
Hades and Persephone

by Chaos Nightmare

Chapter 1: Arival


I sat on this random tree as i looked at the mountain that once held the city of canterlot and thought back to when this whole thing started as i waited for Celestia to come with the last of the survivors of my...well i guess genocide would be the correct term.

A year ago

I was looking around the pawnshop that a friend of my dad owned. Hell my family and his have been friends sense well time began but enough about that lets get to why was there. I was there shopping obviously i came here every once in a while to see what stuff he had. Plus he gave me a discount so how could i refuse. Anyway i was buying  a replica flintlock pistol , a bad-ass cloak and an awesome looking gauntlet with chains wrapped it. As i was asking about the gauntlet i noticed an interesting amulet. "Hey how long has that amulet been there?" i asked pointing to the red and black winged unicorn amulet.

He looked at the amulet for a second before answering me "Oh that?" he asked as i nodded "well I found it a couple months ago and after waiting for the cops to say its not stolen i decided to put in the shop." He explained "But i don't have the heart to sell it" he said looking at me "you want it? On the house" he said

I blinked at his question "You're joking right?" i asked. He shook his head "Sure i'll take it." I said pulling out my wallet "So how much for all this stuff?" i asked pulling some bills.

He looked at the money i had "that should be enough for all this stuff." he said as he rung up the stuff "You want to wear this stuff out or do you want it on a bag?" he asked holding the stuff

I thought for a second before answering "Yeah i'll wear it home." I said putting the flintlock holster my belt.

He laughed as i put the cloak, the gauntlet and amulet on "You take care kid and tell you're old man that i won't be able to make it to our weekly poker game tonight" he said as i opened to door.

"Okay i'll tell him" i chuckled as i left his shop. On the way home i stopped by a field to play with the stuff i bought because lets face it we all need to fell like we're seven years old at times. I swung the sickle a couple times while doing stupid jumps and fight sounds. As i was playing however i didn't notice the amulet i was wearing started glowing and expanded in a redish green explosion knocking me out.

A couple hours later

I awoke near a forest with a bit of a headache. Wondering what happened i looked around making sure that i had all my body parts because i was in an explosion. When i was done making sure i was okay i turned my attention to the stuff i had bought.

As i was checking the gear i had i accidentally pressed the trigger of the pistol which should have done nothing sense it was suppose to be a non-functioning gun as per the law but this shot a ghost round at the ground startling me. When i got over the shock of the gun actually shooting  i checked the sickle blade i bought which was supped to be dull mostly because it was meant for plays was actually sharp.

I decided that standing around this forest would do me no good so i made sure that my gun was in its holster and the sickle was in its little compartment in my gauntlet before putting the hood on my cloak as i headed out on the dirt road.

Some time later

As i walked out of the forest i noticed a hut on the edge of a town which i could have gone too to see if i could call my family to ether come and pick me up or at least let them know i was okay. But i decided against bothering whom ever lived there plus add the that fact that i couldn't see a power line or any sort of power for that mater so going there would be pointless.

Nothing rely happened on the way to the town other than me passing a sign that told me that the town was called 'ponyville' which was a weird name but i shrugged it off as a racial thing. But i couldn't shake the feeling that i had heard of that town before but i couldn't place my finger on it.

The pieces started to form when i entered the town as the inhabitants shouted "Monster!" before running into their homes in fear leaving me standing in the middle in the road wondering what was going on. 'where those horse's yell at me?' i thought to myself as i walked towards the tree house in the middle of town which was a library.

In the library

As i entered the tree i notest two things. One was that the Library could and probably does double as an apartment. The second was the lizard standing in the middle of the room which i would have just shrugged off as a pet if it wasn't for the fact that i was literally called a monster by horses so there might be a chance he can speak. "Hello?" i ask in a confused as it turned around.

"Yes" It said turning around before seeing what it was talking "W-what are you?" it asked terrified.

It was obviously scared so i decided to do some comedy to lighten the mood "Lost and confused" I said causing it to chuckle and calm down "Thank you now can you help me?" i asked. "I kinda need a world map to find my way home" i explained

It looked at me for a second wondering what i wanted. It also seemed to recognized the amulet i was wearing but didn't act on it. "I'll be back in a moment" It said leaving the room. I decided to read a random book while waiting.

I picked the first book that i saw which was called 'Spell's for beginners' which peeked my interests. A couple chapters in the lizard came in with the maps. "Here you go" It said putting the maps on a table.

"Thanks... ummm i'm sorry i never got you're name." I said as i started to look at the maps.

It looked at me for a second before speaking "Oh right I'm Spike" He said.

"Are you sure your maps are up to date?" I asked not seeing anything remotely similar to earth.

He looked at me for a second before saying "We just got them yesterday. Maybe Twilight can help you?" he said as a group came through the door.

"Keep calm and stand still please! This'll fix everything!" The psychotic purple mare told me.

As she told me that the gems on there jewelry started glowing every gamer instinct told me to block or dodge said attack. As i was trying to figure out what to do the amulet started to glow as i shouted the words "AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS as the bookcases surrounding the door slammed together sealing the front door temporarily as i grabbed bought the book i was reading and one of the maps.

I ran up the stairs readying my gun in case there was no place for me to get outside. As i was running out of the back porch i got a view of the town and apart from some weird gingerbread house there was nothing really worth mentioning except for a train station that i could use for my escape. I ran across the nearby rooftops Assassin's Creed stile as the blue one chased me.

"Hey stop we're trying to help you!" she shouted as i mentally called 'bullshit' as i quickly firing my gun behind me randomly hoping that it will scare her off and not actually hit anyone. I stopped and turned my head when i heard a scream what i saw froze my blood. One of the stray shots had hit someone. A grey pegasus was laying on the street below me blood flowing around her as a child cried asking her to get up.

As i saw what i had done i mentally torn on what to do. Half of me wanted to just stop, drop to my knees and surrender. While the other half wanted to keep running to the train not looking back and get out of there.

After a couple seconds of thinking i went back to running towards the train not wanting to think of what i had done. I focused on running not trying to think of what I've done just trying to get to the train while not trying to think about the child I've probably just orphaned.

After running over a couple dozen house i make into the train heading who knows where and hide behind a large create of Jimmie's grape's.

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