
The Chase (The lost chapters)

by kudzuhaiku

Chapter 9: The Crack of Dawn

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It was the sight that all colts and stallions sought to see.

The crack of dawn.

He had only seen a glimpse, merely the distinct crevice of her buttocks, the fine curve of what usually existed hidden under her tail, he saw only the suggestion what lurks back there if she were to spread open and her secret places exposed. He had seen her, without actually seeing her. And he desired to see more.

She was beautiful.

The great white expanse fueled his imagination, filled his mind with fevered coltish thoughts of need, and even now, in her office, he could feel his needs manifesting in the back of this mind as she lectured him for some meaningless prank he had committed, he wasn’t even paying attention to which one.

So consumed with his thoughts, so lost in lurid daydreams, he failed to noticed his own unsheathing, or the glistening drop of slick liquid that dribbled from his flared tip. His expression vacant, his eyes half closed, his ears limp at the sides of his face. He smacked his lips together once, noticing the drool in his mouth, and then he became aware of the fact that she had stopped talking. She was sitting in her chair, behind her desk, and her nostrils went wide as she sniffed. One eyebrow raised slowly, and her eyes narrowed as she focused her gaze upon him.

“You dirty little colt.”

Her words were as searingly hot as her sun. Her tone wasn’t scolding, no, it was something else, something his fevered coltish brain didn’t understand just yet. Her words were a scorching bit of praise, an admission of desire. He watched, nervous, his body trembling as she rose from the chair she was sitting in.

She was a giant. She was a giant and he always felt so tiny when compared to her. His weak and scrawny body always felt even more diminished when she drew near, as she was doing now, coming closer, the hot breath of her snorting landing on his neck and causing him to shiver.

He felt electric tingles all of his body as he was lifted from his chair, held in the golden glow of her magic, and then dropped down to the floor upon his back. He tried to roll over, to get up, to escape, but she was on him in a second, pressing her nose into his barrel, her snoot bearing down upon his ribs, and he could feel her sniffing, her astonishly hot breath blowing into his pelt as she chuffed repeatedly. And then he felt her moving downward.

His brain panicked as he realised he was unsheathed. He tried to squirm away, but he found he was quite powerless to stop the giantess from having her way with him. He felt her linger along his breast bone, and then, she moved further down.

He could feel her snuffling along his now rock hard shaft, breathing in and out, her breath moist and blazingly hot. He felt her nostrils press into the veiny skin just below his flared tip, and more clear sticky liquid began to dribble out.

“Such a naughty colt. I’ve been inside of your mind. I know what you saw. Would you like to see the crack of dawn?”

Very much against his will, he felt his flesh betray him as his head nodded yes and his hips bucked upwards, sliding his tiny cock against her muzzle.

“So eager. I have forgotten how eager little colts can be.”

He could feel her snuffling, sniffing, her muzzle moving along his shaft, her breathing heavy against his flesh. The heat was almost too much. Something in his balls ached and he spurted, white liquid rushing out from the opening at the end of his tiny little colt cock, the thin runny goo splashing over her muzzle.

He saw her raise her head slightly and lick away the sticky froth spattering her face.

It inflamed him with even more desire, making his cock twitch, leaving it somewhere between being limp and hard. Already, he felt himself stirring only seconds after his first release. She was still licking, getting every drop, her eyes half closed in a drowsy stare of unabashed lust. He could see her tongue flicking in and out of her mouth, and, with a quick sudden movement of her head, she dropped down and gave him one quick lick along his length, going from balls to tip in one short quick movement, making him go completely hard again.

Her breathing tickled, and he struggled and kicked as he remained powerless beneath her. There was nothing he could do to stop her. Not that he wanted to stop her.

He watched as her knees flexed and her legs bent. She was laying down now, easing down beside him upon the carpeted floor, first on her belly, then on her side, and then rolling over onto her back.

“Come on my little eager one. Have a look upon the crack of dawn.”

Rolling over onto his own legs, he got up and took a few steps over, allowing himself a curious glance. Her legs were spread, she was open, and he could see everything in all of its glory. It was like staring into the sun. He could feel heat rising up from her, he could smell something sharp and pungent. Her teats were almost as large as his head. He allowed himself one cautious lick, he tasted salt and the flavour of flesh, and then he pressed his nose against her and began sniffing.

“I know what you want, its okay my little colt. You are one of my special students. Go ahead. Rise up, place your front hooves upon my belly, and see if you can find your way into me. You can do it. You have never disappointed me before, and you will not disappoint me now my little colt.”

Running his tongue over his muzzle, which was damp from her moisture, he reared up on his hind legs, wrapped his front legs around her teats, hugging them to his barrel, then he began to prod against her. He felt the tug of magic upon his body, lifting his hooves from off of the floor. He was too small, too short to even reach her moist slit, even in this inviting position. He felt himself sprawling over the curve of body, his face buried into the velvet hairs of her navel, just above her teats.

And then, there was searing pain as he was pushed inside of her hot pink slit, and he could feel his little prick burning from unexpected heat. He let out a pleading whimper as he felt himself being drawn deeper in, not that he could go in very far. He was small, tiny, stunted, every inch of his body was undersized for his age.

But that didn’t stop him from trying. He rammed his hips forward, instinct taking over. In mid stroke, he found that he could not pull out. Something was pulling him in. He felt himself grabbed by his cock, some unseen force gripped him, and it tugged, gently, pulling him in deep, and with a wet sucking sound, his balls, as tiny as grapes, were slurped inside, the heat making him writhe in a feverish frenzy. It was like having his balls dipped into too hot bathwater. He tried to pull out, to pull away, but it was impossible. Something was holding him, clutching him by his colthood.

“You are far to precious for me to let go.”

He kicked and pounded upon her belly with his front hooves, and he could feel a flood of hot sticky liquid soaking his belly and his hind legs. He cried out, his body orgasming spastically, repeatedly as he was pulled deeper in.

“Your mother wronged you. I have decided to correct that and make you my foal. I am the mother that you deserve.”

Her words were gentle, and Bucky felt his hips being sucked into her, he was being devoured and drawn in, swallowed by the crack of dawn. He was having trouble breathing, the heat was threatening to overwhelm him, and he panted as he continued spurting inside of her.

And then, somehow, his hind legs were gone, now inside of her body, and she was swallowing him, drawing him in, devouring him with her feminine maw that stretched around his lower half. He pounded with his forelegs, trying to escape, not wanting to be swallowed, his body crushed in the fiery furnace that was her sex.

“I will remake you in my own image. I will find a center in you. I will find a purpose for you. And when you are reborn, you will be mine and mine alone. I will be the mother you deserve. Mother is the name for Goddess in the lips and hearts of little foals. Call me mother my little foal.”

He tried to speak, but his ribs were crushed in a sopping velvet vice. She had swallowed him up to his shoulders. His struggles became more and more feeble, and then he wondered why he was struggling. He wanted this. His remaining will shattered, broken apart like the glass he so loved to work with.

“Finally, you understand that I want what is best for you. You will be reborn in fire.”

With a gasp, he was finally devoured by the crack of dawn, drawn inside of the great white mare, pulled inside of the womb of a phoenix-goddess in equine form. The heat was now soothing, and there was no need to breathe. No need to struggle. He was finally safe. He opened his mouth and willingly flooded his lungs with amniotic fluid.

A better life awaited. The tyranny of his own mother was broken and he would be reborn in fire, a better stronger pony. Nothing could reach him now, nothing could hurt him here, he was beyond the reach of all those who would do him harm, secure in a fortress womb. The boogeypony couldn’t find him here. No more nightmares. No more glaring red and green eyes lurking in the dark. No more shadows that moved and danced in a way most unnatural.

Bucky awoke with a gasp. It was dark and he felt too warm. Around him were five bodies pressed up against him from all sides. He was on his back, sweating, drenched, and it was a struggle to breathe. Derpy was half draped over his lower half, and he could feel her warm body pressed tightly against his hard cock. Thistle’s head rested upon his neck and shoulder, and pressed against her was Berry, who was also against his right side. He could feel her milk swollen teats pressed tightly against his hip. Bon Bon’s cheek was pressed up against his own, and Lyra was squished between Bon Bon’s body and his own on his left. He took a deep shuddering breath and tried to compose himself without disturbing his mares.

He yawned, feeling sleep threatening to overcome him again, and he drifted away into slumber, his mind compelled by unseen forces, this time slipping into the innocent sleep of foals, a deep dreamless sleep that knew no troubles.

In the dark room, Luna’s essence lingered between Bucky’s ears, carefully closing the shackle she had so finely crafted to bind him to her will.

Author's Notes:

Here. Have some cut content. This scene was intended to happen not too long after Bucky was home, settling into the farmhouse with his wives. I've edited it a bit and looked for typos, but this isn't as fleshed out as a truly finished piece might be. It is what it is, and I thought to my self, "hey, you know, I bet people would love to see how Luna repairing his mind and keeping him from going bugfuck crazy after everything that has happened." So here you go. A look behind the scenes at Luna's inner workings and how she shores up Bucky's mind.

Sentinel isn't the only one with weird fucked up dreams. Enjoy.

Next Chapter: Chapter 288 (When the Fur and Feathers Flew) Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 16 Minutes
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The Chase (The lost chapters)

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