
Piercing the Heavens

by Calm Wind

Chapter 50: Chapter 50: I Couldn't Stop It...

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Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind
Chapter 50:

“Lulu!” Discord called after Luna as she sulkily walked towards the stairs leading to the lobby. She growled and ignored Discord as she trudged down the stairs. “Oh, come now Lulu… why the long face?” Discord appeared in front of her with his face stretched out to the point where it was three times longer than usual.

“Leave us be…” she requested quietly as she touched the floor of the lobby. Discord scoffed and slithered down the railing after her.

“Since when has me doing nothing gotten any of us anywhere?” Discord said snidely. Luna stopped in her tracks as Discord paused. “Since this whole ordeal began,” he answered for her. Luna sighed and shook her head as she started making her way across the lobby.

“Fine… do whatever, we are clearly not cut out for all this…” as she spoke Discord narrowed his eyes. He gritted his teeth and hurried after her. “If our sister was here… she would have this all solved in an instant, I’m nothing compared to—”

“Lulu, look at me,” Discord suddenly said. Luna turned her head towards Discord.


Discord struck her across the face with the back of his hand. Her neck arched in the opposite direction. She froze in place for a moment, stiff and wide eyed. Her bottom lip quivered for a moment before she released a low growl, her eyes narrowed in rage and she whipped her head back around with her horn alight with magic.

Discord stood still before her, arms crossed, and glaring down at her.

“Y-you!!!” Luna yelled. Something was off. She was raising her voice, but the force of the Royal Canterlot Voice was absent. The magic coursed violently through her horn as it was aimed right at Discord’s face, but he didn’t budge. Luna roared at him and fired her powerful alicorn magic at point blank. Discord turned and opened one of his palms. The magic crashed against it, but the power was contained within it. As the beam jettisoned and Luna stepped back from the recoil, Discord closed his palm over the collected magic. A loud POW sounded out as the magic exploded within Discord’s palm, but it barely shot out between his fingers.

Luna looked up in fear as Discord took a step towards her and winced as he reached towards her, but all he did was lightly press a finger against the top of her snout.

“Lulu… YOU. ARE. NOT. CELESTIA!” he emphasized each word. “You know you aren’t her… I know you aren’t her… EVERYPONY knows you aren’t her…” he berated her. Luna blinked and quickly looked down. Discord traced his finger around her muzzle until it was beneath her chin and forced her to look up at him. “You will never be Celestia, you will never have the wit of Celestia, and you will never have the prowess of Celestia…” his words struck her hard. She wanted to pull away, but her legs were shaking. “But it doesn’t matter because you are LUNA,” Discord snapped.

“But… But…” Luna stuttered. She yelped as Discord flipped the bottom of her chin, making her head jolt upward.

“Celestia is not here, nor will she be here for a while… I wish I could sit on that throne and start giving out orders… but I cannot,” he held his arms out to his sides. “Ponies see me… they scream and run. Ponies look at Celestia… they grovel and beg for guidance. Chaos… and order. The natural balance of all things,” he pointed towards Luna. “With Celestia gone… our world as we know it is just as imbalanced as the magic within Soarin. Only you can fill her seat Luna,” he stepped towards her again and crossed his arms. “But you sit there on that throne and constantly remind us that you wish your sister could help! You wish Celestia was there! Celestia would know what to do! Celestia! Celestia! Celestia!” Discord threw his arms up and walked in a circle around her. “Sooner or later you’re going to have to accept that you sister is not the solution to this problem! And until you do… we are sunk.”

“But… we can’t… We’re not qualified,” Luna shook her head. Discord’s hand rushed forward, grabbed the edge of her chin and yanked it up so she was looking right into his eyes.

“Lulu… don’t make me consider striking you again...” Discord snarled.

“And what would that solve?!” Luna suddenly barked back as tears dripped down her face. “We were unprepared! We were not ready! How do you expect us to suddenly—” Luna stopped and yelled as Discord’s hand swiped towards her again. She shut her eyes… but nothing happened. Instead she felt a hand on her shoulder. She opened her eyes and she looked up at Discord as he shook his head.

“Luna… nopony expected anything from you… but they turned to you in their time of need. Celestia made a rash choice and now you are all I have to turn to,” said Discord. Luna blinked and looked tipped her head slightly in confusion. “Balance must be restored to all things… Without Celestia… Chaos and order are out of balance. I’m here, but she is not,” he explained. Luna couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Discord… looking for balance?

“Then what is stopping thou from having thine way?" she asked. Discord chuckled.

“I may be the god of chaos… but what fun is chaos if there is no order to disrupt? What fun is order if there is no chaos to subdue?” he folded his arms once again. “I care about our world, Lulu… I care more than you might think or wish to believe,” he pointed at her. “And how can we contain an imbalance within a single pony… if we can’t balance out the world we live in?” he sighed and shook his head. “I need you Luna. I need you to be strong and to take up the role as a leader,” he pleaded. Luna bit her lip.

“But…” she turned away from him. “We don’t know how… we never dreamed a time like this would arrive…”

“For starters…” Discord slithered around in front of her. “Don’t let mortals get in your face and speak their mind too roughly… and if they do, punish them...” he shrugged. Luna looked at him in disbelief. "I turned a tiny pony into a heavyweight macho stallion to crush the instigator he was sitting on… and then gender bent the instigator. If they don’t fear you, make them… you have to be a symbol of strength! They won’t take you seriously until you force your presence,” he gave an example. “I could go on and on about this… but Lulu…” he looked at her seriously. “Stop comparing yourself to your sister. It’s not only getting YOU nowhere… it’s getting US nowhere. The sooner you stand tall on your hooves and influence those around you… the sooner this whole mess will end… got it?”

Luna stared at Discord, taking in everything he said.

“We…” she paused, clamped her eyes shut, and shook her head out. “Yes,” she nodded. We… apologize, but you are right. We can’t keep wishing our sister was able to help because she is not. We will do our best to—” she was cut off as a finger landed on her lips.

“Talk is cheap Lulu…” Discord winked. “Just show me… and all the others.”

“Yes…” Luna nodded, a newfound spirit welling up within her. “We… um…” she tried to say something to Discord as he turned away. He glanced back at her.

“Yeeeeessssssss?” he encouraged her.

“Thank you,” Luna bowed her head to him.

“Oh, save it…” Discord waved his hand out to his side. “I was just sick of you brooding. A good slap across the face was all you needed. Now get back there and do your job, dammit. I need your help with this,” he said comically.

“We shall,” Luna smiled behind him.

“Hm?” Discord looked towards the stairs. Soarin was slowly making his way down the steps. He stopped every couple of stair as if his mind was preoccupied, continuing shortly after. “Ah…” I have a few things to attend to,” Discord said back to Luna. He looked over to the mail counter. “Hey, you there behind the counter… it’s safe now, I’m leaving!” Discord called with a chuckle as he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

“Huh?” the orange pony behind the counter peeked over the top and glanced around.

Luna blinked and smiled.

Discord was right… she had to stop worrying about Celestia. Multiple times now, Luna had felt useless in a time of need. Perhaps she was thinking too hard. She wasn’t Celestia, but she had to think like Celestia. Her mere presence alone as one of the two high alicorn sisters was to be an icon for those looking for hope and guidance. That would be a good place to start.

Even so… Luna wondered what sort of “business” Discord had to take care of.

“Awww c’mon… gimme some details!!!” Little Star whined as Dash brushed her teeth at the sink beside her. Dash grumbled and shook her head before spitting her toothpaste out in the sink. “Why not?” Star pressed.

“Because reasons,” Dash put flatly as she rinsed her mouth out.

“Dash, honey, that’s just plain stupid,” Star commented. Dash suddenly smacked the counter in frustration. Star had been bothering her about Soarin for the past hour. She was fed up, so she spilled the reasoning.

“Look Star, Soarin is one of the best of the best in the Wonderbolts and I’m a lowly recruit. Doesn’t that make you suspect something?” Dash was sure the answer was obvious, but—

“Pff… why would it?” Star answered. Dash looked at her in confusion.

“Oh, come on!” Dash threw her hooves out. “Think about this for a second, Star! If I make it all the way and it’s known I’m in a relationship with Soarin, everypony is gonna suspect favoritism!” Dash explained. Little Star giggled and waved a hoof at Dash.

“That’s just silly Dash. I’m happy for you… maybe a little jealous, but I’m happy! I would never think about that with someone like you,” Star explained as she hopped down from her stool and began pushing it out of the bathroom. Dash followed behind.

“Sorry Star… I’m glad you understand, but I just don’t want the other recruits to know, it’s bad enough that Storm and Matteo know too. Let’s leave it there,” Dash requested. Star stopped in her tracks, stool and all. Dash took two steps past her, turned and looked at her quizzically. Star had puckered her lips and was looking away from Dash. “What…?” Dash blinked. “Oh… oh no… what? I’m not gonna like this am I?” Dash looked to Star in horror.

“I may…” Star tipped her head back and forth. “Have blurted it out in surprise when I was told. She grinned sheepishly at Dash. “I think everypony knows…”

“WHAT?!” Dash’s mouth hung ajar. You’ve got to be… uuuurrrghhhh…” Dash groaned as she struck her face with her hoof and slowly pulled it down in frustration.

“I think you’re overreacting,” Star commented as they left the bathroom and emerged in the barracks.

“What makes you say that? I was only trying to keep it completely secret,” Dash grumbled. Star scoffed.

“I mean it… look…” Star turned to her right away from Dash. Dash stopped and saw Star looking at Matteo, who was looking at his picture of Gilda. “Hey! Big guy!” she called to him. It took a second for Matteo to react, but he eventually looked up at Star.

“Yes…?” he replied. Star pointed at Dash.

“Are you skeptical of Dash dating Soarin?” she asked. Matteo shifted his eyes to Dash and looked at her for a few seconds. He turned back to Little Star and shook his head.

“For what reason?” he posed. Star turned and gave Dash a smarmy look. Dash just rolled her eyes.

“Okay Star, fine. ONE pon—griffon agrees with you. That doesn’t speak for the rest.”

“Oh yeah?” Star lifted her brow. She turned and looked towards the bunk right beside Matteo’s bed. Both ponies were present. Dash was unfamiliar with them, but Star apparently knew them. “Ten! Shadow!” she called to the bunk. A whitish grey stallion with a dark-maroon mane peered over the top bunk. On the bottom, a silver-grayish bat pony mare with a dark blue mane turned over and looked as well. Star pointed at Dash. “Do you think it’s weird that Dash is dating a lead squad Wonderbolt?” she asked them. They both looked at Dash.

“Not really…” the stallion replied.

“Why would I?” The bat mare shrugged.

Dash stood still as the answers came in. Had she… thought a little too hard about this? Star turned and hopped over into the path of three other ponies that were heading towards the bathrooms. One was a stallion with a similar color scheme to Soarin, but a different mane style, the other two were mares. One of them was pink with a long, full brown mane and one was deep purple with an even darker flowing mane.

“Ice!” Star addressed the stallion. “Spectrum!” she looked towards the purple mare. “Sketch!” she called to the pink mare. She pointed at Dash. “Are you skeptical of Dash dating Soarin? Is she getting a free ride?” she asked them. The three looked at her.

“No… she’s been kicking ass…” the stallion stated.

“I don’t see anything wrong with it…” the pink mare answered.

“I think it’s adorable!” the purple mare added.

Star turned and hovered triumphantly up to Dash.

“Still worried?” she bounced her eyebrows. Dash shrugged.

“Uh… heh…” she hadn’t really considered this scenario. The whole time she was so worried about exposing the truth about her and Soarin. Was she worrying too much the whole time? Was she making a mountain out of a molehill? It sure seemed that way. It’s not like she was underperforming. She was definitely earning her recognition by the Wonderbolts. Maybe all this time she really didn’t need to worry about it.

“Thunderlane!” Star suddenly called his name as he was making his way by. Dash perked up and blinked as he came into view. “Oh…” Star paused. “Right… hehehe…”

“YOU!” Dash stepped up and pressed her nose against Thunderlane’s. “Seriously!?”

“Whoa… uh… hold on…” Thunderlane tried to back away, but the more he tried the further Dash pushed against him. Little Star suddenly hovered forward and got between them.

“Hey, hey… Dash…” she began while blushing slightly in embarrassment. “Look Dash…” Star grinned sheepishly. “Like I said in the bathroom… I kinda…” She shrugged. “Blurted it out for everyone to hear,” she admitted. Dash just stared at her dumbly before turning back to Thunderlane. Thunderlane looked back and forth before saying anything.

“Dash you kinda… leapt out of the stands to see if Soarin was okay,” he explained. “They were all curious, I wanted to avoid them speculating, so I told them,” Thunderlane grinned awkwardly. “Uh… you should… thank me?” Thunderlane wasn’t sure if that was the right thing to say, but it was too late, he said it.

Dash pulled away from him while contemplating it all. Was she over reacting? Matteo scoffed, grabbing her attention.

“Speculation? You ponies have a strange culture,” he began. “In the griffon kingdom, if one manages to attract a high end individual, it is considered to be a great honor!”

Dash smirked at Matteo’s different way of thinking, but… really had she been a little paranoid all along? They all were taking this incredibly well. What an interesting way to have a weight pulled off one’s chest… completely unintentionally.


They all stopped and turned towards the new voice. They were all incredibly surprised to see the last pony they thought would approach them.


“Um…” he reclined slightly once he saw them all staring directly at him, scowling slightly, but his face twitched like he was trying his best not to. Dash around glanced at the others. They were all looking at Squall with a mix of curiosity and their own forms of disapproval. Star was giving him a sharp look, Thunderlane looked a little afraid, and… well Matteo didn’t make much on an expression as usual. Dash looked back to Squall and realized he looked a little nervous? She took a step towards him.

“What’s up?” she said, hiding most of the animosity from her voice, but a little squeaked through. Squall flinched as Dash took her one step. His scowl remained as he averted his eyes from her just enough so that he wasn’t looking directly at her.

“S-sorry…” he said quietly. Dash blinked in surprise.

“Huh?” Dash cocked her head slightly to the right, her ears twitching as if completely confused.

“I’m sorry…” Squall said again, this time louder this time so all of them could hear. Dash looked back at the rest to see them all just as flabbergasted as her.

“Uh…” Dash picked her brain for responses, but before she could—

GOD!” Squall whipped back around. “What’s wrong with all of you?! I was just— ARGH!” he suddenly burst out before stomping back over to his bed, flopping into it, and yanking to covers up over his head.

“What… was that?” Thunderlane asked while lifting his brow. Dash turned, looked at all of them, and shrugged. Little Star suddenly gasped.

“Did Squall…?!” she said overdramatically. “Just… apologize?!” she hopped up and hovered in midair while grabbing her neck with her hooves. She made fake choking and sputtering noises while slowly spiraling down and landing softly, back-first on Matteo’s bed while letting her legs dangle up stiffly in the air. Dash chuckled.

“Okay… that’s a little much…" Dash said to Star as she stole a brief glance over where Squall was brooding.

They were all confused, but Matteo was interested now more than before. Squall was a unique case. He seemed… fake. Like everything he did was meant as an act or to cover up something he found embarrassing. Whatever it was, Matteo was onto it, and he was more than certain Dash had picked it up as well.

Soarin stopped as soon as he was through the doors between the lobby and the main barracks hallway. His body felt little warmth or strength. His head was filled with shame and he wore a dejected expression. It wasn’t like he didn’t know why he was there, but he constantly hesitated in fear of what he was walking towards.

He couldn’t let it be. He simply couldn’t. It was great and all that he was feeling better for the time being, but as soon as he thought over what had just happened… and remembered what he almost did… lots of things came crashing down on him.

It was more than just the way he lost control of his common sense. It was really just a small part of a really big, ugly picture… and uncomfortable never ending ride that was his relationship with Rainbow Dash.

At this point Soarin had been pushed past the breaking point. His life had become a living hell, and Dash was getting dragged into it. She didn’t deserve it. She was too great a mare to be pushed around by his problems.

Soarin stopped halfway between the doors to the lobby and the recruit barracks housing Silver and Dash’s recruit class.


Why did he even contemplate it for a second? Dash was too good of a mare, but after all he went through for them to be lovers he would never for a second think of letting her go. It was just… the more all this nonsense with dark inner magic and quarrels between gods continued, the more he felt those important to him were going to be hurt.

Soarin stepped in front of the door to the new recruit barracks and stared at it for a moment.

What put him over the edge exactly? What caused him to contemplate this and feel all the weight press down on his shoulders? Soarin was in control of himself with the yellow magic running rampant inside of him. But it made him forget who he was and what he stood for. It basically made him into an ass that wouldn’t take no for an answer no matter what the circumstances.

He was fully aware that Dash was resisting him, he was fully aware that Dash was trying to get free, and he was fully aware that Dash didn’t want it… but with the yellow magic making him feel so good… he didn’t care… he was that lost in the ecstasy of the power.

Had Silver not been there and put him in his place…

Soarin was more than certain…

That he might have…

Soarin felt a cold chill run through his body at the thought. Was it all too much for him to handle? Was the magic’s influence so strong that he allowed the sensations to drive him over the safety and well being of the mare he loved more than anything?

He… he had to see her. He had to say something. He didn’t know what, but he needed her. Silver was probably going to argue it, but he needed Rainbow Dash.

Soarin reached up and pressed an intercom button linked to Silver’s personal room. A green light flashed beneath the speaker, indicating an entry request had been sent to Silver.

About twenty seconds later, Soarin heard the sound of hooves approaching from the other side.

The door swung open.

“Who the f—” Silver stood in the doorway and went silent the instant he recognized Soarin. Soarin blinked and stared as Silver stood still, a stern look on his face, and said nothing either.

This was awkward. The two of them had had a very interesting day. One that wasn’t very pleasant and even less memorable.

Soarin wanted Dash, but he found himself faced with another pony who had been done wrong through his out of control actions. He kept opening his mouth slightly to say something to Silver, but each time nothing came out.

Silver took a deep breath and lightly shook his head.

“Rainbow Dash?” He suddenly said to Soarin. Soarin’s eyes widened.

“Uh…” before he could muster any words, Silver turned his head back.

“Skittles! Get your ass over here!” he yelled. Soarin remained silent as Silver looked back at him and glared. “Son… you owe her lots of reassurance,” Silver nodded. “Make sure she gets it. Light’s out is in thirty minutes, so don’t dawdle.”

“Um… sure…” Soarin replied meekly as Silver heard Dash approaching from behind. He stepped aside as she hopped into a salute.

“Sir, yes… sir…” Dash quieted down and flinched when she saw Soarin standing outside the door. There was a visible, slightly uneasy look in her eyes as she looked upon him.

And it killed Soarin inside out.

Dash remained inside the door behind Silver, staring at Soarin, unsure how to proceed. Silver looked at them both and grumbled as he reached his wing back and pushed Dash out the door.

“Lights out in thirty,” he said simply before closing the door and leaving the two alone in the dimly lit main hallway of the barracks.

After Silver pushed her out, Dash stood less than a foot from the top of Soarin’s chest. She looked up at him weakly as he looked down at her. This was unexpected… but her expression changed from surprise to concern very quickly.

Soarin looked… incredibly sad. The look in his eyes as he looked down upon her was one of sorrow and regret. After his little reassurance before passing out earlier, Dash thought Soarin would be in any mood besides this, but… this was heavily concerning.

“Hi…” he said quietly.

“Hi…” she said back. It was just the night before they had spent a good amount of time in each other’s arms after she helped Soarin resist the dark magic and subdue it… but with all the strange events that had occurred throughout the day with the yellow magic and how it made him act, it felt like forever since they had embraced. Before anything else was said, Dash slowly closed the empty space between them, reached up and hugged him around the neck softly.

Soarin’s response was delayed. It took him a couple of seconds to reach up and return the hug… which felt light and weak as opposed to the typical strong embrace he usually applied to her. This alarmed Dash. It wasn’t like before where Soarin’s uncharacteristic actions were due to magic. She could tell this was her Soarin… but her Soarin didn’t hug like that… ever.

“Soarin, what’s wrong?” she said caringly as she remained attached to him.

Soarin wanted to squeeze her and tell her he was fine and all was well, but if he did, he’d be lying through his teeth. A lot of things were wrong… where was he supposed to begin? He let his arms slide off from around her, an action that made her pull back slightly so she could see his face. Soarin shook his head.

“Everything… absolutely everything…” he sighed. Dash’s eyes widened and her ears drooped at the depressing sight. Soarin looked like he was about to cry. Dash released her hooves from around his shoulders and gently touched his face.

“Soarin, talk to me… please…” she begged him. She refused to see him this way, she had to know what was on his mind. “Soarin!” she looked at him sternly.

Soarin blinked and looked into her determined gaze. If only she knew how much the problem had to do with her… how much suffering he felt he was causing her. He looked up and around the hall.

“Not here…” he looked behind him. The recruit barracks room across from Dash’s was currently not in use. Nothing but bunks and bare mattresses within. “Come on…” he made a weak head motion.

Dash pouted as he moved away, but followed close behind. This was terrible for her. Soarin was much more than her lover. He was an icon of strength and influence in her life. He had remained strong and pushed through every problem he had come across in this whole ordeal thus far… Why the sudden fall? Why did he suddenly look so weak he would snap in two with a simple touch?

She followed behind him and walked into the vacant barracks. Soarin flipped one of the light switches, turning on only a few of the lights mostly concentrated on the bunks to the left of the entrance. Soarin walked over to the first bunk and sat down on the bottom bunk without a word. Dash quickly copied his path, sitting beside him and cuddling up against him as soon as she did.

Whatever was wrong, Dash wanted Soarin to know and feel that she was right there for him.

“I’m… so sorry Dash,” Soarin began with his head hanging. He had yet to hold eye contact with her for very long.

“About…?” Dash had a feeling what, but she wanted to ask regardless, he clearly needed to get something off his chest. Soarin shook his head and gritted his teeth.

“First… about earlier… and all day for that matter,” he explained.

“The yellow magic?” she questioned. Soarin nodded slowly.

“I did a lot of dumb things… but nothing was as bad as what I almost did to you,” his voice was shaky. Dash quickly reached around his body and held him tightly.

“Soarin, it’s okay, you—”

“It’s NOT okay, Dash!” he shook his head vigorously. “If Silver hadn’t stepped in… I would have… forced myself on you,” he explained shamefully. Dash pulled herself away slightly to look at him sternly even though he wasn’t looking at her.

“But it didn’t happen Soarin. Besides, why would I think poorly of you? You were being controlled by the magic! That’s why—”

“NO!” Soarin yelled. He sharply stood up from the bed and took a few steps forward Dash was about to get up, but Soarin turned around sharply while glaring at her. “That’s just it Dash!” he yelled. “I… I was in control!”

Dash froze in place and her eyes grew wide.

“I was… in control…” Soarin winced at his own words and looked straight down. “Every move I made was my own. Every action I took was my own. Every word I said was my own. The magic wasn’t controlling me, it just felt too good to resist… it was euphoric, it made feel like I could do anything…” Soarin slammed his eyes shut. “Dash… I… I couldn’t stop myself, it felt so good! I wanted and needed more… I chose to keep going with it, I chose to let myself run rampant,” small tears began building up and slowly trickled down his face. “I didn’t even try… I didn’t try to stop myself. I forgot my morals, I forgot my decency… the sight of you made me…” he fell back onto the floor on his plot, tears flowing harder as his confession continued. “Made me want it… I didn’t care if I had to hold you down to get it… Dash I’m… I’m so sorry!” His front legs buckled and he laid flat on the ground, pressing his face to the cold floor of the barracks and sobbing with his hooves clasped over his head. “I’m… so sorry…” the tears dripped from his face, making small stains on the floor beneath him.

Dash listened to every word, and every word felt like it stabbed her in the heart.

Soarin was in control? Soarin willingly did everything he did?

Dash’s ears flopped down as she imagined it. Soarin’s actions were not due to brainwashing or possession… the yellow magic made him feel so good that that was all he cared about.

Soarin had incredibly strong willpower for a pony… if the euphoria of the magic was strong enough to overpower Soarin’s will… she could only imagine how hard it would be to resist the sensations.

“I would have hurt you… I would have violated you… I wasn’t strong enough Dash! I wasn’t strong enough!” He sobbed into the floor. “Why?! Why!? WHY COULDN’T I RESIST IT!?” he pounded his hooves on the floor. “I would do anything for you… then why… why couldn’t I…?”

Dash couldn’t take it. She had never seen Soarin in such a broken state. Soarin had been putting up with so many things he was never meant to… if it were any other pony they’d have been done so quickly. Soarin had been holding steadfast and strong. Was this event the straw that broke the camel’s back?

“Soarin!” Dash pushed off the mattress, sat down before him and reached for him. She tried to lift his head up, but he refused to budge.

“I’m so messed up. My life is so MESSED UP!!!” Soarin wailed. Dash glared down at him.

“Soarin STOP IT!” she yelled. “STOP! IT!” she shook her head roughly. “PLEASE JUST… UGH! STOP!” she yelled at the top of her lungs. As she yelled Soarin stopped resisting her pull. Dash lifted his head up to look at her and the sight was terrible. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot. The tears were not stopping. This had really hit him hard. His demeanor had finally collapsed. He said it himself, his life was messed up. REALLY messed up.

But Dash didn’t give a damn.

“This is… I can’t…” Dash snarled at him. She wanted him to stop, she absolutely hated seeing this from an idol and her loved one.

“My life is screwed Dash…” he continued to speak as she held his head up. “I’m so sorry…” he apologized again. What was he apologizing for this time?

“Soarin, you… you can’t blame yourself, you…” Dash wanted nothing more than to find words that would fix everything for him, but she failed to find any.

“I’m sorry for EVERYTHING, Dash…” Soarin continued. Dash blinked and stopped glaring. She let him speak. “I’ve lost all control of my life… I’m constantly manipulated by higher powers... something is always going wrong,” his lip quivered again. “You’ve been sucked into all this. All of my shit… you don’t deserve this…” he suddenly thrust forward and hugged Dash tightly, knocking her backwards into the bed frame behind her. He dug his face into her chest, taking care not to jab Dash with the false horn, and began sobbing again.

“Soarin…” Dash instantly hugged him as he lay against her in a defeated sprawled out manner.

“I just… want to be normal… I want to be like everypony else…” he suddenly said.

The words struck Dash like an arrow through the heart.

Those words.

Just like when she first met Soarin. He loved and enjoyed what he did, but he wanted to do so while also just living his life however he chose. He hated the attention, he hated the media, he hated the false face everypony gave him for being a celebrity… he fell in love with her to begin with because she treated him like a normal pony.

It was his one true desire, and he had been denied it by fate. He could never be normal, not after the dark magic transfer over a year ago. He’d never get to feel normal ever again.

Dash felt the dam breaking. She told herself she’d remain strong for him. She wanted to hold fast the moment she saw him cry. She couldn’t hold it back. She felt ashamed, she even gritted her teeth and tried to keep her eyes shut, but it was no use. A single tear fell from her eye.

She loved Soarin more than anything, and to see him in such a shattered state was destroying her.

She wrapped her arms around him as tight as she could, pressing him harder to her chest, making sure he could feel the steady thumping of her heart as she tried and tried and tried to provide him comfort.

He began to speak as he rested against her.

“Dash… where?” Soarin managed to say muffled against her chest. He turned his head to his mouth was free. “Where did it all go wrong?” he said as his tear stained face rubbed against her, dampening her fur. “The day I met you was the happiest day of my life… at least once it all came around and you were the best thing that ever happened to me…” he started gushing his heart out to her. “My life was no longer half empty with you… you completed me… and then…” he sniffled hard. “Then… the tornado… the Shadowbolts… the battle… why? Why did it have to happen? Everything’s gone to hell since then and I can’t stop it!” he reached his arms around her. “Would it all have been better if we never met? Could this all have been avoided?” he shook his head, rubbing it roughly against her. “You don’t deserve this Dash… you’re an amazing mare… you need a real stallion… not one like me who’s being drowned in shit he doesn’t even understand…”

Soarin felt Dash flinch. It was such a hard flinch he was almost thrown off of her. He felt the grip on him squeeze even harder. Dash was holding him as tightly as she could.

“No…” Dash said quietly. Soarin couldn’t look up at her, but he felt a drip on his cheek. “Just… NO! Soarin… a better stallion than you? Last time I checked, there is no such thing!” Dash cried out as she continued to squeeze him with all her might. “Has it been hell keeping up with everything? YES! Has everything gotten crazier than I can ever imagine?! YES! Do I give a damn?! NO!” she yelled. “NO! NO! NO!” Dash yelled over and over directly into his ear. She leaned down and forced his head to turn so he could see her clearly. “Soarin, I don’t care how many times I get caught up in whatever crazy stuff is happening to you… I will stick by your side… you’re everything to me, dammit! You hear me!? Everything! Or did I not make that clear back at Grand Galloping Ball?”

“Dash…” Soarin took her words to heart… but it was going to take more than that to break him from his funk. Dash wrapped her arms around his head and tucked him against her chest. The false horn was poking her a little, but she didn’t care about that damn thing, it was part of the problem she was trying to make him forget.

“Don’t talk Soarin… just… let it out…” she told him as he let his tears go.

She just wanted to be there for him. She didn’t care what was happening to him or how many times she got roped into his issues… she loved him. Nothing could change that.

After a few minute of comforting, the two decided it was incredibly uncomfortable on the hard floor. They ended up moving back up onto the bare mattress of the bottom bunk they were up against and lay on it while cuddling.

The cuddling came naturally as soon as they were up on the mattress, but Soarin was still feeling incredibly down… and a bit unworthy.

“I’m sorry…” Soarin broke the silence, apologizing again.

“Soarin… stop apologizing,” Dash quickly replied. “I’m a part of all this. I’m doing this for you. I’m not on the end of my rope, I’m here to stay. So STOP!” she said sternly. She felt Soarin flinch. Maybe that was a bit harsh of her. She quickly rubbed her hooves on his back. “That was a bit much… but I’m serious…” she assured him.

Soarin sighed as he held Dash in his arms. Why did it all have to happen? Why did everything go wrong for him? Why was he spared from death if he was only going to be tortured for the rest of his life by an inner power he had no true control over?

His heart jumped and he clutched Dash even tighter. He never wanted to let go of her. She was too good for him. She was sticking by him through all of his shit. Any other mare would have been long gone by now, so why?

“Dash…? Why do you love me?” Soarin suddenly asked. Dash remained silent. He suddenly felt her shift and move in his grip. He tried to look up and figure out what she was doing, but she ended up pushing him down and lying on top of him. Soarin blinked as she looked him directly in the eyes and pouted while reaching around his body and holding tight to him.

“Do I really need a reason Soarin?” she questioned him. Soarin blinked and stared at her. “I love you… just because,” she continued. “Sure, I guess I could give you lots of great reasons… but… in the end I just love you…” she shook her head. “You can put on as many fake horns as you’d like,” she tapped the metal headband. “You’re still my Soarin,” she looked away. “Even if things are hard with you… I’ll never find another you…” she trailed off, not even blushing because they were beyond such little flirty things.

“Dash… you’re too good to me…” he reached up and wrapped his arms around her as well. “Especially after what I did to you today, I really don’t deserve you…” he watched as Dash readied to protest, but she stopped as he cracked a weak smile. “But since you insist on me being so great… I guess I’ll allow it,” he smirked.

“Psh… nice to see you suddenly feeling better…” Dash giggled while nestling her head against him.

“I wouldn’t say I’m feeling better…” he sighed. “You’ve helped a lot Dash… you have no idea just how… TERRIBLE I felt after all that happened today. It wasn’t just you. I embarrassed Spitfire and Fleetfoot… I beat up Silver… he beat up me… I almost did something terrible to you…” he shook his head. “It was a huge blow to the confidence, and I don’t think it’s gonna heal anytime soon… but you have helped, as always. I’d be nowhere without you,” he gently rubbed a hoof against her mane.

“Soarin?” Dash suddenly said his name.


“Just… please… PLEASE… never say you’re not good enough for me, or I’m too good for you. I wouldn’t have stuck by you like this for so long if you weren’t who I wanted to be with…” she looked at him sternly. “Element of loyalty and don’t you ever forget it,” she added. Soarin smiled weakly at her.

“You’re the best, Dash…” he chuckled lightly as he held her tight.

“You better believe it…” she smiled as she adjusted herself to be more comfortable atop him.

They lay there for a little while longer. They both knew they didn’t have much time left. Soarin spent a good ten minutes crying and they had just spent another ten cuddling. Dash would have to leave shortly to make it to the barracks in time for lights out.

But… before she did…

Dash thought back for a moment. She thought back to how Soarin advanced on her earlier and how it made her think of a particular moment they shared not too long ago that she really wanted to experience again.

“Soarin… can you do something for me?” Dash looked up at him. Soarin blinked as he looked upon her and smiled.

“Anything,” he replied in the best way possible. Dash blushed slightly, feeling this was extra girly of her, but she remembered how good it felt and wanted to do it again.

“Could you… kiss me?” she asked. “You know… like you did that night… before the last day of the tryouts?” she bit her bottom lip. Soarin just stared at her, but if only she knew how warm it made him felt.

Soarin remembered it just as well. He remembered forcing himself upon her ravenously while power drunk. She wanted him to do the opposite, to do what he too wanted to do again, but wasn’t sure if it was the right moment. She answered that question for him.

“Of course… come here,” he said as he gently tugged her forward. She helped him by shifting forward.

Their eyes locked as they slowly moved in, and then slowly closed as their lips drew near. Soarin placed his lips softly upon hers, applying gentle pressure to casually increase the feeling of the kiss. Nothing sloppy, nothing hard, and nothing seductive. It was just like the one they shared upon the cloud a few weeks prior.

A kiss of love, and not a kiss of lust.

They slowly pulled away from each other. Dash exhaled and shivered as the familiar sensations of that night returned to her. It felt just as good as it had before. She didn’t know why it felt so good… maybe because it felt so perfect and true. It quickly made her forget about the incident earlier.

This was definitely her Soarin. Nopony else could kiss her like that.

“Thanks,” she said while smiling at Soarin.

“Likewise,” Soarin said back while nuzzling his nose against hers. Soarin frowned as they stared into each other’s eyes. “You have to get back, don’t you?” he suddenly asked. Dash pouted and nodded.

“Yeah… I probably should,” Dash sighed.

“Well, I’ll at least walk you there,” Soarin offered graciously as Dash rolled off of him. Dash snickered as she stood up.

“You mean fifteen feet across the hallway? Woe is me Soarin, how could I ever make the journey alone?” she joked. Soarin let his head hang.

“Fine… I get it… I’ll leave…” he said with an absurdly dejected tone. Dash quickly stepped towards him.

“Hey! Wait! I was kidding!” she stopped when she saw him smirking as his head was down. She quickly gave him a playful shove. “You’re bad,” she stuck her tongue out at him.

“You know it, and love it,” Soarin said as the leaned against her while walking.

“Damn right I do…” Dash agreed as the two left the empty barracks and crossed the hallway back to hers.

“Soarin…” Dash said his name as they stopped in front of her door and she turned to face him. “We’ll get through this together, alright?” she assured him. “I promise I’ll see you through this till the end.”

“I have no doubt Dashie,” he nuzzled her face while reaching forward and giving her a hug.

“One more for the road?” Dash comically asked while puckering her lips.

“Someone’s greedy tonight,” Soarin chuckled.

NOW,” Dash demanded.

“Yes, ma’am…” Soarin obeyed.

They leaned in and shared another long, soft, sweet kiss while embracing each other and enjoying the feeling of each other pressed together. It was a feeling they didn’t get to experience very often, so it was incredibly welcome whenever they got the chance.

“G'night, hot stuff,” Dash winked as she reached for the door. “And no more crying… ever,” she pointed at him. Soarin smirked and crossed his heart.

“You have my word,” he winked back. Dash blinked and put her ear to the door. It didn’t sound like any ponies were near it from the inside. She looked back at Soarin, leaned at him, and planted a peck on his cheek.

“Love you,” she smiled and reached for the door.

“Love you too, Dashie…” Soarin replied as she stepped through the door and watched him until the door cut off her view.

Soarin sighed.

What a rough day… what a weird chain of events…

And what a damn amazing mare he had…

He literally crawled to her, crying his eyes out because he had had enough of it all. He didn’t know where to turn.

Half an hour spent with her later, and he felt a lot better. He didn’t feel right as rain, but he sure as hell felt much better.

He took a deep breath and exhaled before turning towards the lobby.

On the inside of the barracks, the moment Dash closed the door, she turned and ran face to face into none other than her favorite clown.

“Gonna feel a little… SOARIN the morning?” Twister bounced his eyebrows rapidly as he let the pun sink in. Dash groaned heavily and shook her head before glaring directly at Twister.

“Y’know Twist... I’ve often wondered if your whole body fits into a footlocker… wanna try?!” she narrowed her eyes at him. He disappeared in an instant. Dash blinked and looked to her right. A footlocker was suddenly beside her, tipped upright and strands of blue mane were sticking out of it.

“ToO LaTe!” Twister’s voice came from within the locker standing up next to Dash.

Dash flattened her brow. She reached her wing past the locker and opened the door to the janitor’s closet behind them. She shoved the occupied footlocker into the closet and closed the door. She brushed her hooves off and turned to finally walk into the barracks, but—

“Well that wasn’t very nice…” Twister stood before her again, arms crossed and pouting.

Dash blinked and was about to question how he got out so quickly, but then she remembered who she was talking to.

“EVERYPONY BETTER BE IN BED IN ONE MINUTE!” Silver’s voice suddenly boomed throughout the room.

The instant Dash was done wincing from the yell, Twister was gone. Dash quickly looked about and walked in, noticing Twister already up in his bed and FAST asleep.

“You know what? No… I’m too tired for this bullshit,” Dash went right to her bed and climbed in below Little Star.

Soarin climbed into his bed and reached for the lights.

Dash yawned as Silver turned out the lights.

Soarin thought of Dash.

Dash thought of Soarin.

And together they knew… as long as they had each other, they could overcome any obstacle. Hell, if Soarin gave up, she’d throw him a good one across the jaw.

Their love would definitely keep them strong as the days were set to continue.

--- To be Continued---

Author's Notes:

Time for a time jump!

And by time jump, i mean we are going to move forward about a week and a half to the forth cycle of their training. And Soarin has had some time to settle back in.

As silver said at the beginning of part two, the first three weeks are all gonna be the same stuff. so why would i bore you all with three weeks of the same thing? I'm not gonna just jump in though, i'm gonna give a quick recap of minor details between when this chapter ends and the week and a half later when chapter 51 begins ^_^

That being said...

HOLY SHIT I HIT 50 CHAPTERS!!!!! And i'm not halfway done yet?! i thought this would be 80 chapters tops... WHAT HAVE I CREATED HERE?!?!?! AHHHHHHH!!!!!! (im sure it will be fun ;3)

Well, looks like Discord finally knocked (slapped) some sense into Luna. I know some of ya'll were getting tired of her seeming weak and clueless... well you now all know it was because she was constantly comparing herself to Celestia.

What's this? The recruits dont really give a damn about Soarin and Dash being together? WHAT HAS SHE BEEN WORRIED ABOUT?!

Also the hell? Squall tried to apologize and in the process still flipped the hell out... uh... hmm... Matteo see's something, i wonder what?

And finally... the SoarinDash... it was quite heavy wasn't it? but i made sure the heaviness was weighted with plenty of Fluff to balance it out...

Thanks to all who have stuck with me to this point... here's to another 50 chapters and beyond! :D

I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!!!

Next Chapter: Chapter 51: Everything's Back to Normal? Estimated time remaining: 132 Hours, 34 Minutes
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