
Eternal Night

by Lucaro

Chapter 29: Chapter 27: The End Justifies the Means

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Persei’s head was buried in her pillow. She had been crying here for what felt like an eternity, her tears having soaked her pillow. The hot, moisture of the pillow against her face was soothing as the sobs racked her body. “Cepheus…” she groaned. “I should have told you how much I loved you more often. I was selfish….”

Persei was a wreck. Every time she picked herself up and tried to leave the cabin, she collapsed halfway to the door. Grief kept her tethered to the cot. She would eventually crawl back and bury herself underneath the sheets. She had never felt so alone in her life. All the dammed up grief from being uprooted from her home, Mother’s death, Cepheus’ murder, all the suffering she had seen since she had arrived here, all burst forth.

Persei couldn’t stop thinking of her dead brother. Had the Lunaran Knights tortured him before they killed him? Did they kill the villagers in front of him? Cepheus had loved Candle, did they kill her too?

Ultra Violet had insisted that everypony was dead.

She howled, beating her hooves down on the pillow. There was a wild outburst of her magic, and clumps of her hazelnut mane were pulled away from her scalp. She screamed in agony, but the physical pain was a brief distraction from the much worse emotional turmoil within.

“Cepheus!” she cried. “Why? Why am I still alive, while you’re dead? You deserved life far more than I did.” She descended into another fit of sobs, wailing. “Nooo!”

The door to the cabin opened, and Ultra Violet stood in the doorway. She looked haggard as well, and a tray of food was levitated above her head in the lilac aura of her magic. The unicorn approached her goddess carefully, keeping her eyes downcast. “Persei…” she said with a tender concern in her voice. “You haven’t eaten in three days.”

Persei was starving, but she enjoyed the pain of the hunger pangs. “Go away,” she whispered. “Let me mourn.”

Ultra Violet gently set the tray down, and touched her head. Her hoof came away smeared with a spatter of blood. “You’re bleeding, Persei. When you tore your hair out, some of your scalp came off as well.”

Ultra Violet gently brushed off the clumps of torn hair, and used her magic to soothe her bleeding scalp. Another sob racked her body, and a strand of saliva dribbled from her mouth. Violet wiped off the spittle on her muzzle, and levitated a bowl of chicken broth. She then gently lifted Persei up and supported her back with pillows so she was in an upright position.

Persei let her do whatever, she no longer cared.

Violet used her magic to spoon her some of the steaming broth, and had to use her magic to help Persei close her muzzle and swallow. “Persei,” Violet whispered as she fed her. “You need to pick yourself up. The Scions need you to get better.”

Oh what does it matter? I have nothing left, but…. She blinked. Nothing was left, but to do something about it… Persei lifted her head up, the grief clouding her mind parting. I may not be able to bring them back, but I can sure as hell avenge their deaths.

Persei seized the bowl of soup from her and drank it all down in several gulps. She smashed the bowl against the wall, the smell of burning linen filling the air. “I’m done moping.”

Ultra Violet jumped off the cot before the sheets went up in flames. “I’m done playing the victim!” she screamed, her eyes blazing with actual fire. She spat a gout of flame, scorching the wooden floor black. “Somepony needs to pay!”

Persei leapt off her cot, the whole cabin catching fire. Ultra Violet was backing away, a look of both fear and excitement in her eyes. Persei’s grief had turned into hot rage. She realized how pathetic she had been acting, and snapped back to her former self. “Nightmare Moon shall feel my wrath!”

Ultra Violet rushed out of the room, and she stared at her plot as she left. Her rage, as quickly as it had stemmed from her grief, turned into something else: lust. Her mind was ablaze, leaping from one venue of passion to another.

As the gray pegasus, Callista, began her training regiment, wakening Persei’s recently grief-wracked body from its slumber, she was aroused in more ways than one.

Her head was jerked up and down as she did her push-ups, and Callista made an impressed sound. Sweat trickled down her body the way the tears from the night before had.

Her mind was focused on Ultra Violet, her cutie mark glowing with heat, encouraged by all the intense emotions she was feeling. What had happened between them? Violet had kissed her, and she had kissed her back.

Ultra Violet had taken care of her while she mourned, wept for hours on end, howled, and tore out clumps of her hair. She had dealt with all of that. Persei hadn’t even known that she was drawn to mares in this way, but she knew what she felt. It was lust, powerful and indiscriminate. She liked mares. She also liked stallions… or she thought she did. Persei would experiment with her newfound sexuality once she had the time.

She had never been so intimate with anypony before. Honestly, when Ultra Violet had kissed her… that had been the first time she had ever been kissed. Persei’s heart fluttered when she thought of the intensity of that moment. They would have had sex if Maelstrom hadn’t brought the terrible news.

At Callista’s urging, Persei switched from push-ups to crunches, and thought of their relationship. Is this how love happens? Suddenly and without warning? She hadn’t even known Violet was interested in her like that. Maybe it was because she hadn’t been expecting this special type of attention from another mare.

Persei had never experienced the powerful feelings Ultra Violet had elicited from her. They had to talk this over when they got the chance. Right now though, she was consumed with the passions of her heart.

She was such a potent mix of anger, lust, determination, ambition, that she felt invigorated on a level she had never felt before. Ever since she got her cutie mark, it was as if all her emotions had been intensified. Her reactions were now more extreme, and she had a tendency to jump from one emotion to another in a heartbeat.

Persei’s stomach and hooves were burning from the exertion of Callista’s training, and she screamed. She was overcome with her feelings. She felt absolutely volatile….

Persei collapsed on the floor, and the satisfied Callista waved her goodbye and left.

She lay on the floor, in a puddle of her own sweat. She was gasping for breath, and saw Commander Maelstrom trotting in a moment after. His eyes went wide, seeing the burnt over state of the room. “Geez,” he gasped. “I’m glad there were fire resistant charms on the wood.”

“What do you want?” she asked, getting back up on her hooves.

“How about a damn fire extinguisher for wherever you go?” he barked angrily. “We have to smuggle your sorry plot to the armory.” He flipped around, and two dockworkers trotted into the room with a large box container. “Please, try to contain yourself.” he jested, still angry, leaving the room.

I guess being a goddess doesn’t count for much in his books….

The dockworkers flipped over the box for her and removed the lid. Persei didn’t like being cooped up. “Is all this secrecy necessary?”

“Definitely,” one of the stallions said. “Ultra Violet wants your initial entrance to the public to be stunning.”

“And that entrance won’t be until we fit you with the shiniest golden armor we have,” the other stallion added.

“And for that we need to get you to the armory,” the first stallion explained.

“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” Persei said, stepping inside the crate. They closed the lid and nailed it shut.

It was dark and hot inside the box, and the dockworkers carried her on their backs, sliding her through the door and out into the open air. She heard the caws of seagulls, the shouts of other dockworkers, and the gentle roaring of the ocean.

They kept the crate surprisingly steady as they carried her over to the armory. The light from the moon and lanterns hanging overhead filtered through the cracks between the wooden planks of her container. The natural light was replaced with the orange glow of a furnace when she was carried inside what she assumed was the armory. It had become unbearably hot, and she was glad when they finally put the box on the ground.

Persei bucked open the lid, not waiting. Wooden splinters and broken boards went flying in the air, and she trotted out in front of the startled blacksmith.

Ultra Violet was standing there as well, and winked at her. She felt a hot flare from within her chest, and she gave her a flirtatious grin. The blacksmith stallion assumed her grin was out of cockiness and rolled his eyes. “She doesn’t look like Celestion. Our goddess had a rainbow mane and was much taller.”

Ultra Violet sighed. “Persei is a reincarnation of her. She may have a different body, but the soul of our goddess lies within.”

The blacksmith nodded. He trotted over to an armor stand which was covered by a tarp. “Straight from our repository, as you requested.” He bit down at the edge of the tarp and whipped away the cover. Beneath, a beautiful set of golden armor was set on a stand. “This was Celestion’s battle armor,” the blacksmith said, gesturing to the sacred artifact.

Persei drew close to the grand armor. There was a graceful chanfron that had a hole for her horn, diamond reinforced vambraces and cuisses for her hooves with flexible knee joints, a backplate that had holes in the sides where the wings could sprout from, and a beautiful breastplate that had some kind of sparkling charm embedded inside it. It was an extravagant purple, magenta, and white star that seemed to twinkle when looked upon.

Persei was drawn to the star charm, and touched it gently with her hooves. As if responding to her touch, it glowed and grew warm. “What is this?” she asked, intrigued.

The blacksmith looked at the charm. “Oh, it’s another artifact. It’s one of the only other artifacts we have of Celestion. On the spot where she was slain by Nightmare Moon, this little trinket was found nearby.”

Persei touched the charm again. Now it was burning hot, her proximity creating a reaction. She felt magic surging from the star, her nerves humming with energy at her contact. There was a powerful enchantment on this. It was intensifying Persei’s powers. “Fascinating,” she muttered.

The blacksmith moved to put the armor on her. “We’ve made adjustments according to the measurements Violet drew from you.” Soon, Persei was fitted in all the armor, and was glittering like a golden chandelier. “Perfect,” the stallion whispered, backing away.

“How do I look?” Persei asked, looking herself over.

Ultra Violet drew closer, awed. “Like the savior of the Dayborn race.” The mare ran her hoof down the backplate of her armor, and touched the bare spot where her flank and cutie mark was exposed. There was a sizzling sound the moment Violet touched the hot white flesh, and Persei looked into her purple eyes. She could feel sexual tension erupting like a volcano between them. Violet looked away, blushing. Persei nodded in satisfaction, feeling the after effects of being in heat.

Ultra Violet drew away from her, still flushed. “She is perfect,” she said, and the blacksmith didn’t notice her licking her lips. “The Scions of Celestion finally have their champion.”

There was a camera flash, and Persei was blinded for a moment. Argent Quill and the same photographer mare rushed over. They could barely contain their excitement. “We should dye her mane rainbow!” the mare suggested loudly, already breaking out her make-up kit.

Argent Quill was hopping in place, his eyes wide with awe as he beheld Celestion in all her glory. “Fantastic! Exquisite!” He leapt in joy, right up to her. He pulled out a pamphlet from his saddlebag and handed it to her. “It’s the article I wrote about you!” He grew quiet as she took it, looking up at her anxiously, waiting for her judgment.

Persei read the headline out loud. “Celestion has returned…” she leafed through the pages. Details had been altered, exaggerated, the design of the propaganda leaflet obvious: to incite the Dayborn ponies. And incite it would. This was the spark that would ignite the powder keg of tension between the Nightborn and Dayborn ponies. This was a call to arms.

Everypony was staring at her intently, trying to gauge her reaction from the leaflet. Persei looked up at Argent Quill. “You are an expert at your craft,” she said to the writer pony, and he smiled. “This will surely cause the Dayborn ponies to rise up. Every word is laced with hate….” Persei trailed off.

She hesitated, and began to speak slowly. “Ultra Violet,” she said, looking at her leader. “Are you sure this is in the best interests of our – my ponies?”

Ultra Violet nodded. “Yes, our actions have always been in the best interests of the Dayborns.” She drew closer to Persei, something akin to a sly grin on her face. “They were unhappy before, and then the insurrection happened. There was a rebellion about a few weeks ago, and many innocent Dayborns lost their lives. Their unhappiness has now turned to fear.” Violet looked Persei in the eyes. She was in such close proximity that Persei could taste the mint on the mare’s breath. “Once we inspire enough hope, their fear will become anger, and it will all spill forth, and riots will break out all over Equestria.” She drew close to her and began to whisper in her ear. “You will be their hope, Persei. You are Celestion reborn. Nightmare Moon will go insane with paranoia, and when she sees you, she’ll cut and run.”

Persei’s mind was clouded by her words, the effect amplified tenfold by her closeness. She wasn’t sure about this…. “What if Nightmare Moon doesn’t run?” Doubts began to fill her mind. It was as if the sudden rollercoaster of emotion had suddenly ground to a halt, and she could see clearly for a moment. Persei shook her head. “I can’t do this,” Violet froze and everypony stared at her. “Even if I am Celestion, when those Dayborn ponies are filled up with hope by my words and news of my return… they will lash out, and Nightmare Moon will crack down on all of them. They will suffer terribly. The Night Guard will tear them apart, looking for the ponies responsible for these leaflets. The same fate that befell those Dayborns in that rebellion, could be shared by thousands of others.”

Ultra Violet smiled consolingly, and her fears were abated. “Don’t worry,” she purred. Persei blushed at her tone. The mare began to circle her, brushing her gently, each contact sending tingles running up her spine. “That’s why when they do lash out, we will be there to help them cast off their chains.” Persei blinked, and opened her mouth to speak, but Violet’s sweet rosewater scent washed over her, silencing her thoughts. “It is said that the Night Guard crackdown that led to the rebellion, was spurred by an anonymous tip.” Heat rose to Persei’s face when Violet flicked her tail against her plot, and she rubbed up against her barrel, whispering. “What if I told you… that it was one of my agents that fabricated the report of suspicious activity to Nightmare Moon?” Persei blinked, unable to think with her this close. “It was also my other agents that stirred the Dayborn up even further, leading them to rebel.”

Ultra Violet drew away, and Persei almost reached out for her, wanting her close again. “Ever since the massacre, our recruiting rate has increased tenfold. As was expected. Nightmare Moon is driving them right into our hooves. Not only that, but now there is fear. The more pressure the Empress exerts on the Dayborn, there will come a point where they will break. The persecution will become unbearable. They will be desperate, just like those ponies at the massacre. We take advantage of that desperation, channel it, and force them to unite underneath the banner of the Scions.”

Persei nodded, understanding. She couldn’t get cold now. Everypony was looking up to her… including Ultra Violet. They were all counting on her. “And with this propaganda… it will make Nightmare Moon even more paranoid, increasing the pressure on the Dayborns to that breaking point you mentioned. It will force them to act, whether they want it or not.”

By allowing this to go on, she was creating a do-or-die situation for the Dayborns living under Nightmare Moon. Persei had to save them, regardless of their choice. She closed her eyes, and all her anger came rushing back. The emotional wounds incurred by Cepheus’ death were torn open again, spilling out hot anger. She could not allow the world to remain as it was, a place where good and righteous ponies were killed by murderous psychopaths. No more should anypony suffer under the tyranny of Nightmare Moon or the Knights of Lunara or any Nightborn!

“We’ve got nothing to lose, since we have already lost everything….” Persei whispered. “Our homes, our families, our dignities…” Persei sighed, fire sparking in her eyes. “The time for planning and deliberation is over.”

She looked up at Argent Quill, and saw about thirty pegasi standing behind him in orderly rows. They were all wearing armor and heavy saddlebags on their backs, full to the brim with the propaganda leaflets that would start a revolution.

Persei turned and faced all of them. “What’s one thousand, a hundred thousand, a million in comparison to the future of Equestria?” She trotted in front of them, her every step full of anger and determination. “I will see Nightmare Moon dethroned!” she declared, her voice resounding in the armory. “I will rule Equestria, or I will watch it burn to ashes around me!”

The Scions roared their approval. “I am Celestion, goddess of fire!” she howled, the flames of the furnace rising up, the raging inferno blazing away behind Persei. “Nothing can stop us now!”

The pegasi messengers reared up, kicking their hooves up in the air. Their whinnies filled the chamber, and they began to gallop towards the exit. They took off into the night, the winds of fate howling as they carried the leaflets towards their designated cities all over Equestria.

The Scions were still cheering, and Persei trotted towards the door. Her heart was ablaze. “I will not be stopped,” she whispered to herself. “Not by Night Guard, or the Knights of Lunara, or anyone! I will have my vengeance, whatever it takes!”

For the Scions, for the Dayborn ponies, for the future….Her eyes drifted back to Ultra Violet, who was smiling at her coyly. And for you, my love.

She looked back out at the horizon, and took a deep breath.

War is coming, with all its glory… and all its horror.

Author's Notes:

Persei has been consumed by her passions. We'll see now if it's for the better or not.

I wonder what that star artifact was.

Discussion/feedback is encouraged

Next Chapter: Chapter 28: The Elements of Sorrow Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 22 Minutes
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