
And They Call It Puppy Love

by kudzuhaiku

Chapter 9

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Screwloose wasn’t quite sure what was going on. There was something odd about the room she was in, but she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. There were ponies all around her. It wasn’t a large room, and there was only two dozen or so ponies at most, and the environment was cozy and close. She was sitting on a large cushion, with Mint Jewelup and Parasol sitting next to her. Parasol’s wings were partially flared out and she was biting her lip. In a dark corner, two stallions were making out, rubbing their forelegs up and down each other’s bodies, their lips locked in a tightly suctioned embrace.

There was something certainly odd about the room.

A few cushions away, Lyra and Bon Bon were blowing into each other’s ears and planting gentle pecks on each other, Lyra moving up and down Bon Bon’s neck. Near the stage three ponies were kissing one another. At the same time somehow. The room was filled with the scents of arousal. The realisation hit Screwloose like a runaway wagon.

“Mint!” Screwloose whispered. “What am I doing here? I am not sure I belong here!”

“Relax.” Mint said. “This is a benefit concert for those with alternative lifestyles.”

“But I’m straight.” Screwloose said in a delicate whisper, hoping she wouldn’t upset anypony. She felt a hot blush building up and that damnable spot under her dock began to itch alarmingly. Her jaw clenched.

“Hah!” Mint scoffed. “You’re dating a dog. Welcome to the club.”

Screwloose reeled. She felt dizzy suddenly, light headed. She felt a hoof on her shoulder steadying her.

“You alright love?” Mint said, looking concerned.

“Just dizzy.” Screwloose said.

“I’ll keep an eye on you.” Mint said, smiling warmly.

Screwloose wished that Fleagle was here, but he was going to be off doing doggy things for a few days. She squirmed on her cushion, wiggling her backside, trying to scratch her itch without looking looking like she was scratching her itch.

“I can feel the love from all around.” Mint sighed. “So nice. Like being in a hot bath or under a warm blanket.”

“With me?” Parasol said, looking into Mint’s eyes and fluttering her eyelashes.

“Oh that’s a good idea. Tonight. When we get home.” Mint said, giving Parasol a lewd wink.

“Hot bath or warm blanket?” Parasol asked.

“Uh, both.” Mint said, shrugging. “Why choose when you can have both?”

Screwloose felt warm. She couldn’t tell if it was the room or just her. All around her were canoodling ponies, oblivious to their own public displays of affection. Screwloose pondered all those around her, and came to the conclusion that they must feel safe being in a herd of like minded ponies. Safe to be themselves and let go. And many ponies were certainly letting go. She paused, correcting herself mentally. Not letting go exactly. Holding tighter. The sounds of affection were everywhere, all around, gentle kisses, wordless murmurings, whispers, the sounds of tender affection, all of which made Screwloose’s ears burn.

She suddenly felt the odd sensation of wanting to be hugged. Held. Pulled close. Was she aroused? She didn’t know. But little by little, new emotions were bursting forth inside of her, like tender new shoots welcoming the spring and celebrating the end of winter. She closed her eyes and tried to take in everything around her, the feeling in the air, the sounds in her ears, and she felt a warm blissful sensation deep within her barrel.

“Minty!” Screwloose whispered loudly.

“What?” Mint replied.

“I feel very confused and odd.” Screwloose said.

“We all do sometimes love, just try to keep breathing and let it all soak in.” Mint said, her hoof tracing circles under Parasol’s very stiff wing.

“Do you want to go home?” Parasol said, her breathing laboured but her voice full of concern.

Screwloose thought long and hard before shaking her head no. She looked at Parasol and felt an odd sense of envy.

Lights came on, throwing circles on the curtain hanging in front of the stage. The curtain slowly began to open, and there was thunderous applause that pealed throughout the room. A white unicorn and a grey earth pony were on the stage. They smiled at one another, the grey mare smiling a careful smirking smile and the white mare smiling a reckless smile. Without warning, the unicorn used her magic to pull the earth pony acrossed the stage, hauling her in for a loud wet kiss, causing the grey mare to squirm, her tail twitching and flicking from side to side, her four hooves dancing in place as she squealed through locked lips. The saucy unicorn broke away and winked at the audience, leaving the grey mare flustered and breathless.

“Vinyl, that was entirely uncalled for.” The grey mare scolded, trying to smooth her mane back into place, her breathing still coming in gasps.

“Octavia, that’s how I deal with stage fright. How many times do I gotta tell you?” The white unicorn replied. Vinyl looked out at the audience, grinning broadly, her mirrored glasses reflecting the spotlights.

The audience cheered as Octavia stood there, flustered and blushing.

“Alright ponies.” Vinyl said. “Tonight, for the fundraiser, I’ll be doing something new. I lost a bet so no turntables tonight.” She gestured at a grand piano. “I’ll be playing that tonight. Octavia is making me. Sorry my pones.”

She crossed the stage and sat down at the bench in front of the piano. She did not raise her hooves. Instead, her horn glowed, and there was a faint tinkle from the piano.

“Octavia held out longer didn’t she Scratchy!” Lyra shouted from her cushion.

Octavia stood there, looking very embarrassed and extremely smug, somehow expressing both emotions at the same time. She gave a faint almost imperceptible nod. Vinyl hung her head, slumped over the keys of the piano. She also gave a somewhat more noticeable nod.

Octavia stood and grasped her cello, lifting her bow in her other hoof. She took an experimental draw over the strings, filling the room with sound. Vinyl tapped out a saucy accompaniment on the piano, something more than a bit suggestive sounding about the music somehow. Octavia seemed to notice this as well, raising her eyebrow, and she gave Vinyl the stinkeye as one of her hind legs quivered.

Vinyl Scratch leaned over her piano, stroking it with her hoof, her wild untamed mane falling into her eyes. “Tonight, I am going to make dirty dirty love to you.” She said in a stage whisper to the piano. “And I will not be gentle. I gotta get the rough stuff out somewhere. Tonight, Vinyl finishes last. Aw yeah!”

Octavia rolled her eyes, lifted her head, and began to play.

The room was suddenly filled with beautiful music, every pony falling silent, many ponies suddenly breathless.

Screwloose certainly felt that way. She sat on her cushion, feeling a slight struggle to breathe, overcome by beauty. Octavia carved a slow sad but sweet sound from her strings. Tears welled in Screwloose’s eyes as she was overcome by emotion. She stared up at the stage.

Screwloose broke completely when Vinyl began to play the piano, using her magic to tap out a complicated series of notes that accompanied Octavia’s cello. While Octavia was slow, Vinyl’s music was fast paced, many tinkling notes rapidly rising and falling, a complex melody that made Octavia’s music seem slower by contrast.

It was too beautiful for words and Screwloose began to weep, as well as many others did around her.

Octavia’s slow drawn out notes lingered in contrast to the near techno rhythm that Vinyl was somehow coaxing from the piano. True to Vinyl’s word, she was playing hard and rough, hammering away on the piano, making it do things with her magic that most piano players would never be able to replicate. She went down on the piano hard and fast, stroking it with her hooves under the keys, practically making out with the piano.

Octavia picked up the pace a bit, playing faster, her bangs sawing back and forth across her brow, a few strands of hair beginning to cling to her now sweaty ears and forehead, her eyes narrowing in concentration. She was biting her lip, her cheeks as red as apples through her grey pelt.

Vinyl was banging her head back and forth, her mane flying, her horn glowing. Her mane whipped in every direction, her eyes invisible behind her glasses, her lips pulled back from her teeth as she continued to plink away at the keys.

How long this went on Screwloose could not tell, not while it was happening, but she would know hours later, when she, Mint, and Parasol would walk home.

All around her Screwloose could hear laboured breathing, the sounds of velvety bodies rubbing and writhing together, the wet sounds of lips smacking and sucking on each other.

Octavia was picking up while Vinyl was slowing down. Her bow was a blur as it flew over the strings, the strings nearly invisible as they quivered from the vibration. Octavia was sweating now, it frothed all over her body, pouring down in rivulets, droplets flying from her foreleg as she drew her bow back and forth violently over the strings, her teeth grinding together like a mare in the throes of sexual bliss.

Which is exactly what she appeared to be. Music must cause powerful emotions Screwloose reflected.

Vinyl was gasping now, her mouth open, her barrel hitching, her tail twitching and whipping wildly as it hung off the edge of the bench. Her hind legs kicked and twitched, clenching together and flying open wide, she squirmed on her bench, her head still flailing wildly about, the melody she teased from the keys very much like a lover’s light quick touch, trying to feel everything and everywhere while in the throes of bliss.

Octavia had turned to face her cello now, and was grinding her hips against it, rubbing up and down the side, leaving the wood shiny and slick looking. Her pace and speed were impossible to see or keep up with. She threw her head back and began to moan, her music taking on a manic crazy edge, the pace and pitch ever rising, building up to a feverish crescendo.

Vinyl fell backward from her bench, landing on the floor with a loud thud, her hind legs kicking and seizing, both of her forehooves clutched down between her legs, a loud wailing cry pouring from her mouth and filling the room.

Octavia continued to play a little longer, until with a loud “plink!” a string broke on her cello. She wobbled on her hind hooves, her knees banging together, her cello slick with an odd sheen that reflected in the lights. She wobbled, her bow clattered to the floor, fallen from her hoof. She managed to lean her cello into its stand, she wobbled a few steps closer to Vinyl and then pitched forward, flopping down upon the floor. She lay on the stage quivering, moaning, crying out Vinyl’s name as the curtain closed.

Screwloose felt oddly satisfied. She felt warm. She felt beautiful. Her heart pounded within her barrel. She felt a strange new itch down in her nethers. All around her, ponies lay breathless, heaving gasps, many of the pegasi in the room had wings on full display, like Parasol. Mint lay in Parasol’s forelegs, her barrel heaving, looking up at Parasol with big wide eyes.

Screwloose basked in the post orgasmic glow like every other pony around her, realising she had just witnessed something truly magical.

They walked home together, the three of them, Parasol leaning on Mint Jewelup on occasion. A strange smell lingered about the three of them, and Screwloose was aware that it was coming from her as well. For the first time in her life, she felt well and truly giddy. Something had happened to her. She wasn’t sure what it was, but it felt wonderful.

“What happened?” Screwloose said, breaking the silence of the long walk.

“Vinyl Scratch is what happened.” Mint said as though that explained everything.

“I don’t understand.” Screwloose said, whipping her tail around and trying to get some fresh night air back there.

“Vinyl Scratch invented a new spell that turns musical sound waves into sexual stimulation. Every now and then, she and Octavia hold special concerts and Vinyl casts the spell on both of them.” Mint said, grinning obscenely.

“So we just watched two ponies rutting with music?” Screwloose said in shock.

“Oh yeah.” Parasol said, her eyes half open, staggering forward in an almost drunken fashion. “We just watched two masters musically diddling one another.”

Screwloose couldn’t respond. A hot wet heat flooded through her body. The cool feeling of the night air under her tail made her shiver and shudder.

“Thank you.” Screwloose said to Mint.

Mint smiled at her roommate and gave her a wink.

Author's Notes:

Well, that was satisfying. You're welcome. Was it good for you too?

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