
Daily Life of an Equestrian Ninja

by PianoPony

Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Bravery for the Future

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“Get out! Get out of my house this instant!” yelled Rarity as she slammed Carousel Boutique’s front door open, pointing a hoof outside. She was glaring at Naruto with fury, her breathing heavy.

The orange pony stood a little ways from her, simply staring at her in utter astonishment. “H-huh? What’s with you all of a sudden, Rarity?”

“Don’t bother playing dumb with me!” Rarity shouted. “I know everything about you!”

“E-everything…?” Naruto replied fearfully, taking a few paces backwards.

“You’re a monster!” Rarity cried. “You’ve been harboring that vile… thing this whole time! How could you?!”

“No…” Naruto muttered, horrified. “Wait, I can explain! Please, just give me a chance to—”

“I want nothing to do with you, you demon!” Rarity yelled.

“No, wait!” Naruto cried. The scenery of Carousel Boutique began stretching away from him, causing him to be relocated outside.

Naruto soon found himself outside of Carousel Boutique, and looked around in shock to find himself surrounded by the ponies of Ponyville.

“How could you lie to us, Naruto?!” Twilight demanded. “I thought you were our friend!”

“You’re a traitor!” Rainbow Dash called.

“You’re a liar!” Applejack yelled.

“You’re a monster!” Fluttershy cried.

“You’re the worst partier ever!” Pinkie frowned.

“Naruto, you are hereby officially kicked out of the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Apple Bloom called. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who stood next to her, nodded their heads with a grave expression.

“Nopony will ever want to eat your Ramen now,” Spike said, crossing his arms. “You should really just leave Ponyville.”

“Naruto Uzumaki, you are a threat to all of Equestria,” spoke a formal-sounding voice.

Naruto turned around to find Princess Celestia and Princess Luna standing behind him. Luna was looking down at the ground woefully, while Celestia looked straight at Naruto.

“I should have never brought a monster like you here. Leave Equestria immediately, and never come back!” she ordered.

“Leave, monster, leave! Leave, monster, leave! LEAVE, MONSTER, LEAVE!” all the ponies began chanting.

“Why…?” Naruto muttered. He shut his eyes tight in a vain attempt to hold off the tears threatening to rupture out. “Why do I have to go through this nightmare again?!” he screamed.

“Leave! Leave! Leave! LEAVE!”

Naruto began galloping away, his eyes shut tight. “Why…? WHY?!” he cried out to the heavens.

“Ahahaha…. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Discord’s boisterous laughter began echoing in Naruto’s mind. “I told you that you’ll end up alone, Naruto…”


Up in Twilight’s bedroom, Naruto was sitting down on the floor, his back against one of the bookcases. His head hung low, buried between his legs.

“I’m not a monster… I’m not a demon… Please believe me…” he muttered quietly to himself, as nopony else was in the room. “I don’t want to be alone…”

“Is… Is somepony there?” a voice asked from beyond the room’s entrance door. Naruto didn’t reply.

“Hello? Anypony?” the voice repeated. The door then slowly opened, revealing Spike.

“Huh? Naruto? What are you doing here?” he asked in surprise as he spotted the orange pony. “I thought you ran off like the others!”

“I’m not evil… I don’t want to hurt anypony…” Naruto continued, as if not even noticing that Spike was there.

“Naruto, what are you talking about?!” Spike said. “You’ve never hurt anypony!”

“Please… Please believe me…” Naruto continued speaking to himself, completely ignoring Spike.

The little Dragon ran over to Naruto and tried to move him to get a better look at him, but the orange stallion was completely frozen in place, locked within his mind.

“Please, Naruto! You can’t give up! You can’t let Discord win!” Spike cried, but Naruto still did not respond.

“Oh, what should I do? What should I do?!” Spike cried, shaking his head with his claws. “Can anypony help Naruto?! There has to be somepony who can cheer him up! Maybe somepony Naruto has spent a lot of time with…”

“Ah! I know!” the little Dragon exclaimed a few moments later. “Wait here, Naruto! I’ll be back with help as soon as I can!” he said as he ran outside as quickly as he could.


“How’s your essay goin'?” Apple Bloom asked in a tone that clearly suggested she didn’t really care, and was just trying to break the hour-long silence that hung in the Cutie Mark Crusader’s treehouse.

“Fine,” Scootaloo replied simply in a venomous tone. She looked down at the nearly blank page that lay in front of her. The word ‘The’ was the only thing she wrote on it.

“Yeah! I’m doing great!” Sweetie Belle called, as she looked at her likewise blank page. “And none of you can copy it!”

“My essay’s doing so great, you two oughtta copy it from me!” Apple Bloom retorted. Her page only had a doodle of two fillies on it, with the word ‘MEANIES’ written above them.

“Maybe we should have,” Scootaloo said, sending her an angry gaze. “Since it’s your fault that we’re stuck here writing it!”

“My fault?!” Apple Bloom demanded, as she finally took her eyes off the page. “How in the hay is it my fault?!”

“Maybe because you’re the one who started arguing about everything about that stupid statue!” Sweetie Belle called.

“You’re not any better than her, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo called. “You’re the one who started correctizing my words!”

“Actually, the word is ‘correcting’, Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom said.

“That’s it! I’ve had it!” Scootaloo yelled as she jumped up on her hooves. “The biggest discord here isn’t the one who turned Ponyville and our clubhouse upside down!” she motioned at the treehouse.

The ceiling and floor were now two of the walls, and the door was at the bottom. Most of the crusader’s drawings and charts turned into pictures of Discord and other surrealist pictures like long-legged ponies and melting clocks.

“The biggest discord around here is you two!” Scootaloo yelled.

“Well, I couldn’t agree more!” Sweetie Belle retorted.

“I’m so agreein’, that’s what my essay’s about!” Apple Bloom called as she showed them her ‘essay’.

“I wish I never joined this stupid club in the first place!” Scootaloo called.

“And I wish I never met either you!” Sweetie Belle added.

“Fine! Then maybe you two should just LEAVE!” Apple Bloom screamed, so angry that her face started to go as red as her mane.

“Fine!” Scootaloo yelled.

“Fine!” Sweetie Belle repeated.

With a huff and an angry expression, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle trotted towards the door. Sweetie Belle turned the knob, causing the door to open downwards.

“YOUCH!” a voice shouted below them.

“Huh? What in the hay was that?” Apple Bloom asked.

The three fillies looked down through the doorway. “Spike?!” the trio called in surprise, seeing the small purple dragon rubbing his head. He was just below the door, climbing up the staircase to the clubhouse.

“Crusaders! I need your help!” Spike cried as he looked up at them. “It’s an emergency!”

“Sorry, Spike,” Apple Bloom said. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders are now officially disbanded. Can you go and tell President Naruto, Spike?”

“That’s why I came to get you, guys!” Spike called. “It’s Naruto! He’s in big trouble, and he needs your help!”

The three fillies’ eyes widened in surprise, and they turned to look at each other.


BGM 1 (Fairy Tail - Past Story)

A knock sounded once more at the door to Twilight’ and Spike’s bedroom. When it wasn’t met by and answer, the door was opened.

Through the door peeked Spike’s head. He looked around, and quickly found Naruto sitting in the exact same place as he was before. Motioning those behind him to follow, Spike walked into the room, followed by Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. The latter two were each carrying a certain item on their backs — a large piece of paper and red cloth.

“Sorry I took so long, Naruto,” Spike said to him. “I’ve had to get some help, and then we had to go get a few things from Carousel Boutique!” he said before turning to the fillies. “Can you do something about this?!”

“He really is all gray!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “Just like Rarity was!”

“Naruto, are you alright?” Apple Bloom asked, pacing towards him. “Please, say somethin’!”

“I’m not hiding secrets… Please, believe me…” Naruto only muttered in response.

“This is as bad as Spike said it was!” Scootaloo cried. “It’s just like what Discord did to your sisters and the others, isn’t it?!”

“Well, luckily, we’ve brought our secret weapons!” Apple Bloom grinned. Scootaloo laid down on the floor the large paper she carried, while Sweetie Belle laid down the red folded fabric.

“Naruto, you’ve got to look at these!” Sweetie Belle called and began pulling Naruto’s hoof away in an attempt to get him to look at the items.

“Hey, help me out here!” the filly called. The other three pitched in, but even their combined strength wasn’t enough to break Naruto’s ‘shell’.

“Oh, this is hopeless!” Apple Bloom cried. “What good are our ‘secret weapons’ if Naruto won’t even look them?!”

Suddenly, with a loud burp, a green flame burst out of Spike’s mouth. Out of the flame materialized a scroll, tied and sealed with a golden ‘C’.

“Who’s that letter from, Spike?” Scootaloo asked.

“Probably from Princess Celestia. But what could it be at this time?” Spike replied as he picked the letter up.

“Oh! Maybe she came up with something to help everypony!” the purple Dragon exclaimed and quickly unfolded the scroll. Upon reading it, Spike’s eyes immediately widened. “Hey! I remember this letter!” he called. “This is a letter Naruto and Twilight sent a while back to the Princess!”

“Why did Princess Celestia…?” Spike wondered. “Wait! Of course!” he called and turned to Naruto. “Naruto, you’ve got to read this!” he called, waving the scroll in front of him.

The orange stallion didn’t reply, and merely continued to mumble to himself. “Please! Just read it!” Spike pleaded.

“Alright, I’ll read it for you,” Spike finally said upon getting no reaction.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, my friends and I learned two important lessons:
First of all, never judge a book by its cover. Somepony may look unusual, or funny, or scary. But you have to look past that and learn who they are inside. Real friends don't care what your "cover" is. It's the "contents" of a pony that count. And a good friend, like a good book, is something that will last forever.
Second of all, we learned that painting over your real “cover” with a nicer one will never bring any good. It can only serve to lie and confuse your friends, and could bring about much trouble. As I wrote before, it is only your “content” that counts for real friends. And you should not be afraid to be honest with them. That’s because at the end of the road, real friends will always appreciate who you truly are on the inside.

Your Faithful Students,
Twilight Sparkle and Naruto Uzumaki

BGM 2 - Fairy Tail (Seigi No Chikara)

As Spike read through the letter, Naruto slowly began lifting his head. “It’s the ‘content’… not the ‘cover’…?” he muttered. “Real friends will always… appreciate who you are… on the inside…?”

“I ain’t got a clue what kind of secret you’ve been mumblin’ about, Naruto,” Apple Bloom said. “But you’ll always be one of us, no matter what!”

Scootaloo then moved the paper she brought with her towards Naruto. It was the drawing the three fillies had all made for Naruto when he had gotten his cutie mark, which showed all four of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, smiling together.

“Don’t you remember this drawing?” Scootaloo asked. “We made it for you back when you got your cutie mark! We made it because we’re your friends!”

Naruto raised his head just barely enough to look at the drawing, his eyes widening. “I remember this… The Crusaders gave it to me at my cute-ceañera… Everypony was there… The whole town…”

“Our Cutie Mark Crusaders cape too!” Sweetie Belle added, showing him the cape she brought from Naruto’s room back in her home.

“The Crusaders made me this when they made me their leader… Back when I felt like I found my place here… When I finally felt like I really belonged here…”

“We made you our leader, Naruto!” Apple Bloom called. “We did it because we believe in you, no matter what! It doesn’t matter if you’re holdin’ some kind of big secret! You’re one of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and you better believe it!”

Tears began welling up in Naruto’s eyes. His cutie mark began glowing brightly, and so did the tip of his tail. “You… believe in me?”

“Not only that, you brought Ramen to Ponyville, and even fulfilled my dream of working with you in the stand!” Spike called. “You’re really cool, and one of my best friends! No matter what you do, or who you really are, I’ll never stop being your friend!”

“Your… friend?” Naruto muttered, tears starting to drip down his cheeks. The glow at the tip of his tail became a ring of light, which then slowly traveled up his tail and restored the yellow color to it, before it reached his coat and began repainting it orange.

“Friends…” Naruto thought, the images of six certain mares appearing in his mind.

“You’ll always have us to count on!” Applejack said.

“Whenever you need us, Naruto, we’ll be there for you,” Fluttershy said softly.

“We’ll have tons of fun together!” Pinkie grinned.

“You will always have a place with us, Naruto,” Rarity smiled.

“We’ll always stick by your side, no matter what!” Rainbow said.

“After all, we’re all friends, aren’t we?” asked Twilight with a reassuring smile.

“That’s right… I’m not alone anymore…” Naruto thought, as his tears continued dripping down. “I’m surrounded by friends who’ll never abandon me!”

“Please come back, Naruto!” Apple Bloom called.

“The fate of Equestria depends on you!” Scootaloo said.

“So stand up! We know you can do this!” Sweetie Belle added.

“WE BELIEVE IN YOU, NARUTO!” the three fillies and Dragon yelled, putting their hooves and claw together.

Naruto slowly placed his hoof on top of theirs. “Yeah… sorry for being so stupid,” he said quietly, wiping his tears with his other hoof. “How could I be so afraid of telling my friends the truth…? From now on …”

BGM 3 (Fairy Tail - 2014 Theme)

“I’ve made up my mind! I’m done hiding behind dumb lies! Believe it!” Naruto exclaimed as his coat was fully recolored. His cutie mark stopped glowing.

“I should have believed in you all from the beginning. When this is over… I’m going to tell everypony the truth. All of it…” he decided in his heart.

“Naruto! You’re not seriously planning to…!” the nine-tailed fox said, shocked.

“Thanks, everypony. I’m going to finish this. Right here, right now!” Naruto called as they all raised their hooves/claws to the air with a cheer.

Naruto stood up, the spark in his eyes showing his determination. “Stay out of trouble. I’ll be back soon!” he exclaimed before galloping out of the room.

“Good luck, Naruto!” the Cutie Mark Crusaders called.

“Yeah!” Spike shouted. “Go kick that Discord’s bu—” he began saying, when he suddenly barfed out another scroll.

A few moments later, as Naruto made it to the front door of the library, he met with none other than the librarian herself. Twilight had lost all of her color now too, and looked utterly depressed, her head hanging low.

“Naruto…? What are you doing here…?” Twilight asked quietly, looking at him. Naruto trotted past her, taking a couple of steps into the outdoors.

“Sorry for being such a coward earlier, Twilight. But I’m going to make up for it by fixing everything,” he said, before pointing at the Element of Bravery tied to his forehead with his foreleg. “I swear on this protector you gave me — I’ll make everything right again!”

“Naruto…” Twilight muttered quietly, watching the orange stallion as he galloped away.


Naruto stopped at the middle of the chocolate milk covered soapy street, looking around the upside-down, floating houses and trees. “Discord! Come out and face me!” he hollered up at the cloudy sky.

“Well, well, well… if it isn’t my favorite little ninja?” an all too familiar voice echoed. “Don’t you need to run with your tail between your legs?!”

Naruto could feel his tail had disappeared when Discord said that, but he paid no heed to it. “I’m not scared of you anymore, Discord! Come out so I can see you!”

A flash of light appeared in front of Naruto, revealing the Spirit of Chaos, who was wearing Naruto’s forehead protector and a butler’s suit. “You rang?”

“I’ll give you one last warning, Discord!” Naruto called. “Stop what you’re doing and turn everything back to normal!”

“Stop it?!” Discord asked, his suit disappearing in a flash of light. “But I’ve barely just begun! Where’s the fun in stopping now?! Here, have a pie and enjoy the chaos!”

A pie fell down from the sky. Naruto quickly jumped up, flipped and kicked it away. It exploded in the distance. “I’m done playing games with you!”

“A game, huh?” Discord repeated, rubbing his beard thoughtfully. “Maybe I should have one last game before they end Equestria… And maybe… Just maybe…”

A devious grin snuck its way into Discord’s face. “Very well, Naruto. We’ll decide the fate of Equestria with a fun little game! If you win, I’ll surrender and you can have your stupid, normal Equestria back! And if I win… it’s game over! For you, and for everypony else!”

“That bastard can take my chakra away any time he wants… I guess I have no choice but to play along with his rules. At least for now…” Naruto figured. “Alright, Discord! You’re on!” he replied.

“Great! I just love good sportsponyship!” Discord exclaimed and snapped his fingers. A flash of light surrounded him and Naruto, and the two vanished.


Naruto opened his eyes to find himself standing on a large, rectangular field of grass. A large board with Naruto’s and Discord’s names appeared at the field’s side, the number ‘0’ below each name.

“Phew, at least my tail’s back,” Naruto thought in relief as he looked backwards. Instinctively, he then turned his gaze up.

“WHAT THE HAY?!” Naruto cried, looking up to see an upside-down Ponyville in the sky above.

“What? Don’t you like having a change in perspective once in a while?” Discord grinned. He was doing a headstand nearby Naruto.

When Naruto took another look around, he realized that the two of them were standing in a stadium, on the bottom side of a cloud floating above Ponyville.

“This is how it’s going to work,” Discord began as he flashed back into an upright position. “The pony who ends up with the highest score wins!”

“And as for the rules…” Discord said. Naruto glared at him, listening closely. “There aren’t any!” the Draconequus cheered, a barrage of olives ceremoniously popping into the air behind him.

“Did you really expect anything else?” Discord asked you, arching a brow.

“Uh… Who are you talking to?” Naruto asked, glaring at Discord in confusion.

“Let the games… begin!” Discord roared. Hundreds upon hundreds of clones of Discord began popping into existence and filling up the aisles, cheering and whistling. Many of them were holding huge signs such as ‘Discord roolz, Naruto droolz’, ‘Discord for Diarchy’ and ‘Marry Me, Discord’.

“I’ll take you out with one move!” Naruto called, crossing his forelegs. His Element began glowing. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

As the clone materialized, the Element’s light faded. Naruto looked at the clone beside him and smiled. “Great, my clones are normal again!”

Naruto started channeling chakra onto the clone’s front right hoof.

Discord grinned calmly as the clone charged towards him, galloping on three hooves. On the fourth was floating a blue glowing sphere.

“Rasengan!” Naruto roared, jumping up in order to slam the glowing ball straight into Discord.

Mere moments before the impact, Discord snapped his fingers, causing him to reappear wearing a baseball player’s outfit and holding a baseball bat.

Both Narutos’ eyes widened in surprise as Discord raised the bat high and knocked the Rasengan far into the sky, where it hit Ponyville’s main square. It exploded into a wave of paint, dyeing everything orange in a five meter radius.

“Strike one!” Discord called, batting the stunned clone and dispelling him. The crowd of Discords burst in loud cheers as the number below Discord’s name on the scoreboard changed from ‘0’ to ‘1’.

A quintet of Discord cheerleaders wearing heavy make-up, extremely short tutu dresses and pompons appeared below the scoreboard.

“Go Discord, go Discord, go Discord!” the cheerleaders called to the cheers of the many Discord spectators.

Naruto bit his lip in frustration. “I didn’t think it would be that easy, but I couldn’t see a single opening…” he thought. “Just how can I beat him?! Does he have any weakness?!”

“My turn!” Discord called. “Our next game is…” he began, before a large, metallic ball appeared in his eagle claws. “Dodgeball!” he called, tossing the ball at Naruto.

Naruto grinned and simply jumped to the right, easily dodging the ball. “Ha! You’ll have to do a lot better than—”

Discord vanished and then reappeared just behind Naruto, holding the ball.

Naruto looked back, stunned. “Crap! I forgot he could do that!”

“Here, catch!” Discord called as he tossed the ball at him.

“URGH!” Naruto cried as the metal sphere hit him in the stomach, sending him flying back a few feet. The ball fell down and rolled down the field, stopping a little ways from him.

“I can’t underestimate him…” Naruto thought as he glared at Discord, who was merely grinning at him mockingly. “But just how can I beat him? It’s like he can make everything as he wants!”

“Two can play at this game, Discord!” Naruto called as he made it back up on all fours. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

A single clone appeared by Naruto’s side, who then went to pick up the ball, balancing it on his hoof. “It’s our turn!” he called, tossing the ball towards the original. The clone then ran up to Discord, who was looking at the two Naruto's curiously.

“Here, have it back, Discord!” Naruto called as he threw the ball at him. A hole appeared in Discord’s body where the ball should have hit, causing it to go right through him.

“Don’t you know it’s terribly rude to return a present?” Discord smirked at him.

“Well, sorry,” the clone said as he caught the ball from behind Discord. “But I wasn’t raised to be polite!” he called as he tossed it back at Discord from point-blank range.

The ball hit Discord’s head so powerfully, it was detached from the rest of his body and flew back a few dozen feet.

“Alright!” the two Naruto's cheers, high-hooving.

“Boo! Boo!” called the Discord crowd.

“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about, everypony,” said Discord’s head that was resting on the ground. “It’s not like I lost my head or anything,” he said, causing the Discord crowd to burst in laughter and cheers.

Discord’s body snapped its finger. Discord’s head vanished and then reappeared on its proper place while the ball vanished.

“Well, that was fun indeed, Naruto. But how do you plan on winning our little game?” Discord asked.

“Huh?” Naruto wondered, as he turned to look at the scoreboard. “What do you…?”

Naruto’s eyes widened when he read the score count — 1-0.

“Hey! No fair!” Naruto called. “I totally hit you just now! Where’s my point?!”

“Too bad, Naruto,” Discord said. “That didn’t count! If you want to score in our little game, you have to throw a stronger punch!”

Discord snapped in his fingers again, causing him to reappear wearing a pair of red trunks and boxing gloves. Naruto’s clone vanished and reappeared right in front of him. “Like this!” Discord called as he rapidly punched the clone several times. The clone soon vanished in a puff of smoke.

The Discord crowd began cheering and whistling again. “Discord, Discord, he’s the Draconequus! If you look like him, you’re just like the rest of us! Goooooo Discord!” the Discord cheerleaders cheered once more.

“Wait a second…” Naruto thought as he looked back to the score board, now showing a score of 2-0. “Why did Discord get his second point only now? He hit me with that ball too earlier!”

“A stronger punch, huh?” Naruto repeated thoughtfully as he crossed his forelegs. “Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

A group of clones appeared around Naruto and soon divided into pairs. Half of the clones began focusing their chakra into the other’s hooves, creating small blue orbs. The orbs then began growing, until they were twice the size of a normal Rasengan.

“Big Ball Rasengan!” the clones called as they charged at Discord, galloping on three legs.

“Now we’re getting somewhere!” Discord called. “Oh! You reminded me of another game I like!”

A blue ball materialized in Discord’s hand. He then began swinging his arm with the ball, and finally released it, rolling it in the clones’ direction. The ball quickly became larger and larger, and was soon twice the size of the clones.

The clones froze, stunned at the giant sphere that was suddenly hurdling towards them. They turned around and tried to escape its path, but the ball eventually grew too big for them to evade.

“Strike!” cheered Discord, throwing a fist to the air.

The Discord crowd cheered and whistled once more as the score underneath Discord’s name changed from ‘2’ to ‘12’.

“Give me a ‘D’!” the first cheerleader Discord yelled.

“Alright, that’s enough of you!” Discord called angrily. He snapped his fingers and the quintet of cheerleaders vanished. “The last thing this story needs is a ‘mature’ rating!”

The number underneath Naruto’s name suddenly changed from ‘0’ to ‘5’.

“Hey! That wasn’t my fault!” Discord yelled to a Discord wearing a referee’s suit, who was standing on the sideline. “Well, it sort of was, but…”

The referee shrugged, shaking his head. He sounded the whistle hanging around his neck and pointed towards Naruto. The orange stallion was now meditating on the far side of the stadium, his cutie mark glowing brightly.

“Fine!” Discord called angrily, turning back to Naruto. “I have this game up my non-existent sleeves anyway!”

Naruto opened his eyes for a moment and looked at the scoreboard. “I knew it… Discord gets a point for any of my clones that disappears… And I get a point for any of his clones that disappears… Which means…”

Naruto grinned as he stood up. His cutie mark stopped glowing. “I think it’s time we finish this game! Don’t you, Discord?!”

“I guess it is about time I returned to wreaking some more beautiful chaos on Equestria,” Discord smirked. “Well, let’s see what you’ve got!”

“Here I go!” Naruto called, opening his eyes. They were now orange and akin to a frog’s, surrounded by orange markings. “Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!”

Scores of clones appeared around Naruto, all in Sage Mode as well. They then began forming balls of Rasengan on one of their hooves. The Rasengans then inflated more and more, until they eventually became even larger than the ponies holding them.

“Let’s see you dodge this, Discord!” Naruto roared as the army of clones charged at him.

“Oh please, this again?” a bored Discord asked. “Do you honestly think I’m going to fall for this—?”

“Gotcha!” a pair of clones cried as one of them grabbed Discord’s legs from behind, and the other wrapped his legs around his torso. “Now stand back quietly and watch!”

“Wait, what are you—?!” Discord began, his eyes widening in shock to see the army of Narutos splitting up and galloping to the sidelines, where they all jumped up at the stunned crowd of Discords.

“Sage Art: Big Ball Rasengan!” the clones yelled as the massive balls hit the hundreds of Discord’s clones in the aisles. Each dispelled clone generated a cloud of smoke, akin to Naruto’s shadow clones, and soon the whole stadium was engulfed.

“No!” Discord shouted as Naruto’s score on the board began skyrocketing.

Soon enough, the smoke cleared and the aisles reappeared, this time filled with Naruto’s clones instead, who were all smirking at the only Discord left in the stadium.

The slack-jawed Discord turned to look at the scoreboard, which now indicated a score of ’12-1005’.

The Naruto holding Discord’s torso grinned at him. "I win."

Author's Notes:

Thanks for sticking around and reading another chapter.
I had a real drive to get through this one. It was actually one of my favorites so far!

Make sure to like the story if you haven't already and you think it's worth it, comment below and tell me what you thought of this chapter, including what you did or didn't like about it.

Until next time, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Next Chapter: Chapter 35 - Reharmonized Estimated time remaining: 34 Minutes
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