
Pinkie's Pet

by yellowbastion


Chapter 1: HiE (1.2, 09/21/2014)

The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities to any persons, living or dead, would be awesome and at the same time unintentional and purely coincidental.

Copyright 2014, Yellowbastion. All rights reserved.


I'm not entirely sure where my story actually starts. Maybe started when I first applied at student exchange program in Geneva. Maybe it started with delusional, religious fundamentalists in a mud hut in some god awful Third World country. All I could know for certain was that I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

My day started much like any other work for me. I woke up early to make myself a light breakfast of an egg white omelette and some rye toast. I didn't need to get dressed today I as I had slept in my clothes from when I finally crashed in the couch last early this morning. Having a shower would also have been pointless as I would be suiting up today. The only person who would have to deal with my stink would be me.

My fridge was nearly empty, like it usually was on a Friday, safer my usual breakfast stuff and whatever can I already had open for Barney. My apartment was barren as my fridge. Someone could have walked in and assumed that no one lives here save for a closet stuffed with boxes full of t-shirts and well-worn, faded denim jeans and a few of Barney's own personal items.

Barney and I live together in my tiny, one room apartment quite happily for the past two years. He may have some minor hygiene problems, drooled a little sometimes, and occasionally had some pretty bad gas but otherwise our relationship worked out quite well. We both like to eat food that was bad for us, we both like to bask in the sun, and if neither of us had anything important to do we would both sleep late into the day until the call of nature force one of us to get up. Barney was my pet Pug and I wouldn't trade him for anything.

Barney sat quietly at the edge of the kitchen occasionally licking his chops as I folded my omelette. Normally I would also make a small one for him but I had to be at work early today. He would have to be content with a mix of wet and dry dog food. A small scoop of kibble from the bag I keep in the pantry sloppily folded together with the whatever remained of a can in the fridge, served in a small stainless steel bowl.


-----(start Old version)-----

My name is S████ T███, and I am the leading electricial engineer at the Aestral particle detector at the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. Our 'little' particle accelerator was so expensive to run that every place that we could save money we did our best to try. Everything that couldn't be recycled or composted was reused. The entire system was self-contained. It had to be.

No one knew exactly what would happen when the world's largest particle Excelerator was switched on for the first time. We all had theories of course, but none of us actually knew. Some feared an explosion, or an implosion, well the uneducated populace feared that time would stop or a black hole would form. But none of this happened of course. When the power was finally switched on for the first time, baring a minor coolent leak, everything went smoothly. Twelve years later I was hired.

My job was based on supersymmetry research by Dr. Garret Lisi. His theories of quantum mechanics, using an eight-dimensional charge-space triality model, revealed the possibility that there were twenty-six more weak and superweak force particles left to be discovered, thus a new field of research was furrowed. My job wasn't an easy one, but it paid extremely well and the hours and benefits were decent with all the paid overtime I wanted.. Over the next three years I help design and oversee the build of the Aestral Particle detector.

It was to be the most advanced and sensitive weak force particle detector ever built. The Higgs-Bosson detector had to be completely decommissioned to make room for the Aestral detector, which I had nicknamed 'Mary' after my late sister.

----- (end Old version) -----


The air was positively electric in the park just south of Manehattan. Pegasi had been hired to keep a corridor open in the cloud cover giving the public park a fresh, summary feel despite the surrounding late autumn rainstorm.

In several, perfectly aligned rows, set a crowd of well-dressed mix of ponies and griffins. The hushed tone and excited whispers nearly drowned the quiet sobbing of some of the more emotional guests. Today was going to be historic as this was going to be the first legal marriage of pegasi and a griffin.

A justice of the peace stood calmly at the head of a large seated crowd. With her magic, she shuffled a small stack of notecards that she had previously prepared and set on the top of the podium that she stood behind. Everything that needed to be done was prepared. All that was needed now was the arrival of the bride and groom.

The justice of the peace levitated a glass of ice water from the lower shelf of the podium. She took a small sip while skimming over the topmost of the stack of cards. She had performed many joining ceremonies before, but is always good to be prepared. In this case, she had a duplicate set of cards in the inside pocket of her vest. Better to be over-prepared than under-prepared, she had always thought.


Mindnumbing earth shattering pain is what I expected. Broken bones, searing agony, my entrails strewn all across the ground and glistening with various fluids. Choking on my own bile and blood as I gasp for my final breath before the Grim Reaper finally takes me. I wasn't prepare for my end, the final end of all things I held near and dear. Who in their right mind could ever be?

Chapter 2: Chase

I was tired from running all day, starving, and physically exhausted. If the ponies didn't get me than something in the forest most likely will. With very little strength left to fight, I'd make a quick meal for some hungry predator. I had the stop, rest, even just for a little while. Find a dark spot under a fallen log or rock outcrop. Any place would do.

The sounds of the forest grew ominously quiet. Something was hunting me and it was unlikely to be the ponies. I had left them far behind when I passed the tree line. Stopping here would be a bad idea, but continuing until I fell in exhaustion would be even worse.

There were no promising places anywhere in sight to rest along my current path. If I couldn't out run my new pursuers or find shelter on the ground, I'd have to do the next best thing; Climb a tree.

0———still working on the middle ———0

Weak from hunger and exhausted from running for most of the night, captured and hauled off to who-knows-where, I had a decision to make. Should I let them just take me, or should I do something desperate and take fate into my own hands

I peered over the side of the sky chariot. We had cleared the forest where they had caroused me and now flew over an open grassy marshland. My escape would be either now or never. Still exhausted from all the running, I had to make up my mind soon. They had taken everything from me. My friends, family, home, everything, all gone. Now they wanted to take my freedom. I wasn't going to let them. I am my own person. I will choose to live and die on my own terms.

I steeled my nerves and gripped the raised edge of the chariots frame. There was no observable reaction from my captors. This was my only chance. With a great heave, I pulled myself over the edge into the open air letting gravity take over.

There was nothing else I could do but fall. I closed my eyes, steadied my breathing, and waited for the end to come.

One breath. Two. A third. I should have hit the ground by now. The sky chariot wasn't that far up. Five, six. I opened my eyes. Impossibly, I was still high above the marsh.

Chapter 3: Adoption day (1.2, 09/21/2014)

The two ponies sat impatiently, side by side, in light brown low-back office chairs in a well used office. There was a small, grey fileing cabinet along the left wall. To its left followed a squat, two tier book case filled with small assorted trinkets and knick-nacks, many of which were unidentifiable from where they sat. The off-white walls of the room were adorned with a few motivational posters including the standard fair of a kitten hanging from a rope by its front paws with 'Hang in there, baby!' printed in bold letters at the bottom. If their mutual pegasus friend Fluttershy was there she would have not been very happy with it. A round white clock with a black frame ticked quietly on the far wall.

In the middle of the quaint office was a tan colored desk which was littered with stacks of paper. On the tallest stack of paper was a glass paper weight with a yellow parasprite attempting to eat a white carnation, hopefully forever trapped inside. Most of the papers held scribbles of notes or technical diagrams of various devices, while others looked like they had simple doodles of stick ponies or crude faces. A colorful assortment of natural feather writing quills rested in a pile beside a simple, square jar of black ink. There was even one of those kinetic sculpture things made out of a row of steel balls hanging from string. The kind of sculpture that would send one steel ball into another which would transfer its momentum to the one at the end and would clack noisily together for hours on end. It was standard desk type stuff.

In the left chair sat a pastel blue pegasus sporting a shimmering rainbow mane and tail. She was totally awesome but was stone silent save for the occasional ruffle of her amazing, feathery wings, trying her best not to think of the practice time she was missing, or of the nap she was going to have in her favorite apple tree later.

Sitting in the chair to her left closest to the fileing cabinet, sat one of her best friends, a bubble gum colored earth pony with a mane and tail that resembled cotton candy. Her eyes were closed eyes and pleasant smile adorned her face. She was humming quietly to herself while bobbing her head and tapping a forehoof to music she was making.

"I'm so nervicited, Dashie! What do you think it is?" The pink one squeaked.

"I have no idea, Pinks. We both read the same letter from Twilight" the pegasus returned. "And what's taking what's-her-face so long to do whatever she's doing?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure but if I had to guess she should be back right... about.. n..." Pinkie was cut off as just then the door to the office opened. A lime green unicorn with a mane the color of sun dried seaweed trotted in like she owned the room, which she could easily do because the room actually belonged to her. She wore a white lab coat which covered her back and cutie mark and wore little, white fabric booties over her hooves which swished across the floor with easy step. She made her way to sit behind the messy desk to sit in the only other chair in the room.

"Sorry to keep you two waiting, but I had to make absolutely sure that the letter you provided  from Princess Twilight was the real deal. So, what exactly can I do for you two?"

Pinkie spoke first, "We're here to adopt!" which may have been a mistake. The hoof of Rainbow Dash was a moment too slow on covering her friends mouth.

"I'm Rainbow Dash and this here is Pinkie Pie. We're here to pick up the creature."

The green unicorn rolled her eyes, "Two of the famed Elements of Harmony, oh wonderous joy. You've come to slay the beast, have you?"

"Look here, doctor."

"Flagpole." The unicorn offered.

"Whatever. By royal order of Princess Twilight Sparkle we're here to pick up the creature that wandered into the suburbs of Manehatten. We've been instructed to not leave until we get it."

The grumpy unicorn doctor sighed, then leaned far back in her chair until it fully tilted to the point where she could stare at a yellow square of paper stuck to the ceiling with a blood red quill.

She pointed a hoof at Ranbow Dash but otherwise didn't move, "You're asking quite a lot." She gave her raised hoof a little flourish. "I suppose if Princess Sparklebutt orders it I should obey. Just remember that I'm doing it out of protest."

The doctor dropped her hoof back to her side, "It was the find of the century, and I don't think we've learned all that we can from it yet. I suppose I can't talk either of you out of taking it? Maybe let us keep it for a few more days?"

"Nope!" Dash replied with a confident grin.

Flagpole let out an unladylike grunt as the righted herself in the chair and slid off the seat which brought herself back to her hooves. She trotted back around the desk and moved to the door leading into the hall. "Alrighty then, let's just get this over with.

The other two mares slid off their respective chairs and made to follow.

"Remember Pinkie, we're here for the creature. You can look at other stuff, but don't touch! I totally don't want to have another spaghetti incident."

"Ab-so-tively, Dashie!" Pinkie beamed.

"And no Party Cannon either." Dash shot back.

"Awww... Party pooper." pouted Pinkie Pie.


The trio made their way Down the hall and away from the front reception area where they had first arrived, following the moody doctor deeper into the facility. They passed a few closed and unmarked doors before rounded a corner where they came to an abrupt halt as the hall ended.

Using her magic, Doctor Flagpole floated a small silvery rectangle out from inside her lab coat and pressed it against an nondescript bare section of the wall. A low, metallic thump could be herd from beyond the wall before it gave a hiss and the entire thing slid sideways into an adjacent wall. Beyond the new threshold looked to be another office save for in place of any furniture there was a ominously glowing circle of runes on the floor.

The green unicorn motioned with her horn to her guests, "Please step into the spell circle. It will bring you to the lower level."

Without any hesitation Pinkie Pie bounded into the room. No sooner than she hopped onto a mark on the floor she had vanished with a 'pop' and a flash of violet light.

Rainbow Dash totally didn't huff, because she wasn't a drama quees like her friend Rarity, she just blew some of her mane out of her eyes, "Level with me Doc, is this thing safe?"

"Let me reassure you, Miss Dash, that the spell circle is perfectly harmless. You won't even feel a thing." The doctor replied. "I have used it at least six times every day for the past four years and let me assure you that the absolute worst thing that could happen if the spell were to fail is that it would do nothing. It's designed to be completely fail-safe."

Dash didn't shift nervously in place, she just had an itch on her back right leg, "Nah, I'm not worried about some goofy spell. It's the creature. It's not going to, like, grow huge and go on a rampage, or develop lightning breath, or spit acid or something, is it? It's, like, completely harmless, right?"

Doctor Flagpole nodded, "Absolutely. After all the tests we've run on it we probable know more about it then it knows about itself. It doesn't have any wings, claws, venium, or a horn to use magic. It doesn't even have a tail if you can believe that!"

Rainbow Dash would have looked worried for a second if she wasn't always so awesomely brave, "How does it not have a tail!? Everything in Equestria has a tail! What the hay is it?"

The doctor shrugged, "We have no idea what it is. I've never seen anything like it befor. Maybe seeing it for yourself will answer some of your questions. Let's go, Miss Dash, we shouldn't keep your friend waiting."

Rainbow's face didn't look worried or anything like that, as she was always totally in control, "Ohmygosh, Pinkie went ahead of us. Celestia knows what kind of damage she might have caused by now!"

With a single, mighty flap of her well toned wings she launched herself at the glowing runes of the portal low enough to graze a hoof over the surface. With a 'pop' and a flash of violet light, Rainbow Dash followed her friend.


Rainbow Dash popped into existence at the exit point of the spell Circle, unceremoniously dropping to the cobblestone floor as not having her momentum being carried through. She was given no more warning of "Pony pile on Dashie! "Before having the wind knocked out of her by the weight of another body crashing down on her back. The fluffy, pink body giggled and squirmed as Rainbow tried, unsuccessfully, to stand back up.

There was a 'pop' and a flash of violet light as Doctor Flagpole appeared in the nearly empty room. She raised an eyebrow at the struggle of Rainbow Dash as her pink friend had pinned her to the floor and was tickling her sides until she was streaming tears from her eyes

Chapter 4: Day 15

I was clearly laying in bed with my eyes closed. The sun had risen a few hours ago and a bright beam of vampire destruction blasted through a gap in the curtains which was currently trying to vanquish my retinas. They had stubbornly refused to turn to dust as I kept my eyes shut and turned my head in some vain attempt at more sleep.

That weird sixth-sense kicked in. You know the one. That tingling feeling you get when someone is watching you. I felt it but I didn't care. They can watch me sleep. The one ogling me while I had dozed must have been really close as I could feel their breath wash over my face. I turned my head to the other side.

The feeling was still there of course. I knew who it was but It didn't matter. It's not like I had anything pressing to do today, no one important to see, or anywhere else to be. The air outside was cold while my bed was pleasantly warm. I didn't feel like getting up. A coma would be nice right about now. The inky darkness, the null void of a trauma induced slumber.

I let out a weak sigh and fluttered my eyes open. In front of me were lazy magenta eyes attached to a green, scaly creature staring back at me from the wooden floor which had confirmed my suspicions. Yesterday happened, much to my dismay, and today was going to happen, much to my dread. I turned my head back to the other side only to be met with a set of amazingly happy baby-blue eyes attached to a creature that was covered in far too much pink, surrounded by a halo provided by a photon death-ray of sun light.

I laid there, mostly unmoving, save for the rhythmic expansion and contraction of my chest and the lub-dub pulse of my heart. Somehow she had approached without making a sound. She sat at the other side of the bed with a goofy little grin on her face which held a few splotches of what I hoped was baking flour. With the way she acted sometimes, one could easily assume she was a ninja and the simple baking ingredient might act like some sort of sound dampening substance.

If she was some sort of baking ninja, my pleasantly cozy bedding would do nothing to defend me from her or anything else in this place. Reality was entirely subjective around here. As for physics, I think it took a vacation and never came back. I wasn't even going to try. Yesterday was the start of my third week living here and she could still surprise me.

Since coming here I'd seen some impossible hijinks, and right this moment I was staring at the cause of most of it. I don't think hijinks is a strong enough word for the antics I've endured, but stronger language would get me nowhere. Besides, I don't think it would be fair to vent my frustrations on the local populace while they continue to suffer a similar fate for much longer than I have.

I rolled my eyes. Her grin broke into an overly wide smile as I did so. I frowned. She snickered. I frowned harder. She softly giggled. I couldn't frown any harder else risking my face becoming stuck that way. Given all the crazy things I've seen lately, I couldn't entirely rule out that possibility.

Fine, I guess I'll get up...

I rolled myself off of my bed, slogged past her, exited our shared room, down the hall, and plodded my way into the bathroom. The clip-clopping of hooves in my wake informed that she had followed me to the bathroom. I stepped inside but she had sat just outside, her amazingly blue eyes peeking from under her wild poofy mane from around the frame of the door.

My left hand flopped uselessly against the left wall looking for the light switch. Again I had to remind myself that things were different here. Two more steps into the room the lights snapped on by themselves. I shielded my eyes at the convenience that was both a blessing and a curse.

Having an audience of one to this mornings ablutions wasn't all that strange, her being my shadow wasn't unusual either. Although it could have been worse, given what had happened this past weekend. I could have wound up in the local hospital, if they even had one, or dead. A little bit of voyeurism was a small price to pay given my current condition. I still wouldn't be against being a coma, but I had no choice in the matter.

As much as I may worry her, she worried me even more. She didn't have to watch me. We had been together for a week now and I had become familiar with her schedule as she was with mine. I could tell she cared deeply about me. I was just happy to not be dead, or undead. Anything further than that was a blessing. I had seen what happened to unruly pets and that was a path I was hell bent to avoid.

She snorted, snapping me out of my thoughts. Right, I still had things that were expected of me. That's how it things are going to be today, I suppose. Me being lost in thought, her being condescending.

I waved my hand around in the shallow porcelain sink which activated the hidden water faucet, cupped some lukewarm water and haphazardly splashed it on my face. A glance at my reflection in the mirror drew my eyes to the pink collar around my neck. The collar she gave me.

It was the same shade of pink as her coat. The front, just under my neck, was embossed and colored mirroring the mark on my tunic and her hind quarters. It didn't have a tag like a dog collar from back home, or even a place to attach one. There was a small notch around the back where a leash could be clipped, though the Pink One had never needed to use one.

I grabbed a towel from the rack and wiped down my face and neck paying special attention to the skin under the collar. My collar. It was still a foreign thought, being little more than someone's property. It was for my own protection, I had discerned that much. At one point I had experimented on it. A little jiggery-pokery with a sliver of metal and the nearly seamless clasp would easily release, but adventuring without it on would be more dangerous than brave.

Continuing with the damp towel, I carefully ran it across my chest, avoiding the now seeping bandages. Hopefully they would be changed later tonight after the Pink One's shift in the bakery was over. I then quickly toweled down both arms and legs. Their wounds not being as deep had mostly stabbed over by now. There were too many bandages on my back so cleaning there would have to wait until later.

I tossed the now funky towel into the basket beside the door and left, heading back the the bedroom, the lights snapping off by themselves. She followed closely on my heels, humming a strange tune. A different tune than yesterday, I noted.

Back in the bedroom, beside my bed, my change of clothes waited for me. I now had two sets, my latest addition being from one of her friends. If I remember correctly, the White One with the curly purple hair and horn gave them to me. If it had been from the White One with the yellow hair and wings I would have been worried for not only my safety but those who happened to be unlucky enough to be within a one block radius.

The garment was a simple beige knee-high tunic adorned with a set of three balloons, two blue and one yellow, that would rest over either side of my hips when worn. My previous one probable still lay in a tattered heap outside where I had left it. I didn't have the heart to throw it away. Maybe the White One with the horn could patch them up for me. Sewing was her thing, after all.

I slipped on my tunic and carefully smoothed down any wrinkles. I had to make myself presentable as I was going to be next to the center of attention shortly. The Pink One and I had silently agreed upon it. It was what it had to do to earn my keep. Not so much a job, as I wasn't being paid, but a requirement. This is what I had been dreading.

Tidied up and dressed, I was as ready as I would ever be. I turned to my owner. Still humming to herself, she gave a single sharp knod and proceeded out of the room and started down the creaky wooden stair case to the bakery on the main floor. Not given much choice on the matter I followed.

Today was the start of the week so I already knew where I was to be. Monday was always the busiest. My place was on the overly large pillow that sat at the edge of the counter near the cash register. I was to play the part of watchdog, making sure no one with sticky fingers, claws, or hooves tried to make off with money while the employees were busy boxing goods and serving orders to the tables.

I took my place and scanned beyond the shop window into the frosty autumn morning to the line out front. Today looked like it was going to be especially busy. The locals had come out in droves and had formed a neat single file line that must have wound around the block. Seeing as they had much longer bodies it wasn't much of a stretch, if you pardon the pun.

My owner trotted up from behind me, from beyond the swinging double-doors that lead from the kitchen, with a sterling bowl clutched in her teeth and another just like it carefully balanced on her back. She skillfully placed the silvery metallic dishes off to my left, closest to the wall away from hoof traffic. My ever watchful eyes shifted from the store front to the pair of bowls. One was filled with crystal clear drinking water, as usual, while its twin appeared to be brimming with diced fruit, some granola clusters topped with a mix of berries, and possibly the largest crescent I've ever seen balanced on top. My stomache protested its emptiness just as my brakefast had been served.

The Pink One continued to the front door of the shop and, with adeptness I've seen nowhere else, swished her pink mane at the stylish sign in the window, flipping it over. With a small bounce she turned and whipped her tail at the door which tumbled the lock. She trotted back past me, humming a more upbeat tune than before, and sat behind the counter at the cash machine. Just as easy as that, the bakery was officially open for the day.

Still sitting on my pillow, I hurriedly plucked my food bowl with my left hand and set it in front of me. I watched the first few customers start to trickle in as I began my morning meal. It had been less than an hour since I woke up but based on past experience I could already tell that today would be a very long day.

I attacked the crescent first, viciously tearing at its flakey, buttery goodness with gnashing teeth and wreckless abandon. I earned a few distasteful looks from some of the customers in my brutish display but I had a carefully constructed image of mystery and danger to maintain so I paid them no mind. The small cluster of, what were probably rolled oat bites, were next. I gentily rolled the berries off the top of the pile and picked one up. These golden, rolled oat, bite-sized clusters looked no different than something that I could have made back home if I had any cooking skills. I popped it in my mouth and carefully crunched down. They were heavenly. While I ate, my eyes slowly roamed across the room.

The patrons were these brightly colored, fur covered, shaggy maned, tiny horse-things that went about the shop as part of their daily business. The closest thing they resembled from back home was a pony, but only in shape, and only by a slim margin. Their unnatural hoof dexterity, vividly colored coats, and intelligence made them out to be a different creature entirely. It was like evolution had decided that standing on two legs was too much of a hassle, then threw its hands up in defeat and doled intellect creatures seemingly at random. I swear I once saw a bird, a cat, and a dog collaborating on drawing a map in a patch of dirt like it was the most natural thing in the world. Ths place, man, just hurts my head sometimes.

One by one customers hoofed themselves up to the counter. Each had made their orders for brakefast or whatever in their crazy toung-click speak before clinking a few golden coins down and trotting off to wait for their order to be filled at a booth or table. Usually they grouped together in sets of two or more, animatedly chatting about what they had planned for later that day or similar such nonsense. As they and I don't speak the same language, I could only speculate on their conversational topics.

Their speech was as creepy as it was adorable. Low, gutterial rumbles, and some nose snorts mixed with toung-clicks and lop-pops, mostly. There were some other familiar speech sounds but they were few and far between. Not too long ago I had tried to imitate some of the sounds they made but it seems the human larynx wasn't designed to speak their language. On hind sight, I think I may have called one of them a bad name. Since then I haven't made another attempt at their language, at least not publicy. Humming, I had learned, was an exception. Maybe musc truly was a universal language.

Business in the bakery was brisk, but I paid little mind to the brightly colored creatures unless they neared the either the counter or myself. I idily picked away at my brakefast while the locals did their thing and before I knew it all my clusters were all gone. I dumped what remained of the mixture of berries into my left hand then slid the now empty metal dish across the floor to clang noisily against the wall beside its waterlogged twin.

This morning dragged on much the same as the pervious mornings in the bakery had, which would finally gave way to afternoon where things normally calmed down for a couple of hours, before picking up again just before closing time. It was a calming thought. For the better part of the day the shop would be nearly empty, with just a dusting of customers peppered throughout.

Chapter 5: CMC

Off to the side of the frantically busy market, under the shade of the oldest naturally growing oak tree in town, was a bench. Its sturdy cast iron legs, once painted a rich black, now flecked with rust. Its white pine runners were once stained and polished, now weather beaten and distressed. It was a sorry site. The same could be said for the two fillies who sat upon it.

The youngest of the duo, Applebloom, sagged against the peeling and rusted rail of the bench. Her head propped up with her right fore-hoof which was scrunching her cheek, while her left idly picked away at more of the chipping paint on the iron bench rails. Her thoughts occupied by the absence of the third member of the Cutie Mark Crsaiders, Sweetie Belle.

On the opposite side of the bench sat Scootaloo, defiant of the chilly weather. The oldest of the two fillies, in her boredom, managed to prop herself upside down. Her hind-hooves hooked over the back of the bench, tail dangling between her legs and over her belly. Her torso and head curved at an almost painful angle to meet Applebloom's left hind-leg. Her front left fore-leg crooked behind her, supporting her body weight to relieve the pressure her odd position was creating for her wings. Scootaloo's other fore-hoof hung casually off the bench and was tracing circles in a small puddle, using her innate Pegasis magic to form tiny ice crystals on its surface.

"Just because Sweetie Belle isn't here, doesn't mean we have to sit around and do nothing." Scootaloo fumed. "I'm board, let's go do something!"

Scootaloo unhooked her hind-hooves from the bench, grunted and pushed herself off with her wings. Using her previously dangling hoof as a pivot point, and a little effort, she did a tight back-flip and landed on all fours. If anypony had been watching it would have earned her applause, but her only audience was still occupied by flaky paint.

"You coming, AB?"

With a silent knod of agreement, Applebloom slid off the bench and onto their hooves. Scootaloo face broke into a grin. "We should totally head to Sugarcube Corner. When I was talking with Rainbow Dash this morning, she said that Pinkie Pie got herself a new pet!"

"It's not another critter with no teeth, is it?"

Scootaloo fluttered her wings. "I'm not sure. Rainbow was busy with weather stuff so she couldn't talk for long. All I know is it's something Dash had never seen before, probably from the Everfree."

"So long as it ain't dangerous or nothin'. I ain't look'n ta get bit by some mystery wassit lookin' for a quick meal." Applebloom returned as she plodded past.

"I'm sure it's totally fine, otherwise why would Pinkie be keeping it at Sugarcube Corner, right?" Scootaloo replied.

The two started off to the confectionary store that closely resembled a gingerbread house.


The walk to Sugarcube Corner less than eventful. Normally they would hitch a wagon to Scootaloo's scooter, but it neither wheeled device had managed to survive the daring attempt of "Cutie Mark Crusaiders extreme dare devils, yay"  revene jump in less than two pieces. The wagon had to be completely rebuilt, while the scooter awaited a new wheel.

The two fillies had made the short trot across the market square, down Apple Avenue, past 'Sofas & Quills', and had arrived at their destination. Only a few paces ahead the normally busy store was quiet. Sugarcube Corner's lunch rush having passed almost an hour ago and even now there were still at a few other ponies coming and going. The gingerbread-looking confectionery was was busy as ever. Baring a ninja attack or vampony swarm, nothing was impeding them from entering, so they did.

The cheerful jangling of the chime above the door announced their entrance. Dispite the nearly empty store the huge plate glass windows and the afternoon sunlight streaming in gave the inside of the shop a cozy feeling.

Scootaloo stole quick glances around the room. Save for a few in front of the window, the tables were mostly empty. The polished wood floor was spotless and scuff-free. Every shelf and display was teeming cakes and pastries of every description. Even all the colorful decorations, awards, and pictures adorning the walls were straight and aligned.

The fillies moved together, their hooves in-step, toward the counter holding the overly large brass call bell. Applebloom gave the button on the top of bell a quick tap, sharp clang echoed in the nearly silent shop.

"Welcome to Cugarcube Corner, the sweetest place in all of Equestria!" A voice called out from behind the swinging double doors just as it's owner stepped through the opening. Pinkie Pie cantered up to the counter, perched her fore-hooves on its edge and leaned over to look at her customer on the floor. "Hey there girls! What can I do ya for?"

The duo shuffled where they sat, stealing glances from each other. Scootaloo spoke up first, "We were hoping to

Chapter 6: Conversation

I don't know when exactly it happened but a mote of dust suddenly became infinitely more interesting. I had stopped paying to the others in the shop as my attention was drawn to watch the particle of dust. Their conversation droned on while my eyes followed the curious particle, watching it drift between the sun beams like a dancer upon a stage. The float and flutter of whatever tiny fragment of skin, book, or fur completely enraptured me completely. It twisted, turned, shimmered, swayed, then fell from the light to be lost in the shadow of the curtains.

My expression had soured a little as, for a moment, I had felt bad for the thing. Having its brief moment in the spotlight only to, for all intents and purposes, fade out of existence. I silently wished an updraft would bring the tiny fragment back into the sun light just so I could watch it some more. It may have been selfish, but at that moment I wanted that more than anything.

It was suddenly too quiet in the bakery. My attention returned to the now silent guests of my owner. All eyes were on me, and just as suddenly they went back to raised voices. The Purple One with the horn seemed to be the most outspoken of the group. The Rainbow One, the one that always wore the cowboy hat, and the Marshmallow One appeared to have sided against her.

Hearing their constant bickering in the eerie horse language was all too much for me. If I didn't get out of here soon I might just go insane. Or more sane, I'm not too sure anymore. I looked on into the yelling and chaos. It was either they had to go or I did and I didn't have any way of communicating with them, let alone convince them. Taking with me nothing but what I was wearing, I left the bakery.

There were no cries of alarm or panicked hurrying about as I made my way down the street. It seemed that my presence at the bakery had done wonders for my public image. The local pony population seemed to be mostly placated by my presence. It didn't stop them from staring as I passed, but it was better than abject terror.

I didn't know where I was going. I didn't have any specific destination in mind. I wasn't even looking for anything in particular. I just had to get away from all the yellng, hurt feelings, and drama. I ambled slowly down one street, then across anther. Past shops that soon gave way to houses, then open fields, and far beyond them lay the mountains. I wasn't going as far as the mountian range, but somewhere not too far ahead had caught my eye.

From where I was I could see a small grassy hill topped with a single leafy tree which seemed to overlook the town. A quiet, shady spot wth a nice view may be just what I needed to clear my mind and the ringing in my ears. I made my way out of pony town and into the wilderness beyond.  

I made my way up the grassy knoll, following what looked to be a well worn dirt path. The way the dusty trail wound around small boulders suggested to me the path was from natural foot falls, or more likely hooves, than something artificially built to serve a purpose.

The top of the hill offered no great surprise either. Everything appeared as I had seen it from the distance. No cobblestone patio or wooden benches, just a flat grassy expance under a single tree. I was no arborist but with the white and black bark, and dusty-green oval leaves, the tree resembled a berch. Someone must have come here often to take care of it because it couldn't have been more that twelve feet tall. From what I remember, back home most species easily grow taller than thirty.

I made my way over to the tree and sat against its trunk in a shady spot beneath it. The cool summer breeze, the fresh air. It was nice sitting here under the tree. This spot seem magical. Not the unicorn type of magic, the metaphorical type.

I wasn't the only one out and about this evening. High above me, some Pegasi were pushing around some semi-solid clouds. Seeing a few of the clouds lazily drift away on the air current, which would cause more work for the winged ponies, made me feel a little better. It still amazed me that they could do that. I knew that clouds were nothing more than a coalescence of water vapor. The fact that they could even touch them let alone treat them like a building material was inconceivable to me.

It appeared that I had been followed. My owner would know how to find me, which she usually does so when I least expect it, but whoI saw wasn't her. Coming up from the same path I used to leave pony town was a friend of the Pink One. She was a butter-yellow Pegasus with a long pink mane that frequently fell across one eye. Her butt-mark was butterflies, if I remembered correctly.

The Yellow One approached parallel to me slowly and cautiously, her eyes never breaking contact from mine. She seemed to be sizing me up. As she neared, she slowed until her hoof-falls placed her about thirty feet ahead of me. She broke eye contact to briefly glance at her left hoof, then her right.

Another step forward, then repeated the same hoof glance movement. Now less than twenty feet from me. A few more careful steps closer, each time repeating the same confusing shuffling motion. One step, left hoof, right hoof, repeat

Now only five feet away she stopped again, crouched low, then rolled not her back still facing me. In a familiar dog-like manner she wiggled her hips and used her hind legs to scootch herself closer to me.

Chapter 7: Dragon (1.2, 09/21/2014)

Princess Twilight Sparkle set comfortably upon an overly large pillow in her study. She chose that place, not just because it was closer to her new collection of books, but because it was far more comfortable than the Crystal throne that grew along with the castle. Once she figured out a way to safely remove the gigantic crystal pillar that served as a throne, she would gladly read in the throne room.

She idly flip through her new copy of "This, That, and the Other Thing". Even though it was one of her least favorite types of book, poetry, she felt compelled to return the state of her personal archive to its former glory. As far as poetry went, this specific book was one of the worst examples of its craft.

Twilight contemplated returning the book to the shop where she bought it. She also briefly contemplated hurling it and all surviving copies into the vast reaches of space, doing the mathmagical calculations in her head while she floated the book back to its space on the shelf. The thought brought a grim smile to her face, but quickly disregarded it as it would bring destruction to a book. Knowledge was meant to be shared and preserved for future generations, not destroyed. It would also leave an empty checkbox on her list of books, which would be totally out of character. As much as things had changed, both mental and physical, lists still held a special place in her heart alongside reading and Spike.

Twilight was about to pull another book from a box when pastel blue Pegasus hurled through an open window.

'Always one for the dramatic entrances' she thought idily. "Rainbow Dash, nice of you to drop in!"

"Har har, Twilight" replied the rainbow maned pegasus as she picked herself up off the floor . "I'll have you know I was in a hurry to see you."

"Can't it wait, Rainbow? I still have several crates and boxes of books left to unpack "

The prismatic pegasus trotter closer. "Sure, I can wait, but I don't think the dragon in the middle of town a gonna give you the same courtesy."

Twilight pulled open one of the smaller boxes and started to levitate its contents out.

"Twilight, what are you going to do about the Dragon?" Dash asked with a huff.

"Mmm? Oh, has it hurt somepony?"

"Well, no but..."

"Has it burned or destroyed anything?" She asked well still levitating books onto shelves.

"No, but it..."

"What has it done, exactly, that we have to use force to stop it?"

"Well, It sort of...hasn't done much of anything." Dash cleared her throat, "Yet. But it totally could!"

Twilight shot Dash a frown, but still kept sorting books. "Right, so you expect me to just drop everything so we can go out and Rainbow-Power the friendly dragon, who has done nothing wrong, out of Ponyville?"

Rainbow stepped up beside twilight. "Twilight?"

Twilight deposited another book onto the shelf. "Yes, Rainbow Dash?"

"The dragon says it was looking for something but can't or won't tell anypony what. At the very least we could go out and help it. As princess, it's your job toto mediate and serve your ponies. There is a large dragon out there right now and your ponies need you. Your books can wait, the dragon won't"

Twilight sighed. "You're right, Rainbow. I keep forgetting that Princess Celestia isn't going to step in like she used to, that it's up to us to protect ourselves now."

Dash nudged Twilight's shoulder. "So, can we go now?"

Twilight smiled, "Yes Dash, we can go now."

They both spread their wings and took off through the open window Rainbow Dash entered and flew off as night broke to reveal the early hours of the morning.


I had learned from early on that I had to keep an open mind. Something as innocuous as a plant similar to the ones back home could quickly lead to death or worse. Open clearings, sudden calms, even the presence of a ground fog often lead to something or somepony to have a really bad day.

When I went to bed last night everything appeared as normal as things got around here. The Pink One, I had learned was aptly named Pinky, changed my bandages and tucked me into bed for the night. Another day in colorful horse paradise down,countless more to go.

Sleep take me quickly. No dreams or disturbances this time. It was nice to finally have a full and restful slumber. That should've been my first clue.

I woke the next morning to calm. Still laying in my bed, I couldn't hear the familiar whir of the bakery below. I brought my hand out from under the cover and snapped my fingers. A sharp click echoed through the quiet bedroom. Sound, and more importantly my hearing, still worked.

I pulled myself out of bed and drag myself to my feet. I stomped a foot a couple of times, nothing but my own dull thumps answered me back. Gravity still functioned as normal.

A quick glance to my owners bed revealed the absence of both Pinky and her pet alligator. With the lack of noise from the shop in the absence of the pink one I was quick to assume that everyone had left, for whatever reason, and forgot to take me. I was on my own and if they left I should too.

Time could very well be of the essence, so I wasted none I quickly snatched up my beige tunic and slip it on on my way down the stairs to the main floor of the bakery. No sooner than I had palmed a couple of muffins, I was on my way out of the shop, standing on the walkway out front.

Heading to town hall at the center of town would be pointless because I didn't understand the ponies language with the exception of flutter shy. Going out of town would prove to be equally as useless as I would be brought back to the bakery as soon as I was found. One of the many problems of having an owner. The streets of pony town we're Ghostley, the sky, however, was not. Above the rooftops, maybe two blocks away, Pegasi were circling a purple glowing dome. Like carry-on birds. Looks like I had found were everyone had gone.

A block of buildings in the town we're on the small side, so despite by hesitation and caution, I quickly arrived at the glowing dome and the herd of ponies gathered around it.

It was a hell of a sight. It looked like every resident of pony town, Griffins, zebra, ponies and their pets were all gathered around Pinky and her five closest friends who stood directly in front of the large dome. Despite the short distance, a tightly packed crowd slowed my progress.

Here I was, stomping on the accelerator of my mind into my brain stalled. The muscle under my left eye give a twitch while my thoughts struggled to catch up to the situation.

It was him, I was sure of it. It had to be the same dragon. I mean, how many emerald and topaz colored dragons could there possibly be in talking pony land?

Before I was even aware of what I was doing, I had walked through the crowd of ponies at the base of the glowing purple dome. Carefully, I placed my right hand on the dome, fully expecting to be shocked or burned. Happily, nothing happened. I pressed my hand along the cool, glassy surface of the dome. Energy crackled along its surface like an overly sized novelty plasma ball until I pressed harder and my hand just slipped right through.

With a careful step I followed my hand through the glowing barrier. I chuckled to myself, imagining what it looked like the ponies that were watching me. The dome was designed and erected to trap one of the largest creatures I had ever seen and I had just walked right through it like it was made out of fog.

The electric light show of the dome ceased as the gap I had made close behind me.


After living so close to the forest, Princess Twilight Sparkle no longer thought the somethings were impossible. Now that she had full access to the Canterlot library, Twilight could now call many things "incredibly unlikely" as she now knew that numerous events had recorded presidents.

What she understood about magic, politics, and history, and the world in general was now only matched by Princess Celestia or Princess Luna. Even with all her acquired knowledge what she saw just now was so unfathomably absurd that even "Pinkie being Pinkie" seemed as simple as two plus two.

A magic shield so powerful that it could trap and enraged, ferrel magic dragon and held within it was one such dragon. Personally engineered by her brother, Prince Consort Shining Armor, to be greater than four times more powerful than the one protecting the Crystal Empire. The single-most complex shield ever conceived by unicorn kind was completely circumvented by creature without any magic at all. It had just put its weird paw–thing against the shield and walked right through it like it was no more than a glorified soap bubble. Then, without even slowing down, it walked right up to the enraged dragon within, threw its forelegs over its snout and gave it what couldn't be anything other than a hug.

Twilight no longer thought that somethings were impossible, but this? What the buck was this? The odds were so astronomically low that they were approaching negative zero. This was so Celestia damned unlikely that had to be nothing else but impossible. And yet, here it was in all its mind boggling glory.

Chapter 8: Canterlot

"Have a great day!" Pinkie Pie called after her customer. Her giddy waiving and grin continued well passed been placed as fair and friendly and casually crept into creepy central. It didn't matter to the peppy pink party pony. Pinkie Pie was positively, pleasantly pleased. Suddenly she spied something, a flip-flapping and fluttering of feathers. A mail mare of moderately molted make, definitely Derpy, descended daintily. The pallier pony perfectly perched, big brown bag on her back, shook a shod shoe, then thumped through the threshold.

Pinkie's frantic flailing faultered when she spied the shopper. "Salutarins!" She stuttered. "Shoot! Sorry, I mean, 'sup?"

The Pegasus pony plunked her in way and plopped down a package; a lump of lovely letters lost in loose loops of lace. Pinkie Pie scrutinized the sight.

"Hey there Pinkie Pie!" The merry mail mare made a motioned to other occupant. "I've got some letters for you!"

Pinkie giggled. "I can see that, silly, but that isn't an alliteration."

"Alliteration, huh, what happened to your rhyming?"

The party pony, pressed by the proposition, was parlayed. "Zecoura..." She sighed. "Somehow she rhymed 'purple' and 'orange' in the same sentence. How can I compete with that?!"

"Ooh, that doesn't sound very good, and I'd love to hear all about it, but" The mail pony made a motion to her satchel. "I've still got a bunch more deliveries to drop off before picking Dinkie up from school. So, I'll see ya later!" Then Derpy dashed out the door, disappearing.

---edit line---

Pinkie eyed the loops of the lace-bound letters. She had never, ever had a such a peculiar pile . Obviously they should be opened. She poked hoof at sealing wax which closed a piece of parchment.

"Misses Cake, I'm going on break, could you please take over?" Pinkie called. Before the faint reply to the affirmative lofted from the mare in the back kitchen, Pinkie had the letters in her mouth and clambered up the stairs to her room and had shut the door.

Tentatively trotting past a lazily lounging Lucky and tossed the clutch of letters onto her bed. She hoofed over and hopped up to flop on her back beside it. "Hey Gummy, I got a lot of mail today! I wonder who sent it all?" She called to her miniature pet alligator who had been laying on her pillow. "There wasn't anything for you again, sorry." The reptile's only reply was the unsyncronised blink of its purple eyes.

Pinkie rolled to her side and curled around the letters. Carefully, the undid the loops to reveal the letters to pick to top piece of post.  It was parchment, folded into three, and sealed closed with a blob of red wax on one side. A poke of her hoof flipped it over to reveal the other side had her name and residence written in beautiful, flowing calligraphy. There was no reply address.

"Ooh, maybe it's an invitation to a party! Or an invite to host one! Wouldn't that be amazing?" Pinkie took a breath and blew on the letter, flipping it over. "Imagine all the happy, dancing ponies!" She clutched the letter between her fore-hooves and carefully broke the wax seal. "With my friends all there having fun!" Pinkie let out a giggle. "And smiling!"

She opened the letter her eyes darted about as she quickly skimmed the first few sentences, then stopped. She went back and carefully read the first sentence again. Then the next, much slower. Pinkie's smile seemed to secure its strength.

"Ohmygosh Lucky, the princess wants to meet you!"

The rest of the letters quickly forgotten.

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