
A Time In Equestria

by BronySinc

Chapter 1: A Time In Equestria

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A Time In Equestria


Brony Sinc - Main Story Writer

Citrus - Details Editor/Writer

Tinker Pie - Dialog Editor/Writer

Candie Skullz - Editor/Reviewer/Artist/


Dante Morello - Reviewer

Haykaito-Chan - Reviewer/Artist

Kenny - Volunteered Reviewer


A Time In Equestria

        Erratic beeping rang through the expanse of the room, grumbles soon followed afterwards with a hard bang as a colossal hand smacked the top of my alarm clock. Irregular clicking was the only sound to be overheard around the room as the morning rays of sunlight radiated in between the cracks of the blinds, instigating a start of a new day. The only light source other than the sun was the bright, dazzling computer screen positioned in front of her face. I was browsing the internet with my friend Candie, we talked on Skype, I met her on a Minecraft server about a month ago.  She was quite the odd gal, she followed this fandom called “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic,” as if it were her real life. She acted as if Twilight Sparkle was over or talk to some pony in her imagination, she even acted as if humans were some made up creatures from mythology.  She always talked about eating grass or walking to Applejack’s barn; I don’t know why but we became great companions despite our differences.  While the sun was overhead, we were bored to the brink of death where we just had to talk just to keep from going insane. Random sputters of letters, phrases, and sentences soon followed afterwards.

 “Hey Candie, want to play Minecraft?” I said indifferently.

 “Naw, Twilight’s over and she is testing some new spells,” Candie sighed sarcastically.

        “I don’t get why you must persist on acting as if she is real but ok,” I regrettably replied.

        “Hey, hey, no... She is real, get over it that she wants to be at my house instead of yours,” Candie retorted, her voice chilled almost as cold as ice.

        A bored expression took over my face, I was rolling my eyes so that the irises were parallel to my nose,  “Well, while we have time to kill, what do you wanna do?”  I said with a numb voice towards Candie.

        “Well, I was thinking of opening a portal to your house actually, we haven't met at all. Twilight learned this new spell that opens portals through Skype.” Candie said in her boisterous, sarcastic tone as usual.

“Ha, ha, ha, have fun at that, good luck trying to walk to my house from your house in Ponyville,” I said with a rambunctious chuckle.

        “Twi!  Can you make a portal to Jake’s house?” Candie asked excitedly.


“Ya, give me a minute, lets get a connection through,” a faint voice in the background replied to Candie.

At this point I was getting a little fed up with this, “What are you yelling at this time Candie?” I inquired, almost wishing I left the call. My fingers leisurely rubbed the wheel on my mouse, the sweaty palms of my hands making faint contact with keys.

“Twilight, how many times do I have to say that?” Candie yelled.

“Whatever, I still think it’s your mom on the other end just tryin to fool me,” I said with doubt. Why would she actually make a portal to my house, especially if she lived in Ponyville. I then raised my head up high so that my nose was pointed towards the sky. My eyes closed slowly, solemnly as the final part of a conceited expression dissipated across my face, not believing that something like that was physically probable.

 “Got it working!  Lets open this up!”  Candie’s supposed Twilight said in the background.

Candie’s voice booms, “Yes!  Lets buck this into action!” I could only imagine that Candie yelled that with a smirk that stretched from ear to ear.  

“Candie, just gi...”  All of a sudden, a tremendous crackle came from my kitchen, sound waves reverberating from the walls that rattled me to the very bone, “What the hell is happening or no, no this can't be what I think it is!” I said to myself, at the end of the hallway I saw a faint purple glow; I got curious and walked over, I heard a voice, it sounded like, “No this can’t be, this can’t be happening! You gotta be kidding me!”  I peered around the corner and there was Candie, she had an winter-white coat that was pure of any blemishes.  She was adorned in a black mane, like Rainbow Dash’s but more ruffled and with a purple highlight located at the front. This pegasus had a cutie mark of two pieces of cartoon candy and a skull; she had bright violet eyes that pierced into my own, breaching the gateway to my very soul.  I couldn’t talk, I could only stare at the marvel that was in front of me.

Candie raised an eyebrow in confusion for a moment before saying, “What the buck are you?” This sounded weird to me for I thought she planned this or that there must be more to this, something, I don't know.

Anger rose from my throat as my own eyebrows slanted, “What the fuck are you?” I also had to try my best not to yell profanity and tell them to get the hell out of my house as loud as my lungs could let me, but I restrained myself out of sheer intrigue at what events would unfold.

Candie said curiously, “What’s a fuck?”

        Disorientation and shock dominated the tone of my voice, “Hold on a minute, you’re a... pony?  But, how?  This makes no sense!  Wait a minute, did you just say what the buck?  What does that even mean?”  as that question concluded Candie beamed a sly smirk.

        Candie said, with a mischievous smile. “I’ll be glad to show you!”  And with that she walked up to me, turned around so that her arse was eye-level to my mouth, and then bucked me in the face.

        “What the hell was that for?!” I bellowed in the rage that us gamers are prestigiously known for. The blood began to rush to my face, causing my cheeks to be tinged with crimson, from the frustration, confusion, and agony that my face was now in from the buck Candie introduced me to.

        Candie chimed in, “You asked me what it was so I answered!  Wait, what are you exactly?” Candie then raised her eyebrow again out of curiosity, raising a hoof to her chin to stroke it gingerly.

        I rubbed my nose, my eyes drooping slightly and spoke, “A human?  And you? You look like a horse of some kind.”

        “A human like in mythology? Oh, this will be exciting indeed!  To answer your question, ummm, I’m obviously a pony, why are you walking on two legs? Doesn't that hurt your body after a while?” Candie inquested to me.

        There were choked words of profanity that were being contained in my throat. “Well why are you walkin on four, then again you are a pony, well a human is, well...”

        “Twilight get over here!” Candie joyfully said,  And with that a lavender unicorn walked out of the portal and gasped with her eyes wide open in surprise.

        Twilight freaked out, words of confusion erupted from her mouth, “What is this!  Is that a human!?!  B... Bu... But How!  They are extinct!  It’s not even proven they are real yet!” And with that I looked at her in confusion, thinking of a chat that I had with Candie one day about how “Human Mythology” was something she joked about a lot with me.

        “Well I’m just as surprised as you are, not only are you talking ponies, but you are talking ponies from a TELEVISION SHOW for LITTLE KIDS!” I said, in a sarcastic tone.

        Twilight started excitedly, “Well you’re an extinct race of something we call humans.  I’ve read all about your species, you let hatred and corruption dominate your lives, destroying everything around you, everything was destroyed after a great war, or at least that's what the books say in the Canterlot Royal Library.  Can I do some studying on you later?”  I looked at her, my lips flat on my face, not an expression of emotion was present.

        “Wait, wait, wait, how did this end up?” Candie questioned.

        “Thats what I was wondering; how are you playing on OUR networks?” I asked as well

        Twilight quirked and said, “Heh, that may be my fault, sorry, I kinda modified her connection so it would be a lot faster, it may have actually sent its connections all the way to this dimension.”

Candie said in realisation “That would explain all the weird nut jaws I have had to deal with since that day, always callin me a brony, I don’t even know what a brony is honestly!”

“Wait wait wait, why are you even here?” I said trying to figure out if i was just insane or if I was just dreaming.

 “Well, you said good luck on getting over here. I decided that I might as well come here since we could. Twi’s been itching to use that spell for sometime now!” Candie said.

“I thought you were just kidding!  How was I supposed to know a pony would actually somehow open a dimensional portal to my world!  My kitchen of all places, look at the mess you made!  My mom is going to kill me for this!” I said, in a panic I mean there are live colorfull talking ponies in my house this can't be real it just can’t.

Twilight interjected, “She is going to kill you?  Why would she do such a thing for a small task?”  And with that she started using her magic to fix the place up, it only took a few seconds, I could only stare.

I argued, “Wait a minute, if you can do magic...  Is there any way, I can check your world out?”  Twilight looked at me with a stern face.

        “I don’t thin...” Twilight said.

“YA THATS A GREAT IDEA!  Come on Twi!  Can’t he stay for just a bit?” Candie interrupted.

        Twilight sighed and we stood there as motionless as statues for a few minutes until the lavender unicorn finally broke the silence and said, “Fine,  he can come for a few days if he is there any longer it can mess things up.”  With that Candie started to jump up and down in delight, she seemed like she had a never-ending supply of energy.  With that Twilight motioned me and Candie to go towards the portal.

        Twilight finally said, “Ok, when you walk through this portal, make sure to hold your breath, it will take a while before we reach our destination.”  And after saying that she jumped into the portal disappearing from sight, Candie grinned and jumped in as well, I then jumped in after taking a big breath in, it must have been three minutes before we made it out, when I got to the other side I was gasping for breath!  The two ponies looked at me like I was dieing, Candie rushed to my side worried for me.

        “Are you ok?  By the way uhh, what is your name?” Twilight quipped in a panic.

        “Ya, I’m ok,” I answered, then I took another deep breath and said, “Not used to holding my breath that long, I’m Jake, Jake Light.”

        “That’s an odd name...” Twilight said.

        “Wait, weren't you a human before you came here?”  Candie asked, and with that I looked at myself and I noticed I was standing on all fours, I had hooves, I was one of them.  I started to hyperventilate while trying to think of what had just happened.

        “I was afraid this might happen, when you entered our world you turned into one of us, your human body wasn’t fit for this world so it stayed behind, it should be waiting for you when you go back I hope.” Twilight said, with a melancholy sigh of regret.

“Wait, so I’m going to be stuck like this until I go back?” I yelled in a panic. I felt my body trembling; it might be due to the fact that I change into another species, or it could be the fact that this scared the living hell out of me, or is a mixture of both, it did not matter. I can’t even think straight after what just happened!

        Twilight interjected happily, “Yep!”  And with that she started to freak out, I could not tell if it was out of fear or excitement, then she ran out the door mumbling something about a letter to the princess.

        Candie looked happily at me and said, “Wanna go for a trot around Ponyville?  I can show you around!”  And with that Candie flew out the door.  I slowly walked over, I had to get used to walking around on four legs, it took quite some time, I fell on my face a lot so I was in a lot of pain, my hooves would even go out of sync! After sometime I finally got the hang of it, with a little help from Candie of course.  I started to walk with her around the place, Ponyville looked a lot bigger than the show made it to be, everything was much bigger than it seemed.  I saw a lot of ponies I had seen from the episodes I had watched out of curiosity.  I walked down with her when three fillies on the road started laughing, Candie looked at them with a stern face.

        “He has no cutie mark!” The filly pegasus chuckled out.

        “He ain’t got a mark on his flank at his age!” The filly earth pony laughed.

        “Ever think that some ponies never get their cutie mark?” Candie said,  And with that they all shut up, then they started to look very worried and at each other.

        “Wait, what if we never get our marks!” The filly pegasus said.

        The filly unicorn started to crying out, “What if our talent is never found!”  And with that they started to run away.  I felt terrible after that, Candie just laughed to herself but she seemed as if she felt guilty in the way she acted.  With that we continued on, she introduced me to the town hall, she tried to get a balloon so I could go to Cloudsdale with her but I refused to enter it, I can barely walk I am not going to fly in a balloon, she was quite depressed after that.  After a while we went to get something to eat, she took me to some place called Sugarcube Corner, the place sounded oddly familiar to me.          When we entered I saw two earth ponies managing the place, I recalled them from the show as Mr. and Mrs. Cake.  There was a Pink pony playing with two baby fillies in the other side of the counter, I think her name was Pinkie Pie, she seemed to have never ending energy.

        “What do you want to eat?” Candie asked.

        “What do you recommend?” I asked.

“Well I would recommend the grass sandwich but...” Candie was interrupted.

        “Hold on hold on, grass?  Why would I eat that?  What else is on the menu?” I said with panic in my voice,

        “Well there is also hay and eggs.” Candie said.

        “Remember, I am human, is there anything that I can eat that I would enjoy?” I said.

        “Well what do humans usually eat?” Candie said.

        I smiled and said, “Well I’m dying for some kind of meat, I’m not in that vegetarian stuff you are into.”

        “Wait, what do you mean by meat?  You’re not saying you eat living things are you?” Candie panicked with fear that she might be eaten.

        “Ya?  What of it?  Don’t you have any meat in this world?” I asked.

        “Umm, we don’t kill animals in our world...” Candie tried to say.

        I started to yell, “What!  How would you even stand to eat this stuff!”  And with that everybody in the bakery looked at me, they all had dumbfounded looks on their faces, I even got that pink ponies attention for a few moments before she returned to playing with the twins.  Candie was just shrugging since she didn’t like this much attention, eventually all the ponies returned to what they were doing so we continued our conversation, quietly.

        “Why did you have to go and make a scene, seriously thats not cool!” Candie whispered.

        “Well, how am I supposed to eat this shit!  Thats nasty!  Why would I...” I said.

        Candie broke in, “Why wouldn’t you? You’re not human anymore, just try a grass sandwich, if you don’t like it then I’ll finish it.”  I nodded in consent and then she walked up to the counter, I found a place to sit, after a couple of minutes she returned with two pieces of grass between slices of bread, adjacent to each other on a platter.  She gave me mine, it took me a few minute to realize that I had to use my mouth to grab it from her, it was one of the most awkward moments of my life.  At first I thought she was going to try to kiss me, I fell out of my chair when she came towards me.  All the ponies around me chuckled, I felt terrible because not only did I fall, but I had a hard time getting up; it is different when you are on all fours, you usually would just jump up, with this you have to actually roll over, erecting yourself up while you lie flat on your back.  When I got up I noticed every pony in the place mocked me. The fuschia equine was reenacting what had just happened to make the twins laugh.  I slowly sat down and Candie was also laughing.

        Candie still laughing said, “Why did you pull back?  I was handing you your sandwich.”

        “With your mouth?” I replied hastily.

         “Well, we don’t exactly have what you called hands, we use our mouth to grab everything, well,  except unicorns.” Candie answered

        I realized she was right and exclaimed, “Fuck you I do what I want!” Then sat up and spun around!  Halfway through the spin I fell over, realizing its not easy to spin on all fours, it also got really dizzy extremely fast.  I saw Candie smack a hoof to her face when I fell, everypony in the restaurant burst out into humorous laughs again.  When I finally got back in my seat for the second time I realize how much different I was feeling, I was much more energetic, I couldn’t help but laugh, it was odd, I was usually the type of person to be conceited to himself.  I finally grabbed the the sandwich, when I took a bite of it, it actually tasted, quite good, I couldn’t help to admit it but this was a lot better than I could have imagined.  When we finished I don’t know why but I had a huge grin on my face.

        Candie grinned and said, “A lot better than you thought?”  I nodded in reply, with that we started to leave, I heard a lot of chuckling when we left.  When we got outside she asked if we should go to the Canterlot Royal Library, Twilight wanted to do some research later today.  Well when we decided that she took a path to leave Ponyville, I started to worry since we were going to a quite scary looking forest, I normally wouldn’t be freaked out, I did not know why it was scaring me now.  Candie told me it would be ok as long as we kept on going.  When we entered the forest I felt an ominous force engulf me.  Everything got dark, there was a lot of noises to be heard, animals were everywhere, they ran free compared to the pens in Ponyville, I did not like the place at all.  I heard loud sounds every now and then and a bunch of bird fly off in a distance.  After all we have been through I decided I might as well put my trust in Candie, for all I know there may be some six headed monster chasing us. I all of a sudden heard a loud smash, Candie looked terrified, we looked towards the sound and I heard a loud screech.  What I saw I couldn’t comprehend, how could this be, was this place reading my mind?  I had just thought of a monster with... Six?  Six heads chasing us, how could this be!  With that we started running.

        Candie yelled, “RUN ITS A HYDRA!”  And I didn’t need anything more than that to start galloping off.  It was a very fast monster but we eventually outran it, when we outran it I noticed we could see Canterlot.  When we lowered our pace I couldn’t believe how much I had just run, and I barely broke a sweat.  I noticed the place was filled with pegasi guards, they all looked exactly the same, it was starting to creep me out.  Candie just trotted happily, when we started walking into the city I had just realized that everypony was naked...  I started to feel awkward for the rest of the walk.  When we got to the library an odd acting pink pony who looked like Pinkie Pie from Sugarcube Corner except, that he had a long mane that looked like it had not been cut in a long time and an unkempt tail that was longer than most colts in this world, it also had a light pink highlight that ran through the mane and tail but unlike this pony’s tail, his hair was styled in a way, I guess. The pink pony was inside throwing a few of the books that were left on the shelves into a big pile in the middle of the room.

        The pink pony threw a blue-tinted book against the wall and yelled, “Why does everypony keep renting Nyan Cat?!” With that Candie started to laugh because she had it pre reserved for herself.  I saw Twilight was near the pile of novels, trying to organize them on the shelf while Candie was right behind her throwing them back in the pile.  The pile had a sign in front of it with a strange mark of the pink pony smiling with two hoofs up saying, “Tinker Approved,” the sign itself said “Books To Burn”, a plethora of the books in the pile looked like they were about physics.  Frustration built up within him and decided to let Twilight do her thing while he waited for her to leave.Twilight was busy so I decided to talk to this odd earth pony, his body twitching with weird body spasms out of the corner of my eye.

        I said, not specifically caring what the answer was, “What’s your name?”

        “Tinker’s my name don’t wear it out!” Tinker said with glee, his eyes closing as he showed his teeth.

        I replied, my voice retarded as I felt the intensity of the inferno against my coat,  “What’s with this pile of books you’re burning?”

        Tinker retorted with opening an eye wide, then ran it up and down my body to inspect it, “Oh that?  That’s just some fake physics books, sayin ponies shouldn’t walk on walls and stuff,”

        I inquired, thoughts bounced around in my mind with everypony climbing up walls as if it were second nature, my eyes winced slightly, “But shouldn't that be right..?”

        Tinker beamed and spoke,“You say I can’t do this?”  And with that he ran towards a wall, I closed my eyes waiting for a loud smash, but the galloping continued, I opened my eyes to see him trotting all around the walls.  I decided I wanted to give it a try.  I started to run towards the wall, as I approached the wall Twilight looked over and yelled, “WAIT, NO!”  Candie peared over and started laughing her brains out.  As I jumped to balance myself on the wall, I smashed into it and fell astern on my back, a black haze began to overtake my consciousness as I began to black out.

        I woke up in a hospital bed, with that wretched Tinker above me staring deep into my eyes.  How long was I out?  More importantly, how long has that pink mud-pony been staring at me? I trembled at the very thought of what possibilities Tinker did while I was unconscious.

        Tinker said, “Seven hours, three minutes, and forty two seconds!”  I leaped, a startled expression broke out from my face how did he know what I was thinking?  How did he even stand on the wall earlier? He broke the laws of physics and gravity itself?!

        “I don’t break physics, if I don’t like the fundamentals I reject it and replace it with my own!” Tinker complained.

        “How do you know what I’m thinking?!” I howled.

        “Tinker sense, I had a tail wag, eye flutter, and knee pinch, that means you’re

gonna ask how long you've been out!  Same thing with the physics one, just a different combo!” Tinker said giddily, his rump then proceeded to sit down on a chair, closing his eyes as he laughed maniacally. He pressed his hooves up against his stomach to assist in suppressing his merriment but failed.


“How would you know that? Does this happen a lot?” I questioned.

“A lot more than you think it does, I estimate 5.90883 times a week!” Tinker cackled in his replied.

“I am not even going to question this crazy pony’s logic. I am scared for what might happen if I do.” I thought to myself, ideas baffled in the center of my mind.

Twilight was next to the wooden desk, groves of carvings adorned the sides, physical notes littered the top. Did she experimented on me while I was out?  Candie was next to Tinker, her eyes widened out of confusion, almost as if she were concerned about something.

        “Doctor Hooves!  Is he going to be alright?!” Candie bellowed.

        “Yep, he should be ok in a day or so, he had a nasty hit on the head from that fall, now can you care to explain to me what happened?” Doctor Hooves replied calmly.

        Twilight started to chuckle and said, “Tinker over there made him think he could walk up walls.”

“But I can walk up walls!”  Tinker squawked. He had begun to put his front hooves on the abreast wall, getting on his bottom hooves like a bipedal creature. Knees were bent as he sent his bottom hooves into motion against the wall. His bottom hooves then stuck, acting like suction cup. There he hung, defying gravity and the laws of physics as his mane drooped to the side.

        The Doctor chortled, his lips then plucked out to voice his own opinion.  “This is the third pony this week, when will they learn?” The light brown earth pony put a hoof to his mouth to suppress a giggle from hearing his own witty humor.

        “Well Jake, I have done a few experiments on you while you were asleep.” Twilight said, then a shocked expression came over my face, ears twitching rapidly at hearing the news.  I was right, she did do a few experiments on me, what did she do?!  This is so embarrassing, how could this be happening to me? I should have never left my world!  I stared out the window, the bright glowing sphere of the sun was still radiating warmth over the land. I looked at the fan for a few seconds and looked at the window again, it was night time, same as...  Wait, night? How could it be night already?!?  I only looked at the fan for a few seconds.  How could that happen?!? I then again I realized I cannot explain any of this. I just accepted it realizing that it’s hopeless trying to understand this world, ponies that walk on walls, candy colored equines everywhere, talking ponies, unicorns, pegasi, this is all just too much to take in. What have I gotten myself into?

        The Doctor said, “You're going to have stay overnight, so Tinker told me that you may want to have some company. I got the paperwork filled out and now Tinker can stay with you all night. Hope you enjoy the company.”  After that I had a horrific look on my face; how could I even survive the night with Tinker?!  This would end up being the worst night of my life, as everybody but Tinker left the room I grabbed a book, the cover said “Daring Doo And The Quest Of The Sapphire Stone”  Tinker had a funny look on his face when I picked it up.

        Tinker said at an extremely fast pace, “Where are you from, huh? That’s an amazing book you got there, read it seventeen times over.”  With that Tinker jumped right next to me virtually smashing himself onto my bed, it was the most annoying thing I had experienced in, well, just about all my, no, for sure, all my life.  He constantly asked questions, not to mention the physics breaking he sometimes does on the occasion, half of the time he was running around on the roof, drove me insane, It took forever for me to fall asleep.  When I woke up, again, Tinker was over me staring deep into my eyes.  I pushed him off saying “Knock it off!”  The doctor came in with Twilight and Candie and they smiled, the doctor said I could leave now.

After we left the hospital, Tinker begged that we go to the club, I could tell that he was itching for a party, I have no idea how he can be this hyper after staying up all night watching me sleep, I just don’t get these ponies.  They always want to do something idiotic, I had to agree since we had nothing better to do, and it was the only thing that could get Tinker to shut up.

“Fine, Tinker, we can go to this club you’re talking about,” I sternly stated.

“WOO! A PARTY!”  Tinker screamed, It was so embarrassing I saw every pony stop what they were doing and they just stared at us.

        ‘Tinker, you idiot...,’  I thought to myself.  

  We had been walking around Canterlot  for a while, what seemed like hours slipped through my hooves like sand in a hour glass, Tinker had gotten us lost three different times, he seemed to walk around walls and in circles with the map, you would think that a pony who lived here all his life would know where a damn club is.  Eventually we made it to our destination, the club looked amazing, it had dark strobe lights everywhere, and it was all lit in neon that stated The Equestrian, there was also a huge heavy stallion guarding the door in a black suit, near the stallion was a long line held up by a velvet rope, they slowly let ponies in, when Twilight and Candie looked at the line they smiled, I had no idea why, until on the side of my sight I saw a pink pony walking to the guard, oh no, he is sneaking up on him, he looks like he is going to pounce him!  Wait, what?  Did he just tap that guard on the shoulder, They seemed to be laughing and having fun, and then he motioned him in?  What!  But, but, but, ah forget it, he is waving us in so that should be good.  I slowly walked to the gate with Candie and Twilight, they smiled as they passed the guard, the guard stopped me  and my heart stopped.

The guard stubbornly grumbled, “Back of the line,”  After that I looked down and started to walk away until...

“Hey, he is with me Relic.” No sooner, the guard looked to see. Tinker had said in his happy, fun, loving tone. He let me in with a beaming smile. When we entered I noticed the place looked like, a giant rave!  There were ponies with fluorescent necklaces radiating auras of light , unicorns were causing all the flashing, neon glimmers the strobe effect pulsating different colors of the color spectrum everywhere. There were ponies propped in chairs everywhere talking to each other, it seemed so much like my world. How has this come to be?  I think I may be liking this world a little now. I mean, how has this world been here without anybody knowing about it, or in here as they called it in this world, anypony, yuck. That very term sent shivers up my spine, I mean I am a man, why am I enjoying a world with talking candy-colored equines.

Tinker had found the bar in a few seconds, all the ponies around him were laughing. Candie and Twilight were talking to two stallions near the entrance, I eventually decided to go to Tinker, he seemed extremely giddy to see. I decided to sit with him, he looked directly at me with a smile, he looked, different.  He had a mug of cider in his hand, his hand was also shaking and his leg was very jittery, he acted lush. He was flinching a lot. He all of a sudden jumped up and started break dancing on the floor for no apparent reason, leaving his mug of cider behind, it made no sense to me but I laughed at his silly antics. He got the attention of all the ponies around them, majority of them had Applejack Daniels. I think Tinker said something earlier about how he didn’t drink any alcohol because he is scared of babies, I guess cider is his substitute I think.  Eventually he got up and started to smile into my eyes, I did not like where this was going, he then grabbed my hoof’s and started to spin me around, of all things!  He started to mumble some words I could not make sense of, all of the ponies around me were laughing, I felt embarrassed at first but then I realized that I would never see any of these ponies again so I started to enjoy myself.  Eventually I noticed a gray earth pony whose mane was of purple and pink and his ruffled mane was flying everywhere, he also had a colorful music note as the mark on his flank that I keep seeing on all these ponies, he was the DJ of the party, all the attention of everybody was on him, and he seemed to be enjoying the crowd, he seemed to only be rivaled by Tinker.  I walked up and started to cheer him on, he seemed to be enjoying the attention, I froze as I saw Tinker walk up to him, he slipped the DJ a couple of bits and pointed me out, oh no, he didn’t...

The DJ yelled into the mic while pointing to me, “Shoutout for my friend Jake!  Show them what you got!”  And with that the song changed from techno into a extremely fast paced dubstep song and the spotlight was on me, all the ponies around me moved out of the way, Tinker was on the stage smiling at me, Candie and Twilight were laughing with their friends, not noticing anything that is happening, I had no escape...

After the club was closed, we started to leave the city, we were still in Canterlot.  I was angry at Tinker because of the DJ incident, he could only laugh about it. It was terrible for me, but everypony else loved it.

“Would we have to get through the forest at night to get back to Ponyville?” I asked.

Candie and Twilight said at the same time, “Ponyville Express!” with grins on their faces.  With that we started to trot to the railroad, all the ponies looked like they were in a hurry today, I looked up and saw a bunch of pegasi putting clouds over the city.

Tinker yelled, “They are making a rainstorm, Jake!  Did you like the request I got you from the DJ?  Sinc did a great job on the song he gave you!”  I jumped in surprise, I didn’t even know he was still following us!  When we got on the train we all were in a small compartment on it, Tinker was on the walls brushing his teeth, as usual, Twilight was reading a book, Candie was just sitting happily with me.

I asked, “Tinker, don’t you have to stay in Canterlot, where you live?”

Tinker replied happily, “I’ll just stay with Pinkie Pie!  She is my cousin after all!”  I face-hoofed after that realizing he probably is telling the truth.  The train was actually quite fast for what it looked.  When we finally got to Ponyville, Tinker immediately hopped off the train and sprinted towards Pinkies house.  I had no idea why he was in such a hurry. A few seconds later, he ran back with Pinkie next to him, both smiling ear to ear.

Pinkie said, “Oh you're that weird pony who kept falling the other day!  What a laugh that was!  We should have a party!  I’ll invite everypony!”

I said, “That’s okay, Pinkie, I don’t want a party,”

Pinkie said, “Nonsense!  Everypony needs a party every now and then!”  And threw some confetti in the air while jumping around with Tinker.  I was sure of it, this place was crazy.  Twilight led me to her library with Candie, Tinker wouldn’t stop following me, Pinkie ran back to her home to set the party up, when I walked in the library I heard a voice say, “Hey Twi!”  And I looked towards it, I almost shit myself from what I saw, a living dragon!  I hid behind Candie for a few seconds, they all started to laugh while Spike looked in wonder as if he did something wrong.

Candie said, “Jake, it’s ok!  Spikes our friend!”

I said, “But that thing!”  Spike looked insulted then angry at that which made me cower more.

Twilight said, “Dragon, he is my assistant and friend, he wouldn’t harm a fly.”

Spike yelled, “Hey! What’s going on?  What’s all this nonsense about anyways, who is this weird bozo?” And after he calmed down he pulled out a red diamond, then you wouldn’t get what he does, he ate the diamond!  A diamond!  I cringed at the crunching sound, it sounded like a snapping bone, how could he eat something so hard!  It’s official, this world is fucked up.  Oh wait, I’m sorry, in this universe, it’s bucked up.  I started to get dizzy trying to comprehend what I have been going through for the last few days.  All of a sudden I toppled sideways and everything went black again.

When I woke up, oh my god, Tinker was staring into my eyes, again...  This time I threw him off since it really irritated me, and quite frankly it was just plain creepy, even for something in this world.  Tinker all of a sudden became depressed and walked out the room, Candie looked angrily at me then sympathetically towards the door Tinker left out of.

Twilight looked at me and said, “Sorry but the doc said that you may lose consciousness at random times of the day, you should stay with us to be safe, it should only happen a couple of times so we should be ok for now.”

Candie said with an angry expression, “What's with the attitude Jake, Tinker seems upset now, it takes a lot to do that to him.”

Twilight said casually, “Well, Jake, it’s time to go to sleep as it is so you can sleep in my bed for tonight, I’ll just get a mattress from the closet. Candie, you really should be going now.”  And with that, Candie left. Twilight opened up one of the walls and used her magic to pull out a small mattress, then put it next to Spike, she sat down on it and said goodnight.

It was mid morning when Twilight woke me up, she said breakfast was ready, Spike cooked some hay and eggs this morning.  It was one of the most wonderful thing I have tasted in a long time.  A few minutes after we finished eating Candie arrived at the door with Tinker, Tinker was still sad, I felt bad for the pony, he probably didn’t mean to cause any harm.

I said, “Tinker, I’m sorry about last night, I just haven't been feeling myself lately,” I felt as if I did not deserve Tinker’s forgiveness after what I did to him after how I treated him this entire time for just trying To watch out for me for just trying to help me fit in for, for just trying to be my friend.


Tinker sadly said, “Thanks, where did you come from anyways?”

Twilight intervene anxiously saying, “Hey hey hey ponies, lets not talk about this right now, let’s just sit down for a minute.”  I looked at Twilight and smiled for helping me out of that situation, Tinker looked like his normal self again already, I wonder if he is mentally insane?  Twilight said that we should go to Candie’s house, she has a lot of work to do today.

When Tinker, Candie, and I finally arrived at her house, she showed us to the gaming room she has set up, oh my god it was one of the most amazing things I had seen in my life, despite the fact that everything had a pony tint to it, it looked like a gamer’s paradise.

Candie said, “This is my room!  Sorry if its a little messed up, I didn’t get a chance to pick up all the games.”  The games around the place were like games we had in my world, with a pony spin, Pony Warfare 3, Left 4 Pony, Pony Rising, Forza Ponysports 4, Pegasi Combat, everything that we would have in my world, she even had a Ponstation, it looked alot like a Playstation 3 from my world, and a X-Pwn 360, just like our Xbox 360, she had Ponytube up on the computer watching, a human video?  It’s as if the whole website was like Youtube, but ponyfied, and they did things, of humans as if it were My Little Pony from our world!  Tinker immediately grabbed the controller of the X-Pwn and put in Pony Of Duty: Finest Hour, it immediately put Tinker into the world war two combat scenario as a, Russian pony?  This is really weird, yet its really cool!  In the game they had Pegasi flying everywhere with these weird mounted guns on their wings, the ponies had a weird device to hold guns on their hoofs, it was amazingly different, yet it was the same.  Candie grabbed the controller next to him, and all of a sudden Tinker started to have a friendly rage while Candie laughed. I had already learned that Candie was amazing at video games over the internet when we played together.  Candie called me over at the end of the game, the Kill/Death ratio for Candie was 74/2  while Tinker was 2/98.  I laughed looking at the score, even after losing that badly, Tinker laughed a lot.

Tinker laughed out, “I'll never get how you use this controller Candie!”

Candie flapped her wings and said, “Wings, that makes the player!”

Candie handed me her controller, I couldn’t figure out how to press the buttons, eventually I figured out how to smash my hoof on the controller to make it do what I wanted, it was very awkward having accidentally throwing grenades or knifing an ally on hardcore, it was hard as it was to move around.  Eventually I gave up while Tinker tried to still figure it out.

Tinker said, “No biggy Jake, I can’t figure out this either!  Still a lot of fun though!”  The whole time we were doing that Candie was laughing to herself.  Twilight arrived a few hours later and watched us play.  I started to get dizzy after playing the game for a few hours, it really was getting quite annoying, before I passed out, I realized that Candie and Tinker were the perfect friend for me, I never wanted to leave the place.  

When I woke up they all had sad looks on their faces, it was nighttime, I thought that they were sad because I was passed out, I was so wrong.

Twilight sadly said, “Jake, you have to go back to your world now, this place is not meant for you, the universe is starting to reject you, storms have been getting out of controll all over Equestria, I think the time has come to where you have to go,”  Candie was crying, Tinker looked terribly sad, Pinkie was just as depressed as Tinker, she even had her usually fluffy mane into a straight mane.

Tinker cried, “WHHHYYYYY!  Don’t go!  You can stay Jake! You can! Please don't make him go!”  Pinkie was just sniffing while Tinker said that. as for tinker his eyes were filling with tears and that sad expression...

Candie cried, “Jake, promise me... promise me that... That you will stay in contact..?”

Twilight interrupted by saying, “I know this is all sad and all but this has to be done, the universe will be destroyed if he doesn't,”  Candie nodded while Tinker and Pinkie cried their hearts out.  I was so wrong, I knew that in the back of my mind that I had to leave, I actually knew the whole time, wishing it would happen sooner, now I only wanted to stay here forever.

I said with sorrow in my voice, “D... Don’t worry Candie, I’ll keep I... In touch with you and Tinker.”  They all smiled after hearing that.  Twilight slowly opened the portal, everybody started to cry, as I walked through the portal I knew this was bad, I was feeling dizzy, Candie saw it too and started to freak out, she jumped in after me but everything just went black.

I woke up on my bed, had that all been a dream?  Wow, that was amazing, I wanted to go back to that dream so badly, that was a long dream, I looked at the time and it was, 1:00am?!?  How could I only sleep for a few hours and it feel like a couple of days!  All of a sudden I realized something, my face was in immense pain, so was the back of my head, I walked over to the bathroom and saw... No, this can’t be, two hoof indentations from when Candie bucked me, and a huge mark on the back of my head from when I fell off the wall because of Tinker.  It brought a tear to my eye knowing that this was true, it was the best time of my life.  I ran towards my computer and looked at my Skype friends list, Candie was missing, how could that be.  I walked around my house and what I saw I couldn’t comprehend, a picture of the six of us on the table.  It was real for sure...


puncuation somewhere i dont know

tinker pie:

NO MORE we are relaceing it


as if it was his real life,i thought it was a girl you were talking about?


signing that it was noon was near?

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