
the poetic stories of the Ocs

by Ahrazell

Chapter 2: (Dovahbrony's) Welcome

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(Dovahbrony's) Welcome

welcome to a land not unlike your own

with miseries and secrets to behold

welcome to a land unlike your own

with kindness and love even in a hole

welcome Dovahkin to equestria

where you will be forever not alone  

(Lancerot's) chaotic harmony

Am I chaos?

Am I order?

Or am I neither?

Am I ice?

Am I fire?

Or am I an icefire?

Am I darkness and evil?

am I light and good?

Or am I neutral?

No... I am me

I am lancerot

I am darkened spectrum

I am balance.

(my thoughts) why when....

Why is a bird lost in a meadow

When it can just fly up and go home and be all mellow

Maybe the bird ran away, desperate for change

Why is the mother bird crying

When it could be searching for its son

Possibly it just wants it for work, not real love

Why when the bird ran away did his brother stay

And deal with the reality that is his mothers cuelity

Maybe he was not brave and decided to jump to his grave

In a different world the bird did not run away

The mother loved in every way

And the brother loved and did not fall away

What separates the two

Is it magic or something new?

A god to keep them from the noose?

No it was something we always do

We made a choice

The father bird stayed.

Next Chapter: (Lancerot's) chaotic harmony Estimated time remaining: 1 Minutes
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