
Piercing the Heavens

by Calm Wind

Chapter 112: Chapter 112: The Art of Deception

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Piercing the Heavens
By: Calm Wind

Chapter 112: The Art of Deception

“You sure you’re okay? That was a little frightening, to be honest.” Spitfire looked Dash up and down as she and the group touched to the lobby floor. Dash sighed, having answered Spitfire twice already before making it down.

“Spitfire, I’m fine,” she reassured her as she put a hoof over her heart. “This has been happening with us recently. There’s nothing actually wrong with me, it’s just me feeling the strain Soarin’s magic is putting on him.” She gave Spitfire a forced, reassuring smile just in case the first two weren’t reassuring enough for her. However, it didn’t seem like her answer helped.

“I don’t know if that makes me feel any better…” Spitfire huffed and furrowed her brow.

Dash quickly picked out that she was referring to Soarin. Of course she was worried about him too. As if Dash collapsing and crying out in pain wasn’t already a little horrific, it meant Soarin was doing the same, wherever he was at the moment.

“Soarin is fine,” Dash said while giving Spitfire a light tap on the shoulder. “The fact that my heart shocks only lasted a few moments means that he managed to get it all under control. You know him… too stubborn to let anything overtake him.”

“This is very true…” Spitfire rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Just wish the dumbass would find his way back here and stop worrying me already,” Spitfire growled with her personal way of showing she cared about Soarin. “But right now… we have somepony else to worry about, and we have to act fast,” she stated as they neared the center of the lobby.

Most of the Wonderbolts were still present from earlier, but Silver and Fire Streak were just arriving with any and all who had broken away during the brief hiatus for planning.

“Everypony gather in!” Spitfire yelled out. “Gather in! Let’s go, let’s go!” she called as the Wonderbolts all amassed near her. She hovered up and looked them over, trying to make sure they were all present. “Silver! Fire! Head-count! Do we have everypony?”

“Negative!” Fire shouted back as he and Silver floated above, counting the squads. “Lead Runner and Point Dex aren’t here!”

“Must’ve gone down to help Rivet some more…” Spitfire pondered to herself. She didn’t want to start until she had everypony, but this could also kill two birds with one stone. She looked around until she spotted Macho Savage. “Macho Savage!” The moment she finished the first half of his name, he was already charging up to her.

“You RANG, Captain Lady-Badass?!” he answered while flexing one of his arms and kissing it. Spitfire remained still with her mouth open and an eyebrow raised for a moment.

“On second thought…” She turned back to the crowd. “Storm Front! Is Storm Front here?”

“Yes, ma’am?” Storm pushed his way out of the sea of Wonderbolts and walked up while saluting. He stole a quick glance at Macho Savage, who was bouncing his chest muscles continuously.

“Here…” Spitfire reached back and dropped a small piece of paper out of her wing into her hoof. “I need you to go down to the engine room and get Lead Runner and Point Dex up here… but while you’re down, can you also give this list to Rivet? There’s a few things I need him to do for our plan. Hurry back, we need to get this going.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Storm saluted again before turning and rushing towards the west hallway. He passed right by Dash, giving her a quick nod of acknowledgement, but nothing more since he was handling a direct order from Spitfire.

“Sit tight everypony!” Spitfire called out to the Wonderbolts. “As soon as Storm Front gets back, we’re going over our plan to save Wave Chill!” Her words were met with cheers, bringing a confident smile to her face.

Dash looked out towards the Wonderbolts as she patiently sat and waited. It was awesome to see all the Wonderbolts look so enthusiastic. Spitfire was definitely not the only one who wanted to take the fight to the Shadowbolts. Even though they technically weren’t going in to ‘fight’ them, if they managed to pull off this crazy plan they put together it would drastically raise morale and show the Shadowbolts they weren’t to be taken lightly.

But so what if the plan was crazy… the Wonderbolts were trained to handle out of the ordinary things. If the second day of the cadet tryouts was any indication, they were meant to be ready to do anything, no matter how weird or against the norm it may be.

Dash perked up as the sound of clip-clopping hooves close by caught her attention. She turned in time to see Silver plop down on the floor right beside her while looking her over. Dash just blinked and stared at him, waiting for him to say something, but he continued to examine her carefully. She smirked and chuckled.

“I know, I’m a lot to look at, right?” she said jokingly, but Silver didn’t respond, he just continued to look her over. “Silver?”

“You are okay, right?” he suddenly spoke up while looking at her sternly. While his eyes were serious, his gaze betrayed a hint of worry. “You didn’t just say that to Spitfire to tough it out? You’re not sucking it up to hide something wrong?”

Dash stared blankly at Silver, her right eye twitching once.

“Do you have any idea how ironic that sounds coming from you?” Dash asked while giving him a funny look.

“Answer me.”

Dash flinched as Silver inched his head forward while glaring. Her little comment bounced right off. He really was being serious. She quickly swallowed any more sarcasm before answering.

“This isn’t the first time it’s happened… wait, weren’t you listening when I explained it to my squad?” she tipped her head curiously.

“I… was.” Silver released a long breath through his nostrils. “Just making sure, that’s all.” He looked away from Dash and stared straight forward. There was a distinct lack of comfort in the way he sat, and he couldn’t hide the worried look in his eyes, no matter how hard he tried to wear his usual, stone face.

“Silver, what is it?” Dash asked, sensing there was more to this than met the eye. Silver shook his head.

“Nothing,” he replied flatly. Dash pouted.

“Don’t pull that with me, buster. What’s wrong?” she pressed. Silver turned his head to face away. Dash promptly stood up, walked to the other side of him and sat down, causing him to turn and look back in the other direction.

“Silver?” Dash said his name calmly and gently. She wanted to know what was bothering Silver about this, but his demeanor made her want to be careful about it. He took a deep breath and hung his head.

“My mother died of a heart attack,” he said, breaking the silence. Dash’s eyes widened and she lost any breath that would have formed a response. “It happened right in front of me two years ago.”

Dash quickly put a hoof over her mouth and leaned back a little. She didn’t have the means to speak as is, but she covered her mouth just in case. She suddenly felt incredibly bad for asking at all. Silver turned and glanced at her. He was wearing a straight face, but again, Dash could see right through it.

“When I saw you fall on the floor and grab your chest just now, crying out in pain… it brought back a pretty bad memory I only recently really got over.”

“I…” Dash let a single letter slip. Silver’s ears flopped to the side of his head as he looked back forward.

“Not to mention I’m also on heart medication for overstressing my own body. I’m constantly wary and admittedly sensitive to things like this.” He paused and swallowed. “It was just a little hard to see somepony else important to me show… signs. Even if they are from something entirely different and unrelated.”

It took a moment, but Dash stared directly at Silver with her ears pointing straight up and her fur tingling.

Did Silver just say… somepony important to him?

Did she really mean that much to him? She had felt a little like it before, but he really did care about her. She was his student, but she had almost become like a daughter to him.

And realizing that made Dash feel really warm on the inside, but she still felt sad. Sad that she forced him to bring up his mother, and sad that what happened to her probably really scared him.

Silver grunted and looked up at the Wonderbolts.

“Forget it, I can’t let things like this distract me right now. We have an important mission ahead of us and—”

Silver looked down in surprise as Dash suddenly hugged him around the chest. While startled, he didn’t say anything or protest at least for a few moments.

He scrunched his mouth and glanced back and forth.

“You’re hugging me in public,” he said as he scanned the surrounding crowd, but nopony was looking.

“I know, deal with it,” Dash replied with her cheek pressed lightly near his burn scar. Silver looked down at her and released a quiet sigh before she continued. “Sorry about scaring you, but I promise, it’s not a health problem or anything remotely close. It’s just… what do you always say? ‘Some crazy divine alicorn bullshit?’”

Dash smiled as she both heard, and felt Silver release a few chuckles. She gave him another squeeze.

“But… thanks for caring. Really, I mean it,” she added.

Silver looked down at her, easily picking up the sincerity in her words. Rainbow Dash was a gruff, tough talker. But when she wanted to let somepony know how important they were, she made sure they felt it.

After another brief glance around to make sure they were still out of view, Silver reached up one of his hooves around Dash’s shoulder and gave her a few gentle pats.

It was funny how things worked sometimes. The first time the two met, Silver was launching spit into her face while chewing her out for laughing at his verbal domination of Thunderlane. The strict nature of their relationship remained, but had changed over time. What started as drill instructor and recruit, turned into mentor and student, and had now reached a level where it was the father and daughter neither of them had ever had. They both had their own families they loved and cared about, they weren’t filling a gap in their lives, but their relationship had really helped them thrive in tough times. Dash had found comfort in Silver’s presence and word of wisdom, and Silver had found a pony that had earned his full trust… something he didn’t give out easily.

“For the last time…” Starry Skies’ voice suddenly boomed from the doors to the recruit barracks nearby. Dash released Silver as the two looked over to see Fleetfoot pushing Starry Skies into the lobby, with quite a bit of difficulty. “I’m NOT buying it! And dammit, STOP TOUCHING ME!” she growled as Fleetfoot pushed her in the side with the crown of her head, Starry’s hooves squeaking against the tile floor.

Fleetfoot stopped for a moment, pressing her hooves against Starry while looking up and giving her a flat look with puffy cheeks and her ears folded back.

“Sheesh, are you this defiant in bed too?” she asked as Starry’s eye twitched. “Yow, I feel sorry for the Shadowbolt stallions. How many sets of beans and franks have you squashed into oblivion?”

“I DON’T let stallions in my bed!” Starry barked at her.

“Not with that attitude you won’t!” Fleetfoot giggled.

“I said I DON’T! Not that can’t!” Starry gritted her teeth, struggling to give Fleetfoot stable responses.

“Oh, so you’re into mares then?” Fleetfoot smirked while shifting up and rubbing her side against Starry. “Hey! Either way works for me!” She turned up the smarm and leaned over to Starry’s ear. “I’m into both!” she whispered, preemptively ducking as Starry immediately threw a punch that whiffed and sent her falling forward. Fleetfoot shifted and puckered her lips as Starry stumbled. “Mwah! Mwah!” She jokingly blew kisses at Starry as she got up and scowled at her.

“STOP THAT! And quit trying to change the subject!” She turned back towards the doors. “Now you’re just trying to piss me off again!” She started walking back towards the doors, but yelped as Fleetfoot grabbed her tail in her teeth and yanked her back.

“Oh no you don’t!” Fleetfoot said with her voice muffled by Starry’s tail.

“No! OW! Let go!” Starry demanded. “I’m going back to—”

“Starry Skies!” Spitfire suddenly called out as she approached the two. Starry stopped and blinked as she looked towards Spitfire. “We need your help. Do you have a few minutes?”

She looked back at Fleetfoot and lifted an eyebrow as Fleetfoot spat out her tail.

“Bleh! Yuck, do you ever shampoo your tail?” she complained as she made gagging noises. Starry glanced between Spitfire and Fleetfoot as Fleetfoot eventually stuck her tongue out at her defiantly. “Seeeeeeeeeeeeee?”

“Alright, alright, fine…” Starry grunted as she focused on Spitfire. “What is it?” she asked flatly.

Dash watched for a few moments as Spitfire explained to Starry what she needed of her regarding how to imitate several general behavior mannerisms of Shadowbolts. She was curious to see how squad three was going to handle it, but for the moment her focus was drawn away, specifically by several multiple cracks and pops from beside her.

She looked towards Silver to see him slowly moving his neck back and forth while also rotating his shoulders and opening and closing his wings. His joints were making so much noise, Dash started to cringe.

Eventually Silver exhaled and shook himself out a little as if it were just a regular routine with his worn out body. Dash had seen him do this more than once, but after their discussion a minute ago something else was on her mind. The state of Silver’s body was not a new topic to her, but given their current situation, Dash was worried about something more specific.

“Say…” Dash spoke up, getting Silver to glance down at her. “Speaking of your heart and pain medication…”

“What about it?” Silver narrowed his eyes briefly as if predicting Dash was going to try and talk him into being more careful or something… again. But Dash didn’t let his look deter her, this was actually important.

“I just thought about this and I’m wondering. We’ve been out of reach of any cities or anything for that matter. Do you…” she frowned slightly. “Do you have enough?” she asked. Silver’s expression quickly lightened, not expecting it. “I mean, not so much the pain medication, I’m worried more about the heart medication. You take it every morning, right?”

“You think of every way to worry about me, don’t you?” Silver sighed.

“I’ve made it part of my job as your student to worry about you.” She poked him in the arm. “I don’t think you have grounds to argue. I mean, your body makes enough noises to have its own album.”

“I have enough,” Silver answered before she could comment any further on the creaky nature of his bones and joints. “Knowing the unexpected nature of our work, I always made sure to have a large supply, or at least one large enough to be comfortable without it being discovered,” he explained, earning an eye roll from Dash. She had made it clear more than once that she didn’t like him being secretive about a few of the factors that kept him going. “But…” Silver continued, causing Dash to perk up and listen intently. “I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you. I was supposed to pick up more the day after all of this started. So I’m more than halfway through my current supply.”

“What?!” Dash reacted, but Silver shook his head quickly, knowing that was exactly how she would react.

“Settle down. I’m serious about having more than enough to last for now. But if we plan on following our goal of reaching the Crystal Empire, I hope we do it soon. I prefer to be comfortably supplied.”

“Yeah, I think I’d prefer that too,” Dash’s ears turned down as she looked away. Silver looked her over briefly before placing a hoof on her shoulder.

“I’ll be fine, Dash,” he reassured her. Dash shook her head.

“You keep saying that, but—”

“And you better bet I’m going to keep saying it,” he quickly cut in before she could worry more. “And I don’t bluff. I’ve been really straining my limits, but I’m pulling through this one way or another,” he strengthened his grip on her shoulder. “I can promise you that much.”

“You better keep your word on that,” said Dash as she gently leaned against him briefly. “Cause I’ll kick your ass if you go and get yourself killed.” She turned her head and glared up at him. Silver chuckled and snorted.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Dash wasn’t satisfied, but then again she’d never be in this case. She didn’t want Silver to push himself, but nothing she could say or do was going to change his mind, the stubborn old bastard.

So instead of dwelling on it, Dash looked back out towards the Wonderbolts just in time to see Spitfire lead Starry Skies up to squad three.

“Well, they were all different in their own ways,” Starry Skies spoke to Fire Streak while rolling her eyes. “But honestly, there were a few things that were more or less the norm. The Shadowbolts, at least when we were all still working in the fortress, tended to be either super serious, scary looking, incredibly weird, or had an attitude problem. If you’re any of those, you’ll blend in.”

Fire blinked and stared at Starry.

“What?” Starry lifted an eyebrow. Fire tipped his head and scratched his head.

“That’s a rather… simple explanation,” he commented. Starry shrugged.

“Hey, you wanted to know, that’s what I know. I’m not an expert on pony personalities or anything, it’s just what I always saw,” she said flatly.

“Sounds easy enough!” Surprise chimed in while popping up beside Fire. Starry folded her ears back and winced, leaning backwards upon seeing Surprise. She hadn’t forgotten the… encounter she had with the silly pony back when they were still under Nightshade’s orders. She looked up past Fire and Surprise to see Lightning Streak as he pounded a hoof against his chest. Seconds later he released a very loud, low pitched belch. Beside him, Misty was staring sternly at a stubborn strand of her mane that was falling in front of her face. She kept blowing at it to push it up, but it kept falling right back down.

Fire looked over his shoulder as Surprise bounced back over to the rest of his squad and smiled.

“It’s not much to go by, but I think we can handle it,” he said with a nod.

Starry lifted an eyebrow as she watched Lightning Streak inconspicuously reach back and scratch himself while Surprise sat on Misty’s back, smoothing out Misty’s mane for her as the silent pony smiled delightfully.

“Right…” Starry said with little confidence in her voice.

“What?” Fire asked while tipping his head the other direction.

“I have a hard time believing it,” she said bluntly. Fire chuckled and waved a hoof in front of him.

“Don’t worry, we’re quite good at getting into character,” he assured her with a wink.

“If you say so,” Starry shrugged and shook her head as Fire started to ponder out loud.

“Serious… scary looking…” he spread his wings and hovered up into the air to look out among the Wonderbolts while wondering who else to assign to his portion of the operation. While he and his squad were going to act into their roles, he wasn’t going to expect the rest of those he brought along to do the same. He needed ponies that either looked or acted the part already. “Weird… attitude…” He stopped and smiled, his eyes lighting up as he slowly touched back down to the floor. “May I ask for your assistance a little further?”

Starry sighed and flattened her brow.

“Why?” she asked without enthusiasm.

“I’m going to gather up the other ponies I need for this mission then I’d ask for you to meet us later when we’re getting our gear for a little more help on this matter,” Fire explained while reaching up to pat her on the shoulder, but she took a step backwards to avoid it before it could land.

“Fine, just make it quick, I have things to do,” she huffed.

Fire gave her a quick nod before turning and approaching Spitfire, who had just finished explaining the operation to the rest of the Wonderbolts. Luna was sitting beside Spitfire as well.

“Captain. Your Majesty.” Fire saluted to Spitfire and gave a brief, courteous bow to Luna. “Based on Starry’s brief explanation, I believe I know who will be perfect to help my squad with this job.”

“Oh?” Spitfire quickly focused all of her attention on him, giving him a quick nod. “Alright, let’s hear it.”

“Keeping the risk of other well-known Wonderbolts being discovered, I would like to enlist three particular recruits. Recruit Twister, Recruit Squall, and Recruit Rainbow Dash.”


Spitfire, Luna, and Fire all flinched as Silver Lining’s voice pounded their ears from a few yards away. They all looked over to see Silver get up from beside a startled and confused Rainbow Dash before making his way towards them with a glare and heavy steps. “That’s…” he stopped before he could get any further due to Spitfire turning away from him and looking back at Fire.

“What’s your analysis?” Spitfire asked Fire as if Silver wasn’t even there.

“Hey!” Silver growled. Fire Streak glanced between Spitfire and Silver with a blank, unsure expression.

“Um…” Fire failed to give his reasons under the harsh presence of Silver. Silver snorted and looked towards Fire.

“Give us just a moment here,” he said calmly before returning his eyes to Spitfire, but she was still focused on Fire.

“Silver…” Spitfire moved her eyes to him and narrowed them. “Let Fire give his reasons for the selection.”

Silver locked eyes with Spitfire for a few moments before he succumbed, grunted and held his mouth shut.

“Fire?” Spitfire said simply as she refocused on him.

“Er… yes…” Fire nodded before clearing his throat. “Based on what Starry Skies has just told me for the ‘outer look’ of typical Shadowbolts I feel they are the best mix. Starry suggested traits around the lines of mean looking, attitude, and strange. Squall’s usual expression mixed with the scar fit the first, Dash carries a rough attitude about her, and Twister speaks for himself. While we have others who may slightly edge them out in these traits, at least the first two, the three of them also happen to be on the same squad. This will make them more efficient since they are familiar with each other already. Rainbow Dash’s colorful mane won’t be an issue with Luna’s spell. She can…”

“Dammit, Captain I’m going to interrupt him right there, you can’t put Dash up to this,” Silver cut him off.

“Silver…” Spitfire scrunched her face at him. Silver appreciated that she was done questioning her captain abilities and acting like she was supposed to in her position, but he felt she was overlooking something very important. It was part of HIS job as second captain to speak out if he felt she was missing something.

“Captain, listen to—”

“No, YOU listen, Silver!” Spitfire suddenly snapped at him. “I don’t know where this is suddenly coming from, but if this has anything to do with personal concern for Rainbow Dash… STOP. It doesn’t matter if she’s still new, she’s a Wonderbolt. She earned the right to be called one. So if Fire wants to make use of her, he can.”

“I am not questioning her abilities!” Silver growled as if insulted that Spitfire suggested he’d ever think such a thing. “Have you already forgotten what happened to her a few minutes ago outside your office?!” he reminded Spitfire of Dash’s collapse and reaction to Soarin’s issues beyond her control. “Doesn’t seem very smart to send her out on a crucial mission like this when she could suddenly fall and draw attention to herself, does it?”

Spitfire remained quiet, just staring flatly at Silver for a moment before exhaling through her nose.

“Silver, if you did as I said and had let Fire finish… I was waiting to hear his justification to bring her along. Normally I wouldn’t allow it, given the reasons you just stated, but our third captain isn’t a fool,” she paused glancing at Fire. “Let. Him. Finish.”

“Hmph…” Silver grunted and sat down as Dash slowly shuffled up behind him.

“Well, Fire?” Spitfire refocused. “How about we give Silver an answer. Assuming you do, in fact, have an answer to this little issue.”

Fire swallowed before speaking up again.

“I… actually had considered what Silver is talking about. I was with you two when it happened to her. However, I feel including Dash in this mission is imperative because… well…” Fire paused and glanced at Rainbow Dash. “She’s the only Wonderbolt here that’s been inside their fortress.”

There was a brief pause as Silver’s eyes widened slightly. Spitfire glanced towards Dash as well as Fire turned back to Spitfire.

“And I doubt we have time for any of the former Shadowbolts to draw us up a map,” Fire added. Spitfire nodded lightly to herself.

“Hmmm… that does make sense…” she pondered.

“Well, uh…” Dash stuttered, drawing their attention to her. “I can’t say I know the layout like the back of my hoof or anything. If it was really a copy of our compound, they’ve definitely modified it. But… I think I have an idea of where they’re keeping him.” She recalled while remembering both the dungeon of the fortress as well as the frightening experience in Nightshade’s ‘office,’ if one could even call it that.

“Dash, be truthful,” Silver turned to her and looked at her sternly. Spitfire, sensing Silver and Dash had an understanding, didn’t stop him from confronting her. “Is it worth the risk? If you get another shock in the middle of the infiltration it could be a disaster.”

Rainbow Dash looked directly into Silver’s eyes. Just like earlier, they were stern, but worried.

She looked past him towards the others. Fire was patiently waiting for her answer, Luna looked unsure how to feel, and Spitfire remained stoic, keeping her professional air as her eyes remained locked on her and Silver.

Dash looked down and took a deep breath. She slowly lifted a hoof and placed it over her heart while closing her eyes.

She and Soarin had been sharing this connection for a while now. She could remember the first time she felt it. It was when they had their little fallout after the tryouts. She was sleeping after a day of grueling training under Silver Lining when her heart jumped in her chest and woke her with a start. They were at odds at the time, but it was the first sign that there was something more to what they had… and it slowly pushed her to realize just how important they were to one another. While she didn’t need a magic connection to love him, the worry that was pulled forth from her heart for his life and safety proved to her that their short term split was one of the biggest mistakes of her life.

With love, they overcame the little rut in their relationship. And then with love, Dash watched over him when she could, keeping tabs on him and always being ready to help when the magic was being difficult. One would think learning their lives had become literally connected in life, death, and spirit would have had a lasting shock on them, but once they knew, it was almost as if they didn’t mind… or they already knew how important they were to one another regardless.

Now the connection had grown and become strong. They had survived more than one life and death situation, strengthening their spirits and in turn strengthening their connection. Now Soarin could have just a brief blip in control over his magic and Dash would feel it.

During the last shock minutes ago, as she dropped and clutched her heart in pain, she felt like she could hear him. She could hear Soarin screaming as if she was right there beside him. She was also certain she could see him. Her eyes were shut, but he was there, in front of her. She shouted to him, encouraging him to get up, convinced her voice would reach him.

Would her voice reach him if she just… tried? Maybe, but to avoid looking a little crazy, she wouldn’t try right now. Perhaps later, but in the moment she saw Soarin… and she saw him overcome what was causing him pain.

He stood up and faced the surrounding blue aura with the help of somepony bathed in a yellow light. When everything faded, the pain was completely gone and she was able to stand up as if nothing had happened. This wasn’t the first time she had witnessed Soarin assert his dominance over the magic, and each time he needed to, everything was fine with him after… for the most part.

But after what she saw in her head among the pain… she was confident. Soarin was a pony who could adapt to pain and anything else that might slow him down. The shocks she was feeling were incredibly strong, suggesting there may very well be something very, very wrong with the horn and the magic, yet she saw Soarin regain control.

“I saw it…” Dash spoke up. “I saw Soarin when I was in pain. He was in danger, but after I yelled to him, I saw him stand up and regain control. I can’t predict that he’ll remain under control, but… I can’t really explain. I can just feel it. He’s doing everything he can, so I’m sure there won’t be any more problems, at least for the time being.”

Silver clearly didn’t like that answer. He released a long sigh while narrowing his eyes at her. She didn’t give him the solid answer he was looking for, Dash understood that. But it wasn’t like any of them could feel what she felt. It was a feeling in her heart that was reaffirmed by their spiritual connection. They just had to believe her… just like how she believed in Soarin.

“Dash…” Spitfire spoke up as she moved beside Silver. She looked uncertain, but her eyes were much different from Silver’s. “I trust you.”

Silver quickly looked towards Spitfire, but she was already shaking her head at him.

“I know Silver, but the fact remains that Fire’s analysis stands. Dash is the only one who has been in the fortress and will be an indispensable asset to our success.”

“Captain…” Silver sounded like he was stuck between wanting to protest and acknowledging there was sense to the decision. He just worried about Dash’s condition after all, nopony could criticize him for that.

“Also…” Spitfire smirked. “If she’s as connected to Soarin as she says, then you and I both know there’s good reason to believe her here. I mean, you know how much of a stubborn dick Soarin is… always making us worry, but always finding ways to be alright…” Spitfire sighed and shook her head. “If we know we can trust Soarin, then we can also trust Rainbow Dash.”

“This is an awfully large gamble, you realize,” Silver said, not in disapproval, instead just to be clear. Spitfire nodded.

“I know, but making gambles is part of the job, something you’ve always been very good at showing us,” she said, giving him a nod of acknowledgement. Silver didn’t reply, he just stared, thinking it all over. “Besides,” Spitfire continued. “Don’t forget she’s not going in there alone. I’m also trusting squad three to not only watch over her and the rest we send in… but also to be able to improvise should anything happen. I firmly agree with Fire’s plan, and believe it is the best course of action.”

She and Silver remained silent, eyes locked for several moments before Silver closed his eyes and exhaled.

“Yes, ma’am…” he said, even though he was not given an order or asked to acknowledge anything. He turned and began walking away.

Dash watched as he moved towards Blaze and High Winds. Part of her desperately wanted to follow him, but at the moment, she needed to pay attention. She had been selected for the mission after all, and once the little briefing was done here, she had to track down Squall and Twister.

“Fire,” Spitfire continued while turning back to him. “Now that we are back on the task at hoof… I couldn’t help but realize that you only named three ponies. That brings your team to seven… but we have ten Shadowbolt uniforms to make use of. Are you planning to only take seven, or…?” she trailed off while waiting for an answer. Fire shook his head.

“No, ma’am… I have three others I wish to bring along, however it comes not in the form of a decision, but in the form of a request,” he explained.

“Go on…” Spitfire lifted an eyebrow.

“A large portion of this mission relies on the Wonderbolts using their showtime skills and routines… so due to their pure combat nature, I would like to ask your permission to use three of the ponies from squad zero.”

Both Dash and Spitfire’s ears stood up as Fire made his proposal. He continued.

“We need Wonderbolts that are lesser known, and while the Shadowbolts have encountered them along with the rest, it was not until just recently. Plus, while they are not on the level of the top tiered squads, they have a degree of skill and combat prowess that stands above others I would consider,” he explained thoroughly.

“Hmmm…” Spitfire hummed while slowly smiling. “Brilliant thinking, Fire… I hadn’t even considered squad zero. And. I assume you’ve put thought into how they’d fit the mold Starry suggests?”

“Playbitz, Swift Justice, and Shine Struck,” Fire nodded. “While Calm Wind’s strength would be useful, I feel he would stand out too much. He’s… well… very big. We’ve met a few ponies of great size lately, but I feel it could possibly draw attention. Any little factor we can shave off of a potential list of worries will be helpful. I had the same reasoning for excluding Matteo from Foxtrot, being a griffon aside of course. Little Star as well, only for the opposite reasons. I don’t want to take a bet that the Shadowbolts have more filly sized members.”

“To the point and addressing every factor… I knew I could count on you, Fire.” Spitfire nodded while smiling in approval. “There’s no time to waste,” she stated as she looked down at Dash. “Rainbow Dash, gather up your squad and meet us by the recruit barracks.” She looked up over Dash’s shoulder. “Blaze! High Winds! Go find squad zero and bring them to the barracks entrance!” she ordered, leaving Silver out to respect him being deep in thought. The two mares of squad two gave Spitfire a wave before hovering up and floating around the crowd to find their special ops squad. “Princess, let’s head on over,” Spitfire nodded to Luna before giving one last glance at Dash.

Dash watched as Spitfire and Luna headed towards the barracks, the weight of the situation slowly sinking in as she got up to find her squad. She was hoof-selected to take part in a dangerous covert operation to retrieve one of their top commanders…

Was she up to the task?

Of course she was. Somewhere out in the mountains, Soarin was doing his best and probably straining himself to get back to them… and she wasn’t about to give any less effort in what was asked of her.

“Wait, what’s going on?” Little Star asked as she hovered beside Matteo. Dash glanced over her shoulder at Squall, Matteo, Star, and Twister as they weaved through the mingling Wonderbolts, some of which had dispersed and come back with their flight suits and goggles already.

“It’s kind of hard to fully explain,” Dash avoided the question as they made it into the clear and approached the barracks. Matteo narrowed his eyes when he saw squad zero approaching as well, shifting his gaze between them and the gathering of the top tier squads ahead of them, missing Soarin and Wave Chill of course.

“We’re being split up, aren’t we?” Matteo spoke out. Dash froze mid-step, quickly looking back at them again.

“What?!” Star shouted in surprise. Squall’s only visible reaction was to open his eyes a little wider. Twister kept walking and ran right into Squall’s plot, flying forward suddenly as if he had crashed full speed.

“Uh…” Dash gritted her teeth uncomfortably as she looked her friends over. She was avoiding the subject for two specific reasons. Those being the two giant eyes of worry that Star was giving her right now.

“Based on Captain Spitfire’s description of the plan… and that you’ve asked us to follow you…” Matteo continued as Star’s eyes only grew wider. “Not to mention we’re heading towards the Princess and the top three squads with squad zero along with us… the fact that all together we’d make thirteen… not ten… and now with your reaction on top of it, I’m assuming some of us have been selected for this covert mission.”

Dash’s jaw dropped as Matteo picked every detail apart seamlessly.

“Tell me he’s wrong, Dash…” Star hovered forward and grabbed Dash by the cheeks and looking at her sternly, lip quivering.

“Um…” Dash stalled again. Little Star never liked the idea of them being split up for something dangerous. It was her interaction with the rest of them that made her finally realize her dream after all… even if it had led directly into a crazy scenario. She had been particularly clingy of them recently after two specific events: Squall receiving his scar and then being separated during the compound takeoff.

“Foxtrot!” Spitfire’s voice rushed from behind them. They all turned to face the barracks to see Spitfire tapping her hoof. “Double-time it! Let’s go!”

“I’ll let Spitfire explain…” Dash said briefly before they quickened their pace to join the rest.

They approached the group with squads one, two, three, and zero all waiting for them. Dash glanced at Star as they came to a halt. Her worried expression was killing Dash, but this wasn’t her decision to make. Dash also quickly scanned over squad zero. Calm and Playbitz were standing attention, Swift was shooting points and winks which were being shot back by Air Mach. The only one that looked towards them was Shine Struck, who gave a quick wave and smile to Dash.

“Listen up!” Spitfire broke the silence. “By now you’re all aware of our plan of action… and that if we can bring down the shield, the final phase of the operation is a covert infiltration of the Shadowbolt fortress…” she explained while pacing back and forth. On her second pass, she stomped a hoof hard to the floor halfway and turned sharply to them. “The reason we have summoned you is because members from both your squads have been hoof-picked by third captain Fire Streak to aid his squad in the infiltration. Fire Streak?” Spitfire stepped back and Fire came forward.

“The following members of your squads have been chosen to be part of our special objective,” he began as he looked back and forth. “As I call your name, step forward.” He focused on squad zero first. “From squad zero… Swift Justice, Playbitz, and Shine Struck.”

Dash watched as the three blinked in surprise, stepping forward hesitantly. Calm Wind’s ears flopped down as he frowned, definitely not thrilled that he was being left out. But Fire’s reasons for doing so were justified. Calm would possibly stand out, even with a color change. She wondered if his back injuries were part of the choice as well, it hadn’t been too long since he was brutally wounded.

“From Recruit Squad Foxtrot…” Fire continued, causing Dash to look back forward towards him. “Squall, Twister, and Rainbow Dash.”

Twister scooted forward without moving his hooves.


“WHAT?!” Little Star completely cut off Twister as her eyes grew even wider. Dash winced, glancing back to see her fall onto her plot with her jaw dropped. Dash quickly turned back, but stopped halfway when she saw Squall also looking back and frowning. Squall perked up, realizing Dash was looking at him. He quickly looked forward, acting like nothing had happened.

“You six—” Fire Streak started up again, drawing their attention back to him— “Have been chosen because you fit certain criteria we’ve deemed necessary to the operation. You will be detached from the rest as they carry out the grand distraction. Our role in this mission is far and away the most important and dangerous, but I wouldn’t have selected you if I didn’t think you were up to the task. Captain?” Fire passed pack to Spitfire.

“Calm, Little Star, and Matteo. You three will still play a role in the operation. Little Star, you will join with the rest of the recruit squads helping the unicorn staff and Renegades move out image projectors into place,” Spitfire explained, not reacting at all to Star’s worried mannerisms. “Matteo,” she looked towards him. “You will first help with the equipment as well, but then join with Bomber and Valkyrie. They are leading a force of our strongest members to simulate the tremors of the dragon ‘landing.’” She looked towards Calm. “Calm Wind…” Spitfire paused and blinked. “Actually, await further orders… I was going to have you join the strength team and help with the tremors… but how is your back? are you fit for duty?” she asked. Calm remained still for a moment before rotating his shoulders and moving his back around. He winced a little, but didn’t show any visible pain.

“It’s a little stiff, but it won’t slow me down,” he replied quietly. Spitfire nodded and scratched her chin.

“Either way, stay put for the moment, I want to assess everything else first before deciding what to do with you,” she ordered.

“Y-yes ma’am…” Calm replied reluctantly. Shine quickly turned around and pouted at him.

“Oh, don’t do that, you big doofus… we’ll be fine, don’t worry about us,” she assured him. Swift appeared behind her and rested his hooves on her head.

“Yeah dude! I’ll bring you back a souvenir!” he chuckled as Shine huffed and pushed her wings back to throw him off. Shine turned and started scolding him for using her as an arm rest, but Playbitz shifted over and nudged Calm in the side.

“Don’t worry,” he winked. “I’ll make sure they don’t kill themselves.”

Dash turned towards her own squad after watching the brief exchange. Spitfire had turned to discuss something with Fire, so she took the moment to address her squad.

“Star…” Matteo sighed as Dash approached. Star was sitting right beside him, completely slumped down, droopy ears, droopy neck, droopy frown, everything. It almost looked a little forced. “Stop that.”

Dash walked up to Star and looked down at her sternly.

“Star, stop… this is the lead captain’s decision. If I had it my way, we’d all be in this together, but we can’t.”

Star shook her head.

“I know… I’d just rather we all stay together,” she voiced her discontent while letting her long mane fall over one of her eyes. “We’re going on a very dangerous mission and we’re going to be separated? I don’t like that… you guys are important to me…”

Dash frowned as she looked back at Squall and Twister. Twister was balancing on his front hooves in front of Squall… who was completely ignoring him, facing the top squads. She looked back at Star, not quite sure what to say.

As motherly as always, Star was acting like a mom whose children were moving out… only a little more intense since it was a dangerous military operation. Star’s care for them was made clear daily by the way she spread affection, even if it was met with protest. Dash didn’t want her squad to be split up either, her captainship naturally pushing her towards feeling responsible for all of them, but again, it was Spitfire’s call to approve Fire Streak’s plan.

If only Dash could find a way to reassure Star. She acted like a mother, but was looking at her like a sad filly… and her small stature didn’t help with that.


Dash blinked and turned around to see Squall looking over his shoulder at Star.

“Cut that out,” he said with a snort. Dash was ready to give him a good glare, but… “We’ll be fine. Do your part, we’ll do ours, and then we’ll all be back together.” His words were hard and unrefined in his usual fashion, but his point was clear. His personal unique attempt at reassurance didn’t change much though. He flattened his expression as Star shifted her large worried eyes to him. “I mean it,” he added gruffly, trying to get a visible reaction, but again, Star remained unchanged. Squall scrunched his face before turning to Matteo. “Hey… bird,” he addressed Matteo, earning a glare for the rather crude identification. “Keep an eye on her… alright?” he asked, his sharp tone remaining despite the nature of his request.

Matteo was just as surprised to hear it as Dash was, the two blinking and staring at Squall as he turned back around and faced forward, ignoring Twister’s continued attempts to be silly.

“HRNK!” Matteo grunted as Star suddenly leaned over and latched onto his arm tightly, squeezing the daylights out of it. He looked down at her, but her eyes were still trained on Squall.

“Can you?” Dash asked Matteo, reaffirming Squall’s request as she patted Star on the head. Matteo exhaled through the nose holes on his beak, creating a soft, low pitched whistle that slowly faded.

“I will watch over her,” he agreed.

“Thanks,” Dash smiled. She turned and stepped up beside Squall and Twister as they awaited further orders. She noticed Squall taking another glance back at Matteo and Star. “They’ll be fine too,” Dash said to him. Squall quickly looked towards her for a moment before facing forward.

“Hmph…” he grunted in response. Dash could only smile. He sure had a way of expressing it, but Squall cared just as much as Star did. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have said anything to her.

Rainbow Dash, Squall, Twister, Shine Struck, Swift Justice, and Playbitz all sat, waiting for further direction as the Wonderbolts continued to converse amongst themselves and with Princess Luna. It looked like they were wrapping up, but before Spitfire could turn to them…

“Hey! Hey, sis!” Blaze suddenly chimed in, waving an arm fiercely towards Spitfire. “What the hell are we going to do?!”

“Elaborate please, without swearing if possible,” Spitfire huffed while acknowledging Blaze.

“How the fuck are—aw jeez, already failed. Anyway, we’ve got our little band of sneaky freaks put together, but how the hell are—”

“That’s…” High Winds cut her off and yawned. “Two…”

“Shut the hell up, Windy,” Blaze growled quietly as High Winds mouthed ‘three’ to herself. “What are our squads gonna do? You want to put on a show for them, but we’re missing Chiller and you’re missing Princess McBangsRainbows. Last time I checked our shit doesn’t work without them!”

“Four,” Silver broke his silence while nonchalantly putting a hoof up beside his face to block an incoming punch from Blaze.

“Oh… that’s right,” Spitfire blinked. “Hmm…” she blinked and glared at Fleetfoot as she nudged her in the side.

“Way to go announcing the plan and forgetting your own squad,” she teased while sticking her tongue out.

“Oh, shut it… this won’t be hard to fix…” Spitfire rolled her eyes while thinking.

“HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY! HEY!” Air Mach suddenly shifted up in front of her and pounded a hoof to his chest, causing Spitfire to flinch in surprise as he made his presence known. “I can do double duty! Chills was good with water right?!” he asked, but instead of waiting for a response, he pointed directly upward and fluffed his cape. “FEAR NOT! I may not be the Chiller of Waves or in heat captains…”

“Hey!” Spitfire glared, but he leapt up to hover above her.

“But I am the great Animak! An effect specialist! The best there is!”

“Surprise is better than you…” High Winds said monotonously as Air Mach paused.

THE. BEST. THERE. IS!” Air Mach repeated.

“Hmmm…” Spitfire turned away from him to ponder some more, a light, annoyed blush on her face from Air Mach bringing up her mare problems of the recent past.

“The clown college reject might be onto something,” Silver chimed in. “It’s been a while, but we do have some joint squad routines. He might just be dumb enough to handle the double workload.”

“Yes, we do,” Spitfire nodded in agreement. “And he just might be crazy enough to pull it off…” she added while looking towards Air Mach flatly as he tried to pull Fleetfoot into posing with him. “Air Mach! If we do a joint routine, do you think you can handle an effects job meant for two?”

“I was ready BEFORE I was born ready!” Air Mach yelled, grunting as Fleetfoot jabbed him in the side to push him away.

“I question my sanity saying this, but I’m counting on you to hold to that,” Spitfire nodded before turning away and pondering further. “But… that still leaves Soarin’s spot. We need pony that's strong, can throw us, and—”

She flinched as a sudden yelp came from nearby.

“I FOUND ONE!” Fleetfoot called out cheerfully.

She was sitting right up against Calm Wind and had her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his head all the way down to her level. She was smiling towards Spitfire with her eyes incredibly wide as if puppy begging Spitfire into saying yes. Calm gritted his teeth as he was yanked down, blushing in embarrassment at the unexpected physical contact from her.

Spitfire smiled, quickly coming to a resolution.

“Actually… that’s perfect,” Spitfire quickly decided. Silver cleared his throat behind her.

“Captain, the routine? Are you expecting him to learn it and perform it on the spot? What about the Power Acceleration?” he expressed logical concern.

“Hey!” Fleetfoot yelled towards Silver as her grip tightened on Calm’s neck, causing him to grunt and his wings to flail a bit. “First of all, he changed the name to the Sonic Blastoff, second… If you guys can trust AIR MACH to improvise with two roles, then you get bet somepony much smarter than him can do the same.” She pointed at Calm as his tongue stuck out of his mouth and face began to turn blue…er since he couldn’t breathe. “Besides, the main function of Soarin in our routines is to catch and throw us! Hear that Calm? You get to touch me a lot!” she teased, but blinked when she got no response.

“I agree with Fleet,” Spitfire nodded. “Calm’s got a head on his shoulders. It may be a little difficult, but it shouldn’t be too hard to explain. He’s even stronger than Soarin, so he won’t have to adjust much there, but we may have to tweak it a little to make up for the lack of Soarin’s signature move. Yes, this could work, but Fleet… let him go before you suffocate him.”

“Oh!” Fleetfoot flinched as she let go. Calm gasped and fell flat on the floor, taking harsh breaths for air. “Teehee! Sorry!” Fleetfoot giggled while blushing and goofily sticking her tongue out.

Both Silver and Dash watched Fleetfoot with a large degree of amusement. It was incredible how fast Fleetfoot’s mood could swing up and down. She was her normal silly self one moment, questioning life another, and then before they could blink she was right back up on the happy scale.

“Alright Calm…” Spitfire walked up to him as he caught his breath and stood. “Come with us, we have to explain a couple of things.”

“Yeah! Like how you’re gonna get to feel all this!” Fleetfoot teased as she scooted over to him and ran her hooves down her body. Calm’s face turned bright red as Spitfire reached over and pushed Fleetfoot away.

“Fleet! Enough!” she ordered as Fleetfoot giggled her way back towards the crowd. Spitfire sighed, looking towards Fire Streak. “Alright, go get ready, meet back in the lobby in one hour,” she ordered before turning back to Calm and rolling her eyes. “Come on Big Blue Blusherton…” She grabbed him by the arm and forced him to start walking. “Pay attention and try to ignore the instigator…”

“You heard the captain!” Fire Streak called out to his team. “We have an operation to prepare for! Follow us!” he ordered before he turned and led squad three towards the barracks, Princess Luna following behind.

Dash quickly followed with the rest, eager to get things started, but not before both she and Squall glanced back. Star was still hanging onto Matteo’s arm, even though he had it up in the air and was trying to gently shake her off. Dash also looked towards Silver following his squad.

She hoped they would have a moment to regroup right before the operation started… because she wanted to assure those she cared about that they’d all pull through. Would they? No way to know, but it was the thought that counted.

“What took you guys so long!?” Starry Skies yelled as Fire Streak approached with his squad, Luna, and the detachments from foxtrot and zero.

“Had a few loose ends to tie up,” Fire said politely with a bow. “I hope we are not causing you too much inconvenience.”

“Uh…” Starry lifted an eyebrow. “Right… well come on, let’s get this over with,” she encouraged.

“This way,” Fire Streak motioned to the empty barracks one door down from where their Shadowbolt captives were being monitored. Fire reached for the door and opened it, holding it while standing aside and looking at Starry.

“What?” she stared at him quizzically. Fire motioned to the door, signaling her to enter. “Really?”

“Yes, really,” Fire said patiently. “Never had a stallion be courteous to you before?”

“I’m no dainty lady pony, you jackass…” Starry scrunched her face.

“That’s not—” Fire stopped as Misty Fly suddenly placed herself behind Starry and pushed the crown of her head against her plot.

“HEY!” Starry yelped as Misty forcefully moved her, Starry’s hooves skidding on the floor as she slid into the room. “Stop that!” she demanded, but it fell on deaf ears, literally. Once Starry was in the room, Misty turned back and smiled at Fire.

“Well, come on,” Fire motioned to the rest as he chuckled, holding the door open until all of them were inside.

Dash made her way into the room, which was dark due to the lights being off. She wondered why they were brought to this room specifically.

“Did they get all our stuff?” Lightning asked as he reached for the light switch and threw it on.

Dash squinted for a moment as the lights blinked on, but once they adjusted they focused on the center of the room.

“WOOHOO! We’re in business!” Surprise cheered as she bounced towards the center of the room.

The unused barracks was bare of any living necessities, only the bunk frames and mattresses lined up along the walls. The only thing out of place in the empty template was a pile of Shadowbolt uniforms and goggles that sat in the center of the room.

“Oh man…” Dash chuckled to herself, drawing Squall’s attention.

“What?” he asked curiously.

“WHAT?!” Twister asked from her other side. Dash pushed her wing down over Twister’s head before turning to Squall.

“I’ve encountered the Shadowbolts more than once before I even became a Wonderbolt… fought against them too, remember?” she reminded him of their talk in the Cloudsdale hotel. “This is gonna be weird,” Dash said with a smirk.

“Hmph…” Squall replied in his usual fashion.


“As you,” Dash finished for Twister as she thrust her other wing down to catch him as he appeared between her and Squall. She looked towards Squall as he simply faced forward, a blank, stoic look on his face. “By the way… thanks for helping me console Little Star.”

“I didn’t do anything,” Squall quickly denied.

“Yes you did,” Dash pushed right back as Squall shifted his mane to block her from his view.

“I just wanted her to stop,” he stated as if it meant nothing.

“Because you didn’t want her to worry, right?” Dash added for him.

“No, I—”

“It’s okay to care about somepony, Squall.”

“I’m not… I mean…” Squall growled while glaring at her. “Why do you keep saying that?!”

“Squall, I’m not trying to imply anything here,” Dash looked at him seriously. Twister popped up behind Squall, holding what looked like tiny figures of Squall and Little Star. He was wearing a sign around his neck that read: ‘I AM’ as he touched the noses of the two tiny figurines together while grinning from ear to ear.

Dash shot him a heavy glare, causing him to duck back down as Squall glanced over his shoulder. “You can care about another pony without it implying there’s something between you two. That’s something that comes with being a friend. I only say it because I can see it. You care about Little Star. You’ve naturally responded to the ways she’s treated you and stuck up for you. Or am I wrong?” she lifted an eyebrow and tipped her head. “You wouldn’t be faking this… would you?”

Squall looked down at his hooves, a silence growing between them for a moment as the sounds of squad three looking over the Shadowbolt uniforms filled the audible void for several seconds.

“No,” Squall said weakly as he turned his head away, but kept looking down.

“No, what?” Dash sought clarification.

“I’m not faking it,” he answered. “I wouldn’t do that to her…”

“And that’s all I wanted to hear,” Dash smiled while turning to face in the same direction.

“Yeah, yeah…” Squall grumbled.

“Be proud of it,” Dash quickly encouraged. “And hold onto it.”

Squall didn’t respond, but lack of response was often a sign he was thinking things over. While Dash didn’t want him to feel conflicted right before a dangerous mission, she wanted him to acknowledge what he was doing. After all, caring about something or somepony yielded a strength of its own that he could draw upon.

“Alright,” Fire Streak spoke up while turning to Starry Skies. “Starry, now that we have our whole troupe and the disguises put together—” he motioned to the Shadowbolt uniforms spread out on the floor— “Could you give us a rundown on typical behavioral norms within the Shadowbolt environment?”

“First what we’re like, now how we act?” Starry grumbled in frustration. Fire nodded.

“My squad never misses any details. We must have as much knowledge as possible if we are to successfully impersonate or imitate,” he explained as he beckoned Lightning, Surprise, and Misty Fly.

“Fine…” Starry rolled her eyes as Fire Streak turned around to face foxtrot and zero.

“Everypony gather in and pay attention!” he ordered before turning to Princess Luna, who had been more or less sitting quietly throughout everything. “I beg your forgiveness, Princess,” Fire bowed. “We understand you are merely here to use your spell, but we need to get through every tidbit.”

“That is quite alright Third Captain Fire Streak,” Luna gave him a smile and a nod. “We are at your disposal. This is a Wonderbolt operation, and we are ready to assist however it may be. Do what thou must, then we shall help you before reporting to our role in the operation.”

“Your patience is divine, milady,” Fire bowed again.

“Sheesh bro, suck the royal teat some more…” Lightning spoke up in his usual, casual fashion, causing Fire to flinch and sharply turn to glare at his twin. But Fire only sighed as Surprise burst out laughing, falling onto her back as Starry Skies also snorted and covered her mouth. When Luna failed to hold back a snicker, Fire sighed in defeat and refocused.

“WELL THEN!” he yelled out before forcing a smile towards Starry, his eyes shifting between her and Misty Fly, who was silently giggling while Surprise relayed what happened to her. “Please, enlighten us,” he asked while motioning to himself and the Wonderbolts in the room.

“Apparently you all need to know how Shadowbolts behave…” Starry began with a slightly awkward tone. “It’s starting to creep me out how much you guys are asking about us, but apparently you’re onto some wild idea of how to breach the fortress. So listen, cause I’m only gonna explain this once.” She made sure to point out how much she didn’t want to be there.

As she began, Dash glanced at Squall and Twister. Twister was poking Squall in the shoulder constantly. Squall kept glaring and growling at him.

“Twister, stop,” Dash whispered as Starry went on.

“Being a Shadowbolt is all about toughness. Our code dictates that strength runs parallel with respect. So the stronger and more dominant you are, the higher up you are considered. This method, over the years, has been both effective… and hilariously stupid.”

“Come again?” Fire asked while lifting an eyebrow.

“Shut up, I’m talking,” Starry angrily pointed at him. “The code has bred an environment where if anypony crosses another, it ends in a fight. It doesn’t matter what it’s about. Simply bumping into somepony in the hallway or swiping the last dessert in our meal hall is just as likely to start a fight as blatantly sucker punching a fellow Shadowbolt.”

“Squall—!” Dash’s voice caught all their attention just in time to see Squall turn and punch Twister right in the face. Twister bounced along the floor until skidding along slowly. Squall looked around at the rest.

“What?! He was poking me!” Squall complained.

“JUST LIKE THAT,” Starry pointed at Squall. “I guess you really found good candidates, huh?” She lifted an eyebrow at Fire. Fire simply lifted his brow while smiling and tapping a hoof to his forehead.

“Yeee!” Luna suddenly yelped as Twister, who never stopped skidding, had slithered up and latched to her arm. Luna was shaking her arm vigorously, trying to get him off.

“Yeah… I’d say you picked the right ones,” Starry reiterated before turning back to them. “That’s the core of the usual shenanigans. Fights break out regularly and over the dumbest things, but our code is that the strongest leads, so Shadowbolts are always trying to assert dominance whenever they can,” she paused and watched as Surprise tried to help pull Twister off of Luna. “Idiocy is common as well, and I know you guys have that one down…”

“Any little things, other info you can give us?” Fire asked.

“I’m getting to that,” Starry snapped at him. “Something else that is common are little factions. Groups tend to form, usually around five or six Shadowbolts who act like a ring of trust. They look after each other and help if others get into scuffles… at times.”

“Dude…” Lightning interrupted. “How the hell did you guys ever work? Sounds like it was a grade-A shit show to me.”

Starry Skies stomped up to him and got in his face while scowling.

“You’ve never known the leadership of Dante or Nightshade,” she said in a very harsh tone with a growl in the back of her throat. Lightning merely reclined his neck back with his nonchalant expression remaining in place. “What the strongest says, goes. I’ve seen ponies die BRUTAL deaths for challenging the word of the Shadowbolt leader. Rule by strength is also rule by FEAR.”

“Yo… like… yeah… I get it…” Lightning replied casually. Starry snorted, her ears folding back as she didn’t get the desired reaction from him. With an annoyed grunt, she pulled back and continued.

“There have been many occasions where ‘alliances’ were formed between these small groups, so the fact that you have ten will work to your advantage. Though…” she paused and thought for a moment. “I heard something about drawing out the Shadowbolts before you head in, right?” she asked, earning a nod from Fire Streak. “Then you may want to assess the situation depending on how many Shadowbolts are sent out, if they send out any at all. It would also be wise to mix respect in with the challenges. Don’t engage every Shadowbolt directly. Let some appear dominant to you. Move aside for them sometimes, don’t get in their way… don’t be afraid to challenge them back if they come at you though, it will make it more believable. The more gritty you appear, the more convincing it will be, just don’t overdo it. Make it natural.”

“Question,” Playbitz suddenly raised a hoof, bringing all eyes to him. “Won’t it be clear that we’re imposters even with color changes? I mean, don’t the Shadowbolts know their own members?”

“Remember the groups I mentioned?” Starry quickly replied. “You’d be surprised how unwilling some of the Shadowbolts are to work with each other, much less remember each other’s names. It’s all about making a name for yourself, making a living, and not letting anypony get in your way. Granted that nothing with the crystals comes into play, as long as you follow everything I’ve just said, you’ll fit right in.” She cleared her throat and turned to Fire Streak. “That should do it.”

“Indeed, that was a very complete explanation, thank you,” Fire complimented with a nod.

“Yeah, sure, whatever,” Starry rolled her eyes. “Now if you’ll excuse me…”

“Hold on,” Fire quickly stopped her. “Would you mind staying just a little longer? I’d like to get your opinion on a few things.”

“For the love of… UGH!” Starry groaned before sitting down and brooding. “FINE! Just, seriously! I wasn’t kidding about having things to do!”

“My apologies,” Fire chuckled as he beckoned his squad. “Let’s get these uniforms sorted out.”

As squad three rummaged through the uniforms, Dash glanced over towards squad zero. It had been a while since she had gotten a chance to interact with them. She was curious about how Shine was doing. Both of them had a bunch of idiots to keep under control, but aside from that, the two related well. Not to mention their similar skills and personalities.

With a few minutes to spare, Dash decided to take the chance. They were about to go on a mission together. They had already worked together once, but it was spur of the moment. This was a real, planned out mission.

“A mission with our squads together, huh?” Dash led as she walked up beside Shine. She expected a snarky or confident response, but Shine didn’t say anything, she didn’t even look at her. “Shine?” Dash called her name while tipping her head. “You okay?” She gave Shine a little poke.

“Huh?” Shine looked up at Dash, blinked and shook her head out. “Oh, sorry… Just a little nervous,” she admitted with a weak smile.

“Whoa, wait a second, you? Nervous?” Dash looked her over. That was new. Shine was typically spunky and full of energy just like she was. There was that moment with Silver after they fought off the Shadowbolts where she showed some vulnerability, but that was after taking a beating.

“Our squad is under a lot of pressure, Dash,” Shine explained with a sigh. “We were brought in on high expectations and… we haven’t really delivered.”

“What are you talking about?” Dash reacted. “How can you say that? We’re still alive thanks to you guys. We definitely wouldn’t have gotten the compound started without your help. Hell, Calm saved Rivet and Fleetfoot from taking a hit that might have killed them both.”

“That was more of a miracle though,” Shine chuckled. “Things went to hell and we somehow managed to make it work. Here?” she shook her head. “This is a real operation and a lot of trust is being put in us.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I guess ‘anxious’ would be a better word. We keep getting more and more chances to prove ourselves that I don’t think we deserve. It won’t keep happening forever. If we screw this up, that’s it… I can’t see them trusting us again. I’m surprised they trust us now.”

“You guys can do it,” Dash answered with a scoff and gave Shine a hearty pat on the back. “Keep that chin up, you guys are some of the most impressive ponies I’ve ever seen! The Wonderbolts brought you all in for your natural talents and you stand among the Wonderbolt elites in terms of skill and ability with minimal training.”

“Thanks, but…” Shine frowned, furrowing her brow. “I think it’s become clear it takes more than talent to succeed. We’ve got awesome moves, we’ve got natural talent, but it has yet to really be the answer to any of this. The discipline and the drive of the real elite Wonderbolts has been what’s kept us all alive. We’re just a wild card.” She turned and smiled at Dash. “Sometimes I wish I could have experienced it like you have, Dash.”

“Becoming a Wonderbolt?” Dash asked, just confirming.

“Yeah,” Shine looked up at the ceiling. “Starting from the bottom, being a part of a group who grows and learns together, having great mentors like Soarin and Silver Lining. We didn’t get that. I never thought I’d be a Wonderbolt. I never once considered it, but now that I’m here I see what I could have had, had I tried. I envy you, Dash.”

Dash returned her smile, while also realizing this was the second pony in a few hours to confess envy to her. Did she really have it so good? She had been to hell and back. It wasn’t easy, but she had gained so much, much more she ever would have had she just stayed home, been lazy, and move clouds for a living.

“Instead of having a cushion and working my way through, I’m put on the spot, in command, and under pressure. It’s a little hard to deal with sometimes…” she trailed off as she leaned and looked past Dash, lifting an eyebrow.

Dash looked over her shoulder to see Playbitz trying to be buddy-buddy with Squall… which was kind of working, while Twister kept somehow finding Swift, despite him using his blending in tactics and riding around on him.

“And on top of it, I have to keep these dummies under control,” Shine sighed as they watched Squall growl at Playbitz and Swift turn the tables on Twister.

“I know the feeling too well…” Dash grunted while rubbing her forehead.

It was funny, the more Dash thought about it, the more she felt foxtrot and zero were near parallels of each other. They both had a big, strong bruiser, a pony with a scarred face, a weird or silly pony, and a captain who was brash, confident, and could copy the abilities of her own Squad. It was off just a little bit with Little Star being the odd one out as the fifth on a five member recruit squad, but everything else ran side by side. Their personalities differed a bit, but in terms of function, look, and ability, they were almost mirror images. While their first encounter was… interesting and a little violent, every encounter since they had gotten along just fine. Dash felt this would help them work together now as well.

“So…” Shine suddenly spoke again as she ignored the shenanigans. “About this little connection you have with Soarin…”

Dash’s ears pointed straight up and she flinched. THAT came out of nowhere. And… yeah… Shine had a crush on Soarin, Dash knew this. They had talked about it before, what was she supposed to say here?

“Errrrrrrummmmm…” Dash slurred as she tried to buy time, but Shine only giggled.

“Stop…” she gave Dash a playful jab as she laughed. “I know, I know. I could easily talk about how jealous I am, but I just got done doing that over something else, so I’ll spare you,” she said while sticking her tongue out. “But, really I am…” she snorted and made a funny face. “Look at me being all her-derp, super depressing right now!” she continued as Dash snickered at her face.

“Hey, look…” Dash put a hoof on Shine’s shoulder as she slowly stopped chuckling. “I know we’ve been through this, but I want you to know I don’t feel threatened by you or anything…” Dash honestly didn’t know what else to say, and felt a little awkward.

“Hey, it’s simple,” Shine ceased the goofiness in favor of sounding genuine. “It doesn’t matter how much I like him. He chose you, he loves you, he’s happy. Besides… I’m willing to admit my infatuation with him is more of a… girlish celebrity crush. But hey,” her face turned goofy again, looking up while biting her lip and blushing. “Can you blame me? That handsome face… those muscles… that plot… eh hehehe…” she giggled as Dash stifled a laugh by puffing up her cheeks.

“Hey now… that’s enough,” Dash waved her hoof sheepishly while starting to blush a little herself. “Though I won’t disagree…”

“But really…” Shine replaced her blushy face with a smile. “I do care about him. I’ve been so tense and under pressure since coming here and he’s done nothing but make me feel welcome and comfortable. He’s always been so nice, greeting me with a smile despite our controversial status in the ranks. He really has helped me a lot… I can’t help but feel a little flushed and giddy when he’s around. And that’s exactly why I hope he’s okay. He’s a special stallion, Dash.”

“He definitely is…” Dash agreed with a warm smile while putting a hoof over her heart. “And he’ll come back. So what if a mountain fell on him, that’s not enough to hold that stubborn doofus down.”

Shine returned Dash’s smile, but suddenly perked up as she felt something tap her shoulder. She looked to her right, but there was nothing. She immediately flattened her brow.

“Swift…” she grumbled as an invisible snicker sounded from nearby. Dash shook her head.

“I guess for now we’ll just have to deal with—”


Dash yelped and angrily looked behind her as Twister scurried off with a clown horn, flailing his arms.

Dash and Shine looked at each other and both shrugged.

“Is this the right room?!”

Rivet’s voice suddenly came from behind them. All eyes turned to see him grunt and scrunch his face.

“Finally!” he sighed as he walked in. “I’d appreciate more specific directions next time, I looked in every barracks for you guys.” Rivet had his work goggles propped up on his forehead. He was covered in oil and grease marks, looking like he was literally just pulled away from his work on short notice. He had a pair of Shadowbolt goggles dangling around one of his wings.

“Ah, Rivet!” Fire Streak acknowledged him as he entered. “I hope our requests weren’t too much trouble.”

Rivet shook his head as he walked past Dash and Shine towards Fire Streak.

“It was no problem, all but one of the projectors were still in one piece. It only took a moment to replace the broken parts. I’m having my staff move them into the lobby as we speak,” he explained as he opened his wing and dropped the pair of Shadowbolt goggles into his hoof. “I was able to—”


He was interrupted by another blast from Twister’s clown horn. He blinked and looked over in time to see Dash taking a swipe at Twister while scolding him. Swift appeared behind Shine, ready to rest his hooves on her head again, but Playbitz pulled him away and put him in a headlock at the last second.

Rivet lifted an eyebrow and shook his head before turning back to Fire.

“I was able to enhance this pair of goggles with the experimental x-ray technology as requested, though I admit it was a little difficult with the smaller, different shape. I didn’t have time to fully test it, but it should work as long as you don’t get too rough with them.” He reached out and handed the pair of goggles to Fire Streak, who held them up and looked them over.

“Ah, I see. The controls are all in the same place,” he nodded as he eyed the small buttons and switches on the sides. “Thank you, Rivet.”

“No problem, now I need to—”

“Hey! Rivet!” Lucky suddenly popped his head in from the door. “The lever cable snapped again!”

“What?!” Rivet’s jaw dropped as the rest looked between Rivet and the former mail pony. They all figured it had something to do with repairing the compound’s flight mechanisms. “Who keeps breaking it?!” Rivet fumed before pointing at Lucky. “Tell those idiots not to touch anything else on the bridge before I can get back up there!”

“You’re the boss!” Lucky gave a wave before quickly heading back out. Rivet sighed and turned back to Fire Streak.

“Anything else you need from me?” he asked with a tone of frustration. Fire chuckled and shook his head.

“No, that will be all… you look like you’ve got your hooves full,” Fire commented as Rivet rolled his eyes.

“You have no idea…” he replied before spreading his wings and taking off towards the door in a hurry.

Fire streak took another look at the pair of enhanced goggles before looking around at everypony and smiling confidently.

“Alright, time to suit up,” he nodded. Everypony stepped forward and sat down nearby to receive a uniform. Princess Luna also came forward, ready and waiting to use her magic for the cosmetic changes. She flinched after taking a few steps as Twister appeared right before her, bent over in a pleading manner.

“MAKE ME PRETTY!!!” he whined with a feminine tone, his eyes donning fake eyelashes. As he grabbed her arm and shook it. Luna tried to back away, an uneasy look written all over her face, but she only dragged him along with him.

“Dammit, Twister!” Dash groaned as he continued to misbehave. “Please respect the Princess’ personal space!” Dash ordered. Twister shifted beside Luna and motioned to her.

“BUT SHE TAKES UP SO MUCH!” he cackled as his head tipped to the right and kept turning until it was upside down.

EXCUSE US?!” Luna reacted in shock as she glared down at Twister, but he vanished seconds later.

Dash didn’t even look. She just thrust her hoof out to the side. Twister’s face ran directly into it, thwarting another attempt to blow the clown horn in her face. At the same time, Shine reached out into thin air and wrapped her arm around something. Swift became visible in her grip, gasping as Shine held him in a headlock.

“Swift… that’s enough,” Shine narrowed her eyes at him.

“Just… practicing… for… the… mission!” Swift sputtered in her grip.

“Right…” Shine rolled her eyes and let go, letting Swift drop right to the floor.

“HEY!” Surprise bounced over to them. “Silly things are going on over here! I like it!” she beamed, but then dropped Shadowbolt uniforms at Dash and Shine’s hooves. “It’ll be even sillier when we put these on!” She kept beaming as she turned and bounced away to put on one of her own.

“Well… here goes,” Dash said to herself as she picked up the Shadowbolt uniform.

The moment she held it in her hooves it didn’t feel right. She stared at it for a long time before even looking for the holes to put it on. Sure, the Renegades wore an altered version of it, but no matter how many times she looked at it, she associated it with the enemy. And now… she was going to be wearing it. How ironic.

She looked around to see she was the only one who hadn’t started yet, so she pushed her inner thoughts aside and turned the suit around until she found where to start. She slowly, awkwardly slipped her limbs in first, pulling the suit up her body with her teeth until she had it around her back and up to her chest. She felt herself shivering as she continued. Why so much hesitation? Did it really feel that wrong? She found her mind slowly turning to something…


The memories were ever fresh and still disturbing. Nightshade’s involvement in the current situation or if she was even alive had still yet to be determined, but the fact remained that this all began through her or at least with her as an extension. Wearing the same uniform as her was going to look weird and feel wrong. Was she the only one who felt that way?

As she readied to stretch the mask over her head, she looked up.

Everypony else was already fully dressed…

Yeah, she was the only one. Dash took a deep breath, and pulled the Shadowbolt mask over her head. She closed her eyes as the latex nestled down against her fur, waiting a moment or two before opening her eyes.

Despite how she felt during the process… in the end she felt fine. In fact, her interest was instantly drawn away as she examined everypony around her. It looked so backwards it was almost funny.

Starry Skies, out of interest she couldn’t hide, was up and walking around while examining the Wonderbolts in Shadowbolt garb. She stopped right in front of Squall, who had sat right back down after putting on his issued uniform as if nothing had changed. He wasn’t wearing the flight mask.

“Damn,” Starry cracked a smirk as she looked Squall over. “I don’t even think we need the color change with you, you look like the genuine article, that scar really sells it.”

Squall replied by scowling at her and growling as if she was making light of him. Starry lifted an eyebrow and pointed.

“Exactly, keep up that attitude and they won’t suspect a damn thing,” she acknowledged. Squall’s expression quickly lightened when he realized he played right into it. He grunted and looked away as if interested in something else.

“Hey!” Playbitz scooted over to Starry and pointed to his scars. “How about me? Pretty mean looking badass, huh?” he bounced his eyebrows. Starry just stared at him before lifting her brow with an unamused expression.

“No, you still look like a goober,” she flatly commented before turning and moving on.

“Awwww…” Playbitz forced a depressed tone as Fire Streak took the center of attention once more.

“Good fits? Everypony comfortable?” he asked as he went around. He stopped in front of Dash as she looked at him with a smirk. Fire tipped his head curiously while sending a smirk of his own right back. “Why the look, Miss Dash?”

“Oh, nothing…” Dash shook her head while chuckling. “It’s just…” she looked past him towards Lightning Streak, Misty Fly, and Surprise. “It’s so weird seeing top elite Wonderbolts wearing Shadowbolt uniforms.”

Fire Streak looked over his shoulder at his Squad as they all examined each other. Misty and Surprise had their masks pulled down already and were looking themselves over. Surprise pulled a mirror out of nowhere and slammed it down before wiggling her plot at it.

“Hmmmmmmmmm…” Surprise hummed while narrowing her eyes to give it a careful examination. “Does this color make my butt look big?”

“I dunno,” Lightning Streak began no less than half a second after she asked, leaning back towards her plot. “Lemme take a closer look—OW!” he yelped as Misty Fly grabbed him by the tail and yanked him away, easily deducing by his motions alone what was going on. “Sheesh,” Lightning scratched the back of his head as Misty glared at him. “I just can’t win…”

Misty gave him a stern nod before turning and flashing one of her usual cute, bright smiles… which completely and utterly clashed with the Shadowbolt uniform and mask.

“Yes…” Fire Streak chuckled as he turned back to Dash. “It does look quite interesting, doesn’t it?”

“And unconvincing,” Starry Skies sharply cut in as she approached Fire and Dash. “You’ve impressed me with how many details are being covered, but…” she looked over at the rest of squad three. “You guys look way too happy, are you sure you can pull this off?”

“Oh…?” Fire smirked while leaning slightly closer to Starry and giving her smug eyes. Starry leaned back slightly in disgust, but before she could react, Fire turned away and approached Misty Fly.

Misty’s eyes naturally brightened and her tail swished back and forth across the floor when she saw Fire approaching her. Her eyes quickly changed and focused as Fire sat down, unfolded his wings, and held his arms up. He pointed to Starry, touched and slid his hoof from the back of his chin to the front, and then held his arms out in front, chopping his hooves diagonally downward below his chest.

Misty blinked and leaned to her right, taking a long, careful look at a confused Starry Skies. She lifted an eyebrow before sitting back down and focusing on Fire. She smiled as she pointed a hoof to her chest, then tapped her hooves to the edges of her chest, and then pointed at the floor while shooting him a wink. Fire nodded and subtly shifted aside.

The moment Fire had cleared a lane between Misty and Starry, Misty launched herself from her spot, wings spread and gliding as she zoomed towards Starry.

“WHAT THE?!” Starry shuffled her hooves and squared herself up, crossing her hooves in front to guard as Misty rammed her.

Gasps rang out from everypony else as they stood up or backed away from the sudden clash.

“GRH!” Starry growled as she planted her back hooves. They skidded along the floor as Misty forced her backwards and all the way to the wall, crashing against it roughly. Starry opened her eyes and glared, but was met with the terrifying face of Misty.

Misty was baring her teeth, growling and snarling loudly from the back of her throat. Her face was completely scrunched into a terrifying scowl that made Dash and the others outside of squad three cringe in fright.

After a hapless struggle, Starry failing to remove herself from the wall or push back against Misty, Misty suddenly let up. She shed the horrific expression in an instant and pulled Starry off the wall while grinning confidently. Misty couldn’t speak, but every bit of her expression screamed ‘how about that?’

Starry flattened her brow and snorted, but then turned to Fire and nodded.

“Alright…” she sighed and pointed at Misty. “That was pretty damn convincing.”

Misty turned to Fire, hoping to get confirmation on what Starry said. Fire simply gave her a nod and a wink. Misty smiled brightly while clapping her hooves together victoriously.

“This is part of our act, Starry,” Fire explained while walking up and sitting beside Misty. “We’re experts at getting into character at a moment’s notice.”

Surprise suddenly zipped right past Starry and rammed herself into Fire’s side.

“Ooof!” Fire grunted and barely stopped himself from falling flat. He looked up in time to see Surprise directly in front of his face.

“HEY!” she yelled, her voice slightly deeper with a raspy tone. “I heard you like shit talking behind my back!”

Fire didn’t miss a beat. He puffed his chest out and stomped up to Surprise, butting heads with her.

“Oh yeah?!” Fire shot back, his voice free of the usual gentlestallion softness. “I just say it how it is!”

Starry flinched as Lightning Streak grabbed her by the shoulder, pushing her aside as he trudged up to Fire and Surprise.

“YO!” he yelled, his voice altered to sound much harsher than his usual casual tone. “WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT MY MARE?!”

Fire shoved Surprise aside and reached up, grabbing the neck of Lightning’s Shadowbolt uniform and tugging it towards him.

“You want a piece of me, ass-clown?!” Fire barked into his face.

Dash was watching with her jaw dropped and her ears flopped down. This looked so very, very wrong… It was so unbelievably out of character for all of them… but that was the point wasn’t it?

“Bring it!” Lightning Streak barked right back at his twin as the two thrust at each other and locked their arms, grappling, grunting, and growling as Surprise cheered behind them.

“Tear his ugly wings and face off!” Surprise shouted while pumping her arms into the air. As they continued to fight for dominance, Misty suddenly stepped in and grabbed them both around the necks. She thrust them both to the floor in a way that looked both incredibly rough and painful. Fire and Lightning struggled under her grip, but she delivered several ‘kicks’ to both of them, which they reacted to as if really being hit.

After a few more seconds, they all froze in place.

“Well…?” Fire turned his head to show he had not taken any serious hit at all despite how hard Misty threw him down. “How was that?” he asked as Misty let him up. He stood up with Misty, Surprise, and Lightning Streak all smiling beside him.

Everypony else, Starry, Luna, Foxtrot, and Zero… all just stared with wide eyes and nearly unhinged jaws.

“I dunno bro, I think we knocked ‘em dead!” Lightning laughed while reaching a hoof over to Surprise. Surprise giggled and accepted the hoof bump before they both exchanged one with Misty as well.

“Uh…” Starry was speechless. In fact, she looked like she was trying to avoid smiling. “Wow… that was pretty accurate. Well…” she scratched her head. “Maybe it was a little much for an everyday scuffle, but make no mistake, I’ve seen fights like that happen. I’d keep the intensity down a tad just in case. You may pull other Shadowbolts in otherwise. But… DAMN!” she sounded completely convinced now. “You weren’t kidding… that was pretty damn good.”

“It’s what we do,” Fire bowed, prompting Lightning Surprise, and Misty to all bow as well.

“Keep that up. The ‘never back down’ mindset will help you blend in, but like I said, keep in mind to respect some as well, especially if you come across one of their commanders,” Starry added a few more tips before turning to the rest, who will still staring in awe. “You see what they just did guys? Take mental notes and do the same, it may just be the difference between life and death.”

“And on that note,” Fire cleared his throat and turned to Luna, pulling up the flight mask and strapping the pair of X-ray goggles over the top of his head and moving them into place. “Everypony gear up and gather around.”

“Time for makeup! Woo!” Surprise squealed giddily as the rest came forward.

Dash gulped as she took her place beside the rest and Fire gave the nod to Princess Luna. Now on top of wearing the uniform, they were going to be given a color change as well. Dash was very proud of her appearance, more so than most knew. The rainbow mane was something she flaunted with pride, but obviously, it would completely give her away in this instance. It was only temporary, but it would still be weird. She took a deep breath as Luna closed her eyes and her horn began to glow.

As Luna built up her spell, Dash kept her eyes on the blue light. It reminded her of Soarin, even though it was a slightly different shade. He had loosely been on her mind the whole time, but couldn’t help but wonder how he was faring. She hadn’t felt any other magic strains in her spirit. She could only hope he had found safety.

Soarin would be fine, which she told herself over and over again. She believed in him, and knew he would come back… besides, he would want her to focus on her responsibilities and duties. That’s something he liked about her after all, she was determined and focused. So… she put her faith in him and set her mind to the task at hoof, waiting for Luna’s spell.

A few moments later, Luna opened her eyes, a dark blue light shining from them as the glow around her horn intensified. She lowered her head to point her horn at the group and a wide beam of blue light extended forth.

They all stood completely still as the light surrounded them and moved up and down them. Luna exhaled and brought her head back up, the glow from her horn and the light all fading.

“There we go,” Luna nodded with a smile.

Dash blinked and looked down at her exposed hoof… it was… yellow?

She looked up, but before she could examine anypony else, her eyes landed on Starry, who stared in disbelief.


---To Be Continued---

Author's Notes:

First two images in this chapter are by: Foxenawolf

third image is by kikirdcz

fourth image by: Scootafail

Oh isn't this gonna be FUN?!:pinkiecrazy:

And wow, i really forgot how much i like writing squad three, it's been a while since i've given them focus as a group. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this whole sequence :scootangel:

And awwwwww. Silver can't help but treat Dash like the daughter he never had, as much as he tries to look tough and gruff about it :rainbowlaugh:

And fleet... stahp, i can't breathe.

If it felt like this chapter ended abruptly, thats because, as i have mentioned, i decided to break off the section i had planned for Soarin and Rapidfire in this chapter. I instead want that to be it's own chapter (it's only 6000 words, but believe me, it would have completely overshadowed the events you all just read... which i didnt want to happen.)

Chapter 113 is done, im just waiting on some art for it. But thats fine, i wanted to make sure everyone had the weekend to read this long chapter first :twilightsmile: And i've already started on chapter 114 :pinkiecrazy: Huzzah for productivity! :twistnerd:

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! :eeyup:

Next Chapter: Chapter 113: The Death of a Dream Estimated time remaining: 84 Hours, 22 Minutes
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