
Nothing Loves Me

by Cheerful Earful

Chapter 1: Nothing Loves Me

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The moon undulated on the surface of the small reflection pool on the outskirts of the royal gardens next to Canterlot Castle. Princess Luna looked deeply into the reflection of her moon, and felt physical anguish at her sorrow. Her withers felt tense, and her wings were pulled in tight to her body. Her neck felt stabs of pain flow through it as she forced herself to remain still, her muscles and nerves resisting the forced positioning.

Nothing ever loved her. Nothing ever needed her. Equestria would be just as well without a moon, but ponies needed the sun. Nothing ever looked at her. Nothing. Nopony.

She had woken up early, that evening, too early to raise the moon, but too late to share dinner with Celestia. They had opted for a walk in the gardens. Celestia strode out in front of Luna, and the younger alicorn's spirits were crushed. The sunflowers had turned to face her sister, while nothing paid her the slightest mind.

Nothing loved her. Nothing.


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