindly. "I wanted what else we can do for him."

"Maybe we should take Lorcan to the Freddy Faz..." Pinkie said about to bring up an idea when a certain Pegasus pony flew in, looking horrified.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Rainbow yelled out frantically.

"What?" Pinkie asked, startled. What just happened here?

"Let's not beat around the bush, okay?" Rainbow suggested, ignoring the puzzled looks from the others.

"Hmmm, let's see what the other foals are doing." Virtue said thoughtfully. "Maybe Lorcan is showing them...something fun."

Twilight looked irritated that she had to check in on her 'ward', so early but she grudgingly agreed on doing so as the gang got over to some bushes to watch.

Sure enough, there's Lorcan speaking with the foals. He smirked while giving feathers to them. What was he up to?

"Let's play a game...of...TICKLE TORTURE!" Lorcan exclaimed with a chuckle.

"And how do you play it?" Dinky asked Lorcan curiously.

"Simple. I run and you try to tickle me." Lorcan suggested playfully. "The foal who catches me wins."

"That sounds like fun!" Sweetie exclaimed happily.

"GET HIM!" Spike laughed.

The foals and Spike chased Lorcan who ran off, laughing devilishly. He decided not to use his powers for this. Don't want to cheat.

"That game sounds so much fun." Kindy Dragon said with a smile.

"I know!" Pinkie giggled happily. Twilight looked hesitant. It sounded like fun...right?

"PILE ON, LORCAN!" Nyx squeals as she and her friends jump on Lorcan, piling onto him.

"GAAH!!" Lorcan screamed before he found himself being tickled by the kids.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle!" The CMC giggled a bit while tickling Lorcan.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle!" Nyx giggled as she and the rest tickled Lorcan with their feathers.

"Oh, help, help! I am being tortured by little foals!" Lorcan exclaimed with a laugh.

Just then, Lorcan, Spike and the foals stopped as they saw the grownups arriving at the scene, Twilight gave a skeptic look at this.

"Having fun?" Rarity asked the group curiously.

Lorcan gave out a devilish and mischievous smirk then exclaimed, "Pile on the princess and friends!"

"GET 'EM, GUYS!" Apple Bloom yelled with a grin.

Then the CMC and Spike all pounced on Twilight and her friends, who screamed as they fell to the ground, assaulted by the foals. Twilight ended up being knocked down by Nyx and Spike, while the main members of the CMC tickles their sisters/adopted sister respectively.

"Hey, stop, come on!" Rainbow laughs as Scootaloo tickles her.

"Sweetie! Hee hee he!" Rarity giggles happily as Sweetie tickles her with feathers.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack giggles a bit as Apple Bloom tickles her while giggling herself.

"Tickle, tickle on mommy!" Nyx giggles as she tickles her adopted mother with Spike helping.

Lorcan grinned as he got back up, watching the tickle fest. Even Twilight found herself unable to keep from laughing.

"Nyx, Spike-- Ha ha ha ha ha!" Twilight laughed as she was tickled, "St-Stop it!"

"Oh no!" Lorcan taunted as he jumped in to tickle Twilight as well. "Dragons and ponies are enemies again! Ha ha ha!"

Twilight pushed Lorcan off, glaring at him. For a moment, everyone else began to get worried...then she smirked and used her magic to grab a feather, tickling him, too.

"A feather for a feather!" Twilight laughed.

"N-No! Stop!" Lorcan laughed uncontrollably as the purple Alicorn tickled him.

Virtue chuckled a bit. Looks like Twilight could finally be warming up to him!

Lorcan got away as he then took out a football from his cloak. The former Scarred Ruler spoke, "Who wants to play Mud Football?"

"Mud Football?" Rarity asked Lorcan confused.

Lorcan smirked as he fired a single shot into a cloud. Soon, it began to rain, causing mud to be formed on the ground.

"Hoo, doggies. We better git indoors." Applejack said in concern.

The foals and Dragon however just blew raspberries at the ponies. Phobos taunted playfully, "This is Mud Football. You gotta get us!"

"Come on, what, you scared?" Twist taunted at the grownup ponies eagerly.

"Oh, is it so on!" Rarity giggled happily.

"MUD FOOTBALL!" Pinkie exclaimed in a football uniform. "WHOOOOO!!!"

"Well, honey? Want to get them?" Ben asked Twilight with an eager grin.

"Like they say... PLAY BALL!!" Twilight called out with a playful grin.

The foals and adults laughs as they play a game of mud football. Often, Rainbow would grab the ball and would get a touchdown. The magic users didn't use their magic so that everyone could be equal. And despite all the mud, the ponies don't mind getting themselves dirty as they tackled one another, trying to get the ball. They had a lot of fun.

When they do get inside, Lorcan showed the ponies a new activity: a game of pinball. Or in this case, putting someone in a moving trash can and bounce around the walls.

The ponies and Dragon cheered as Pinkie laughed, riding in the barrel, playing pinball, "Boing! Boing! Boing! Getting a billion points! Got an extra ball!"

"Yippee! This is fun!" Nyx exclaimed happily.

As time passed, Twilight's hatred and anger for Lorcan slowly depleted as she shown her calm and gentle smile. Ben noticed this and grinned.

"So, looks like the Princess of Friendship is showing her true colors." Ben said to Twilight thoughtfully.

"Yeah." Twilight said with a nod as she watched Lorcan throwing a pie at Rarity. Despite this, she laughed a bit.

"I suppose now you can finally forgive." Ben said to Lorcan hopefully.

"Well...maybe." Twilight said thoughtfully while smiling. "Perhaps...I was wrong and the rest of you were right. Starlight would want me to forgive."

"Of course he would, Mommy." Nyx assured Twilight.

"And I would also, Twilight." A female voice said. Twilight gasped in shock and delight, recognizing the voice.

"Could it be?" Twilight ask as she recognizes whom the voice is.

She and her family turned and saw the source of the voice; a blue unicorn who looks just like Twilight when she was a unicorn, except her mane colors were periwinkle and ghost white, her eye color was dark grey and her cur color was dark blue. She also had three white freckles between her eyes.

"Hello, Twilight." The unicorn said with a smile.

"Silverlay!" Twilight exclaimed excitedly before she ran up to her and the two hugged and nuzzled each other happily.

"I thought you made her up." Nyx said, confused to see her.

Well, she did...but I managed to conjure her up in existence." Twilight explained to Nyx happily.
"Glad to see you again." Silverlay said with a grin. "I agree that you should do the right thing and forgive Lorcan. After all, he haven't done anything cruel and..."

"Silverlay, I get it. I think you're right." Twilight said with a smile. "I think we will head up to the princesses' former home. It's time we put an end to this once and for all."

"I agree." Silverlay said with a nod, "After all, I'm really glad to be your sister."

"And I'm glad to be your niece." Nyx said with a happy giggle, nuzzling Silverlay playfully.


At the Ruins of the Royal Sisters' castle, Twilight and her friends have gathered at the area. They looked at the castle, discussing the activities of today.

"I love the game of pinball! Woo-hooo!" Pinkie exclaimed happily as she spun around. "I want to do it again!"

"An' wrestling wit' de' Dragon...priceless." Applejack remarked with a light chuckle.

"And the Mud Football? Well, I hate getting dirty...but going down is worth is." Rarity said, smirking happily at the activity involving playing football in the rain.

"It was...nice." Fluttershy said politely.

"At least the Everfree Forest was calmer since the last time we were here." Rainbow commented, glancing at the forest. "Now it won't be trying to destroy Equestria thanks to deer magic."

"Deer goodness, let it not be true." Ben taunted, making everyone laughed.

Twilight chuckled, she gave a smile while speaking, "You know... Lorcan, I'm ready to forgive you."

"Really? I hardly notice that. Don't try to pull my leg." Lorcan said in concern. He hoped Twilight wasn't joking about that.

"I'm serious." Twilight said making everyone look at her. Is it true? Is she finally…going to forgive? "I guess... you really change for the better. After all, it's one thing I learn from my adventure: when enemy did something good, they were given a second chance. If I know Starlight, he wouldn't want me to go down the path.

Lorcan sighed, "Thanks, Twilight." Looks like everything was finally going for the best for him.

That is until Twilight and her friends heard menacing and malicious laughing across the area. They looked around of their surroundings. They found more Eight members of the Shadow Demon Tribe, Dragon Raiders, Dragon Minions and Draconian Cult Army who had surrounded them including Drago and his gang.

"Draco!" Twilight shouted angrily.

"...Sec. Head of the Draconican Cult...." Lorcan growled, recognizing one of them though quietly under his breath.

"Who are you creeps?!" Spike demanded, glancing at the rest of the Dragons. "I know Drago and his goons but..."

Drago chuckled cruelly as he spoke up, “It looks like we cornered the rats to their edge. We've got them right where we wanted them.”

"Indeed. And we couldn't have done without someone from inside." Jast said, making most of the heroes gasps. To them, it sounded like they were betrayed! But by who?

They chuckled in agreement, "Good one. A spy help us to lure them here! Good one!"

"And to think... They really believe in him. Yeah, right. These ponies have the right to suspect him from the start." Cann said with a cruel smile. Most of the gang, especially Twilight, looked suspicious. Who betrayed them?

"Who are you talking?" Virtue demands sternly to the enemy. "We demand to know who!"

"Lorcan, you did well to bring the first princess here for us to finish. We are honored." Sec said to Lorcan slyly.

Shocked and angered at this, Twilight glared at Lorcan as she shouted, "You!"

"I knew it! I knew that dirty little Dragon is up to something! I was right from the start!" Wartpath exclaimed furiously. He can't believe that he was starting to go soft on that little traitor!

"No! I didn't plan with this!" Lorcan exclaimed frantically. Most of the group believed this...but Twilight and Warpath were the only ones who don't. "I left Drago where he was before I start my war! I never contact my general Sec since he died."

Drago just chuckled cruelly, "Oh, Lorcan... Always good in lying. We're so glad to have you on our side. Demon Warriors, attack! Kill them all!" Then the Demon Warriors lunged towards the heroes.

"Stand back!" Ben exclaimed as he quickly fired a Light Arrow to the ground. It flashed, causing the attackers to yelp while getting blinded.

The group quickly rushed off, making their getaway. Lorcan sent out flames at the Dragons in hopes to get them away. Twilight and Warpath did not look back or even want to. As far as they're concerned, Lorcan was one of them now!

"You're not Dragons...your vessels for my father's soul." Lorcan said to the Dragon minions sternly.

"We are the Draconian Cult!" One Dragon exclaimed madly.

"Taking my last name, eh?" Lorcan asked in amusement. "Ok...let me show ya how a Draconian really works..."

Suddenly, MC Cobra backhanded him, knocking the Dragon unconscious. The Dragons piled on him quickly.

Spike gasped as he tried to rush in, but Twilight used her magic to keep him still. The Dragon protested, "Twilight, let me help him!"

"No! He murdered my brother and betrayed us!" Twilight snapped angrily. "If he goes with his father's cult, good riddance! And as Princess, I order you not to aid him! Not you or the Elements!"

"But Twilight, he'll get killed or kidnapped!" Applejack cried.

"I don't care! He's better off where he is; with the villains!" Twilight yelled harshly. "The way I see it, he's nothing but a Mudblood!"

The Mane Six’s group kept on fighting off their attackers, but soon, they ended up falling to the bottom of the ravine nearby. They got up just in time to see Drago and the attackers sliding down the slope after them.

"We got them! Kill them!" laughed Drago madly as they all reach the bottom as well. The cult begin their attack on the ponies' group once more, resulting in them making a run for it down the canyon, with their enemies still in pursuit. Dragon continued to yell out, "Use your training to kill as a unit well!"

The Mane Six’s group kept on running until they stopped at a wall. The gang turned and saw the followers closing in on them. They are trapped. This seemed like the end to them. Twilight and her friends jumped up in an attempt to climb the walls but they were too steep. They then saw some logs piled up nearby and began to climb them (with the Pegasi flying). As they continued to climb up the logs, Twilight looked up and frowned. Lorcan was on the ledge above him looking concerned for everyone, the former villain woke up a few seconds and came here in hopes to convince Twilight of the truth.

"Lorcan, you got them! Kill them now and fulfill the prophecy of the chosen one!" roared Drago eagerly.

Yep, that's enough to convince Twilight that Lorcan had turned traitor. Twilight exclaimed, "Everyone, hang on!"

The others with Twilight hung as she prepared a spell. Lorcan was about to do so but Twilight quickly teleported herself and the others off the scene. The magic impact caused the logs to go falling down. The evil Dragons yelped as they quickly ran to avoid being piled on!

"Oh, great." Lorcan groaned a bit, shaking his head as he left the scene. Things just got complicated. What now?

Drago shakes his head as his minions recover. He yells out, "Idiots! We almost got them!"

"Doesn't matter." Sec said with a cruel smile. "Things are going well according to plan..."


The skies has cleared up as every pony is preparing to close up shop...but without warning, a flash appears, startling everyone. They gasp upon seeing Twilight's group exhausted and almost hurt. Spike and the CMC yelp in pain due to scratches they have gotten during the escape.

"Princess! Oh dear!" Mayor Mare exclaims in worry and concern for the Princess of Friendship.

"Twilight, what happened?" Flash ask Twilight as she and Sunset gallops on over.

"We were attacked at the castle by Drago and his goons, along with a cult of Dragons." Virtue explains to Flash in concern. "We..."

"It was Lorcan! That traitor betrayed us, he's a liar!" Twilight exclaims furiously.

Everyone on the scene gasps in shock and disbelief. Lorcan has betrayed Twilight and her friends?!


The Demon Lords appear before Drago, Sec and their group, recovering from the failed attempt. Shendu spoke up, "Well?"

"We've done all we can... As soon as Twilight unleashed her fury, Lorcan will be thrown away like garbage and never bothered to be forgiven." Drago explains to his dad with a cruel chuckle. The ambush failed but at least it will cause Twilight to fully despise Spike's brother.

"Indeed. The plans are finally coming together. Our enemies shall feel the wrath of our Demon Lords and Tadaka's." Sec said with a cruel chuckle, looking thoughtful. "Soon, my master shall exact his revenge on them. He shall bring his children back to us."

"You all have done well. I am pleased and proud of it. Now we wait until the right moment to strike." Tso Lan said with a smile. Everything will go according to plan.

"Yes... Our revenge can finally be complete." Shendu said wickedly. The Demon Lords' waiting will finally pay off.

"Yeah and we get to eat!" Po Kong exclaims happily, making the others roll their eyes at this.

"Ponies will rue the day they even messed with us." His Wu said laughing wickedly with his brethren.

Drago smirked eagerly. He said while holding a fist of determination, "Let our final ploy begins..."


The ponies gathers around their leader who explain what happened to them. Most of the citizens are stunned, shocked and/or furious. Twilight and her friends has apparently fallen into a trap, and it seem like Lorcan was the one who set the princess up to be destroyed along with her friends and loved ones!

"Hey, look." Caramel said, frowning as a familiar Dragon shows up on the scene.

"Ugh, what the hay is he doing back here?" Lyra ask Sweetie Drops. The crowd glares as Lorcan made his way up front.

Lorcan saw the furious look on Twilight's face. The Princess of Friendship now believes in the inevitable. Still, he got to try to speak reason to her before it’s too late.

"You...you got some nerve to come back after what you did." Twilight snarls, a hint of darkness can be heard in her voice.

"Twilight, you got to believe me." Lorcan said with a gulp, trying to get up the nerve. "Damn it, I have nothing to do with..."

"Don't play dumb, the Cult of Draconian! Any of these ringing a bell?"

"...the what?" Spike ask confused as he apparently never heard of that name until now.

"The cult of Draconian. Just your average worship nut jobs. Devoted to my dad, they named the cult after our surname, little bro." Lorcan explains as he grips his fist a bit. I knew it...they'd follow Pops to the end." Turning back to Twilight, the former villain continues, "Yeah, I heard of them and I had nothing to do with their attack!"

"Do you seriously think I was born yesterday?!" Twilight snaps angrily at Lorcan. The scarred Dragon looks angry. He had enough of this!

"Than stop acting like it! I am reformed, how many times do I-" Lorcan dodges a blast from Twilight. He scoffs. "Oh, sure! Fine, don't listen, accuse me all you want, Sparkle. But let me tell you this, kiddo, it'll only make you a hypocrite." The Princess of Friendship did not respond. She just listen as Lorcan continues, "Who forgave Trixie when she enslaved this town? Who forgave Sunset after she threw a fireball with the intent of KILLING you, might I add? Yeah, they were kind acts, but did you forgive Discord at first? NO! You treated him like the plague like how you're treating me!"

"I have reason to! You killed-"

"Did you not heard what the guy said in court or were you just thinking of how to kill me? There is enough evidence to suggest that your brother is alive! I have done nothing but try to take over this town and I didn't win! I was corrupted just as the two unicorns! You wear that crown on your head and demand respect! But apart from saving the world Celestia knows how many times, what exactly have you done as a princess apart from whine about how you don't think you can handle it, huh?"

"It did get annoying a bit." Rainbow comments. She yelps as Applejack steps on her hoof.

"At least I have a title! And as Princess, I am about to sentence you" Twilight snarls angrily. Forget the verdict before. It's time for the princess to pass her own sentence!

"On what charges?!" Lorcan demands angrily.

"Fooling us all and helping those Dragons!"

"But Mommy, it wasn't like-" Nyx begins to protest but Twilight interrupts her with a wing, not wanting to hear it at all!

"ENOUGH!" Twilight charges angrily and furiously.

"Hmph...You're acting just a tyrant now, Twilight. Ignoring others and only believing your right. I'm sorry for all I did, but you just won't accept. Fine, I know how it is...I'll go. And when you snap out of your delusion that I'm still Tadaka's pawn, give me a call." Lorcan remarks bitterly, shaking his head in disgust. "You always jump to conclusions without having the heart to believe in your family. No wonder Shining Armor banned you from his wedding and Ben ended things with you during Winter Wrap-Up."

Twilight growls and goes into Flame Mode. The ponies gasped upon hearing Lorcan mentioning the breakup. That was a big mistake!

Pinkie, waving her hoof in a disapproving manner, comment, "Oh no, he didn't!"

"Winter Wrap-Up? More like Winter Break-Up. Ow!" Rainbow exclaims, she yelps in pain on the last part because Applejack whacks her on the head. Now is not the time to say that when Twilight is this angry.

After Twilight bursts out, she lands, giving an angry look at Lorcan while snapping, "Say that again..."

"Look, I know I sounded harsh--but you're being a bitch." Lorcan comments to Twilight, making her growl furiously.

Phobos remarks in agreement, "Oh! He gotcha there!"

"Phobos!" Twilight exclaims angrily at Phobos.

"What? Just being honest."

"He's got a point." Applejack said with a sigh, deciding it's best to butt in at this point. "Ya were kinda harsh on Ben when ya banished 'im fro' Winter Wrap-Up."

"Hey, you sided with her!" Rainbow protests to Applejack, pointing out that her friend sided with Twilight when it happened.

"Even though it was Boris who humiliated daddy." Nyx comments in agreement.

Lorcan goes to leave, to Twilight's notice. The Princess of Friendship then teleports in front of him, snapping, "Hey! I ain't done with you yet!"

Lorcan looks at twilight and sighs, "why can't you see I'm not the villain I was?!"

Twilight growls angrily, "Because you KILLED MY BROTHER!!!"

"I told you before, remember?! The guy at the trial said there is a high chance he's still alive!!!!"

"Likely story, YOU MURDERER!"

"You're blinded at rage, girl!" Lorcan exclaims angrily, wanting to so much to box Twilight's ear in.

"PISS OFF!" Twilight snaps, making her friends and the crowd gasps in shock and alarm, even Rarity fainted at that. "I am not blind with rage! What I'm seeing is the real Lorcan, the one who killed my brother and almost wiped out all of Equestria!"

"Fine Twilight...you want the real me?" Lorcan takes off his cloak...a dark aura surrounds him as he grows to his teenage size. "THIS IS THE REAL ME!"

"Yes, it is...a monster."

"You disgust me...you treat Discord like the plague simply because he turned your friends gray? End of the stinking world! How many times?! I'm reformed, Twilight!"

"Mummy, why are you so determined not to believe Lorcan?" Nyx ask frightened. She hasn't seen her mother this angry before, even in flame mode!

"Yeah, like was mentioned before, you forgave Trixie, who practically abused me and Nyx when you were gone, regardless of her using the Amulet, you forgave Discord, to some extent, after he corrupted your friends. So why is Lorcan any different?" Ben ask Twilight in concern. Even the Prince of Friendship is scared for how his beloved is acting!

"He tried to have you killed!" Twilight reminds Ben of how Lorcan once used Boris to kill him!

"I wasn't thinking straight! You trying being controlled by a scar, it’s not pretty, let me tell ya. Plus, you heard what the detectives said for the zillionth time in hopes that it gets through your thick skull that I must remind you, your brother may still be out there!" Lorcan exclaims while putting his hood down, changing back to his baby size once more. The former villain is reminding Twilight once more of what Detective Dan once said to her.


"And you have blame the attack by those Dragons on me!

"I want justice done! You need to pay!" Twilight exclaims, wanting to toughen up. She isn't going to allow Lorcan to win this battle!

"PAY FOR WHAT?! Being controlled all my life?! I paid for that already...with my childhood and mother, mind you! What has ever happened to you that can compare itself to what I lost?!" Lorcan demands to Twilight, challenging her to name one thing that happened to her that is like what he lost.

"I lost Ben." Twilight is near tears as the fact she's losing the argument is rearing its ugly head.

"But he wasn't dead! He came back, but me! Fifty years I was alone whilst you not even close! You could have easily moved on! You overreacted to not being able to be with your "special somepony" by becoming extremely depressed every time the subject of you being in a relationship is brought up, which has been said to have gone on for years. Yeah, OK, what happened was very tragic, but with you reacted so strongly to it for that long is not only ridiculous, but it's not good for your mental health. No offense, I hope Ben." Lorcan turns back to Twilight as he continues berating her, "And no friends after him! Did you really think you could have only one friend, Sparkle!"


"And don't you dare have the audacity to say I can't change if you think Trixie and Discord can. Do I have to remind you that was corrupted like Trixie and yet you don't forgive me!"

"SHUT UP! SHUT THE BUCK UP, YOU SCARRED RIDDEN FLANKHOLE!" Twilight exclaims, exploding once more, causing the ponies and everything else to back away in shock and fear. "We are not having that discussion anymore! You brought these Dragons into Ponyville! You have them tried to kill us!!!"

"What? You can't-" Lorcan exclaims, protesting about that once more.

""The Cult of Draconian", your last name. I don't know why Celestia thought you could change..."

"So you're willing to forgive Trixie and Discord easily? They done worse than I have!"

The crowd murmurs in agreement at this. Twilight had had enough. It's time to pass the sentence and be done with this!

"They didn't kill my brother! And as Princess, I banish Lorcan Draconian from Ponyville!" Twilight exclaims with a furious snarl.

Everyone gasps in shock and horror. The Mane Five and Ben look worried as a song begins to pick up...

"No, no, no, no, no!" Pinkie snaps as she got in front of the camera, stopping the music. "We aren't doing 'One of Us'. The author hates that song! Let's not turn this moment into something bad."

Rainbow Dash sighs, shaking her head, "Pinkie, now's not the time to be random."

"Now LEAVE!" Twilight demands angrily, ordering the villain, in her eyes, to leave Ponyville and never come back ever!

"Miss Twilight, please-" Apple Bloom pleads, trying to speak reason to the angry Alicorn.

Twilight ignoring her exclaims more loudly, "NOW!"

"...fine!" Lorcan scoffs as he turns to walk, then stops. "Quite hypocritical. How you told Brave Heart never to take revenge and here you are...taking revenge."

"I have the authority to do what I want!"

"You're acting no better than Sombra when he was still a monster..." Lorcan remarks bitterly. Twilight's eye twitches in fury. He dare goes there...HE DARES GOES THERE?! "But I'll leave. See ya."

Lorcan walks off when suddenly a loud bang noise is heard. The scarred Dragon groans as he lays on the ground, his legs bloody and brunt from the attack.

"Twilight, what are you-" Ben exclaims in horror. His love went and shot Lorcan right in the back while he was leaving!

"SILENCE!" Twilight exclaims in anger, giving out a huge dark aura. Ben was frightened, enough that he backs off. She drags Lorcan to him then whispers, "Don't you ever compare me to that tyrant ever again...."

"Then stop acting like a tyrant." Lorcan exclaims furiously to Twilight.

"Be lucky I don't kill you."

"If you would just listen to-"

Lorcan doesn't get another chance. Twilight is beyond reason now as her dark aura is getting bigger. Even Spike is terrified of this. Her sister is beyond reason to the point that talking to her will be considered suicide!

"Before I throw you out for good...HOW DARE YOU LET THEM IN! After I gave you the benefit of the-" Twilight begins to say Lorcan, once again reminding him of his "crime".

"You? You show nothing but hate ever since you found out I was alive!" Lorcan insists bitterly to Twilight. "You used me as a slave, you wished I was dead and not even the news that Starlight isn't dead-"

"It's all lies! Stop it! DROP THE ACT! My daughter, son and three innocent fillies are injured because of you!"

"...you are so blind by the past. I'm sorry, I tried being nice, I tried being civil, but you...you're the princess of friendship...start acting like it. Not a paranoid tyrant!"

Everyone gasps in horror as Twilight is now completely losing it. That was the last straw! She knocks Lorcan flying to the ground, knocking his hood off and turning him into his teenage look, revealing his scar bleeding from the attack. As he got back up, Twilight stares at him than, screaming like a banshee, bucks Lorcan in the face, knocking him flying into the Everfree Forest.

"Lorcan!" Spike and the CMC exclaims in horror. They go to run after him, but a purple barrier stops them.

As Lorcan got up, he looks stunned to see Spike now blocked from him. The scarred Dragon cries out, "You got no right to keep Spike from me!"

Twilight smugly says, "I adopted him stupid." With a satisfied look, the Alicorn heads back into her castle. She then turn to give one more look to the terrified crowd, especially her shocked friends and colt-friend. "Oh, and if anyone is caught bringing him back in, they will answer to me!"

Mostly everyone gulps as Twilight goes back into her castle, slamming the doors upon entering. Lorcan bitterly leaves the scene, much to the sadness of Spike and the others.

What will happen now?


Celestia and Luna were in the middle of the conversion, speaking of the situation with the Dark Mystic Ponies...when the doors are slammed open. To their shock, Lorcan came in, barely alive and is bleeding.

"Lorcan! What happened to you?" Luna ask Lorcan in horror.

"....I told you this would happen, Celestia. I told you!" Lorcan yells out angrily to Celestia.

Lorcan storms off to get himself fixed up in his former room. Celestia looks stunned as she heads to the balcony that shows the lands, especially Ponyville. The Princess of the Sun shakes her head in shock and sadness.

'Twilight? What had you done?' Celestia thought sadly to herself.

Author's note
Not good! Just when Twilight is finally forgiving her former enemy, the evil Dragons and the cult took that trust away from them! In the next chapter, as the evil cult makes their next move to resurrect Tadaka, Pinkamena makes her own move in using what she planned on using, showing Twilight visions and what she is turning into. Will the Alicorn of Friendship snap out of it? And will the cult be stopped from bringing back Tadaka? Read, review and suggest!

Silverlay belongs to EStories. She will be mentioned and makes no appearance.

The ambush and Twilight thinking that Lorcan has betrayed her is a reference to "The Lion King II: Simba's Pride" where Zira made Simba think that Kovu is doing the same thing to him. The same goes for the song that was interrupted, thank goodness.

Lorcan's line of Ben almost breaking up with Twilight is a reference to "The Legend of Korra; Book 3 Chapter 5: Old Wounds" when Suyin called Lin out on how she and Tenzin broke up because of her attitude, which REALLY riled her up.

This chapter references one of the flaws of my first fic “Curse of the Demon Pony” in which Twilight not moving on from Ben’s departure was bad for her mental health.

If anyone wonder why I am repeating a few stuff, I am trying my best to use all of Billy Arratoon's suggestions for this, but with so many, especially the updates, it's hard to do, you know?

Next Chapter: 6. Chapter 6: Realizations of the Past Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 56 Minutes
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