
Stockholm: Valentine's Day

by Lily Peet

Chapter 1: The Cheesiest Thing I've Ever Seen

The Cheesiest Thing I've Ever Seen

Valentine’s Day. A very polarizing day for many. But Twilight was usually indifferent to it as a whole, except for partaking in some of the chocolates and treats. Now those were impossible to resist. This year, however, was going to be quite different for her. Having a girlfriend was already an interesting feat in it of itself, but now this was the first Valentine’s Day with said girlfriend. With four days left until the big day, Twilight felt a mixture of anxious and excited.

‘I wonder what we can do on Valentine’s Day… Maybe something simple, like going out on a nice little date? Or should it really be something bigger? Something outside the box, something special? It is pretty special, after all. Sure, it’s not like I need Valentine’s Day to express it, but no reason I can’t have fun with it! Bonuses, gotta love them! So, that still begs the question. What am I going to do on Valentine’s Day?’

Twilight doodled idly in her notebook as she waited for class to start, before turning around in her seat to face Rarity. If anyone could help, she could, “Rarity? Listen, I think I need your help with something.”

“Oh?” Rarity looked up from her own notebook, “Whatever do you need, darling?”

“Well, Valentine’s Day is coming up on Friday,” Twilight said, “And I’m just trying to figure out what I can put together. I mean, it has to count for something, right? Having a girlfriend for the first time on Valentine’s Day?”

Rarity’s face lit up, “Oh yes! You’re one of the lucky ones, dear. Absolutely, you and Ascentia should do something particularly special, especially considering all that business last month. So what did you have in mind?”

“I’m not sure,” Twilight admitted, biting her lip, “That’s the thing. I never had to think about Valentine’s Day before. Not like this. I’m just not sure what I should do. Keep it simple and basic and just enjoy it with her? Or should I do something different?”

“I think you should do something that is special to the both of you,” Rarity suggested, “Even if it is simple, it should mean a lot. What sort of things does Ascentia like to do?”

“Well, she likes watching movies together on the couch, having debates about random things on our minds, going out to study the history books-which is awesome, yes please!-, cooking, reading, going for walks, all that stuff,” Twilight said, “So I guess it shouldn’t be hard to figure something out.”

“Oh!” Rarity squealed, her eyes going wide, “What sort of history does she like?”

Twilight pondered for a few moments, “A lot of things fascinate the history buff in her, and also the philosophical angles. Something like ancient civilizations or something.”

“Well, it just so happens a little birdy told me that there is an exhibit at the Museum of History on a certain philosopher from the ninth century,” Rarity grinned, “You know, you talk about him all the time? When I saw the sign I immediately thought of you.”

“Awww!” Twilight giggled, flattered, “That sounds like an awesome idea! It’s perfect! We’ll go to the Museum of History first thing after school on Friday! Yes! Perfect! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!” She did a little dance in place, “Who rocks? Who rocks? You do, Rarity!”

Rarity smiled widely at seeing her friend so happy and patted Twilight on the shoulder, “I do so hope the two of you enjoy yourselves. Make sure you get there in the afternoon, the museum closes at dusk.”

“What did I tell you about saying that word?” Twilight asked flatly.

Rarity giggled behind her hand.

“Anyway,” Twilight cleared her throat, “That’ll be great. After we’re done there, I guess we’ll see what we feel like doing. Now, there’s a matter of what to give her… chocolates? Flowers? Flowers and chocolates? Oh! And a card, I should give her a card! No, I’m not going to buy one… I’m going to make one! Handmade! That’ll really show it comes from the heart!”

“Twilight, can you even draw?” Rarity asked, “And for that matter, didn’t you once cut your thumb on the scissors? And glue your fingers together?”

Face falling, Twilight sighed, “Good point. I’ll make her one on my Card Maker program and print it out, then.”

“There we are,” Rarity smiled, “Nothing says love like the Undo command.”

Twilight laughed, “I have my fingers hovering over those keys every time.”

Rarity giggled again, “You two have fun, darling.”

“Ladies! This is not a time for chatter,” Cheerilee snapped from the front desk, “Do that on your own time!”

Turning around to face the front, Twilight went back to doodling in her notebook, ideas running rampant through her mind. It looked like Valentine’s Day was going to be a cinch after all.

‘So we’ve got the date plans… now I just have to make sure I do a little something for my friends, too. They’ve really had to put up with a lot, haven’t they… Well, now’s my chance to really show my appreciation for them!’

“I told you, I was late to class because my bed was depressed and demanded snuggles,” Ascentia said flippantly to the secretary, who simply sighed and handed her a detention slip.

“Inanimate objects can’t feel depression, Ms Kortai,” she said with a sigh.

“You see, that is exactly why you’re so tired,” Ascentia said with a shake of your head, “You throw away your bed’s feelings and it hates you.”

“What are you doing?” Twilight asked, coming into the front office.

“I’m giving this one a lecture about the proper appreciation for one’s furniture,” Ascentia said firmly, “We must stop the abuse of beds!”

“You slept in again, didn’t you?”


Shaking her head, Twilight smiled and gave her a hug, “What am I going to do with you?”

“Oooh, what are you going to do with me?” Ascentia asked with a purr.

“Not on school property, Ms Kortai,” the secretary said, “This is your eighth warning.”

Twilight took her hand, leading her out, “Come on, you snook. Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?” Ascentia asked as Twilight led her away.

“Gym class, of course. We’ll be two minutes late, but that’s just the way it is,” Twilight replied, “So! Looks like we’re going to have quite a… weekend ahead of us, won’t we?”

“Why’s that?” Ascentia asked, stumbling over someone’s bag.

Twilight shrugged, “Well, Friday’s going to be a big day!”

“Oh crap, who’s wedding are we going to?” Ascentia asked flatly.

Stifling her laughter, Twilight turned to look at her, “What in the world makes you think we’re going to a wedding?”

“Well it’s either that or we’re going to a birthday party,” Ascentia snickered, “And I’m not too keen on either.”

“No, it’s not a birthday party, either,” Twilight said, shaking her head, “But Pinkie is hosting a party on Saturday, so you’re not too far off.”

Ascentia sighed, “You know Twi, as much as I love your friends, Pinkie just drains me.”

“Oh come on, I can assure you it’s going to be a quiet affair between just all of us! She’s having the bigger party for the entire class on Friday,” Twilight pouted.

“Entire class? Why on earth is she doing that?” Ascentia asked as Twilight pulled her into the changing room.

“Why isn’t she doing that?” Twilight grinned, “Okay, in all seriousness, it’s because she wanted to have a big party for everyone else, and then also have a little simple party with her friends.”

Ascentia made to repeat her question, but gave up and waved it off, “Whatever, that woman inhales more cocaine than she does oxygen.”

“Not at all, she’s just on sugar rush all the time. But then again, it’s Pinkie. Don’t question it,” Twilight made a shushing motion.

“I will question what I damn well please,” Ascentia said, sticking her tongue out at her.

“Never!” Twilight did it right back, “Anyway, so on Friday, you and I are going to do something special.”

Ascentia’s eyes tilted upward as she started doing math in her head, “...Hasn’t been a year yet… birthday’s on the eighth of… okay I give up, why are we doing something special on Friday?”

Twilight’s face fell. How could she not have known? It was written everywhere on some posters and billboard notices around the school.

‘Jeez, I know it’s not as over-the-top as it was back in the original My Bloody Valentine, but come on! Anyone here knows what Friday is!’

“You really don’t know?” Twilight asked.

Ascentia thought hard again, “Alright hang on, I can get this…”

She started shifting back and forth.

“Alright, so it’s not an anniversary… not your birthday… I don’t think you’re gonna celebrate going two months since the whole Dusk incident…”

“What did I say about that?!”

“Alright, just tell me,” Ascentia threw her arms up, “This is starting to hurt.”

Twilight sighed a little, “It’s Valentine’s Day on Friday.”

“What does that have to do with any-” Ascentia stopped and slapped herself in the forehead, “Right, I have a girlfriend on Valentine’s day! Sorry, that’s just… never happened before. I’m just used to ignoring it.”

“I guess I am, too, aside from giving something nice to my friends and family. And the chocolate,” Twilight sighed, “Well, don’t worry about it. Rarity gave me a great idea for what we could do. The Museum of History is having an exhibit, so I thought we’d go see it!”

“Aww,” Ascentia cooed, rushing up and hugging her, “That’s so sweet of you!”

Giggling, Twilight smiled and hugged her back, “Well, wonderful! So it’s settled!”

Ascentia sighed happily as she nuzzled Twilight’s hair, “Mmm… can’t we just skip the rest of our classes, go home and snuggle?”

“I know, kitty cat, I know you want to go home and snuggle, but no no no no. We must endure the day!” Twilight patted her back.

“I don’t wanna endure the day,” Ascentia groaned, “You endure the day, I’ll just be your housewife when we got out of school.”

“Sure, why not?” Twilight giggled, kissing her cheek, “But I have to anyway, it’s part of my studies. And it’s even better when you’re here, too.”

“Alright fine,” Ascentia grumbled, pulling away and lifting her shirt over her head.

“Whoa, hey, not here!” Twilight said, glancing around.

“I’m getting changed for gym class,” Ascentia chuckled, “Get your mind out of the gutter.”

“Says the woman with her mind in the gutter twenty-four-seven.”

“You love it, admit it,” Ascentia grinned, shaking her jeans off and pulling on a pair of snug shorts, “Fucking dress code for gym…”

“It’s the worst dress code ever!” Rainbow Dash’s voice sounded from nearby.

Twilight giggled as she proceeded to change as well, “No kidding, right? This is pretty ridiculous.”

“Why are you in a stall, Rainbow?” Ascentia called out, “It’s the women’s changing room.”

“Uh... I just don’t like the other girls staring at me, that’s all,” Rainbow replied, sounding nervous.

Twilight rose a brow, “But, why? You’re always the type not to care about that sort of thing. I had no idea you were self conscious.”

“I’m not! I just, uh… don’t need the other girls looking at me and wishing they could either be me or fuck me!”

“Riiiight,” Twilight snickered.

“Rainbow, are you hiding a wang and not telling us?” Ascentia asked with a silly grin.

“W-What?! Why is it ALWAYS that conclusion?! And for that matter, why is it that whenever we want privacy, it’s always because we’re hiding something?! Can’t I just be private about something and not have to spend the next ten minutes proving I have nothing to hide?! And who says ‘wang’ anymore?! That’s stupid!” Rainbow griped.

“Yeah, I was right all along,” Ascentia smirked, “She’s totally packing.”

Twilight bit her lip, “That would explain a lot… I’m guessing if that’s the case, she could be intersex.”

“I can still hear you! I’m not deaf!”

“Well are you or not?” Ascentia asked, “Because if you are, that is kickass!”

There was no response. Just grumbles before a set of footsteps hurried away.

“This mystery will never be solved,” Ascentia said flatly.

Twilight shook her head, “Maybe we shouldn’t have put her on the spot like that.”

“She’ll be fine,” Ascentia waved, “She’s Rainbow Dash. She has enough ego to tank anything.”

“You’re right, but she does still need more hugs,” Twilight pouted.

Pulling a t-shirt over her bra, Ascentia shrugged, “That’s what Fluttershy’s for. We can find her after class.”

“You know it,” Twilight pulled her gym shirt on as well, then tied her sneakers, “Let’s get to it, shall we? Time’s a wastin!” She jogged on the spot, eager, “Coach might have us play dodgeball!”

“Oh, I hate dodgeball,” Ascentia griped, “I’m such a big target! Why couldn’t I be five foot nothing like you?”

“Awww,” Twilight give her a hug, “If you were shorter, everyone would want to give you hugs!”

“Does everyone want to give you hugs?” Ascentia asked, hugging her.

“Yes,” Twilight giggled, “I know one guy who gives me a hug every time he sees me. Then gushes about my cuteness before leaving. It’s pretty funny.”

Ascentia chuckled, “Who?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Never caught the name. But anyway, let’s get going, shall we?”

“Alright,” Ascentia sighed, striding out the door. Twilight lagged behind her, watching her as she left.

Nodding with a smirk, she followed her.

“I’m telling you, she does!”

“No she doesn’t!”

“I swear on my future children’s lives that she does,” Ascentia insisted, “There’s no other explanation!”

“That’s ridiculous!” Fluttershy insisted.

“What are you two arguing about?” Rarity asked, sitting down next to them.

“Ascentia thinks Rainbow is an intersex,” Fluttershy frowned.

Twilight held up her hands, “Don’t look at me, I’ve just been sitting here.”

“I still find it absurd,” Fluttershy said firmly, “If Rainbow does have one, she’ll tell me when she’s ready. Otherwise, keep it down! She doesn’t need such rumours running around.”

“Hey, I’m not spreading rumours, I think it’s cool,” Ascentia sat back.

“Just because she wants privacy when she’s changing it doesn’t mean she’s hiding such a thing,” Fluttershy said.

“Okay, girls, let’s not get too over-excited,” Twilight spoke up, “I’ll admit it’s an intriguing theory and explains a few things. But I think we all know unless there’s solid evidence, it’s a moot point. Let’s just forget about it, okay?”

Ascentia sighed, “Fine,” she said, sitting back and folding her arms in a pout.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” Rainbow asked, coming up behind them.

“We’re talking about something really cool,” Ascentia replied, “Then they told me to stop.”

“Hush, you,” Twilight snarled in a hiss.

Fluttershy patted a seat beside her, “Come sit down.”

Rainbow sat down, sighing as she rubbed her shoulder, “Did you have to hit me in the face with the dodgeball so many times, Twi?”

Twilight smirked evilly, "Yes."

“Awww,” Fluttershy pouted, giving her a side hug.

“So, I’ve got Twi, Rainbow’s got Fluttershy, who do you have for Forced Merriment day, Rarity?” Ascentia asked.

“Your immature slang terms for the holiday aren’t amusing, dear,” Rarity said dryly, “and if you must know… So-called Prince Charming turned out to be an immense brute! So rude, so classless, and utterly despicable! Prince Charmless is more like it! I for one plan to simply remain at home and work on some clothing items. At least that will give me solace.”

Ascentia shrugged, “I like my names for holidays better.”

“Of course you do,” Twilight said, patting her shoulder.

“Are you still coming to Pinkie’s party?” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight nodded, “I know I am. Don’t know about her!”

“I am,” Rainbow said eagerly.

“I don’t even know if I’m invited,” Ascentia shrugged.

“Of course you are, silly!” Pinkie said, coming out of nowhere, “You’re always welcome! You just don’t come,” she pouted.

“I don’t like the noise,” Ascentia said, “It irritates me.”

“Then you’re supposed to tell me! Otherwise I don't know how to accommodate you!” Pinkie poked her nose, “Ignoring isn’t very nice, Asy. I go out of my way to invite you and you don’t even say yes or no. You just ignore me. It hurts my feelings and I can handle the truth. It’s common courtesy, Asy baby. Now if you girls will excuse me, I have planning to do!” She turned away and skipped off.

Ascentia sighed and made something akin to a choking noise as Pinkie ran off, “Do I have to go, Twilight?”

Twilight sighed, shaking her head, “No. You don’t have to. Clearly you’re not interested, so what’s the point?”

“Ah crap, I know that face,” Ascentia frowned.

“What face?” Rarity asked.

“That’s the ‘You don’t have to go, but you also don’t have to get any either’ face,” Ascentia said, “I guess I’m going to the party.”

“Oh no, this again?!” Twilight groaned, “Why do you always read that as some kind of manipulation? What do you want me to say? ‘Yes, you’re supposed to go!’ or something?”

“Yes,” Ascentia said, “It’s no fun going to Pinkie’s parties if I can’t pretend I’m being forced to and therefore above it all.”

“That doesn’t make any sense!”

“I wanna be cool and distant, why do you take it from me?” Ascentia said in mock offense.

“I’m not taking anything from you! We ask so little of you, and then when we ask one little thing, it’s a huge hassle! Pinkie is just being Pinkie, but she’s perfectly harmless! If it bothers you so much, just say no and be done with it!” Twilight slapped her hand against the table, startling her awestruck friends.

“Whoa, Twilight I’m not bothered that much by it,” Ascentia said, recoiling a little, “I just have fun playing up being some “above it all” sourpuss. Remember when you guys first met me?”

“She’s right dear,” Rarity said, laying a hand on her shoulder, “She is very… shall we say over the top?”

“Yeah Twi,” Rainbow said, backing away a bit, “Do… do you have trouble getting people’s tone?”

“Oh… Right,” Twilight mumbled, nodding, “Right, sorry.”

“Ooooh, nice one, Twi-Twi!” Pinkie appeared again, grinning, “You really believed it! Ha!”

“Pinkie, weren’t you offended?”

“Of course not, you silly! I was playing along! I know Asy’s game, I see it all the time!” Pinkie winked.

The other girls laughed at this, all clapping Twilight on the back. Ascentia, on the other hand, was casting her nervous glances, looking at the spot on the table her hand had landed.

“Is something wrong, dear?” Rarity asked, noticing this.

“Nothing, just… I’m sorry Twilight,” she said, “I didn’t want to upset you.”

“No, I’m the one who should be sorry,” Twilight sighed, shaking her head, “I guess I just have trouble seeing when something is a joke or not. Then I end up getting annoyed that it’s not being taken seriously.”

“Still, I’m sorry anyway,” Ascentia said, moving closer and touching her shoulder.

The others looked at her weirdly. To them, they’d seen Ascentia’s mood and demeanour do a complete 180 in less than two seconds.

“It’s okay. So, we’ll go the party, have some fun, and all that jazz,” Twilight shifted in her seat a bit.

“Yeah, okay,” Ascentia said, smiling a little and moving in to hug her.

Twilight returned the hug, nuzzling close. Sighs of relief sounded from their friends, the tension from earlier melting away.

“Love you, Twi,” she said, nuzzling her.

“I love you too,” Twilight kissed her cheek.

“Awwww,” the other four cooed.

“Kiss!” Pinkie cheered to the annoyed glances of her friends, “What?”

“Maybe later,” Twilight waved it off.

Ascentia wrapped her arms tighter around her, nuzzling her hair.

Pinkie joined them at the table then, “So! Any special plansies for Valentine’s Day?”

“Afraid not, darling,” Rarity shook her head, “I’ll be staying in and working on some clothes. Perhaps I’ll spend some time with my sister, she would love that.”

“Aw, how is the little tyke?” Rainbow asked, “She’s… what, nine?”

“Yes, just turned nine!” Rarity beamed, “She’s doing quite well, in fact. She and her little friends just earned their badges for their little comedy routine last week.”

“Awww, how sweet!” Fluttershy giggled, “It was an adorable performance.”

“Oh yeah, Scootaloo was banging down my door telling my that,” Rainbow chuckled, “It pissed my mom off to no end.”

“Silly girls,” Rarity mused, “Fluttershy darling, did you say you were going to babysit them on Sunday?”

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes, actually. They’re going to come over on Sunday for the afternoon.”

“Are you sure you can handle three little girls by yourself, Shy?” Twilight asked.

“Now I can. When I was fourteen, I was in over my head when I tried looking after all three of them,” Fluttershy shuddered a bit, “But now it’s a lot easier.”

“A lot changes in two years,” Rainbow added.

“The only thing about me that changed between 14 and 16 was my height,” Ascentia remarked, “Two feet to be precise.”

Twilight playfully craned her neck back to look up at her, “Yowza!”

“Yeah, imagine me at four foot four,” Ascentia chuckled.

“I bet you were adorable,” Twilight giggled, “That was my height for a long time. Six inches later, still tiny.”

“I like short girls,” Ascentia smiled, nuzzling her, “What about the rest of you, what kind of stuff do you like in women… or men.”

“I for one like my men tall, strong, but very sweet and charming,” Rarity said dreamily, “A man strong enough to sweep me off my feet!”

“I… um, don’t really have preferences,” Fluttershy admitted, “I just want to meet a nice guy and get to know him… I’d love it if I could marry my best friend, you know?”

Pinkie giggled and shifted, a sparkle in her eyes, “I want a guy who’s older and awesometastic with some great ideas! And a goatee, love the goatees! That and girls, definitely girls! But not just one, either! Oh, no! I can’t have just one! I want a harem!”

“A harem, Pinkie?” Twilight asked, “Really? Isn’t that a little… crude?”

“Of course not, silly!” Pinkie assured, giggling, “One playmate's just not enough for Auntie Pinkie Pie! I love everyone! How could I ever choose!”

Rarity looked at her questioningly, "...Is this why everybody loves you like their favorite puppy?"

Pinkie smiled widely, "Yup."

“Rarity, didn’t you say you were bi at prom?” Ascentia asked, ignoring Pinkie’s desire for a harem.

The other three turned quickly to her.

“Really?” Pinkie asked.

Rarity blushed heavily, “Oh… I suppose I had forgotten to mention that detail, didn’t I…”

“Whoa, when did that happen?” Rainbow asked, leaning forward.

“It doesn’t matter, dear, I just simply know that I can indeed go both ways,” Rarity stated.

“When did you figure this out?” Fluttershy asked.

“Last month, that’s all,” Rarity waved it off.

“What brought it on?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m hungry,” Rarity stood up and went to go get something to eat.

“Oh come on, Rares! You can tell us,” Rainbow said eagerly.

Twilight fidgeted a little, “It was because of me.”

All eyes snapped to her, “What did you do?”

Sighing a bit, Twilight looked down with shame, “I… It was during my Dusk phase. There was an intervention, and the plan was for me to… violate Rarity and get caught. I took the bait. I started… doing things to her and she actually liked it…”

“...Oh,” Rainbow said, as Rarity sat back down, “So… did it take you awhile to make the conclusion you were bi, or did it happen right away?”

Ascentia looked at Rainbow for a moment, “Rarity, I think… maybe you should tell us how you made the connection.”

“Oh, goodness, you’re still talking about it?” Rarity groaned, sighing, “All right, fine. It wasn’t just that, either. Twilight sparked it in me, as I came to see that I liked the idea of being with a woman. But it wasn’t until later that evening that I came to realize that I did indeed like women as well. I realized by the next morning that I am bisexual.”

“So… what kind of women do you like?” Rainbow asked, listening eagerly.

“There isn’t much to say…” Rarity blushed, “But I think it would be lovely to have a woman who is strong, values family, can stand on her own two feet, can make me laugh, someone I can simply snuggle under a blanket with, and… possibly excite me greatly in the bedroom.”

“Howdy y’all! Sorry I’m late, had ta help out a bit with some gym equipment loadin’,” Applejack said as she came to the table. All eyes were immediately on her, to which she blinked, “...What? Have I got somethin’ on my face?”

There was a long extended pause, at which point Ascentia got a cunning smile on her face.

“Applejack, you into men or women?” she asked.

“Uh, why are ya askin’?” Applejack frowned with confusion.

“We’re all sharing,” Ascentia said, “Fluttershy told us who she’s into, so did Rarity, what about you?”

Applejack gave a little shrug, “I’ve never thought much about it, really. I just kinda figured that when the right person comes along, it’ll happen. All I can hope is that they can somehow contribute to the farm, but beyond that, I don’t know. To be honest though, as much as I don’t mind the idea of bein’ with another woman, I know Granny Smith won’t approve. She wants at least ten great grandkids an’ for all of us to keep the Apple family bloodline goin’.”

“Hmm,” Ascentia said, pondering for a moment.

“Oh please don’t be blunt about what I think you’re thinking about,” Twilight groaned.

“You two and your sisters should spend Valentine’s day together,” Ascentia smiled, “It’d be cute.”

Rarity blushed, but nodded, “That would be lovely.”

Applejack tilted her head, but shrugged, “Sure, we can do that. It’s been awhile since the four of us hung around together. How about Scootaloo? Won’t she be lonely?”

“Oh, Rainbow and I are taking her to the movies and to laser tag,” Fluttershy smiled, “She’ll be just fine.”

“So you two are free to spend some quality time with your sisters, and maybe get a bit snuggly,” Ascentia grinned.

“Oooohh! I can feel the magic in the air already!” Pinkie squealed excitedly.

Both Applejack and Rarity exchanged glances before blushing and looking away.

“How marvelous,” Rarity smiled.

“What the hey, it’ll be… real nice…” Applejack fidgeted a little.

“So who is this guy again?” Ascentia asked, holding an arm around Twilight’s shoulder as they looked at the exhibit of an ancient philosopher who was sporting a magnificent beard.

“They called him Starswirl the Bearded,” Twilight said excitedly, “He was known as the forefather of alchemy and performing what looked like magical tricks. Some legends even speculated that he was a wizard, when it mostly speculates that he used the combination of science and alchemy to further his research.”

“Wow,” Ascentia smiled, not bothering to read the plaques and preferring Twilight to explain everything to her, “So… Alchemy, isn’t that a discredited science?”

“More or less, depending how you look at it. He believed that because alchemy and science were both highly complex, in their own ways; both can be credited to a lot of the evolution that took place at the time. For a while he was a teacher, teaching both subjects to many children. A lot believed he was some kind of a magical entity sent from the heavens to predict the future evolution of mankind. Kind of where the legend of him being a wizard like Merlin comes around. It even gets interesting when he actually is, somehow, tied into the legend of King Arthur. Silly, isn’t it?

“Yet, one of the biggest mysteries is that he disappeared. No one knows how or where or when he died. His body was never found, all that they found was-aha!”

Twilight grabbed her hand, leading the way over toward a display case that housed a ratty, aged, dusty book.

“This, right here, is his notebook. He recorded all of his findings in this thing. The last entry on the last page was incompleted. Either because he couldn’t finish or it was when he disappeared. No one knows what it was supposed to be,” Twilight uttered with fascination, “It was the only thing of his that they found when they discovered him missing. Even that offered no clues to his whereabouts.”

Ascentia leaned in to the notebook, which was always propped open on the last page, “Wait… Twilight, isn’t this like that thing I saw you scribbling on a whiteboard last week?”

“What?” she leaned in to the page, “What are you talking about?”

“This page, it’s the same thing I saw you writing on that bigass whiteboard in your room,” Ascentia said, “Except yours went a little further, this one stops before yours did.”

“Oh! Oh, right,” Twilight realized, giggling, “I’ve studied his work since I became Princess Celestia’s student. He’s a huge inspiration for me. I guess I was testing a theory of what his last finding was supposed to be. They’ve done that for centuries, trying to decipher what it could’ve been. Whatever his last finding was, it was probably important.”

Ascentia pulled a photo out of her wallet of Twilight smiling awkwardly in front of her board, looking from the book to the photo, “Um… Twilight, I don’t want to trigger cardiac arrest but… I think you did.”

Looking at the photo, then at the page, Twilight blinked, “Well, it’s no wonder, I know what the page says by heart, but… you really think so? From one to another, another to one. A mark of one’s destiny is singled out alone fulfilled. That’s what the inscription says.”

“Yeah, look,” Ascentia said, pointing closer, “Your’s has that, and here you told me it says ‘From all of us together, together we are friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end.’ And yeah, see? It breaks off the same sentence structure.”

“Oh… of course!” Twilight looked at the notebook once again, “The legends say that, as wise as he was, Starswirl the Bearded never truly had companionship. He always worked alone, preferring to have no distractions all around him. No one to let down, but no one to make proud. They’ve said that’s a part of why he never finished his last finding… Because he didn’t come to see the true meaning of friendship. Corny as it sounds, someone who’s lonely can lead a miserable life. He was wise, made groundbreaking discoveries, but… was also very lonely. He didn’t let anyone in. There was no one to come in, but no one to get out.”

“As interesting as that is, Twilight,” Ascentia said, waving the photo in front of her face, “It’s not nearly as interesting as you one-upping a historical philosopher in your teens.”

Twilight blushed a bit, “It was just a theory… I didn’t think it was that impressive. But I guess there’s no reason I can’t share my theory with the Princess.”

“Cool…” Ascentia grinned, “I’m sleeping with a great philosopher.”

“Oh, you!” Twilight nudged her, “Yes, yes you are. A great up and coming philosopher.”

“Emphasis on the-”

“If you say ‘coming’ I swear to god I will smack you.”

“Shutting up.”

“Glad to hear it,” Twilight patted her back, “Now come on! We have to go see his hat! It’s a replica that was made back in the 1500’s, since they never found his actual hat.”

“OId hats? 1500’s? I’m in!” Ascentia grinned as Twilight grabbed her hand and yanked her over to the next exhibit.

“Whooo! That was awesome!” Twilight burst into the apartment ahead of Ascentia, the little bells on her souvenir Starswirl hat jingling as she moved, “It’s been ages since anyone was willing to come with me to a museum exhibit!”

“Yeah, that was the most fun I’ve ever had,” Ascentia grinned, following her inside, “Thanks for taking me.”

She came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist, kissing the top of her head.

“Hey, you’re welcome,” Twilight beamed, leaning up against her, “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself!”

Ascentia hugged her tightly as the front door opened again and Ascentia let her go to turn around.

“Oh sweetheart, there you are,” said a woman far shorter than her coming through the door, “Who’s this?”

“Uh… Mom, this is Twilight. Twilight, this is my mother,” Ascentia said nervously.

“Hello,” the woman smiled, moving forward to shake her hand, “You’re one of Ascentia’s friends?”

“Uh, yeah! Yeah, I’m a friend of hers from school,” Twilight nodded as she shook her hand, “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Kortai.”

The woman laughed, “My name isn’t Kortai. Megan Ryder. Ascentia was adopted.”

“Oh! Oh… my apologies, Mrs. Ryder…” Twilight said sheepishly, blushing, “I don’t believe she mentioned that.”

“No trouble at all,” she smiled, setting her bags down and sitting on the sofa, “So what are you doing here? Don’t you have a boyfriend on Valentine’s Day?”

“Nope!” Twilight laughed, “We’re just a couple of single ladies, hanging out on the V-Day! We went out to the museum, for the Starswirl the Bearded exhibit.”

Megan looked up at the two of them, her eyes burning holes in Twilight’s forehead, “Ascentia, honey, I thought we talked about this.”

“Mom, please,” Ascentia said, moving forward.

“Please what?” she asked.

“It’s… it’s not like the others,” Ascentia said shakily, “I know you and Dad were always upset about that but… I really love her.”

Megan stared at her with a cocked eyebrow, then sighed, “Alright. You girls have fun.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Ryder… I promise to take care of her,” Twilight said softly.

“Go on, Ascentia’s room is down the hall to the left,” she said, waving her hand, “Be out of sight when her father comes home. He’s very protective.”

The two of them rushed down the hall to Ascentia’s room and closed the door behind them.

“Protective? Of you?” Twilight asked.

“You know how protective a typical father is?”


“My dad's a cop.”

Eyes wide, Twilight whistled, “He’d chase me off brandishing a shotgun?”

“No, he’s not that aggressive,” Ascentia remarked, “He’s just… a dick. There’s not really any way to put it. I love him, but he’s a dick.”

“Ah, I see,” Twilight nodded.

Ascentia sat down on her bed and breathed a sigh of relief, “They weren’t too happy when they found out I was sleeping around before. I’d never seen them that angry.”

“I guess they worry a bit too much about you?” Twilight sat down next to her.

“Maybe, I’m not exactly Queen Responsible,” Ascentia groaned.

Twilight patted her arm, “Don’t worry, at least now we can prove to them that you are.”

Ascentia leaned her head on Twilight’s shoulder, “Thanks, Twilight. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart,” Twilight nuzzled her hair and brought an arm around her shoulder, “This has been the best one ever. ...So far.”

“So far? It’s pushing twelve. What else is there?” Ascentia chuckled.

“You know what I mean!” Twilight laughed, snuggling close, “It’s our first together, and we’ll have many yet to come!”

Ascentia smiled and pulled her back onto the bed, laying with her and snuggling her tightly, “I love you, Twilight.”

“I love you too, Ascentia… you little kitty,” Twilight kissed her cheek.

Ascentia tilted her head and kissed her, her arms curling tighter around her waist as she licked along her lips, sighing happily. Giggling with glee, Twilight kissed back eagerly, running her fingers through her hair. She came all the more closer, rolling on top of the taller girl, straddling her waist.

Giggling into the kiss as well, Ascentia eagerly held her and nibbled her lips, “You always find a way on top of me, don’t you?”

“Oh, I’ll always find a way,” Twilight grinned.

Ascentia’s eyelids lowered, “You look good up there.”

“You think so?” Twilight purred softly, licking her lips.

Ascentia nodded and reached up to brush her hair out of her face, “Mmmhmm.”

“And you sure look good down there,” said Twilight as she leaned down a bit, “Especially with your devilish hair splayed out all over your pillow. Messy messy!”

“Devilish, eh?” Ascentia asked, running a hand over her cheek.

“Oh, wait, my mistake. Mephisto himself would be proud,” Twilight chuckled.

Ascentia laughed and pulled Twilight down by her collar, wrapping her arms around her and kissing her fiercely. Returning it wholeheartedly, Twilight pinned her down and kissed her deeply, their tongues dueling fiercely for dominance. All while her hands hastily undid the buttons of her blouse, groping all over her upper torso.

Groaning, Ascentia reached up and did the same, undoing Twilight’s vest and slipping her hand under her shirt. Curling her tongue around hers, Ascentia wrapped her free hand around her shoulders, holding tightly to her.

Undoing Ascentia’s jeans, Twilight yanked them down hastily, running her hand along the exposed skin. She pulled back a bit to breathe, heavily, and tossed the pants aside to the floor.

“Whoa,” Ascentia breathed, the cold of her room hitting her now bare legs, “Someone’s really frisky tonight.”

Twilight giggled, “What can I say? There’s love in the air.”

Ascentia blushed and parted her knees, beckoning Twilight over.

“Come to mama…” Twilight purred, coming closer.

“I’m all yours, Mama,” Ascentia grinned.

In no time at all, Twilight stripped them both nude, towering over her lover. She lay kisses along her neck, all while bringing her hand down between her legs, massaging Ascentia’s dampening mound. Ascentia moaned and wrapped her arms around Twilight’s shoulders, nibbling her ear.

“Oh… yes,” she whispered, “That’s so… mmmm.”

“Ooh, looks like someone’s been crying for attention,” Twilight purred, “I can feel it all here…”

“You have that effect on me, Twiley,” Ascentia shivered, her back arching and her lips finding their way to her earlobe.

Twilight giggled, licking her jawline, “And proud of it, Asy.”

Ascentia reached her hand down and ran her fingers up Twilight’s thigh, teasing her mound, “You better be. I never have dry panties around you.”

Letting out a pleasured moan, Twilight purred, “Oooh, is that so?”

Rubbing against her mound, Ascentia purred and nodded, “Yeah. Sometimes I just wanna rip your clothes off in front of everyone…”

“Quite the daring woman you are,” Twilight laughed, slipping a finger inside of her entrance, “Wouldn’t that be something.”

“I’d never actually do it,” Ascentia moaned, repeating Twilight’s actions, “But the other day I just thought about doing you on the table in front of the-AH! The girls.”

“And the entire caf,” Twilight pointed out with a giggle.

“Mmm,” Ascentia moaned at the thought, “Even b-better.”

“You naughty girl,” Twilight smirked, licking her mouth, “How I’ll do such things to you now….”

Ascentia bit her lip in anticipation, swirling her fingers around Twilight’s sex, “Oh?”

“Oh yes,” Twilight inserted a second finger into her entrance, “Tonight, you’re all mine. All over.”

Ascentia moaned sharply, pinching down on Twilight’s nub, “Mmm, yes Twilight. I’m all yours.”

“So… what is it we’re doing again?” Rainbow asked from the living room while Fluttershy dug through her house.

“Scootaloo will be here soon, we’re taking her to a movie...and…” Fluttershy dug through a pile of clothes, leaning into it at an angle to find something, “She wanted to go laser tagging…”

“You sound less than enthusiastic about that,” Rainbow smirked, leaning against the doorframe.

“Oh, don’t worry… I just never did that before-yes! Here they are!” Fluttershy re-emerged with her house keys, “So it’s a little nerve-wracking for me.”

“You know it’s just infrared lights, right?” Rainbow asked, “They’re not actual lasers.”

Fluttershy frowned and glared at her.

“What?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s all those people in the arena, not the lasers,” Fluttershy grumbled.

“Oh that’s easy to deal with,” Rainbow smiled, “Just shoot absolutely everything with your laser gun!”

“Well, okay, I just don’t want to mess up and cause a commotion,” Fluttershy took a breath, “But I don’t think it should be the worst thing to try.”

“It’s gonna be a commotion anyway,” Rainbow shrugged, “Everyone running around, shooting eachother? It’s a bloodbath without the blood!”

Giving a nod, Fluttershy fished around for her purse, “We also have to think of codenames, I believe?”

“Okay, I’ll be Zap and you can be Saddle Rager!”

“You got those out of a comic.”

“You’re Saddle Rager!” Rainbow said more loudly.

Fluttershy giggled, “You still got them out of a comic. All right, then.”

“Saddle Rager!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Fine, I’m Saddle Rager.”

“Damn right, you’re Saddle Rager,” Rainbow grinned, “And Scootaloo can be… Sanders!”

“Why Sanders?”

“It just fits her,” Rainbow beamed.

“Uh-huh,” Fluttershy eventually found her purse.

“Alright, what movie are we seeing?” Rainbow asked. following her out the door.

“Scootaloo wants to see, um… I’m trying to remember what she wanted to see,” Fluttershy thought for a few moments, “I think it’s either a sports epic or an alien invasion film that she wanted to see.”

“Oh joy, indecision is the worst with kids,” Rainbow groaned, taking her hand, “Please be the alien invasion movie.”

“Rainbow? What are you doing?”

“Oh!” Rainbow quickly let go of her hand, “Sorry… force of habit.”

“You don’t hold hands with people. And we haven’t done that since we were kids,” Fluttershy remarked.

“Just… forget it,” Rainbow said, looking away from her as they walked, “It was a… forget it.”

Fluttershy smiled, “I didn’t say let go. I was just a little surprised,” she took her hand back.

Rainbow blushed and clutched her fingers, “Oh… okay.”

“By the way, thank you for that little card you left me in my locker,” Fluttershy smiled brightly, “And yes, I know it was yours. I recognize your handwriting. You didn’t have to keep it secret from me. But it was a nice gesture, I really appreciate it.”

Rainbow blushed and looked away, “Eh… you’re welcome, Shy.”

Giggling, Fluttershy squeezed her hand and entwined their fingers, ‘She’s so adorable. Trying to hide her sweet side. Awww, she’s blushing!’

They soon made it to Scootaloo’s uncle’s, where the little girl in question happily came running outside. Scootaloo eagerly hugged them both, exclaiming with excitement before they walked off with her.

“Oh man, this is great! I’m so excited!” Scootaloo said, walking backwards ahead of them, grinning, “I’m off to see the awesome When Aliens Attack and some laser tag?! Whoa! It must be my birthday or something! It’s not, is it?”

“No, silly,” Fluttershy giggled, “We just wanted to do something fun for you.”

“Yeah, you’ve been cooped up in that house for days,” Rainbow smiled, “Plus the girls are off with their sisters, so you’re comin’ with us.”

“Sounds good to me!” Scootaloo said brightly, “Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were talking about how they were going to try to get their sisters all… alone and stuff! Matchmaking again! Come on, we all saw how that went the first time! I’m just glad you guys aren’t gonna get all romantic and mushy!”

“Oh? What makes you think we’re not?” Fluttershy quipped, “That’s too bad, we were going to sit here and talk about how much we loved each other.”

“Ewwwww!” Scootaloo made a face.

“R-Relax, Scoots,” Rainbow said nervously, “W-We’re not gonna be doing that. We d-don’t do that. We’re not a couple.”

“Thank goodness for that!” Scootaloo gagged, “All that couple stuff is yucky!”

Fluttershy laughed, “Well, rest assured. Love isn’t narrowed down to just romantic. Who’s to say we good friends and our little sister can’t show love?”

“Fine, just don’t get mushy! Now come on! We have to hurry!” Scootaloo bounced up and down.

Rainbow and Fluttershy let Scootaloo grab them by the hands and drag them down the street toward the movie theater.

“Fluttershy, you’re cutting the circulation off my arm,” Rainbow groaned as Fluttershy held tight to her and hid her face from the screen in her shoulder.

“It’s so terrifying….!” Fluttershy moaned, loosening her hold a bit.

“What do you mean? It’s awesome!” Scootaloo grinned, watching as another alien spaceship crash-landed on a field, “Whoooa!”

“Awesome!” Rainbow said gleefully, leaning forward to the screen, “This is from the same guy that made Posts.”

“Awesometastic!” Scootaloo cheered, “Oh man, those aliens look crazy! Look at their heads!”

“Is that a tongue, or face tentacles?” Rainbow asked, “Shy, can you tell?”

Peeking a bit, Fluttershy peered at the screen. Only for a hugely close-up of the alien’s face and its bug-like eyes to fill up the screen. She let out a screech, hiding her face again.


“..Okay, that was kinda creepy,” Scootaloo admitted, whistling, “Whoa! Look at their weapons! Is that supposed to be a gun or some kinda laser blaster?”

Someone on the screen was vaporized.

“I’m gonna go with laser blaster,” Rainbow said gleefully, “C’mon Shy, why are you missing this?”

Fluttershy whimpered in response.

“Come on, Fluttershy! This is awesome!” Scootaloo reached around to poke her leg, “You can’t miss this! They-whoa! Look at that! They used that gun to make that ant enormous! Now it’s aliens and ants! Whoa!”

“Giant ants?” Fluttershy now peeked at the screen, “Awww, he looks like Anty! How cute!”

“Anty? Who’s Anty?” Scootaloo asked.

“Fluttershy’s ant farm,” Rainbow said flatly, “She names every single ant. How she remembers who’s who is beyond me.”

“Actually, for your information, I was talking about the ant from Honey I Shrunk The Kids,” Fluttershy corrected, “But yes, I did name one of my ants after him!”

“...How can you even tell?” Scootaloo asked, but shrugged, “Never mind! Hey, look! Look! They just knocked down the Chrysler building! Oh boy!”

“Oh, Humanity is doomed!” Rainbow said with a cheer, “These guys have it in the bag!”

“HEY LADY!” called a guy from the back row, “CAN YOU TELL YOUR GIRLFRIEND TO ZIP IT?!”

Fluttershy whirled around, shaking her fist, “Up yours, dirtbag!”

Scootaloo gaped, “...Uh… what? What just happened?”

“Fluttershy got nasty,” Rainbow said, surprised. Then her surprise turned to a grin, “Man, Shy has guts!”

Sitting back down, Fluttershy let out a breath, “I’m sorry you had to see me like that.”

“Don’t apologise, that was cool!” Rainbow grinned, hugging her tightly.

Fluttershy blushed a bit, returning it, “I just don’t want my friends being told off like that.”

“It was awesome!” Scootaloo joined the hug, “You tell ‘em, Fluttershy!”

Rainbow wrapped her other arm around Scootaloo as the girl climbed in her lap, “Aw, come here, Squirt.”

“This is the best Valentine’s Day ever!” Scootaloo hugged her tightly.

“So who’s ready to get shot with lasers?” Rainbow asked.

“Me!” Scootaloo raised her hand.

“It’ll be fun,” Fluttershy smiled.

“This is not as fun as I had thought it would be,” Fluttershy shouted over the commotion of dozens of kids running around a makeshift gunfight arena.”

Rainbow rolled over behind cover and laughed, “C’mon Shy, pick off the little buggers!”

Peeking out, she shot at the sensors on two kids, and they stopped and grumbled, leaving the arena.

“Woohoo!” Scootaloo shot at a few others, ducking behind a cover, “Yeah! You won’t get me this time, suckers! Go on, Saddle Rager! You can do it!”

Fluttershy bit her lip, attempting to fire, but missed her target, “Darn it…”

“You gotta really aim down the sights,” Rainbow grinned, shooting three other kids, “These things are finicky.”

“HA! Gotcha, girly!” Said a taller figure, shooting at Fluttershy, who ducked.

“No!” Fluttershy crawled away behind cover.

“Take that, jerkface!” Scootaloo hollered, shooting at him.

“And that!” Rainbow yelled, shooting a few more times.

Turning around, she laughed and helped Fluttershy up, “You okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay, I was just taken by surprise,” Fluttershy said with a sheepish smile.

Rainbow leaned down without thinking and kissed her cheek, “You’ll be fine. Now get up and cap some mothers!”

“Really Rainbow?” Scootaloo asked.

“It was on the radio all day!”

Blushing a little, Fluttershy stood in place as she felt a little tingle course through her face. But she smiled and readied herself, “Come on, girls! We can do this!”

“That’s the spirit, Fluttershy! Yeah!” Scootaloo cried happily.

“Yeah!” Rainbow shouted, shooting Bulk Biceps in the back.

“YEAH! You go, Rainbow Dash! Pow!” Scootaloo hollered, then shooting someone else in the back that she couldn’t identify, “Yeah! Woohoo!”

The three of them were rampaging across the arena, taking team victory in four games in a row. By the end of the whole thing, the three of them were carrying armfuls of souvenirs from the trip.

“Whoa! I can’t believe we actually won! We’re the best!” Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly, “We’re unstoppable! Best of the best! No one’s messing with us now!”

Rainbow took both their hands and laughed, “Yeah, we sure showed them, didn’t we Shy?”

“It sure looks like we did,” Fluttershy smiled brightly, “It was fun…”

“We did it! We did it! Oh yeah yeah yeah, no eating here tonight!” Scootaloo sang out, laughing.

“Where do you keep getting that from?” Rainbow asked as she pulled Shy into a one-armed hug as they left the court.

“Nemo!” Scootaloo grinned, “You know, the movie about all that fish!”

“Ooh, I know what you mean,” Fluttershy giggled, “Finding Nemo.’

“I can’t keep up with all these kiddie movies,” Rainbow groaned, “Didn’t we just have one about a snowpocalypse?”

“Maybe!” Scootaloo giggled, “Come on! Let’s go for that sleepover!”

“Sleepover?” Rainbow said, raising an eyebrow, “You guys didn’t mention a sleepover…”

“Fluttershy didn’t tell you?” Scootaloo blinked.

“Oh, right… I nearly forgot to mention. My parents are out of town for Valentine’s Day this weekend. They said I could have friends over if I wanted. So, I wanted to invite both of you to have a sleepover,” Fluttershy said.

Rainbow started to shift back and forth on her feet, “I’m not sure, Shy…”

“Why not?” Scootaloo asked, pouting.

“Yes, how come?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“It’s just that… I’m not comfortable sleeping in other people’s homes,” Rainbow said, her breath quickening.

“Oh, but we’ve had sleepovers in the past and you were fine,” Fluttershy squeezed her hand, “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

“Yeah! Come on, Rainbow Dash! Please?!” Scootaloo begged.

Rainbow bit her lip, but surrendered, “O-Okay, just let me run home and grab a few things, alright?”

“Sure thing,” Fluttershy beamed.

“Hooray! Sleepover awesomeness, here we come!” Scootaloo declared.

“So… where is everyone sleeping?” Rainbow asked, coming out of the bathroom in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

“I got the guest room!” Scootaloo said excitedly, “My own room for a change! That’s awesome!”

Fluttershy smiled and ruffled the younger girl’s hair, “Yes you do! And you Rainbow are in sleeping my bed. With me.”

Rainbow’s face flushed and she shifted on her feet, “W-Why?”

“Because I want you to,” Fluttershy smiled, hugging her, “It’d be fun! Just like the old days, you know? We shared a bed together all the time. So now we can do that again, just with a different kind of perspective, since we’re older.”

“Y-yeah,” Rainbow said, shaking a little, “O-Older…”

Turning away from her, she tried to slow her heartbeat. She couldn’t quite tell if it was from a fear of her secret getting out, or from Fluttershy herself. Taking a deep breath, she figured maybe she could at least come clean about one thing…

“Shy, there’s something I have to tell you,” she said, breathing heavily, “And I’ve never told anyone this, not even myself…”

“Oh boy, this is gonna get heavy… I’m gonna go take a bath!” Scootaloo said, excusing herself to the bathroom.

Fluttershy looked at her friend with curiosity and concern, “What’s wrong, Rainbow? You can tell me what it is.”

She turned around and took another breath, “I’m gay.”

Eyes going wide, Fluttershy stared at her with surprise. She had not seen this coming, let alone from one of her closest friends. Twilight had been a surprise, but Rainbow too? Even the silly rumours of her stereotypes making her gay didn’t make her question it.

Nonetheless, Fluttershy smiled and hugged her, “That’s okay, Dashie. There’s nothing to be ashamed about. I mean, I’m a little surprised, but it’s not a bad thing.”

Rainbow hugged her, breathing a sigh of relief as she nuzzled her neck, “Thanks, Shy. I’m sorry to be such a wreck, it’s just… well… I kinda…”

“Oh, don’t be sorry,” Fluttershy assured, stroking her hair, “It’s not always easy to come out about that. I don’t mind, though. We can still share my bed, that won’t be a problem.”

“A-Actually, it is,” Rainbow said, “I kinda… have a bit of a… crush on you.”

Now that had been quite the bomb dropped, taking Fluttershy by complete surprise. She blushed a bit, unsure how to respond to that. Having always been the one with a crush on someone else, but never crushed on (to her knowledge), it was a whole new perspective to take in. At the same time, it explained a couple of things a little more, despite that she once brushed them off as simply just them being close friends.

“You do?” Fluttershy asked, and upon Rainbow’s slow nod, she smiled a bit, “I guess that explains why you wrote ‘I love you’ on the card you gave me… You never said that before except one time when we were little. I thought you were just being sweet, but… gosh, I… I’m really flattered…”

Rainbow blushed and pulled away from her, “Yeah… s-s-sorry. So, I’ll just go sleep on the couch.”

“Why?” Fluttershy asked, approaching her, “Rainbow, you don’t have to avoid me, now.”

Rainbow groaned and moved away from her, “No, I really should.”

“No, no, come on now. I don’t mind that you’re gay and that you have a crush on me, really,” Fluttershy gently took her hand, “Please don’t go. It’s okay.”

Backing away and pulling her hand away from her, “No Shy, just don’t. I’ll go sleep on the-WAH!”

In her haste to get away, she backed into the coffee table and fell onto her back, her shorts shifting and twisting around her hip. Groaning in pain, she clutched the back of her head.

“Ah! Shit, that hurts!” she groaned, and noticed Fluttershy staring at her, “What?”

“R-Rainbow…! You have a-!” Fluttershy cried, pointing at something, her eyes wide with shock, “Is… that a…? H-How do you…?”

Looking down, she saw her shorts had pitched a tent that scouts could camp under. Scrambling to her feet and turning her back to her, she hastily tried to right her clothes, “It… it’s nothing!”

“No, it’s not nothing,” Fluttershy managed, approaching her, “Tell me the truth. Please…”

“Alright,” Rainbow said, her voice quivering, “Ascentia was right the other day… I… I have a… I have a dick.”

Fluttershy looked down again, then back at her friend’s face, “Rainbow… why did you never tell me? I mean, I know it’s certainly very rare, but… You know I wouldn’t have judged you.”

“I never told anyone,” Rainbow said, her voice cracking, “A couple of the guys on the track team found out and…”

She lifted her hair to show a nasty scar along the back of her neck.

“O-Oh….!” Fluttershy uttered, recoiling, “That’s awful…”

“Yeah,” Rainbow sniffled, “So I never told anyone. I just… tried to pass off as a real girl.”

“So all you have is the-oh, so you’re not a hermaphrodite,” Fluttershy realized, and went to give her a hug, “Well, I’m so sorry that happened to you, Rainbow… But I hope you know that it doesn’t change what I feel. You’re still the same girl I grew up with and remained friends with. That won’t change.”

Rainbow sniffled and tried not to break down, “T-Thanks, Shy,” she said, hugging her back and nuzzling her neck.

Fluttershy smiled and nuzzled her head, rocking her gently, “Thank you for being honest with me, Rainbow. It means a lot. And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”

“Thanks,” she said, rocking with her, “I love you, Shy.”

“I love you, too,” Fluttershy said softly, “...Rainbow? I… well, I haven’t thought of girls this way before, but, if you wanted… I wouldn’t mind giving you a chance. I mean, I know it might be a bit of a stretch, but I just… I don’t want to say no unless I truly know how I feel.”

As much as Rainbow wanted to say yes, she bit her lip and shook her head, “No, come talk to me next week, when there’s not all this heavy wet shit flying at us at a hundred miles an hour.”

“Okay,” Fluttershy smiled, kissing her forehead, “We’ll talk about it then.”

Rainbow pulled away from her and sat down on the sofa, “You should probably go to bed, Shy.”

Opening her mouth to suggest they still sleep in her bed, Fluttershy hesitated. No, she wasn’t about to make this any harder. Especially given that her friend was the kind of person who tended to solve her own issues with needed space.

“All right, you know where to find me if you need anything. I’ll bring you a pillow and blankets,” Fluttershy said, going upstairs.

She came back a few moments later, setting up a pillow, a sheet, and a blanket onto the couch.

“Thanks, Shy,” Rainbow smiled, snuggling into the sofa, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day,” Fluttershy gently ruffled her hair, “Have a good sleep.”

Turning off the lamp on the side table, she left the room and went upstairs.

Turning over, Rainbow waited until she was gone, then fished her hand into her shorts, “Never getting to sleep with this…”

“So how has your Valentine’s Day been, Pinkie?” Discord asked as he sipped wine from his glass.

“Awesometacular! Party went without a hitch!” Pinkie exclaimed happily, “I set up some pranks, too! Who could see that coming? April Fool’s, nah! Too obvious! But on Valentine’s Day? Oh, it was a goldmine!”

Chuckling, he poured another glass and offered it to her, “Sounds like it was quite a ball.”

Pinkie took it, sipping the contents, “Oh, yes yes yes and yes! Party of the year! For now, anyway!”

“Speaking of Valentine’s Day,” he said, fishing something out of his robe and setting a box on the table, “I did happen to pick something up for you.”

Smiling brightly, Pinkie popped open the box and found a gold bracelet inside with pink tourmaline gems running all around it.

“Oooooh! It’s so pretty! Thankies!” Pinkie put it on her wrist, admired it, then threw her arms around him, “You’re the bestiest!”

Discord smiled widely, sipping his wine as he patted her butt, “It’s no trouble, my dear.”

“Still very sweet!” Pinkie nuzzled his nose, “Which reminds me, I have something for you, too!”

She dug out a small box from the floor next to her, sliding it across the table, with a small card taped to the top.

“It’s not muchies, but I made it,” Pinkie smiled.

Discord popped open the box to find a cupcake sitting atop a photo frame. The cupcake was a mix of brown, grey and white while the frame was made out of stained mahogany and carved into intricate designs. The card atop read ‘Happy Valentine’s Day, to a Super-Duper Buddy!’

“This is without a doubt the cheesiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he said, petting Pinkie’s poofy hair, “I love it, thank you.”

“You’re welcomies!” Pinkie kissed his cheek, “Yepperoonie, I’m cheesy! And proud of it!”

Discord kissed her forehead and sat back, finishing his drink, “Do you like the wine, dear?”

“Delicious! Normally wine is yucky!” Pinkie made a face, finishing her glass as well, “But this one’s yummerly!”

“It’s made from Baltimare,” Discord grinned, “They always have far sweeter wine. And my my, Pinkie. Normally? You’ve been drinking at your age? For shame.”

His tone could not have been any more sarcastic.

Laughing, Pinkie lowered her voice to a whisper, “Back on my parents’ farm, we drank wine with certain meals. Tee hee! It was yucky, but made the meat taste better!”

“Drinking at home?” Discord smirked, “You know what they say about farming families, Pinkie.”

Pinkie winked, “Oh, for suresies.”

“Oh, had a little fun on the farm, did we?” Discord asked, “Do tell.”

“On my parent’s farm, it was very far away from town. We only made two or three trips to town by wagon,” Pinkie said, “We didn’t always have a lot of friends to play with. So my sisters and I always ended up turning to each other! Playing doctor, practicing kissing and dating, all that goodie stuff!”

“My my, Pinkie,” Discord hissed with a grin, “You were already quite the naughty girl before I got my claws into you.”

Making a coy “Me?” pose, Pinkie smiled, “Oh, I’ve got many naughty tales to tell, Dissy.”

“By all means,” Discord said, waving his hand, “I have all night.”

“My first sexy time was a threesome with my sisters, oooh it was glorious! Then my first outside of it all was when I first moved to town and started at school! Pretty girl, named Bon Bon,” Pinkie shared, “After that, all kinds of girls! Sometimes alone, sometimes more…”

“Goodness, young lady,” Discord smirked, “Didn’t your parents ever teach you about chastity?”

“Yes… Didn’t work out!” Pinkie grinned, “Mommy Pie and Daddy Pie are kinda traditional ‘No sex before marriage’ folks! They tried to keep us celibate, but I didn’t like it. I wanted to be in control of myself! Besides, even in then I knew I wouldn’t marry! I have too much room in my heart for just one! I was careful, I never lied or mislead any of the girls, and made sure all of us were clean!”

“So whatever happened with your sisters?” Discord asked, “Do you keep in touch? In every sense of the phrase.”

“Blinkie still lives near home, she’s an accountant in training, and Inkie lives in Canterlot!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly, “Oh yes, I keep in touch with them! In every way.”

Discord snickered and ran a hand down her cheek, “Oh Pinkie, you’re my favorite kind of student.”

“You’re my favourite kind of admin!” Pinkie squeed, grinning wider.

Discord cocked an eyebrow and smiled wider, running his hand over Pinkie’s collarbone, “Oh I am, am I?”

“Yes! Not to mention just my kinda man,” Pinkie purred, batting her eyelashes.

Discord lifted her by the hips and set her in his lap, stroking her hair like one would a pet, “I’m flattered, dear.”

Giggling, Pinkie nuzzled under his chin like a cat, “You’re my first man, and I’ve been with a boy or two since. But you’re my favourite man!”

Hugging her, Discord grinned and nipped at her ear, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Pinkie Pie.”

“Happy Happy Valentine’s Day!” Pinkie purred, giggling.

Discord nuzzled her as his hands found their way to her jeans, undoing them as he lay her back on the table.

“It certainly is lovely,” Rarity smiled as she, Applejack and their sisters all sat out as the sun was falling, munching on apples.

“Ain’t it, though?” Applejack grinned, taking another bite of her apple.

“Yes,” Rarity smiled, “I’m glad the girls convinced us to do this.”

“Me too!” Sweetie Belle giggled, hugging Rarity around the waist.

“Me three!” Apple Bloom agreed.

Chuckling, Applejack ruffled her sister’s hair, “It rings true, doesn’t it? Valentine’s Day can still be just about bein’ with yer family.”

“Definitely!” Apple Bloom hugged her sister around the shoulders, nuzzling her cheek, “I think we should call it Love Of All Kinds Day!”

“Why is it called Valentine’s Day anyway?” Sweetie Belle asked, “What does Valentine even mean?”

“He was a martyr thousands of years ago,” Rarity explained, “Valentine’s Day originally celebrated the coming of Spring.”

All eyes looked at her, wide as saucers.

“What? Twilight isn’t the only one who is well read, Darlings,” Rarity smiled, taking another bite of her apple.

Grinning, Applejack patted her shoulder, “Ya never fail ta surprise me, Rare. Don’t ya dare stop.”

Rarity grinned and hugged Sweetie Belle back, “I don’t plan on it, dear.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle exchanged excited glances, winking at each other.

“I’m hungry!” Apple Bloom spoke up, “Apples are nice, but I could go for a pie!”

“Me too!” Sweetie Belle grinned, “Let’s go get some back at the house!”

“Now wait a minute, Sweetie,” Rarity said, “You’re just going to leave the two of us out here while you go raid the house for sweets?”

“...Yes!” Sweetie Belle giggled.

“We won’t be long,” Apple Bloom promised.

“Awright, you two,” Applejack ruffled their heads, “Ya can go inside. But come on back out, we still gotta watch after ya.”

“Will do!” Sweetie grinned as she and Apple Bloom ran off.

Rarity sighed and looked around, realizing she and Applejack were now alone, “So… lovely night.”

“Yeah, real nice,” Applejack said, looking about and whistling idly.

Rarity crossed her legs and leaned back, looking up at the sky, “So… interesting discussion with the girls the other day, wasn’t it?”

“Sure was,” Applejack agreed, “A real eye opener, I’ll say.”

“How so?” Rarity asked casually.

“I don’t know, it just kinda had me thinkin’ about it like I never did,” Applejack mused, leaning back on her hands as she looked out ot the horizon, “It was just never on the forefront of my mind beyond ‘It’ll happen someday’.”

Rarity shifted closer, suddenly interested, “Really? You’d… never thought about it before? I spend practically half my day thinking about it.”

Applejack chuckled, “I know, ya always were tha type ta go on about Prince Charmin’! It just never really occurred to me. I guess I felt I was even too young ta make such a decision.”

“Oh but everyone always likes to think about it, dear,” Rarity smiled, “You never even liked to imagine what it would be like? To have something special with someone?”

Applejack shook her head, “Not really. I guess I was more focused on my family, the farm, and even my friends. I felt it was somethin’ I didn’t really need until the time was right. Plus all tha variables ta consider. Would I have to leave the farm? Leave my family? Get another job? I guess… all that kinda made me nervous to think about. So I just didn’t think of it.”

“That’s not saying you had to get married, sweetheart,” Rarity said softly, laying a hand on her arm, “Just, you know, snuggling up on the sofa with someone? Enjoying a boyfriend or… girlfriend while you have them? I mean, you’re all in the moment, darling.”

Blushing a bit, Applejack nodded, “I can’t say it hasn’t crossed my mind. It’s a sweet thought.”

“Me too,” Rarity smiled, “In fact, Twilight and Ascentia helped me realize that I was… well, Bisexual.”

“That’s all well an’ good,” Applejack glanced over at her with a smile and touched her hand, “I’ve honestly never cared whether I get with a man or woman. Granny Smith’s hopes aside, o’ course. All I ever hope for is that they help me, somehow, ‘round the farm. Not that I’d force ‘em to do hard labour or nothin’, but enough ta help contribute. Beyond that, I’d hope it would work out between us.”

Swallowing hard, Rarity’s face flushed, “Yes… well, that’s something we all hope for, isn’t it?” She laughed and fanned herself, “Sorry, I’m a little scatterbrained tonight.”

“Don’t ya worry none,” Applejack smiled in assurance, “It’s been a while, since we sat down an’ just talked, you and me. I miss it, ya know? As much as I can never see eye ta eye with you on some things, I can always remember one thing. I never feel bored with you, Rare. It’s never any kinda chore to just hang out, or even if ya drag me to the mall with ya. Yer just amazin’ company. I’ve never had a friend like ya before, an’ I sure as hell would never trade ya for anythin’.”

Rarity blushed harder and hugged her, “Oooh, that’s so sweet of you, Applejack. I feel the same way. You were always the… calm one out of all of us. I missed talking with you too,” she paused and inhaled Applejack’s earthy scent, blushing a little harder and being thankful she couldn’t see her face.

“I guess someone’s gotta be,” Applejack chuckled, bringing an arm around her shoulders, “We argue sometimes, but I never felt like I had to change myself just to impress you. It means the world ta me, Rare.”

Rarity smiled and hugged tighter, “Thank you, Applejack. This is lovely.”

“Yeah, sure is,” Applejack agreed, then hid a sly smirk, “An’ the view is pretty nice, too.”

“We’re surrounded by trees, all we can see is the sky,” Rarity laughed, “What view?”

“Who cares? It cain’t hold a candle to you,” Applejack winked.

Rarity put her hand to her mouth and her face flushed, “Goodness, Applejack!”

The blonde girl blushed a bit, looking away, “Just… tellin’ the truth.”

“Th-Thank you,” Rarity smiled, sliding closer to her and running a hand along her arm, “Oh my, what they say about farming is true. It does bulk you up.”

“Y-Yeah, it does,” Applejack blushed some more, looking at her then.

Rarity slid a little closer and laid her head on Applejack’s shoulder, sighing contentedly. A wide grin spread along the the farm girl’s face as she brought Rarity closer, leaning her head against hers. Rarity wrapped her arms around Applejack’s torso, hugging her tightly and nuzzling her.

“Thank you for bringing us out here, Darling,” she sighed.

“Anytime, Rare,” Applejack nuzzled hair, “I’m sure glad we did this.”

In the bushes away from them, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were watching and high fiving eachother.

“Me too,” she grinned, relaxing against Applejack’s larger frame, “How tall are you again, dear?”

“About six-two,” Applejack said off the top of her head, “why?”

“No reason,” Rarity blushed, “I just… like tall women.”

Applejack chuckled, giving a daring kiss to her head, “I like girls who can snuggle up to my chest or under my chin.”

Rarity nuzzled against her, lifting her head and kissing her cheek, “It’s like we were made for eachother…”

“Ain’t it?” Applejack grinned, bringing a hand to gently hold her chin, “Maybe the reason I never thought much of findin’ someone, was because who I wanted was right in front of me. An I didn’t even realize it.”

Rarity’s breath quickened when Applejack tilted her head back, “Really? You… you want to… with me?”

“Rarity, I… well, I don’t feel sure if I can, but… I think anythin’ worth doin’ takes effort. I cain’t give ya much, not all them jewels, fancy clothes, big fancy yachts an’ all that high society stuff ya like. I’m a simple farm girl, I got ten bucks in my pocket, an’ I get mud on my boots. But, I can promise you I’d do all I can to be a great girlfriend to you,” Applejack said softly, her freckled cheeks now crimson, “I see myself with you like no other an’ I’d sure like to give us a chance. If yer willin’.”

Rarity’s heart was running a mile a minute, but she nodded and smiled, “Yes, I am. I’d love to, Applejack!”

Grinning widely, Applejack brought her closer, “Well, boy howdy, Rarity. Said an’ done, then.”

The two leaned closer, hesitating, before deciding to just go for it and kissed each other. Rarity moaned and brought her arms around Applejack’s neck, clinging tightly to the bulky woman as she felt her rough lips along her’s. Her face heating up to an absurd degree, she gently nibbled her bottom lip. Chuckling between kisses, Applejack tightened her hold around Rarity’s slim waist and brought her ever closer. The sweet, soft taste of her lips set her heart afire, coursing through her body.

Rarity pulled away to breathe, gasping for breath and running quick kisses along her neck.

“Why do they do that?” Sweetie Belle asked from the bushes.

“What?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Pull away to breathe. Everyone does it,” Sweetie Belle said, “Does everyone forget they have a nose when they’re kissing?”

Apple Bloom shrugged, “I don’t know. I never kissed anyone before, I wouldn’t know if it worked that way.”

Rarity kissed along Applejack’s neck before returning to her lips, squeezing her arms in her fingers and moaning as she felt Applejack’s muscle tone underneath. Groaning at the back of her throat, Applejack rubbed her hands along Rarity’s back, caressing her skin through her silk blouse. She pulled back a bit, leaning down to return the favour, kissing down her neck and collarbone gently. Rarity shuddered and clung tightly to Applejack’s shoulders moaning softly as the farmgirl’s rough lips trailed along her neck.

“Mmm,” she cooed.

Chuckling, Applejack applied a gentle nibble to her neck, licking the skin. She kissed back up to her jawline, then reached her lips with a passionate kiss.

“Ya like all that, Rare?” Applejack purred sweetly, bringing a hand up to stroke her stylish purple hair.

“Yes,” Rarity whined, curling her fingers in Applejack’s ponytail, “I love it…”

Getting an idea, Applejack carefully gathered the smaller teen against herself, and then stood up, effortlessly carrying her bridal style.

“I know I ain’t a Prince Charmin’, but I’m strong enough to sweep ya off the ground,” Applejack grinned.

“Oooh!” Rarity said in surprise and laughed as she held tightly to her shoulders, “Goodness, you know how to treat a lady, darling.”

Applejack blushed a bit, heading toward the house, “Hey, I just try treatin’ others with respect an’ bein polite. Besides, I can’t exactly deny that I’d wanted to try this for a while.”

Rarity’s heart pounded faster when she realized she was carrying her to the house, “Are… are we…?”

“Are we what, Rare?”

“Are we going inside to… you know,” Rarity blushed, burying her face in Applejack’s neck.

Chuckling, Applejack opened the storm door with her boot, whispering into her ear, “We’ll wait till the girls have gone to bed…”

“Where are they anyway? They never came back,” Rarity said, fanning herself with her hand.

“I don’t know, I’m guessin’ maybe they-” Applejack blinked as it then dawned on her, “...Oh, those little rascals…”

“What?” Rarity asked, looking around, “What’s wrong?”

Laughing a bit, Applejack carried her to the living room, placing Rarity down onto the sofa and kissing her cheek before sitting side her.

“They planned this. They came back in to leave us alone,” Applejack grinned, “They were hopin’ we’d hook up.”

Rarity leaned over and kissed her cheek, “I guess they’re pretty perceptive little ones, aren’t they?”

“I can sure see that now,” Applejack chuckled, bringing an arm around her, “Y’all can come out now. We caught on to yer little scheme!”

Giggling, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle emerged in the doorway.

“Sooooooo?” Sweetie Belle grinned widely.

“Did it work?” Apple Bloom said, with just as big a grin.

Laughing, Applejack kissed Rarity on the lips, lingering for a few seconds, then turned to face their sisters, “Does that answer yer question?”

“Yay! It worked!” Sweetie Belle squealed excitedly.

“Yes!” Apple Bloom cheered, rushing over and hugging the two of them while Sweetie Belle followed.

Rarity hugged the both of them, “As much trouble as you’re in… thank you, girls.”

“You’re welcome,” Sweetie Belle giggled.

“It was worth it,” Apple Bloom grinned widely.

Reaching over to ruffle their heads, Applejack gave a playful smirk, “Now don’t y’all get any funny ideas. Yer goin’ to bed early tonight, no arguments. We got a big day tomorrow.”

Apple Bloom pouted, but otherwise didn’t argue, “Okay, Applejack… we promise.”

“C’mon AB,” Sweetie Belle said, pulling her away, “Might as well leave them alone. Goodnight Applejack, goodnight Rarity!”

“Goodnight, girls,” Rarity smiled as Sweetie Belle pulled Apple Bloom up the stairs.

“Sleep tight!” Applejack called after them.

“Dream of bedbugs tonight!” Sweetie Belle called back, laughing.

Applejack smirked as the two closed the door behind them, turning back to her new girlfriend, “So, where were we?”

Rarity giggled and snuggled up to her, “I believe we were waiting for the girls to go to bed for something?”

“I believe we were,” Applejack chuckled, pulling Rarity into her lap and holding her close, “Don’t ya worry none, sugarcube. I won’t rush ya. But I won’t hold back givin’ you a bit o’ love.”

Rarity shuddered in Applejack’s lap and wrapped her arms around her neck, kissing her face, “Should have known the farm girl was rough.”

“Roughin’ it is what I do,” Applejack chuckled, nuzzling her.

Rarity slid her hand down and stroked Applejack’s stomach, feeling her abdominals, “Oooh, I can see that.”

“Not quite, ‘less I show ya,” Applejack purred, nibbling her ear.

“Oooh, yes! Show me,” Rarity purred, running her hands over every muscle she could find.

With a grin, Applejack nodded and pulled back slightly. She undid the buttons of her plaid work shirt, exposing her muscular stomach, and a plain white cotton bra. Rarity ran her hands over her skin, shivering as she felt how built the woman was. One thing Rarity loved in both men and women was when they were muscular, and Applejack did not disappoint.

“Mmm,” she cooed, “Darling, forgive my crude language, but you’re smoking!”

“All is forgiven,” Applejack chuckled, running her hands along Rarity’s sides, “Yer a might little piece o’ beauty yerself.”

Rarity reached up and pulled Applejack’s shirt off her shoulders, baring her torso sans her bra and running her hands over her rough skin, biting her lip in anticipation, “Thank you, Darling.”

“Anytime,” Applejack purred, smirking as she slipped a hand up Rarity’s shirt and caressed her soft, smooth skin.

Rarity cooed appreciatively and slid her hand down to Applejack’s abs again, leaning in to kiss her. Kissing back passionately, Applejack wasted no time pulling off Rarity’s blouse, eagerly exploring her upper torso. Pulling away, she took a moment to admire the gorgeous young woman; with the way her pale skin seemed to glow, contrasted amazingly with her darker hair and azure eyes.

Rarity smiled and lidded her eyes, slipping her hand down Applejack’s bra and feeling around her ample chest, leaning in close and licking her neck.

“Rarity…” Applejack groaned, shuddering in pleasure. She in turn brought her hands around to gently though forcibly knead Rarity’s breasts through her bra. Every now and then her fingers teased around the hooks, which were located in the front.

“Yes?” Rarity half whispered, unhooking Applejack’s bra and pulling it off of her, her hands resuming their exploring.

“Nothin’, just… yer amazin’,” Applejack murmured, pulling off her bra as well, running her roughened and calloused hands along her skin sensually.

“Mmm, so are you,” Rarity moaned, leaning in and kissing her neck, “Applejack… take me.”

Eyes going wide, Applejack looked down at her, “Are ya sure? I mean, I want to, but only if yer really sure.”

Rarity moaned and kissed her neck again, “My bra is already off. Yes, I want to!”

“Awright then, Rare… I will,” Applejack whispered. She brought Rarity closer, gently laying her down onto the sofa, nuzzling her head and exploring her body.

Rarity smiled and playfully batted her with her foot, her face a deep red as Applejack’s hands roamed her body, “Oooh, yes!”

Taking hold of her skirt, Applejack lowered it down her long, creamy legs, and placed it aside. All that was left was a pair of white lace panties, printed with light blue diamonds. Taking hold of the garment, she slid them down and off Rarity as well, leaving her bare. Rarity blushed deeper (because that is somehow possible, don’t ask me how because I don’t know at this point) and parted her knees for her, beckoning her over.

“Come and get me, Darling,” she said softly.

All at once, Applejack took off her boots, jeans, then her own underpants, and left nothing on except her hat.

“I’m comin’ fer you, sugarcube,” Applejack purred sensually, crawling over her again, “Yer all mine…”

Rarity grinned widely and ran her fingers over the back of Applejack’s neck, her heart racing with excitement, “Oh my goodness, we’re really doing this…” she said giddily.

Licking her lips, Applejack chuckled as she ran a hand along Rarity’s thigh, “Believe me, I still cain’t believe it… Yet, here we are,” she teased along her inner thigh, slowly.

Rarity’s breath hitched and she parted her legs for her, “This is… so exciting!”

As Applejack teased Rarity’s dampening sex, she couldn’t help but just take in the amazing sight beneath her. The soft, but wonderfully glowing girl laying there on the pattern of the sofa was exquisite. Rarity’s bright, vibrant eyes popped out all the more in contrast to her skin, highlighted by her lipsticked lips, curled in a smile. While it was common knowledge that Rarity was quite possibly one of the most if not the most beautiful girl in their school; it was moments like this, where she just let out everything within herself, that she was all the more enhanced.

But it was nothing compared to the woman inside. Applejack grinned widely as she leaned down to nuzzle her, massaging her mound with eager force.

Rarity moaned softly and wrapped her arms around Applejack’s neck, seizing up and clinging to her tightly, “Oooh, yes… mmmm,” she peppered Applejack’s face with kisses as her rough hands ran over her mound. Biting down on her own lip, she curled a leg over Applejack’s hip and arched her back, “Yes, oh right there!”

Relieved that she seemed to be doing something right, Applejack resumed, nibbling her earlobe all the while, “Good ta hear, sugarcube… You keep on makin’ those purty noises, they’re music to my ears…” She whispered.

Rarity whined softly, clinging to her neck and shoulders as tingles and shocks ran up her spine, “Mmmmm, goodness, you’re even better than As-AH!”

The cutoff confused Applejack a bit, but she figured to brush it off for later. She explored Rarity’s vaginal region, parting the folds and eventually locating her nub. Coming back to her face, she captured her lips in a heated kiss. Rarity moaned and eagerly kissed her back, parting her legs further and leaning up toward her in a desperate bid to seek her warmth. Squeezing her tough shoulder muscles between her fingers, she slipped her tongue past her lips to prod at Applejack’s.

Opening her mouth, Applejack brought forth her tongue to curl around Rarity’s, while her free hand shook to hold herself up. Eventually she lay herself over her lover, massaging her mound harder, slipping a finger inside of her entrance. Groans of pleasure sounded from the back of her throat, followed by sensual growls.

Pulling back a bit, Rarity took in a heavy breath and growled (more like a tiny purr) at the back of her throat, squeezing her tighter, “Mmm, yes! Yes! Goodness, yes!”

“Ah, Rarity…” Applejack groaned, inserting a second finger inside, kissing her face, “Anythin’ you want, you tell me…”

“I… I’ve been with one woman before,” Rarity moaned, “But never got the chance to… oh yes… to taste her… mmmm yes! I bet you taste… ha… delicious…”

Curiosity sparked, but saving it for later, Applejack chuckled, “I’ll let you taste, Rare… I’ve been curious of that… So long as you let me taste you back…”

“Mmm, most definitely,” Rarity grinned, leaning back and moaning loudly, “Oh goodness, your hands are so rough!”

“...Is that okay?” Applejack asked, wondering if she would soon have to invest in a hand moisturizer.

“Mmmm,” Rarity grinned, biting her lip, “Most definitely!”

Grinning widely, Applejack stretched her inner walls with a scissoring motion, “I’ll keep ‘em rough n’ ready for ya, sugar.”

Rarity moaned softly, kissing her cheeks over and over again, “Mmm, thank you.”

“Anytime,” the farm girl whispered sensually, now leaning down to her breasts and teasing them with her tongue.

Rarity arched her back and hissed in pleasure, “Oooh, maybe you are my Prince Charming after all…”

The sentiment made Applejack blush a bit, her smile growing, “That’s… that’s real sweet, Rare…” She murmured, going back to the presumptuous bosom and closing her mouth around the nipple.

“I mean it,” she breathed, curling her legs around Applejack’s, “I really do.”

Cheeks reddening all the more, Applejack leaned up to kiss her sweetly, “I’ll be yer Prince Charmin’ anytime you want, sugarcube. I’m glad to call ya my Princess.”

Rarity kissed her back eagerly as Applejack’s fingers plunged into her, “Goodness, I’m close…”

“Let it all out,” Applejack purred, working her harder, “It’s all you, sugarcube.”

Rarity whined and seized up, releasing over Applejack’s fingers and clinging tightly to her as she rode out her orgasm on her hand. Coming down from the high, she fell back against the cushions and looked up at her, a big goofy grin on her face.

Grinning widely, Applejack withdrew her hand, covered in the substance, and experimentally licked it. She smiled, looking down at her, “Real sweet… just like you. I cain’t describe it, but if I had to, it’d be yer flavour.”

Rarity blushed and kissed her cheek, “That was marvelous, darling. I can’t believe all that happened so quickly.”

“Neither can I,” Applejack admitted, kissing her cheek as well.

Rarity reached a hand down between Applejack’s thighs and felt around a bit, “Oh dear, you’re wet.”

Squirming a bit, Applejack blushed, “I guess I am… I feel excited…”

Rarity squeezed her thighs and looked up at her, licking her lips, “May I?”

Nodding, Applejack fell onto her behind, blushing heavily and parting her knees, “Ya may…”

Rarity climbed over and positioned herself between Applejack’s thighs, gazing down her her glistening sex. Her heart racing, she leaned down and prodded it a bit, before taking a steadying breath and dragging her tongue over her folds.

“Ngh!” Applejack moaned, melting into a growl of pleasure, “R-Rare… Keep goin’...”

Feeling excited, Rarity licked along her a few more times, hugging her thighs and moaning at the taste.

Panting heavily, moaning loudly, Applejack grabbed hold of her head, clutching the strands of her hair. The immense jolts of pure ecstasy ran through her, filling her being moreso than a good day’s work in the orchard.

Feeling emboldened (is that even a word?) Rarity pushed her tongue past her lips and tasted her from the inside as she reached a hand up and rubbed her nub, cooing affectionately as Applejack’s rough hands seized her head.

“Ngh….! Oh, Rarity… Yer amazin’... so skilled…!” Applejack cried out, holding her head tighter, “That’s it, right on that spot! Yeehaw!”

Wrapping her lips over her mound, Rarity pushed her tongue in deeper, exploring every inch of her she could find and lapping up her sour taste.

Grip weakening, Applejack fell back, her hands now clutching everywhere they could on the couch. She bucked her hips lightly, her legs weakening and about to collapse if not for the support. The overwhelming ride of pleasure ripped through like a rushing wave. She let out cries of ecstasy, sensual growls, all but surrendering further to Rarity’s ministrations.

“I’m close… real close!” She managed, panting.

Moving faster, Rarity moaned softly and licked faster, rubbing her nub harder while peering up at her from the top of her eyes. Smiling, she curled her tongue around inside her, cooing at the taste.

Opening her own eyes, Applejack peered down at her, greeted by the immensely erotic sight of Rarity between her thighs. Amidst the pleasure, she smiled and reached down to affectionately tousle her hair. Within a few more moments, she came hard, letting out a pleasured grunt as she released.

Rarity pulled away as a few short bursts of juices shot up and hit her face. Blinking, she kneeled back in from of her, wiping the results off her cheek and smiling, “How was I?”

Managing a grin, Applejack giggled amidst her heavy breathing, “Amazin’, sugarcube… How’s it taste?”

“Like… lemonade,” Rarity smiled, “A little sour, but at the same time it’s sugary.”

Blushing a bit, Applejack grinned, “I always did enjoy a nice jug o’ lemonade on a hot summer day…”

“I guess I like mine freshly squeezed,” Rarity snickered, moving forward and snuggling up to her.

Kissing her face, Applejack encircled her arms around her waist, “I bet you do, sugarcube…”

Rarity cooed and nuzzled her head just under Applejack’s chin, “Yes, I like it very much.”

Smiling brightly, kissing her head, Applejack nuzzled her, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Rarity… my Princess,” she whispered.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Applejack,” Rarity sighed, “My Prince.”

Twilight lay there in Ascentia’s arms, facing away from her as the redhead seemed to be snoozing peacefully. Sighing contentedly, she reached back and stroked Ascentia’s hair, making the girl mumble in her sleep.

“Mmm,” Ascentia said, “Twilight… Fluttershy’s picking on me…”

“Oh, stop it you two,” Twilight muttered, shaking her head, “Now stop provoking each other.’

“Twilight… Rainbow’s making me hit myself…”

Poking her nose, Twilight whispered, “You’re hitting yourself, now enough. I’m not your mother, you know.”

Ascentia shifted in her sleep and tightened her arms around her, “Twilight… will you marry me…”

Turning bright pink, Twilight giggled at the thought. She nuzzled her lover, returning the embrace, “Talk to me when you’re actually awake and thinking this through.”

Ascentia nuzzled her back, “I am awake.”

“Uh-huh, sure you are,” Twilight snickered.

Ascentia lifted her head up and opened her eyes, “No, really. I’m awake.”

Twilight blushed, “Oh! Oh, wow… this is a little embarrassing…”

“Why?” Ascentia asked, nuzzling her.

“You asked me a really heavy question,” Twilight said.

Ascentia recoiled a little, “I’m sorry, I… I thought the moment was… right.”

“It’s okay,” Twilight nuzzled her, “It just took me by surprise. Besides, we still have yet to even graduate high school.”

“You’re right,” Ascentia said, shaking her head, “What was I thinking, that was stupid of me.”

“No no, don’t be hard on yourself,” Twilight kissed her cheek, snuggling closer, “It’s a really sweet thought.”

Ascentia snuggled against her and smiled, “You really think so?”

“Of course! There’s nothing wrong with feeling the desire to marry somebody,” Twilight assured, “I mean, of course it’s not something you just jump into, but it’s still a sweet sentiment. You just have to make sure both parties are ready for it.”

Ascentia nodded and kissed her neck, “Mmmhmm, I’ll remember that next time.”

She ran her fingers over Twilight’s back and cooed affectionately as she held the girl in her arms.

“Love you too, kitty cat,” Twilight purred, nuzzling her cheek.

Ascentia mewled quietly and kissed her cheek.

“Rainbow? I thought Fluttershy said you were sleeping with her?” Scootaloo asked.

“Scootaloo, it’s 3 in the morning,” Rainbow groaned, “And I decided to sleep on the couch…”

“Oh… okay,” Scootaloo shrugged, giving a yawn, “Sorry, I just came down to get a drink. I’m parched.”

“Mmm, okay,” Rainbow grumbled, “But yeah, things got complicated and I thought it was best to sleep down here, alright little sis?”

“Why? ...Did you have a fight?” Scootaloo asked, her tired eyes going wide with worry, “...Do you not like each other anymore?”

“No no,” Rainbow said, turning over to look at her and sitting up, “It’s just better if we don’t share a bed. In our case, that would just be a bad idea.”

This only served to confuse Scootaloo even more, “Why? Does she snore? Do you smell? Is her bed uncomfortable?”

“No Scootaloo,” Rainbow groaned, rubbing her eyes, “It’s because… it’s because I have a crush on her.”

“Really?! Whoa!” Scootaloo gaped in surprise, “That’s… okay, that’s kind of cute. Mushy, but uh, you know, cute. Oh boy, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are going to have the field day of their lives when they find out…”

“You’re not gonna say a word,” Rainbow said, eyeing her, “This stays between you and me, got it?”

“Oh! Okay, Rainbow Dash! I won’t tell!” Scootaloo zipped her lips. She paused a few moments, looking at her, “Uh, but why? I mean, so you like her and all, that’s not exactly a bad thing, right? What’s with the secret?”

“Eh…” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head, “Shy’s family isn’t quite so nice. They weren’t exactly keen on her being friends with a kid who got into fights all the time in the first place, they’d be livid if they found out she was dating a girl.”

‘First time those lunatics have ever been useful. Thanks Shy.’

“Oh…” Scootaloo hissed, looking sympathetic, “I’m sorry. That really sucks.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’m not one for dating anyway,” Rainbow said, turning back over in her bed, “Go back to bed, squirt.”

“Okay… Goodnight, Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo went over and gave her a little hug before departing.

“Night, Squirt,” Rainbow smiled, hugging her back, “Love ya.”

Pinkie pulled back from Discord and flopped to the other side of the couch, giggling while her tongue hung out.

“I take it you were having the time of your life,” he said coolly.

Giggling as she regained herself, Pinkie indicated to her phone, “Yeppers! And it’s why I have that song as your ringy tone!”

Discord laughed, “You’re just adorable. I think I’ll keep you.”

“Yay!” Pinkie squeed, snuggling up and jingling the collar he’d given her months ago, “I like being your petty pet!”

Discord smirked and wrapped an arm around the naked girl, “Oh I’ll definitely keep you, my dear.”

Nuzzling under his chin, Pinkie ran her hand along his broad chest sensually, “Whoopee! Sounds good to me, Dissy!”

“Dissy,” he snickered, patting her rear, “I like that.”

“Ooh, goodie! I like making sure I have nicknames for all my buddies! You were tricky wicky to figure one out!” Pinkie grinned.

“For such an apt namer as yourself?” Discord said with a grin, “I hardly believe it, my dear.”

“I’m serious!” Pinkie giggled, “Nothing fit! Drago, Draco, Drake, Disco, Q… Nopies! Just couldn’t think of a good one!”

Discord chuckled and kissed along her neck, “Well it all worked out in the end, didn’t it? Speaking of working out, how are your friends spending Valentine’s Day?”

“Weeeeell, Twi-Twi and Asy went to the museum, Applejackie and Rare-bear spent the evening with their sisters together, and Dashie and Flutters took Scoots to the movies and laser tag!” Pinkie said, “Sounds like they all had fun from what I can feel! I feel a doozy about to come, but I guess I’ll see what that’ll be tomorrow!”

“I suppose we shall,” he smiled, “In the meantime, why don’t you hop back on and we can celebrate some more, shall we?”

Pinkie’s eyes gleamed as she crawled on top of him, grinning widely, “You bet, Dissy! I plan to ride you all night long!”

Having finally managed to get their clothes back on, Rarity was lying over top of Applejack as the two were lovingly making out. Above, at the top of the stairs, Sweetie Belle was watching from overheard.

“Awww,” she whispered, “They’re so cute together.”

“Are you still watchin’ those two?” Apple Bloom asked from the doorway, “You’ve been there since we came up here.”

“I know, I can’t help it!” Sweetie Belle giggled, “Just watching them together, it was… so beautiful!”

“Wait, were you watchin’ ‘em while they were all naked and stuff?” Apple Bloom asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yeah… I was curious,” Sweetie Belle admitted with a blush, “They look nothing like the drawings in those books about where babies come from.”

“That’s ‘cause they’re both girls,” Apple Bloom said, rolling her eyes, “They can’t make babies.”

“I know,” Sweetie Belle peeked back at their sisters, “Your sister is really… really pretty… and so muscley!”

Apple Bloom shrugged, “She’s alright lookin’ I guess.”

“All right? She looks amazing! I wish I could tan like that,” Sweetie Belle pouted.

Apple Bloom chuckled, “Man Sweetie, you sound like ya like girls or somethin’!”

“I don’t know,” Sweetie Belle shrugged a bit, “I just think she looks nice!”

Apple Bloom simply shrugged again, “Rarity looks nice too, I guess.”

“Yeah, she’s so pretty,” Sweetie Belle smiled.

Apple Bloom hugged her and chuckled, “C’mon, Peepin’ Sweet. Let’s go back ta bed.”

“Fine…” Sweetie Belle pouted, following her upstairs.

As the two friends went back to bed, the two new lovers continued their embrace on the sofa below. As the two new lovers continued, the two friends continued grinding each other on the sofa a few miles away. As the two friends continued grinding, the two best friends slept miserably away from each other. As the two best friends slept, the two star crossed lovers continued to cuddle and whisper sweet things in each other’s ears.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

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Stockholm: Valentine's Day

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