
Stockholm - The Dash Family

by Lily Peet

Chapter 2: Little Miss Super Kind Doormat

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Little Miss Super Kind Doormat

“Rainbow!” came a familiar, high voice as something white slammed into her and hugged her around the shoulders.

The voice reached her ears and Rainbow looked down to see none other than Sweetie Belle, much to her own surprise, “...Sweetie Belle?”

Sweetie Belle nodded and hugged her tighter as a clacking sound came from the doorway.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said stiffly, her lips pursed.

At this, Rainbow backed as far away from Sweetie Belle as she could, “Rare… if you’re gonna tear into me, don’t even. I’ve heard it. I fucking get it.”

“I’m not going to, Rainbow,” Rarity said, though she didn’t soften, “Sweetie Belle specifically asked me not to. But either way, I’m certainly not pleased with what happened with you two.”

Sweetie Belle moved closer and sat down in a chair next to her, “Rainbow, I’m so sorry I got you stuck in here…”

Sighing, Rainbow refused to look at either of them, “It’s not your fault, kid. If anything, blame Twilight, she called them in the first place. Then you can sprinkle a little bit on Fluttershy too. So don’t worry about it. Not like you were trying to get me put away in the first place.”

“No, but if I hadn’t… none of this would have happened if I wasn’t such a…” Sweetie Belle rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath, “...Can I have a hug?”

Exhaling, Rainbow nodded and opened her arms as much as she could, “Okay, sure.”

Sweetie Belle ducked under her hands and wrapped her arms around Rainbow’s midsection, crying a little into her shirt. Rarity’s face softened and she took a seat in a fourth chair.

“Rainbow…” she said, taking a deep breath, “I’m willing to… try and put this behind us, providing you co-operate with Dr Wolf and make a real effort to get well.”

“Great, so now I’m getting ultimatums? I want out of here, Rare, but then what? No one’s gonna look at me the same way ever again. I’m probably never going to get near Scootaloo again because she’ll be afraid. Parents and teachers will practically quarantine kids if I’m around,” Rainbow muttered bitterly, “Face it, I’m a pedophile and no one’s ever gonna trust me again. Twilight doesn’t even think to consult me about this, either. Nope! Just sends her goons over to kidnap me and take me here against my will! Wonderful! I’ve got awesome conditions to get better!”

“Rainbow, Twilight has been keeping your condition under a very tight lip,” Rarity explained, “When your boss called looking for you, she told her that you’d had a nervous breakdown. Nobody knows why you’re in here, all they know is that you needed help. Twilight practically saved your reputation by sending you here. And Scootaloo misses you so much. She cried for over a week when she found out you’d lost custody of-”

Sweetie Belle made silencing motions, but the damage was done.

“...What… No… no… NO!” All at once Rainbow crumbled, falling to her knees and beginning to sob, “Damn it all!”

Rarity sighed, “...Yes. Twilight couldn’t keep this from everyone. Social services found out what had happened with her and handed full custody over to Fluttershy. Oh, speaking of Fluttershy...”

Sweetie Belle wrapped her arms around Rainbow’s neck and kissed her cheek, “Um… Fluttershy did something really nice… do you want to know?”

“She can rot in HELL for all I care! But fine! Humour me! Tell me what little miss perfect did this time!” Rainbow growled angrily, despite the tears flowing down her cheeks at the mention of her.

Rarity huffed and pulled a slip of paper out of her jacket pocket, handing it to her, “She had some paperwork filed for you. And perhaps you ought not to speak about your wife that way.”

“...What? What are you talking about?” Rainbow looked up, taking the paper from her, “We weren’t married. I dumped her, remember?”

“Remember when you two got engaged and filed for your marriage license?” Sweetie Belle explained, “It came back the other day… everything was approved. If you sign that paper… you will be.”

At this she looked down, reading over the paper, and seeing a line at the bottom where she had to sign her name. The line next to it already had Fluttershy’s in its neat cursive.

“...She’d still want to… even after this?” Was all Rainbow could say, her eyes never leaving the paper, “How could she…”

“She’d have come down herself, but Dr Wolf says she shouldn’t yet,” Sweetie Belle said softly, “Technically, we weren’t supposed to bring this with us…”

Sniffling, Rainbow placed it aside onto the desk in the room, “Fine. I’ll think it over.”

“I suppose that will do,” Rarity sighed, standing up, “Come on, Sweetie Belle.”

“Just a little while longer?” Sweetie Belle begged, “Please?”

Rarity sighed again, “Fine. I’ll go tell Ascentia we’ll be a little while longer. Keep your skirt down, young lady.”

She turned and strode out the door, leaving Rainbow and Sweetie Belle alone.

“I’m grounded,” Sweetie Belle mumbled.

“Grounded, huh,” Rainbow didn’t quite look at her, instead opting to glance out the window, “How long?”

“The entire summer,” Sweetie Belle said, hugging Rainbow around the shoulders.

“Wow. Longest I was grounded was two weeks,” Rainbow exhaled, shaking her head, “But I guess I can see why.”

“Yeah, you never tried to spread your legs for a grown woman,” Sweetie Belle grumbled, sitting back down in her chair, “It’s not fair…”

“Hey, you got off easy. I’m stuck in this place because of what I did,” she snapped, “So get over it, will ya? At least you get to be at home and be able to live a normal life once it’s over. Grounded for the summer in your own home? Boohoo, who cares. I’m probably ‘grounded’ for years in a MENTAL hospital! Shitty food, crazy people, doctors, and a place that’s not my own room! How do you think I feel? Frankly I’d rather be fourteen years old and grounded for the summer right now! So don’t tell me what’s not fair!”

“Jeez Dash,” Pervy said, laying a hand on her shoulder, “Ease up, she’s just a little girl.”

“I wasn’t talking about being grounded,” Sweetie Belle said, her eyes watering.

“...Then what were you talking about?” Rainbow wanted to know, softening a little as she took a breath to calm down.

“Everything else,” Sweetie Belle said, shaking a little in her seat, “You’re stuck in here because I wouldn’t listen when you said no. I love Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, but you’re so pretty and I have such a big crush on you, and I had to go and be such a dumb slut and try to get you to do me, and look what happened. I even stopped, and you still ended up in here! Why couldn’t I just be sixteen already? Then none of this would have happened! We could have just done it and nobody would be in trouble and it’d be over with!”

“No. Don’t say stuff like that, kid,” Rainbow turned away again, raising her wrists to wipe her eyes, “Don’t even dare. I still would’ve been dumped and you’d be alienated and then open your legs for any crush you had.”

“Works for Pinkie Pie…” Sweetie Belle said, looking bitter.

“Pinks doesn’t do it behind anyone’s back and doesn’t keep secrets about who she sleeps with.”

“She knows…” Sweetie Belle said, wiping her eyes, “I told her…”

“Good for you. Least you got an outlet for that,” Rainbow sighed, turning away completely, “Sweetie Belle, you’re a good little friend and I’m glad to have had the three of you. But I’m not letting this happen again. After I’m out, I’ll probably never go near you girls again until I know I can keep control. So don’t say things like that. It’s never going to happen. Ever.”

Rainbow had expected Sweetie Belle to understand why Rainbow couldn’t be around them and why the girl should let go of her adolescent fantasies.

Rainbow expected a little too much from a teenage girl being tormented by puberty.

“No!” Sweetie Belle said, teary eyed, “You can’t just go away! We love you so much! You’re our best friend! You’re Scootaloo’s Mom! You helped Apple Bloom and me… and you’re so…”

She folded her face in her arms and broke down crying.

“Kid, I know. I love you girls too, believe me. But I gotta protect you from myself. That’s why I’m here. Apparently, anyway,” Rainbow sighed, wiping her eyes, “I just don’t want to look at you girls as sex objects. I want to see the young fun girls who were like little sisters to me. I want to see Scootaloo as my daughter.”

Pervy pulled back on Rainbow’s shoulder, “She’s a teenage girl, Dashie. You were in her position once. Pretty woman setting her panties on fire that she can’t have. It’s hard for a lot of girls, and I think she feels really guilty about being the catalyst that got you in here. Don’t break the poor girl’s heart. Do you really think anything’s going to happen in the middle of the hospital?”


“Well I think you can afford to be a little more honest with her,” Pervy said, “You’re cuffed and considered not of sound mind. If any sex does happen, it certainly won’t be with your consent. And Rarity’s gonna be coming back soon… I think…”


“But nothing,” Pervy said firmly, “This poor girl is in tears. She loves her girlfriends, but she really wants you and she knows she can’t have you. When you get out, your friends are going to be more careful not to let you in those risky situations anymore. Rarity’s certainly not going to trust either of you to be alone together. So just give the poor girl something to masturbate to at home.”

“...Fine, okay,” Rainbow conceded, turning back to Sweetie Belle, “Kid, look. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry there. I just don’t want anything else to happen, not to you or anyone. Look, if you need to… I don’t know, something to masturbate to, I can understand. Come on, look at me, okay?”

Sweetie Belle lifted her head and wiped her eyes, her face flushed as she turned her gaze to Rainbow, “I’m sorry, Rainbow… I just… I just…”

“Look, it’s okay. I’ve been there. Crushing on a pretty girl I can’t have for whatever reason, and these days I got a worse sex drive than before. I know you can’t help your feelings and you’re not trying to make this harder, okay?” Now she sat down, keeping close but still within safe distance, “You can go ahead and say stuff like that, take a load off yourself and try to feel better. Your fantasies are all you got but they’ll help. Don’t hold yourself back in all that stuff.”

“I know… I just…”

She got up, moved to the door and closed it, listening to the soundproof seal as her okay to let it out.

“I just want you to rip my dress off and fuck me!” she half screamed, resting her forehead against the door, “It’s driving me crazy! I love my girlfriends so much, but I just want you to pound me until I see stars!”

“Damn…” Pervy whispered, “That’s hot.”

Feeling her erection twitch in her garb, Rainbow backed away still, not trusting herself, “Okay, okay, there you go. That’s a start…”

Sweetie Belle turned around and stepped toward her, while Pervy laid her hands on Rainbow’s shoulders.

“I’ll take care of that when they’re gone,” she whispered, “So don’t worry.”

Sweetie Belle looked her right in the eye, “You know what, I wish I had done it that day. Sometimes I kick myself for letting it slip by me. Sometimes I want to go back in time and slap that stupid pill bottle out of your hands!”

Rainbow winced, both from the immense guilty pleasure of the thought and also just how much more disastrous it would have been if that did happen, “Y-Yeah, I’m sure you do.”

“You know I haven’t seen Apple Bloom or Scootaloo since I was grounded,” Sweetie Belle said sharply, “Part of my punishment. But I can’t think about them. All I end up thinking about is you. Your hair, your skin, your cock. I just… can’t stop thinking about you!”

Pervy’s arms wrapped around Rainbow’s shoulders, “Damn, this girl has it bad.”

‘Felt that way anytime I looked at girls in high school,’ Rainbow mused, taking a breath to calm herself, ‘Especially… urgh, stop thinking about her! Okay, I can do this.’

“Yeah, that’s normal, perfectly normal,” Rainbow said, shifting her gaze a little.

As much as Sweetie Belle was getting more and more excited by confessing to Rainbow, she was also feeling more relaxed. Like a huge weight being taken off her shoulders. She wasn’t sure why, but it felt good to come clean in a safe environment.

“...Sometimes I…” she shook a little, not sure if she could confess this one, “...Wish you and Rarity would both take me…”

“Oh this girl is beyond naughty,” Pervy said with a chuckle.

“Okay, that’s-wait, what?” Rainbow snapped her gaze to Sweetie Belle in surprise, “Okay, wait a minute. Back up. Me and Rarity? Where’d that come from?”

“Rarity was how I realized I was gay,” Sweetie Belle said, quieter than before, sitting back down on her chair, “I… I saw her naked a few times and I liked it. I really liked it. Before I came out to Apple Bloom and asked her out, I used to fantasize about my sister…”

“Damn, she’s really got a thing for older women,” Pervy laughed.

Rainbow nodded, shifting in her seat a bit, “O-kay then. Understandable, I’ve sure fantasized about older women when I was your age. Does Rare know about that?”

“...No,” Sweetie Belle said, “But that didn’t stop me from being a little creeper about it…”

“Oooh! I wanna know! Tell me!” Pervy giggled.

“A creeper? What do you mean? You spy on her?” Rainbow asked.

Sweetie Belle nodded, “When she’s changing… or taking a shower… or trying to be alone. Even when I started crushing on you, I was still spying on my sister. And… sometimes I’d steal her… her underwear.”

“Dayum!” Pervy exclaimed, “Sweetie Belle’s a dirty girl! Never would have expected it… wait, what if she’s only crushing on you because you’re close to Rarity? You know, can’t fuck the girl, try and fuck the girl’s best friend?”

“Good point,” Rainbow said, turning back to her, “Hey kid, it just occurred to me. You’ve felt this way toward Rare even before you crushed on me like you said, right?”

Sweetie Belle sniffled and nodded, “Yeah…”

“And you still feel this way about her, like right now?” Rainbow clarified.

“Yeah…” Sweetie Belle admitted, fiddling with her dress.

“Okay, whoa, hands off the dress for a second,” Rainbow held her hands out, “You know, I think I’m getting something here. Most teen crushes, they’re kinda fickle. That’s normal, you’re kinda grasping on your hormones and how it feels to crush. But I think your crush toward me is kinda misguided.”

“You mean I just want you to rut me because I want Rarity to rut me?” Sweetie Belle asked, looking down at her legs.

“Well, kinda! Not to say you might not think I’m awesome, but I think that’s what’s happening here,” Rainbow reached over and patted her shoulder, “But I think there’s some kinda… what word does the doc say… transference going on here.”

Sweetie Belle nodded, “I know… I’ve known since last week…”

“Oooh, do tell,” Pervy grinned.

“...Rarity thought I was in bed and… she started masturbating on the sofa,” Sweetie Belle explained, “I was watching her and touching myself… I want her so badly, Rainbow…”

She buried her face in Rainbow’s neck, crying softly, unaware of the jaw-dropped woman standing in the doorway.

“Hey, hey, come on, kid, it’s okay. Don’t worry, you just-” Rainbow noticed someone in the doorway and looked, seeing Rarity there, “...Oh. Okay, how much did you just hear?”

“Enough to know why my sister always wants to stay at my house for weeks at a time,” Rarity said calmly, despite her shocked expression.

Sweetie Belle whipped around and started to panic, “Oh no… oh no… oh no oh no oh no!”

“Hey, hey, Sweetie, settle down,” Rainbow said, gently letting her down to the floor, “I think you guys need to go home and work this out.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head and buried her face back in Rainbow’s shoulder, “No! Please don’t make me go, she’ll hate me!”

Rarity stepped forward and knelt down to Sweetie Belle’s level, “I don’t hate you, darling. I’m certainly not pleased with you right now, but I don’t hate you. Come on, Ascentia’s waiting in the car. Let’s go home and talk about this, alright?”

Sweetie Belle whimpered, but let go of Rainbow’s neck, “...Okay.”

“Go on, kid,” Rainbow gave her a sisterly kiss on the head, “You’ve been honest with me today, now it’s her turn to hear it from you.”

“Okay… thanks Rainbow,” she said, taking Rarity’s hand, “...I think.”

Rarity gave her old friend a nod, before she then exited with her sister in tow. The orderlies came back, freeing her wrists, then exited as well and shut the door, locking it.

Exhaling, Rainbow got up and sat back on her bed, “Boy, that was a lot to take in…”

“Okay, I know you’re supposed to be in recovery and all,” Pervy said, sitting back in her chair, “But that girl is SMOKING hot! Like, holy shit! Cute, young, AND dirty as hell? Fuck, I want a turn with that.”

“Not helping, Perv,” Rainbow muttered, shaking her head.

“Oh you’re in a hospital. What’s the worst that can happen now that they’re gone?”

“That’s not the point!” Rainbow said, slapping the mattress, “In case you forgot, I also found out that I lost custody of Scootaloo! Try remembering THAT with a boner! So excuse me if I’m not exactly thrilled to be all by myself right now.”

“Yeah, and Fluttershy has custody now, and you can bet your bottom dollar that you’re not gonna stay mad at her for very long,” Pervy smirked, “It’s like every time the god of cruelty comes down to beat you across the face, another god of kindness comes down with its shipping goggles on.”

“Well that’s lovely, except she put me in here! Now she’s taking my own daughter away! Always so flawless and perfect, little miss super kind DOORMAT! Why’d it have to be her, why’d I even meet her when I was five, why did I even tell her my secret?! All it did was ruin my damn life!” Rainbow cried, burying her face in her hands.

Pervy’s smile fell and she scooted forward, “Do you want her back?”

Sniffling, Rainbow wiped her eyes, “Who the fuck am I kidding. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I fucked my own life… I don’t even know what to think anymore, Perv. Sorry, I shouldn’t call you that. You want a real name. I can’t just call you a one-note term anymore. From here on, I’m calling you… Cielle.”

She lifted her head from the disappointed hang she’d taken when Rainbow said she wanted Fluttershy back, her eyes shining, “...Really?”

“Yeah. You like it?”

“I love it,” Cielle smiled, a few tears falling down her face.

Managing a smile, Rainbow hugged her, “Okay then, Cielle it is.”

Cielle rushed toward her and hugged her tightly, kissing her cheek over and over again, “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

“Aw hey, you’re welcome,” Rainbow kissed her cheek as well, releasing her.

Cielle smiled, wiping her eyes, “I love you so much, Rainbow Dash…”

“Love you too, P-sorry, Cielle,” Rainbow smiled more, “Hey, you go lie down there. I’ll be right with you.”

Cielle smiled and lay down on the cot, closing her eyes and sighing happily as she pronounced her new name under her breath.

Going over to her desk, Rainbow looked down at the paper, taking hold of a pen. She bit her lip, uncertain of her decision. Mind conflicted, she wondered what could possibly have been the better choice. Then again, it was obvious.

‘I really am just getting angry for nothing. I guess Perv, no, Cielle’s right. Can’t stay mad at her, can I… And I know I’m gonna end up kicking myself if I rip this up.’

Sighing a bit, she hunched over, then carefully signed her name on the line.

‘Who am I to deny Flutters… She wants me even after all this.’

“All right then,” Rainbow went over to the cot, joining her counterpart on it, “I’ve still got a boner here, hot stuff.”

“I’ll do anything you want, Dashie,” Cielle said with a grin, her eyes wide and happy.

“Uh… Drop the Dashie, keep it at Dash, okay?” Rainbow managed, giving a sheepish smile, “Ah, don’t worry about it. Now come here!”

“Sure thing, Dash,” Cielle said happily, moving closer and wrapped her hands around the back of her neck. Next Chapter: Double Dash Sandwich Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 28 Minutes

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Stockholm - The Dash Family

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