
The Summoner

by Phantaphetamine

Chapter 1: Revised Chapter 1. Into the Madness. The Colorful, Colorful Madness

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The afternoon sun pierced through the glass panes of the clear windows, bathing the entire room in an orange pigment of warmth. Centered in the middle of the room was me, lazily slouching on the couch. A yawn of boredom escaped my lips as I rose to my feet.

I shot a glare at a quaint, old wooden clock hanging by the vanilla-colored wall. It was just past four o'clock. 'Great. I spent the entire morning doing nothing on this couch.' I folded my arms as I scrunched my face. 'Needless to say, things are quite boring during a weekend afternoon.'

My eyes darted throughout the room, desperately in search for something entertaining. A faint whirring sound is emanated as the blades of the old fan hanging by the ceiling cast a rotating shadow around the room.

The television briefly flashed white as I turned it off. Flicking the remote onto the coffee table in front of the couch, I muttered silently to myself, "I'd rather prefer the dullness of silence than watch the even more dull programs on TV."

A stray thought clung to my mind, 'Why not read then?'

I glanced towards the window. The daylight was still considerably fresh. What would I be if I just spent the entire day just reading an old book like some sort of recluse? On the other hand, there's nothing better to do.

My thoughts conflicted for several seconds before I cursed, "Oh. To hell with it! I can't decide like this! I need..." My glare strays towards a particular, half-opened door. An appealing aroma permeates from the door, catching my attention. "Yeah. I'm kinda starving. I need something to eat."

As I trudged my way into the kitchen, I was greeted with the sight of the remains of food resting on a white plate on the middle of the table. I shook my head. "Gah. My sis didn't wash up again."

I walked towards the plate and promptly dumped it onto the sink. "I'll deal with this later, or more accurately, I'll let her deal with this later."

The refrigerator standing in the corner of the room piqued my attention. I turned my head to stare at it. Its door was begging me to be opened as it promised to sate my hunger.

Approaching it with a predatory mien, I opened it. Despair slammed into my face as the fridge had little to no content stored within it. I desperately searched the fridge's interior as I spoke to myself, "Carrots? Some milk--spoiled, of course. Some eggs. A cup containing some sort of meaty monstrosity- Gah! There's nothing to be eaten here."

Storming off to my room, I huffed out in disgruntlement. "Did she really have to go on an eating-spree before she left?"

Sighing, I dove onto my bed. Turning and shifting into a much more comfortable position, I grasped the blanket, mantling my lower body in its velvety touch.

I shut my eyes as I attempted to sleep. All I could see was darkness as seconds passed. Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into several minutes. "Sleep won't come to me," I stated coldly as I raised myself from my bed. "This day is infuriating me."

I stared at the ceiling idly. It was devoid of inspiration. It was slightly depressing to behold such a monotonously-designed ceiling. Shadows invaded portions of its surface as the night neared in.

I could always go out. That's what normal people would do in a similar situation like this, I mentally noted to myself, but all consideration of that was lost when I concluded that I was too fatigued to even step out the door. Weariness basically coils around my body right now. I can barely move a finger.

Alright. Alright. In sincerity, I am just lazy.

After wracking my brain for any ideas, I finally gave up. So that leaves with me with my previous option then; read something. Rising up from my uncomfortable, plain bed, I stepped outside my room.

Walking through the halls of my rather spacious home, I took a note of something in the distance. It was a broken toaster. I always had to walk by the kitchen in order to get to my personal library, thus I am frequently reminded to find a substitute for that broken thing. Yet, I have yet to get a replacement.

A personal library for someone such as I? Yes. I inherited it through my family. It's quite grandiose and impeccable in all departments of what a library should have. Its array of books? Enough to rival a few of the local libraries around here. Its appeal and structure? Some architects would even swoon to its level of finely crafted bookshelves and wooden ornaments.

Though, despite all of this, I am not much of an avid reader. Quite a loss, isn't it?

A couple of minutes walking later, I was faced with a grand, wooden door. "No going back now..." I spoke to myself in defeat as I turned the knob.

The floor was mildly clean, or mildly dirty, depending on your perspective. To me, it was permissive enough. There were a few dusts accumulating in the corners of the room, but it wasn't anything too worrying. That can always be dealt with later.

The library was not a place I would regularly visit, after all, I already read the majority of these books to completion. The books that I had left out were either too dull, or they simply didn't catch my interest.

I looked around, the left, right, and middle corners of the room were filled with bookshelves, filled with, obvious enough, books. There was a couch on the middle of the room, as well as a red carpet below the couch. A simple table was placed just beside the couch.

The lighting of the room was provided by a simple lamp set on the aforementioned table. Before I could begin browsing through the wide selection of volumes, a particular book caught my eye. It had a light-brown color to its hardcover. There was a red insignia of some sorts featured on the center of its surface, other than that, it had no discernible features.

The sole reason why this book caught my eye is the fact that it was placed on the couch, and I have no recollection whatsoever of placing it there. Other than my sister, I was the only one that remains in this old mansion.

My brain became baffled as I slowly descended into suspicion. In all seriousness, this book was making me paranoid.

'Could an intruder have done this?' I tensed up at that assumption, but I quickly regained my composure when I reasoned with myself, "That wouldn't make sense. There's not a single sign of forced entry, and I bet that a thief wouldn't just randomly place this book here."

So if that's not the case, why is this book here? Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever beheld such a book in my life. It looked ancient, that's for certain, but as I opened it, the pages were white, not indicating long aging. But the leather bounding the book said otherwise. The title was displayed on the book.

The title is "Summoner's Grimoire" curiously enough. This is a peculiar tome indeed.

I sat on a nearby chair as I proceeded to progress through the book. The first page boldly stated, "Whoever possesses this book shall wield the strength to call forth a myriad of unspeakable, but loyal, minions from the vast Rift. One can hold this power for either good, or ruination."

Gradually, the probability of this being a prank of some sort by my friends is becoming more likely. But then, I doubt that they would be able to infiltrate my house with me still in it. Of course, they could have done this prior to my boredom.

Suddenly, I became groggy. "That's odd..." I muttered just before yawning. I assumed that I had ample sleep last night. It appears that I was wrong, however. I finished my sentence mentally.

Yawning once more, I struggled to maintain the spryness of my eyes. I stood up as I shook my body, jolting my blood a bit. Hopefully that will keep my body awake a bit more.

Shortly exiting my personal repository of books with the book in my hand. I intend on reading it, or at the very least, some of it before I succumb to slumber.

I made my way around in the house, nimbly making it to my room in seconds. Taking a dive onto my bed, I opened the book once more. For whatever reason, I did not read it on the way to my suddenly more comfortable bed.

I flipped to the next page. Suddenly, I was confounded as I was met with nothing but blankness. I flipped to the next, but it too was unwritten. I skipped all the way to the end of the book, this tome had no words scribbled on to it at all, apart from the first pages! Groaning in annoyance, I let myself fall into sleep.

Just before my eyelids closed, I saw a brief glimpse of the book radiating a red glow. 'What the-' I tried to wake myself up, but I could not. I was paralyzed. Not a single limb of my body was responding.

The bed that I was sleeping on felt cold and its softness was morphed into that of a stone. Then came the realization that I actually was laid flat on a stony floor!

A few surges of adrenaline went bolting through my body as my beating heart fastened. Opening my eyes as quick as possible, I looked around frantically.

Oh hell, did I get kidnapped? I said to myself in my mind as I continued to look around. Several seconds of searching later, I set my gaze on a nearby windowsill.

Said window only furthered my panic.

Through the window, I could see lush, thick foliage decorating the dirt below. Tall trees, and grass alike swayed as the breeze passed by. A cold zephyr rushing into my face as I approached the window.

Despite the zephyr somewhat soothing, it did not even alleviate my panic in the slightest. Nope. Not even by the slightest.

"I'm in a goddamn forest?!" I yelled out a remarkable volume. An echo returned those words to me, causing both of my eyebrows to arch upwards. I was frankly impressed. As my echoes resonated throughout the forest, birds roosted upon branches soared off in a startled manner.

"Oh. Oops." I sheepishly scratched the back of my head. "Sorry," I apologized to the fleeting birds. Of course, my words fell to nobody's ears due to distance.

Calmly, I said to myself, "Alright! Alright. I will refuse to let the dread overtake me... Things will only get worse if I panic." Taking heavy breaths, I eventually reverted my heartbeat to its regular rhythm

Then I noticed something, I seemed to be wearing something on my head. Reaching out for it, I touched it with my hands. No. It definitely doesn't feel like a hat. I looked down onto my body. I appeared to be donning some sort of black robe? "Just what am I wearing?" I asked to no one in particular.

Much to my convenience, there was a mirror albeit an old one suspended on the wall of the room. Dust covered its frame.

Taking a glance at my reflection, I was stunned and also impressed by what I was wearing. Just I previously mentioned, I was wearing some sort of black robe, complete with a fitting dark cloak. I resembled that of one of those shady, wizard guys from the many RPG's I've played.

I almost looked intimidating... I could get used to this. Especially since I was previously wearing a red shirt. This apparel is much, much more favorable than a red shirt, if not infinitely better than a red shirt.

But what caused my jaw to go agape, was the fact that my right eye emitted a dim, smoky red aura. It perplexed me, though, the light was not obscuring my vision in the slightest, so, I'm not that concerned that my eye is glowing. But, I am still worried, I mean, who wouldn't?

Slowly, I backed off from the mirror, still unsure what to say. The glowing red eye thing... It was alarming, obviously. But, I feel that isn't my primary concern as of the time being.

I felt something tucked in my robes. Mostly out of curiosity, I reached for it. Retrieving it from my clothes, the mystery item was revealed to be that mostly blank book. The only reason that I can't say it was completely blank was due to the fact that the first page actually contained words.

Without warning, a faint, red light began seeping out of its pages. Its aura began magnifying itself to a ridiculous degree, causing me to wince. The light was almost unbearable. I almost had to shield my eyes due to the intensity of the sudden flare.

What the hell? I thought. Bewildered, I stared at the book for an excessive amount of time. Shrugging, I opened the book. Surprisingly enough, words were added to the next page, which was previously blank, mind you.

It read: "Surprised? You have been now bestowed the title of Summoner. Along with that title, you've received the mark of one." I paused to mutter to myself, "I suppose its referring to this mysterious red light glowing in my right eye..."

I resumed reading, "Due to this book's previously owner-less state, this book will singe the hands of everyone, with the exception of you, the owner. Not only that, you are now able to utilize the power of summoning an army from a randomly selected universe. Simply flip to one of the many blank pages of this book, and chant a random word three times. To un-summon, likewise, flip to the page detailing the army you wish to un-summon, and chant three times."

And that's about it, the words end just there. I had a skeptical look adorning my face as I finished reading it. Yeah right, as if this book would actually work...

Okay, so maybe it might function, considering that it basically drugged me and subsequently transported me to a random place and somehow changed my clothes. Not that I am complaining on the latter--these apparels are a major improvement.

The chance of this being some sort of complex prank was no longer still probable. If it was not for that sudden appearance of words on this book and of course my right eye emitting a soft, dim red glow, I would still be in the assumption of me being messed with.

Alright, maybe this book will work... But, I am definitely not summoning an army in this confined place. It's best for me to simply save it for later, should the necessity of an army arise. Oh. Who am I kidding? I want to bring forth an army right now!

Sighing, I left the room in search for an exit to this castle. "Hopefully this place isn't too large."

The corridors were massive, and judging by the moss growing on the several walls of this structure, as well as the several dust overwhelming the many portraits and miscellaneous things scattered throughout the castle, it was safe to assume that this castle has long since been abandoned.

"This place is too large."

What made me worry was the fact that the portraits' theme were all similar; always about the sun and the moon. Some of the portraits even displayed what appears a white horse of some sort?

The horse had a white coat, a horn, and wings. Along with the illustration of the sun on its flank. The portrait perturbs me just as much as it does to you. "Why a horse of all things?"

I accidentally bumped into something as I was walking, thanks to the poorly lit conditions of this place. Whatever I bumped into, it was some sort of pedestal... Or something. Clouds of dust enveloped the place the pedestal, or something, landed.

Without even acknowledging it, I coughed and quickly recuperated from my rather clumsy display. The fact that I just committed genocide on a colony of dust mites not heeded in my mind.

"Dammit. I should have looked more closely to where I am going..." I muttered, walking further into the castle before dusting my robes off.


A bright, light shimmered in the distance. This light looks extremely similar to sunlight. My eyes lighten up in hope. "Could it be?" I squinted as I narrowed my vision. It was in fact sunlight.

I sprinted, my rapid footsteps echoing throughout the dim halls of this place. However, my joy was promptly crushed when I saw that a large, rusty gate with still-durable bars were blocking my escape out of this place.

I suppose I could always... parkour myself out of here. I thought to myself, while I am neither a parkour-artist, nor a person of physical aptitude. I still think that I am capable of-

"Oh wait!" I exclaimed, as if a light-bulb suddenly appeared over my head, making that trademark ding sound. "The book! I can bring down that stupid gate with it! Well, implying that it functions like it claims to be..."

Retrieving the book, I opened to the first blank page. Shrugging, I said to myself, "I can't believe I'm doing this." Soon enough, I began to chant a word, "Insanity. Insanity. Insanity."

Why that word in particular? Because Really, because insanity is what I can accurately describe my current situation.

I expected nothing to happen, really. All doubts on the capability of the book was shattered completely when a red, vortex-esque rift opened a few feet just above the area in front of me.

Shortly enough, familiar, grotesque, morbid figures began dropping from the portal. They resembled decaying corpses that went under a number of twisted mutations-

Wait! I know these reanimated corpses! They're the necromorphs from the Dead Space franchise! I- I've experienced a lot, and I place much emphasis on a lot, of horrifying things by playing that game.

Things that I would rather not mention, lest I rekindle traumatizing memories.

The portal closed itself as it simply vanished, but not before unloading a sizable legion of the undead abominations. They all turned and looked at me. Needless to say, I was completely gripped in fear's grasp when their eyes turned to me. Well, the majority of them had eyes, anyways.

I hesitated, should I run? That's what Dead Space taught me, anyways. When there's a traumatizing, fearsome predator whose physical form consisted of rotting flesh and bone running at you, the best thing you can possibly do is run while praying you have some ammo left.

"Um," I blurted out, they don't appear to be attacking me just yet... So perhaps they'll be willing to listen to my orders? They are, after all, my servants.

"Demolish the gate," I said, pointing at the large gate in front of them. They collectively bellowed a war-cry before they all rushed at the gate almost in perfect synchronization.

Bony fists impacted the gate, denting metal. Sharpened, toxic barbs pierce through the iron bars, leaving the gate mangled and torn. Acidic torrents splashes the gate, dissolving its metallic texture with ease.. The brutes, seem to be doing the most damage.

I should probably give you details on what Brutes are, assuming that you don't know the slightest about Dead Space.

They are large, armored Necromorphs that boasts two, colossal fists. They use their fists in order to support themselves as they walk, much like what a gorilla would do. Capable of snapping a man into two halves, they can easily pummel a living being into a bloodied mess.

They battered the gates with tremor-causing punches. I am surprised that the gate didn't falter just yet. What is that gate made of? Titanium or something?

The lurkers, human infants who were unfortunate enough to be morphed into... well, Necromorphs. They shot out acidic barbs out of the three tentacles protruding from their backs. They are nimble, and are able to scale walls. These bastards are also, like every other necromorph, creepy as all hell.

Some time later after strenuous amounts of barrages, the gate was completely annihilated. The remnants of the once proud gate were simply metallic shrapnel and acidic saliva.

They all triumphantly roared in unison as they claimed to be the victors over their enemy, the gate.

"Well done, I guess." I commended. "I- Uh. To the forest!" I blurted out with an uncertain tone. I haven't exactly grew accustomed to their excessively menacing appearances.


And so began my first venture into the ominous woods that apparently increase in creepiness-factor every time I progress further into the deeper region of this creepy forest.

Although, I did not show the slightest hint of fear. My army of necromorphs effectively removed my doubts.

I was giddy. Of course, who could possibly resist to even just smirk due to the overwhelming fact that you possess a sizable team of necromorphs?

Just think of all the things I could achieve. I could subject cities into chaotic ruination, cause the river to flow red with blood. Decorate the streets with mangled corpses.

Make everything whole.

Nah, I wouldn't even consider doing that. I'm not some sort of psychopathic person who relish in genocide.

A stray zephyr found its way into my face as I sighed. The wind was cooling, it was refreshing, I appreciated that. I looked around the forest to see if I can catch a glimpse of anything interesting.

The foliage was dense, I couldn't perceive anything past through the overgrowth of plants, shrubbery, and the myriad of vines. There are trees as far as I could see. Occasionally, I could see a number of wildlife, thankfully enough, my necromorphs refrained from eviscerating them.

Then something emerged my necromorphs and I continued to walk down the dirt path of this forest, it was a chicken! That's good news, I suppose. That may possibly indicate that civilization is relatively near!

And that also means I can have something to eat.

Without ushering a single warning, the chicken fled into the shrubs once more. Becoming undetectable by my sight. I sighed in disappointment, No chicken dinner for me, I guess.

I continued examining my environment, seeing nothing but trees, trees, more trees and-- surprise, surprise-- green eyes peering out of the many bushes surrounding me.

Wait, that actually is a surprise.

One by one, the eyes increased in numbers. I halted, what could possibly possess eerily glowing eyes like that? I am quite sure that nothing is capable of doing that. Well, other than me, of course.

Then it finally appeared out of the bush, a large creature resembling the form of a wolf.. Although, contrary to the wolf's usual furry appearance, this wolf's physical body appears to be completely made out of wood.

The wooden wolf stood there, not even budging as it continues to glare at me hungrily.

I uttered the only response I could think of to such a situation like this, "What?"

As if aggravated by my response, several other wolves decided to participate in the process of confronting me. They surrounded me. But I was less than concerned.

I had an army. A very gruesome one at that.

And I have the feeling that they underestimated the capabilities of my army.

Author's Notes:

Due to the lack of pre-readers, there might be a fair number of mistakes riddled throughout the revised chapters.

Major, major thanks to TSLsmokey for being my pre-reader for the revised chapters.

If you wish to be my pre-reader, feel free to PM me. C:

Next Chapter: Revised Chapter 1.5. Pastel Colors Everywhere Estimated time remaining: 7 Hours, 4 Minutes
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