
Piercing the Heavens

by Calm Wind

Chapter 73: Chapter 73: Reconnecting Bonds

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Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 73:

With more than a few complicated questions on her mind, Dash trotted down the hall towards Spitfire’s office. She wasn’t late, in fact, she still had ten minutes, but punctuality was a good thing to have. She wanted to make sure her first meeting had every high point possible.

She made it up the stairs to the second floor and moved towards Spitfire’s office. It was time for her first act as captain of recruit squad Foxtrot. She lifted her hoof to knock, but held it as she looked around and found the wall mounted clock suspended above the stairs behind her. She was fifteen minutes early. Maybe it would be better to wait five more minutes, just in case Spitfire was busy with something else. She wanted to be punctual for a good first impression, but she also didn’t want to barge in and interrupt. So her safest bet was to—

“He was gone before I could get a good visual of him, but I was able to at least make out the Shadowbolt uniform.”

Dash froze as she heard Silver Lining’s voice come from inside.

“Was he wearing a red headband and goggles?” Soarin’s voice came through the door as Dash put her ear to the door just below the foggy glass to avoid her silhouette showing through.

“Yes, sir,” Silver replied. “He had red fur and a slicked white mane, but I was not close enough to make out any features. The uniform, the headband, the goggles, and the colors… and they looked to be about the size of Wave Chill. Aside from that, he was gone before I could even close half the distance between us,” Silver explained

“Did any of your squadmates see him or her?” Spitfire asked.

“No, they were all on the train already,” Silver spoke again. “I saw it right as I was getting on the train and tried to pursue, but, as I said, they were gone quickly.”

“I see,” Spitfire replied. “Thanks for reporting this Silver… this is becoming a little disturbing. Keep an eye out during any training away from the compound. I need to know what the hell these Shadowbolts are doing.”

“Yes ma’am,” Silver acknowledged.

Dash pulled her ear away from the door. More Shadowbolts? This was beginning to worry her. Not so much the fact that they were around… more that it seemed like they were planning something. In the past, the Shadowbolts had met her and the Wonderbolts head on, holding nothing back. Why were they suddenly hiding and lurking as if simply observing the Wonderbolts? Something was up, and Dash wanted to know what just as much as Spitfire and the rest did.

“Thank you Silver. Everypony, dismissed. I have a meeting with our new recruit captain in a few minutes,” said Spitfire.

Dash blinked before instantly deciding to take a few dozen paces backwards. She remembered the frustration Spitfire expressed when Dash heard news of the Shadowbolts last time. She didn’t want to be caught ‘accidentally’ eavesdropping again. She waited for the door to open to start walking, making it look like she just made it up the stairs and hadn’t heard any of the conversation.

Dash faked a look of pleasant surprise as Soarin, Fleetfoot, Air Mach, and Silver all emerged from her office. She received greetings from Fleetfoot and Air Mach as they passed. She bounced an eyebrow at Soarin, who winked in return… and then…

“Captain Silver,” Dash nodded and acknowledged Silver. She had, quite honestly, missed her mentor. She had formed quite a bond with him, and his teachings had helped her grow as a pegasus and a Wonderbolt. She owed him a lot… and was looking forward to working more with him.

However, Silver didn’t even look at her. In fact, he walked right on by as if he didn’t even hear her.

Dash felt crushed for only a moment before a thought crossed her mind. Silver was not a pony to be taken lightly. She instantly wondered if his lack of response had a meaning to it. This was something about him that had been drilled into her head. Silver never did anything without a good reason. She was sure it wouldn’t be long until he gave her some sort of a sign.

“Rainbow Dash?” Spitfire’s voice came from inside the office. “You’re early… good, punctuality is a quality I prefer,” she complimented as Dash forced Silver from her mind in order to ready herself.

“Thank you Captain!” Dash said with a nod as she entered the office and stood attention, waiting for Spitfire to speak. Spitfire reached into her desk drawer to her right and pulled out a thick, white binder with the Wonderbolt logo on the front and back. At first glance it looked like the binder was empty, but as Spitfire set it on the desk Dash could see multiple divider pages with plastic labels. Dash looked up from the binder to see Spitfire reach into the drawer again. She pulled out three, half-inch thick pads of loose leaf paper, and then finally a large textbook that was thicker than all the pads of paper put together. It read ‘The Wonderbolt Prime Code’ on the cover.

Dash eyes went wide and her ears flopped down when she saw the size of the book. Spitfire smirked when she saw Dash’s reaction.

“If I had a bit for every new captain that made that face…” she chuckled and shook her head. “Don’t let this hunk of wasted paper intimidate you. The prime rules and code of conduct take up, maybe the last twenty-five pages. Most of this thing is just an over-extravagant history of the Wonderbolts, and biographies of some of our most famous flyers. More than anything, it’s a desk decoration.”

Dash breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She didn’t have any problems reading about the Wonderbolts, but for a moment she thought the whole book was nothing but rules.

“Now Dash…” Spitfire began again. “As a captain… I’m sure it goes without saying that you have a great deal of responsibility. It is your duty… your job to know and understand the prime rules and to make sure your squad obeys and follows them,” she paused as Dash looked down at the book again. “Know and understand, not memorize,” Spitfire added, reading Dash’s mind. “I couldn’t read these off word for word if I tried, but I know the context. It’s a captain’s job to represent their squad and the rest of the Wonderbolts, understand?”

“Yes ma’am!” Dash replied quickly.

“Now for the rest of this…” Spitfire pushed the book aside and pointed to the binder and pads of paper. “Recruit squads are often not included in our military scouting and operations. However, there may be some circumstances where we call upon a recruit squad to help, whether it be due to lack of availability among the elite squads, or because a member of a recruit squad has a skill that we need. Therefore, you are required to create, run, and maintain a daily training program for you and your wingmates. Don’t worry about the details yet, an elite captain will be assigned to you to help you get started with examples as well as help you figure out the scheduling hours for the gyms and other facilities.”

Dash was trying her best to keep up with all of it, but it was an awful lot of info to take in all at once. A wave of relief washed over her when she heard the bit about an elite captain helping her figure it all out because she was pretty much lost.

“The main function of the recruit squads… is to partake in the shows,” Spitfire continued. “Whenever we go to shows we usually take one or two recruit squads with us. They fly as an opener before the elite squads take to the sky. We haven’t done this in our past few shows, but it’s something I’m hoping to start up again… meaning you’ll have to come up with a performance routine,” she said with a smile.

“Yes, ma’am!” Dash replied while feeling all tingly. She had to create and coordinate a flight show for her squad? She had come to learn the Wonderbolts were much more than just performers, but the thought made her giddy. As a filly and through most of her life, she had known them as performers… so finally getting a chance to do it herself made her giddy. She had to restrain herself from bouncing in place.

“So we have a show in Cloudsdale in three days and—”

“WHAT?!” Dash flinched and wings flared out. Her eyes went wide and she quickly folded her wings back up. “I, er, um…” she blushed as Spitfire blinked. “Sorry, ma’am!” she frantically tried to regain herself. THREE DAYS?!

“No, Dash… don’t worry,” Spitfire chuckled. “We only want you and your squad to come along, not perform. Whenever we have a new recruit squad we have them tag along to get a close up view of how the show process works. We feel it’s better to see than to explain.”

Dash breathed a quiet sigh of relief. For a moment she thought she was going to be crushed by the sudden need to create and train for a show on super short notice.

“So… I know that was all a bit much to take in, but that covers anything. I’m sure you have lots of questions about it, but save them for the captain we assign to help you,” Spitfire finished.

“Yes ma’am!” Dash replied. That seemed to be everything, but obviously Dash had some questions of a different nature. However, she didn’t feel like it was her place to ask.

But it looked like she wouldn’t have to.

Spitfire turned away for a moment as Dash awaited her dismissal. But instead, Spitfire turned back to her with a serious expression and took a deep breath.

“Alright Dash, at ease and drop ranks… I have something personal I’d like to discuss,” she ordered.

As usual, it took Dash a moment for her brain to acknowledge being told to act natural around a captain. Silver’s lessons of authority were hard to shed at any time. She eventually relaxed and tried her best.

“What’s up?” Dash asked, feeling awkward as hell saying something like that to the lead captain, but she did know Spitfire as a friend as well.

Spitfire remained silent for a moment, gathering her thoughts before turning back to Dash.

“How has… Soarin been?” she asked, catching Dash off-guard. “I only ask because of how close you two are. I mean, we’re close too, we have been for our whole lives, but sometimes I feel like he keeps things from me. I know how he is, he doesn’t want me to worry about him, but as his captain and life-long friend I can’t ignore it. Whenever I bring up the magic to him, he tries to dodge the subject.”

Dash listened carefully. Soarin was keeping things from the others? Dash understood why Soarin might reveal everything going on to her… but he was more or less keeping quiet around his wingmates? Even Spitfire?

“Well… I don’t know how much he’s told you. I haven’t had a chance to ask him how the past few weeks have been either,” Dash began. “But the last time I was with him, he talked about the barrier Discord put in him getting weaker,” Dash spilled everything she knew. Spitfire’s eyes widened slightly, but she didn’t look too surprised.

“That explains why he’s been taking extra time to practice it lately,” Spitfire thought out loud before sighing. “I don’t understand why he’s being so stubborn about it… I want to help him just as much as you do.”

There was another brief pause as Dash felt she was at a loss for words. She was busy wondering why Soarin would leave Spitfire out of the loop, especially since Spitfire was just as responsible for him being alive as she was.

“You know…” Spitfire began again. “I don’t think we’ve ever really talked about it…”

“About what?” Dash asked as Spitfire paused. Spitfire turned and faced Dash.

“About the ritual.”

There was a long pause between the two of them as they stared at each other.

Spitfire was right. They never did have the chance to talk about the revival of Soarin and the dark magic ritual they partook in alongside Celestia. Everything happened so quickly afterward. The Wonderbolts had a new show to prepare for and Dash had spent all the time she had before departing with Soarin.

“I guess we haven’t…” Dash added as Spitfire nodded.

“Despite our first meeting with the Shadowbolts and the tornado… I really feel like the ritual was what set all of this into motion. Since then… it’s been nothing but a constant worry about Soarin… secrets kept by the gods, and us left to flail about, never ready for anything thrown our way. Though I’m glad you managed to make it this far, now I don’t have to fly to Ponyville if I want to get info out of you,” she said with a grin.

“I can remember it vividly…” Dash spoke up. "The two of us working together in the pitch black void. Celestia behind us…” Dash smirked. “I can’t take too much credit though. We probably would have failed if you didn’t tear Soarin a new one as he was being pulled down.”

“Oh, that…” Spitfire snickered. “Call me crazy, but I had a feeling being scolded was the best way to wake him up. I had been doing that to him since we were young,” Spitfire said while rolling her eyes comically. “Well, it was an interesting experience for sure… and I’m glad we finally got to talk about it,” Spitfire’s face turned serious again. “Dash… the two of us really need to keep an eye on Soarin. Together we saved his life, so together we need to make sure he stays alive. He’s very capable and able to take care of himself… but, as I’m sure you know, his pride overpowers his reason at times.”

“Do tell…” Dash rolled her eyes.

“He is a very important pony…” Spitfire continued. “To you, to me, and to many others. So from this point forward… I’d like for us to stay in close touch. If anything happens to him, whether he tells you about it or not, I’d like you to inform me. This isn’t a matter of privacy… this is a matter of his life. I’m sure you understand.”

“Completely,” Dash nodded. “In fact, I’m a little surprised he hasn’t said much to you… I feel like smacking him upside the head for that,” Dash said while rapping her front hooves together, earning a smile from Spitfire.

“You are exactly the kind of mare Soarin has always needed,” Spitfire said with a smug look. “He has a hard time being reasonable about things.”

The two shared a quiet laugh. It was very true. Soarin was strong, confident, and good hearted… but he had a bad habit of causing himself lots of avoidable pain and frustration.

“Oh… um…” Dash spoke up, seeing this as a perfect chance to ask. “Spitfire, I wanna know… what’s going with—”

“The Shadowbolts?” Spitfire finished for her. Dash blinked and nodded. “I had a feeling you were going to ask…” Spitfire sighed. “I’m assuming Soarin told you about the encounter in Manehatten a while back?”

“Yeah, he did,” Dash nodded. “And then what I accidentally heard earlier.”

“To be honest Dash…” Spitfire shrugged. “I wish I knew. We just got another report from Silver right before this meeting.”

Dash already knew that, but she played along, not wanting Spitfire to know she was eavesdropping again.

“Squad two was boarding a train back to Canterlot after a show in Fillydelphia when Silver spotted a pony wearing the same uniform… the half Shadowbolt suit with a red headband and red-tinted goggles. The color description was different than the one we encountered, and different from the one described by squad seven,” Spitfire explained. “We have no idea what their motives are. It’s strange because they seem to be observing us. And whenever we try to catch them, they run instead of fight. I understand from Soarin’s report on the Shadowbolts that their code states they don’t allow anything to stand in the way of their objective. The fact that they’ve run from us and done anything necessary to get away each time brings forth the assumption that we are their objective… otherwise they would have fought us. This brings forth even more questions.”

“So we know nothing?” Dash blinked. That was hardly what she was hoping for. The Wonderbolts were apparently just as much in the dark about all of it as she was.

“Well…” Spitfire grunted in frustration. “When we chased the Shadowbolt in Manehatten, a well-placed punch from Air Mach knocked the Shadowbolt’s goggles and headband off. We brought them back and presented them to Luna. Her initial reaction suggested that she knew something, but she quickly denied it and forcefully removed us from the throne room.”

“What?!” Dash reacted. Spitfire sighed.

“I hear you there, Dash. This is just another thing on the list of information that Luna seems to be keeping from us. What’s worse, it seems like not even the gods are all on the same page. Celestia is still missing, and Luna herself is having stuff kept from her by Discord. To be completely honest, I’ve given up on trying to seek guidance from the gods because they have their own problems to sort out.”

“Great…” Dash sighed. “Soarin mentioned that too. You’d think they’d be more willing to help us… seeing as how they are responsible for Soarin being the way he is right now.”

“We clearly can’t rely on them, so I’ve decided to stop trying,” Spitfire stated. “We have to figure this out ourselves…” Spitfire looked up at her clock. “Alright Dash, I have some things to do. Dismissed.”

Dash’s ears flopped down. She wasn’t done talking about it, but what else could they talk about? The topic of these new Shadowbolts seemed to be one shrouded in a veil of mystery that not even the Wonderbolts could see through at the moment. For now, Dash would just have to go about her current task at hand… managing her new squad.

“Dash,” Spitfire spoke up again as Dash finished scooping up all of her captain materials from the desk. Dash looked up and met Spitfire’s eyes. “I will keep you up to date on anything related to the Shadowbolts. Your past experience fighting the Shadowbolts with us makes you a large part of the investigation.”

Dash smiled. She was glad Spitfire thought so. Her history with the Shadowbolts was even longer than theirs, even if her first encounter with them was quite… silly. If anything, this was something good that came from asking, even if she didn’t have any clear answers for now.

“Thanks Spitfire,” Dash nodded, receiving a nod in return as she tucked her captain materials under her wing and turned, leaving the office.

Dash closed the door behind her, walking only a few paces before almost losing her grip on everything.

“Ah…” she shifted and reached a hoof over to stop everything from spilling all over the floor. “Huh…?” Dash blinked as a small index card fell out of her binder. She watched the card flutter to the floor, noticing some writing on it. It was a note?

She reached down and scooped up the note, turning it over to read it. The handwriting was very fine and written in cursive. She didn’t think anypony still wrote in cursive… it was considered an old practice that actually wasn’t taught in school anymore. It was a little tough to read, but Dash could still make out what it said.

The card read:

Come to the squad two private gym in half an hour.


Like I need to tell you who the hell this is.

Dash blinked as she read the note over again. Then smiled. The old writing style… the bluntness… she knew EXACTLY who the note was from.

“That seemed a little cold,” Soarin chuckled while nudging Silver. “Not even a look?” he asked as they followed Fleetfoot and Air Mach down the stairs.

“You got a problem with how I treat my student?” Silver asked seriously as Soarin kept laughing lightly.

“You can’t fool me, Silver, I know you’re planning something,” Soarin grinned smugly at him. Silver failed to hold back a very light smile. “Ha! I knew it!” Soarin pointed as Silver rolled his eyes.

“You’re a tough one to play, son,” Silver chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna beat her up.”

“Good,” Soarin nodded.

“Too much…” Silver added.

“Wait, what?” Soarin lifted an eyebrow at him. “Should I be worried?” Soarin asked, knowing full well Silver wouldn’t actually hurt Dash.

“If your lady friend was a dainty, breakable flower… she wouldn’t be a recruit squad captain,” Silver explained with a wink. “She’s got a lot to learn still, but she’ll be flying circles around all of you when I’m done with her.”

“Trying to stick it to all of us youngsters before your time is up, eh old stallion?” Soarin jeered. Silver shot him a brief glare, which Soarin fully acknowledged. He knew Silver didn’t take too kindly to being reminded of how close he was to retirement, but Soarin also knew Silver hated it when ponies pulled punches with him. If there was anything Silver appreciated, it was a pony that didn’t give an inch in anything.

“Maybe…” Silver smirked. “I don’t like the thought of everything I’ve ever learned being gone once I am. I’m looking for a legacy… and I’ve never seen a more worthy candidate than Rainbow Dash. Wouldn’t you do the same?”

Soarin paused and thought about it as they reached the bottom of the stairs. The point in his career where he’d have to think about such things was more than a ways off, but he could understand it. Silver had watched over the years as his beloved comrades and wingmates retired while he himself struggled to stay alive in his chosen line of work. It made sense that he wanted to leave his teachings behind so he could be remembered, much like how Blizzard Strike had done with Silver before his untimely passing. The other Wonderbolts had faded out of the loop, now simply pictures on the wall to remind the others who came before them, but Blizzard lived on through Silver… and Silver wanted to make sure he lived on as well.

“You may have almost twenty years on me, but I can understand it. Just don’t go telling Dash how highly you think of her, I don’t think her ego could take the extra psi,” Soarin joked.

“Absolutely not,” Silver agreed. “That girl absorbs praise like a sponge you can’t squeeze out.”

“HEY!” Fleetfoot’s voice caught both of their attention.

“Rgh…” Silver instantly grunted when they looked forward. Squad Zero and Rivet were turning towards the stairs at the same time Soarin and the rest had touched to the ground floor.

Unlike Silver’s usual response, Soarin smiled upon seeing the special force squad. He was glad to see them above ground because the they had been stuck with Rivet’s workshop nearly twenty-four seven the past couple of weeks, testing out numerous new types protective equipment that Spitfire had ordered for the Zero Project. Either they finally finished the testing or they actually managed to convince Rivet to take a break. The little guy was a machine when it came to carrying out his orders, assembling equipment, and running experiments. Of course Soarin knew it was only a matter of seconds before…

“Riiiiivet!” Fleetfoot dove towards the little engineer.

“Eee!” Rivet yelped as he quickly stepped behind Playbitz.

“Aw, come on…” Fleetfoot cooed as she missed and looked at Rivet through Playbitz’s legs. “It’s been so long since you’ve gotten a good snuggle! Don’t you want one?” she teased as Rivet shook his head back and forth vigorously.

Soarin was trying very hard not to lose it. Why? Fleetfoot.

Her turnaround from their little encounter with Discord was insanely quick. Soarin found he had more reason to understand her antics now, but it always amazed him at how hard it was to keep Fleetfoot from being cheerful for long. She sounded absolutely crushed a couple of hours ago and here she was, as happy as can be all over again.

Rivet tried keeping space between him and Fleetfoot, running circles around Playbitz, but it wasn’t long before she faked him out and caught him in a full out hug. Rivet’s face turned bright red as she pressed her cheek against his and rubbed it back and forth.

Art by: Foxenawolf

“Why are you so adorable?” she asked as Swift, Shine, and Playbitz laughed behind them. Calm, however, was not quite as amused. He reluctantly stepped towards Fleetfoot.

“Come on, put him down…” Calm asked. Fleetfoot held Rivet away while sticking her tongue out at Calm.

“No! Mine!” she stated adamantly as Rivet constantly tried to pull himself free.

“Please?” Calm added as he remained an obvious fixed distance from her. Fleetfoot noticed him being cautious and a sly grin appeared on her face.

“Well… when you put it that way then—AH! Behind you!” Fleetfoot exclaimed while dropping Rivet and pointing behind Calm with a terrified look on her face.

“Huh?!” Calm did a quick, full turn and saw… nothing?

“HA!” Fleetfoot leapt up onto his back. “Gotcha!” she giggled as Calm’s body completely stiffened and his face immediately turned bright red. “Wow, I can’t believe you fell for that!”

The only response the large pony could muster was a quite yelp before he started to slowly lay down on the ground.

“Aw, c’mon, ya big sissy!” Fleetfoot laughed as Calm took a complete ‘fate accepted’ position, lying on the floor on his stomach with Fleetfoot on his back. “Get up! You’re no fun!” Fleetfoot smirked before playfully biting his ear and giving it a light yank.

“Help…” Calm’s voice cracked as he lay powerless on the floor.

Art by: Foxenawolf

“Calm, really?” Playbitz couldn’t stop chuckling as he stepped up beside his totally defeated squadmate. “Fight back! She’s like, half your size and has an eighth the testosterone,” he encouraged while smirking.

“You’re not helping,” Calm’s voice squeaked again.

“My Zero Bros!” Air Mach yelled as he grabbed Rivet, placed him on his back, and then put his arms around Shine and somehow around Swift, able to see the dark pony clearly despite being mostly hidden by the blue of the halls… AND while wearing sunglasses. “You’re alive! I thought Captain Spitfire locked y’all up down there!” he pointed forward. “Too busy testing out some amazing new stuff down there no doubt!” He let go of Shine and shifted his weight towards Swift, Rivet falling off his back as he moved. “And how’s my faithful apprentice doing?!” he asked heartily.

“Channeling my stallionly spirit, sir!” Swift replied while saluting.

“You’re his apprentice?” Shine asked Swift while raising an eyebrow.

“Of course!” Swift pointed at her and winked. “Master Animak is the greatest!”

“I think I’m going blind from stupidity…” Silver grumbled as the group shenanigans stood in the way, preventing him and Soarin from going any further into the lobby. Soarin chuckled.

“Sooner or later you’re gonna have to enjoy yourself Silver,” said Soarin as Silver shook his head.

“I can enjoy myself without being surrounded by idiots, thank you very much,” he stated firmly. Soarin shrugged and let it be.

Silver was capable of enjoying himself. Soarin knew that well… but he also knew that Silver was very, VERY against Project Zero. He didn’t believe in the concept of bringing in random ponies that had a certain degree of naturally unique abilities and putting them in the same rank and file of some of the most honored and elite Wonderbolts. It was a stretch, Soarin wasn’t going to argue with that, but they were an experiment. An anti-Shadowbolt experiment. And based on what had been going on recently, they would possibly get a chance to prove themselves soon.

Soarin just felt like Silver wasn’t giving them a chance at all. Soarin had a feeling that Silver was just a little bitter about it. Which made sense, since he had earned his keep over the course of twenty plus years. It wasn’t easy to earn the respect of a veteran like him. Soarin was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt though. Silver was certain they would fail, but Soarin wanted to see them in real action himself before passing a judgment.

“That’s right! There are few who can stand up to the might and stallionness of the great Animak!” Air Mach chanted as he let go of Swift and shifted over to Silver’s side, draping his arm over Silver’s shoulder. “One being this hard ass right here! There are none who can match the epic level of Silver Lining! He’s worthy to be part of our ring of stallionness!”

Silver flattened his ears and gave Air Mach the most unamused look that Soarin had ever seen in his life.

Art by: Foxenawolf

“May we always fight side by side as true stallions as brothers! Will you join Swift and I and show us the ways of an old veteran badass?!” Air Mach asked as Silver continued to maintain the flat look.

“I would get similar satisfaction from smelling my own farts,” Silver replied in an annoyed tone.

“Ooo… ouch… right in the stallionhood…” Air Mach cringed as he slid off and back over towards Swift.

Soarin was getting a kick out the whole scene, even Silver’s dissatisfaction. He seldom saw the old pony so grumpy, it actually was pretty humorous.

“Um…” a quiet voice came from beside Soarin. “Hi, Soarin…” Soarin turned his head to see Shine hovering nearby and fidgeting. He smiled.

“What’s up Shine?” he asked with a friendly tone.

“How… are you?” she asked nervously. Soarin subtly gritted his teeth. He knew what was going on here and hated it whenever it happened. Shine had a crush on him. He was well aware of it… but it was awkward because she also knew he was with Dash. Shine was younger than Dash, and the crush was more youthful than it was solid, but that didn’t stop it from being awkward.

“I’m doing fine, how have you been?” Soarin kept up the smiles, hoping it would help her relax, but she didn’t say anything else. In fact, she froze right there. Thankfully, somepony else was watching.

“Hey, Shine, can you lend me a hoof with the big dope over here?” Playbitz stepped up and pointed at Calm, who was still on the ground being ear nommed by Fleetfoot.

“Oh, uh… yeah…” Shine turned away towards Calm, her face turning bright red. Playbitz looked up at Soarin and shrugged. Soarin tipped his head to the side awkwardly.

“Up to your ears in mares, aren’t you?” Silver said from beside Soarin. Soarin glanced over at Silver and smirked.

“Well… I can’t blame them for having good taste,” Soarin snickered as he joked.

“Heh,” Silver cracked a smile. “How’s the weather up your own ass?”

“Delightful,” Soarin quickly replied as the two finally had an avenue to walk by the silly things happening. As they made their way to the center of the lobby, Soarin decided to ask.

“So when exactly did you see the Shadowbolt? You said it was right before you got on the train?”

“That’s right,” Silver nodded. “I had one hoof in the car and saw somepony peeking around the back of the train. It took me a moment to register the red headband and goggles. As soon as I remembered your report from Manehatten, I stepped off and glided over, but he or she was already long gone. All I could see from that distance was the black and purple uniform.”

“I wonder what they’re after… first I thought it might have to do with this,” Soarin tapped the fake horn. “But then squad seven and now you reported seeing them too. They are watching all of us it seems.”

“Whatever they want, I don’t like it. And to be honest, I’m not looking forward to if or when they strike,” Silver scoffed.

“Why is that?” Soarin asked as they stopped in the center of the lobby. Silver glanced back at squad zero, still mingling with Fleetfoot and Air Mach. Air Mach and Swift Justice were chanting random things as Rivet looked stuck between the two. Playbitz and Shine were trying to pull Calm wind along the ground as Fleetfoot continued to tease him from upon his back.

“Because that’s when Spitfire expects these… amateurs… to step up and be the key to victory,” he sighed. Soarin looked back at squad zero and decided to speak up.

“Look Silver, I wholly understand why you don’t believe in them. As a fellow Wonderbolt who has earned his place, I get how you dislike how they were simply handed their status… but I don’t think you should be so quick to judge them,” Soarin appealed.

“That’s a soft way of looking at it, son,” Silver snorted. “They are wild fighters, they aren’t disciplined or hardened like we are.”

“You’re gonna call Lightning Streak and Macho Savage hardened?” Soarin lifted an eyebrow. Silver shook his head.

“Even those idiots earned their rank. These ponies have not,” Silver stated firmly.

“Well,” Soarin shrugged. “What if they do end up helping?”

“Then they are lucky,” Silver turned and took a step, but Soarin reached out and caught him by the shoulder.

“That’s a bit harsh, Silver.”

“It’s not harsh, son. It’s critical. I’m only calling it as I see it. If they help, fine. But they have a lot to prove before I can call them Wonderbolts,” said Silver as Soarin released him. Soarin knew he wasn’t going to change Silver’s mind, but he wanted to at least put his two bits in. “Now… if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to meet with somepony,” Silver nodded before walking down the east hallway.

Silver was hard to argue with. He never took a position without solid thought that he could back up with his reasoning. Soarin understood his lack of confidence in squad zero, but that was the nature of Project Zero. It was an experiment. And there would be no answers until they actually saw action on a battlefield.

Soarin also wondered… who did Silver have to see? He just returned from a show… unless…

Soarin smirked.

He knew who Silver was going to see.

Dash stopped in front of the squad two private gym. She was right on time, but she took a moment to stop and think about all the hours she had spent in this very gym... having harsh training and lessons both taught to her and beaten into her. She owed Silver a lot… that would never be a question, but she wondered what he had in mind now. Would they continue the training? Would he keep being her mentor? She hoped so.

She felt a certain connection with Silver, like he was a second father, passing his knowledge onto her like the Wonderbolt child he never had. She knew Silver had family, but due to their absence she assumed none of them became Wonderbolts. Silver was like a father figure in the current generation, so it was both awesome and touching that he chose her of all ponies to carry on his legacy.

Most of all, why did he call her to the gym? There was only one way to find out.

She took a deep breath and pulled the door open, stepping through and seeing… nothing in the gym. She paused and blinked wondering if she possibly made it before Silver as she started walking.

Suddenly she felt something crash against her hooves. She looked down just in time to see a grey arm hooking her hooves and knocking them out from beneath her before she fell flat on her face and tumbled forward.

“Gah!” she yelped as she rolled to a stop.

“Get on your damn hooves!” Silver’s voice boomed down from above.

Dash pulled her face up from the ground and looked up to see Silver walking away from her towards the center of the gym.

It took her a moment, but as Silver reached the center, turned and set his hooves firmly on the floor… she smirked. Not even a hello… that old bastard. Dash pushed herself up and stepped forward as Silver loudly cracked his neck and his joints. Dash knew exactly what he wanted her to do.

“Well?!” he called across the gym.

Dash leaned back and pushed off, breaking into a gallop towards Silver. Silver narrowed his eyes and focused on Dash as she approached. Dash lead with a right punch, which she purposely threw five inches short as a fake, using the spinning momentum to turn and swing a roundhouse kick towards Silver’s face. Silver merely leaned his head back slightly to let the kick whisk right over his head. Dash followed up the motion by kicking her other hoof twice rapidly at Silver, both of which he blocked with his right hoof only.

Dash spun all the way back around, continuing the attack with a rapid flurry of punches. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, all of which Silver blocked with the same hoof with swiping motions to the left and right. Silver pushed roughly against Dash’s arm with the seventh punch, leaving her wide open. Silver pulled back and threw a heavy punch with his left towards Dash’s chest, but right before it connected, Dash swung brought both of her hooves up and grabbed Silver’s arm. She grunted as the force of the punch and Silver’s strength caused her to slide an inch backwards on her back hooves, but she effectively stopped the blow.

“Hm… not bad,” Silver commented.

Silver thrust his other hoof forward, pushing Dash off of his arm. He spread his wings and hopped up, ready to take to the air. Dash steadied herself, thrust her wings out and leapt up, gliding towards Silver to stop him before he gained air. She aimed a hoof right for his face, but Silver caught her arm, pulled her forward, slung her around and tossed her upward.

“Rgh!” Dash grunted as she tumbled upward. She leveled herself out and did a quick U-turn, speeding back through the air towards Silver as he rose up to her height. Dash turned sideways as she shot towards Silver, extending her wings to slow down and stop in front of his as she threw her right arm out. Silver leaned aside, the punch passing by his chest. Dash forced her wings in opposite directions, causing her to spin as she held her opposite arm out. Silver ducked as Dash spun, her arms swinging over his head. She followed up with two arm chops, both of which Silver shifted side to side to dodge. Dash pulled back and punched forward, but Silver ducked backwards and did a graceful midair backflip, creating a small space between them.

“Dammit!” Dash cursed to herself as she immediately pursued. Silver kept his eyes on her as he pumped his wings and flew away from Dash. Dash locked onto Silver as they began flying in circles around the gym. Dash stayed right with him, matching and following every sudden shift and turn he made. Silver suddenly thrust his wings outward, coming to a complete stop. “Whoa!” Dash yelped as she tried to do the same, but Silver held out his arm, completely clotheslining Dash. She ended up flipping uncontrollably as she continued moving forward, crashing into the padding high up on the wall.

Dash gritted her teeth and managed to turn her body around as she fell, landing very roughly on her hooves. When she looked up, Silver was directly in front of her. Acting on instinct and reflex, Dash threw two wide hooks, one with each arm, but Silver batted them both aside with one hoof before turning and kicking her in the chest.

“OOF!” Dash grunted as she was forced backward, her back slamming against the padded wall and falling onto her plot. She looked up just in time to see Silver throw a hard punch towards her head. “Ah!” she slammed her eyes shut.

“Good,” Silver suddenly said as Dash felt a hoof lightly rest against her forehead. She opened her eyes to see Silver standing in front of her, holding his hoof against her head. “Get up,” he ordered as he removed his hoof and placed it back on the ground.

Dash remained sitting for a moment, panting from the brief workout. She shook her head as she stood up.

“You have a hell of a way of saying hello,” Dash commented as she stood up. Silver lifted an eyebrow as she brushed herself off.

“I wanted to make sure you didn’t just sit on your ass these past three weeks,” he explained himself as Dash gave him a flat look.

“Of course I didn’t,” she scoffed. “I mean, you could’ve just asked you know.”

“I prefer proof over sass…” Silver paused and smirked. “Not that I didn’t expect to get both anyway,” he turned away as if trying to hide the fact that he was smiling and chuckling.

Dash couldn’t help but smile as well. She really, truly had missed Silver over her time off.

“It’s good to see you again, sir,” Dash said. Silver remained facing away for a moment, not saying anything. He tipped his head down slightly before bringing it back up and looking over his shoulder.

“I’ve been assigned to help you put together everything you need to run squad Foxtrot,” Silver suddenly said. “I’ve also been assigned as your personal advisor. Every recruit captain has one. After everything is established, you will report to me if you ever have any questions or dilemmas you need advice on.”

Dash’s eyes lit up as she heard everything. She was wondering who would be assigned to help her. Learning that it was Silver was the best she could hope for.

“Really? That’s awesome!” Dash reacted to the news.

“We will also continue our usual training,” Silver continued in a business fashion. “When we put together your squad schedule, we’ll determine when the best times are.”

Dash was excited. The most memorable part of her time as a Wonderbolt so far… were her training sessions with Silver and all the important lessons he had taught her. And now it was starting up again, she was beyond ecstatic. Silver started walking towards the doors without another word. Dash instinctively started walking at a slightly quickened pace to catch up with him. As soon as she caught up to him though…

“Whoa!” Dash yelped as Silver hooked her hoof and caused her to fall face first… again. She tumbled to a halt and looked up at Silver angrily.

“Awareness, Dash… we’ll work on that,” Silver said sternly. Dash grumbled and pouted as she got back on her hooves.

“Does that mean you’re going to hook-trip me every time we pass in the hallway now?” she asked sarcastically.

“Yes,” Silver replied, completely serious.

“Joy…” Dash sighed, but ended with a chuckle as they started walking back towards the door. Dash immediately started keeping an eye on Silver as they walked side by side. She’d be damned if she’d let him pull that trick on her three times. However as she watched, she looked up and noticed Silver was fighting back a smile. It kept slowly curling on his lips, but each time he scrunched his face and forced it back down. Dash smirked and looked at him smugly. “I knew you missed me,” she teased.

“Don’t you start,” Silver grunted.

Dash yelped as he hook-tripped her again.

---To Be Continued---

Author's Notes:

Yessss it felt good to write Silver again :)

Lots of art in this chapter! I was hoping to have art at the start of part three but kind of forgot, so Foxenawolf helped me with this chapter instead. God i love that pic of Air Mach and Silver! :rainbowlaugh: (I'm totally not baiting Fleetwind... really i'm not... :pinkiecrazy:)

WHAT?! MORE shadowbolts?! How many of them are there? Oh i wonder :pinkiecrazy:

And Silver finds ways to remain helping Dash and the recruits, what a big softy, he'll never admit it though :derpytongue2:

What am i building up? No one will be ready for it! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Thanks for reading! :scootangel:

Next Chapter: Chapter 74: Mentors Estimated time remaining: 117 Hours, 17 Minutes
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