
Shipping and Mishandling

by Noble Thought

Chapter 2: Schemers Unite

Previous Chapter

On a far away cloud top, Derpy Hooves, Bright Eyes and Ditzy Do sat sharing a pair of binoculars. The Three Mares of Love giggled excitedly. The target of their latest attempt to ship love in a container apparently had been a rousing success.

Off in the distance, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow flew off to enjoy their first date; hopefully a date at a bath.

Bright Eyes pumped a hoof. "Success! If only Ditzy Do had put the right label on the crate the first time, this would have been less messy."

"Me?" Ditzy threw a piece of cloud over her sister's head, "I was the one who suggested Rainbow and Twilight last year. You only shipped the books, not the romantic interest!"

"It wasn't my fault your instructions were garbled. 'Ship Romance' is a rather vague instruction. I thought you meant the romance novels."

Derpy Hooves interjected before her sisters could descend further into their argument. "Girls, please. I think this worked out for the best in the end. Rainbow Dash is hard to manipulate reliably and Twilight Sparkle even more so. Subtlety was necessary on both accounts." She held out her hooves to either side to hoof bump with her sisters, "Good job girls. We've saved Hearts and Hooves day again."

All three of them decided to ignore the fiasco with the trio less than an hour before that had threatened to ruin their year long scheming. Water under the cloud, they decided. Maybe things wouldn't turn out so bad for the trio.

Ditzy Do pulled out a list and held it out to Bright Eyes, "Who's next on the list?"

"I think... Fluttershy and Rarity?" her sister asked, squinting at the list and trying to focus.

Derpy, the oldest by a few minutes, shook her head at her two younger siblings. "Really? That's too obvious. They already have a date at the spa every week, and it wouldn't work out so well. For... reasons."

All three cringed. Memories of animals jumping all over Rarity while she screamed flitted from one to the next of the triplets. No... That attempt had not gone over well at all.

"Why not Fluttershy and Applejack? Or, what about Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie? Those names rhyme at least. We could write a poem."

The youngest of the triplets, Bright Eyes, squealed in excitement. "Yes! Let's do it!"

Ditzy Do, the more subdued middle sister only clapped her hooves. "Oooh. I like that idea."

Author's Notes:

Was once a part of Chapter 1... But it felt better to end that chapter with the kiss and Rainbow Dash's parting thought. Also... This one is a bit more scattered, since it's an omni-perspective from the triplets' combined point of view.

The triplets are an allusion to the three Witches from Macbeth - turned light. Though... I didn't think it fit to have them actually talk in Iambic Pentameter. This is a modern romance, not a dramatic retelling. To be honest, it's a tenuous link at best.

And now I feel it's ready for the Twidash contest. Probably.

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