
No sounds in space

by The Psychopath

Chapter 7: Golden battery

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"So they have an immense understanding in botany? But even our arcans were never capable of such feats," Luna pondered.

The moon princess turned to face Twilight and said:

"I apologize for my attitude earlier, Twilight Sparkle. I am...on edge. Is that the expression?" Luna looked at her sister.

"Yes. Pinkie Pie, perhaps you should bring them inside?"

"Why her?" Rarity asked.

"Because I know them better than anypony, silly," the pink pony laughed as she hopped towards the meditating tenno.

"This still doesn't explain how they managed such a biological exploit with what they used. There has never been anything significant to note about those plants except some deadly properties in a few," Luna said.

The alicorn immediately jumped back in fright as a freezing hand touched her shoulder. It was the tall biped etched in gold.

"O-oh. There you are. Follow us," Luna said.

The group starting moving to the throne room, but the tenno stayed in place. This dragged the attention of the ponies who lacked at them in confusion.

"Why aren't they moving?" Luna asked.

" 'Cause they don't know how ta speak our language," Applejack said.

Pinkie Pie bounced towards them again and incited them to follow by using her foreleg and waving it several times towards the hallway. To everypony's surprise, they followed, although their presence within the castle seemed to stress all the servants and attendants. After finally returning to the throne room, Celestia called for the transport team to finally enter the room. They had been waiting patiently, as they considered the object to be very dangerous and not for the faint of heart. From the left they came in, a wooden platform holding a cement case with a glass opening at the top. Whatever was in it was glowing rather fiercely, as if not wanting to be in there. Four ponies wearing what looked like specialized, white and green hazmat suits carried the platform while two others, unicorns this time, contained the case with their magic.

"Here it is, your highness. Please be extra careful. We still don't fully understand it." one of the containment ponies said.

"Thank you," Celesta said with a light nod.

The platform was placed in front of the small amount of stairs made to reach the two thrones of the sisters. The ponies all awwed at the sight. Not all reactions were the same, though.

"It's...beautiful. If I could something like that for one of my dresses," Rarity gawked.

"It could help us see through the night when we need to perform emergency weather clearing," Rainbow Dash wondered.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash. So uncouth. Something like this couldn't be used for such a...trivial pursuit. It is meant to be used in a more decorative manner."

"Ah think Rainbow has a point, darlin'. That thing there could scare off quite a few nasty critters back at mah farm," Applejack lifted an eyebrow.

"I think it should be kept in there. Something so bright...It could scare my poor animals," Fluttershy whined.

"That's the point! Keep all them nasty bats away from mah apples and them crows from mah seeds."

"That's a horrible thing to do! They'll be panicking and having anxiety attacks for days!"

While the others were bickering, Pinkie Pie and Twilight leaned in to have a closer look. The artifact in question didn't exactly have a definable shape. It was rounded, yes, but that was more because of its inherent smoothness. The front was the largest part and seemed to have two small arms waiting to clamp onto something. The sides looked like speckles of golden light glowing outwards before fading and then having the process repeat itself, and this area seemed to be in carved portion. Below it were four vertical stripes on each side that followed the same glowing pattern as the middle portions.

"That would be great as a candle," Pinkie laughed.

"Be serious, Pinkie Pie."

"What dost thou...ahem, what do you think of this contraption. As my sister and I have many duties we are obligated to uphold, we cannot study as proficiently as you can. Have you come across anything that resembles this?" Luna asked.

"Wait...your researchers never figured out what it was?" Twilight chuckled.

"Well..." Luna blushed and looked away.

"They were too preoccupied with my sister's return and the project to figure out its origins."

"Well...I've never seen this kind of construction. It's something foreign. That's obvious enough. Hmmm. Maybe the creatures above the 'crack' in the ocean know? They seem advanced enough."

"Nopony has ever caught a glimpse of these supposed 'Guardians of the Abyss'. They don't exist," Luna growled.

"Maybe it's from space?" Pinkie Pie said aloud.

"Pinkie Pie, don't be ridiculous. It couldn't have survived the entry into our atmosphere. It's far too small."

As the groups blabbered on, they didn't notice the nekros who had walked calmly through the group and towards the artifact. As it opened the case, the light flashed brightly and a very loud humming noise filled everypony's ears.

"What are you doing?! Put that back! You could get hurt!" Celestia pleaded.

As the containment ponies were about to restrain the tenno and the artifact, the glowing and humming stopped, and the object rested in the warframe's hand. The alicorns and the containment unit gasped as they saw it non-chalantly walk towards the frost prime with the object in hand. It looked like they were having a discussion, but, as usual, they were silent.

"Wadda ya think they're talkin' about?" Applejack wondered.

"I don't know. They managed to grab that object without hindrance and don't seem bothered by it," Celestia noted.

"Maybe it's only that one who can hold it?" Fluttershy thought.

After a few instances, the frost prime grabbed the artifact and tossed it to the teech who grabbed the item and allowed some sort of strange hatch to open in its chest. It inserted it vertically and, with a click, the object began to glow again before the opening closed up. No later did the tenno put the orokin reactor in its warframe that a massive outburst of energy swept through the throne room, forcing the ponies to shield their faces. A shield of blue energy surrounded its body as its systems adapted to the added power it received.

"It...It used it..." Luna pointed at the tenno with a trembling hoof.

'It was theirs this whole time..." Celestia struggled to say."Twilight, I think we'll have to put their powers through a test before we can properly accept them, now. If they utilize this power, then we have been fools to stop them. I believe they can bring a halt to the war between griffons and neighponese if it ever starts," the princess continued.

"But princess, I have several complaints about that!" Twilight said.

"And what are they?"



Grineer troops were ransacking the nearby village to frighten the inhabitants, but for what reason, they didn't know. There was a long line outside of the town where grineer troops were counting the numbers of their new workers. As there was a language barrier between the two, grineer showed what they wanted with tools they would toss at the newly accounted workers. There was one stallion, though, who did not accept what they were doing and was fighting the grasp of a trooper.

"Let go of me you malformed abominations! We'll never work for you!"

'Stop...struggling...Someone help me deal with this unlawful creature."

A commander teleported in the place of his trooper, confusing the latter with the sudden position changing. The commander looked exactly like the normal troopers, save for the helmet that was elongated upwards. Without hesitation, the commander took a cleaver from a nearby butcher class soldier, and thrust the weapon into the skull of the stallion and letting it rest there for several moments before letting go of the arm and allowing the body to limply fall on the ground. Several of the ponies were horrified, with some vomiting.

"These are new worker slaves for the queens. If they are disobedient, dispose of them. We don't have time for their complaints. We've already established a foothold here and must wait for rescue," the commander said.

"Provided the tenno scoom don't detect the signal don't discover it and trace it to us," a scorpion complained as she dragged the corpse.

Vor came from afar, surrounded by a few of his bodyguards. He looked around at the display, cleared his throat and calmed his breathing. He frowned as he saw equines being registered and given tools. He even spotted a tiny foal trying to hold a pickaxe and have it tumble uncontrollably from its grasp. One of the grineer near the register grabbed the foal and lifted it in the air with a single hand. The grineer immediately dropped it as Vor arrived, a face of apathy painted over it. Apparently, the foal interpreted this as him being a 'good guy' and, thinking he would protect him, jumped on his leg and began to cry. The grineer around looked at it and kept a face of stern seriousness. Internally, though, they were laughing.

As Vor looked down at it, he understood that it saw him as a possible ally, and as he stared at it, it looked back at him with adorable, big watery eyes. It seemed cute...but what did he care? Without a moment of hesitation, the captain kicked the foal off of his mechanical leg and through a house's window, horrifying the mother who spouted some sort of rage filled sentence and charged at the grineer. The captain took out his seer pistol and shot a yellow beam through the mother's skull. Her horn stopped glowing and she fell, head first, onto the ground, and slid forward before stopping at the captain's feet. The grineer captain wiped his mechanical feet then look at the register and asked:

"Why are you registering these...pets?"

"They...We searched through the entirety of this village, and not one human was found. Only these equidae. After awhile, we came to the conclusion that they were the intelligent species of this planet. They are very strange looking," the register said as he looked at the line.

The Captain heard more commotion from afar and turned to see an equine rolling on the floor in pain with red coming from it.

"Hey captain, look. This one has wings," a grineer noted.

"Hm. They could escape. The hellion jetpacks can't go very high and we don't know the capabilities of these things. Lock down the fliers and get the majority of them mining for ore. We need to start building ammo for our weapons to prepare for what might be a lengthy stay here."


"Tenno, we have intercepted a grineer distress beacon three solar systems away. It is possible that your comrades are with them. Go there to investigate. I will upload the coordinates to your navigation consoles. Get there before the grineer reinforcements."

Next Chapter: The stars are coming Estimated time remaining: 17 Minutes
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