

by JoeBobWhitney

Chapter 1: Act I: Woe Is Me

Act I: Woe Is Me


                                                          Chapter One

                                                       Act I: Woe Is Me


    "JUST DIE, YOU INSOLENT EXCUSE FOR A DEVIL!" The enraged Time Being swung at Red, with the Hell Ruler just dodging and slicing the Time Being's armor with his blade in retort, then quickly grabbing him with Demonic Force and quickly struck him with three brutal punches, knocking him away.

"Sorry, Attack. This 'Devil' is just too good for you." Red taunted the Time Being. Recovering instantly, Attack ran at Red, charging at the Speed of Death right at him. He countered by falling into a demonic portal and reappearing where Attack once was, blasting him away with a Demonic Emitter straight to his back.

"YOU PEST. TAKE THIS!" Before Red could retaliate, Attack appeared behind him and blasted a End Beam directly to his armor, disintegrating his back piece instantly. But, Red smacked him away with his sword and delivered another triple combo of punches ending with a vicious roundhouse kick to the chest. The Time Being gritted his teeth and recovered to unleash a quick storm of Black Lightning, striking everywhere.

  Red teleported behind Attack and stabbed him straight through the symbol on the right side of his upper chest. Attack gasped as the blade entered his chest cavity. Nearly black, crimson blood dripped from the blade and onto the war-torn ground. Mercilessly, Red pulled the blade back and blasted Attack to the ground with a quick Divine Emitter, burning away at Attack's tainted flesh.

"So, I took what you delivered and countered it. Let's end this, Attack." Red raised his blade high above his head, charging it with raw energy. As Red brought the blade, a figure clad in bright orange armor stopped the blade with his hand. Red stared at the being there, mouth agape at his interfering presence. "Jack, what the hell are you doing?"

"I've decided I'm gonna have a little fun with Attack here. You join the Chosen Ones fighting the Elder, Attack is gonna take a journey. Ta-ta!" Jack teleported away taking the wounded Time Being with him. Red simply shook his head and sighed before joining the others in the battle.




"So, where you taking me, Overlord?" Attack coughed as he clutched his wound.

"Somewhere you'll hate. But first, your powers." Jack grabbed Attack's arm and felt his power drain instantly. Attack weakly gasped as his energy left him, leaving him weaker than before. "Now, you're as strong as a newly ranked Sage. Next up, your destination. One ticket to Equestria."


"Yup." Within moments, the Overlord found the entrance to the realm he was looking. The entrance was represented by an alabaster door with colorful designs occupying most of the door. It's doorknob was pure gold. Jack grabbed the knob and pulled it open, revealing the colorful landscape. "Have fun, dearie!" He chucked Attack out of his hand and into the realm and slammed the door behind him and locked it, disappearing from the other side.








   Attack slammed straight into the ground, regretting hitting shoulder first. He grimaced in pain as he rammed into the grassy ground below him, clutching his wound even tighter. He slowly opened his eyes and regretted doing so. What he say disgusted him, maybe even horrified him. Oh "God" why, he thought to himself.










"HI!" A high-pitched feminie voice scared Time Being straight into the blue sky. He quickly twisted around and saw a pink pony standing there with a impossibly large smile plastered on her face. She stared amazed as Attack floated back to the ground, still clutching his bleeding wound. She then gasped and approached the Time Being after noticing the wound on his left side. "Are you okay?"

"Does it fucking look like it?" He hissed in response, gritting his teeth in pain and closing his eyes afterwards.

"No, it does not mister! C'mon, Nurse Pinkie will fix that right up! Follow me!" She grabbed his right hand and began making him follow the bouncy, pink pony. As he was being pulled, he opened his eyes again, noticing the quaint town about ten yards away fro, him. As they rolled into town, many ponies stared at the dark, tall, bipedal creature clad in black armor.

   They quickly found where they needed be, which was a store called Sugarcube Corner. She quickly entered  and pulled him upstairs with the two ponies behind the counter fainting at the sight of Attack. After being pulled into her room, he dropped and laid on the floor.

  She scratched her head, examining her latest patient. She placed her hoof on his chest and noticed the armor he was wearing. Pinkie then attempted to pull off the obsidian colored armor. As she tried, Attack's vision began blur and darken. Pinkie's efforts were valiant but his death was inevitable.

"God...d-damn...it." He coughed as he finally let go, no longer clutching his wound. She stopped her efforts and stared at her friend. Her bright pink coat lost it's color and faded as her cotton candy-like, poofy hair drooped and flattened. Water began to pool at her eyes as she held his hand. She stared at the floor and let her tears drop to the ground.

"Hey Pinkie, I-"

"Shh." Pinkie stopped her friends as they walked in. They stared at the body on the floor and Pinkie, tightly holding that person's hand. "Why must this happen?" She sniffed. "I only just met him. I didn't even get to throw him a party."

"Who was he, darling?" Rarity asked.

"I don't know. He passed too soon. For all I know, he could've been my new bestest friend in the entire world. Please just...stay here."

"We're...uh..here for you, Pinkie." Twilight claimed as they stayed there and remained silent for a few moments. However, she then felt a pulse in his arm as she turned towards his face.


















  "OH GOD." He bolted up, scaring the five except Pinkie who was absolutely joyous to see her friend alive again. "DAMN, THAT SHIT HURT MORE THAN USUAL." He rubbed his head and closed his eyes, remembering what just happened. He opened them and noticed the six ponies staring at him. "Oh yeah."

"Who are you?" Twilight asked.

"Call me Attack." He stated, brushing off any dust off his chestplate. He then looked to the pink pony next to him, staring at him with a saddened smile. "What?"

"You're alive!" She tightly hugged the man, nearly choking the Time Being.

"Of course I'm alive. I CAN'T DIE!" He choked out at her god-like hug.

"You can't?" She looked at him with stars in her eyes at the thought alone.

"Yeah, it's impossible to kill me. Anyway, who the hell are you six?"

"Well, that's Pinkie Pie attached to your body and I'm Twilight. These are our friends, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity."

"Why is she attached to my body?" He asked.

"She's very emotional. Also, she thought you died but apparently not." He sighed, quite annoyed, and pried the pony off his waist before standing up completely. Or he would've, if the roof was capable of housing his full height. So, he bumped his noggin into the ceiling and cursed under his breath as he sat right back down.

"So this is where Jack sends the deserving..."

"What do you-"

"Hell." Attack closed his eyes and sighed again. As he opened them, he noticed the six staring at him, curiosity plaguing their little minds as they observed the dark being who was getting uncomfortable at the staring."What?"

"What are you?" Twilight asked first.

"Why should I tell you?" Attack fired back.

"We're just curious."

"Well, guess what, curiosity killed the cat." The butter yellow one in the far back gasped in surprise and seconds later, fainted. Attack had a good, hearty laugh at that.

"Hey! That was not nice!" Rainbow stepped forward and scolded Attack.

"So what? Boo-fucking-hoo. What are you gonna do, make me apologize?"

"Yes! Right now mister!" Pinkie stated. Attack looked at them all and their serious faces before busting out laughing again, rolling on the floor. He clutched his sides in pain as he choked on his own laughter. "I...I can't breathe!" As he sat back up, he wiped a tear of mirth, recovering from his laughter.

"You guys are hilarious. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go leave now." Pushing aside the six, he walked downstairs and out into the town, smirking all the way. As he approached the center of town, he stopped and looked around. Many ponies still continue to stare at him with awe. The six caught up to Attack quickly.

"Attack! Apologize to Fluttershy, right now!" Pinkie commanded.

"MAKE ME!" He gave them middle finger in response and took to the skies. They didn't know what that meant but alas, he couldn't give a fuck. Rainbow chuckled smugly and took after him, knowing full well there was no way he was faster than her.

"Oh no, you don't!" She exclaimed before chasing after Attack. As she rose high into the sky, Attack was nowhere in sight.

"S'up, Skittles?" Rainbow turned her head slightly and Attack had grabbed her wings, causing her to freeze up. "Aw, are those sensitive?" He chuckled darkly.

"N-no!" She replied.

"You sure about that?" He loosened his grip on her wings and began pseudo-massaging them, causing Rainbow to sigh in utter bliss. "It looks like they are. I had a feeling wings on Pegasus were sensitive. I had no idea how much, however. By the way, let's end this." Without fully noticing, Attack had flipped them both upside them and was currently bringing them down in a falling Suplex style. The six gasped at the sight as the plummeted towards the ground.










  Attack stopped as one string of hair touched the ground. He flipped back over and dropped Rainbow to the ground, plopping her on her haunches. He brushed off any hairs off his armor and crossed his arms, staring at the five. A smug smile formed on his face. The five rushed over to her friend who had a goofy smile on her face, enjoying the bliss that was long stopped.

"I wonder if Unicorns have a sensitive spot. Maybe...their horns?" He exclaimed and stared at them as he did. Rarity and Twilight stepped back, a deep fear overcoming their entire body. "But wait, Twilight. You have wings and a horn! Imagine it, double the pleasure." A creepy smile now covered his face, but quickly regained his demeanor as Twilight's horn glew.

"Don't y-you get near us! I'll blast you!"

"Really? Is that even a threat?" He chuckled at the thought and walked towards the ponies as they huddled in a group, fear overtaking them. As threatened, Twilight released a large magic bolt at the ground, exploding in his face.








  "You've gotta be kidding me." They heard his unaltered voice respond as they smoke clear. Not even a scratch was on his armor. A dark fear was now hanging over the five as they slowly backed away from Attack before turning completely turning and bolting away. He snapped his fingers and appeared right in front of them. They screamed and turned back around. He appeared in front of them again. This repeated for multiple times until Attack appeared all around them, in the form of Shadow Clones. Obviously, the five didn't know of this. He then cleared his throat before speaking. "NOW, WITNESS AS I RIP YOU APART!" His voice echoed through the five clones, sending chills down their spines.

  They closed their eyes in fear and screamed for their lives as the clones approached and fell atop them. They screamed for several more minutes before noticing the laughter. They opened their eyes and saw Attack on the floor, busting open his sides. "OH GOD, THAT WAS PRICELESS!" He choked on his laughter once more.

"That was not funny, Attack! You nearly scared us to death!" Twilight exclaimed.

"That was the point!" He stood back up, wiping away another tear of mirth from his eye. As he recovered from his second fit of laughter, a figure appeared behind, joining him in the laughter.

"Discord!" Twilight gasped.

"Ah yes. It is me, the God of Chaos. I-"

"You're a God?"

"Yes, I am. Why?"

"Because when I entered this place, I felt another god-like presence here. Very far away. If that isn't you, then who's that?"

"That would be Princess Celestia." Discord stated.

"Then she's coming here." Discord looked at Attack. "Fast. Also, is it getting hotter or what?"

   Within a split second, a bright solar flare flashed, blinding the eight standing there. Attack's flesh sizzled at the solar energy emanating from nowhere. As the light ended, a tall pony stood in the midst. Two big wings, a large horn and a sun adorned on her butt.

"Aw shit. Well, it took you long enough. So, I assume you're here for me?" Attack guessed.

"Precisely. I have heard of your latest hijinks. It reminds of Discord but much worse. Your power is a problem, 'Attack'. Therefor, I must take care of. Discord, please take the Elements of Harmony to the castle. Now."

"Absolutely, Princess!" Discord quickly teleported the six and him straight to Canterlot, leaving the two there by themselves.




"So, we gonna fight here or what?"

"No. A more fitting place is in order." She teleported them both to a uninhabited canyon wasteland. The sky was slightly orange and dusty winds were blowing. As they stood there, watching each other, you could feel the immense power emanating from the two- HOLY SHIT.

"C'mon, Attack, not even twenty minutes here and you're already picking a fight with the ruler? Man, you are just all kinds of chaotic. Anyways, excuse me for a moment, but I need to drop this here." The person reached behind him and pulled out a orange-tinted boombox to which he placed on the ground and placed a tape inside the drive. He waved "goodbye" as he disappeared.

"There's something I'll never know, Attack."

"And what's that?"

"Just who are you?"

"Yeah. That is something you'll never know. But, I can tell you this. My pure power."




  Within a split second, Attack teleported behind Celestia and blasted her away with a quick burst of Black Fire, sending her away. She quickly recovered and blasted four bolts of pure solar magic at Attack. He dodged three until the last one fired, hitting his armor which resulted in a bright stain on the armor. Until that was soaked in.

"Bitch." Attack grumbled under his breath.  

"You are strong. I'll give you that." She took to the skies and surrounded herself in solar energy, blinding Attack once more. "But not strong enough."

"What the?" The light stopped and revealed a new Celestia. A tall woman dressed in a Greek goddess' dress and clad in golden roman-like armor. She held in her hands a gold-encrusted blade and shield. "Shit. Nice trick. I guess a horse's body won't cut it?"

"Exactly." With the boosted speed, she appeared behind Attack and delivered a quick flurry of punches and blasted his away with a Solar Eruption. He slammed into a nearby rock formation, shaking the ground.

"What the hell? You didn't have that move when you're when a horse! Wait a minute. You looked through my memories, didn't you, bitch?"

"Of course, that's why you were blinded. I made long-distance connection to your head and quickly went through them. This is the form of Arshia, correct?"

"You're damn right it is. I HATE THAT BITCH!" Attack fired a blast of End at Celestia. She jumped out of the way as the beam continued until it met rock, disintegrating it instantly. "DIE!" Three more bursts of End came at her, removing anything that didn't hit Celestia.

"What is that energy?" She questioned.

"End. The END of everything. No matter what. But that's not all. He formed in his left hand a ball of wispy, faded purple energy. "This is fate. But, that's not all." He formed End in his right palm, creating a sphere of pitch black energy. "WATCH THIS!" He put his hand together as the two energies began to fuse with many out-lashes of energy whipping around, slicing through everything.  

  The world underneath rumbled and shuddered under the immense energy. "HERE IT IS! TIME." He had thrust his hand into the air, revealing a mystical rainbow colored energy. "The essence of time itself. Now, watch what I can do with it." A disturbing smile adorned Attack's face.

"What in the-"

"TIME FREEZE!" He commanded as the energy faded away and time itself stopped. Everything in existence was frozen in time, locked in place, helpless to what Attack could do. "By the way, Princ-bitch, this fight is over."






















"TIME UNLOCK!" As time unfroze, Celestia felt a thousands attacks all at once strike her. She dropped to her knees as the sudden pain and slowly looked up at Attack. He dramatically walked over to the defeated Princess, a ball of End in his palm. A dark shadow loomed over her, reminded her of this grave failure. "I won't kill you."

"What?" She looked back up at him, confused. The ball of End in his hand vanquished and he sat down beside her, Indian style. He stared at the ground for a moment and cleared his throat.

"But, not out of mercy. No. I...NEED...your help. It pains me to say it but I can't get back. Jack, that dude in orange armor who dropped that tangerine boombox, placed a 'Dimension Lock' on this place. I can't leave unless I am given absolute permission by the ruler which is you. Now, I should be honest with you." He explained before sighing.

   "I am NOT a good guy. But, I offer my...services. Let's say, a war breaks out, I'll take care of it. Casualties or no casualties. Also, another thing - you were gonna lose that battle from the start. I am the power of a Sage, which is thousandths stronger than a God. It's just that after a tiring battle back where I come from, I 'died' here and came back which also drains my energy. So, what do you say, Princess?" He stood back up and offered his hand. She disdainfully took his hand and he helped her up.

"I can't say I believe or trust you. But, I can't imprison you or that wouldn't help. Fine. Here, I'll take us to Canterlot." She stated. Attack nodded.




























"So, that's what happened in total."

"That was awesome!" Rainbow responded.

"Yes, I guess it was. So, Attack here, offers to help so that he may return to his realm. What do you propose however?"

"One, I am NOT being a maid. Two, I am NOT being a stupid Guard who sits around all day like a goddamn statue. Three, I am NOT a babysitter. And that's about it." He explained.

"That settles it then. If Attack is needed otherwise, you may stay here in Canterlot."


"So, let's get you girls back home. Discord." She called.

"Why me?" He questioned.

"Because I am drained from my battle, remember?" She gave him a glare.

"Fine." He sighed disdainfully and took the six home, following them.








"So where will I be staying?" Attack asked.

"Right. Follow me." She lead the Time Being down a few corridors until they reached their destination, stopping at a white door. She pulled open the door and revealed a luxurious room. Attack whistled in surprise and entered his new living quarters.


"It is nothing. Now, get some sleep, you need to be ready for tomorrow." She winked a eye at him and walked out, closing the door behind her.

"I don't like what she meant by that. The wink made it worse. Never mind that Attack, you're tired." He hopped in the comfy bed, pulled up the thick covers and rolled over to his side. Many thoughts buzzed through his mind as he laid there. But that didn't keep him up. Within moments, he felt sleep take him.
















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