
So, I'm supposed to be an overlord now?

by Camlio

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Welcome to Equestria my lord!? The new overlord of the Netherworld?

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A dark cave in an undisclosed location. Present

The image of my face appears in front of several of the newer demons who were born or created recently. "Alright, I think you've all waited long enough to know who I am and how I got here. it's story time. ROLL THE FILE FOOTAGE!" I called out and a mare in the back turned on the projector.


I just kinda stared at the screen for several seconds before face palming. "WRONG FILE FOOTAGE SANDY! USE THE RED ONE QUICKLY PLEASE!" I shouted and she squeaked out an apology before swapping the reels and starting the proper one. Crap now I was gonna be thinking about owls for the rest of the night.

Earth, Milky Way Galaxy 1,025 years ago

Comicon... it was a fanboy's dream. Sure I wasn't exactly that fan-boy but, when your friend pony's up for your ticket you shut up, grin and bear it. Ah right you're still wondering about me huh? Well my name is Tyler Black, or it used to be back then. My friends I'd arrived at the con were a tall thickly built, Samoan looking man named John and his brothers Dorian and Austin as well as my friend Alex.

John was the only one of us not wearing a costume besides Austin which I'll explain shoutly... or so we thought as he took off his shirt to reveal he looked a lot like the lifeguard who you met originally from Dead Island fake tattoo and all.

His brother and one of my best friend's Dorian was dressed as Andrew Ryan wearing a rather smart suit and had expertly grown and groomed his facial hair for the role, while Alex was dressed as... I don't remember but, he'd explained it to me once and I'd forgotten but it was a costume based around what people believed one of the other characters from the four horsemen looked like in Dark Siders.

John and Dorian's youngest brother Austin was a tag along having hidden away in the car and we didn't want to spend the time to bring him back, so their mom just said to watch him while she came and picked him up from the hotel and they relegated me to babysit the guy near the merch booths.

I was dressed as an omage to Disgaea having blended elements of three characters together. A suit tailored to my build which was mainly inspired by King Krichevskoy, a long flowing cape that looked raggedy and tattered though split into two like a flowing scarf was inspired by Laharl, and the fact I'd died my hair red for the occasion was meant to refer to Etna. Though the fact I was wearing steel toed boots and gloves that seemed to be meant for fighting didn't let anyone who thought that I was trying to have a flash of Adell in there too... what the guy was a total badass?

Austin however was... wearing a pony costume, now I'm not going to trash them, I've enjoyed the songs, show, even the fandom on occasion. But, that doesn't mean I condone wearing that outfit to a holy site for geeks and nerds like myself everywhere and from the look of sympathy I got from Alex as I led him around showed he didn't either.

This however didn't stop a few girls from fawning over me and my pastel covered ward whenever they got the chance, I still never understood why but... eh what happens happens. Who was I to let the fact someone in the cosmos threw me a bone go dissapointed and talked with her while holding a firm grip on the tail of the pony costume that Austin wore. Poor kid wanted to run like a pony so damn bad, made me feel for him.

Now I wasn't exactly built like a superstar, hell I was a twig who played Violin, so much so people would confuse me for the bow sometimes. But, I wasn't unfit either I did a bit of working out but, mainly so I didn't ever start running myself ragged if I had to run away from a bully or escape some other nastiness of living in the city. I was... for lack of a better word, cute. Like that one guy in anime that gets girls fawning over him because he looked more like a kind kitten than anything.

Sadly this lack of any kind of major upper body strength meant that the second he kicked me in the balls and started hauling ass he got away from me. People were confused as to what I was dressed as but, after I explained it I got some polite head nods. This was because I wanted to play around with the idea that I'd gotten during the scene in Disgaea three where Laharl and Etna try to dissuade Mao from fighting them by pretending to be his parents and decided to run with it. So now I walked through the booths looking at stuff while searching for Austin dressed as my made up Overlord Nocturne.

"Why hello there my lord." Came the voice of a strange woman that practically dripped lust as she looked at me from behind the booth and the items thereon. "See anything you like?" She asked giving me a flirtatious wink.

Though of all the various objects, weapons, and trinkets on display the one thing that caught my attention was the strange glowing medal object it looked strangely like the Imperial Seal that all the main characters of the Disgaea seemed to have. "How much for the medal?" I asked as I reached for it.

"For you cutie?" She pursed her lips and put a finger on her cheek in thought. "A kiss and a promise, that you'll treasure it always. Well that and fifty dollars." She said with a giggle before forcibly kissing me which caused me to stumble back and wiping my mouth off, oh god she used tongue.

"W-What was that for?" I asked looking at her confused before I noticed the medal was pinned to my suit jacket.

"Well, I wanted to make sure you wouldn't forget me. See you soon cutie~" She called out as I felt dizzy the fifty dollars taken from me waved in her hand and then... I started to fall.

Field outside what will be Canterlot 1,025 - 3rd Person

Celestia was not having a good day. First of all Luna was complaining about the kitchen being out of cake again, which she tried her best to deny responsibility but, was unable to as she had a bit of fluffy cream on her upper lip which she had forgotten about. This had caused Luna to rage and literally chase her around the castle and into the fields around the mountain just outside the forest she and Luna called home where she was hit by some random falling figure with massive red bat wings which got it's head stuck between her cleavage for several minutes.

After finally prying itself free and staggering back a bit to reveal that it was a demon one of the few creatures of Tartarus that did leave their netherworld. Though they had to be strong to circumvent the barrier and from the looks of the seal pinned to it's his chest... she had just been groped and molested by their new overlord the act of which could incite a full blown war between her ponies and the demons. Yeah her day was going just swimmingly...

Same Dark Cave in the undisclosed location. Present - Nocturne's perspective

A few demons let out cries of "OH COME ON!" as the projector faded out which caused me to smile slightly.

"Sorry about that but, the rest of the story will have to wait. You all wanna hear happens next I know but, first I need to actually spread my wings a bit, I mean it's morning already and it shouldn't be hard for her royal virginity to realize that I haven't been caught or found yet so... open the gate and head home for now, I'm going to familiarize myself with the locals. Sandy you're coming with me." I said in an authoritative tone to which all the demons gathered replied with a cheer and swarmed past me.

Most of them passed just giving me well wishes on my return while a few of the succubi gave my ass a pinch or my groin a rub as if asking me for a good time before they faded out of sight beyond the gates of Tartarus, which was as much my home as theirs since I arrived here. Though Sandy was another case entirely, she was a pony mare who willingly submitted herself to my service even though she knew she'd stay that way until I either died or freed her.

Her full name was Sandy Beaches and she was a pegasus pony who felt the need to serve me forever. She never seemed to mind it due to the circumstances of how we met, which I will likely explain when the rest of the demons get their story time.

"Y-You called for me sir?" She asked with her usual shy tone she was a cutie through and through, not overly developed like the royal tits but, definitely a good looker. She was a soft creme yellow with a soft green mane and tail with C sized breasts, but wide hips and the stature of a woman who was a mother at one point. She had a fondness for wearing green clothing that matched her mane and was a ridiculously good shot with a rifle. Strictly speaking she was my best friend and likely the only mare I ever slept with... which would be awkward if what I heard a rumor about was true.

"O-Oh if we're going out should I bring the book?" She asked holding up an ancient tool, the Book of Summoning. It was my answer to several meetings that I will once again extrapolate on later. The names of those who were summonable or able to summon would glow either white or gold, based on which they were. Likewise the book would record those who interfered in my version of happenings as red or grey, when a name was not available it merely was normal black ink.

"Yes good work Sandy, by the way have you managed to find if you ever had any descendants?" I asked kindly, sure the world looked at me and labeled me a monster because of my nature, but you know what. Screw them I'm good to my friends, allies, and family, and that's what matters. Though the fact she nodded kinda threw me for a loop meaning I had a blood tie to this world after all, which was likely the cause of that harmony thing waking me up.

"Gonna need to add them to safe list. Got a name?" I asked and she nodded and handed it to me, what I saw kinda shocked me but I'm not gonna deny that fate had a way of messing with me. "Oh that's gonna cause an issue down the line I can tell."

The name she handed me was one I didn't recognize but, the fact that the closest settlement to here and where I was going to meet the locals and bring about some more brazen notice to my return was one and the same.

"Well then, time to meet the family, next stop. Ponyville." I said before chuckling slightly at the pun, they just never did get better.

Author's Notes:

And what's this? A second chapter in the span of a single day? Am I high? No... not high, well again comments, criticisms, and thoughts are welcome. Though for the love of all that's holy... at least READ THE STORY before commenting.

Next Chapter: Chapter 3: Almost to Ponyville! What's changed during the Epic Nap? Estimated time remaining: 45 Minutes
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So, I'm supposed to be an overlord now?

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