
Toon Amazing Race Ultimate All-Stars

by JusSonic

Chapter 9: 10. Episode 10: Of Japanese and Gorillas

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Previously on Toon Amazing Race
*In an attempt to keep the teams safe, they are required to wear collars so we can track them and help them...
*Though 3 certain teams (Mordecai/Rigby, Kairi/Ariel and Falcon/Samus) aren't taking the matter seriously!
*Anyway, the next 14 teams are heading to Rayman's world for the next part of the race.
*Am I seeing things or are the eliminated teams being the ones causing trouble?
*The Detour is Search the Rooms or Fight the Maniacs, which is interesting to a few teams.
*Am I paranoid? Hell no!
*The Roadblock involves a big huge slide. Wheeee!
*The Pit Stop is at Rayman's homeland where Penny and Sticky came in first. Their prize? Really sucks.
*Kairi/Ariel, Moredecai/Rigby and Falcon/Samus are the last few things eliminated...
*To my shock, Orange Ratchet is the kidnappers...but the real one came in, not having been with me since the dogs were send to the hotel. So who is the other guy???

14 teams are left. Who will be the next team to be eliminated?




DANNY AND JUNE (Dating; Danny Phantom/Life and Times of Juniper Lee; Toon Amazing 1 & 6)
MARIO AND LUIGI (Brothers; Super Mario Bros.; Toon Amazing Race 1 & 7) *ELIMINATED*
KAIRI AND ARIEL (Lesbian Couple; Kingdom Hearts; Toon Amazing Race 2 & 6) *ELIMINATED*
MICKEY AND HIRAM (Father/Son; Classic Disney/The Nutcracker Prince; Toon Amazing Race 4 & 6)
FOXXY AND CLARA (Questionable Friendship; Drawn Together; Toon Amazing Race 4)
JOEL AND MIKE (Best Friends; Mystery Science Theater 3000; Toon Amazing Race 5, 6 & 10)
HEATHER AND GWEN (Rivals; Total Drama series; Toon Amazing Race 5 & 6)
DOOFENSHMIRTZ AND VANESSA (Father and Daughter; Phineas and Ferb; Toon Amazing Race 5) *ELIMINATED*
TIMMY AND TRIXIE (Dating?; The Fairly Oddparents; Toon Amazing Race 5)
FALCON AND SAMUS (Bounty Hunters; F-Zero/Metroid; Toon Amazing Race 7) *ELIMINATED*
SCRATCH AND GROUNDER (Robot Friends; Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog; Toon Amazing Race 8 & 12) *ELIMINATED*
TRENT AND OWEN (Friends; Total Drama series; Toon Amazing Race 8 & 12) *ELIMINATED*
NORBERT AND DAGGETT (Brothers; The Angry Beavers; Toon Amazing Race 9 & 12)
SUSAN AND MARY (Twin Sisters; Johnny Test; Toon Amazing Race 11 & 12)
PENNY AND STICKY (Dating; The Proud Family; Toon Amazing Race 11 & 12)
CHANCE AND SHADOW (Dog Friends; Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey; Toon Amazing Race 11 & 12) *ELIMINATED*
EMBER AND DESIREE (Friends; Danny Phantom; Toon Amazing Race 11) *ELIMINATED*
BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD (Moronic Friends; Beavis and Butthead; Toon Amazing Race 14) *ELIMINATED*
SNOW AND CINDERELLA (Princesses; Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarves/Disney's Cinderella; Toon Amazing Race 15) *ELIMINATED*
TODD AND RILEY (Siblings; The Replacements; Toon Amazing Race 15)
MINNIE AND DAISY (Best Friends; Classic Disney; Toon Amazing Race 15) *ELIMINATED*
MORDECAI AND RIGBY (Best Friends; Regular Show; Toon Amazing Race 16) *ELIMINATED*
KATIE AND SADIE (BFFFLs; Total Drama series; Toon Amazing Race 16)
APPLEJACK AND RAINBOW (Friends; My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic; Toon Amazing Race 16)

18 LEGS...





Leg Ten

(We fade in to another meeting place as the remaining 11 teams are at)

Danny: So what are we doing now?

June: Looks like another meeting.

Penny: (C.S.) After the last few eliminations, we thought Jus stop being paranoid.

Sticky: (C.S.) Dude, something must be up.

(The hosts, including the REAL Orange Ratchet, came in)

JusSonic: Listen up, folks. Because of what's happening, we are upping the rules?

Riley: (annoyed) Again?

Orange Ratchet: Turns out the "me" who was hosting since Chance and Shadow's elimination was an imposter who was kidnapping the teams who got eliminated.

JusSonic: And hypnotizing them into causing trouble.

Mickey: (worried) You mean, that's what happened to Minnie and Daisy???

JusSonic: Yep, so we're doing some rule changes.

Heather: (C.S.) So the hosts are rule changing, again? Make perfect sense. I hate to be dealing with my competition and the bad guys.

Gwen: (C.S.) Me either and I haven't done that since Sierra's brainwashing in TDE.

JusSonic: All teams must have an extra to protect them!

Orange Ratchet: Uh... that was pretty much a rule you and fake me added anyway.

JusSonic: And they can use their powers at will!

Orange Ratchet: You added that rule anyway.

JusSonic: Well... then every time a team is eliminated, they will join a security team, like the good ol' days!

Orange Ratchet: (shrugs) Okay then.

Cujo: (barks)

Twilight: So is the extras still staying?

JusSonic: Correct.

Todd: (C.S.) Man, that sucks. So far, only Riley and I don't got any extras.

Riley: (C.S.) Us, Penny, Sticky and the beavers.

JusSonic: (hands clues to the teams) Here are your clues, teams. Don't open them until we leave.

Orange Ratchet: Right. I assure you, unless the last few legs, there will be new challenges. And by new challenges, we mean NEW challenges... I'm not risking another lawsuit.

JusSonic: (glares at Orange) Yeah, lord KNOWS you've caused trouble with that one last time...

Norbert: (C.S.) Yeah, Orange got into a lot of trouble. Lord knows what is in store for us.

Daggett: (C.S.) Maybe we're dealing with...MONKEYS!!!

Norbert: (C.S./annoyed) That's Bucky, not you.

(The hosts leaves as the teams check their clues out)

Sticky: So Pen? Where are we going this time?

Penny: Looks like we're heading to Tokyo!

JusSonic: (V.O.) Teams are now heading by airplane to Tokyo, Japan... however, there will be a challenge for them as we got the tickets for them so they must search the locker rooms. There are 3 pairs of tickets for the first flight which is 11:00, 3 pairs of tickets for the second flight which is 11:45 and 5 pairs of tickets for the third flight which is 12:15, 11 in all. Their next clues are attached to them. (Pause) See, this is exactly why you should listen to me... I had this planned, but NO, you chose to ignore it and risked an entire lawsuit...

Orange Ratchet: (V.O.) I was young back then!

Penny: I guess we should start searching!

Sticky: (nods as he and Penny started to head for the locker rooms. Everyone else nodded as they started to look around)

Danny: Man, this is the best date we have in years, huh June?

June: (giggles) I wouldn't call this a "date".

Cujo: (barks)

Danny: Yes, Cujo, you too. I'm a bit concerned for the other eliminated teams. What are the enemy going to do with them?

June: Something bad, I bet.

Danny: (C.S.) June and I have done a lot of work during our time as hosting. While villains haven't cause hell until to now, we know of serious trouble.

June: (C.S./nods) Right, especially when it comes to our usual group of psychos.

(Norbert and Daggett searches the locker, with stuff falling onto Daggett)

Daggett: AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Norbert: (glares) Stop messing around, Dag. We got tickets and clues to find.

Daggett: Who kept their stuff in the locker?! I DEMAND IT!!!!

Norbert: (C.S.) It's glad to see Daggett still acting...his dumb self after all this stuff. (Grins) I miss that.

Daggett: (C.S.) On a sad note: Leonard Nimoy just died, folks, so this episode is in tribute to him.

Norbert: (C.S./nods) Yeah, nice.

(Mickey/Hiram and Applejack/Rainbow begins raiding the lockers)

Rainbow: Phew! Smells worse than the locker room at RDTAU!

Applejack: Yep, an' 'dat ain't even real.

Mickey: (arches an eyebrow) You got a fake college?

Rainbow: (shrugs) Doesn't anypony? We got a locker room back in Equestria which we used all the time.

Mickey: (C.S.) The ponies are nice to work with but big competition. They are getting popular than I am!

Hiram: (C.S.) Only on other stations, kid. If we are to work together...well, I can't say anything without jinxing so I will keep my mouth shut.

Applejack: (C.S.) Rainbow an' Ah have made it 'dis far an' amazingly enough 'dem bad guys haven't got us yet!

Rainbow: (C.S.) Yeah, but if they do, they got my wings to deal with! Oh yeah.

(Heather/Gwen and Foxxy/Clara works on more lockers)

Clara: (frowns) How many lockers do we got?!

Gwen: Do you need to know? (Pause) So...Foxxy, Heather?

Both girls: Yeah?

Heather: You both regret losing your series?

Girls: (pause) Nah!

Heather: Orange kept delaying the damn thing...and face it, folks watch it just for the extras, not for the main players.

Foxxy: Yep! Ah done glad we got out of there and to Total Cartoon. In fact, once this race is over, I am going back to just hosting.

Heather: Right. (Pause) Unless the spinoff series delay things.

Heather: (C.S.) Yes, folks, there is a spinoff series. No, I haven't been called to make a cameo appearance...yet.

Gwen: (C.S.) But if they do, chances are, she will make Hell.

Heather: (C.S.) Only for Chris, Goth girl.

Foxxy: (C.S.) With Fictional Chronicles gone, that's one less series for the Foxxy to work with. I got a lot of things to focus on.

Clara: (C.S.) With you and Hank? (Roll eyes) Yes, I see.

(We see Mal in front of the hypnotized players)

Mal: My army, it's time we get payback on the ones who humiliated us before. You know what you got to do?

Hypnotized players: Yes.

Syndrome: Uh, Supreme One or whatever? We haven't been humiliated since the bad guys stop interfering in the fact a long time ago.

Roy Koopa: He's right. Why even bother?

Mal: (frowns) Because it's time we avenge the humiliation and failure! (Shrugs) Besides, it's either this or wait for Fictional Chronicles to be renewed...

Tremaine: (dryly) Oh, and we know how unlikely THAT would be.

Mal: It's time for the time to strike to begin!

(The hypnotized army members laughs wickedly)

Negaduck: (annoyed) Dumb, lame...

Mal: Shut it!

(Meanwhile, back at the locker rooms...)

Katie: (pulls out tickets) Got the tickets for 11!

Applejack: (pulls out tickets) Got the tickets for the 11 AM flight too!

Gwen: (smiles as she pulls out her tickets) And 11 AM flight tickets are a go!

(As Katie and Sadie, Applejack and Rainbow and Heather and Gwen, along with their extras (Noah, the Mane Six and Bucky), ran out, people kept searching, until...)

Penny: (finds tickets) 11:45 AM!

Daggett: (smiles) 11:45 AM, baby!

Mickey: Come on dad! (Pulls out tickets) I got the 11:45 tickets!

(As Penny and Sticky, Norbert and Daggett and Mickey and Hiram (along with Donald and Goofy) ran off, the last five teams were rounding up their tickets. Danny and June (with Cujo), Foxxy and Clara (with Hank), Joel and Mike (with Tom and Crow), Timmy and Trixie (with Cosmo and Wanda) and Todd and Riley managed to find their 12:15 PM tickets.)

Danny: We better get going...

June: (nods) Right.

JusSonic: (V.O.) All teams are now heading on separate flights to Tokyo. The first flight, containing Heather and Gwen, Katie and Sadie and Applejack and Rainbow, will depart at 11 AM and will arrive at 11:50 AM. The second flight, containing Mickey and Hiram, Penny and Sticky, and Norbert and Daggett, will depart at 11:45 AM, and will arrive at 12:35 PM. The final flight, which contains Danny and June, Foxxy and Clara, Joel and Mike, Timmy and Trixie and Todd and Riley, will depart at 12:15, and arrive at 1:05 PM.

(We see the first flight arriving at Tokyo, with the teams getting out)

Heather: Come on, let's go, let's go!

Gwen: I'm going, I'm going!

Hank: Bark bark! (Yelps) Sorry, I got nervous.

Heather: (C.S.) We got ahead of the other teams and with the bad guys now causing trouble again, we got to work twice as hard to survive.

Gwen: (C.S./worried) Especially since Trent is manipulated! I hope he's okay.

Rainbow: All right, hello Tokyo!

Fluttershy: Yay.

(The teams arrive at the parking lot, finding their next clues inside)

Heather: (reads clue) "Digital or Pokémon".

Gwen: Looks like we got something.

JusSonic: (C.S.) Alright, for this next leg, teams must work on either Digital or Pokémon. In Digital, the teams must head to the Cyber Café and works as waiters or waitresses. Their shop is to serve the customers there. One of the customers is an employee working for us who will give the team their next clue.

Orange Ratchet: (C.S.) For Pokémon, they must head to the Pokémon Safari area and get cameras. Their job is to take pictures of Pokémon, the best photos will be decided by the man in charge of the photo shop. When they get 350 points, they team will get their next clue.

Gwen: What do you think?

Heather: To be honest? I'm going for photo opp. Anything better than being a waitress.

Gwen: Good point.

Katie: Ooh! Pokémon, Pokémon!

Sadie: Right! I like am so going to enjoy capturing Pokémon on film.

Noah: Great. Find another way of getting me tired.

Katie: Noah?

Noah: (shrugs) But Ill do it just for you, Kat.

(The ponies check out their next clue)

Rainbow: So idea?

Twilight: I think you two should do the Digital. I don't think our hooves can hold a camera.

Applejack: Eeyup, 'de more we work on 'dis, 'de better.

Applejack: (C.S.) Shame Pinks ain't here. She would've enjoyed 'de Digital part.

Rainbow: (C.S.) Tell me about it, but with the bad guys putting her and Spike in their thrall...it's going to be Tartarus.

(On the last flight, the teams are on, waiting)

Joel: (frowns) Oh yeah, I remember this leg. I lost my mind.

Mike: Well, relax. I'm sure you will do fine this time.

Joel: So you say.

Joel: (C.S.) My insanity is one of the reasons I almost got eliminated in season 10. I just hope I can keep myself together this time.

Mike: (C.S.) As long as the challenges are different this time, you should do fine.

(Meanwhile, as the other flight arrived, Penny and Sticky, Mickey and Hiram and Norbert and Daggett got their clue.)

Penny: Okay, let's just do Pokémon.

Mickey: Pokémon for us.

Norbert: We may as well go digital.

Daggett: Right!

(Meanwhile, over at the Pokémon area, Heather and Gwen and Katie and Sadie finished up their detour.)

Katie: (gets clue) Thank goodness. (Opens clue) Drive yourselves to Konoha Village and locate the Ninja Garden to receive your next clue.

JusSonic: (V.O.) Teams must now drive to Konoha Village, 23 miles from both Detour points. Inside of this friendly village is the Ninja Garden. Teams will find their next clue on the outlook deck.

Sadie: (pause) Well, at least that one is still the same.

Heather: Challenge is probably different though. Come on!

(As Heather and Gwen and Katie and Sadie left, Mickey and Hiram and Penny and Sticky arrived to do Pokémon.)

(Over at the Digital Detour, Applejack and Rainbow just got done serving their third customer as the employee gives Applejack and Rainbow their next clue.)

Applejack: (opens clue) Konoha, huh? Naruto, then?

Rainbow: Seems that way. Come on, fellas!

(As Applejack and Rainbow arrive, Norbert and Daggett came in to do their Detour.)

(Meanwhile, the last five teams arrive...)

Danny: Let's do Pokémon.

Todd: Pokémon sounds great!

Timmy: Trixie, want to do Digital?

Trixie: That'll work.

Clara: I think we should try Digital.

Joel: Let's do Digital as well...

Mike: Yeah, come on!

(With that, they split up to do the Detours.)

(Meanwhile, Katie and Sadie and Heather and Gwen (with Noah and Bucky trailing) came in as Heather grabbed the next clue)

Heather: (gets clue) Roadblock.

Gwen: (reads clue) "Who has the sight to see through blinding sand"?

Orange Ratchet: (V.O.) In this Roadblock, a player must go through a sandstorm, made by Gaara who is helping us with this leg. They must move around, blindly and reach the end without hurting themselves. Upon arriving at a well, they must bring a bucket into various wells and look for their clue. The sand will lift up once he or she are done.

Gwen: I think this one shall be mine.

Heather: Yeah, go ahead.

Sadie: Come on, Katie. You promised that if we find a Roadblock, I get a shot., I haven't done any Roadblocks yet, please?

Katie: Sure, go ahead, Sadie. Careful.

(Cut to the hosts at the security room)

Orange Ratchet: Come on, Jus...

JusSonic: I am sticking to my opinion of him and that's final.

Orange Ratchet: He killed zebras, beat up Megan, petrafried ponies, and almost killed Blaineley! What more proof do you need that everyone now hates him?!

JusSonic: (pause) Okay, good point. Still, the Royal Sisters must have some memories of him when he wasn't like that.

Orange Ratchet: And that, they shall remain to have. Better check on the game.

(In the blinding sand, we see the villains and hypnotized teams ready to strike)

Gizmo: Ugh! It's hard to see out here!

Mammoth: I know! Should we even be out in this damn sand?!

Scarlett: Until we're done.

(Meanwhile, back at the Pokémon Detour, Mickey and Hiram, Penny and Sticky, Danny and June, and Todd and Riley managed to get their clues.)

Mickey: (opens clue) Konoha Village, hm? Well... I guess this'll be simple.

Danny: Come on, we better get going!

(Meanwhile, over at the Roadblock, as Applejack and Rainbow arrived...)

Applejack: Doing this one...

Katie: (realizes) Wait a minute! SADIE DID A FREAKING ROADBLOCK BACK IN KANTO!

(Cuts back to JusSonic, who just paused)

JusSonic: Wait, did she? (Looks over past chapters) Oh, guess she did. Whoops.

Orange Ratchet: (groans) Idiot...

JusSonic: (kicks Orange)

Orange: Ouch!

(Meanwhile, over at the Digital Detour, Norbert and Daggett, Timmy and Trixie, Foxxy and Clara, and Joel and Mike managed to complete their task.)

Norbert: (opens clue) Konoha Village...

Daggett: Hmmm...sounds tough...

Trixie: Come on, Timmy!

Timmy: (nods.)

(Meanwhile, over at the Roadblock, as Danny and June, Penny and Sticky, Todd and Riley, and Mickey and Hiram got their clue...)

Danny: I'll do this Roadblock...

Sticky: Let me handle this one, Penny...

Todd: I'll traverse the desert!

Mickey: I'll handle this!

(The four started to enter the sandy wind. Meanwhile, Sadie manages to find the wells as she selected one...)

Sadie: Okay, what the clue said didn't really make sense. Bring a bucket to a well? Did it mean select a well with a bucket in it? I don't get what it's telling me... well, may as well guess... (Picks one well as she pulls it up and gets a clue) Okay, got it.

(Sadie then leaves with the clue, all in the while, Gwen had just arrived as she selected a well and started pulling a bucket up.)

Gwen: Empty. (Gwen starts on another well, gets bucket up, has clue inside) Second time's the charm. (Takes clue and goes off)

(Meanwhile, with the Detour, as Norbert and Daggett, Timmy and Trixie, Foxxy and Clara, and Joel and Mike managed to get towards their clues...)

Daggett: I'll do this one, Norby!

Timmy: Okay, doing this one...

Foxxy: I'll handle this...

Joel: Let me try this one...

(As Daggett, Timmy, Foxxy and Joel entered the sandstorm, Sadie came out with clue in hand as Katie reunited with her.)

Katie: Yay!

Sadie: (nods as she opens clue) Time for the next Pit Stop...

JusSonic: (V.O.) Teams must now make their way out of town three miles to Grand Tokyo Hotel. This old building was home to the general of the WWII army, but he fell in the heat of the battle. It is in this historic mansion that the pit stop waits. The last team to check in here…may be eliminated.

Katie: We better get going!

(As Katie and Sadie (with Noah) left, Gwen came out of the sand a few seconds later as Heather came over.)

Gwen: (opens clue) No time to waste, let's just go to the Pit Stop.

Heather: (nods) Right. Come on, Bucky!

Bucky: Okay!

(Heather, Gwen and Bucky then left. Meanwhile, over at the wells, Applejack, Danny, Sticky, Todd and Mickey arrived as they were doing their best to find the right well. Applejack and Mickey found their clue within seconds as they started to depart. As they left, Daggett, Timmy, Foxxy and Joel arrived as they went to work to find the right well... Over at the Pit Stop, JusSonic, Orange Ratchet (the REAL one this time) and Kisshu were waiting at the nearby Pit Stop. Pretty soon, one of the first teams arrived.)

Kisshu: Welcome to Tokyo, Japan!

Katie: Thanks!

JusSonic: Katie and Sadie, you are team number one!


(Katie and Sadie squealed as Noah groans)

Noah: You do realize I have to live with this all day now?

JusSonic: Some good news for you. As the winners of this leg of the race, you have won a trip for two from Travelocity to Austrailia!

(The girls squealed some more as Noah sighed.)

(A few moments later, Heather and Gwen came into the mat with Bucky coming from behind.)

Orange Ratchet: Heather and Gwen, you are team number two!


Heather: (smiles) Great!

Gwen: We'll take it! Thanks a lot!

(Back at the Detour, Applejack reunited with Rainbow Dash, along with Mickey and Hiram as they read their clues.)

Applejack: Okay, let's go!

Rainbow: Right!

Mickey: We need to get going!

(As the two teams left, the others waited as the sandstorm kept going. Pretty soon, they saw a couple more teams coming out. Daggett, Sticky and Danny got out of the storm as they reunited with their partners.)

Daggett: Go straight...

Sticky: ...to the...

Danny: ...next Pit Stop!

June: We better get going!

(With that, Norbert and Daggett, Penny and Sticky and Danny and June ran off.)

(Meanwhile, over at the Pit Stop, a team was checking in.)

JusSonic: Applejack and Rainbow Dash, you are team number three!


Rainbow Dash: Awesome!

(A few moments later, Mickey and Hiram showed up.)

Orange Ratchet: Mickey and Hiram, you are team number four!


Mickey: (nods) Okay! We're good from here on in!

(Back at the Roadblock, the rest of the teams reunited with their partners as they read their clues.)

Foxxy: Come on!

Todd: We're lagging behind as it is!

(Everyone nodded as they ran off. Of course, by that time, the sandstorm was lifted off as some of the villains glared at Scarlett, who chuckled nervously)

Scarlett: Uh, guess we took too long...

Gizmo: (groans.)

(Meanwhile, back at the Pit Stop, a few more teams arrived.)

JusSonic: Norbert and Daggett, Penny and Sticky and Danny and June, you are teams number five, six and seven respectively.




Danny: (nods) We'll take it...

(A few moments later, a couple more teams arrived.)

Orange Ratchet: Timmy and Trixie, Todd and Riley, you are teams number eight and nine respectively.



Todd: (sighs) That's good...

Riley: We can totally take this...

(Foxxy and Clara arrived a couple moments later...)

JusSonic: Foxxy and Clara... you are team number ten... and you are still in the race.


Foxxy: Ah, yeah!

Clara: This is great! We'll take it.

(Sad music started to play as Joel, Mike and the bots were walking in...)

Crow: Aw, crap...

JusSonic: Joel and Mike, I'm sorry to say that you are the last time to arrive.

Mike: Well, this is disappointing...

Orange: Let us finish. However, this is the ONLY non-elimination round for this game, so you guys won't get eliminated this leg!


Crow: Not eliminated? Cool!

Joel: (smiles) Looks like we have another chance!

Mike: So, are we doing a Speed Bump, or are you taking away our money or something?

JusSonic: (shakes head) No, no, nothing fancy... we're going to treat this like the first Amazing Race, nothing gets taken away from you, and you're not doing an extra challenge. Fair enough?

Mike: (nods) Fair enough.

Joel: (C.S.) It's good we're able to get another chance... hopefully this means we won't blow it!

Mike: (C.S.) Agreed. Who knows what is coming up?



Current Standings So Far...

1st- Katie and Sadie (3:22 PM)

2nd- Heather and Gwen (3:26 PM)

3rd- Applejack and Rainbow (3:30 PM)

4th- Mickey and Hiram (3:33 PM)

5th- Norbert and Daggett (3:38 PM)

6th- Penny and Sticky (3:39 PM)

7th- Danny and June (3:40 PM)

8th- Timmy and Trixie (3:45 PM)

9th- Todd and Riley (3:46 PM)

10th- Foxxy and Clara (3:48 PM)

11th- Joel and Mike (3:51 PM)

12th- Kairi and Ariel (ELIMINATED)

13th- Mordecai and Rigby (ELIMINATED)

14th- Falcon and Samus (ELIMINATED)

15th- Ember and Desiree (ELIMINATED)

16th- Susan and Mary (ELIMINATED)

17th- Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa (ELIMINATED)

18th- Scratch and Grounder (ELIMINATED)

19th- Trent and Owen (ELIMINATED)

20th- Mario and Luigi (ELIMINATED)

21st- Beavis and Butthead (ELIMINATED)

22nd- Minnie and Daisy (ELIMINATED)

23rd- Snow White and Cinderella (ELIMINATED)

24th- Chance and Shadow (ELIMINATED)


Leg Eleven

(We now fade in the front of the Grand Tokyo Hotel as the hosts appear)

JusSonic: Welcome to the Grand Tokyo Hotel, which was the tenth Pit Stop in Toon Amazing Race.

Orange Ratchet: Folks, last time, Mike and Joel came in last but as it isn't an elimination leg, they are still in. But those two are still behind, which means they will need all the legs that they can get to stay in this race.

JusSonic: Meanwhile, with the villains still activate, the next island may be problem.

Orange Ratchet: Right, but our teams could handle it.

JusSonic: So you say. Can anyone of the teams make it one piece?

Orange Ratchet: Katie and Sadie has checked in at 3:22 PM and will depart at 3:22 AM.

(We see the team outside the hotel at 3:22 AM, getting their next clue.)

Katie: Oh wow, first place. I am soooooo excited.

Noah: Yeah, as you kept mentioning a hundred times already. (Grins) Not that I'm complaining.

Sadie: So where are we going next?

Katie: (reads clue) "Take the boat ride to Skull Island." (Gasps) King Kong!

Sadie: Eeeeeeek!

JusSonic: (V.O.) Teams must now head to the docks of Tokyo and ready until morning for the boat ride...or they can stay at the hotel and leave by that time, unless they don't want an early start. Either way, the boat to Skull Island won't leave until morning.

Orange Ratchet: (V.O.) Once all teams got to Skull Island, they must find this native, (shows a pic of a native) who will give the team their next clue.

Katie: Well, what do you think?

Sadie: Brrr, too cold out. I say we wait here.

Katie: Good idea.

Noah: Yeah, waiting near the docks for a boat? Not a good idea.

Katie: (C.S.) I can't believe we're going to meet King Kong. This must be one of the exciting times to happen to us.

Sadie: (C.S./grins) I know! Being in this race has been so much fun so far.

Katie: (C.S.) Yeah!


Heather: (opens clue) So, we're doing Skull Island?

Gwen: Seems to be this way...

Bucky: Another catch-up for teams?

Heather: (sighs) Afraid so. Guess we're just going to wait.

Heather: (C.S.) I guess it's all right now, we're way ahead of this now.

Gwen: (C.S.) All we got to do is win this race and we are good as gold!


Applejack: (opens clue) Guess we're heading for Skull Island!

Rainbow: (nods) Well, we better get going!


Mickey: (opens clue) Guess we're waiting a while...

Hiram: (nods) Well, nothing that can't be done...




Danny: (opens clue, reads it) Okay, first boat leaves in the morning...



Todd: (opens clue) Time for us to go!

Riley: (nods) Right!


Foxxy: Well, we may as well wait for the boats...

Clara: All right...


Joel: Okay... last chance, we better not screw up.

Mike: (nods as he opens clue) Okay, we better get going soon...

(8:00 AM)

(Every team was now departing in a boat, long story short)

JusSonic: (V.O.) All teams are now on the same boat and will be arriving at Skull Island at the same time.

(Pretty soon, the boat arrived as everybody entered into the world of Skull Island. Pretty soon, everybody had gotten their clues.

(TODD AND RILEY- 1st at Roadblock)

(KATIE AND SADIE- 2nd at Roadblock)

(HEATHER AND GWEN- 3rd at Roadblock)

(JOEL AND MIKE- 4th at Roadblock)

(DANNY AND JUNE- 5th at Roadblock)

(TIMMY AND TRIXIE- 6th at Roadblock)

(PENNY AND STICKY- 7th at Roadblock)

(FOXXY AND CLARA- 8th at Roadblock)

(APPLEJACK AND RAINBOW- 9th at Roadblock)

(MICKEY AND HIRAM- 10th at Roadblock)

(NORBERT AND DAGGETT- Last at Roadblock)

Penny: So, this is a Roadblock.

JusSonic: (V.O.) In this Roadblock, teams will have to do something that the world of King Kong is known for... interpretive dance. One person must select a native and memorize this dance... in order to get their next clue.

Riley: I think I can handle this one...

Sadie: I'll do this one.

Heather: I think I'm good enough to handle this...

Mike: I think I can give this one a shot...

Crow: (groans) This is going to suck...

June: I'll do it.

Trixie: I can handle this one...

Penny: (smiles) This one is for me!

Clara: I'm doing this Roadblock!

Rainbow: (pause) This is going to be a problem... none of us know dancing...

Applejack: You just do this one, sugarcube.

Rainbow: (sighs) Fine...

Hiram: I shall do this task with ease!

Norbert: The interpretive dance? (Smiles) I am so there!

(Pretty soon, Riley, Sadie, Heather, Mike, June, Trixie, Penny, Clara, Rainbow, Hiram and Norbert had selected their respective dancers as they were looking at how the dance worked.)

Riley: Wow, we have to practice that?

Heather: Seems to be that way...

Penny: Let's get to work...

(Pretty soon, everybody was getting the hang of the dance as they were either doing okay, or doing mediocre.)

Gwen: Well... Bucky... now that FC is no more...

Bucky: Don't remind me...

Gwen: What's going to happen NOW?

Bucky: Isn't it obvious? Total Drama-Verse is probably going to be the new focus... that, and one of Orange's other fics, but who's even looking at his fanfiction account?

Gwen: What does this mean for... your other fic, Total Cartoon?

Bucky: Yeah, I don't know if I'm still hosting it... it could be somebody else, who really knows?

Gwen: (sighs) JusSonic won't like it if you told him you want to pull out...

Bucky: Hey, if JusSonic can change hosts in his Joe Schmo fics, I'm SURE he can make some changes in hosting for Total Cartoon... I'm sure Wolf, Twitchy and Red won't mind if they took over the entire show in our absence, with somebody else...

Gwen: Who?

Bucky: That has yet to be seen...

Todd: (C.S.) Well, I know how good this is going to get...

Katie: (C.S.) I'm honestly nervous for Sadie right now...

Timmy: (C.S.) We sure came this far... hopefully, we can keep this up...

(Pretty soon, we see one of the Roadblockers coming up to do the dance. Riley smiled as she did the interpretive dance flawlessly.)

Todd: (cheers) You are awesome, Riley!

Riley: (takes clue) You said it! (Opens clue) Time to go to the next Pit Stop already?

Todd: Must not be a lot of challenges for Skull Island...

JusSonic: (V.O.) Teams must now head due west to King Kong's fortress, which is the eleventh Pit Stop for this leg of the race. The last team to check in here... WILL be eliminated.

Riley: Well we got ourselves a great lead! Let's not waste it!

Todd: (nods) Okay!

(As Todd and Riley left, Sadie decided to do the dance on her own as she sighed in relief.)

Sadie: Was that okay?

(Native hands her the clue)

Sadie: Thank goodness!

Katie: (squeals in delight as she hugs Sadie) Great job!

Sadie: (opens clue) Looks like we're going to the Pit Stop!

Katie: Come on!

(As Katie and Sadie left, Mike decided to step up as he started to do his interpretive dance... but he got all the wrong moves. The native shook his head)

Mike: Damn... back to practice!

(Mike went back over as Hiram and Trixie decided to give it a shot. They did it pretty good as they got their clues.)

Timmy: (cheers) Go, Trixie!

Mickey: Come on, Dad!

(Mickey and Hiram and Timmy and Trixie ran off as Rainbow got up, honestly nervous. She did the dance as best as she could, shutting her eyes, hoping she got it right...)

Rainbow: Come on, come on...

Native: (gives Rainbow the clue as she opens her eyes)

Rainbow: YES!

Twilight: We better get going, Rainbow!

(The Mane Six, along with Applejack and Rainbow, departed. Over at the Pit Stop, JusSonic, Orange Ratchet and King Kong were waiting. Pretty soon, a team stepped on the mat.)

King Kong: (waves.)

Todd: (waves back)

JusSonic: Todd and Riley... you are team number one!


Riley: (cheers) This is awesome!

Todd: This is totally cool!

JusSonic: And some more good news. As the winners of this leg of the race, you have won a trip for two from Travelocity to go to Spain!

Riley: (smiles) We'll take it!

(A few moments later, Katie and Sadie (w/Noah) arrived.)

Orange Ratchet: Katie and Sadie, you are team number two.


Katie: (sighs) Well, that's a good thing.

(Back at the interpretive dance, Mike tried again... only to fail.)

Mike: Come on! (Goes back to practice as Penny and Norbert came on and did their dance.)

Penny: Did we do it?

Norbert: Please say we did...

Native: (hands both characters the clue)

Norbert: Yes! Thank you!

Sticky: Come on, Penny! No time to waste!

Penny: (nods) Right!

(As Penny and Sticky and Norbert and Daggett started to run off, Mike tried again... only to get a zero.)

Mike: Come on!

(Over at the Pit Stop... we see another team coming in.)

JusSonic: Timmy and Trixie, you are team number three!


Timmy: (smiles) That's good...

Trixie: We'll take it!

(A few moments later, Mickey and Hiram (w/Donald and Goofy) arrived.)

Orange Ratchet: Mickey and Hiram, you are team number four!


Mickey: (sighs) I guess we'll take it...

Hiram: Yeah, it's not so bad...

(A few moments later, as the hosts were waiting, Applejack and Rainbow (w/ Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity) came in.)

JusSonic: Applejack and Rainbow Dash... you are team number five!


Rainbow: (sighs) We'll take it...

(A few moments later, another team arrived, just as another team was trailing, coming in.)

JusSonic: Okay... Penny and Sticky, you are team number six!


Orange Ratchet: Norbert and Daggett... you are team number seven!


Norbert: Not the best place we had, but we'll take it.

Daggett: Yeah, it's not so bad!

(JusSonic and Orange Ratchet patiently waited as a couple more teams arrived...)

Foxxy: (sighs) How did we do?

Danny: Give it to us straight?

Heather: Did we make it?

JusSonic: Danny and June... you are team number eight.


Orange Ratchet: Heather and Gwen, you are team number nine.


Gwen: Good...

JusSonic: Foxxy and Clara, you are team number ten... and you girls are still in the race.


Foxxy: This is great!

(Sad music started to play as Joel and Mike, along with Tom and Crow, arrive. Tom and Crow were glaring at a guilty Mike.)

Crow: Good one, Mike.

Tom: Yeah, how did you manage to screw up interpretive dance A MILLION TIMES?!

Mike: Sorry...

Joel: Give it to us straight guys...

JusSonic: Joel and Mike... you are the last team to arrive... and I'm sorry to tell you that this is for real this time, and you have been eliminated from the race.


Joel: (nods) Well, at least we had a great time...

Mike: Yeah...

Tom: And at least we got to go on some great adventures...

Crow: Yeah, so I guess you can say that was fun...

Joel: (C.S.) Despite all the hard times that me and Mike had went through, I say that in the end, I believe that this was for the better...

Mike: (C.S.) Yeah... it's a shame we had to be eliminated this soon... but on the bright side, it does give us some hope...

Tom: (turns to hosts) Hey, why was this leg so short?

Orange Ratchet: A little easier for us this way... PLUS... it messes up the villains' plans... if we knew who they were...

(Cut to the villains)


(Cut back to the hosts)

JusSonic: (shrugs) A little unorthodox for us, but in a way, it works... we'll probably get a longer leg soon enough... plus, there's not a whole lot to do on Skull Island.

Crow: (pause) Good point... security time?

Joel: (nods) Security time.




*It's time to go to the world of Pirates of the Caribbean for this next leg!
*What does the Fast Forward contain?
*What NEW challenges await these characters? (By new, we mean REALLY new!)
*With Katie and Sadie and Penny and Sticky trying out for the Fast Forward... which one will top?



1st- Todd and Riley (9:03 AM)

2nd- Katie and Sadie (9:07 AM)

3rd- Timmy and Trixie (9:11 AM)

4th- Mickey and Hiram (9:14 AM)

5th- Applejack and Rainbow (9:18 AM)

6th- Penny and Sticky (9:23 AM)

7th- Norbert and Daggett (9:24 AM)

8th- Danny and June (9:30 AM)

9th- Heather and Gwen (9:31 AM)

10th- Foxxy and Clara (9:32 AM)

11th- Joel and Mike (ELIMINATED)

12th- Kairi and Ariel (ELIMINATED)

13th- Mordecai and Rigby (ELIMINATED)

14th- Falcon and Samus (ELIMINATED)

15th- Ember and Desiree (ELIMINATED)

16th- Susan and Mary (ELIMINATED)

17th- Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa (ELIMINATED)

18th- Scratch and Grounder (ELIMINATED)

19th- Trent and Owen (ELIMINATED)

20th- Mario and Luigi (ELIMINATED)

21st- Beavis and Butthead (ELIMINATED)

22nd- Minnie and Daisy (ELIMINATED)

23rd- Snow White and Cinderella (ELIMINATED)

24th- Chance and Shadow (ELIMINATED)

Next Chapter: 11. Episode 11: Fast Forward Treasure Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 11 Minutes
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