
Equestria Divided: The Legend of House Brightflame: Alliances

by Grimdark Enigma

Chapter 1: Stormwing's Advance

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Stormwing's Advance
Chapter 1
Stormwing's Advance
"True courage is not when you must take a life but when you spare it."


Flash Sentry angled his body to the right just as a hoplite tried to skewer him with her spear. Slashing out with his short sword the orange pegasus severed her wing at the joint. She spiraled down to her death, a scream ripping from her throat.  A battalion of Stormwing hoplites had began attacking New Ponyville just as Flash and his army arrived at the city. The fight had been just begun and the General could tell. Flash nodded to the Shades that flanked him and they broke formation, rushing forward they met a pair of hoplites with a clash of steel. Down bellow the city was alive with citizens being herded into safe zones, large bunkers made of hardened iron and steel, one such bunker was under attack. Flying down like an arrow Flash collided with one of the hoplites sliding his blade into his neck. The stallion stiffened and fell to the ground as Flash puled his blade out. The other hoplites turned on him with spears ready. One of the unicorns that had been protecting the bunker saw his opportunity and launched a series of magic blasts grounding three of the assailants. The remaining hoplite growled as his comrades went down and rushed Flash but was stopped by a passing wyvern. The leathery beast had grabbed the unlucky Pegasus around the barrel. He lucked up in shock ad screamed in terror as the beasts maw filled his line of sight. His scream was cut short by the sound of bones cracking and flesh tearing. The wyvern landed with his prize on top of the bunker with a roar of triumph at his kill. Flash grimaced at that,' Hell of a way to go.'

"Go ahead sir," the unicorn below called," I think we're good."

The orange stallion nodded and took off. Suddenly a screech ripped through the air. From the clouds a Roc descended upon the city. The massive bird's presence had alerted the wyvern pack and the winged reptiles took to the sky to protect their territory from the massive predator. The Roc grabbed one of the by its massive talons the razor sharp talons easily cutting through the leathery skin.

Flash grunted a curse and with a pump of his wings shot off toward the bird. Pulling his crossbow from his back he quickly aimed and fried. The arrow buried itself in the Roc's eye. The massive bird let out a shriek of pain and rage to the air above. The wyverns took the opportunity offered them and two of the leathered beasts sought the Roc's neck their claws and teeth rending flesh and bone. The Roc fell out of the sky with a strangled screech. Griffins began descending down upon the city but upon seeing a Roc defeated had shaken the feathered warriors. One the commander more than likely let a screech of rage.

"Avenge our fallen God," She roared," We will taste pony flesh this day."

Flash put his crossbow back in its holster on his back with a smirk and readied his blade,' Some God.' Suddenly his comcrystal sparked to life," General Sentry we need some assistance near the main counsel building. The barrier generators are under attack and we need time to get them online."

"I thought they weren't ready yet," Flash said into his comcrystal as he dodged a griffon's spear. He recognized that voice Bronze Cog one of Whooves' best mechanics and a Brood to boot. With a flip his armored back hoof crack the griffon across the beak, breaking it. As the griffin reared back in pain, the orange Pegasus buried his blade hilt deep into the griffon's throat.

"They haven't been field tested yet but I think now's a good a time as any."

"Agreed," Flash grunted as he ripped his blade out form the dead griffon's body," I'll be there in two clicks."

"Yes sir."

With a flap of his wings Flash took off toward the generators. Upon coming to the generators, he saw they were under attack by a large group of griffins. Pulling his crossbow off his back he readied another arrow this one with runes etched into it. With a quick aim he fired the shaft. It buried itself into an unsuspecting griffon's back. The shaft didn't go far as it met resistance in the armor the griffon wore and the thickness of his flesh. He turned spotting Flash with his crossbow still out. The griffon smirked," Dumb po..."

He didn't get to finish his sentence as the arrow erupted into a ball of white flame engulfing three of his comrades in the blast. Three roasted bodies fell to the ground while the griffon that had been in the blast's epicenter had been incinerated. The smell of burnt feathers and flesh filled the air. Flash quickly holstered his crossbow as the five remaining griffons rushed after him with spears raised. As Flash engaged the griffon's Bronze Cog began issuing orders.

"Lets get this thing going start pumping it with mana," the grizzled amber stallion pointed to a pair of Shades," You two help me with the rune matrix."

With that the unicorns got to work. Above them Flash was holding his own. He had used his flight aura to thicken the air so the griffon's would be slower with their strikes. A spear grazed the stallion's cheek, causing him to hiss in pain. The spear's wielder was dispatched with a blade slicing his throat open.

'Four more come on Flash give them some time,' the orange pegasus thought to himself as he glanced at the generator. One of the griffon's rushed forward and Flash quickly raised his sword up locking the griffon's spear with it.

"You are a formidable warrior pony," the griffon rumbled," it is a shame you fight for the wrong side."

"Oh believe me I'm on the right side," Flash grunted as he pushed the griffon back and rushed forward under the feathered warriors guard and slashed his neck wide open. The griffon's claws flew up to the wound as it spewed blood. With a gurgle he fell to the ground. Flash's chest was heaving but he still felt strong as adrenaline pumped through his veins. Suddenly a pair of Shades came up from under the griffon's eviscerating two of them with ease with red hot daggers. The did a loop and rushed the final griffon, who now wore a surprised expression, and sliced his head off as they met. The headless corpse fell to the ground in a heap of feather and flesh.

Flash gave them a nod," Thanks is the generator ready."

"Yes sir awaiting the order now," one said with a salute.

Looking down below Flash yelled," Turn it on."

"here goes nothin'" Bronze yelled as he activated the rune matrix. The generator hummed to life as a rune circle appeared above it. Several other rune circles identical to this one appeared around the city, then a massive green barrier appeared around the city borders. Several griffins and hoplites collided with the barrier as it was raised the impact crushing them. Flash whistled at the sight.

"Yep she's a beaut," Bronze sniffed with a hint of pride in his voice," Whooves really outdid himself when he designed it."

"I'll say," Flash said in admiration. Activating his comcrystal," Attention this is General Sentry find and dispatch any enemy soldiers left in the city if they surrender good if they don't you know what to do. Lets clean house ponies."

Next Chapter: How Far the Mighty Fall Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 27 Minutes

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Equestria Divided: The Legend of House Brightflame: Alliances

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