
The Abrupt Assumption of Pokey Pierce

by Regina Wright
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
It seems that Pokey Pierce has become the weird event of the week in Ponyville. After being possessed by the spirit of a insane Wendigo, and shot by the harmony bearers, things should be getting back to normal, right?
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Pokey Pierce, freelance janitor and party crasher-extraordinaire, has been used as a weapon of evil to inflict torment on the citizens of Ponyville!

Which is terrible, he knows, but he doesn't remember much of it and would rather get back to what he was doing... You know, before he got possessed by an evil, insane Wendigo spirit. Before he got stuck in those tunnels and wound up in that temple place. But despite the Harmony bearers giving him the good ole magical beam of friendship, freeing him from that loony, he's kinda stuck looking like a Wendigo.

And it's hard to pick up where he left off when he's a walking sign of the end of the world.

Slice of Life
Alternate Universe

1,801 words: Estimated 8 Minutes to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. If Only You Drank From The Pool of Lethe [Cache] Jun 22nd, 2014
Published Jun 22nd, 2014


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