
Lunar Imperium

by Slice141

Chapter 2

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(Lunar Imperium)

One day later the group of Lunar marines and ambassador made it to the destroyed front gate of the Imperium. They saw ponies come out of their homes with looks of hope and joy when they looked at the marines while they passed hundreds of bodies of pony and boars.

"Lets go brothers to the throne room we must see what we can do." Dark said taking off down a street passing defences and Imperial soldiers who gave a tired wave to the marines. They got to throne room to see a very tired Luna looking over a monitor.

"My empress we are here." Dark said watching her smile.

"Oh Dark Star so glad you made it back safely. It seems my sister and the boars think they can take our Imperium with ease and it has cost them greatly." She said looking out at the destruction to her empire.

"Dark Star I want you to take a company of your best marines and destroy the Equestrian forces while the Imperial guard takes care of the boars, I will not have this filth destroy what I and my ponies have worked for, for more than a thousand years. NOW GO DESTROY THIS FILTH LEAVE NONE ALIVE!." She yelled getting a salute from the stallion who took off down the hall.

(Outer walls)

The Equestrian brigade that was outside the walls watched as the defenders of the city begin to cheer.

"Sir it seems there is a company worth of stallions headed this way sir, what are your orders?" The LT asked looking at the aged stallion.

" Take two comp-


The Equestrian forces weren't prepared for the sudden and violent surprise of a squad of Lunar strike marines slamming into the the middle of their forces and slaughtering everything that was closest to them.

"SIR YOUR ORDERS!?" The Lt said just when the company of Lunar marines slammed into the front of the Equestrian forces.

"REGR-AHHHH!" The LT was cut off from saying anything when a strike marine flew through the line cutting all those in the way in half with her blade wings.

The old major looked around at the chaos happening him. All he saw were his guards being laid to waste by these demons that seemed to come from Tartarus itself. He turned to see a unicorn stallion in black armor use his magic to wipe out his entire left flank of guards before he joined the slaughter.

It couldn't have been more than 20 minutes of horror watching his stallions die left and right. Whatever spell or weapon they used against them would only be shrugged off before the attacker was killed in a brutal way.

When his guards tried to retreat they were cut off by a ambush leading out to the ships and killed out right, he turned to see the large black armored stallion from earlier behind him panting and covered in his stallions blood.

"I take it you're the leader of this little attack?" He asked as the old major nodded.

"Answer me this then, why have you attacked us?" He said the strange sword he had sparking with energy while he held it in his magical grip.

"Orders." Was all he said getting a nod from the stallion.

"Very well may you find peace in death." He said before removing the head from the old stallions body.

Dark Star looked down at the old stallion before looking around at the carnage that was left in their wake, he could see the strike sisters and his marines mopping up any survivors while a strike sister walked up to him taking off her helmet.

"Sir Equestrian forces are in full retreat what are your orders?" She asked while he looked out over the field of battle.

"Take your sisters along with these marines and help the guards take care of the boars, I will deal with the rest of the Equestrian forces." He said walking over the hill to see the retreating masses heading to the ships.

'Those are not Equestrian ships, hmm lets see what I can find out.' Dark pondered and flashed away to see what he could find.

(Meanwhile in the eastern block of the Imperium.)

"Forward stallions in the name of the Imperium! CHARGE!" The captain of the Lunar Guard yelled while charging into the fray with his stallions and mares. When the two armies met the sound of metal clashing along with the thunder of storm cannons exploding in the enemy ranks filled the air.

Captain Night Stalker of the 4th Imperial Guard Regiment, an earth pony stallion watched with a smile on his face as a squad of Strike Marines smashed into their reserve forces along with a Brigade of Lunar Marines 2nd Regiment. He ducked a swing from a boar, he turned and bucked his snout into his skull making he fall to ground while Night took the advantage and drove his sword into the boars head.

He looked up to the skies and saw a large amount of griffons coming towards the shore, for a brief moment he feared that their allies had turned on them only for the griffons to attack the boars landing ships with sword and rifle. He smiled relieved that some friendly faces had finally come to their aid, he cheered with his regiment as the ships were set ablaze by griffon forces before rejoining the battle.

(With Luna)

The empress of the Imperium smiled seeing their long lost allies finally come to their aid. She could see the war galleons and frigates laying waste to any boar ships that tried to escape, she watched with a satisfied smirk as one of the larger boar ships exploded in a brilliant ball of fire.

"These fools have made the biggest mistake of their lives to attack my subjects and our home, I will see to it there's burns to ash." She promised to herself just as a flash went off behind her, She turned to see one of her marines standing there with a beaten Equestrian captain.

"Why have you brought this filth of my sisters to me marine?" She demanded while he took off his helmet and clicking it on his flank.

"Empress Luna we are not under attack by Equestria." Dark Star stated while Luna looked on confused.

"Then who are we under attack by and why are they in Equestrian uniforms?" She asked glaring at the beaten captain.

"It seems that my brother has escaped with the help of a certain changeling that Im sure you're familiar with?" He ground out kicking the captain hard in the side.

"Chrysalis." She simply stated while he nodded.

"Yes ma'am and from what this worm has told me they will be launching attacks on Equestria and the Crystal Empire along with attacking our allies as well dressed as our guards and other various uniforms to try to pit us against each other." He said gravely while her eyes flew open.

"By the moon they're trying to start a world war! THOSE FOOLS!" She said and looked back at the griffon forces.

"Dark Star get down there and tell those griffon their home is about to be attacked by soldiers dress as our guards hurry! I will send a letter to Tia and our other allies of this coming threat!" She said quickly bringing up some paper and ink while writing their various allies hoping it wasn't to late.


Celestia was extremely confused at the moment looking at the two letters one was a declaration of war on her nation by her sister and then another was a plot against her and the crystal empire by the old changeling queen and Shining Armor trying to pit them against each other telling her to ignore the other letter. It also said that Dark along with a company of Lunar Marines and Strike Marines were on their way to assist and would explain everything.

She was brought out of her thoughts when Kay busted into the room.

"Princess! A large army of griffon and ponies marches this way, also we got word of another detachment of the same army heading for the Crystal Empire!" He said panting.

"Have we any word from our allies?" She asked as he shook his head.

"No princess all communication have been cut off, we have a battalion engaged with the army headed here now but they can't hope to hold out very long. Princess Cadence has sent two divisions of Crystal soldiers to meet with their enemy. What are you orders princess?" He asked just when they heard a ruckus outside.

"HEY YOU CAN'T GO IN-CRASH!" Celestia looked up just as the doors were opened to see a squad of Lunar marines.

"Princess Celestia, Empress Luna sends her apologies and wishes to help with this filth that is attacking your lands." The leader of the squad whose voice she recognized as Dark Star.

"Thank you captain I will thank my sister personally after all of this is over with but for now I have a situation on my hooves." She said leading him over to a map along with Kay.

"Kay what can you tell me so far?" Dark asked.

"Right now we have some stallions engaged with the army right now but they will not last long against the enemy and we don't have enough capable fliers right now to support them." He stated with worry and looked over at Dark who was nodding.

"Then you shall have your fliers." He smirked and tapped his ear.

{Sister Helena take your company and go to the aid of Celestia's forces, I'll send you the coordinates stand by.} He radioed and waved his hoof over the map and then tapped it.

{Coordinates received Brother Dark, may Luna guide you in your cause} She said making him smile.

{As with you sister} Dark stated and looked back over at the princess.

"Celestia what other news do you have for me? What of the Crystal Empire?" He asked a getting worried look.

"They have sent two divisions to meet with their enemy who are two days out Im sending a guard unit to support them as soon as my commanders can round up their stallions."She said getting a grunt from them.

"Tell them to stay here I have a Imperial Guard detachment already waiting for orders, just say the word and I will have them re enforce the Crystal troops." He said getting a nod from her.

"Very well, Sargent Victus go inform the guard they are to board the trains and meet with the princess there, Celestia will send word to Cadence." He commanded getting chest thump from the sargent.

"Yes my lord." He said and ran out the door.

"How many soldiers have you brought with you Captain Star?" Celestia asked as Dark turned to her.

"I have just as the letter sent to you has stated two companies of marines but I asked if I could take a legion of Imperial guard with me." He said as she cocked an eyebrow.

"How many are in a legion Dark?" She asked getting a few growls from the stallions.

"Over 100,000 strong along with Storm cannon support." He said getting confused looks.

"Dont worry about it my soldiers just need transport and they will do the rest." He said getting nods.

"Very will then what will you and your company do while you're here then?" She asked while he smiled.

"Im going home Im sure my sister is worried about me and my land has plenty of room to spare for my soldiers we will leave as soon as a train is available." He said and turned taking his men with him heading for his company leaving the two alone.

"I have to say princess I feel a lot better knowing the Imperium is helping us, from the rumors Ive heard they are a fighting breed with war in their blood since the beginning of its foundation." Kay said getting a nod from Celestia.

"Indeed my sister's ponies are a warrior people, I still can't believe they were able to stay hidden from me for so long it’s crazy." She said while he nodded looking over the map.

"Although I don't see how one company of pegasus will change this battle." He started off handily.

"We must have faith in them Kay, Im sure my sister has trained her soldiers to be the best of the best." Celestia stated but even she had her doubts.

"I assure you sister my marines are the best soldiers in the world." Celestia turned to see Empress Luna standing in the doorway in Imperium armor.

"LUNA!" Celestia yelled happily trotting up to her sister pulling her into a hug.

"It has been a while sister, Ive missed you so much." Celestia smiled holding her sister.

"Yes and I you sister, though I really must apologize for the first letter. When my nation was attacked by Equestrian guards with the boars I thought you lost your mind to attack my home." She said getting a shocked look from Celestia.

"Equestrian Guards? I would never attack your home Luna, when I got your letter I was so confused myself. I'm just glad that it wasn't true." Celestia sighed looking over her sister. She was in the same type of armor that Dark was in except more regal.

"I know once my Strike Marines finish off the intruders we must find your ex-captain of the guard and- by the night! Where has Dark Star gone!?" She yelled and turned to see said stallion walk in.

"Yes Empress Luna." He said thumping his chest.

"Captain you will go with the guard to secure my niece from Shining and Chrysalis, take a squad with you and make preparations I will not have my family taken by these low lifes. Dismissed." She ordered while he thumped his chest.

"Of course Empress none will get past me." He stated trotting out the chamber to pick his stallions.

"Sister get the largest passenger cars or cargo freights you have to get my forces to the Crystal Empire post haste, we cannot delay." She spoke pacing while her sister nodded heading to contact the right ponies leaving Luna alone with Kay.

"So you are the one that has stolen my fair Twilights heart." She started making the chief scout gulp.

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