
Lunar Imperium

by Slice141

First published

6 years have passed since Darkstar and his family moved to the Imperium and much has changed. But as always, even when the light shines there is still darkness

Six years after the events of Family of Two. Darkstar and his family have moved to the Imperium with Empress Luna to start a new life. Stardancer is growing and will be starting Luna's School for the Gifted while her mothers are going to be expecting soon. Darkstar still visits with his older crowned princess sister as much as a commander of the armed forces for the Lunar Imperium can.

While on a peaceful mission to Equestria he hears news of Shining Armors escape and not long afterwards an attack on the Imperium itself by, Equestrians?

Six Years Later

Celestia sighed looking over the landscape of her kingdom, its been four years since her sister vanished and six since the night the dark secret of the Sparkle family was let out of the closet and her ex husband vanished.


Celestia walked up to her sister who was watching the night sky letting out a sigh.

"What's wrong Luna?" Celestia asked coming up behind her before standing by her side.

"Nothing that you can help with sister. For all my trying and all my time to your ponies I am still nothing more than Nightmare Moon to them." She said looking down.

"Do not fret Luna I know that its hard but just give them more time." Celestia said putting a hoof on her shoulder only to be shrugged off.

"I have given them time sister and I still hear the whispers from commoner and noble alike. When will I turn again? Maybe I tricked everypony and I still am the beast. Even Ponyville besides the children and the elements see me for what I am." She said looking over at the small town.

"Then there is still hope for the next generation sister with those children they will spawn a new age for you."

"One town cannot change a nation sister. It matters not I will see you in the morn." She said taking flight.

"LUNA WAIT!" Celestia said watching her fade into the night while reaching out to stop her, it was the last time she ever saw her.

(End Flashback)

The next morning she found a note telling Celestia that she had left to her own home for Equestria could never be that. She had cried at the loss of her sister again. It was then she received a scroll with a strange seal from a place called the Lunar Imperium. She recognized the writing as Luna's making her smile that she was ok.

Now she was waiting on a meeting from a delegate of the from the not so new nation in the Lost ruins northeast covering most of the land in between them and the griffon lands all the way up to their borders.

Turns out after the defeat of discord and the land was ravaged by the three Luna took it on herself to make a new empire, which was over 2300 years ago. For them to escape the world for that long especially from her was a feat that truly impressed the sun goddess.

Celestia was pulled out of her thoughts hearing the sound of metal and hooves coming towards her. She turned smiling at the stallions in front of her nervously while a litte shocked at how large they were.

There were 7 stallions counting the ambassador, the guards wore dark blue almost black armor with strange swords that made her pale at the thought of being hit by one on there right side. They each had scary looking helmets on that seemed to scream power and demanded respect.

"Princess Celestia I've come on the blessing of Empress Luna for the treaty between our nations." The ambassador said getting a nod from her.

"Of course sir, please right this way." She said leading them towards the conference room.

"Please leave your escort in the hall ambassador." She said opening the door and going inside with the ambassador. His guards stood outside and let out a sigh adjusting the heavy armor while one pulled off his helmet shaking his head and wiped his brow.

"So Brother-Captain what are you going to be doing for this months leave?" A stallion asked making the captain smile.

"I think Im going to go see my sister and friends here." He said getting a nod.

"Yeah I think I’ll be doing the same thing to I hear that your sister is getting married soon so who's the poor bastard?" One said looking over at him while the captain smiled and shrugged.

"Don't know I get to meet him this month his name is Flash something shoot I still can't believe my sister is a princess of this land. Ill send you guys some pictures of it." He said smiling at his brothers in arms.

"Brother-Nightwind you're in charge while I'm seeing my sister, also have a scout check on my older brother." The captain said getting a nod from the sargent.

"Of course my lord Ill get right on it." He said nodding to a corner and heard the sound of hooves walking away.

The brothers fell into silence waiting for their charge to finish talking with Celestia.

"Brother-Captain if I may ask a question?" He said getting a smile from the stallion.

"You just did sargent but I will answer it." The Captain said.

"Of course my question is why do you need to check on that thing in the dungeon?" He asked.

"Because I want to see how the mighty have fallen in the time I've been gone."

{My lord Shining Armor isn't here}

The captain froze and narrowed his eyes looking at the doors where the two ponies were.

{Return to your brothers Arthus and then head back to the Armageddon brothers and tell the empress what is going on it looks like we will be taking a detour after these talks are over.}

{Yes my lord}

"What is it brother?" A young stallion asked looking at the larger one.

"Nothing brother no need to be concerned." He said before sitting down and sighing.

"Are you sure you're alright captain." His second asked him.

"I am sure brother now I will be back in a while I wish to clear my head, if there are any problems then you know how to contact me." He said getting nods from his stallions.

"Of course sir." Nightwind said with a look of concern on his face.

" I will be fine Nightwind make sure our charge is ok and don't speak with the guards here." He said walking down the hall and around the corner.

The captain made his way to the gardens with his helmet on passing shocked at the large pony while his hooves thumped on the marble floor letting all know to move out of the way.

He made it to the gardens and took off his helmet smiling at the view. It had been a while since he had been here leaving Luna to stay for a while finishing up any loose ends on her part before she joined them at the Imperial palace. The land was was a large mass in between the griffon and Equestrian borders sitting on the ruins of an ancient race that was highly advanced.

He smiled remembering his family and his own reaction seeing the massive and beautiful city after they go off the ship with the princess.


Dark Star and his family stepped off the boat and looked at the massive city in front of them in awe.

"Welcome to your new home my ponies this is the city of Aurelia one of the largest cities in the Imperium." She boasted while ponies gathered around them with huge grins on their faces.

"OUR EMPRESS RETURNS!" Shouted a stallion in the crowd while they all thumped their chests and bowed to her.

"My empress are you finally done with the fools of Equestria?" A mare asked getting a sigh from Luna.

"Im afraid not my ponies." She said getting disappointed groans from the gathered ponies.

"But fear not just wait a little longer my ponies I will return to you for good in a very short time. I just need more time to finish my business in my sisters empire." Luna said getting smiles from them.

"Now I would like you all to meet some friends of mine that have agreed to be citizens of the Imperium." She said while the ponies looked at Dark and his family with a smile.

"Tell us friend of our empress why choose to come here?" A mare asked walking up to them while Stardancer stood closer to Lightning Dust.

"I want a new start for my family and out from under the hoof of a lying princess that toys with her ponies hearts destroying families." He said with a little anger in his voice.

"So I take it you know Celestia on more than a professional level sir?" She asked while the crowd gathered around.

"Yeah you could say that but one thing did come out of it though." He said smiling at Stardancer before looking back at the crowd.

" I just want a new start in life after all that has happened to me and my family." He said getting nods from the group.

"Indeed well sir you have come to the right place. My Empress what are your orders?" She asked making Luna smile.

"They will have a room in the palace as my personal guests of the Imperium." She said watching the ponies get surprised looks on their faces and nod.

"Quickly find an Imperial Guard and have them escort this family to their new homes." She said while a few of the towns folk went in search of the guards.

"Do not worry my friends they will set you up if you need anything just send me a letter and I will make sure it happens." She said looking over the city.

"Where are we going to go Aunt Luna?" Stardancer asked making the alicorn smile.

"You will be going to the Imperial palace in capital called Volstad." She said getting a nod from the group just when a group of Imperial Guards came up to them.

"My empress it is good to see you in such good health. Are you finally home empress?" He asked but was disappointed when she shook her head.

"Im sorry sargent but I will not be staying but rest assured I will be home in due time. In the mean time please escort my friends to the palace as my personal guests, treat them as you would myself they are after all some of my only close friends." She said as he bowed.

"Y,yes your highness right away." He said bowing before looking over at the group.

"Please follow me there is a carriage we can use that will take us to the palace." He said looking back at Luna and bowed.

"By your leave empress." He said.

"Dismissed sargent." Luna said while getting a hug from the girls much to the shock of all the ponies watching.

"Thank you so much for this chance Luna I don't know how to repay you for what you're doing for us." Pinkie said making Luna smile down at her.

"Now no need for that dear Pinkie you are my friend and this is the least I can do for you and your family." Luna said returning the hugs.

"Thank you Aunt Luna for letting us stay at your house." Stardancer squeezing the alicorn tight.

"No problem sweetie Im happy your father and the rest of you accepted my offer." Luna said pulling back she looked over at Dark who was walking up to her.

"Thank you for this my Empress Luna." Dark said reaching up and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek nearly making the other ponies faint while Luna blushed.

"Y, you're welcome Dark Star." She said holding her cheek still in shock while a small blush started to brighten on her face watching the family leave.

(End Flashback)

Since then the family had been living in the golden ages of the Lunar Imperium. No war, very small amount of crime, large vats of trade and numerous alliances formed when the Imperium was recognized as a nation. They were allied with the griffons, a few dragon clans and numerous small countries like Galscow, Canida, and Glidesdale just to name a few.

Dark Star looked out over the city seeing Don Joe closing his shop in the late afternoon. He smiled thinking of the letters he sent him and the invite to his sisters wedding at the end of the month around the time he was heading out of leave. Dark was pulled from his thoughts when he heard someone clear their throat.

"Um excuse me um sir I was sent to let you know your friends were ready to leave for the day." A white mare said shaking a little looking at the huge stallion.

"Thank you ma'am" He said taking off towards the meeting room where he saw their ambassador come out of the room before bucking it closed.

"COME! Let us leave this place I do not wish to stay in this place with these so called nobles." Ambassador Silver Mane said while Dark sided up next to him.

"What happened in there sir?" He asked while Silver huffed.

"Those fools expect us to take the short end of the stick in our deal for a treaty and even had the gall to suggest that our country become a vessel to them." He said growling with the other stallions behind him.

"Did you not say you had family in this country Dark Star?" Silver asked looking up at the large stallion.

"Yes sir but she's not expecting company for another month." He said getting nod from Silver.

"Of course we wouldn't want to impose on her she is after all a princess of this land as well." Silver said getting a nod from Dark.

"But I also know that visiting family is good for a workhorse like you my friend please send a letter to your sister and let her know of our coming. We will stay at your home while you visit with your friends." He said getting a smile from Dark.

"Well I might as well surprise her I'm sure my brother wants to see his sister again and I do want to see the stallion who took my sisters heart." Dark said with his eyes flashing red for a second.

"Wonderful come lets buy a ticket and head to your hometown." He said getting nods from them while that exited the castle heading for the station.


Twilight was running around in a panic trying to get everything straightened up while Kay and Spike who had grown taller than any of the ponies in the room stood beside him.

"Hey Spike whats got her freaking out I just came over to see if she wanted to have dinner at my place, here or go out to eat with Rose." He asked while Spike gave a deep chuckle.

"Sorry Kay but Twilights little brothers are on their way here to see her since her coronation." Spike said looking over at the panicking mare before looking back at Kay who started to go pale and sweat.

"He, her brothers are on the way here?" He asked wide eyed feeling his mouth start to go dry.

"Yep I think you've heard of them, Dark Star and Solar Flame. Also know as Dark Star the Reaper and Solar the Fire Demon." Spike said smiling watching the stallion out the corner of his eye try to swallow the lump in his throat.

"WILL YOU TWO STOP STANDING THERE AND- Kay? Honey are you ok?" She asked walking up to the pale stallion.

"I'm not feeling so good." He squeaked before the door opened making him start to panic but stopped seeing Rainbow fly in.

"Yo Twilight I heard your brothers are gonna be here early thats so awesome! When are they going to get here.

"Just came into town Dash." A deep voice said making all turn to the large armored stallions walk in before taking their helmets off showing Dark Star and Solar Flame's smiling faces.

"Hey LT." Dark and Solar said only to be tackled by the mare.

"OOOOH I'm so happy you guys are here! What made you guys come early and wow you guys are huge!" Twilight said stepping away from the stallions that towered over her.

"Trust me the training from the Imperium is some hardcore stuff." Solar said smiling at Dash.

"What's up big shot Wonderbolt!" He said getting a smug look from Dash as she flew down and bumped hooves with the stallion.

"You know it, how you been Solar!?" Dash said while Spike pulled the stallion into a hug.

"Whoa Spike you've gotten big dude! Whats Twi feeding you." Solar asked while Spike gave a toothy grin.

"Everything a growing dragon needs, should have been with me during my journey to Saddle Arabia." He said looking over at Twilight.

"Had some pretty nice mares and even dragons there if you know what I mean." He said nudging the stallion.

"Please Spike like you had a shot with any of the daughters of that soltan." She said watching him smirk.

"Oh whatever Rainbow you know I only have my heart set on one young mare. But there is nothing wrong with looking at other mares as long as you don't touch." He said grinning.

"True,true. So Solar come on lets go hang out in town for a bit while you're here I want to know what you've been up to since you left last time." She said jumping on the stallions back.

"Can do, me and my brother are here on guard for a ambassador for some peace talks, so far its not going so good you know, nobles." He said hearing her sigh.

"Stupid high class know it alls." She said while he stopped and gave his sister a kiss on the cheek and headed out with Spike.

Twilight smiled watching the three chat away before turning back to Dark Star.

"Those three will never change now I want to introduce you to some of my stallions and Ambassador Silver Mane this is my sister Princess Twilight Sparkle and personal student of Celestia." He said as the ambassador bowed along with the stallions.

" It is a huge honor to finally meet you my dear your brothers and his herd go on and on about you. I have to say its great to finally get to know the mare of so many stories." He said giving a charming smile while Twilight gave a shy blush.

"Oh well thank you so much Mr. Silver Mane my brother has told me a little about you in some of his letters." She said shaking his hoof.

"Oh well I hope it was nothing to bad." He said getting a laugh out of the princess.

"No no no I assure you it was mostly about the fun times you have had over the years." She said while he smiled and nodded.

"Well that is a relief now I do hate to meet and run but I must be heading to Dark Stars place for some sleep. We have a early day tomorrow and another meeting with your countries stupid nobles I don't understand why Celestia won't put a lid on those fools." He said while they all sighed.

"Of course ambassador please feel free to drop by anytime to visit I know how being an ambassador can be and how tiring it is." She said while he nodded and yawned.

"Thank you princess it was very good meeting you and we should do this again sometime when you come to the Imperium, Im sure my wife and kids would love to have you over." He said walking out with the other stallions.

"I will keep that in mind when I visit." She said while waving goodbye and closing the door leaving just the three in the room.

"So Twi are you going to introduce me to your frozen stallion?" He asked looking over at the stock still pony who was looking really pale for some reason.

"Oh Im sorry this is my stallion Kay, Kay this is my little brother Dark Star." She smiling at the two while Dark walked up to him inspecting him like he would his troops making Kay stand up straighter.

"What unit are you from colt?" Dark said in a calm yet dangerous voice if he wasn't answered in the correct way.

"3rd battalion 5th Crystal Company 2nd platoon 4th squad leader." He said promptly getting a nod from Dark.

"Who were you trained by?"

"Drill Sergeant Bigmomma and Princess Cadence sir." He said getting a smile from Dark.

"Oh really!? Well I guess you're not worthless after all boy, I don't need to tell you what I will do to you if you hurt my sister ,Ill leave that to your imagination." He said and turned to his sister.

"Now if you'll excuse me sis I'm gonna go get something to eat want to come with?"He asked smiling at her.

"Ill catch up with you in a second bro got to get my stallion out of military mode." She said going into the kitchen.

"Ok see you later I want to talk to you about something to." He said and opened the door heading out towards Sugar Cube Corner. Twilight came out to see her stallion still standing at attention making her sigh.

"Kay he's gone now you can come back now." She said walking up to him watching him let out a breath and plopped down onto the ground.

"Wow your brother is intense." He said getting a giggle from Twilight.

"Oh he's not so bad once you get to know him. Besides I think he likes you since you were trained by Bigmomma and Cadence." She said seeing him tilt his head confused.

"Why is that?"

"Well Cadence was trained by Bigmomma and she works for my brother. So if you got any stories then tell them to him Im sure he would love to hear them, but don't unless it comes up ok." She said getting a nod from him.

"Got it so what does he do in the Imperium?" He asked watching her puff her chest out in pride.

"Both of my brothers are personal guards to Empress Luna while Dark is commander and chief of the military while Solar is second in command. Pretty impressive after only five years." She said proudly with a big smile.

"Wow that is impressive. So my princess what are you fixing to do?" He asked just when the door slammed open showing Applebloom.

"IS HE HERE!?" She yelled surprising the two. Over the years Applebloom and the other crusaders finally got their cutie marks and were in the middle school fixing to head to high school. Applebloom was built like her sister but had her brothers smarts when it came to schooling, she was dreaming of opening a workshop in town once she got out of school to earn money to head off to college to further her studies in her craft of woodworking.

"Who? Dark? Yeah he's here at the cakes house." Twilight watching her eyes widen.

"Crap!" She took off leaving two very confused ponies.

"What was that about?" Kay asked getting a shrug from Twilight.

Applebloom ran through town towards the bake shop only to stare in horror at Dark Star talking to her sisters stallion she ran up to him making him turn and smile at her.

"Well hey App-Clunk." He watched the young mare bounce off his armor with a confused look on his face watching her shake it off and gave him a panic look on her face.

"Dark ah need to talk to yah NOW!" She said dragging the large stallion away while dark gave the other stallion a smile.

"Sorry about this." He said to the chuckling stallion.

"Its fine I think she gets it from her sister." He said getting a look from Bloom who was still pushing Dark inside.

"I guess anyway it was good meeting you Night Shade and tell the Apples I said hi." He said before being pushed through the door.

Once inside Dark looked down at the panting mare with confusion.

"Ok AB what's going on is everything ok?" He asked while she held up a hoof for him to wait while she caught her breath. After a few minutes she looked up at him with worry.

"Dark you do know that stallion yall were talking to was mah sisters stallion right?" She asked getting a slow nod from him.

"Yessssssss. Why is it bad that I talk to her stallion or something?" He asked while she just looked at him in shock.

"Look AB I don't know what you thought was going to happen but I'm over your sister have been for the past four years now and it looks like she's over me to so lets not open old wounds ok?" He asked getting a sigh and nod from her.

"You're really over her Dark?" She asked getting a nod from the stallion.

"Yes Ive moved on Applebloom so you dont have to worry about me picking a fight with her stallion but don't expect me to come to the farm unless I need to. I'm still a little upset with her with how she chose to stop talking to me but anyway I'll see you later AB, it was good seeing you again." He said walking out the door leaving a sighing young mare at the entrance.

Dark trotted down the road heading to his house before spotting a familiar griffon.

"Gilda? What are you doing here?" He asked making the griffon jump and whirl around about to say something but stopped a little stunned looking at the stallion.

"Dark? Wow you look good the armor suits you." She said getting a smile from the stallion.

"Thanks Gil so what are you doing here checking up on Dash?" He asked watching her shake her head.

"No Im actually looking for you since I couldn't find you back at the Imperium so I decided to come here to hang with Dash for a while since you were on a mission is all Lightning said. By the way I saw those baby bumps big guy nice work on that." She said nudging him making him grin.

"Thanks. Well now that Im here what was it you wanted to do?" He asked while she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well I'm on leave from duty right now and just wanted to hang out with you and the girls for a while but since you weren't there and the three where starting to crave stuff I bolted. But now I can't find Dash anywhere." She said sighing.

"Well she is with my brother so there is no telling where they are but since you're here why don't we hang out for a while. Just let me go drop off this armor." He said leading the way to the house while the sun was going down.

"So Dark how you been, and don't pull that crap you tell your other friends about you being fine. You look beat." She said listening to him sigh.

"Well being back here really brings back a lot of memories not all of them good. But I'll be fine Gil I promise." He said smiling at the frowning griffon.

"Bullshit I can see your running yourself ragged. Lets hurry up and get you to a bar so we can have a good time." She said pushing him a little making him smile.

"I think I can spare some time to beat you in a few drinking games." He said giving a challenging smirk while she gave one back.

"Ok so I know that Heavens Angels sell pretty good griffon liquor. I'll go save us a booth you get out of your armor." She said watching him flash away while she took off to the club with a big smile on her face.

Ever since she had known him she has had a small crush on him and tonight she was going to let it be known and hopefully if things went the way she wanted she would be going home with Dark as more than a friend after all these years.

(Heavens Angels)

Gilda waited on Dark in a booth to the back with two bottles of fine griffon liquor on the table along with four shot glasses on each side of the table. She sighed and leaned back waiting and sank into the booth.

"Gilda? What are yall doin here?"

Gilda winced before turning to see Applejack walking over to her making the griffon sigh. She still remembered Darks look after he came back from Equestria when he started to panic after Applejack suddenly stopped sending messages back four years ago.

The dead look in his eyes when he came back only saying that she was done with him, and being the best friend she was took him out getting him shit faced drunk before getting the whole story out of him. Of course he made her swear that she didn't tell his wives.

"What's up Applejack, I'm on leave and waiting for a friend." She said watching the mare smile.

"Oh well ah don't know where Dash is sugar cube. Ah saw her walkin around with Spike and some stallion in town before they disappeared." She said watching Gilda nod.

"That's cool but I'm not waiting on Dash." She said while AJ looked at her confused.

" Who yall waitin on then?" She asked while Gilda was starting to lose her temper.

"A old war buddy now please I want to be alone for now." She said just when she saw Dark come in and spotted AJ who was giving a small nod.

"Sorry ah'll leave yall be." She said and trotted off never seeing Dark while he slipped past her and slid into the booth.

"What did she want?" He asked while she shrugged.

"To know who I was waiting on." She said getting nod from him.

"So first to fall right?" He asked getting a smile and nod from her.

"Ok ready GO!"

All through the night the two laughed telling stories and recalling old memories and danced. All in all they were having a good time. Gilda kept stealing glances at Dark letting her eyes roam the ripped body of the stallion in front of her.

"So Dark once this is over what are you going to do? Head back to the Imperium?" She asked getting a shrug from him.

"Don't know I need to talk to sis about what happened to Shining and why he isn't in a cell." He said getting a nod from her when a mare neither wanted to see spotted him.


He sighed before standing giving Gilda a smile.

"Well that's my cue to make my escape. I'll see you later Gil." He said and flashed away along with both bottles of liquor. Gilda was in a rage when Applejack approached her.

"Was that Dark Star ah saw just then?" She asked while the griffon stood up.

"No." She said and left some money on the table before storming out of the club to find her friend.

Dark Star stumbled into the house with the last bottle of liquor in a magical grip, he took another big swig before it was taken away from him and the light was turned on making him blink only to see the blur throwing the bottle in the trash. He saw her grab something on the counter and was walking up to him.

"Here drink this Dark it'll get rid of the alcohol in your system." She said while he took it and chugged it before bringing it back gagging.

"Gil? Oh man that's nasty what is that?" He asked hearing her giggle a little.

"Sorry but that's some of Zecora's brew, I called in a favor to get it made." She said guiding him over to the couch making him sit down.

"Gil what's going on?" He asked getting a sigh from her.

"I'm taking care of you stupid. Don't ever do that again Dark you had me worried and I was about to get your brother and your stallions to look for you but he said that you would be home sooner or later." She said letting him lay his head on her lap while running her claws through his mane.

"Mmmm. I guess he was right huh? Thanks for being here Gil you're great and I'll be lying if I didn't say I'll be a little jealous of the griffon that eventually steals you away." He said never seeing her smile.

"What makes you think its a griffon that will steal me away?" She asked in a sultry voice that made his ears perk up.

"Well whoever it is that steals you away I'll be jealous of them, you're a great friend Gil I don't know what I would do without you." He said nuzzling her stomach careful not to stab her making her shiver at the feeling and her claw freeze.

"Yeah you're pretty awesome to Dark, you've always been there for me when I needed you. I remember when I had that really bad breakup with Gray Beak, you came all the way from the front lines during the Six Month War just to comfort me." She said smiling down at the stallion who just laid there enjoying the feeling of her claws running through his mane.

"You stayed for two week treating me like a true mate. Taking me out to dinner and shopping, going on dates with just the two of us. Hell you were there when me and Dash had the falling out with each other. You stayed with me and let me cry on you and didn't even say anything when I wiped my face on you, you just smiled and pulled me closer trying to make me feel better." She said feeling him smile.

"I remember when I first saw you it was just after your Fine Blade training with the monks when you came to us. I just thought you were some weak pony that did not know the first thing about war, but you proved me so wrong when you slaughtered the first wave of rebels. To tell you the truth it made me hot, I guess its a griffon thing to seek out powerful mates but after the thing with Dash you left and we stayed friends." She said feeling him look up at her.


" When I heard you married I was devastated thinking I lost my chance to be with you. After you left I really started to miss you and I guess that's when I figured out I had a crush on you. We stayed in touch through letters but I wanted more, knowing I couldn't have you with how happy you were with your wife." She said while tears started to well up.

"Then two years later you had a foal and lost your wife at the same time. I wanted to come to you and be there for you but my father needed me here with the troubles rising in the southern plains. Then you came back here with Stardancer a few years later after no word from you. She was maybe around three at the time and I couldn't help but fall in love with you all over again and Stardancer." She said sighing before continuing.

"Then you left again and all this happened but this time I refused to lose contact with you again. I visited as much as I could and even had Luna tell me how you were doing, I swear at the first sign of trouble I was going to fly as fast as I could be there for you everyone else be damned. I was giddy as hell when my dad made me the ambassador to our nations and used any excuse I could to see you and the girls." She said smiling down at him with a blush.

"I know today is shot no thanks to AJ but I was hoping we could still enjoy the night." She said looking down at the speechless stallion.

"I think I would like that Gil." He said getting up with her as he led her upstairs to his room. When he turned around she pushed him towards the bed making him fall back on it.

"Why didn't you ever say anything Gil? I would have stayed with you back at my house there. I know that Stardancer loves you like a mother even back then she asked if you were her mom. Why now?" He asked watching her bite her lip.

"I was scared, I don't think I could have taken a rejection at the time." She said while he scooted back and she climbed on top of him.

"Please Dark I want to be yours." She said pleading watching a smile cross his face.

"How could I say no to that cute face." He said grinning while she frowned.

" I am not cute Dark you know that, I'm sexy get it right." She said sitting back straddling his waist.

"Aww sorry Gil but I just call them how I see it." He said with a wicked grin while she growled.

"THATS IT!" She yelled and pounced on the stallion becoming nothing but flailing legs and claws before he pinned her down while they were both breathing hard but with smiles on their faces.

"Say your cute. SAY IT!" He said breathing hard while she struggled to get up before he started to nibble on her neck making giggle and moan before she rolled the large stallion over and pinned him.

"Ill never say I'm cute big guy." She said nibbling on his ear getting a small moan from him.

"Never say what?" He said as she pulled back.

"I'm cute." She said watching a huge grin go across his face before realization hit her.

"I hate you." She said and squealed when he flipped them over again.

"Ahh no you don't." He said and pulled her into a passionate kiss making them both moan out load just when one of his sergeants burst into the room.

"BROTHER-CAPTAIN YOU ARE NEED- Um sorry for interrupting sir but you are needed with haste!" He said and left as Dark jumped out of bed using his magic getting into his armor and shot out the door grabbing his sword on the way out.

Dark made it to the guest house to find they had set up a monitor in the house showing Empress Luna.

{If you are just getting this message then return home at once! The Imperium is under attack by Equestrian and Boar forces!} She said before the it started to replay on a loop.

Dark was shocked before his eyes narrowed in anger.

"TO THE IMPERIUM BROTHERS! OUR EMPRESS NEEDS US!" He yelled while they cheered just as Gilda walked in.

"Dark what's going on?" She asked making them turn to her.

"Gilda go to your father now let him know that the Imperium is under attack." He watching her go wide eyed and nod.

"I'm on you can count on me." She said taking flight while the stallions ran for the train station.

Once on the platform they waited for a late night train to come and saw a passenger train come in letting off ponies. The group stormed onto the engine and captured it while detaching it from the rest of the train and taking off down the tracks leaving stunned onlookers.

Chapter 2

(Lunar Imperium)

One day later the group of Lunar marines and ambassador made it to the destroyed front gate of the Imperium. They saw ponies come out of their homes with looks of hope and joy when they looked at the marines while they passed hundreds of bodies of pony and boars.

"Lets go brothers to the throne room we must see what we can do." Dark said taking off down a street passing defences and Imperial soldiers who gave a tired wave to the marines. They got to throne room to see a very tired Luna looking over a monitor.

"My empress we are here." Dark said watching her smile.

"Oh Dark Star so glad you made it back safely. It seems my sister and the boars think they can take our Imperium with ease and it has cost them greatly." She said looking out at the destruction to her empire.

"Dark Star I want you to take a company of your best marines and destroy the Equestrian forces while the Imperial guard takes care of the boars, I will not have this filth destroy what I and my ponies have worked for, for more than a thousand years. NOW GO DESTROY THIS FILTH LEAVE NONE ALIVE!." She yelled getting a salute from the stallion who took off down the hall.

(Outer walls)

The Equestrian brigade that was outside the walls watched as the defenders of the city begin to cheer.

"Sir it seems there is a company worth of stallions headed this way sir, what are your orders?" The LT asked looking at the aged stallion.

" Take two comp-


The Equestrian forces weren't prepared for the sudden and violent surprise of a squad of Lunar strike marines slamming into the the middle of their forces and slaughtering everything that was closest to them.

"SIR YOUR ORDERS!?" The Lt said just when the company of Lunar marines slammed into the front of the Equestrian forces.

"REGR-AHHHH!" The LT was cut off from saying anything when a strike marine flew through the line cutting all those in the way in half with her blade wings.

The old major looked around at the chaos happening him. All he saw were his guards being laid to waste by these demons that seemed to come from Tartarus itself. He turned to see a unicorn stallion in black armor use his magic to wipe out his entire left flank of guards before he joined the slaughter.

It couldn't have been more than 20 minutes of horror watching his stallions die left and right. Whatever spell or weapon they used against them would only be shrugged off before the attacker was killed in a brutal way.

When his guards tried to retreat they were cut off by a ambush leading out to the ships and killed out right, he turned to see the large black armored stallion from earlier behind him panting and covered in his stallions blood.

"I take it you're the leader of this little attack?" He asked as the old major nodded.

"Answer me this then, why have you attacked us?" He said the strange sword he had sparking with energy while he held it in his magical grip.

"Orders." Was all he said getting a nod from the stallion.

"Very well may you find peace in death." He said before removing the head from the old stallions body.

Dark Star looked down at the old stallion before looking around at the carnage that was left in their wake, he could see the strike sisters and his marines mopping up any survivors while a strike sister walked up to him taking off her helmet.

"Sir Equestrian forces are in full retreat what are your orders?" She asked while he looked out over the field of battle.

"Take your sisters along with these marines and help the guards take care of the boars, I will deal with the rest of the Equestrian forces." He said walking over the hill to see the retreating masses heading to the ships.

'Those are not Equestrian ships, hmm lets see what I can find out.' Dark pondered and flashed away to see what he could find.

(Meanwhile in the eastern block of the Imperium.)

"Forward stallions in the name of the Imperium! CHARGE!" The captain of the Lunar Guard yelled while charging into the fray with his stallions and mares. When the two armies met the sound of metal clashing along with the thunder of storm cannons exploding in the enemy ranks filled the air.

Captain Night Stalker of the 4th Imperial Guard Regiment, an earth pony stallion watched with a smile on his face as a squad of Strike Marines smashed into their reserve forces along with a Brigade of Lunar Marines 2nd Regiment. He ducked a swing from a boar, he turned and bucked his snout into his skull making he fall to ground while Night took the advantage and drove his sword into the boars head.

He looked up to the skies and saw a large amount of griffons coming towards the shore, for a brief moment he feared that their allies had turned on them only for the griffons to attack the boars landing ships with sword and rifle. He smiled relieved that some friendly faces had finally come to their aid, he cheered with his regiment as the ships were set ablaze by griffon forces before rejoining the battle.

(With Luna)

The empress of the Imperium smiled seeing their long lost allies finally come to their aid. She could see the war galleons and frigates laying waste to any boar ships that tried to escape, she watched with a satisfied smirk as one of the larger boar ships exploded in a brilliant ball of fire.

"These fools have made the biggest mistake of their lives to attack my subjects and our home, I will see to it there's burns to ash." She promised to herself just as a flash went off behind her, She turned to see one of her marines standing there with a beaten Equestrian captain.

"Why have you brought this filth of my sisters to me marine?" She demanded while he took off his helmet and clicking it on his flank.

"Empress Luna we are not under attack by Equestria." Dark Star stated while Luna looked on confused.

"Then who are we under attack by and why are they in Equestrian uniforms?" She asked glaring at the beaten captain.

"It seems that my brother has escaped with the help of a certain changeling that Im sure you're familiar with?" He ground out kicking the captain hard in the side.

"Chrysalis." She simply stated while he nodded.

"Yes ma'am and from what this worm has told me they will be launching attacks on Equestria and the Crystal Empire along with attacking our allies as well dressed as our guards and other various uniforms to try to pit us against each other." He said gravely while her eyes flew open.

"By the moon they're trying to start a world war! THOSE FOOLS!" She said and looked back at the griffon forces.

"Dark Star get down there and tell those griffon their home is about to be attacked by soldiers dress as our guards hurry! I will send a letter to Tia and our other allies of this coming threat!" She said quickly bringing up some paper and ink while writing their various allies hoping it wasn't to late.


Celestia was extremely confused at the moment looking at the two letters one was a declaration of war on her nation by her sister and then another was a plot against her and the crystal empire by the old changeling queen and Shining Armor trying to pit them against each other telling her to ignore the other letter. It also said that Dark along with a company of Lunar Marines and Strike Marines were on their way to assist and would explain everything.

She was brought out of her thoughts when Kay busted into the room.

"Princess! A large army of griffon and ponies marches this way, also we got word of another detachment of the same army heading for the Crystal Empire!" He said panting.

"Have we any word from our allies?" She asked as he shook his head.

"No princess all communication have been cut off, we have a battalion engaged with the army headed here now but they can't hope to hold out very long. Princess Cadence has sent two divisions of Crystal soldiers to meet with their enemy. What are you orders princess?" He asked just when they heard a ruckus outside.

"HEY YOU CAN'T GO IN-CRASH!" Celestia looked up just as the doors were opened to see a squad of Lunar marines.

"Princess Celestia, Empress Luna sends her apologies and wishes to help with this filth that is attacking your lands." The leader of the squad whose voice she recognized as Dark Star.

"Thank you captain I will thank my sister personally after all of this is over with but for now I have a situation on my hooves." She said leading him over to a map along with Kay.

"Kay what can you tell me so far?" Dark asked.

"Right now we have some stallions engaged with the army right now but they will not last long against the enemy and we don't have enough capable fliers right now to support them." He stated with worry and looked over at Dark who was nodding.

"Then you shall have your fliers." He smirked and tapped his ear.

{Sister Helena take your company and go to the aid of Celestia's forces, I'll send you the coordinates stand by.} He radioed and waved his hoof over the map and then tapped it.

{Coordinates received Brother Dark, may Luna guide you in your cause} She said making him smile.

{As with you sister} Dark stated and looked back over at the princess.

"Celestia what other news do you have for me? What of the Crystal Empire?" He asked a getting worried look.

"They have sent two divisions to meet with their enemy who are two days out Im sending a guard unit to support them as soon as my commanders can round up their stallions."She said getting a grunt from them.

"Tell them to stay here I have a Imperial Guard detachment already waiting for orders, just say the word and I will have them re enforce the Crystal troops." He said getting a nod from her.

"Very well, Sargent Victus go inform the guard they are to board the trains and meet with the princess there, Celestia will send word to Cadence." He commanded getting chest thump from the sargent.

"Yes my lord." He said and ran out the door.

"How many soldiers have you brought with you Captain Star?" Celestia asked as Dark turned to her.

"I have just as the letter sent to you has stated two companies of marines but I asked if I could take a legion of Imperial guard with me." He said as she cocked an eyebrow.

"How many are in a legion Dark?" She asked getting a few growls from the stallions.

"Over 100,000 strong along with Storm cannon support." He said getting confused looks.

"Dont worry about it my soldiers just need transport and they will do the rest." He said getting nods.

"Very will then what will you and your company do while you're here then?" She asked while he smiled.

"Im going home Im sure my sister is worried about me and my land has plenty of room to spare for my soldiers we will leave as soon as a train is available." He said and turned taking his men with him heading for his company leaving the two alone.

"I have to say princess I feel a lot better knowing the Imperium is helping us, from the rumors Ive heard they are a fighting breed with war in their blood since the beginning of its foundation." Kay said getting a nod from Celestia.

"Indeed my sister's ponies are a warrior people, I still can't believe they were able to stay hidden from me for so long it’s crazy." She said while he nodded looking over the map.

"Although I don't see how one company of pegasus will change this battle." He started off handily.

"We must have faith in them Kay, Im sure my sister has trained her soldiers to be the best of the best." Celestia stated but even she had her doubts.

"I assure you sister my marines are the best soldiers in the world." Celestia turned to see Empress Luna standing in the doorway in Imperium armor.

"LUNA!" Celestia yelled happily trotting up to her sister pulling her into a hug.

"It has been a while sister, Ive missed you so much." Celestia smiled holding her sister.

"Yes and I you sister, though I really must apologize for the first letter. When my nation was attacked by Equestrian guards with the boars I thought you lost your mind to attack my home." She said getting a shocked look from Celestia.

"Equestrian Guards? I would never attack your home Luna, when I got your letter I was so confused myself. I'm just glad that it wasn't true." Celestia sighed looking over her sister. She was in the same type of armor that Dark was in except more regal.

"I know once my Strike Marines finish off the intruders we must find your ex-captain of the guard and- by the night! Where has Dark Star gone!?" She yelled and turned to see said stallion walk in.

"Yes Empress Luna." He said thumping his chest.

"Captain you will go with the guard to secure my niece from Shining and Chrysalis, take a squad with you and make preparations I will not have my family taken by these low lifes. Dismissed." She ordered while he thumped his chest.

"Of course Empress none will get past me." He stated trotting out the chamber to pick his stallions.

"Sister get the largest passenger cars or cargo freights you have to get my forces to the Crystal Empire post haste, we cannot delay." She spoke pacing while her sister nodded heading to contact the right ponies leaving Luna alone with Kay.

"So you are the one that has stolen my fair Twilights heart." She started making the chief scout gulp.

Chapter 3

(With the Equestrian battalion)

"Get another company over there now! We can't let them flank us, hold the line stallions! HOLD THE LINE!" The captain yelled at his soldiers, they had to buy time for reinforcements to arrive or Equestria was doomed.


He watched in awe when a company of strange pegasus slammed right in the middle of the massive army cutting swaths of ponies and griffons alike.




Captain Shield Shatter watched the chaos unfold in front of him while the strange pegasus from the Imperium killed everything in their reach.

As the battle drew to a close he saw the company of pegasus killing any left alive on the field that wasn't in Equestrian armor while helping any of the wounded off the field, as what looked like the leader of the company trotted up to him.

"Are you the one in charge of these stallions?" She asked making him shrink back a little in fear.

"Yes ma'am I am." He said getting a nod from her.

"You did well today captain, I am sister Helena of the 3rd company Strike Marines, of the Lunar Imperium. You and your stallions are very brave to take on such a force like this or very foolish, never the less the day is won captain and your reinforcements will be here shortly. My sisters and I have business elsewhere good day captain." She started walking over to one of her other comrades while Captain Shield plopped down just when a group of his stallions came up behind him.

"Wow those mares are awesome and hot! If this is the kind of mares the Imperium have sign me up." One said when they heard a snort behind them making them turn to see one of the sisters with a beaten stallion on her back.

"The likes of you could never get in or pass the Imperial Guard much less Brother Darks training. Take your wounded so I may join my sisters I have other battles to go to." She said while one of the other guards came and took his friend before watching the mare trot over to her sisters.

"She digs me." The stallions spoke getting a groan from his friends.

"Lets go sisters we are needed at the Crystal Empire." Helena spoke before her and her sisters took flight just when a division of Equestrian guards crested the hill and stopped looking at the destruction of the field along with the dead and wounded.

(Crystal Empire 2 days later)

Cadence was pacing back and forth through the throne room while her soldiers went to meet with the enemy. She had one division going to hit them head on while the other swept around to its left and right splitting in two ,during the cover of night hitting their flank whole the main force charged them. Right now she was waiting on her division commanders to respond to her.

"Well well well it looks like you actually got a army up and running HONEY!" Cadence turned to see Shining Armor along with Chrysalis standing there with a squad of Changeling with them.

"Well I may not have Equestria but I always did want to live in a real castle." Chrysalis said giving Cadence a fanged grin.

"Like I will let you just take my home!" Cadence growled charging up her horn getting into a attack position that Big Momma taught her.

"Fine I was hoping I wouldn't have to hurt you Cadence but I can see the time for talking is over." Shining stated making Cadence growl.

"Make it quick Shining my changelings have been out maneuvered by the Crystal Soldiers and the lines are quickly collapsing." Chrysalis said getting a nod from Shining.

"Sorry babe but this looks like the end for- SMACK!

"If your think I'm going down without a fight you are sadly mistaken Shining Armor!" Cadence said hopping from one hoof to another.

"You're going to regret that Cadence." Shining said charging at the princess and threw a punch only for her to sidestep it and throw him into the throne steps, hard.

Shining groaned and ran at Cadence again only for her to charge him as well both pulling back to deliver one hell of a punch, but Cadence disappeared flashing behind Chrysalis delivering one hell of a sucker punch to the queens face when she turned around sending her flying into a wall.

"That was for my wedding you bug." She said ducking under her ex-husbands sloppy punch and coming up with a powerful uppercut sending him once again flying.

"That was for allying yourself with this filth." She said smiling at her downed opponents before she was jumped by the squad of changelings that she forgot about.

Cadence let loose a powerful blast throwing the changelings off her and into the walls and floors cracking on impact. She could feel where one had stabbed her in the leg with a horn along with several cracked ribs, she was holding her side looking at Shining and Chrysalis with one eye while the other was swelling shut as they got up and stalked towards her.

"End of the road princess though I do admit it was a good fight." Shining said while they advanced on her.



Cadence watched as strange armored stallions crashed through the door smashing their way through the squad of drones and knocked the two aside.

"By order of the Empress you are to be shown no mercy for attacking her niece and all traitors are to be hanged so says the Empress of the Imperium." One stallions read off a scroll before putting it away.

"NOW MY BROTHERS ATTACK! KILL THESE INSECTS AND BRING THE COMMANDERS TO ME!" He roared while his soldiers jumped into battle crushing the squad of changelings while Shining and Chrysalis made their escape.

After the short battle Dark Star pulled his helmet off smiling down at Cadence.

"Dark Star?" She weakly stated rubbing a hoof across his face while he took hold of her hoof.

"Im here Cadence just stay with me ok? The doctor is coming." He assured getting a smile from her.

"What took you so long?" She laughed before hacking up some blood.

"Sorry had a delay at the station with some bugs before we got here." He smiled down at the princess.

"Now rest, captains orders. Don't worry about your forces I have mine that I brought with me going to help them now with the mop up." He said getting a sigh from the mare.

"Thank the maker and thank you Dark you're my hero." She said smiling getting a laugh from him just when the doctor came to look her over and took her away as his brothers came to him.

"Brother-Captain?" Dark turned and smiled at them.

"Good job brothers now head to the train station our job is done here, I will join you later once I'm certain the princess is no longer in danger and her forces get back." He stated getting a nod from his stallions.

"Very well Brother-Captain." He heard Solar say while leading the stallions out of the room and to the station.

(4 days later)

Cadence opened her eyes to see much to her surprise Dark Star sound asleep on her bed making her smile at the look of peace on his face just when a nurse walked in and smiled.

"Oh your highness your awake, I'm glad to see your ok." She whispered watching the mare reach out and run her hoof over the large stallions mane.

"He hasn't left your side since his stallions left to head back to the Imperium two days ago." She whispered.

"Really how long have I been down?" She asked while Cadence continued to run her hoof along his mane while the nurse checked her over.

"Four Days princess." She quietly stated looking over at the stallion.

"He didn't sleep till early this morning." She smiled at the shocked look on her face.

"Your so lucky to have such a special somepony, and from the Imperium at that. I wonder if all their stallions are like him." The nurse mused missing the blush on the princess face.

"Um no he's not my special somepony, he's a family friend." Cadence explained though never stopped her petting.

"Oh my apologies princess but the way you two are it just looks so touching." The nurse apologized.

"Its fine but we can only hope the stallions of the Imperium are like- She was cut off when he snuggled into her stomach.

"Mmm Pinkie."

Cadence smiled at the tired stallion while the nurse giggled and left the room. Once they were alone she looked over Dark and got a little blush at the defined muscle on the stallion lay on her stomach while she ran her hoof through his mane.

"Maybe in another life Dark." She whispered to herself feeling him pull her closer to him while a content smile came to his face.

(6 hours later)

Dark woke up expecting to find his pregnant wives laying down in their bed back in the Imperium but instead found it to be dark outside and he was snuggled up to the princess of love herself making him jump a little.

He slowly climbed out of bed with a practised ease and looked over the mare that had her back to him.

"Come on Cadence you got to wake up, everypony is worried about you." He whispered covering the mare up more so she wouldn't catch a chill.

"Captain Dark Star? Im glad you're awake, Princess Cadence woke up earlier this afternoon and she checks out. She's going to be ok." A doctor whispered behind him getting a nod.

"Very well I will have a few stallions guard her till she is better. I have no doubt that the traitors and the insect will try to assassinate her while she sleeps. I will double the guards." Dark said walking away and around the corner never seeing the evil smile on the doctors face as he walked towards the sleeping princess.

"Long live the hive." He said raising a dagger before bringing it down.


Cadence woke up hearing gagging sound only to see a doctor with a sword sticking out of his chest and a hoof on his mouth. She saw the doctor had a dagger in hoof about five inches from her head while Darks large hoof held the blade from killing her.

"You woke her you insect." She heard Dark Star growl and watched the sword push further out of his chest while she heard a muffled scream just when the doctor turned into a changeling making her gasp and roll out of bed. She watched Dark grab the changelings head with his magic and twist it with a sickening crack and let the body fall to the ground.

"Cadence are you- OOF!" Dark was cut off when Cadence ran into his chest crying after staring death in face twice after such a short time.

"Shhh its ok Cadence I got you." Dark said running his hoof down her mane trying to calm the sobbing mare down just holding her tight.

"I won't let anything happen to you Cade." He said making her snap her head up at him surprised, he hadn't called her that since before he left as a colt. He smiled down at her kissing her forehead.

"Im sorry Cade and I forgive you." He whispered in her ear making her cry harder and held him tight while he just pulled her into his lap after sitting down. They stayed like that for a little while before he led her away from the scene and had someone clean up the mess.

Chapter 4

(Two days later)

Dark and Cadence smiled as they looked in on the wounded and gave thanks while praying for the dead.

"Thanks for staying to look after me till I was able to get out of bed Dark, you didn't have to you know. Im sure your wives are worried about you and Aunt Luna is wondering where you are." She mentioned while they walked to the castle.

"No it's fine Cade, The Empress knows where I am and the girls know as well. Once I explained what was happening and what almost happened Luna ordered me to stay till you were fit for duty." He smiled getting a nod from Cadence who was eating the reformed friendship they had lost after so long up. Dark stopped at one of the food stands licking his lips.

"Hey Cade you want some? My treat." Dark offered getting a smile from her as she limped over to him.

"Sure and thanks Dark after everything thats happened today and the past week its good to stop and enjoy what you have." She said smiling at the merchant.

"That'll be 5 bits please." The mare said while Dark tossed her the money and walked away to the castle.

"So Dark what were you doing before all this happened." Cadence asked making him stop dead in his tracks.

"SHIT I NEED TO GET IN TOUCH WITH GILDA!" He yelled and flashed to his chambers leaving a confused princess behind.

"Who's Gilda?"

(Later that day)

Dark was waiting by the train station when he saw the griffon on his mind step off, smiling he made his way through the crowd letting her catch sight of him making his way to town. She smirked and gave chase knowing she loved the process of the hunt and he was all to happy to give her one.

All through the town they play cat and mouse till she trapped him by where the elements had set up the fair years ago.

"Now I got you Dark and you're gonna tell me why it took so long for you to- WHAA!" She was cut off when he pounced and pinned her to the ground smirking down at her.

"Dont you know a cornered animal is the most dangerous?" He asked before leaning in capturing her lips letting her claws go as she wrapped him around his broad neck and shoulders flipping them over where she was on top still engaged in a lip lock before the need of air became too much pulling back with a pop.

"Wow now that is how you make up with someone." Gilda smiled looking down at the stallion.

"I aim to please." He grinned before sitting up.

"Im so sorry Gil for not getting in touch with you earlier, I had so many things happening here it completely slipped my mind." He apologized getting a light peck on the lips from Gilda.

"Its cool Dark I forgive you, so tell me what's been going on." She replied while he layed back down while she laid on his chest listening to him tell her what happened since they parted ways.

"Wow hows the Imperium? Haven't really got a chance to see it since our battle with those ponies and boars knocking on our door." She spoke getting a sigh from him.

"A lot of first and fourth districts were heavily damaged but from what Pinkie says the repairs are going smooth. What of our other allies and what about your place?" He asked.

"Well since they got delayed in a storm we were prepared for them and beat them back with minimum casualties and damage to the city. As for the others they are fine but Glascow was heavily damaged from the attack, apparently they were attacked by griffons, boars, and ponies. They were almost overrun till Glidesdale came and relieved them." She reported while he sighed.

"Im just glad they are all ok. So did your place make it out ok?" He asked getting a groan from her.

"No some freak rock from a catapult crashed right through my home! I'm just glad I have war insurance." She smiled getting a nod from him.

"Well you know you can always crash at my place if need be in between your flights Gil." He said getting a grin from her before looking around and seeing it was dark out.

"Come on let's head inside it looks like it about to rain." He pointed out getting a nod from Gilda.

"No kiddin come on lets check in with the princess before heading to bed, besides." She replied slyly while nibbling on Darks ear.

"I want to pick up where we left off on last week." She said huskily in her before walking ahead of him swaying her hips with a smile on her face.

(Two days later)

Today was a dark day for the Imperium and for a family of 8 especially for 5 of them. Darkstar sat outside the operating waiting for any news on his family with Luna, his sister, Gilda, and Stardancer. They sat outside the operating room where his wives were in there.

Yesterday while Dark was getting ready to leave for the Imperium and their next step in this little war he got an urgent message that his family had been attacked by a assassin, while they were able to fight him off before his brother saved them killing the assassin but not before all of his wives were severely hurt and was rushed to the hospital.

Now he waited for any news and hoped that his unborn children and his wives would be fine. They had been there for a few hours while the others had been there longer when they saw the doctor come out.

"Star family?" He called out as Dark and Stardancer along with Twilight ran up to him since Solar was searching for any other threats in the capital.

"This everypony?" He asked getting a nod as he sighed.

" I am sorry to say but you lost 2 of the babies." He stated as the family broke down and he tried to console them. Darkstar wept for his and his families loss when he thought of what the doctor said.

"You said 2? So one is still alive right!?" He asked as the doctor nodded as Dark smiled a little.

"Can I see them, my wives can I see them?" He asked getting a nod and watched the stallion race down the hall with Twilight and Stardancer.

When he got to the mares rooms he could see that they had been crying and their bellies were flat again as they stared down in silence before they saw Darkstar as he ran up to them while the burst into tears and apologized while they all cried.

"Shhh, shhh, it's gonna be ok it's not your faults at all. Sssshhh." He cooed while crying himself as Vinyl joined them at some point along with Twilight and Stardancer. The family was mourning their loss as the doctor called him over.

"Sir I'm so sorry for the loss your family has suffered but there is more, due to the damage to your wives took they will never be able to bear children." He stated as Dark plopped down staring wide eyed at the doctor.

"Again I can't imagine what kind of pain you feel sir and I am so sorry for your families loss." He said before bowing to him and walking out of the room.

Dark sat there like he had just been hit in the face by a manticore.

"Darky?" Pinkie called out to him with sniffles as he looked back at her with red puffy eyes and tears running down his face making her eyes widen.

"No." She whispered as he turned back around in shock as two of his wives screamed in despair.

(2 days later)

Dark was home with his wives as they snuggled up to him with Vinyl on his chest and Pinkie on his right and Lightning on his left while Dark ran his hoof through their manes. Dark stared at the ceiling depressed from his loss and the loss to his family and it made it even more real when he saw the little colt pegasus and unicorns little bodies never able to see the fulfillment of life they should have had.

His depression slowly turned to rage as the thought of who did this came to his mind and had to force himself to calm down or he would wake up his wives. He looked over at his two poor wives robbed of a chance to ever bear a child at all leaving them feeling useless and worthless, he wanted to be here for his wives in their time of need and by the gods he was gonna be here with them every step of the way.

He left Solar in command and knew that his little brother could do his job no problem and commanded the same respect as he did on the field of battle. As he looked at his wives with sorrow he felt the only child he had left to be birthed kick making him smile a little and felt Vinyl snuggle into him more as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here." He stated finally letting his mind fall into the darkness of sleep.

(6 months later)

Darkstar smiled as he walked with his wives down the main road leading to the shopping district. He was happy and he had Vinyl riding on his back since her hooves were killing her walking down the cobbled road. They were heading to get a few nice things for Pinkie since her birthday was coming up soon and he and the other girls had a plan to help her.

Ever since the loss of her child she fell deeper and deeper into depression as she looked at Vinyl and the happy look on her face carrying Darkstars child and she so badly wanted that for herself again and as a result her hair was always straight, even though they always tried to cheer her up but she would shut them out and didn't want anything to do with anyone.

Until she found Darkstar pouring over research one night in his office where he had been for the first few months after IT happened. When she asked him what he was doing he just smiled gave her a long passionate kiss that just melted her heart.

"I'm going to help you and Lightning Pinks."Was all he said. Over the next 6 months he and Twilight poured over something in their libraries.

The war with the changelings and boars were won and all that was left to do was find and bring the leaders to justice after the final battle in the boars homeland and they fled. Any and all contact about Shining Armor had been lost a month after he attacked the Crystal Empire, Darkstar was pissed to say the least at the news he was hearing.

"What in the name of tartarus do you mean that bastards missing?!!?" The poor Pegasus messenger was terrified to say the least.

" I-I-Im-m-m s-s-s-soooo sorry l-l-lord Darkstar please I only bring messages I don't know anything HONEST!"

"Just go please" The messenger flew away extremely fast almost as fast as Rainbow Dash.

Darkstar arrived at the main imperium outpost in captured former boar territory, and stormed in to meet Solar and entered the main corridor trotting up to him slowly trying to keep his frustration under control.

"A messenger told me shining armor has been missing, almost a month after the crystal empire incident correct?" Dark asked as Solar nodded.

" Its strange ,captured officers all said he was there one day and just gone the next all his possessions just laying around camp , they all assumed we captured him. When they couldn't find him they assumed we executed him. One odd thing though some changelings we captured said he felt depressed , lonely and above all he seemed to be very erratic at times he snapped at the littlest things but ignored major ones. Very strange indeed ,then he was gone ,just like that, Poof into the night."

"Our spies and agents cannot locate him?" Darkstar was amazed at this VERY few ponies could just disappear like that ,he wouldn't have expected that from Shining Armor though that's for sure.

"Im surprised to brother dark ,he was never that good at hiding , so how could he just vanish like this? Its disturbing to say the least" Darkstar nodded

"Could we find out anything at all?" He asked while Solar seemed to hesitate

"Yes ,but I don't like the information ,it makes no sense"

"What do you mean?"Darkstar asked

"The ponies or otherwise said a stallion matching shining's description has just walked into town ,fixed some things ,helped somepony with a issue or other ,buy some food or other essentials and just leave without taking credit for anything! They all say he's quiet, humble and lonely looking ,but very depressed as well .But that's not him, im confused as to what's going on here ,is he trying to throw us off?" Darkstar pondered this for a moment

"I will go after him myself" Solar was surprised at this.

"Come again?" Solar asked in disbelief as Darkstar sighed

"I'll go after him myself he must be avoiding our spies somehow ,so ill find him myself no pony is to know of this understand?"

"Yes Brother dark ,just be careful" Solar said to Darkstar before he departed a strange thought entered Darks mind ,a old foals tale. A knight who went on a pilgrimage with nothing on his back and wandered the world doing humble work to redeem himself from the things he'd done.

'Shining cannot be trying to do that can he?' He thought as he boarded a boat heading to the last location where the rumors that matched his description.

The End (Written by Sir Viper)

(5 Months Later)

Darkstar arrived in Dream valley it was covered in a thin layer of snow with a natural chill in the air, the place reminded him of ponyville in many ways, but at the same time it was completely different. It was small like ponyville, but more spaced out. After asking around for a bit, he was able to find out that Shining Armor had bought a house, near the edge of Dream Valley close enough to get back easily, but far away enough to be a bit isolated. Which was a good thing, if a fight started he didn't want to wind up fighting the whole village. Shining had built a small reputation here as a respectable stallion, still Darkstars feelings towards him had become rather conflicted as of late.

Everything, Shining armor had done as he wandered ,pointed to that he was trying to redeem himself. What's more, everywhere he went he seemed to do whatever he could to as well. As well he seemed to be extremely depressed as well. When Darkstar was in sight of Shining armors home he quickly ducked into cover, he saw Shining armor walk outside and then take a deep breath.

Darkstar recognized the look on his face, the look of peace and happiness one earned only through suffering, he was about to step out of cover and confront him, when somepony came out behind him, a pegasus mare with a gentle silver coat and kind blue eyes.Her cutie mark was a heart with a silver wedding ring around it, He also took note that the mare was pregnant and they both had a ring on her right hoofs.

'Did shining armor remarry? If so does this mare know what he's done? Hmm, if I come out now, Shining armor may panic, I need to wait until he's out of sight and earshot before I do anything. Shining armor then picked up a woodcutting axe and walked into the nearby woods, the mare turned around and went back inside and after a few minutes, Darkstar got out from behind his hiding place and decided to talk to the mare ,face to face.

Darkstar walked up to the small houses door and knocked on it, a few moments later the mare asked through the door ,"Who is it?" Her voice was as gentle as her appearance, Darkstar said, " Somepony who knows Shining Armor well" There was a moment of silence before the mare opened the door. She then asked, "If you're here talking to me as opposed to attacking Shining armor ,then you must have a good reason to. Come inside, if you please and sit down, my hooves are killing me." Darkstar didn't sense any hostile intentions from the mare and carefully stepped inside, carefully scanning the area for any visible traps.

"My name is Silver Heart, what is yours, if I may ask?" The mare asked sitting down on a small couch, Darkstar said, "You're playing a dangerous game you know ,allowing a stranger inside your home Ms.Silver heart." Silver heart only smiled and asked, "If you had any hostile intentions towards me ,you would have already acted on them wouldn't you?" Darkstar had to admit she made a valid point, "Well ,while you're right about that. My name is Darkstar." At that Silver heart only let out a sad sigh and said, " So your Darkstar huh? I should of known you'd find your way to us eventually." Darkstar then asked, "So im curious what did he tell you about me? Also did he tell you what he did to me?" Darkstar asked dangerously low

Silver heart then shocked him by saying, " Yes, he told me everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. How when he was younger , he helped your parents do those terrible things to you, I know it all Darkstar." Darkstar then asked, "If you know what he did, then why did you stay with him? How can you even stand to be around him?" Silver heart only smiled sadly and said, "Because I love him, I love him with all my heart, he's the pony I would do anything for. If it wasn't for him, I still wouldn't have my cutie mark . I know everything ,but I also know what you don't." Darkstar was curious and asked, "And what is it that I don't know?"

"That what he did all those years ago,never stopped eating away at him. I don't know about your parents, but I do know that to this day, the guilt is like a rot inside him. He HATES HIMSELF Darkstar, he will never be able to let go of what happened. But most of all he's angry. He's angry at you, Twilight, The princess Cadence, he's angry at you all, he can't understand why you all thought he was so evil .That he could actually do those things and not feel the way he does. But the pony he's most angry at is himself. Hes angry at himself, because he never talked about what happened, he just hoped time would make it go away. But look what that got him."

Silver heart said sadly, then continued, " You took everything from him, his wife, his sister, his rank ,his title, his parents, You even took his Honor and pride. You took everything from him and left him with nothing. But that isn't enough for you? What more could you possibly want? Is your heart so filled with hate ,that you want to take even me and this new life he has? Do you really want to destroy whatever hope he has left? Do you really want to see a stallion, who already regrets the terrible things he had done and did everything he could to redeem himself ,Lose the only things he has left?"

Silver heart asked Darkstar who looked away and said after a deep sigh, "Your words cut deep. Deeper than any blade, you've made me see that I went too far. I let my hate and rage, guide and control me, looking back, I've done that for a long time. Before I do anything else ,I want to talk to Shining armor." Silver heart said, "He should be back any minute now, he went out to gather firewood."

As if on cue ,a stallions hoof steps could be heard on wood. And then the door opened and at that moment Darkstar and Shining Armors eyes met, Shining Armor dropped the firewood, but made no other movements.

After 5 minutes Shining armor broke the silence, "Why?" he asked sadly, Darkstar asked back," Why what?" Shining armor then said, "Why are you here? You wanted me to pay for what I did to you? I did, you wanted me to feel the pain you did, you wanted me to suffer like you did? I DID, You wanted me to lose everything I cared about and be left as a stallion that was less than nothing? I WAS. SO WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE?! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE?!" Shining armor yelled his voice getting louder as time went on till he eventually started yelling at the top of his lungs.


Darkstar felt a twinge of guilt at his words. He heard the hard truth in them and said," You're right. I took it all away and for a while, I was proud I did. But now that I know what you went through.... I feel like I was wrong in what I was doing, you saw no other way. But when I look at you ,I can feel my anger building up despite everything." Shining armor said, "I feel the same way." Silver heart then said, "I'm going for a walk, you two need some time alone, just please don't kill another?" They both nodded and silver walked outside and the moment the door shut he heard a loud bang and crash inside the house.

Shining armor ducked under Darkstar's quick, powerful swing, then swung his left hoof at Darks chest. Dark quickly caught it, however to was a distraction from shining armors head-butt, The force of the hit threw Dark off balance and disoriented him for second, shining armor pressed his advantage by bucking Darks square in the chest. The force from shining's powerful blow knocked Darkstar into a wall, with a large amount of force. To the point that it caused some cracks to begin form on it, using the force of the impact and harnessing the pain Darkstar re-centered himself and countered shining's next attack. Darkstar side stepped Shining's head blow and then before shining could recover slammed him in the side of his face with a strong punch.Shining grimaced and fought down the pain as best he could, and growled to Darkstar in anger,

"You took everything from me, everything I cared about, all for your selfish revenge. I'm going to make you pay for all the pain you put me through." Darkstar growled back, " I'd like to see you try, I've got more experience in one hoof then you have in your entire body." Darkstars thoughts however, didn't match his tone,

'Damn he hits as hard as a Dragon does, what the hell happened to him out there that he acquired such impressive strength? Hes immensely powerful, but slow. But at the same time he makes up for that with skill, i'll need to be more careful in this fight than I originally thought.' Shining's thoughts were as wary as Darkstars,

'His body is unnaturally durable for a unicorns, I have to put in all of my strength to hurt him, he bleeds like any other, but regenerates extremely quickly, i'll need to hit him faster to slow his regeneration he's quick and tough, but doesn't put much force into his attacks, he tries to save it up ,most likely due to the fact that he's been in prolonged battles. But that only further proves that he has a point, he does have more experience than me when it comes to combat. But I wont lose to him without a fight.'

Then Shining armor tacked Darkstar full force, breaking through the wall into the outside. Darkstar quickly recovered by bringing his hooves down on Shining's back, who grimaced and was thrown off balance by it, then Darkstar bucked shining armor into one of the nearby trees, Shining hit the tree hard and felt pain spread like fire across his body, Forcing himself to stand Shining knew he couldn't take much more of this. Then Shining noticed the position he was in and realized he could use the environment to his advantage, apparently assuming a defensive stance,

Shining prepared for Darkstars advance and when Darkstar was in range Shining feinted a jab which Dark easily sidestepped, but walked straight into the place Shining wanted him to be. At that moment Dark realized that his back was to several weakened but heavy trees and realized that he'd walked straight into a trap, Before Darkstar could move, Shining used all of his strength to break the closest of the trees and due to the force of it and weight of the trees they all fell very quickly, the last three of them hit Darkstar hard from above, nearly crushing him under their weight. Shining stood on guard, knowing that it would only be a matter of time before Dark emerged from the wreckage, Darkstar then forced his way out from under the trees, with more than a few cuts and bruises on him.

Though they were already beginning to regenerate, his stamina was nearly completely sapped by what happened. However, Shining wasn't doing any better, almost all of his energy was gone from knocking down the trees and his wounds weren't helping. Both of the exhausted Stallions knew that they and the other only had energy left for one last attack, Darkstar then swung at Shining armor from an awkward angle that was in his weakened state, was impossible to dodge. So Shining took the blow straight to the face but used the force of the blow to spin and Slam Darkstar with the force of both of their attacks.

For a second both stallions stood like statues, unmoving and strong before finally their hooves gave out and they collapsed in the soft snow, now covered sporadically with a bit of blood and sweat. Darkstar then said in an exhausted but somehow proud/impressed tone, "Damn you're strong, you can take a hit and dish it right back twice as hard. This was probably the most exhausting and equally matched battle I've ever been in." Shining gave a small exhausted smile and said, " I can say the same, I had always dreamed of being in a real fight , one where I could go all out, and now I've achieved that dream." For a second both stallions were silent before Dark broke it " Im sorry." Shining then asked back confused, " You're sorry?" Darkstar then said,

" Yes im sorry, it took me seeing the other side of this, but now I understand. You never forgave yourself after I ran away, you always hated yourself deep down for it. And I let my hate and rage blind me to that." Shining then said, "You're right, I could never forgive myself for what happened to you, hell I still get nightmares about what I did and I don't think its Luna who's giving them to me. I punished myself, I rarely ate or slept ,all I did was train until I graduated, then I asked for the most dangerous postings." Shining then took a deep breath, "I pushed my body to breaking point and then pushed more, I earned medals of valor and courage and rose through the ranks, without even realizing it. I fought gang after gang, I didn't even care if I lived or died, I thought I Was going to Tartarus either way. " Shining said sadly.

Darkstar gave him a sad look as shining continued on, " I would have destroyed myself, if it weren't for Cadence and Twily-I mean Princess Twilight. They...They helped me work through my demons in a way, I could smile again after Cadence and I became a couple. Just being around them made me feel like I was alive. But everyday I expected them to bring up what happened to you and I was prepared for it for years, but it never happened. I just... moved on, I thought they did too. I thought Princess Twilight had forgotten about it, or forgiven it, but what I just can't understand is, if she didn't then why didn't she talk about it?" Shining said sadly. Darkstar only looked away, Shining then continued,

" Why did she live so many years, pretending to be happy with her life? Why did cadence act like she was happy to? Did they both hate me? Was the love I thought they had for me fake? Was.... was everything in my life a lie?"

Shining asked in a depressed tone, Darkstar then thought to himself , ' Damn it, I did more damage to him then I thought. I feel terrible, all of a month ago my blood boiled at the slightest mention of his name, but now? All I feel is a deep , dark pit inside me full of regret and guilt. 'Darkstar then asked , "I've vented all of my anger, its gone now. I.....Want us to have a second chance, I want this to be put behind us. So ill just ask this just once and I know that you have every Empress given right to say no, but... Can we be brothers? Real ones?" Shining then gave a sad smile and said,

" Maybe, I know that id like that. But I suppose we can try at least, but only time will tell." Darkstar forced himself to stand up and shining did the same and shook hooves and Darkstar said " Brothers it is then ...... Do you feel that?" Shining then asked "Feel what?" Darkstar then asked back, " A feeling of dread ,like something is very…..angry Do you feel that?" Shining then said, "Now that you mention it .....yes I do.But where is it coming from?” They both looked over to the pathway to the house and saw Silver Heart standing there with a neutral look on her face, she then walked over to them and asked in a neutral tone, " Have you two finished yet?"

Shining armor and Darkstar nodded, then Silver said, "Good, because while i'm glad that its over, could you two please explain to me, WHY THE HELL MY HOME LOOKS LIKE A WARZONE?!?!" Silver yelled at the top of her Lungs. It was at this moment Darkstar and Shining took notice of the giant hole in the small house, the toppled over trees and the decimated environment around them. Rubbing the back of his head nervously while giving an embarrassed smile Shining armor said, "Umm sorry. It looks like we got a bit.... Carried away in the heat of combat."

Darkstar nodded nervously giving the same smile, while Silver Heart only groaned and said " Oh sweet Celestia and Luna give me strength, you two really ARE brothers you know that?" Shining and Darkstar only smiled and Darkstar said, " You know what Silver? I think you couldn't be more right about that."

Darkstars smile slowly started to vanish and Shining took notice of the hard look on Darkstars face and asked

”Darkstar something wrong?” Darkstar nodded and said, “ Yes there is still one massive issue we need to deal with. You have to go back to canterlot and face trial for what you did.” Shining gave Darkstar a understanding but still worried look and said, “ I know .”

Silver heart then interjected, “ Why can't he stay here? If it took somepony like you so long to find us then-” Silver was cut off by Darkstar

“Exactly, I found you, if I can do it so can others. I no longer hold any hostile intentions towards Shining, But there are many in the Imperium, Equestria and the Griffin empire that want him dead or captured but mostly dead.” Shining walked over to Silver with some difficulty still feeling the pain from his recent battle with Darkstar and looked i deep into Silvers eyes before saying

“Silver, honey…. Even if Darkstar covers for us, others will find their way here, we can't raise a foal or filly or both,if we live in constant fear of being discovered. I can't put them through that and I know you can't either.” Silver heart looked down and then back at her home sadly before saying, “I understand, but i'm coming with you.’ Shining flared up at that.

“What? Absolutely not, Canterlot is a month away at least and thats is without weather delays and winter between here and there can get crazy, I should know. Darkstar and I can handle that, but you can't expect me to allow you to come with us especially given your condition.” Silver only stubbornly said, “We are married Shining Armor, where you go, I go. I can't bear the thought of you out there, even if you're not alone. And you will never convince me otherwise.” Shining armor opened his mouth clearly in defiance of Silver Hearts words before she interrupted him .

“Let me ask you a question Shining, do you really think I can just wait here and hope for the best? All I would be doing is worrying for you and that isn't good for my condition either is it?” Shining gave Silver a dirty look that screamed, ‘Okay you got me, but ill get you for that’ Whereas Silver only smiled part honestly, part in victory and part smugly and Darkstar was having a hard time containing his Laughter at this and only said

“You married one hell of a mare Shining, stubborn, proud and intelligent. Something tells me all of your arguments in the future will end the same way. Don't worry ill put out a call to some of my old freinds, tell set us up so we can get there as fast and as comfortable as possible.” Shining growled at Darkstar and said in annoyance, “ Oh come on, you're siding with her now? You know what fine, if you need me i'll be gathering some essentials inside.”

At that Shining stomped off inside,the small home ,before Dark and Silver shared a look before Silver counted down, “3,2,1.” And then they heard a loud thud inside the house as Shining clearly passed out from exhaustion, leaving a Silver Heart unable to contain her laughter and Darkstar, smirking.

"Let me make sure i'm understanding this Darkstar. You want me to pardon Shining armor of his crimes, completely ignore the fact that he helped nearly start a world war, attacked both of our nations and caused Cadence to be hospitalized?" Celestia asked, in a monotone voice. Darkstar ran a hoof through his mane, "Look, I know what im asking is downright insane and sounds even more insane as I ask it. But, he's my brother Celestia and part of all of what happened is my fault as well, I took literally everything away from him, he may have deserved to suffer a bit for what happened ,but I destroyed the core of his entire life that he worked so hard to build. I understand that it may not erase what he did. But he was pushed too far and-" Darkstar was cut off by Celestia,

"Look Darkstar ,I understand where this is coming from, you want him to have a second chance and I want to help you, but I can't just give him a pardon for what he did." Celestia said, "What about what you did for the empress? Can't you-" Darkstar was cut off once again by Celestia, "That was different Darkstar, my sister was taken over by evil magic. She was not in total control of her actions, but Shining Armor was. If I pardon him , it will be a giant slap in the face to the very laws of Equestria, the laws I wrote and made myself. He's redeemed himself to you, the pony he hurt most and while I won't argue that that is a very good thing and I am truly happy for him, I can't just pardon him no matter how much I may want to." Celestia said sadly

Darkstar then asked her, "I thought that you once said ,you would do anything for me?" Celestia looked away, "That was a long time ago Darkstar, a very.... Painful time for us both, one I don't want brought into this. I would do almost anything for you, the 'almost' is this. Im sorry, everypony deserves a second chance , I truly believe that ,with all my heart I truly do. But.... I can't just give Shining armor his chance, even though he's earned it." Celestia said sadly, At that moment a thought popped into Darks mind, one that he knew would work, but he knew others would call VERY wrong.

'If I do this ,I can guarantee Shining Armors pardon , but.... if I do this, nopony will ever side with me over Celestia again ,despite what she did to me and my baby girl. But Shining needs this second chance. If only, so he can keep the peace he found in his new life.' Darkstar took a deep breath and said, "Celestia, im going to tell you something and then make you an offer." Celestia regarded him curiously, beckoning him to continue.

"I don't hate you. I tried to make myself hate you and believe me when I say tried HARD to make myself hate you, but I couldn't. A part of me still loves you and always will, I still get pissed at you when I think about what you did. But.... I can't bring myself to hate you." Celestia had her mouth open at this revelation, what she'd always hoped deep down, what she always knew in her heart had finally been confirmed and it meant the world to her.

"Darkstar you have no idea how much that-" Darkstar cut her off, "I think you should hold that thought, because the offer i'm going to make, is going to be the dirtiest, lowest and most under hoofed thing I've ever done." Darkstar took a deep breath, "If you pardon my brother.... I will let you back into my family." Darkstar couldn't look at her after saying that, not wanting to see the look she had. Celestias usually controlled emotions were unleashed and rampaging throughout her entire body. Rage at Darkstar for attacking her one true weakness, relief and happiness at being offered what she wanted more than anything, anger at Darkstar for trying to prey on her emotions like this and finally, confusion at what she was supposed to DO in this situation.

For ten long, silent and honestly, torturous minutes for the both of them, Celestia made her decision. " I will pardon Shining armor." Darkstar let out a sigh of relief at this. But it would not last , as Celestia said, "I will pardon him, for you. And for me, for US to have a second chance. But let me make this perfectly clear." She got up off her throne and walked down to Darkstar , who started to back up a bit.

" WE.ARE.EVEN. You can NEVER again use what happened between us all those years ago, by doing this for you. I've just broken almost every single rule I myself made. So we are EVEN. Don't scowl about it, don't get angry about it. You no longer have the right to. I will do whatever is necessary to earn your love back, but I don't want to hear you so much as whisper about what happened back then. UNDERSTAND?" Celestia finished stronger than she ever had in her entire life to Darkstar, who took a deep gulp and nodded saying

" Believe me when I say ,I know that we're even now. So now that he slates been wiped clean, what do you want to do now?" Darkstar finished smiling, Celestia sighed and said, "You really haven't changed in the slightest from the stallion I knew ,have you? Lets just go for a walk right now. I need some time to deal with what I've just done."

Darkstar nodded said," I don't know why ,but I feel like, I've made the best choice I have in a long time. It won't be a easy road we walk and it won't just be us anymore and while I know it may take years to rebuild the feelings I had for you , its still good to have you back." Darkstar said, Celestia gave him a sad smile and said, "Honestly I think I've finally gone crazy because of you but…. I couldn't agree more."

Shining armor and Silver heart were currently sitting together, relaxing in the canterlot royal gardens, Silver turned to shining and said, "I'm glad you know." Shining looked over to her and asked," Hmm? What do you mean Silver?" Silver said, "I said im glad, im glad I met you. If we hadn't met when we did, I still wouldn't have my cutie mark and I wouldn't have become part of this wonderful family." Silver said in a happy tone, "But mostly, im glad that I have a wonderful stallion like you, and i'm sure you'll be an amazing father." She said snuggling into shining armor who smiled and nuzzled her mane.

Unbeknownst to them however Cadence ,who was going for a walk in the garden overheard them. Cadence felt something inside her grow, Something she could vaguely remember feeling before. It made her feel hollow almost .....empty, she didn't know how to deal with the feeling either. 'Wh-Wh-what is this.....pit inside me? I-I-I cant describe it, it makes me feel horrible. But I've never felt it his strongly before . What is it?' She thought to herself, then while she was deep in thought ,Celestia who noticed the almost distressed look Cadence had walked over to her and asked

"Cadence? Are you okay? You seem to be distressed." Celestia said in a concerned tone.

Cadence jumped a bit not seeing or hearing celestia before hoof, and said "Yes im okay........ or at least I think I am, its just.......When I look at Shining Armor and Silver Heart over there, I just get this horrible feeling that I can't describe." She looked over to them again and Celestia immediately recognized the look Cadence had on her face,

"Cadence, come with me please." Celestia said, Cadence looked over to her and said, "Okay." Hoping that getting away from them would make this horrible feeling go away.

Celestia took off and flew into her bedchambers ,with Cadence close behind. When they arrived Celestia motioned Cadence over to a mirror near some cushions, they sat down together and then Celestia said

"Cadence you have 'The Look'. " Cadence was confused, " ’The look ‘?" She asked Celestia, "Yes 'The Look', the same look I had and still have when I think about or see Darkstar and the family he has now, the family I was once part of, but left. One I now have a chance to make amends with, and I intend to do so. But....." Celestia said pausing sadly, then continued "The look you have is the look of regret. Of pain, but mostly, it is the look of loneliness." Cadence scowled at Celestia, "What you did to Darkstar was wrong and don't try to compare what happened between Shining Armor and me to-."

She was cut off by Celestia who asked her the one question that made everything seem to stop for her, "Do you still love Shining armor?" Cadence, could not speak for a time, and Celestia continued, "That's what I thought, you DO still love him, just as I still love Darkstar. We are immortals cadence, we may live forever ,but our hearts are just as weak and fragile as any others. But you and I have more in common than just that, you have a chance the same I do, you have a chance to get the one you love back, but you don't see it do you?" Celestia asked Cadence who only looked away," Cadence I am NOT judging you, i'm trying to HELP you, but let me ask you this. When you look at Shining armor and Silver heart, do you feel this pit inside you? Some kind of feeling you can't place? Do you feel almost hollow?" Celestia asked knowingly

Cadence nodded sadly and asked, "Why do I feel like this? Divorcing him was the right thing to do at the time.....wasn't it?" Celestia then asked, "Was it the right thing to do? Yes, was it the most logical thing to do? Yes, for all intents and purposes was it the best thing to do for the Crystal empire politically, and logically? Yes once again, But was it the best thing for you personally and emotionally? Well.... I think we both already know the answer to that ,don't we?" Celestia said wrapping one wing around cadence who looked down sadly and said

"You're right. I did love him once, no..... I still Love him ,soo much that it hurts now, seeing him with another mare, in the situation I always thought we would be in, holding each other lovingly, eagerly discussing the names of our foal or filly. Impatiently waiting to welcome them to the world, to give it all the love it could ever want." Cadence started to shed a few tears as she said," After he left, I just.... I buried myself in training, what I feel now ,I began to feel then as I saw him walk away, I tried to purge it ,by focusing on becoming stronger, but I think I only buried it. Auntie, you're right. But what can I do? Im sure he hates me for-" She interrupted by celestia slapping her albeit gently on the back her head with her wing

"NEVER think that, even in my lowest moments I ALWAYS knew that while he may have been angry with me, I knew that Darkstar could NEVER hate me. Deep down he still loved me, I knew he still did and now he's confirmed it, all I need to do is earn that back just like you need to. But if you give into despair and think he hates you, you will never get him back, don't throw yourself at his hooves and beg for forgiveness either, listen to his grievances,

Hear his anger, understand it and when he's done venting himself, speak not what's in your mind, but speak what's in your heart. Be the Mare he fell in love with ,be the Cadence he would have fought and died for. Don't be a warrior or a soldier, don't even be a leader, those aren't who you are Cadence. But most of all, be true to yourself, do you truly like the life you have? Training, fighting, sparing and more training?"

Celestia asked, Cadence thought about it and said, "No, I suppose I don't, I feel like..... I've lost something else, I think.... I lost my inner peace as well ,Auntie. Did you ever feel that way?" Celestia gave her a sad look, "Everyday Cadence, Everyday. And I don't think I ever will regain it truthfully. But Cadence, that doesn't matter right now does it? What does matter is, will you follow the path of the Warrior Princess and lose him forever ,but rule your empire the way a leader would? Or will you return to the path you once followed of the Princess of Love and have a chance to get him back and rule the way a princess would ? It is your choice, Cadence your life belongs to you, only YOU can decide your own fate." Celestia said Looking at Cadence, who clearly needed some time to think about this.

Cadence then asked, "What about Silver heart? I can't just try and replace her." Celestia said, "You need to start somewhere Cadence and where else is better than her? Ask her how she feels towards you and how he does as well. Even if you can't get him back as a lover, getting him back as a friend isn't a bad thing." Cadence nodded and then stood up and said to Celesta, "You know Auntie despite everything, you may no longer be the most intelligent pony I've ever met but you're definitely still the wisest."

"Luna are you sure you want to have a chess match with me?" Celestia asks honestly, "Yes sister, im sure. I wish to know adept you truly are at strategy and tactics." Luna said, "Celestia in return said, "Very well, but why are Twilight, Darkstar and the others here as well?" Celestia motioned over to said others who all sat in attendance. Darkstar spoke first, "The empress simply wants to know if your mind is as strong as you make it out to be, nothing more." Celestia raised an eyebrow at that but said, "Very well, lets begin." With that Celestia levitated a chessboard and pieces over to her and Luna and the game began.

"Darkstar, I know that there is more going on than simply a friendly game of chess here." Twilight whispered to Darkstar so only he could hear, Darkstar smirked, "Well to be honest, the empress and I simply want to see if Celestia is as good a strategist as she is a leader. As we said before, however this could simply be a precaution, if the Imperium and Equestria do wind up going to war one day and are of equal military strength and skill, the war will be decided by superior strategy and tactics." Twilight frowned at that, "I don't like this Darkstar it feels pretty dirty to pull something like this."

Darkstar said smoothly, "Relax Twilight, this is simply a friendly game for now." Twilight huffed lowly and looked back to the game.

10. Minutes in The match was going much like one would expect, Luna's more aggressive combat style was smashing through Celestia's borderline overly cautious style. However that did not mean the competition was not stubborn, for every piece Celestia lost, Luna lost one as well, they were very evenly matched. Then Celestia did a surprising move, she moved her king up to the front lines along side her pawns and knights, to this Luna asked, "Sister, its a dangerous move to place your king there. What are you thinking?"

To this Celestia said pleasantly, "To quote a famous writer, 'If the king does not lead then how can he expect his subjects to follow', I believe that you follow that ideal as well, Don't you agree sister?" Luna smiled at that and the game continued. 5 more minutes in, Luna had cornered Celestias king on the far side. Celestias king could not move forward without Lunas king capturing it but could move back as she was protected but not flanked by her queen and bishop, however Luna was in the same position as well.

"Hmmmm." Twilight said to herself, Darkstar was the only one to take notice of this, "Something the matter Twilight?" Twilight looked over and said, " I think that Luna is going to lose." At that Darkstar raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why do you think that?" Twilights only reply was, "Wait and see for yourself, this will be interesting."

Luna then said, "Well sister? Neither of us can move our kings forward or move them back, perhaps we should call this match a draw?" Celestia only smiled and said, "I think not, there is still one move I can make." Celestia then shocked everypony in the room by moving her king forward, placing in directly in front of Lunas king.

"Hold on a second, this means that if Luna moves her king forward-" Twilight began, then Darkstar continued, "Then she'll capture-", Twilight then finished "Princess Celestias King", Darkstar then asked," She is deliberately throwing the match? Why?"

"What is this? Your just giving me a victory?" Luna asked suspiciously, thinking to herself 'It would be simple to simply move my king forward and win this match. But if I do that, then technically Celestia wins, I will not fall for such a cheap tactic.' Luna then moved her king to the side, avoiding taking the easy victory. However Celestia only smiled and said, "You fell for it." Luna was confused by this, until she looked down at the position her king was in, she had moved her king into the perfect position to be captured by Celestia's knight. Celestia then moved her knight and captured Lunas king and said, "Checkmate."

Luna smiled and said, "Im impressed sister, you had me march my king straight into your trap. However you will not be so lucky next time." Celestia raised an eyebrow and that asked," Do you want a rematch?" Luna said, "Yes, I would very much like one."

Darkstars surprise quickly faded away," Hmm, Celestia got lucky that time, But the empress will not lose a second time, of that I am sure." Twilight only said warily, "Don't be so sure Darkstar."

Unexpectedly, Luna lost again and again, for 5 times in a row before she finally asked herself, 'I don't understand, why do I keep losing? What am I doing wrong?' Celestia looked up and said, "Do you wish to know why you keep losing sister? Its simple actually, you're doing it wrong." Luna then asked incredulously, "Im sorry, what did you say?" Celestia then continued

"I said you're doing it wrong. Your aggressive play style, it shows that you are imagining yourself on this battlefield along with your soldiers. That is why you keep losing. You've forgotten how to fight from the war room at least effectively." Luna raised an eyebrow at that and asked, "What do you mean by that?" Celestia then said, "If you spend too much time on the battlefield you become too adapted to leading armies there and not in other ways. It is true that you do need to lead them on the battlefield sometimes, but if you do it too many times, you lose your ability to lead them from other places, such as the war room."

Celestia continued on with, " You place yourself down there with them, at all times, an admirable quality. However, as you can see, its causing you to lose to me. I may not lead them from the battlefield like you do, but that doesn't mean that I can't still lead them effectively. In some ways, even more effectively than you, you place yourself on those front lines, you watch your weak points and manage your army beautifully Luna, I will not argue that. But you don't see the big picture, at least not as clearly as I can. However, I can lead and maneuver them in ways you cannot and that gives me a significant advantage. But then again this is simply chess, not war after all."

Celestia finished pleasantly, Causing Darkstar to smile proudly, which in turn caused Twilight to ask him, "Why are you smiling? Luna DID lose." Darkstar said, "Maybe so, but Celestia just taught her and me a very important lesson about war. One we had nearly forgotten after fighting it so much." Twilight then asked, "And what lesson is that?" Darkstar then said, "That sometimes, you can't lead your soldiers from the front lines in battle. Sometimes you need to be leading them from the command post, because they need you there more. I knew this well, but never really applied it, I prefer to be down there with my brothers fighting alongside them. But, Sometimes, I need to be leading them from the war room. I'll make sure to remember this."

Luna then smiled and stood up and walked over to Celestia and gave her a big hug before saying, " Sometimes, I forget that you are older and wiser than me and need to be reminded of that. This is one lesson that I will take to heart. Thank you." Celestia hugged her back, " And I thank you as well sister. It has been refreshing to share this moment with you, I hope when next we meet, you'll be able to defeat me." Luna smirked at that, "Oh, you can count on that." Celestia smiled and said, "Well I have something to look forward to then."

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