
MLP: Metal Grip on Life

by JusSonic

Chapter 2: 2. Chapter 02: Meet Z-Strap, the Metal Rogue!

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Chapter 02: Meet Z-Strap, the Metal Rogue!

At the moment, we open to the inside of Town Hall, where Ronson was getting himself ready to come down the stairs to exit the building. There he saw three different characters awaiting below for him; Golden Heart, Pinkamena, and Omega. They have heard about the arrangements from Twilight’s group and decided to come meet, greet, and offer some service…especially since they’ll be much security work if something was to interrupt the whole speech to help ponies out during these tough times. The out of town mayor saw them, smiled while giving a friendly hoof wave to them while not minding the pink pony’s creepy look and a giant armed robot.

“Mayor Ronson, we want to inform you about the security measurements to make sure your safe during your visit.” Golden Heart was explaining a bit until he was cut off by Ronson’s friendly greet.

“Ah, you must be the famous Golden Heart, my, you’ve certainly have lived up to your reputation.” Ronson spoke off to say in coming to meet and greet such a well-respected pony.

“Um, thanks…sir.” Golden Heart slowly responded in never knowing how friendly this guy was, even if he thought it was for politics, maybe he’s wrong.

“And this must be the one who looks very much like Pinkie Pie, Pinkamena, I’ve heard you’re very sharp.” Ronson spoke off stating how he has also heard about this unique pony.

“Yep, you know it!” Pinkamena nods off to say about the matter. “By the way, are you not surprised by my looks? I know I look like Pinkie Pie, but the face….is a little creepy.” She can’t figure out why some mayor from elsewhere knows about her when she’s so secretive, or perhaps word spread far, but did it even state about her looks.

“What’s there to be ashamed about? I say, you are who you are.” Ronson happily said this of not being discouraged over such matters as what looks beautiful and ugly. “And is this the marvel of your creativity?” Ronson asked off in looking at Omega in seeing quite an interesting develop of such craftsmanship.

“I am Omega. If there are any enemies that come, I shall display my arsenal and firepower to stop them.” Omega introduced himself while stating his basic function for the event.

“Well then, I’m in some quality hands, or hooves here.” Ronson responded in feeling glad to be seeing such wonderful beings to help out. “Twilight has said you be helping in the security measures, I do hope you can keep the citizens safe. After all, their lives are just as important as mine.” He spoke in being very thoughtful of the ponies first before his own.

“Don’t worry, we have it covered.” Goldie spoke to assure the Manehattan Mayor to know that they have it under control.

“Well I must get ready; Mayor Mare will be doing the opening speech of my intro. Good luck to you.” Ronson spoke off to say before he has to get himself ready for his giving speech.

Soon Ronson was heading out the door after having a nice time chatting with this other group sticking around for the Mayor of Manehattan’s speech to the Ponyville citizens.

“He seems like a very positive character.” Omega stated about how Ronson behaves, it’s very becoming.

“I know, I can’t imagine there being someone that wants him gone.” Pinkamena spoke off in feeling a bit puzzled and confused over this whole thing for some weird reason. “But something tells me that we will be getting a fight in the end. Cause for some weirdest of feeling, when I’m near him, I almost am reminded about the Changeling Queen, weird isn’t it?” She can’t tell why Ronson brings up a memory of the Changeling Queen, it’s sounding very weird indeed.

“Hugh, knowing your senses sis, they aren’t off. For now, let’s help watch over things.” Goldie spoke off to say this in thinking that they best just keep their guard up.

“Right, we’ll learn the truth of the mystery yet!” Pinkamena nods to agree to that plan, they’ll uncover things eventually.

With that made, did Goldie’s group decided to head on out themselves to get ready. If something was gonna go down now or later, they have to be ready for it when it comes.


The scene opens up to Town Hall where many of the pony civilians gathered around. It was finally that time where they get to hear some speech be given out by a new mayor from Manehattan that was visiting them and their very own close princess Twilight. The security was shown of a few Steel Golems that were patrolling the outskirts and around the center of town, the folks were given advance about them as they were like police officers, but different. The Mane Six gang along with Ben, Nyx, Spike, Phobos, Shining & Iron Brave sat in special honor seats near where Mayor Mare & Mayor Ronson sat by before Ponyville’s mayor came up to a mike to speak.

“Attention every pony, we have an announcement to make.” Mayor Mare spoke in getting the attention of the citizens. “After such moments of where we have faced against such terrible problems of unexpected events and attacks from dangerous foes, we have some pony here to help us.” As she spoke, she was helping to calm the minds and worries of the town folk ponies over what they have been through. “He’s a good and honest stallion who has helped keep his city safe from dangerous crimes and has kept the peace, and now extends a hoof to Princess Twilight from our own struggles. Give a hoof welcome to the Mayor of Manehattan, Mayor Ronson.” She declared off the self-introduction work for her point and request Mayor Ronson of Manehattan to take the stand now.

Soon many of the ponies were cheering and stomping their hooves on the ground in response. Now Ronson take the mike while Mayor Mare stands back a bit before taking a seat.

“My fellow ponies, thank you for the greeting moment,” Ronson smiled proudly to look at the crowd before him he is addressing. “Now I stay here as not as your own mayor or ruler, but as a fellow contender with a vision. A vision to help fellow ponies like us, feel safe from all dangers that surround us.” He was speaking with such woes to help inspire those here to see him as one of their every average day pony and how he wants to help out from the dangers that lurk around.

As Ronson was speaking, Pinkamena was doing her patrolling mission from leaving the crowds to assist them.

“Bravo 1 calling Bravo 2 & 3. What’s the readout, over.” Pinkamena spoke in a walky-talky in issuing this response calling.

“All clear, mistress.” Omega’s voice was heard from another end of the comm-link.

“Same with mine, but what’s with the Bravo nickname?” Goldie’s voice replied off to say while questioning this method.

“Eh, some commando stuff for these type of missions. For now, keep eyes pill for anything suspicious. Over,” Pinkamena shrug off to say it like that before ending the chat.

With that, Pinkamena was going back to helping to keep security tight. While unaware that some shady figure in a cloak was watching from the shadows as he slips away. Course while this happens, the speech was still going on without a hitch.

“Now when I heard about the newest princess, Twilight Sparkle, how thanks to her valiant effort along with some helpful friends help stop the evil actions of Tirek from stealing our magic that makes us who we are.” Ronson proudly spoke to point his hoof to those sitting nearby, as they either gave out sheepishly, proudest, stylist, etc. or tiny hello waves from being commented. “Now we need to prepare yourselves; I know some of you are scared, terrified, feeling helpless of what will happen. And you wonder is Ponyville safe? I’m here to help make sure it stays safe, even against the Three Lords of Equestria.” Ronson was stating how he can tell that the citizens are scared now, but if they all work together, even the Three Lords, the scariest and most powerful beings in Equestria won’t keep them in fear.

At the moment, one of the Steel Golems was patrolling a spot before it turn around to peak in an ally.

“Stabfrushvmm…” Then a metal blade jabs into that golem before slicing it in half. Then the mysterious blades hid back into the shadow while the user moves undetected.

“There have been tough times, I’m sure. Princess Twilight, care to tell us what has happened to this lovely town?” Ronson stated how there are tough times to tend to and he stands aside to let Ponyville’s neighborly princess take this stand to give a few words of inspiration.

Twilight approached the mike to prepare to give out a little speech herself.

“Well, at first, there were different villains that when I first came here I never expected what we would go up against.” Twilight spoke off to say in recalling those that she and her friends have face.

While Twilight continued, two more Steel Golems were attacked and fell while they were outside view of anyone seeing or noticing the communication. Something is vastly approaching that the Steel Golems can’t keep up.

“Truer villains like the Changeling Queen, Boris, Tirek, the Eight Demon Lords were terrible foes.” Twilight stated with a serious face in bringing up memories of such wicked villains. “Others that could be turn to good, like Nightmare Moon, Discord, & the Three Tribe Rulers were but innocent victims.” She spoke in stating how there were others that may have been bad or evil, but in the end, they became good.

As the princess spoke, Omega was near a sight where he found a few Steel Golems that were busted and broken to be nonfunctioning. He was giving a report of what he found to his comrades.

“Now we face hard enemies like the Apocalypse Ponies, the Dark Mystics, and even the worse of the bunch, Grimmore.” Twilight spoke forth in stating that the group face far greater threats out of anything they are up against now. “We truly wanna end the madness, as soon as possible, but it’s a slow progress.” She spoke to look down in feeling that they are still so far away from helping to stop the worse villains from being active.

“And you have no reason to doubt yourself, why….the test is so BIG, it’s not so simple to do.” Ronson took over to speak happily about Twilight’s group and their valiant efforts. “Why, there have been few heroes up to the challenge. Such like…Tough Apple & Big Macintosh of the Apple Family…” As he stated such factors, many of the crowds were clapping or stomping hooves to cheer for those two names. “Others that aren’t here like Johnny Brock, Crashfire, Kilik, Azuma…” He mentioned off these other hero names that many know very well who they are. “And another hero that has helped you since the Brotherhood, Golden Heart!” He spoke off to point at a nearby hero that was also with them to help out.

Golden stopped when the spot light was on him as he sheepishly gave out some waves. Then he heard some weird nosies from above a building and narrow his eyes to it.

“What have we here? Hmmm….better check it out before reporting it in.” Goldie responded in having some suspicion of what he saw and decides to take to the skies.

“You and your friends have been helping out and many new heroes are either popping out or joining the cause.” Ronson spoke off in stating this fair amount of honesty over how the situation stands. “As such, there have been no major casualties and many are alive today. Which is why I wanna request an alliance with you, to help make sure….Ponyville becomes the happiest, safest place in Equestria!” He stated off the good and wishes to help bring more contribution to help make sure, Ponyville is a safe haven from all dangerous evil.

The crowds were cheering so loud in loving this news, they were not getting enough of it.

But during the loudest, something was making lots of racket above before the noise cease. It was the mysterious cloak figure from before by the train station as he finished dealing with the last Steel Golems. Now he comes over to stare down from a good view of where Ronson was giving his speech while not seeing the threat ready to pounce.

“A little different from joining a crowd, don’t you think?” Golden Heart’s voice spoke out from flying nearby to see what was going on here as he found someone who was sticking with the crowd.

“Hugh?” The mysterious cloak guy turns to see Goldie, but then…. “Guuuagh,” Then without a sudden warning, something glowed over him and made him smack against a wall nearby as Goldie’s magic was working wonders to pin this suspicious foe.

“So you’re the threat that’s after the mayor of Manehattan.” Golden Heart sternly address who this guy was from having a good guess from the waste of Steel Golems on the ground, those things aren’t easy for average ponies to beat. “What’s your deal with him?” He was trying to interrogate this guy to solve what was the deal in getting Ronson.

“That ain’t none of your business!” The mysterious cloak guy spoke off with a slang tone.

“I think I might make it my business when I have you brought in for questioning.” Goldie narrows his eyebrows in what will happen if this guy doesn’t explain himself.

“Try it if you can, but didn’t Ronson mention it?” The cloak guy spoke off this issue that he ain’t scared and also mentioned something here.

“Mention what?” Goldie raised an eyebrow in what this guy was trying to say now.

“That I’m a Metal Rogue and you’re about to see how I got that name,” The guy head his head under a hood, but he slowly push against the magic pinning him to raise his right sleeve.

“Frusvhhmmm….” Then without warning and in a crazy sounding sense, a metal pillar was shot out of this guy’s sleeve heading for Goldie’s spot at an extending rate. “Waaaahhhh,” Golden Heart yelps out loud from not having enough time to react to this before….things go blank.

Meanwhile below what was happening, Ronson was giving his speech to help encourage the ponies ever more.

“So I say that with this, we can protect all life.” Ronson spoke off diligently over the manner of what they can do to help another. “Ponies, woodland creatures, sea creatures of our oceans, and creatures in the skies…” He was making this very much statement sound very well inform until…

“DUCK!” Pinkie Pie pops up near Ronson to issue this with a yelping expression, much to her friends' puzzlement.

“Yes, even from the birds in the skies, ducks must also be…” Ronson nods in thinking the silly pink pony was trying to bring that up, but….

“NO! DUUUUCK,” Pinkie Pie shook her head while pointing up that they really should…duck and cover!

That last shout by the pink pony made many now look up to see a falling Golden Heart plummeting down. And soon the guy crashed by the mike stand, causing a few folks to get all wondered of what was going on.

“Golden Heart,” Nyx shouted out in seeing their friend before coming arounds to check him out.

“What happened to you?” Ben asked off in what did that to the tough Alicorn.

“Ugh…sorry, I let my guard down. But I…didn’t expect him to pull such strange move.” Goldie stood up to rub his aching head, feeling like he got hit hard but something made a metal, which in truth, wasn’t a lie.

“Strange move,” Twilight asked off puzzled, what did her friend mean?

“Look, over there!” Rainbow Dash pointed out in seeing something that made her friends follow their gaze at what was earning their attention now.

Soon something was leaping out from atop of the building to land on the ground with a heavy ‘pound’ effect. And soon the cloak figure was rushing ahead while the crowds began to panic.

“Quickly, all of you must flee from the dangers.” Ronson spoke to instruct the civilians to get out of harm’s way like a kind stallion that he is.

Hearing that, the crowds began to leave, leaving only fewer to get caught up in this.

“Captain, deal with this!” Ronson spoke to his Steel Golem captain, but his tone of voice sounded more deeper, angry, and much more opposite. Even when Pinkie Pie & Pinkamena were far from hearing, they somehow yelp from almost feeling….something being off to give them the hiby-gibbies.

“Yes sir!” The captain of the Steel Golems responded to hearing the order before turning to his own troops. “All Steel Golems; capture the rogue!” He issued the order in what they need to be doing here, capture that rogue that has revealed himself.

Soon many of the Steel Golems charged in as many were jumping to dog pile on the mysterious cloak hooded being. At first, it looked like that would be it, but….

“Stabfruvhmmm…/Slashcruvhmmm…/Bashfruvhmmm…/Crussfruvhmmm….” There were a few steel breaking sounds and cutting sounds of some strange metallic weaponry that broke the Steel Golems to fall apart. But afterwards, the cloak that hid the character was soon made clear of what he look like underneath. He looks like an Earth pony, but he’s mostly a stallion seen in a red/black stripe style costume, seen wearing metal bands around his hoofs & leg regions, and a metal chest plate up by the front. He also has his dreadlocks coming from his mask, as the only eyes seen are just white. The appearance alone shows his physically strong & athletic. And on the custom was his Cutie Mark of a metal sun-star that represents the whole being of metal look. Truly, he’s someone that is not every day if he’s seen in such an outfit.

“Yo Ronson, I’ve already cleared out much of your steel golem goons, now it’s time for you and me to settle things. Z-Strap is here to end your little game.” The revealed individual within the strange getup announced who he was and what he’s here for.

“Z-Strap,” Fluttershy spoke off surprise to be hearing that name so suddenly now.

“Who in Sam Hills is 'dat there pony,” AJ asked off in not knowing who it was they got to be dealing with.

“A very unusual one, I saw him turn a part of his body to metal.” Goldie spoke from being serious at the moment while he got himself up.

Soon Z-Strap was cutting across Ronson’s Steel Golems that were left that were in the way while the Mayor of Manehattan was quickly being help get evacuated by his other guards.

“You ain’t getting away this time! You ain’t in control of this town like you are in the big city, time to end this!” Z-Strap declared this off as his own tone of being serious, as he takes the stand.

“Frusvhhmmm…” Soon Z-Strap stretched off his right hoof that became like a metal pillar expanding to impact against the target. “Clunkfruvhmmm…” But then something impacted that attack as it was a familiar shield held up by Ben while dining his Iron Boots for the heavy weight effort.

“Wha the,” Z-Strap yelped off to say while turning his hoof back to normal, what was this guy doing here.

“Sorry buddy, but if you want Ronson, you gotta go through us!” Ben announced off to say from summoning his Master Sword to prepare himself for a fight here.

Soon Z-Strap was seeing the Mane Six, the baby Dragons, Shining, Iron Brave, Omega, Pinkamena, & Golden Heart join up in surrounding the guy on all sides. Now the heroes have cornered this strange rogue while the CMC & Nyx were helping to get any crowds out of the danger.

“Man, this was something I was hoping to avoid!” Z-Strap complained off to say in seeing what he has got that he’s gotta deal with.

“So you’re that Metal Rogue we were warned about, hugh? What’s with the costume?” Rainbow Dash asked off in eying the guy with suspicion.

“Yeah, and do you know it’s a style similar to someone that sells sneakers?” Pinkie Pie randomly issued off to say in a very random moment.

“Wait, wha now?” Z-Strap asked off a bit confused when he was told that.

“In any case, give up! Ye out number,” AJ stated to get back on the serious matter of stopping this foe.

“Sorry, but I’m not likely to just give up without a fight. Ain’t my style.” Z-Strap issued off saying this with a stone stern face that was seen on his mask.

“Really, funny, cause most of us here have a style like that. Though, some are more dramatic in appearance then others.” Rarity stated to say this while saying some have more style than of others.

“Never mind, let’s get him!” Pinkamena stated that they save the talking and just fight here.

Soon few of the members were attacking with the first being close melee work. But Z-Strap proves that he’s also very good in fighting with turning his body parts and forging different weapons to help him clash with different methods. Many were ducking from strange blades to scythes, chain iron balls, you name it, he even made a horn drill appear from his forehead that almost caught the group off guard if Omega didn’t dodge that from getting dental work.

“Firing attack patterns!” Omega announced forth in changing his hooves to gatling mode. “Bang-Bang-Bang-Bangvhmmm….” Now he was firing off his rounds rapidly to hit the target.

“Druhfruvhm-Durhfruvhmmm-Durfruvhmmm…” But then Z-Strap made metal wings come off his back and then acted like a shield. None of Omega’s attacks were even piercing that thick metal wall.

“Golden Heart; you said he used metal type magic? How could any pony do that and without a real horn to produce magic?” Twilight asked her golden friend how this masked pony rogue character was even doing such feats.

“Only one source I can think of, but I almost thought it was lost.” Golden Heart stated this off in having to make a guess in what source this was. “He has the same power as you & Ben have, he’s an Element User?” He pointed out in having a good guess in what Z-Strap was, he’s capable of using an element.

“An Element User,” The others responded in being very shock to hear this piece of news.

“So that means he can use….a Metal Element?” Twilight asked off in realizing who they are fighting here.

“Correction, the Element of Metal. But close enough!” Z-Strap spoke off in hearing the discussion to make his own issue over the manner.

“Powfruvhm-Powfruvhm-Poowfruvhmm….” Suddenly, Z-Strap fired off metal spikes off his hooves which caught the others by surprise.

“Waaaughhh!” Much of them were dodging and blocking, but strangely…some seem to not really came close to harming them.

“Hey, if he’s metal, then lets burn his flank!” Phobos spoke off an idea that could work for them.

“Right, let’s use our fire ability!” Spike smiled in seeing if they turn up the what, metal will melt.

Soon both Dragons breathed off fire that melted the launched spikes before the rogue guy made of metal dodge that attack.

“Tch, darn it, I forget they had Dragons! Gonna have to get rougher!” Z-Strap curses the issue and knew he has to change his tactics a bit. “Grususvhhmm….Powwfruvhmmm…” Then he held out two hooves that fired off iron chain balls that impacted Spike & Phobos.

“Gaaaaughhh,” The baby Dragons were tossed off across the ground as they were knocked out of it.

“Eat this!” Rainbow Dash shouted off to dive down with her nun-chucks.

“An' here’s some fro' me!” AJ stated from heating up her right hove for a blow too.

Soon Z-Strap shaped his hooves into human hand fingers and managed to grasp the attacks while almost being pushed a bit.

“Aw man, do you two really wanna go at this?” Z-Strap remotely issued in wishing he didn’t have to be doing this, he has Ronson to deal with.

“Yes!” Both tough mares responded that they wanna be doing this.

“And I’ll hit you!” Rarity spoke from wielding her gem scepter to jump up and preparing to land her hit.

“Yo, pretty thing, I think you got a split end on your mane!” Z-Strap raised an eyebrow in quoting a matter of something mares are always so focus on.

“WHAT! WHERE,” Rarity ceases her attack to check herself, she didn’t have a split, good.

“RARITY,” Both AJ & Rainbow shouted off in disbelief, was their friend really gonna be going through such matters.

“Kickfruvhmmm….” Then Z-Strap kicks the group off across the field while they were all distracted.

“Infinite Shots,” Fluttershy used her mane to turn to needle points and fired them off against Z-Strap.

“Grusvhmmm…./Topvhm-topvhm-topvhm….” The Z-Strap made a wall of metal that help stop that attack from getting to him. “Grusvhhmmm…CUopfruvhmmm…” Then he stretched it near Fluttershy which morph into some cage that trapped the pegasus.

“Eeek! I’m trapped!” Flutterhsy yelped to see that she can’t get out of this.

“Don’t worry, ain’t no thing. In a while, you’ll be free. When I’m long gone and done.” Z-Strap spoke off to tell this little matter of what’s to happen in some little bit.

Soon Twilight & Ben fired off their Twilight Star Shower & Sword Beams while Pinkie Pie, Omega & Pinkamena fired off blast or dagger throwing shots.

“Tch, yo, why are you trying to get in my way, I gotta score to settle with Ronson and no beef with you!” Z-Strap complained off towards those here that are trying to stop him from doing what he needs to do.

“Why are you trying to harm a good mayor?” Golden Heart asked this question again, wanting an answer for this action.

“Like you believe me, your all supposed to be heroes, but you can’t see pass what’s happening!” Z-Strap rolled his eyes behind the mask to state this, much to anyone being confused by such words. “Now step off! I gotta get him!” Then he made his hooves be like a skateboard and performed skating moves to slip pass the group and was about to almost escape.

“Not so fast, I’m gonna get’cha!” Pinkamena pops up to say this, as she was preparing a familiar eye trick. “Your Time’s Upp…” She was about to say those creepy words that freak folks out until….

“Powwwfruvhmmm….” Suddenly, Z-Strap made a metal wall appear to block the crazy pony’s eye sight, but she flung herself too quick…that she smack it to make her expression into the metal frame.

“Oooooowww…..” Most of the gang cringed in seeing that, if Pinkamena wasn’t a tough oddball; that could seriously hurt a normal pony.

“Okay…I wasn’t actually trying to hurt you, you should know that.” Z-Strap spoke off in his own defense in not actual was trying to bring harm here.

“Hmmm….hmmmhmhmhm-Urrghmm-Grruvhmmm….” Pinkamena was heard saying some things, but from her face in the metal of her image, it sounded all muffle like.

“Yo, some pony can get her off, and if she wants to keep it, she can have it.” Z-Strap stated to say this that if anyone wants to help this pink pony’s face stuck to a metal plate, they can, and also keep it; cause it seems kinda whacky.

“Sis, hang on! Omega, give me a hand pulling her off this!” Goldie and Omega approach Pinkamena while Z-Strap got away, they got a plate to get off this pony.

“Roger!” Omega nodded his head in understanding the issue.

Z-Strap turned his hooves into chains with iron grapplers as he was about to attack his target when….

“Sword Beam,” Ben shouted to fire a sword beam from his blade that cut off Z-STrap’s attack. “Prrusvhmmmm….” Ben’s attack almost caught Z-Strap, but he got out of the way just in time.

“Yo, are you really that bend on protecting that guy? You barley know him!” Z-Strap protest in annoyance in what Ben was doing here.

“Then tell us why you’re after him.” Ben sternly requested what this masked stallion was up to.

“I told you, you never believe me. And I don’t have time wasting against you.” Z-Strap complains to say that this was not the time or place to explain.

“Then you’ll have to! Nyx, now,” Twilight issued before looking up to see her daughter above and in her Battle Form.

“Night Blast,” Adult Nyx was soon firing off her strong black beam blast.

“Yoowch,” Z-Strap dodged that move with just enough evasive maneuver.

“I’m here mother, me, Tough Apple & Big Mac made sure all the citizens were away.” Adult Nyx looked to her mother in giving the reported situation.

As Z-Strap performed another move in firing off metal spike balls, Twilight was yelping to dodge them while Ben came and swoop her away. Then a blast beam almost got Z-Strap if he didn't dodge it to see another contender appearing...it was Shining Armor.

“So, you're the rebel? Alright, pal; you've got some nerve in attacking my friends and my SISTER! I'm gonna tear you into pieces, metal head!!” Shining Armor snapped off to say while getting his sword ready, as he was not gonna take this guy’s action.

“Yeoch. Someone's sure knows how to be sensitive.” Z-Strap responded off in seeing that this pony, really is a bit over doing it over him fighting his sister.

“Come on!” Shining Armor shouted off in wanting this rogue to bring it on.

Shining blasted his Unicorn Burst for three times at Z-Strap, but he swung his swords at the blasts while charging at Shining Armor. Shining Armor thrown in some punches, sword swings, and blasted his Unicorn Bursts at Z-Strap, who fought back with punches, weapon swings, and blasting for multiple times from either dodging or defending. Shining Armor and Z-Strap gave the hard punches on each other's faces hard; they departed. Z-Strap was about to punch on Shining Armor, but he dodged down and rammed Z-Strap to the wall. Z-Strap grabbed Shining Armor when he thought he was down, and kicked him up high before he jumped up and punched on him hard across the field. Shining Armor skidded across the ground hard, as he moaned painfully.

Z-Strap held his forge metal sword at Shining Armor's throat, but not too close as if wanting to end his life.

“Look, my beef ain’t with you, and I didn’t wanna end up fighting you OR your sister.” Z-Strap issued to explain himself so the guy would follow.

“Then why?” Shiny asked why this guy was even doing this to begin with.

“It’s complicated kay?” Z-Strap issued off that his reasons are a complicated matter.

Suddenly without warning, Z-Strap’s metal blade moved down to the ground, and he felt something forcefully push him to his knees.

“What the….I’m being magnetized? How’s it possible, Magnus isn’t in the area!” Z-Strap yelps from what was affecting him, and this was not good cause he’s using metal base properties.

“Maybe not him, but maybe someone who still has a bit of his element,” Spoke another voice that enters the area in question.

Soon those around saw Iron Brave was nearby in holding his hoof that let off a magnetic wave that was affecting Z-Strap’s body.

“Aw great, a Mystic; Like this wasn’t bad enough,” Z-Strap moans to complain in seeing who as here.

“It is bad, when I see my element I let whoever to wield it use it in such a manner.” Iron Brave issued off in stating what he sees is being done here.

“Nrrrugh….sorry if I gotta cut our fight short,” Z-Strap stated to change his two front hooves into metal pillars. “Powfruvhmmm….” But the force of the magnetic waves sent his front side’s hooves into the ground and not be aim at the Mystic.

“I’m keeping your metal hid down for the count, you can’t hit when magnetic force keeps you from moving.” iron Brave explained the case of what he’s doing here.

“Good thing…I’m resourceful!” Z-Strap explained himself in almost sounding very sure that he had a way to escape this magnetized trap.

Then without warning, the ground began to shake that alerted Iron Brave of this which was too late; as multiple metal bars shot off at once to give off multiple hit strikes. The force of those attacks sent Iron Brave backwards to skid across the area until he stopped, and was temporally daze to where he was struggling to snap himself and return to his standing.

“Iron Brave,” Shining Armor shouted off to quickly rush over to check on the guy in seeing if he’s okay while after Iron Brave was only temporally down, the magnet force wore off on Z-Strap.

“Aw man, like my street credit isn’t bad enough the way Ronson makes it, now he’ll use this of beating a Mystic to my record!” Z-Strap groans to complain in seeing that now he’s really done it now, making a Mystic his enemy is another burden on his watch. “That should at least keep him knock out for a brief moment while I plan my escape.” Z-Strap explained off to say in feeling that while Iron Brave is only temporally out of commotion; he needs to figure out how to get out of here.

“Popfruvhmmm…” Soon Pinkamena’s face got free from her brother and Omega fro that metal plate, “Gaaaaugh….wow; that’s a new experience; How do I look,” She spoke off to ask in how she was looking now.

“Um, if any of us say the same, will you not freak out?” Rainbow Dash slowly spoke in hoping to not sound mean.

“Nope,” As Pinkamena said that, she took the metal that had her face frame on it, “Although, this metal frame of me seems like a neat likeness.” She smiled in actually liking what was caught as her ‘Brrr’ expression, not many could catch it.

“Dat’s a fine statement 'ta it.” Applejack rolled her eyes to say this in being surprised.

“Alright, this time, we got him!” Rarity spoke in seeing they have the rogue stallion here.

Big Mac & Tough Apple works together to free Fluttershy from her cage to rejoin them.

“Oh, thank you.” Fluttershy smiled to thank those here for the aid.

At the moment, Ronson was soon sitting in a cabby driven by his own Steel Golems as he watched Z-Strap try to handle the heroes now ganging up in more numbers.

“Sir, we’ve prepared a safe area to keep you secure.” The captain of the Steel Golems reported the situation they have done here.

“Excellent, then let us get moving.” Ronson stated to say in wanting them to move.

“Yes sir!” The captain responded in hearing this before moving out.

“I don’t know how Z-Strap got here, but hopeful those heroes can handle him.” Ronson spoke in sounding a bit concern in how the one stallion he has trouble with got here. “I’m so close; he can’t interfered with the plan.” He stated this to himself, like he was keeping something a secret here.

“Should we try again to handle him sir?” One Steel Golem asked off if their mayor would want that.

“No, just get me far away.” Ronson issued off to order that he wants to get away firstly. “It’s me he wants, but it’s me he won’t get. Now Move!” He made this snappy tone in wanting his golems to get moving now, sounding a bit more mean and forceful than he was earlier.

“Yes sir!” The other Steel Golems responded in hearing their orders and be loyal to Ronson.

With that, Ronson was seen leaving the sight to get far away and go a bit under to not be seen or found for some time.

As at this moment, Z-Strap was still dealing with the Mane Six group and their allied friends; it wasn’t long until something came to mind.

“Z-Strap, listen. Ronson has left, he’s already out of range now.” A hidden comm-link spoke out from being hidden on Z-Strap; it was the old mare’s voice from before that knows him.

“Grrr….darn it; we were so close this time!” Z-Strap growled in fury, their target has escaped.

“Nevermind that, get out of there so we can come up with something else,” The voice of the old mare issued that the guy gets out of there so they can think up a plan.

“Easier said than done, I’m kinda stuck here,” Z-Strap responded to complain that such an issue ain’t easy now.

“So do something to get out of there. Cause something to surprise them before they arrest you.” The voice of the old mare stated in wanting the guy to move it.

Z-Strap sighed when he was done on the comm-link, he needs to get out of here with the target now gone. As he looked around, he spotted one pony that might serve to give him an escape route.

“Yo Pinky,” Z-Strap spoke off towards the pink pony that he hasn’t dealt with.

“HEY! I’m a Pink with an ‘I’ & ‘E’, not a ‘Y’ in my name!" Pinkie Pie snapped off to say this about how her name is spelt.

“What’s the difference?” Z-Strap shrugs off his shoulders in not seeing any difference between two meanings.

“Oh you ask for it! Now I’m gonna blast ya with my party cannon set for Max Wild & Crazy Party Mode!” Pinkie Pie stated from about to go all crazy, as she set her cannon to such a crazy mode. “And Fi….” She was almost about to say here until….

“Frusvhmmm…Clupowwfruvhmmm….” Suddenly, Z-Strap stretched a hoof off that turn into a metal plug that got stuck in the cannon.

“Rrrrreee,” Pinkie Pie lastly spoke off with a stump expression, that was unexpected.

“Frisissiisfruvhmmm….” Suddenly from the cannon, it began to vibrate strangely here. And it was even beginning to glow bright red and look to be inflating weirdly.

“Uh oh,” Pinkie Pie spoke off to yelp in seeing what was happening, that ain’t good.

“I don’t like the sounds of that!” Phobos stated off in hating it when Pinkie says ‘uh oh’ as it’s never good.

“Um, Pinkie Pie…what’s wrong with your cannon?” Spike slowly asked off in having a bad feeling about this.

“Three words….SHE’S GONNA BLOOOOOW!” Pinkie Pie slowly says before shouting out that they need to run.

That message was enough to get everyone to look a bit panicky before quickly deciding to flee while one character had himself stuck to the cannon.

“Oh man, I hope this works or I might as well be done in!” Z-Strap remarked off to complain in what he was doing, this better give him time to escape or else. “Trussfrvhmmm…” Then he made metal wings expend from himself to cover himself like a dome.

The Party Cannon was about to go nuke and then, as steam escaped from it and it glow brightly red and blotted like a balloon before….

Outside of Ponyville, it seems all was peaceful and calm even with a battle going on. And this was what happened a second afterwards. “Kurpowwfrussuvhhmmm….” Then a giant nuclear explosion of large colorful pastry flavors erupted that covered the entire town and it was raining streamers and confetti all over.

As the camera zooms in, everything is covered in pastry, party streamers & confetti, stuff used a lot at parties. And a lot of the Mane Six and their pals were stuck against walls while they were covered in red pastry creme stuff. Once they got unstuck and saw the mess they were in….

“AAAAAHHHHH; WERE COVERED IN THE GUY’S BLOOD,” Phobos screamed out in seeing what has happened to them.

“Blo-Blo-Blood; as in we…..huuuuagh,” Rarity gasped in hearing this before she fainted here.

“Ooooouuaaghhh,” Even Fluttershy fainted from not believing they were in blood of a dead pony.

“Hold it! It’s not blood! Lick…” Applejack suddenly licks the stuff to determine what it truly was. “It’s red pastry crème!” She pointed out that this was just creme, not blood.

“WUUAAAAAGH; WERE COVERED IN RED PASTRY CRÈME,” Phobos screamed out again to make another weird statement out of nowhere.

“A little on the extreme, isn’t it?” Spike spoke off to say in seeing how Phobos was behaving.

“Man, I haven’t been hit like that since I was a Demon Pony.” Ben rubbed his aching head from recalling his previous experience by Pinkie’s party cannon.

“Yeah, aunt Pinkie Pie sure knows how to make them.” Nyx spoke to say from returning to her filly form.

“Crufruvhmm…” Then dropping out of nowhere, the party cannon was newer the pink pony. “Oh, my cannon returned! Yeah,” She smiled for joy in seeing what has return to them just now.

“Don’t look now, but de Metal Rogue is gone.” AJ spoke off in noticing that Z-Strap has fled the scene during the confusion.

“How’d he elude us?” Rarity asked off in pondering the question of thought.

“I don’t know." Fluttershy shook her head in being unsure.

“He must have slip by when Pinkie’s cannon went off.” Ben stated in what happened when they were lost and confused.

After Iron Brave was helped up by Shining Armor, he sees what has happened. Apparently, Z-Strap got away and looks to have cause some commotion for the time being.

“Hugh. Perhaps that was my biggest mistake. The one chosen for my Element Of Metal.” Iron Brave sighs in seeing this display of Z-Strap might make him feel the next chosen wielder was…a mistake on his part.


The scene changes to what seems like a black & white version of a story long ago, as Iron Brave seem to recall something of the past that may involve Z-Strap. Iron Brave looks at a scene near a hole, and a little flashing light happens from there.

“The light my element found a worthy user, I saw it happen before my own eyes. I hid the thing in a place none would think about, but I never guess it would be found so soon.” Iron Brave narrates the situation of what was going on that he was there during the moment.

Then someone comes out of the hole, and it’s Z-Strap, and he was showing that he looks excited to be out of that hole and was performing some metal forging tricks. Iron Brave saw the new user; he saw how easy he was in forming materials so fast; the guy must be an artist to understand that work.

“I had seen the next worthy user; he found what I left behind. I firmly believe he could do wondrous good in the world.” Iron Brave narrates to explain in who he saw, Z-Strap who showed much potential, and could be the next worthy user.

Then the moment of the happiness change to sorrow, as papers showed Z-Strap and told stories about what he’s been doing. Iron Brave was secretly there to pick up the newspaper from a stand, and as he read it, was shock.

“But when I learn that the one I felt was a worthy user fight against the Manehattan Mayor’s forces, I felt shock. The one I believed to be a hero, was acting more like a rogue. Why?” Iron Brave questioned this out in being unsure what was going on here, why was Z-Strap trying to foil things related to Ronson?

As time pass by, Iron Brave secretly watched the action as a blended in member of the crowd, as he seen Z-Strap doing things that seem like they are good, but Ronson’s words spoke otherwise in changing the subject. Many of the citizens felt like trusting Ronson, but Iron Brave felt…something didn’t make sense.

“Ronson already made Z-Strap like a criminal rogue that should be stop, but I’ve watch him fight…he’s only after Ronson, at first…I wasn’t following until…certain questions came up.” Iron Brave’s narration spoke in beginning to question something to this mystery. “I want to believe the one which my element chose is true, but….the way things are, we might just…” He spoke in almost feeling like his belief and trust in the candidate might be faulty, but when he was getting to the next part however….


“Hey Iron Brave, you okay?” Returning to reality, Iron Brave snap out of his daydream in seeing Shining Armor was speaking to him. “You seem to go off into space; does it have to do with Z-Strap?” The guy asked in seeing that the Mystic was deep in thought.

“It matters not, its private matter Shining Armor.” Iron Brave shook his head in changing the subject from whatever happened in the past. “Tell me, did you notice something strange?” He asked Shiny if there was something odd that was strange to them.

“Yeah….why would Z-Strap go after just Mayor Ronson? And when he fought us, he seem to almost be…holding back.” Shining Armor spoke in finding much of these things puzzling, like none of them made sense. “He didn’t even take a chance to finish you; villains usually don’t let an opening like that go to waste.” When Z-Strap attacks Iron Brave with that surprise move, instead of attacking again, he ignore the chance to finish off a Mystic; usually true evil bad guys never miss that opportunity.

“I don’t know. But something tells me that there is something dark about that Mayor.” Iron Brave responded in being puzzled while concerns were elsewhere it seems. “Getting famous for a day? His army had hardly put any effort. I sense something dark within those metals he calls Steel Golems. That much, is hardly possible to determine with golem creations. He's up to something, and only Z-Strap has the answer while we don’t.” He explained the case that Ronson’s appearance in coming to power, yet his side should have put up better even as the heroes fought, something isn’t right and only one rogue knows what’s going on.

“Yeah... How so does he know?” Shining Armor asked off in pondering the question itself.

“Let us follow along and find out.” Iron Brave spoke wisely of his words in what they should do as Shiny nods in agreement.

Both stallions nod in silent agreement, this seems like a case they should figure out first then tell the others.

“Great, and where’s the Mayor from Manehattan?” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes in seeing that it’s not one pony that’s gone, so is their important guest.

“I can tell you.” Mayor Mare came to the group after her own escape to speak. “He left to go under for a while and says he’ll leave you in charge to find the rogue and stop him before he can come out.” She explained what Ronson did during the attack, as he’ll be hiding out until the rogue is caught for it to be safe for him to move.

“Oh dear, this kinda thing must have been hard on him.” Fluttershy spoke in feeling sorry for the guy, being attacked during a speech that ruins things, it’s surprising he’s fine with that.

“Hugh….already my first diplomatic act as a princess to an important visitor turn into a giant mess,” Twilight sighed in seeing what has come apart on her all of a sudden.

“We best begin, operation, clean up!” Omega spoke in what they need to do from looking around the messy town covered in pastry tastiness.

“Hey sis, you okay, you’re not still hurt from that metal frame thing, are you?” Goldie asked in making sure his sister was fine while she looked at the metal frame of her expression.

“No, but I can’t help but feel there is something strangely going on about Mayor Ronson & Z-Strap; Like the roles played out are all wrong.” Pinkamena spoke off in feeling there was something bothering her, like why was it that the action of a hero and villain at this time, seem more wonky then it should be, it makes her feel like there was something WAY off here.

“Well, we’ll figure it out…after we clean this up.” Golden Heart stated from looking around, they can figure this out after they are clean up.

“Or eat it up! Come on Ponies, dig in!” Pinkie Pie cheerful stated from suddenly taking out a bid to begin EATING the creme & pastry stuff all over.

“Pinkie, you are very random not just sometimes, but anytime.” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow in seeing such weird action from her friend.

“Thanks!” Pinkie Pie smiled off to say without having a second thought.

So now the group and the citizens will be taking some time to begin some cleanup duty….boy will this take a while.


Meanwhile behind some dark alley was the other cloak hooded figure, like she was waiting. Then something came from above that landed nearby the figure as it was Z-Strap. He returned from when the operation didn’t go so well that he had to fallback. Though the pony in costume seems silent near the other person, like he’s telling she might be upset or something.

“I know, I made a real mess of things.” Z-Strap spoke off in sounding bum out over what he’s gonna get an earful from here.

“Oh really, is that so? Was if before when you were spotted and rash off to get Ronson or afterwards when you made Ponyville become the biggest desert topping in Equestria?” The old mare voice spoke from under her cloak and hood in rhetorically stating that Z-Strap didn’t mess up from what happened that she doesn’t know about.

Z-Strap was quiet in knowing he had no excuse for the action, and not against this pony it seems.

“Hugh, what am I gonna do with you?” The other pony sighs to say this like an elderly mare scolding a child here that was not understanding such circumstances.

“But I had him! Those ponies and baby Dragons got in the way, thinking that they were protecting someone worth it!” Z-Strap spoke off to make his claim about what he was trying to do before it fell apart.

“And why shouldn’t they if you told them the truth?” The old mare of mystery spoke in stating how this guy could have convinced those he fought to know any better.

“They never listen to me; no pony would believe the truth about Ronson!” Z-Strap protest off to say none would ever go against the good and respectable Mayor Ronson.

“Well, maybe we should try going about this differently. Instead of fighting, we should just get to know them.” The mare spoke from looking away to think up of something they haven’t tried yet.

“You do realize I just fought them, I doubt they’ll wanna be friends after that.” Z-Strap raised an eyebrow in hearing the old mare under the hood speak such nonsense.

“Trust me boy, there is some pony here that we have an old past with. And she’s the grandmother of one of them.” The old mare pointed out to say this while sounding a bit more positive over this. “Trust me, the best way to gain trust….is to not fight them…But to learn about them and be friends. You following,” She spoke as she patted her hoof to Z-Strap like some parental guidance to the guy, saying there is another way that they can try.

“Sure thing, if you say so?” Z-Strap slowly nods his head in getting the picture, he’ll give that a shot.

“Good, then change out of that and follow me. We got some introductions to make.” The old mare from under the hood and cloak spoke in wanting Z-Strap to get out of his costume to appear as someone else when they meet those for the first time.

With that said, the two walk down the alley way while Z-Strap seems to change from a nearby light from a shadow reflecting a morph of his appearance. Looks like as things may have gotten a bit out of whack the first time, seems like they’ll be a different approach to be made here. What is the mysterious going on with Z-Strap & Ronson, what plan will either side be cooking, and who will meet the Mane Six bunch? Those are questions left….for another time.

Author's note
Well, the gang finally meets Z-Strap but what's really going on here? In the next chapter, the gang meets an old friend of Granny Smith's named Grams and her grandson Zan Alloy...but Shining Armor and Iron Brave knows something about him that the others doesn't. Read, review and suggest!

The quote of someone screaming of someone covered in blood only to scream out something different while panicking, was like what happened in Turbo F.A.S.T. on the first episode.

Next Chapter: 3. Chapter 03: Zan Alloy Comes In Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 24 Minutes
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