
So, I'm supposed to be an overlord now?

by Camlio

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Unleash the book of summoning? Let co-oppertaions commence!

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BACK TO THE FUTURE! Okay well it's more of the present... "Hurry up already!" Okay okay sorry...
Lyra's House, Ponyville

With the aid of someone who was apparently my prospective Granddaughter in law a Cream colored mare named Sweetie Drops, though she said her friends and family called her Bon-Bon or Bonnie if affectionate. We managed to get Lyra to her home relatively undisturbed, well beyond the very kind wall eyed mare who offered us a muffin for Lyra when she woke up, and told her some mare named Pinkie Pie was planning to host a and I shit you not.

She called it a "Glad you found out that you're a half demon and still not a meanie mean pants" party. After that near brain numbing insult to my intelligence stats I decided that after we dumped Lyra on the couch I would allow myself the comfort of liquid aneurysm prevention. A.K.A. Really hard booze. Which was were we now find ourselves.

"Are you sure you should be drinking that much?" Bon-Bon asked as she noticed the seven empty bottles of SAA* hard cider that had filled her rubbish bin as well as the one currently emptying it's contents into my stomach.

This was met with a mighty belch that earned me a smack across the head from Sandy. "Ouch... that hurts." I said voicing my complaint to the sand colored pegasus. "Heh, I just realized." I pointed to all three mares one after the other as I spoke. "Pegasus, Earth Pony, Unicorn." I said before smiling softly and quickly teleporting to Sandy where I hugged her, I swear it was the booze that made me affectionate.

This caused Sandy to blush and her wings to fan out as I ended up pressing my face between her breasts and nuzzling there for a few minutes. The booze making me shamelessly affectionate at this point which quickly increased the awkward levels in the room, especially after my wings spread to rub her ass.

I am what is known as a Loving Drunk, you know the kind who starts spouting 'I love you man' and hugging you? Yeah that guy is me. "Ah lurvs you Sandy, we has such good childrins." Was the words from my mouth, which actually caused the mares in the room to laugh... awkward laughing probably but, I was tanked and could care less.

A light cough and then a sudden tingling sensation rendered me sensible again as I felt mana flow into my veins restoring me to peak help, it had a minty taste to it... and I could see it was coming from Lyra who had obviously seen enough from the way she glared at me and Sandy.

"Okay... I think we all need an explanation as to how YOU are my grandparents." She said with an indignent huff as she motioned for us all to sit down. To which Sandy complied and drug me along with her, Demon Strength given to a pegasus makes them much more buff then their svelte stature would imply, trust me on this.

So as we sat the arrangement of our positions was me sitting on Sandy's lap like a child in a chair that was across from the couch which held Lyra and Bon-Bon who looked like they were trying not to laugh... to which I replied...

"Well, when a demon and she-devil love each other very much, the demon sticks his..." And then I proceeded to explain in extremely excruciating detail of everything that likely led up to Lyra's father's conception... It was sooo worth it from the looks on their faces, because my girl was a queen of kink. Lyra had that look that basically begged for death, you know that one that people get when they are in the presence of embarrassing parental figures?

Yeah that one, and Bon-Bon had turned a shade of green so vivid I thought she was gonna throw up right then and there. Though I did spare a few details as my suit was dirty enough currently and I doubt they were going to last that much longer if I had continued.

"H-How could you do things like that? I-I mean that shouldn't be possible!" Bon-Bon exclaimed. Sandy's response actually brought some news to my ears about happenings in the Netherworld. Sandy had apparently been promoted to a Queen Succubus while I was encased in stone and it honestly didn't surprise me. She knew sex like I knew music, hell the entire reason she had been in Tartarus when I'd first met her was because she was supposedly being judged for sins of adultery and lust.

But, enough about that, let's skip ahead some shall we?

3 Hours of unnecessary talking later!

"So... I guess that means you want me to move in with you or something?" Lyra asked with a soft sigh, hoping beyond hope we wouldn't take her with us to keep tabs on her because of her powers likely awakening sometime soon.

"Well, no not really, we just need you to make sure you have a full length body mirror in your home that you can cover with a tarp or something." Sandy explained which I nodded too.

"That's correct, you see Mirrors and Reflections are a very easy way to focus demonic magic especially doorway magics. In fact we were hoping you'd allow us to lock a mirror down as a gateway from our resident gatekeeper." I explained to which Lyra and Bon-Bon looked rather surprised.

"That's it? Just make sure we have a full body mirror?" Bon-Bon asked skeptical. "What about the magical surges, the desire to steal souls all of that?" She asked looking slightly worried about her lover, more so about the fact that Lyra would have to deal with this because of something she couldn't change.

This... actually got me and Sandy to start laughing like children. "W-Where'd you hear something that stupid? Stealing souls, what are we supposed to be vampires?" I'd asked with a chuckle but, the answer I'd gotten really, well it pissed me off.

"It's in the official demonology tomes printed on Orders of Princess Celestia. She said that Demons steal souls leaving Ponies and other species as broken husks." Lyra said hoping that what she said didn't hit a nerve, especially after I'd divulged what had transpired between myself and the royal backstabbers.

Abigail showed up on screen for a half second holding a sign stating "Look forwards to that by the way." And with that she was gone and time resumed.

"What?! That's a lie! We don't take souls! Mana maybe, but never someone's soul! Those are sacred even to us!" I shouted as Sandy held me against her so I didn't rocket across the room to strangle someone in my blind rage. To which I responded by charging up a teleportation spell, I needed to hurt something.

"Tyler, calm down... we don't need a... and he's gone." Sandy said with a sigh as she felt me fade from her grip and sank into her chair. "Do you girls have a mirror I could use? I think Lyra's grandfather needs a chance to get away from this world for a bit, especially since I can feel the blood lust coming from him.

This prompted Lyra and Bon-Bon to exchange glances before quickly leading Sandy to a full body mirror they kept in their bedroom.

"Alright then, stand back girls while momma works her magic." She said a giggle at realizing she had achieved super M.I.L..F. Status in the eyes of ponies who still saw succubi as sex symbols.

Sandy pulled the book I had requested her to bring and tossed it towards the mirror where it actually sunk into the reflection and exploded on the other side pages scattering to the winds of the multiverse before the tomb returned to her empty of pages, except more of a way to check on those who were summoned.

"All Channels open a bit of a message to all worlds please Gatekeeper." She spoke to the mirror and received a confirmation.

"Yes Lady Beaches, you are free to address the Multiverse." Natasha our Gatekeeper demon responded, she was always a very quiet demon, never really said much unless you talked to her first and then she really sounded more like a robot class one than anything.

"Residents of the Multiverse, on behalf of Lord Nocturne Overlord of Tartarus I bid you welcome and pledge the support of any who would stand against the stagnant status of the world. For as darkness and shadows may not exist without light, so too can light not exist without shadows. So if you ever have need of a demon to bolster your skills, an ally that will be there whenever you call simply find a reflective surface and call us. We will answer." Sandy said with a very official tone before she placed a hand on the mirror. Only to hear my voice echo across all of time and space, using the established connection.

"If you ever need help, just remember this phrase. Take a look in a mirror to see a choice made clearer, invite a demon to dinner and become the fight's winner."

I smiled as my summoning essence could be felt scattering allowing my people, my warriors, archers, trolls, and prinnys, to scatter across all of space and time, to find and harvest mana from those who were defeated. Be they invaders or invaded, it didn't matter. Mana was Mana after all.

"And it looks like business just started booming."

Next Chapter: Chapter 7: A week of rest from a fight across worlds over? Or, Shades of red... promise of batle! Estimated time remaining: 24 Minutes
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So, I'm supposed to be an overlord now?

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