
Amazing Comics: Spider-Man

by Buster Knutt

Chapter 41: Miss Wonderful Personality

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Miss Wonderful Personality

"Dude, that fucking sucks" Harry said down the phone as Peter tied his tie properly "I think you're gonna be one of the few people there without a date" Peter knew that saying all too well. The week had passed quickly, his injuries from the fight with the Ice Queen, his new nickname for Luna, and he'd made a few decent pay checks from his work at the Bugle, enough for his Aunt to focus on other things rather than how she was going to pay that month's bills.

"I really don't wanna walk in the place without a date but I can't stand everybody up, especially when they've invited me personally" peter said, realizing at this point he never asked what the party was for.

"Its kind of an aspiring minds kinda thing, there's gonna be a bunch of rich scientists, business CEOs and investors gathered around and waving their money to see who has the biggest stack" Harry explained after Peter had asked him.

"So what the fuck am I going there for?" he asked in annoyance "I'm just some broke kid from Queens who struggles to pay for the water bill"

"I know, but Twilight's not exactly Tony Stark's next big competitor in terms of money and technology you know?" Harry asked.

"Oh yeah, how could I forget that Twilight and her family aren't billionaires, I mean they're only millionaires dude and that makes me feel so much better" Peter growled "So I'm going to a party for rich bitches in a room rented by the ruler of the fucking country with guests who will probably have amazing trophy wives and then there's me; some bum kid showing up with the only achievement to his name being that he holds the record for being the most unpopular kid in Midtown High"

"Jesus fucking Christ Peter, can you be any more angry at yourself?" Harry asked in amazement.

"I can fucking try" Peter hissed before sighing loudly "Alright man, I've gotta go... I'll see you when I get there"

"Don't keep the driver I sent for you waiting, Aleks gets bored easily" Harry reminded.

"Right sorry, I forget you're very protective of your billions of dollars and want to make sure they're well spent" Peter muttered.

"Peter... shut up" Harry laughed before he ended the call. Peter stuffed his phone inside his suit pocket, feeling anxiety and inadequacy welling up in his chest, once again considering whether or not he should just abandon the party and come up with excuse about work coming up or something.

"No... I can't just not go" Peter sighed.

"You're right, especially when you've got a date coming over" May said from his doorway. Peter flinched slightly, his aunt catching him off guard but confusion took over briefly.

"What do you mean 'date'?" Peter asked "I never got a date"

"Well... lets just say I took control of the situation and found you one" May said with a smug look.

"You found one? You didn't hire a hooker did you?" Peter asked in terror.

"Jesus Peter, of course I didn't" May said sternly "Remember that girl I told you about? My friend Anna's niece?" Peter was confused for a second before he remembered what his aunt was talking about.

"You don't mean Miss Wonderful Personality do you?" Peter asked, the fear evident in his voice.

"Yes, Mary-Jane Watson" May nodded "And she's a lovely girl Peter, you should be lucky I could get her to go with you"

"Yeah... alright" Peter sighed, his heart being crushed within seconds "I guess that's better than nothing" There came a knock at the door and Peter felt a shiver run down his spine, dreading the thought that it could be Miss Wonderful Personality.

"That should be her now" May said, moving out of the way of the door "Go on, go answer it" Peter nodded solemnly, taking a deep breath as he left his bedroom and walked down the stairs. He placed a trembling hand on the door handle before swinging it open, laying eyes on the horror he was sure to be in front of him.

"You must be-" he said in a forced polite tone before his eyes landed on her. Standing at the door was a beautiful girl with cherry red hair and emerald eyes, red lipstick and a well-fitting black dress. Her hair was styled and thick with her completely covering dress only adding to her beauty, the fabric clinging tightly to her curvy body and the long sleeves coming down in an arrow over the back of her hands with a small loop to hook over her finger and keep it in place. The dress went down to her ankles, a cut in the side of it that gave her legs a wider range of movement with black high heels on her feet, making her stand at the same height as Peter.

"Uhhh..." Peter said dumbly, his mind completely derailed by the beauty of the girl in front of him.

"Ahhh, you must be Peter Parker?" she asked in a smooth voice.

"Yeah" Peter nodded, regaining his composure quickly and giving her a charming smile "You must be Mary-Jane Watson... I gotta say, you look amazing"

"Face it Tiger" she chuckled, placing a finger to her cheek and smirking "You just hit the jackpot"

"One more and I win" Harry said, glaring furiously at Shining as the two of them were locked into a raging battle of Tiddlywinks "And that thirty bucks is mine"

"In your dreams kid" Shining growled, aiming another shot for the empty bowl. On the other side of the table sat Twilight and Cadance, Twilight wearing a shorter, dark purple dress with her hair moussed up and styled in a wavy pattern, falling down to her chest while Cadance wore a sleek, tighter pink dress with two cuts in the sides that exposed her legs and rose-styled sleeves that showed her arms through the net material. The pink-themed princess had styled her fringe over her right eye with a large ponytail raising from the top-back of her head.

"Why are we in relationships with these two again?" Cadance asked, sipping from her wine glass.

"I have no idea" Twilight shrugged "I expected to be able to mature Harry after a few weeks"

"I've been trying to mature Shining for eight years now, it hasn't gone as well as I wanted it to" Cadance sighed "I still love him to pieces though"

"I guess" Twilight nodded, taking a sip from her own wine glass.

"You really shouldn't be drinking that" Cadance said.

"Are you gonna stop me?" Twilight asked.

"No, feel free to get as fucked up as you want, I'm not your mother" Cadance shrugged as she downed the rest of her wine "I really didn't expect tonight to be as boring as it is, its just a bunch of old pricks throwing money and achievements around, the only one I like in here is Tony and he's busy nailing the wife of the stock broker in the bathroom"

"It does suck... I'm just wondering when Peter's going to get here" Twilight.

"Ugh" came Luna's disgusted voice from behind them.

"Oh come on, you're not still mad at him are you?" Cadance asked her aunt.

"Yes, I am" Luna hissed, walking over to them and standing in front of the table. She herself was wearing an open-top blue dress that exposed the top of her cleavage with long sleeves and a looser fit than most of the women in the room that had a similar figure to Luna's. She had thickened up her own hair and had to thick strands resting on her front with the rest tied up at the back, much like Cadance's. She held a glass of brandy in her hand and sipped quickly from it.

"Then just try not to get into an argument with him this time, I don't wanna have to drive you home again" Cadance sighed "I'm already bored to tears and I don't wanna put up with hateful bullshit"

"Where is he anyway?" Twilight asked "He was supposed to be here about ten minutes ago"

"Yes!" Harry exclaimed, sticking his middle finger up at Shining and swiping the money off the table "In your face!"

"I think he sometimes forgets he's a multi-billionaire" Twilight said in a disappointed tone. Harry paraded around in victory for a brief second before his eyes landed on something that made his face drop a mile.

"No. Fucking. Way" he said in disbelief.

"What?" Shining asked, following Harry's line of sight until he found what he was freaking out about "Son of a bitch" The girls were equally confused at what was going on and they turned around to see Peter having walked into the room, handing his invitation to the doorman and walking over to them.

"Who is that?" Cadance asked as she saw the red-head Peter had his arm linked with. Twilight's eyes locked onto the green-eyed beauty and she felt the spark of jealousy light a fire in her stomach accompanied by an irrational hatred for whoever Peter had brought with him.

"Hey guys" Peter said, waving at everybody and receiving a cold stare from Luna in return "This is Mary-Jane Watson"

"Wow, its an honour to meet you all" Mary-Jane said with a drop-dead gorgeous smile "I didn't know Tiger here had such important friends"

"Tiger?" Twilight thought "I hate her. I fucking hate her"

"Tiger?" Cadance asked with a grin "Where'd that nickname come from?"

"Because he is one, strong, sharp-looking, a treat to look at and, in today's modern world, a very rare sight indeed" Mary-Jane chuckled, looking at Peter with a smile.

"Thanks Mary-Jane" Peter chuckled "I don't feel like I can come up with a description as good as that for you"

"And why is that?" Mary-Jane asked playfully.

"Because you're indescribable" Peter grinned.

"Stop it, you're making me blush Tiger" she giggled.

"I hate you and everything you stand for Watson" Twilight thought, trying her best to not burn a hole through Mary-Jane as she looked at her.

"So, Miss Watson" Cadance said, moving aside to let her have a seat next to her.

"Please, call me MJ" Mary-Jane requested.

"Alright then MJ, what's your backstory?" Cadance asked.

"Well, I live in Queens with my Aunt right now, not far away from Peter's in fact, and I've just started to attend Midtown High this week" she explained "I've gotta say princess its an honour to finally meet you, I've been a really big fan of yours ever since I was eight years old"

"Awww, thank you" Cadance said with a happy smile.

"To be honest, you're kinda like my role model, I just loved the way you set yourself up in the fashion world and showed everyone else that you could be successful without your aunt's help" Mary-Jane continued "Its... its kinda my dream to be able to do what you do someday"

"You want to be a fashion designer?" Cadance asked.

"Not exactly, I wanna become a model, or something like that" Mary-Jane explained "My Aunt says that I have a bright future if I utilize my talents without exploiting them" Cadance was silent for a second before she seemed to get an idea.

"Now that you mention it, I have been thinking about starting a new fashion line for younger girls, your age and below, and I haven't really been able to find any teenage models that fit the bill" Cadance said "If you're willing to try I'd ask you to drop by my studio sometime so we can see how you work"

"Are... are you serious?" Mary-Jane asked with a bright smile on her face "I'd love to! Thank you so much Princess!"

"Please, call me Cadance" Cadance smiled.

"Oh, okay" Mary-Jane grinned "So when should I stop by?"

"Hang on, I'll grab a pen and paper and write a few details down for you, do you mind coming down to reception with me?" Cadance asked.

"Not at all" Mary-Jane nodded, standing up and following after Cadance, turning back to Peter with an excited grin on her face. Peter chuckled to himself before he sat down next to Harry, both he and Shining looking at him with amazement.

"What?" he asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Where the hell did you find her?" Harry asked, still not willing to believe what he had seen.

"Do you remember that girl my Aunt May told me about? Miss Wonderful Personality?" Peter asked.

"Bullshit is that her" Harry snapped "Not a chance"

"Yup, that's her alright" Peter grinned "Aunt May asked her if she wanted to come with me and she said yes, to be honest with you I wasn't expecting her to look like she does"

"I know, she's like the hottest girl I've ever seen in my life" Harry exclaimed. This response got an angry scoff from Twilight who got out of her seat and stormed away into the crowd of people.

"~Oooh" Peter and Shining cooed, laughing as they saw Twilight walk away.

"You just fucked up big time" Peter laughed.

"You better go apologize to her dude" Shining grinned "Or else you're gonna be in the dog house for months"

"Twilight!" Harry called "I didn't mean it like that" Harry hurried after Twilight, also disappearing into the crowd, leaving Shining, Luna and Peter sitting there quietly.

"Right, I'm gonna get a few drinks, either of you want one?" Shining offered as he stood up.

"Sure, can you get a Pepsi or something?" Peter asked "Please?"

"Sure thing, what about you Luna?" Shining asked.

"No thank you" Luna said, leaning against a support column and turning her eyes away from Peter, much to his annoyance.

"Right then, I'll be back in a minute" Shining said, making his way over to the drinks table. Peter caught Luna shoot a glance his way and he decided to try and break the ice, remembering not to show his anger towards he for the encounter they had while he was in costume.

"So, what've you got planned for the rest of the evening?" Peter asked the Ice Queen. Luna finished her drink quickly and mumbled and excuse about needing to go somewhere else, ignoring the question and walking towards the balcony. Peter gritted his teeth angrily, infuriated that his attempt to try and make peace had been completely shot down and she outright refused to even attempt to find common ground.

"No, I'm not having you make this awkward again" Peter growled, standing up and following after her. When he reached the balcony he found that it was surprisingly empty and that only he and Luna had gone out to it, either that or Luna's presence had scared everybody else off. He stopped behind her as she looked over the edge of the balcony and he folded his arms.

"What is your problem?" he asked her. The taller princess froze for a second before turning around and glaring at him.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone?" she asked angrily.

"No, you made some bullshit excuse to ignore me and walk away" Peter corrected "What the hell did I do to make you hate me so much?"

"That's none of your business" Luna growled.

"I figure it is seeing as how it has something to do with me and the reason why you hate me so much" Peter said "I think I deserve to know" Luna gritted her teeth and leaned closer to Peter.

"You don't deserve to know anything boy, you're lucky I let Celestia invite you to this little party of ours" Luna hissed, her face inches away from his "So if I were you, I'd turn around and get out of my sight"

"And what the hell makes you think you can control me?" Peter challenged.

"I'm the ruler of this country, I own you" Luna snarled.

"And don't I feel special?" Peter asked mockingly "I'm getting pretty sick and tired of you acting like this, I'm trying my best to get along with you and you're just outright refusing to try and find any common ground, so what gives? Why do you hate me?" Luna's anger remained strong for a second before her face dropped, the hateful glint in her eyes dying down and being replaced by a sad haze.

"I... I don't hate you" Luna sighed, her shoulders dropping "Not as a person"

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Peter asked.

"Its... its not you as a person that makes me mad... its not even you as a concept" Luna said, setting her drink down on the balcony and placing a hand to her face "C... Can we just drop this?"

"I can't easily drop something when I have no idea what I'm holding" Peter said. He kept a stern expression until he noticed the weakened look on Luna's face.

"What's the matter?" Peter asked "You were alright just a mintue ago"

"Please... just drop it" Luna said in a begging tone.

"Look, if I've said something that offends you I'm sorry, its just that I'm trying to-"

He was cut off by Luna, but not in the way he expected to be.

Luna grabbed hold of the sides of his face and pulled him towards her, her frosty-coloured lips pressing against his, a tear running down her cheek as she tried to put as much passion into a few seconds as she could. She then pulled back, looked at him with watery eyes and slapped him across the face, her sadness turning into anger again.

"That's for running away with her" she snapped, storming away angrily seeming out of her mind. Peter stood there in complete silence for a long second, a ticking clock in his head counting down to a reaction.

"What the fuck just happened?" Next Chapter: Enter Electro Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 23 Minutes

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