
Newborn Mare

by nanashi_jones

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Reunion in France

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The way into New York was easy; cruising along in the emergency vehicle lane, past the massive entering-the-city traffic jam, was a rush. But, once we got through the checkpoint at the city’s limits, things slowed down. A lot.

Streets went the wrong way (if they went at all), cars drove around on clouds of their own smoke, sidewalks were ten stories up, certain buildings were polka-dotted or candy striped, and, of course, there were the New Yorkers themselves.

“Freaking get off that thing!” Stephanie yelled out the window at someone.

“I am, bitch!” shot back a man shuffling through a crosswalk that spiralled above the street.

Stephanie fumed, slamming back into her seat. “Great. Discord must’ve gotten to the populace, already,” she said, rubbing at her eyes.

“Nah, they’re just being New Yorkers,” I said.

Stephanie rolled her eyes, but I got a chuckle out of Alphonse. He was on his phone, checking in with local officials. They were trying to help us navigate the mess. Key word: trying.

“So. Element of Honesty, you’re certain that Pinkie and Rainbow will meet us at the hospital?” Stephanie asked, tapping her fingers impatiently on the dash.

“We’re in a crisis,” I replied. “They’ll be there. Certain.” I watched the city pass by. Last time I had been here was... New York Comic-Con. Damn. That felt like forever ago.

“And Pinkie will get there by hopping on passing cars,” Alphonse said, deliberately. Not for the first time.

“Yes,” Erishy confirmed. “Rainbow’s a very strong flier, but carrying Pinkie that far would really wear her out. It’s better for Pinkie to… hop.”

Al lapsed into the special kind of quiet that came from adjusting to Pinkie Pie for the first time.

“The show didn’t exaggerate her… energy,” Raritony piped in. “Pinkie really is that, well, Pinkie.”

“And you guys deal with all that… how?” Alphonse asked.

I shrugged. “The same way we roll with anypony else. It’s just who she is.”

“Yeah, but-”

“No, Al. Really,” Stephanie said, smirking at him. “Fan of the show, here. Just… any buts, or qualifiers or anything you’re trying to figure out, just don’t. She’s Pinkie. Just accept that she’s like a Looney Tunes character made real, right here on Earth.”

Alphonse made a noncommittal noise, and went back to checking his phone. I knew how he felt, but the sooner he got over Pinkie Pie, the saner he’d be in the long run.

After a few more regular roads, and a number of upside down, backwards, or inside out traffic lights, we arrived at New York Presbyterian Hospital.

Much like every other building in the city, it was impressive. Big and white, it sat against the Hudson River like a pearl beacon. Well, a beacon with a mob out front. It wasn’t quite Woodstock-level crowding, but was still an impressive gathering of folks.

As we were waved through the barricades, people waved signs. Of all varieties. Some held up posters calling us heroes. Saying that some of the other signs weren’t as kind would be an understatement.

Raritony put a hoof over May’s eyes.

“I’m not a little filly, you know,” May said, facing her sister.

“Nor am I ignorant,” Raritony replied. “But I don’t want to see that kind of language, so I’m saving you the brain cells.”

Erishy shivered as she looked at the window, then turned to me. “Can I have a hug?” she asked, softly.

“Sure, sug,” I said, wrapping her up.

After what felt like an eternity weaving through barricades, we arrived at the actual building. Police directed us past the front entrance and around back, to the parking garage. I was definitely relieved to be well away from the shouting mob.

We pulled to a stop and Stephanie hopped out. “Okay. I’ll go check on things, and make sure you guys can get in without any trouble,” she said.

“Thanks, sugarcube,” I said.

Stephanie nodded and headed inside. Just as she disappeared into the building, I caught the telltale whistle of a very fast pegasus coming in for a landing.

“Hey! You! Guuuuuuuuys!”

We exited the car just in time to watch Markus Dash execute one of her “three point landings plus mane flip.” She looked good. Her eyes were a lighter maroon and she sported a band-aid on one cheek, but she was whole and there. One more friend by our side as we headed into the fray. It sure put a smile on my face.

“Dash!” I called out, trotting over to her. I smirked. “Nice jacket. You raid the Top Gun set, or something?”

Dash smirked back at me, dusting at the front of bomber jacket. “You wish you were this cool, Rae Jay,” she said, tossing her mane the other way.

We grinned for one more second, then caught each other up in a fierce hug.

“Damn good to see ya, Dash,” I said, voice a little tight.

“Likewise, RJ,” she replied, in the same tone.

“Rainbow! I mean, Dash! Sorry,” Erishy said, limping over with Raritony by her side.

Dash’s eyebrow raised. “Celestia’s Beard, Shy! What happened to you?”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Erishy demurred. “Just a few-”


There was another blur of speedy motion and then something PINK slammed into me. We rolled top over tea kettle till I came to rest on my back, Pinkie posed atop my chest.

“Ta-da!” she proclaimed, with flourish of her hoof. Pinkie looked the same as she always did with her poofy hair, and big blue eyes. She had the Element of Laughter slung around her neck, but also wore a black t-shirt that read: “I’m Not Tech Support” and a pair of khaki cargo shorts.

“Pinkie, get off!” I grunted, trying to sit up.

Pinkie hopped down, having the good grace to blush. “Whoops! Sorry about that RJ!” she squeaked. “I was going for a two-point landing and I got an Apple-point landing instead. Oh, look! Everyone’s here! And Shy Shy!”

She zipped away from me, bounded up to Erishy, and took her hoof. I righted myself with a little assistance from Raritony.

“I don’t think anyone else is going to get to say hi, for a minute,” she whispered.

“Eeyup,” I replied, setting my hat back on straight.

“It’s good to see you again,” Erishy said, smiling at Pinkie.

Pinkie smiled back, but it faltered as she took Erishy in. “You got hurt really bad, didn’t you?” she said, gingerly putting a hoof to Erishy’s cheek.

“I’ll heal,” she replied, her eyes still locked on Pinkie.

Pinkie huffed, frowning. “I don’t like seeing you hurt,” she said. “But I like seeing you. This is a very confusing feeling. Do you have an energy drink?”

Erishy blinked. “Um, no?”

“Drat. I’m gonna take a quick nap, then,” Pinkie said. “Say, did ya know-”

Pinkie fell over sideways, mid-ramble.

We all stared at her.

“Is… she dead?” May asked.

Sam padded around us to lick Pinkie’s face. She giggled, then snored.

“She’s fine,” Dash said. “She just wore herself out, trying to keep up with me.”

“And before I could get in any hello’s,” Raritony sighed. “I was so looking forward to meeting her. Well, seeing her again.” She made a face. “I’m having a merge moment, aren’t I?”

“Is that a thing?” I asked, hoisting Pinkie up on my back. She twitched, and muttered something like, “Flux capacitor Cheerios.”

Stephanie returned, walking briskly. “Are we all-” She stopped, seeing the two new arrivals.

“Pinkie? Dash?” she said.

“One and only!” Dash said, flying up to her eye-level. “You the CIA lady RJ told us about?”

“Yeah. Stephanie Chase,” she said, offering her hand.

Dash pushed it into a fist and thumped it. “Pleased to meetcha.” She glanced at my cargo. “And Pinkie’ll say hey, once she’s awake.”

Stephanie nodded.

“Wanna know how she got here?” Alphonse asked. Sam had plopped down next to him.

“She bounced?” Stephanie offered, grinning.

Alphonse shook his head and put his shades on.

“You’ll get there, Al,” I said. “Just got to give it some time.”

“Says the talking pony in a hat,” he replied and leaned against the car. I got the distinct impression he was going to try to ignore the world for a bit.

Stephanie chuckled, then sobered. “So, they’re ready for you guys, but… Sam’s gotta stay outside,” she said.

“She can keep me company,” Alphonse replied, scratching her behind the ear. “Dogs are good.” Sam’s tail thumped on the ground as her tongue lolled out in doggy grin.

“You be a good girl for the nice man,” I said.

She barked. I looked at Erishy, who smiled. “She will. She promises.”

“That’s my girl,” I said, rubbing her side.

Turning away from the happy dog, I made sure Pinkie wouldn’t fall, and took a deep breath. “Okay, y’all. Let’s do this.”

I haven’t visited many hospitals in my life. In either of my lives, human or pony. In Ponyville, doctors came to Sweet Apple Acres, or in my human life I was in offices with muzak and watercolor paintings of seaside vistas. So hospitals are the big time. Super sick. Even when I visited Dash with her busted wing, it felt… heavy. Serious. Being inside New York Presbyterian felt no different.

Stephanie took us up an elevator, then we followed a nurse down white hallway after same-ish white hallway. I could distinctly smell antiseptic.

Glancing in doors, we saw empty rooms, or frail-looking people sleeping in beds. Some doors were closed and marked with brightly colored signs, with the groans of the seriously ill echoing out. As we moved deeper into the hospital, we drifted closer together. Erishy leaned against me as we walked. I didn’t mind- I could carry two ponies as easy as one, if I needed to.

Eventually, we came to a door with two armed policemen standing on either side.

“Hey, guys,” Stephanie said, holding up her badge for their inspection.

The men leaned in, inspected it, and nodded. Then they resumed their stance, like a pair of Celestia’s best.

“I’ll stay out here,” Stephanie said, voice soft. “I figure you guys…” Her eyes lingered on the door. I could see “Twilight Sparkle” written on the top of some forms hanging on a clipboard.

“Thanks,” I said, putting a hoof on her leg.

One of the guards was nice enough to open the door for us. Raritony entered first, May close by her side. Then Rainbow went in. Then, Erishy. I came in last, carrying Pinkie.

We all stopped just a foot from the bed.

“Oh my…” Erishy whispered, tearfully.

I could barely see my friend for the IVs in each leg, the tubes in her nose and mouth, and the sensors attached to her chest. It was so crowded, the bedsheet was pulled only halfway up Twilight’s barrel. Machines beeped and made vsssh noises. She looked small. Very small and very frail.

I couldn’t move. I couldn’t process it. Twilight Sparkle. Like this. It was… surreal. I wasn’t alone either. We stood in a semi-circle, just staring for what felt like too long.

Erishy moved first. She walked over to a chair, and climbed up into it.

It snapped the rest of us out of our stupor. Rainbow flapped over to hover at the foot of Twilight’s bed. Raritony and May pushed the other seat to the other side of Twilight, and climbed into it.

Erishy looked Twilight over, blinking back tears. She reached out tentatively and held Twilight’s hoof in her own.

“Oh, Twilight,” she whispered, rubbing Twilight’s hoof against her face.

I eased Pinkie onto the bench under the room’s window. As she slid down, she murmured, “Wanna dance?”

It got me smiling. Even in her sleep, Pinkie tried for laughter.

Taking one last breath, I trudged over to join Erishy in her chair.

“She looks so fragile,” May whispered.

Tears tracked down Erishy’s face. “I’m sorry,” she told Twilight. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there.”

I wrapped a forearm around Erishy. “Nothing you could do, sugar,” I said. “We were scattered like seeds in a field.”

“Well, we should have done something,” Raritony said, her eyes glassy. “This is no way for Twilight to be. So pale. So… weak.”

We nodded, murmuring agreement. Quiet descended again. Heavy and oppressive.

“I’m sorry I didn’t do my horn exercises,” May blurted out, sniffing. “I’ll start them again really soon, I promise.”

Raritony hugged her sister, stroking her mane. “It’s okay, dear. I think Twilight will forgive you.”

“I’m sorry I was too busy, last Thursday, for tea,” Erishy said, squeezing Twilight’s hoof tight.

I hugged Erishy from the side.

“Sorry I crashed into the meteorology section,” Dash said, sniffling. “It won’t happen again. I promise. But…” She wiped fiercely at her eyes. “You gotta wake up. Or I won’t make any promises for biographies.”

Twilight didn’t respond. She just lay there.

“We miss you,” Raritony said, her voice whisper-soft. “Please come back to us.”

I felt something warm. I looked down, and my Element was glowing. It made me smile.

Raritony blinked, pointing at me. I nodded, pointing back at her. We all caught on after that, looking at one another, seeing light spill off each of our Elements. From her bench, Pinkie giggled in her sleep as her Element glowed.

“We’re all still connected,” I said. “She’ll find her way.”

We held onto each other, warming ourselves by the glow of our Elements.

“She better,” Pinkie yawned. “I still owe her a party.” She stretched, cracking her neck. “Hey everypony, what’s-” She locked eyes on Twilight. “Oh. Oh yeah.”

She slid down to the floor and walked over. Rising up on her hind legs, she looked into the bed, and frowned.

“Yeah. That’s… pretty bad. Wow. Oof. Right in the feels.”

Erishy started to get down, but I stopped her.

“Hey, Pinkie. Trade?” I said, hopping out of the chair.

Pinkie blinked, saw where the vacancy was, and smiled a little as she snuggled up next to Erishy. Erishy smiled her thanks at me, then hugged Pinkie.

Pinkie’s smile faded as she stared intently at Twilight. “She has too many tubes going into her. Like, how did they fit them all?”

“Carefully,” I deadpanned, watching Twilight’s chest rise and fall.

“Well, duh, but…” She sighed, shaking her head. “Nope. I got nothin’. Hey Shy Shy.” She nuzzled Erishy. “We having a rave?”

Erishy blinked at Pinkie. “Huh?”

Pinkie tapped her gem, light still spilling from it. “We’re all glowy. Why isn’t Twilight glowy?”

Raritony spotted Twilight’s tiara sitting on a nearby table. “Well. I don’t see how it can do any harm.” Her horn lit up and the tiara was surrounded in magic.

“New color of magic, huh, Rares?” Dash commented, as Raritony floated the tiara over to Twilight. “I dig it.”

Raritony smiled at Dash as she settled the tiara on Twilight’s head. When it didn’t light up like ours, it hurt.

“Well… she looks better than she did before,” May ventured, after a few minutes.

“Yeah,” Erishy agreed.

Pinkie sighed, frowning. “This really stinks,” she said, her eyes narrowed. “This wouldn’t have happened if we’d woken up in the show.”

I snorted, my smile a bit forced. “Yeah?” I said, raising an eyebrow. “How ya figure that?”

“Weeeeee-EEE-eeell,” Pinkie said. “Our humans would’ve merged with us and we’d have been like, ‘Whoa, new friend in the head!’ rather than blaaaagh pony arms how do? Then, we’d have a morning of shenanigans while we talked about iPods, and cars, and Belgium! Then, Twilight would’ve explained what’s going on, and we’d figure out a way to get the people out of our heads who didn’t want to be ponies, and those who wanted to could stay.”

“And we’d learn a lesson, and there’d be friends,” Erishy said, smiling through her tears at Twilight.

“Instead, there’s just…” Pinkie gestured at Twilight, still beeping, and breathing thanks only to mechanical assistance.

“Real life sucks,” Dash said, flatly.

We nodded.

“Well then,” I said, smirking defiantly. “I guess we’ll… just have to bring a little more of Equestria here.” I tilted my head back, flashing my best apple hawking grin. “We got the necklaces. Maybe we can try showing ‘real life’ a little pony magic.”

Erishy smiled at Twilight, running a hoof through her mane. “I used to wonder what friendship could be…” she started.

Pinkie wrapped a hoof around Erishy’s and mine. “Till you all shared it’s magic with me!”

Dash chuckled, taking my other hoof. “Big adventure.”

“Tons of fun!” Pinkie chirped.

Raritony smiled brightly, hooking a hoof in Dash’s. “A beautiful heart.”

Everyone looked at me. “Faithful and strong,” I said.

“Sharing kindness,” Erishy said.

“It’s an easy feat!” May crowed.

She wrapped a hoof around Raritony’s, then touched her hoof to Twilight’s. A bright, purple light flashed, dazzling us.

“What the-” I yelled, blinking rapidly.

“Look!” Dash exclaimed, pointing at Twilight.

Her Element glowed. A low hum rolled off of it.


We all froze. Twilight opened her eyes.


“She’s awake!” Erishy gasped.

Twilight looked around at each of us. Then, she gagged.

“She’s intubated!” I yelped.

“On it!” Raritony said, magic enveloping the tube in Twilight’s mouth.

“Wait- Rares! We should call the-- or we can just let you do it,” I said, as the tube came free.

Twilight tilted forward and retched. Bile dribbled out on her chest, but that was all. She shuddered, then flopped back down. Laying there, she breathed steadily, on her own.

“Twilight?” Pinkie said, leaning close.

Twilight wheezed in, then out. She smiled. When she spoke, her voice was hoarse and rough, but clear.

“And magic... makes it... all complete,” she said.

On her best day,Pinkie couldn’t have made the smiles we all had. We cried, we cheered, we hugged one another.

Rainbow wiped at her eyes, looking at me. “I can’t believe that worked!” she said. “That was the corniest thing I’ve ever done in my life!” That just got us giggling.

When we’d quieted some, Twilight looked at us tiredly.

“Hey guys,” she said. “Am I... in a hospital?”

“Yeah,” I said, taking her hoof. “You got hurt. Bad.”

“Hurt? She got shot in the head!” Dash said.

“Mar-kus Dash!” Erishy chided.

Twilight’s eyes widened. A hoof drifted to her head and she gingerly touched it, wincing. “Wow,” she said. “I’m not… And I’m alive?”

“Yes. Yes you are, darling,” Raritony said, rubbing her shoulder.

Twilight nodded. “Well… guess that explains the headache, huh?”

We chuckled slightly. Twilight smiled a little more. “No, seriously, can somepony get me some aspirin? I have the worst headache,” she said.

We all laughed at once. Like something out of a cartoon.

“Okay, not joking guys,” Twilight said. “I really need ibuprofen or something.”

Pinkie ran off to get a doctor.

Next Chapter: Chapter 13: Angel and the Badman Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 20 Minutes
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