
Amazing Comics: Spider-Man

by Buster Knutt

Chapter 82: Investigation

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Luna set her mug of coffee down next to her computer, her eyes scanning the files she'd brought up on multiple monitors.

She'd asked a member of the NSA to get her access to Oscorp's most recent files and he'd worked quickly, having Oscorp's mainframe opened and examined before sending the files that fit her request to her personal computer.

Browsing through several different files she focussed mostly on the projects that had a lot of funding behind them, always wanting to know what the money she gave to these companies was being used on, and trying to find a correlation between these projects and the Metal Gear black project.

Her official inquiry into Oscorp was not due to start for another three days, this time being needed to acquire warrants and premises searching rights, and in that time she decided to revisit Oscorp's achievements.

The first file that caught her eye and gathered here interest was the genetic engineering one, having been given a budget of six billion dollars from herself.

The project was headed by Doctors Curt Connors and Richard Parker.

She made a disgusted noise as she thought of the money she'd poured into Connors' and Parker's mad scientist projects, their attempts to 'Rewrite the genetic code and usher in a new age of self-controlled human evolution'

And like traditional mad scientists they'd started with animals, Curt working on lizards and Parker working with spiders.

She'd respected Dr Connors work, had seen potential in harnessing a lizard's ability to regrow their own limbs as a way to help amputees all over the world regain their full physical strength.

Parker on the other hand was a damn fool, a trait he'd passed onto that bastard son of his she thought, and had wasted half of the budget on trying to give humans spider powers, trying to fuse together the best traits of different spiders by altering their unspecialised cells during their embryonic stages, trying to use specialised cells from other breeds to create on genetically-engineered super spider.

He'd also worked on another project that was supposed to change humanity, before he started his work on the spider-soldier idea. A project she'd had a personal stake in by giving a budget of thirty five billion dollars of her own money as well as partnering with the then-young Victor Von Doom, a partnership between Latveria and America that was supposed to benefit both countries to alter the course of human life.

But instead the project remained unfinished as Parker had abandoned it to start a new life in England, the patent on the formula belonged to Victor, the bastard refusing to give it back to it's rightful owners, and Luna's hope for this new wonder-cure had been dashed against the rocks.

As this cure was essential to repairing both herself and her older sister, as well as Cadance should she need it.

But then Parker had returned only to once again destroy her faith in him, remaining adamant that he could not finish the project and that he was too busy as he'd dedicated his life to his new family.

"Traitorous bastard" Luna growled, taking another sip of her coffee "And fuck Doom as well... and him too"

Then she thought about the third party involved in the project, a great man she once admired, who had proven himself to be nothing more than a coward, focussed on only his own needs instead of her's.

The man who'd promised to give her everything she needed before leaving her with less than nothing.

"T'Challa" she spat furiously, downing the rest of her coffee before slamming the mug down onto her desk with a loud chink.

She was silent for a long second, staring angrily at the smiling faces of both Richard and Curt before deciding to see what Curt had been working on recently, his progress on the regenerative formula having slowed down in the past ten years.

From brief searching she was able to find that he was still working on the project, and had not abandoned it like his treacherous partner, and reports said he believed he was getting closer to finding a correct balance in the formula, less than a year if his calculations were correct.

She'd spent six billion dollars on the project, most of which was used up. And as much as she trusted Connors' ability to make progress she wasn't willing to give him another grant unless he showed her concrete evidence that his formula worked.

She knew he worked tirelessly to restore his own arm, and that his best bet was to use his formula. But if there was no formula to present there would be no funding to keep the project going and Connors would have wasted over twenty years of his life.

And, more importantly, a large amount of her money.

Her mind then went back to Parker's project, a mad scientist's fantasy as she'd described it over twenty years ago.

Impossible ideas backed up by a moronic coward" she mumbled, using the sentence she'd described Parker's ideas with.

But, if her hunch was correct, Parker's second biggest had project had been successful in creating Spider-Man, a man she held no respect for and no warm feelings about herself but it did not change the fact that Parker had been successful in creating his super-spider.

The same one she'd heard chatter about of being found crushed to death on one of the top floors on the tower, with a shoe print matching a pair produced by her niece's own fashion brand.

A strange thought occurred to her at that moment, her mind seeing Parker's spider formula as his legacy.

"One that should, by all rights, belong to his son" she said, tapping her chin with a slender finger "But the world doesn't work in that perfect a manner, Peter should have no idea about his father's work much less inherit it, that particular Parker hand-me-down hasn't been passed from father to son" Next Chapter: Awkward Reunion Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 14 Minutes

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