
A New Dragon in Ponyville

by Vedues

Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

“Oh, Cliff,” Fluttershy said when she opened the front door. She must have taken a bath while she waited, because her fur, mane, and tail were back to normal. “How did your talk with Twilight go?” She stepped back to let him in.

“It went well.” Cliff moved past her to stand in her front room. He noticed Fluttershy's pet rabbit glaring at him from behind his pet bed. “She was worried that you might not speak up if there's something you want or don't want in our... um, is 'relationship' the right word?”

Fluttershy's cheeks turned red. “Maybe? What does it mean when two dragons are in a relationship?

He felt his own cheeks warm a little. “It usually means that they like each other, and want to spend more time together.”

Then... I suppose we are.” She blushed more deeply. “If you still want to be, that is.

“Yes, I do,” Cliff assured her, then he paused. This was the first time he had been in a relationship, and he suddenly felt woefully unprepared for it.

Silence reigned for a few moments until Fluttershy spoke again, “It's nice that Twilight cares.”

“She's a good friend.” And kind of a scary one when she gets angry. “Would you tell me? If there's anything you want, I mean, or if there's something I want that you don't?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, I promise.”

Cliff couldn't decide if he was surprised by the firmness in her voice or not. “Well, anyway, what chores would you like me to do?”

I already finished,” she said apologetically. “Sorry. I have some fresh eggs for you to take home though.”

He sighed. “I'm sorry too, and thank you.” Now attending that meeting seemed like an even bigger waste of time. “Spike and Twilight won't be expecting me home for a few hours. Is there, uh, anything you'd like to talk about until then?”

Fluttershy walked past him and took a seat on her couch. “Well, if you don't mind, I was hoping you would tell me why thinking about Spike made you so upset last night. Unless you're not feeling up to it, of course.

A part of Cliff had been hoping that she wouldn't remember his promise to tell her about that. “I'm as ready as I'll ever be.” He hesitated between the chair and sitting next to her on the couch. “Um, where would you like me?”

She looked away nervously and patted the couch beside her.

It was a little smaller than the couches at Twilight's. Cliff's tail was less than an inch from hers. He didn't mind, of course, but it was strange how he noticed the distance between them now. The young dragon pushed those thoughts away as he focused on the real issue. “You aren't going to like this,” he warned her. “At all. In fact... I'd understand if you need a few days to think about things after I've told you.”

Fluttershy nodded somberly. “Okay.

Cliff took a deep breath and then wrapped himself as deeply in the Stillness as possible. “About one in twelve dragons succumbs to greed at some point in their life. Hatchlings are the most at risk because their emotions are more erratic and they don't have as much practice controlling themselves.

“During my lifetime, three dragons from my coven have gone berserk. Snow Storm was about two hundred years old. He was experimenting with greed-based spells and the emotion got away from him.”

How awful,” Fluttershy whispered.

Cliff nodded his agreement. “Luckily he was outside when it happened. We know what cave he's hibernating in, and his wife goes by every year or so to try and snap him out of it.” He smiled sadly. “I hope she succeeds one of these years. Anyway, the other two were... a lot worse.”

He stiffened as memories he had forced down for years began to awaken. Unlike last night, however, he had the Stillness to keep the emotions they caused in check. “Steel Spines went berserk a few years ago, then Water Drop, just last year. They were both hatchlings when it happened, and it was the same story both times.”

His mouth worked uselessly as he tried to find a way to explain it. “...There was, screaming in the middle of the night. We woke up and saw a fully grown berserker. Most of their families were already dead by then. Grandmother led anydragon who could fight to try and drive the berserker outside... but it wouldn't go.” Cliff could hear his voice shaking as he spoke.

Fluttershy watched silently, her ears flat against her head.

“We tried everything we could, but berserkers will attack anydragon they think is trying to get at their hoard. In this case, that meant the entire coven. We didn't have a choice... we had to...” he took a deep breath, “we killed them.”

The mare at his side gasped and put a hoof across her mouth. “Oh no.

Every wyrm had at least one Burden, a memory that they couldn't bear to face. Cliff's were those two nights. He could still feel the warm blood on his claws, and see the shocked look on Steel Claw's face as he realized that the rest of his family had been killed. In a very sick way, helping to kill Water Drop had been easier. Her entire family already lay dead at her claws.

Just thinking about it now, Cliff felt the urge to jump into the nearest river and scrub until his scales started to come off. “So when I was afraid of going berserk last night, I thought about Spike, and remembered those two killing their families.” A shudder coursed through him. “But that's over now, and I'm back to normal.”

Fluttershy didn't move. A few tears leaked from her eyes.

“I'm so sorry, Fluttershy.” He reached out to her, but she flinched as his claws drew near. The reaction hurt Cliff more than he had expected. The clawed hand dropped to his side. “Please believe that there's nothing I regret more than what happened those nights. I keep thinking that I should have done something, anything differently the day before they transformed. Maybe they would still be here. Maybe we wouldn't have been forced to...”

A pair of hooves wrapped firmly around the young dragon. “I'm sorry,” Fluttershy squeaked. “I-I'm not afraid of you. I was just surprised at what you told me, and I jumped when I realized that you'd stopped talking. Please don't be mad at me.

Cliff froze, then slowly relaxed into her embrace. “I'm not mad. I just... I'm sorry.” He didn't even know if he was apologizing to her, the hatchlings, or himself.

Fluttershy looked up at him with fresh tears in her eyes.“I never realized that that sort of thing would happen. Those poor baby dragons...

Cliff gently returned her hug. “I know. They deserved so much better.”

The two of them remained that way for several minutes. It would have been longer, except Cliff's stomach decided to announce that he only ate half of his breakfast.

The sound made Fluttershy laugh softly. “It's nearly time for lunch, isn't it?”

“Sorry.” Cliff rubbed his rebellious stomach.

She hugged him again, just for a moment. “So, uh, what would you like to eat?”

He blushed a little. “Anything is fine, but... would it be alright if we ate it outside?”

“Of course.” Fluttershy looked up at him curiously. “Why? If you don't mind telling me, that is.”

“Sharing a private meal means something... else, to dragons.”

She turned bright red as realization dawned on her. “Oh, uh, okay.” She looked away. “Should I bring lunch out to you?”

“No, I can help make the meal. It's just, uh, eating in private, that carries that other meaning.”

They were both a little red as Fluttershy led him to the kitchen. “I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable the other day.

“It did make me a bit nervous,” Cliff admitted, “but I knew you didn't mean anything by it.”

“Okay... I'm glad.” The pegasus mare retrieved a head of cauliflower from her fridge and gave him a knife to cut it up with.

He took them. “I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable last night.”

She shook her head. “No, it was... nice.

Sensing that neither of them wanted to dwell on the matter, Cliff decided that a change of subject was in order. “So... could I hear some more of your story?”

Fluttershy smiled gratefully. “Well, actually, I was hoping I could hear more about you. If you don't mind, that is.

“No, that's fine,” Cliff assured her. “Where did I leave off?”

“You just earned your name.”

“Oh, right. It wasn't long after that when Grandmother said I was ready to start helping my parents look for Spike...”

Cliff's first journey had been to a group of relatively small pony towns near the edge of dragon country. Fire Claws had come along to keep him out of trouble. Thankfully, it had been an uneventful trip. The two dragons had spent a few weeks skulking around the edges of each town until they caught one of the ponies alone. “We didn't hurt them,” he promised, “but an interrogation was the only way to make sure nopony in town had a dragon egg in their house somewhere.”

After a few more journeys with his grandmother and/or parents, Cliff had started traveling on his own. His talent for running had allowed him to explore more distant parts of Equestria, and its neighboring countries, in case Spike's egg had been traded to one of them.

He continued describing his travels as the two ate their meal outside. “I think my parents actually came to Ponyville once,” Cliff said. “That was a nearly a decade ago, long before Spike and Twilight moved here.”

“It's too bad they didn't go to Canterlot.” Fluttershy looked up at the distant city.

“They actually did. A couple of times. Canterlot is so large though, and has so many guards to avoid, not to mention Princess Celestia, that it's really no surprise that we didn't find him until now.”

Lunch was concluded partway through a story about Cliff's first visit to minotaur country, but since they were both headed back to town anyway, and Fluttershy asked him to, he continued his tale as they walked into Ponyville.

“I met a minotaur once,” she said after he finished.

“Really? What was he like?” Cliff noticed that he was drawing less attention from the residents of Ponyville than normal. Perhaps Celestia's praise of him that morning was responsible.

“Um... loud.” Fluttershy looked away uncomfortably.

“Yeah, minotaurs aren't exactly subtle, or quiet.”

They reached the spa. Fluttershy stopped at the door. “Thank you for walking me here. I'll see you later, okay?”

“I look forward to it.” Cliff looked around. Nopony seemed to be watching them. He leaned forward and whispered, “Is it, uh, okay if I hug you?”

She smiled and blushed. “I- yes.

Cliff did so, and it felt wonderful.


The rest of the afternoon passed quickly. Twilight was upset about missing her first scheduled workout, and so she decided to multitask. As soon as Cliff put the eggs he had received from Fluttershy away, he was dragged to the basement for an hour of push-ups, sit-ups, and something called 'yoga,' while she went over her list of questions with him. The young dragon answered to the best of his ability, but some questions were completely beyond him. He had no clue, for example, what the chemical makeup of his stomach acid was, nor how it allowed him to digest gemstones.

Spike's new furniture arrived sometime in the afternoon. He and Cliff hauled it upstairs while Twilight continued her reading. Then, with nothing else to do, Cliff taught the younger dragon a spell to increase his senses.

“You'll need to practice casting your spells from time to time,” he explained. “If you don't, your heart will start to forget how they're supposed to feel.”

Spike nodded and ran through his relatively small repertoire. “Hey, Cliff,” he frowned, “are you using magic right now?”

“Yes.” He still had Scale Armor active. “Why?”

“I can sense this kind of... force around you when I'm casting my spells.”

Cliff patted his brother on the back. “Good job, Spike. Most dragons don't learn to sense outside magic this quickly.”

Spike glowed at the compliment. “Do you think my name will have something to do with magic?”

“They usually do.” Cliff reflected on how Spider Climb had earned him his own name. “One day you'll cast a spell that just feels natural, and you'll suddenly realize what you were meant to be called.”

“Awesome.” Spike grinned. “I guess I'd better keep practicing then.”

There was a knock at the door.

“You do that.” Cliff rose to get it. “Just don't forget to practice maintaining spells for longer periods of time.” There's no reason why I should be the only one to suffer.

“Cliff!” three voices shouted as soon as the door opened.

He experienced a flashback to the hatchlings at Redstone as the Cutie-Mark Crusaders tackled him to the floor.

“Where have you been for so long?” Sweetie Belle asked, bouncing up and down on his chest.

“Yeah, we've been looking all over Ponyville for days trying to find you!” Scootaloo joined in.

Apple Bloom looked at her flank. “Rats! Ah was hopin' we'd earn our cutie-marks in dragon findin'.”

Cliff chuckled from his spot on the floor. “Well at least you found me. What did you have in mind after that?”

“Teach us to be Cutie-Mark Crusader Hydra Fighters,” Scootaloo begged.

“Or how ta breathe fire.” Apple Bloom blew out a great lung full of air to demonstrate.

“I want to learn dragon magic!” Sweetie Belle squealed happily.

Literally over my dead body, impossible, and impossible, Cliff noted. “How about I teach you a dragon game?”

A few minutes later, Cliff and Spike had gathered the three fillies in the basement. “This game is called Bash,” the older dragon explained. “Spike and I will maintain a protective spell over you. You take turns running into each other as hard as you can. Don't worry,” he added when he saw their shocked faces, “the spell will keep you safe. Whoever can knock the other two back the farthest, wins.”

Sweetie looked apprehensive, but Apple Bloom and Scootaloo grinned competitively.

Cliff cast Scale Armor on those two while Spike covered the last.

First they had Apple Bloom be 'it.' Sweetie Belle gave a half-hearted run at her friend, accomplishing very little. Scootaloo, on the other claw, knocked the earth pony right into the wall.

“Ohmygosh!” Sweetie ran to the fallen Apple Bloom. “Are you okay?”

“Woo-wee.” The other filly got up with a huge smile. “Ah didn't feel that at all!” She grabbed onto her unicorn friend. “Ya gotta try it!”

Once the effectiveness of the spell had been proven, all three fillies took to the game with an amount of enthusiasm that would have made any dragon proud. Sweetie Belle quickly realized that she wasn't as strong as her two friends, and so she volunteered to permanently be 'it,' shouting “Weee!” each time she was sent flying.

The Crusaders didn't return to their homes until dinnertime. Apple Bloom had been the winner, but only by the smallest of margins.

“Can we come back and play some more tomorrow?!” all three of them begged.

“As long as your families say it's okay.” Cliff smiled, tousling each of their manes affectionately. “Plus I have plenty of other games for you to try.”

After another group hug/tackle, the three went on their way.

“Whew,” Spike said as they shut the door. “I've been maintaining those spells so long that I can't even think straight.”

“I know how you feel,” Cliff was starting to feel a bit lightheaded himself, “but it's good for both of us.”

“Whatever you say, bro.” Spike massaged his temples. “Now what should we make for dinner?”


The Crusaders came back the next afternoon with bright smiles and high hopes. Cliff made sure not to disappoint them. Spike used a newly learned spell to enhance their strength, while Cliff used the tier three version of Scale Armor to make sure they couldn't hurt each other. They did, however, leave dents in the walls.

Fearing what Twilight would say, both dragons suggested they take the game elsewhere.

They wound up at Sweet Apple Acres, where the fillies added to the game with a target in the distance. This evolved into seeing how far Cliff and Spike could throw them.

Eventually they flagged down Fluttershy, which is to say that Cliff threw Scootaloo at her as she was flying by to visit Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

An hour later, the timid pegasus, a temporary dragon, and the entire Apple family were gathered at a nearby pond to watch the Crusaders have a belly-flop contest. After being thrown high into the sky by the dragon brothers, they were able to make some rather impressive splashes.

“Now,” Cliff said during a break, “you know never to try this unless Spike or myself is maintaining the spell on you, right?”

They nodded enthusiastically.

“You promise?” he asked.

“We promise!”


Applejack approached after the three fillies wandered away to get a drink. “Ah gotta say, Cliff, ya'll sure are great with kids.”

“I'm not too sure about that,” Cliff replied. “I just can't say no to them.”

“Would you mind trying?” Spike asked, a palm pressed against his forehead. “I don't think I can keep those spells up much longer.”

“Me either,” Cliff laughed.

Applejack smiled and shook her head. “Ah'll tell 'em. They seem pretty worn out anyhow.”

“Thanks, AJ,” Spike said.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash walked over to join them.

“Hey, Cliff,” Rainbow said, “you didn't tell me that you and Flutters are dating now.”

“Wha, really?” Applejack turned to him in surprise.

“Sorry,” Cliff shook away some of the fog that had invaded his mind. “I didn't know if that was the sort of thing you tell other ponies or not.” He looked at Fluttershy. “I hope I didn't do the wrong thing.”

She blushed. “Oh, no. I actually wanted to tell our friends myself anyway.” A smile crept onto her lips. “I hope you don't mind.

He smiled back. “Not at all.”

The tenderness of the moment was undercut somewhat by Rainbow's gagging noises and a hearty slap on the back from Applejack.

“Congratulations, you two!” The farm pony grinned.

Cliff thanked them both before turning back to Fluttershy. “Have you told Pinkie yet?”

“No, not yet.” She looked down. “I was actually going to go see her next. Would you like to come with me? If you're finished playing with the Crusaders, that is.”

As if he would say no to spending more time with his... Cliff suddenly realized that he didn't know what to call Fluttershy. 'Special dragoness' certainly wasn't an accurate title. Female pony friend? Target of my affections? Significant other, maybe? In any case, his decision was clear. “I'd love to go with you.”


Pinkie decided to throw them a party, of course. Cliff had mixed feelings about that. On one claw, she obviously knew how to customize her parties for the guest(s) of honor, but on the other, there was always the chance that she'd invite Discord back.

Luckily, his fears were unfounded. The party was a private affair with only Fluttershy, Cliff, and their closest friends invited. The yellow pegasus spent most of the night tied up with Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity, as they grilled her for every detail of every conversation she and Cliff had ever had.

Once it was clear that those three didn't want the dragon himself joining in their 'girl talk,' Cliff spent the rest of the evening in a fire breathing contest with Spike and Rainbow, while exchanging funny stories about young dragons/ponies with Applejack.

Cliff was able to produce the biggest fireball of the group, but Dash's rainbow fire was declared to be the coolest looking. The victory was good for her. According to Applejack, the former pegasus had been moping around since her transformation.


Life began to speed up after the party. When Twilight realized how much funding Spike and Rarity had secured, she put together a list of everything a group of dragons could possibly want. This was then transformed into an extremely comprehensive to-do list, and divided among herself, Cliff, and Spike.

Cliff's third of the list was mostly dedicated to getting a small farm up and running. The Apple family was hired to help plant crops, construction crews put up a barn and fences, and equipment was ordered from the local hardware store.

Of course, eating meat was the manticore in the room. Eventually Cliff had to sit Applejack and Fluttershy down to ask them directly what animals the dragons could eat without raising too many eyebrows. Both mares were surprisingly calm about the issue, and it was decided that the farm would raise pigs and chickens.

Twilight kept herself busy planning a town meeting about what Ponyville could expect from its new residents. She was also in charge of preparing the house. Several walls had to be demolished to make room for the communal kitchen, nest, bathing area, etc. In addition, wooden structures didn't mix well with fire breathers, leading her to transform the entire building to stone. After that, Twilight brought in furniture, games, and a small library's worth of books.

Spike handled the politics and paperwork of the whole affair, arguably the most difficult parts. He collected more pledges for funding, ordered anything the other two needed, and put together a formal ball to honor everypony who had backed the project. Celestia even offered to attend, which nearly doubled their funding just by itself.

The younger dragon did most of his work alongside Rarity, but seemed oddly discontent about that fact. Cliff asked him about it a few times, but all Spike would say was, “We're just coworkers.”

In spite of worrying about his brother, Cliff was surprised at how quickly the days flew by. He kept to his exercise program, spent every other morning with Fluttershy, worked on the farm from lunch until dinner, played games with the Cutie-Mark Crusaders until sundown, and then taught Spike and Twilight magic and/or about dragon culture until it was time to go to sleep.

The combination of magic training with Spike and Twilight, and maintaining protective spells during ever more elaborate games with the Crusaders was starting to have a noticeable affect on his willpower. He still didn't have Fire Eyes' endurance, but it was satisfying to realize that he could maintain three spells all day without being reduced to a vegetable.

Mornings spent with Fluttershy were strangely wonderful. Strange in the sense that Cliff enjoyed himself far more than he could have expected to. After breakfast at the palace, they would walk to her cottage, take care of her animals, do any chores that were required, and then sit on the couch together, talking all the while. He learned more about her adventures with her friends, and in return, told her about his own journeys.

Cliff was no stranger to listening to, or telling stories. In fact, he greatly enjoyed it, but it was even better somehow with Fluttershy. The way she smiled and laughed, the way her eyes lit up when she was happy, and the gentle melody that was her voice... all of it was nearly intoxicating to the young dragon.

He was realistic enough to know that his feelings for her were still more in the realm of infatuation than of true love, but that didn't make the emotions any less wonderful.


Saturday, around noon, found an extremely nervous Twilight Sparkle waiting in the palace entry hall with her friends, including a newly cured Rainbow Dash, and the two dragon brothers. “Okay,” Twilight said between deep breaths. “There's nothing to worry about. This is just the first step to bringing ponies and dragons together. Mending a rift that has existed for as long as anypony can remember. I can handle it. I can handle it...”

Spike wordlessly handed her a brown paper bag.

“Relax, Twilight. You literally couldn't mess this up if you tried,” Cliff said from his seat next to Fluttershy.

“How do you know that?” Twilight demanded. “I almost attacked you last week because of a silly mix-up! What if I do something like that again? I might be responsible for starting the next great dragon war!”

“Silent Halls is nearly eight hundred years old, and our coven is dedicated to researching a lost culture. Of all the experts at her disposal, she isn't going to pick dragons that would get upset over misunderstandings.”

“I must agree with Cliff Runner.” Rarity put a comforting hoof around Twilight's shoulders. “Between their professionalism and the town meeting you held, I have no doubt that we will be able to overcome any problems that may arise.”

The others all echoed their agreement, just before there was a knock at the door.

“That must be her!” Twilight rushed to the door and opened it.

“Hello, Twilight.” Cliff couldn't see who it was from where he sat, but there was no mistaking that voice. “I hope you are as excited about today as I am.”

“Oh, of course I am, Celestia.” She chuckled nervously. “I just hope everything goes according to plan.”

“I'm sure it will, my friend. Are Spike and Cliff Runner ready?”

Cliff squeezed Fluttershy's hoof before walking to the door. “Yes, Celestia.”

Spike came forward as well. “Ready when you are.”

“That's wonderful.” Celestia ushered them outside, where a team of researchers and scientists sat with their equipment. “Is everypony, and everydragon,” she winked at Spike, “ready?”

The team nodded that they were.

“Very well, let us begin.” Celestia turned to Cliff. “Would you please think of a landing point at your coven in as much detail as possible?”

“Of course.” Cliff closed his eyes and did so.

A faint humming filled the air, which grew until it crackled like electricity. Something exploded all around them, and Cliff felt the ground shift beneath him. He opened his eyes to find them all standing in front of a very familiar cave.

“Is this right?” Twilight asked.

“Hey, Cliff!” a voice from the cave shouted, followed by a flash of purple and blue running their way.

“Grandma!” Cliff raced forward to meet the other dragon.

They met with a tight hug. “You're back sooner than I expected.” She grinned. “Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Though you might have warned us that you were bringing Princess Celestia herself for a visit.” She broke away from her grandson and bowed before the white alicorn. “It is an honor to meet you, Princess of the Sun. I am Fire Claws, Cliff Runner's grandmother.”

“Please arise, Fire Claws, the honor is all mine.” She turned back to Spike and whispered, “Say hello.”

Spike came forward awkwardly. “Um, hi, I'm-”

A pair of arms wrapped around him, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. “Oh, Spike, you have no idea how much I've been looking forward to meeting you! You have your father's eyes! Tell me everything about yourself, and I mean everything!” She glanced at Celestia. “I hope you don't mind if I monopolize my grandson for a while.”

Celestia's eyes actually seemed a little moist as she smiled at the two of them. “Not at all.”

“Excellent.” Fire Claws turned back to Spike. “We can start with why you're an adult now. Was it for that unicorn I heard about? Did she like it? Oh, don't start yet. Cliff? The rest of the coven should be inside. Go introduce our guests, and get your grandfather out here. Right. Now.”

“Don't try to fight it,” Cliff advised his brother, who was looking a little stunned. “Just go with the flow.” Leaving the pair behind, he led the rest of the group into the cave.

Twilight hesitated over Spike before following them.

“Excuse me,” Cliff said loudly as they entered the main chamber. “Where is Silent Halls?”

Nearly thirty surprised wyrms looked up from their meals. A few dropped their plates when they saw Princess Celestia.

“I'm here.” The coven's leader stepped forward.

After another round of formal introductions, Cliff sent Burning Torch out to meet Spike.

“We're happy to have your team join us,” Silent Halls told Celestia. “You'll have to forgive our lack of knowledge about ponies, but we've made some arrangements based on what Cliff here told us that should make them more comfortable.” She went on to describe private bedrooms that had just been carved out, new crops in the garden that were better suited to pony tastes, etc.

“I'm honored that you would do so much for us,” Celestia said as the team began moving things into their new rooms. “I only hope that we will be able to make some of your dragons feel as welcome in Ponyville.”

“Ah, so more of us will be allowed to live there.” Silent Halls smiled. “Young River Wind will be thrilled.”

“River Wind?” Cliff cut in. “She can come?”

“Yes, Cliff.” The elder dragoness tousled his head spikes. “Along with Fire Eyes and both your grandparents.”

He had to contain a shout of joy that his closest friends and family would be coming back to Ponyville with him.

Silent Halls laughed. “Yes, I thought you would be happy about that.”


While a runner went to collect Fire Eyes and River from the farm, and Silent Halls and Celestia engaged in a conversation about the history of their two races, Cliff was left to show Twilight around.

“So you really all sleep together in here?” she asked as she looked at his family's nest. “Doesn't that get uncomfortable?”

“It depends on what you're used to,” Cliff replied. “I've missed having other dragons sleeping next to me since going to Ponyville.”

Twilight could only shake her head at the oddness of it all. “Do you think you'll stay at the Dragon House from now on?”

“Every once in a while.” He shrugged. “Unless you'd rather I stayed there, of course.”

“Cliff,” Twilight said, “you know the palace is as much your home now as it is mine or Spike's.”

He couldn't resist the urge to reach out and tousle the alicorn's mane. “Thanks.”

She laughed as she straightened it out with her magic. “You're welcome.”

They made their way into the archives next, where Egghead and Page Turner spent most of their time. Twilight looked positively ecstatic as she skipped through the rows and rows of metal books. “This place is wonderful!”

“You have a copy of it all back in Ponyville,” Cliff pointed out.

“I know, but it's not just the books. I'm actually standing in a dragon library!” She squealed with joy.

Twilight still had yet to find a spell that would make her immune to heat, and so they skipped Steel Claw's forge.

“Down this way are the, uh, chambers for intimacy.” Cliff gestured down another tunnel.

“Wait, what?” Twilight stared down the tunnel with a mixture of confusion and disgust. “You actually have rooms for that?”

“You've seen our nests. Do they seem very private to you?” Cliff had been able to piece together that ponies usually mated in the same beds they slept in. He couldn't imagine that being very sanitary.

“I guess that's true.” She shuddered. “I'll probably regret asking this... but what are they like?”

“Imagine a small room with a door and a lowered nest in the center,” Cliff replied. “And before you ask, I've been down there a few times to dust, change the bedding, that sort of thing.”

Twilight blushed a little as she followed him back to the main chamber. “I suddenly realized why you had me leave that one bedroom intact in the Dragon House.”

Cliff blushed a little too. “Well, I didn't know if any married dragons would be coming back with us, and I wanted to be prepared for anything.”

The hatchlings had finished their meals by the time Cliff and Twilight made it back to the main chamber, freeing them up to rush him like they usually did.

“Were you missing me already?” He laughed as he gathered them into a group hug. “I haven't been gone two weeks.”

They hugged him back enthusiastically. At least two asked how long he was going to be gone this next time.

“I don't know.” Cliff looked up at Twilight as he answered. “It might be a while.”

“Ahhh,” they moaned as a whole.

“Don't worry. I'll come back to visit at least once a month.”

That appeased them somewhat. After a few more minutes of talking, laughing, and tickling, Cliff was able to break away and rejoin his companion.

“Sorry,” he whispered.

“Don't apologize.” Twilight smiled. “I'm starting to see why you get along with the Crusaders so well.”

They made their way back to Princess Celestia, who was just bidding farewell to her team of scientists. “Perfect timing,” she said when she saw them. “Silent Halls tells me that the others are ready to leave.”

The elder dragoness nodded and gave Cliff a hug. “You behave yourself out there, young one.”

“I will,” he promised as he returned the embrace.

River Wind rushed to meet them as soon as they were out of the cave. “Cliff, Cliff!” She jumped into his arms. “I get to go with you!”

He caught the hatchling and gently nuzzled her. “I know, and I couldn't be happier.” He transferred her to his back.

“Then you probably know I'm coming too,” Fire Eyes said as she approached.

“I'll survive the disappointment,” Cliff replied, earning himself a punch in the shoulder.

“I'm Fire Eyes, by the way.” She held out a clawed hand to Twilight. “The hatchling is my sister, River Wind.”

“It's a pleasure to meet you both.” Twilight accepted the claw/hoof-shake. “Cliff has told me a lot about you.”

“Sweet,” Fire Eyes said as they continued to where Celestia and the rest of Cliff's family were waiting. “You'll have to tell me what he said when we get there.”

Spike, who was still caught in a group hug with his grandparents, waved as they approached. Knowing his grandmother, Spike would be lucky if she let go before sundown.

“Is everydragon ready?” Celestia asked.

They nodded.

“Wonderful.” Her magic enveloped them, and in another flash, they found themselves outside the Palace of Friendship in Ponyville.

Cliff really hoped the sinking feeling he got right then was just his nerves.

Author's Note

Yes, wyrm society is pretty screwed up. I didn't see any way around that with an entire race that shares the same problem as The Hulk, including children. You have to wonder if the show writers ever thought about the impact of Spike's greed-transformation on his race as a whole.

Pairing Cliff and Fluttershy up wasn't actually planned. It just kind of happened, but I would certainly like to hear your feedback on it. Ditto for his interactions with the Crusaders. I'm honestly surprised it took me so long to reintroduce them after the incident with the hydra.

Finally, the dragons have landed.

Next Chapter: Chapter 15 Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 36 Minutes
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