
The Hardship of Ruling an Empire

by JusSonic

Chapter 4: 4. Chapter 4: The Power of Love

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Chapter 4: The Power of Love


the others look frighten a bit but calm as Golden heart lightly pats her back her back and says, "Easy sister. I am upset about what he did and it will be causing a battle but have faith things will go well and also I have a feeling Jack is nearing with the group; we best to get ready."

Pinkamena calms as she breaths in deep and then out and says, "Ok well, let’s get things ready; let's go."

The others nod and help get things ready for a warm welcome.


At the Crystal Castle, Ben, Shining and Flash are preparing themselves for the big battle against Frozen Sage. Everything they knew and fight for depends on beating her. And of course, the others...aren't so excited about this idea.

"Okay. No offense about the idea of fighting with some bad guys or teach someone about the mess he made, but fighting with a Mystic Councilpony?!" Flare Tiger ask as if Ben, Shining and Flash were thinking about committing suicide. "Are you out of your mind?! There is no way you can beat her!"

"We had to. She has gone too far! I understand she had problems with stallions in the past, but it doesn't mean that she had to accuse Lord Chester for making a mistake in talking with MechaStahl." Ben insists to Flare Tiger. Frozen Sage must be shown the error of her ways one way or another, no matter what.

Shining nods in agreement, adding, "Ben's right. Lord Chester never made a deal with Dark Mystic Pony. He was being used and tricked by this MechaStahl! That Mystic Pony made a biggest mistake in accusing on someone who never meant to hurt someone he loved."

"The only way to snap that Mystic Pony out was to fight and battle with her." Flash said, knowing what must be done to bring Frozen Sage to her senses and for her to see reason at last.

Flare Tiger however is still not convinced. The mare exclaims, "Ben! Did you even know what Mystic Councilponies are capable of?! They're strong and powerful to deal with. In fact, the former and current Mystic Councilponies have defeated most of their enemies including defeating Elite Warriors and Grimmore's Army. Most of them were unable to beat them, making Grimmore come out fight with them. Be lucky that they had managed to seal him at Tarturus."

"Right, at least reconsider." Twilight said in agreement.

"She will kill you!" Nyx exclaims in a frighten squeak.

"Then we will die, doing what must be right." Shining said sternly, much to Cadance's gasp. She can't lose her husband to a mare whose is too bitter and stubborn to listen to reason.

"But even if we don't win, Frozen Sage will be beaten by someone, I promise you that." Ben said to his family in assuration. He vowed that before tomorrow is done, Frozen Sage will be beaten. Maybe not by him, Shining, and/or Flash but by someone else she underestimated.


At the Crystal Hotel, Frozen Sage is preparing for the battle, confident and knowing that she would win. Those stallions made a poor mistake in challenging and they will suffer for it. However, two certain daughters of her aren't so keen about she's going to be doing.

"Mother; Please, you had to reconsider about the battle." Ivy insists to her mother frantically. Frozen Sage is going to kill the stallions and even the daughters know that, no matter how they try, Ben, Shining and Flash won't stand a chance against her.

"Yes, mother! Lord Chester really loved his daughter so much! He never meant to hurt her." Solflare insists, agreeing with her sister.

"If these arrogant stallions wanted a fight, then they will get one. Once I've dealt with these fools, I have some use of them for special work." Frozen Sage said to her daughters bitterly. Those stallions will be lucky to be used as servants than to be dead.

"I don't like it. You should go easy on them. They're not powerful or great as we are. They're not like Grimmore or Demon Generals we had faced with." Iron Brave explains seriously to his sister.

Frozen Sage narrowed her eyes in anger as she said, "It doesn't matter. Those who defy the order and will of the Mystic Councilpony will be punished. And I will make sure that the Crystal Empire won't suffer the same fate as before. Stormwar, gather all of Ice Mystic Soldiers. And once I win the battle, I want them to execute the exile of all stallions in this kingdom."

"Yes, my lady. I will get it done at once." Stormwar said without hesitation. Unlike the others, she is supporting the Mystic Councilpony in this.

"So, there is no way to talk you out." Iron Brave said in concern and disappointment. Looks like Frozen Sage's mind's been set. No way that she will be talked out of the battle now.

"Unless I am beaten, I will finish of what I had begun by exiling every last of stallion in this kingdom. If Celestia wish to challenge me, then so be it." Frozen Sage said sternly. If Celestia wants to deal with her over this, then the Alicorn will probably regret it. "They will be dealt with. In the name of Mystic-Equestria, I must do what I can to protect two worlds from danger."

"Mother..." Ivy said, scared. Her mother is going to the point of no return now. Is there nothing that can be done?


The time has come. Tomorrow has arrived and it's time for the big showdown. Ben, Shining and Flash make final preparations, knowing that their lives are at risk against a powerful Mystic Councilpony. Cadance is already ahead to get the final parts of the battle going, seeing her loved ones fighting against Frozen Sage is making her more stressful.

"Ben wait, before you, Flash and my brother go out there, I want to give you something to help protect you." Twilight spoke in wanting to give something to the brave valiant stallions to protect them.

"What is it Twily?" Shining Armor asked what his sister wanted.

Then Twilight used her horn to magically make three objects float near the three brave stallions, two rings & a bangle bracelet. Ben almost gasps in shock of knowing what these two objects were.

"Twilight, are these..." Ben gasped in surprise, he knows these items.

"The Magical Guardians we got from the End of Equestria. Yes." Twilight nods in stating that is what the objects area indeed. "I thought of having them along, just in case of emergency, and it looks like this is one." She responded in what she was doing with such magical objects, and talk about perfect timing.

"But why, aren't they yours?" Flash asked off the big question.

"They are friends who we can call upon to aid us, so technically, they are like summon creatures and there aren't rules that forbids them to help you three out. I'm giving you Phoenix, Egola, & Saint Anger, they'll help you out if you're in a jam." Twilight explained the case matter, the Magical Guardians can help Ben, Shiny & Flash against Frozen Sage since she wants the stallions best to fight, which means anything they have on them counts as using their best to beat the Mystic.

"Wait! I get why Phoenix is in; cause if Frozen Sage uses ice magic, if its fire against ice, fire wins especially from such a hot giant flaming bird. And Saint Anger can be handy as a giant pair of hands, bashing, gripping, slamming, etc. But isn't Egola an ice giant, what can he do?" Phobos stop the chatter in thinking there was something off in what was given to help the stallions be safe.

"Don't you remember, the colder the area is, the stronger Egola becomes, even Frozen Sage's ice magic can't stop a thing made of ice." Spike explained the case of what another Guardian's ability can be used to one's advantage.

"Sweet; these things will come in handy, but why give them us now?" Flash smiled in seeing they got a little more to help them win their tough fight.

"Too much is relying on this fight, if you lose....then all the stallions and colts, who done no wrong, will be exile, I don't want that to happen. I don't want my brother or sister-in-law to feel like they failed over one issue from Frozen Sage's blind upsetion." Twilight explained with much concerns and worries, if the stallions lose, then all males are exile from the Crystal Empire, not only would Candace be heartbroken over such an issue, but there might be a chance they'll lose Ben, Shiny & Flash, these are safety precautions.

"We won't Twily, and thanks for the support. We'll give these guys back when it's over." Shining Armor pats his little sister's head for her thoughts, and when it's over, return the Guardians to Twilight from this loan for the battle.

"Don't forget, you can make the Magical Guardians stronger by giving them more of your magic energies. And if your wills are strong enough in what you sand to believe, they can get you out of a pinch; just like they beat that nasty Peta guy with all our combined strength. Guardians, Ponies, everypony!" Nyx explained that if her father, uncle and her father's best friend get in a tight squeeze, to have the Guardians save them by giving it their all, full magical energy force from everything they got, body, mind, heart and soul, all that in one can really turn the tide like it did for the Sparkle family when they fought Peta who served Tso Lan.

"Nyx is right; we'll fight with our best effort and best strategies. And if that isn't enough to beat Frozen Sage, then one force can," Shining Armor pats his niece's head in thanking her while speaking these words to help them out.

"And that is?" The others responded in not knowing what else can help out.

"Our Steel of Determination; Even if our bodies are brutally beaten, so long as our wills don't bend, we won't lose even to a Mystic Councilmen." Shining Armor pats his chest in proudly declaring that as long as the steel force of their wills does not yield, they won't lose even to Frozen Sage.

"Well said, let’s do this!" Flash nods with pride, as it's time to get this on.

"Wait! Take this too daddy, uncle Shiny." Nyx gave her father something from her own possession; a familiar asp shield trinket. But many of the Sparkle Family knew what the object is, it is a Mystical Object, what better way to counter a Mystic than with...

"The Legendary Holy Item: Aegis. This is the one that saved us from Peta killing us." Ben responded in surprise shock, his daughter had this with her too, talk about major help with good-luck charms.

"Yep, the stronger & more earnest feelings Aegis experiences, the greater the effect. I showed this to Aunt Candace and thought her feelings and ours....could give you strength." Nyx smiled off to say in remembering how Aegis helped them out, and it's filled with much feelings to wish the stallions the best of luck and protect them from harm.

"Kiddo, you really are great for being a shield to protect your love ones, you know that?" Shining Armor smiled for joy in seeing that Nyx may be small, but she is a shield that protects them all when it comes to it.

"Well, that's all the words we'll get, time to do this you guys." Flash nods in seeing this is all they are getting, time to ship out now.

"Right," Ben & Shiny nods in agreement; it's time they go off to do battle.

Soon the stallions march forth in preparing to face a tough opponent, all while the others watch them head off now.

"Good luck and stay safe you guys. We're all rooting for you, all of us...even Cadance." Twilight spoke silently in prying that those she cares for can win this, many of them are rooting for their team.

The ones that watched the brave warriors go off, decided to move to in order to meet up with those about to be spectators to the combat.

But as Twilight go up ahead, a familiar voice stops Nyx, Spike and Phobos, "Wait." The trio stops to see four familiar ponies coming up to them.

"Icy? Solflare; Iron Brave; Lord Chester; What are you doing here?" Nyx ask in concern, wondering what the mentioned four are doing here. The first three should be supporting Frozen Sage and Lord Chester must be feeling guilty over what happened.

"I must do something about this. I can't afford to make my daughter to lose the very one she loved." Lord Chester explains in guilt and grief. "If only I had noticed and see through MechaStahl's deception, my daughter wouldn't have suffered this kind of situation."

"It's okay, sir. I know you didn't mean for this to happen." Icy said, patting Lord Chester on the upper foreleg gently.

"Right; Dark Mystic Ponies are very hard to predict." Solflare said in agreement with her sister.

"And you?" Spike asks Iron Brave, wondering what he's doing here.

"There is no way that Ben, Flash and Shining Armor can beat her." Iron Brave said seriously, making the Equestrian pony and Dragons yelps in alarm and worry. ""But if we're gonna end the fight, we need to find Sir Han's innocence."

"But how," Phobos ask Iron Brave with a frown. "King Sombra or whoever set Han up must've made sure to get rid of the evidence."

"He's right. How can we prove that?" Nyx ask Iron Brave in agreement.

"I don't know how. But whatever Sir Han had will be used to stop Frozen Sage from fighting and battling three stallions. We're going to his mansion. The very same place that Lord Chester had lived," Iron Brave said thoughtfully. "Well, back when Sir Han used to live in Canterlot anyway."

"Darn it! That place has been torn apart before I moved in. But I did took some of journals and works from that old mansion." Lord Chester said, remembering of some journals and works that he took when the Alicorn and his family first moved in.

"Show us, Chester."


The time had come as Celestia's morning sun rose above the Crystal Empire. Despite being so shining and beautiful, it is the start of a new change in the empire itself. Crystal Ponies gathered as they prepared themselves. Will stallions be banished or will the rulers retain their rule?

Frozen Sage cast a force field sphere around her and her challengers. She explained, "The attacks will not affect the kingdom or citizens. But those from outside are allowed to enter at any given time."

"Listen, we're giving one last chance. Surrender now; we don't want this to get ugly." Flash explained seriously, preparing himself for the big 'bout to end them all.

"Right; we know you are tough, but you aren't invincible." Ben said in agreement.

"One last chance, otherwise..." Shining began to say, but Frozen Sage cut the Crystal Empire prince off.

"You stallions may think you're tough, but I've survived against far worse hostile enemies!" Frozen Sage spoke off to address the issue of what was being discussed now. "From those curd Dark Mystics, brutal bunch and Elite Warriors from the Grimmore Army, the only ones that truly gave me harder times where a few Ultimate Dark Mystics. They were something." Frozen Sage explained that she's fought such battles, but only highly skills fighters of Ultimate Warrior class or an Elite Warrior were those she can just about handle.

"Well, that was all in the past, when was the last time you fought them or how strong anyone you last face became?" Flash Sentry spoke off in trying to make some snappy comeback remark over the matter.

"Well, that would be...over a few centuries, decades...a 1000 or so...give or take." Frozen Sage tried to think for a second, it's been so very long since during the age when Grimmore was sealed to the event of King Sombra gone evil, she's lost track of when she fought or how strong certain foes maybe.

"Then you should know not to underestimate an opponent. And for that matter, not to oversee your own expectations of thinking we'll be easy pushovers!" Shining Armor proclaimed this issue to really get under the mare's fur.

"Right, we're fighting for a cause and not letting blind hatred of the past blind us! You're actions are just when the Windigos cast their Chains of Frozen Hatred of the Three Tribe Leaders, it caused a disturbance that nearly ruin everything. But it looks like you may not have been put under such spells, you frozen and chain your heart with hatred you never let go, well, we're about to change it!" Ben spoke forth his courageous words to encourage the stallions in what they fight for and what Frozen Sage is doing is wrong, and they won't stand for it.

"As usual, the blind, arrogant, unsentimental remarks of a stallion before their true colors are revealed after they have been pushed to an edge." Frozen Sage rolled her eyes to quite off how the words spoken maybe changed when she gets through teaching these foolish stallions a thing or two.

"You can't talk about Daddy that way, and you can't have the Crystal Empire, Fat Flank!" Nyx shouted angrily at Frozen Sage.

"I will deal with you later, Nightmare Moon!" Frozen Sage snapped to Nyx, ticking her off a bit by the comment.

Hearing this made Twilight growl in rage as she snarled, "Forget the fact she's a Mystic Pony! If Dad fails to beat her, I'll blast her with all my strength for what she said about my daughter! I'll go all out on her like when I fought Tirek!"

Flare Tiger sighed, then she sniffed and realized very well as she grinned, saying, "Well, well, well..."

The quartet of the foals looked at their mother, confused and curious as Flare Tiger looked at them with a smile; evil appeared in her mind.

Flare Tiger smiled while saying, "Children, please, support Ben, Flash, and Shining; Ah had something to do with this 'messenger'."

They nodded as the girl rushed to Twilight's group as Flare Tiger turned around and kept her sniffing nose around more as she trotted away.

"You may begin to fight when..." A Crystal Pony called out but one of the horns went off, signaling the fight to start, "Never mind."

Ben yelled angrily as he swung his Master Sword at Frozen Sage. She raised her Frozen Shield and deflected the attacks. She swung her Elegant Iced Sword at Ben, sending the Earth Pony to the walls hard.

Flash groaned angrily as he charged in and swung his swinging spear against Frozen Sage, who blocked the attacks, without moving. He continued swinging and striking his spear against her for few times. At the final act of striking, he had thrust his spear at her. She moved and turned aside on the left before slamming her shield onto him to the ground hard.

Shining Armor charge in as he swung his sword from the right direction. Frozen Sage blocked the attacks with her Frozen Shield before punching him back. He shook his head hard before charging in and stroke his swinging sword at her. But Frozen Sage kept on dodging the attacks for a few times. Shining groaned angrily as he tried to swung and stroke his sword at her but bwas locked. At his final attack, Shining Armor thrust his sword at her. Frozen Sage jumped over to his back and slammed him onto the ground.

"Ben!!" Twilight cried.

"Shining Armor," Cadance cried.

"Is this the best you can do? I'm very disappointed. With lowest power, you stallions couldn't beat me." Frozen Sage said, both bitterly and disappointed, making the crowd gasp in worry and alarm. "It is foolish to challenge me when you know that Mystic Ponies are more superior and stronger than any of you."

Shining recovered as he said, "You think you are powerful, but we aren't going down just yet."

"Right, that's just our opening moves." Ben said in agreement, getting ready to fight once more. "You haven't seen us at our best just yet."

"Throw everything you had at me." Frozen Sage said in determination. She is not afraid.

"We're not done yet!" Ben exclaimed in determination.

Ben charged in and had his Master Sword transformed into the Hero's Bow and Arrows. He fired all of them at Frozen Sage while running around her but she blocked the attacks. Shining Armor and Flash charged in. They jumped up and slammed their sword and spear on her shield to the ground. Ben joined in the battle, with his Hero's Bow and Arrows changed back into the Master Sword. He slammed his weapon onto Frozen Sage's shield hard.

To their surprise, the mare was barely even feeling anything. She yelled in anger as Frozen Sage throw her shield up against three stallions' attacks off. She swung her attacks at them. They blocked her swinging sword twice. She swung again on their heads but the three dodged down. Frozen Sage slammed her sword on the ground. They quickly moved back. This Mystic Councilpony is tough!

Ben thrust his Master Sword at Frozen Sage. She deflected out and slammed her shield at his face, causing him to fell down. Flash jumped up and charging his spear at her. She jumped up and kicked his flank down to the ground. The mare landed on the ground gently. Shining Armor charged in, swung and strokes his sword at her but Frozen Sage charged towards him, her shield had made Shining Armor's sword passing by. She swung and slammed her sword on the back of Shining Armor's head to the ground.

"I am still disappointed." Frozen Sage remarked to the trio.

"Don't get cocky. We're not gonna let you do what you want." Flash said sternly to Frozen Sage. The trio isn't down just yet.

"Yeah; Ben, you know what to do." Shining remarked to Ben with a nod; Time to call in some extra help.

"Time to get our allies to help out," Ben exclaimed as he prepares to pull out...nothing? The stallion gasped while searching himself, "Phoenix, Egola and Saint Anger! They're gone; and the Aegis, too!"

"Where did they go?" Blaze Leo asked in surprise as the stallions' supporters look stunned. Ben had the Guardians and items a few seconds ago!

"Looking for these?!" Stormwar snapped as she shown four familiar items up, much to the supporters' surprise and confusion. Frozen Sage's helper must've stolen them off Ben somehow. "Lady Frozen Sage was right about one thing. You stallions are dishonorable and filthy; trying to cheat your way out of this. As warriors, they must never rely on items and especially the beasts and item!"

"You're the dishonorable and filthy one!" Twilight snapped angrily to Stormwar. "There are no rules saying that no help and items are permitted! I remember it clearly, you filthy thief!"

"Ugh. Fine, it's true, there are no rules about that, but does it matter? Do you truly think you can burn me to death with Phoenix? Do you actually think Egola can survive my coldest weather? Do you truly think Saint Anger can crush me easily?! Do you think an Ageis can help you?! Stupid stallions! It seems you are more gullible than I thought. I cannot be defeated easily by mere weak and pathetic Guardians! Stormwar, give them their guardians. They were about to meet mine." Frozen Sage exclaims in disgust and determination. If the stallions wish for some extra help, they will get some but won't win.

"Yes, ma'am," Stormwar obeys as she threw the three rings to Ben. "Summon them now! And you will learn that your Guardians cannot defeat and kill her so easily!"

"Maybe not, but they are gonna KNOCK! YOU! DEAD," Ben shouted as he took the rings.

Ben used the rings and three familiar guardians: the Phoenix, Egola and Saint Anger appear, all of them are ready and willing to help their friends/masters fight Frozen Sage and defend the Crystal Empire, as well as all of the stallions. They were not pleased by the Mystic Councilpony's actions...as well as Stormwar's thievery of them before.

"Come on, guys! Show her why you're our best friends!" Ben exclaimed to his Guardians in determination.

Phoenix blasted his Flamethrower at her, burning the mare to the ground for a long moment. For a moment, it looks like victory was the trio's; But as the fire dispersed, everyone gasped in shock. Frozen Sage remained active and in a healthy state.

Frozen Sage's eyes glowed darkly. The weather changed into winter. It became colder and colder. Everyone became very cold and freezing as they felt their bodies cold and colder. Egola, since he was used to the cold, was unable to feel it for the moment. As the winter grew colder and colder, everyone became freezing; Egola suddenly felt the cold on his body. He breathed and coughed heavily, struggling to hold himself and fell to the ground, with one leg to stand on.

Frozen Sage's eyes returned to normal. The winter dispersed; Looks like not even Egola is immune.

Saint Anger turned and was about to slam on her. Frozen Sage jumped up before the hands slammed on the ground hard. She stomped and stepped them onto the ground hard.

"The guardians didn't seem to faze her." Omega comments as the mare and Crystal Ponies gasps in shock and worry.

"Ooh boy, this could be trouble." Ace Swift gulped a bit.

"My turn," Frozen Sage said darkly as she hold up a hoof, "Yeti the Frozen Guardian! Come forth!"

A big blue swirling portal appeared as out came Frozen Sage's own Guardian: a giant whitish hairy with ram's horns, he had strong claws and his feet was large, but the Guardian wore armor and icing gauntlets and knee armor.

"Oh, Celestia," Twilight exclaimed in concern from seeing Frozen Sage's guardian.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Cadance said with a gulp of worry.

"Yeti, Frozen Blast," Frozen Sage exclaims darkly.

Yeti roared in anger as he opened his mouth and blasted the power of freezing ice blast. It blasted on the three Guardians, freezing them to coldest state forms.

"Oh no," Nyx cried in worry.

"Equestria, we have a problem." Midnight Moonlight remarked as Aurora hide behind her siblings.

"Yeti, return," Frozen Sage ordered. Yeti then disappeared from sight. "I hope you realize and noticed that if you ever tried to bring beasts into battle without informing me. I would have blasted them to pieces, with Yeti. But this time, I'll spare them."

"You witch!" Flash exclaims as Ben quickly calls the Guardians back. Hopeful they will be revived upon the next summon. "You have no soul."

"Right, you got no right to be doing that!" Shining exclaimed furiously to Frozen Sage.

"One last chance to make; Wrong moves; all shall fall." Frozen Sage exclaimed, still confident and determined to win. Nothing that the trio had done has even put a dent in her!

"We had to make one final strike! Darn it! Even she had lowest power to fight, she's strong and tough. I guess what Jade said wasn't kidding about her and Mystic Councilponies." Ben remarked with a frown. Perhaps it was a foolish mistake to challenge Frozen Sage unprepared.

Flash nodded as he adds, "I hate to see of what happen if you tried to challenge an Ultimate Mystic Warrior."

"Don't! Just don't! We make our final stand, guys!" Shining insisted to his friends. If they give up now, the Crystal Empire will be under Frozen Sage's unjust rule. "And this time, we're gonna make that happen! Give everything we had! Ben; use your powerful attacks against her! We'll hold her off!"

"Alright," Ben exclaimed with a nod, preparing himself.

Shining Armor and Flash charged in and swung their quickest and hardest attacks in using their slashing, swinging and striking their sword and spear at Frozen Sage, who kept dodging down, moving back and blocking the attacks for five times. They swung their weapons on her head. She blocked the attack with a sword then pushed her weapon to the front. She blocked and strokes her sword against from Shining Armor to Flash's striking and attacking before Shining for a few times. Flash jumped up and thrust his spear at her head. Frozen Sage moved back and slashed the spear into two and then kicked him to the wall. Shining Armor thrust and swung his sword on her. She strokes it up high before swiping his leg, causing him to fell down.

Frozen Sage looked unimpressed. Is this their best? Suddenly, Ben called out, "Hey, Frozen Sage! Get ready to taste this! Triforce Charge!"

Ben's body glowed in golden before he disappeared from sight. Frozen Sage's eyes narrowed in cautious and patience. SLASH! Frozen Sage yelped. Several attacks affected her. She dropped to the ground, with two legs keeping her up.

"Yeah," Nyx cheered. Ben made a nice shot on Frozen Sage.

"Yeah; All right," Blaze Leo cheered with his siblings.

"Looks like she is busted," Twilight exclaimed with a grin. "That means she..."

"Wait, hang on. We're not done yet." Omega said in concern. Everyone else looks and gasped as Frozen Sage got up. There doesn't seem to be a scratch on her at all! Ben's last attack didn't seem to work.

Frozen Sage scoffed, "Foolish mortals. That's the best move you had? I'm really disappointed. I give you three strikes including the beasts' attacks. And you prove nothing? How stupid that was..."

"Unbelievable!" Blaze Leo exclaims as he and his siblings look stunned. "That didn't harm her a bit?!"

"Not good." Cadance said as Twilight looked scared. That was Ben, Shining and Flash's last good attack.

"They're going to get slaughtered out there." Aurora exclaimed with a whimper.

"I don't need to unleash my powerful attacks, but I got something special just for you three." Frozen Sage said, having an attack that will finish this off. She closed her eyes for a moment. She opened her eyes in cyan colors, "Freezing Hearts!"

Frozen Sage held her Elegant Iced Sword up and blasted a blast at Ben, Flash and Shining Armor's chests. They fell to the ground hard, making them yell in pain.

"DADDY," Nyx cried in horror.

"Shining Armor," Cadance cried in despair.

"It's over. I've won, and the Crystal Empire is mine." Frozen Sage said darkly with a cruel smirk.

"What happen?" Flash groans, feeling his heart. "My heart feels...frozen."

"What did you do?" Ben demands angrily to Frozen Sage, hardly breathing himself.

"I had frozen your hearts. You had 30 minutes to live on." Frozen Sage simply answers, making everyone else gasps in horror. She has gone that far to win a fight!

"What; No!" Twilight gasped in horror and disbelief.

"You can't do that!" Shining exclaims, trying his best to move. "We didn't agree to any killing..."

"I warned you. But you stallion are foolish as always... It's over now..." Frozen Sage remarked bitterly and furiously. Challenging her was a big mistake and now, the trio had paid for it.


At Chester's Mansion, Lord Chester, Lady Leslie, Iron Brave, Icy, Solflare, Nyx, Spike and Phobos were searching and looking for any item among the boxes that prove Sir Han's innocents at the basement. Nyx had send in a clone of herself to keep her own mother company while they search the mansion.

Nyx spotted a brown journal. She took it out and read it. The filly gasped, "Guys! I found it! Look and see this journal."

Iron Brave read the journal before he smiled. This is the proof that is needed. The stallion said, "Nice work, Nyx. Come on. Let's get going."


The group returns to the battle field to see a shocking sight: Ben, Shining and Flash are on the ground, cringing in pain. Frozen Sage's nasty attack is having its effect on the trio. And of course, 'Imagine Dragon - Battle Cry' from Transformers begins to play. This doesn't look good.

"Battle Cry by Imagine Dragon. I've got the bad feeling about this..." Nyx said, scared. Her father and uncles had fallen! She and her group are too late!

Frozen Sage huffed in anger, "They had their chance. And they foolishly challenge me. Therefore, they must be punished as the frozen statues as a warning.

Twilight hissed in anger with her eyes closed, standing up and preparing to fire an Unicorn Burst right at Frozen Sage's back. That monster had gone too far this time!

"It's over. I've won, and the Crystal Empire is mine." Frozen Sage said darkly with an evil smirk.

"NO!!!!!!" Twilight yelled out in rage and despair with the yell echoing as her eyes glow an eerie blank white color. Her lover, her brother and Flash can't lose, and that heartless witch can't take the Crystal Empire! Not if she could help it! As the ground suddenly started shaking, Twilight turned to her fiery rage form before she launched a beam at Frozen Sage, who turned around to notice it a bit too late as she got hit by the beam and was sent flying to the wall really hard, making her cry out loud in shock from this sudden move and pain from the impact of the crash.

"Yikes!" The Dragons exclaims in shock and concern.

"She looks ticked off!" Blaze Leo yelled out as Aurora stood there in fear.

"She's over 9,000!" Omega exclaimed frantically. "There may not be a way to stop her."

Frozen Sage hissed in anger as she turned to Twilight Sparkle, "You wish to challenge me?! You dare challenge me?!"

"I dare you to end this nonsense conflict! Freed my friend, my brother and my boyfriend now! If you don't, I will fight with you!" Twilight exclaimed in rage and fury. "This had gone too far! If I win, I want you to undo everything you had done for!"

"If I win," Frozen Sage asked Twilight with a challenge.

"Do as you please..." Twilight said simply.

"So be it. Prepare to die, Phony Princess of Equestria!" Frozen Sage shouted darkly.

"Twilight, don't. Don't do it." Cadance said to her sister-in-law in shock and fear. "It isn't worth it."

"Please reconsider." Nyx, who quickly pulled her clone back into herself, said. "We can find another way to save daddy and my uncles."

"I can't allow her to continue this madness. Is that right, you hag?" Twilight snapped to Frozen Sage, making her ticked off by the comment.

Frozen Sage smirked as she slowly said, "Then, so..." She jumped and slammed right her Elegant Iced Sword on Twilight Sparkle. She dodged the attacks. "...be it!"

Twilight Sparkle summoned her fused Star Sparkle-Starblade Sword out while calling out, "I won't lose!"

Twilight and Frozen Sage yelled and cried in anger. They charged in and slammed their swords at each other hard in the clash for the moment. The two departed then swung, stroke and slashed their swinging swords at each other hard and quick.

Everyonw watch as Frozen Sage swung over Twilight's head, but she dodged down before stroking and thrusingt her weapon at her chest. Frozen Sage blocked the attack before slamming Twilight to the front. The mad Mystic Pony slammed and strokes her sword at the princess, who yelped in fear. She moved and dodged to the back. Twilight blasted her Unicorn Bursts at Frozen Sage, who quickly blocked and deflected the attacks. She charged in and swinging her sword at the moving Twilight, sending the mare to the ground hard and quick.

Frozen Sage thrust her sword at Twilight's hair. She dodged the attacks barely when her little mane on left sides barely. Twilight quickly blasted her Unicorn Bursts at Frozen Sage's head to the top, causing her to move back. The Alicorn got back up. She was about to attack but Frozen Sage charged in and pushed Twilight to the wall hard. She thrust her sword right at Twilight's chest hard. The Alicorn blocked the attacks, with her Fused Starblade Sword blade for a moment.

Frozen Sage snapped, "Time to finish this; Freezing-!"

"Unicorn Burst," Cadance yelled out quickly, interrupting Frozen Sage.

A cyan beam blasted Frozen Sage back hard. Twilight dropped to the ground. Cadance came in and helped the Alicorn up. Twilight, surprised that her sister-in-law is joining in, asked in shock, "Cadance?"

Cadance glared at Frozen Sage while snapping in defiance, "You will not hurt my family or my kingdom! I won't let you do it!"

"It doesn't matter how many of you joined in, you all will fall to the 'Queen of Frozen'!" Frozen Sage screeched in fury. No matter who tried to get in the way, all defiancers will fall!

Twilight and Cadance snapped at once, "Bring it!"

Twilight and Cadance blasted their Unicorn Bursts for a multiple times at the charging Frozen Sage, who blocked the attacks. The two dodged to their own direction before she slammed right at the wall of the force field.

Frozen Sage, more enraged, turned and swung her sword at the dodging Twilight and Cadance for a few times. The two cannot fail; the Crystal Empire and their loved ones depend on them both! Twilight quickly blocked the sword out before Cadance blasted her Unicorn Burst at Frozen Sage's back. Her sister-in-law jumped and thrust her sword at Frozen Sage, who quickly blocked and deflected the attacks. She throws Twilight to the other side as Cadance charged in and pushed Frozen Sage to the ground.

Cadance grabbed the sword. She jumped and slammed it onto Frozen Sage, who quickly used her Frozen Shield to block the attack before kicking Cadance right off. She got up and swung her sword against both Cadance and Twilight who quickly blocked the attacks as hard as they can and also dodged the attacks for a few times. They fought back as well, keeping their determination and love up.

Frozen Sage swung her sword against Twilight's and Cadance's hard bacs, making them yelp..

"Frozen Ice Beam," Frozen Sage yelled out in fury.

"Unicorn Bursts," Twilight and Cadance exclaimed, firing out their usual attack.

Frozen Sage unleashed a powerful beam of ice from her sword at Twilight's and Cadance's Unicorn Bursts. They clashed for a moment. Frozen Sage's Freezing Ice Beam broke through and blasted both Twilight and Cadance back.

"Snowstorm," The Mystic Councilpony calls out. Frozen Sage's eyes glowed in white. A hard snowball drops blown right at both Twilight and Cadance back to the ground hard, preventing and making it difficult for them to get back up.

"Mommy; Aunt Cadance," Nyx cried.

"Get back up!" Spike called out to the two.

"You can beat the Wicked Witch of the Ice!" Phobos exclaimed in agreement.

The Crystal Ponies, Omega, the foals, even Frozen Sage's own family cheers for the two to get back up. Frozen Sage herself couldn't believe it. Don't these fools know that it's pointless?

"Don't these fools ever learn; they're losing..." Frozen Sage began to say in annoyance.

Cadance groaned angrily, "Crimson Warmth!"

Cadance's horn glowed in crimson, causing the snow to melt down. Cadance and Twilight got up. They charged and fought against Frozen Sage in swinging, striking and slashing their swords at her but the two deal with the dodging and avoiding attacks from her hard and quick.

They became exhausted and tired while holding their swords tightly. The two princesses glared at the perfect healthy state of Frozen Sage. She charged in and strokes her blade at both of them. Both Cadance and Twilight dodged the attacks by going back in their opposite directions.

Frozen Sage turned to her back. She slammed her sword on the ground. It glowed in white while roaring, "Crystal Shards RISING!"

The ground shakes hard. The large crystallized shards appeared and stroke at both Twilight and Cadance, who quickly moved and jumped back as fast as they can while trying blast their Unicorn Burst as the Frozen Queen, who used two shards as shields for a few times. Before they could do anything, the crystals shards grasped and grabbed their hooves and wings tightly before covering their necks. They're trapped!

Frozen Sage narrowed her eyes in anger. She had has enough; Time to end this! The mare spoke, "Frozen Shard Force!"

Frozen Sage created the powerful and strong shard. She then blasted it right at both Twilight and Cadance, knocking both to the ground.

"Give it up! You have no power over me!" Frozen Sage shouted cruelly, "I will rule the Crystal Empire and put all the filthly little mudbloods you call the stallions and colts into permanent exile! And after that, I will take care of Nightmare Moon you call your daughter by any means necessary, like banishing her to the moon! No! Make that sudden, instant, and even immediate DEATH!!!"

"No!" Most of the others gasps in worry and alarm. Not good. Twilight and Cadance are about to be killed. It doesn't look good.

Ben, Shining Armor and Flash, struggled painfully to get up as they felt their chest pained and weakened. Their manes and tails changed into white and their bodies had turned to cold. They got up. The trio moaned painfully as they continued marching towards Twilight and Cadance.

"Got to... save them..." Ben groaned a bit. Twilight and Cadance can't die just in the stallions' places.

"Cadance... Twilight... Hang on..." Shining mumbles a bit. He, Ben and Flash knew what they must do to save the mare...even if it means a big sacrifice.

"Come on... come on..." Flash mumbled as he barely managed to keep on moving. The Pegasus must keep moving enough to do this.

Frozen Sage stood before the weakened and defeated Twilight and Cadance. She held her Elegant Iced Sword at the two. The mare said, "It's over. Both Crystal Empire and Ponyville are under my control. You both should have thought of it before challenging me; any last word?"

"Yes...you're evil." Twilight said, groaning a bit.

"Yeah; I hope you realize your big mistake soon." Cadance said, defying Frozen Sage to the end.

Frozen Sage huffed as she raised her sword up high. Ben, Shining and Flash gasped, "TWILIGHT; CADANCE!"

The trio all charged in haste and quick. They jumped in front of Twilight and Cadance as Frozen Sage slammed her sword right at them. The hree stallions gasped in shock and worry, feeling their hearts had stopped and their bodies had formed and transformed into crystallized ice forms.

Frozen Sage's sword bounced off and had been pushed off to the ground hard. Twilight and Cadance gasped in shock before they screamed at the ones crytallized in front of them, "BEN; SHINING ARMOR; FLASH!"

"DADDY," Nyx cried in shock and horror.

"NO!!" Icy and Solflare gasped in shock and unison. Iron Brave and Lord Chester looked horrified. They're too late to save them.

Frozen Sage grunted painfully as she slowly got up. She stood up and saw Twilight and Cadance crying in pain and despair as they hugged their loved ones and friend. The Mystic Councilpony looked stunned. Despite the fact that the trio are wounded and are about to be frozen, they risked their lives for the two mares.

"I don't believe it... Despite their wounded bodies, they risked their lives for these mares... Could have I been wrong?" Frozen Sage mumbled, stunned. Suddenly, guilt came over her. What had she done?

"No, no...." Lord Chester said, shaking his head a bit. Even Lady Lesille, who was watching the battle, came over and pats her husband by the roof.

"It’s okay, Chester, it's okay." Lady Lesille said in sadness.

As things turn out, many of the citizens of the Crystal Empire felt sadden over the loss that transpired with their ruler and her sister-in-law Princess Cadance and Princess Twilight Sparkle They all gathered around the Heart Stone as many of them have heard the saying, ‘if one prays with all their heart to wish for the one they love, a miracle will arisen’, it was most usually a metaphor to help calm one’s mind and pray that the ones that they love is safe and a miracle will happen to them. But now many are doing this all at once, for the ponies that have loved them so is Princess Cadance and Princess Twilight Sparkle. Many were gathering, many wanted to pray since they love her so as both their ruler…and friend, as well as the other princess.

Princess Cadance and Twilight continued crying and sobbing in pain and despair while hugging the crystallized and iced forms of Shining Armor, Ben Mare and Flash Sentry. Frozen Sage is not sure what to do or say since what happened to the stallions was...her fauilt.

Back near the Heart Stone, as many of practically all of the Crystal Empire citizens were praying with their loving hearts for their princess, something else happened. A new red/pink light emanated from the crystal as it’s dazzling light was very breath taking. And then without warning, little strange fireflies were gathering around it being absorbed into it. The fireflies were really coming from the pony citizens, as the source was from their hearts that let off an aura that they could not see, as they were focus in their prays. It wasn’t long until the Heart Stone glowed so bright, that its very source shot off like a cosmic shooting star.

The pure pinkish light comet from the sky shooting straight down; It turned and shooting straight at Princess Cadance.

As the scene focus on where Princess Candace and many others were at, something began to appear like a shooting comet before it was coming….right for the Crystal Empire’s princess!

“WATCH OUT!” Spike shouted from what he saw.

“INCOMING!” Phobos yelled out that they gotta move.

Cadance and Twilight turned and looked up. They gasped in shock as the comet shot straight at Cadance. It engulfed in the brightest and largest bright lights.

As many that did not know what was going on, the magical comet soon made its mark….on Cadance. “Truprusfruvhmmm…” But instead of an explosive burst, something unusual happened….Candace’s body glowed and she felt like….something entered her….loads among loads of energy….of the citizen’s love…and something…..MORE!

Cadance gasped in shock as her eyes glowed in bright white lights while hugging Shining Armor. Twilight gasped in shock while hugging Ben and Flash.

“Love….is the element that gives us….hope…” Candace spoke while she was in some sorta trance while glowing ever still.

The three Stallions' crystallized forms slowly melted away and formed into flesh and blood forms. They gasped in shock and surprise.

"They're...they're alive!" Blaze Leo exclaims in surprise and happiness.

"Is this true?" Aurora Borealis ask in hope.

"Indeed. They are unfrozen and back to normal." Omega said, a hint of a smile can be seen on the robot's face.

"I don't believe it... I can be the only who can do it." Frozen Sage said, stunned and speechless by what she is seeing before her. "I can unfreeze them yet... both Cadance and Twilight had manage to do it..."

Frozen Sage gasped in shock as she felt something familiar and unexpected from Cadance and her powers.

“That power….it’s an element….but it’s….no it can’t be!” Frozen Sage spoke in almost disbelief shock of what she was witnessing.

“But it is….that’s…the Element of Love!” Iron Brave responded in what they are seeing, the Element Of Love has revealed itself.

“But I thought there was no one that became worthy of it and it was lost for ages!” Icy spoke in recalling that this element was lost for a long time and none, not even a Mystic, became the wielder of it.

“Until now, and if it’s gone for Cadance, then she must be…” Solflare spoke in seeing that if Candace was in the light of that element, then she must have been chosen.

Soon the flashy glowing works cease, as Cadance seem all better while a bit dizzy from the experience.

“Oh, what…happened?” Cadance asked off from collecting her thoughts in what happened.

“Cadance!” Twilight & Shining Armor came around to check up on Candace followed by the rest of the Sparkle family.

“Are you okay? What was that?” Nyx asked off in wondering what that was.

“It’s so strange, it felt like…a large surge of love entering my being, and suddenly I feel….good.” Cadance spoke in feeling like the work of something that made her feel…more energized. “What is this new form of magic?” She asked from sensing a new form of magic coursing her body.

“The Element of Love is what it’s called.” Brave Iron spoke in having the floor with the others listening in. “Giving pure love and kindness to one’s allies in against the odd numbers or impossible odd moments. Such things like bringing those dead back to the living and restore damage to it’s original form. The strength of the strongest love could do wonders, it’s said that throughout history how love has trumpet over all impossible odds and come to a happy ending, surely you’ve read them in fiction books.” He explained the basic principle of that element and what it can do along with how it’s history has played out.

“Well yes, but…are you saying…my wife is now an Element User?” Shining Armor replied in knowing certain tales, but could not believe it, Cadance is the Element User of Love?

“It is as my brother speaks.” Frozen Sage spoke next in having something to say here. “The element, when it was made, did not settle with one user, as it was something made by one’s purest form of love. It has scattered to the winds, and in the ages of history that came, sparks of it lit up in guiding lovers together and overcome great odds. So there was never a true wielder of it as it was shared around.” She explained how the Element of Love became scattered, to give that extra push when it felt those truly in love that needed aid.

“So then, why did it gather now?” Twilight asked off in not understanding how this happened.

“The answer….may lie with the Heart Stone; in the past, it was more than what it is today. It was once the focus item for the Element of Love.” Brave Iron explained that the Heart Stone seem to have been what was the item form of the Element of Love long ago.

“What?” The others from Ponyville responded in shock, the same Heart Stone that saved the Crystal Empire….was once the container for the Element Of Love; who knew?

“Could it be that what drew out the scattered element was so much focus love towards the object?” Solflare spoke in pioneering what could have happened.

“What if instead, it was focus there, and towards Cadance because…all her subjects truly care for her and Twilight?” Icy stated an idea for a theory, the focus point of the love shared by those who believed in their hearts to cherish and hope to aid the one that loved them the most.

“That would mean everyone, right?” Spike asked off in knowing what that means.

“Right, as in….all species; Male & Female,” Phobos pointed out that it was mares & stallions alike, that showed they love Cadance and Twilight enough to wanna help out.

“So that means….I’m like Twilight and her friends?” Cadance spoke off in stump surprise; this was amazing news to hear.

“Welcome to the club, sister-in-law,” Twilight smiled to Cadance in seeing she’s now like the Mane Six & Ben, representatives of elements.

“Cadance…” Soon Cadance’s parents were seen approaching their daughter with worry.

“Mother…father!” Cadance responded to seeing her folks as she went up to hug them from which they all performed it from having the love for each other.

As the scene plays out in which a touching family moment is seen, certain Mystics watch and begin to chat over what they have bear witnessed as a stroke of a miracle.

“Well sister, surely this must show you something. That there does indeed exist love that is true for all gens, mares and stallions. How else would the Element of Love not consider Cadance worthy?” Iron Brave spoke to Frozen Sage in seeing that maybe now, his sister may have a different opinion over the whole never trust stallions and that Cadance’s rule is lacking; now that the princess of the Crystal Empire has become the user of the Element of Love.

“I…suppose so…” Frozen Sage slowly responded in almost being completely lost for words; truly, she was not expecting that a love she believed could as well been false from a stallion and mare….to be true enough that the element of love itself appeared as proof of it.

The Mystic siblings and their family watched on this scene play out, as for when it’s over….there will be much to discuss afterwards. But for now, they’ll let Cadance & Shining and everyone else have their moment. As things go dark with this standing as a show of promise, and a chance for changes to come even from one’s heart frozen over…like ice.

Frozen Sage cleared her throat and spoke, "Princess Cadance; And Princess Twilight. I wish to apologize for my action of today and yesterday. I have let my anger and hatred get passed on me. I am truly sorry for everything. "

"It's okay. At least you learned your lesson." Twilight said to Frozen Sage with a nod, relieved that the Mystic Councilpony has come to her senses.

"Right; After all, you were hurt by a betrayal enough to not see any reason." Cadance said in agreement.

"You had shown me the errors of my way. I thank you for that. Therefore... both you and Shining Armor remained the rulers of this kingdom." Frozen Sage said to the Royal Couple with a smile on her face.

Everyone else, family, friends and Crystal Ponies cheers on excitedly. Spike laughs, "All right, yeah!"

"Looks like we won despite the close calls," Nyx exclaims with a squee as she hug her aunt and uncle. "What a way to come closer to my 3rd birthday!"

"Oh, is it that time already?" Ben teases his daughter, nuzzling her and making the filly giggle.

"However, I will remained and still be the Crystal Empire's Guardian. I will and guide you both in any ways that I can. That would be your reward for helping me." Frozen Sage said with a nod. It's the least that the mare can do after realizing the errors of her ways at last after so many years. Perhaps she still got a lot to learn.

"Cadance! Thank goodness! You're alright! I thought I lost you! And I am sorry too." Lord Chester said, hugging his daughter and apologizing.

"For what," Cadance ask her father puzzled.

"For being foolish and neglecting you so much. As a father, I should have pay attention to you than work."

"It's okay, father. I forgive you. It wasn't your fault that causes this mess. It was MechaStahl! When I find him, I would like to give a piece of my mind to that freak!"

"I'm with you! That guy owes me an apology for insulting my mother." Ben exclaims furiously. MechaStahl has insulted Celestia and the stallion wants to make him apologize for making that big mistake.

"Let's don't forget of what else he did. He tried to kill us when we're kids." Flash exclaims sternly, agreeing with his best pal.

"I'm sure we'll meet him soon. I had the feeling that our fights and encounter will come." Twilight said thoughtfully, having a feeling that the time will come when the group will see MechaStahl again.

"I just hope that it doesn't happen for a long time!" Ace Swift exclaims with a groan.

"Yeah," The siblings exclaims in agreement with their brother.

MechaStahl, on top of one of the buildings, snarled and growled in anger, "Darn it! So close! So close to get rid of those princesses! And I could have gotten Ben to my side! Everything could have gone right, if it weren't for those three brats! I should've killed them when I had the chance! Doesn't matter. I had to report my minor 'failure'. This war has yet to be ending..."

Unknown to him however, Flare Tiger walked around and smiled when she noticed a Gray Unicorn with a white, gentle and short mane and tail, wearing a coat and his Cutie Mark is a Helghast Symbol and a Machinery Gun. The mare walked up to him with a grin.

Flare Tiger grinned while calling, "Howdy?"

'Mr. Stockman' yelped, "Eh!?! Oh, hello, how may I help you?"

Flare Tiger nodded while asking, "Eeyup, are ya' Mr. Stockman?"

'Mr. Stockman' chuckle nervously, "Yea..."

Flare Tiger chuckled, "Well, it's being nice meeting the messenger known as Mr. Stockman, or should Ah said..."

Flare Tiger whisper into 'Mr. Stockman', "MechaStahl?"

MechaStahl gasped in fear, "How....HOW!?!?"

Flare Tiger grinned in evil while showing off her fangs, asking darkly, "So.... Want a 'CupCake'?"

MechaStahl gulped, "What's 'a CupCake'?"

Flare Tiger whisper into MechaStahl's ear as his eyes wide in fear. The mare smiled while adding, "Boo."

MechaStahl yelped as he ran away with anger, "I will be back!"

Flare Tiger giggled, "Oh, Bring fresh meats for me!"

Flare Tiger watched MechaStahl's disappear then turned around and trotted toward Twilight's group to see who win.

Author's note
Well, I'll be! Frozen Sage has come to her senses and the Crystal Empire remains with Shining and Cadance. And the Alicorn is a new Element User! What a victory per all! The next and final chapter is coming so don't miss it!

Freezing Ben Mare, Shining Armor and Flash Sentry is inspired from Frozen where Elsa accidentally hit her blast at Anna's chest.

Twilight's mad attack start on Frozen is inspired by Dragonball Z.

Freeing the three stallions from the icy prisons is inspired by Frozen's Elsa showing her loving and caring for Anna, freeing her from her prison.

Next Chapter: 5. Chapter 5: Big Changes Estimated time remaining: 29 Minutes
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